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Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7315

Commenced Publication in 1973

Founding and Former Series Editors:
Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen

Editorial Board
David Hutchison
Lancaster University, UK
Takeo Kanade
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Josef Kittler
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Jon M. Kleinberg
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Alfred Kobsa
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Friedemann Mattern
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
John C. Mitchell
Stanford University, CA, USA
Moni Naor
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Oscar Nierstrasz
University of Bern, Switzerland
C. Pandu Rangan
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Bernhard Steffen
TU Dortmund University, Germany
Madhu Sudan
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Demetri Terzopoulos
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Doug Tygar
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Gerhard Weikum
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken, Germany
Stefano A. Cerri William J. Clancey
Giorgos Papadourakis Kitty Panourgia (Eds.)

Tutoring Systems
11th International Conference, ITS 2012
Chania, Crete, Greece, June 14-18, 2012

Volume Editors

Stefano A. Cerri
LIRMM: University of Montpellier and CNRS
161 rue Ada, 34095 Montpellier, France
E-mail: cerri@lirmm.fr

William J. Clancey
NASA and Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
Human Centered Computing - Intelligent Systems Division
Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA
E-mail: william.j.clancey@nasa.gov

Giorgos Papadourakis
Technological Educational Institute of Crete
School of Applied Technology
Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia
Stavromenos, P.O. Box 1939
71004 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
E-mail: papadour@cs.teicrete.gr

Kitty Panourgia
Neoanalysis Ltd.
Marni 56, 10437 Athens, Greece
E-mail: kpanourgia@neoanalysis.eu

ISSN 0302-9743 e-ISSN 1611-3349

ISBN 978-3-642-30949-6 e-ISBN 978-3-642-30950-2
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30950-2
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012939156

CR Subject Classification (1998): I.2.6, J.4, H.1.2, H.5.1, J.5, K.4.2

LNCS Sublibrary: SL 2 – Programming and Software Engineering

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The 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS 2012,

was organized in Chania, Crete, Greece, during June 14–18, 2012. The Call for
Papers is printed here to relate the conference’s motivation and theme:

The Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 2012 conference is part of an

on-going biannual series of top-flight international conferences (the ITS
conference was launched in 1988) on technologies—systems—that enable,
support or enhance human learning. This occurs by means of tutoring—
in the case of formal learning—and by exposing learners to rich inter-
active experiences—in the case of learning as a side effect (informal
learning). The “intelligence” of these systems stems from the model-
based artificial intelligence technologies often exploited to adapt to the
learners (e.g., semantic technologies, user modeling) and also from how
today’s technologies (e.g., the Web and service-oriented computing meth-
ods) facilitate new emergent collective behaviors. These new practices
may outperform previously conceivable learning or tutoring scenarios
because they modify significantly the power, speed, and focus of par-
ticipants’ interactions independently from space and time constraints.
The highly interdisciplinary ITS conferences bring together researchers
in computer science, informatics, and artificial intelligence on the one
side (the “hard” sciences); cognitive science, educational psychology, and
linguistics on the other (the “soft” sciences).
The specific theme of the ITS 2012 conference is co-adaptation between
technologies and human learning. There are nowadays two real challenges
to be faced by ITS. The main technical challenge is due to the unprece-
dented speed of innovation that we notice in Information and Communi-
cation Technologies (ICT), in particular, the Web. Any technology seems
to be volatile, of interest for only a short time span. The educational
challenge is a consequence of the technical one. Current educational uses
of technologies have to consider the impact of ICT innovation on hu-
man practices. In particular, new technologies may modify substantially
the classical human learning cycle, which since the nineteenth century
was mainly centered on formal teaching institutions such as the schools.
Educational games are an example of how instructional practice adapts
to innovation; another is the measurable role of emotions in learning.
Therefore, our focus for ITS 2012 will be not just on the use of tech-
nologies but also the co-adaptation effects. Rapidly evolving technologies
entail significant new opportunities and scenarios for learning, thus sup-
port the need for analyzing the intersection between new learning prac-
tices and innovative technologies to advance both methods and theory for
VI Preface

human learning. This approach especially enables “learning by construct-

ing,” in much the same way as the Web Science movement adds to the
classical Web technologies. A new design priority has emerged: reasoned
analysis of human communities in different interaction contexts before
deploying or applying a new infrastructure or application.
On the one hand this scientific analysis will guide us to avoid well-known
pitfalls, on the other it will teach us lessons not only about how to ex-
ploit the potential learning effects of current advanced technologies—the
applicative approach—but also how to envision, elicit, estimate, evalu-
ate the potential promising effects of new technologies and settings to be
conceptualized, specified and developed within human learning scenarios—
the experimental approach. We expect this experimental approach to pro-
duce long-term scientific progress both in the hard and in the soft
sciences, consolidating at the same time important socio-economic ben-
efits from the new infrastructures and the new applications for human
As a result of the Call for Papers, we received more than 200 different contri-
butions evaluated by chairs of four different tracks: the Scientific Paper Track
(Chairs: Stefano A. Cerri and William J. Clancey), the Young Researcher Track
(Chairs: Roger Azevedo and Chad Lane), the Workshop and Tutorial Track
(Chairs: Jean Marc Labat and Rose Luckin). One Panel: “The Next Genera-
tion: Pedagogical and Technological Innovations for 2030” were organized by
the Panel Chairs: Beverly Woolf and Toshio Okamoto.
For the scientific paper track, we provide a summary of the statistics at the
end of the preface. In addition, 14 out of 15 Young Researcher Track papers were
accepted, five workshops and two tutorials. There have been four outstanding
invited speakers whose contributions have been included in the electronic version
of the proceedings.
The scientific papers were evaluated with the help of a popular conference
management tool, EasyChair, which was an excellent example of co-adaptation:
we were impressed by the space of potential variations in the business process
definition and management that is available thanks to the online tool. We believe
that the “configuration” choices may have a significant impact on the positive
quality of the resulting program.
We chose to assign three “junior” reviewers and one “senior” reviewer to each
paper in order to delegate as much as possible to a team of four reviewers the
difficult selection task. With the help of EasyChair, we carefully checked the fit
of the paper’s topics with the reviewer’s selected topics of expertise and avoided
conflict of interests due to proximity, historical, or professional relations.
The process was triple blind: reviewers did not know the authors’ names, au-
thors did not know the reviewers’ names, and reviewers did not know the other
reviewers’ names. We guided the evaluation process by means of an evaluation
form suggesting to accept about 15% of long papers, 15–30% of short papers
and 30% of posters. The reviewer’s evaluations naturally respected our sugges-
tions: out of 177 papers, we accepted 134, consisting of 28 long (16%), 50 short
Preface VII

(28%) and 56 posters (32%). In our view, the quality of long papers is excellent,
short papers are good papers, and posters present promising work that deserves
attention and discussion.
The decision taken by the senior reviewer was respected in almost all cases,
with a very limited number of exceptions that always involved raising the rank
of the paper. Our conviction is that the reviewers were very critical, but also
extremely constructive, which was confirmed by most of the exchanges with the
authors after notification of the decision. The authors of the rejected papers also
benefited from a careful review process, with feedback that we hope will help
them to improve the quality of the presentations.
We can state without any doubt that ITS 2012 was a very selective, high-
quality conference, probably the most selective in the domain.
On the one hand, we wished to guarantee a high acceptance rate and therefore
participation at the conference. On the other, we wished to reduce the number
of parallel tracks and enable papers accepted as short or long to be attended
by most of the participants in order to enhance the historical interdisciplinary
nature of the conference and the opportunity for a mutual learning experience.
We also wished to increase the number of printed pages in the proceedings for
each paper. The result has been to allow ten pages for long papers, six for short
ones, and two for posters. The Young Researcher Track’s 14 papers are also
included in the proceedings (three pages).
The classification by topic in the book reflects viewpoints that are necessarily
subjective. What appears as a major phenomenon is that the domain of ITS is
becoming increasingly intertwined: theory and experiments, analysis and synthe-
sis, planning and diagnosis, representation and understanding, production and
consumption, models and applications. It has not been easy to sort the papers
according to topics. In the sequencing of papers in the book, we have tried as
much as possible to reflect the sequence of papers in the conference sessions.
We thank first of all the authors, then the members of the Program Commit-
tee and the external reviewers, the Steering Committee and in particular Claude
Frasson and Beverly Woolf, both present, supportive and positive all the time,
the local Organizing Committee, finally each and all the other organizers that
are listed on the following pages. Such an event would not have been possible
without their commitment, professional effort and patience.

April 2012 Stefano A. Cerri

William J. Clancey
Giorgios Papadourakis
Kitty Panourgia
VIII Preface


By Topic

Topic Submissions Accepted Acceptance Rate

Evaluation, privacy, security and trust 4 2 0.50 5

in e-learning processes

Ubiquitous and mobile learning 5 4 0.80 33


Ontological modeling, Semantic web 7 4 0.57 30

technologies and standards for

Non-conventional interactions between 8 6 0.75 25

artificial intelligence and human

Recommender systems for learning 9 4 0.44 31

Informal learning environments, 12 10 0.83 32

learning as a side effect of interactions

Multi-agent and service-oriented 12 8 0.67 22

architectures for learning and tutoring

Instructional design principles or 21 14 0.67 23

design patterns for educational
Authoring tools and development 21 12 0.57 34
methodologies for advanced learning

Discourse during learning interactions 22 20 0.91 17

Co-adaptation between technologies 22 13 0.59 26
and human learning
Virtual pedagogical agents or learning 23 17 0.74 37

Collaborative and group learning, 23 18 0.78 49

communities of practice and social
Simulation-based learning, intelligent 33 29 0.88 48
(serious) games

Modeling of motivation, metacognition, 33 23 0.70 38

and affect aspects of learning

Empirical studies of learning with 35 27 0.77 42

technologies, understanding human
learning on the Web
Preface IX

Acceptance PC
Topic Submissions Accepted
Rate Members

Domain-specific learning domains, e.g., 36 27 0.75 23

language, mathematics, reading, science,
medicine, military, and industry

Educational exploitation of data mining and 38 30 0.79 30

machine learning techniques

Adaptive support for learning, models of 61 44 0.72 64

learners, diagnosis and feedback

Intelligent tutoring 79 62 0.78 66

By Country
Submitted Submitted
Country Authors Country Authors
papers papers

Algeria 2 1.00 Korea, Republic of - -

Australia 10 4.00 Latvia 1 0.33

Austria - - Mexico 2 0.67

Brazil 21 8.02 The Netherlands 9 3.00

Canada 40 17.54 New Zealand 8 4.17

Costa Rica 1 0.11 Philippines 6 1.06

Czech Republic 2 1.00 Portugal 4 1.00

Denmark 1 1.50 Romania 4 2.67

Egypt 1 0.33 Saudi Arabia 2 1.33

Finland 1 1.00 Singapore - -

France 31 11.53 Slovakia - -

Germany 12 3.87 Slovenia 6 1.33

Greece 13 4.83 Spain 23 6.25

Hong Kong 2 0.20 Switzerland 5 0.71

India 7 4.33 Taiwan 8 2.00

Ireland - - Tunisia 2 1.33

Italy - - United Kingdom 15 7.08

Japan 24 9.75 United States 178 75.04


Conference Committee
Conference Chair
George M. Papadourakis Technological Educational Institute of Crete,

General Chair
Maria Grigoriadou University of Athens, Greece

Program Chairs
Stefano A. Cerri (Chair) LIRMM: University of Montpellier and CNRS,
William J. Clancey
(Co-chair) NASA and Florida Institute for Human and
Machine Cognition, USA

Organization Chair
Kitty Panourgia Neoanalysis, Greece

Workshops and Tutorials Chairs

Jean Marc Labat Pierre and Marie Curie University, France
Rose Luckin Institute of Education, UK

Panels Chairs
Beverly Woolf University of Massachussetts, USA
Toshio Okamoto University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Young Researcher Track Chairs

Roger Azevedo McGill University, Canada
Chad Lane University of Southern California, USA
XII Committees

Program Committee
Program Chairs
Stefano A. Cerri (Chair) LIRMM: University of Montpellier and CNRS,
William J. Clancey
(Co-chair) NASA and Florida Institute for Human and
Machine Cognition, USA

Senior Program Committee

Esma Aimeur University of Montreal, Canada
Vincent Aleven Carnergie Mellon University, USA
Ivon Arroyo University of Massachusetts, USA
Kevin Ashley University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ryan Baker Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Joseph Beck Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Gautam Biswas Vanderbilt University, USA
Jacqueline Bourdeau Tele-université, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bert Bredeweg University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paul Brna University of Edinburgh, UK
Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, USA
Chan Tak-Wai National Central University, Taiwan
Cristina Conati University of British Columbia, Canada
Ricardo Conejo University of Malaga, Spain
Albert Corbett Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Elisabeth Delozanne University Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Vania Dimitrova University of Leeds, UK
Benedict Du Boulay University of Sussex, UK
Isabel Fernandez-Castro University of Basque Country, Spain
Claude Frasson University of Montreal, Canada
Guy Gouarderes University of Pau, France
Art Graesser University of Memphis, USA
Peter Hastings DePaul University, USA
Neil Heffernan Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
W. Lewis Johnson Alelo Inc., USA
Kenneth Koedinger Carnergie Mellon University, USA
Jean-Marc Labat Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Susanne Lajoie McGill University, Canada
H. Chad Lane University of Southern California, USA
James Lester North Carolina State University, USA
Diane Litman University of Pittsburgh, USA
Chee-Kit Looi National Institute of Education, Singapore
Rosemary Luckin University of Sussex, UK
Committees XIII

Gordon Mccalla University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Tanja Mitrovic University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Riichiro Mizoguchi Osaka University, Japan
Jack Mostow Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Roger Nkambou University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Stellan Ohlsson University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Toshio Okamoto University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Ana Paiva INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Tecnico,
Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Niels Pinkwart Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Carolyn Rose Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Kurt Van Lehn Arizona State University, USA
Julita Vassileva University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Rosa Vicari The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,
Maria Virvou University of Piraeus, Greece
Vincent Wade Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Gerhard Weber University of Education Freiburg, Germany
Beverly Woolf University of Massachusetts, USA
Kalina Yacef University of Sydney, Australia

Program Committee
Mohammed Abdelrazek King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Luigia Aiello University of Rome, Italy
Colin Alison St.Andrews University, UK
Ana Arruarte University of the Basque Country, Spain
Roger Azevedo McGill University, Canada
Tiffany Barnes University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Beatriz Barros University of Malaga, Spain
Maria Bielikova Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,
Ig Bittencourt Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Emmanuel G. Blanchard Aalborg University at Copenhagen, Denmark
Steve Blessing University of Tampa, USA
Joost Breuker University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nicola Capuano University of Salerno, Italy
Patricia Charlton London Knowledge Lab, UK
Zhi-Hong Chen National Central University, Taiwan
Chih-Yueh Chou Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Evandro Costa Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Scotty Craig University of Memphis, USA
Alexandra Cristea University of Warwick, UK
XIV Committees

Sydney D’Mello University of Memphis, USA

Hugh Davis University of Southampton, UK
Michel Desmarais Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Cyrille Desmoulins University of Grenoble, France
Darina Dicheva Winston-Salem State University, USA
Pierre Dillenbourg Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
Peter Dolog Aalborg University, Denmark
Pascal Dugenie IRD: Institut de Recherche pour
le Développement, France
Robert Farrell IBM Research, USA
Vasco Furtado University of Fortaleza, Brazil
Franca Garzotto Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Abdelkader Gouaich LIRMM: University of Montpellier and CNRS,
Yusuke Hayashi Osaka University, Japan
Tsukasa Hirashima Hiroshima University, Japan
Seiji Isotani University Sao Paulo, Brazil
Patricia Jaques Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
(UNISINOS), Brazil
Clement Jonquet University of Montpellier - LIRMM, France
Pamela Jordan University of Pittsburgh, USA
Vana Kamtsiou Brunel University, London, UK
Akihiro Kashihara University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Kathy Kikis-Papadakis FORTH, Crete, Greece
Yong Se Kim Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Corea
Philippe Lemoisson CIRAD - TETIS, Montpellier, France
Stefanie Lindstaedt Graz University of Technology and
Know-Center, Austria
Chao-Lin Liu National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Vincenzo Loia University of Salerno, Italy
Manolis Mavrikis London Knowledge Laboratory, UK
Riccardo Mazza University of Lugano/University of Applied
Sciences of Southern Switzerland,
Germana Menezes
Da Nobrega Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), Brazil
Alessandro Micarelli University of Roma, Italy
Kazuhisa Miwa Nagoya University, Japan
Paul Mulholland Knowledge Media Institute, The Open
University, UK
Chas Murray Carnegie Learning, Inc., USA
Wolfgang Nejdl L3S and University of Hannover, Germany
Jean-Pierre Pecuchet INSA Rouen, France
Alexandra Poulovassilis University of London, UK
Committees XV

Andrew Ravenscroft University of East London, UK

Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez University of Veracruz, Mexico
Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Ido Roll University of British Columbia, Canada
Paulo Salles University of Brasilia, Brazil
Jacobijn Sandberg University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sudeshna Sarkar Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
Hassina Seridi Badji Mokhtar Annaba University, Algeria
Mike Sharples The Open University, UK
Peter B. Sloep The Open University, The Netherlands
John Stamper Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Akira Takeuchi Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Josie Taylor Institute of Educational Technology,
Open University, UK
Thanassis Tiropanis University of Southampton, UK
Stefan Trausan Matu Bucarest Polytechnic, Romania
Andre Tricot University of Toulouse, France
Wouter Van Joolingen University of Twente, The Netherlands
Su White University of Southampton, UK
Diego Zapata-Rivera Educational Testing Service, USA
Ramon Zatarain-Cabada Technological Institute of Culiacan, Mexico

Organization Committee
Kitty Panourgia Neoanalysis, Greece

Dimosthenis Akoumianakis TEI of Crete, Greece
Yannis Kaliakatsos TEI of Crete, Greece
Emmanuel S. Karapidakis TEI of Crete, Greece
Athanasios Malamos TEI of Crete, Greece
Harris Papoutsakis TEI of Crete, Greece
Konstantinos Petridis TEI of Crete, Greece
George Triantafilides TEI of Crete, Greece

Treasurer: Neoanalysis

Student Volunteers Chairs

Pierre Chalfoun University of Montreal, Canada
XVI Committees

Mediterranean Committee
Mohammed Abdelrazek King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Amar Balla ENSI, Algeria
Stephane Bernard Bazan Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon
Isabel Fernandez-Castro University of Basque Country, Spain
Khaled Guedira Institut Supérieur de gestion, Tunisia
Gianna Martinengo Didael KTS, Milan, Italy
Kyparisia Papanikolaou School of Pedagogical & Technological
Education, Greece

Steering Committee
Claude Frasson University of Montreal, Canada

Stefano Cerri University of Montpellier, France
Isabel Fernandez-Castro University of the Basque Country, Spain
Gilles Gauthier University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Guy Gouardères University of Pau, France
Mitsuru Ikeda Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Japan
Marc Kaltenbach Bishop’s University, Canada
Judith Kay University of Sidney, Australia
Alan Lesgold University of Pittsburgh, USA
James Lester North Carolina State University, USA
Roger Nkambou University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Fabio Paragua Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Elliot Soloway University of Michigan, USA
Daniel Suthers University of Hawai, USA
Beverly Woolf University of Massachussets, USA

External Reviewers
Adewoyin, Bunmi Cheney, Kyle
Alrifai, Mohammad Chiru, Costin
Bourreau, Eric Cialdea, Marta
Campbell, Antoine Delestre, Nicolas
Chauncey, Amber Doran, Katelyn
Committees XVII

Elorriaga, Jon A. Morita, Junya

Falakmasir, Mohammad Hassan Nickel, Andrea
Floryan, Mark Orciuoli, Francesco
Foss, Jonathan Pardos, Zach
Gkotsis, George Pardos, Zachary
Gonzalez-Brenes, Jose Peckham, Terry
Grieco, Claudia Pierri, Anna
Gross, Sebastian Pinheiro, Vladia
Guarino, Giuseppe Rebedea, Traian
Gutierrez Santos, Sergio Ruiz, Samara
Guzmán, Eduardo Sciarrone, Filippo
Hayashi, Yugo Scotton, Joshua
Henze, Nicola Sharipova, Mayya
Herder, Eelco Shaw, Erin
Hicks, Drew Steiner, Christina M.
Johnson, Matthew Stepanyan, Karen
Kojima, Kazuaki Sullins, Jeremiah
Koriche, Fred Thomas, John
Labaj, Martin Thomas, Keith
Larrañaga, Mikel Trausan-Matu, Stefan
Le, Nguyen-Thinh Tvarozek, Jozef
Lehman, Blair Urretavizcaya, Maite
Lehmann, Lorrie van Lehn, Kurt
Limongelli, Carla Vasconcelos, José Eurico
Lomas, Derek Wu, Kewen
Mangione, Giuseppina Yudelson, Michael
Martin, Maite Zipitria, Iraide
Mazzola, Luca Šimko, Marián
Miranda, Sergio
XVIII Committees

Intelligent Support for Exploratory Environments: Exploring, Collaborating, and
Learning Together
Toby Dragon, Sergio Gutierrez Santos, Manolis Mavrikis, and Bruce M. Mclaren

Workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies (SRL@ET):

Supporting, Modelling, Evaluating, and Fostering Metacognition with Computer-
Based Learning Environments
Amali Weerasinghe, Roger Azevedo, Ido Roll, and Ben Du Boulay

Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups

Jihie Kim and Rohit Kumar

Emotion in Games for Learning

Kostas Karpouzis, Georgios N. Yannakakis, Ana Paiva, and Eva Hudlicka

Web 2.0 Tools, Methodology, and Services for Enhancing Intelligent Tutoring
Mohammed Abdel Razek and Claude Frasson

Important Relationships in Data: Magnitude and Causality as Flags for What
to Focus on
Joseph Beck (WPI)

Parameter Fitting for Learner Models

Tristan Nixon (Carnegie Learning Inc.), Ryan S.J.D. Baker (WPI),
Michael Yudelson (CMU), and Zach Pardos (WPI)
Committees XIX

Scientific Sponsors
The following scientific associations have granted their scientific support to the
conference; their members benefit from a special registration rate.

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The conference benefits also from the sponsoring of the following renowned
– IJCAI : International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence
– ECAI : European Conference in Artificial Intelligence
– EDM : Educational Data Mining
Table of Contents

Affect: Emotions
Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Imène Jraidi, Pierre Chalfoun, and Claude Frasson

Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring . . . 11

Amy Ogan, Samantha Finkelstein, Erin Walker, Ryan Carlson, and
Justine Cassell

On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative

Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Yugo Hayashi

Exploration of Affect Detection Using Semantic Cues in Virtual

Improvisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Li Zhang

Measuring Learners Co-Occurring Emotional Responses during Their

Interaction with a Pedagogical Agent in MetaTutor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Jason M. Harley, François Bouchet, and Roger Azevedo

Visualization of Student Activity Patterns within Intelligent Tutoring

Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
David Hilton Shanabrook, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly Park Woolf, and
Winslow Burleson

Toward a Machine Learning Framework for Understanding Affective

Tutorial Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James C. Lester

Exploring Relationships between Learners’ Affective States,

Metacognitive Processes, and Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Amber Chauncey Strain, Roger Azevedo, and Sidney D’Mello

Mental Workload, Engagement and Emotions: An Exploratory Study

for Intelligent Tutoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Maher Chaouachi and Claude Frasson
XXII Table of Contents

Affect: Signals
Real-Time Monitoring of ECG and GSR Signals during Computer-Based
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Keith W. Brawner and Benjamin S. Goldberg

Categorical vs. Dimensional Representations in Multimodal Affect

Detection during Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Md. Sazzad Hussain, Hamed Monkaresi, and Rafael A. Calvo

Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious Perception to

Enhance Learner’s Reasoning Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Pierre Chalfoun and Claude Frasson

Games: Motivation and Design

Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements: An Incremental
Approach for Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning
Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Dovan Rai and Joseph E. Beck

Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching: The Effect of a

Competitive Game Show in a Virtual Peer-Learning Environment . . . . . . 101
Noboru Matsuda, Evelyn Yarzebinski, Victoria Keiser,
Rohan Raizada, Gabriel Stylianides, and Kenneth R. Koedinger

An Analysis of Attention to Student-Adaptive Hints in an Educational

Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Mary Muir and Cristina Conati

Serious Game and Students’ Learning Motivation: Effect of Context

Using Prog&Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Mathieu Muratet, Elisabeth Delozanne, Patrice Torguet, and
Fabienne Viallet

Exploring the Effects of Prior Video-Game Experience on Learner’s

Motivation during Interactions with HeapMotiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Lotfi Derbali and Claude Frasson

A Design Pattern Library for Mutual Understanding and Cooperation

in Serious Game Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Bertrand Marne, John Wisdom, Benjamin Huynh-Kim-Bang, and
Jean-Marc Labat
Table of Contents XXIII

Games: Empirical Studies

Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning

Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Jennifer Sabourin, Lucy R. Shores, Bradford W. Mott, and
James C. Lester

Toward Automatic Verification of Multiagent Systems for Training

Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Ning Wang, David V. Pynadath, and Stacy C. Marsella

Using State Transition Networks to Analyze Multi-party Conversations

in a Serious Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Brent Morgan, Fazel Keshtkar, Ying Duan, Padraig Nash, and
Arthur Graesser

How to Evaluate Competencies in Game-Based Learning Systems

Automatically? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Pradeepa Thomas, Jean-Marc Labat, Mathieu Muratet, and
Amel Yessad

Content Representation: Empirical Studies

Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! ITS Support
for Robust Learning with Multiple Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Martina A. Rau, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel, and
Stacie Rohrbach

Problem Order Implications for Learning Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Nan Li, William W. Cohen, and Kenneth R. Koedinger

Knowledge Component Suggestion for Untagged Content in an

Intelligent Tutoring System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Mario Karlovčec, Mariheida Córdova-Sánchez, and
Zachary A. Pardos

Feedback: Empirical Studies

Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Luc Paquette, Jean-François Lebeau, Gabriel Beaulieu, and
André Mayers
XXIV Table of Contents

The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting and Feedback in

Facilitating Co-adapted Learning with MetaTutor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Roger Azevedo, Ronald S. Landis, Reza Feyzi-Behnagh,
Melissa Duffy, Gregory Trevors, Jason M. Harley, François Bouchet,
Jonathan Burlison, Michelle Taub, Nicole Pacampara,
Mohamed Yeasin, A.K.M. Mahbubur Rahman,
M. Iftekhar Tanveer, and Gahangir Hossain

Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent

Tutoring System for Peer Tutoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Erin Walker, Nikol Rummel, Sean Walker, and
Kenneth R. Koedinger

ITS in Special Domains

Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback in Robotic Arm
Manipulation Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Philippe Fournier-Viger, Roger Nkambou, André Mayers,
Engelbert Mephu-Nguifo, and Usef Faghihi

User-Centered Design of a Teachable Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Erin Walker and Winslow Burleson

An Intelligent Tutoring and Interactive Simulation Environment for

Physics Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Lakshman S. Myneni and N. Hari Narayanan

Guru: A Computer Tutor That Models Expert Human Tutors . . . . . . . . . 256

Andrew M. Olney, Sidney D’Mello, Natalie Person, Whitney Cade,
Patrick Hays, Claire Williams, Blair Lehman, and Arthur Graesser

Developing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent with and for Young People

with Autism Spectrum Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Beate Grawemeyer, Hilary Johnson, Mark Brosnan,
Emma Ashwin, and Laura Benton

Non Conventional Approaches

WEBsistments: Enabling an Intelligent Tutoring System to Excel at
Explaining Rather Than Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Yue Gong, Joseph E. Beck, and Neil T. Heffernan

Automated Approaches for Detecting Integration in Student Essays . . . . 274

Simon Hughes, Peter Hastings, Joseph Magliano,
Susan Goldman, and Kimberly Lawless
Table of Contents XXV

On the WEIRD Nature of ITS/AIED Conferences: A 10 Year

Longitudinal Study Analyzing Potential Cultural Biases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Emmanuel G. Blanchard

Content Representation: Conceptual

Goal-Oriented Conceptualization of Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Martin Možina, Matej Guid, Aleksander Sadikov,
Vida Groznik, and Ivan Bratko

Context-Dependent Help for Novices Acquiring Conceptual Systems

Knowledge in DynaLearn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Wouter Beek and Bert Bredeweg

Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve Usability in

Collaborative Learning Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Endhe Elias, Dalgoberto Miquilino, Ig Ibert Bittencourt,
Thyago Tenório, Rafael Ferreira, Alan Silva, Seiji Isotani, and
Patrı́cia Jaques

Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation for a

Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Wei Jin, Tiffany Barnes, John Stamper, Michael John Eagle,
Matthew W. Johnson, and Lorrie Lehmann

Assessment: Constraints
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving
Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Jaime Galvez Cordero, Eduardo Guzman De Los Riscos, and
Ricardo Conejo Muñoz

Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy

for Intelligent Tutors? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Nguyen-Thinh Le and Niels Pinkwart

Dialogue: Conceptual
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from
Students’ Collaborative Discourses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Costin-Gabriel Chiru and Stefan Trausan-Matu

When Less Is More: Focused Pruning of Knowledge Bases to Improve

Recognition of Student Conversation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Mark Floryan, Toby Dragon, and Beverly Park Woolf
XXVI Table of Contents

Coordinating Multi-dimensional Support in Collaborative

Conversational Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
David Adamson and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Textual Complexity and Discourse Structure in Computer-Supported

Collaborative Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Stefan Trausan-Matu, Mihai Dascalu, and Philippe Dessus

Dialogue: Questions
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Questions for
Academic Writing Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Ming Liu and Rafael A. Calvo

Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Questions in Context . . . . . . . . 368

Lee Becker, Martha Palmer, Sarel van Vuuren, and Wayne Ward

Learner Modeling
Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Petr Jarušek and Radek Pelánek

Modelling and Optimizing the Process of Learning Mathematics . . . . . . . 389

Tanja Käser, Alberto Giovanni Busetto, Gian-Marco Baschera,
Juliane Kohn, Karin Kucian, Michael von Aster, and Markus Gross

The Student Skill Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

Yutao Wang and Neil T. Heffernan

Clustered Knowledge Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Zachary A. Pardos, Shubhendu Trivedi, Neil T. Heffernan, and
Gábor N. Sárközy

Preferred Features of Open Learner Models for University Students . . . . 411

Susan Bull

Do Your Eyes Give It Away? Using Eye Tracking Data to Understand

Students’ Attitudes towards Open Student Model Representations . . . . . 422
Moffat Mathews, Antonija Mitrovic, Bin Lin, Jay Holland, and
Neville Churcher

Fuzzy Logic Representation for Student Modelling: Case Study on

Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Gagan Goel, Sébastien Lallé, and Vanda Luengo
Table of Contents XXVII

Learning Detection
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-Moment Learning
Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Sujith M. Gowda, Zachary A. Pardos, and Ryan S.J.D. Baker

Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning Is

Shallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Ryan S.J.D. Baker, Sujith M. Gowda, Albert T. Corbett, and
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh

Item to Skills Mapping: Deriving a Conjunctive Q-matrix from Data . . . 454

Michel C. Desmarais, Behzad Beheshti, and Rhouma Naceur

Interaction Strategies: Games

The Role of Sub-problems: Supporting Problem Solving in
Narrative-Centered Learning Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Lucy R. Shores, Kristin F. Hoffmann, John L. Nietfeld, and
James C. Lester

Exploring Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Strategies in Game-Based

Learning Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford W. Mott, and
James C. Lester

Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning for Story-Based

Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Seung Y. Lee, Bradford W. Mott, and James C. Lester

Interaction Strategies: Empirical Studies

An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a
Multi-tabletop Learning Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Roberto Martinez Maldonado, Judy Kay, Kalina Yacef, and
Beat Schwendimann

Efficient Cross-Domain Learning of Complex Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

Nan Li, William W. Cohen, and Kenneth R. Koedinger

Exploring Two Strategies for Teaching Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499

Antonija Mitrovic, Moffat Mathews, and Jay Holland

Relating Student Performance to Action Outcomes and Context in a

Choice-Rich Learning Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
James R. Segedy, John S. Kinnebrew, and Gautam Biswas
XXVIII Table of Contents

Using the MetaHistoReasoning Tool Training Module to Facilitate the

Acquisition of Domain-Specific Metacognitive Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Eric Poitras, Susanne Lajoie, and Yuan-Jin Hong

An Indicator-Based Approach to Promote the Effectiveness of Teachers’

Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Aina Lekira, Christophe Després, Pierre Jacoboni, and Dominique Py

Limiting the Number of Revisions while Providing Error-Flagging

Support during Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
Amruth N. Kumar

Dialogue: Empirical Studies

Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational
Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Gregory Dyke, David Adamson, Iris Howley, and
Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations and Erroneous

Responses for Dialogue-Based ITSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Blair Lehman, Caitlin Mills, Sidney D’Mello, and Arthur Graesser

Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors for Impacting

Students’ Academic Self-efficacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Iris Howley, David Adamson, Gregory Dyke, Elijah Mayfield,
Jack Beuth, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

How Do They Do It? Investigating Dialogue Moves within Dialogue

Modes in Expert Human Tutoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
Blair Lehman, Sidney D’Mello, Whitney Cade, and Natalie Person

Building a Conversational SimStudent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563

Ryan Carlson, Victoria Keiser, Noboru Matsuda,
Kenneth R. Koedinger, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Predicting Learner’s Project Performance with Dialogue Features in

Online Q&A Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Jaebong Yoo and Jihie Kim

Young Researchers Track

Interventions to Regulate Confusion during Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Blair Lehman, Sidney D’Mello, and Arthur Graesser

Using Examples in Intelligent Tutoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579

Amir Shareghi Najar and Antonija Mitrovic
Table of Contents XXIX

Semi-supervised Classification of Realtime Physiological Sensor

Datastreams for Student Affect Assessment in Intelligent Tutoring . . . . . 582
Keith W. Brawner, Robert Sottilare, and Avelino Gonzalez

Detection of Cognitive Strategies in Reading Comprehension Tasks . . . . . 585

Terry Peckham

The Effects of Adaptive Sequencing Algorithms on Player Engagement

within an Online Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Derek Lomas, John Stamper, Ryan Muller, Kishan Patel, and
Kenneth R. Koedinger

A Canonicalizing Model for Building Programming Tutors . . . . . . . . . . . . 591

Kelly Rivers and Kenneth R. Koedinger

Developmentally Appropriate Intelligent Spatial Tutoring for Mobile

Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Melissa A. Wiederrecht and Amy C. Ulinski

Leveraging Game Design to Promote Effective User Behavior of

Intelligent Tutoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
Matthew W. Johnson, Tomoko Okimoto, and Tiffany Barnes

Design of a Knowledge Base to Teach Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600

Dinesha Weragama and Jim Reye

Towards an ITS for Improving Social Problem Solving Skills of ADHD

Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
Atefeh Ahmadi Olounabadi and Antonija Mitrovic

A Scenario Based Analysis of E-Collaboration Environments . . . . . . . . . . 606

Raoudha Chebil, Wided Lejouad Chaari, and Stefano A. Cerri

Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case Studies for Ill-Defined

Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
Mayya Sharipova

Using Individualized Feedback and Guided Instruction via a Virtual

Human Agent in an Introductory Computer Programming Course . . . . . . 612
Lorrie Lehmann, Dale-Marie Wilson, and Tiffany Barnes

Data-Driven Method for Assessing Skill-Opportunity Recognition in

Open Procedural Problem Solving Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Michael John Eagle and Tiffany Barnes

How Do Learners Regulate Their Emotions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
Amber Chauncey Strain, Sidney D’Mello, and Melissa Gross
XXX Table of Contents

A Model-Building Learning Environment with Explanatory Feedback

to Erroneous Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, and Kenneth D. Forbus

An Automatic Comparison between Knowledge Diagnostic

Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
Sébastien Lallé, Vanda Luengo, and Nathalie Guin

The Interaction Behavior of Agents’ Emotional Support and

Competency on Learner Outcomes and Perceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
Heather K. Holden

Accuracy of Tracking Student’s Natural Language in Operation

ARIES!, A Serious Game for Scientific Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
Zhiqiang Cai, Carol Forsyth, Mae-Lynn Germany,
Arthur Graesser, and Keith Millis

Designing the Knowledge Base for a PHP Tutor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628

Dinesha Weragama and Jim Reye

Domain Specific Knowledge Representation for an Intelligent Tutoring

System to Teach Algebraic Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez, David Arnau,
José Antonio González-Calero, and Aladdin Ayesh

Exploring the Potential of Tabletops for Collaborative Learning . . . . . . . . 632

Michael Schubert, Sébastien George, and Audrey Serna

Modeling the Affective States of Students Using SQL-Tutor . . . . . . . . . . . 634

Thea Faye G. Guia, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo,
Michelle Marie C. Dagami, Jessica O. Sugay,
Francis Jan P. Macam, and Antonija Mitrovic

A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Effective Help-Seeking Behavior

among Students Using an ITS for Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Jose Carlo A. Soriano, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo,
Ryan S.J.D. Baker, Amy Ogan, Erin Walker,
Maynor Jimenez Castro, Ryan Genato, Samantha Fontaine, and
Ricardo Belmontez

Emotions during Writing on Topics That Align or Misalign with

Personal Beliefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
Caitlin Mills and Sidney D’Mello

A Multiagent-Based ITS Using Multiple Viewpoints for Propositional

Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Evandro Costa, Priscylla Silva, Marlos Silva, Emanuele Silva, and
Anderson Santos
Table of Contents XXXI

Simulation-Based Training of Ill-Defined Social Domains: The Complex

Environment Assessment and Tutoring System (CEATS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Benjamin D. Nye, Gnana K. Bharathy, Barry G. Silverman, and
Ceyhun Eksin

Empirical Investigation on Self Fading as Adaptive Behavior of Hint

Seeking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Kazuhisa Miwa, Hitoshi Terai, Nana Kanzaki, and Ryuichi Nakaike

Scripting Discussions for Elaborative, Critical Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . 647

Oliver Scheuer, Bruce M. McLaren, Armin Weinberger, and
Sabine Niebuhr

Design Requirements of a Virtual Learning Environment for Resource

Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Nikos Barbalios, Irene Ioannidou, Panagiotis Tzionas, and
Stefanos Paraskeuopoulos

The Effectiveness of a Pedagogical Agent’s Immediate Feedback on

Learners’ Metacognitive Judgments during Learning with MetaTutor . . . 651
Reza Feyzi-Behnagh and Roger Azevedo

Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case Studies for Professional

Ethics Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
Mayya Sharipova and Gordon McCalla

Evaluating the Automatic Extraction of Learning Objects from

Electronic Textbooks Using ErauzOnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Mikel Larrañaga, Ángel Conde, Iñaki Calvo, Ana Arruarte, and
Jon A. Elorriaga

A Cognition-Based Game Platform and Its Authoring Environment for

Learning Chinese Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
Chao-Lin Liu, Chia-Ying Lee, Wei-Jie Huang, Yu-Lin Tzeng, and
Chia-Ru Chou

Effects of Text and Visual Element Integration Schemes on Online

Reading Behaviors of Typical and Struggling Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
Robert P. Dolan and Sonya Powers

Fadable Scaffolding with Cognitive Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662

Akihiro Kashihara and Makoto Ito

Mediating Intelligence through Observation, Dependency and Agency

in Making Construals of Malaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
Meurig Beynon and Will Beynon
XXXII Table of Contents

Supporting Social Deliberative Skills in Online Classroom Dialogues:

Preliminary Results Using Automated Text Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
Tom Murray, Beverly Park Woolf, Xiaoxi Xu, Stefanie Shipe,
Scott Howard, and Leah Wing
Using Time Pressure to Promote Mathematical Fluency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
Steve Ritter, Tristan Nixon, Derek Lomas, John Stamper, and
Dixie Ching
Interoperability for ITS: An Ontology of Learning Style Models . . . . . . . . 671
Judi McCuaig and Robert Gauthier
Skill Diaries: Can Periodic Self-assessment Improve Students’ Learning
with an Intelligent Tutoring System? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
Yanjin Long and Vincent Aleven
An Optimal Assessment of Natural Language Student Input Using
Word-to-Word Similarity Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
Vasile Rus and Mihai Lintean
Facilitating Co-adaptation of Technology and Education through the
Creation of an Open-Source Repository of Interoperable Code . . . . . . . . . 677
Philip I. Pavlik Jr., Jaclyn Maass, Vasile Rus, and Andrew M. Olney
A Low-Cost Scalable Solution for Monitoring Affective State of
Students in E-learning Environment Using Mouse and Keystroke
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
Po-Ming Lee, Wei-Hsuan Tsui, and Tzu-Chien Hsiao
Impact of an Adaptive Tutorial on Student Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
Fethi A. Inan, Fatih Ari, Raymond Flores, Amani Zaier, and
Ismahan Arslan-Ari
Technology Enhanced Learning Program That Makes Thinking the
Outside to Train Meta-cognitive Skill through Knowledge Co-creation
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
Kazuhisa Seta, Liang Cui, Mitsuru Ikeda, and Noriyuki Matsuda
Open Student Models to Enhance Blended-Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
Maite Martı́n, Ainhoa Álvarez, David Reina,
Isabel Fernández-Castro, Maite Urretavizcaya, and
Susan Bull
ZooQuest: A Mobile Game-Based Learning Application for Fifth
Graders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
Gerard Veenhof, Jacobijn Sandberg, and Marinus Maris
Drawing-Based Modeling for Early Science Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
Wouter R. van Joolingen, Lars Bollen, Frank Leenaars, and
Hannie Gijlers
Table of Contents XXXIII

An OWL Ontology for IEEE-LOM and OBAA Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691

João Carlos Gluz and Rosa M. Vicari

Classifying Topics of Video Lecture Contents Using Speech Recognition

Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
Jun Park and Jihie Kim

An Agent-Based Infrastructure for the Support of Learning Objects

Life-Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
João Carlos Gluz, Rosa M. Vicari, and Liliana M. Passerino

Cluster Based Feedback Provision Strategies in Intelligent Tutoring

Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
Sebastian Gross, Xibin Zhu, Barbara Hammer, and Niels Pinkwart

A Web Comic Strip Creator for Educational Comics with Assessable

Learning Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
Fotis Lazarinis and Elaine Pearson

A Layered Architecture for Online Lab-Works: Experimentation in the

Computer Science Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
Mohamed El Amine Bouabid, Philippe Vidal, and Julien Broisin

A Serious Game for Teaching Conflict Resolution to Children . . . . . . . . . . 705

Joana Campos, Henrique Campos, Carlos Martinho, and Ana Paiva

Towards Social Mobile Blended Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707

Amr Abozeid, Mohammed Abdel Razek, and Claude Frasson

Learning Looping: From Natural Language to Worked Examples . . . . . . . 710

Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser, Mark Stehlik, and Sharon Carver

A Basic Model of Metacognition: A Repository to Trigger Reflection . . . 712

Alejandro Peña Ayala, Rafael Dominguez de Leon, and
Riichiro Mizoguchi

Analyzing Affective Constructs: Emotions ‘n Attitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714

Ivon Arroyo, David Hilton Shanabrook, Winslow Burleson, and
Beverly Park Woolf

Interactive Virtual Representations, Fractions, and Formative

Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
Maria Mendiburo, Brian Sulcer, Gautam Biswas, and
Ted Hasselbring
XXXIV Table of Contents

An Intelligent System to Support Accurate Transcription of University

Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
Miltiades Papadopoulos and Elaine Pearson

Multi-context Recommendation in Technology Enhanced Learning . . . . . 720

Majda Maâtallah and Hassina Seridi-Bouchelaghem

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723

Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Imène Jraidi, Pierre Chalfoun, and Claude Frasson

Université de Montréal, Dept. of Computer Science and Operations Research

2920 chemin de la tour, H3T-1J8 QC, Canada

Abstract. Nowadays several researches in Intelligent Tutoring Systems are

oriented toward developing emotionally sensitive tutors. These tutors use dif-
ferent instructional strategies addressing both learners’ cognitive and affective
dimensions and rely, for most of them, on explicit strategies and direct interven-
tions. In this paper we propose a new approach to augment these tutors with
new implicit strategies relying on indirect interventions. We show the feasibility
of our approach through two experimental studies using a subliminal priming
technique. We demonstrate that both learners’ cognitive and affective states can
be conditioned indirectly and show that these strategies produce a positive im-
pact on students’ interaction experience and enhance learning.

Keywords: Implicit tutoring strategies, Unconscious processes, Subliminal

priming, Affect, Cognition.

1 Introduction

The development of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) began in the 1970’s in an

attempt to enhance computer based instruction with artificial intelligence methods to
provide a highly individualized teaching and feedback tailored to the needs of the
learner. Their aim is to support learning by simulating human tutors’ pedagogical
skills and domain expertise and produce the same kind of learning and flexibility that
might occur between teachers and students [1]. In the recent years, the dynamics of
learning has been shifting steadily from purely cognitive aspects of teaching to affect-
sensitive tutors. This change can mainly be explained by recent advances in cognitive
science, artificial intelligence, and neuroscience showing that the brain mechanisms
associated to emotions are not only related to cognitive processes, such as reasoning,
but also solicited in perception, problem solving and decision making [2].
Indeed, various research areas including education, psychology, computational lin-
guistics, and artificial intelligence have shown a growing interest in the close links
between affect and learning [3-8] as emotions have an impact on attention, motiva-
tion, memorization, and information processing [9]. This fact is especially true in the
ITS community where several researchers have developed emotionally intelligent
tutors able to respond to students on a personal level, identifying their actual emotion-
al states and adapting their teaching accordingly [3, 8, 10-12].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 1–10, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
2 I. Jraidi, P. Chalfoun, and C. Frasson

However these tutors still need to be enhanced to track changes in learners’ mental
states especially when cognitive tasks such as reasoning and decision making occur.
Furthermore, most of these tutors rely on explicit1 strategies and direct interventions
when interacting with the learner. These strategies can be in some cases excessive,
inappropriate, or intrusive to the dynamics of the learning session. They can also be
approximate or target basically, superficial aspects of the interaction.
In this research we propose to enhance these strategies with implicit interventions
that can be more subtle and have the ability to target deeper affective and cognitive
aspects involved in the learning process. Our work is based on evidence from the
neuropsychology that suggests that cognition and affect involve some forms of impli-
cit or unconscious processing that can be implicitly solicited [13]. In this paper we
propose an approach to augment these tutors with new implicit strategies relying on
indirect interventions in a problem solving environment in order to enhance cognitive
abilities such as reasoning and condition affective states such as self-esteem while
learning takes place.

2 Previous Work

A variety of explicit strategies have been developed and evaluated within different
learning environments providing both cognitive and affective feedback.
Some researches are oriented toward psychological theories to induce positive
emotions in students [14], while others mostly use punctual, task-related and less
intrusive interventions that can be directly integrated in the dynamics of the learning
session. These strategies rely on a variety of task-based support policies to respond to
particular students’ affective states. This can be in the form of examples or definitions
to help the students understand specific concepts. For example in [6], if the tutor rea-
lizes that the learner is bored, he engages him in a variety of stimulating tasks, a par-
ticular challenge or a game. If frustration is detected, the tutor provides statements or
corrects certain information that the learner might have poorly assimilated. In [3], the
ITS reacts differently to frustrated learners. It provides an indication or other similar
problems to help the learner. In case of boredom, and depending on the situation, the
tutor proposes an easier problem to motivate the learner in solving it, or increases the
level of difficulty if the problem is too easy. The corrective mechanisms involved
here are all direct and explicit and are applied a posteriori, that is once the student
makes a mistake or reacts negatively to a situation.
Other approaches integrate more sophisticated companion technologies using life-
like characters allowing real-time affective interactions between virtual pedagogical
agents and learners [3, 4, 11, 12]. These agents may have a human appearance dialo-
guing with learners, communicating various messages of encouragement or

We define an explicit strategy as a tutoring intervention that occurs with a person's sensory or
conscious perception. By contrast, an implicit strategy is an intervention that cannot be con-
sciously perceived or reported by the learner. This implies that this intervention occurs with-
out a learner’s awareness and hence that does not interrupt the dynamics of the learning
Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 3

congratulation; appearing to care about a learner’s progress. Some agents can work
with the students on the same task, as study partners [8] and exchange on the problem
they are solving by either offering advice and encouragement or helping them in cop-
ing with negative emotions (such as frustration, boredom, or fatigue). These compa-
nions can also adopt an empathetic response [3, 11, 12]. For instance in [12] an agent
intervenes looking concerned when users are asked stressing interview questions lead-
ing to a drop in stress levels as measured by skin conductance. Although some of
these tutors use physiological sensors to monitor students’ affect, none uses brain data
to monitor mental states and adjusts learning to cerebral changes that can occur in
learners’ cognitive reasoning processes. In another study [10], it is shown that empa-
thetic responses of pedagogical learning companions improve learners’ interest and
self-efficacy but not learning outcomes. These agents can even simulate the behavior
of the learner by adopting his expressions and actions [3, 4, 11, 12]. For example,
Burleson [4] uses an agent that mimics the facial expressions and movements of the
learner. It may for example, smile if it sees the learner smiling.
However, the aforementioned strategies only target aspects related to the direct
interaction between the learner and the tutor. These strategies do not address the un-
conscious mechanisms underlying important cognitive and affective processing re-
lated to learning. The goal of this research is to augment, not replace, current learning
strategies with implicit interventions. We believe that the complimentary nature of
these new strategies can endow the current tutors with the ability to investigate, and
hopefully enhance, the unconscious processes involved in emotional processing, rea-
soning and decision making. The following section will explain in more details these
proposed strategies as well as present results from conducted studies.

3 Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

As discussed in the previous section, current ITS rely on explicit strategies that ad-
dress only measured variables involved in the direct interaction between the tutor and
the learner. In this paper we aim to enhance these strategies with implicit interven-
tions that address more subtle unconscious processes involved in both learners’ affect
and cognition. The basis of this work relies on previous findings from neuropsycho-
logical studies suggesting the possibility of nonconscious perception (or perception
without awareness), because of the existence of a boundary threshold between con-
scious and unconscious perception [15]. A stimulus below this threshold of awareness
(called subliminal stimulus) cannot be consciously perceived but can yield emotional
and cognitive reactions [15, 16]. This phenomenon is known as subliminal perception:
it unconsciously solicits affective and cognitive mechanisms in the human brain [13].
Masked priming is one of the most widely used technique for subliminal percep-
tion [15]. It consists in projecting for a very short time, a subliminal stimulus or prime
such as a word or a valenced image preceded and/or followed by the projection of a
mask for a particular time. This mask is usually in the form of a set of symbols that
have nothing to do with the prime in order to elude its conscious detection [15]. In
this research, our goal is to enhance existing tutoring strategies with masked priming
4 I. Jraidi, P. Chalfoun, and C. Frasson

techniques. We will present two different priming approaches, namely affective prim-
ing and cognitive priming applied in problem solving environments.

3.1 Affective Priming

Affective priming is a masked priming technique that consists in exposing partici-
pants to affective stimuli that can only be unconsciously perceived in order to impli-
citly elicit emotional reactions. These stimuli can be in the form of images or words
charged with valenced semantics (e.g. smiling faces or positively connoted words).
This technique is based on work in implicit memory [17] and automatic and uncons-
cious processes related to stereotypes and attitudes [18]. This body of work suggests
that implicit and unconscious elements are found in several psychological manifesta-
tions among which, emotional regulation. This technique has been studied in areas
such as social behavior, advertising and stereotypes (see [16] for a review). Further-
more, these studies show that emotions are more likely influenced by these uncons-
ciously perceived stimuli than by consciously perceived stimuli.

Conducted Study. We used an affective priming technique in order to implicitly

condition learners’ affect within a logical problem solving environment. The aim of
the study was to enhance learners’ implicit self-esteem while they follow a learning
session about logics. The goal is to teach learners how to infer a logical rule from a
series of data in order to find the missing element of a sequence. The session starts
with a tutorial giving instructions and examples to get learners accustomed with the
user interface and types of questions, then a series of logical exercises are given.

Sequence of projected elements preceding the display of the black triangle.

Fig. 1. Affective priming during problem solving

Three modules are taught, each one is concerned with specific forms of data: the
first module deals with geometrical shapes, the second module with numbers and the
third module focuses on letters (see [19] for more details). Learners are asked to re-
spond as quickly and efficiently as possible to each of the 15 questions of the quiz.
They are informed that they can either respond or pass the question and that a correct
answer = 4 points, an incorrect answer = -1, and a no-answer = 0. Questionnaire mate-
rials (shapes, numbers and letters) are presented sequentially on the screen and subli-
minal primes are projected just before the materials.
Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 5

In this study, a particular form of masked priming was used, namely the Evaluative
Conditioning (EC) technique [20]. This method consists in subliminally projecting
self-referential words (conditioned stimulus) such as “I” or the first name of the learn-
er, paired with positively valenced words (unconditioned stimulus) such as “effi-
cient”, “success” or “smart”. The idea behind EC is that this conditioning implicitly
influences the semantic structure of associations (between words) in memory and
hence, the automatic affective reactions resulting from this pairing [20]. Fig. 1 gives
an overview of how the masked priming took place. Each prime, consisting of a self-
referential word and a positive word, is projected for 29 ms and is preceded and fol-
lowed by a 271 ms mask composed of sharp (#) symbols.
A total of 39 participants with a mean age of 27.31 ± 6.87 years, were recruited for the
experiment. Participation was compensated with 10 dollars. They were randomly as-
signed either to the experimental condition (N = 20, 13 males) or to the control condition,
without priming (N = 19, 11 males). Participants’ self-esteem was assessed with the Ini-
tial Preference Task (IPT), a widely used technique for assessing implicit self-esteem,
using the Ipsatized double-correction scoring algorithm (see [21] for more details).
Two sensors were used to measure participants’ emotional reactions, namely gal-
vanic skin response, known to be correlated to emotional arousal (low to high) and
blood volume pulse from which heart rate, known to be correlated to valence (positive
to negative), was extracted [22]. The proportions of emotions characterized with a
positive valence and a neutral arousal (Target emotion proportions) were assessed
with regards to the baseline values, to measure participants’ positive emotional activa-
tions using a two dimensional model of affect [23]. These specific emotions are as-
sumed to provide a maximum of efficiency and productivity in learning [24].

Table 1. Experimental results of the affective priming study

Experimental condition Control condition

Self-esteem 1.68 0.94 1.08 0.99
Target emotion proportions 48.15 37.32 40.36 34.02
Final score 33.4 12.36 25.5 9.87
Number of passed answers 0.95 0.83 2.11 1.91

Further variables were recorded to measure learners’ performance, namely, the fi-
nal score in the test and the number of passed answers. Results are summarized in
Table 1. A significant evidence for the conditioning effect on self-esteem was found.
Primed participants showed significantly higher self-esteem than the control group,
F(1, 37) = 4.84, p < 0.05 (M = 1.68 vs. 1.08). Besides, they showed significantly
higher proportions of target emotions, F(1, 583) = 6.03, p < 0.05, in the logical quiz
(M = 48.15 %) with regards to non primed participants (M = 40.36%). The scores of
the test were also better in the experimental group (F(1, 37) = 4.37, p < 0.05,
M = 33.4 vs. 25.5), and unlike the control group, participants were taking more risks
by answering more questions (lower number of passed answers, F(1, 37) = 7.45,
p < 0.05, M = 0.95 vs. 2.11) even if they were not completely sure of their answers.
6 I. Jraidi, P. Chalfoun, and C. Frasson

3.2 Cognitive Priming

Like affective priming, cognitive priming is a masked priming technique, but with a
different objective; the stimulus used (an answer or a hint about a question for exam-
ple) is aimed toward positively enhancing specific cognitive processes such as
reasoning or decision making toward the goal of implicitly enhancing knowledge
acquisition. This technique is based on numerous findings in neuroscience providing
evidence from the brain wave activity using electro-encephalography (EEG), demon-
strating that unconsciously perceived stimuli can reach orthographic, lexical and
motor levels of representations (see [25] for more details).

Conducted Study. In this second study, we used a cognitive priming technique in

order to implicitly enhance learners’ reasoning abilities within a problem solving
environment. The aim of the study was to use cognitive priming to specifically en-
hance the analogical reasoning abilities of students while learning how to construct an
odd magic square of any order with the use of neither a calculator nor one mental
arithmetic operation. A magic square of order n is a square containing n2 distinct inte-
gers disposed in a way such as all the n numbers contained in all rows, columns or
diagonals sum to the same constant (leftmost part of Fig. 2).

Magic Square Trick 1 (T1) Trick 2 (T2) Trick 3 (T3)

Fig. 2. Magic square and the three tricks taught

To construct such a magic square, three tricks are required (Fig. 2). These tricks
are cumulative and thus the difficulty increases with each trick. The solution to the
three tricks was not presented. Instead, the learners had to infer their own solutions,
correctly figure out the different algorithm used in each trick and answer a series of
13 questions (see [26] for more details). Furthermore, learners were instructed to
make the fewest amounts of mistakes possible whilst taking the shortest amount of
time. Then, learners reported how they figured out each trick by choosing between the
following: “I deduced the trick by intuition, logic, a little of both” (Trick answer type
variable). Learners also reported how they answered each question by choosing be-
tween the following: “I answered the question by guessing the answer, by intuition or
by logical deduction” (Question answer type variable). Learners’ brain activity (using
EEG) was recorded to investigate changes in mental activity during reasoning.
In this study, two experimental conditions with different types of primes were con-
sidered namely Answer_cues and Miscues. The former condition intended to enable
learners to reason faster while deducing the tricks. The primes are in the form of
Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 7

arrows pointing at the answer to each trick as displayed in Fig.2. The Miscues condi-
tion is intended to mislead the learner using primes (arrows) that point to the wrong
square on the screen. The idea of the study was to assess the effect of each type of
prime on reasoning. In both conditions, primes (Answer_cues and Miscues) were
displayed in each trick throughout the study. Each prime is projected for 33 ms and is
followed and preceded by a mask of 275 ms consisting of random geometric figures.
A total of 43 participants with a mean age of 27 ± 3.5 years, were recruited for the
experiment and were compensated with 10 dollars; they were randomly assigned ei-
ther to the Answer_cues condition (N = 14, 7 males), to the Miscues condition (N =
14, 6 males) or to the Control condition, without priming (N = 15, 7 males).
We were interested in examining results related to performance (number of mis-
takes) with regards to the way learning occurred (Trick answer type), the way learners
answered questions (Question answer type) and the group (Answer_cues, Miscues,
Control). Significant effects were only found for the variables Trick answer type*
group with regards to the number of mistakes with the following combinations: Log-
ic*Answer_cues (p = 0.002, alpha = 0.05, chi-square = 16.949), A little of
both*Answer_cues (p = 0.048, alpha = 0.05, chi-square = 9.117). Results seem to
indicate that only Answer_cues, and not miscues, do significantly influence logical
reasoning and decision making when learning a trick logically.

Before priming After priming

Fig. 3. Recording of cerebral changes following cognitive priming in intuitive reasoning

From the EEG data we were interested in investigating changes in two metrics that
have previously been reported as relevant indicators of insightful problem solving
(40Hz right asymmetry) [27] and complex arithmetic processing (Beta2 left asymme-
try) [28]. We observed that the asymmetry values for the 40Hz (p = 0.003, alpha =
0.05) and Beta2 (p = 0.04, alpha = 0.05) in the Answer_cues group are significantly
different than the Miscues group for the third and most difficult trick. Participants of
the Answer_cues group seem to shift their attention from a complex arithmetic
process (Beta2 left asymetry decrease) toward an “insightful” problem solving
strategy (40Hz right asymetry increase), thus involving the right side of the brain,
known to be an important actor in insightful problem solving. Fig. 3 depicts one such
example recorded during learning where we see a female learner reporting learning
the third trick (T3) by intuition. We see the decrease in Beta2 in the left brain and the
increase in 40Hz in the right brain after priming, illustrating that a combination of
these two metrics could indeed be an interesting indicator of a change in the reasoning
strategy from complex arithmetics to an insightful reasoning during problem solving.
8 I. Jraidi, P. Chalfoun, and C. Frasson

4 Discussion

The two presented studies have shown that learners’ self-esteem and abilities to rea-
son in a problem solving environment can be augmented through the use of affective
and cognitive priming. The two experiments rely on a masked priming technique
consisting in projecting stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness (positive-
ly charged words paired with self-referential words and hints about the task).2
The affective and cognitive dimensions of these implicit interventions have been
investigated and results have shown that electro-physiological sensors can provide
current tutors with relevant information regarding the positive impact of the proposed
approach in terms of learners’ emotional and mental reactions. In light of those re-
sults, we believe that a hybrid ITS, one using both explicit and implicit strategies, can
greatly enhance the interaction with a learner, enabling him to optimize his learning
experience with both direct and indirect aspects. The proposed approach for integrat-
ing our implicit tutor is illustrated below.

Fig. 4. Proposed approach

The implicit tutor is continuously communicating with the explicit tutor in search
of the best strategy to apply in a given situation. To achieve this objective, the implicit
tutor can choose one or multiple implicit strategies (cognitive and/or affective prim-
ing) as well as a kind of stimulus to project. The implicit toolbox is essentially a guide
of all existing stimuli that are applicable for a situation. In this paper, we have pre-
sented two studies employing different subliminal stimuli (visual and textual). How-
ever, we believe that two issues need to be addressed, before this integration could
take place in a real learning environment. First, the implicit strategies have to be
tested in complex, real-life, lessons where deeper learning may take place and com-
pare results. Second, ethical issues of deploying these strategies should also be ex-
plored. It would be interesting for example to reproduce these studies while informing
the learners of what will they get but not how. In other words, explain that the system
is built to provide help in a subtle way without revealing the kind of stimuli that will
be used from the toolbox and crosscheck results.
In both experiments, none of the participants has reported seeing the primes during the tasks.
Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 9

5 Conclusion
This paper discusses a new approach to enhance ITS with implicit tutoring strategies
targeting subtle indirect aspects in the interaction between the tutor and the learner.
These strategies are based on unconsciously perceived interventions that address the
automatic mechanisms associated to learners’ affective and cognitive processing inhe-
rent to learning using the subliminal perception. We demonstrated our approach
through two experimental studies showing two different applications of the masked
priming technique, namely affective priming and cognitive priming. We showed that
both learners’ cognitive and affective states can be conditioned implicitly and that
these strategies can produce a positive impact on students’ interaction experience and
enhance learning. The first study showed that affective priming had a positive impact
on learners’ outcomes, self-esteem, and emotional reactions. The second study
showed that cognitive priming enhanced learners’ reasoning abilities and EEG data
demonstrated that cognitive abilities such as analogical reasoning can potentially be
monitored, assessed and positively influenced under priming conditions.
In our future work, we are interested in developing a tutor that will integrate both
implicit and explicit interventions. This tutor will select appropriate strategies accord-
ing to learners’ profile, and real time data from learners’ progress and emotional and
mental reactions.
Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the National Science and Engineering Research
Council (NSERC) and the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Research for funding this work.

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Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning
Gains in Peer Tutoring

Amy Ogan1, Samantha Finkelstein1, Erin Walker2,

Ryan Carlson1, and Justine Cassell1
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
School of Computing, CIDSE, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85282

Abstract. For 20 years, researchers have envisioned artificially intelligent

learning companions that evolve with their students as they grow and learn.
However, while communication theory suggests that positivity decreases over
time in relationships, most tutoring systems designed to build rapport with a
student remain adamantly polite, and may therefore inadvertently distance the
learner from the agent over time. We present an analysis of high school friends
interacting in a peer tutoring environment as a step towards designing agents
that sustain long-term pedagogical relationships with learners. We find that tu-
tees and tutors use different language behaviors: tutees express more playful-
ness and face-threat, while tutors attend more to the task. This face-threat by the
tutee is associated with increased learning gains for their tutor. Additionally, a
small sample of partners who were strangers learned less than friends, and in
these dyads increased face-threat was negatively correlated with learning. Our
findings support the idea that learning companions should gradually move to-
wards playful face-threat as they build relationships with their students.

Keywords: Rapport, impoliteness, virtual peers, ECA, teachable agent.

1 Introduction

Peer tutoring, a paradigm in which one student tutors another of a similar ability,
results in deep learning gains for the tutor [1]. Peer tutoring provides a social motiva-
tion for the tutor to attend more in order to effectively explain concepts [2]. In addi-
tion, the tutor engages in a series of cognitive steps that improve learning, such as
constructing explanations and reflecting on errors [3]. The tutee plays an active role in
this process by challenging, contradicting, and questioning the tutor’s moves [3] caus-
ing the tutor to engage in increased reflection and self-explanation [1].
In the ITS community, an effort has been underway to develop virtual characters
that act as a tutee, or teachable agent, in order to leverage the benefits of human peer
tutoring [4, 5, 6]. However, most teachable agents focus on the cognitive elements of
the interaction and, to date, none have been designed based on analyses of the social
behaviors that emerge as a part of successful peer tutoring. There is therefore great

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 11–21, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
12 A. Ogan et al.

opportunity to expand on the social capabilities of teachable agents in order to create

rapport in the service of increased learning. Ideally, these social teachable agents –
and other kinds of virtual peers - will be able to build long-term relationships with
students to support them in their educational goals [as proposed in 7].
Researchers have previously designed polite intelligent tutors based on Goffman’s
theory of face, that is, the public self-image that people project [8]. Brown and Levin-
son describe positive face as the desire for one’s image to be appreciated and negative
face as the desire to not be impeded in one’s actions [9]. Existing systems avoid
threatening positive and negative face by giving praise, providing reassurance, or
hedging requests [10, 11]. However, while politeness serves a function early in a rela-
tionship, positivity is claimed to decrease as rapport increases in human-human inte-
ractions [12]. Culpeper’s theory of impoliteness [13] describes the role of behaviors
such as insults and challenges which are considered face-threatening; they harm the
addressee’s positive or negative face, and may cause offense [9]. However, impolite-
ness has a number of functions in conversation. It may serve to upend power imbal-
ances [13] or even to reinforce solidarity and rapport among people with preexisting
relationships [14, 15]. Teens in particular have been shown to use “rude” language to
positive social effect [16]. For that reason in this paper we evaluate the strategies and
functions these language behaviors effect within particular contexts [17].
Evidence suggests that impoliteness is important in human-agent relationships as
well. Our previous work demonstrated that negative remarks (such as teasing and
frustration) directed to a virtual tutee in a think-aloud protocol were associated with
increased learning gains on the part of the tutor [18]. There have been a few efforts to
create intelligent tutoring systems that use rudeness (such as sarcasm) as a rapport-
building mechanism [e.g, 19]. These systems were positively received by students,
but were not based on analyses of human-human interaction, and learning gains were
not assessed. We know that learners apply the same norms of social interaction to
learning companions as to human conversational partners [20]; therefore, understand-
ing human-human behavior is critical in the development of a system able to develop
a natural social relationship with the learner over time, in the service of learning.
In this work we analyze dialogues between pairs of students participating in a peer
tutoring intervention by annotating 54 conversations for language features (e.g., com-
plaining), which we group into conversational strategies (e.g. face threat), and also
code for social functionality (positivity and impoliteness). These students were friends
and thus are presumed to have pre-existent relationships. We use these data to inves-
tigate two research questions: in human-human peer tutoring dialogues, can we link
particular surface level language features to social conversational strategies, such as
face-threat, and does this linkage differ between tutees and tutors (RQ1)? Do these
conversational strategies relate to social functions, and does this have an effect on
peer tutor learning (RQ2)? An exploratory analysis of 6 dyads of strangers (presumed
not to have prior relationships) allows us to address a third research question that may
provide insight into the design of relationship-building systems that evolve over time:
How do the relationship-affecting conversational strategies of strangers relate to
learning, and differ from friends (RQ3)? Our results yield specific design guidelines
for implementing relationship-building behaviors in an interactive tutoring system –
specifically, a teachable agent, grounded in our findings from human-human tutoring.
Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring 13

2 Study

To assess the social behaviors of real students in a peer tutoring context, we re-
examined data collected for a previous study to evaluate the impact of an intervention
that monitored students’ collaboration and could provide adaptive support [21]. A
peer tutor and tutee interacted over chat while the tutee worked on algebra problems.
Participants were 130 8th -10th grade students (49 male) with diverse racial back-
grounds from one American high school who had previously received classroom in-
struction on relevant domain material. Participants were asked to sign up for the study
with a friend. Those who were interested but had no partner were matched with
another unmatched participant. 54 dyads were friends and 6 dyads were strangers.
Participants took a 20-minute pre-test on relevant math concepts, and then spent 20
minutes working alone with the computer to prepare for tutoring. One student in each
dyad was randomly assigned the role of tutor, while the other was given the role of
tutee. They spent the next 60 minutes engaging in tutoring. Finally, students were
given a domain post-test isomorphic to the pretest, and compensated.

3 Data Annotation

We analyzed the tutoring dialogues using a scheme we developed to capture three

levels of relationship-building and signaling: specific language behaviors, the conver-
sational strategies they contribute to, and their associated social functions. The dis-
tinction between these three levels was drawn from work in pragmatics [8] that allows
us to interpret the different social functions of groups of language behaviors used in
context (such as insults used to indicate solidarity and therefore build rapport, or po-
liteness used to indicate distance and therefore push away) [17]. Much of our analysis
focuses on the friend dyads: 5,408 utterances from 108 participants over 54 sessions.
2,333 of these utterances were produced by the tutee and 3,075 by the tutor.
Thirteen surface-level language behaviors, shown in Table 1, were coded by two
independent raters, based on research on impoliteness [13], positivity in tutorial di-
alogues [22], and computer-mediated communication [23]. Each utterance could re-
ceive more than one code. Counts of features were normalized by the total number of
utterances spoken by that participant. Based on the Principal Components Analysis
presented in section 4.1 below, codes were grouped into factors representing conver-
sational strategies. Each utterance was also annotated for two types of social func-
tions, motivated by the literature on rapport-building and -maintaining. This entailed
examining the interlocutor’s response to a given act; the same utterance may serve a
different social function depending on its reception. The positivity code was expanded
beyond politeness to encompass other indicators of positivity such as those used by
Boyer [22] including empathy, praise, and reassurance, in addition to cooperative talk.
(Mtutor=14%; Mtutee=17%; Cohen’s K=.79). The impoliteness code expresses negativi-
ty, combining both cooperative rudeness such as teasing and banter (e.g. “I hate
youuuu :D”), and uncooperative rudeness which seems to intend to cause offense
(e.g., “your horrible at this.”) [15] (Mtutor=8%; Mtutee=12%; Cohen’s K=.72).
14 A. Ogan et al.

4 Results

4.1 Surface-Level Lang

guage Features and Role Differences (RQ1)

With the goal of understan nding how surface-level language features contributedd to
social conversational strateegies in peer tutoring dialogue, and what strategies w
most frequent, we performeed a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with Varim max
rotation. This allowed us to
o move from a focus on individual behaviors to understaand-
ing how particular types of behaviors are used in meaningful ways in this populatiion.
The annotated language feaatures collapsed into four factors, which explained 76%% of
the total variance. Table 1 shows the mapping between the language features and
factors. Based on the praagmatics theory cited, we interpret the four factorss as
Playfulness to lighten the
t mood or mitigate negativity: Laughter, extra lettters,
emoticons, off-task behavvior, inclusive complaining (about a third person).
Face-threat remarks diirected toward the partner: Direct insults, condesccen-
sion/brags, challenges, exxclusive complaining (about the other person).
Attention-getting to draww the partner back on task: Message enforcers, pet namees.
Emphasis to add emotivee features: Excessive punctuation, capitalization.

Table 1. Annotation scheme divided

d into factors, with mean normalized behaviors for tuutors
and tutees, and Cohen’s kappaa between raters. Significantly higher values (comparing tutoor to
tutee) marked with *(p<.05), **(p<.01), ***(p<.001).
Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring 15

The PCA allowed us to compute a regression value for each of these four factors for
each participant, which represented their utterances in terms of these values (e.g., the
total ‘face threat’ value of the conversation). We then investigated how tutee and
tutor utterances differed along these factors by running a MANOVA with role as the
independent variable, and four dependent variables: playfulness, face threat, attention,
and emphasis. We found that tutees used more playful (F(1,107)=8.33, p<.01) and
face-threatening strategies (F(1,107)=16.62, p<.001), while tutors used more atten-
tion-getting strategies (F(1,107)=9.72, p<.01). Emphasis use was equivalent (p>.1).
These results indicate that tutees are responsible for introducing playful and face-
threatening strategies in the conversation, while tutors instead bring attention back to
the task. The following is a representative example from the corpus:
[] Tutee: I need help tuter
[] Tutor: What do you do next?
[E,DI,Ch,Ca] Tutee: it told me aks why you got it wrong. ANSWER: your stupid XD
[Ef,V,P,Ca] Tutor: dude! STOP! Add VT to both sids!
Typically, tutees’ requests for help involve excessive punctuation or extra letters, both
shown to contribute to “playfulness in language” in texting [23]. Tutors respond to
these requests with on-task utterances (e.g. “now you need to add gh to both sides.”)
If tutees reply with face-threat, tutors use vocatives and message enforcers to bring
the conversation back on task. We explore this interplay further in section 4.3.

4.2 Conversational Strategies and Social Functions (RQ1)

With the results of the PCA, we examined the social conversational strategies effected
by off-task social language such as complaining and exclamations. We next analyze
the social functions of expressions of positivity and impoliteness in particular, and the
relationship between conversational strategies and social functions. We investigated
tutor and tutee differences using a MANOVA with role as the independent variable,
and positivity and impoliteness as the dependent variables. Given the PCA results, it
is not surprising to find that tutees were significantly more impolite (F(1,107)=7.74,
p<.01) than tutors, and marginally less positive (F(1,107)=3.60,p=.06).
We thus analyzed the connection between conversational strategies and social
functions separately for tutors and tutees using bivariate correlations. While the tutees
primarily expressed positivity with playfulness (r=.276, p<.05), tutors expressed posi-
tivity with emphasis (r=.359, p<.01) in addition to playfulness (r=.436, p=.001). That
is, tutees primarily achieved conversational positivity through playful non-standard
writing, complaining about the task they were doing, or interjecting off-task com-
ments into the dialogue. Tutors used these techniques, but additionally expressed
positivity through emphasizing their utterances with excess punctuation and using the
caps lock, such as to praise their partner (e.g. “YAY you DID IT!!!”).
Differences were also apparent in impoliteness, which tutees primarily expressed
through face-threatening features (r=.5, p<.001) and attention-getting features
(r=.306, p<.05). In contrast, tutors used only attention-getting features such as mes-
sage enforcers to indicate impoliteness (r=.517, p<.001). These correlations are
16 A. Ogan et al.

supported by qualitative analyses of the data, such as the following example where
the tutor continues to keep the conversation on task despite the tutees’ face threat.
[DI, C, EC] Tutee: your horrible at this
[Ef] Tutor: thanks… i try. Just restart the problem.
[EC] Tutee: can you actually say something that i can fully understand
[] Tutor: add vt then you have to solve for t so subtract bh from both sides
Despite these apparent differences, a correlation was found in the language use of
tutor-tutee pairs, ranging from a weak correlation for attention-getting (r=.244,p<.05)
to very strong correlations, e.g., playfulness (r=.840,p<.001). This result indicates
synchrony or coordination in the dyads, a marker of the kind of rapport that characte-
rizes long-term relationships [12]. So while partners identify their roles (tutor or
tutee) through conversational strategies, they also index their rapport by not straying
too far from the partner’s language patterns.

