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Business Intelligence
Advanced/Emerging BI Technologies Program Studi Sistem Informasi Agus Cahyo Nugroho, S.Kom., M.T.

Catching a Glimpse of Visualization
Simple example of spatial visualization: mapping data points by geographic coordinates.
Dancing the BI two-step
Data Mining: Hype or Reality?
Digging for data gold
Overview Human Factors in BI Implementations
Star Techie: Skills Profile of a Core BI Team

From its humble beginnings, business intelligence continues to

evolve today as vendors offer more powerful and innovative Transforming data from raw facts into meaningful observations and
rules about business operations is
solutions. With all those changes, the purpose of BI systems remains
Flashback the same —. Flashback ; every year sees , not just in the

The new capabilities all serve those simple goals in one way or another. conclusions reached, but in the research methodologies, tools, and
technologies that the researchers rely on.

Simple example of spatial

visualization: mapping data
Visualization means presenting
points by geographic
Catching a that makes
. Representing poll results as a pie chart is
Glimpse of Visualization
a simple example of visualization. As the old saying goes, “what the eye sees, the mind knows.”



The typical BI process is still very much a two-step sequence:

1. The user poses aof some kind to the system, or perhaps signs up to receive a certain array of information on a regular basis.
Then, when the systemthat information to the user, the

Dancing the BI second step begins: .

two-step 2. The userthe information set and performs whatever

and data gymnastics might be needed to
. For many complex business tasks, this involves
performing a series of queries, followed by intermediate steps of data manipulation, and finally producing the necessary answer.

There are people who dedicate their lives to in

stock prices and economic indicators in the hope that they can
Data Mining:
Hype or Reality?
the same attitude: All that company data must be harboring secrets and trends that, if harnessed, could help make the business more

Like “business intelligence,” data mining is a catchall phrase; it refers

That’s what data mining is all about — to any
Data Mining: . Data mining software
Digging for often includes advanced
Hype or Reality? . The twin trends of increased information
— anything to help the user draw useful links between the past and the future.
storage and the steady advance of processing power means that dream may not be out of reach. data gold

No matter what it’s called, these are the questions that get
answered : No matter what it’s called, these are the questions that get
answered :
1. What really happened in the past? This is where the mountain of 2. Why did it happen? Knowing what happened is valuable — but
Digging for Digging for
data points comes in. We’re not just talking about showing you reports of yesterday’s sales. Data mining tools use advanced mathematical models to
that wouldn’t otherwise be evident.
data gold data gold it’s even better if you know . Data mining
many different variables and looks for subtle correlations
over long periods of time.


No matter what it’s called, these are the questions that get
answered :
3. What is likely to happen in the future? If you can apply the patterns of the past to the current conditions of the company, it
Digging for
data gold
might be possible tothe outcome of certain business

Every successful business intelligence implementation, no matter

the size and scope, must address
. You can assemble the best possible plans and purchase high-grade software and infrastructure components, but when it comes down to it, you’d better have the right people in place, or the whole thing could come crashing dow
Human Factors around you.
in BI Implementations

Key performers
You can’t just have brainiacs and geeks in your team. You need some Star Techie: Project manager (PM): This person will be the linchpin role for the
Human Factors people skills. That means you need internal salesmen, facilitators, negotiators, and diplomats. And in some cases, you need many of. The PM is tasked with oversight of the project, meaning they will establish the initial plan of attack, c
in BI Implementationsthose skills packaged in one single person.
Skills Profile of a Core BI toTeam
adhere the schedule.

Key performers
Project manager (PM): A BI project manager should have the requisite skills inherent in good PMs; they should have a good grasp of both the business and technology side of things. They must understand how the BI project dovetail
all the key “soft” skills such as Key performers
Star Techie: Star Techie: Project manager (PM): It’s often said that a good business
Skills Profile of a Core BI Team Skills Profile of a Core BI Team
intelligence PM has : able to see project dead-ends and
pitfalls in time to avoid them, and able to feel when it’s time to
deviate from the plan to keep the project moving.


Key performers
Star Techie: Business Analyst (BA): The BI business analyst shares the same basic qualities as counterparts working in other technology fields,

Skills Profile of a Core BI Team

with a few notable exceptions. All BAs are (in effect) who
move between the technical staff and the business teams, enabling
communication in both directions.

Key performers
Business Analyst (BA): Because they must create a common platform for communication, BAs, like PMs, must have a good understanding of the underlying BI technology as well as a solid
grasp of the business goals. BAs operating in a BI environment must
Star Techie:
Skills Profile of a Core BI Team
have a particular — not only within a
company’s operational systems but between those same systems —
to succeed.

Key performers
Data architects and designers (DAs): These folks work at the levels of the data itself —

Key performers
Business Analyst (BA): Armed with that knowledge, their main objective is to
Star Techie: Star
. For later phases of the project, they must also be able to grasp the complexity of analytical tools, Techie:
especially when the requirements aren’t as cut-and-dried as those
. They also make decisions about which methods to use
that apply to simple transactions and reporting.
Skills Profile of a Core BI Team Skills Profile of a Core BI processes.
for key Team For instance, ETL (extract, transform, load — the essential processes of data wareh
best for the project.

Key performers
Data architects and designers (DAs) : They must also

Key performers
Data-quality analyst (DQA): When a system relies on a data warehouse, a data-quality analyst in the
. The developers may have designed the front-
is there
Star Techie: end tool based on (say) , but the Star Techie:
Skills Profile of a Core BI Team
architect may determine that such a requirement is impossible to
Skills Profile of a Core BI Team
The data architect must be prepared to work closely with the business analysts to keep the data model in synch with the business model. As with many positions in the BI world, the DAs have to know just when to break certain rules, deviate from best practice
. The DQA has a , making
the call on which cleansing routines must be used on data from each

1. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui rata-rata sks yang diambil tiap prodi per semester?

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2. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui rata-rata ipk mahasiswa tiap prodi per semester?

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3. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui jumlah mahasiswa berdasarkan propinsi asal SMA nya? 4. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui sebaran umur dan jumlah mahasiswa yang belum lulus di tiap program studi?

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Studi Kasus Praktikum (Tampilkan dalam dashboard)

5. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui sebaran propinsi dan jumlah kabupaten yang ada di dalam propinsi tersebut?6. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui sebaran jumlah lulusan berdasarkan program studi dan periode/tahun lulus?

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7. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui sebaran jumlah mahasiswa berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan angkatan?

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8. Bagaimana jika pihak manajemen ingin mengetahui sebaran jumlah mahasiswa pindahan yg masuk ke perguruan tinggi kita berdasarkan tahun masuk dan perguruan tinggi asal?

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