4.3 Learning Gains, Language Features, and Social Functions (RQ2)

Our second research question investigates how language use relates to learning out-
comes. To address the design of teachable agents, we examined the relation between
tutees’ behaviors and their partner’s learning gains. A stepwise regression looking at
the four conversational strategies, the social functions, and the interactions among
these features (r2=.07, F(1,107)=1.824, p=.1)) found that face threat is a positive pre-
dictor of learning gains (ß=.375, t=2.22 p=.03), while the interaction term of face
threat x positivity is a negative predictor of learning gains (ß=-.320, t=-1.86, p=.06).
This means that as face threat increases, tutors learn more, and the learning benefits of
face threat can be enhanced by appropriate use of positivity. In essence, face threaten-
ing conversational strategies with socially positive functions enhance the learning
interaction. On the other hand, high positivity with low face threat from the tutee is
actually associated with lower levels of learning. That is, positive social interaction
that does not contain the kind of face-threatening behavior that characterizes rapport
in this age group may either signal less rapport, or actually reduce the connection
between the dyad, and therefore reduce learning gains. In addition, a lack of face-
threatening interactions may indicate a lack of the challenging tutor moves by the
tutee, that increase the cognitive benefits of the interaction.
In order to explore how these functions were associated with learning, we quanti-
fied how tutors reacted to the use of positivity and face threat by the tutee. We used
transition matrices to evaluate the conditional probability of a feature occurring in one
turn based on the presence of another in the prior turn (collapsing consecutive utter-
ances by the same speaker to form turns). Thus, we calculate the probability that the
tutor will use feature B given that the tutee used feature A in the previous turn. By
examining these transition matrices (see Table 2 for values), we can identify common
response patterns in the dyads. We found that when the tutee exhibits positivity, the
tutor is no more likely to respond with positivity (42%) than with a response that con-
tains no coded social features (46%). Generally, these instances with no codes are
task-related, non-emotive statements such as “ok add five”. When a tutee exhibits
Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring 17

face-threat, on the other hand, the tutor is more likely (57%) to respond with no social
features (indicating that the tutor is likely using task features). Thus, while tutors
demonstrate no particular pattern of response to positivity, they are likely to respond
to negativity with strategies to keep the conversation on-task. Negative behaviors
such as face-threats on the part of the tutor therefore are more likely to elicit effective
tutoring behaviors than are positive behaviors such as praise.
Reversing the direction of the conditional probability demonstrated that while tutee
behavior with respect to positivity is similar to observed tutor behavior, tutee behavior
when the tutor exhibits face threat is very different. Whereas a tutor is not likely to
engage her tutee, the tutee is just as likely to fire back with impoliteness (36%) as she
is to refrain (33%). The imbalance of power between the two roles within the context
of an existent friendship may lead the tutee to try to regain the upper hand through
face-threat, while the tutor tries to regain authority through task behavior.

Table 2. Selected entries from transition matrix, for friends. Left-most column shows initiator
and language feature exhibited. Transition percentages indicate number of times feature was
seen in partner’s response, divided by the total number of partner responses to feature. Because
features can co-occur in an utterance, response percentages may not always sum to 1.
Partner response
None (%) Positivity (%) Impoliteness (%) Off-topic (%)
Tutee Positivity 46 42 8 24
Face threat 57 19 23 15
Tutor Positivity 38 42 11 23
Face threat 33 16 36 19

4.4 Relationships: Friends and Strangers (RQ3)

In addition to the fifty-four dyads analyzed above, six dyads participated in the study
who either did not sign up with a friend, or whose schedule changed requiring them to
be partnered with another unmatched participant. Given literature that suggests that
the demonstration of rapport differs between friends and strangers (those who are
building rather than maintaining rapport) [13], these dyads provide a contrast to the
data from partners who were already friends.
An ANOVA with role and friend as independent variables and partner learning
gains as the dependent variable shows that friends had significantly greater learning
gains than strangers (F(1,120)=4.71, p=.03; Mstranger= -.17, SDstranger= .35, ,Mfriend=.02,
SDfriend=.28), while role was not significant in this analysis (p>.1). Given that stran-
gers tended to learn less from the intervention, we investigated whether the factors
related to their learning were equivalent to those of friends. A stepwise regression
showed that face threat is a strong negative predictor of learning gains for strangers
(overall model: r2=.44, F(1,11)=8.516, p=.015; effects of face threat: ß=-.678,
t=-2.92, p=.015). In other words, in direct contrast to friends, greater amounts of
18 A. Ogan et al.

face-threatening behaviors by non-friend tutees actually do threaten the relationship,

and hence are associated with lower learning gains for the tutor.
The behavior transition matrices demonstrate that, for strangers, in every possible
transition, a response containing no coded features was more likely than any other
behavior. That is, strangers tend to produce task-related, non-emotive statements in
response to all other behaviors. Furthermore, when the stranger tutee exhibits face
threat towards the tutor, only 14% of the time will the tutor reply with impoliteness,
with other transitions producing similar results. It is also notable that there are only
three instances of face threat from the stranger tutors, and in each case the tutee re-
sponds with no coded features. Strangers are also much more hesitant to respond to
positivity. Compared to friends, we see strangers responding with a much more re-
stricted set of behaviors, suggesting a discomfort with confrontation not seen in friend
dyads [24]. When face threat does happen, it is not beneficial for learning.

5 Discussion and Conclusions

Though most intelligent tutoring systems that attempt to build rapport with the learner
do so through politeness, actual peer tutors employ a great deal of impolite and face-
threatening behavior. In this paper, we have analyzed chat data from a computer-
supported peer tutoring intervention to investigate how peer tutors and tutees use
surface-level language features to contribute to a set of particularly teen-like commu-
nicative strategies. These strategies interact with positive and negative social relation-
ship functions in ways which correlate with learning gains. Importantly, the
pre-existing social relationships between the partners also matter, as this chain of
effects differs in interesting ways between friends and strangers.
Through a factor analysis that investigated groupings of thirteen language features,
we determined ways in which peer tutors and tutees use these various features to ac-
complish playfulness, face-threat, attention-getting, and emphasis communicative
strategies. Understanding how students use the same features to achieve different
positive and negative communicative strategies within a dialogue will allow us to
develop teachable agents who are able to index the language features of a community
to respond appropriately to their partner both socially and cognitively.
An investigation of how tutors and tutees differentially use these communicative
strategies showed that tutees tend to be responsible for the bulk of positive and nega-
tive social input in a dialogue, while tutors keep the interaction on track by directing
the tutee’s attention. Yet, tutors and tutees do act in synchrony, with dyads displaying
correlated levels of each of the four communicative strategies, and their consequent
social functions such as positivity and impoliteness. The synchrony between the part-
ners is an index of their friendship, while the asynchrony in the use of social language
– and negativity in particular – may be demonstrating an attempt by the tutee to re-
dress the power differential of the two roles, and by the tutor to maintain the higher
status of instructor. This conflict, however, keeps within the frame of friendship as
demonstrated by the lack of negative response by the tutor to the tutee’s insults.
Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring 19

It is undoubtedly the fact that the friendship supports – or even thrives on – so

much apparent negativity that leads to our result that increased face threat on the tu-
tee’s part leads to increased learning on the tutor’s part. Tutees are keeping the tutors
on their intellectual toes by challenging their help, demanding explanations, and ques-
tioning their methods [3]. What we show in this work is that these playground strate-
gies of playful insults, criticisms, and condescension [16] can serve the same goal as
the challenges and contradictions that mark good peer tutoring [3]. It is likely, howev-
er, that impoliteness has its limits; excessive criticism or insult may fail at both social
and cognitive goals. Accordingly, we find that positivity also plays a critical role in
these tutoring interactions, as it enhanced the learning benefits of face threatening
acts, while it was not associated with learning on its own. The interactions between
these factors are complex, and leave ample room for future work.
Though preliminary analyses indicate that even strangers will use some face-
threatening behaviors during tutorial dialogues, among these dyads, the presence of
such behaviors leads to reduced learning gains for both the tutor and the tutee. We
cannot and should not assume that a teachable agent and its tutor begin as friends.
Thus, in the design of such agents, we will want to investigate the effectiveness of a
model that begins with very few face-threatening behaviors. Neither should we aban-
don hope, however, that the agent and his tutor will embark on a relationship over
time. We therefore propose that over multiple sessions, the agent begin to drive the
learning by becoming increasingly face-threatening through challenges and even in-
sults, while maintaining a synchrony with the tutor’s usage of face-threat in return.
As friendship between partners was not randomly controlled in this data, future
work should investigate tutor-tutee rapport between friends and strangers in a more
controlled setting. And as children perform many more social moves than we coded,
future directions should examine additional behaviors, such as a breakdown of polite-
ness moves typically referenced in intelligent tutoring systems [10]. It is also impor-
tant to note that our data is rooted within a particular context; specifically, that of
teenage American students interacting through a textual interface. While our results
may not generalize beyond this context, it is fortunately one ripe for research in edu-
cational technology. In any case, if tutoring systems and virtual peers are to play a
role as long-term learning companions, they must have the ability to evoke, signal and
maintain relationships in ways appropriate to the age group they are built for, and that
they must be capable of changing those relational strategies over time.

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by NSF Awards DRL-0910176

and IIS-0968485 and the IES, U.S. Dept. of Ed., through R305A090519 to Carnegie
Mellon University. It was also supported by the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Cen-
ter, funded by NSF Award SBE-0836012. The opinions expressed are those of the
authors and do not represent views of the funders.

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On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents
in Collaborative Interaction

Yugo Hayashi

College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University

1-1-1, Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525-8577 Japan

Abstract. The present study was conducted to investigate if and how

conversational agent can facilitate explanation activity that is conducive to
learning. This was investigated through two experiments where pairs of
participants, who were enrolled in a psychology course, engaged in a task of
explaining to their partners the meanings of concepts of technical terms taught
in the course. During the task, they interacted with a conversational agent,
which was programmed to provide back-channel feedbacks and meta cognitive
suggestions to encourage and facilitate conversational interaction between the
participants. The findings of the experiments suggested that (1) a conversational
agent can facilitate a deeper understanding of conceptwhen participants are
attentive to its presence, and (2) affective positive feedbacks from
conversational agent facilitates explanation and learning performance.

Keywords: collaboration, explanation activities, pedagogical agents, affective


1 Introduction
Advances in communication technologies made it possible to develop a system which
aids human interaction and supports cognitive operation. One of such enterprises
includes researches to develop embodied conversational agents to support educational
system. In the fields of cognitive science and learning science, researchers on colla-
borative learning have shown that successful understanding or acquisition of new
concepts depends greatly on how explanations are provided. In this study the task of
explanation is experimentally investigated by using a conversational agent that serves
as a teaching assistant. The purpose of the experiment is to find out if the presence of
conversational agents facilitates learning and what kind of feedback from the agents is
most conducive to successful learning performance.

2 Related Work and Relevant Questions

2.1 Collaborative Problem Solving
In cognitive science, several studies on collaborative problem solving revealed how
concepts are understood or learned. For example, researchers have shown that asking

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 22–32, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative Interaction 23

reflective questions for clarification to conversational partners is an effective interac-

tional strategy to gain a deeper understanding of a problem or a concept (e.g. [12, 3,
15, 13]. It has also been demonstrated that the use of strategic utterances such as ask-
ing for explanation or providing suggestions can stimulate reflective thinking and
meta cognition involved in understanding a concept.
All these studies suggest that how well one can explain is the key to understanding
and learning of a concept. Explanation may, however, be successful if people have
difficulties in retrieving and associating relevant knowledge required for explanation
activity. This has been reported to be the case especially among novice problem solv-
ers [4, 10]. Also, it may not help learn a concept if people cannot communicate well
each other as in when, for example, they use technical terms or phrases unknown to
others [7].
One of the ways to help collaborative problem solvers is to introduce a third-
person or a mentor who can facilitate the task by using prompts such as suggestions
and back-channels. In actual pedagogical situation, however, it is often difficult for
one teacher to monitor several groups of collaborators and to supervise their interac-
tion during explanation. Recent studies by [8, 1] demonstrated that the use of conver-
sational agents that act as educational companions or tutors can facilitate learning
process. Yet, it has not been fully understood if and what kinds of support by such
agents would be more helpful for collaborative problem solvers. In this article, the
author will further investigate this question through the use of meta-cognitive sugges-
tions, and affective expressions.

2.2 Pedagogical Conversational Agents as Learning Advisers

In the field of human computer interaction, researches have conducted a number of

experimental studies which involve the use of pedagogical agents (e.g. [9, 5]). In the
next section, the author will explain the factors that are important for pedagogical
conversational agents as learning advisors.
The Effects of Monitoring and Presence of others. One of the important considera-
tions in the study involving human performance is the effect of the "external factor"
or the social influence from other people around. Studies in social psychology have
suggested that work efficiency is improved when a person is being watched by some-
one, or, that the presence of an audience facilitates the performance of a task. This
impact that an audience has on a task-performing participant is called the "audience
effect". Another relevant concept on task efficiency, but from a slightly different
perspective, is what is called "social facilitation theory". The theory claims that
people tend to do better on a task when they are doing it in the presence of other
people in a social situation; it implies that person factors can make people more aware
of social evaluation. [16], who reviewed social facilitation studies concluded that the
presence of others have positive motivational affects. [8] is one of the experimental
studies which investigated the effects of a programmed agent. In this experiment, an
agent, which played the role of an assistant, was brought in to help a participant who
explained a concept. In the experiment, three different environments were set up for
24 Y. Hayashi

the 'explaining activity'. They were: (1) two participants working with a text-based
prompt, (2) two participants working with a visual image of pedagogical agent which
produced a text-based prompt, (3) one participant working with a visual image of
pedagogical agent which produced a text-based prompt (in this setup, participants did
not have a human co-learner and directly interacted with the agent). The result
showed that the participants in the last two conditions did better than the first where
only textual prompts were presented. It also showed that the participants in the second
condition did not engage in the explanation activity as much as those in the third. The
first finding of [8] that the participants in the last two conditions, who worked with
the agent, performed better may be attributed to the fact that their task of explanation
was being watched or monitored by the agent.
These results suggest that participants would do better in the task of explanation if
they are more conscious of the presence of the agents or if they are given an explicit
direction to pay attention to the agent. This is our first research question investigated
in Experiment 1 described below.
The Effects of Affective Feedback. Another point to be taken into consideration in
studies of human performance is the "internal factor" or the affective factor, which is
just as important as the "external factor" discussed above. They affect people's per-
formance in either negative or positive ways and several studies reported that such
factors are especially important in learning activities [1]. For example, [2] revealed
that positive moods can increase memory performance. [11] also demonstrated that
positive state of mind can improve text comprehension. Moods may affect the per-
formance of human activities both verbally and non-verbally. In a study by [9], which
examined how positive and negative comments from conversational agents affect
learning performance, a pictorial image of an agent was programmed to project a
textual message to the participant; in the positive condition, a visual avatar produced a
short comment like "this task looks fun", while in the negative condition, it produced
a short comment like "I don't feel like doing this, but we have to do it any-way". The
results showed that the conversational agents that provided the participants with
comments in a positive mood furnished them with a higher motivation of learning.
The studies discussed above suggest that the performance of explanation would also
be enhanced if suggestions are given in positive mood either verbally or through visu-
al feedbacks. This is our second research question investigated in Experiment 2 de-
scribed below.
Research Goal and Hypothesis. The goal of this study is to experimentally investi-
gate if and in what ways conversational agents can facilitate understanding and learn-
ing of concepts. The role of an agent was to assist the paired participants explain
concepts to their partners during the collaborative peer-explanation activity. The
hypotheses tested in this study were:
1. the presence of a conversational agent during collaborative learning through expla-
nation task facilitates learners' understanding of a concept (Hypothesis 1 or H1)
2. the use of positive expressions provided by a conversational agent facilitates colla-
borative learners' understanding of concepts. (Hypothesis 2 or H2)
On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative Interaction 25

3 Method

3.1 Experimental Task and Procedure

The two experiments were conducted in a room where the computers were all con-
nected by a local area network. In both experiments, the participants were given four
technical terms printed on a sheet of paper. They were: 'schema', 'short-term / long-
term memory', 'figure-ground reversal', and 'principle of linguistic relativity', which
had been introduced in a psychology class. They were asked to describe the concepts
of these words. After this pre-test, they logged in the computer and used the program
installed in a USB flash drive (see the next section for detail). The pairs of partici-
pants were communicated through the chat program and one of the paired participants
was instructed to explain to their partner the meanings of the words presented on their
computer screen one by one. When two of the four concepts were explained to their
partner, they switched the roles and the other partner explained the rest of the two
words to his/her partner. All participants received the same prompts of suggestions
from the agent on how explanations should be given and how questions should be
asked about the concepts. After this intervention, they took the same test in the post-
test. The descriptions of the concepts they provided in the post-test were compared
with those of the pre-test to analyze if the participants gained a deeper understanding
of the concepts after the collaborative activity. The whole process of the experiment
took approximately 80 minutes.

3.2 Experimental System

In the experiments, a computer-mediated chat system was set up through computer

terminals connected via a local network and the interactions of the participants during
the activity were monitored. The system used in the experiments was programmed in
Java (see Fig. 1). The system consists of three program modules of Server, Chat
Clients, and Agent, all of which are simultaneously activated. The pedagogical agent
used in this study is a simple rule-based production system typical of artificial intelli-
gence (The agent system is developed by the author’s previous study). It is capable of
meaningfully responding to input sentences from users and consists of three main
modules: Semantic Analyzer, Generator, and Motion Handler. Textual input of all
conversational exchanges produced by paired participants is sent to the semantic ana-
lyzer of the conversation agent. The semantic analyzer then scans the text and detects
keywords relevant to the concepts if they are being used in the explanation task (e.g.
"I think that a schema is some kind of knowledge that is used based on one's own
experience." (detected key words are shown in bold italic). Next, the extracted key-
words are sent to the working memory in the generator and processed by the rule
base, where various types of rule-based statements such as 'if X then Y' are stored to
generate prompt messages (if there are several candidates of matching statements for
the input keywords, a simple conflict-resolution strategy is utilized). When the match-
ing process is completed, prompt messages are selected and sent back to the working
memory in the generator. The messages generated by the rule base are also sent to the
26 Y. Hayashi

motion handler module to activate an embodied conversation agent, a computer-

generated virtual character which can produce human-like behaviors such as blinking
and head-shaking (See next sections for details).
Several types of output messages are presented by the agent depending on the con-
tent of input text from the participants (see Table 1 below for examples). Only short
back channels are sent when there are several related key words in a text (Type1 out-
put); Messages of encouragement are given when the agent detects some keywords
related to the target concept (Type 2 output, Type 3 output, Type 4 output).

Server Concepts for Explain about

explanation ‘Schema’
Dialogue history
(inputs and outputs
from participants)

Client program 2
Explanation input
Client program 1 Pedagogical
(Student A) Conversational Agent (Student B)

Fig. 1. Experimental environment and screenshot of the chat system

Table 1. Types of output messages from the agent

Type of output messages Examples
Input messages (Detected "I think that a schema is some kind of knowledge that
key words are in Bold) is used based on one’s own experience."
Type1output: "That's the way", "Keep going! ", "Um-hum"
back channels
Type 2 output: "You used few important keywords. Try to explain
Suggestion from a different perspective."
Type 3 output: "Wow! You used a few very good keywords. That's
Suggestion(positive) great! It is better if you explain it from a different
Type 4 output: "Well, you used few keywords. That is not enough. It
Suggestion(negative) is not satisfactory unless you explain it from a differ-
ent perspective."

3.3 Participants and Conditions

In this study, a total of 173 participants participated in two experiments (114 partici-
pants for Experiment 1 and 59 participants for Experiment 2). The participants were
all undergraduate students who were taking a psychology course and participated in
them as part of the course work. They were randomly assigned to three conditions,
which varied with respect to how prompts of suggestions were presented and how
On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative Interaction 27

conversational agents were used (see the sections below for details). In conditions of
odd numbers, a group by three participants was composed.
Experiment 1. The purpose of Experiment 1 was to test H1: the presence of a con-
versational agent during explanation task facilitates understanding of concepts. This
was investigated through three conditions (See Fig. 2). In the first condition (Group
SST, n = 37), participants were provided with (just) text-based prompts which pro-
vided them with suggestions to facilitate the explanation task. In the second condition
(Group SSA, n = 38), the participants were provided with text-based prompts through
a chat-dialogue setup and also with a picture of a conversational agent shown on the
display. Also, the participants were told that the agent will play the role of mentor;
this direction was included to make them more conscious of being monitored by the
agent. The third condition (Group SSA+, n = 39) was the same as the second condi-
tion except that the virtual character was an embodied conversational agent which
uses its hand gestures while the participants chat on the computer. The figure was
manipulated by the 2D-image/avatar-design tool (http://avatarmaker.abi-
station.com/). The second and third conditions were used in order to find out the ef-
fects of pictorial presentation of an agent upon the explanation task. In both of these
conditions, a pedagogical agent provided participants with back-channel feed-backs
as they chat (see Table 1 for examples of backchannels).

Fig. 2. Experimental conditions for Experiment 1

Experiment 2. Experiment 2 was conducted to test H2: the use of positive comments
by conversational agent facilitates explanation activities and as a result, fosters under-
standing of concepts. To find out how affective factors influence the task of explana-
tion, two types of avatars with more realistic appearance were created using a
3D-image/animation-design tool called Poser 8 (www.e-frontier.com): one is the
"positive agent" with friendly facial expression and the other is the "negative agent"
with unfriendly facial expression, which were used for the "positive condition" and
the "negative condition" of the experiment, respectively. In the positive condition
(Group SSA+P, n = 31), the participants were given positive suggestions, which were
synchronized with the facial expressions of the positive agent. In the negative condi-
tion (Group SSA+N, n = 28), the participants were given negative suggestions, which
were synchronized with the facial expressions of the negative agent (See Fig. 3). The
messages were given through chat dialogue and the virtual character moved its hand
28 Y. Hayashi

gestures while the participants chat on the computer (For examples of suggestion for
the conversational agent see Table 1).

Fig. 3. Positive and negative facial expressions of the agent in Experiment 2

Dependant Variables. After Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, the participants who

took the pre-test and post-test were asked to describe the concepts of the same tech-
nical words. The results of the pre- and post- tests were then compared to find out
how the explanation task with different conditions facilitated their understanding or
learning of the concepts. For the comparison, their descriptions were scored in the
following way: 1 point for a wrong description or no description, 2 points for a near-
ly-correct description, 3 points for a fairly-correct description, 4 points for an excel-
lent description, and 5 points for an excellent description with concrete examples. It
was judged that the greater the difference in scores between the two tests the higher
the degree of the effect of explanation.

4 Results

4.1 Experiment 1
The results of the Experiment 1 showed that the participants' understanding of the
concepts (see Fig. 4 left). The vertical axis represents the average scores of the tests
for the three groups at the times of pre- and post- tests. A statistical analysis was per-
formed using a 2 x 3 mix factorial ANOVA with the two evaluation test-times (the
pre-test vs. the post-test) and the three groups with different task conditions (SST vs.
SSA vs. SSA+) as independent factors.
There was significant interaction between the two factors (F(2,111) = 11.78, p
< .01). First, an analysis of the simple main effect was done on each level of the inter-
face factor. In the SST, SSA, and SSA+ condition, the average scores in post-test was
higher than pre-test respectively (F(1,111) = 21.76, p < .01; F(1,111) = 119.59, p
< .01; F(1,111) = 104.4, p < .01). Next, an analysis of the simple main effect was
done on each level of the period factor. In the pre-test, there no differences between
conditions (F(2,222) = 1.27, p = .28). Although in the post-test there were differences
between conditions (F(2,222) = 20.27, p < .01). Further analysis on the post-test was
On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative Interaction 29

conducted using the Ryan's method. Results indicate that the average score of SSA+
was higher than SST, and the average score of SSA was higher than SST respectively
(p < .01; p < .01). There were no differences between SSA and SSA+ (p = .35). The
overall results of Experiment 1 suggests that the collaborative activities facilitated the
participants' understanding or learning of the concepts more when the presence of the
third party, which gave suggestions for explanations, was made more explicit; in other
words, the results show that H1 was supported.

Fig. 4. Results of experiment 1(left) and experiment 2(right)

4.2 Experiment 2
The results of the Experiment 2 showed that the participants' understanding of the
concepts (see Fig. 8 right). The vertical axis represents the average scores of the tests
for the three groups at the times of pre- and post- tests. A statistical analysis was per-
formed using a 2 x 3 mix factor ANOVA with the two evaluation test-times (the pre-
test vs. the post-test) and the three groups with different affective conditions (SSA+N
vs. SSA+P vs. SSA+) as independent factors. For the group with SSA+ condition, the
same data used in Experiment 1 was used in Experiment 2.
There was significant interaction between the two factors (F(2, 95) = 10.90, p
< .01). First, an analysis of the simple main effect was done on each level of the inter-
face factor. In the SSA+N, SSA+P, and SSA+ condition, the average scores in post-
test was higher than pre-test respectively (F(1,95) = 172.86, p < .01; F(1,95) =
254.50, p < .01; F(1,95) = 87.85, p < .01). Next, an analysis of the simple main ef-
fect was done on each level of the period factor. In the pre-test, there no differences
between conditions (F(2,190) = 0.48, p = .62). Although in the post-test there were
differences between conditions (F(2,190) = 18.64, p < .01). Further analysis on the
post-test was conducted using the Ryan's method. Results indicate that the average
score of SSA+P was higher than SSA+N and the average score of SSA+P was higher
than SSA+, and the average score of SSA+N was higher than SSA+ respectively (p
< .01; p < .01; p < .01). The overall results of Experiment 2 suggests that the colla-
borative activities facilitated the participants' understanding or learning of the con-
cepts more when the positive suggestions were; in other words, the results show that
H2 was supported.
30 Y. Hayashi

5 Discussion

5.1 H1: Effects of the Presence of a Conversational Agent

The results of Experiment 1 suggested that the use of a conversational agent which
provide relevant suggestions is more effective to facilitate explanation activities that
result in a deeper understanding of concepts (i.e., Group SSA+ > Group SST, Group
SSA> Group SST). The present experiment also provided some new evidence on the
effectiveness of "audience effect", the effect of making people aware of the presence
of a mentor, and the use of cognitive suggestions and back-channels, which was not
investigated in similar studies in the past (e.g. [8]). One interesting finding in this
experiment was that there was no difference between the group which was not pro-
vided with a visual representation of the agent (SSA+) and that which was provided
with a visual representation (SSA). It may be that a mere mentioning of the instruc-
tion to the participants such as "the agent is your mentor and it's watching you", with-
out showing the visual image of the agent, was sufficient enough to derive the "
audience affect" [16]. On the contrary, it can also be predicted that the visual repre-
sentation of the agent in the experiment did not have a discriminating effect upon the
degree of attention as much it was expected to. This will be further discussed below.

5.2 H2: Effects of the Affective Expressions of the Conversational Agent

The results of Experiment 2 suggested that the greater the affective input from the
conversational agent the more it can facilitate explanation activities which leads to a
deeper understanding of concepts (i.e., Group SSA+P > Group SSA+N > Group
SSA+). This experiment, examined the effects of affective expressions using both
'verbal message' and 'visual representation, which few others have looked into (e.g.
[9]). As noted above, one very interesting finding was that Group SSA+N, to which
suggestions and facial expressions of negative kind were given, scored higher than
Group SSA+, to which suggestions and facial expressions of neutral kind were given,
though not as high as Group SSA+P, to which suggestions and facial expressions of
positive kind were given. This may suggest that the participants actually paid more
attention and worked harder when they received negative comments than they re-
ceived neutral comments. Some studies claim that negative comments presented
through the media have a strong facilitation effects on memory [14]. The possibility
that negative comments had a strong facilitating effect on this condition might be
related to such effects. This point will be further investigated elsewhere.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

The present study investigated the effectiveness of the use of a conversational agent in
a collaborative activity, where paired participants explained each other the meaning of
technical terms taught in a psychology class for a better understanding. Conversation-
al agents were used to encourage and facilitate the students' interaction through both
On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative Interaction 31

verbal and visual input. The experimental results suggested that the awareness of the
presence of a conversational agent can trigger a deeper understanding of a concept
during an explanation and that not only positive input but negative input from the
conversational agent facilitate explanation activities and thus enhance learning per-
formances. Pedagogical agent can play several different roles for collaborative learn-
ing activities and several studies have looked into the effectiveness of the use of a
pedagogical agent with different roles. For example, [1] investigated the effectiveness
of the use of a pedagogical agent which plays the roles of an expert teacher, a motiva-
tor, and a mentor (both an expert and motivator). However, not much is known yet
about what roles it can play effectively. Another issue to be further investigated is the
effect of the personality of the agent upon these roles. These and other related topics
need to be further studied in future.

1. Baylor, A.L., Kim, Y.: Simulating instructional roles through pedagogical agents. Interna-
tional Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 15(1), 95–115 (2005)
2. Bower, G.H., Forgas, J.P.: Mood and social memory. In: Forgas, J.P. (ed.) Handbook of
Affect and Social Cognition, pp. 95–120. LEA, NJ (2001)
3. Chi, M.T.H., Bassok, M., Lewis, M.W., Reimann, P., Glaser, R.: Self-explanations: How
students study and use examples in learning to solve problems. Cognitive Science 13, 145–
182 (1989)
4. Coleman, E.B.: Using explanatory knowledge during collaborative problem solving in
science. The Journal of Learning Sciences 7(3&4), 387–427 (1998)
5. Graesser, A., McNamara, D.: Self-regulated learning in learning environments with peda-
gogical agents that interact in natural language. Educational Psychologist 45(4), 234–244
6. Gulz, A., Haake, M.: Design of animated pedagogical agents – A look at their look. Inter-
national Journal of Human-Computer Studies 64(4), 322–339 (2006)
7. Hayashi, Y., Miwa, K.: Prior experience and communication media in establishing com-
mon ground during collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society, pp. 528–531 (2009)
8. Holmes, J.: Designing agents to support learning by explaining. Computers & Educa-
tion 48(4), 523–547 (2007)
9. Kim, Y., Baylor, A.L., Shen, E.: Pedagogical agents as learning companions: The impact
of agent emotion and gender. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23(3), 220–234
10. King, A.: Guiding knowledge construction in the classroom: Effects of teaching children
how to question and how to explain. American Educational Research Journal 30, 338–368
11. Mayer, D.K., Turner, J.C.: Discovering emotion in classroom motivation research. Educa-
tional Psychologist 37(2), 107–114 (2002)
12. Miyake, N.: Constructive interaction and the interactive process of understanding. Cogni-
tive Science 10(2), 151–177 (1986)
13. Okada, T., Simon, H.: Collaborative discovery in a scientific domain. Cognitive
Science 21(2), 109–146 (1997)
32 Y. Hayashi

14. Reeves, B., Nass, C.: Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Television, and New
Media Like Real People and Places. Cambridge University Press, New York (1996)
15. Salomon, G.: Distributed cognition: Psychological and educational considerations. Cam-
bridge University Press, New York (2001)
16. Zajonc, R.B.: Social facilitation. Science 149, 271–274 (1965)
Exploration of Affect Detection Using Semantic
Cues in Virtual Improvisation

Li Zhang

School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences

University of Northumbria, UK

Abstract. Affect interpretation from multithreaded online conversations is a

challenging task. Understanding context and identifying target audiences are
very crucial for the appropriate interpretation of emotions implied in an
individual input embedded in such online social interactions. In this paper, we
discuss how context is used to interpret affect implied in conversational inputs
with weak affect indicators embedded in multithreaded social interactions.
Topic theme detection using latent semantic analysis is applied to such inputs to
identify their discussion themes and potential target audiences. Relationships
between characters are also taken into account for affect analysis. Such
semantic interpretation of the dialogue context also shows great potential in the
recognition of metaphorical phenomena and the development of a personalized
intelligent tutor for drama improvisation.

Keywords: Affect and topic theme detection, and multithreaded interaction.

1 Introduction

It is inspiring and challenging to produce an intelligent agent who is capable of

conducting drama performance, interpreting social relationships, context, general
mood and emotion, reasonably sensing others’ inter-conversion, identifying its role
and participating intelligently in open-ended improvisational interaction. Online
interaction with such an agent may also enable young people to engage in effective
personalized learning. However, it is never an easy task even for human teachers to
interpret learners’ emotional expressions appropriately. Intelligent agents sometimes
will need to incorporate information derived from multiple channels embedded in the
interaction context to interpret the learners’ emotions. The research conducted by
Kappas [1] discussed several different emotions embedded in ‘smile’ facial
expressions during social interaction and the importance of the understanding and
employment of the related social context for the accurate interpretation of the implied
affect in such expressions. Such cognitive study poses new challenges to computer
scientists for intelligent agent development. The research presented in this paper has
focused on the production of intelligent agents with the abilities of interpreting
dialogue contexts semantically to support affect detection as the initial exploration.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 33–39, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
34 L. Zhang

Our research is conducted within a previously developed online multi-user role-

play virtual framework, which allows school children aged 14 – 16 to perform drama
improvisation. In this platform young people could interact online in a 3D virtual
drama stage with others under the guidance of a human director. In one session, up to
five virtual characters are controlled on a virtual stage by human users (“actors”),
with characters’ (textual) “speeches” typed by the actors operating the characters. The
actors are given a loose scenario around which to improvise, but are at liberty to be
creative. An intelligent agent with an affect detection component is also involved in
improvisation and detects affect from human characters’ each individual input. It was
able to detect 15 emotions without taking any contexts into consideration.
Moreover, the previous processing was mainly based on pattern-matching rules
that looked for simple grammatical patterns partially involving specific words [2]. It
proved to be effective enough to detect affect from inputs containing strong clear
emotional indictors such as ‘yes/no’, ‘thanks’ etc. There are also situations that users’
inputs contain very weak affect signals, thus contextual inference is needed to further
derive the affect conveyed in such inputs. Moreover, inspection of the transcripts also
indicates that the dialogues are often multi-threaded. This refers to the situation that
social responses of different discussion themes to previous several speakers are mixed
up. Therefore the detection of the most related discussion themes using semantic
analysis is very crucial for the accurate interpretation of the emotions implied in those
with ambiguous target audiences and weak affect indicators.

2 Related Work

There is much well-known research for the creation of affective virtual characters.
Endrass, Rehm and André [3] carried out study on the culture-related differences in
the domain of small talk behaviour. Their agents were equipped with the capabilities
of generating culture specific dialogues. Recently textual affect sensing has also
drawn researchers’ attention. Neviarouskaya et al. [4] provided textual affect sensing
to recognize judgments, appreciation and different affective states. Although some
linguistic contexts introduced by conjunctions were considered, the detection was still
limited to the analysis of individual input. Ptaszynski et al. [5] employed context-
sensitive affect detection with the integration of a web-mining technique to detect
affect from users’ input and verify the contextual appropriateness of the detected
emotions. However, their system targeted interaction only between an AI agent and
one human user in non-role-playing situations. Comparing with the above work, our
work focuses on the following aspects: (1) real-time affect sensing for basic and
complex emotions in inputs with strong affect indicators; (2) the detection of the most
related social contexts and target audiences using semantic interpretation for the
processing of inputs with weak affect indicators; and (3) context-based affect
detection with the consideration of relationships and the target audiences’ emotions.
Exploration of Affect Detection Using Semantic Cues in Virtual Improvisation 35

3 Semantic Interpretation of Interaction Contexts

We noticed that the language used in the collected transcripts is often complex and
invariably ungrammatical, and also contains a large number of weak cues to the affect
that is being expressed. These cues may be contradictory or may work together to
enable a stronger interpretation of the affective state. In order to build a reliable and
robust analyser, it is necessary to undertake several diverse forms of analysis and to
enable these to work together to build stronger interpretations. Thus in this work, we
integrate contextual information to further derive affect embedded in contexts to
provide affect detection for those without strong affect indicators.
Since human language is very diverse, terms, concepts and emotional expressions
can be described in various ways. Especially if the inputs contain weak affect
indicators, other approaches focusing on underlying semantic structures in the
expressions should be considered. Thus latent semantic analysis (LSA) [6] is
employed to calculate semantic similarities between sentences to derive discussion
themes and potential target audiences for those inputs without strong affect signals.
Latent semantic analysis generally identifies relationships between a set of
documents and the terms they contain by producing a set of concepts related to the
documents and terms. In order to compare the meanings or concepts behind the
words, LSA maps both words and documents into a ‘concept’ space and performs
comparison in this space. In detail, LSA assumes that there is some underlying latent
semantic structure in the data which is partially obscured by the randomness of the
word choice. This random choice of words also introduces noise into the word-
concept relationship. LSA aims to find the smallest set of concepts that spans all the
documents. It uses a statistical technique, called singular value decomposition, to
estimate the hidden concept space and to remove the noise. This concept space
associates syntactically different but semantically similar terms and documents. We
use these transformed terms and documents in the concept space for retrieval rather
than the original terms and documents.
In our work, we employ the semantic vectors package [7] to perform LSA, analyze
underlying relationships between documents and calculate their similarities. This
package provides APIs for concept space creation. It applies concept mapping
algorithms to term-document matrices using Apache Lucene, a high-performance,
full-featured text search engine library implemented in Java [7]. We integrate this
package with the affect detection component to calculate the semantic similarities
between test inputs and training documents. In this paper, we target the transcripts of
the school bullying1 and Crohn’s disease2 scenarios for context-based affect analysis.
In order to compare user inputs with documents belonging to different topic
categories, we have to collect some sample documents with strong topic themes from
the Experience project (www.experienceproject.com). These articles belong to 12

The bully, Mayid, is picking on a new schoolmate, Lisa. Elise and Dave (Lisa’s friends), and
Mrs Parton (the school teacher) are trying to stop the bullying.
Peter has Crohn’s disease and has the option to undergo a life-changing but dangerous
surgery. He needs to discuss the pros and cons with friends and family.
36 L. Zhang

discussion categories including Education, Family & Friends, Health & Wellness etc.
Since we intend to perform topic theme detection for the transcripts of the bullying
and Crohn’s disease scenarios, we extracted sample articles close enough to these
scenarios including articles of Crohn’s disease (five), school bullying (five), family
care for children (five), food choice (three), school life including school uniform (10)
and school lunch (10). Phrase and sentence level expressions implying ‘disagreement’
and ‘suggestion’ are also gathered from the several other articles published on the
website. Thus we have training documents with eight themes including ‘Crohn’s
disease’, ‘bullying’, ‘family care’, ‘food choice’, ‘school lunch’, ‘school uniform’,
‘suggestions’ and ‘disagreement’. Affect detection from metaphors often poses great
challenges. In order to detect a few metaphorical phenomena, we include five types of
metaphorical examples published on the following website: http://knowgramming.
com. These include cooking, family, weather, farm and mental metaphors. Individual
files are used to store each type of metaphors. All the sample files of these 13
categories are put under one directory for further analysis. The following interaction
of the bullying scenario is used to demonstrate how we detect the discussion themes
for those inputs with weak affect indicators.
1. Lisa: can I go to the loo miss [neutral]
2. Mayid: and wot is with the outfit, geeky or wot!! [angry]
3. Mayid: y u wna cry sum more in da toilet! [angry]
4. Dave: Oh, dear, please be more brave. Help will be here soon. [Played by the AI agent]
5. Elise: shut ya face just cuz u buy urs at de jumble sale [angry]
6. Mayid: hahahaha [happy]
7. Mayid: and u buy urs at the rag market! [Target audience: Elise; angry]
8. Elise: whatever u piece of dirt. [angry]
9. Elise: Lisa how r u? [neutral]
10. Mayid: piece of dirt, yeh and im proud!!! u piece of s*** [angry]
11. Mayid: Lisa is fine. Nothing is wrong with her. [Target audience: Elise and Lisa:
12. Dave: are these all desperate people? [Played by the AI agent]
13. Mayid: ur da desperate one dave!!! [angry]
14. Dave: Do I have anything to do with it? [Played by the AI agent]
15. Mayid: no u dnt! So get frikin lost! [angry]
Affect implied by the inputs with strong affect indicators (illustrated in italics) in the
above interaction is detected by the previous processing. Dave was played by the AI
agent. The inputs without an affect label followed straightaway are those with weak
affect indicators (7th & 11th inputs). Therefore further processing is needed to recover
their most related discussion themes and identify their most likely audiences in order
to identify implied emotions more accurately. Our general idea for the detection of
discussion themes is to use LSA to calculate semantic distances between each test
input and all the training files with clear topic themes. Semantic distances between the
test input and the 13 topic terms (such as ‘disease’, ‘bullying) are also calculated. The
detected topics are derived from the integration of these semantic similarity outputs.
We start with the 7th input to demonstrate the theme detection.
Exploration of Affect Detection Using Semantic Cues in Virtual Improvisation 37

First of all, in order to produce a concept space, the corresponding semantic vector
APIs are used to create a Lucene index for all the training samples and the test file
(‘test_corpus1.txt’ contains the 7th input). This generated index is also used to create
term and document vectors, i.e. the concept space. Various search options could be
used to test the generated concept model. In order to find the most effective approach
to extract the topic themes, we provide rankings for all the training files and the test
input based on their semantic distances to a topic theme as the first step. We achieve
this by searching for document vectors closest to the vector for a specific term (e.g.
‘bullying’). The 7th input obtains the highest ranking for the topic theme, ‘clothes’,
among all the rankings for the eight non-metaphorical topics. But there are multiple
ways to describe a topic theme (e.g. ‘disagreement’). It affects the file ranking results
more or less if different terms indicating the same themes are used. Thus we need to
use other more effective search methods to accompany the above findings.
Another effective approach is to find the semantic similarity between documents.
All the training documents contain clear discussion themes indicated by their file
names. If the semantic distances between training files and the test file are calculated,
then it provides another source of information for topic theme detection. Therefore we
use the CompareTerms semantic vector API to find out semantic similarities between
all the training corpus and the test document. We provide the top five rankings for
semantic similarities between the training documents and the 7th input in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Part of the output for semantic similarities between training documents and the test file

The outputs indicate that the 7th input is more closely related to ‘disagreement
(disagree1.txt)’ and ‘bullying (bullied3.txt)’ topics although it is also semantically
close to school uniform. In order to identify its target audiences, we have to conduct
topic theme detection since the 6th input until we find the input with similar topics.
The previous pre-processing identified the 6th input implied ‘laughter’, unrelated to
both of the above themes. Thus we focus on the 5th input from Elise. It is identified to
show the same two themes as those for the 7th input. Thus the audience of the 7th input
is Elise, who implied ‘anger’ in the 5th input with strong affect indicators.
The research of Wang et al. [8] also discussed feedback of artificial listeners can be
influenced by relationships and personalities. In our application, relationships are thus
employed to advise affect detection in social contexts. In this example, since Elise and
Mayid have a negative relationship and Elise showed ‘anger’ in the most recent
‘bullying’ input, Mayid is most likely to indicate resentful ‘anger’ in the 7th input also
with a ‘bullying’ theme. Thus the 7th input implies an ‘angry’ emotion. Similarly the
11th input is detected most closely related to the topics of ‘bullying’ and ‘family care’
with Lisa and Elise (9th) as identified audiences. Since Mayid has a negative
38 L. Zhang

relationship with both of them, he is more likely to indicate ‘bullying’. Thus the 11th
input implies an ‘angry’ emotion.
Therefore, appraisal rules are generated to reflect the above description and
reasoning to derive affect in social contexts for those inputs without strong affect
indicators. The rules accept the target audiences’ emotions and relationships between
the audiences and the speaker for affect interpretation. Moreover, the semantic-based
processing goes beyond pattern matching and evaluation results indicated that it can
be well applied to real conversation contexts of bullying and disease.

4 Evaluation and Conclusion

We have taken previously collected transcripts recorded during our user testing to
evaluate the efficiency of the updated affect detection component with contextual
inference. In order to evaluate the performances of the topic theme detection and the
rule based affect detection in social contexts, three transcripts of the Crohn’s disease
scenario are used. Two human judges are employed to annotate the topic themes of the
extracted 300 inputs from these test transcripts using these 13 topic categories. Cohen’s
Kappa was used to measure the inter-annotator agreement between human judges and
the result was 0.83. Then the 265 example inputs with agreed theme annotations are
used as the gold standard to test the performance of the topic theme detection. A
keyword pattern matching baseline system was used to compare the performance with
that of the LSA. We have obtained an averaged precision, 0.736, and an averaged recall,
0.733, using the LSA while the baseline system achieved an averaged precision of 0.603
and an averaged recall of 0.583 for the 13 topic detection. The detailed results indicated
that discussion themes of ‘bullying’, ‘disease’ and ‘food choices’ were very well
detected by our semantic-based analysis. The discussions on ‘family care’ and
‘suggestion’ topics posed most of the challenges. Generally the semantic-based
interpretation achieves reasonable and promising results. The human judges have also
annotated these 265 inputs with the 15 frequently used emotions. The inter-agreement
between human judge A/B is 0.63. While the previous version achieves 0.46 in good
cases, the new version achieves 0.56 and 0.58 respectively. Inspection of the annotated
test transcripts by the new version of the AI agent indicates that many expressions
regarded as ‘neutral’ previously were annotated appropriately as emotional expressions.
50 articles from the Experience website were also used to evaluate the semantic-based
topic detection. The processing achieved a 66% accuracy rate in comparatively
unfamiliar contexts.
Moreover, in future work, we intend to extend the emotion modeling with the
consideration of personality and culture. We are also interested in topic extraction to
support affect interpretation, e.g. the suggestion of a topic change indicating potential
indifferent to the current discussion theme. It will also ease the interaction and make
human characters comfortable if our agent is equipped with culturally related small
talk behavior. We believe these are crucial aspects for the development of effective
personalized intelligent pedagogical agents.
Exploration of Affect Detection Using Semantic Cues in Virtual Improvisation 39

1. Kappas, A.: Smile when you read this, whether you like it or not: Conceptual challenges to
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2. Zhang, L.: Exploitation on Contextual Affect Sensing and Dynamic Relationship
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3. Endrass, B., Rehm, M., André, E.: Planning Small Talk Behavior with Cultural Influences
for Multiagent Systems. Computer Speech and Language 25(2), 158–174 (2011)
4. Neviarouskaya, A., Prendinger, H., Ishizuka, M.: Recognition of Affect, Judgment, and
Appreciation in Text. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Computational Linguistics, Beijing, China, pp. 806–814 (2010)
5. Ptaszynski, M., Dybala, P., Shi, W., Rzepka, R., Araki, K.: Towards Context Aware
Emotional Intelligence in Machines: Computing Contextual Appropriateness of Affective
States. In: Proceeding of IJCAI (2009)
6. Landauer, T.K., Dumais, S.: Latent semantic analysis. Scholarpedia 3(11), 4356 (2008)
7. Widdows, D., Cohen, T.: The Semantic Vectors Package: New Algorithms and Public Tools
for Distributional Semantics. In: IEEE Int. Conference on Semantic Computing (2010)
8. Wang, Z., Lee, J., Marsella, S.: Towards More Comprehensive Listening Behavior: Beyond
the Bobble Head. In: Vilhjálmsson, H.H., Kopp, S., Marsella, S., Thórisson, K.R. (eds.)
IVA 2011. LNCS, vol. 6895, pp. 216–227. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
Measuring Learners’ Co-Occurring Emotional Responses
during Their Interaction with a Pedagogical Agent
in MetaTutor

Jason M. Harley, François Bouchet, and Roger Azevedo

McGill University, Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology, Montréal, Canada


Abstract. This paper extends upon traditional emotional measurement frame-

works used by ITSs in which emotions are analyzed as single, discrete psycho-
logical experiences by examining co-occurring emotions (COEs) (e.g., Conati)
through a novel methodological approach. In this paper we examined the occur-
rence of students’ embodiment of basic single discrete emotions (SDEs) and
COEs (in addition to neutral) using an automatic facial expression recognition
program, FaceReader 4.0. This analysis focuses on the sub goal setting task of
learners’ (N = 50) interaction with MetaTutor, during which a pedagogical
agent assisted students to set three relevant sub goals for their learning session.
Results indicated that neutral and sadness were the SDEs experienced most by
students and also the most represented emotions in COE pairs. COEs
represented nearly a quarter of students’ embodied emotions.

Keywords: Emotions, affect, intelligent tutoring systems, pedagogical agents,

co-occurring emotions, learning, human-computer interaction, co-adaptation.

1 Co-Occurring Emotions during Learning with ITSs

Effective learning and students’ experience of emotions are deeply intertwined in a

variety of learning contexts [1-3]. Researchers’ shared understanding of this educational
tenet and its application to designing computer-based learning environments has had
important implications for the development of ITSs, specifically, the development of
ITSs that are able to detect, model, and adapt to changes in learners’ emotional fluctua-
tions. This paper extends upon this work by measuring learners’ experience of co-
occurring emotions (COEs). COEs are emotional states that occur simultaneously,
where their discrete characteristics (e.g., valence, intensity) are maintained, but they are
experienced in tangent with other emotional states (e.g., happiness and surprise). It is
crucial that we are able to detect, measure and adapt to students’ COEs during their
interactions with ITSs because there are meaningful differences between a student’s
experience of a single discrete emotion (SDE) (e.g., anger) in comparison to the same
student’s experience of a pair of SDEs (e.g., anger and surprise).
In our review of the literature we found only one ITS system which considered
co-occurring emotions [4], as opposed to only considering and measuring emotions as

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 40–45, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Measuring Learners’ Co-Occurring Emotional Responses 41

discrete, non-overlapping states (i.e., SDEs) [1,3,5]. A review of theories of emotions

revealed only two references to COEs; neither discussed COEs as a major theoretical
component [6-7]. These examples suggest that COEs have both a theoretical and me-
thodological basis for existing and being measured and that their absence in ITS lite-
rature and other emotions literature is a shortcoming, also stated by [4].
The purpose of this paper is to examine the occurrence of COEs using a novel trace
data methodology, in which learners’ emotions are measured with an automatic facial
recognition program, FaceReader [8]. In this paper learners’ emotions were measured
while they interacted with a pedagogical agent (PA) during the sub goal setting task
of their interaction with MetaTutor [9]. Our research questions included: (1) what
proportion of all emotions that learners’ embodied, during the sub goal setting task,
are COEs vs. SDEs? and (2) which pairs of COEs are most prominent?

2 Methods

2.1 Participants

50 undergraduate students from two large, public universities in North Ameri-

ca participated in this study. Participants (74% female, 68% Caucasian) were random-
ly assigned to either a control condition or a prompt and feedback condition.

2.2 MetaTutor and Apparatus

MetaTutor is a multi-agent ITS and hypermedia-learning environment which consists

of 41 pages of text and static diagrams about the human circulatory system [9]. The
sub goal setting task, part of the sub goal setting phase of learners’ interaction with
MetaTutor, is the focus of our study and ranged between 1m09s and 6m03s (M =
2m22s, SD = 1m10s). This difference in time is due to participants’ varying abilities
to set three sub goals for learning as much as they could about the circulatory system
at an appropriate level of detail, as well as the PA’s scaffolding strategy.
A Microsoft LifeCamTM webcam was used to record participants’ faces during
their interaction with MetaTutor. The camera was mounted above the monitor and
videos were recorded as WMV files, with a frame rate varying from 20 to 60 frames
per second. In order to classify the embodiment of learners’ emotions, we used Nol-
dus FaceReaderTM 4.0, a software program that analyzes participants’ facial expres-
sions and provides a classification of their emotional states using: (1) an Active
Appearance Model to model their faces and (2) an artificial neural network with seven
outputs corresponding to Ekman and Friesen’s 6 basic emotions [10] in addition to
neutral. Imported face videos were analyzed using FaceReader’s pre-calibration and
general model settings. FaceReader has been validated through comparison with
human coders’ ratings of basic emotions and specified acted emotions [11- 12].
42 J.M. Harley, F. Bouchet, and R. Azevedo

2.3 Data Analysis

FaceReader provides a score between 0 and 1, for each frame of each participant’s
video for each of Ekman's six basic emotions, in addition to neutral. FaceReader also
provides information about the dominant emotional state (computed with a proprie-
tary algorithm using the scores of the seven emotional states in the previous frames)
and timestamp information regarding the on and offset of the hierarchical rankings of
these states. In order to be able to compare the results obtained to FaceReader’s de-
fault proprietary algorithm, we replicated it as closely as possible in order to evaluate
(for every frame) not only the primary emotional state, but also the secondary one
(when it existed), using the following steps:

• First, we calculated a list of emotions, whose scores were above a minimal thre-
shold value of 0.01 for more than 0.5s, while not disappearing completely (either
because no face could be found in the frame or because their score was below 0.01)
for more than 1s. The score associated with each selected emotion was either the
one given by FaceReader for that frame, if available (i.e., if a face had been found
in the frame), or the previous frame’s score for that emotion.
• To order the emotions of the previous list, and to avoid a sequence of quick alter-
nations from one frame to another between two emotions with very close scores,
we calculated the primary (resp. secondary) emotional state as the one having the
highest (resp. second highest) mean score over the past 0.5s.
• If the score of the secondary emotional state deviated no more than 0.15 from the
score of the primary emotional state, we identified the emotional state of the consi-
dered frame as being a co-occurring emotional state.

Using this method, for the sample of 50 participants considered, we obtained a 91%
level of agreement between the primary emotional state calculated by FaceReader and
the one we calculated (97% if we also considered the value of the secondary state). In
order to aggregate the data from participants, since each of the 50 videos had been rec-
orded with a different frame rate, we normalized the sum of each emotion or pair of
emotions using the frame rate value for the video. We also normalized the sum of each
emotion or pair of emotions displayed in Table 1 (hence all participants have the same
weight, regardless of the time spent to set sub goals). In total this analysis examined
224,582 judgments of emotional states made by FaceReader across participants.

3 Results
3.1 What Proportion of All Emotions that Learners’ Embodied during
the Sub Goal Setting Task Are COEs vs. SDEs?
When looking at all the possible embodiments of emotions, both SDEs and all possi-
ble pairs of COEs (see Table 1), we see that the discrete state of neutral was the emo-
tional state with the greatest proportion (30.77%), followed by the discrete states of
sadness (18.25%), happiness (10.73%) and disgust (9.33%). These four SDEs made
up 69.08% of all the possible embodiments of emotions, which increased to approx-
imately 77% of the emotions when the SDEs scared (2.00%), anger (3.22%) and sur-
prise (2.77%) are included. The remaining 23% are different combinations of COEs.
Measuring Learners’ Co-Occurring Emotional Responses 43

3.2 Which Pairs of COEs Are Most Prominent?

Summing each of the different basic COEs in addition to neutral revealed that 12.45%
of emotional states involved the emotion neutral co-occurring with other emotional
states, 12.64% involved sadness, 7.19% involved disgust, 5.74% involved happiness,
4.34% involved anger, 2.52% involved surprise, and 1.00% involved scared. These
proportions exceed 23% because of the overlapping nature of co-occurring emotions.
By looking at column 5 of Table 1, we can see that the co-occurring emotional pairs
which learners experienced most often included: neutral and sad (4.77%), sad and
disgusted (2.99%), happy and sad (2.40%), and neutral and disgusted (2.39%). These
emotional states had a greater proportion of co-occurrence than several of the single,
discrete emotional states, including scared and surprised.

Table 1. Proportions of Learners'‘ SDE and COEs during the Sub Goal Setting Task

Emotion Co-occurrence of emotions (in %) Number of subjects embodying

A B A&B B&A A&B Difference A&B B&A A&B A&B
or B&A A&B vs. B&A or B&A and B&A
Neutral - 30.77 - 30.77 - 49 - 49 -
Happy - 10.73 - 10.73 - 41 - 41 -
Sad - 18.25 - 18.25 - 48 - 48 -
Angry - 3.22 - 3.22 - 33 - 33 -
Surprised - 2.77 - 2.77 - 24 - 24 -
Scared - 1.99 - 1.99 - 14 - 14 -
Disgusted - 9.33 - 9.33 - 39 - 39 -
Neutral Happy 0.89 0.91 1.80 -0.02 32 29 34 27
Neutral Sad 2.27 2.50 4.77 -0.24 43 46 46 43
Neutral Angry 1.00 0.64 1.64 0.35 30 24 32 22
Neutral Surprised 0.93 0.54 1.46 0.39 19 15 21 13
Neutral Scared 0.21 0.18 0.39 0.03 13 8 14 7
Neutral Disgusted 1.25 1.13 2.39 0.12 31 26 32 25
Happy Sad 1.38 1.02 2.40 0.37 29 27 34 22
Happy Angry 0.10 0.07 0.17 0.04 12 11 14 9
Happy Surprised 0.11 0.12 0.23 -0.01 9 7 11 5
Happy Scared 0.09 0.11 0.21 -0.02 8 7 12 3
Happy Disgusted 0.45 0.48 0.93 -0.03 20 22 24 18
Sad Angry 1.13 0.72 1.85 0.41 25 19 28 16
Sad Surprised 0.27 0.12 0.39 0.16 14 11 15 10
Sad Scared 0.14 0.11 0.25 0.03 10 8 11 7
Sad Disgusted 1.47 1.51 2.99 -0.04 30 32 35 27
Angry Surprised 0.02 0.07 0.09 -0.06 4 5 5 4
Angry Scared 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00 4 3 4 3
Angry Disgusted 0.29 0.27 0.56 0.01 14 15 17 12
Surprised Scared 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.02 5 4 6 3
Surprised Disgusted 0.13 0.16 0.28 -0.03 10 9 11 8
Scared Disgusted 0.02 0.02 0.04 -0.01 4 3 4 3

Note: The seven SDEs in lines 3 to 9 of column 1 are ordered arbitrarily. All subsequent
emotions in columns 1 and 2 follow the same repeating order as the first seven until all possible
pairs of emotions (i.e., COEs) have been exhausted. Columns 3 and 4 represent the proportions
for which the emotions in columns 1 and 2 were the dominant emotion when paired together.
Column 5 represents the proportions of co-occurring emotions pairs (sum of column 3 and 4).
44 J.M. Harley, F. Bouchet, and R. Azevedo

4 Discussion, Conclusions and Future Directions

Our results provide us with the means to draw several interesting tentative conclu-
sions about an important component of the psychological process of emotions that we
know little about. First, that COEs, while not representing a majority of the emotional
states experienced, do represent a sizeable portion, which reinforces the need to study
and understand them. Second, we see that learners’ proportional experience of COEs
are similar to their experience of SDEs (i.e., sadness and neutral are common compo-
nents in the most common pairings). Third, this paper highlights the prominence of
learners’ experience of neutral and sadness during the sub goal setting task of their
learning session with MetaTutor. It is possible that learners experienced sadness in
response to their proposed sub goals being rejected by the PA, especially since the
great majority of learners failed to set their sub goals independently. In noting the
prominence of learners’ embodiment of neutral, it is important to remember that it is a
commonly over-looked emotional state by researchers who measure emotions [1-
3,10]. In this analysis, we operationalized neutral as a psychological state in which
participants are not experiencing one of the six basic emotions or a positive or nega-
tive valence. The purpose of investigating learners’ experiences of a neutral state is to
measure their baseline state, which allows one to measure fluctuations in emotions.
Neutral has a particularly important role to play in examining learners’ emotional
responses in ITSs as it is not necessarily realistic to expect the average undergraduate
student to be in a positively-valenced emotional state (e.g., happiness, engagement)
throughout the session. In these cases, neutral may be a signal that learners are in an
emotional state where they are not emotionally distracted and can therefore learn (an
important bottom line).
This paper represents our first exploration of a complex, but important addition to
the psychological process of emotions and how it applies to MetaTutor and may apply
to other ITSs and contexts. Future directions include using multiple channels to meas-
ure SDEs and COEs, including self-reports and physiological sensors, in order to
cross-validate our findings. This is an important next step because our current method
for detecting co-occurring emotions is data-driven and relies only on one channel,
which excludes learner-centered emotions (e.g., curiosity and boredom). We are also
interested in looking, not only at the alignment of SDEs and COEs with events, but at
the fluctuations between various SDEs and COEs. This is an especially important
direction because it will help further our understanding regarding the nature of co-
occurring emotions as complex psychological processes.
Acknowledgements. The research presented in this paper has been supported by a
doctoral fellowship from the Fonds Québécois de recherche - Société et culture
(FQRSC) awarded to the first author and funding from the Social Sciences and Hu-
manities Research Council of Canada (413-2011-0170) and the National Science
Foundation (DRL 0633918 and IIS 1008282) awarded to the third author. We would
like to thank Reza Feyzi-Behnagh, Melissa Duffy, Gregory Trevors, Melissa Stern,
Amy Johnson, Amber Chauncey, Candice Burkett, Ashley Fike, Ronald Landis and
Jonathan Burlison for their help with data collection and to acknowledge feedback
from Robert Bracewell.
Measuring Learners’ Co-Occurring Emotional Responses 45

1. McQuiggan, S.W., Lester, J.C.: Modelling affect expression and recognition in an interac-
tive learning environment. Inter. Journal of Learning Technology 4, 216–233 (2009)
2. Pekrun, R.: Emotions as Drivers of Learning and Cognitive Development. In: Calvo, R.A.,
D’Mello, S.K. (eds.) New Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies, pp. 23–39.
Springer, New York (2011)
3. Woolf, B., Burleson, W., Arroyo, I., Dragon, T., Cooper, D., Picard, R.: Affect-aware tu-
tors: recognizing and responding to student affect. International Journal of Learning Tech-
nology 4, 129–164 (2009)
4. Conati, C., Maclaren, H.: Empirically building and evaluating a probabilistic model of user
affect. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 19, 267–303 (2009)
5. D’Mello, S.K., Craig, S.D., Graesser, A.C.: Multimethod assessment of affective expe-
rience and expression during deep learning. Inter. Jour. of Learn. Tech. 4, 165–187 (2009)
6. Pekrun, R.: The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions: Assumptions, Corolla-
ries, and Implications for Educational Research and Practice. Educational Psychology Re-
view 18, 315–341 (2006)
7. Ekman, P., Friesen, W.V.: Constants across cultures in the face and emotion. J. Pers. Soc.
Psychol. 17, 124–129 (1971)
8. VicarVision: FaceReader 4.0 [Computer software]. Noldus Information Technology, Wa-
geningen, The Netherlands (2011)
9. Azevedo, R., Behnagh, R., Duffy, M., Harley, J.M., Trevors, G.J.: Metacognition and self-
regulated learning in student-centered leaning environments. In: Jonassen, D., Land, S.
(eds.) Theoretical Foundations of Student-Center Learning Environments, pp. 216–260.
Erlbaum, Mahwah (2012)
10. Ekman, P.: An argument for basic emotions. Cognition & Emotion 6, 169–200 (1992)
11. van Kuilenburg, H., Wiering, M., den Uyl, M.: A Model Based Method for Automatic Fa-
cial Expression Recognition. In: Gama, J., Camacho, R., Brazdil, P.B., Jorge, A.M., Torgo,
L. (eds.) ECML 2005. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3720, pp. 194–205. Springer, Heidelberg
12. Terzis, V., Moridis, C.N., Economides, A.A.: Measuring instant emotions during a self-
assessment test: the use of FaceReader. In: Proceedings of the 7th Inter. Conf. on Methods
and Techniques in Behavioral Research, pp. 18:1–18:4. ACM, New York (2010)
Visualization of Student Activity Patterns
within Intelligent Tutoring Systems

David Hilton Shanabrook1, Ivon Arroyo1,

Beverly Park Woolf1 , and Winslow Burleson2
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst
School of Computer Science and Informatics, Arizona State University

Abstract. Novel and simplified methods for determining low-level states

of student behavior and predicting affective states enable tutors to bet-
ter respond to students. The Many Eyes Word Tree graphics is used to
understand and analyze sequential patterns of student states, categoriz-
ing raw quantitative indicators into a limited number of discrete sates.
Used in combination with sensor predictors, we demonstrate that a com-
bination of features, automatic pattern discovery and feature selection
algorithms can predict and trace higher-level states (emotion) and inform
more effective real-time tutor interventions.

Keywords: user modeling, pattern discovery, student emotion,


1 Introduction
Tutoring systems have demonstrated effective learning over large amounts of
students in classrooms in public schools [1][8][2], and some studies have shown
evidence that the adaptive nature of tutoring systems is responsible for higher
learning rates [3]. However, even the most effective tutoring system will fail if
the students behavior is not receptive to the material being presented. Although
individualized learning provided by tutoring systems has been beneficial overall,
its effectiveness might be increased if maladaptive student behaviors could be
identified and modeled.
Recent research has utilized dynamic assessment of a students performance
to enhance the effectiveness of their tutor sessions [3]. Many research groups use
physiological sensors and tutor metrics to predict emotions [5][6]. While often
predictive, sensors are hard to deploy in real-life situations; they often require
non-standard hardware and modeling is contingent on labeling. Labeling refers
to the correlation of physiological metrics, to emotional states, (e.g., by self-
reporting, observation, etc.) which introduces error. Using tutor log data alone,
(e.g., incorrect attempts, etc.) can avoid these issues.
This current work refines previous work in inferring and predicting student
behavioral state based on tutor data. The process is a variation and an exten-
sion of time-based motif discovery [4] in student behaviors, now used for the
prediction of emotional states. Prior research has used data mining to discover

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 46–51, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Visualization of Student Activity Patterns 47

patterns in the problem states that defined student behavior [5] [6]. One of those
studies began the process of categorizing raw problem metrics regarding time
on task, accuracy and help received into more meaningful categories, or states
[1] [9]. Motif discovery was used to find engagement patterns in windows of 10
student-problem interactions. These patterns could then be used to define new
student behavior states. Limitations of this work were the difficulty of defining
meaning to the patterns; redundancies among the states and the lack of clear
meaning of some of the binning categories. Attempts to view the data visually
were also difficult due to the large number of states.
Guided by the findings reported from the literature, discussed above, our
method examines student interaction with the tutor during problem solving.
However, rather than looking at short-term behaviors over the lapse of one prob-
lem and relating it with higher level latent states or outcomes (e.g., emotions,
mastery), we examine frequent behavioral patterns over several problems, and
their predictive power of higher level affective states. The next sections describe
this methodology.

2 The Tutor and the Student Data

The data comes from students working with Wayang, an adaptive tutoring sys-
tem that helps students learn to solve standardized-test questions, in particular
state-based exams taken at the end of high school in the USA. This multimedia
tutoring system teaches students how to solve geometry, statistics and algebra
problems. To answer problems students choose a solution from a list of multiple-
choice options. Students are provided immediate feedback when they click on an
answer. Students may click on a help button for hints, and hints are displayed
in a progression from general suggestions to bottom-out solution.
An empirical evaluation was conducted involving 295 high school students
from classes in public high schools, Spring 2009. Students used Wayang for a
week during one-hour periods instead of their regular math class. Students pro-
gressed through various topics such as expressions with variables, perimeter,
triangles, equations. Every 5 minutes, and at the end of a math problem, stu-
dents were asked how they were feeling, which they reported in a scale of 1 (low)
to 5 (high). As the students worked the tutor logged problem metrics such as
timeToFirstAttempt. During some testing, hardware sensors (mental state cam-
era, skinconductance bracelet, pressure sensitive mouse, and posture sensitive
chair) collected realtime physiological student data.

3 Methodology
During the Data Pre-processing Stage, the continuous problem metrics are
binned into discrete states. Our original approach to binning was to simply
convert the continuous metrics into discrete (3-5 bins) states, in a logical manner
when appropriate. For instance, timeToFirstAttempt, a positive skewed metric,
was binned into less than 4 seconds, insufficient time to read the problem [7],
48 D.H. Shanabrook et al.

Table 1. Student States

State Description P ossibleIntervention

NOTR Not reading problem before first Decrease problem difficulty, invoke
attempt help, read problem aloud.
SOF Solved first attempt without help Increase problem difficulty.
BOTT Getting answer from help Decrease difficulty, gaming intervention
GIVEUP Stopped before answering Decrease difficulty, gaming intervention
ATT Solved after 1 or 2 attempts with- On task behavior, show full problem so-
out help lution after correct answer is entered.
SHINT Solved with help On task behavior.
GUESS Guessing Help intervention.

and two other bins, low and high. The other raw metrics were similarly binned
resulting four state descriptors per problem each with three to five bins.
Visualization lead to the realization the four descriptors contained redundant
information and a simpler approach would yield as accurate problem state. With
timeToFirstAttempt, the binned less than 4 seconds was named the not read
(NOTR) state. This state was prioritized over all other metrics, if the student
is not reading the problem before attempting to answer other metrics were not

Fig. 1. Problem state patterns

This greatly simplified our problem state; the original seven binned categories
create 135 possible combination states. With this prioritization we now have only
six states: NOTR (not reading problem), SOF (solved on first attempt), BOTT
(bottom out), GIVEUP, ATT (valid attempts) or SHINT (solved with hints).
SOF categorizes all problems that are solved on first attempt without invoking
Visualization of Student Activity Patterns 49

help, indicating problem level should be increased. BOTT implies gaming with
intervention of disallowing bottom out hint. GIVEUP indicates user quit prob-
lem and problem difficulty would be decreased. ATT indicates a student working
on-task at an appropriate level; support provided to ensure continued success.
SHINT similar to ATT and invoking help but no support needed. GUESS indi-
cates the student needs either help or lower problem difficulty. These problem
states were sorted by student and time, resulting in a 23,325 problem state string
sequence representing 295 students across multiple sessions and schools.
During the Pattern-Analysis Stage, a descriptive graphics tool, IBMs Many
Eyes Word Tree algorithm is used to quickly gain an understanding of pat-
terns [10]. A word tree is typically used as a method for graphically summariz-
ing text, for example, gaining insight into a famous speech by viewing the word
sequences and their frequency. Applying the algorithm to our problem string
allowed us to quickly discover the most frequent patterns of behavior. Figure 1
shows the total 1280 ATT (attempted and solved) events. Most frequently ATT
was followed by a SOF event (see top tree). The second level of the tree shows
that the sequence ATT ATT the highest frequent event changes to the ATT
event, i.e. the shift in behavior occurs after two ATT states (see second tree and
top branch). This indicates the ATT state is more often a solitary event, where
the ATT ATT pattern will continue in the ATT state. Thus, from the analy-
sis the most frequent 3 problem state patterns (e.g., NOTR-NOTR-NOTR) are
determined (see third tree and second branch).
The last stage is the Feature Selection and Model Building Stage, in
which we identify the benefit of these state-classifications and patterns over
raw descriptors and sensor data in prediction. We used the 7 states (S) (e.g.,
ATT=true, NOTR=false) and 14 most frequent 2 problem state patterns (3S).
So each student-problem interaction row has associated with it: a) variables
for raw descriptors of the interaction with that problem (e.g. hints seen = 2,
time spent = 2 minutes, incorrect attempts = 0); b) a state-based classification
of the interaction (S); c) 14 binary variables for the presence or absence of
the most common patterns (3S) during the last 3 problems seen. We evaluated
the contribution of adding or removing these S states triplet-motifs (3S) in the
prediction of emotion at time t, where the motifs describe tutor activities at
time t-1, t-2 and t-3.

4 Results
Stepwise regression was used to construct a linear model with significant pre-
dictors, and overall model fit (Table 2). The results suggest the addition of
states and their patterns improves prediction. Similar results for frustration
suggest that, when sensors are not present, adding states and state-patterns
contributes to a better prediction of frustration. While incorrect attempts over
the last problem keeps being important, as well as hints seen and the presence
of the female character, a variety of other states over the last problem (SOF,
GIVEUP, SHINT) are important predictors, and SOF SOF ATT in particular.
50 D.H. Shanabrook et al.

Table 2. R Values for the prediction of CONFIDENCE / FRUSTRATION

RW S RW + S S + 3S RW +S+3S
None 0.39/ 0.39 0.32/ 0.34 0.41/ 0.42 0.34/ 0.37 0.42/ 0.43
Camera 0.40/ 0.46 0.37/ 0.41 0.40/ 0.48 0.37/ 0.41 0.40/ 0.48
Seat 0.39/ 0.47 0.31/ 0.43 0.39/ 0.50 0.34/ 0.45 0.41/ 0.51
Mouse 0.41/ 0.41 0.35/ 0.33 0.42/ 0.41 0.38/ 0.33 0.44/ 0.41
Wrist 0.55/ 0.42 0.41/ 0.37 0.55/ 0.46 0.41/ 0.43 0.55/ 0.48

Cross-validation revealed small gains in accuracy for the state-based models, 1%-
5%, and 3%-10%, compared to the baseline models, last problem raw features.
We analyzed the relationships
of the problem states and emo- confident excited
tions, see Figure 2. Reading 0.1

upper left panel, confident read- 0.0

ings, the ”postitive” states, at- −0.1

tempts, solved on first and −0.2

solved with help, all showed −0.3

positive confident, while the −0.4

”negative” states, guessing , 0.2

frustrated interested

bottom out, not reading, quit 0.1

generally negative confidence. 0.0

The opposite is true in the frus- −0.1

trated panel, lower left. The −0.3

Pearson Chi-Square test for −0.4

independence shows statistical ATT SOF SHINTGuess BOTT NOTR Quit ATT SOF SHINTGuess BOTT NOTR Quit

significance and a CramerV of

0.116. Fig. 2. State/Emotion Relationship

5 Discussion and Future Work

We described a data-driven approach toward automatic prediction of students

emotional states without sensors and while students are still actively engaged
in their learning. We created models from students ongoing behavior. A cross-
validation revealed small gains in accuracy for the more sophisticated state-based
models and better predictions of the remaining unpredicted cases, compared to
the baseline models. An important opportunity exists for tutoring systems to
optimize not only learning, but also long-term attitudes related to students’
emotions while using software. By modifying the context of the tutoring sys-
tem including students perceived emotion around mathematics, a tutor can now
optimize and improve a students mathematics attitudes.
A variety of changes can be made that might improve the predictive power
of models. For instance, we might choose the two most frequent triplet patterns
starting with a specific state. It is possible that rare patterns work better at
Visualization of Student Activity Patterns 51

predicting some emotions, particularly infrequent ones. Last, it is unclear if we

need to look at the last 3 states, or only last 2 states.
After highly accurate states have been found, future work consists of refin-
ing emotion models to predict desirable and undesirable learning states and
attitudes. The outcome of the current study will be used to respond with inter-
ventions; responding based on different levels of assessment of engagement and
emotions combined.

[1] Arroyo, I., Beal, C.R., Murray, T., Walles, R., Park Woolf, B.: Web-Based Intelli-
gent Multimedia Tutoring for High Stakes Achievement Tests. In: Lester, J.C., Vi-
cari, R.M., Paraguaçu, F. (eds.) ITS 2004. LNCS, vol. 3220, pp. 468–477. Springer,
Heidelberg (2004)
[2] Arroyo, I., Mehranian, H., Woolf, B.: Effort-based Tutoring: An Empirical Ap-
proach to Intelligent Tutoring. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Educational Data Mining, Pittsburgh, PA (2010b)
[3] Baker, R.S., Corbett, A.T., Koedinger, K.R., Roll, I.: Detecting When Students
Game the System, Across Tutor Subjects and Classroom Cohorts. In: Ardissono,
L., Brna, P., Mitrović, A. (eds.) UM 2005. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3538, pp. 220–224.
Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
[4] Chui, B., Keogh, E., Lonardi, S.: Probabilistic discovery of time series motifs. In:
Proceedings of Knowledge Discovery in Data, pp. 493–498 (2003)
[5] Cooper, D., Arroyo, I., Woolf, B.P.: Actionable Affective Processing for Automatic
Tutor Interventions. In: Calvo, R.A., D’Mello, S. (eds.) New Perspectives on Affect
and Learning Technologies. Springer, New York (in press)
[6] D’Mello, S.K., Graesser, A.C.: Automatic Detection of Learner’s Affect from Gross
Body Language. Applied Artificial Intelligence 23(2), 123–150 (2009)
[7] Johns, J., Woolf, B.P.: A Dynamic Mixture Model to Detect Student Motivation
and Proficiency. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelli-
gence, p. 163 (2006)
[8] Koedinger, K.R., Anderson, J.R., Hadley, W.H., Mark, M.A.: Intelligent tutoring
goes to school in the big city. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Education 8(1), 30–43 (1997)
[9] Lin, J., Keogh, E., Lonardi, S., Patel, P.: Finding motifs in time series. In: Pro-
ceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Temporal Data Mining, pp. 53–68 (2002)
[10] ManyEyes, http://www-958.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/manyeyes/ (re-
trieved March 11, 2012)
[11] Picard, R.W., Papert, S., Bender, W., Blumberg, B., Breazeal, C., Cavallo, D.,
Machover, T., Resnick, M., Roy, D., Strohecker, C.: Affective Learning–A Mani-
festo. BT Technical Journal 2(4), 253–269 (2004)
[12] Shanabrook, D., Cooper, D., Woolf, B.: Identifying High-Level Student Behavior
Using Sequence-based Motif Discovery. In: Proceedings of EDM, vol. 200 (2010)
Toward a Machine Learning Framework
for Understanding Affective Tutorial Interaction

Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James C. Lester

Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Abstract. Affect and cognition intertwine throughout human experience.

Research into this interplay during learning has identified relevant cognitive-
affective states, but recognizing them poses significant challenges. Among
multiple promising approaches for affect recognition, analyzing facial
expression may be particularly informative. Descriptive computational models
of facial expression and affect, such as those enabled by machine learning, aid
our understanding of tutorial interactions. Hidden Markov modeling, in
particular, is useful for encoding patterns in sequential data. This paper presents
a descriptive hidden Markov model built upon facial expression data and
tutorial dialogue within a task-oriented human-human tutoring corpus. The
model reveals five frequently occurring patterns of affective tutorial interaction
across text-based tutorial dialogue sessions. The results show that hidden
Markov modeling holds potential for the semi-automated understanding of
affective interaction, which may contribute to the development of affect-
informed intelligent tutoring systems.

Keywords: Affect, hidden Markov models, tutorial dialogue.

1 Introduction

Research in recent years has highlighted the interplay of cognition and affect in
tutorial interaction. This interplay has implications for the design of intelligent
tutoring systems (ITSs) that seek to attain or exceed the effectiveness of expert human
tutors. To meet this goal, recent results demonstrated that understanding both the
cognitive and affective nature of tutorial interaction may be necessary [1]. Affective
phenomena during interactions with ITSs have been examined through a wide array
of modalities including self-reports, observation, system logs, dialogue, facial
expression, posture, and physiological measures [1]. Prior investigations of facial
expression in tutoring identified links between particular facial movements and
cognitive-affective states relevant to learning [2].
This paper details the construction and analysis of a descriptive HMM built from
task-oriented textual tutorial dialogue annotated with dialogue acts and facial
expression annotated from video. Facial movement combinations were annotated in a
novel, three-phase protocol to provide rich affective representation within tutorial

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 52–58, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Toward a Machine Learning Framework 53

dialogue. Analysis of the learned HMM structure revealed five prevalent and
persistent patterns of affective tutorial interaction represented by recurring sequences
of hidden states. These results show the potential of HMMs for semi-automated
understanding of affective tutorial interaction, which may inform integration of affect
into future ITSs.

2 Related Work

Few studies have utilized hidden Markov models (HMMs) to model affect within the
context of learning. In a recent study based on interactions with AutoTutor [3],
HMMs learned transitions primarily consistent with the theory of cognitive
disequilibrium. In an earlier study with Wayang Outpost [4], a math ITS for
standardized test preparation, an HMM that modeled motivation improved predictive
accuracy in a dynamic mixture model for correctness of student responses. Both
approaches added constraints on top of those inherent within HMM assumptions. A
recent study of human-human tutoring that modeled student brow lowering (an
indicator of confusion) using HMMs provided both a predictive model and an
analysis of confusion within the tutorial interaction [5]. The work presented here
builds on these prior findings by leveraging sixteen facial movements (including brow
lowering) in a purely descriptive model built without additional constraints, resulting
in a richer representation of affect.

3 Dialogue Corpus and Facial Expression Annotation

A corpus of human-human tutorial dialogue was collected during a tutorial dialogue

study [6]. Students solved an introductory computer programming problem and
engaged in computer-mediated textual dialogue with a human tutor. The corpus
consists of 48 dialogues annotated with dialogue acts, shown in Table 1. Student
facial video was collected for post-analysis. (Note that the videos were not shown to
tutors.) Seven of the highest quality facial videos were selected for the extent to which
the student’s entire face was visible during the recording, and for near-even split
across genders and tutors. These videos were annotated with facial expressions for the
present analysis (selected examples are shown in Figure 1). Tutoring sessions ranged
in duration from thirty minutes to over an hour.
The seven selected facial videos were manually annotated using the Facial Action
Coding System (FACS), which enumerates the possible movements of the face
through a set of facial action units (AUs) [7]. Two certified FACS coders viewed
entire videos, encoding facial events of one or more AUs with a start and end frame.
Some FACS AUs were excluded due to excessive burden in manual FACS coding
(e.g., mouth opening, blinking) or anticipated rarity (e.g., lip pucker, lip funneler).
Sixteen were selected for coding: AUs 1, 2, 4-7, 9, 10, 12, 14-17, 20, 23, 24, and 31.
54 J.F. Grafsgaard, K.E. Boyer, and J.C. Lester

In the first phase of the condensed FACS protocol, the two certified FACS coders
independently annotated occurrences of AUs. The coders met in a second phase to
produce a combined set of facial event instances without discussing specific AUs,
during which event instances were merged or eliminated. By the end of the second
phase, the coders agreed completely upon the start and end time of facial events
(without discussing specific AUs). In the third phase, one of the coders reviewed
where the facial events occurred and decided on precisely which AUs occurred.
Finally, the second coder annotated 9.3% of the facial events independently,
establishing an agreement average of Cohen’s κ=0.67, comparable with similar
studies [2].

Table 1. Dialogue act tags and frequency across the seven sessions (S = student, T = tutor)

Act Description S T
ASSESSING QUESTION Task-specific query or feedback request 16 29
EXTRA DOMAIN Unrelated to task 20 26
GROUNDING Acknowledgement, thanks, greetings, etc. 26 16
LUKEWARM FEEDBACK Partly positive/negative task feedback 2 12
LUKEWARM CONTENT FDBK Partly positive/negative elaborated feedback 1 9
NEGATIVE FEEDBACK Negative task feedback 5 5
NEGATIVE CONTENT FDBK Negative elaborated feedback 1 34
POSITIVE FEEDBACK Positive task feedback 10 76
POSITIVE CONTENT FDBK Positive elaborated feedback 2 5
QUESTION Conceptual or other query 13 9
STATEMENT Declaration of factual information 18 143

Fig. 1. Examples of facial action units: AUs 1+2 or “surprise” (left), 14+17 or “doubt” (center),
and 4+12 or “confusion and frustration” (right). Arrows indicate facial movements.

This event-based annotation protocol incorporates AU combinations, which denote

multiple facial movements occurring at the same time. While related research has
indicated some facial expression and emotion correlations [2,7], affect-facial
expression mapping is a difficult problem that requires considering the surrounding
context. Affective interpretations discussed here are based on the simplified tutorial
context offered by computer-mediated tutorial interaction.
Toward a Machine Learning Framework 55

4 Hidden Markov Modeling and Discussion

A hidden Markov model (HMM) is defined by an initial probability distribution

across hidden states, transition probabilities between hidden states, and emission
probabilities for each hidden state and observation symbol pair [8]. HMMs learn a
probabilistic structure that preserves patterns within the modeled phenomena, such as
the interplay between facial expression and dialogue in affective tutorial interaction.
The facial expression and dialogue data described in Section 3 were merged into
sequences of observations needed to build the HMM. Each observation consisted of a
facial expression (denoted as facial action units (AUs) [7]), dialogue act or both. The
Baum-Welch algorithm with log-likelihood measure was used for model training. Ten
random initializations were performed to reduce convergence to local maxima. A
hyperparameter optimization outer loop produced candidate HMMs across a range
from three to twenty-two hidden states. Average log likelihood was computed across
candidate HMMs for each number of hidden states. The models with best average
log-likelihood had ten hidden states, and the best-fit model had the highest log-
likelihood among these.
With the model in hand, the Viterbi algorithm was applied to map the most
probable hidden state to each observation. Exhaustive search to length five across
each session’s hidden state sequences revealed five frequently recurring sequences (or
“patterns”) of affective tutorial interaction, shown in Figure 2. Each pattern occurred
at a relative frequency greater than 0.05 across multiple sessions. Seven (of ten)
hidden states comprised the patterns.
In order to examine the persistence of the five frequently-occurring patterns of
affective tutorial interaction, average sequence lengths were calculated for each
session (shown in Figure 2). There are subtle differences between relative frequency
as a measure of prevalence and average sequence length as a measure of persistence.
When the measures agreed (as was often the case), they showed prevalence and
persistence of specific patterns of affective tutorial interaction within a particular
session. When the measures differed, a persistent pattern recurred in long, but rare,
sub-sequences or a prevalent pattern recurred in short sub-sequences.
The average sequence lengths shown in Figure 2 indicate notable differences in
affective tutorial interaction within sessions. Thus, it may be possible to group
sessions that have similar quantitative profiles. For instance, sessions 6 and 7 both
have persistent sequences of PATTERN 2 and PATTERN 4, indicative of persistent
student confusion with tutor statements and conversational dialogue during those
sessions. Likewise, PATTERN 1 models tutor lecturing and instruction with occasional
student participation and student affective states, PATTERN 3 is dominated by student
facial displays (mostly surprise and frustration), and PATTERN 5 is largely composed
of doubt, surprise, and stress with occasional tutor feedback and statements. In this
way, quantitative application of HMMs provides insight into profiles of affective
tutorial interaction across tutoring sessions.
56 J.F. Grafsgaard, K.E. Boyer, and J.C. Lester

Average sequence length of HMM patterns

Session P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Other
1 5.6 0 7.8 9 1.5 1.3
2 3.8 5.8 7.6 3.5 3.5 1.3
3 5.9 2.7 4 2 12 1.2
4 3.2 5.6 2.8 4.5 23 1.4
5 3.6 3 6.6 2.7 4.8 1.5
6 1.8 9.7 2 9.3 0 1.6
7 5 8.3 4 5.4 5 1.5

Fig. 2. Five patterns (i.e. frequently recurring sequences of hidden states) of affective tutorial
interaction discovered from the best-fit hidden Markov model. Transition probabilities ≥ 0.5 are
displayed. Emissions probabilities ≥ 0.05 are shown.
Toward a Machine Learning Framework 57

5 Conclusion and Future Work

The descriptive HMM learned from facial expression and task-oriented tutorial
dialogue revealed five frequently-occurring patterns of affective tutorial interaction.
Each pattern modeled distinct and interpretable segments of the tutoring sessions. A
closer inspection of hidden state sequences as they occurred within sessions showed
notable differences between sessions.
While this approach toward semi-automated understanding of affective tutorial
interaction was successful, there are two primary limitations that highlight important
directions for future work. First, manual FACS coding requires substantial manual
labor, although this may become irrelevant when sufficient reliability is achieved in
automated facial expression recognition. Second, the small sample size was a limiting
factor, but using this approach across more tutoring sessions may identify statistical
relationships involving discovered patterns of affective tutorial interaction. The
quantitative distinctions in prevalence and persistence of discovered patterns of
affective tutorial interaction may highlight individual or group-wise differences,
leading to correlational analyses of HMM patterns and tutorial outcomes, such as self-
efficacy and learning gains.
Further studies investigating the application of machine learning techniques are
merited to advance the state of semi-automated affect understanding. Leveraging
novel, semi-automated techniques may enable us to better understand affect during
learning and contribute to efforts to integrate affect in ITSs.

Acknowledgements. This work is supported in part by the North Carolina State

University Department of Computer Science along with the National Science
Foundation through Grant DRL-1007962 and the STARS Alliance Grant CNS-
1042468. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this
report are those of the participants, and do not necessarily represent the official views,
opinions, or policy of the National Science Foundation.

1. D’Mello, S.K., Calvo, R.A.: Significant Accomplishments, New Challenges, and New
Perspectives. In: Calvo, R.A., D’Mello, S.K. (eds.) New Perspectives on Affect and
Learning Technologies, pp. 255–271. Springer, New York (2011)
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Solving Activities. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 20 (2010)
3. D’Mello, S.K., Graesser, A.: Modeling Cognitive-Affective Dynamics with Hidden Markov
Models. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2721–2726
4. Johns, J., Woolf, B.: A Dynamic Mixture Model to Detect Student Motivation and
Proficiency. In: Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.
163–168 (2006)
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Hidden Markov Models. In: D’Mello, S., Graesser, A., Schuller, B., Martin, J.-C. (eds.)
ACII 2011, Part I. LNCS, vol. 6974, pp. 97–106. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
6. Boyer, K.E., Phillips, R., Ingram, A., Ha, E.Y., Wallis, M., Vouk, M., Lester, J.:
Characterizing the Effectiveness of Tutorial Dialogue with Hidden Markov Models. In:
Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 55–64. Springer,
Heidelberg (2010)
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Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE 77, 257–286 (1989)
Exploring Relationships between Learners’ Affective
States, Metacognitive Processes, and Learning Outcomes

Amber Chauncey Strain1, Roger Azevedo2, and Sidney D’Mello3

University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1Y2, Canada
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 46556, USA
dchuncey@memphis.edu, roger.azevedo@mcgill.ca, sdmello@nd.edu

Abstract. We used a false biofeedback methodology to investigate interactions

among learners’ affective states, metacognitive processes, and learning out-
comes during multimedia learning. False-biofeedback is a method to induce
physiological arousal (and resultant emotions) by presenting learners with audio
stimuli of false heartbeats that are either accelerated, baseline, or control (no
heartbeat). A path analysis indicated that the most complex relationships among
affective states, metacognitive processes, and learning outcomes occurred when
learners were presented with accelerated biofeedback. We discuss the implica-
tions of our findings for the development of ITSs that are sensitive to the com-
plex relationship among these key processes.

Keywords: emotion, self-regulated learning, metacognition.

1 Introduction

Middle school and high school can be challenging for many young learners. This is in
part because they are required to learn about conceptually-rich domains such as phys-
ics, ecology, chemistry, and biology. These challenging domains have the potential to
elicit a host of negative emotions that may interfere with learners’ ability to effective-
ly regulate their learning. While many conceptual models of self-regulated learning
(SRL) focus on learners’ use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies to regulate
their learning [1,2] the majority of these models do not adequately consider the role of
emotion in self-regulation during multimedia learning. In order to examine these rela-
tionships in a controlled setting, we used a false-biofeedback methodology [3] to in-
duce physiological arousal (and resultant emotions) by presenting learners with audio
stimuli of false heartbeats (accelerated and baseline). In some trials we presented
learners with no stimulus; these served as control trials. Our purpose for using this
methodology, rather than examining emotions as they naturally arose, is that emotions
that arise spontaneously during learning are often highly transient, which makes them
difficult to study. Therefore, our goal was to use a precise, experimentally controlled
method for inducing affect in order to better uncover relationships among affect, me-
tacognition, and learning. In this paper, we use a path analysis approach to uncover

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 59–64, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
60 A. Chauncey Strain, R. Azevedo, and S. D’Mello

the links among affect, metacognition, and performance across the three false bio-
feedback conditions. The broader goal is apply knowledge gained about these com-
plex relationships towards the design of more effective intelligent tutoring systems.

2 Method

2.1 Participants
Fifty undergraduate students from a southern public college in the U.S. participated in
this experiment. The participants’ mean age was 23.3 years (SD = 7.13), and there
were 34 females (68%) in the sample. There were 54% Caucasians, 44% African
Americans, and 2% Latino. All participants received $20 for participating in the

2.2 Stimuli and Software

A self-paced multimedia learning environment that comprised 24 slides about the

human circulatory system was presented via a computer interface. The interface was
configured to deliver content, present comprehension questions, record responses to
these questions, obtain self-reports on participants’ metacognitive judgments, and
monitor response times.
A Reebok Fit Watch 10s strapless heart rate monitor was worn on participants’
non-dominant wrist. This heart rate monitor is typically used to detect and display the
wearer’s current heart rate. However, because previously-recorded baseline and acce-
lerated heart rates were presented to participants (rather than their own heart rate), this
function was not used for this experiment.
The two auditory stimuli (baseline and accelerated heart rates) were presented bi-
naurally through headphones. These stimuli began playing when participants opened a
content slide and played continuously until participants navigated away from the
slide. During baseline trials, participants heard a recording of a resting human heart
beat (approximately 70 BPM), and during arousal trials, they heard a recording of a
human heart beat at an accelerated rate (approximately 100 BPM). During control
trials, no auditory stimulus was presented. We used a within-subjects design, and
randomly presented eight slides per biofeedback condition (accelerated, baseline,
control). The presentation of these stimuli was counterbalanced across participants.

2.3 Materials and Procedure

The materials for this experiment were a consent form, a demographic questionnaire,
and the Affect Grid. The Affect Grid [4] is a single item affect measurement instru-
ment consisting of a 9 × 9 (valence × arousal) grid; these are the primary dimensions
that underlie affective experience.
The learning session proceeded over 24 trials, with each trial consisting of multiple
steps. First, participants viewed either a text based question inference question related
Exploring Relationships between Learners’ Affective States 61

to the content. After reading the question, participants were asked to indicate how
easily they could learn the material by making an ease of learning (EOL) judgment.
Next, participants had as much time as necessary to read the content slide. Upon
opening the content slide, the learning environment presented either accelerated, base-
line, or no biofeedback through participants’ headphones. When participants navi-
gated to the next slide, they were prompted to indicate how well they understood what
they had just read by making a judgment of learning (JOL). Following the JOL
prompt, the text based or inference question was presented again and participants
were prompted to answer the question by selecting from one of four multiple choice
foils. Next, participants were prompted to indicate how accurate they thought their
answer was by making a retrospective confidence judgment (RCJ). For the final step
in each trial, participants were prompted to self-report their current level of valence
and arousal on the Affect Grid. The completion of the Affect Grid marked the end of
one trial. This multi-step process occurred for all 24 trials within the self-paced
learning session.

3 Predictions, Results, and Discussion

3.1 Predicted Links between Affect, Metacognition, and Performance

We developed a model (see Fig. 1A) that is grounded in theories of affect [5,6] and a
leading model of SRL that emphasizes cognitive processes and metacognitive moni-
toring and control [2]. The link from arousal to valence (Link 1), indicates that
learners’ level of arousal influences the kinds of positively or negatively valenced
emotions they experience.
An extensive body of research indicates that arousal is predictive of performance
outcomes [7]. There is presumably an optimal level of physiological arousal which
enhances performance (for example, the kind of arousal that leads to engagement or
interest but not intense anxiety). Although it is unclear exactly what the optimal level
of arousal is, our model predicts a significant relationship between the intensity of
learners’ arousal and their overall learning performance (Link 2).
When arousal is moderate, valence is expected to be predictive of learning by
affecting learners’ metacognitive processes (Link 3). For example, perhaps negative
emotions like frustration or confusion lead to decreased confidence in learning when
learners attribute those negative emotions to their inability to understand the material.
Thus, our model proposes a link between valence and judgments of learning.
The remaining links in our proposed model stem directly from theoretical and
empirical research on the complex processes of self-regulated learning [2,8,9]. First,
we predict a significant relationship between learners’ EOLs and JOLs. Specifically,
because learners should use previous metacognitive judgments (EOLs) to inform
future metacognitive judgments (JOLs), we predict that learners who perceive a topic
to be particularly difficult to learn will also report less understanding of that topic, and
vice versa (Link 4). Learners’ JOLs are typically predictive of overall learning
performance [1,9], so our model includes a link between learners’ JOLs and learning
performance (Link 5). Lastly, we predict that performance will predict learners’ RCJs.
62 A. Chauncey Strain, R. Azevedo, and S. D’Mello

This prediction is based on the assumption that self-regulation is a constant and active
process in which learners assess their understanding and performance and making
the necessary adjustments though the use of control processes. As such, we predict
that learners will accurately assess the correctness of their responses to questions
about the material and will use that assessment when they make their retrospective
confidence judgments (Link 6).
The model was tested with a series of multiple regression analyses aimed at uncover-
ing links between arousal, valence, EOLs, JOLs, RCJs, and performance. Six separate
models were constructed for the accelerated, baseline, or no biofeedback conditions
across text based and inference questions. However, interesting patterns only emerged
when participants had to answer challenging inference questions, so the text-based
models will not be discussed here. In the following section we will report only models
and coefficients that were significant (p < .05) or marginally significant (p < .10).

3.2 Results
Control trials, in which participants received no false biofeedback, were the most
similar to typical learning episodes since there was no experimental manipulation of
emotion. As predicted, we found that EOLs predicted JOLs (β = 0.77), which in turn
predicted performance (β = 0.42) (see Fig. 1B). However, we failed to find a signifi-
cant link between performance and RCJs, demonstrating that participants were poor
judges of their own performance when they received no biofeedback.
We found no significant links between participants’ affective processes (valence
and arousal) and metacognitive processes and performance in the control condition.
Overall, the resulting model for control trials suggests that participants did not
experience affective states that were salient enough to impact metacognitive processes
and performance.
We found a similar pattern in the baseline model, but with one important
difference. Once again, we found that EOLs significantly predicted JOLs (β = 0.81),
which in turn predicted performance (β = 0.31) (see Fig. 1C). We also found that
during baseline trials participants’ performance was predictive of their RCJs (β =
0.45). This is interesting, as it demonstrates that presenting baseline biofeedback
increased participants’ metacognitive awareness of their own learning. However, in
contrast to the predicted model, we failed to find significant links among valence,
arousal, JOLs, and performance.
The accelerated model was most closely aligned with our predicted model. As
with the baseline model, there were significant links between EOLs and JOLs (β =
0.71), JOLs and performance (β = 0.66), and performance and RCJs (β = 0.65) (see
Fig. 1D). Most importantly, the accelerated model yielded a significant positive link
between valence and JOLs (β = 0.13), demonstrating that participants who
experienced more positively valenced emotions while receiving accelerated
biofeedback made more accurate judgments of their understanding of the material.
Interestingly, however, we failed to find a significant link between arousal and
valence or between arousal and any metacognitive or cognitive processes.
Exploring Relationships between Learners’ Affective States 63

Fig. 1. Theoretical model of links between affect, metacognition, and performance

4 Discussion

In this experiment, we proposed and validated a model which integrated affect, meta-
cognition, and performance during learning. We found that there are distinct models
of the relationship among these processes that emerge across different levels of arous-
al induced by false biofeedback. These results emphasize the need for ITSs to be
sensitive to the complex relationship among affect, metacognition, and learning. For
example, ITSs that use pedagogical agents to scaffold learners’ understanding of
complex science topics might benefit from the use of physiological and bodily meas-
ures which can detect shifts in learners’ emotional and motivational states in real-
time. If a learner shifts to a negative emotional state (i.e., stress, boredom), a system
which is sensitive to these shifts could help learners transition out of these emotional
states by modeling, prompting, and scaffolding appropriate self-regulatory processes.
In conclusion, there is a need for more empirically-driven research directed toward
understanding of the role of emotion, metacognition, and performance during multi-
media learning. As theoretical, conceptual, and educational implications and metho-
dological techniques are improved, the elusive role of emotion may be disambiguated,
leading researchers to more fully understand the consequences of emotion on learn-
ing, and to develop ITSs that effectively coordinate learners’ cognitive and emotional
Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation
(NSF) (DRL 0633918; IIS 0841835; DRL 1008282) awarded to the second author
and (HCC 0834847, DRL 1108845) awarded to the third author. Any opinions, find-
ings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.
64 A. Chauncey Strain, R. Azevedo, and S. D’Mello

1. Dunosky, J., Metcalfe, J.: Metacognition: A textbook for cognitive, educational, life span
and applied psychology. Sage, Newbury Park (2009)
2. Winne, P., Hadwin, A.: The weave of motivation and self-regulated learning. In: Schunk,
D., Zimmerman, B. (eds.) Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and
Applications, Taylor & Francis, NY (2008)
3. Valins, S.: Cognitive effects of false heart rate biofeedback. Journal of Personality and So-
cial Psychology 4, 400–408 (1966)
4. Russell, J.A., Weiss, A., Mendelsohn, G.A.: Affect grid: A single-item scale of pleasure and
arousal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57, 493–502 (1989)
5. Clore, G.L., Ortony, A.: Appraisal theories: How cognition shapes affect into emotion. In:
Lewis, M., Haviland-Jones, J.M., Barrett, L.F. (eds.) Handbook of Emotions, 3rd edn., pp.
628–644. Guilford Press, New York (2010)
6. Pekrun, R.: The control-value theory of achievement emotions: Assumptions, corollaries,
and implications for educational research and practice. Educational Psychology Review 18,
315–341 (2006)
7. Zeidner, M.: Test anxiety in educational contexts: Concepts, findings, and future directions.
In: Schutz, P., Pekrun, R. (eds.) Emotions in Education, pp. 165–184. Academic Press, San
Diego (2007)
8. Zimmerman, B.: Investigating self-regulation and motivation: Historical back-ground, me-
thodological developments, and future prospects. American Educational Research Jour-
nal 45, 166–183 (2008)
9. Leonesio, R.J., Nelson, T.O.: Do different measures of metamemory tap the same underly-
ing aspects of memory? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cog-
nition 16, 464–470 (1990)
Mental Workload, Engagement and Emotions:
An Exploratory Study for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Maher Chaouachi and Claude Frasson

HERON Lab, Computer Science Department

University of Montreal,
2920 chemin de la tour, H3T 1N8, Canada

Abstract. Modeling learners’ emotional states is a promising tool for enhancing

learning outcomes and tutoring abilities. In this paper, we present a new
perspective of learner emotional modeling according to two fundamental di-
mensions, namely mental workload and engagement. We hypothesize that
analyzing results from learners’ workload and engagement evolution can help
Intelligent Tutoring Systems diagnose learners’ emotional states and understand
the learning process. We demonstrate by an experiment involving 17 partici-
pants that learners’ mental workload and engagement are closely related to
specific emotions with regard to different learning phases.

Keywords: Mental workload, Mental engagement, Emotion modeling, ITS.

1 Introduction

Endowing Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) with abilities to wisely assess and moni-
tor learners’ affective and cognitive state has been an important research thrust over
few past decades [1-3]. Several ITS with physio-cognitive models aiming to provide
intelligent assistance, efficient adaptation and more realistic social communication
were developed in the scope of reaching optimal interaction conditions, improving
adaptability, enhancing learners’ overall performance, skill acquisition and productiv-
ity [5-7].
In parallel, a growing body of research in the field of artificial intelligence, human
computer interaction, cognition and neuroscience presented various models tracking
shifts on users’ alertness; engagement and workload and have been successfully used
in closed-loop systems or simulation environment [2, 3, 8]. By assessing users’ inter-
nal state, these systems were able to adapt to users’ information processing capacity
and then to respond accurately to their needs. The major part of these systems was
based on two fundamental mental metrics, namely, mental workload and mental en-
Despite disagreement about its nature and definition, mental workload can be seen
in terms of human information processing. It reflects the amount of the mental effort
and energy invested as in a particular task. Mental engagement is more related to the

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 65–71, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
66 M. Chaouachi and C. Frasson

level of mental vigilance and alertness. It gives also a wide indication about the level
of attention and motivation.
The integration of affective models in ITS added an empathic and social dimension
into tutors’ behaviors [6, 10]. However there is still a lack of methods helping tutors
to analyze more deeply the emotional state of the learner and to diagnose and under-
stand accurately the cognitive origin of an emotion. ITS are still mainly based on
learners’ performance in analyzing learning process and learners’ skill acquisition [4-
7]. Providing ITS with adapted tools and models to relate the affective reaction of a
learner to his internal mental state can provide a new perspective for tutoring.
In this paper we present an exploratory study of emotions, mental engagement and
workload within an educational environment. In particular, we performed an experi-
ment to analyze the behavior of the computed mental metrics with regards to learners’
emotional states.

2 Previous Work

Developing EEG indexes for workload assessment is an important field especially in

laboratory contexts. A variety of linear and non-linear classification and regression
methods were used to determine mental workload in different kinds of cognitive tasks
such as memorization, language processing, visual, or auditory tasks. These methods
used mainly EEG Power Spectral Density (PSD) bands combined with machine learn-
ing techniques [1, 8, 9]. In our previous work, we developed an EEG workload index
based on Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) using data gathered from strict labora-
tory conditions [11]. The index showed to precisely reflect users ‘workload variation
in several cognitive task.
Pope and colleagues [2] at NASA developed an EEG-engagement index based on
brainwave band power and applied it in a closed-loop system to modulate task
allocation. Performance in a vigilance task improved when this index was used as a
criterion for switching between manual and automated piloting. Performance im-
provement was reported using this engagement index for task allocation mode (ma-
nual or automated). In this paper, we propose to explore the behavior of these mental
metrics in a learning environment with regards to a self-reported emotion. The major
contribution of this study is to present the different trends in engagement and
workload with regards to emotional state within an educational context.

3 Methodology
Our experimental setup consists of a 6-channel EEG headset sensor and two video
feeds. All recorded sessions were replayed and analyzed to accurately synchronize
data using necessary time markers. 17 participants were recruited for this research.
All participants were briefed about the experimental process and objectives and
signed a consent form and were equipped with the EEG-cap. The experimental
process consisted on a 10-minutes baseline followed three successive learning
activities in trigonometry:
Mental Workload, Engagement and Emotions: An Exploratory Study 67

Pretest. This task involved 10 (yes/no/no-response) questions that covered some ba-
sic aspects of trigonometry (for instance: “is the tangent of an angle equal to the ratio
of the length of the opposite over the length of the adjacent?”). In this part, partici-
pants have had to answer to the questions without any interruption, help or time limit.
Learning Session. In this task, participants were instructed to use a learning envi-
ronment covering the theme of trigonometry and specially designed for the experi-
ment. Two lessons were developed explaining several fundamental trigonometric
properties and relationships. The environment provides basic definitions as well as
their mathematical demonstrations. Schemas and examples are also given for each
presented concept. Several concepts on trigonometry were recalled and the links be-
tween the different concepts was clearly explained
Problem Solving. Problems presented during this task are based on participants’
ability to apply, generalize and reason about the concepts seen during the learning
session. No further perquisites were required to successfully resolve the problem ex-
cept lessons’ concepts. However a good level of implication and concentration is
needed to solve the problems. A total of 6 problems with a gradually increasing diffi-
culty level were selected and presented in the same order for all participants. Each
problem is a multiple-choice question illustrated by a geometrical figure. A fixed time
limit is imposed for each problem varying according to its difficulty level. The prob-
lem-solving environment provided also a limited number of hints for each problem.

3.1 Subjective Reporting of Emotional State

After completing each task level (pretest, learning session, or after each problem),
participants were asked to evaluate their emotion during the last task execution. Two
axes were presented for the learner. The first axis corresponds to the emotional va-
lence and the second axis links the emotional activation. Four main emotional states
were then derived: Q1 (positive valence, high activation), Q2 (positive valence, low
activation), Q3 (negative valence, high activation) and Q4 (negative valence, low
activation). In order to help learner situate their emotional state examples of emotions
which might arises in each state were given (e.g. interest, joy for Q1, confidence,
relax for Q2, confusion, frustration for Q3 and boredom, disengagement for Q4).

3.2 EEG Recording

EEG signals were received from sites P3, C3, Pz and Fz as defined by the Internation-
al 10-20 Electrode Placement System (Jasper 1958). Each site was referenced to Cz
and grounded at Fpz. Two more active sites were used namely A1 and A2. Impedance
was maintained below 5 Kilo Ohms and the recorded sampling rate was at 256 Hz. A
60-Hz notch filter was applied during the data acquisition to remove EEG noise. In
addition, an artifact rejection heuristic was applied to the recorded data using a thre-
shold on the signal power with regards to the baseline. For each participant, EEG data
recorded from each channel were transformed into a power spectral density using a
68 M. Chaouachi and C. Frasson

Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) applied to each 1-second epoch with a 50 % overlap-

ping window multiplied by the Hamming function to reduce spectral leakage.

3.3 Computing the Engagement Index

As previously mentioned, a developed an engagement index was used in closed-loop
system to assist pilot with regards to their mental engagement [2]. This index uses
three EEG bands: Theta (4–8 Hz), Alpha (8–13 Hz) and Beta (13–22 Hz). The ratio
used was: Beta / (Alpha + Theta). This ratio was also found as being the most effec-
tive when validated and compared to many other indices [8]. In our study, we used
this index within a 40s window sliding technique to smooth the behavior of this index.

3.4 Computing the Workload Index

In order to compute the mental workload an EEG metric, we used our workload as-
sessment model based on kernel Gaussian Process Regression and principal compo-
nent analysis (PCA) algorithm. Detailed description of this model is presented in [11].

4 Results and Discussions

Our first investigation was to evaluate the progression of the workload and engage-
ment level across the learning tasks. A repeated measures ANOVA revealed that there
were significant changes in the EEG_Workload between the learning activities
F(3.23,51.61 = 2.76, p < 0.05). Degrees of freedom were corrected using the Green-
house-Geisser estimates of sphericity (epsilon = 0.46). Post hoc results showed that
the EEG_Workload measures significantly increased during the learning session when
compared with the pretest (p < 0.05). This increase can be explained by the effort
produced by learners in understanding concepts and acquiring skills in the learning
phase compared to the pretest session where learners responded to questions that did
not require particular mental effort. In fact, during pretest no pressure was put on
learners who had simply to situate their knowledge in trigonometry. Repeated meas-
ures ANOVA revealed no significant change in the engagement index across overall
activities F(3.66, 58.70 = 0. 690, p = ns, Greenhouse-Geisser correction epsilon =
0.52). However, an expected significant decrease in learners’ engagement was regis-
tered between the beginning of the lesson and the end of the problem solving phase (p
< 0.05). In fact, switching from the pretest phase to the learning session (or from a
problem to another) can have no effect on the level of engagement, vigilance or alert-
ness of a learner. However, the engagement tended to decrease in general and this
effect tended to be more pronounced at the end of the experiment. This trend is ex-
pected as the alertness of the learners can be reduced by the fatigue. The opposite
trend was registered in learners ‘workload behavior. Mental workload significantly
increased from the beginning to the end of the learning interaction. This tendency is
also expected as the problem solving task is more mentally demanding than pretest or
learning session (see Fig.1).
Mental Workload, Engagement and Emotions: An Exploratory Study 69

Fig. 1. Mean learners’ workload and engagement for each activity

Our next concern was to evaluate how learners reported their emotions with re-
gards to the mental workload and engagement metrics. A one-way ANOVA showed
that there is a significant effect of the emotional state reported by the learners on the
engagement, F(3, 132)=3.32, p < 0.05) and workload F(3, 132=4.52, p < 0.05) for all
participants. Specifically, the analysis of this result revealed that mean engagement
index values were significantly higher when learner’s emotional state was in Q1 (Pos-
itive valence and high activation: M = 0.568, SD = 0.29) compared to the other qua-
drants (see figure 2). Giving this result, we can state that positive emotions arising in
Q1 (such as interest) seem to lead to the highest level of user engagement. Emotional
state Q1 presented also the lowest value of the workload index: M = 0.51, SD = 0.09.
However, the highest workload value was registered in the Q3 emotional state (Nega-
tive valence and high activation: M = 0.68, SD = 0.13). This suggests that negative
emotions with high activation (e.g. confusion) can signal a high level of mental

Fig. 2. Workload and engagement interaction with emotional valence and activation

A closer look to these results leads us to notice that higher level of alertness and at-
tention elicit a high emotional activation however these emotions tended to be posi-
tive when the mental demand is low and negative in the opposite case. For example if
a learner is highly involved in resolving a difficult problem and involves a high
70 M. Chaouachi and C. Frasson

mental focus, emotions such as confusion or frustration could emerge during the ac-
tivity. Lowest engagement value was recorded for Q4 (Negative valence and low
activation: M = 0.27, SD = 0.19). One-way ANOVA also confirmed this significant
impact of emotional state on workload and engagement during the learning phase and
the problem solving phase when these activities are taken separately. Two factorial
ANOVA were also performed to test the main effects and the interaction effect of the
emotional valence (positive, negative) and emotional activation (high, low) on work-
load and engagement. A significant main effect was obtained for emotional valence
on workload F(1,99)=4,390 p<0,05 and for engagement F(1,99)=6.237 p<0.05. The
interaction of the valence and the activation was also significant on both workload
and engagement.

5 Conclusion

In this paper we presented an empirical study of workload and engagement metrics

extracted from EEG signals with regards to reported emotional state. Workload and
engagement indexes were analyzed with different learning activities of trigonometry.
Results showed that there is significantly impact of these metrics on the reported emo-
tion. High level of workload indicated the elicitation of negative emotions whereas
engagement level was mainly associated with positive emotions. Future works in-
volve developing a tutor which reacts in real time with the mental metrics. Moreover
different strategies for handling and managing mental effort will be explored.

Acknowledgements. we acknowledge the NSERC of Canada and the Tunisian gov-

ernment for funding this work.

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from conversational cues. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 18, 45–80 (2008)
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7. Forbes-Riley, K., Rotaru, M., Litman, D.J.: The relative impact of student affect on per-
formance models in a spoken dialogue tutoring system. User Modeling and User-Adapted
Interaction 18, 11–43 (2008)
8. Wilson, G.F.: An analysis of mental workload in pilots during flight using multiple sycho-
physiological measures. Int. J. Aviat. Psychol. 12, 3–18 (2004)
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10. Woolf, B., Burleson, W., Arroyo, I., Dragon, T., Cooper, D., Picard, R.: Affect-aware tu-
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Real-Time Monitoring of ECG and GSR Signals
during Computer-Based Training

Keith W. Brawner and Benjamin S. Goldberg

United States Army Research Laboratory

Human Research and Engineering Directorate
Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments (LITE) Laboratory
Simulation and Training Technology Center, Orlando, FL 32826

Abstract. The potential of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) to influence

learning may be greatly enhanced by the tutor’s ability to accurately assess the
student’s state in real-time and then use this state as a basis to provide timely
feedback or alter the instructional content. In order to maximize the ITS’ poten-
tial to influence learning, the physiological state of students needs to be cap-
tured and assessed. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Galvanic Skin Response
(GSR) data has been shown to be correlated to physiological state data, but the
development of real-time processing and analysis of this data in an educational
context has been limited. This article describes an experiment where nineteen
participants interacted with the Cultural Meeting Trainer (CMT), a web-based
cultural negotiation trainer. Metrics of mean, standard deviation, and signal
energy were collected from the GSR datastream while instantaneous and aver-
age heart rate were collected from the ECG datastream using a windowing
technique around important interactions. Our analysis assesses these measures
across three interaction scenarios. The findings of this experiment influence the
appropriateness of instructional intervention, and drive the development of real-
time assessment for education.

Keywords: Intelligent Tutoring, Affective Computing, Physiological Sensing,

Scenario-Based Training, Instructional Intervention.

1 Introduction
Technology-driven instruction has led to a culture of learning that extends beyond the
confines of the conventional classroom. With continual advancements in computing
resources and artificial intelligence, computer-based instruction has evolved into a
means for providing tailored and personalized educational experiences. This is
achieved through the application of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) that monitor
student interactions in real-time and adapt learning events to the individual. ITSs, in
certain domains such as mathematics, have been shown to be more effective than
traditional classroom instruction [1]. This capability is propagated through web-based
systems that produce a one sigma difference, on average, in performance and reduce
the need for training support personnel by 70%, and operating costs by 92% [2].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 72–77, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Real-Time Monitoring of ECG and GSR Signals 73

However, expert human tutoring has shown to produce two standard deviations of
improvement [3]. Tutors sense and make decisions based upon observations relating
to affective states, and are then used by tutors to direct flow and difficulty [4]. This
promotes efficiency and thoroughness in decision making and problem solving [5].
While humans sense affect naturally, ITSs must assess the user via sensors. An affect-
sensitive ITS monitors the emotional state of the user in order to provide intervention,
if appropriate. Sensor technology advancements offer a unique opportunity with this
approach, as student interactions and physiological variables can be monitored. This
allows for an ITS to respond to an individual student’s affective needs, which can
improve learning outcomes [6].
There is a strong link between affect, cognition, and learning [7]. Electrocardio-
gram (ECG) and Galvonic Skin Response (GSR) signals, specifically, have been
shown to be significant factors in emotional aspects. Several researchers are begin-
ning to believe the claims that GSR [8] and ECG [17] data are appropriate for re-
sponse to ITS interactions, which are the sources of measured data in this paper.
If a student is monitored in real-time and assessed to be in a state which is not con-
ducive to learning, there is still the issue of what type of instructional interaction to
apply for correction. Two possible methods of instructional intervention that can be
implemented within scenario-based training are to reduce specificity of task or pro-
vide an unexpected response. It is expected that the response to these types of
variations is observable within the ECG and GSR metrics.

2 Methodology

Each participant interacted with the CMT, a web-based system prototype for training
bilateral negotiations. The game characteristics are representative of Middle Eastern
culture, with scenario interactions presented through static dialogue. Each of the par-
ticipants experienced 5-6 minute conversations with three individuals, in randomly
assigned order. A baseline measurement and break period of 120 seconds was in-
cluded between each of these interactions. Interactions with the three characters cor-
responded to information gathering assignments at a hospital following an insurgency
attack. The first of these tasks was Well-Defined with No Interruption (WDNI) and
involved maintaining small talk with an in-house physician. The second task, which
was Ill-Defined with No Interruption (IDNI), was a conversation with the lead physi-
cian to gain information without making firm commitments. The third task, which
was Ill-Defined with an Interruption (IDI), was intended to gain US support and iden-
tify hospital needs with the hospital administrator. The character interrupts discussion
by speaking out of turn when an answer is attempted.
The methodology of this paper is heavily based upon the previously reported pilot
study [9]. However, there are two large deviations: the type of data collected and the
population group of interest. The first difference between experiments is that this
study focuses on the ECG and GSR datasets. The second is that this study focused on
a population of interest: current cadets of the United States Military Academy
(USMA) at West Point.
74 K.W. Brawner and B.S. Goldberg

Thirty-five cadets volunteered as subjects for this study. Following informed con-
sent and collection of demographics, each participant was fitted with ECG and GSR
sensors from the Biopac system. Due to noise in data collection and erroneous tagging
of gameplay events, only nineteen sets of usable data were identified. These errors in
data quality are that of the collection apparatus and the controlling software program,
and are not believed to be systemic to GSR data collection methods. Of the nineteen
cadets collected, 15 were males (age µ = 19.8, σ = 1.15) and 4 were females (age µ =
19.25, σ = 0.96). Participants reported intermediate (58%) or basic (42%) skill with
computer games, with none claiming mastery.
The physiological data was collected using a BIOPAC MP 150 system at a 500 Hz
sampling rate. This rate allows for the capture of individual heart beats, and meets
requirements for GSR analysis. Each participants’ signal is preprocessed for areas of
interest. These data points, in order, are taken before, after, and halfway between each
system interaction. These samples are sixteen seconds (8000 samples) in duration.
Sixteen seconds is sufficient time to extract an instantaneous Heart Rate Variability
point, and to perform a power analysis in the GSR signal.
The ECG signal has had the following
features extracted: the heart rate between the
closest two heartbeats to the event, and the
averaged heart rate over the interval. The GSR
signal, which responds slower to change, has Fig. 1. Areas of analysis interest
had the following features extracted: the mean,
standard deviation, and energy within the interval. All feature extraction in this paper
has been performed with the idea of a real-time adaptive ITS in mind, and represents
signals that can be communicated to real-time algorithms to determine whether an
intervention is required. This is intended to be used in the Generalized Intelligent
Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) [10] system, which uses both real-time sensor and
performance data to drive personalized instructional intervention.

ECG Signal. The ECG signal is processed for real-time QRS detection in accordance
with original work on the subject [11]. The signal passes through a slightly improved
second-order band pass filter. It then has the derivative taken, is squared, moving
window integrated (MWI), and thresholded for heartbeat detection, shown below:
• Filter Response: 2 0 2 (with a center frequency of 5 and a Q value of 4)

• ( ) ( 2 ) 2 ( ) 2 ( ) ( 2 )

• Squaring: ( ) ( )

• MWI: ( ) ( ( 1) ( ( 2) ( )
(N is 30 samples, or a 3.6 millisecond delay for this work)

GSR Signal. The fundamental GSR data item of interest within the window is the
change in response to stimulus. As such, the features that have been extracted over the
Real-Time Monitoring of ECG and GSR Signals 75

window are the mean, standard deviation, and signal energy [13]. This is completed
by using the steps of smoothing ( ( ) ( 1) ), normalization
( ) ( )
( ( ) ( )
), and second difference energy ( ( ( )) ).

3 Results

The post-processed set of ECG and GSR data was used for statistical analysis. Both
within-subject and between-subject tests were run looking for statistically reliable
differences in the calculated metrics across treatments. The variability in scenario
manipulations is hypothesized to produce varying levels of arousal, which should be
represented in the collected data. It is important to note that self-reported measures of
engagement, via the Independent Television Commission-Sense of Presence Invento-
ry instrument [13], and mood, via the Self-Assessment Manikin [14], were collected
following the completion of each scenario, but there was minimal variance in res-
ponses between treatments. This analysis focuses on the recorded physiological data.
Analysis showed ECG data to display minimal variance over time and across sce-
narios, including the IDNI scenario. This can be seen when looking at the correlations
between ECG metrics (Instantaneous Heartbeat Rate: [IDI vs. IDNI r = 0.945,
p<.0001; IDI vs. WDNI r = 0.871, p<.0001; and IDNI vs. WDNI r = 0.771, p<.0001]
and Average Heartbeat Rate [IDI vs. IDNI r = 0.943, p<.0001; IDI vs. WDNI r =
0.904, p<.0001; and IDNI vs. WDNI r = 0.846, p<.0001]). Due to this factor, the re-
sults highlight the GSR data.
A non-directional t-Test (α = .05) was used to compare the average for all three
GSR outputs to identify scenarios that produced significant differences in GSR me-
trics. Interestingly, results show reliable differences in all metrics when comparing the
ill-defined treatments against the well-defined. When evaluating IDI against WDNI,
significant differences were found for the average of the windowed-mean (IDI [M =
2.272, SD = 1.08] and WDNI [M = 2.555, SD = 1.23], t(18) = -2.643, p<.025), the
average standard deviation (IDI [M = .027, SD = .019] and WDNI [M = .041, SD =
.035], t(18) = -2.323, p<.05), and the average signal energy (IDI [M = 387787.3, SD =
373776.2] and WDNI [M = 261590.1, SD = 268921.3], t(18) = 2.414, p<.05). Simi-
larly, the test looking at IDNI compared with WDNI had analogous results, with the
exception of the windowed-mean, which reported a p-value just above the .05 thre-
shold. For the two remaining measures, the average standard deviation (IDNI [M =
.0234, SD = .016] WDNI [M = .0408, SD = .035], t(18) = -2.472, p<.025), and the
average signal energy (IDNI [M = 373610.4, SD = 315170.5] WDNI [M = 261590.1,
SD = 268921.3], t(18) = 2.965, p<.01) all show statistically reliable differences.
To examine detectable differences within individual subjects, a repeated-measure
analysis of variance was conducted, which allows for the observance of data variabili-
ty created by individual differences. As seen in the between-subject analysis, all three
GSR metrics are reporting to be reliably different. The result shows the scenario to
have a main effect on the windowed-mean, F (3, 15) = 4.184, p<.05, the average stan-
dard deviation, F (3, 15) = 4.787, p<.025, and the average signal energy, F (3, 15) =
76 K.W. Brawner and B.S. Goldberg

3.643, p<.05. Upon further analysis, a pairwise comparison was used to identify the
scenarios to have the largest effect on collected GSR data. Of all the compared treat-
ments, only two pairs were reported as being significantly different. Results show
individuals in the WDNI condition output had significantly higher GSR scores in the
windowed-mean when compared to the IDI treatment, with a mean difference be-
tween the two scenarios of 0.283, p=.05. As well, participants in the WDNI condition
output had significantly lower signal energy scores when compared to the IDNI
treatment, with a mean difference between the two scenarios (p=.025).

4 Discussion and Future Work

The experiments described above are intended to examine several effects. The first of
these is that ECG and GSR measurements will be able to discern a difference between
well- and ill-defined scenarios. The second is that, between the ill-defined scenarios,
the interjection of an interruption will have an effect of the participants’ further
The combination of self-paced instruction, web-based interaction, static character
pictures, and text feedback failed to vary heart rate, and lowered survey response
across all scenarios, but represents typical web-based instruction response. There
were no reportable differences in dependent variables between the IDI and IDNI sce-
narios. This is an indication that the instructional event of interrupting the user had no
effect on their arousal levels. It is an interesting conclusion that within the context of
this training environment, this intervention is shown to be an inappropriate instruc-
tional strategy to increase engagement. The authors continue to believe that interrup-
tion is still a valid strategy among more engaging applications.
Significant differences in the windowed measurements of mean, standard devia-
tion, and signal power were found between the well- and ill-defined scenarios. GSR is
a measurement of anxiety, arousal, boredom, frustration, or stress [15]. Interaction
scenarios without clear goals, such as in the ill-defined interaction context, are likely
to produce lower levels of arousal. This is supported by work examining the relation
between performance and stress through compensatory control of one’s attention and
effort [16]. This effect is observed without regard to self-reported immersion and
heart rate response. While it is noted that USMA cadets may have less of a response
to being interrupted, there is a clear difference when not given a specific mission.
Future work to assess real-time changes in trainee affect is motivated by the ability
of the GSR signal to detect significant differences among experiences. This is encour-
aging when combined with the wide availability of low-cost GSR sensors. There is
additional research being conducted to investigate alternate low-cost sensors, with
promising results, and the data stream feature extractions created as part of this work
are intended for use within GIFT [10].

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank two organizations for this work.
We would like to thank SoarTech for the design of the data collection testbed and
scenarios. We would also like to thank Dr. Michael Matthews of the Behavior
Sciences and Leadership Department at the United States Military Academy at West
Real-Time Monitoring of ECG and GSR Signals 77

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ger, Heidelberg (2008)
5. Isen, A.M.: Positive Affect and Decision Making. In: Lewis, M., Haviland, J.M. (eds.)
Handbook of Emotions, pp. 261–277. Guilford Press, New York (1993)
6. Woolf, B., Burleson, W., Arroyo, I., Dragon, T., Cooper, D., Picard, R.: Affect-Aware Tu-
tors: Recognizing and Responding to Student Affect. International Journal of Learning
Technology 4, 129–164 (2009)
7. D’Mello, S.K., Craig, S.D., Gholson, B., Franklin, S., Picard, R.W., Graesser, A.C.: Inte-
grating Affect Sensors in an Intelligent Tutoring System. In: Affective Interactions: The
Computer in the Affective Loop Workshop at 2005 International Conference on Intelligent
User Interfaces, pp. 7–13. AMC Press, New York (2005)
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of Student’s Physiological Response Towards E-Learning Courses Material by Using GSR
Sensor. In: 2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on Computer and Information
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9. Goldberg, B.S., Sottilare, R.A., Brawner, K.W., Holden, H.K.: Predicting Learner En-
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in the Development of Adaptive, Computer-based Tutoring Systems for Team Training.
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11. Pan, J., Tompkins, W.J.: A real-time QRS detection algorithm. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
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and Human Information Processing. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrect (1986)
Categorical vs. Dimensional Representations
in Multimodal Affect Detection during Learning

Md. Sazzad Hussain1,2, Hamed Monkaresi2, and Rafael A. Calvo2

National ICT Australia (NICTA), Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh 1430, Australia
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia

Abstract. Learners experience a variety of emotions during learning sessions

with Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). The research community is building
systems that are aware of these experiences, generally represented as a category
or as a point in a low-dimensional space. State-of-the-art systems detect these
affective states from multimodal data, in naturalistic scenarios. This paper
provides evidence of how the choice of representation affects the quality of the
detection system. We present a user-independent model for detecting learners’
affective states from video and physiological signals using both the categorical
and dimensional representations. Machine learning techniques are used for
selecting the best subset of features and classifying the various degrees of
emotions for both representations. We provide evidence that dimensional
representation, particularly using valence, produces higher accuracy.

Keywords: Affect, multimodality, machine learning, learning interaction.

1 Introduction

It has been widely acknowledged that affective states (e.g. emotions) underpin
learning, supporting both what we learn and how we go about doing it. Learners
experience a host of learning-centered emotions such as confusion, boredom,
engagement/flow, curiosity, interest, surprise, delight, anxiety, and frustration. These
affective states are highly relevant and influential to both the processes and products
of learning; many of these states are frequently experienced during tutorial sessions
with both Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) as well as human tutors [1-4].
Tutoring systems that are affect-sensitive aim to detect and react to learner
emotions not only to improve learning but also to increase task interest and
motivation [5]. It is believed that endowing ITSs with a degree of emotional
intelligence will improve the computer tutor’s understanding of the learner. One of
the challenges is improving their affect detection accuracy. It is generally agreed that
accuracy can be improved by multimodal information fusion combining signals such
as facial expressions, gestures, voice and a variety of physiological ones. Using these
signals, researchers enabled ITS with the ability to detect learners’ affective states
using categorical (e.g. confusion, frustration, etc.) [1, 3, 6] and dimensional (valence,

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 78–83, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Categorical vs. Dimensional Representations in Multimodal Affect Detection 79

arousal) [7] representations. In general, the choice of emotion representation

influences how these tutoring systems adapt and respond to affective states. This
paper investigates both categorical and dimensional representations for automatically
detecting learner affective states during interactions with AutoTutor, an ITS with
conversational dialogues [8]. Features are extracted from facial video (webcam) and
physiological signals to build a user-independent model. A number of studies have
attempted to recognize learners’ affect from facial expressions and speech [9-11].
Studies using physiological signals, especially in educational contexts, are relatively
rare with some exceptions [7, 12]. This study uses features related to changes in skin
color of face and head position from video. As for physiology, features related to
heart activity, skin response, respiration, facial muscle activity are considered.
Several emotion theories focus on categorical representations, which consider
discrete emotions (e.g. fear, anger, etc). Another alternative is the dimensional
representation, where a person’s affective states are represented as a point in a multi-
dimensional space (e.g. valence, arousal, dominance). Aghaei Pour et al. [12]
investigated that ITS feedback (positive, neutral, and negative) and learner affective
states were statistically related. A more recent study by Hussain et al. [7], provided an
empirical mapping of a set of discrete learning-centered affective states into a
valence/arousal space. In this paper, we have used the mapping representation given
in [7] to group the categorical affects in the negative (surprise, frustration. confusion,
boredom) and positive (delight, curiosity, flow) co-ordinates and label them negative
and positive respectively. Then we use supervised machine learning to classify
negative, neutral, and positive from the video and physiological features. Similarly,
for the dimensional representation, we also classify valence (negative, neutral, and
positive) and compare the results with categorical representation.
The following sections explain the experiment, the computational model, and the
results obtained.

2 Experiment and Data Collection

The dataset from [7] is used for the study in this paper. Learners were 201 healthy
participants (8 males and 12 females) aged from 18 to 30 years. They were equipped
with physiological sensors that monitored electrocardiogram (ECG), facial
electromyogram (EMG), respiration, and galvanic skin response (GSR). The
physiological signals were acquired using a BIOPAC MP150 system. Video was
recorded using an ordinary webcam (Logitech Webcam Pro 9000).
During the experiment, subjects completed a 20-minute tutorial session with
AutoTutor on topics in computer literacy. During this interaction, videos of the
participant’s face and of the computer screen were recorded. Participants made affect
judgments immediately after the learning session at 10 seconds fixed intervals over
the course of viewing their face and screen videos. They were asked to provide two
types of judgments: (a) categorical judgments, which included learning-centered
The dataset from 16 learners were used due to physiological sensor and calibration failures in
four learners.
80 M.S. Hussain, H. Monkaresi, and R.A. Calvo

affective states, and (b) dimensional judgments consisting of valence/arousal ratings

using the 3×3 affective grid.

3 Computational Framework in Matlab

Using the mapping presented in [7], the categorical labels are relabeled as negative
and positive respectively (neutral unchanged). Dimensional labels for 1-3 degrees of
valence from self-reports were relabeled as negative, neutral, and positive
respectively. The computational framework (figure 1) for feature extraction, feature
selection and classification is implemented in Matlab with the support of in-house and
third party codes/toolboxes.

Fig. 1. Computational framework in Matlab for data visualization, featrure extraction, feature
selection and classification

Feature vectors were calculated using 10 seconds time window corresponding to

the duration of each annotation and relabeled into negative, neutral, and positive. Two
types of image-based features were explored: geometric and chromatic features. Five
geometrical data (x and y coordinates, width, height and area) were derived which
determined the position of the head in each frame. In addition, each frame was
separated into red, green and blue colors in different conditions, due to movement or
changing illumination sources. A total of 115 features were extracted from the video
(59 from geometric and 56 from chromatic). Statistical features were extracted from
the different physiological channels using the Augsburg Biosignal toolbox (AuBT) in
Matlab. Some features were common for all signals (e.g. mean, median, and standard
deviation, range, ratio, minimum, and maximum) whereas other features were related
to the characteristics of the signals (e.g. heart rate variability, respiration pulse,
frequency). A total of 214 features were extracted from the five physiological channel
signals (84 from ECG, 42 from EMG, 21 from GSR, and 67 for respiration). All
physiological features were considered as a single modality and both head movement
and skin color features were considered as video modality. The fusion model
contained all features of these two modalities. Data from individual participants were
first standardized and then combined achieving a total of 2038 instances.
To reduce the dimensionality of the large number of features a Correlation based
Categorical vs. Dimensional Representations in Multimodal Affect Detection 81

Feature Selection (CFS) method was used for choosing the best subset of features.
The CFS technique evaluates the worth of a subset of attributes by considering the
individual predictive ability of each feature along with the degree of redundancy
between them [29].
We evaluated three classifiers: k-nearest neighbor (KNN), linear support vector
machine (SVM), and decision trees. A Vote classifier combined classifiers with the
average probability rule. The training and testing was performed separately with 10-
fold cross validation. Self-reports produce imbalanced class distribution and for this
study a high discrepant class distribution was observed for the user-independent
model. The high discrepant class distribution influences classification evaluation,
therefore, we applied a down sample technique, spreadsubsample in Weka, which
produces a random subsample with a balanced class distribution. Due to down
sampling, 32% data was lost from the categorical representation and 51% data was
lost from the dimensional representation.

4 Results and Discussions

Classification results are presented for detecting negative, neutral, and positive for the
categorical and dimensional (valence) representations. Firstly, we discuss the features
chosen by the feature selection algorithm. For the categorical representation,
chromatic and geometric features had almost similar contribution. For valence,
chromatic was more dominant compared to geometric. As for physiology, ECG
features were the most important for both emotion representations, especially valence.
Respiration features were also noticeably important for valence. Similar trend for
feature selection was found for their fusion model. GSR was not very useful. The
selected features were used to obtain the classification results presented in figure 2.

Fig. 2. Classification accruacy for detecting negative, neutral and positive from video,
physiology, and fusion for categorical and valence representations2

Similar trend in overall classification accuracy was observed for the same dataset without
applying down sampling techniques (total 2038 instances for both emotion models).
82 M.S. Hussain, H. Monkaresi, and R.A. Calvo

The baseline accuracy was 33%, obtained using the ZeroR classifier. It is clear
from figure 2 that the detection accuracy for the valence representation is higher than
the categorical one for the two modalities (video, physiology) and their fusion. This is
an indicator that the dimensional representation, in this case valence (dimensional) is
very suitable for modeling learner affective states compared to the categorical
representation. If we investigate the individual modalities, it is observed that the video
channel (accuracy of 45% for categorical and 62% for valence) is the best modality
for detecting learner affective states using both emotion models. The physiological
channel performs slightly lower than the video. The fusion fails to improve the
accuracy over the video channel for both representations. Physiological signals have
been reported in previous studies to be more useful for detecting arousal [13]. Even
though we have not included arousal from the dimensional representation for this
study, we were interested to see if the fusion of the two modalities can show any
improvement. We briefly present the findings for detecting three degrees (low,
medium, high) of arousal. The arousal dataset was highly skewed with most of the
labels appearing to be medium arousal and less appearing to be high arousal. The
dataset is down sampled for this analysis, loosing 73% of the data. Despite low
number of instances, the classification results for the arousal dimension show good
accuracy. The fusion of video and physiological features in the arousal model exhibit
slightly higher accuracy (64.63%) compared to video (61.48%) and physiology
(60%). This could indicate that physiological features are more useful with other
modalities for arousal models in learning interactions.

5 Conclusion

We have explored multimodal features for detecting negative, neutral, and positive
affective states using the categorical and dimensional representations during learning
sessions with ITS. Machine learning techniques have been applied for selecting the
best subset of features and classification. The analysis shows that learners’ affective
states are best detected using the dimensional representation. More importantly, this is
evidence that the choice of emotion model plays important role is affect detection
during learning interactions. There might be underlying reasons for such results, for
example, that dimensional representations might be more natural for emotion
modeling, maybe because they prevent linguistic incongruence. This is part of a
longstanding debate to which paper contributes additional evidence.
The video channel achieved the highest detection performance for both
representations. However, multimodal features (e.g. physiology) still need to be
considered especially for arousal models. The accuracy for detecting negative,
neutral, and positive for both emotion models in this study is above random but not
extremely high because of the user-independent model. Improved detection accuracy
could be achieved in a user-dependent model with other modalities. However, the
importance of choosing the suitable emotion model is evident from this paper and
should be considered for building better ITS systems.
Categorical vs. Dimensional Representations in Multimodal Affect Detection 83

Acknowledgements. Sazzad Hussain was supported by Endeavour Award and

National ICT Australia (NICTA)3.

1. D’Mello, S., Craig, S., Witherspoon, A., Mcdaniel, B., Graesser, A.: Automatic detection
of learner’s affect from conversational cues. User Modeling and User-Adapted
Interaction 18, 45–80 (2008)
2. Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. Harper and Row,
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3. Graesser, A., McDaniel, B., Chipman, P., Witherspoon, A., D’Mello, S., Gholson, B.:
Detection of emotions during learning with AutoTutor. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual
Meetings of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 285–290 (2006)
4. Craig, S., Graesser, A., Sullins, J., Gholson, B.: Affect and learning: an exploratory look
into the role of affect in learning with AutoTutor. Learning, Media and Technology 29,
241–250 (2004)
5. Calvo, R.A., D’Mello, S.: New Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies.
Explorations in the Learning Sciences, Instructional Systems and Performance
Technologies, vol. 3. Springer, New York (2011)
6. Klein, J., Moon, Y., Picard, R.: This computer responds to user frustration: Theory, design,
and results. Interacting with Computers 14, 119–140 (2002)
7. Hussain, M.S., AlZoubi, O., Calvo, R.A., D’Mello, S.K.: Affect Detection from
Multichannel Physiology during Learning Sessions with AutoTutor. In: Biswas, G., Bull,
S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS(LNAI), vol. 6738, pp. 131–138.
Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
8. Graesser, A.C., Chipman, P., Haynes, B.C., Olney, A.: AutoTutor: An intelligent tutoring
system with mixed-initiative dialogue. IEEE Transactions on Education 48, 612–618
9. Cowie, R., Douglas-Cowie, E., Tsapatsoulis, N., Votsis, G., Kollias, S., Fellenz, W.,
Taylor, J.: Emotion recognition in human-computer interaction. IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine 18, 32–80 (2001)
10. Polzin, T.: Detecting Verbal and Non-verbal cues in the communication of emotion.
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11. Yacoob, Y., Davis, L.: Recognizing human facial expressions from long image sequences
using optical flow. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18,
636–642 (1996)
12. Aghaei Pour, P., Hussain, M.S., AlZoubi, O., D’Mello, S., Calvo, R.A.: The Impact of
System Feedback on Learners’ Affective and Physiological States. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J.,
Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 264–273. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
13. Calvo, R.A., D’Mello, S.: Affect Detection: An Interdisciplinary Review of Models,
Methods, and their Applications. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 1, 18–37

NICTA is funded by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the Australian Research Council
through the ICT Centre of Excellence program.
Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious
Perception to Enhance Learner’s Reasoning Ability

Pierre Chalfoun and Claude Frasson

Université de Montréal, Dept. of Computer Science and Operations Research

2920 chemin de la tour, H3T-1J8 QC, Canada

Abstract. Current Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) employ explicit and direct
learning strategies when interacting with learners. Although these ITS use cog-
nitive and logical models to analyze the conscious cognitive processes behind
reasoning, we believe that in specific situations during knowledge acquisition,
such as reasoning, unconscious cognitive processes are heavily solicited in the
brain. In this paper, we will propose a complimentary and novel learning strate-
gy to current ITS aimed at enhancing reasoning in a problem solving environ-
ment. This approach, called Cognitive Priming, is based on neural correlates of
non-conscious perception. We will present two studies that have positively con-
ditioned learners and enhanced different dimensions of their reasoning skills by
employing a technique based on the science of subliminal perception. We will
also present relevant cerebral data recorded throughout the studies and discuss
the importance of such findings for the community.

Keywords: Cognitive priming, reasoning, problem solving, EEG, ITS.

1 Introduction

For more than twenty five years now, the aim of intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
has been to properly adapt learning sessions and material to the learner. Moreover, the
availability, ease of use, and affordability of physiological devices have endowed
current tutors with the ability to assess student’s cognitive and affective states during
learning [1]. Amongst the many important cognitive processes that occur during
learning, properly assessing the reasoning ability of learners when acquiring know-
ledge is of paramount importance. Current ITS use explicit and direct learning strate-
gies when interacting with learners and only assess conscious cognitive processes that
occur during learning. However, it is now widely accepted that the unconscious mind
does play a role in cognitive activity and in learning. Indeed, we believe, based on
several experiments and well recorded phenomenon in recent neuroscience literature,
that learning is a complex interplay between conscious and unconscious mechanisms
in the brain and exploring and assessing these mechanisms is not only possible, but of
great interest [2]. In general, this research is interested in exploring the domain of
unconscious cognition and assess, using physiological sensors, the relevant cognitive
mechanisms involved during reasoning in a problem solving environment. This paper,

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 84–89, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious Perception 85

more specifically, will explore and assess the possibility of enhancing learner’s rea-
soning ability in a problem solving environment by employing a technique based on
neural correlates of non-conscious perception called “cognitive priming”. The idea is
to project answers to a problem slightly outside the learner’s conscious awareness
while active thinking is taking place thus increasing the reasoning process of learners.
Contrary to popular belief, a large body of work in neuroscience has put forward
strong evidence that learning simple to complex information can be done without
perception or complete awareness at the task at hand [3, 4].

2 Cognitive Priming

Before going further, we need to clearly establish the terminology that will be used in
this paper. Unconscious cognition refers to the wide range of possible effects that
unconscious mechanisms in the brain can have on cognitive processes such as learn-
ing and complex decision making. Non-conscious perception is the sub-branch of
unconscious cognition that deals with all sensory-related stimuli that are processed
unconsciously (e.g. images or sounds). Subliminal perception is a technique that
transmits information without overloading the active cognitive channel by projecting
a stimulus, called a prime, under the human conscious visual threshold. Masked prim-
ing is one of the most widely used technique for subliminal perception [5]. It consists
in projecting for a very short time (20 to 40 ms) a stimulus (such as a word or an im-
age) preceded and/or followed by the projection of a mask (random figures or dashes)
for a few hundred milliseconds. Cognitive priming is a special case of subliminal
perception where the stimulus used (answer to a question for example) is aimed to-
ward enhancing cognitive processes such as reasoning or decision making towards the
goal of better knowledge acquisition. The essence of our work is inspired by a frame-
work in the neuroscience of non-conscious perception and more specifically on to two
landmark papers in Science and Nature where robust subliminal priming methodolo-
gies showed that that genuinely invisible primes could influence processing at a
semantic level [6, 7]. In light of all these findings, we have carefully designed subli-
minal primes in the form of images containing cognitively helpful information to the
learner for a problem solving environment. We will now review some relevant work
in areas close to our research interests before presenting our experiments.

3 Related Work

To the best of our knowledge, we found no similar work in the ITS/AIED community
that uses and assesses cognitive priming to attempt to enhance reasoning in a problem
solving environment. The most relevant work however regarding our research has
been done by Lowery and colleagues who demonstrated that subliminal primes can
increase performance on midterm exams compared to neutral primes and that subli-
minal priming may have long-term effects on real-world behavior [8]. In HCI, one of
the early works regarding subliminal cues for task-supported operation was the text
editor program of Wallace [9] where Wallace and colleagues found that the frequency
86 P. Chalfoun and C. Frasson

at which subjects demanded help was much lower when the required information was
presented in subliminal matter. The Memory Glasses by DeVaul and colleagues [3]
used wearable glasses that projects subliminal cues as a strategy for just-in time
memory support. The objective was to investigate the effect of various subliminal
cues (correct and misleading) on retention in a word-face learning paradigm and
compare recall performance. Another use of priming for memory support can be
found in the thesis of Shutte [10] where the author assessed the effects of brief subli-
minal primes on memory retention during an interference task. Although the results of
these priming seemed very encouraging, the author cautions HCI designers that mi-
susing subliminal priming that can lead to critical disruptions of ongoing tasks. After
briefly reviewing the relevant work, we will now present the studies conducted where
cognitive priming was used in two distinct experimental setups.

4 Empirical Studies Conducted

The learning task set in both of these experiments is to teach the construction of an
odd magic square of any order with the use of 3 cumulative visual tricks (T1 to T3)
requiring neither a calculator nor complex mental arithmetic operations. For a magic
square of 5x5, the three tricks show how to properly fill the boxes in the square with
numbers from 1 to 25. Tricks are cumulative and a learner must use T1 to complete
T2 and T2 to complete T3. Thus, T3 is more difficult to understand than T1 because it
requires learners to have understood T1 and T2 respectively. (see [11] for details).

Fig. 1. Overall design for study 1 and 2

The main objective of the studies was to learn the tricks whilst making the fewest
possible mistakes. Learning performance metrics were our main criterions for evaluat-
ing learners’ reasoning performance. The subliminal stimulus, thresholds, prime and
masks were carefully chosen following the neural bases of subliminal priming [5] as
well as accepted brain methodologies [12].

Study 1: using positive hints as cognitive primes. In this study, learners are shown
multiple examples of each trick without explaining how the trick works. We present
Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious Perception 87

for each trick various Power Point slides of before and after states of the magic square
for various numbers. Instead of giving away the answer, we ask the subjects to deduce
the rule by themselves. The control group will try to deduce each trick without subli-
minal stimuli and conversely the condition group will be conditioned by a subliminal
tutor that will prime learners. The primes are in the form of arrows pointing to the
proper location on the square where the next number should appear. We will then
compare performances, trick completion time and question completion time. Learning
takes place in a 3D game-like environment called MOCAS. The interactions between
the avatar’s learner and the pedagogical agents are done via mouse clicks. The learn-
ers are instructed to continue once they are convinced they have discovered the inner
working of each trick and cannot go back. They are asked a series of questions by
virtual avatars related to the last trick learned. After answering all questions related to
each learned trick, the answer to the current trick is revealed before learning the next
trick. Physiological signals of the learners were also monitored in real-time and saved
for off-line analysis. The signals were heart rate, galvanic skin response, respiration
and skin temperature. A total of 30 participants were recruited for the experiment;
they were assigned either to the experimental condition (N=15; PositivePrime) or to
the control condition (N=15; Control).

Results. Our hypothesis in this study was that cognitive primes were to have positive
effects on reasoning, and consequently on performance and mistakes made. The
results obtained show that PositivePrime’s overall performance was statistically dif-
ferent (p=.023, alpha=0.05) than the control group and 2.7 times more efficient on
average (44% less mistakes overall with the presence of the subliminal module). Fur-
thermore, subliminal priming at specific intervals seem to significantly reduce the
time spend on each question. Indeed, time spent on each question by primed learners
is reduced by an overall factor of 1.3 (Single factor ANOVA p = .023, alpha = 0.05).
It is important to note that NO subliminal priming is done during the questions. All
the priming is done during the tricks taught. The answer to the questions is not pro-
jected subliminally when the question is asked. We believe these encouraging results
can be explained by the fact that the subliminal primes are goal-relevant to the cogni-
tive task at hand and might have acted as a “catalyst” for quickly converging to a
solution as observed by previous studies [13]. However, we wanted to verify the va-
lidity of this priming strategy by conducting a second study where we introduced
primes (called miscues) that were designed to throw off learners in order to compare
results with positive primes used here.

Study 2: using positive and misleading hints as cognitive primes. In this study, we
are teaching the same lesson (learning how to construct a magic square in 3 simple
tricks) but within a 2D system that looks very similar to an online exam session. Al-
though learners still had to infer their own solutions and correctly figure out the algo-
rithm used in each trick, the solution to each trick was never presented (see fig. 1).
Thus, each learner had to induce the rules and construct a mental model of the overall
solution. Furthermore, learners reported how they figured each trick by choosing be-
tween the following: I deduced the trick by intuition, logic, a little of both (variable
Trick answer type). A fixed time limit of 45 seconds for the questions was imposed.
88 P. Chalfoun and C. Frasson

Failing to give an answer within the allowed time was considered a mistake. Learners
also reported how they answered each question by choosing between the following: I
answered the question by guessing the answer, by intuition or by logical deduction
(variable Question answer type). After giving their answer, a green check or a red
cross appears for 2 seconds indicating to the learner if they made a correct or wrong
choice respectively. The main intent for these changes is to associate relevant brains
states with how learners reasoned and resolved problems. Physiological signals of the
learners were also monitored in real-time and saved for off-line analysis. The signals
were EEG (brainwaves), heart rate and galvanic skin response. A total of 43 partici-
pants were recruited for the experiment; they were assigned either to the answer group
(N=14; Answer_cues), to the misleading group (N=14; Miscue) or to the control
group (N=15; Control). Each learner was compensated with 10$.

Results. Our hypothesis in this study was that cognitive positive primes only, and not
miscues, were to have positive effects on reasoning, and consequently on performance
and mistakes made. We examined results related to performance (number of mis-
takes) with regards to the way learning occurred (Trick answer type), the way learners
answered questions (Question answer type) and the group (Answer_cues, Miscue,
Control). Significant effects from a four way cross-tabulation analysis were only
found for the variables Trick answer type* group with regards to the number of mis-
takes with the following combinations: Logic*Answer_cues (p=.002, alpha = 0.05,
chi-square = 16.949), A little of both*Answer_cues (p=.048, alpha = 0.05, chi-square
= 9.117). Results seem to indicate that only Answer_cues, and not miscues, do signif-
icantly influence logical reasoning and decision making when learning a trick logical-
ly. From the EEG data we were interested in investigating changes in two metrics that
have previously been reported as relevant indicators of insightful problem solving
(40Hz right asymmetry) [14] and complex arithmetic processing (Beta2 left asymme-
try) [15]. We observed that the asymmetry values for the 40Hz (p = .003, alpha =
0.05) and Beta2 (p = .04, alpha = 0.05) in the Answer_cues group are significantly
different than the Miscue group for the third and most difficult trick. The
Answer_cues group seems to shift their attention from a complex arithmetic process
(Beta2 left asymetry decrease) toward an “insightful” problem solving strategy (40Hz
right asymetry increase), thus involving the right side of the brain, known to be an
important actor in insightful problem solving. The combination of these two metrics
could indeed be an interesting indicator of a change in the reasoning stategy from
complex arithmetics to insightful reasoning during problem-solving.

5 Conclusion
We have presented in this paper a novel approach to enhance reasoning and learning
in a problem solving environment with cognitive priming. This technique aims at
enhancing unconscious processes involved in learning, namely reasoning, by project-
ing information under the visual threshold of learners without neither overloading the
current cognitive channel nor disturbing the learning session. Furthermore, cerebral
recording have shown that it might be possible to assess not only classical reasoning
Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious Perception 89

but also intuitive reasoning. Expected benefits from this technique are two-fold. First,
the reasoning ability of learners is strengthened by the added information outside of
conscious awareness. Second, the supplementary cognitive data does not hamper or
interrupt active cognitive processes. Many interesting challenges remain however for
future work such as ethical aspects and usage of this technique in a more complex
scenario where deep learning might occur. We are currently working on all these
issues and hope to present relevant findings to the community in the near future.

1. Nkambou, R., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R. (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Sys-
tems. SCI, vol. 308, p. 2010. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
2. Hassin, R.R., Uleman, J.S., Bargh, J.A.: The new unconsciousness, p. 575. Oxford Univer-
sity Press, New York (2005)
3. DeVaul, R.W., Pentland, A., Corey, V.R.: The Memory Glasses: Subliminal vs. Overt
Memory Support with Imperfect Information. In: IEEE International Symposium on
Wearable Computers 2003, pp. 146–153. IEEE Computer Society, New York (2003)
4. Nunez, J.P., Vincente, F.D.: Unconscious learning. Conditioning to subliminal visual sti-
muli. The Spanish Journal of Psychology 7(1), 15 (2004)
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for Access to Consciousness. PLoS Biololgy 5(10), 2408–2423 (2007)
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7. Greenwald, A.D., Draine, S.C., Abrams, R.L.: Three cognitive markers of unconscious
semantic activation. Science 273, 1699–1702 (1996)
8. Lowery, B.S., Eisenberger, N.I., Hardin, C.D., Sinclair, S.: Long-term effect of subliminal
priming on academic performance. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29(2), 151–157
9. Wallace, F.L., Flaherty, J.M., Knezek, G.A.: The Effect of Subliminal HELP Presentations
on Learning a Text Editor. Information Processing and Management 27(2/3), 7 (1991)
10. Schutte, P.C.: Assessing the Effects of Momentary Priming on Memory Retention During
an Interference Task. In: Computer Science 2005, p. 103. Virginia Commonwealth Uni-
versity, Virginia (2005)
11. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C.: Subliminal cues while teaching: HCI technique for enhanced
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nication in Human-Computer Interaction (2011) (1)
12. Pessiglione, M., Petrovic, P., Daunizeau, J., Palminteri, S., Dolan, R.J., Frith, C.D.: Subli-
minal Instrumental Conditioning Demonstrated in the Human Brain. Neuron 59, 561–567
13. Strahan, E.J., Spencer, S.J., Zanna, M.P.: Subliminal priming and persuasion: Striking
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14. Sandkühler, S., Bhattacharya, J.: Deconstructing insight: EEG correlates of Insightful
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15. Hyungkyu, K., Jangsik, C., Eunjung, L.: EEG Asymmetry Analysis of the Left and Right
Brain Activities During Simple versus Complex Arithmetic Learning. Journal of Neurothe-
rapy 13 (2009)
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements:
An Incremental Approach for Enhancing Student
Engagement and Learning Effectiveness

Dovan Rai and Joseph E. Beck

Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA


Abstract. Educational games intend to make learning more enjoyable, but carry
a potential cost of compromising learning efficiency by consuming both in-
structional time and student cognitive resources. Therefore, instead of creating
an educational game, we create a learning environment with game-like ele-
ments, the aspects of games that are engaging, but that hopefully do not nega-
tively impact the learning effectiveness of the system. We present an approach
of incrementally making a tutor more game-like, and present an evaluation to
estimate the effect of game-like elements in terms of their benefits such as en-
hancing engagement and learning as well as their costs such as distraction and
working memory overload. We developed four different versions of a math tu-
tor with different degrees of game-likeness, such as adding narrative and visual
feedback. The four systems were pedagogically equivalent consisting of 27
main tutor problems with the same hint and bug messages and mini tutorial les-
sons. Based on a study with 252 students, we found that students reported more
satisfaction with a more “game-like” tutor. Students also took an 11-item pret-
est and posttest and the students with the most game-like tutor have significant
learning gain but there is no reliable difference between the different versions
of the tutor.

Keywords: game-like elements, educational games, intelligent tutors, intelli-

gent games, engagement, cognitive overload.

1 Introduction

Intelligent tutors, which are primarily concerned with cognitive aspects of learning,
use adaptive, individualized tutoring to students and have shown evidence to improve
learning significantly [1]. On the other hand, education researchers have also been
interested in computer games due to their immense popularity and affordance of new
kinds of interactions. Games can not only enhance the affective aspects of learning,
but can also hold the potential to improve cognitive outcomes of learning as well. But
despite this intuitive appeal of educational games, there is not enough empirical evi-
dence on effectiveness of educational games [2,3]. There is a relative scarcity of evi-
dence directly comparing the educational effectiveness of educational games vs.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 90–100, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements 91

computer tutors; however, comparisons have found an advantage for traditional tutor-
ing approaches over educational games [4,5]. However, tutors, have had difficulties in
maintaining students’ interest for long periods of time, which limit their use to gener-
ate long-term learning [5].
Given these complementary benefits, there has been considerable effort to combine
these two fields. However, fulfilling this vision is a challenging design goal and diffi-
cult to instantiate. Therefore, we are taking a conservative, incremental research path.
Instead of completely integrating educational content into a game framework, we are
analyzing and inspecting game-like elements, elements within the game that are en-
gaging, in terms of their pedagogical impact and then integrate the beneficial ones
into the tutor. In this paper, we are trying to create a theoretical and experimental
framework for assessing these game-like elements.

Fig. 1. Screenshot of Monkey's Revenge

Monkey’s Revenge (see Figure 1) is a coordinate geometry math-learning envi-

ronment with game-like elements. The system is a series of 8th grade coordinate
geometry problems wrapped in a visual narrative. Students have to help story charac-
ters solve the problems in order to move the story forward. Similar to classic comput-
er tutors, students receive hints and bug messages when they encounter difficulties. In
the story, a boy, Mike is thrown out of class for playing a game on his cell phone. The
day is going to be a strange one as his world is now mapped into coordinates. As a
warm-up problem, students have to find out Mike’s height in coordinate units based
on the (x,y) coordinates of his head. Mike finds a monkey and, being lonely, Mike
wants to befriend him and the student helps Mike by giving a name to the monkey.
Later Mike builds a house for the monkey, but the monkey is not eager to become
domesticated and destroys the house, steals Mike’s phone and runs away. The boy
tries to get back his phone by throwing balls at the monkey. To move the story
92 D. Rai and J.E. Beck

forward, the students have to solve coordinate problems like calculating distance be-
tween the boy and the monkey, the slope of the roof and walls of the house, finding
points where the monkey tied to a rope cannot reach bananas and finally figure out
slopes, intercepts and equation of the line of the path of the ball. The math content
gets more advanced as the student progresses within the story.

2 Theoretical Framework

Using games in education has been a topic of great interest and controversy among
education researchers generating a growing number of ardent proponents [7,8,22] as
well as many unconvinced skeptics [3,9,19]. When we add game-like elements to a
tutor, we expect to have a more engaging environment; however, we still do not know
how learning changes in the process. Games can improve learning by enhancing af-
fect and motivation and through cognitive support and pedagogical affordances. On
the other hand, games can also add various constraints for learning, which are dis-
cussed in the following paragraphs.

Practical constraint: Time overload

Game elements consume time that could have been used for instruction. Game envi-
ronments can be complex and require students to spend time to learn them first.

Intrinsic constraint: Working memory overload

Although details and novelty in a game environment and complexity of the game
rules can add excitement and entertainment value in games, they can also overwhelm
learners in the case of learning games due to additional working memory load [13] of
the learning content. Since non-educational games have a sole purpose of entertain-
ing, they can afford to play with novelty, details and complexity to maximize fun.
However, learning games have to deliver learning content, and thus have to restrain
on the amount of additional details and complexity.

Goal constraint: Aligning cognitive and affective outcomes

While tutoring systems are primarily concerned with cognitive outcomes and comput-
er games are about maximizing fun, educational games have the objective of enhanc-
ing both cognitive and affective outcomes. These two goals are not necessarily in
opposition. In fact, they can reinforce each other. But these two outcomes are not
always aligned and sometimes affective and cognitive strategies may be in conflict
with each other [17]. As mentioned in the previous section, the elements, which en-
hance excitement and fun, can overwhelm and overload learners. Similarly, the tutori-
al practices may seem pedantic and diminish students’ sense of choice and control and
reduce fun [4].

Design constraint: Integration of learning content and game attributes

It is more likely that games will be instructionally effective if the specific characteris-
tics of the game (e.g., setting, player roles and activities, rules, etc.) overlap with
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements 93

specific instructional objectives. This overlap must be consciously structured on the

basis of a thorough analysis of the reasons for the instruction and the instructional
objectives to be met [9]. When integration of content and game attributes is unintui-
tive, it can make learning hard and, when the integration is superficial, it may only
add extrinsic motivation hindering intrinsic motivation.

Game-Like Elements
We are not trying to generate formal definitions of games or game elements, but ra-
ther we are looking into understanding the properties of game-like elements, which
we define as the engaging and interactive aspects of games. Specifically, we are look-
ing into game-like elements such as narrative, immediate visual feedback, visual re-
presentation, collecting, sensory stimuli, etc. Even though the game-like elements are
defined based on their engaging nature, these elements can have significant pedagogi-
cal impact in both positive and negative ways. Our goal is to assess these elements in
terms of their pedagogical efficacy and to select and integrate those ones that can be
beneficial pedagogically, or at least not hurt the learning.
As we incrementally add game-like elements into a tutor, we may expect to gener-
ally have increased fun. But given the complicated relation of games with learning
as discussed in the previous section, we do not know how learning changes during the
process. We have plotted three plausible tradeoff curves of making tutor more
game-like in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Three possible tradeoff curves for making tutors more like games

a. Some game-like elements can be pedagogically beneficial. For example, narra-

tive can enhance learning by adding meaningful and interesting context to the
learning content. But, there can be a tradeoff that reduces the benefit after some
point. Once the narrative gets too elaborate and complex, it may make learning
process complicated and confusing instead.
b. Some game-like elements may be orthogonal to learning content and may not
interfere with, or directly benefit, learning.
c. Some game-like elements can hurt learning. For example: unguided exploration
and pedagogically meaningful choices can leave students confused and possibly
making suboptimal decisions.
94 D. Rai and J.E. Beck

We want to find the optimal point where the addition of game-like elements maximiz-
es learning. This graph is a simplified representation of the possibilities as it is con-
ceivable that game-like elements could synergize and enhance the effects, or interfere
with each other and reduce their individual effects.

Game-Like Elements in Monkey’s Revenge

We carefully picked the game-like elements that we thought to be relevant and cogni-
tively supportive to our content.

Embedding domain in a context

Authentic activities: Research on authentic learning has suggested that learning is
more efficient and effective when it is embedded in realistic and relevant contexts
[12]. Fortunately, our domain of interest, coordinate geometry, has many concrete
applications. We tried to incorporate those concrete activities, such as calculating
slope of the roof of a house.

Narrative: entertains and engages learners and gives a meaningful context for solving
problems. Furthermore, if we use a coherent story, the initial story context can be
reused for multiple problems, thus saving effort and cognitive load required reading
context for each new word problem, particularly when compared to traditional word
problems where the problems tend to have disjoint context.

Visual affordances
Visual problem representation: Graphics not only add appeal but they can help devel-
op mental models, thus reducing the burden on working memory [14]. We used very
simple and minimalist visual representation so as not to interfere with the coordinate
graph itself. As the problems get harder, they tend to be more abstract and it becomes
harder and unintuitive to have concrete representations.

Immediate visual feedback: We have used immediate visual feedback for student
responses to serve both engagement and learning objectives. Immediate visual feed-
back makes the interface more interactive, giving users sense of control and rein-
forcement. When the feedback is appealing and interesting, it adds to sensory stimuli.
In addition to providing positive reinforcement on correct responses, visual feedback
on incorrect responses provides students with information about the magnitude of the
error and how it relates to the correct solution [7].

Other game-like elements

Collection: Students can collect badges after each level as they master a sub-skill.

Building: Students have to solve different problems to build a house. Using various
sub-skills to create a single structure, students can see how different mathematical
concepts can be integrated within a single entity.
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements 95

Personalization: Students can name the monkey. Though this seems a small addition
on the designer’s part, but students were very excited about this feature.

3 Methodology

Our approach is to assess each individual game-like element’s effects on learning and
engagement through controlled experiments. But due to the limitation of the number
of students we were able to get for the study, we could not test all combinations of
game-like elements. Therefore, we focused on the two elements we thought would
have the most impact: narrative and immediate visual feedback. We created four
different versions of Monkey’s Revenge with different combinations of game-like
elements. All versions had same 27 math problems in the same sequence. Students
also get the same hints and bug messages and two mini tutorial lessons, and the peda-
gogical help was identical across conditions. By making all the tutors pedagogically
equivalent and changing one individual game-like element at a time, we are just look-
ing at the affective and pedagogical impact of the particular individual game-like

Table 1. Four experimental tutor versions with different degree of game-likeness

Game like elements

Tutor Version Immediate Other game-like
visual feedback elements
A: Monkey’s revenge Yes Yes Yes
B: Monkey’s Revenge with-
No Yes Yes
out visual feedback
C: Monkey’s Revenge with-
Yes No Yes
out narrative
D: Basic tutor No No No

A total of 252 middle school (12-14 year olds) students from four urban schools of the
United States participated in this study. This intervention was designed as a home-
work assignment. Unfortunately, most teachers chose to use it as a within-class ac-
tivity, and only 45 students worked on it as homework. Students were randomly
assigned to the four groups, where the randomization was within each class.

Data Collection
Within the tutor, we collected survey questions, logged performance data and also
administered pretest and posttest. We created two parallel forms of our test, A and B,
and randomly assigned each student one form as the pretest and the other form as the
posttest. In this way the pre- and the post-test were equally difficult for each
96 D. Rai and J.E. Beck

condition on average, and we can compute learning gains fairly. We could not use
the same form of the test for pre- and post-test, since prior experience showed stu-
dents would not take the posttest seriously since they recalled seeing the questions.

4 Results

Since the exercise took 80 minutes to complete on average, which is longer than a
regular class period, only 118 students were able to complete the exercise.

Cognitive and Time Overload

The mean correct responses among the experimental groups are almost the same, with
condition A doing a little better than groups C and D, even though it had a lower pret-
est score. So, we are assuming that pictures and story might not have added difficulty,
at least for solving the problems that students had prior knowledge on. Students in
tutor version A spent 5 minutes more on narrative which is a very small fraction of
the total time spent on the exercise.

Table 2. Students’ performance across experimental conditions (means and 95% CI)

Tutor version Pretest percent Problems correct in Minutes spent on

correct the tutor (max=27) narrative and instruction
A (N=35) 68% 20.3±1.1 10
B (N=26) 64% 19.8±2 13
C (N=27) 70% 18.6±1.2 9
D (N=31) 74% 18.5±1.5 5

Liking and Satisfaction

We asked the students survey questions with a 5 point Likert scale from “strongly
disagree”(1) to “strongly agree”(5).
“I liked this tutor.”; "This tutor is fun.”; “This tutor helped me learn.”; “This is
better than the computer math programs I have used before.”

From Table 3, we found a gradient across increasing levels of game-likeness where

liking the tutor increases as the tutor becomes more game-like. We had received this
same trend in our previous study [21]. Narrative seemed to be more effective as a
game-like element than immediate feedback. However, statistically, the three groups
with game-like elements are similar to each other and different from “Basic tutor”.
Based on students’ rating of the tutor and game-like elements, we can conclude that
adding game-like elements increased students’ liking and satisfaction with the tutor
relative to the basic tutor (p<0.01). A different study [20] with online casual games
had found that music and sound effect had no effect on game play time duration while
addition of visual animation made them play longer.
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements 97

Table 3. Students’ survey response across experimental conditions (means and 95% CI)

Better than
Tutor version Like tutor Had fun Tutor helped
other programs
A (N=34) 4.0±0.3 4.1±0.4 3.9±0.3 3.9±0.3
B (N=25) 3.9±0.4 3.9±0.4 3.6±0.4 3.7±0.4
C (N=27) 3.6±0.5 3.3±0.5 3.2±0.5 3.8±0.5
D (N=28) 3.0±0.5 3.0±0.5 3.1±0.5 3.4±0.5

We also collected open feedback from the students to get a qualitative assessment
of the tutor. The following is a sample of students’ open comment feedbacks:

“I think that overall this is a very interesting and useful tool for kids who are learning
coordinate geometry. it is more interesting than online math tools i have used in the
past. however, the hints should be more to the point instead of restating information
given in the question. :)”
“I think that the storyline added a bit of fun to normal boring Math. I liked this pro-
gram and i hope to see it again in the future. :)”
“I like the fact that it was a walk though process with icons to tell us what to do. The
story was a little distracting but it made solving the problems fun.”
“Get rid of the stupid animation we are algebra students not 4th graders.... u need to
focus on the math and not the stupid animation”

Learning Gain
We created two sets of 11-item questionnaire (3 multiple choice and 8 open re-
sponse). The two sets were balanced in terms of problem difficulty.

Table 4. Students’ gain across experimental conditions (means and 95% CI)

Tutor version Pretest percent correct Learning gain

A (N=31) 66% 10% ± 9%
B (N=17) 69% 5% ± 7%
C (N=23) 70% 7% ± 8%
D (N=23) 74% 3% ± 7%

We were not able to find any conclusive results or patterns in students’ learning
gains. The large standard error suggests students were not taking the test seriously,
that the test was not long enough to estimate student learning, or some combination of
both. One conclusion is that only tutor version A had learning gains reliably different
than 0, and none of the tutor versions reliably differed from each other.
98 D. Rai and J.E. Beck

We also observed individual test questions and the learning gains from the open re-
sponse questions.

Table 5. Students’ gain across pretest items (means)

Extra tutoring Yes No Yes No

Test item 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pretest percent
47% 51% 76% 71% 70% 88% 41% 64%
Learning gain 13% 18% 5% 10% -1% 6% 14% 5%

We had also incorporated two mini lessons within the tutor. If students made cer-
tain number of wrong attempts or asked for certain number of hints, the tutor assumes
that the student has difficulty in the skill and then takes her through a tutorial lesson
where she goes through different screens solving smaller problem steps at a time. This
is very similar to scaffolding used in intelligent tutors. Those two lessons correspond
to the pre and posttest items 3,4 and 10. Coincidentally, these same problems have
highest gain, which suggests that the extra tutoring was effective. But the same items
also have lowest pre test score (we had intentionally designed the mini lessons for
harder problems), which also leaves a possibility that it is more of regression towards
the mean or simply having more room for students to demonstrate growth.

5 Future Work and Conclusions

We created four pedagogically equivalent versions of a math learning environment

with varying degree of game-likeness. We found that students’ showed more liking of
the tutor version with game-like elements. Narrative was possibly more effective as a
game-like element than immediate feedback. Students with the most game-like tutor
had significant learning gain but we were not able to find any differences among the
four versions of the tutor. However, students gained significantly in the problems
where they received extra tutoring which suggests that adding more tutorial features
in a game-like environment leads to higher learning.
As a future work, we would like to replicate this study with a longer intervention
spanning over multiple days. Since the tutor versions are pedagogically equivalent in
terms of hints and tutorials, it might be hard to find difference in learning gain if the
time is fixed. If we make the time unfixed as in a homework setting, we expect a sce-
nario where students with the more game-like version of the tutor find it more engag-
ing and work longer and finally have a higher learning gain.
We have created an iterative experimental framework of assessing each individual
game-like element in terms of its affective and pedagogical impact so that we can find
the optimal point of learning. Based on this study, we conclude that game-like fea-
tures such as narrative and immediate visual feedback make students more receptive
of the tutor and adding extra tutoring increases learning gain.
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements 99

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank ASSISTment team in Worcester Poly-

technic Institute for helping with setting up the experiment. The first author has been
supported by International Fulbright Science and Technology Phd Scholarship.

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Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching:
The Effect of a Competitive Game Show
in a Virtual peer-Learning Environment

Noboru Matsuda1, Evelyn Yarzebinski1, Victoria Keiser1, Rohan Raizada1,

Gabriel Stylianides2, and Kenneth R. Koedinger1
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Education, University of Oxford

Abstract. To study the impact of extrinsic motivational intervention, a competi-

tive Game Show was integrated into an on-line learning environment where
students learn algebra equation solving by teaching a synthetic peer learner,
called SimStudent. In the Game Show, a pair of SimStudents competed with
each other by solving challenging problems to achieve higher ratings. To eva-
luate the effectiveness of the Game Show in the context of learning by teaching,
we conducted a classroom study with 141 students in 7th to 9th grade. The re-
sults showed that to facilitate students’ learning, the Game Show setting must
be carefully designed so that (1) the Game Show goal and learning goal are
aligned, and (2) it fosters a symbiotic scenario in which both winners and losers
of the game show learn.

Keywords: Learning by teaching, Teachable Agent, Motivation and Engage-

ment, SimStudent, Machine learning.

1 Introduction

The goal of the current paper is to explore the impact of extrinsic motivational inter-
vention, in the form of a competitive Game Show, for tutor learning. Empirical stu-
dies show that performance-contingent rewards (i.e., competitors earn rewards based
on their performance) facilitate intrinsic motivation more than competitively-
contingent rewards (i.e., only the winner earns a reward) [1, 2]. In the current paper,
we test the effect of a Game Show feature realized in an on-line learning environment
in which students interactively tutor a synthetic peer, called SimStudent [3-5]. In the
Game Show, students observe their SimStudents competing with each other by solv-
ing challenging problems. The goal of the Game Show for (human) students is to tutor
their SimStudents well enough to earn the highest rating. Since this is an instance of
performance-contingent rewards (instead of only a winner receiving a reward), we
hypothesized that the presence of the Game Show would positively affect the stu-
dents’ intrinsic motivation, which would further facilitate tutor learning.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 101–111, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
102 N. Matsuda et al.

The present study is a part of an on-going effort to understand the cognitive and
social factors that govern the effect of tutor learning [3-5]. It is well known that stu-
dents learn by teaching others [6-8]. However, it has been only recently that research-
ers started to explore the underlying cognitive and social principles of tutor learning.
This intellectual evolution is largely due to the recent developments of educational
technology for a synthetic peer learner, aka teachable agent [9]. Such a technology
enables researchers to collect detailed process data (cf. the outcome data typically
measured by an achievement test) showing interactions between the students and the
teachable agent. Collecting process data from human students teaching each other is
very challenging and actually rarely done for field studies [6].
Betty’s Brain is one of the pioneering projects using process data to probe tutor
learning [10, 11]. The Betty’s Brain system also has a game show feature [10, 12]. In
the game show, students earn points by wagering on how well their Betty’s Brain
agents answer problems in the game show. Although the game show has been ob-
served to play a central role in Betty’s learning environment, the presence of the game
show has not been controlled to study its effect for tutor learning.
In the current paper, we will explore the following research questions: (1) Does the
proposed Game Show facilitate tutor learning? And, if so, (2) how does participation
in the Game Show affect tutor learning?

2 APLUS with SimStudent and Competitive Game Show

2.1 Overview of SimStudent

SimStudent is a machine-learning agent that learns procedural skills inductively from

examples [3-5]. In the context of learning by teaching, SimStudent attempts to solve a
problem one step at a time by making a suggestion for the step (by applying a skill
learned). SimStudent then asks about the correctness of the suggestion. If the sugges-
tion receives negative feedback, SimStudent may suggest an alternative action on the
step. When SimStudent has no other suggestions, it asks the human student to demon-
strate the step as a hint. SimStudent generalizes examples (both from feedback and
hints) using domain specific background knowledge and generates hypotheses in the
form of production rules that best explain the examples.
Generating production rules inductively from examples is a complicated task.
SimStudent uses a hybrid learning algorithm that involves (1) inductive logic pro-
gramming to learn when to apply a production rule, (2) a version space to learn upon
what to focus attention, and (3) an iterative-deepening depth-first search to learn how
to change the problem state.

2.2 Overview of APLUS

In order to use it as a teachable agent for peer tutoring, SimStudent is embedded into an
online, game-like learning environment called APLUS (Artificial Peer Learning envi-
ronment Using SimStudent). There is a Tutoring Interface in APLUS that allows the
student and SimStudent to collaboratively solve problems. To pose a new problem for
Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching 103

SimStudent, the student enters an equation into the first row of the Tutoring Interface.
As SimStudent makes suggestions for each step, they are placed into the Tutoring Inter-
face and the student can use the [Yes/No] button to provide feedback. When SimStudent
requires a hint, the student demonstrates the next correct step in the interface.
In APLUS, SimStudent occasionally prompts students to explain their tutoring ac-
tions by asking “why” questions [5]. Such questions include (1) the reason to select
a particular problem to solve (e.g., “Why should I do this problem?”), (2) the reason
for an incorrect suggestion (e.g., “Why am I wrong?”), and (3) the reason for stu-
dent’s demonstration (e.g., “Why did you do such?”). The student responds to SimS-
tudent’s question either by using drop down menus or free text input.
APLUS provides several resources to assist students in peer learning. Because the
student is also learning how to solve equations, he/she may get stuck. There are
Worked-out Examples shown in the Tutoring Interface for students to review. There
is a Unit Overview with a description of the process of solving equations. A Problem
Bank is available with suggested problems that the student may use for tutoring. It
also provides a quiz, which students can use to measure SimStudent’s progress. A
summary of the quiz results then appears in a separate window, showing the correct-
ness of the solution steps suggested by SimStudent. See [3-5] for more details.

2.3 Competitive Game Show

In the Game Show, a pair of SimStudents competes by solving challenging problems.

Fig. 1 shows a sample screenshot of the Game Show window. The same Game Show
window is displayed on each student’s screen. Two SimStudent avatars (e.g., Stacy
and Amy in Fig. 1) are displayed in the middle of the screen. There is also a Game
Show host displayed on the left. In one Game Show competition, there are five prob-
lems to solve. The Game Show host provides the first problem that is randomly
selected from about 40 different patterns of problems with randomly generated con-
stants and coefficients. The two competing (human) students then take turns and each
provide two problems. When a problem is provided, students can see their own
SimStudent working, filling in the problem-solving interface (same as the Tutoring
Interface) on their own Game Show window.
When all five problems are solved, the Game Show host brings up a review screen
on which the students can review the solutions that their SimStudents made for each
problem. The correctness of each step is indicated.
Before entering the Game Show, students select their opponents on the match-up
screen as shown in Fig. 2. There is a list of students waiting to be matched-up. They
can also chat with each other. When a student selects a potential opponent, the oppo-
nent’s SimStudent avatar will be displayed along with the profile of the opponent
showing a history of game results. The expected rating after a win or loss is also
shown. The student can challenge any of the students on the waiting list, or he/she can
simply wait for someone to issue a challenge. When receiving a challenge, the student
will be shown the expected rating after the game. The challengee can either accept or
reject the request for a challenge.
The students were told that their goals for Game Show is to teach SimStudent well
and have it attain as high of a rating as possible. All SimStudents start at a rating of
104 N. Matsuda et al.

25. Ratings are calculated based on the relative rating of the winner and the loser. The
calculation is similar to the ELO chess rating system [13]. The winner’s rating in-
creases, and the loser’s rating decreases. The amount of gain is proportional to the
difference in the ratings between the two contestants – the bigger the difference, the
more they gain or lose. It must be noted that even when one wins against a lower
rated opponent, the winner’s rating still increases—even just a small amount.

Fig. 1. The Game Show window. A pair of SimStudents competes by solving problems entered
by the student tutors.

Fig. 2. The match-up screen. The student can select an opponent from the list. A profile for the
selected student is then displayed with his/her rating and the history of game results.

3 Evaluation Study

3.1 Participants
One high school in Pittsburgh, PA, participated in the study under the supervision of
Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (www.learnlab.org). There were seven classes
Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching 105

with a total of 141 students participating, about 20 students per class. The study was
conducted as a class-level randomized control trial among six algebra I classes, and a
within-class randomized control trial for one class. Of the students that participated in
the study, 88 completed the pretest, participated in all three study-days, and took the
posttest. Of those 88 students, there were 69 students who also took the delayed-test.
These 69 students were included in our analysis in Section 4.1, and the 88 students are
included in the rest of the analyses.

3.2 Methods
The intervention lasted for three 42-minute class periods. The students’ task was to
teach SimStudent how to solve equations with variables on both sides. Students in the
Game Show condition switched between APLUS and Game Show as often as they
liked, and were actually told to do so to enhance their SimStudent’s knowledge for
better Game Show performance. The students in the baseline condition did not have a
Game Show, and were told that their goal was to have SimStudent pass the quiz.
During these three days, the system automatically logged all of the students’ activi-
ties, including problems tutored, feedback provided, steps performed, examples re-
viewed, hints requested by SimStudent, quiz attempts, game shows initiated, game
show wins and losses, game show rating, and game show opponents challenged, etc.
There was a pre- and post-test the days immediately before and after the interven-
tion periods. There was also a delayed test two weeks after the post-test.

3.3 Measures
We measured students’ learning gain through a two part on-line test: a Procedural
Skill Test (PST) and a Conceptual Knowledge Test (CKT). Three isomorphic ver-
sions of the test were randomly used for the pre, post, and delayed tests.
The PST has three sections: (a) ten equation solving items, (b) twelve items to de-
termine if a given operation is a logical next step for a given equation, and (c) five
items to identify the incorrect step in a given incorrect solution. The CKT has two
sections divided into: (a) 38 true/false items about basic algebra vocabulary, and
(b) ten true/false items to determine if two given algebra expressions are equivalent.
Following the post-test, students had the option to take a questionnaire comprised
of (a) 16 items on a 7-point Likert-scale that measured different types of motivation
and (b) one free response item. There are four constructs on the questionnaire with
reliabilities of 0.79 (mastery), 0.77 (performance), 0.55 (strategy), and 0.49 (affect).
Because the affect construct reliability is so low, we shall exclude it from the analysis.
To quantify students’ engagement during tutoring, several variables in the process
data that might have arguably reflected the degree of students’ commitment and care
about their SimStudents’ learning were used (see Section 4.2). One such example is
the quality of self-explanation students provided. There were 2008 student responses
for SimStudent’s occasional “why” questions. Three human coders categorized these
responses into “deep” and “shallow” responses.
106 N. Matsuda et al.

4 Results

4.1 Test Scores

Fig. 3 shows the average testt scores for each condition on pre-, post-, and delayyed-
tests for PST (a) and CKT T (b). The mixed-design analysis revealed that there waas a
main effect of test (pre vs. post vs. delayed) for the PST scores; F(2,66) = 8.81, p <
0.001. Comparing to the meanm of the pre-test (0.38, SD=0.20), the mean of the poost-
test, 0.45 (SD=0.20; t(68) = -3.61, p<0.01), and the delayed-test, 0.46 (SD=0.23;
t(68)=-4.31, p<0.00), were significantly higher. The difference between the post--test
and delayed-test scores wass not significant. There was a trend of a main effect of the
condition, the Game Show w condition (GS) vs. the Baseline control condition (B BL);
F(1,67) = 3.24, p = 0.08. NoN interaction among the test and condition existed.
There was a condition diifference for the PST pre-test score; MGS = 0.45 (SD=0..19)
vs. MBL = 0.34 (SD=0.18);; t(86) = -2.94, p < 0.01. However, an ANCOVA did not
confirm the main effect of the condition for the PST post-test scores; adjusted meean,
factoring in pretest scores, was
w MGS =0.50 vs. MBL =0.42.

(a) PST: Procedural Skill Tesst (b) CKT: Conceptual Knowledge Test

Fig. 3. Test
T scores for the PST (a) and the CKT (b)

In sum, the students’ sco

ores on the PST increased from pre- to post-test, show
the effect of APLUS and SimStudent. However, there was no observed significcant
effect of the Game Show foor tutor learning related to the baseline.

4.2 Tutoring Engagement and Motivation

To understand why there was w a lack of effect of Game Show for tutor learning, we
probed the process data to see
s if the students were motivated and/or engaged in tuutor-
ing. Most remarkably, it turrned out that the Game Show students responded to Sim mS-
tudent’s questions significaantly better than the Baseline students; the mean probabiility
of disregarding SimStudeent’s questions was GS=0.07 (SD=0.12) vs. BL=00.17
(SD=0.25); t(63)=2.27, p<0 0.05. Also, the Game Show students showed a significanntly
higher probability of enteriing a “deep” response to SimStudent’s questions than the
Baseline students; the mean probability of entering a “deep” response was GS=00.24
(SD=0.18) vs. BL=0.16 (SD D=0.15); t(85)=-2.34, p<0.05. There was no differencee in
Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching 107

the amount of words used per response. These results affirmatively suggest that the
Game Show students were more “engaged” in tutoring than the Baseline students.
The students in the Game Show condition tutored on significantly fewer problems
than the baseline condition; mean number of tutored problems for GS=11.1 (SD=5.0)
vs. BL=18.6 (SD=7.57); t(75)=5.45, p<0.00. However, there was no condition differ-
ence on the average duration of tutoring per problem. The students in the baseline
condition tutored more problems, but the game show students spent just as long on
each problem when they were doing it, showing that the Game Show did not hurt
engagement by encouraging them to hurry back to the game show. The Game Show
students achieved the same level on the PST post-test by tutoring fewer problems.
There was no condition difference for the student’s mean response for the ques-
tionnaire constructs. There are a few statistically significant correlations between
“engagement” factors (process data) and “motivation” factors (questionnaire), but
their correlation coefficients were relatively small. There was no significant correla-
tion between the learning gain measures (both on PST and CKT) and “motivation”

4.3 Game Show Participation

Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for the students’ participation in the Game Show.
Many students tended to challenge lower rated opponents more than higher rated
opponents. The average rating difference for a given challenge that initiated a contest
(challenging opponent’s delta) is -2.4, meaning that students challenged opponents
who had a rating 2.4 below them. Likewise, students tended to accept a challenge
from lower rated opponents – the average accepting opponent’s delta is -2.0.
Once entered into the Game Show, students rarely went back to tutor SimStudent,
regardless of a win or loss. Instead, they tended to find lower rated opponents for an
easy win. This increased their chance of winning, which is a reasonable strategy for
the current Game Show scenario – the goal of the Game Show was to gain the highest
final rating. However, this was not an ideal strategy for tutor learning – students did
not find it necessary to tutor their SimStudents after they won the game.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the Game Show participation. The numbers show the average
followed by standard deviation in the parentheses.
Final rating 26.8 (16.0) Time in Game Show 45.3 (26.4)
Ratio of challenge/accept 4.5 (3.6) Probability of win 0.46 (0.34)
Prob. tutoring after win 0.11 (0.18) Prob. tutoring after loss 0.24 (0.35)
Challenging opponent’s delta -2.4 (13.8) Accepting opponent’s delta -2.0 (11.5)

The above findings imply that the students were more focused on the performance
goal (i.e., to increase rating) as opposed to the learning goal (to better learn the sub-
ject matter). To understand how students selected their opponents, we grouped stu-
dents based on their preference in selecting opponents. Fig. 4 shows a scatter plot for
the average difference of ratings when students challenged (X-axis) and when they
108 N. Matsuda et al.

accepted others’ challenge requests (Y-axis). On both axes, the difference is relative
to the student’s rating (i.e., student’s rating minus the opponent’s rating). There was a
strong correlation between these two variables; r(40)=0.57, p<0.00. Those who
tended to challenge higher rated students also tended to accept challenges from higher
rated students. The same is true for the opposite direction.
In Fig. 4, the top right quadrant shows students who, on average, challenged higher
rated opponents and accepted challenge requests from higher rated opponents. This
group of students could be labeled as Risky Challengers (RC), because they preferred
to win against strong competitors (probably) to make a big rating leap on a win. On
the other hand, the bottom left quadrant shows students who, on average, challenged
lower rated opponents and accepted challenge requests from lower rated opponents.
This group of students could be labeled as Strategic Winners (SW), because they were
more focused on winning the game for a small but steady rating accumulation. There
were 12 (29.3%) RC students and 15 (36.6%) SW students among 41 GS students.
We hypothesized that the RC students learned more than the SW students, because
the RC students needed to tutor their SimStudents better than the SW students to win
the game against the higher rated opponents. To our surprise, there was no statistically
significant difference in tutor learning (measured as the normalized gain on the PST)
between SW and RC; 0.08 (SD = 0.41) vs. 0.03 (SD = 0.17), t(25)=0.38, p=0.71.
The hypothesis about the RC students’ better learning is not supported.

Fig. 4. Scatter plot showing students’ average rating difference when they challenge (X-axis)
and when they accept their friends’ challenge requests (Y-axis). On both axes, the difference
is computed by subtracting the opponent’s rating from the student’s rating. The regression
line coefficient: y=0.70*x. r2=0.33, r(40)=0.57, p<0.00.

When analyzing who competed with whom, there was a clear pattern of a predato-
ry group dynamics. About 70% of chance, the competition was between a RC student
Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching 109

and a SW student. In other words, the SW students won the game at the cost of the
RC students’ loss.
The above observations imply that the current design of Game Show, especially its
goal (to achieve the highest rating among the contestants) and the way students select
their opponents, is rather harmful for tutor learning.

5 Discussion

Targeting lower rated opponents is a reasonable strategy to achieve the goal of the
Game Show, but is not an ideal strategy for tutor learning. This motivates us to rede-
sign the Game Show. A striking fact is that there was no difference in learning gain
between Risky Challengers and Strategic Winners (Fig. 4). The Risky Challengers,
who should have been motivated to make their SimStudent a stronger competitor by
tutoring better, did not actually tutor better (or more appropriately) than the Strategic
Winners. This implies that simply changing the pairing schema to prevent students
from challenging lower rated opponents is not sufficient to increase the impact of the
Game Show for tutor learning. There must be a fine alignment between the goal of the
Game Show and tutor learning. In this regard, our data actually support Miller et al’s
claim [14] that such a knowledge-dependency, i.e., the relation between the pedagogi-
cally targeted concepts and the knowledge required to interact successfully with the
game environment, is key for successful learning. In the game show used in the Bet-
ty’s Brain system, the game goal is directly correlated with the learning goal.
To align the goals of the Game Show and learning, the schema to match up com-
petitors should be changed so that it guarantees that the winners’ SimStudents have
high competency of solving the target equations (i.e., equations with variables on both
sides, in the current study). One such idea is to discourage students from challenging
lower rated opponents (by, for example, putting a restriction on the lower bound for
the rating of an opponent to challenge), or to restrict the range of available opponents
so that the difference in ratings is within a desired zone.
Although the goal of the Game Show is to earn the highest rating, the individual
competitions formed a natural winner-loser distinction between the Strategic Winners
and the Risky Challengers. Since there must be winners and losers, this predatory
structure is an essential characteristic of the competitive game-show type of feature,
which is known to be harmful [2]. Therefore, letting students form definite winners
and definite losers must be avoided to prevent only a small group of students learning
at the cost of other students.
To realize such a “symbiotic” Game Show setting that provides equal learning op-
portunities for all students regardless of the result of the competition, we must en-
courage the losers to tutor SimStudent more. One simple idea is to force students to
tutor SimStudent after a loss. Embedding virtual game-show contestants with various
levels of competency and setting the goal of Game Show to beat the virtual contes-
tants would also resolve the situation.
110 N. Matsuda et al.

6 Conclusion

The results from a classroom in vivo experiment revealed the misalignment of the
goals between the motivational Game Show feature and the learning task. The stu-
dents’ focus was on performance in the Game Show was achieved without actually
committing to learning (i.e., tutoring SimStudent better and more appropriately). The
study data also suggested that a symbiotic Game Show setting is required for an ideal
learning environment that would foster learning for both winners and losers.
We also discussed a few suggestions for future improvements based on the study
data and discussions. We will continue our efforts by pursuing an evidence-based
iterative-design and engineering process to explore the theory of learning by teaching
using the SimStudent technology.

Acknowledgements. The research reported here was supported by National Science

Foundation Award No. DRL-0910176 and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
Department of Education, through Grant R305A090519 to Carnegie Mellon Universi-
ty. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the
Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. This work is also supported in part by
the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center, which is funded by the National Science
Foundation Award No. SBE-0836012.

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Science 23(3), 305–336 (1999)
An Analysis of Attention to Student – Adaptive
Hints in an Educational Game

Mary Muir and Cristina Conati

Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia


Abstract. We present a user study to investigate which factors affect student at-
tention to user-adaptive hints during interaction with an educational computer
game. The game is Prime Climb, an educational game designed to provide indi-
vidualized support for learning number factorization skills in the form of hints
based on a model of student learning. We use eye-tracking data to capture user
attention patterns on the game adaptive-hints, and present results on how these
patterns are impacted by factors related to existing user knowledge, hint timing,
and attitude toward getting help in general. We plan to leverage these results in
the future for making hint delivery adaptive to these factors.

Keywords: Adaptive help, educational games, pedagogical agents,


1 Introduction

The ability of providing interventions that are adaptive to each student’s specific
needs is one of the distinguishing features of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). One
of the most widespread forms of adaptive interventions is to provide hints designed to
gradually help students through specific educational activities when they have diffi-
culties proceeding on their own [14]. Despite the wide adoption of adaptive hints,
there is an increasing body of research showing their possible limitations, going from
students gaming the system, i.e., using the hints to get quick answers from the ITS
[see 7 for an overview], to help avoidance, i.e. students not using hints altogether
[e.g., 8, 9]. In this paper, we are interested in investigating the latter issue. More spe-
cifically, we seek to gain a better understanding of which factors may affect a stu-
dent’s tendency to attend to adaptive hints that the student has not explicitly elicited.
This research has three main contributions to the ITS field. First, while previous
work on help avoidance focused on capturing and responding to a student’s tendency
to avoid requesting hints [e.g., 8, 9], here we investigate how students react when the
hints are provided unsolicited. A second contribution is that we look at attention to
adaptive hints during interaction with an educational computer game (edu-game),
whereas most previous work on student usage (or misusage) of hints has been in the
context of more structured problem solving activities. Providing adaptive hints to
support learning during game play is especially challenging because it requires a

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 112–122, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
An Analysis of Attention to Student − Adaptive Hints in an Educational Game 113

trade-off between fostering learning and maintaining engagement. We see the results
we present in this paper as valuable information that can be leveraged to achieve this
tradeoff. The third contribution of our work is that we use eye-tracking data to study
user attention patterns to the adaptive-hints, an approach not previously investigated
in hint-related research. In [13], we presented a preliminary qualitative analysis of
eye-tracking data for two students playing Prime Climb, and edu-game for number
factorization. In this paper, we extend that work by presenting a more extensive quan-
titative analysis based on data from 12 students.
After discussing related work, we describe Prime Climb in further detail. Next, we
illustrate the user study we conducted for data collection. Finally, we discuss results
related to how user attention patterns are impacted by factors related to user existing
knowledge, hint timing, and attitude toward getting help in general. We also present
preliminary results on how attention to hints affects subsequent game playing.

2 Related Work

Edu-games are seen as one of the most promising new forms of computer-based edu-
cation; however, while there is ample evidence that they are highly engaging, there is
less support for their educational effectiveness [e.g., 1, 2, 16]. User-adaptive edu-
games are receiving increasing attention [e.g., 3, 4, 5, 15] as a way to improve
edu-games effectiveness. However, most of the existing work has not been formally
evaluated in terms of how adaptive edu-game components affect edu-game effective-
ness. There has also been rising interest in using eye-tracking to gain insights on the
cognitive and affective processes underlying a user’s performance with an interactive
system [e.g., 6, 10, 11, 12]. In this paper, we extend the use of gaze information to
understand if/how users attend to an educational game’s adaptive interventions. Adap-
tive incremental hints are commonly used in ITS, but their effectiveness is in question
because of extensive evidence that students can misuse them. Two main categories of
help misusage have been investigated so far in the context of ITS for problem solving.
The first is gaming the system, i.e., repeatedly asking for help or entering wrong an-
swers on purpose to get to bottom-out hints that explicitly tell a student how to per-
form a problem solving step and move on [7]. The second is help avoidance, i.e., not
asking for help when needed [8]. Several models have been developed to detect in
real-time, instances of gaming behavior and intervene to reduce this behavior [see 7
for an overview]. Aleven et al., [8] present a model that detects both gaming the sys-
tem as well as help avoidance. In [9], this model is used to generate hints designed to
improve students’ help seeking behavior in addition to hints that help with the target
problem solving activity. Not much work, however, has been done on understanding
if/how students process adaptive hints that they have not elicited. In [9], the authors
suggest that students often ignore these hints. A similar hypothesis was brought for-
ward in [3], based on preliminary results on student attention to hints in Prime Climb,
the game targeted in this paper. Those results were based on hint display time (dura-
tion of time a hint stays open on the screen) as a rough indication of attention. In [13],
however, initial results based on the analysis of gaze data from two Prime Climb
114 M. Muir and C. Conati

players suggested that students sometimes pay attention to hints. The results we
present here confirm this finding and extend it by presenting an analysis of factors
that impact attention.

3 The Prime Climb Game

In Prime Climb, students practice number factorization by pairing up to climb a series

of mountains. Each mountain is divided into numbered hexagons (see Figure 1), and
players must move to numbers that do not share common factors with their partner’s
number, otherwise they fall. To help students, Prime Climb includes the Magnifying
Glass, a tool that allows players to view the factorization for any number on the
mountain in the device at the top-right corner of the interface (see Figure 1). Prime
Climb also provides individualized textual hints, both on demand and unsolicited.
Unsolicited hints are provided in response to student moves and are designed to foster
student learning during game playing by (i) helping students when they make wrong
moves due to lack of factorization knowledge; (ii) eliciting reasoning in terms on
number factorization when students make correct moves due to lucky guesses or play-
ing based on game heuristics. Prime Climb relies on a probabilistic student model to
decide when incorrect moves are due to a lack of factorization knowledge vs. distrac-
tion errors, and when good moves reflect knowledge vs. lucky guesses. The student
model assesses the student’s factorization skills for each number involved in game
playing, based on the student’s game actions [3]. Prime Climb gives hints at incre-
mental levels of detail, if the student model predicts that the student doesn’t know
how to factorize one of the numbers involved in the performed move. The hint se-
quence includes a tool hint that encourages the student to use the magnifying glass to
see relevant factorizations. If the student needs further help, Prime Climb gives defini-
tion hints designed to re-teach “what is a factor” via explanations and generic exam-
ples (e.g., see Figure 1). There are two different factorization definitions: “Factors
are numbers that divide evenly into the number” and “Factors are numbers that mul-
tiply to give the number”. The game alternates which definition to give first, and
presents the second the next time it needs to provide a definition hint. The examples
that accompany the definitions change for every hint, and are designed to help illu-
strate the given definitions while still leaving it to the student to find the factorization
of the numbers relevant to the performed move. Finally, Prime Climb provides a bot-
tom-out hint giving the factorization of the two numbers involved in the move (e.g.,
“You fell because 84 and 99 share 3 as a common factor. 84 can be factorized as...”).
Students can access the next available hint by clicking on a button at the bottom of the
current hint (See Figure 1). Otherwise, hints are given in progression as the student
model calls for a new hint. A hint is displayed until the student selects to access the
next hint or to resume playing (by clicking a second button available at the bottom of
the hint). It should be noted that the Prime Climb bottom-out hints focus on making
the student understand her previous move in terms of factorization knowledge; they
never provide explicit information on how to move next. Thus, the Prime Climb hints
are less conducive to a student gaming the system than bottom-out hints giving more
An Analysis of Attention to Student − Adaptive Hints in an Educational Game 115

explicit help [e.g. 7]. As a matter of fact, previous studies with Prime Climb show that
students rarely ask for hints. Most of the hints the students see are unsolicited.

Fig. 1. The Prime Climb Interface

4 User Study on Attention to Hints

The study we ran to investigate students’ attention to Prime Climb’s adaptive hints
relied on a Tobii T120 eye-tracker, a non-invasive desktop-based eye-tracker embed-
ded in a 17” display that collects binocular eye-tracking data.
Twelve students (6 female) from grades 5 and 6 (six students for each grade) parti-
cipated in the experiment. Participants first took a pre-test testing their ability to iden-
tify the factors of individual numbers and common factors between two numbers (16
numbers were tested overall). They then underwent a calibration phase with the Tobii
eye-tracker. Next, they each played Prime Climb with an experimenter as a partner.
The game was run on a Pentium 4, 3.2 GHz machine with 2GB of RAM, with the
Tobii acting as the main display screen. Finally, participants took a post-test equiva-
lent to the pre-test and completed a questionnaire on their game experience.
To analyze the attention behaviors of our study participants with respect to the re-
ceived adaptive hints, we define an area of interest (Hint AOI) that covers the text of
the hint message. We use two complementary eye-gaze metrics as measures of user
attention to hints. The first is total fixation time, i.e., total time a student’s gaze rested
on the Hint AOI of each displayed hint. Total fixation time gives a measure of overall
attention to hints, but does not provide detailed information on how a hint was actual-
ly processed (e.g., it cannot differentiate between a player who stares blankly at a hint
vs. one who carefully reads each word). Furthermore, it is not ideal to compare atten-
tion to the different types of hints in Prime Climb because they have different lengths
on average (15 words for tool hints; 17 words for bottom-out hints; 36 words for defi-
nition hints). Thus, our second chosen metric is the ratio of fixations per word (fixa-
tions/word), a measure that is independent of hint length and gives a sense of how
carefully a student scans a hint’s text.
116 M. Muir and C. Conati

5 Factors Affecting Attention to Hints: Results

The study game sessions lasted 33 minutes on average (SD = 15). There was no im-
provement from pre to post-test performance, with participants scoring an average of
74% (SD = 31%) in the pre-test, an average of 72% (SD = 31%) on post-test and an
average percentage learning gain of -0.02 (SD = 0.06). Consistent with previous
Prime Climb studies, students rarely asked for help. One student asked for four hints,
two students asked for hints twice, and two other students requested one hint. Prime
Climb, however, generated unsolicited hints frequently: an average of 51 hints per
player, (SD = 23), with an average frequency of 37 seconds (SD = 44). Thus, lack of
system interventions can be ruled-out as a reason for lack of learning. If anything, it is
possible that the hints happened too frequently, interfering with game playing and
leading students to ignore them.

Fig. 2. Average Fixation Time for Prime Climb Hint Types

In order to investigate this idea further, we first compared average fixation time on
each hint type with the expected reading time (calculated using the 3.4 words/second
rate from [17]), which is the time it would take an average-speed reader to read the
hint. Figure 2 shows that average fixation time is much shorter than expected reading
time but the high standard deviation in all three measures shows a trend of selective
attention. In the rest of this section, we investigate which factors influenced a
student’s decision to attend a hint or not. One obvious factor is whether the hints gen-
erated were justified, i.e., whether the probabilistic student model that drives hint
generation is accurate in assessing a student’s number factorization knowledge. Un-
fortunately we can only answer this question for the numbers tested in the post-test,
which are about 10% of all the numbers covered in Prime Climb. The model sensitivi-
ty on post-test numbers (i.e., the proportion of actual positives which are correctly
identified as such) is 89%, indicating that the model generally did not underestimate
when a student knew a post-test number and thus it likely triggered justified hints on
them. It should be noted, however, that for post-test numbers the student model is
initialized with prior probabilities derived from test data from previous studies. For all
the other numbers in Prime Climb, the model starts with generic prior probabilities of
0.5. Thus, the model’s assessment of how student factorization knowledge on these
numbers evolved during game play was likely to be less accurate than for post-test
numbers, and may have generated unjustified hints.
Bearing this in mind, we looked at the following additional factors that may influ-
ence student attention to hints in our dataset. Move Correctness indicates whether the
hint was generated in response to a correct or to an incorrect move. Time of Hint sets
An Analysis of Attention to Student − Adaptive Hints in an Educational Game 117

each hint to be in either the first or second half of a student’s interaction with the
game, defined by the median split over playing time. Hint Type reflects the three cat-
egories of Prime Climb hints: Definition, Tool, and Bottom-out. Attitude reflects stu-
dent’s general attitude towards receiving help when unable to proceed on a task,
based on student answers to a related post-questionnaire item, rated using a Likert-
scale from 1 to 5. We divided these responses into three categories: Want help, Neu-
tral, and Wanted no help, based on whether the given rating was greater than, equal
to, or less than 3 respectively. Pre-test score represents the student percentage score
in the pre-test as an indication to student pre-existing factorization knowledge.

5.1 Factors That Affect Attention to Hints Measured by Total Fixation Time
We start our analysis looking at total fixation time on a displayed hint as a measure of
attention. We ran a 2(Time of Hint) by 3(Hint Type) by 2 (Move Correctness) by 3
(Attitude) general linear model with pre-test score as a co-variant, and total fixation
time as the dependent measure. We found the following interaction effects1:

Fig. 3. Interaction effects between: (Left) Time of Hint and Attitude; (Middle) Time of Hint and
Hint Type. (Right) Move Correctness and Hint Type.

• Attitude and Time of Hint. F(2,447) = 5.566, p=0.004, η2 =0.024 (see Figure 2,
Left). Fixation time for those with a neutral help attitude dropped from being the
highest among the three groups in the first half of the game to being very low in
the second half. For students who do not want help, fixation time is the lowest of
the three groups in the first half of the game, and drops to even lower during the
second half. Fixation time for those who wanted help did not change.
• Time of Hint and Hint Type, F(2,447) = 5.963, p=0.003, η2=0.026. (see Figure 2,
Middle). Fixation time drops for all hint types between the first and second half of
the game. The drop, however, is statistically significant only for definition hints,
suggesting that these hints became repetitive and were perceived as redundant de-
spite the inclusion of varying examples that illustrate the definitions.

We also found main effects for both Time of Hint and Attitude, but we don’t discuss them in
detail because they are further qualified by the detected interactions.
118 M. Muir and C. Conati

• Hint Type and Move Correctness, F(2,447) = 3.435, p=0.033, η2=0.015. (see Fig-
ure 2, Right). Players had significantly higher fixation time on definition hints
caused by correct moves than on those caused by incorrect moves2. There were no
statistically significant differences between fixation times on correct vs. incorrect
moves for the other two hint types. We find the result on definition hints somewhat
surprising, because we would have expected hints following correct moves to be
perceived as redundant and thus attended less than hints following incorrect moves.
It is possible, however, that the very fact that hints after correct moves were unex-
pected attracted the student attention.

5.2 Factors That Affect Attention to Hints Measured by Fixations/Word

To gain a better sense of how students looked at hints when they were displayed, we
ran a general linear model with the same independent measures described above
(Time of Hint, Hint Type, Move Correctness, Attitude, and pre-test scores) with fixa-
tions/word as the dependent measure. We found three main effects

• Attitude, F(2,447) = 6.722, p=0.001, η2=0.029, Students who wanted no help had
the lowest fixations/word (Avg. 0.25, SD = 0.30), significantly lower the other two
groups. The difference between the help (Avg. 0.36, SD = 0.38) and neutral group
(Avg. 0.31, SD = 0.28) is not significant, but the trend is in the direction of the help
group having higher fixation/word than the neutral group.
• Pre-test score, F(1,447) = 6.614, p=0.01, η2=0.015. Students with the lowest (be-
low 65%) and highest (above 94%) scores had fewer fixations/word than students
with intermediate scores. For high knowledge students, this effect is likely due to
the hints not being justified. We can only speculate that, for low knowledge stu-
dents, the effect may be due to a general lack of interest in learning from the game.
• Hint Type, F(2,447) = 31.683, p<0.001, η2=0.124. Definition hints (Avg. 0.17, SD
= 0.22) had a statistically significantly lower fixation/word than either Tool (Avg.
0.35, SD = 0.38) or Bottom-out hints (Avg. 0.34, SD = 0.32), possibly due to the
fact that students tended to skip the actual definition part of the hints, which does
not change, in order to get to the factorization examples at the bottom.

We also found two interaction effects, both involving Move Correctness (see Figure
4). The first interaction is with Hint Type, F(2,447) = 11.141, p<0.001, η2=0.013.
Fixations/word on Bottom-out hints drops significantly between those given after a
correct move (Avg. 0.48, SD = 0.27) and those given after an incorrect move (Avg.
0.19, SD = 0.22). This result confirms the positive effect that Move Correctness
seems to have on attention to hints found in the previous section for definition hints.
Here, the effect possibly indicates that students are scanning Bottom-out hints for
correct moves carefully in order to understand why they are receiving this detailed
level of hint when they are moving well. The second interaction is with Time of Hint,

There is also a significant difference between fixation time on definition hints after correct
moves and the other two type of hints after correct moves, but this difference is likely an ef-
fect of definition hints being longer, as we discussed in section 4.
An Analysis of Attention to Student − Adaptive Hints in an Educational Game 119

F(1,447)=3.922, p=0.048, η2=0.009 and shows that fixations/word drops significantly

between hints for correct moves given in the first and the second half of the game,
suggesting that the aforementioned surprise effect of hints for correct moves fades as
the game progresses.

Fig. 4. Interaction effect between: (Left) Time of Hint and Move Correctness; (Right) Move
Correctness and Hint Type

5.3 Factors That Affect Attention: Discussion

All of the factors that we explored (Time of Hint, Hint Type, Attitude, Move Correct-
ness and Pre-test Scores) affected to some extent attention to the Prime Climb hint,
and the results of our analysis can be leveraged to improve attention to these hints.
We found, for instance, that attention to hints decreases as the game proceeds, and the
drop is highest for definition hints, suggesting that these hints are too repetitive and
should be either varied or removed. If a student has an existing attitude toward help,
this attitude generates consistent patterns of attention to hints throughout the game
(low attention for those who do not want help, higher attention for those who do).
This result suggests that general student attitude toward receiving help should be tak-
en into account when generating adaptive hints, and strategies should be investigated
to make hints appealing for those students who do not like receiving help. Similarly,
strategies should be devised to make students with low knowledge (as assessed by the
student model) look at the hints, since our results indicate that these students tend not
to pay attention, although they are the ones who likely need hints the most. We also
found that students with a neutral attitude toward help had much less consistent atten-
tion behavior than the students who wanted help and the students who did not. The
neutral students showed quite high attention to hints in the first half of the interaction,
but dropped almost to the lowest in the second half, confirming that the Prime Climb
hints should be improved to remain informative and engaging as the game proceeds.
In the next section, we show initial evidence that improving attention to hints as dis-
cussed here is a worthwhile endeavor because it can improve student interaction with
the game.
120 M. Muir and C. Conati

6 Effect of Attention to Hints on Game Playing

In this section, we look at whether attention to hints impact students’ performance

with Prime Climb. In particular, we focus on the effect of attention to hints on
correctness of the subsequent player’s move. As our dependent variable, Move
Correctness After Hint, is categorical (e.g., the move is either correct or incorrect), we
use logistic regression to determine if Fixation Time, Fixations per word and Hint
Type are significant predictors of Move Correctness After Hints3.

Table 1. Logistic regression results for Move Correctness After Hint

95% CI for Odds Ratio

B (SE) p Lower Odds Ratio Upper
Fixations/word 0.98 (0.44) 0.03 1.12 2.68 6.39

Table 1 shows the results of running logistic regression on these data, indicating
that Fixations per word is the only significant predictor of Move Correctness After
Hints. The odds ratio greater than 1 indicates that, as fixations/word increases, the
odds of correct moves also increases. This suggests that when the players read
the hints more carefully, their next move is more likely to be correct. The results of
the logistic regression also indicate that the type of hint student pay attention to does
not impact move correctness. This finding is consistent with the fact that, in Prime
Climb, bottom-out hints do not provide direct information on what to do next; they
only explain how to evaluate the player’s previous move in terms of number
factorization, and this information cannot be directly transferred to the next move.
Still, it appears that some form of transfer does happen when students pay attention to
the hints, helping them make fewer errors on subsequent moves. This finding suggests
that further investigation on how to increase student attention to hints is a worthwhile
endeavor, because it can improve student performance with the game, and possibly
help trigger student learning.

7 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we presented a user study to investigate which factors affect student
attention to user-adaptive hints during interaction with an educational computer game.
This work contributes to existing research on student use and misuse of adaptive hints
in ITS by looking at how students react to hints when they are provided unsolicited by
the system, as opposed to explicitly requested by the student or obtained via gaming
strategies. There are two additional aspects that are innovative in this work. The first
is that we focus on adaptive hints provided by an edu-game, i.e., in a context in which

The data points in our dataset are not independent, since they consist of sets of moves generat-
ed by the same students. Lack of independence can increase the risk of making a type 1 error
due to overdispersion (i.e., ratio of the chi-square statistic to its degrees of freedom is greater
than 1), but this is not an issue in our data set. (χ2 = 6.41 df = 8).
An Analysis of Attention to Student − Adaptive Hints in an Educational Game 121

it is especially challenging to provide didactic support because it can interfere with

game playing. The second is that we use eye-tracking data to analyze student atten-
tion. We found that attention to hints is affected by a variety of factors related to user
existing knowledge, hint timing/context and attitude toward getting help in general.
The next step in this research will be to leverage these findings to improve the design
and delivery of the Prime Climb hints. We also plan to extend the Prime Climb stu-
dent model to use eye-tracking data in real-time for assessing if and how a student is
attending to hints, and intervene to increase attention when necessary.

1. de Castell, S., Jenson, J.: Digital Games for Education: When Meanings Play. Intermediali-
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8. Aleven, V., McLaren, B.M., Roll, I., Koedinger, K.R.: Toward Tutoring Help Seeking. In:
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9. Roll, I., Aleven, V., McLaren, B.M., Ryu, E., Baker, R.S.J.d., Koedinger, K.R.: The Help
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Serious Game and Students’ Learning
Motivation: Effect of Context Using Prog&Play

Mathieu Muratet1 , Elisabeth Delozanne1 ,

Patrice Torguet2,4 , and Fabienne Viallet3,4
LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu,
75005 Paris, France
Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbone, 31400 Toulouse, France

Abstract. This paper deals with an analysis of a large-scale use of

Prog&Play1 , a game-based learning environment specially designed to
teach the basics of programming to first year university students. The
study relies mainly on a motivation survey completed by 182 students
among 258 who used the serious game for 4 to 20 hours in seven dif-
ferent university settings. Our findings show that the students’ interest
for Prog&Play is not only related to the intrinsic game quality, it is also
related to the teaching context and mainly to the course schedule and
the way teachers organize sessions to benefit from the technology.

Keywords: Serious games, programming, algorithms, motivation.

1 Introduction

Many studies report the growing disinterest of students in developed countries for
science in general and for computer science in particular [1,12]. To face an urgent
need to improve the level of understanding of computer science as an academic
and professional field, many countries are implementing curricula to teach com-
putational thinking2 [2,14]. At the same time, an important effort is underway
to define pedagogical approaches that will make thinking in terms of computer
science more accessible and attractive to all students. These approaches include
international competitions between schools3 or between countries4 . Other stu-
dies show that video games are a successful way to increase student motivation
by making learning fun. For example, they support problem-based learning and
Prog&Play is an open source serious game freely downloadable at
Programming Skills Development, http://pskills.ced.tuc.gr/
Bebras, http://www.bebras.org/en/welcome
International Olympiad in Informatics, http://www.ioinformatics.org/

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 123–128, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
124 M. Muratet et al.

experiential learning, and they provide immediate feedback, enabling students

to self-assess their actions or strategies [11]. The work presented here is a contri-
bution to that field of research. Our basic assumptions are (i) that video games
are exciting for students, and (ii) that they can also provide a good context to
embed the teaching of computer programming.
Our project, called Prog&Play, aims at increasing students’ motivation for
learning the basics of programming by writing programs to manipulate the units
of a real-time strategy game (RTS). If students implement efficient strategies,
they will improve their chance to defeat their enemies and to win missions.
In a previous paper, we detailed the design, implementation and evaluation of
Prog&Play [10]. In this paper, we investigate how students’ motivation is related
to the teaching context. First, we discuss background and related work. Then,
we present the different experiments we conducted to test Prog&Play with 258
undergraduate students and 20 teachers in different university settings. Finally,
we analyse the results to outline guidelines for a successful use of Prog&Play
and suggest further avenues of research.

2 Background and Related Work

A popular use of a game-based learning approach to teach programming is ask-

ing students to implement their own video game. Chen and Cheng [3] use C++
to enable students to build a small-to-medium scale interactive computer game
in one semester. Tools like Scratch [9] or Alice2 [7] are used to make first pro-
gramming experiences more engaging.
Another approach consists in using programming games where the player has
to write computer programs or scripts in order to control the actions of game
units. In Colobot5 , users colonise planets using robots that they program in a
specific object-oriented language similar to C++. Other projects do not use a sto-
rytelling approach but rely on competition to increase motivation. Robocode [6]
is a Java programming game, where the goal is to program a robot tank to
fight against other tanks programmed by other players. Other such games are
Gun-Tactyx6 using the SMALL language or Robot Battle7 using a specific script
In the Prog&Play project, to ensure contextual learning, we use a storytelling
approach where students have to carry out missions as in Colobots, but it is
also possible to organize competition between students’ programs. Moreover, to
adapt to different teaching contexts, Prog&Play provides a large choice of pro-
gramming languages to command game units: Ada, C/C++, Compalgo, Java,
OCaml and Scratch. Prog&Play relies on three basic principles: (i) learners pro-
gram the game units with simple programs involving functions from a teacher
customizable library; (ii) learners see the results of their programs in the game
context where they influence the game results; and (iii) learners’ engagement
Colobot, http://www.ceebot.com/colobot/index-e.php
Gun-Tactyx, http://apocalyx.sourceforge.net/guntactyx/
Robot Battle, http://www.robotbattle.com/
Serious Game and Students’ Learning Motivation 125

is based on storytelling or competition. Our storytelling approach embeds the

pedagogical objectives in different missions to be carried out. While our com-
petitive approach motivates students to improve their programs in order to beat
other players.

3 Evaluation
Our goals in designing and implementing Prog&Play were to produce benefits
in terms of students’ motivation and curricular-specific learning outcomes. As
Prog&Play was not used as a standalone learning environment, but was used
in different actual university settings, it was difficult to detect the learning out-
comes due to Prog&Play or to the teachers’ specific pedagogical strategy. To
evaluate Prog&Play, (i) we used an iterative and collaborative design and eva-
luation method involving teachers in order to understand how they implement
Prog&Play in the different introductory programming courses they were respon-
sible for, and (ii) we delivered a post questionnaire to students. Our research
question was: Is there a relationship between students motivation and the teach-
ing context in which Prog&Play was used and which context is more beneficial?

3.1 Usage Settings and Participants

We studied usage of Prog&Play in seven different settings (noted S1 to S7) in-
volving 258 students and 20 teachers. Teachers organized the pace, schedule and
evaluation of students work with respect to their institutional constraints. No
member of the Prog&Play design team was involved as a teacher in S4, S6 and
S7. In S4 and S5, Prog&Play practice sessions were mandatory and integrated
within the regular course, while in the other settings, it was used in addition to
the regular course. In S6 and S7, both teachers especially designed courses called
“Learning with Information Technology” and “Learning differently” to investi-
gate new pedagogical approaches with Prog&Play in two different universities.
In every setting, Prog&Play was already installed on computers and a teacher
was in the room presenting the teaching concepts, the environment, the library
and providing help when asked by students. Only in the 6th setting, after 5
sessions with a teacher, students had to complete the game at home with the
teacher’s or peers’ e-mail support to install the game or to debug their programs.

3.2 Materials
To collect information on students’ motivation, we designed a questionnaire us-
ing the hierarchy of players’ needs proposed by Siang and Rao [15] and Greitzer
et al. [5]. These authors adapted Maslow’s original hierarchy of needs to define
seven criteria to be fulfilled to motivate players in a game: rules need (need 1);
safety need (need 2); belongingness need (need 3); esteem need (need 4); need to
know and understand (need 5); aesthetic need (need 6); and self actualization
need (need 7). Following these authors, our assumption was that the degree of
satisfaction within this hierarchy of needs was a significant indicator of motiva-
126 M. Muratet et al.

3.3 Results and Analysis

We considered only questionnaires that were fully completed by students (S1:
13/15; S2: 23/35; S3: 16/16; S4: 29/60; S5: 91/99; S6: 10/18; S7: 0/15; Total:
182/258). We compared (Table 1) students’ satisfaction rates in each setting by
means of Likert items on the seven need levels. Only a quarter of the students
were satisfied in S4 and S5, where Prog&Play practice sessions were mandatory
in the regular course schedule. In S1, S2 and S3 where Prog&Play was used in
addition to the regular course schedule (as a workshop or practical exercices for
students with low grades), the rate of satisfied students was 4 students out of
10. And in S6 where Prog&Play is used as a project assignment, the rate rose
to 6 out of 10.
These results suggest that Prog&Play is better implemented within projects,
workshops or supplementary practical sessions. We conjecture that Prog&Play is
not a game that teaches computer programming basics, but it provides a micro-
world [13] where students can explore the effects of their different programming
constructs and learn from the feedback given by the micro-world. Students use
taught programming concepts in an appealing context (RTS) whereas, in regular
teaching, they are required to use them in a mathematical context (and they are
evaluated using them in such an abstract context).

Table 1. Usage of Prog&Play in seven different settings and global satisfaction

N Language, Teaching context and Time spend on game SR∗

S1 15 Compalgo, Workshop apart from regular teaching, 5 * 1h30 4.6/10
C, Practice for failing students in addition to regular teaching,
S2 35 3.8/10
3 * 1h30
S3 16 Java, Workshop apart from regular teaching, 3 * 1h30 4.1/10
S4 60 C, Compulsory practice sessions for every student, 5 * 1h30 2.7/10
S5 99 OCaml, Compulsory practice sessions for every student, 2 * 2h 2.6/10
S6 18 C, Workshop part of a regular IT course, 6 * 2h + homework 6.3/10
C, Workshop, regular teaching designed for failing students,
S7 15 unreported
5 * 2h

Satisfaction Rate

In addition, we hypothesize that the schedule is an important motivation

factor. In regular teaching (S2, S3, S5), teachers split the game scenario into
different sessions to fit the pace of programming concepts being introduced,
whereas the gameplay would require a more continuous gameflow [4] built on
the progression of the missions. Moreover, teachers urged students to finish on
time by giving them a solution, while in a normal game session, players often
enjoy finding solutions on their own. The course agenda is easier to adapt when
the game is used as an add-on to the existing teaching materials (S6, S7).
Serious Game and Students’ Learning Motivation 127



Fig. 1. Mean satisfaction for each player’s need in each setting

Figure 1 studied the mean satisfaction for each need level of Siang and Rao’s
hierarchy in each setting. It shows a greater dispersion of answers on need 5
(Need to know and understand). Need 5 is defined as the necessity for the player
to discover new game elements in order to reuse them in future parts of the
game. In Prog&Play, this need is satisfied through discovering new units, with
their own features, as well as new ways to command units (through programming
constructs). This reinforces our hypothesis that the discovery part is important
for motivation and learning and requires a suffisiant exploration time for players.
Satisfaction for need 5 seems therefore highly tied to the time allocated to the
game in the teaching agenda.

4 Conclusion
In this paper, we have briefly described Prog&Play, a game-based learning envi-
ronment, and presented data collected when it was introduced in different univer-
sity settings. The questionnaires collected from students suggest a clear influence
of the teaching setting on students’ motivation: a workshop or a project based
course in addition to a traditional introductory course, is clearly more beneficial
than just plugging Prog&Play sessions within a traditional course. Furthermore,
we identified that giving enough time to students to discover the game world and
rules is a key feature to improve game understanding and therefore to increase
their motivation.
Data collected suggest that, using a serious game only as an illustration tool
inside regular teaching doesn’t seem to be very beneficial to motivation. In S6
and S7 where there were less time constraints and where the game flow was con-
tinuous, students enjoyed advantages inherited from video games: they carried
out actions within the game and observed their effects on the game to improve
their knowledge of programming constructs. The opportunity for students to
carry out useless, redundant or incorrect actions within a serious game provid-
ing feedback [16] is fundamental to catch players attention and to allows them
to understand programming concepts deeply. A student in setting 6 described
very well the motivation induced by exploring the game: “The solution of the
seventh mission took a long time to be achieved. Lots of ideas were considered
128 M. Muratet et al.

and left unused. In the end, hundreds of code lines were written. I saw my army
destroyed many many times. But, each attempt brought me closer to victory and
kept me in suspense. Due to this suspense I completed this mission”.
Acknowledgments. We thank Rebecca Freund, Thomas Joufflineau and John
Wisdom for helping with English, and teachers from Universities and IUT of
Toulouse and Paris who used Prog&Play in their course.

1. ACM, IEEE-CS: Computer Science Curriculum 2008: An Interim Revision of CS
2001. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press, New York (2008)
2. Archambault, P.: Un enseignement de la discipline informatique en Terminale sci-
entifique. In: DIDAPRO 4 - Dida & STIC, pp. 205–212 (2011)
3. Chen, W.-K., Cheng, Y.C.: Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Laboratory
With Computer Game Programming. IEEE Transactions on Education 50(3), 197–
203 (2007)
4. Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Flow - The Psychology of optimal Experience. Harper Peren-
nial (1991)
5. Greitzer, F.L., Kuchar, O.A., Huston, K.: Cognitive science implications for en-
hancing training effectiveness in a serious gaming context. J. Educ. Resour. Com-
put. 7(3), art. 2 (2007)
6. Hartness, K.: Robocode: using games to teach artificial intelligence. J. of Comput.
Sciences in Colleges 19(4), 287–291 (2004)
7. Kelleher, C., Cosgrove, D., Culyba, D., Forlines, C., Pratt, J., Pausch, R.: Alice2:
Programming without Syntax Errors. In: 15th Annual Symposium on the User
Interface Software and Technology (2002)
8. Leutenegger, S., Edgington, J.: A games First Approach to Teaching Introduc-
tory Programming. In: 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Education, vol. 39(1), pp. 115–118 (2007)
9. Maloney, J., Burd, L., Kafai, Y., Rusk, N., Silverman, B., Resnick, M.: Scratch:
A Sneak Preview. In: 2nd International Conference on Creating Connecting, and
Collaborating through Computing, pp. 104–109 (2004)
10. Muratet, M., Torguet, P., Viallet, F., Jessel, J.-P.: Experimental feedback on
Prog&Play: a serious game for programming practice. Computer Graphics Forum,
Eurographics 30(1), 61–73 (2011)
11. Oblinger, D.: The Next Generation of Educational Engagement. J. of Interactive
Media in Education (2004)
12. Papastergiou, M.: Digital Game-Based Learning in high school Computer Science
education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation. J. Comput.
Educ. 52(1), 1–12 (2009)
13. Papert, S.: Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Basic Books,
New York (1980)
14. Seehorn, D., Carey, S., Fuschetto, B., Lee, I., Moix, D., O’Grady-Cuniff, D.,
Boucher Owens, B., Stephenson, C., Verno, A.: CSTA K-12 Computer Science
Standards. CSTA Standards Task Force (2011) (revised 2011)
15. Siang, A.C., Rao, R.K.: Theories of learning: a computer game perspective. In:
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ing player” assessment in serious games. In: Advanced Learning Technologies, pp.
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Exploring the Effects of Prior Video-Game Experience
on Learner’s Motivation during Interactions
with HeapMotiv

Lotfi Derbali and Claude Frasson

Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle

Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7

Abstract. This study explores the effects of prior video-game experience on

learner’s motivation in a serious game environment. 20 participants were in-
vited to play our serious game, called HeapMotiv, intended to educate players
about the heap data structure. HeapMotiv is comprised of three missions (Heap-
Tetris, Heap-Shoot and Heap-Sort). We used Keller’s ARCS theoretical model
of motivation and physiological sensors (heart rate, skin conductance and elec-
troencephalogram) to record learners’ reactions during interactions with differ-
ent missions. Results from non-parametric tests supported the hypothesis that
physiological patterns and their evolution are objective tools to directly and re-
liably assess effects of prior video-game experience on learner’s motivation.

Keywords: Motivation, serious games, prior experience, physiological sensors,

electroencephalogram (EEG).

1 Introduction

Even though motivation within learners tends to vary across subject areas, educators
consider motivation to be desirable and to result in better learning outcomes. In Intel-
ligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) context, learners’ interactions with systems and
especially Serious Games (SG) have always been considered to be intrinsically moti-
vating. However, learners’ negative emotions or amotivational states, such as bore-
dom or disengagement, have been known to appear following a certain period of these
interactions and possibly elicit motivational problems or even cause the learners to
start “gaming” the system. Having tools to assess learner’s motivation during interac-
tions with ITS is important to reduce, and eventually repair, motivational problems.
Indeed, tutors can adapt their strategies and interventions and respond intelligently to
learners’ needs, objectives and interests.
Furthermore, efforts to overcome learners’ motivational problems have mainly
been focused on tutor’s strategies or instructional design aspects of the systems. For
example, Hurley [1] developed interventional strategies to increase the learner’s self-
efficacy and motivation in an online learning environment. She extracted and then
validated rules for interventional strategy selection from expert teachers by using an

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 129–134, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
130 L. Derbali and C. Frasson

approach based on Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and by observing the resulting
learners’ behaviour and progress. Goo and colleagues [2] showed that tactile feed-
back, sudden view point change, unique appearance and behaviour, and sound stimuli
played an important factor in increasing students’ attention in virtual reality experi-
ence. Arroyo and colleagues [3] evaluated the impact of a set of non-invasive inter-
ventions in an attempt to repair students’ disengagement while solving geometry
problems in a tutoring system. They claimed that showing students’ performance after
each problem re-engages students, enhances their learning, and improves their attitude
towards learning as well as towards the tutoring software.
Some researchers have also found out strategies that teachers use in order to facili-
tate students’ motivation toward tasks and goals of learning process. Teachers usually
report that the proficiency in tasks may vary considerably depending upon the learn-
ers’ familiarity and prior experience with themes, concepts, genre, characters, etc.
Brandwein [4] clarified that teachers provide familiar tasks for students to construct
understanding by connecting what they know with the essentials they are trying to
learn. Wiley [5] defined interest as the state a student is in when s/he desires to know
more about a subject and claimed that a student can be more interested in something
s/he already knows about. He assumed that learners basic grounding in the subject
and prior experience catalyze the construction of new, more coherent knowledge. He
proposed to gain the interest by using concrete, real-life examples which will be fa-
miliar to the students, or when that is difficult, by using allegories or metaphors.
Other studies have nevertheless shown that the creation of unfamiliar situations and
events and paradoxical or conflicting experiences for the student facilitates attention
and engagement (e.g., [6]). The learner’s readiness to persevere when faced with un-
familiar and challenging learning situations opens up opportunities for success and
achievement. Understanding the effects of prior experience on learner’s motivation is
of particular significance for our research work. In this paper, we precisely aim to
assess the effects of prior video-game experience on learner’s motivation during
interactions with our SG called HeapMotiv. Our experimental study combines psy-
chometric instruments with physiological recordings, namely heart rate (HR), skin
conductance (SC) and electroencephalogram (EEG). We ask the following research
question: What are relevant physiological patterns during learner’s interactions with
different missions of HeapMotiv and how are they correlated with learner’s
motivation and prior video-game experience?

2 Prior Video-Game Experience and Learner’s Motivation

We developed a serious game, called HeapMotiv, which intends to educate players

about the binary heap data structure. HeapMotiv is a 3D-labyrinth that has many
routes with only one path that leads to the final destination. Along the paths of this
labyrinth, several information signs were placed to help learners while finding desti-
nation. A learner has to play a mission before obtaining a sign direction. In its current
version, HeapMotiv is comprised of three 2D-missions (Heap-Tetris, Heap-Shoot and
Exploring the Effects of Prior Video-Game Experience on Learner’s Motivation 131

Heap-Sort), each intended to educate players about some basic concepts of binary
heap, general purpose properties and application to sort elements of an array.
In the present study, we explore prior video-game experience in terms of the match
between each mission of HeapMotiv and the learner’s previous experience with video
games. From this viewpoint, a mission that involves objects and rules from a well-
known game is considered as familiar and will be attributed to “with prior experi-
ence” class, whereas that involves objects and rules not consistent with previous
learner experience is classed “without prior experience”. The common-sense assump-
tion was made in the present study in order to divide different missions into with and
without prior experience classes.

Table 1. Classification of missions of HeapMotiv

Mission Description Class

It is based on traditional Tetris

game where a learner has to move “With prior experience” (Everybody is
Heap- nodes during their falling using previously familiar with Tetris which is
Tetris the arrows to fill a binary tree one of the greatest games of the entire
without violating the heap prop- time.)

“With prior experience” (Most com-

It is based on shooter games. A
monly, the purpose of a shooter game is to
learner has to spot violations of
Heap- shoot opponents and proceed through
shape and heap properties and has
Shoot missions without the player character
then to fix these violations by
dying. A common resource found in many
shooting misplaced nodes.
shooter games is ammunition.)

“Without prior experience” (Although

It is a comparison-based sorting
sorting algorithms were widespread used
algorithm to create a sorted array.
in different applications, their relative
It begins by building a binary
Heap- unfamiliarity impeded their acceptance for
heap out of the data set, and then
Sort non computer science students. Heap-sort
removing the largest item and
is then an unfamiliar algorithm compared
placing it at the end of the par-
to selection and insertion sorting algo-
tially sorted array.

Furthermore, the ARCS model of motivation [6] has been chosen to theoretically
assess learner’s motivation. Keller used existing research on motivational psychology
to identify four categories of motivation: Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satis-
faction. We have also used objective measures that are not directly dependent on a
learner’s perception. In our empirical approach, we relied on two non-invasive
physiological sensors: HR and SC. These sensors are typically used to study human
affective states. However, we decided to add another interesting and important sensor:
EEG. Indeed, brainwave patterns have long been known to give valuable insight into
132 L. Derbali and C. Frasson

the human cognitive process and mental state. More precisely, our EEG analysis re-
lies on the “attention ratio” or Theta/Low-Beta which is widely used in neurobehav-
ioral studies [7]. According to [7], low-level attention is characterized by “a deviant
pattern of baseline cortical activity, specifically increased slow-wave activity, primar-
ily in the theta band, and decreased fast-wave activity, primarily in the beta band,
often coupled”. It is also common knowledge within the neuro-scientific community
that investigations of cerebral activity limited to one area of the brain may offer mis-
leading information regarding complex states such as attention and motivation. We
have therefore investigated different cerebral areas to study simultaneous brainwave

3 Experiment

Twenty volunteers (10 female) were invited to play our serious game HeapMotiv in
return of a fixed compensation (mean age was 23.7 ± 6.8 years). They had no prior
knowledge of heap data structure. Almost all participants said they were either very or
fairly familiar with Tetris (100%) or Shooter (78%) games while only 7% of them
have been familiar with some kind of sort algorithms. This is consistent with our as-
sumption in the classification of different missions in section 2.
Following the signature of a written informed consent form, each participant was
placed in front of the computer monitor to play the game. SC and HR sensors were
attached to the fingers of participants’ non-dominant hands, leaving the other free for
the experimental task. EEG was recorded by using a cap with a linked-mastoid refer-
ence. The sensors were placed on four selected areas (Fz, F3, C3 and Pz) according to
the international 10-20 system. The motivational measurement instrument called In-
structional Materials Motivation Survey IMMS [6] was used following each mission
to assess learners’ motivation. Due to time constraints and in order to achieve mini-
mum disruption to learners, we used a short IMMS form which contained 16 out of
the 32 items after receiving the advice and approval from John Keller. 10 pre-test and
10 post-test quizzes about general knowledge of binary tree and knowledge presented
in HeapMotiv were also administered to compare learners’ performance. All partici-
pants have played each mission three times and have completed the game. EEG was
sampled at a rate of 256 Hz. A power spectral density was computed to divide the
EEG raw signal into the two following frequencies: Theta (4-8 Hz) and Low-Beta (12-
20 Hz) in order to compute the attention ratio (Theta/Low-Beta) as described above.
We also computed an index representing players’ physiological evolution throughout
the mission with regards to each signal signification. This index, called Percent of
Time (PoT), represents the amount of time, in percent, that learners’ signal amplitude
is lower (or higher) than a specific threshold. The threshold considered for each signal
is the group’s mean signal. The PoT index is a key metric enabling us to sum-up
learners’ entire signal evolution for a mission.
Exploring the Effects of Prior Video-Game Experience on Learner’s Motivation 133

4 Experimental Results
First, we report general results regarding learners’ learning and motivation during
interactions with different missions. We administered pre-tests and post-tests ques-
tionnaires pertaining to the knowledge taught in HeapMotiv and compared results.
The Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed a significant positive change in learner’s
performance in terms of knowledge acquisition (Z=5.03, p<.001). Furthermore, sig-
nificant differences for the general motivational scores as well as some categories of
the ARCS model were also observed between two mission classes. Results of
Wilcoxon signed ranks tests showed significant differences of reported Atten-
tion/Confidence/Motivation scores between Heap-Tetris and Heap-Sort missions (At-
tention: Z=-2.59, p<.01; Confidence: Z=-2.53, p<.01; Motivation: Z=-1.93, p<.05).
Similar result have been found between Heap-Shoot and Heap-Sort missions, except
for the Attention category (Confidence: Z=-2.36, p<.05; Motivation: Z=-1.89, p<.05).
However, no significant differences for Heap-Tetris and Heap-Shoot missions, except
for the Attention category (Z=-2.02, p<.05).
Second, we report results of correlation run on physiological data recorded during
learners’ interactions with different missions of HeapMotiv. Analysis of “with prior
experience” class (Heap-Tetris and Heap-Shoot missions) showed that significant
relationships between the Attention category and PoT-F3 and PoT-C3 indexes, as well
as the general motivation and PoT-C3 index (Attention/PoT-F3: spearman's rho=.49,
n=40, p<.001; Attention/PoT-C3: spearman's rho=.44, n=40, p<.01; Motiva-
tion/PoT-C3: spearman's rho=.32, n=40, p<.05). For “without prior experience”
class (Heap-Sort mission), significant correlations have been found between motiva-
tion and PoT-SC index, as well as Attention and PoT-F3 and PoT-C3 indexes (Moti-
vation/PoT-SC: spearman's rho=.51, n=20, p<.001; Attention/PoT-F3: spearman's
rho=.44, n=20, p<.01; Attention/PoT-C3: spearman's rho=.36, n=20, p<.01).
These results positively answer our main research question (What are relevant
physiological patterns during learner’s interactions with different missions of Heap-
Motiv and how are they correlated with learner’s motivation and prior video-game
experience?). Learners were more interested in something they already know about
and consequently had high motivation during Heap-Tetris and Heap-Shoot missions.
The Heap-Sort mission which belongs to “without prior experience” class led to a
lack of learners’ attention and confidence. One explanation may be that difficulties,
doubt, and initial failure have been known to appear during learning a new skill or
confronting unfamiliar challenges. Furthermore, effects of prior video-game experi-
ence on learners’ attention and motivation can reliably be monitored and related to
changes in the PoT of skin conductance and EEG F3 and C3 areas. However, even the
significant differences between Confidence scores that learners were reported for two
mission classes, non-significant correlation results between the Confidence category
and physiological data have been found. This suggests that the potential of only using
physiological analysis in our comparative study is limited because, up until now, we
cannot totally rely on physiological assessment in the identification of the effects of
prior video-game experience on general learner’s motivation (or ARCS categories).
One reason may be the limitation of the attention ratio (Theta/Low-Beta) which seems
to be inappropriate to identify EEG patterns other than those correlated with the At-
tention category.
134 L. Derbali and C. Frasson

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have assessed the effects of prior video-game experience on

learner’s motivation. Results have shown that a mission that involves objects and
rules from a well-known game and most closely matches previous experience seems
to elicit specific physiological trends in learners, especially observable in the attention
ratios. Our results seem to show the relevance and importance of adding the EEG in
our empirical study. The present work is capable of extension in several directions.
Regarding the physiological analysis, it is preferable to explore alternative EEG fre-
quency ratios based on additional brainwaves such as Alpha (8-12 Hz) and High-Beta
(20-32 Hz) in order to highlight other patterns correlated with learner’s motivation.
We also plan to address a complementary study to understand distinctive physiologi-
cal changes associated with varying difficulty levels of different missions.

Acknowledgments. We thank the Tunisian government and the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for their support. We also thank
Tim Autin who has been working on HeapMotiv development.

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The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Association for
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5. Wiley, D.: Getting students interested: An integrated approach to Keller’s ARCS model of
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6. Keller, J.M.: Development and use of the ARCS model of motivational design. Journal of
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7. Lansbergen, M.M., Arns, M., van Dongen-Boomsma, M., Spronk, D., Buitelaar, J.K.: The
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disorder is mediated by slow alpha peak frequency. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
and Biological Psychiatry 35, 47–52 (2011)
A Design Pattern Library for Mutual Understanding
and Cooperation in Serious Game Design

Bertrand Marne1, John Wisdom2, Benjamin Huynh-Kim-Bang1,

and Jean-Marc Labat1
LIP6, University Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu 75270 Paris, France
L’UTES, University Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu 75270 Paris, France

Abstract. With serious games (SG) design it is difficult to offset fun and learn-
ing, especially when commercial partners, with different goals and methods, are
involved. To produce an effective combination of fun and learning, we present
our Design Pattern Library to address this issue. This library is aimed to help
teachers fully take part in serious game design and to encourage mutual under-
standing between the different stakeholders enhancing cooperation.

Keywords: serious games, methodology, design patterns, game design, instruc-

tional design, cooperation, pedagogy.

1 Introduction

Serious game design usually comes down to how to help teachers understand the
needs and methods of game-designers1; and vice versa; furthermore, how to facilitate
mutual understanding between these stakeholders and others involved in the design
To address these problems, one goal of our research team is to provide some de-
sign tools to facilitate collaboration, cooperation, and mutual understanding between
the teachers, the designers and other stakeholders, not yet involved in the process of
game creation.
We chose to build a Design Pattern Library integrating our conceptual framework
based on six facets [1, 2] to allow everybody concerned to speak the same language,
to be on the same conceptual wave length, and to allow some insight into the design
process. We shall first discuss the previous work on Design Patterns and present our
library. Next, we shall present our fieldwork applying the library to it.

We can broadly group the stakeholders into two categories, the pedagogical experts and the
game experts (by pedagogical experts or teachers we mean knowledge engineers, teachers,
educators, and domain specialists. By game experts we mean game designers, level designers,
game producers, sound and graphics designer, and so on).

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 135–140, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
136 B. Marne et al.

2 Previous Work and Methodology

The state of the art on how to design serious games does not contain many references
to Design Patterns. However, whether related work on ITS and video games, or
guides to good practices or repositories of rules and principles, we find in the litera-
ture many elements that have formed the basis for our work. We studied DPs in edu-
cation and e-learning, e.g. in Intelligent Tutoring Systems [3] or analyzing usage in
learning systems [4]. But they do not take into account the game-playing dimension
needed to design an SG.
The work specifically oriented towards serious games or at least video games
seemed best suited to facilitate SG design. We therefore sought some aspects that
might encompass the concept of Design Patterns as defined by Alexander [5] and
described by Meszaros [6].
One of the first aspects is their organization. The list of eleven DPs for Educational
Games, constructed from interviews with students (gamers) by Plass and Homer [7]
lacks overall coherence. It seemed to us both difficult to use in fieldwork and to add
to. The collaborative DP library, developed on the web by Barwood and Falstein [8],
is another example. More than 400 patterns are (tag) referenced. But this very number
would require much organization to facilitate the search for patterns and especially
their use as a reference system for the various experts.
Gee [9] (a list of principles organized according to design problems), Aldricht [10]
(a sophisticated encyclopædic DP library), and Schell [11] (questions for game de-
signers organized according to workflow) provide an interesting structural framework
for both their DP libraries or design methods. But we mostly retain the work of
Kiili [12], and Björk & Holopaienen [13] which is closest to Alexander’s [5]. Indeed,
their library has an overall coherence that is both simple to understand and functional.
Their DPs refer to one another to create a Pattern Language. Moreover, Björk &
Holopaienen [13] insist that their Design Patterns are not intended to define what is
good or to give guidelines, but to catalogue known references to build a vocabulary to
enable participants to discuss design.
The latter DPs were similar to what we were looking for in DPs for serious games.
Unfortunately, unlike those of Kiili [12], Plass and Homer [7], and even in a way
Aldricht [10] and Schell [11], the work of Björk and Holopainen [13] is not at all
oriented towards the serious (pedagogical) aspect of games. Their DPs can indeed be
used for designing the fun aspect of an SG, but very few of them can contribute to
combining both fun and education as we would like in an SG.
We have nevertheless retained some of them. Those retained as such are followed
by the words “(GD)” in the list of our Design Patterns (Section 3.2). Other patterns
were adapted, such as “Serious Boss”, an adaptation of “Boss Monster (GD)”.
On the other hand, the work of Kiili [12] focuses on the design of serious games
and therefore on their serious dimension. But unlike Björk and Holopainen [13]
(200 DPs from interviews with 7 game designers), and also Gee [9] (who examined
many successful games involved in learning), and Schell [11] (who provides
100 “lenses” for analyzing the design of serious games from his experience as a game
designer and producer of many games), etc., Kiili [12] built his library from his ex-
A Design Pattern Library for Mutual Understanding and Cooperation 137

perience designing only one single game (AnimalClass). In fact, the library is still
rather poor (8 DPs classified in 6 categories). However, their relevance is great and
we decided to adopt some of them in our library. They are followed by “(K)” (See
section 3.2). We compiled all our collected data covering different design experience,
knowledge, and methods using the Design Patterns provided by Meszaros [6].
Focused on our goal of helping experts to collaborate on serious game design, we
used an empirical method to build our Design Pattern Library. To discover new pat-
terns, we also examined different sources and studied their content. For instance, we
have made an in-depth analysis of six Serious Games mixing fun and education
(StarBank, Blossom Flowers, Hairz’ Island, Ludiville produced by KTM-Advance
and Donjons & Radon produced by Ad-Invaders2).

3 Our DP Collaborative Library

The library consists of 42 Design Patterns classified within our conceptual frame-
work: The Six Facets of Serious Game Design [1, 2]3. We shall present the entire
library in a list where it is organized with the Facets (Section 3.2). But first, we shall
present one example to illustrate how DPs can best be used: “Reified Knowledge”
(Facet #4: Problems and Progression). Please note that Design Patterns are typically
written in italics.

3.1 Pattern: Reified Knowledge4

Context: The particular game the team is designing involves a variety of competence
and knowledge issues.
Problem: How can one help users become more aware of their acquired knowledge?
Forces: Several problems arise. How can we make the player aware of the progress
he has made for each skill or activity without taking him out of the Flow? How can
we use this type of information to enhance his/her motivation and enjoyment of the
Solution: Represent items of knowledge or competencies (skills) with virtual objects
to be collected. If the player has acquired the requisite skill or piece of knowledge,
he/she will be given an object symbolizing this or that knowledge acquisition.
For instance, in America's Army 3, medals can be won when special deeds are ac-
complished. For example, a user wins a “distinguished auto-rifleman” medal when
he/she has won 50 games as a rifleman in combat. Medals, however, do not further
player progress in the game; and are more a way of reifying the playing style by ren-
dering it concrete. The user can see his/her acquisitions either in knowledge or skills

http://www.ktm-advance.com and http://www.ad-invaders.com
138 B. Marne et al.

embodied in medals awarded. Every medal is placed in a showcase, and thus is exhi-
bited as a means of recapitulating what has been acquired.
Example: In Ludiville (a KTM-Advance game for a bank), knowledge about home
loans is reified by beautiful trading cards (as in a game called Magic the Gathering).
Once having learnt a new piece of knowledge, players obtain the related card, which
they can use later in the game to meet new challenges
Related Patterns: Object Collection: also used to motivate players who like to
collect things.

3.2 The Content of Our Design Pattern Library

─ [Facet #1] Pedagogical Objectives: Categorizing Skills, Price Gameplay vs. Edu-
cational Goals
─ [Facet #2] Domain simulation: Simulate Specific Cases, Build a Model for Mis-
conceptions, Elements that Cannot be Simulated, An Early Simulator, Do not Si-
mulate Everything
─ [Facet #3] Interactions with the simulation: Museum, Social Pedagogical Inte-
raction, Serious Boss, Protege Effect (K), Advanced Indicators, Validate External
Competencies, Questions – Answers, New Perspectives, Pedagogical Gameplay,
Microworld Interaction, Time for Play /Time for Thought, Quick Feedbacks,
Teachable Agent (K), In Situ Interaction, Pavlovian Interaction, Debriefing
─ [Facet #4] Problems and Progression: Measurement achievements, Surprise,
Smooth Learning Curve (GD), Fun Reward, Game Mastery, Freedom of Pace, Rei-
fied Knowledge
─ [Facet #5] Decorum: Object Collection, Local Competition, Loquacious People,
Graduation Ceremony, Fun Context, Wonderful World, Narrative Structures (GD),
Serious Varied Gameplay, Informative Loading Screens, Hollywoodian Introduc-
tion, Comical World
─ [Facet #6] Conditions of use: Two Learners Side by Side

Our Collaborative Design Pattern Library for serious games is also available with full
details on the web5.

4 Fieldwork and Discussion

We had the opportunity to test the Design Patterns on several occasions. First they
were presented to 20 students of a video game school (ENJMIN6): future game de-
signers, programmers, and project managers. We explained the concept of Design
Pattern and each DP was shown to them. Next the students could ask questions to
clarify the meaning. Finally, they answered a questionnaire on each of these Design

ENJMIN “Ecole Nationale du Jeu et des Medias Interactifs Numériques” is a video game
school at Angoulême, France.
A Design Pattern Library for Mutual Understanding and Cooperation 139

Secondly, Design Patterns have been tested by two teachers who wish to make se-
rious games. One is a university English teacher to help French students apply for a
graduate course in the USA. The other is a Junior High biology and geology teacher
designing a game about the body’s immune system. We will present the results and
conclusions of these tests.
The ENJMIN students are video game experts, and so did not learn much about
making video games from our Design Patterns. Indeed, at that time, our library con-
tained mostly DPs describing game design. However, they were not yet versed in the
area of serious games, and were indeed interested in having new Design Patterns
based on the educational aspects of game design.
On the other hand, the two teachers were interested in those Design Patterns that
were originally meant for game designers.
The first project, called Graduate Admission, was our first attempt to design a
game with the help of the DP Library. We started by exploring the game design pos-
sibilities using the DP Game-Based Leaning Blend. Several other DPs were used
while the design process, such as: Narrative structure (GD), Time for Play /Time for
Thought, Debriefing, Reified Knowledge, etc. The DPs allowed the teacher to struc-
ture his project and to go deeper into the cultural and especially game design issues
involved. For instance, without these tools, he would probably not have thought about
the use of symbolic objects as metaphors for knowledge acquisition.
The second game project design focused on finding a suitable game type for teach-
ing the immune system. The teacher chose to begin by exploring the DP Library for
inspiration. The DP Time for Play /Time for Thought seemed very interesting both
because it was adapted to the challenges posed by the teaching of immunology: the
difficulty for the student to be able to keep in mind the matching mechanisms be-
tween body defenses and microbes while they are applying these in their activities
(exercises). Moreover, he found the meta-cognitive aspect of this Design Pattern very
stimulating. It finally allowed him to choose the right type of game play: Tower De-
fense. This type of game allows players first to prepare their strategies, then check, in
an action phase, if the strategy is valid; and finally, they can move on to a reflective
phase where they can adjust or modify their initial strategy and so on.
For both those teachers, the Design Pattern Library allowed them to find gameplay
solutions for pedagogical problems.
As a conclusion, these first two opportunities to apply DPs to SG design has shown
that they could indeed give one group of experts (the educational team) a language
that would help them understand the aims, means, and methods of another group
(game designers). Vice versa, we need to complete the DP Library with patterns fo-
cused more on pedagogy to allow the video game specialists to understand the skills
and competences of the teachers in greater depth.

5 Conclusion and Future Avenues of Research

The Design Pattern Library fits well into our Six Facets Conceptual Framework and
should in the long run enhance the game design process especially for those project
140 B. Marne et al.

members who are not specialized in video games or pedagogical ones. However, it
appears necessary to improve and to complete this library by focusing more on the
latter field as the number of DPs here needs to be increased and completed in greater
depth. To achieve this aim, we have created a collaborative web site7 where future
members of our community can make suggestions and propose novel DPs of their
own. Moreover they can vote and comment on Design Patterns, or translate them into
another language.

1. Marne, B., Huynh-Kim-Bang, B., Labat, J.-M.: Articuler motivation et apprentissage grâce
aux facettes du jeu sérieux. In: Actes de la Conférence EIAH 2011, pp. 69–80. Université
de Mons, Mons (2011)
2. Capdevila Ibáñez, B., Marne, B., Labat, J.M.: Conceptual and Technical Frameworks for
Serious Games. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Games Based Learn-
ing, pp. 81–87. Academic Publishing Limited, Reading (2011)
3. Devedzic, V., Harrer, A.: Software Patterns in ITS Architectures. Int. J. Artif. Intell.
Ed. 15, 63–94 (2005)
4. Delozanne, E., Le Calvez, F., Merceron, A., Labat, J.: A Structured Set of Design Patterns
for Learner’s Assessment. Journal of Interactive Learning Research 18, 309–333 (2007)
5. Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., Silverstein, M.: A pattern language. Oxford University Press,
US (1977)
6. Meszaros, G., Doble, J.: A pattern language for pattern writing. In: Pattern Languages of
Program Design-3, pp. 529–574. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston
7. Plass, J.L., Homer, B.D.: Educational Game Design Pattern Candidates. Journal of Re-
search in Science Teaching 44, 133–153 (2009)
8. Barwood, H., Falstein, N.: The 400 Project,
9. Gee, J.P.: Good video games + good learning: collected essays on video games, learning,
and literacy. Peter Lang, New York (2007)
10. Aldrich, C.: The complete guide to simulations and serious games: how the most valuable
content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google. John Wiley and Sons, San
Francisco (2009)
11. Schell, J.: The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses. Morgan Kaufmann (2008)
12. Kiili, K.: Foundation for problem-based gaming. British Journal of Educational Technolo-
gy 38, 394–404 (2007)
13. Björk, S., Holopainen, J.: Patterns in game design. Cengage Learning (2005)

Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies
in Game-Based Learning Environments

Jennifer Sabourin, Lucy R. Shores, Bradford W. Mott, and James C. Lester

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA


Abstract. Self-regulated learning behaviors such as goal setting and monitoring

have been found to be key to students’ success in a broad range of online learn-
ing environments. Consequently, understanding students’ self-regulated
learning behavior has been the subject of increasing interest in the intelligent tu-
toring systems community. Unfortunately, monitoring these behaviors in
real-time has proven challenging. This paper presents an initial investigation of
self-regulated learning in a game-based learning environment. Evidence of goal
setting and monitoring behaviors is examined through students’ text-based res-
ponses to update their ‘status’ in an in-game social network. Students are then
classified into SRL-use categories that can later be predicted using machine
learning techniques. This paper describes the methodology used to classify stu-
dents and discusses initial analyses demonstrating the different learning and
gameplay behaviors across students in different SRL-use categories. Finally,
machine learning models capable of predicting these categories early into the
student’s interaction are presented. These models can be leveraged in future
systems to provide adaptive scaffolding of self-regulation behaviors.

Keywords: Self-regulated learning, machine learning, early prediction.

1 Introduction

Understanding and facilitating students’ self-regulated learning behaviors has been

the subject of increasing attention in recent years. This line of investigation is fueled
by evidence suggesting the strong role that self-regulatory behaviors play in a stu-
dent’s overall academic success [1]. Self-regulated learning (SRL) can be described
as “the process by which students activate and sustain cognitions, behaviors, and af-
fects that are systematically directed toward the attainment of goals” [2]. Unfortunate-
ly, students can demonstrate a wide range of fluency in their SRL behaviors [3] with
some students lagging behind their peers in their ability to appropriately set and moni-
tor learning goals.
For this reason, the ability to identify and support students’ SRL strategies has
been the focus of much work in the intelligent tutoring systems community [4,5,6].
Such work has focused primarily on examining SRL in highly structured problem-
solving and learning environments. However, understanding and scaffolding students’
SRL behaviors is especially important in open-ended learning environments where

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 141–150, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
142 J. Sabourin et al.

goals may be less clear and students do not necessarily have a clear indicator of their
progress. In order to be successful in this type of learning environment, students must
actively identify and select their own goals and evaluate their progress accordingly.
Unfortunately, students do not consistently demonstrate sufficient self-regulatory
behaviors during interactions with these environments, which may reduce the educa-
tional potential of these systems [7,8]. Consequently, further investigation of the role
of SRL in open-ended learning environments is crucial for understanding how these
environments can be used as effective learning tools.
This work describes a preliminary investigation of self-regulatory behaviors of stu-
dents in a game-based science mystery, CRYSTAL ISLAND. During interactions with
the CRYSTAL ISLAND environment, students were prompted to report on their mood
and status in a way that is similar to many social networking tools available today.
Though students were not explicitly asked about their goals or progress, many stu-
dents included this information in their short, typed status statements. This data is
used to classify students into low, medium, and high self-regulated learning behavior
classes. Based on these classifications we investigate differences in student learning
and in-game behaviors in order to identify the role of SRL in CRYSTAL ISLAND. Ma-
chine learning models are then trained that are capable of accurately predicting stu-
dents’ SRL-use categories early into their interaction with the environment, offering
the possibility for timely intervention. The implications of these results and areas of
future work are then discussed.

2 Related Work

Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a term used to describe the behaviors of students who
actively control their learning goals and outcomes [9]. Among other things, SRL in-
volves students actively setting goals and making conscious choices to measure and
evaluate their progress towards them. Self-regulated learners deliberately reflect on
their knowledge and learning strategies and make adjustments based on past success
and failure. While it seems all students apply self-regulatory behaviors during learn-
ing, the degree of competency is unfortunately broad, even among students of the
same age [3]. Additionally, there is evidence that individuals who are better able to
regulate their learning in intentional and reflective ways are more likely to achieve
academic success [1]. To mediate these differences, intervention research focused on
process goals and feedback has been conducted in traditional classrooms and has
yielded positive results [9,10,11].
Beyond the traditional classroom, identifying and scaffolding SRL strategies has
been a focus of much work in the intelligent tutoring systems community as well. For
example, in MetaTutor, a hypermedia environment for learning biology, think-aloud
protocols have been used to examine which strategies students use, while analysis of
students’ navigation through the hypermedia environment helps to identify profiles of
self-regulated learners [6]. Similarly, researchers have identified patterns of behavior
in the Betty’s Brain system that are indicative of low and high levels of self-
regulation [5]. Prompting students to use SRL strategies when these patterns of
Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments 143

behavior occur has shown promise in improving student learning. Conati et al. have
examined the benefits of prompting students to self-explain when learning physics
content in a computer-based learning environment [4].
While previous work has focused primarily on examining SRL in highly structured
problem-solving and learning environments, there has also been work on identifying
SRL behaviors in open-ended exploratory environments. For example, work by
Shores et al. has examined early prediction of students’ cognitive tool use in order to
inform possible interventions and scaffolding [12]. Understanding and scaffolding
student’s SRL behaviors is especially important in open-ended learning environments
where goals may be less clear and students do not necessarily have a clear indicator of
their progress [13]. In order to be successful in this type of learning environment,
students must actively identify and select their own goals and evaluate their progress
accordingly. While the nature of the learning task may have implicit overarching
goals such as ‘completing the task’ or ‘learning a lot,’ it is important for students to
set more specific, concrete and measurable goals [14].
This work focuses on examining SRL within the context of narrative-centered
learning. Narrative-centered learning environments are a class of serious games that
tightly couple educational content and problem solving with interactive story scena-
rios. By contextualizing learning within narrative settings, narrative-centered learning
environments tap into students’ innate facilities for crafting and understanding
stories [15]. Narrative-centered learning environments have been developed that teach
negotiation skills [16] and foreign languages [17] through conversational interactions
with virtual characters. Scientific inquiry has been realized in interactive mysteries
where students play the roles of detectives [18,19]. While these environments are
capable of providing rich, engaging experiences [18], they should not overload stu-
dents by providing too many possible paths for learning [7]. Appropriate goal-setting
is necessary to succeed in these learning environments, making the ability to
|recognize and support students’ SRL strategies especially critical.

3 Method
An investigation of students’ SRL behaviors was conducted with CRYSTAL ISLAND, a
game-based learning environment being developed for the domain of microbiology
that follows the standard course of study for eighth grade science in North Carolina.
CRYSTAL ISLAND features a science mystery set on a recently discovered volcanic
island. Students play the role of the protagonist, Alex, who is attempting to discover
the identity and source of an unidentified disease plaguing a newly established re-
search station. The story opens by introducing the student to the island and the mem-
bers of the research team for which her father serves as the lead scientist. As members
of the research team fall ill, it is her task to discover the cause and the specific source
of the outbreak. Typical game play involves navigating the island, manipulating ob-
jects, taking notes, viewing posters, operating lab equipment, and talking with non-
player characters to gather clues about the disease’s source. To progress through the
mystery, a student must explore the world and interact with other characters while
forming questions, generating hypotheses, collecting data, and testing hypotheses.
144 J. Sabourin et al.

Table 1. SRL Tagging Scheme

SRL Category Description Examples

“I am trying to find the food or drink
that caused these people to get sick.”
Student evaluates progress towards a “Well...the influenza is looking more
Specific reflection
specific goal or area of knowledge and more right. I think I'll try testing
for mutagens or pathogens – [I] ruled
out carcinogens”
General reflec- Student evaluates progress or knowledge “I think I’m getting it”
tion but without referencing a particular goal “I don’t know what to do”
Student describes what they are doing or
“testing food”
Non-reflective lists a fact without providing an evalua-
“in the lab”
Any statement which did not fall into the
above three categories is considered “having fun”
unrelated, including non-word or uniden- “arghhh!”
tifiable statements

A study with 296 eighth grade students was conducted. Participants interacted with
CRYSTAL ISLAND in their school classroom, although the study was not directly inte-
grated into their regular classroom activities. Pre-study materials were completed
during the week prior to interacting with CRYSTAL ISLAND. The pre-study materials
included a demographic survey, researcher-generated CRYSTAL ISLAND curriculum
test, and several personality questionnaires including personality [20] and goal orien-
tation [21]. Students were allowed approximately 55 minutes to attempt to solve the
mystery. Immediately after solving the mystery, or after 55 minutes of interaction,
students moved to a different room in order to complete several post-study question-
naires including the curriculum post-test.
Students’ affect data were collected during the learning interactions through self-
report prompts. Students were prompted every seven minutes to self-report their cur-
rent mood and status through an in-game smartphone device. Students selected one
emotion from a set of seven options, which consisted of the following: anxious,
bored, confused, curious, excited, focused, and frustrated. After selecting an emotion,
students were instructed to briefly type a few words about their current status in the
game, similarly to how they might update their status in an online social network.
These status reports were later tagged for SRL evidence use using the following four
ranked classifications: (1) specific reflection, (2) general reflection, (3) non-reflective
statement, or (4) unrelated (Table 1). This ranking was motivated by the observation
that setting and reflecting upon goals is a hallmark of self-regulatory behavior and
that specific goals are more beneficial than those that are more general [14]. Students
were then given an overall SRL score based on the average score of their statements.
An even tertiary split was then used to assign the students to a Low, Medium, and
High SRL category.
Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments 145

4 Results

Data was collected from 296 eighth grade students from a rural North Carolina middle
school. After removing instances with incomplete data or logging errors, there were
260 students remaining. Among the remaining students, there were 129 male and 131
female participants varying in age and ethnicity. A total of 1836 statements were col-
lected, resulting in an average of 7.2 statements per student. All statements were
tagged by one member of the research team with a second member of the research
team tagging a randomly selected subset (10%) of the statements to assess the validity
of the protocol. Inter-rater reliability was measured at κ = 0.77, which is an acceptable
level of agreement. General reflective statements were the most common (37.2%),
followed by unrelated (35.6%), specific reflections (18.3%) and finally non-reflective
statements (9.0%).

4.1 Analyzing Self-Regulation Behaviors

The first objective of this investigation was to explore differences in student learning
based on self-regulatory tendencies. Student learning, as measured by normalized
learning gains from the pre-test to post-test, was compared for the three SRL groups.
An ANOVA indicated a difference in learning gains between the groups (F(2, 257) =
4.6, p < 0.01). Tukey post-hoc comparisons indicated that both High and Medium
SRL students experienced significantly better learning gains than Low SRL students
at the α = 0.05 level. Analyses also indicated that there were significant differences on
pre-test scores between groups (F(2, 257) = 5.07, p < 0.01) suggesting that students with
high SRL tendencies may be better students or perhaps their increased prior know-
ledge helped them to identify and evaluate their goals more efficiently. Figure 1
shows the pre- and post- test scores across groups, highlighting both the differences in
pre-knowledge and learning during interaction with CRYSTAL ISLAND.

Fig. 1. Learning gains by SRL group Fig. 2. In-game behaviors by SRL group
146 J. Sabourin et al.

The next set of analyses was conducted to investigate differences in student beha-
vior based on their SRL tendencies. A chi-squared analysis indicated that the percen-
tage of students who solved the mystery did not differ significantly based on SRL
group (χ2 (2, N=260) = 4.72, p = 0.094). Additionally, an ANOVA indicated there
was no significant difference in the number of goals completed during the interaction.
While a significant difference in students’ abilities to solve the mystery was not
found, there were differences in the in-game resources that students used. Resources
expected to be most beneficial to learning and self-regulation included a microbiology
app on the students’ in-game smartphone which provides a wealth of microbiology
information, books and posters that are scattered around the island with additional
information, a notebook where students can record their own notes, and finally a test-
ing machine where students formulate hypotheses and run the relevant tests. ANO-
VAs for student use of each of these features indicated a significant difference in
student use of posters (F(2, 257) = 5.28, p < 0.01), and tests (F(2, 257) = 5.59, p < 0.01).
While the differences in the use of other devices were not significant, interesting
trends emerged (Figure 2). High SRL students appear to make more use of the curri-
cular resources in the game such as books and posters and also take more notes than
the lower SRL students. Interestingly, High SRL students run significantly fewer tests
than Medium or Low SRL students (as indicated by Tukey post-hoc comparisons).
Abundant use of the testing device is often indicative of students gaming the system
or failing to form good hypotheses in advance. This finding suggests that High SRL
students may be more carefully selecting which tests to run and are perhaps obtaining
positive test results earlier than Medium and Low SRL students.

4.2 Predicting Self-Regulation Behaviors

These results highlight several important factors relating to self-regulation. First, the
post-interaction method of classifying students into Low, Medium, and High SRL
categories appears to yield meaningful groupings of students. Second, these classifi-
cations have significant implications for student learning. Students in the High SRL
group have a higher level of initial knowledge than Low SRL students and through
interactions with CRYSTAL ISLAND, increase this gap in knowledge. This highlights
the importance of identifying the Low SRL students so they can receive supplementa-
ry guidance to help bridge this gap. Finally, the results indicate that High SRL
students utilize the environment’s curricular features differently and likely more ef-
fectively than Low SRL students. This finding suggests that scaffolding to direct Low
SRL students towards more effective use of these resources could be an appropriate
mechanism for bridging the learning gap.
However, in order to make use of these findings, Low SRL students must be identi-
fied early into the interaction so they can be provided with the necessary scaffolding.
The current procedure for identifying these students is performed manually after the
interaction has been completed, which does not allow for early interventions. It is also
desirable to only provide additional scaffolding to the Low SRL students since the
other students appear to be effectively using the environment already and may poten-
tially be harmed by additional interventions. For these reasons, the next goal of this
research was to train machine-learning models to predict students’ SRL-use
categories early into their interaction with CRYSTAL ISLAND.
Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments 147

Table 2. Predictive models and evaluation metrics (for predictive accuracy, * and ** indicate a
significant improvement over the prior prediction at p <.05 and .01, respectively)

Predictive Accuracy Low-SRL Recall

Model Initial Report1 Report2 Report3 Initial Report1 Report2 Report3
Naïve Bayes 44.2 43.5 46.1* 50.5* 0.47 0.28 0.54 0.52
Neural Network 42.3 43.8 46.5* 45.5 0.44 0.45 0.49 0.52
Log. Reg. 42.7 51.2** 47.7 54.5** 0.45 0.65 0.66 0.73
SVM 43.5 46.9* 45.7 51.4** 0.51 0.55 0.56 0.62
Decision Tree 42.7 46.2* 48.1* 57.2** 0.45 0.55 0.71 0.71

In order to predict students’ SRL-use categories, a total of 49 features were used to

train machine-learning models. Of these, 26 features represented personal data col-
lected prior to the student’s interaction with CRYSTAL ISLAND. This included demo-
graphic information, pre-test score, and scores on the personality, goal orientation,
and emotion regulation questionnaires. The remaining 23 features represented a sum-
mary of students’ interactions in the environments. This included information on how
students used each of the curricular resources, how many in-game goals they had
completed, as well as evidence of off-task behavior. Additionally, data from the stu-
dents’ self-reports were included, such as the most recent emotion report and the cha-
racter count of their “status.”
In order to examine early prediction of the students’ SRL-use categories, these fea-
tures were calculated at four different points in time resulting in four distinct datasets.
The first of these (Initial) represented information available at the beginning of the
student’s interaction and consequently only contained the 26 personal attributes. Each
of the remaining three datasets (Report1-3) contained data representing the student’s
progress at each of the first three emotion self-report instances. These datasets con-
tained the same 26 personal attributes, but the values of the remaining 23 in-game
attributes differentially reflected the student’s progress up until that point. The first
self-report occurred approximately 4 minutes into game play with the second and
third reports occurring at 11 minutes and 18 minutes, respectively. The third report
occurs after approximately one-third of the total time allotted for interaction has been
completed, so it is still fairly early into the interaction time.
Each of these datasets was used to train a set of machine learning classifiers includ-
ing: Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, and
Neural Network. These models were trained and evaluated using 10-fold cross-
validation with the WEKA machine learning toolkit [22]. The predictive accuracies of
these models are shown in Table 2. All of the learned models were able to offer a
predictive accuracy statistically significantly better than a most-frequent class base-
line (at p < 0.01). Due to the fact that the classes were identified using an even tertiary
split, the most frequent class (Medium) model has a predictive accuracy of 33.5%.
Additionally, most models demonstrated gains in predictive accuracy further into the
148 J. Sabourin et al.

Fig. 3. Predictive accuracy and Low-SRL recall improvements across time

Of the models attempting to predict SRL class before any interaction with the envi-
ronment, the model with the best performance is the Naïve Bayes model (44.3%).
However, there are no significant differences in predictive accuracy between any of
the models trained on this dataset. Alternatively, of the models trained with the most
data, the Decision Tree model achieves the highest predictive accuracy (57.2%), and
is statistically significantly better than the other models trained on this dataset (p <
0.05). In general, it appears that the two models with the best overall performance are
the Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models.
In addition to predictive accuracy, we are also particularly interested in the models’
abilities to distinguish Low SRL students as these students would be the targets of
additional support. For this reason, we compared the models’ levels of recall for the
Low SRL class (Figure 3). These results again demonstrate a steady growth in the
ability to correctly recognize Low SRL students. Additionally, the Decision Tree and
Logistic Regression models again distinguish themselves in their ability to outperform
the remaining models. These results indicate that using either model, or perhaps a
combination of both models, will offer promise in being able to identify and support
Low SRL students early into their interaction with CRYSTAL ISLAND.

5 Discussion

This work presents an initial analysis of students’ natural self-regulated learning ac-
tivities in the narrative-centered learning environment, CRYSTAL ISLAND. Results
indicate that undirected prompts have the potential to show students’ use of goal set-
ting and monitoring. Additionally, the findings suggest that self-regulated learners
tend to make better use of in-game curricular resources and may be more deliberate in
their actions. Though highly self-regulated learners were not more likely to solve the
mystery, they did demonstrate significantly higher learning gains as a result of their
interaction. These results point to the importance of being able to identify students
with tendencies towards low self-regulation in order to provide appropriate
Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments 149

scaffolding. The machine learning models discussed in this paper show significant
promise in being able to predict a student’s SRL abilities early into their interaction
These findings point to several natural directions for future work. The most promi-
nent of these is developing intervention mechanisms for aiding student self-
regulation. Specifically, the results of this work point to the ways that in-game curri-
cular resources can be used effectively. Low SRL students could receive additional
support in their use of these resources. Alternatively, it may be that these students
suffer in their abilities to recognize and set appropriate goals. This goal-setting beha-
vior could be made more explicit using the game-based nature of the environment.
Understanding how to effectively incorporate these strategies into narrative-
centered learning environments is an important area for future investigation. Drawing
on ongoing empirical investigations of learning, problem solving, and engagement
can support the exploration of a broad range of potential techniques for further en-
hancing student SRL skills. In particular, investigating individualized instruction
strategies and designing SRL features for narrative environments that account for
individual differences is an important next step in this line of investigation.

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank members of the IntelliMedia Group

for their assistance, Omer Sturlovich and Pavel Turzo for use of their 3D model libra-
ries, and Valve Software for access to the SourceTM engine and SDK. This research
was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants REC-0632450,
DRL-0822200, and IIS-0812291. This material is based upon work supported under a
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Any opinions, findings,
and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the au-
thors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Toward Automatic Verification
of Multiagent Systems for Training Simulations

Ning Wang1 , David V. Pynadath2 , and Stacy C. Marsella2

Curious Lab LLC, Westchester, CA USA
USC Institute for Creative Technologies, Playa Vista, CA USA

Abstract. Advances in multiagent systems have led to their successful applica-

tion in experiential training simulations, where students learn by interacting with
agents who represent people, groups, structures, etc. These multiagent simula-
tions must model the training scenario so that the students’ success is correlated
with the degree to which they follow the intended pedagogy. As these simula-
tions increase in size and richness, it becomes harder to guarantee that the agents
accurately encode the pedagogy. Testing with human subjects provides the most
accurate feedback, but it can explore only a limited subspace of simulation paths.
In this paper, we present a mechanism for using human data to verify the degree
to which the simulation encodes the intended pedagogy. Starting with an analysis
of data from a deployed multiagent training simulation, we then present an auto-
mated mechanism for using the human data to generate a distribution appropriate
for sampling simulation paths. By generalizing from a small set of human data,
the automated approach can systematically explore a much larger space of possi-
ble training paths and verify the degree to which a multiagent training simulation
adheres to its intended pedagogy.

Keywords: multiagent training simulation, serious games.

1 Introduction

Virtual worlds inhabited by autonomous agents are increasingly being used for expe-
riential training and education (e.g., [1,5,8,12,14]). These virtual worlds provide an
engaging environment in which students develop skills that can transfer to real-world
tasks. To faithfully capture unpredictable real-world settings, simulations are populated
by synthetic agents that ideally exhibit the same kind of complex behaviors that humans
would exhibit [8,14]. The creation of these environments raises considerable challenges.
Foremost, a student’s experience in the environment must be consistent with pedagogi-
cal goals and doctrine. Notably, success and failure in the environment must be aligned
with the skills and knowledge that the system is designed to teach.
From an instructional perspective, the use of complex multiagent virtual environ-
ments raises several concerns. The central question is what is the student learning—is
it consistent with training doctrine and will it lead to improved student’s performance?

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 151–161, 2012.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
152 N. Wang, D.V. Pynadath, and S.C. Marsella

Negative training can arise in training environments due to discrepancies between sim-
ulation and the real world, as well as discrepancies between simulation and pedagogi-
cal goals. With inaccurate models, undesirable strategies may instead appear effective,
leading one to become overconfident in their likelihood of success. Strategies may also
be locally successful in the simulation but violate broader pedagogical and doctrinal
concerns and lead to failure in larger, real-world contexts. For example, while elimi-
nating political opposition may succeed in a local urban simulation, it may profoundly
violate doctrine by leading to very negative consequences in a more global context.
As these simulations increase in size and richness, it becomes harder to verify (let
alone guarantee) that they accurately encode the pedagogy. Human subject playtesting
provides accurate data. But it explores only a limited subspace of simulation paths due
to the high cost, in time and money. Although multiagent systems support automatic
exploration of many more paths than is possible with real people, the enormous space
of possible simulation paths in any nontrivial training simulation prohibits an exhaustive
exploration of all contingencies.
However, many of these contingencies are very unlikely to ever be realized by a
student. Specifically, a student is highly unlikely to perform actions randomly without
regard to their effects. Consequently, presuming a student is sampling from a uniform
distribution of all possible action sequences is a poor starting point for evaluating a
complex multiagent based social simulation.
We present an automated mechanism that instead tests only those paths that we can
expect from real human behavior. We first analyze a multiagent training simulation al-
ready deployed in classrooms. The result shows that, while the vast majority of students
received appropriate feedback from the multiagent system, some students were able to
succeed despite violating the pedagogy. Given this motivating example, we then present
an automated mechanism for using the human data to generate a distribution appropri-
ate for sampling simulation paths. Our combined mechanism can thus systematically
explore a much larger space of possible training paths and verify the degree to which a
multiagent simulation adheres to its intended pedagogy.

2 PsychSim and UrbanSim

While our methodology applies to many agent-based simulations, we use PsychSim as

our example architecture [7,11]. PsychSim is a social simulation tool for modeling a
diverse set of entities (e.g., people, groups, structures), each with its own goals, private
beliefs, and mental models about other entities. Each agent generates its beliefs and
behavior by solving a partially observable Markov decision problem (POMDP) [4].
Multiple training simulations use PsychSim to generate behavior for the people,
groups, and environment that students interact with to practice skills in a safe but re-
alistic setting. The Tactical Language Training System helps students acquire commu-
nicative skills in foreign languages and cultures, where PsychSim agents represented
villagers with whom the student develops rapport through conversation [13]. BiLAT
uses PsychSim agents to engage students in bilateral negotiations in face-to-face meet-
ings within a specific cultural context [5]. PsychSim agents also teach people to avoid
risky behavior by simulating situations with pressure to engage in such behavior [6,9].
Toward Automatic Verification of Multiagent Systems 153

In this paper, we focus on UrbanSim, a simulation-based training system that has

been deployed to teach stabilization operations in post-conflict urban environments [8].
The student directs multiple military units to execute operations in the context of a fic-
tional urban scenario. The student’s goal is to make progress along multiple dimensions
(e.g., economic, political, security), called Lines Of Effort (LOEs). PsychSim agents
generate the behavior for people, groups, and structures, as well as computing the ef-
fects of the students’ decisions on their states. In the scenario used in this paper, there
were 88 such agents and 6 real-valued LOEs derived from their states. The students
give commands to 11 units under their control, after which PsychSim agents observe
the commands’ effects, choose their own counteractions, and observe those counterac-
tions’ effects. This cycle repeats for 15 rounds, with the students getting feedback each
round through their LOE scores and a partial view of the scenario state.

3 Evaluation of Pedagogy

Although UrbanSim has been successfully deployed in classroom, the question remains
about how well the multiagent component correctly encodes the intended pedagogy.
That pedagogy relates to the strategies in selecting commands to give to units based on
current state of the world and phase of the mission. The goal of this training simulation
is for the students’ scores to be positively correlated with how well their action choices
satisfy the intended pedagogy. UrbanSim gives students more than 3000 possible ways
to deploy their 11 units for each of the 15 rounds, thus producing 1026 possible strate-
gies. Given the impracticality of exhaustive enumeration of that strategy space using
agent-based simulation, we instead used playtesting to explore only a subset.

3.1 Study Population

We recruited 58 participants (56 male, 2 female) from a US metropolitan area. 35% of

them are between 18 and 35, 14% are between 36 and 45 and 16% are above 45 years
of age. 11% of the participants have high school education or GED, 79% have some
college education or college degree, 10% have some graduate education or a graduate
degree. 21% of the participants spend 1-4 hours using computer daily, 79% spend more
than 5 hours. 6% of the participants have not or only played video games several times
in the past year, 9% play video games monthly, 28% play weekly and 58% play video
games daily. 70% of the participants did not spend any time in active military duty.

3.2 Experiment Manipulation and Procedure

When UrbanSim is deployed in the classroom, students are first shown a usability video
about basic operations in UrbanSim and then a pedagogy video on the desirable strate-
gies to use in UrbanSim. In the pedagogy video, participants are taught to:

1. Consider a non-aggressive approach as an alternative to the oft-preferred aggressive

approach. For example, attacking a group is an aggressive action while hosting a
meeting with the local mayor is a non-aggressive action.
154 N. Wang, D.V. Pynadath, and S.C. Marsella

2. Direct units under command to carry out Clear actions first, then Hold actions and
finally Build actions. Clear, Hold and Build are not types of actions, but effects of
an action. The Clear effect of an action is to remove potential danger in an area. The
Hold effect is to protect an area that has danger already removed. The Build effect
is to help a secured area recover and prosper. Each action has a weighted effect on
Clear, Hold and Build, e.g. advising a local mayor can affect both Hold and Build.
3. Plan ahead instead of being purely reactionary, e.g discouraging “Whack-a-Mole”.
To encourage a greater diversity of strategies, one group of participants watches only
the usability video (NoInstruction) and a second group watches both videos (WithIn-
struction). NoInstruction participants first fill out a consent form and a demographic
background questionnaire, then watch the usability video. Next, they practice basic op-
erations in UrbanSim for 15-20 minutes. After that, the participants interact with Ur-
banSim for 2 hours. Finally, they fill out the post-questionnaire. The procedure for the
WithInstruction group is identical except that participants watch the pedagogy video
following the usability video. There are 32 participants in the NoInstruction group and
26 participants in the WithInstruction group.

3.3 Measures
Demographic background questionnaire: asked questions about participant’s age,
education, video game experience, computer use experience and military back-
Post questionnaire: contains questions regarding the strategies that participants used
in UrbanSim, perceived importance of people and groups in the scenario (e.g. po-
lice, tribes), perceived importance of the LOEs, self-efficacy of improving LOEs
and their assessment of the effect of the training simulation actions on LOEs, e.g.
the impact of patrolling a neighborhood on the economy, security, etc.
Training Simulation logs: captures the actions chosen by each participant for each
unit for each turn, LOE scores before each turn was committed, final score of pop-
ular support, and final score for LOEs. We categorized participants’ actions for each
turn as whether they are Clear, Hold or Build actions and which LOEs they address.

3.4 Results
One participant’s data was excluded from the analysis because the participant had no
experience using a computer. A total of 57 participants’ data are included in the analysis.

Encoding of Pedagogy. The first aspect of the pedagogy is to consider non-aggressive

action as an alternative to aggressive actions. So overall, we should observe participants
performing more non-aggressive actions than aggressive actions.

Pedagogy 1: Number of Non-aggressive Actions > Number of Aggressive Actions

The second aspect of the pedagogy is to follow a Clear → Hold → Build strategy. We
summed up the number of actions carried out by the 11 units during the first third (turns
Toward Automatic Verification of Multiagent Systems 155

1 to 5), second third (turns 6 to 10) and last third (turns 11 to 15) of the game. We then
ranked the Clear, Hold and Build effect of all the actions in each third. If the effect on
Clear is higher than Hold and Build, we then categorize that third as Clear focused.
There are 171 thirds from 57 participants. Only 3% of the thirds are Hold focused, so
we chose to ignore Hold and instead categorized only the Clear and Build effects of the
actions of the first half of the game (turn 1 to 7) and second half (turn 8 to 15) of the
game. Following this categorization, the pedagogy is still very clear: a student should
secure an area through Clear actions before performing Build actions in that area.

Pedagogy 2: Clear → Build

Effect of Experiment Manipulation. We conducted an ANOVA test on the percent-

age of non-aggressive actions participants took, and a CHI-Squared Goodness of Fit
test on whether participants adhered to the two pedagogies, using the NoInstruction
and WithInstruction groups as indepen-
dent variables. Additionally, we com- Table 1. Mean percentage of non-aggressive ac-
pared the score on LOEs between two ex- tions, number of participants following peda-
periment groups using the ANOVA test. gogy, and mean LOE scores
Results show that there was no signifi-
No With
cant difference between our two experi-
Instruction Instruction
ment groups on participants’ use of non-
aggressive (NA) actions (N = 57, p = NA Actions 0.788 0.802
.45), whether they followed the peda- Followed Yes 20 14
gogy (N = 54, p = .53) and their per- Pedagogy No 10 10
formance on LOEs (N = 47, p = .78). LOE Score 361.4 358.1

Effect of Pedagogy. Because there are no significant differences between the two ex-
periment groups on the variables we are interested in, we combined the data from the
two groups for the following analysis. Overall, we found that all the participants over-
whelmingly adopted Pedagogy 1, choosing more non-aggressive actions (79%) than
aggressive actions (21%). This means that we do not have data to compare scores be-
tween participants who followed Pedagogy 1 and those who did not. We will focus on
Pedagogy 2 for the remainder of the analysis.
We then conducted an ANOVA test on performance on LOEs between participants
who followed Pedagogy 2 and those who did not. Overall, there is a significant dif-
ference on performance on LOEs between participants who followed the pedagogy
and those who did not. People who followed the intended pedagogy (Clear → Build)
performed better on the LOE scores than those who did not (MNotFollow = 330.4,
MFollow = 377.1, N = 45, p < .001).
Figure 1a shows that the distribution of LOE scores from participants who did not
follow Pedagogy 2 is a lot more spread out compared to the distribution from those
who followed the pedagogy. This implies that some participants who did not follow the
pedagogy got high LOE scores. This issue is clearly illustrated in Figure 1b where we
dichotomize the performance on LOE into High and Low. In Figure 1b, the left column
represents the participants who did not follow the pedagogy, and the right column rep-
resents the ones who did. The lighter color represents low LOE scores and the darker
156 N. Wang, D.V. Pynadath, and S.C. Marsella

(a) LOE scores (b) Dichotomized LOEs scores

Fig. 1. Comparison of performance on (a) LOE scores and (b) dichotomized scores between par-
ticipants who followed Pedagogy 2 and those who did not

color represents high LOE scores. The numbers on the graph represents the percentage
of participants in that particular case, e.g. followed pedagogy and got a high LOE score.
We can see that a significant percentage of participants achieved high LOE scores
despite not following the intended pedagogy (Clear → Build). In fact, this group of
participants all followed the Build → Build strategy, which worked just as well as the
Clear → Build strategy. This could be problematic in a training simulation because
following the Build → Build strategy would have severe consequences in the real world,
e.g. early builds will be destroyed if an area was not secured first through Clear/Hold.
Figure 1b also shows a region of participants who followed the pedagogy but
received low scores (the lower right). While this is also indicative of an error, our proce-
dure for identifying Clear → Build strategies is subject to false positives, in that strate-
gies that we identified as following Clear → Build may still be violating Pedagogy 2.
For example, while a student’s Build actions may be restricted to only the second half of
the game, they may have been executed in regions that had not been previously cleared.
Our purely temporal classification would not detect such an error. On the other hand,
a strategy that does not satisfy Clear → Build in our crude classification definitely vi-
olates Pedagogy 2, so the upper left region of Figure 1b (and the rewarded Build →
Build strategy within) corresponds to clearly undesirable outcomes.

4 Simulation-Based Verification of Pedagogy

Section 3’s experimental results demonstrate that the simulation generally encourages
the correct behavior, thanks to the rounds of playtesting and model editing that had al-
ready occurred. However, the results also identified one pedagogically incorrect strategy
(namely, Build → Build) that was also rewarded by the simulation. The encouragement
of such a strategy suggests the need for changes to the underlying scenario model to
bring the simulation more in line with the intended pedagogy. Unfortunately, it is pro-
hibitively costly to playtest after each such change, making it impossible to use human
subjects in a tight iterative refinement cycle. Moreover, the playtesting results from
Toward Automatic Verification of Multiagent Systems 157

Section 3 represent only 57 possible simulation paths. However, the training scenario
provides the student with over 1026 possible simulation paths in trying to capture the
complexity of real-world urban stabilization. Thus, even if playtesting were feasible, it
could explore only an infinitesimal portion of the possible space.
On the other hand, a student actively trying to succeed in the simulation would never
try many of the 1026 possible simulation paths. For example, a student would not de-
liberately choose to devote resources to repair a structure that was already operating at
full capacity. Although it is possible that a student might do so in error, the likelihood
of such errors is so low that we may safely ignore such a possibility in our verification
process. Of greater concern are errors like Build → Build that show up in multiple cases
even within the relatively small data set of Section 3. Our goal in this section is to use
this data acquired as the basis for an automatic method for exploring simulation paths
that is sensitive to the likelihood of behaviors by real students.

4.1 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation

Our proposed automatic method generates a plot like Figure 1b by randomly generat-
ing paths through the training simulation that give us a final score and that allow us to
determine whether they followed the pedagogy. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
simulation provides such a method, in that we can translate a distribution over student
actions into simulation path samples [2,3]. To apply MCMC to a training simulation, we
must first represent the evolving state (both observed by the student and hidden inside
the system) as a Markov chain, Xt . In the multiagent system underlying our simu-
lation, the complete state (S from the POMDP) of the UrbanSim scenario is already
represented as a set of 1452 features (e.g., a structure’s capacity), each a real-valued
number from -1 to 1 (e.g., 1 means that the structure is functioning at 100% of capac-
ity). While we wish to capture the evolution of the overall simulation state, the states
in the Markov chain must represent the student’s decision-making inputs as well. The
student sees very little of the 1452 features and is instead informed mainly by the LOE
scores (which in this scenario, are derived deterministically from the simulation state).
We thus augment the simulation state with the observable LOE scores to capture both
the state of the simulation and the factors that influence the student’s choice of action.
In addition to capturing all of the relevant factors, the Markov chain representation must
also capture the transition from the current state to the next as a function of the student’s
action, but independent of prior state history. However, our survey data identified that
students often reacted to changes in their score, not just the current value. Therefore, to
account for this factor and to preserve the Markovian property, we add the latest change
in LOE score to the state as well. In summary, the set of possible states for our Markov
chain is defined over the possible simulation states, observable values, and changes in
reward values: X = S × Ω × ΔR.

4.2 Sampling Distribution

Given this representation of the current state, we must represent the Markovian state
transitions in terms of the distribution over possible student’s actions and their effects.
158 N. Wang, D.V. Pynadath, and S.C. Marsella

The underlying simulation dynamics (T ) can generate the effects of actions, the obser-
vation function (O) can generate what the student sees of that state, and the scoring
function (R) can generate the changes in rewards. However, all three functions require
the student’s action choices as input. Therefore, the only new component we need for
the dynamics of our Markov chain (Pr(Xt |Xt−1 )) is the students’ decision-making.
The current state has sufficient information to motivate different students’ choices,
which we can thus model as a function, π : Ω × ΔR → Π(A), that maps from obser-
vation and change in reward to a probability distribution over action choices.
For complex training scenarios, students may have too many possible choices for
limited data to generate a meaningful distribution over their decision-making. For ex-
ample, in the UrbanSim scenario, there are more than 3000 possible actions, so we
would require a prohibitively large data set to learn a distribution over the original fine-
grained action space, |A| > 3000. Instead, we propose clustering the original actions
based on their effect on the game scores (e.g., the 6 different LOEs). For a given state,
we can sum the cumulative effect of the student’s actions on the game score (e.g., the
effect of all 11 subordinates’ actions on the 6 LOEs).
We can now examine the playtesting data in these terms to compute a frequency
count of actions chosen as a function of possible score changes. Table 2 shows the
expected rate of different types of actions as a function of changes in one of the score
dimensions (labeled LOE 2). The probability distribution in this table is based on data
collected from 57 participants. Students are roughly half as likely to choose an action to
increase LOE 2 if there has been no
change in its value, and that actions LOE Table 2. Expected probability of action types
1 are more common regardless. Note given most recent change in LOE 2
that the numbers in Table 2 are obvi-
ously highly domain-dependent, but the Action Decrease Increase No Change
method of acquiring them generalizes LOE 1 0.36 0.32 0.38
quite easily. By clustering the actions LOE 2 0.25 0.22 0.12
according to the scores they immedi- LOE 3 0.00 0.01 0.01
ately increase, one can automatically an- LOE 4 0.13 0.10 0.10
alyze the logs to compute such frequency LOE 5 0.05 0.09 0.08
counts in a straightforward manner. LOE 6 0.19 0.22 0.25

4.3 Simulation Paths

Now that we have the abstract strategy, π̂, for the students’ actions, we can compute the
dynamics of our Markov chain:

Pr(Xt = st , ωt , Δrt  |Xt−1 ) = st−1 , ωt−1 , Δrt−1 

= π̂(ωt−1 , Δrt−1 , â)T̂ (st−1 , â, st )O(st , â, ωt ) Pr(Δrt = R(st , â) − R(ωt−1 ))

where we assume that the previous reward is extractable from the previous observation,
ωt−1 . For training simulations where the students do not observe their scores along
the way, we can simply explicitly encode the score as an additional component of our
Markov chain state, X. The final missing piece is the abstract transition probability,
Toward Automatic Verification of Multiagent Systems 159

T̂ , over our abstract actions, Â. The underlying simulation provides the fine-grained
transition function, T , which we will use to derive its abstract counterpart. In particular,
for each abstract action, â, we will define its effect as a uniform distribution over its
possible corresponding fine-grained actions, a:

T̂ (st−1 , â, st ) = T (st−1 , a, st )/ |{a|C(a) = â}|

We can now run the simulation engine and substitute actions sampled according to
Section 4.2 instead of the student actions. Each such run requires only 4 minutes (as
opposed to the hour required by the typical human subject), and we were able to gen-
erate 316 paths in 21 hours of computation time. The end result of each path is a run
of the exact same form as used in playtesting and, thus, amenable to the evaluation
procedure of Section 3. Thus, we determined whether the generated actions satisfied
the intended pedagogy, and we extracted the score achieved by those actions. Finally,
we generated the graph in Figure 2 (of exactly the same form as Figure 1b) to identify
the degree to which the pedagogy is satisfied. Of the paths that violated Pedagogy 2,
most received an appropriately low score,
but the simulation identified 143 paths
where an incorrect strategy received a
high score, far exceeding the incorrect
paths found among the 57 student paths
in Figure 1b. Given that the simulation
was able to generate Figure 2 overnight,
as opposed to the weeks required to
schedule the human subjects for Figure
1b, our automated exploration method
has greatly accelerated our ability to ver-
ify the simulation underlying our training Fig. 2. Results from simulation-based verifica-
system. tion

5 Discussion

The methodology presented in this paper provides a mechanism for automatic verifi-
cation of an agent-based training simulation using limited human user data. The true
test of a training simulation is in a thorough pedagogical evaluation of student learn-
ing when using the system, and our proposed methodology is in no way a replacement
of such an evaluation. Our methodology instead seeks to give the simulation designer
feedback during the authoring process. In particular, a graph like Figure 1b identifies
paths through the simulation that violate the intended pedagogy, directing the designer
to possible modeling errors. Section 4’s automatic method for generating such graphs
can then give the simulation designer similar feedback for the refined models, without
requiring further playtesting. Furthermore, the systematic exploration of a larger space
of possible student strategies can give the simulation designer greater confidence in the
agent models before proceeding to the overall pedagogical evaluation and deployment.
160 N. Wang, D.V. Pynadath, and S.C. Marsella

Going beyond the reactive strategies of our MCMC approach to modeling the stu-
dent’s behavior, there is the potential to use PsychSim’s POMDP-based behavior-genera-
tion mechanism to provide more sophisticated models of student moves. In the post-
questionnaire, we collected information about how students ranked the various LOEs
in priority and how they thought different actions affected those LOEs. The former gives
us insight into how the students’ subjective reward function deviated from the “ratio-
nal” student’s. The latter gives us insight into how the students’ model of the simulation
dynamics deviated from the correct transition probability function, T . Thus, we can po-
tentially learn PsychSim models for different students and use these models to generate
more deliberative strategies than the reactive strategies of our MCMC approach.
Finally, our verification methodology can be a key component to facilitating the over-
all authoring process for training simulations. This paper presents a novel method for
automatically finding simulation paths that are inconsistent with intended pedagogy.
Given the output of our method, we can then use existing algorithms [10] to help au-
tomate the modification of the simulation to bring it more in line with that intended
pedagogy. Thus, the methodology and algorithms presented in this paper represent a
critical step toward greatly reducing the burden of authoring agent-based training sim-
ulations while simultaneously improving their pedagogical fidelity.

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S., Thórisson, K.R. (eds.) IVA 2011. LNCS, vol. 6895, pp. 209–215. Springer, Heidelberg
7. Marsella, S.C., Pynadath, D.V., Read, S.J.: PsychSim: Agent-based modeling of social inter-
actions and influence. In: ICCM, pp. 243–248 (2004)
8. McAlinden, R., Gordon, A., Lane, H.C., Pynadath, D.: UrbanSim: A game-based simulation
for counterinsurgency and stability-focused operations. In: AIED Workshop on Intelligent
Educational Games (2009)
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Using State Transition Networks to Analyze Multi-party
Conversations in a Serious Game

Brent Morgan1, Fazel Keshtkar1, Ying Duan1,

Padraig Nash2, and Arthur Graesser1
University of Memphis, Psychology, Institute for Intelligent Systems,
365 Innovation Drive, Memphis, TN 38152, USA
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Educational Psychology, Educational Sciences Building,
Room 1078D, 1025 West Johnson Street, Madison, WI 53711

Abstract. As players interact in a serious game, mentoring is often needed to

facilitate progress and learning. Although human mentors are the current
standard, they present logistical difficulties. Automating the mentor's role is a
difficult task, however, especially for multi-party collaborative learning envi-
ronments. In order to better understand the conversational demands of a mentor,
this paper investigates the dynamics and linguistic features of multi-party chat
in the context of an online epistemic game, Urban Science. We categorized
thousands of player and mentor contributions into eight different speech acts
and analyzed the sequence of dialogue moves using State Transition Networks.
The results indicate that dialogue transitions are relatively stable with respect to
gameplay goals; however, task-oriented stages emphasize mentor-player scaf-
folding, whereas discussion-oriented stages feature player-player collaboration.

Keywords: collaborative learning, epistemic games, natural language


1 Introduction

Serious games are increasingly becoming a popular, effective supplement to standard

classroom instruction [1]. Some classes of serious games provide microworlds [2] that
allow players to explore a virtual environment. These simulations have ideal and often
simple problems with targeted scaffolding to help users identify important concepts
and think critically about them. Multi-party chat is pervasive in serious games and
crucial to success in multi-player recreational games, including the epistemic games
[3, 4, 5] that will be addressed in the present study.
Epistemic games and collaboration can be effective environments for learning [6],
but a critical element for success in these environments is access to some form of
directed help. A substantial body of research suggests that mentoring is needed in
order to facilitate learning tools, such as reflection, elaboration, scaffolding, model-
ing, and so forth [7, 8, 9]. Without this, student learning is minimal.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 162–167, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Using State Transition Networks to Analyze Multi-party Conversations 163

While mentoring is a necessary element for learning in epistemic games, this role
is almost exclusively provided by a human at the present time. However, the cost
incurred with training a human mentor, as well as logistics (e.g., availability),
represent a critical barrier for widespread use of a collaborative epistemic game. Con-
sequently, if the role of the mentor could be automated, it would allow an established
epistemic game to be scaled up for widespread use. Although great strides have been
made in automating one-on-one tutorial dialogues [10], multi-party chat presents a
significant challenge for natural language processing. The goal of this paper, then, is
to provide a preliminary understanding of player-mentor conversations in the context
of an epistemic game, specifically Urban Science.
Urban Science is an epistemic game created by education researchers at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin-Madison, designed to simulate an urban planning practicum
experience [7]. During the game, players communicate with other members of their
planning team, as well as with an adult mentor role-playing as a professional planning
consultant. Urban Science consists of 19 distinct stages, each of which has one of two
functions, task-oriented or discussion-oriented (with 13 and 6 stages, respectively).
The task-oriented stages have more concrete actions to perform. Discussion-oriented
stages have high interactivity, discussion, and reflection.
It is plausible that the different educational goals of each stage type may have cor-
responding differences in the conversational patterns between players and mentors.
To investigate these patterns, the conversations between the mentor and players were
analyzed with respect to meaning, syntax, and discourse function by speech act classi-
fication. These categorized speech acts were analyzed to identify speech act se-
quences in the conversations, represented as State Transition Networks (STN).

1.1 Speech Act Classification and State Transition Networks

Analyses of a variety of corpora, including chat and multiparty games, have con-
verged on a set of speech act categories that are both theoretically justified and that
also can be reliably coded by trained judges [11, 12]. Our classification scheme has 8
broad categories: Statements, Requests, Questions, Reactions, Expressive Evalua-
tions, MetaStatements, Greetings, and Other. After classifying individual speech acts,
pairs of speech acts can be joined in STNs. STNs specify the speech act transitions
both within and between conversation participants with respect to specific speakers
and the associated speech act categories.
Discourse acts in educational contexts have been documented in great detail in the
context of classroom discourse [13, 14] and human tutoring [15, 16]. For example, a
common three-step sequence in classrooms is: “Teacher Question  Student Answer
 Teacher Feedback Response” [17]. The goal of this paper is to identify the conver-
sational patterns in multi-party conversations in an epistemic game (such as Urban
Science) with the ultimate objective of automating the mentor’s role.

1.2 Hypotheses
First, we predict that our analyses will identify speech acts and transitions common to
both task- and discussion-oriented stages. For example, aforementioned research
164 B. Morgan et al.

indicates that mentoring is critical to maximize learning [7, 8, 9]. Thus, mentor con-
tributions should constitute the most pivotal nodes in the STNs of both types of stag-
es. The research also suggested that mentor questions often initiate conversational
sequences, which are followed by player responses and then feedback on the re-
sponse. This dynamic is well-established and should be evident across both formats.
In addition to commonalities, we also seek to pinpoint some differences between
stage types. In the task-oriented stages, goal achievement is a priority, suggesting that
mentor requests would be more relevant. Similarly, task-based stages should also
feature questions by the players about how to proceed. Most importantly, we expect
two distinct epistemic networks to emerge: scaffolding and collaboration. Scaffolding
occurs when mentor responses to player contributions help guide players to the next
step. This should be essential to facilitating goal completion in task-oriented stages.
Conversely, collaboration represents meaningful interactions between players. This
should be more evident in the discussion format, as players interact and reflect upon
their previous actions.

2 Methods

Twenty-one high school-aged participants and two mentors played Urban Science for
ten hours over three days Players communicated with each other and the mentor via a
chat window. Player and Mentor chat contributions were automatically categorized
into speech acts using the Naive Bayes classification algorithm on word features. The
classification compares favorably to trained human coders with a kappa of 0.677,
compared to a kappa of 0.797 between two humans [18].
STNs were created by calculating the conditional probability of each transition be-
tween speech acts as well as the overall frequency of each speech act in the corpus.
For example, a mentor statement might be followed by a player reaction 28% of the
time, and a player reaction might constitute 0.8% of the entire corpus. For each transi-
tion, a minimum conditional probability threshold of 15% was used for inclusion in
the network, as well as an overall frequency of 0.3%. Additionally, although there are
only two roles in the game (player and mentor), one crucial piece of information that
the STNs can provide is the identity of the speaker. Specifically, in the case of adja-
cent player contributions, it is critical to distinguish whether the response is a follow-
up from the same player (“P  P”) or whether it is a reply by some Other Player (“P
 OP”). This distinction helps in identifying player collaborations.

3 Results

Our analysis of the Urban Science data initially classified contributions into individu-
al speech acts, then calculated the conditional probabilities for each transition, and
then the overall frequencies/likelihoods for each speech act category. We expected to
find some commonalities and differences between two different types of interactions
during gameplay, namely task-oriented and discussion-oriented stage types. We found
that the correlation between transition conditional probabilities was quite large, r
Using State Transition Networks to Analyze Multi-party Conversations 165

(318) = 0.63, p < .001, which supports the notion that conversation dynamics are
largely stable. Inspection of the STNs for both formats unveils these common pat-
terns, but also highlights some transitions that distinguish the two. The STNs for task-
and discussion-oriented stages are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.

Fig. 1. State Transition Network for Task-oriented stages

Fig. 2. State Transition Network for Discussion-oriented stages

Our first prediction was that mentor contributions would constitute the most pivot-
al nodes in the STNs of both stage types, reflecting the importance of the mentor in
student learning. This was supported by the relative importance of mentor statements
and mentor reactions in both STNs. We also predicted that mentor questions would
166 B. Morgan et al.

initiate conversational sequences. Figures 2 and 3 both suggest that mentor questions
(along with expressive evaluations) were crucial in triggering dialogue progressions.
Additionally, mentor questions in both networks were typically followed by player
statements or reactions, which were in turn followed by reactions or statements from
the mentor or another player. This suggests the “Question  Response  Feedback”
sequence that was discussed previously [17].
With respect to differences in stage type, mentor requests and player questions
played a larger role in the task-oriented stages, in line with our predictions, whereas in
the discussion-oriented stages, player statements and expressive evaluations had a
higher impact. We also expected distinct epistemic patterns to emerge between the
two stage types, namely scaffolding and collaboration. The distinguishing feature of
these patterns is the relative frequency of a mentor response to a player contribution
versus a response by some other player. Whereas the task-oriented STN features more
mentor nodes (indicating scaffolding), the discussion-oriented STN produced similar
OP nodes. However, the OP contributions in the discussion-oriented stages were more
likely to be a response to player statements and reactions (i.e., the final link in the
“Question  Response  Feedback” chain), as opposed to responses to greetings,
which are unlikely to be meaningful. These observations support the prediction that
scaffolding is more important to facilitate the goal achievement for task-based gamep-
lay, whereas the discussion-based format emphasizes student collaboration.

4 Conclusion and Future Work

We expected that particular transitions between speech acts would be common within
both types of gameplay in Urban Science, task- and discussion-oriented. The correla-
tion of transition between the two stage types was surprisingly strong, indicating that
transitions are relatively stable across different modes of gameplay. Despite the over-
lap in transition frequencies between task- and discussion-oriented stages, we were
able to identify some crucial differences between the two types. Mentor requests and
player questions reflected the goal-driven activities of the task-oriented stages, whe-
reas the discussion-oriented stages showed greater emphasis on player statements and
expressive evaluations as they reflected on previous game actions. The two stages
also differed in the final link of the “Question  Response  Feedback” sequence,
where the feedback was more likely to be provided by the mentor in the task-oriented
stage (indicating scaffolding), but in the discussion format, other players were increa-
singly likely to respond (suggesting collaboration).
The results of the presented analyses are applicable to a number of current and fu-
ture investigations. First, we are currently analyzing additional chat room interactions
in order to replicate these findings and assist in automating the role of the mentor.
This includes predicting points in the conversation where a mentor should provide a
contribution, as well as the appropriate speech act at a given point.
Using State Transition Networks to Analyze Multi-party Conversations 167

1. Ritterfeld, U., Cody, M., Vorderer, P. (eds.): Serious games: Mechanisms and effects.
Routledge, New York (2009)
2. Hoyles, C., Noss, R., Adamson, R.: Rethinking the Microworld idea. Journal of Educa-
tional Computing Research 27(1-2), 29–53 (2002)
3. Dieterle, E., Clarke, J.: Multi-user virtual environments for teaching and learning. In: Pa-
gani, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, 2nd edn. Idea
Group, Hershey (in press)
4. Ketelhut, D., Dede, C., Clarke, J., Nelson, B., Bowman, C.: Studying situated learning in a
multi-user virtual environment. In: Baker, E., Dickieson, J., Wulfeck, W., O’Neil, H. (eds.)
Assessment of Problem Solving Using Simulations, pp. 37–58. Earlbaum, Mahweh (2007)
5. Shaffer, D.W.: How Computer Games Help Children Learn. Palgrave, New York (2007)
6. Millis, K., Forsyth, C., Butler, H., Wallace, P., Graesser, A.C., Halpern, D.: Operation
ARIES! A serious game for teaching scientific inquiry. In: Ma, M., Oikonomou, A.,
Lakhmi, J. (eds.) Serious Games and Edutainment Applications, pp. 169–195. Springer,
London (2011)
7. Bagley, E.S., Shaffer, D.W.: When people get in the way: Promoting civic thinking
through epistemic gameplay. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated
Simulations 1(1), 36–52 (2009)
8. Kirschner, P.A., Sweller, J., Clark, R.E.: Why minimal guidance during instruction does
not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experien-
tial, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist 41(2), 75–86 (2006)
9. Nash, P., Shaffer, D.W.: Mentor modeling: The internalization of modeled professional-
thinking in an epistemic game. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27(2), 173–189
10. Graesser, A.C., D’Mello, S.K., Cade, W.: Instruction based on tutoring. In: Mayer, R.E.,
Alexander, P.A. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction, pp. 408–426.
Routledge, New York (2011)
11. Moldovan, C., Rus, V., Graesser, A.C.: Automated Speech Act Classification For Online
Chat. In: The 22nd Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference
12. D’Andrade, R.G., Wish, M.: Speech act theory in quantitative research on interpersonal
behavior. Discourse Processes 8(2), 229–259 (1985)
13. Gee, J.P.: An introduction to discourse analysis: Theory and method. Routledge, New
York (1999)
14. Nystrand, M.: Research on the role of classroom discourse as it affects reading compre-
hension. Research in the Teaching of English 40, 392–412 (2006)
15. Graesser, A.C., D’Mello, S.K., Cade, W.: Instruction based on tutoring. In: Mayer, R.E.,
Alexander, P.A. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction. Routledge
Press, New York (in press)
16. Graesser, A.C., Person, N.K.: Question asking during tutoring. American Educational Re-
search Journal 31, 104–137 (1994)
17. Sinclair, J., Coulthart, M.: Towards an analysis of discourse: The English used by teachers
and pupils. Oxford University Press, London (1975)
18. Rus, V., Moldovan, C., Witherspoon, A., Graesser, A.C.: Automatic Identification of
Speakers’ Intentions in A multi-Party Dialogue System. In: 21st Annual Meeting of the
Society for Text and Discourse (2011
How to Evaluate Competencies in Game-Based Learning
Systems Automatically?

Pradeepa Thomas, Jean-Marc Labat, Mathieu Muratet, and Amel Yessad

Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6

Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4, Place Jussieu,
75005 Paris, France

Abstract. Serious games are increasingly used in schools, universities or in vo-

cational training. When they are used in the classroom, teachers often have to
deal with the lack of tools for monitoring the students during the game and as-
sessing them after the game. So they often tend to add assessment question-
naires to the fun sequence of “learning by playing”, to ensure that students have
learned during the session. Our goal is to enable the teacher to do without this
type of questionnaires by providing them an automated tool for monitoring and
analyzing the actions performed by learners. The system combines an “expert
Petri Net” and a domain and game action ontology. Our first experiment con-
ducted on a sample of fifteen students showed that the diagnostic tool gives rel-
atively close results to those of an online assessment questionnaire proposed by
the teacher.

Keywords: Serious games, Game-based learning, Assessment, Petri Nets, User


1 Introduction

The question of learning through serious games is often asked. Much research has
been carried out [1], [2], [3]. When the serious games are used in the classroom,
teachers often have to deal with the lack of tools for monitoring and assessing stu-
dents. So they often tend to use assessment questionnaires to ensure that students have
learned during the session. This practice interrupts the game dynamics created by
game-based learning systems. Our contribution is a tool for teachers to monitor and
analyze the progress of the player (from traces of the game). The system uses indica-
tors inspired from Hollnagel’s analysis of human errors [4]. The tool is based on an
“expert” Petri net and a domain and game action ontology. Petri Nets are used to
model the expert rules of the domain and to diagnose the non-compliance of these
rules. The ontology represents the domain concepts and their equivalent in terms of
game actions, relations between game actions and between concepts and actions.
After having highlighted the difficulties of assessing learning in game-based learn-
ing systems we explain in detail the algorithms used by showing how the properties

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 168–173, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
How to Evaluate Competencies in Game-Based Learning Systems Automatically? 169

and tools of a Petri Net (PN) can be used to label the behavior of the player. We then
present the first encouraging results of a comparative evaluation between our system
and an assessment using an online questionnaire.

2 Assessment in Game-Based Learning Systems

Several studies have considered the issue of automatic assessment of learning in se-
rious games. Thus, in [5] the authors added a system of state machines to the game,
i.e. predefined situations that the teacher wants to watch. The teacher sets the states he
wants to trace in the monitoring system. This approach is interesting but requires the
teacher a great effort of interpretation to analyze the provided game indicators. In [6] ,
the system compares the student causal graph to the teacher’s one and highlights the
missing and erroneous link. In [7], the authors use plan space exploration to generate
a suitable game play for the learner. The game is automatically adapted to the actions
of the player. Our approach has the same objectives as these approaches but uses dif-
ferent techniques and is more interested in labeling the errors performed by the play-
er: the main goal is to assist the teacher in his evaluation of the “learning player”.

3 Automatic Monitoring and Game Action Analysis System

3.1 Diagnostic Indicators

Drawing on the work of Hollnagel [8], we defined a classification of actions made or

not made by the learner, using the CREAM method (Cognitive Reliability and Error
Analysis Method). In the case of error analysis in game-based learning systems, we
present in the figure 1 an evaluation of the actions of the player.

Fig. 1. Evaluation of the player's actions in the game-based learning systems according to the
CREAM method
170 P. Thomas et al.

Each label is explained in [9].For example, suboptimal actions enable progress in

the game but the multiplication of these actions by the learner reveals a poor mastery
of the field and imperfect skills. The player manages to overcome difficulties without
finding the right solution. Belated and premature actions are necessary to resolve the
current problem but do not happen in the right sequence. Equivalent actions are not
performed by the expert, but produce exactly the same result as those of the expert.

3.2 Combining an Expert Petri Net and a Game Action and Domain Ontology
As detailed in [10] [9], we use a Petri net to follow the progress of the learner step by
step. The idea is to analyze every "pedagogically significant" action performed by the
player and to label each one according to the headings defined in Figure 1.The transi-
tions of the Petri Net are game actions and the places represent game properties. The
Petri net describes the expert behavior in the game: it performs the actions that the
expert uses to solve the problem. The Petri net is built using a reverse engineering
process on the game engine and by extracting domain rules from experts. Once the
network is initialized by marking the places that describe the data of a problem to
solve, the Petri Net will list all the solutions, i.e. the graph of the actions leading to an
expert resolution of the problem (Petri Net reachability graph). Petri nets have been
used in the field of game-based learning systems but rather to design games and to
validate and verify the consistency of scenarios [11][12][13]. The ontology of game
actions completes the approach. We use it to link game actions to the domain compe-
tencies and to represent the equivalence and sub-optimality relations between game
actions. Ontologies have been used for the diagnosis of errors in learning systems [14]
as well as for knowledge diagnosis in serious games [15].

3.3 Game Actions Labeling Algorithm

The goal of this algorithm is to analyze the actions performed by the player step by
step and to compare them with the « expert » Petri net. The system provides the
teacher with an overview by presenting the percentage of each label defined in Figure
1. Thus, the list of missing actions allows the teacher to identify blocking points.
Moreover, even if a student passes the level, the multiplication of erroneous actions
demonstrates a process of trial and error to reach the solution. Finally, belated and
premature actions reveal a lack of optimization in the sequence of actions. The player
performs the correct actions but not at the most opportune moment.
The diagnosis algorithm works as follows:

1. Expert Petri Net loading and reachability graph calculation

2. Player's traces loading and sub-optimal / equivalent actions research: the ontology
is queried first to detect these error categories. These actions are labeled and then
replaced by the corresponding expert action.
3. With the reachability graph, identification of :
(a) Right actions : firable transitions
(b) Erroneous actions : transitions that don’t appear in the reachability graph
How to Evaluate Competencies in Game-Based Learning Systems Automatically? 171

(c) Redundant actions: live transitions (available in the expert Petri Net) but all the
output places are marked (the player already has the information he requested)
(d) Premature actions : live transitions but not firable because prerequisite transi-
tions are missing
(e) Missing actions : transitions that appear in the reachability graph but not in the
traces of the player
4. Finally, the belated actions are obtained as follows: each time the player performs a
non firable transition, the system calculates and stores the expected ones. Thus,
when the player performs an “expected action” , it is a belated one.

4 Case Study

4.1 The Game

Ludiville has been developed by KTM Advance, for the “Banque Populaire Caisse
d’Epargne” Group. It is designed for fledgling account managers. The goal of the
player is to meet the demand of a customer by handling a more or less pre-filled
loan file by performing domain linked game actions. One of the particularities of the
game is to allow the player to use generic action when he doesn't know what type of
information to ask the client for. For instance, “ask for document” action can be
used instead of “Pay slips”. These generic actions ensure that the learning player
does not get frustrated. He can move forward inside the game without being held up
by a lack of knowledge about some domain aspects. However, these cards yield few-
er points than the specific cards, which reveal a priori core competencies.

4.2 The Experiment

The aim of the experiment is to compare the results of the diagnostic tool with that of
an online questionnaire. The game has been tested on fifteen Higher National Certifi-
cate students. The part of the course on mortgages has not been addressed by the
teacher beforehand. After a quick presentation of the game interface, the students
played independently for about an hour. They all finished the first level. The traces
containing all the actions performed for each client and each attempt were collected in
XML files. At the end of the game, students responded to an online questionnaire
developed by the teacher, referring to the concepts covered in the game. For example,
they were asked to name the key documents to identify the personal characteristics of
the client. The questions were classified according to four tabs defined in the game:
client, project, loan and finalizing. Students had not been warned initially that they
would be assessed at the end of the session. We chose to analyze in detail the last
customer case of the first level. This is an assessment case that contains most of the
skills used in the previous cases. This validation is considered as the "boss" at the end
of a level in “traditional” video games. Some students had to go through several at-
tempts to complete this case. We chose to analyze the latest. Take the average of all
trials would have penalized those who started several times. However, the number of
attempts has been passed on to the teacher to give a more accurate evaluation.
172 P. Thomas et al.

For each student, an overall average and average per competency was calculated
by coding the responses to the questionnaire as follows: right (2 pts), approximate
(1pt), no answer (0pt), wrong (-1pt). The diagnostic indicators (right action, too early,
too late, sub-optimal, equivalent erroneous) were also related to each sub area of
expertise and coded as follows : right (1pt), sub-optimal (1,5 pts), premature and
belated (1 pt), erroneous (-0,5pt), missing (1pt).

Fig. 2. Results comparison

4.3 Discussion et Perspectives

Comparing the two point clouds in Figure 2 shows that the results coincide for two-
thirds of the students. The average is 1.55 for the diagnosis tool while it is 1.56 for the
questionnaire. The Wilcoxon signed rank test gives p-value at 0.69. The two series are
quite close. For student 8 and student 15, the differences are explained by a misun-
derstanding in the questionnaire (the same question). For student 8, the importance of
the gap is due to the multiplication of non-expert actions. In our tool, we can see
hesitations, trials and errors. Thus, at the rating of game actions, students who had
thoughtful behavior have clearly an advantage compared with those who have
adopted a process of trial and error, by multiplying the attempts. Moreover, it is not
because they have increased the errors that they did not finally learn from their mis-
takes: this explains why their results in the questionnaires are good. We should refine
the labeling of non-expert actions in order to isolate those that specifically reveal

5 Conclusion

From several experiments, it will be possible to identify players’ behavior patterns

using data mining techniques such as clustering. In the rest of our work, we also plan
to analyze in detail the various attempts on the same mission: how does the player
adjust his strategy when he starts again a mission? In this regard, the Petri Net-based
approach when implemented in real time on a game, allows for automatic and
How to Evaluate Competencies in Game-Based Learning Systems Automatically? 173

appropriate guidance. Indeed, when the player is blocked because he did not perform
an action, the system can send a clue. The authors want to thank the French govern-
ment who funded this research.

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9. Thomas, P., Yessad, A., Labat, J.M.: Petri nets and ontologies: tools for the « learning
player » assessment in serious games. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Con-
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Athens (2011)
10. Yessad, A., Thomas, P., Capdevila, B., Labat, J.-M.: Using the Petri Nets for the Learner
Assessment in Serious Games. In: Luo, X., Spaniol, M., Wang, L., Li, Q., Nejdl, W.,
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12. Araujo, M., Roque, L.: Modeling Games with Petri Nets. In: Breaking New Ground: Inno-
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Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too!
ITS Support for Robust Learning with Multiple

Martina A. Rau1, Vincent Aleven1, Nikol Rummel1,2, and Stacie Rohrbach3

Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Institute of Educational Research, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University
{marau,aleven}@cs.cmu.edu, nikol.rummel@rub.de, stacie@cmu.edu

Abstract. Previous research demonstrates that multiple representations of

learning content can enhance students’ learning, but also that students learn
deeply from multiple representations only if the learning environment supports
them in making connections between the representations. We hypothesized that
connection-making support is most effective if it helps students make sense of
the content across representations and in becoming fluent in making
connections. We tested this hypothesis in a classroom experiment with 599 4th-
and 5th-grade students using an ITS for fractions. The experiment further
contrasted two forms of support for sense making: auto-linked representations
and the use of worked examples involving one representation to guide work
with another. Results confirm our main hypothesis: A combination of worked
examples and fluency support lead to more robust learning than versions of the
ITS without connection-making support. Therefore, combining different types
of connection-making support is crucial in promoting students’ deep learning
from multiple representations.

Keywords: Multiple representations, fractions, intelligent tutoring system,

connection making, classroom evaluation.

1 Introduction

Multiple representations, such as charts and diagrams in mathematics, are universally

used in instructional materials because they can emphasize important aspects of the
learning content. Representations as learning tools may be especially beneficial when
incorporated in intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs): rather than working with static
representations, students can interact with virtual manipulatives [1], and they can be
tutored on their interactions with them. There is extensive evidence in the educational
psychology literature that learning with multiple representations can enhance
students’ deep understanding of the domain [2,3]. However, research has also shown
that, in order to benefit from multiple representations, students need to make
connections between them [2,4,5]. Yet, students find it difficult to make these

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 174–184, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! 175

connections [2] and tend not to make them spontaneously [2,6]. Therefore, they need
to be supported in doing so [7].
In the domain of fractions, multiple representations such as circles, rectangles, and
number lines are commonly used [8]. Each representation provides a different
conceptual view on fractions [9]. In order to gain a deep understanding of fractions,
students need to understand the conceptual views presented by each representation,
and they need to relate the representations to one another [8,10]. Being able to relate
these different representations is key to developing a deep understanding of fractions
(e.g., as numbers that have magnitudes), which is an important educational goal [10].
A crucial question when designing learning environments that use multiple
representations is therefore what kind of connection-making support will promote
deep learning. Following the KLI theoretical framework for robust learning [11], we
distinguish between two types of learning processes: sense-making processes and
fluency-building processes. Making sense of connections means (in the case of
fractions) that students conceptually understand how different representations relate to
each other (e.g., why two representations show the same fraction). Fluently making
connections means to fast and effortlessly relate different representations (e.g.,
representations that show the same value). Prior research on how best to support
students in making connections between multiple representations has focused only on
supporting sense-making processes, for instance, by supporting students in relating
corresponding elements of representations at a structural level [12]. However, both
types of learning processes may be necessary in order to develop competence in a
complex domain [11]. Applying this notion to learning with multiple representations,
we hypothesize that students learn most robustly when, in addition to being supported
in making sense of connections between multiple representations, they are supported
in fluently making connections between multiple representations.
A crucial question regarding sense-making support is further: how much automated
support should students receive from the system [2]? On the one hand, providing
students with auto-linked representations (AL), in which the system, rather than the
student, connects and updates representations, has been shown to enhance learning in
complex domains [5]. On the other hand, research has demonstrated that students
should actively create connections between representations, rather than passively
observing correspondences [13]. Thus, we compare two ways of sense-making
support, one in which the tutor demonstrates connections (i.e., auto-linked
representations, AL), one in which more of that burden falls on the student. A well-
researched way of supporting active sense-making processes is to provide students
with worked examples (WEs), that is, solved problems with solution steps shown
[14]. WEs have been shown to be effective in many domains [14], and have been used
in ITSs (e.g., [15]). Berthold and Renkl [16] compared students’ learning from multi-
representational WEs to single-representation WEs and found that multiple
representations can enhance students’ learning from WEs. However, to our
knowledge, WEs have not yet been used as a means to support students in making
connections between multiple representations. In our study, students use a WE that
uses a more familiar representation as a guide to solve an isomorphic problem that
involves a less familiar representation. As they integrate the example problem and the
176 M.A. Rau et al.

new problem, they can make connections between the two representations. We
hypothesize that WE support (compared to AL support) will be the more effective
type of sense-making support in promoting students’ learning of fractions, since
students have to engage more actively in making connections.
We address these hypotheses in the context of a proven ITS technology, namely,
Cognitive Tutors [17]. The Fractions Tutor has been tested and iteratively improved
based on five experimental studies with almost 3,000 students. Although Cognitive
Tutors have been widely researched with middle- and high-school students [18] (e.g.,
Rittle-Johnson and Koedinger [19] report on a study in which 6th-graders used a
Cognitive Tutor for fractions), the effectiveness of Cognitive Tutors and other ITSs
for elementary-school students remains under-researched.
We conducted a classroom experiment to investigate the effects of sense-making
support for connection making and of fluency support for connection making on
students’ understanding of fractions. 599 4th- and 5th-grade students worked with the
Fractions Tutor during their regular mathematics class. Students either received sense-
making support for connection making (AL or WE) or not. This factor was crossed
with a second experimental factor, namely, whether or not students received fluency
support for connection making. Since many education researchers and practitioners
emphasize the importance of helping students understand number lines [8,10], we
included a version of the Fractions Tutor that provides only a number line as a control

2 Methods

2.1 Fractions Tutor

The ITS used in the present study used three different interactive representations of
fractions: circles, rectangles, and number lines. Each representation emphasizes
certain aspects of different conceptual interpretations of fractions [9]. The circle as a
part-whole representation depicts fractions as parts of an area that is partitioned into
equally-sized pieces. The rectangle is a more elaborate part-whole representation as it
can be partitioned vertically and horizontally. At the same time, it does not have a
standard shape for the unit, like the circle does. Finally, the number line is considered
a measurement representation and thus emphasizes that fractions can be compared in
terms of their magnitude, and that they fall between whole numbers.
The Fractions Tutor covers a comprehensive set of ten topics including interpreting
representations, reconstructing the unit of fraction representations, improper fractions
from representations, equivalent fractions, fraction comparison, fraction addition and
subtraction. In our classroom study, students in all conditions first worked on six
introductory problems that introduced the representations. They then worked on eight
problems per fractions topic, yielding a total of 80 tutor problems. The sequence of
tutor problems included both single-representation problems and (in the connection-
making support conditions) multiple-representation problems.
Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! 177

Fig. 1. Example of sense-making support: worked-example problem

To support students in making connections between the different representations,

we created three new types of tutor problems. WE problems and AL problems were
designed to provide sense-making support. Each was designed to emphasize
conceptual correspondences between the two representations. In the WE problems
(see Fig. 1), an example of a solved problem with a familiar representation (i.e., circle
or rectangle) was displayed on the left. This worked example contained filled-in
answers for all except for the last step. After the student filled in the last step of the
worked example, an isomorphic problem with a less familiar representation (number
line) showed up on the right. The worked example served to guide students’ work on
this problem. To solve the problem, students manipulated the interactive number line.
The AL problems followed the same side-by-side format with problem steps lined up,
but there was no WE. Rather, as students completed the steps in the number line
problem, the area model representation updated automatically to mimic the steps the
student performed on the number line. In this sense, the more familiar representation
provided feedback on the work with the less familiar representation. (To make this
work at a technical level, we extended the CTAT tools [20] so that the number line
component could serve as a controller for the area model component.) The WE and
the AL problems included self-explanation prompts at the end of each problem (see
bottom of Fig. 1) which asked students to identify correspondences of the two given
The third type of connection-making problems, mixed representation problems
(Mix; see Fig. 2), were designed to help students become fluent in connecting
representations. Given a set of representations of fractions, students grouped them
(through drag-and-drop) according to the fraction they represent. Students had to drag
each individual graphical representation into the correct drop area labeled with a
symbolic fraction. Students could drag-and-drop the fraction representations in any
order. The drop area was able to detect which graphical representation the student
drag-and-dropped into it, and could thereby give error feedback accordingly, when
necessary. In each problem, multiple representations matched the same symbolic
178 M.A. Rau et al.

Students received error feedback and hints on all steps. Hint messages and error
feedback messages were designed to give conceptually oriented help, often in relation
to the representations. The single-representation problems included prompts to help
students relate the representations to the symbolic fractions. We had found these
prompts to be effective in an earlier experimental study [3].

Fig. 2. Example of fluency support: mixed representations problem

2.2 Test Instruments

We assessed students’ knowledge of fractions at three test times. We created three

equivalent test forms. Based on data from a pilot study with 61 4th-grade students, we
made sure that the difficulty level of the test was appropriate for the target age group,
and that the different test forms did not differ in difficulty. In our classroom study, we
randomized the order in which the different test forms were administered.
The tests targeted two knowledge types: procedural and conceptual knowledge.
The conceptual knowledge scale assessed students’ principled understanding of
fractions. The test items included reconstructing the unit, identifying fractions from
graphical representations, proportional reasoning questions, and verbal reasoning
questions about comparison tasks. The procedural knowledge scale assessed students’
ability to solve questions by applying algorithms. The test items included finding a
fraction between two given fractions using representations, finding equivalent
fractions, addition, and subtraction. The theoretical structure of the test (i.e., the two
knowledge types just mentioned) was based on a factor analysis with the pretest data
from the current experiment. We validated the resulting factor structure using the data
from the immediate and the delayed posttests.
Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! 179

2.3 Experimental Design and Procedure

In the present paper, we report the data from 599 4th- and 5th-grade students from one
school district with 5 different elementary schools (25 classes) in the United States.
Students participated in the study as part of their regular mathematics instruction. All
students worked with versions of the Fractions Tutor designed and created
specifically for this study. Students were randomly assigned to one of the conditions
shown in Table 1. We used a 2 (fluency support) x 3 (sense-making support) + 1 (NL
control condition) experimental design to investigate the effects of connection making
support on students’ learning of fractions. The fluency support factor had two levels:
students either received Mix problems as fluency support, or no fluency support. The
sense-making support factor had three levels: students either received WE problems
or AL problems as sense-making support, or no sense-making support.
We assessed students’ knowledge of fractions three times. On the first day,
students completed a 30-minute pretest. They then worked on the Fractions Tutor for
about ten hours, spread across consecutive school days. The day following the tutor
sessions, students completed a 30-minute posttest. About one week after the posttest,
we gave students an equivalent delayed posttest.

Table 1. Experimental conditions1 included in the experimental study

Sense-making support Control

None Auto-linked Worked
representations example
support Mix AL-Mix WE-Mix
Control NL

3 Results

Students who completed all tests, and who completed their work on the tutoring
system were included in the analysis, yielding a total of N = 428. The number of
students who were excluded from the analysis did not differ between conditions, χ² (6,
N = 169) = 4.34, p > .10. Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations for the
conceptual and procedural knowledge scales by test time and condition.
A hierarchical linear model (HLM; [21]) with four nested levels was used to
analyze the data. HLMs are regression models that take into account nested sources of
variability [21]. HLMs allow for significance testing in the same way as regular
regression analyses do. We modeled performance for each of the three tests for each
student (level 1), differences between students (level 2), differences between classes
(level 3), and between schools (level 4). More specifically, we fit the following HLM:

MGR = multiple graphical representations, AL = auto-linked representations, WE = worked
examples, Mix = mixed representations, NL = number line.
180 M.A. Rau et al.

scoreij = testj + sensek + fluencyl + sensek*fluencyl + prei*sensek + (1)

prei*fluencyl + student(class)i + class(school)i + schooli,
with the dependent variable scoreij being studenti’s score on the dependent measures
at testj (i.e., immediate or delayed posttest). Sensek indicates whether or not studenti
received sense-making support, and fluencyl indicates whether studenti received
fluency support. In order to analyze whether students with different levels of prior
knowledge benefit differently from connection-making support, we included students’
pretest scores as a covariate (prei), and modeled the interaction of pretest score with
sense-making support (prei*sensek), and with fluency support (prei*fluencyl).
Student(class)i , class(school)i, and schooli indicate the nested sources of variability
due to the fact that studenti was in a particular class of a particular school. The
reported p-values were adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni
correction. We report partial η² for effect sizes on main effects and interactions
between factors, and Cohen’s d for effect sizes of pairwise comparisons. An effect
size partial η² of .01 corresponds to a small effect, .06 to a medium effect, and .14 to a
large effect. An effect size d of .20 corresponds to a small effect, .50 to a medium
effect, and .80 to a large effect.

Table 2. Proportion correct: means (and standard deviation) for conceptual and procedural
knowledge at pretest, immediate posttest, delayed posttest. Min. score is 0, max. score is 1.
pretest immediate posttest delayed posttest
MGR .33 (.20) .45 (.23) .48 (.26)
AL .38 (.20) .49 (.23) .51 (.26)
WE .36 (.22) .43 (.20) .49 (.26)
Mix .31 (.21) .37 (.22) .44 (.24)
AL-Mix .36 (.20) .43 (.24) .49 (.25)
WE-Mix .39 (.21) .52 (.24) .58 (.26)
NL .37 (.20) .43 (.25) .48 (.20)
MGR .25 (.25) .30 (.28) .30 (.26)
AL .21 (.18) .26 (.24) .26 (.24)
WE .26 (.21) .29 (.24) .31 (.27)
Mix .19 (.17) .23 (.20) .25 (.22)
AL-Mix .20 (.18) .25 (.21) .26 (.21)
WE-Mix .26 (.20) .32 (.26) .33 (.26)
NL .21 (.20) .25 (.22) .27 (.23)

3.1 Effects of Connection-Making Support

We had expected that a combination of fluency support and sense-making support for
connection making would lead to better results than either sense-making or fluency
support alone. The results confirm our hypothesis for conceptual knowledge: we
found a significant interaction effect between sense-making and fluency support on
conceptual knowledge, F(2, 351) = 3.97, p < .05, p. η² =.03, such that students who
received both types of support performed best on the conceptual knowledge posttests.
The main effects of sense-making and fluency support were not significant (Fs < 1).
There was no significant interaction effect on procedural knowledge (F < 1).
Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! 181

We had further predicted that WE problems would be the more effective type of
sense-making support compared to AL problems. The results confirm this hypothesis
for the conditions that received fluency support. Effect slices for the effect of sense-
making support (i.e., a test of the effect of sense-making support for each level of the
fluency support factor) showed that there was a significant effect of sense-making
support within the conditions with fluency support on conceptual knowledge, F(2,
343) = 4.34, p < .05, p. η² =.07, but not within the conditions without fluency support
(F < 1). Post-hoc comparisons between the Mix, AL-Mix, and the WE-Mix
conditions confirmed that the WE-Mix condition significantly outperformed the Mix
condition, t(341) = 2.82, p < .01, d = .32, and the AL-Mix condition t(342) = 2.20, p <
.05, d = .26, on conceptual knowledge. In summary, WE problems are more effective
in supporting sense-making of connections than AL problems, provided that students
also receive fluency support.
Finally, to verify the advantage of receiving connection-making support over the
NL control condition, we compared the most successful condition (WE-Mix) to the
NL condition using post-hoc comparisons. The advantage of the WE-Mix condition
over the NL was significant on conceptual knowledge, t(115) = 2.41, p < .05, d = .27.

3.2 Learning Effects

To investigate whether students learned from the pretest to the immediate posttest and
to the delayed posttest across conditions, we modified the HLM and treated pretest
scores as dependent variables, not as covariates (i.e., prei, prei*sensek, and
prei*fluencyl were excluded from the model in equation 1). The main effect for test
was significant on procedural knowledge, F(2, 842) = 43.04, p < .01, p. η² =.01, and
conceptual knowledge, F(2, 842) = 98.56, p < .01, p. η² =.11. Students in all
conditions performed significantly better at the immediate posttest than at the pretest
on conceptual knowledge, t(842) = 9.15, p < .01, d = .40 and on procedural
knowledge, t(842) = 7.15, p < .01, d = .20. Similarly, students performed significantly
better at the delayed posttest than at the pretest on conceptual knowledge, t(842) =
13.80, p < .01, d = .60 and on procedural knowledge, t(842) = 8.70, p < .01, d = .24.

4 Discussion and Conclusion

We had hypothesized that students would learn most robustly about fractions when
being supported both in making sense of connections and in fluently making
connections between multiple representations. Our results confirm this hypothesis for
students’ conceptual understanding of fractions: robust conceptual learning with
multiple representations is enhanced by a combination of fluency support and sense-
making support for connection making. We did not find effects of connection-making
support on procedural knowledge. This finding is not surprising: it is conceivable that
making connections between multiple representations benefits students’ principled
understanding of fractions but not their algorithmic knowledge of operations.
182 M.A. Rau et al.

The fact that we did not find main effects of sense-making support and fluency
support for connection making, on the other hand, is surprising: it shows that each
type of connection-making support alone is not effective, but that the combination of
both is needed to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of fractions. This
finding is particularly interesting because prior research on connection making has
mostly focused on sense-making processes by supporting connection making of
structurally equivalent elements. Our results suggest that standard sense-making
support for connection making should be extended by also supporting fluency in
making connections. It is possible that fluency activities allow students to deepen the
conceptual knowledge about connections they acquired through sense-making
With respect to how best to support sense making, our finding that WE support
leads to better learning than AL support demonstrates, in line with earlier research on
connection making [13], that students need to actively create connections between
representations. We show that a novel application of WEs is effective in supporting
active connection making. This finding extends the existing literature on WEs by
showing that they can help students benefit from multiple representations when used
as a means to support sense-making of connections.
As predicted, the advantage for combining fluency and sense-making support for
connection making was also significant compared to the control condition who
worked only with number lines. Number lines are often considered the most important
graphical representation of fractions [10], which may lead teachers to use only
number lines in fractions instruction. However, our findings show that with effective
connection-making support, multiple representations of fractions can facilitate the
acquisition of conceptual knowledge more so than practicing only the number line.
Finally, our results demonstrate significant learning gains for students who worked
with the Fractions Tutor during their regular mathematics class. The gains persist at
least until one week after the study when we administered the delayed posttest. This
finding extends the ITS literature by demonstrating the effectiveness of a Cognitive
Tutor for elementary-school students. Evaluation studies with ITSs have focused far
more on high schools and middle schools than elementary schools [18,19].
Furthermore, the substantial and robust learning gains are encouraging, given that
fractions are a difficult topic for elementary and middle-school students – a fact that
provides a major obstacle for later mathematics learning, such as in algebra [8]. Our
ITS for fractions is effective in helping students overcome some of these difficulties.
In conclusion, the present experiment extends the ITS and educational psychology
literature on learning with multiple representations in several ways. First, our findings
show that, although prior research has conceived of connection making as primarily a
sense-making process, effective connection making involves fluency processes and
therefore requires activities aimed at supporting sense making and activities aimed at
supporting fluency. Second, we demonstrate that students need to be active in making
connections between representations, and that a novel application of worked examples
is effective in helping students to accomplish this difficult task. Third, the study
provides insight into the type of knowledge for which connection-making support is
beneficial. Connection-making support does not benefit students in learning to apply
Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! 183

algorithms to solve procedural tasks, but it helps them acquire conceptual knowledge
of domain principles. Finally, our findings extend the findings on the effectiveness of
Cognitive Tutors to the younger population of elementary school students.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation,

REESE-21851-1-1121307. We thank Ken Koedinger, Mitchell Nathan, Kathy
Cramer, Peg Smith, Jay Raspat, Michael Ringenberg, Brian Junker, Howard Seltman,
Cassandra Studer, the students, teachers, and principals, the CTAT and the Datashop
teams, especially Mike Komisin and Alida Skogsholm for their efforts in retrieving
the data on time.

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Problem Order Implications
for Learning Transfer

Nan Li, William W. Cohen, and Kenneth R. Koedinger

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15213 USA

Abstract. The order of problems presented to students is an important

variable that affects learning effectiveness. Previous studies have shown
that solving problems in a blocked order, in which all problems of one
type are completed before the student is switched to the next problem
type, results in less effective performance than does solving the problems
in an interleaved order. While results are starting to accumulate, we have
little by way of precise understanding of the cause of such effect. Using
a machine-learning agent that learns cognitive skills from examples and
problem solving experience, SimStudent, we conducted a controlled sim-
ulation study in three math and science domains (i.e., fraction addition,
equation solving and stoichiometry) to compare two problem orders: the
blocked problem order, and the interleaved problem order. The results
show that the interleaved problem order yields as or more effective learn-
ing in all three domains, as the interleaved problem order provides more
or better opportunities for error detection and correction to the learning
agent. The study shows that learning when to apply a skill benefits more
from interleaved problem orders, and suggests that learning how to apply
a skill benefits more from blocked problem orders.

Keywords: learning transfer, learner modeling, interleaved problem or-

der, blocked problem order.

1 Introduction

One of the most important variables that affects learning effectiveness is the
order of problems presented to students. While most existing textbooks organize
problems in a blocked order, in which all problems of one type (e.g. learning
to solve equations of the form S1 /V=S2 ) are completed before the student is
switched to the next problem type, it is surprising that problems in an interleaved
order often yields more effective learning. Numerous studies have experimentally
demonstrated this effect (e.g., [18,6,2,9,23,4,17,7]). However, the cause of the the
effect is still unclear. A computational model that demonstrates such behavior
would be a great help in better understanding this widely-observed phenomena,
and might reveal insights that can improve current education technologies.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 185–194, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
186 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger

•  Skill divide (e.g. -3x = 6)

•  Perceptual information:
•  Left side (-3x)
•  Right side (6)
•  Precondition:
•  Left side (-3x) does not
have constant term
•  Operator sequence:
•  Get coefficient (-3) of left
side (-3x)
•  Divide both sides with the
coefficient (-3)

Fig. 1. A production rule for divide

In this paper, we conducted a controlled-simulation study using a machine-

learning agent, SimStudent. SimStudent was trained on real-student problems
that were of blocked orders or interleaved orders. We then tested whether the ad-
vantages of interleaved problem orders over blocked problem orders are exhibited
in all three domains. After that, we carefully inspected what causes such effect
by inspecting SimStudent’s learning processes and learning outcomes, which are
not easily obtainable from human subjects.

2 A Brief Review of SimStudent

SimStudent is a machine-learning agent that inductively learns skills to solve
problems from demonstrated solutions and from problem solving experience.
It is an extension of programming by demonstration [8] using inductive logic
programming [13] as an underlying learning technique. In the rest of this section,
we will briefly review the learning mechanism of SimStudent. For full details,
please refer to [10].
SimStudent learns production rules as skills to solve problems. During the
learning process, given the current state of the problem (e.g., -3x = 6), SimStu-
dent first tries to find an appropriate production rule that proposes a plan for
the next step (e.g., (coefficient -3x ?coef ) (divide ?coef )). If it finds a plan and
receives positive feedback, it continues to the next step. If the proposed next
step is incorrect, negative feedback and a correct next step demonstration are
provided to SimStudent. The learning agent will attempt to learn or modify its
production rules accordingly. If it has not learned enough skill knowledge and
fails to find a plan, a correct next step is directly demonstrated to SimStudent
for later learning.
Figure 1 shows an example of a production rule learned by SimStudent in a
readable format1 . A production rule indicates “where” to look for information in
the interface, “how” to change the problem state, and “when” to apply a rule. For
example, the rule to “divide both sides of -3x=6 by -3” shown in Figure 1 would
The actual production rule uses a LISP format.
Problem Order Implications for Learning Transfer 187

be read as “given a left-hand side (-3x) and a right-hand side (6) of the equation,
when the left-hand side does not have a constant term, then get the coefficient
of the term on the left-hand side and divide both sides by the coefficient.”
As there are three main parts in a production rule, SimStudent’s learning
mechanism also consists of three parts: a “where” learner, a “when” learner,
and a “how” learner. The “where” learner acquires knowledge about where to
find useful information in the GUI. For example, for the step divide -3, -3x and
6 are the useful information, the GUI elements associated with them are Cell 21
and Cell 22. The learning task is to find paths that identify such elements. All
of the elements in the interface are organized in a tree structure. For instance,
if the GUI has a table in it, the table node has columns as children, and each
column has multiple cells as children. For each cell, SimStudent uses a deep
feature learning mechanism that acquires knowledge on how to further parse the
content in each cell into a cell parse tree. When given a set of positive examples
(i.e., GUI elements associated with useful information in the steps), the learner
carries out a specific-to-general learning process (e.g., from Cell 21 to Cell ?1 to
Cell ??). It finds the most specific paths that cover all of the positive examples.
The “when” learner acquires the precondition of the production rule that de-
scribes the desired situation to apply the rule (e.g. (not (has-constant ?var1)))
given a set of feature predicates. Each predicate is a boolean function of the
arguments that describes relations among objects in the domain. For example,
(has-coefficient -3x) means -3x has a coefficient. The “when” learner utilizes
FOIL [15] to acquire the precondition as a set of feature tests. FOIL is an in-
ductive logic programming system that learns Horn clauses from both positive
and negative examples expressed as relations. If a step is either demonstrated
to SimStudent or receives positive feedback, that step is a positive example for
FOIL; otherwise, a negative example.
The last component is the “how” learner which acquires knowledge about
how to change the problem state. Given all of the positive examples and a set of
basic operator functions (e.g., (divide ?var)), the “how” learner attempts to find
a shortest operator function sequence that explains all of the training examples
using iterative-deepening depth-first search.

3 Problem Order Study

To get a better understanding of how and why problem orders affect learning
efficiency, we carried out a controlled simulation study on SimStudent given
different problem orders.

3.1 Methods
To ensure the generality of the results, we selected three math and science do-
mains: fraction addition, equation solving, and stoichiometry. Both the training
and testing problems were selected from problems solved by human students in
classroom studies. SimStudent was tutored by interacting with automatic tutors
that simulate the automatic tutors used by human students.
188 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger

Fraction Addition: In the fraction addition domain, SimStudent was given a

series of fraction addition problems of the form
numerator1 numerator2
denominator1 denominator2
All numerators and denominators are positive integers. The problems are of
three types in the order of increasing difficulty: 1) easy problems, where the two
addends share the same denominators (i.e., denominator1 = denominator2 , e.g.,
1/4 + 3/4), 2) normal problems, where one denominator is a multiple of the
other denominator (i.e., GCD(denominator1 , denominator2 ) = denominator1
or denominator2 , e.g., 1/2 + 3/4), 3) hard problems, where no denominator is a
multiple of the other denominator (e.g., 1/3 + 3/4). In this case, students need
to find the common denominator (e.g. 12 for 1/3 + 3/4) by themselves. Both the
training and testing problems were selected from a classroom study of 80 human
students using an automatic fraction addition tutor. The number of training
problems is 20, and the number of testing problems is 6.

Equation Solving: The second domain in which we tested SimStudent is equa-

tion solving. Equation solving is a more challenging domain since it requires more
complicated prior knowledge to solve the problem. For example, it is hard for
human students to learn what is a coefficient, and what is a constant. Also,
adding two terms together is more complicated than adding two numbers.
In this experiment, we evaluated SimStudent based on a dataset of 71 human
students in a classroom study using an automatic tutor, CTAT [1]. The problems
are also in three types: 1) problems of the form S1 +S2 V = S3 , 2), V /S1 = S2 , 3)
S1 /V = S2 , where S1 and S2 are signed numbers, and V is a variable. Note that
the terms in the above problem forms can appear in any order, and surrounded
with parenthesis. There were 12 training problems, and 11 testing problems in
the experiment.

Stoichiometry: Lastly, we evaluated SimStudent in a chemistry domain, sto-

ichiometry. Stoichiometry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the relative
quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions. We selected stoi-
chiometry because it is different from equation solving and fraction addition in
nature. In the stoichiometry domain, SimStudent was asked to solve problems
such as “How many moles of atomic oxygen (O) are in 250 grams of P4 O10 ?
(Hint: the molecular weight of P4 O10 is 283.88 g P4 O10 / mol P4 O10 .)”. 8 train-
ing problems and 3 testing problems were selected from a classroom study of 81
human students using an automatic stoichiometry tutor [11].
To solve the problems, SimStudent needs to acquire three types of skills: 1)
unit conversion (e.g. 0.6 kg H2 O = 600 g H2 O), 2) molecular weight (e.g. There
are 2 moles of P4 O10 in 283.88 × 2 g P4 O10 ) , 3) composition stoichiometry
(e.g. There are 10 moles of O in each mole of P4 O10 ). The problems are of three
types ordered in increasing difficulty, where each later type adds one more skill
comparing with its former type.
Problem Order Implications for Learning Transfer 189

Measurement: To measure learning gain, the production rules learned by Sim-

Student were tested on the testing problems each time tutoring was done on a
single training step. For each step in the testing problems, we measure a step
score for it. In math and science problems, there is often more than one way to
solve one problem. Hence, at each step, there is usually more than one produc-
tion rule that is applicable. In this case, among all possible correct next steps, we
count the number of correct steps that are actually proposed by some applicable
production rule, and report the step score as the number of correct next steps
covered by learned rules divided by the total number of correct next steps plus
the number of incorrect next steps proposed by SimStudent, i.e.,
#Of CorrectN extStepsP roposed
T otal#Of CorrectN extSteps + #Of IncorrectN extStepsP roposed
For example, if there are four possible correct next steps, and SimStudent pro-
poses three, of which two are correct, and one is incorrect, then only two correct
next steps are covered, and thus the step score is 2/(4 + 1) = 0.4. We report the
average step score over all testing problem steps for each curriculum.

3.2 Blocked vs. Interleaved Problem Orders

To manipulate the order of problems given to SimStudent, for each domain, we
first grouped the problems of the same type together. Since there were three
types of problems, we had three groups in each domain: group -1, group - 2, and
group - 3. Then, there were six different orders of these three groups. For each
order (e.g. [group - 1, group - 2, group - 3]), we generated one blocked-ordering
curriculum by repeating the same type of problems2 in each group right after
that group’s training was done (e.g., [group - 1, group - 1’, group - 2, group -
2’, group - 3, group - 3’]). To generate the interleaved-ordering curriculum, the
same types of problems will be repeated once the whole set of problems were
done (e.g, [group - 1, group - 2, group - 3, group - 1’, group - 2’, group - 3’]).

Table 1. 12 curricula of different orders for each domain

Blocked-Ordering Curricula Interleaved-Ordering Curricula

1, 1’, 2, 2’, 3, 3’ 1, 2, 3, 1’, 2’, 3’
1, 1’, 3, 3’, 2, 2’ 1, 3, 2, 1’, 3, 2’
2, 2’, 1, 1’, 3, 3’ 2, 1, 3, 2’, 1’, 3’
2, 2’, 3, 3’, 1, 1’ 2, 3, 1, 2’, 3’, 1’
3, 3’, 1, 1’, 2, 2’ 3, 1, 2, 3’, 1’, 2’
3, 3’, 2, 2’, 1, 1’ 3, 2, 1, 3’, 2’, 1’

After this manipulation, we ended up having 12 curricula of different orders

for each domain as shown in Table 1. Six of them were blocked-ordering curric-
ula, whereas the other six were interleaved-ordering curricula. SimStudent was
The problems will be of the same form, but with different values. For example, 3x
= 6 may be replaced by 4x = 8.
190 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger

Learning Curve in Stoichiometry Learning Curve in Equation Solving

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
Step score

Step score
0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 Blocked 0.1 Blocked

Interleaved Inteleaved
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20
Number of training problems Number of training problems

(a) (b)

Learning Curve in Fraction Addition

1 2

Average Number of Negative Feedback


Step score

0.5 1


0.1 Blocked
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Stoichiometry Equation Solving Fraction Addition
Number of training problems

(c) (d)
Fig. 2. Learning curves of blocked-ordering curricula vs. interleaved-ordering curricula
in three domains, a) stoichiometry, b) equation solving, c) fraction addition, and the
average number of times SimStudent receives negative feedback for each skill across
three domains

trained and tested on all these curricula, the results are the average step scores
over curricula of the same type (blocked or interleaved).

3.3 Results
Figure 2 shows the learning curves of SimStudent trained on blocked-ordering or
interleaved-ordering curricula. As we can see in the graph, in all three domains,
the interleaved-ordering curricula yielded as or more effective learning than the
blocked-ordering curricula.
In the domain of stoichiometry, the step score of the interleaved-ordering
curricula was 0.944, whereas the step score of the blocked-ordering curricula
was 0.813. A sign test between pairs of step scores achieved by the associated
interleaved-ordering and blocked-ordering curricula (e.g., [group - 1, group - 2,
group - 3, group - 1’, group - 2’, group - 3’] vs. [group - 1, group - 1’, group -
2, group - 2’, group - 3, group - 3’]) showed that, after trained on 40 problems,
the interleaved-ordering curricula is significantly (p < 0.05) more effective than
the blocked-ordering curricula.
Problem Order Implications for Learning Transfer 191

Similar results were also observed in the equation solving domain. The
interleaved-ordering curricula again showed a benefit (0.955 vs. 0.858) over
blocked-ordering curricula. The sign test also demonstrated significant (p < 0.05)
advantages of interleaved-ordering curricula over the blocked-ordering curricula.
In fraction addition, SimStudent got an average step score of 0.995 when
trained with interleaved-ordering curricula, which is slightly higher than the step
score SimStudent received (0.993) when trained with blocked-ordering curricula.
There was no significant difference between the two conditions.

3.4 Implications for Instructional Design

We can inspect the data more closely to get a better qualitative understanding
of why the SimStudent model is better and what implications there might be
for improved instruction. In two of three domains, interleaved-ordering curricula
are more advantageous than blocked-ordering curricula. These results provide
theoretical support for the hypothesis that when teaching human students in
math and science domains, an interleaved problem order yields better learning
than a blocked problem order.
To better understand the cause of the advantages of interleaved-ordering curric-
ula, we further measured the amount of negative feedback received by SimStudent,
as it is one of the important factors in achieving effective learning. The amount of
negative feedback is assessed by the average number of times SimStudent received
negative feedback for each skill. As presented in Figure 2(d), the SimStudent given
interleaved-ordering problems receives significantly (p < 0.05, 31.5%) more nega-
tive feedback than the SimStudent trained on blocked-ordering problems in stoi-
chiometry, and 10.0% more negative feedback in fraction addition.
One possible explanation for this is when problems are of an interleaved order,
SimStudent may incorrectly apply the production rules learned from previous
problem types to the current problem, even if the current problem is of an-
other type. In this case, SimStudent receives explicit negative feedback from the
tutor. In contrast, when trained on blocked-ordering curricula, SimStudent has
fewer opportunities for incorrect rule applications, and thus receives less negative
feedback. Since the negative feedback serves as negative training examples of the
“when” learning, more negative feedback in the interleaved problem order case
enables SimStudent to yield more effective “when” learning compared to blocked
problem orders. Although SimStudent received approximately the same amount
of negative feedback (p = 1, -1.9%) in the blocked problem order case and in-
terleaved problem order case, a careful inspection shows that negative examples
from other problem types are sometimes more informative than those from the
same problem type. For example, in algebra, during the acquisition of the skill
“subtract”, the SimStudent given blocked-ordering problems learned that when
there is a constant term in either side of the equation (e.g., term S2 is a number
in S1 V+S2 =S3 ), subtract both sides with that number (e.g., (subtract S2 )). But
it failed to learn that there must be a plus sign before S2 . In the interleaved
condition, SimStudent received negative feedback when it tried to subtract both
sides with S2 when given problems of type S1 /V=S2 . Then, the SimStudent given
192 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger

interleaved-ordering problems modified its when-part. The updated production

rule became, “when there is a constant term that follows a plus sign in either
side of the equation, subtract both sides with that number.”
We conjecture that the frequent use of blocked examples in textbooks might
relate to perceived memory limitations of students. SimStudent currently does
not have any severe memory (or retrieval) limitations (e.g., it remembers all
past examples no matter how long ago). SimStudent would need to have some
memory limitations if it were to have a bigger knowledge base or to better
model humans. If it did, the benefits for blocking may go up, and in particular
for “how” learning. Let’s consider a fixed memory size for SimStudent, which
means SimStudent is only able to remember a fixed number of most recent
training examples. SimStudent receives training examples of “how” learning only
when the current step is demonstrated or SimStudent applies a production rule
correctly. Hence, in the blocked problem order case, SimStudent maintains all
the training examples of the current problem type unless the number of training
examples exceeds the memory limit. In contrast, when trained on interleaved-
ordering curricula, SimStudent needs to remember training examples for multiple
problem types. For any specific production rule, the number of training examples
will be smaller than that given a blocked-ordering curricula, which could result
in less effective learning than the blocked-ordering case.
This also relates to VanLehn’s work on “learning one subprocedure per les-
son” [20]. If a subprocedure is achieved in the same way, that is, with the same
how-part in the production rule, then as Vanlehn suggested, problems of blocked
orders are more beneficial. However, for production rules/procedures to differ-
entiate across subgoals, the when-part needs to be acquired and in that case,
interleaving problems of different types is important.
In summary, the study shows that learning when to apply a skill benefits more
from interleaved problem orders, and suggests that learning how to apply a skill
benefits more from blocked problem orders. Therefore, when tutoring students in
domains that are more challenging in “how” learning, we suggest that the problems
presented to students should be of blocked orders. If the learning task requires more
rigorous “when” learning, interleaved-ordering problems should be preferred.

4 Related Work
The main objective of this work is to better understand how and why problem
orders affect learning outcome using a learning agent. A considerable amount
of research has demonstrated the effectiveness of interleaved problem orders.
Shea and Morgan [18] were the first that showed problems of a random order
yields better performance in retention and transfer tests than students trained on
problems of a blocked order, and named this effect as the contextual interference
(CI) effect. The CI effect compares random problem orders and blocked problem
orders, not interleaved problem orders and blocked orders, but the results should
be similar since the main point is whether consecutive problems should be of the
same or different types. That is, random problem orders have lots of interleaving.
After that, a growing number of studies (e.g., [6,2,9,23,4,17,7]) have repeatedly
Problem Order Implications for Learning Transfer 193

observed the CI effect in different tasks. Other studies on relatively complex

tasks (e.g., [19]) or novices (e.g., [5]) have yielded mixed results. To explain
the CI phenomenon, researchers have proposed several hypothesis including the
elaboration hypothesis [18], the forgetting or reconstruction hypothesis [9], etc.
More details on these hypotheses are available in [22], however, all are described
in fairly ambiguous language and none have the precision of a computational
theory. In contrast, SimStudent provides a precise, unambiguous implementation
of how and why interleaving may be effective.
Research on task switching [12] shares a resemblance with our work. It shows
that subjects’ responses are substantially slower and more error-prone immedi-
ately after a task switch. Our work differs from this research in that we focus on
learning tasks. During the learning process, switching among problems of differ-
ent types also increases the cognitive load, but causes more effective learning.
Other research on creating simulated students [21,3,14] and simulating expert
memory [16] also share some resemblance to our work. VanLehn [21] created a
learning system and evaluated whether it was able to learn procedural “bugs”
like real students. To the best of our knowledge, none of the above approaches
made use of the models to simulate the advantage of interleaved or random
problem orders over blocked problem orders.

5 Concluding Remarks
In spite of the promising results, there remain several fruitful future steps. First,
the current study used only one set of problems in each domain. To evaluate
the generality of the claim, we should carry out the same set of experiments
using other problem sets or in other domains. Second, we would like to carry
out more studies in which SimStudent has limited memory, and validate whether
“how” learning gains more from blocked problem orders in this case. Last, future
research could apply the theoretical implications in a study on human students,
and evaluate the validity of the recommended tutoring strategy.
In this paper, we carried out a controlled simulation study to gain a bet-
ter understanding of why interleaved problem orders generate more effective
learning than blocked problem orders. We measured the learning effectiveness
of a machine-learning agent, SimStudent, in three domains given different prob-
lem orders. The results show that since the interleaved problem order yields
more opportunities for error detection and correction, the SimStudent trained
by interleaved-ordering curricula achieved better performance than the SimStu-
dent trained by blocked-ordering curricula.

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Knowledge Component Suggestion for Untagged Content
in an Intelligent Tutoring System

Mario Karlovčec1, Mariheida Córdova-Sánchez2, and Zachary A. Pardos3

Department of Computer Science, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, USA
Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
mario.karlovcec@ijs.si, cordovas@purdue.edu, zpardos@wpi.edu

Abstract. Tagging educational content with knowledge components (KC) is

key to providing useable reports to teachers and for use by assessment algo-
rithms to determine knowledge component mastery. With many systems using
fine-grained KC models that range from dozens to hundreds of KCs, the task of
tagging new content with KCs can be a laborious and time consuming one. This
can often result in content being left untagged. This paper describes a system to
assist content developers with the task of assigning KCs by suggesting know-
ledge components for their content based on the text and its similarity to other
expert-labeled content already on the system. Two approaches are explored for
the suggestion engine. The first is based on support vector machines text clas-
sifier. The second utilizes K-nearest neighbor algorithms employed in the Le-
mur search engine. Experiments show that KCs suggestions were highly

Keywords: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Text Mining, Knowledge Compo-

nents, TextGarden, Lemur, Bag-of-Words.

1 Introduction

When designing exercises within the learning software, appropriate knowledge com-
ponents should be assigned to them. “A knowledge component is a description of a
mental structure or process that a learner uses, alone or in combination with other
knowledge components, to accomplish steps in a task or a problem.” [1] The process
of assigning knowledge components to the exercises can be a time consuming job,
since the number of possible knowledge components can be very large. In order to
help the tutor or course designer in writing exercises we have proposed two approach-
es that suggest knowledge components. The first approach is based on text mining [2]
and SVM classification algorithm and the second is based on a search engine with a
KNN classification algorithm [3]. These two approaches can be used for a system that
could encourage the course designers to assign knowledge components to new exer-
cises they design, as well as to existing exercises that do not have knowledge
components assigned to them.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 195–200, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
196 M. Karlovčec, M. Córdova-Sánchez, and Z.A. Pardos

2 Related Work

This work continues the line of research proposed by Rose et al. [4] and expands on
the prior art by applying a variety of optimizations as well as evaluating the algo-
rithms on numerous KC models of varying granularity. The work by Rose et al.
presented KC prediction results on a model of 39 KCs but skill models have since
increased in complexity. We investigate how KC prediction accuracy scales with
larger KC models and which algorithms adequately meet this challenge.
The necessity of associating knowledge components with problem solving items is
shared by a number of tutoring systems including The Andes physics tutor [5], The
Cognitive Tutors [6] and the ASSISTments Platform [7]. The Andes and Cognitive
tutors use student modeling to determine the amount of practice each individual stu-
dent needs for each KC. The student model that these tutors use is called Knowledge
Tracing [6], which infers student knowledge over time from the history of student
performance on items of a particular KC. This model depends on the quality of the
KC model to make accurate predictions of knowledge.
The KC association with items in a tutor is typically represented in an Item × KC
lookup table called a Q-matrix [8]. Methods such as Learning Factors Analysis [9]
have been proposed to automate the improvement of this Q-matrix in order to im-
prove the performance of the student model. Recently, non-negative matrix factoriza-
tion methods have been applied in order to induce this Q-matrix from data [10]. The
results of this work are promising but its applications so far are limited to test data
where there is no learning occurring and only to datasets with only around five KCs,
where these KCs represent entirely different high level topic areas such as Math and
English which do not intersect. All the student modeling and Q-matrix manipulation
methods have so far not tapped any information in the text of the items they are eva-
luating. This paper will make the contribution of looking at this source of information
for making accurate KC predictions. While this paper focuses on text mined KC sug-
gestion to aid content developers, this technique is relevant to those interested in Q-
matrix improvement as well.

3 The ASSISTments Platform

The dataset we evaluated comes from The ASSISTments Platform. The ASSIST-
ments platform is a web based tutoring system that assists students in learning, while
it gives teachers assessment of their students' progress. The system started in 2004
with a focus on 8th grade mathematics, in particular helping students pass the Massa-
chusetts state test. It has since expanded to include 6th through 12th grade math and
scientific inquiry content.
A feature that sets ASSISTments apart from other systems is its robust web based
content building interface [7] that is designed for rapid content development by sys-
tem experts and teachers alike. Teachers are responsible for a growing majority of the
content in ASSISTments. While the content has been vetted and verified as being of
educational value by ASSISTments system maintainers, the content often lacks meta
Knowledge Component Suggestion for Untagged Content 197

information such as KC tagging as this is an optional step in content creation. An

ASSISTments administrator must add this tagging or leave it blank which can cause a
lack of accuracy in student model analysis of the data and also inhibits the system
from reporting KC information to teachers. The tagging has to be performed by se-
lecting from the large list of KC, which are organized into 5 categories and sorted
alphabetically within the categories. Untagged content in ASSISTments is a growing
phenomenon with only 29% of the content possessing KC tags as of this writing. Ac-
curate KC suggestion would expedite the processes of content tagging and encourage
external content builders to tag their content.

4 Data

The dataset used for testing the performance of the proposed approaches was taken
from tagged content on the ASSISTments Platform during the 2005-2006 school year.
The ASSISTments Platform has three KC models consisting of varying degrees of
granularity. The first two models, containing 5 and 39 KCs, use KC names corres-
ponding to the Massachusetts state math standards. The system’s finest-grained KC
model contains 106 KCs which were created in-house [11]. The KCs from the 106
model have a hierarchical relationship to the 39 KC and 5 KC models. This allows
content to be tagged only with the 106 KCs and then inherit the KCs from the other
models in the hierarchy. While tagging with the 106 model is preferred, content
builders can choose from KCs from any model to tag their content.

5 Approaches

In order to solve the problem of assigning appropriate KCs by providing automatic

suggestion system in the process of exercise design, two approaches are suggested: a
text mining approach using the SVM classifier and the search engine based approach
with the KNN classifier.

5.1 Text Mining Approach with SVM Classifier

One approach was based on text mining and building SVM classification model using
the Text Garden [12] utility. It has been shown [2] that the SVM is an appropriate
method for text classification. The main reasons include the ability to handle high
dimensional input space and suitability for problems with dense concepts and sparse
instances. The classification model was built based on set of labeled exercises. We
wanted to test the influence of stop words removal and stemming on the classification
problem, so four different classification models were built, covering all combinations
of applying these standard text processing techniques.
198 M. Karlovčec, M. Córdova-Sánchez, and Z.A. Pardos

5.2 Search Engine and KNN Approach

The second approach was to use the Lemur Toolkit [3] with a K Nearest Neighbors
(KNN) classification algorithm. KNN is a commonly used algorithm that finds the K
documents closest (most similar) to the document being tested. The Lemur Toolkit is
an open source search engine. The questions in the training set were indexed using
Lemur. The text of the test set questions were then used as queries against the indexed
questions. The top k (in this case k=200) most relevant search results, most relevent to
the query, were retrieved (along with their KC tag). Each retrieved document was
assigned a score based on its rank (e.g. the score of the top document is 200, the score
of the second retrieved document is 199, and so on). We calculate a score for a tag as

_ ( )
Σ ( )
where Σ ( ) is the summation of all document scores with tag t, and a and b
were both chosen to be two times the KC model size. This is done to predict KCs
using a weighted measure of the frequencies of tags (i.e. KCs) and their retrieval
ranks. Lastly, for each unlabeled question (query), the tag with the highest tag_score
is assigned to it.

6 Results

Testing was performed using the 5 folds cross validation method. All experiments used
accuracy as the goodness metric. For both approaches, testing was performed on the
three different knowledge component models: the largest model with 106 KCs, the 39
KC model and the 5 KC model. In, [13] the automatic text generation of mathematical
word problems is performed. The paper shows that leaving out the common text
processing techniques, namely stop word removal and stemming, can increase the per-
formance of text categorization. To take into account the findings of that paper, we
tested each dataset with four different text processing setting: (1) without applying stop-
words removal and stemming (SVM); (2) applying only stop-words removal; (3) apply-
ing only stemming; and (4) applying both stop-words removal and stemming.

Table 1. Experimental results of proposed approaches for suggesting knowledge components

Number of suggestions
Dataset SVM KNN
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
106 KC 0.607 0.739 0.784 0.809 0.823 0.574 0.736 0.796 0.835 0.865
106 KC ST 0.621 0.749 0.798 0.824 0.842 0.567 0.728 0.795 0.834 0.866
39 KC 0.683 0.815 0.863 0.895 0.914 0.666 0.815 0.854 0.898 0.914
39 KC ST 0.689 0.818 0.870 0.901 0.916 0.653 0.829 0.865 0.907 0.914
5 KC 0.814 0.943 0.969 0.981 1.000 0.762 0.919 0.976 0.993 1.000
5 KC ST 0.815 0.938 0.969 0.983 1.000 0.784 0.923 0.976 0.996 1.000
Knowledge Component Suggestion for Untagged Content 199

The experimental results of both approaches are shown in Table 1. The table shows
accuracy results given KC suggestions ranging from 1 to 5. The accuracy when sug-
gesting 5 KCs, for example, is the percentage of exercises where the correct KC was
among the top 5 suggested KCs. For the 5 KC model, 5 suggestions always results in
100% accuracy. Each row represents a different dataset with classification algorithm
and text processing settings used in the experiment. 106KC, 39KC and 5KC are labels
for the different knowledge components models. SVM and KNN are labels for the
two different classification algorithms. ST indicates applying stemming. Each column
of the table represents different number of suggestions. Performance of stop-words
removal did worse than stemming. Performance of stop-words removal in addition to
stemming also did worse than just stemming. These results were not shown in the
table for space reasons. The results in this table are represented with sensitivity. Sen-
sitivity in information retrieval is recall for the binary classification problems. It is the
probability that a relevant KC is suggested for the exercise. The Kappa value for the
39 KC and 106 KC model was 0.669 and 0.610 respectively.

7 Discussion

Results of the experimental testing indicate that the proposed approaches are suitable for
practical usage. Table 1 show the results, which are grouped according to the model of
KC used for testing. The SVM classifier with stemming performs the best for every KC
model. The dataset with 106 KC model is the hardest challenge for the proposed ap-
proach, but this is the KC model for which the system can be mostly useful in practical
application. If only one KC is suggested for the 106 KC model, it would be the correct
one in 62.1% of the cases. Suggestion systems usually suggest more than one option, if
the number of these suggestions is 5; the correct KC is among these 5 in 84.2 % of the
cases, or in 88.9% of the cases if there are 10 suggestions. If the number of suggestions
increases, the probability that the correct KC is among them naturally grows, but the
effort required from the user to choose the correct KC among the suggested also in-
creases. Comparing the results with all four combinations of typical text processing
procedures applied (stop-word removal and stemming), not removing stop-words and
performing stemming improves the accuracy of the system as suggested by [13]. How-
ever this improvement is much less significant than in the referenced paper. The im-
provement for the best options in comparison with the worst option - removing
stop-words and no stemming, were around 2%.
Results indicate that both suggested approaches are suitable for practical usage,
since they would decrease significantly the number of KCs to be used for labeling,
without compromising much on efficiency (i.e. failing to show the correct labels).
Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the National Science Founda-
tion via the “Graduates in K-12 Education” (GK-12) Fellowship, award number
DGE0742503. We would like to thank the additional funders of the ASSISTments
Platform found here: http://www.webcitation.org/5ym157Yfr. We would also like to
thank Geoff Gordon, Ken Koedinger, John Stamper and the other organizers of the
Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center EDM summer program.
200 M. Karlovčec, M. Córdova-Sánchez, and Z.A. Pardos

1. Pittsburgh Science for Learning Center, "LearnLab",
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Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS

Luc Paquette, Jean-François Lebeau, Gabriel Beaulieu, and André Mayers

Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada


Abstract. ASTUS is an authoring framework designed to create model-tracing

tutors with similar efforts to those needed to create Cognitive Tutors. Its
knowledge representation system was designed to model the teacher’s point of
view of the task and to be manipulated by task independent processes such as
the automatic generation of sophisticated pedagogical feedback. The first type
of feedback we automated is instructions provided as next step hints. Whereas
next step hints are classically authored by teachers and integrated in the model
of the task, our framework automatically generates them from task independent
templates. In this paper, we explain, using examples taken from a floating-point
number conversion tutor, how our knowledge representation approach
facilitates the generation of next-step hints. We then present experiments,
conducted to validate our approach, showing that generated hints can be as
efficient and appreciated as teacher authored ones.

Keywords: Hint generation, knowledge representation, model-tracing tutors.

1 Introduction

The “intelligence” of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) results from their ability to
offer relevant pedagogical feedback tailored to the learner’s needs. In order to achieve
this objective, most systems offer different services [1] such as:
• An expert module that analyzes the task’s model to assess the learner’s progression
towards a solution.
• A learner model that assesses the learner’s mastery of the task’s knowledge.
• A pedagogical module that provides relevant feedback.
Ideally, in order to reduce the development costs, those modules would be
independent from the task. In this context, the creation of a tutor would only require
modeling the knowledge relevant to the task and implementing the learning
environment’s graphical user interface (GUI). Unfortunately, it is difficult for a tutor
to provide sophisticated feedback using only the task’s model. For this reason, the
pedagogical module usually relies on domain specific content integrated to the model.
We designed the ASTUS framework and its knowledge representation approach as a
step towards solving this problem for model-tracing tutors (MTTs) [2].
Our objective is to offer a framework [3] that can take advantage of the content of
the task’s model in order to generate different types of sophisticated pedagogical

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 201–211, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
202 L. Paquette et al.

feedback [4]. This approach is inspired by Ohlsson’s learning mechanisms theory [5].
According to this theory, learning can be achieved using nine different mechanisms.
Each of these mechanisms can be more or less effective according to the learning
context and can be activated by different types of learning activities and feedback.
Tutors, such as those created using ASTUS, would greatly benefit from being able to
generate feedback targeting a maximum number of those mechanisms.
In order to apply Ohlsson’s [5] theory to our framework, we first focused our
efforts on a mechanism classically used by MTTs: instructions provided as next-step
hints. Whereas most MTT provide next-step hints [6, 7], they are usually authored by
a teacher and integrated to the knowledge units contained in the task’s model. Barnes
and Stamper [8] worked on associating teacher authored hints to automatically
generated task models, but few efforts have been made to automate the generation of
the hints themselves. The automation of this feedback would contribute to the
reduction of the efforts required to author MTTs.
The work presented in this paper describe how, using the ASTUS framework’s
knowledge representation system, we are able to automatically generate next-step
hints. We describe, and illustrate using examples, the processes of generating hints
and we present the results of experiments conducted in order to validate our approach.


ASTUS is an authoring framework for the creation of MTTs similar to the Cognitive
Tutors [9]. One of its main differences is the use of a novel knowledge representation
system instead of the more traditional production rule based ones. This system was
designed to facilitate the manipulation of the task model by task independent
processes such as the automatic generation of pedagogical feedback.
Rather than modeling the cognitive processes used by learners to execute a task,
ASTUS’s knowledge representation models the teachers’ point of view of the task.
The format used to model the task is designed to make the content of each knowledge
unit explicit. This property allows the manipulation of the model by the framework
and is crucial for the generation of feedback such as next-step hints.
In this section, we present a summary of the main structures of ASTUS’s
knowledge representation system [2]. Semantic knowledge is modeled using
concepts: task specific abstractions that are pedagogically relevant. Each concept
defines a set of essential features that can refer to other concepts or primitive values
(integer, decimal number, symbol, boolean).
Procedural knowledge is modeled using goals and procedures that together form a
procedural graph. Figure 1 (left) shows part of the procedural graph in the case of our
floating-point tutor. Goals are shown as rectangles and procedures as ovals.
Goals can be achieved by the execution of a procedure (primitive or complex).
Primitive procedures model skills that are considered already mastered by the
learners. They are reified as atomic interactions in the learning environment’s GUI.
Complex procedures specify sets of sub goals the learner has to achieve. Those sub
goals are arranged according to dynamic plans specific to the procedure’s type (a
Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS 203

sequence, a selection or iteration). Both procedures and goals can specify variables
(parameters) used to refine their behavior.
During the tutor’s execution, goals and procedures are instantiated in order to
produce an episodic tree (right of figure 1). This tree contains all of the completed (C)
or currently executing (E) goals and procedures as well as goals that will be expended
in the future (W). The episodic tree is used to match the learner’s steps and indicate
whether they are valid or not. This is achieved by using the complex procedures’
scripts to expand the tree up to each of the possible next-steps.

Fig. 1. Examples of part of the procedural graph (left) and its instantiation as an episodic tree
(right) for our floating-point number conversion tutor

3 Hint Generation

Since the task’s model is defined using structures that the framework can manipulate,
it is possible to automatically generate pedagogical feedback such as next-step hints.
To achieve this, the framework mainly benefits from the information contained in the
procedural graph and the episodic tree.
We distinguish two main features for hints: their structure (independent from the
task) and their content (specific to the task). We defined the structures of our hints as
text templates to be filled using task specific content extracted from the knowledge
units defined in the task’s model.
We illustrate the process of next-step hint generation using a conditional procedure
from our floating-point conversion tutor. More precisely, this example is taken from
the sub-task of converting a decimal number to a binary format. The following
procedure is used while converting the integer part of a decimal number:

Conditional procedure ‘PCDivideInt’ achieves ‘GDivideInt’ {

if ‘current_line’ instanceOf ‘FirstLine’
goal ‘GDivideInitialInt’ with ‘int’, ‘current_line’
if not (‘current_line’ instanceOf ‘FirstLine’)
goal ‘GDividePrevQuotient’ with ‘current_line’
204 L. Paquette et al.

The definition of this procedure contains information that can be used by the
framework in order to generate next-step hints. The header contains the procedure’s
identifier (PCDivideInt) and the identifier of the goal it achieves (GDivideInt). The
body of the procedure specifies two sub goals that are available to the procedure
(GDivideInitialInt and GDividePrevQuotient) and the parameters that will be used to
instantiate them. The body also specifies two conditions (one for each sub goals). In
addition, the procedure’s type (conditional) specifies how it will be executed: the
conditions will be evaluated and the sub goal associated with the first condition
evaluated as true will be instantiated.
Once we have determined the content available for the generation of hints, we can
choose the structure of the desired hint. For instance, the definition of a conditional
procedure could be used to generate a “pointing-hint”:

You need to [parent goal name].

This message can be instantiated using the information contained in the parent goal to

You need to divide the integer.

The text used in the message comes from the name associated to the GDivideInt goal:

Goal ‘GDivideInt’ eng-name ‘divide the integer’ {

parameter ‘int’ type ‘Integer’ eng-name ‘integer’
parameter ‘current_line’ type ‘IntLine’ eng-name ‘current line’

In fact, all of the domain specific text used to generate hint messages comes from the
name associated to the knowledge units. This approach requires less effort than asking
a teacher to write each hint, especially if multiple hints are associated to the same
knowledge unit or the hints have to be translated in multiple languages.
The first “pointing-hint” message is abstract and does not provide much help
regarding how to execute the procedure. In fact, this template could be used for any
type of procedure. Producing more helpful messages requires more specific content.
We can examine how a conditional procedure is executed (select the appropriate sub
goal) and combine this information with the knowledge of the available sub goals to
produce the following hint:

In order to [parent goal name], you must either [sub goal name] or
[sub goal name].

Which would be instantiated as:

In order to divide the integer, you must either divide the initial
integer or divide the previous quotient.
Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS 205

While this hint is more explicit regarding how to execute the procedure than the
“pointing-hint”, it could still be made more specific. In order to solve this problem,
the tutor can refer to the conditions associated to each of the sub goals.
The conditions are explicitly defined using a combination of logical expressions
(and, or, not, exists, isInstance, equals). This information can be used to generate hints
by starting from a condition’s root expression and generating hints for each of its sub
expressions. During this process, the “not” expression can be used as a modifier for a
“positive” attribute that impacts the templates used to generate each expression’s hint.
Table 1 presents the different templates we used for each expression types.

Table 1. Templates associated to the conditions’ expressions. The bracketed text indicates a
sub template and the parenthesis indicates whether a sub expression is positive (T) or not (F).

Positive not and or exists isInstance equals

[expr1(T)] [expr1(T)] a [var1]
[var] is a
True [expr(F)] and or [concept] equals
[expr2(T)] [expr2(T)] exists [var2]
[expr1(F)] [expr1(F)] no [var] is [var1] does
False [expr(T)] or and [concept] not a not equal
[expr2(F)] [expr2(F)] exists [concept] [var2]

Using those templates, the previous hint can be modified to provide additional
instruction regarding when to apply each of the procedure’s sub goals. The condition
expressions described in the “PCDivideInt” procedure (defined previously) can be
used to generate messages that are integrated to the hint:

In order to divide the integer, you must either divide the initial
integer, if current line is a first line, or divide the previous
quotient, if current line is not a first line.

This hint takes advantage of all of the information contained in the procedure’s
definition, but can still be modified by using the information contained in the episodic
tree regarding the current state of the problem being solved. This can be used to
reduce the size of the hint and to focus the learner’s attention on the correct sub goal:

In order to [parent goal name], you must [active sub goal name]
since [active condition].

Which would be instantiated as:

In order to divide the integer, you must divide the initial integer
since current line is a first line.

This last template is the one currently used by our framework, but this decision is
specific to how we decided to provide next-step hints. Any combination of one or
more templates (those given as examples or new templates using the available
information) can be used to provide next-step hints.
206 L. Paquette et al.

The examples given in this section show how the information contained in the
definition of knowledge units can be used to generate next-step hints. Those hints can
be customized according to the desired pedagogical strategy: they can provide
different amounts of instruction and they can be contextualized using the current state
of the learning environment. The current implementation uses text templates in order
to generate the hints, but could be improved by using natural language techniques. For
instance, in our previous examples, the condition expression “current line is a first
line” could be rewritten as “the current line is the first line”. Such small modifications
would greatly improve the readability of the generated hints.
In this paper, we only described how next-step hints can be generated for conditional
procedures. A similar process has been applied to every type of procedural knowledge
units. Among them are inferences, expressions that model mental skills applied to fill in
the parameters of goals and procedures. They can be used to further contextualize next-
step hints by specifying how a parameter is deduced from known ones, recalled from
memory or perceived in the learning environment’s GUI.

4 Experiments

In order to validate our hint generation approach, we conducted multiple experiments

during a computer science course at the University of Sherbrooke. We used a
floating-point number conversion tutor designed using ASTUS. The objective of our
first experiment was to evaluate the learning gains and the students’ appreciation of
next-step hints generated by our framework. This first experiment is detailed in [10],
but we present here a summary of its methodology and the analysis of its results. In
this first study, 34 students were separated in two groups: 19 students received teacher
authored hints (TH) and 15 received framework generated hints (FH). Statistical
analyses of the results did not show a significant difference in learning gain when
comparing pretest and posttest scores (left of figure 2) for both conditions and showed
that framework generated hints can be as appreciated as equivalent teacher authored
hints (right of figure 2) for different types of complex procedures: while iteration,
conditional, sequence with N sub goals and sequence with 1 sub goal.

Fig. 2. Graphs illustrating the results of our first experiment. The ‘*’ character indicates the
statistical significance (** for p < 0.01 and *** for p < 0.001).
Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS 207

Table 2. Summary of the statistical analysis for our second experiment

Stat p Effect size Power

Pretest scores t(23.629) = 0.576 0.570 d = 0.20 8.50%
Learning gain (NH) t(15) = 6.213 < 0.001*** d = 1.35 99.89%
Learning gain (WH) t(15) = 5.550 < 0.001*** d = 1.37 99.91%
ANCOVA F(1, 29) = 3.057 0.046* η2p = 0.091 39.40%

While our first experiment did not find any significant difference between
framework generated and teacher authored hints in the context of our floating-point
tutor, it does not validate that the learning gains can be attributed to the received hints.
Indeed, the observed gains could simply be caused by the activity of solving problems
using a tutor. In order to determine if next-step hints were helpful while solving
problems with our tutor, we conducted a second experiment comparing the learning
gains of a tutor without next-step hints (only flag feedback) to those of a tutor also
providing framework generated next-step hints. A group of 32 students was separated,
at random, in two sub-groups: 16 students used a tutor that did not provide next-step
hints (NH) and 16 students used one that provided framework generated hints (WH).
The students were first asked to complete a pretest (20 minutes), then use the tutor (40
minutes) and finally complete a posttest (20 minutes). There were two versions of the
test (graded on a total of 20). Half the students received the first version as pretest and
the second as posttest while the order was reversed for the other half. Table 2
summarizes the results of our analysis.
A two-sample t-test showed no statistically significant differences between the
participants’ pretest scores for the NH (M = 8.13; SD = 2.34) and the WH (M = 8.82;
SD = 4.16) conditions. Although no significant differences were found, the standard
deviation of the WH condition is much higher than the one for the NH condition.
The learning gains between the pretests and posttests were validated using paired
t-tests. Both conditions showed significant gains. The NH condition’s pretest
(M = 8.13; SD = 2.34) and posttest (M = 12.09; SD = 3.30) scores indicate a large
effect size, and so do the WH condition’s pretest (M = 8.81; SD = 4.16) and posttest
(M = 14.44; SD = 4.06) scores. The effect sizes are very similar even though the mean
learning gain is higher for the WH (5.63) condition when compared to the NH (3.96)
condition. This lack of difference results from the difference in standard deviations
between the two conditions. The effect size for the WH condition would have been
higher if its standard deviations were closer to those of the NH condition.
A one-tailed analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with the pretest scores as the
covariate, showed a significant differences between the posttest scores for the NH
(Maj = 12.31) and WH (Maj = 14.22) conditions. This suggests that the use of next-
step hints during problem solving allows learners to achieve higher learning gains. In
order to further validate this result, we conducted a third experiment using the same
methodology as the second one. In this experiment there were 16 learners for the NH
condition and 17 for the WH condition. Its results are summarized in table 3.
208 L. Paquette et al.

Table 3. Summary of the statistical analysis for our third experiment

Stat p Effect size Power

Pretest scores t(31) = 0.318 0.753 d = 0.11 61.00%
Learning gain (NH) t(15) = 2.970 0.010** d = 0.52 49.46%
Learning gain (WH) t(16) = 4.401 < 0.001*** d = 0.77 86.64%
ANCOVA F(1, 30) = 2.818 0.052 η2p = 0.086 36.40%

A two-sample t-test showed no statistically significant differences between the

learners’ pretest scores for the NH (M = 10.97; SD = 4.28) and the WH (M = 11.50;
SD = 5.24) conditions.
The learning gains between the pretests and posttests were validated using paired
t-tests. Both conditions showed significant gains. The NH condition’s pretest
(M = 10.97; SD = 4.28) and posttest (M = 13.19; SD = 4.25) scores indicate a medium
effect size, and the WH condition’s pretest (M = 11.50; SD = 5.24) and posttest
(M = 15.26; SD = 4.43) scores indicate a large effect size. The higher effect size for
the WH condition suggests it yielded higher learning gains than the NH condition.
A one-tailed analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with the pretest scores as the
covariate, showed no significant differences between the posttest scores for the NH
(Maj = 13.83) and WH (Maj = 15.26) conditions. The results of the test were very close
to a statistically significant difference (p = 0.052). This, combined with the
differences in effect size for the paired t-tests and the higher adjusted mean score for
the WH, suggests that the WH condition yielded higher learning gains.
While neither our second nor our third experiments yielded strong statistical
results, the results of both suggest that the WH condition leads to higher learning
gains. Figure 3 shows the results of those two experiments in graphic form. In both,
the steeper slopes for the WH conditions illustrate how the students in the WH
conditions improved their posttest results by a greater amount than those in the NH
condition. Those graphs can be compared to the equivalent graph for our first
experiment (left of figure 2) for which the two slopes (FH and TH) are very similar,
which is consistent with the absence of a significant difference.

Fig. 3. Graphs illustrating the results of our second (left) and third (right) experiments
Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS 209

5 Discussion

The results of our most recent experiments show how framework generated next-step
hints yielded higher learning gains compared to the use of a tutor offering only flag
feedback. This shows that the floating-point number conversion task is complex
enough for the use of next-step hints to improve learning gains, but it does not
evaluate the efficiency of framework generated hints. A previous experiment [10]
showed that framework generated hints can be as efficient and as appreciated as
teacher authored ones in the context of our floating-point tutor.
Additional experiments could be used to improve our empirical validation by
reproducing similar results for different tasks. Such results would suggest that the
efficiency of framework generated hints can be generalized to multiple types of task
of different complexity. These experiments would also benefit from bigger groups of
learner to increase the statistical power of their result. Additionally, they would
benefit from learners with no background in computer science. In our experiments,
the learners were all computer science students that are well suited to understanding
computer generated messages. Reproducing similar results with learners from more
varied backgrounds would support our hypothesis that efficient hints can be
automatically generated by a framework regardless of the task taught.
Our experiments have shown that our framework has access to the information
required to generate efficient next-step hints. It would be interesting to research how
the hints’ efficiency can be improved by modifying how they present this information.
The use of natural language techniques might impact the hints’ efficiency by
improving their readability, thus fostering better communication between the learner
and the tutor. Their efficiency might also be improved by the use of learning theories
optimizing the content and the format of the hints provided to the learners.
The use of generated next-step hints is useful in order to reduce the authoring
efforts required to create a tutor by only having to associate readable names to
knowledge units instead of complete message templates. They could also be used to
customize the hints to groups of learners, specific learners within that group or even
specific learning situation. For example, hints could be generated in different
languages, they could be made culturally aware [11] and they could consider the
learner’s current emotional state [12]. The content of the hints would remain the same
but their presentation would vary according to those parameters. Although it would be
possible for a teacher to author multiple versions of every hint to account for those
parameters, having the framework generate the hints would require much less efforts.
In addition to reducing the efforts of authoring hints, being able to generate them
can be essential for situations where it is not possible to enumerate all the possible
hints. An example of such a situation is negative feedback on errors. In order to
provide such feedback, model-tracing frameworks usually require the tutor’s author
to model erroneous procedural knowledge. This process requires a lot of efforts due to
the very high number of different errors. In order to reduce the required efforts, we
are currently working on a model, based on Sierra’s theory of procedural error [13], to
allow our framework to diagnose as many of those errors as possible without
modeling additional erroneous knowledge [14]. Since the errors are automatically
210 L. Paquette et al.

diagnosed by the framework while a learner solves a problem, they are not explicitly
defined in the task and it is not possible to enumerate all the required hints. It is thus
essential for the framework to be able to generate efficient hints in order to provide
feedback regarding the diagnosed errors.
The example of providing negative feedback on errors illustrates how being able
to generate next-step hints is a first step toward achieving our objective of developing
a framework able to provide feedback for many of Ohlsson’s learning mechanisms.
We started by automating the generation of next-step hints feedback for instruction,
but our work will also be extended to support other mechanisms such as negative
feedback on error, a type of feedback usually provided by constraint-based tutor [15].

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we explained how the ASTUS framework generates next-step hints
using domain independent knowledge structures. We presented experiments showing
that these hints can be as effective and as appreciated as teacher-authored hints in the
context of our floating-point number conversion tutor.
Future work will focus on expanding the number of different types of feedback the
framework can generate in order to take advantage of as many of Ohlsson’s learning
mechanisms [5] as possible. Our hypothesis is that the same characteristics that allow
the generation of next-step hints will be helpful when generating other types of
feedback. Our next objective is to diagnose and offer negative feedback regarding the
learners’ errors without requiring the modeling of knowledge marked as erroneous.

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Richard St-Denis for allowing the use
of our tutor in his class, Mikaël Fortin for authoring the “teacher authored hints” used
during our experiment and François Bureau du Colombier and Jean Pierre Mbungira
for their help with the implementation of our tutor.

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The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting
and Feedback in Facilitating Co-adapted Learning
with MetaTutor

Roger Azevedo1, Ronald S. Landis2, Reza Feyzi-Behnagh1, Melissa Duffy1,

Gregory Trevors1, Jason M. Harley1, François Bouchet1, Jonathan Burlison3,
Michelle Taub1, Nicole Pacampara1, Mohamed Yeasin4, A.K.M. Mahbubur Rahman4,
M. Iftekhar Tanveer4, and Gahangir Hossain4
McGill University, Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology, Montreal, Canada
Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA
University of Memphis, Dept. of Psychology, Memphis, TN, USA
University of Memphis, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Memphis, TN, USA

Abstract. Co-adapted learning involves complex, dynamically unfolding inte-

ractions between human and artificial pedagogical agents (PAs) during learning
with intelligent systems. In general, these interactions lead to effective learn-
ing when (1) learners correctly monitor and regulate their cognitive and
metacognitive processes in response to internal (e.g., accurate metacognitive
judgments followed by the selection of effective learning strategies) and exter-
nal (e.g., response to agents’ prompting and feedback) conditions, and (2) peda-
gogical agents can adequately and correctly detect, track, model, and foster
learners’ self-regulatory processes. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of
PAs’ prompting and feedback on learners’ self-regulated learning about the
human circulatory system with MetaTutor, an adaptive, multi-agent learning
environment. Sixty-nine (N=69) undergraduates learned about the topic with
MetaTutor, during a 2-hour session under one of three conditions: prompt and
feedback (PF), prompt-only (PO), and no prompt (NP) condition. The PF condi-
tion received timely prompts from several pedagogical agents to deploy various
SRL processes and received immediate directive feedback concerning the dep-
loyment of the processes. The PO condition received the same timely prompts,
without feedback. Finally, the NP condition learned without assistance from the
agents. Results indicate that those in the PF condition had significantly higher
learning efficiency scores than those in both the PO and control conditions. In
addition, log-file data provided evidence of the effectiveness of the PA’s timely
scaffolding and feedback in facilitating learners’ (in the PF condition)
metacognitive monitoring and regulation during learning.

Keywords: self-regulated learning, metacognition, pedagogical agents,

co-adaptation, multi-agent systems, learning, product data, process data.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 212–221, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting and Feedback 213

1 Objectives and Theoretical Framework

When learning about complex science topics such as the human circulatory system,
research indicates that individuals can gain deep conceptual understanding through
effective use of self-regulated learning (SRL). The successful use of cognitive and
metacognitive SRL processes involves setting meaningful goals for one’s learning,
planning a course of action for attaining these goals, deploying a diverse set of effec-
tive learning strategies in pursuit of the goals, continuously monitoring one’s own
understanding of the material and the appropriateness of the current information, and
making adaptations to one’s goals, strategies, and navigational patterns based on the
results of such monitoring processes and resulting judgments [1,2,3,4]. Although
learners should attempt to follow these guidelines when attempting difficult topics,
exploration of typical learning has demonstrated that few learners, in fact, engage in
effective self-regulated learning. Although motivation and affect play a role in deter-
mining learners’ willingness to self-regulate, we assume a lack of self-regulatory
skills is the main obstacle to adequate regulation and, subsequently, deficient learning
gains and conceptual understanding [5,6]. Therefore, the current research makes use
of pedagogical agents (PAs) to assist learners during interactions with MetaTutor, a
multi-agent adaptive hypermedia learning environment that models, scaffolds, and
fosters learners’ use of cognitive and metacognitive SRL processes during learning
about the human circulatory system.
Learners attempting to self-regulate often face limitations in their own metacogni-
tive skills, which, when compounded with lack of domain knowledge, can result in
cognitive overload in open-ended learning environments [7,8,9]. One method of
relieving the cognitive burden placed on learners in this situation is to provide assis-
tance in the form of adaptive scaffolding. Previous experiments conducted by Azeve-
do and colleagues [e.g., 10,11] established that adaptive scaffolding provided by a
human tutor leads to greater deployment of sophisticated planning processes, meta-
cognitive monitoring processes, and learning strategies as well as larger shifts in men-
tal models of the domain. The purpose of the current work is to determine if adaptive
scaffolding provided by PAs within an adaptive, intelligent hypermedia learning envi-
ronment is also capable of producing the same, or better, learning outcomes and in-
creased use of effective SRL processes.
The current experiment used a mixed-methodology design that combined product
and process data to examine the effect of various types of SRL prompting and scaf-
folding delivered by PAs in an adaptive intelligent hypermedia learning environment.
Three learning conditions were used to determine the efficacy of scaffolding SRL
through pedagogical agents: 1) prompting with feedback condition (PF), 2) prompting
only condition (PO), and 3) no prompting condition (NP). Participants were randomly
assigned to one of the three conditions and asked to learn about the human circulatory
system using MetaTutor during a two-session experiment. This experiment included
the collection of concurrent think-aloud protocols, eye-tracking data, human-agent
dialogue, learning outcome measures, log-file data, metacognitive judgments during
learning, embedded quizzes, and facial recognition data for affect classification. Due
to the complexity of the data analyses, we only report the learning outcomes (i.e.,
214 R. Azevedo et al.

learning efficiency) and a few of the log-file variables that are indicative of learners’
use of SRL processes.

2 Method

2.1 Participants
Participants were 69 undergraduate students (75% females) from a large public uni-
versity in North America. The mean age of the participants was 23 and their mean
GPA was 2.84. All participants were paid $10 per hour, up to $40 for completion of
the 2-day, 4-hour experiment.

2.2 Materials and MetaTutor

Materials consisted of several computerized elements. The pretest and posttest each
included 25 multiple-choice items each with four foils. Items on the pretest and post-
test included text-based items (which could be answered by directly referring one
sentence within the content) and inferential items (which required integrating infor-
mation from at least two sentences within the content). Two equivalent forms of the
test were created using a total of 50 items and the forms used for pretest and posttest
were counterbalanced across participants.
The learning environment used by all participants, MetaTutor, is an adaptive
hypermedia learning environment including 41 pages of text and static diagrams,
organized by a table of contents displayed in the left pane of the environment (see
Figure 1). The version of MetaTutor used in this experiment includes material related
to the human circulatory system. Along with the table of contents, the environment
includes a timer indicating time remaining, an SRL palette which learners may use to
instantiate an interaction with the pedagogical agent (e.g., indicate that they want to
take notes), and an overall learning goal (which was the same for all participants) and
sub-goals (which were created by all participants at the beginning of the learning
session with the assistance of one of the PAs). Additionally, four distinct pedagogical
agents (Gavin, Pam, Mary, and Sam) are displayed in the upper right-hand corner of
the environment, which provide varying degrees of prompting and feedback through-
out the learning session designed to scaffold students’ SRL skills and content under-

2.3 Instructional Conditions

We designed and tested three versions of the MetaTutor environment. In the Prompt
and Feedback (PF) version, participants were prompted by PAs to use specific self-
regulatory processes (e.g., metacognitvely monitor their emerging understanding of
the topic), and given immediate feedback about their use of those processes. In the
Prompt only (PO) version, participants received the same prompts as the ones pro-
vided to those in the PF version. However, the agents in the PO version did not
The Effectiv
veness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting and Feedback 215

provide feedback. The timiing of the prompts used in both the PF version and the PO
version was adaptive to thee individual learner and was determined using various ffac-
tors of learner interaction, including time on page, time on current sub-goal, num mber
of pages visited, relevancy of the current page for the current sub-goal, etc. In the No
Prompt (NP) version, particcipants did not receive prompts or feedback. All three vver-
sions (PF, PO, NP) provideed an SRL palette, which allowed participants to self-seelect
any SRL processes they waanted to use during the learning session.

Fig. 1.
1 Screenshot of the MetaTutor Interface

2.4 Experimental Procedure

On day one of the experim ment, participants completed a demographics questionnaaire
and the pretest on the humman circulatory system. Learners were given up to 20 mi-
nutes to complete the pretesst. On day two, participants engaged in the learning sesssion
and completed the posttestt on the human circulatory system. Before beginning the
learning session, the Tobii T60 eye-tracker was calibrated to each participant inddivi-
dually. All participants werre then instructed in the think-aloud procedure and showwn a
short video demonstrating thinking aloud. Next, each participant was shown anotther
short video explaining and demonstrating
d the various functionalities of MetaTutor and
providing the learners with their overall learning goal (see Figure 1). This introduccto-
ry video also demonstrated d the use of an electronic note-taking feature within the
environment and instructed d the participants to use the peripheral drawing pad if and
when they chose to draw. Following
F the introductory videos, the learners were giiven
two hours to learn about th he human circulatory system using MetaTutor. All parttici-
pants were provided the op pportunity to take a short break (5 minutes) during the ttwo
216 R. Azevedo et al.

hours, although not all chose to do so. During the learning session, participant verba-
lizations and facial expressions were recorded using a Microsoft Lifecam(TM) within
the eye-tracker monitor. Immediately after the learning session, participants were
given up to 20 minutes to complete the posttest. Finally, all participants were paid and
debriefed before leaving the lab.

3 Results

In this section we present the learning outcomes (expressed as learning efficiency)

and a subset of the log-file data.
Learning Time with the Science Content. Learning time was calculated by
summing the amount of time spent viewing the instructional content (i.e., text and
diagrams). Interactions with the agents, in which the instructional content was not
visible, were not included in learning time. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
indicated a significant difference between the groups in learning time, F (2,66) =
40.71, p < .001. LSD post-hoc analyses indicated that the Control group had a longer
total learning time (M = 87.94, SD = 12.42) when compared to both the PO condition
(M = 68.31, SD = 11.18) and the PF condition (M = 56.84, SD = 11.82), p < .001.
Additionally, the PO condition had a significantly longer learning time compared to
the PF condition, p < .01.
Number of Content Pages Visited. One-way ANOVA also indicated a significant
difference between the groups in the mean number of pages visited (out of 41 possi-
ble1) during the learning session, F (2,66) = 22.17, p < .001. LSD post-hoc analyses
revealed that the Control group visited significantly more pages (M = 38.87, SD =
3.84) than both the PO condition (M = 33.26, SD = 8.39; p < .05) and the PF condi-
tion (M = 23.56, SD = 10.07; p < .001). Additionally, the PO condition visited signifi-
cantly more pages than the PF condition, p < .001.
Amount of Time Spent Reading Pages and Inspecting Diagrams. Results indicated
that students did not differ significantly in the amount of time spent on each page (see
Table 1). On average, students spent between 60 seconds to 90 seconds on each page
(p >.05). By contrast, one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically non- significant dif-
ference between groups in the mean time spent viewing individual diagrams within
the environment, F (2,66) = 3.02, p = .052. Given the observed level of marginally
significant differences, LSD post-hoc analyses were conducted and revealed that
mean diagram view time was greater for the PF condition (M = 1.05 min, SD = 0.99)
compared to the Control condition (M = 0.54 min, SD = 0.46), p = .016. The PO con-
dition did not differ significantly from the remaining two conditions (M = 0.75 min,
SD = 0.51).
Number of Sub-Goals Generated during Learning. One-way ANOVA indicated a
significant difference between the groups in the number of sub-goals generated during

Subsequent revisits to the same page were not counted in the total.
The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting and Feedback 217

the learning session, F (2,66) = 8.74, p < .001. LSD post-hoc analyses revealed that
the PO condition (M = 4.13, SD = 1.29) and the Control condition (M = 4.70, SD =
1.72) both attempted significantly more sub-goals than the PF condition (M = 3.04,
SD = 0.98), p < .01. There was not a significant difference between the PO condition
and the Control condition. One-way ANOVA indicated a significant difference be-
tween the groups in the mean time spent on each individual sub-goal during the learn-
ing session, F (2,66) = 10.31, p < .001. LSD post-hoc analyses revealed that the PF
condition (M = 41.39, SD = 18.62) spent significantly longer on each sub-goal com-
pared to both the PO condition (M = 27.77, SD = 9.96) and the Control condition (M
= 23.30, SD = 12.18), p < .01.
Learning Efficiency2. One-way ANOVA on the learning efficiency scores indicated
a significant effect of learning condition on learners learning efficiency (F [2,66] =
6.64, p < .01). Post-hoc comparisons revealed that the Prompt and Feedback (PF)
condition significantly outperformed the No Prompt (NP) condition (d = 0.84). Non-
significant differences were demonstrated for each of the remaining two comparisons
(p > .05). See Table 1 for descriptive statistics.

Table 1. Means (and Standard Deviations) for Various Measures by Condition

NP Condition PO Condition PF Condition

(No Prompt (Prompt (Prompt and
Condition) Only) Feedback)
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
*Overall Learning Time 87.94 (12.42) 68.31 (11.18) 56.84 (11.82)
(with instructional material only)
*Number of Pages Visited 38.87 (03.84) 33.26 (08.39) 23.56 (10.07)
Overall Mean Time on Page (min.) 1.07 (00.66) 0.99 (00.50) 1.32 (01.06)
Overall Mean Time on Diagrams 0.54 (00.46) 0.75 (00.51) 1.05 (00.99)
*Number of Sub-Goals Set During 4.70 (01.72) 4.13 (0.1.29) 3.04 (00.98)
Learning Session
*Mean Time Spent on Self-Set Sub- 23.30 (12.18) 27.77 (09.96) 41.39 (18.60)
Goal (min.)
*Learning Efficiency (%) 23.10 (06.00) 28.90 (10.40) 34.30 (13.60)
Note: * p < .05

Each participant received one point for each correct answer selected on the pretest and post-
test. From this value, a learning efficiency score was calculated by dividing the raw posttest
score by the number of minutes the participant was actually learning (time on task). Time on
task was defined as the sum of all of the time spent viewing domain-related content (text
and/or diagram). During certain periods of the learning session, the learning content was hid-
den from view due to interactions with the agent. To account for differential learning time,
the time each participant spent viewing the learning content was factored in to the learning
efficiency score (Faw & Waller, 1976; Simons, 1983).
218 R. Azevedo et al.

4 Discussion

Current results show that college students’ learning about a challenging science topic
with hypermedia can be facilitated if they are provided with adaptive prompting and
feedback scaffolding designed to regulate their learning. More importantly, we have
demonstrated that PAs are effective in facilitating students’ SRL processes by provid-
ing timely prompting and feedback. Their effectiveness stems from the system’s abili-
ty to determine optimal times during a learning session (e.g., prompting learners to
activate their prior knowledge at the beginning of each generated sub-goal; prompting
students to assess whether the current text and diagram are relevant for the current
sub-goal). We have demonstrated the effectiveness of prompting and feedback by
showing that students in this condition (i.e., PF condition) read less material and na-
vigated through fewer hypermedia pages during the learning task. They also tended to
spend more time on each page and spend more time inspecting each diagram pre-
sented in MetaTutor. Those in the PF condition also set fewer sub-goals but they
spent more time on each sub-goal. Overall, the data support existing theoretical
frameworks and models of SRL [e.g., 1,3] related to the use of computers as Meta-
Cognitive tools [1,2]. Subsequent analyses of the verbal protocols, metacognitive
judgments, emotions data, and log-file data will allow us to extend current models of
SRL and build more sophisticated intelligent multi-agent technology-learning envi-
ronments designed to detect, trace, model, and foster students’ SRL.
Our study contributes to an emerging field that merges educational, cognitive,
learning, and computational sciences by addressing issues related to learning about
complex science topics with multi-agent environments [1,5,6,8,9,12]. Our study also
contributes to an emerging body of evidence which illustrates the critical role of SRL
in students’ learning with hypermedia [1,2,6,8,11], and extends recent research re-
garding the role of intelligent, adaptive scaffolding in facilitating students’ learning
with hypermedia [13]. Converging temporally-aligned, multi-level data will allow us
to examine the critical role of PAs as external regulatory agents whose scaffolding
methods facilitate students’ self-regulated learning [1,8,12]. Lastly, both our product
and process data can be applied to inform the design of intelligent multi-agent hyper-
media environments as Metacognitive tools to foster learners’ self-regulated learning
of challenging science topics by providing adaptive scaffolding [1,5,6,8,14].

5 Current and Future Directions

In this paper we presented a few product measures to assess the effectiveness of

agents’ prompting in supporting learners’ SRL processes during learning with Meta-
Tutor. We are currently analyzing huge amounts of data collected from several me-
thods (i.e., eye-tracking, log-file, affect classification, concurrent think-alouds, notes
and drawings, learner-agents dialogue, metacognitive judgments, on-line summaries,
use of SRL palette). In this section, we present several directions we’re currently ex-
ploring to enhance our understanding of the various conceptual, theoretical,
The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting and Feedback 219

methodological, and analytical issues related to SRL and the potential of multi-agent
learning environments.
Measuring SRL with Multi-agent Learning Environments. Multi-agent technolo-
gy-based learning environments have become popular educational and research tools
[12]. Researchers are using them as educational tools to foster learning about com-
plex and challenging topics and domains since embodied pedagogical agents can be
programmed to detect, track, model, and foster students’ self-regulatory processes,
such as planning, metacognitive monitoring, strategy selection and deployment, regu-
lation of affect, motivational beliefs, and reflection [1,9]. In addition, agent-based
environments are also being used as research tools to measure the deployment of self-
regulatory processes by allowing researchers to collect rich, multi-stream data,
including self-report measures of self-regulated learning (SRL), on-line measures of
cognitive and metacognitive processes, dialogue moves regarding agent-student inte-
ractions, natural language processing of help-seeking behavior, physiological
measures of motivation and emotions, emerging patterns of effective problem solving
behaviors and strategies, traces of inquiry cycles, etc. In addition, collecting various
data streams is critical to enhancing our understanding of when, how, and why stu-
dents regulate or don’t regulate their learning and adapt their regulatory behaviors
Unique Measurement and Data Analytic Challenges. The current experimental
protocol provides a rich source of data through multiple, temporally connected chan-
nels. Although our reported analyses relied exclusively on comparisons between ex-
perimental groups separately for particular process and outcome variables, the nature
of our data is substantially more complex. For example, because SRL processes un-
fold temporally, we ultimately want to map emotional and or cognitive reactions at
one point in time to responses within and across channels at later points in time. Such
processes will provide a much more comprehensive picture of the learning process
and will allow us to not only identify pre-post performance differences, or simple
mean differences across groups, but also to model the intraindividual growth
trajectories that underlie learning.
Using MetaTutor to Measure Temporal Dynamics of SRL during Complex
Learning. We are synthesizing the results, emphasizing issues and insights that relate
to the strengths and weaknesses of collecting, coding, analyzing, and interpreting
process data [e.g., see 1]. One issue is the importance of the classification of these
processes at various levels of granularity and valence. For example, macro-level (e.g.,
monitoring process) and micro-level classifications (e.g., monitoring process such as
judgment of learning [JOL]) supplemented with valence (i.e., positive or negative
[e.g., JOL+]) are key to understanding the multi-level nature of these processes (and
inter-related feedback mechanisms) and serve to augment current conceptions and
theoretical frameworks of SRL [3]. We are also dealing with the temporal alignment
of several data streams (e.g., concurrent think-alouds with eye-tracking data), which
are key to understanding the unfolding of the processes in real time and providing
evidence of behavioral signatures associated with specific SRL processes. For exam-
ple, some on-line measures need to be augmented with other measures and methods in
220 R. Azevedo et al.

order to provide converging evidence. The use of log-file data to generate hypotheses
regarding fundamental assumptions about SRL (e.g., agency, individual agent’s adap-
tations, and co-adaptations between human and artificial agent during learning). We
are also exploring ways in which on-line measures can be converged with other
process, product, and self-report data to provide a comprehensive understanding of
SRL measurement during learning with multi-agent learning environments.
Co-Regulated Learning between Human and Artificial Pedagogical Agents in the
Context of a Multi-agent Adaptive Hypermedia Environment. Co-adaptation be-
tween human and artificial agents is a core issue in the ITS community [see 19]. Con-
temporary research on multi-agent learning environments has focused on SRL while
relatively little effort has been made to use co-regulated learning as a guiding theoret-
ical framework. This oversight needs to be addressed given the complex nature that
self-and other-regulatory processes play when human learners and artificial pedagogi-
cal agents interact to support learners’ internalization of SRL processes [see 19]. For
example, learning with a multi-agent hypermedia environment such as MetaTutor
involves having a learner interact with four artificial pedagogical agents. Each agent
plays different roles including modeling, prompting, and scaffolding SRL processes
(e.g., planning, monitoring, and strategy use) and providing feedback regarding the
appropriateness and accuracy of learners’ use of SRL processes. Accordingly, we are
dealing with the challenges and opportunities of our methodological and analytical
approaches. One challenge involves determining how our (current study and) research
can be re-conceptualized within the framework of co-regulated learning. By doing so,
we will extend the human and computerized theoretical models typically used in this
research area.

Acknowledgements. The research presented in this paper has been supported by

funding from the National Science Foundation (DRL 0633918 and IIS 0841835)
awarded to the first author and (DRL 1008282) awarded to the second author.

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Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning
in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Peer Tutoring

Erin Walker1, Nikol Rummel2, Sean Walker3, and Kenneth R. Koedinger3

School of Computing, CIDSE, Arizona State University, USA
Institute of Psychology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
erin.a.walker@asu.edu, nikol.rummel@rub.de,
walker.sean.m@gmail.com, koedinger@cmu.edu

Abstract. Intelligent tutoring techniques can successfully improve student

learning from collaborative activities, but little is known about why and under
what contexts this support is effective. We have developed an intelligent tutor
to improve the help that peer tutors give by encouraging them to explain tutee
errors and provide more conceptual help. In previous work, we have shown that
adaptive support from this “tutor” tutor improves student learning more than
randomly selected support. In this paper, we examine this result, looking more
closely at the feedback students received, and coding it for relevance to the
current situation. Surprisingly, we find that the amount of relevant support
students receive is not correlated with their learning; however, there is a
positive correlation with learning and students noticing relevant support, and a
negative correlation with learning and students ignoring relevant support.
Designers of adaptive collaborative learning systems should focus not only on
making support relevant, but also engaging.

Keywords: intelligent tutoring, computer-supported collaborative learning,

adaptive collaborative learning systems, peer tutoring.

1 Introduction
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) successfully improve domain learning by tracking
problem-solving progress, providing tailored help and feedback, and selecting
problems that target misconceptions [1]. However, many of the successful ITSs have
been in domains that have well-defined rules such as math and physics (e.g., [2]).
Early ITSs were criticized for over-constraining student problem-solving,
overemphasizing shallow procedural knowledge, and thus not properly addressing
higher-order skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. In recent years,
several ITSs have been developed in response to these criticisms, focusing on
metacognition [3], affective modeling and detection [4], and interpersonal interaction
[5]. This new wave of ITSs represents an important step towards personalization at all
levels of learning: cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and social [6].
We contribute to this effort by improving the abilities of ITSs for providing
adaptive support to collaborative learning. Students benefit from group work, but only
when they exhibit productive behaviors [7]. In theory, adaptive collaborative learning

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 222–232, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System 223

support (ACLS) would be an improvement over nonadaptive forms of support for

collaboration, which overstructure the activity for some students while providing
insufficient support for others [8, 9]. Indeed, early empirical results suggest that
ACLS is an improvement over fixed support and no support at all [10, 11]. However,
it is not yet clear why and when ACLS is effective at improving learning. Our work
takes a step towards understanding the conditions under which ACLS is effective.
In [12], we proposed two hypotheses for why adaptive support may be effective: 1)
Students benefit from receiving relevant support that they can apply to their
interaction; and 2) Students who believe support is adaptive feel more accountable for
their collaborative actions. To test these hypotheses, we developed an intelligent tutor
that assists peer tutors in giving more correct help and higher quality help. In a
controlled study, using pre-post measures of learning and surveys of student
perceptions, we found evidence that it is the actual adaptivity of support that matters,
rather than whether students perceive support as adaptive. However, our conclusions
were limited because our analysis did not include process data.
This paper examines why ACLS is effective by looking directly at the relevance of
each feedback message peer tutors received from the computer, and at the way peer
tutors reacted to each message. There have been several ACLS systems that have not
been tested in a classroom, but have been evaluated by verifying the validity of the
collaborative model used [13], or the applicability of the feedback given [14]. The
construction and evaluation of these systems rest upon two hypotheses: Adaptive
support systems increase the amount of relevant support given to collaborating
students (H1), and the more relevant support students receive, the more they will learn
(H2). Further, research on individual learning from ITSs suggests that it’s important
that students pay attention to support at the right moments [4]. One reason why
relevant support on its own may not be effective is if students fail to notice and
engage with the support. Thus, we also examine the relationship between peer tutors’
noticing of feedback given by the ITS and their domain learning, by including
opportunities in the interface for peer tutors to rate support. We hypothesize that peer
tutors who notice more relevant support will learn more (H3; see Table 1).

2 The Adaptive Peer Tutoring Assistant

Our system builds on the Cognitive Tutor Algebra (CTA), a successful intelligent
tutoring system for high school mathematics [2], and allows students to tutor each
other using the same interface. The Adaptive Peer Tutoring Assistant (APTA) is
modeled after traditional novice peer tutoring scripts, where one student tutors
another student of the same ability. These scenarios have been successful in
classroom environments [e.g., 15], primarily because students of all abilities benefit
from giving help [16]; peer tutors engage in reflective processes, where they reflect on
their partners’ errors and notice their own misconceptions, and elaborative processes,

Table 1. Hypotheses investigated in this paper

Name Description
H1 An adaptive system increases the relevant support collaborating students receive.
H2 The more students receive relevant support, the more they will learn.
H3 The more students notice relevant support, the more they will learn.
224 E. Walker et al.

where they build on their knowledge as they construct explanations [17]. APTA
encourages peer tutors to engage in these processes, focusing on three skills:
Skill 1: Necessary help. Peer tutors respond to tutee errors and requests for
help. This skill leads peer tutors to reflect on the errors and requests.
Skill 2: Targeted help. Peer tutors ask tutees to self-explain and directly
address tutee misconceptions in dialogue. Again, this skill leads peer tutors to
reflect on misconceptions.
Skill 3: Conceptual help. Peer tutors give conceptual help, prompting them to
engage in elaborative behaviors as they construct explanations.
Because help-giving is an important component of many collaborative scenarios [7],
we believe that testing our hypotheses within APTA will generalize to other ACLS.
In the learning environment, students are given a problem like “Solve for y,” for an
equation like “ay + by + m = n”. They are grouped into pairs and are seated at
different computers at opposite sides of the same classroom. For the remainder of this
paper, we refer to the student acting as the tutor in the learning activity as the peer
tutor, and the student being tutored as the tutee. Tutees solve the problem using
menus, selecting options like “Subtract from both sides” and typing in a term like m.
For some problems, the computer performs the operation; for other, more advanced
problems, the student must type in the result of the operation themselves. Peer tutors

Fig. 1. Peer tutor’s interface in APTA. The peer tutor watches the tutee take problem-solving
actions (E), and marks the actions right or wrong (F). Students can talk in the chat window (A),
where they receive prompts from the computer (B), and can choose to like them, dislike them,
or ignore them (C).
Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System 225

can see their peer tutee’s actions, but cannot solve the problem themselves (see E in
Figure 1). Instead, they mark the peer tutee’s actions right or wrong (F in Figure 1),
and receive feedback from the cognitive tutor on whether their marks are correct
(described more in [12]). Peer tutors can also interact with tutees in a chat tool, where
they give help and feedback (A in Figure 1). We augmented the chat tool with
sentence classifiers (D in Figure 1), asking peer tutors to label their utterances prior to
submitting them. Encouraging students to use sentence classifiers correctly was an
additional system goal (Skill 4: Use of Classifiers).
APTA supports peer tutors in giving better help using reflective prompts visible to
both students in the chat window (B in Figure 1). For example, after peer tutor
instrumental help like “subtract x”, the computer might say “[Tutor], why do you say
that? Can you explain more?” The reflective prompts were adaptive in terms of content
and timing, based on knowledge tracing of the four skills described above (necessary
help, targeted help, conceptual help, and use of classifiers). In response to each
relevant peer tutor or tutee action, APTA followed a four-step process. First, in Step 1,
the problem state was assessed based on the tutee problem-solving action, a machine
classification of the peer tutor chat, and a self-classification of the tutor chat. Next, in
Step 2, APTA used a 20-rule production model to classify the action as effective,
somewhat effective, somewhat ineffective, or ineffective, as it related to each of the
skills relevant to the particular action. The system assessments of each relevant skill
were adjusted using Bayesian Knowledge Tracing. In Step 3, all skills whose
assessments had been adjusted based on the previous action were compared to pre-
defined thresholds related to the rules that had been fired, to determine if feedback
should be given based on the skill. Each threshold had a priority, and the activated
threshold with the highest priority was selected as a candidate for feedback. Finally, in
Step 4, a feedback message was selected randomly from all possible messages
associated with a given threshold. Table 2 displays sample positive and negative
feedback related to each skill. We did not give positive feedback for use of classifiers
because we considered it to be more distracting than valuable.
Table 2. Positive and negative feedback messages for the four skills traced by APTA. Positive
feedback was given in response to firing of effective or somewhat effective rules, while
negative feedback was given in response to firing of ineffective or somewhat ineffective rules.
Skill Positive Feedback Negative Feedback
Necessary help Keep at it! When your partner asks [Tutor], if you don’t know how to
for help, it's a good chance to help your partner ask the computer
explain how to solve the problem. for a hint.
Targeted help Good work! Remember, exploring [Tutor], can you explain your
what your partner is doing wrong partner’s mistake?
can help them not make the same
mistake on future problems.
Conceptual Keep it up! Talking about concepts [Tutor], when you explain a step to
help behind the problems can help you to your partner tell them why they
understand them better. should be doing the step.
Use of None [Tutor], think about whether "ask
classifiers why", "explain why wrong", "hint",
or "explain next step" best describes
what you last said.
226 E. Walker et al.

3 Method
In the study discussed in this paper, described more fully in [12], we compared three
conditions. In the real adaptive condition, students received adaptive support and
were told it was adaptive. In the real nonadaptive condition, students received
nonadaptive support and were told it was nonadaptive. In the told adaptive condition,
students received nonadaptive support but were told it was adaptive. As we noticed
from previous studies that much nonadaptive support was still plausible feedback that
could be applied to the interaction context, the inclusion of the told adaptive condition
was, in part, to evaluate if students who believed support was adaptive would benefit
from nonadaptive support that they received. If students thought the system was
adapting to their behaviors, they may be more likely to attend to the support and apply
it to their interaction. The real adaptive condition used APTA, as described above,
while the two nonadaptive conditions received prompts selected as follows. Every
time students would have received a reflective prompt were they in the real adaptive
condition, they did not receive a prompt in the nonadaptive conditions. However, they
received a prompt within the next three turns, thus yoking the nonadpative prompt to
the adaptive prompt. We randomly selected the content of the nonadaptive prompt,
with one exception: we did not choose content related to the skill addressed in the
yoked adaptive prompt. Nevertheless, there were many situations where the randomly
selected prompt could be perceived as relevant.
Participants were 130 high school students (49 males, 81 females) from one high
school, currently enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2. The study was run at
the high school, either immediately after school or on Saturdays. Students participated
in sessions with up to eight other students (M group size = 7.41, SD = 1.35). Each
session was randomly assigned to condition, and then within each pair, students were
randomly assigned to the role of tutor or tutee. For the most part, students came with
partners they had chosen. For ease of scheduling, we sometimes assigned an extra
student to a given session, and 8 students worked alone. 1 dyad was excluded due to a
logging error with the computer prompts. Thus, 120 students participated in the
collaborative activity. Since our goal was to improve the help that peer tutors give,
our discussion in this paper focuses on the 60 students who were assigned the role of
peer tutor. An analysis of tutee learning is presented in [12].
Students first took a 20-minute domain pretest, and then spent 20 minutes working
individually using the CTA to prepare for tutoring. They were then assigned either the
tutor or tutee role. Students spent 60 minutes in a tutoring phase, with one student
tutoring another student. Finally, students took a 20 minute domain posttest. Pre- and
posttests were counterbalanced, and assessed knowledge of literal equation solving.
We used process data from the study to measure two variables: relevance of
computer support and peer tutor noticing of support. First, we coded each instance of
support delivered by the computer tutor for whether it was relevant to the current
context, as defined by the tutee-tutor interactions spanning the last instance of tutee
dialogue, tutor dialogue, and tutee problem step. To be relevant, negative feedback
had to meet three criteria:
1. Not contradict the current situation. E.g., feedback that referred to an error
contradicts the situation if tutees had not made an error.
Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System 227

2. Refer to something students were not currently doing. E.g., feedback that
prompted for more conceptual help would only be relevant if students were not
giving conceptual help.
3. If students were to follow the help, their interaction would be improved, based
on the four skills. E.g., feedback that tells the tutor to give help would improve
the interaction if the tutee had asked for help and not received it.
For positive feedback to be relevant, students had to be doing something to merit
positive feedback, and then the advice given by the feedback had to meet the above
criteria #1 and #3. To calculate interrater reliability, two raters independently coded
30% of the data, with a kappa of 0.70. Conflicts were resolved through discussion.
The second construct, peer tutor noticing of support, came from an interface
feature we added to allow students to give us feedback on the computer prompts. As
each prompt was given in the chat window, students could choose to rate the feedback
(by clicking thumbs up or thumbs down, see C in Figure 1), or ignore it completely.
Students were told that this action would help us determine which feedback was
useful. We coded students as noticing the feedback if they rated the feedback,
suggesting that they had read and reflected on the feedback. Not rating the feedback
gave us no information on their response. We further discuss the implications of this
measure in the discussion.

4 Results
For the purposes of this paper we focus on an analysis of how relevant feedback and
noticing feedback influenced peer tutor learning. As reported in [12], we conducted a
one-way ANCOVA to examine the effects of condition on peer tutor learning, with
posttest score as the dependent measure, condition as a between subjects variable, and
pretest score as a covariate (see Table 3). Condition had a significant effect on
posttest score (F[2,56] = 4.10, p = 0.022), and pretest was also significantly predictive
of posttest score (F[1,56] = 31.49, p < 0.001). We found that providing real adaptive
support led peer tutors to learn more. According to an ANOVA, total feedback did not
differ between the three conditions (F[2,57] = 0.591; p = 0.557; see Table 3),
suggesting that the nature of the feedback led to the improvement.
We first examined H1, to verify using the process data that the implementation of
the adaptive support condition indeed had the intended effect, in that the amount of
relevant feedback differed between adaptive and nonadaptive conditions (see Table 3
for means). We conducted a linear regression with relevance as the dependent
variable. We included two dummy coded condition variables in the regression, one
representing the told adaptive condition and one representing the real nonadaptive
condition. We also controlled for total feedback given by the computer, adding it as a
predictor variable, and including the two interaction terms between each dummy
coded condition variable and total feedback. Because we included interaction terms,
we centered the total feedback variable by subtracting the mean. We found that the
model that included the interaction terms was a better fit for the data (F Change
[2,54] = 20.62, p < 0.001). The results of the regression are presented in Table 4. The
model was significant (R2 = 0.902, F[5,54] = 99.95, p < 0.001). All variables entered
were significant in the model. When all else is held constant, the real adaptive
228 E. Walker et al.

Table 3. Mean pretest scores, posttest scores, and amounts of total feedback given by the
computer, relevant feedback given by the computer, and attended feedback given by the
computer. Standard deviations are in parentheses.

Condition Pretest Postttest Total Relevant Noticed

Feedback Feedback Feedback
Real Adaptive 0.27 0.39 15.53 (11.28) 12.84 7.16 (6.56)
(0.17) (0.18) (10.83)
Told Adaptive 0.24 0.27 17.50 (9.37) 7.45 4.73 (5.91)
(0.12) (0.14) (5.50)
Real 0.30 0.29 14.26 (8.00) 5.68 4.21 (4.12)
Nonadaptive (0.15) (0.18) (4.44)

Table 4. Regression results comparing the

effects of condition and total feedback on
relevant feedback given by the computer

Variable ß t(55) p
Told Adaptive -0.402 -8.04 <0.001
Real -0.400 -7.97 <0.001
Total Feedback 1.149 17.62 <0.001
Total Feedback-0.327 -5.66 <0.001
*Told Adaptive
Total Feedback*-0.263 -4.98 <0.001
Real Fig. 2. Graph representing the interaction
Nonadaptive between total feedback given by the computer,
useful feedback, and condition

condition was responsible for significantly more instances of relevant feedback (76%)
than the told adaptive (41%) and real nonadaptive conditions (40%). The interaction
terms show that the more total instances of feedback, the greater the difference
between the real adaptive condition and other conditions (see Figure 2).
We then examined H2, looking at whether total relevant feedback was related to
learning. We conducted a linear regression, with posttest as the dependent variable,
and told adaptive, real nonadaptive, pretest, and relevant feedback as predictor
variables (R2 = 0.44; F(4,55) = 10.97; p < 0.001). While as before condition and
pretest were significantly predictive of learning, the total amount of relevant feedback
was not (ß = -0.180, t(54) = -1.65, p = 0.104). Despite the real adaptive condition
containing more relevant help, this alone did not explain learning gains found.
Next, we looked at H3, examining whether the amount of relevant support students
rated affected their learning. We had divided support into two categories: support that
peer tutors noticed (by pressing the like or dislike button), and support that peer tutors
Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System 229

ignored. Given that we had also coded support for whether it was relevant or
irrelevant, we then had four categories: noticed relevant support, ignored relevant
support, noticed irrelevant support, and ignored irrelevant support (see Table 5 for
means). We conducted a linear regression, with posttest as the dependent variable,
and several predictor variables: pretest, noticed relevant feedback, ignored relevant
feedback, noticed irrelevant feedback, and ignored irrelevant feedback. The overall
model was significant (R2 = 0.512, F[5,54] = 11.32, p < 0.001). Noticing relevant
feedback was significantly positively related to learning, while ignoring relevant
feedback was significantly negatively related to learning (see Table 6). On the other
hand, student interactions with irrelevant feedback did not relate to learning.
Because noticing or ignoring relevant feedback related to learning, we explored
how those variables differed between conditions. We conducted a MANCOVA with
noticed relevant and ignored relevant feedback as dependent variables, and condition
and total feedback as predictor variables. Condition significantly affected the amount
of noticed relevant feedback (F[2,56] = 7.10, p = 0.002) and ignored relevant
feedback (F[2,56] = 3.46, p = 0.038). This relationship was strongest for the noticed
relevant variable, where post-hoc pairwise comparisons revealed that the real adaptive
condition was significantly different from both the real nonadaptive condition (p =
0.009) and the told nonadaptive condition (p = 0.003). For ignored relevant feedback,
the adaptive condition was marginally different from the told adaptive condition (p =
0.06) and not significantly different from the real nonadaptive condition (p = 0.105).
As noticing feedback played a role in tutor learning, we further examined whether
students noticed different amounts of feedback across conditions. A one-way
ANCOVA with noticed feedback as the dependent variable, condition as the
independent variable, and controlling for total feedback, revealed that students did not
notice different amounts of feedback across conditions (F[2,56] = 1.78, p = 0.178;
means of noticed feedback are in Table 3). Students noticed similar numbers of
feedback across conditions, but because there was more relevant feedback in the real
adaptive condition, students noticed more relevant feedback in that condition.

Table 5. Means of variables relating to attention and relevant feedback. Standard deviations are
in parentheses.
Condition Noticed Ignored Noticed Ignored Irrelevant
Relevant Relevant Irrelevant
Real Adaptive 5.63 (5.33) 7.21 (9.02) 1.53 (1.98) 1.16 (1.54)
Told Adaptive 2.05 (3.65) 5.41 (4.53) 2.68 (3.31) 7.36 (5.18)
Real 1.79 (2.10) 3.89 (4.46) 2.42 (2.48) 6.16 (5.48)

Table 6. Regression results for the effects of relevant and attended feedback on posttest score
Variable ß t(55) p
Pretest 0.550 5.66 <0.001
# Noticed Relevant 0.324 2.81 0.007
# Ignored Relevant -0.279 -2.64 0.011
# Noticed Irrelevant -0.088 -0.84 0.407
# Ignored Irrelevant -0.070 -0.61 0.543
230 E. Walker et al.

5 Discussion and Conclusions

In this paper, we examined when adaptive collaboration support might be effective.
We discovered that our adaptive system indeed provided students with more relevant
support than a nonadaptive system, and this difference became more apparent the
more feedback students received. However, relevant support alone was not related to
student learning. Instead, students had to notice relevant support in order to benefit
from the support. Students noticed support at similar rates across all three conditions,
but because there was more relevant support in the adaptive condition, students
noticed more relevant support when the system was adaptive.
Our results depend heavily on our measure of relevance and our measure of
noticing. The coding scheme we developed for feedback relevance took several
iterations, and we found that many feedback messages could be interpreted as relevant
in several different situations. The nonadaptive conditions had relatively high
incidences of relevant help, even though we tried to select messages that were not
relevant. It is possible that a carefully designed nonadaptive system may be able to
mimic the performance of an adaptive support system. Our second measure tracked
whether students liked or disliked particular feedback messages as an indication of
whether students noticed feedback. This measure of noticing implies that students had
read the feedback, and had potentially reflected on how it related to their interaction.
This method has limitations; if students did not respond to a feedback message, it is
impossible to be certain that they did not notice it. However, as a rough measure, it
provided insight on how students reacted. Including these types of measures in other
ITSs may provide useful online information on how students react to support.
One interpretation of the results is causal: The adaptive system led students to
notice more relevant support, and students who noticed relevant support learned more.
This interpretation might explain why students in the real adaptive condition learned
the most. However, the adaptive system also caused students to ignore more relevant
support (albeit to a lesser degree) and students who ignored more relevant support
learned less. It is possible that students who ignored relevant support were struggling
the most with the learning activity, and also learning less because of their difficulties.
While we are limited in our ability to draw causal conclusions from this analysis, we
do know that the amount of relevant support played a factor in student learning;
noticing relevant support related to learning, while noticing irrelevant support did not.
Encouraging students to notice more support, while continuing to work on making
support more relevant, may be one key to maximizing the benefits of ACLS.
Thus, the next step in this work will be to examine why students notice support,
and determine how to encourage more students to attend to and reflect on support. It
is likely that individual differences affect the degree to which students notice help
(although noticing relevant support was not correlated with pretest score). A
promising approach might be to use data mining techniques to improve the design of
feedback messages, improving student likelihood of noticing those messages. The
timing of messages might have an influence: In initial exploration, we found that
feedback messages that appeared when peer tutors were struggling and distracted
were more likely to be ignored. Content might also have an influence: Feedback
messages that were specific and easily implemented appeared to be more engaging.
Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System 231

Our work makes a contribution to the study of ACLS by showing that producing
more relevant support alone is not sufficient for improving learning. Students who
benefit from relevant support must notice the support. While this finding is intuitive,
and has been discussed in individual learning, it had not previously been
demonstrated in learning from collaborative systems or discussed in the design of
ACLS. ACLS systems are often designed and evaluated with the ultimate goal of
creating more relevant support. Future designers of such systems will have to explore
how to improve student noticing of support in order to have a significant impact.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Pittsburgh Science of Learning
Center, NSF Grant #SBE-0836012, and a Computing Innovations Fellowship, NSF
Grant #1019343. Thanks to Ruth Wylie and Kasia Muldner for their comments.

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Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback
in Robotic Arm Manipulation Training

Philippe Fournier-Viger1, Roger Nkambou2, André Mayers3,

Engelbert Mephu-Nguifo4,5, and Usef Faghihi2
Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Moncton, Canada
Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada
Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, LIMOS, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand
CNRS, UMR 6158, LIMOS, F-63173 Aubière
philippe.fv@gmail.com, nkambou.roger@uqam.ca,
andre.mayers@usherbrooke.ca, mephu@isima.fr, jfaghihi@yahoo.com

Abstract. Building an intelligent tutoring system requires to define an expertise

model that can support appropriate tutoring services. This is usually done by
adopting one of the following paradigms: building a cognitive model,
specifying constraints, integrating an expert system and using data mining
algorithms to learn domain knowledge. However, for some ill-defined domains,
the use of a single paradigm could lead to a weak support of the user in terms of
tutoring feedback. To address, this issue, we propose to use a multi-paradigm
approach. We illustrate this idea in a tutoring system for robotic arm
manipulation training. To support tutoring services in this ill-defined domain,
we have developed a multi-paradigm model combining: (1) a data mining
approach for automatically building a task model from user solutions, (2) a
cognitive model to cover well-defined parts of the task and spatial reasoning,
(3) and a 3D path-planner to cover all other aspects of the task. Experimental
results indicate that the multi-paradigm approach allows providing assistance to
learners that is much richer than what is offered with each single paradigm.

Keywords: tutoring services, expertise model, ill-defined domains.

1 Introduction
To assists learners during problem-solving activities, an intelligent tutoring system
(ITS) needs to be equipped with domain knowledge that can support appropriate
tutoring services. However, modelling the domain knowledge can be quite time-
consuming and difficult especially for ill-defined domains [1]. According to Lynch et
al. [1], domains containing ill-structured problems are ill-defined. Simon [2] defines
an ill-structured problem as one that is complex, with indefinite starting points,
multiple and arguable solutions, or unclear strategies for finding solutions. To provide
domain knowledge to an ITS, three popular paradigms have been widely used in the
ITS community. The first one is cognitive task analysis, which consists of observing

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 233–242, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
234 P. Fournier-Viger et al.

expert and novice users (e.g. [3]) to produce effective problem spaces or task models.
However, cognitive task analysis is very time-consuming [3]. Furthermore, for ill-
defined domains, it is not always possible to define a complete or partial task model
by hand. The second paradigm is constraint-based modeling (CBM) [4]. It consists of
specifying sets of constraints on a correct behavior instead of providing a complete
task description. Though, this approach was shown to be effective for some ill-defined
domains, it can be very challenging to design a complete set of constraints for some
domains. The third paradigm consists of integrating an expert system into an ITS (e.g.
[5, 6]). However, developing an expert system can be difficult and costly, especially
for ill-defined domains, and expert systems sometimes do not generate explanations in
a form that is appropriate for learning. Recently, a fourth paradigm [7, 8] used data
mining algorithms to automatically extract partial task models from users interactions
with an ITS. The partial task models can then be used to offer assistance to learners.
Even though the approach was proven to be efficient in procedural ill-defined domains,
the task models extracted are partial and are not useful for unseen situations.
We assume that a good integration of these different paradigms could help
maximize the benefits associated with each of them in specific conditions. To validate
this hypothesis, we have implemented the multi-paradigm model within
CanadarmTutor, an ITS for training astronauts to the Canadarm2 robot manipulation
in various situations. Our preliminary experiments have shown promising results.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces CanadarmTutor and the
three paradigms we have implemented into it for representing the domain expertise.
Section 3 explains how we have combined them in a multi-paradigm expert model.
Section 4 presents an experimental evaluation of CanadarmTutor equipped with the
multi-paradigm model, followed by some concluding remarks in section 5.

2 CanadarmTutor
CanadarmTutor [9] (cf. Figure 1.a) is a simulation-based tutoring system for coaching
astronauts how to operate Canadarm2 (cf. Figure 1.b), a 7 degrees of freedom robotic
arm deployed on the International Space Station (ISS). The main learning activity in
CanadarmTutor is to move the arm from a given configuration to a goal configuration.
Such activity is usually done in various complex tasks including inspecting the ISS and
moving payloads. The arm movements are performed by astronauts inside the ISS.
Maneuvering Canadarm2 on the ISS is difficult since there is a limited view of the
environment. The environment is rendered through three monitors, each showing the
view obtained from a single camera while about ten cameras are mounted at different
locations on the ISS and on the arm. To move the arm, the operator must select at every
moment the best cameras for viewing the scene of operation. Moreover, an operator has
to select and perform appropriate joint rotations for moving the arm, while avoiding
collisions and dangerous configurations. Operators also have to follow an extensive
security protocol that comprises numerous steps because a single mistake, such as
neglecting to lock the arm into position can lead to catastrophic and costly
consequences. Operating Canadarm2 is an ill-defined task (according to the definition
of Simon [2]) because there exist a huge number of ways to move the arm to a goal
configuration and it is very difficult to formalize how to select the moves that a
Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback in Robotic Arm Manipulation Training 235

human would execute. The reason is that some arm movements are preferable to
others depending on criteria that are hard to be formalized such as the view of the arm
given by the cameras, the relative position of obstacles on the ISS to the arm and the
familiarity of the user with certain manipulations. In practice, skills to operate the arm
are mainly learned by practice. Because of this, it is hard to model the domain
expertise in CanadarmTutor.

Fig. 1. (a) CanadarmTutor, (b) a 3D representation of Canadarm2

2.1 Integrating a Path-Planner for Automatic Path Generation

To implement the domain expertise in CanadarmTutor, we first based our work on the
expert system approach. A custom path-planner named FADPRM was integrated into
CanadarmTutor [9]. FADPRM is an efficient algorithm for robot path-planning in
constrained based environments. It can calculate a trajectory (e.g. Figure 2.a) between
any two robotic arm configurations while avoiding obstacles and considering
constraints such as dangerous and desirable zones. Integrating FADPRM in
CanadarmTutor provides the following benefits. First, in a training session,
CanadarmTutor uses FADPRM to automatically produce demonstrations of correct
arm maneuver on the ISS by generating a path between two arm configurations, while
considering the obstacles (the ISS modules) and predefined constraints. Second, for a
given task, CanadarmTutor automatically generates paths and estimates the distance
with the learner solution to evaluate it. Although the path-planner can provide useful
tutoring services, our experiments with learners show that the generated paths are not
always realistic, as they are not based on human experience. Moreover, they do not
cover some important aspects of the task such as selecting cameras and adjusting their
parameters. Furthermore, given that the path-planner has no representation of
knowledge and skills, it cannot support important tutoring services such as estimating
learners’ knowledge gaps.

2.2 Integrating a Cognitive Model to Assess Skills and Spatial Reasoning

Facing these problems, we applied the cognitive task analysis paradigm [3]. To
understand how astronauts operate Canadarm2, we attended two-week training with
236 P. Fournier-Viger et al.

astronauts at the Canadian Space Agency and also interviewed the training staff. To
encode how users operates the robotic arm, we used a custom cognitive model [10],
similar to the one used in CTAT [1], the reference model for building “model-tracing
tutors”. The main difference between CTAT and our model is that ours is designed to
also evaluate spatial reasoning, a key issue for manipulating Canadarm2. To take into
account the spatial dimension, our review of the literature on spatial cognition has
shown that most researchers in psychology and neurosciences agree that spatial
knowledge is declarative and is necessary for complex spatial reasoning (“allocentric
representations”) [11, 12, 13]. Furthermore, spatial knowledge could be represented
by relations of the form “a r b”, where “a” and “b” are symbols designating objects
and “r”, a spatial relationship between the objects [14].

Fig. 2. (a) The FADPRM Path-Planner (b) Six Elementary Spaces

Based on these facts, to model the spatial knowledge in CanadarmTutor, we

discretized the 3D space into 3D subspaces that we name elementary spaces (ESP).
This allows us to represent the continuous space as discrete symbols. In Canadarm2
manipulation, it was determined that the most realistic types of ESP for mental
processing are ESs configured with an arm shape. Figure 2b illustrates 6 of the 30 ESs
that we defined. For example, one can move the arm from ESP 1 to ESP 2, ESP 3 and
ESP 4. ESP 5 can be reached from ESP 3, and ES6 can be reached from ES4. Each
ESP is represented by three cubes. Spatial knowledge was then encoded as four types
of relationships such as (1) a camera can see an ESP or an ISS module, (2) an ESP
contains an ISS module, (3) an ESP is next to another ESP and (4) a camera is
attached to an ISS module. The procedural knowledge of how to move the arm to a
goal configuration was modeled as a loop where the learner, before any arm
movements, must recall a set of cameras for viewing the ESPs containing the arm,
select the correct cameras, adjust their parameters, retrieve a sequence of ESPs to go
from the current ESP to the goal, and then start moving the arm to the next ESP.
This task model allowed us to integrate six new tutoring services in
CanadarmTutor. First, a learner can explore the task model to learn how to operate the
arm and learn about properties of the ISS, the cameras and Canadarm2. Second,
model-tracing capability allows the system to evaluate the learner knowledge during
arm manipulation exercises. After a few exercises CanadarmTutor automatically
Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback in Robotic Arm Manipulation Training 237

builds a detailed learner profile that shows the strength and weakness of the learner in
terms of mastered, missing and buggy knowledge. This is done by comparing the task
model with a learner solution to see which knowledge is used by the learner. Third,
CanadarmTutor uses the declarative knowledge linked to the task model to generate
and provide the learner with direct questions such as “Which camera can be used to
view the Node02 ISS module?”. The fourth tutoring service is to assist the learners by
providing useful hints and demonstrations during arm manipulation exercises.
Suggesting the next step and generating demonstrations is done thanks to the model-
tracing capability of this paradigm. The fifth tutoring service is to generate
personalized exercises based on the student model. By using the student model,
CanadarmTutor can generate exercises that involve knowledge not yet mastered by
the learner. The sixth and last tutoring service is to offer proactive help to the learner.
For instance, if Canadarm2 is moved without performing camera adjustment,
CanadarmTutor warns the learner to check if cameras are well adjusted. This type of
help which is also implemented based on model-tracing is particularly appreciated by
beginners and intermediate learners. However, the cognitive model also has some
limitations. Although it models the main steps of the manipulation task in detail, it
does not go into details about how to select joint rotations for moving Canadarm2.
The reason is that for a given arm movement problem, there is a huge number of
possibilities and choosing one of them requires considering criteria that are hard to
formalize such as the safety and ease of manoeuvres. It is thus not possible to define a
complete and explicit task model for this task, making it an ill-defined task according
to Simon’s definition [2]. The path-planner could generate paths to provide help at the
level of joint rotation. But they are sometimes too complex and difficult to be
executed by users, as they are not based on human solutions.

2.3 Using Data Mining Techniques to Learn Partial Task Models

Given the aforesaid drawbacks with other paradigms, we applied the fourth paradigm,
which is the automatic acquisition of partial task models [8]. It consists of applying
data mining algorithms on user solutions to automatically extract a partial task model
instead of defining it by hand. The goal is to provide tutoring services for parts of the
task of operating the arm that are ill-defined and could not be represented easily with
the cognitive model (e.g. how to select the joint rotations to move Canadarm2). An
advantage of this approach over the path-planner is that it is based on real user data.
To apply this approach, we first recorded a set of user solutions for each exercise
[8]. In CanadarmTutor, an exercise consists of moving the robotic arm from an initial
configuration to a goal configuration. For each attempt, a sequence of actions is
created in a database. We defined 112 actions that can be recorded including (1)
applying a rotation value to one of the seven arm joints (2) selecting a camera and (3)
performing an increase or decrease of the pan/tilt/zoom of a camera. An example of a
partial action sequence recorded for a user in CanadarmTutor is <(0, rotateSP{2}), (1,
selectCP3), (2, panCP2{4}), (3, zoomCP2{2})> which represents decreasing the
rotation value of joint SP by two units, selecting camera CP3, increasing the pan of
camera CP2 by four units and then its zoom by two units. Furthermore, we annotated
238 P. Fournier-Viger et al.

sequences with contextual information called “dimensions”. Table 1 shows an

example of a toy database containing six solutions annotated with five dimensions. In
this Table, a, b, c, and d denote actions. The dimension “Solution state” indicates if
the learner solution was successful. Values for this dimension are assigned by
CanadarmTutor. The four other dimensions are examples of dimensions that can be
added manually. The dimension “Expertise” denotes the expertise level of the learner
who performed a sequence. “Skill_1”, “Skill_2” and “Skill_3” indicate wether any of
these three specific skills were demonstrated by the learner when solving the problem.
This example illustrates five dimensions. However, any kind of learner information or
contextual information can be encoded as dimensions. In CanadarmTutor, we used 10
skills that we selected to be the most important, and the “solution state” and
“expertise level” dimensions to annotate sequences.
To generate a partial task model from the user solutions, we then applied a custom
sequential pattern mining algorithm [8] on the database of user solutions. The
algorithm takes as input a sequential database and a threshold named minsup. The
algorithm then extracts subsequences of actions that are common to at least minsup
learners. We have designed the custom algorithm specifically to accept dimensions
and also different types of constraints useful in our context [8]. Table 2 shows some
subsequences (also called patterns) found from the database shown in Table 1 with
minsup = 2. Consider pattern P3. This pattern represents doing action b one time unit
(immediately) after action a. The pattern P3 appears in sequences S1 and S3 of Table
1. It has thus a support of two. Moreover, the annotations for P3 tell us that this
pattern was performed by experts who possess skills 1, 2 and 3 and that P3 was found
in plan(s) that failed, as well as plan(s) that succeeded.

Table 1. An example toy database containing 6 user solutions

ID Dimensions Sequence of actions
Solution state Expertise Skill_1 Skill_2 Skill_3
S1 successful Expert yes yes yes <(0,a),(1,bc)>
S2 successful novice no yes no <(0,d) >
S3 buggy expert yes yes yes <(0,a),(1,bc)>
S4 buggy intermediate no yes yes <(0,a),(1,c), (2,d)>
S5 successful expert no no yes <(0,d), (1,c)>
S6 successful novice no no yes <(0,c), (1,d)

Table 2. Some frequent patterns extracted from the dataset of Table 1 with a minsup of 2
ID Dimensions Sequence of Support
Solution State Expertise Skill_1 Skill_2 Skill_3 actions
P1 * expert yes yes yes <(0,a)> 2
P2 * * * yes yes <(0,a)> 3
P3 * expert yes yes yes <(0,a), (1,b)> 2
P4 successful * no * * <(0,d)> 3

We have then implemented three tutoring services in CanadarmTutor that use the
partial task models. First, CanadarmTutor can assess the profile of the learner
(expertise level, skills, etc.) by looking at the applied patterns. If for example a learner
applies patterns with the value "intermediate" for the dimension “expertise” 80 % of
the time, then CanadarmTutor asserts that the learner expertise level is "intermediate".
Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback in Robotic Arm Manipulation Training 239

In the same way, CanadarmTutor can diagnose mastered and missing/buggy skills for
users who demonstrated a pattern by looking at the “skills” dimensions of the applied
patterns (e.g. “Skill_1” in Table 2).
The second tutoring service consists in determining the possible actions from the
set of patterns and proposing one or more actions to the learner. In CanadarmTutor,
this functionality is triggered when the student select "What should I do next?" in the
interface menu. CanadarmTutor then checks the matching patterns to make a
recommendation to the learner. For example, if the learner performed a rotation of the
joint SP followed by a rotation of the joint EP and ask “What Should I do next?”,
CanadarmTutor will look for patterns that match with SP, EP to suggest what next
action the learner should do.
The third tutoring service is to let learners explore patterns by themselves to find
out about ways to solve problems. CanadarmTutor provides an interface that lists the
patterns and their annotations, and provides sorting and filtering functions.
The paradigm of learning partial task models from user solutions has several
advantages. Unlike the path-planner, it allows us to provide tutoring services based on
real users’ arm manipulations (multiple profile users). Moreover, it allows us to assist
learners about how to choose a joint rotation –which was impossible to achieve with
the cognitive model. However, an important limitation with the partial task model
paradigm is that no help can be offered to learners for unexplored solution paths. Thus
each of the three paradigms that we have separately tested into CanadarmTutor has its
own advantages and limitations. Based on this observation, we decided to combine
them to create a multi-paradigm expertise model.

3 Combining the Three Paradigms

The goal is to provide a model that can switch from one paradigm to another in order
to take advantages of each one’s strength in situations where it is the best. The
proposed multi-paradigm model works as follows.
During arm manipulation exercises, CanadarmTutor performs model-tracing to
update the student model. The student model is a list of knowledge units from the
cognitive model. Each unit is annotated with a probability that indicates if the
knowledge is mastered by the learner. Moreover, the student model is also updated
when a learner answers questions asked by CanadarmTutor (cf. section 2.2).
When an exercise is completed (fail or success), the solution is added to a sequence
database of user solutions for that exercise (a database similar to the one shown in
Table 1). The solution is then annotated with the dimension “Solution State” to
indicate the success or failure. Moreover, the skills from the cognitive model are
used to annotate sequences as dimensions (if the mastery level is higher than 0.8 in
the student model, the skill is considered mastered). Thereafter, when a minimum of
10 sequences have been recorded for an exercise, the data mining algorithm is applied
for extracting a partial task model for the exercise.
When CanadarmTutor detects that a learner follows a pattern during an exercise
from the corresponding partial task model, dimensions of the pattern are used for
updating the student model. For example, if a learner applies a pattern common to
learners possessing “Skill_1”, the mastery level of “Skill_1” in the student model will
240 P. Fournier-Viger et al.

be heightened by a small increment (we use 0.05 in CanadarmTutor). In this way, the
partial task models are also used for updating the student model (the student model is
shared by the cognitive model and the partial task model approach).
During a learning session, CanadarmTutor uses the student model for generating
exercises that progressively involves new knowledge or knowledge that is judged not
yet mastered by the learner (this is done as explained in section 2.2). The exercises
that are generated are either questions about declarative knowledge of the cognitive
model or robotic arm manipulation exercises.
During an arm manipulation exercise, when a learner asks for help about what
should be done next, the system generates a solution using the three aforementioned
approaches (cf. Figure 3). First, the cognitive model gives the general procedure that
should be followed for moving the arm such as “You should select a camera and then
adjusts its parameter for monitor 2” (cf. Figure 3.A). This help is generated by
performing model-tracing with the cognitive model. Then, in the same window, the
patterns from the partial task model that match the current user solution are displayed
to the learner. For example, three patterns are presented in Figure 3.B. The learner can
view a pattern as an animation by using the arrow buttons. Patterns give mainly the
information about the joint rotations that should be performed for moving the arm. If
no pattern matches the current learner solution, a demonstration is generated by the
path-planner that demonstrates possible paths as solutions (cf. Figure 3.C).
Furthermore, CanadarmTutor can provide proactive help to learners such as
assisting the learners to choose the best cameras thanks to the cognitive model (cf.
section 2.2). CanadarmTutor can also let the learner explore patterns from the partial
task models (cf. section 2.3) or the cognitive model (cf. section 2.1) to learn about
different ways to solve problems or about the general procedure for moving the arm.
The learner can also request demonstrations at any time from the path-planner (cf.
section 2.1) or the cognitive model (cf. section 2.2).
Table 1 summarizes the different tutoring services supported by each paradigm and
the multi-paradigm model is provided in Figure 3. It shows that the tutoring services
supported by the multi-paradigm approach are much richer.

4 Experimental Evaluation
We performed an evaluation with ten users to evaluate the multi-paradigm version of
CanadarmTutor. The goal of the evaluation was twofold: (1) to measure if the tutoring
services help the learners to learn and (2) if, during an exercise, CanadarmTutor’s
interventions are relevant to the current solution. To make sure that for each exercise
some patterns are extracted by our data mining algorithms, we recorded at least 30
solutions for each robotic arm manipulation exercise.
Experimental Procedure. We explained to each participant the procedure of the
experiment and what kind of data will be collected. Then, we asked each participant
to perform fifteen procedural exercises. Completing the exercises took about one hour
for each participant. During this session, we allowed participants to use all tutoring
services. We set CanadarmTutor to record all solutions so that they can be examined
after the experiment. During the experiment, we observed the participant and took
notes to evaluate (1) if the tutoring services gave relevant help when they were used
Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback in Robotic Arm Manipulation Training 241

and (2) whether the learners corrected their mistakes after using the tutoring services
or they were more confused. Finally, we performed a five minute interview with each
learner to see their opinion on the same two aspects, and also their general opinion
about the tutoring services and how CanadarmTutor could be improved.
Experimental Results. All participants completed the fifteen exercises. Most
participants used all tutoring services. We found that participants relied more on the
tutoring services for the most difficult exercises, which is what we expected. All
participants mentioned that they found the tutoring services very useful and that the
tutoring services helped them learn how to manipulate Canadarm2. Our observation
was that learners using the tutoring services did not repeat their mistakes after
receiving feed-back. Users also agreed that the set of tutoring services would be less
interesting if some were removed, which confirm that the multi-paradigm model is
superior to using each individual approach.

Fig. 3. A Hint Offered by the Multi-Paradigm Approach

Table 3. Tutoring services offered with each paradigm

Path- Cognitive Data mining Multi-
planner model approach paradigm
Generate path demonstrations and evaluate the
Yes Yes
path followed by the learner
Free exploration of the knowledge,
demonstrations, hints, proactive help, skill Yes Yes
evaluation (for well-defined parts of the task)
Evaluate declarative knowledge with
Yes Yes
questions (including spatial knowledge)
Free exploration of the knowledge, hints, skill
Yes Yes
evaluation (for ill-defined parts of the task)
Integrated help covering all aspects of the task Yes

5 Conclusion
In this paper, we have argued for the use of multi-paradigm approaches for supporting
tutoring services in procedural and ill-defined domains. The motivation is that
different approaches are sometimes better suited for different parts of the same ill-
242 P. Fournier-Viger et al.

defined task. We have presented this idea using CanadarmTutor. We have first
described how we have tested three different approaches to support tutoring services
in CanadarmTutor. We then discussed their respective limitations and explained how
the multi-paradigm approach combines the three approaches in the latest version of
CanadarmTutor to overcome limitations of each paradigm. The result is tutoring
services that greatly exceed what all previous versions of CanadarmTutor offered. An
experimental evaluation confirmed that the multi-paradigm model allows us to
provide relevant and helpful tutoring services that are appreciated by users.
Acknowledgments. Our thanks go to the FQRNT and NSERC for their logistic and
financial support. We also thanks all members of the GDAC/PLANIART involved in
this project.

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User-Centered Design of a Teachable Robot

Erin Walker and Winslow Burleson

School of Computing, CIDSE, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 85282


Abstract. Robotic learning environments may benefit if combined with

intelligent tutoring technologies, but it is unclear how best to integrate the two
types of systems. We explore this integration using a tangible teachable agent
paradigm, where students teach a robot about geometry concepts. To identify
potential design directions, we employ a user-centered method called Speed
Dating, involving construction of several scenarios probing student needs, and
then orchestration of user enactments of the scenarios. We found that students
seek activities that provide them with an appropriate level of challenge, feelings
of discovery, opportunity for physicality, and a sense of responsibility for the
robot. We discuss the implications of these findings with respect to building a
tangible teachable robot. By employing HCI methods underutilized in learning,
we gain traction on an important research challenge in education technology.

Keywords: teachable agents, tangible learning environments, robotic learning

environments, intelligent tutoring systems.

1 Introduction
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have been successful at improving classroom
learning, due to their personalized hints, feedback, and problem selection. However,
most mainstream educational software has been designed for personal computers, and
this paradigm creates an artificial separation between the input device, system output,
and underlying real-world representation [1]. Tangible learning environments (TLEs),
where students interact in physical spaces with digitally augmented devices, facilitate
sensory engagement, experiential learning, and collaborative exploration [2]. There is
growing evidence that for the “learning-by-doing” activities associated with TLEs to be
effective, they need to be combined with explicit goals, a structure that provides
students with support, and mechanisms that encourage students to persist in the face of
failure [3]. Integrating TLEs and ITSs may improve their effectiveness. We explore the
intersection between TLEs and ITSs using a robotic teachable agent for middle school
mathematics. The robot will adjust its behaviors in ways that demonstrate what the
student has taught it, highlight potential misconceptions, and provide students with
feedback and encouragement. The combination of robotic tangibles and teachable
agents presents a difficult design problem: How does one leverage advantages of
tangible environments while retaining benefits of structured learning with teachable
agents? We employ a user-centered methodology called Speed Dating to identify
student needs relating to a tangible teachable robot.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 243–249, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
244 E. Walker and W. Burleson

2 Background
There are many platforms that support learning through human-robot interaction. For
example, as part of turtle geometry, students programmed a robotic logo turtle to turn
and move certain distances [4]. Other platforms allow students to build their own
robots, such as Lego Mindstorms, where students attach motors and sensors to
programmable bricks [5]. There is evidence that these activities are indeed successful
at improving programming and robotics skills [6]. Whether mathematics and science
outcomes are directly improved is less clear, with only ten quantitative evaluations of
learning from robotics programs yielding mixed results [7]. As with other forms of
inquiry learning, learning from robotics may require guidance, access to positive
examples, and self-reflection [6]. Personalized learning techniques may improve
robotic learning activities [8, 9], but this combination is mostly unexplored.
We combine teachable agent paradigms with learning from robotics. Peer tutoring
literature suggests that students can learn by tutoring because they pay more attention
to the material, reflect on misconceptions, and elaborate their knowledge when they
construct explanations [10]. Following up on human-human results, some developers
have designed educational technology systems so that students teach an agent about
the subject they are learning [11]. As in peer-to-peer tutoring, peer-to-agent tutors
benefit cognitively as they watch their teachable agents solve problems, noticing their
misconceptions and elaborating on their knowledge [12]. Another large part of
learning from teaching is motivational. Students feel responsible for their students,
and as a result try harder to understand the material [13].
In the combination of teachable agents and robotic learning systems, there are
several design directions that often conflict. Teachable agent systems have been
mostly designed for individual learners on personal computers. They model student
cognition by tracking how students teach the agent, and attempt to provide enough
social presence to engender feeling of rapport and accountability. In teachable agent
environments, the designer determines the learning objectives, and provides students
with adequate scaffolding in achieving those objectives. There are several open
questions in moving teachable agent paradigms to a tangible space. How does the
physical space affect student interactions with the teachable robot? Are the same
kinds of learning objectives and scaffolds appropriate?
There are many potential design directions in creating a teachable robot with
cognitive and motivational scaffolding, and thus it is important to take a student-
centered approach [14]. While students cannot necessarily tell us what leads them to
learn, they can tell us what engages them during learning. These insights, in
conjunction with scientific knowledge about learning and motivation, can inform
critical design decisions in complex learning environments. In our work, we employ a
modified version of an HCI method called Speed Dating, where the design team
rapidly explores divergent design concepts in order to identify needs that users
perceive in themselves [15]. Speed Dating has two phases. The first phase, need
validation, involves presenting small groups of target users with several storyboards,
and soliciting reactions. In the second phase, users role play particular scenarios in
order to make abstract elements of their interaction with the system concrete. This
approach places focus on how users feel a particular experience matches their needs.
User-Centered Design of a Teachable Robot 245

3 Speed Dating Method

Our first step was to generate several concepts for tangible robotics activities that
incorporate user needs. We constrained our ideation in two ways. First, we chose
middle and high school geometry as our learning domain, with sample tasks ranging
from plotting ordered pairs to proving two triangles are similar. Second, we chose an
iRobot Create as the central piece of technology to use. Off the shelf, the iRobot
Create can run simple programs that allow it to move and turn. As part of
brainstorming, we relaxed most technological constraints on the robot. We assumed
that users could interact with the robot using gestures or speech, and that the users and
robot could interact with projected figures on the floor or walls of the learning
environment. We named the robot “Rover.” We generated 24 scenarios spanning
concepts we were interested in exploring. Each scenario had three storyboard panels,
read in sequence from left to right, with explanatory captions. Figure 1 is a scenario
where a hidden shape is revealed once students solve a problem in a physical space.
We brought students into the lab in groups for need validation sessions lasting two
hours. Sessions consisted of four alternating periods of user-centered design and
brainstorming. For the user-centered phases, we presented students with each sketch,
and asked a discussion question. Once students were done discussing a sketch, we
presented them with the next sketch. Students saw an average of six sketches in
sequence prior to moving on to brainstorming. In brainstorming, some participants
found it natural to sketch their ideas; for others participants simply discussed their
ideas as a group. Once participants stopped generating ideas, we moved on to the next
user-centered phase. We had three groups with a total of 11 participants. Participants
were between 13 and 16 years old, and all but two participants had already taken
geometry. Participants were split into three groups of 3, 3, and 5 participants. Students
within a group knew each other. We audiotaped the sessions, and retained sketches
students generated as data. In our analysis, we looked for strong reactions to elements
of scenarios, as per need validation methodology. We also looked for links between
what students said during brainstorming and their strong reactions.

Fig. 1. Scenario prompting the need of discovery. The robot’s name is Rover.
246 E. Walker and W. Burleson

For user enactments, we brought students into the lab in groups for sessions lasting
one and a half hours. We explained the learning activity to students, and had them
collaboratively work through problems they would be expected to teach the robot.
Then we had students assume various roles: one student played the role of the robot,
one played the role of the peer tutor, one played the role of the classroom teacher, and
one acted as a helper to the peer tutor. Initially, we asked the peer tutor to teach the
robot a particular concept, with the help of the classroom teacher. After, we gave
students particular scenarios used in the need validation, and asked students to act
them out. Students drew on paper on the floor to better simulate an embodied
geometry environment. We had three groups with a total of 10 participants.
Participants were between 11 and 14 years old, and most were taking middle school
math. We videotaped the sessions, and retained scrap paper students used. In our
analysis of the results of the design activity, we looked for mechanisms of interaction
between students and the robot, paying attention to social and cognitive features.

4 Analysis of User Needs

One of the motivational elements of these environments we intended to probe was
student feeling of challenge. Students had strong negative reactions to scenarios that
supplied little support. They complained about doing work without perceiving the
value, “Hmm, this [has] happened to me… I did all of this, and I have to figure out
where I went wrong” (P6). Students also reacted to too much feedback. They
commented: “I don’t think Rover should tell them what they did, because, they have
to, like, figure it out.” (P9). Student comments focused on the motivational elements
of challenge rather than on cognitive ones. Their resistance to feeling stuck and desire
to have the solution within reach came up quite a bit: “I feel like kids would be more
prone to trying to figure it out if it were almost there…” (P2). In user enactments,
these themes reappeared. When the “robot” made careless errors the student could
easily correct, such as forgetting to add a side when calculating the perimeter, peer
tutors became excited and explained to the robot what to do.
The need of discovery resonated with students. In discovery, something previously
hidden was revealed as part of learning activities. We illustrate this finding with
student reactions to a connect-the-dots scenario, which was designed to prime
discovery (see Figure 2). When the figure was revealed, P3 stated “This one’s fun,
with shapes… I would want to know what the dots would actually mean, like, the
mystery factor.” Part of the appeal of this need seemed to be the surprise and curiosity
provoked by adding simple elements of interactivity into the learning environment,
which we had not anticipated. When discussing the potential for projected geometric
figures, one student said, “You’d probably get color too… graph paper is boring. If
it’s projected, you can try to make it fun” (P8).
While we incorporated instructional principles into our scenarios that tapped in to
students interacting in a physical space, we did not expect students to respond so
strongly to physical motion. Physicality was a need that students identified, where the
enjoyment students predicted over physical motion occurred across several scenarios.
Students said moving around was useful for engagement, to break up the monotony of
class interaction. P5 said, when talking about the sketches in general: “We’re at
User-Centered Design of a Teachable Robot 247

school 7 hours a day, sitting in the classroom with, like, off-gray walls… it’s like a
prison… You get to like jump up and move around, because we sit down all the time…
that’s like great for your mind.” Students also emphasized the importance of physical
space for being able to visualize certain geometric concepts. The importance of
physicality was further expressed in the ways students interacted during the user
enactments. Students worked naturally around the same large physical canvas, turn-
taking and grounding using pointing and other gestures. To get new perspectives,
students would move to different positions around the canvas. All students were
involved and attentive throughout the whole process. The nature of the interaction
was qualitatively different than it would have been around a personal computer.
Responsibility for the agent was another theme that was brought up repeatedly.
Students were excited by the idea that they could interact in pet-like ways with the
robot. They responded enthusiastically to scenarios where Rover showed emotion,
“That’s cute! You would be like, aww (P3)”, and then expanded their brainstorming to
further personify the robots, “the whole concept of the dog is really appealing, you
could make little clothes for it, they could be the antenas, if it were the dog, you could
have it be the ears”. While we had thought that most collaborative learning activities
would be motivating to students, the ideas that resonated the most were the ones that
specifically involved intergroup competition. A sketch that got one of the most
positive reactions across all groups was one where groups would teach their robot
different shapes, and than the robots would face off to see who could draw the most
shapes. In reference to the sketch, P5 said, “That’s cool that different ones would face
off, I like that”, with P3 replying “It would get everyone really excited”. In many
cases, students suggested similar ideas prior to seeing that sketch (“….seeing a debate
scene, both trying to get the answer right, one sends their team to have it do one
thing, the other sends their Rover to do the other;” P4).

5 Design Directions
In this paper, we employed the user-centered design method of Speed Dating as a way
of making principled choices in the design of a teachable robot. Themes of challenge,
discovery, physicality, and responsibility for the robot emerged. Creating a teachable
agent that students can interact with in a physical space necessitates changes in
teachable agent design. Students emphasized that they valued the physicality of
interacting with a robot, in particular focusing on activities as simple as being able to
map geometric concepts to physical motion. As we saw in the user enactments,
properties of the physical learning environment facilitated students in accessing a
shared workspace, changing location often, and working together. It also changed the
nature of student responsibility for the robot: Students conceptualized the robot as
being owned by a group. This shift towards a collaborative teachable agent paradigm
presents particular modeling challenges, as it is more difficult to assess problem-
solving and collaborative interactions in a physical space, rather than a digital one.
Our work guides decisions about the learning objectives and scaffolds that are
appropriate in a tangible robot. Interactions in tangible environments are difficult to
assess, and students are given freedom in defining learning objectives and pursuing
their own goals. Our design results suggest that when we do define objectives, it will
248 E. Walker and W. Burleson

be important to pay attention to the motivational elements of providing students with

challenge. Allowing students to define their own agendas for what to teach the robot,
providing them with suggestions for what to teach within their abilities, and
encouraging them to challenge themselves at appropriate moments may be
appropriate directions to explore in teachable robots. For example, having the robot
make errors that students easily notice and correct may, when necessary, boost their
confidence. We further found that the need of discovery resonated with students.
Building scenarios where students discover aspects of robot behavior or physical
space might engage students cognitively with the robot. In many ways, our results
mirror ideas from the broader literature. However, a literature review of teachable
agents offers several potential design directions, with little guidance for which ones
are appropriate in a given scenario. User-centered design early in the construction of
learning environments can help researchers attack difficult design problems.

Acknowledgements. This research was funded under a Computing Innovations

Fellowship, NSF 1019343. Thanks to Ruth Wylie and the GALLAG group at ASU.

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An Intelligent Tutoring and Interactive Simulation
Environment for Physics Learning

Lakshman S. Myneni and N. Hari Narayanan

Intelligent & Interactive Systems Research Laboratory, Computer Science

and Software Engineering Dept., Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

Abstract. This paper presents a learning environment called the Virtual Physics
System (ViPS) that helps students learn physics concepts in the context of pul-
leys, a class of simple machines that are difficult to construct and experiment
with in the real world. ViPS is novel in that it combines simulation and tutoring,
identifies student misconceptions, customizes tutoring accordingly, and em-
ploys a pedagogical strategy of guiding students in problem solving through
construction and simulation of pulley setups. An evaluation study showed that
ViPS is effective in helping students learn and overcome their misconceptions.

Keywords: Intelligent Tutoring System, Physics Learning, Physics Simulation.

1 Introduction

Tutoring is known to improve student learning. When a human tutor is not available,
the next best option maybe an Intelligent Tutoring System [e.g., 3, 5]. Another highly
beneficial learning activity is problem solving through experimentation. It is a hands-
on activity that involves designing and building an experimental setup, letting it per-
form its function, and collecting data from it in order to solve a problem and to better
understand the underlying phenomena, or to test a scientific hypothesis. Computer
modeling and simulation often take the place of physical experimentation in this
learning activity. Many researchers have described the affordances and limitations of
problem solving using physical experimentation and computer simulations in science
education research. Zacharia and Anderson [6] investigated the effects of interactive
computer-based simulations, presented prior to inquiry-based laboratory experiments,
on students’ conceptual understanding of mechanics. They found that the use of simu-
lations improved students’ ability to generate predictions and explanations of the phe-
nomena in the experiments. Finkelstein and coworkers [1] looked at how students
learned about electrical circuits differently with simulated or physical circuits. They
reported that students who used simulations scored better on an exam and were able
to build physical circuits more quickly than students who used physical circuits.
Our research combines tutoring and simulation-based experimentation in a single
learning environment, the Virtual Physics System (ViPS). ViPS is an intelligent
tutor that provides guided tutoring to a student as he or she solves physics problems

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 250–255, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
An Intelligent Tutoring and Interactive Simulation Environment for Physics Learning 251

involving pulleys. ViPS also allows the student to construct, simulate and collect data
from various pulley setups. Furthermore, ViPS is designed to detect and help address
six common student misconceptions regarding pulleys (Table 1), obtained from a
physics education researcher with years of experience in the field.

Table 1. Different misconceptions addressed by ViPS

Misconception 1 The more pulleys there are in a setup, the easier it is to pull to lift a load.
Misconception 2 The longer the string in a pulley setup, the easier it is to pull to lift a load.
Misconception 3 Pulling upwards is harder than pulling downwards.
Misconception 4 Having more pulleys in a pulley setup reduces the amount of work.
Misconception 5 Size (radius) of pulleys in a pulley setup affects the amount of work.
Misconception 6 Improper understanding of force and work.

ViPS detects which of these misconceptions a student has by asking the student to
solve a set of problems at the beginning. The problem solving requires answering
questions about pulley setups after constructing and running them in the simulation
environment. Based on this, ViPS constructs a student model. This model, continually
updated throughout a student session, is used for generating additional problems for
the student to experiment with, and for providing hints and other kinds of feedback
based on the student’s knowledge state. As far as we know, ViPS is the first learning
environment in which an intelligent tutoring system is integrated with an interactive
simulation environment specifically tailored to address student misconceptions.

2 ViPS Architecture

ViPS, implemented in Java, consists of a graphical user interface that manages inte-
raction with students, a simulation module that simulates the virtual pulley setups
built by students, a feedback module that generates appropriate messages for the stu-
dent during simulation and problem solving, a knowledge evaluator that evaluates the
knowledge of the student from various tests administered during a session, a tutor
module that tutors the student for misconceptions, a student model that includes the
history of student interactions and various measures of student performance, a domain
knowledge model that represents domain knowledge, a database of problems, and a
procedural knowledge model that represents student solution paths within individual
problems. Due to the page limitations of a short paper, we describe only the graphical
user interface, tutor module and simulation module here. The interested reader is re-
ferred to [2] for information on the other components.
The graphical user interface is divided into two main parts: a tabbed work area for
creating pulley setups and solving problems and an object pallet for selecting the
components required to create a pulley setup (see Figure 1). Students can create a
pulley setup by dragging the required components from the object pallet on to the
work area and clicking on the thread button. Students can also interactively manipu-
late various parameters of the components, like the size of a pulley, value of the load
etc. A problem is given to the student in the form of textual and pictorial
252 L.S. Myneni and N.H. Narayanan

representations. The student is asked to solve the problem by creating the setups re-
quired to answer the question, running the simulations and comparing the simulation
outputs of the setups created. The problems in ViPS were designed and checked by
experienced physics educators. Currently, ViPS contains ten problems per misconcep-
tion (60 in total, with more to be added in future) in its database. A web-based inter-
face is available to teachers and experts to add or modify problems. One reason ViPS
poses problems to a student is to identify his/her misconceptions in order to address
them through problem solving.
The simulation module is responsible for simulating the setups created by the stu-
dent. In particular, it provides a platform for running simulations of setups that are
difficult or impossible to create in the physical world, such as running a simulation
with zero friction or running a simulation with quintuple pulleys. The outputs gener-
ated by the simulation include graphs and real time values of variables like force,
work done, potential energy, friction and mechanical advantage (Figure 2).

Fig. 1. ViPS Work Area Fig. 2. ViPS Simulation Window

The student uses this module to simulate the different pulley setups he/she creates
during problem solving. Domain knowledge regarding possible or valid pulley setups
is represented in ViPS in the form of a Bayesian Belief Network. This network is used
by ViPS to (1) find all possible setups that can be created using components that an
individual student has assembled on the work area, (2) find components for creating a
valid setup that are missing from the work area, and (3) generate dynamic hints re-
garding pulley setups to help the student. It is possible that the components assembled
by the student do not lead to a unique pulley setup, and instead can be used to produce
several possible setups. If this happens, ViPS infers and displays a list of possible
setups based on the probabilities of creating each setup as determined by the Bayesian
network, and ranked by an algorithm that we developed. This algorithm uses four
attributes to rank order possible setups: (1) the number of components needed by a
setup that are missing from the work area; (2) the number of grooves in each pulley in
the setup; (3) the total number of components in the setup; and (4) the number of
times this setup was created by the student previously. Then the student is asked about
which of these setups most closely matches his or her intention. Based on the stu-
dents’ selection, the simulation module generates dynamic hints to guide the student
towards the completion of the intended setup in the work area.
An Intelligent Tutoring and In
nteractive Simulation Environment for Physics Learning 253

The Tutor module of ViiPS employs the instructional technique of Coached Prrob-
lem Solving [4]. It is respoonsible for overseeing the process of tutoring a student for
the misconceptions he/she might have, and it is also responsible for overseeing the
process of student problem solving by using the information generated by the studdent
model to select and presentt appropriate problems. It uses a decision algorithm to de-
termine the level of coaching to provide, and interfaces with the feedback modulee to
generate appropriate hints. The interaction between the tutor module and a studdent
begins with the student atttempting a “pre knowledge test” evaluated by the knoow-
ledge evaluator. This test helps ViPS detect any misconceptions the student miight
have about pulley systems at a the outset. After detecting and recording misconceptiions
that are present, the tutor module
m helps the student resolve these misconceptionss by
asking them to solve probleems related to each detected misconception. Dependingg on
whether the student solves these problems correctly (or not), tutoring for that misccon-
ception is not (is) provided d, as explained below. If the student doesn’t exhibit any
misconception at the outset, no problems or tutoring will be given.

Fig. 3. Stud
dent problem solving performance classification

Table 2. Tutor action decision table

For each misconception detected by the pre knowledge test, the tutor’s decisionn as
to whether to tutor a studen
nt or not about that misconception depends on the studennt’s
response to the problems sppecific to that misconception that he or she has been given
to solve. For each problem m, the student has to first enter a prediction (P), then his
254 L.S. Myneni and N.H. Narayanan

answer (A) and finally answer a follow-up (FU) question. Based on these three an-
swers, each of which could be correct (T) or wrong (F), the student’s performance on
the problem is classified into one of six categories R+, R, R-, W-, W, or W+ (see
Figure 3). ViPS concludes that the student successfully solved a problem (marked T
in Table 2) if the outcomes are R+, R-, or R, else it is concluded that the student failed
to solve the problem (marked F in Table 2). The tutor module presents two problems
per misconception, and a third problem depending on the outcomes of the first two
problems, to verify whether a student indeed has that particular misconception de-
tected from the pre knowledge test. The problem solutions are used to decide whether
to tutor the student for that misconception, or move on to address the next misconcep-
tion of the student using another set of three problems, as shown in Table 2. If the
student solves the first two problems correctly, then she is determined not to have the
corresponding misconception, so the tutor will move on to the next misconception
(Table 2, row 1). If the first problem is not correctly solved, the system will present
the student with a second problem. If its solution is incorrect as well, the student will
be tutored for that misconception (Table 2, row 6). If she solves the first problem
correctly but errs in the second one (or vice versa), the tutor will present a third prob-
lem, and depending on its outcome will either move to the next misconception or start
tutoring actions to clear the current misconception (Table 2, rows 2-5). Tutoring ac-
tions consist of spoken (by an avatar) and written textual explanations and pictures.

3 Evaluation of ViPS
Evaluation focused on two questions. Does ViPS help students learn and clear their
misconceptions? Is working with ViPS more effective than working with real pulleys?
Fifty seven students (engineering majors from one university and pre-service elemen-
tary teachers from a second university) were assigned to one experimental condition:
the ViPS group, in which participants took a pre-test, worked with ViPS individually
and then took a post-test. One hundred and fifty eight pre-service elementary teachers
from the second university were randomly assigned to two additional experimental
conditions: (1) the Physical-Virtual (PV) group in which participants took a pre-test,
worked in pairs with physical pulleys, then took a mid-test, next worked in pairs with
ViPS, and finally took a post-test, and (2) the Virtual-Physical group(VP) in which
participants took a pre-test, worked in pairs with ViPS, then took a mid-test, next
worked in pairs with physical pulleys, and finally took a post-test.
A paired-sample t-test was performed on the pre-and-post test scores of students in
the ViPS group (n=57) to evaluate their learning gain after using ViPS. There was a
score increase from pre-test to post-test with statistical significance (t(56)=-17.66,
p=0.001). Scores increased by 300% from an average of 4.57 to 13.71 (max score =
18). Clearly, ViPS is effective in teaching students. Linear regression found a signifi-
cant positive correlation (N=57, R=0.756, R2=0.571, p=0.03, Standardized Be-
ta=0.792) between learning gain and number of problems solved by the ViPS group.
On average, each student solved eight problems. Linear regression also found a posi-
tive but non-significant correlation between learning gain and number of simulations
created (N=57, R=0.039, R2=0.002, p=0.83). On average, students created and ran 14
simulations. A repeated measures mixed analysis of variance test was performed on
pre-test to mid-test scores of the VP Group and the PV Group (158 students or 79
An Intelligent Tutoring and Interactive Simulation Environment for Physics Learning 255

pairs in both groups solved problems related to the same misconception, but the VP
group used ViPS between the pre- and mid-tests, whereas the PV group used actual
pulleys) to compare their learning gains. Results showed that the learning gain was
higher for the VP group that used ViPS, with statistical significance (F(1,156)=4.54,
p=0.035, η2=0.28, and power=0.563). Thus, students learned more from ViPS than
from physical pulleys.
The most common misconception among students was Misconception 2 (Table 1),
followed by Misconceptions 1 and 4. Sixty students exhibited all the six misconcep-
tions. A paired-sample t-test was conducted to compare the number of misconceptions
identified in the pre-test and post-test in the ViPS group. There was a significant re-
duction in number of misconceptions from pre-test to post-test (t(54)=16.6, p=0.001).
On average, each student exhibited five misconceptions after pre-test and two mis-
conceptions after post-test. The number of misconceptions decreased significantly
after working with ViPS. These results indicate that ViPS is effective.

4 Conclusion
The contribution of this research is an intelligent simulation and tutoring system
called ViPS for learning physics concepts through simulating and getting tutored on a
class of simple machines, which has several features that together make it unique. It
employs the Coached Problem Solving approach to detect and effectively tutor for
common student misconceptions in physics. It is able to dynamically infer valid pul-
ley setups from the components that a student selects and places on the workspace,
and to adaptively generate hints based on student actions. It is a tool for creating,
exploring and simulating pulley setups that are difficult to construct and manipulate in
the physical world. The interface of ViPS is designed to help students connect ab-
stract concepts of physics with tangible pictorial representations. ViPS integrates
virtual experimentation through simulation with intelligent tutoring. An evaluation of
ViPS with over 200 students showed that it was effective in helping students learn
and clear their misconceptions, and more beneficial than working with real pulleys.

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Guru: A Computer Tutor That Models Expert Human

Andrew M. Olney1, Sidney D'Mello2, Natalie Person3, Whitney Cade1, Patrick Hays1,
Claire Williams1, Blair Lehman1, and Arthur Graesser1
University of Memphis
University of Notre Dame
Rhodes College

Abstract. We present Guru, an intelligent tutoring system for high school biol-
ogy that has conversations with students, gestures and points to virtual
instructional materials, and presents exercises for extended practice. Guru’s in-
structional strategies are modeled after expert tutors and focus on brief interac-
tive lectures followed by rounds of scaffolding as well as summarizing, concept
mapping, and Cloze tasks. This paper describes the Guru session and presents
learning outcomes from an in-school study comparing Guru, human tutoring,
and classroom instruction. Results indicated significant learning gains for
students in the Guru and human tutoring conditions compared to classroom

Keywords: intelligent tutoring system, expert tutor, biology, conversation.

1 Introduction

Guru is a dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system (ITS) in which an animated tutor

agent engages the student in a collaborative conversation that references a multimedia
workspace displaying and animating images that are relevant to the conversation.
Guru provides short lectures on difficult biology topics, models concepts, and asks
probing questions. Guru analyzes typed student responses via natural language
understanding techniques and provides formative feedback, tailoring the session to
individual students' knowledge levels. At other points in the session, students produce
summaries, complete concept maps, and perform Cloze tasks. To our knowledge,
Guru is the first ITS that covers an entire high school biology course.
Guru is distinct from most dialogue-based ITSs, such as AutoTutor [1] or
Why-Atlas [2], because it is modeled after 50-hours of expert human tutor observa-
tions that reveal markedly different pedagogical strategies from previously observed
novice tutors [3]. Our computational models of expert tutoring are multi-scale, from
tutorial modes (e.g. scaffolding), to collaborative patterns of dialogue moves (e.g.
information-elicitation), to individual moves (e.g. direct instruction) [4]. However, the

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 256–261, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Guru: A Computer Tutor That Models Expert Human Tutors 257

importance of tutoring expertise has recently been called into question. In a meta-
analysis, VanLehn [5] examined the effectiveness of step-based ITSs and human tu-
toring compared to no tutoring learning controls matched for content. He reported that
the effect sizes of human tutoring are not as large as Bloom’s two sigma effect [6].
Instead, the effect sizes for human tutoring are much lower (d = .79), and step-based
systems (d = .76) are comparable to human tutoring. Even so, the relative influence
of expertise on learning outcomes remains unclear and requires more research.
The present study addresses the effectiveness of Guru in promoting learning gains.
Specifically, how do learning gains obtained from classroom instruction + Guru com-
pare to classroom + human tutoring and classroom instruction alone? We begin with
a sketch of Guru followed by an experiment designed to evaluate the effectiveness of
Guru in an authentic learning context, namely an urban high school in the U.S.

2 Brief Description of Guru

Guru covers 120 biology topics aligned with the Tennessee Biology I Curriculum
Standards, each taking from 15 to 40 minutes to cover. Topics are organized around
concepts, e.g. proteins help cells regulate functions. Guru attempts to get students to
articulate each concept over the course of the session. In this study, a Guru session is
ordered in phases: Preview, Lecture, Summary, Concept Maps I, Scaffolding I, Con-
cept Maps II, Scaffolding II, and Cloze Task. Guru begins with a Preview making the
topic concrete and relevant to the student, e.g. “Proteins do lots of different things in
our bodies. In fact, most of your body is made out of proteins!” Guru’s Lectures have
a 3:1 (Tutor:Student) turn ratio [4, 7] in which the tutor asks concept completion
questions (e.g., Enzymes are a type of what?), verification questions (e.g., Is connec-
tive tissue made up of proteins?), or comprehension gauging questions (e.g., Is this
making sense so far?). At the end of the lectures, students generate Summaries;
summary quality determines the concepts to target in the remainder of the session. For
target concepts, students complete skeleton Concept Maps generated from concept
text [8]. In Scaffolding, Guru uses a Direct Instruction → Prompt → Feedback →
Verification Question → Feedback dialogue cycle to cover target concepts. A Cloze
task requiring students to fill in an ideal summary ends the session.
Guru's interface (see Figure 1) consists of a multimedia panel, a 3D animated
agent, and a response box. The agent speaks, gestures, and points using motion cap-
ture and animation. Throughout the dialogue, the tutor gestures and points to images
on the multimedia panel most relevant to the discussion, and images are slowly
revealed as the dialogue advances. Student typed input is mapped to a speech act cat-
egory (e.g., Answer, Question, Affirmative, etc.) using regular expressions and a
decision tree learned from a labeled tutoring corpus [9,10]. Guru uses speech act cate-
gory and multiple models of dialogue context to decide what to do next. Thus an af-
firmative in the context of a verification question is interpreted as an Answer, while
an affirmative in the context of a statement like “Are you ready to begin?” is not.
Guru uses a general model of dialogue (e.g., feedback, questions, and motivational
dialogue) and specific models representing the mode of the tutoring session, including
258 A.M. Olney et al.

Lecture and Scaffolding. The

T mode models contain specific logic for answer asseess-
ment, feedback delivery (p
positive, neutral, or negative), and student model maintten-
ance consisting of the conccepts associated with each topic. A full description of the
system is beyond the scope of the current paper.

Fig. 1. Guru interface

3 Method

Thirty-two tenth graders en nrolled in Biology I in an urban U.S. high school parttici-
pated once a week for threee weeks in a three condition repeated-measures study whhere
students interacted with bo oth Guru and a human tutor in addition to their reguular
classroom instruction. Tuto ored topics were covered in class in the previous weeek.
Space limitations prevent listing the intricate details of the methods. What is imppor-
tant to note is that (1) there were four topics in the study (topics A: Biochemical Caata-
lysts, B: Protein Function, C: Carbohydrate Function, D: Factors Affecting Enzyyme
Reactions), (2) students recceived classroom instruction on all four topics, (3) studeents
received additional tutoring g for two out of the four topics (A and B), (4) some stu-
dents were tutored by Guru u for topic A and a human tutor for topic B, whereas otther
students received Guru tuto oring for topic B and human tutoring for topic A, (5) tuutor-
ing topic (e.g., A or B) wass counterbalanced across Guru and the human tutor (6)) all
students completed pretestss, immediate posttests, and delayed posttests on all toppics.
This design allowed us to (1) compare Guru with human tutoring (e.g., learning gaains
for topic A vs. B, where top pic is counterbalanced across tutors), (2) compare learnning
gains from tutoring + classsroom with learning gains from classroom instruction oonly
(gains for A and B vs. C an nd D), and (3) assess if there are any benefits to classrooom
instruction alone (i.e., do leearning gains for C and D exceed zero).
Guru: A Computer Tutor That Models Expert Human Tutors 259

Knowledge assessments were multiple-choice tests; twelve item pre- and posttests
were administered at the beginning and end of each tutoring session to assess prior
knowledge and immediate learning gains, respectively. Test items were randomized
across pre- and posttests, and the order of presentation for individual questions was
randomized across students. Students also completed a 48-item delayed posttest the
final week. Half of test items were previously used on the immediate pre or posttests,
and half were new, with randomized order across students. The researcher who pre-
pared the knowledge tests had access to the topics, the concepts for each topic, the
biology textbook, and existing standardized test items. Content from the lectures,
scaffolding moves, and other aspects of Guru were not made available to the re-
searcher. The researcher was also blind to the tutored condition.
Students and parents provided consent prior to the start of the experiment. Stu-
dents were tested and tutored in groups of two to four. The procedure for each tutorial
session involved (a) students completing the pretest for 10 minutes (b) a tutorial ses-
sion with either Guru or the human tutor for 35 minutes, and (c) the immediate post-
test for 10 minutes. The four human tutors were provided with the topic to be tutored,
the list of concepts, and the biology textbook. Each tutor was an undergraduate major
or recent graduate in biology. Prior to the study, each tutor participated in a one day
training session provided by a nonprofit agency that trains volunteer tutors for local
schools. Thus while our tutors might be considered experts in the biology domain,
they were not expert tutors.

4 Results

The pretest and immediate and delayed posttests were scored and proportionalized. A
repeated measures ANOVA did not yield any significant differences on pretest scores,
F(2, 56) = 1.49, p = .233, so students had comparable knowledge prior to tutoring.
Separate proportionalized learning gains for immediate and delayed posttest were
computed as follows: (proportion posttest - proportion pretest) / (1 - proportion pret-
est). This measure tracks the extent to which students acquire knowledge from pre to
post. Two scores beyond 3.29 SD from the mean were removed as outliers.
A repeated measure ANOVA on proportional learning gains for the immediate
posttest was significant, F(2, 54) = 5.09, MSe = .212, partial eta-square = .159, p =
.009. Planned comparisons indicated that immediate learning gains for Guru (M =
.385, SD = .526) and human tutoring (M = .414, SD = .483) did not differ from each
other (p = .846) and were significantly (p < .01) greater than the classroom control (M
= .060, SD = .356). The effect size (Cohen's d) for Guru vs. classroom was 0.72 sig-
ma, while there was a 0.83 sigma effect for the human vs. classroom comparison.
This pattern of results was replicated for the delayed posttest (see Figure 2). The
ANOVA yielded a significant model, F(2, 54) = 5.80, MSe = .219, partial eta-square
= .177, p = .005. Learning gains for Guru (M = .178, SD = .547) and human tutoring
(M = .203, SD = .396) were equivalent (p = .860) and significantly greater (p < .01)
than the no-tutoring classroom control (M = -.178, SD = .203). The Guru vs. class-
room effect size was 0.75 sigma, the human vs. classroom effect size was 0.97 sigma.
260 A.M. Olney et al.

Paired samples t-tests indicated that learning gains on the delayed posttests were
significantly lower (p < .05) than gains on the immediate posttests for all three condi-
tions, which was expected. There was considerable learning on the delayed posttests
for the Guru and human conditions, but not the classroom condition: one-sample t-
tests indicated that proportional learning gains on the delayed posttests for Guru and
human tutoring was significantly greater than 0 (zero is indicative of no learning) but
was significantly less than zero for the classroom condition.

Proportional Learning Gains

0.4 Human



Immediate Delayed

-0.2 Posttest
Fig. 2. Proportional learning gains

5 General Discussion

These results suggest that Guru is as effective as novice tutors and more effective than
classroom instruction only. More importantly, the benefits of tutoring continue after a
delay of one to two weeks. Although no differences between Guru and the human
tutors were found, there were some limitations to this comparison. First, the human
tutors were not able to work one-on-one with 32 students, and so they worked with
two to four students simultaneously whereas students worked with Guru individually.
However, prior work suggests that the group size may not have detracted from the
human tutor condition: Bloom’s 2 sigma effect was achieved with groups of 1-3 [6].
Another limitation is that the present human tutors do not meet the same criteria of
expertise as the expert tutors on which Guru is modeled, e.g. licensed teachers with
considerable tutoring experience (see [11]). Thus the lack of difference between Guru
and human tutoring does not clarify Guru’s effectiveness vis-à-vis expert human
tutors. The .79 effect size for human tutoring reported by VanLehn [5] is highly
comparable to the effect size of both Guru and human tutors in the present study, so it
is unclear whether an expert tutor under these same conditions would generate
Guru: A Computer Tutor That Models Expert Human Tutors 261

significantly greater learning gains. Nonetheless, we are very encouraged by these

findings and have preliminary evidence of Guru’s efficacy.

Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation

(NSF) (HCC 0834847 and DRL 1108845) and Institute of Education Sciences (IES),
U.S. Department of Education (DoE), through Grant R305A080594. Any opinions,
findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF, IES, or DoE.

1. Graesser, A.C., Lu, S.L., Jackson, G., Mitchell, H., Ventura, M., Olney, A.: AutoTutor: A
tutor with dialogue in natural language. Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments, and
Computers 36, 180–193 (2004)
2. VanLehn, K., Jordan, P.W., Penstein Rosé, C., Bhembe, D., Böttner, M., Gaydos, A., Ma-
katchev, M., Pappuswamy, U., Ringenberg, M.A., Roque, A.C., Siler, S., Srivastava, R.:
The Architecture of Why2-Atlas: A Coach for Qualitative Physics Essay Writing. In: Cer-
ri, S.A., Gouardéres, G., Paraguaçu, F. (eds.) ITS 2002. LNCS, vol. 2363, pp. 158–167.
Springer, Heidelberg (2002)
3. Person, N.K., Lehman, B., Ozbun, R.: Pedagogical and Motivational Dialogue Moves
Used by Expert Tutors. In: 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse,
Glasgow, Scotland (2007)
4. D’Mello, S.K., Olney, A.M., Person, N.K.: Mining collaborative patterns in tutorial dialo-
gues. Journal of Educational Data Mining 2(1), 1–37 (2010)
5. VanLehn, K.: The relative effectiveness of human tutoring, intelligent tutoring systems,
and other tutoring systems. Educational Psychologist 46(4), 197–221 (2011)
6. Bloom, B.: The 2 sigma problem: The search for methods of group instruction as effective
as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Researcher 13(6), 4–16 (1984)
7. D’Mello, S., Hays, P., Williams, C., Cade, W., Brown, J., Olney, A.: Collaborative Lectur-
ing by Human and Computer Tutors. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010.
LNCS, vol. 6095, pp. 178–187. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
8. Olney, A.M., Cade, W.L., Williams, C.: Generating Concept Map Exercises from Text-
books. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building
Educational Applications, pp. 111–119. Association for Computational Linguistics, Port-
land (2011)
9. Olney, A.M.: GnuTutor: An Open Source Intelligent Tutoring System Based on AutoTu-
tor. In: Proceeding of 2009 AAAI Fall Symposium on Cognitive and Metacognitive Edu-
cational Systems, pp. 70–75. AAAI Press (2009)
10. Rasor, T., Olney, A.M., D’Mello, S.K.: Student Speech Act Classification Using Machine
Learning. In: McCarthy, P.M., Murray, C. (eds.) Proceedings of 24rd Florida Artificial In-
telligence Research Society Conference, pp. 275–280. AAAI Press, Menlo Park (2011)
11. Olney, A.M., Graesser, A.C., Person, N.K.: Tutorial Dialog in Natural Language. In:
Nkambou, R., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Sys-
tems. SCI, vol. 308, pp. 181–206. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
Developing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent
with and for Young People with Autism
Spectrum Disorder

Beate Grawemeyer1, Hilary Johnson1,

Mark Brosnan2, Emma Ashwin2, and Laura Benton1
Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Department of Psychology, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Abstract. This paper describes how we developed an embodied pedagogical

agent (EPA) with and for young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
ASD is characterised by impairments in social communication, imagination,
and perspective-taking, which can compromise design and collaboration. How-
ever, if an ASD preference for visual processing can be supported by providing
images of design ideas as they develop, these difficulties may be overcome. We
describe a methodology that successfully supports the visualisation and devel-
opment of EPAs using our prototype visualisation tool (EPA DK), enabling
ASD users to function as active design participants.

Keywords: Embodied Pedagogical Agent, participatory design, autism spec-

trum disorder.

1 Introduction
Our aim is to include young people with ASD in the design and development process
of educational software. To achieve this, particular impairments that are associated
with ASD, including social communication, creativity, imagination, and perspective
taking, need to be overcome. However, there can be enhanced visual processing abili-
ties. It may be possible to support these preferences for visual material to allow young
people with ASD to contribute effectively to design and collaboration processes by
visually supporting the externalisation of ideas.
We have developed an intelligent tutoring system for mathematics, which includes
an educational pedagogical agent (EPA). The benefits of EPAs have been widely
documented. They can enhance motivation, understanding and attitudes in learners
(e.g. [3, 5, 7]). However, this research was based upon a typically developing popula-
tion and may not be generalised to users with ASD, given their social communication
deficits. Therefore this paper outlines the process whereby a pedagogical agent was
designed and developed with and for young people with ASD. We offer a contribu-
tion to methodology in this area: a simple tool which enables us to visualise, develop,
and code EPAs dynamically, on-the-fly, in design sessions with the active participa-
tion of young people with ASD.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 262–267, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Developing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent with and for Young People 263

2 EPA Development Kit (EPA DK)

Yamamoto & Nakakoji [10] state that a design process involves the externalisation of
partial solutions to a problem (for example, sketching an idea), which will be con-
stantly revised in order to gain a better understanding of the problem, whilst aiming at
a solution. Thus, a key issue is how do we develop appropriate means of supporting
externalisation for ASD users.
A computer system can be seen as a tool able to define a user’s externalisation
space and the ways in which the user can interact with it [9]. Different types of soft-
ware models and tools have been developed that are able to support ideas generation
and collaboration. As described in [8] the success of such tools may depend upon
their use. The tools encourage the externalisation of ideas as well as the manipulation
and / or management of external representations.
For individuals with ASD, an effective tool for idea generation and integration
needs to provide an externalisation space that is narrowed down and restricted to what
is currently relevant in the design process, but still allows enough space for the inte-
gration and refinement of ideas. Current tools are unable to provide such an externali-
sation space as they are too generic. Thus, our EPA development toolkit (EPA DK)
supports the process of both developing and visualising EPAs. The tool specifically
supports the process of externalising and refining ideas, by transforming EPA
sketches into a functional prototype directly, on-the-fly. It also provides a means of
demonstrating different layout and EPA feedback / interaction options; and of chang-
ing an EPA’s appearance using different media, such as screen printouts, and / or a
software drawing package.
In order to investigate how the ASD preference for visual processing can be used
to overcome difficulties in imagination and social communication, we applied the
EPA DK tool in our system design and development process.

3 EPA Design and Development Process

The design process adopted Druin’s [4] and Guha’s et al. [6] work. It includes a three-
stage participatory design process of individual idea generation, mixing of ideas, and
integration into a ‘big idea’. We complement this with on-the-fly rapid prototyping
facilitated by EPA DK in the design and development sessions.

3.1 Study Aims

In order to involve young people with ASD as active participants, the study investi-
gated whether difficulties in imagination [2], social communication and collaboration
[1], could be overcome by supporting the externalisation of ideas to help make things
concrete and also by providing a foundation for visually processing ideas of others.

3.2 Design Teams

For our design sessions, six high-functioning young people with ASD (all male, 11-15
of age) were divided into two groups. Each session included three young people with
264 B. Grawemeyer et al.

ASD; a specialist ASD teaching assistant; and three researchers, who took different
roles, including facilitator, designer, and note-taking observer. The studies took place
at the school to provide an environment that was familiar to participants.

3.3 Procedure
Idea Generation and Mixing of Individual Ideas. Participants in each design group
were asked to individually design an EPA for a mathematics tutor using different
coloured pens, pencils, and blank A4 paper sheets. Participants were instructed that
the role of the character was to encourage the student to perform certain exercises and
would give feedback on answers. Further, the character’s appearance and interaction
could be decided by the participants, including its different emotional responses.
At the end of the individual idea session, participants were asked to explain each
idea to other group members. This was followed by combining the individual ideas
into one group idea, together with a drawing of this group idea on paper.

Big Idea. The next part of the EPA design process involved combining the two group
ideas into a ‘big EPA idea’. Here, all six participants were instructed to generate a
‘big and even better’ EPA design idea. A group spokesperson explained his group’s
idea to members of the other group, while a researcher noted the main features of the
EPA design on a whiteboard. A mark was placed on features that were particularly
liked by participants from the other group. Participants then decided on a ‘big EPA
idea’ that conjoined the ‘best’ and ‘most liked’ features of the two group designs.
This was followed by building the EPA idea using art materials.

EPA DK. All six participants were involved in a day-long prototyping session, where
the EPA design was further refined using the EPA DK. The session was divided into
three phases. The externalisation space given to participants was specifically tailored
to particular design tasks, which changed and built up across the three phases.
The first phase demonstrated an idea using EPA DK, looking at the effect of trans-
ferring an idea into a concrete prototype, including different interaction options. Par-
ticipants’ feedback was used to change the prototype on-the-fly, with the resultant
EPA prototype including only preferred EPA responses. The externalisation space
was narrowed down to the specific idea, which placed the idea into its relevant con-
text (an EPA prototype) and allowed its visual exploration.
The second phase investigated how the process of refining an existing idea could
be visually supported. An electronic version of an EPA idea was given to participants
that showed an external representation of an idea that could be refined. Participants
were asked to change the EPA as they preferred, and the resulting image was then
uploaded into EPA DK.
In the third phase, screen printouts of the EPA prototype were given to partici-
pants, as a medium where new ideas could be integrated. Participants were asked to
externalise ideas for the verbal feedback a character could give for a positive and
negative response to maths questions. The screen printouts showed the existing EPA
idea with empty speech bubbles, in order to encourage participants to externalise
ideas about the EPA’s feedback.
Developing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent with and for Young People 265

4 Results

4.1 Idea Generation and Mixing of Individual Ideas

Participants in both groups were able to generate individual ideas that were then com-
bined and mixed into a group idea. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the EPA ideas
from the individual to the group ideas (shown in bold frames). One participant in the
second group was unable to attend this session, hence only 2 individual ideas are
shown in the second group.

Fig. 1. Examples of participants’ EPA ideas and combined group ideas (bold frame)

The first group decided on a car, where you could see two characters from the
back. Instead of showing emotions through facial expressions, the characters (shown
from the back) would have a conversation about the student’s progress on learning
The idea of the second group included a ‘pac man’ character, which would dance,
smile and jump when getting answers right. Emotions were expressed through the
character changing colour: for example, yellow to express happiness, blue for sad-
ness, or orange for pride.

4.2 Big Idea

The groups met to discuss the ‘big EPA idea’. It was decided amongst participants
that the EPA design should include characters that were sitting in a car. The charac-
ters would change colour to express emotions. Using art materials, participants then
undertook different roles in building certain parts of the big idea. However, partici-
pants focussed on their original individual ideas from the previous sessions without
actually integrating them: instead of building an EPA design based on a combination
of their group ideas, participants referred back to their own individual ideas.

4.3 EPA DK
In this session the EPA DK tool was used to both visualise and develop the EPA idea.
As a basis, we used the central idea from the ‘big EPA ideas’ session - the car design
- with two characters sitting in the front seats, from a back-seat passenger’s perspec-
tive. The EPA prototype was shown to participants and different feedback options and
interaction styles were demonstrated. Participants expressed preferred and non-
preferred feedback / interaction options. Non-preferred options were removed directly
on-the-fly during design session.
266 B. Grawemeyer et al.

Participants were then asked to refine the EPA design according to their wishes,
providing an electronic version of the external representation of the EPA shown in the
prototype. The refined design was then included within the EPA prototype and dem-
onstrated to participants.
Participants were finally asked to develop ideas for the character’s verbal interac-
tion using screen printouts showing an EPA design. Figure 2 shows examples of par-
ticipants’ ideas for the character’s responses. Interestingly, in contrast to the study
described above (Section 4.2), participants were not only able to externalise and inte-
grate new ideas, but to integrate their individual EPA idea from previous sessions.

Fig. 2. Examples of participants’ ideas for verbal agent interaction

5 Discussion

Contrary to impairments in autism in imagination [2], participants were able to ex-

press and externalise their individual ideas for an EPA and to mix their individual
ideas within a small group. We need to investigate further whether participants were
able to mix their individual ideas within the smaller groups based on the ability to
look at the other participant’s drawings. Transforming an EPA idea into a concrete
prototype enabled participants to visually explore different designs. By narrowing
down the externalisation space, participants were able to visualise an idea (which
might be someone else’s idea).
The ‘big ideas’ session showed that when participants were asked to externalise
and build an idea that was based on a combination of both group ideas, they reverted
back to their individual ideas. This result supports the theories of autism outlining
difficulties in social communication and collaboration [1]. However, these problems
may be overcome if the externalisation space restricts participants to a specific col-
laborative issue or provides opportunities for adding further detail collaboratively.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

It is important to include users in the design of software, especially if the software is

targeted at a special needs user group.
ASD is associated with social communication difficulties and imagination deficits,
which may relate to problems in imagining the ideas of other participants. Those
Developing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent with and for Young People 267

difficulties can be overcome by using our computerized tool (EPA DK), which allows
participants to view and experience different design ideas.
The next stage in the research agenda is to evaluate our intelligent tutoring system.
This will include an assessment of the effectiveness, for engagement, motivation and
learning, of the EPA design, created with and for young people with ASD.

Acknowledgements. We are especially grateful to the participants who willingly

gave their time, and to their parents who gave consent for their children to take part in
this study. The authors gratefully acknowledge Brislington Enterprise College (BEC)
in Bristol (especially the ASD unit). The support of the Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, EP/G031975/1) is also gratefully acknowledged.

1. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
4th edn. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., Arlington (2000)
2. Craig, J., Baron-Cohen, S.: Creativity and imagination in autism and Asperger syndrom.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 29(4), 319–326 (1999)
3. Dehn, D.M., van Mulken, S.: The impact of animated interface agents: a review of empiri-
cal research. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies 52, 1–22 (2000)
4. Druin, A.: Cooperative Inquiry: Developing New Technologies for Children with Child-
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5. Girard, S., Johnson, H.: What Do Children Favor as Embodied Pedagogical Agents? In:
Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 307–316. Springer,
Heidelberg (2010)
6. Guha, M.L., Druin, A., Chipman, G., Fails, J.A., Simms, S., Farber, A.: Mixing Ideas: A
New Technique for Working with Young Children as Design Partners. In: Proc. IDC 2004,
pp. 35–42. ACM Press (2004)
7. Gulz, A.: Benefits of Virtual Characters in Computer Based Learning Environments:
Claims and Evidence. Int. J. Artif. Intell. Ed. 14(3), 313–334 (2004)
8. Johnson, H., Carruthers, L.: Supporting creative and reflective processes. Int. J. Human-
Computer Studies 64, 998–1030 (2006)
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10. Yamamoto, Y., Nakakoji, K.: Interaction design of tools for fostering creativity in the
early stages of information design. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies 63, 513–535 (2005)
WEBsistments: Enabling an Intelligent Tutoring System
to Excel at Explaining Rather Than Coaching

Yue Gong, Joseph E. Beck, and Neil T. Heffernan

Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA, 01609, USA

Abstract. Most step-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are well suited
for providing problem solving practice, and are well-tailored to help students
solve specific items. Consequently, many ITS typically fail to perform as strong
media for conveying conceptual and procedural instruction, rather than
coaching. In order to overcome this deficiency, we leverage existing web-based
resources, as many existing resources are well-designed for providing
instruction. By combining external web pages with the ASSISTments tutoring
system, we have created a stronger intervention that we have dubbed
WEBsistments. A preliminary study found that students who were wrong on a
problem and received a web page as assistance, improved more, relative to
students who did not see a web page. In addition, our results suggest that
weaker students seem to benefit more from using web pages as extra help.

Keywords: WEBsistments, Web-based Resources, Conceptual Instruction.

1 Introduction

After their first emergence over two decades ago, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
have attracted researchers from a variety of disciplines. Many research studies have
been showing that ITSs resulted in substantial successes in improving student learning
in different domains, such as mathematics [1], physics [2], and reading [3]. These
systems’ two major advantage over traditional classroom practicing is that students
can get immediate feedback on correctness, and the ability to request help [4].
A common type of ITS is step-based [5]. Once a student enters a step, the tutor can
provide feedback or help. Following this architecture, many ITS were designed to
help students solve problems step by step. They generally provide several different
forms of help, such as worked examples, hint messages and scaffolding questions
(e.g. [1, 2]). Such assistance, independent of the many forms it takes on, is tactical
with the goal of directing students to the solution for this problem. Thus the systems
are well suited for coaching students. On the other hand, we notice that due to such
design, the systems lack the ability to perform as a strong medium for conveying
instruction for students who lack the background knowledge to benefit from coaching.
We seek to address this problem of low-knowledge students not by authoring new

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 268–273, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
WEBsistments: Enabling an Intelligent Tutoring System to Excel 269

content, but by instead utilizing web-based resources which are already on the
Internet. There are three reasons we see a benefit from this integration.
First, ITS are effective in assisting students with problem-solving practice. Web-
based resources, however, are often not designed for a specific problem, but rather
illustrate concepts, introduce vocabulary, and explain procedural solutions of a skill at
a more general level. Including such material extends the repertoire of instruction that
an ITS can deliver to students.
Second, web-based resources cheaply extend the range of media available for
tutoring. Traditionally, for reasons of cost and expertise, much assistance in an ITS is
text-based. Web-based resources are able to convey knowledge in a variety of
modalities such as videos of a human teaching the skill that serve as a human tutor
within a computer tutor, or animations that allow students to manipulate some
components in order to teach students interactively. Intuitively, these new features
could possibly help students learn by broadening the types of interactions.
Third, there are lots of good educational resources on Internet already. Rather than
spending effort to create such resources, it is more cost effective to search for existing
content, select content that appears to be effective, and integrate it into the ITS.
It appears that computer tutors and web-based recourses each address one aspect of
education: coaching on problem-solving and general instruction, respectively.
However, neither of them alone offers a complete solution. Towards the goal of
finding an efficient means of constructing an intervention that covers both aspects of
education, this paper presents our early-stage effort of combining web pages with
ASSISTments: WEBsistments.

2 Methodology

The ASSISTments (www.assistments.org) system is a web-based tutor, primarily

used for middle school mathematics by tens of thousands of students. Its standard
method of instruction is to provide hints to help the student solve the problem, or
scaffolding, which breaks the problem down into smaller steps. We enhanced its
functionality to enable it to provide a button “Show me a web page,” which allows
students to request a web page while solving a problem.
Students are allowed to request a web page in any stage of problem-solving, even
before their first attempts. When a student clicks the request button, WEBsistments
displays a web page associated with the skill tested by the problem. When there are
multiple skills required in a problem, the web pages associated with the most
advanced skill will be used to select a web page. A student cannot ask for multiple
web pages while solving a problem, but he can use original assistance (hints and
scaffolding) for the problem. WEBsistments collects information, such as how long
the student spent on a web page, his next immediate action after seeing a web page
was, whether he got the question correct right after seeing a web page, etc.
In the 2011-2012 version of WEBsistments, web resources were selected by two
Worcester Polytechnic Institute undergraduates and a few volunteer middle school
Math teachers. They ensured that each of the 147 Math skills that ASSISTments
270 Y. Gong, J.E. Beck, and N.T. Heffernan

tracks had 2-5 web pages that provide instruction on the skill. Then they tagged those
web pages with the skill, indicating that the web page is relevant to that skill. Most
problems in ASSISTments have already been tagged with one (or more) of 147 skills
by domain experts. Therefore, through the skill mapping, there is a connection
established between a problem and a set of relevant webpages. Since this is our first
implementation of WEBsistments, we do not have a basis to prefer any page that has
passed our screening process. Therefore, when deciding which web page to show,
WEBsistments uses random selection.
WEBsistments has been used by 1121 8th grade (approximately 13 years old)
students since July 2011. Since not all students chose to see a web page, we had to
decide upon a comparison group, and selected students who were classmates of those
who did request web pages. We also restricted our comparison set to those problems
on which a student requested a web page, and only considered cases where students
made an incorrect response. As a result of these restrictions, our data set consists of
9,983 problems solved by the students. The Web group includes cases where the
student requested a web page (1104 problems); the No-web group includes the cases
where students did not request a web page (8879 problems). Note that a student can
be a member of both groups, if, for example, he requested a web page in one instance
but decided not to in another.

3 Results

Each instance in our data set represents a student’s wrong response to an initial
problem, which we denote as P1. We then measure the student’s performance on the
next item using the same skill; we denote this problem as P2. To measure the learning
gain, rather than just taking the difference of P2 – P1, we instead normalize the result
by the population’s average performance on each item. If P2 is extremely easy, we
should give not treat that as strong evidence of learning relative to a student getting a
difficult question correct. In addition, we also considered the easiness of P1. This is
because it tells whether one group has lower incoming knowledge than the other, as
they may fail to respond to P1 correctly even if P1 was an easier problem. Therefore,
we used the percent correctness of a problem across the entire population of
ASSISTments students within the 2011-2012 school year to represent its easiness.
We used a performance score, shown in Equation 1, to represent how well a
student performed in a problem. Correctnessi,j is a binary value, 1 representing a
correct response of student i to problem j and 0 representing incorrect. Problem
easiness also ranges from 0 to 1 and a higher value means an easier problem. A
performance score credits a student more when he successfully solves a harder
problem, while punishes a student more when he fails an easier problem. Using
performance scores, we calculated a gain score of a student between P2 and P1 by
subtracting performance scorep1 from performance score p2. We then calculated a gain
score for each of the instances in the web and no-web groups.
performance score (i students, j problems) = correctnessi,j – easinessj. (1)
WEBsistments: Enabling an Intelligent Tutoring System to Excel 271

3.1 Overall Trend from Web Pages

In this section, we present our preliminary analyses of the data, aiming to examine
whether there are any trends suggesting the effectiveness of web pages.

Table 1. Comparisons of the mean gain scores between the web and no-web groups
Web group No-web group
Mean 95% C.I. N Mean 95% CI N
Overall 0.50 0.49 - 0.51 1104 0.40 0.39 - 0.40 8879
No Bottom-out 0.60 0.58 - 0.62 518 0.49 0.48 - 0.49 5336
Bottom-out 0.41 0.39 - 0.43 586 0.26 0.25 - 0.27 3543

Table 1 compares the statistics of the gain scores of the two groups. First, we
observed that there were fewer cases, 1104, where students requested web page
resources. In most cases, students still only sought for the traditional assistances of the
tutor when they were stuck in the problems as there are three times as many (3543)
cases where students solely used bottom-out hints. This result possibly suggests that
the students preferred receiving the answer to learning, and raises issues of whether
the group requesting web pages differs in desire to learn.
Second, we found that the mean gain score of the web group is 0.1 higher the no-
web group, and the 95% confidence intervals have no overlap in values, indicating
that the means are different at a significance level of 0.05. This result suggests that
overall students who saw a web page learned more.
In addition, we extended our study to examine how web pages work for students
with different proficiencies in Math. We included a new factor, “bottom-out hint” and
used that to indicate a student’s proficiency. A bottom-out hint is presented as the last
message in a sequence of hints for a problem, in which the answer to the problem is
explicitly given. Due to its functionally, in the ITS research field, requesting a
bottom-out hint presumably suggests that the student is weaker so as to need more
help. We present the statistics of the two-way factorial in the last two rows of Table 1.
The four means are corresponding to the factorial combinations of the use of web
pages and the use of bottom-out hints. Consistent to the overall effects, at the factor
level of “bottom-out”, in its two levels, each mean of the web group is higher than
that of the no-web group. It suggests that web page support is generally helpful for
both stronger and weaker students.
We found that the impact of using web page resources may be more effective for
those who request bottom-out-hints. The difference between the means of the two sub
groups is 0.15 (i.e. 0.41-0.26 = 0.15), somewhat larger than the overall effect. Perhaps
weaker students benefited more from getting extra web-based instruction? Moreover,
the average gain for bottom-out-hints without web page support is just 0.26,
suggesting that hint messages are a relatively slow means of instruction.

3.2 Modeling Effects of Web Pages

There are two issues which potentially impact the results of the previous statistical
analyses. First, we did not consider whether the student saw a web page in P2.
272 Y. Gong, J.E. Beck, and N.T. Heffernan

Consider an example where a student does not request a web page in P1, requests a
page in P2 before responding, and as a result of the page gets P2 correct. This student
would show learning from P1 to P2, and the no-web group would benefit since the
student saw no web page on P1. Second, students certainly vary in their mathematics
proficiency, which our first comparison did not account for.
To address these issues, we trained a model that considered multiple relevant
factors simultaneously. For each instance, we used a binary value to indicate whether
the student has seen a web page in P1 and in P2. We used how many correct responses
and incorrect responses have been produced by the student for the required skill to
represent student proficiency. These two variables are used in the PFA model [6] and
have been shown to effectively represent student proficiency [7].

Table 2. The logistic regression model of impacts on correctness of P2

Independent variables β
Saw a web page in P1 0.393
Saw a web page in P2 -1.693
Problem easiness of P1 -0.983
Problem easiness of P2 4.808
Number of prior corrects on the skill 0.010
Number of prior incorrects on the skill -0.023
Reached the bottom-out hint in P1 -0.635
Intercept -1.992

Table 2 shows the result of the multinomial logistic regression run in SPSS to
create a model to predict the correctness of P2. The regression model generated
r2=0.17, and all of the independent variables are reliable at p<0.05. Observing the
coefficient value of “Saw a web page in P1”, 0.393, we found that the model suggests
the same trend as our prior statistical analyses. Considering the effects of all the
relevant factors together, the model still acknowledges the positive effect of seeing a
web page on helping students respond correctly to the next problem.

4 Contributions, Future Work, and Conclusions

This paper discusses a common issue across many ITSs (e.g.[1, 2, 3]): most step-
based Intelligent Tutoring Systems focus predominantly on problem-solving.
However, in order for students to benefit from problem-solving practice, sufficient
declarative knowledge is essential [8], but ITS generally leave this task to teachers.
We proposed and have pilot tested a solution to the problem: using web page
resources on Internet as a complementary medium. We built WEBsistments to
enhance an ITS to have the best of both worlds of coaching and instruction. We have
found a promising trend of the effectiveness of this solution. This solution could be
easily applied for most computer tutors, and is a low-cost option for ITS designers.
There are steps that could make WEBsistments better. First, students appear
reluctant to request instruction; perhaps a tutorial policy that is proactive for students
the tutor observes struggling to master the material would make sense? Our current
on-demand policy could also cause a selection bias of students, and is certainly a
WEBsistments: Enabling an Intelligent Tutoring System to Excel 273

potential confound in our result, as instances in the web group are likely to be those
done by motivated students who may be more eager to learn. However, the statistical
model accounts for some of these individual differences. Second, a more intelligent
method of selecting web pages is desired as it is likely that some web pages are more
effective than others. In addition, individualizing web page recommendations is an
interesting possibility. To prompt more learning and provide a web page to ensure
that the most, a student’s individual context could be considered as well. Possibly,
student modeling and WEBsistments can make a strong join for this purpose.
In this paper, we presented our work, WEBsistments, to enhance a computer tutor
to not only provide problem-solving practice, but also convey conceptual instruction
to students. We conducted a pilot study to examine our hypothesis that students could
learn more due to having this new form of assistance. Our results suggested that when
web-based resources were used to help students in their problem-solving, it results in
more gains in their performances in next problems. In a model where more factors
were considered simultaneously, we also confirmed the positive effect of web pages.
Moreover, bottom-out-hinting students, or weaker students in typical beliefs, seem to
benefit more from receiving web-based resources as extra help.

1. Razzaq, L., Feng, M., Nuzzo-Jones, G., Heffernan, N.T., Koedinger, K.R., Junker, B., et al.:
The Assistment project: Blending assessment and assisting. In: Looi, C.K., McCalla, G.,
Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th Artificial Intelligence in Education,
pp. 555–562. ISO Press, Amsterdam (2005)
2. Vanlehn, K., Lynch, C., Schultz, K., Shapiro, J.A., Shelby, R.H., Taylor, L., et al.: The
Andesphysics tutoring system: Lessons learned. International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education 15(3), 147–204 (2005)
3. Mostow, J., Aist, G.: Evaluating tutors that listen: An overview of Project LISTEN. In:
Forbus, K., Feltovich, P. (eds.) Smart Machines in Education, pp. 169–234. MIT/AAAI
Press (2001)
4. Mendicino, M., Razzaq, L., Heffernan, N.T.: A Comparison of Traditional Homework with
Computer Supported Homework: Improving Learning from Homework Using Intelligent
Tutoring Systems. Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) 41(3), 331–358
5. VanLehn, K.: The Behavior of Tutoring Systems. International Journal AI in
Education 16(3), 227–265 (2006)
6. Pavlik, P.I., Cen, H., Koedinger, K.: Performance Factors Analysis - A New Alternative to
Knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in Education, Brighton, UK, pp. 531–538 (2009)
7. Gong, Y., Beck, J.: Items, Skills, and Transfer Models: Which Really Matters for Student
Modeling? In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining,
pp. 81–90 (2011)
8. Anderson, J.R.: Rules of the Mind. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale (1993)
Automated Approaches for Detecting
Integration in Student Essays

Simon Hughes1, , Peter Hastings1 , Joe Magliano2 ,

Susan Goldman3 , and Kimberly Lawless3
DePaul University
Northern Illinois University
University of Illinois Chicago

Abstract. Integrating information across multiple sources is an impor-

tant literacy skill, yet there has been little research into automated meth-
ods for measuring integration in written text. This study investigated the
efficacy of three different algorithms at classifying student essays accord-
ing to an expert model of the essay topic which categorized statements
by argument function, including claims and integration. A novel classifi-
cation algorithm is presented which uses multi-word regular expressions.
Its performance is compared to that of Latent Semantic Analysis and
several variants of the Support Vector Machine algorithm at the same
classification task. One variant of the SVM approach worked best overall,
but another proved more successful at detecting integration within and
across texts. This research has important implications for systems that
can gauge the level of integration in written essays.

Keywords: support vector machines, latent semantic analysis, multi-

word regular expressions, integration, document classification.

1 Introduction
Researchers and teachers have recognized that a fundamental challenge for ed-
ucation is teaching students to be able to read with deep understanding. To
thrive in society students need to learn how to select and evaluate multiple
sources of information, make connections across sources (even when information
is contradictory) and to apply what they discover to achieve their goals. These
critical skills of reasoning within and across texts have been included in the U.S.
Common Core Standards of education (http://www.corestandards.org/in-the-
Methods for teaching these skills will require the use of open-ended tasks
like writing integrative essays. Previous work has explored the use of automated

The project described in this article is funded, in part, by the Institute for Ed-
ucation Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (Grant R305G050091 and Grant
R305F100007). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not repre-
sent views of the Institute or the U.S. Dept of Education. Correspondence may be
sent to Peter Hastings, DePaul Univ. CDM, 243 S. Wabash, Chicago IL 60604, USA.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 274–279, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Automated Approaches for Detecting Integration in Student Essays 275

analysis of essays [1, for example], but mostly this has focused on summaries
or analyses of single texts. Our overall goal is to teach students how to read
and understand texts more deeply by having them write summaries that com-
bine ideas from multiple texts. This poses two major challenges for automated
essay analysis. The first is the semantic overlap of the texts. Some amount of
overlap is necessary to help them make inferences. Yet this is problematic for
automated techniques, particularly those that rely on word occurrences rather
than text structure. The second challenge is cross-text inferences. Although a
key goal of this project is to teach students to make such inferences, the broad
variety of connections that students construct can make them harder to detect
by automatic mechanisms. This paper analyses three different mechanisms that
can be used as the evaluation component in a system to assist students to learn
to integrate material across texts.

2 Document Classification Algorithms

2.1 Latent Semantic Analysis
Document classification techniques fall into two areas, ‘bag-of-words’ approaches
which ignore word order, and order sensitive methods. This study investigates
two bag of word approaches, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Support Vec-
tor Machines (SVM’s), and multi-word, which is order sensitive. LSA was ini-
tially developed as an Information Retrieval system, but was later found to
closely model human lexical acquisition in a number of ways [8]. It creates a
term-document co-occurrence matrix where each cell is weighted for the fre-
quency of the term in the document relative to the entire corpus [6]. Then sin-
gular value decomposition re-orients the data axes, ranked by their correlation
with the data. The top K dimensions (typically 300–400) are used to compare
texts. LSA has been used for text classification in applications such as comparing
student answers to expected answers in an ITS [3] and grading student essays [2,
for example]. For text classification, a threshold cosine value is chosen to achieve
the best correlation with human similarity judgments.

2.2 Support Vector Machines

SVM’s were introduced as a binary classifier for classifying non-linearly separable
classes. An SVM creates one or more hyperplanes in higher-dimensional space
that allow linear separation of the data points into separate classes by selecting
the hyperplane with the largest margin of separation. This minimizes generaliza-
tion error. Multiclass SVM’s have subsequently been developed [5]. SVM’s have
been successful at tackling a wide range of regression and classification prob-
lems, including text classification [11, for example]. Several authors have tried
to improve SVM classification performance by combining them with techniques
that take into account word order, with mixed results [11, for example].
276 S. Hughes et al.

2.3 Multi-Word
Ignoring word order when classifying text ignores useful semantic information,
motivating research into the multi-word approach. There are 2 main variants, a
syntactic and an n-gram approach. The syntactic technique extracts re-occurring
phrases consisting only of nouns, adjectives and propositions that follow a par-
ticular syntactic structure [7,11]. The n-gram approach looks for the occurrence
of any n-word phrase with a frequency above a threshold [10]. The extracted
phrases are then typically used as features for some other classification approach,
such as an SVM [11], or to enhance queries used to classify documents [10]. The
approach has proven successful in a number of empirical studies [10,11] .

3 Methodology
3.1 Data
In 2008 and 2009, students from grades 5–8 in two large urban public schools
were asked to read three short articles (around 30 sentences each) about Chicago
history, and then write essays about population growth in Chicago. 365 essays
were written. The articles were created to be complementary, with minimal se-
mantic overlap. One article covered “push” factors driving people to the city,
another detailed “pull” factors pulling people to Chicago. The third described
how advances in transportation enabled this migration. An integrated model was
created to represent the conceptual content of the articles and likely connec-
tions that students might make between and within the articles, and between
the articles and the overall question about population growth in Chicago. The
conceptual content was hierarchically structured in the model into high-level
claims, intermediate evidence supporting the claims, and low-level details about
the evidence. Human annotators coded the correspondence between the student
sentences and both the sentences of the articles and the (37) nodes of the inte-
grated model. The inter-rater reliability for the two coders was 85%.

3.2 Metrics
Three metrics were used to measure classification performance across the differ-
ent approaches, recall, precision and F1 score, as described in [6, p. 578]. Recall
measures false negatives, and thus Type II errors, while precision measures the
number of false positives, and thus Type I errors. Typically, as recall increases,
precision decreases and vice versa. A combined measure is commonly used to
evaluate performance, the F measure, using a coefficient β to adjust the weight-
ing of recall to precision [6, p. 578]. To evaluate the classification performance
of each approach, we performed ten-fold cross-validation [9, p. 112].

3.3 LSA
We previously used LSA to identify how many sources the students were referring
to [4]. We used the lsa.colorado.edu site to compare student sentences with the
Automated Approaches for Detecting Integration in Student Essays 277

sentences of the articles. A more important goal was to determine how well
the students covered the concepts in the integrated model. To do this, we used
the correspondences which were specified in the model between the nodes and
the article sentences. Many of the nodes had multiple associated sentences, and
many sentences had multiple associated nodes. The 7 “linking” nodes reflected
an inference between part of an article to part of another article, or to the
overall claim of the essay, and so had no corresponding article sentences. If the
LSA cosine between a student’s sentence and an article sentence was above a
threshold that we determined, the sentence was assigned the code(s) of the model
node(s) associated with that sentence. We tested thresholds from 0.4 to 0.8, by
0.05 increments, and found a value of 0.7 had the highest overall F1 score.

3.4 SVM
In prior work, we compared the performance of an SVM to a manual pattern
matcher and LSA, and found that the patterns outperformed the SVM [4]. In
that study, we used the multiclass SVM to choose the single most likely class for
each test example. But many of our example sentences were assigned multiple
codes resulting in these sentences appearing in the dataset multiple times, once
for each code. This meant that at most one of these multi-code sentences could
be coded correctly by the SVM, thereby limiting the overall performance.
In the current study, we evaluated two methods to overcome this. First we
used an SVM binary classifier. For each of the 37 classes, a sentence was marked
as a positive instance only if that class was in the set of codes assigned by
the human raters. The sentences were represented by a tf idf weighted vector,
as with LSA. We trained a different classifier for each code. The second SVM
approach used the multiclass method, but in a different way. As well as the
“best” prediction for each example, SVMlight gives a weight for each class. We
established a threshold, and used it to assign (potentially) multiple classes to
each example. To avoid bias in the choice of threshold, we calculated the average
number of codes per sentence, then selected a threshold which would produce
the same number. The threshold also depends on the C parameter (margin)
that the SVM model was trained with, so we repeated the process for a range
of C values. The best performance was achieved with a C value of 1000 and a
threshold of 0.19. This method is marked as “SVM threshold” in the results.

3.5 Multiword
The multi-word approach used is closest to the n-gram approach and is a binary
classifier. The algorithm extracts re-occurring expressions (one or more words
long), as described in [10], and iteratively constructs a regular expression to clas-
sify each category. For each category, all multi-word phrases were extracted and
converted into regular expressions. The category’s Fβ score was then computed
for each expression. The expression with the highest Fβ score was removed along
with all sentences matching the expression. This process was then repeated, and
a composite regular expression was built iteratively by combining the highest
278 S. Hughes et al.

scoring expressions using the ‘or’ operator. Its classification performance was
measured on the validation dataset after each iteration. The algorithm halted
either when no expressions remained, or after ten consecutive iterations with-
out improvement on the validation dataset to prevent over-fitting [9, p. 116]. β
values of 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2, were used with 0.25 producing the highest F1 score.

4 Results and Discussion

Our main goal was to evaluate different methods of detecting integration between
sources in sentences making up essays. To do this, the 37 model categories were
separated into 5 groups corresponding to higher-level categories in the model,
including 2 groups containing sentences showing integration between different
texts (IR) and within the same text (RC). The IR category also contains in-
ferred relations between a text and a top-level assertion. The other 3 categories
consisted of sentences making top-level claims (CL), evidence for those claims
(EV) and details surrounding the evidence (DET). Separating the integration
categories from the other categories allows a direct evaluation of the techniques
at detecting integration, and the other categorical groupings. These results along
with the aggregate classification performance are shown in Figure 1 below.
The SVM binary classifier out-performed the other approaches overall and
in the CL, EV, and DET categories, while the SVM threshold method demon-
strated the best classification performance on the RC and IR categories and
thus was the best approach for detecting integration. These 2 techniques showed
significant improvement over the SVM multiclass. The multi-word method had
the second highest classification performance on the IR category, although it
did poorly on all other categories. LSA performed particularly poorly on the IR
category. The LSA approach we adopted classified sentences based on their simi-
larity to individual sentences in the source texts, and thus would perform poorly
identifying sentences composed from multiple source sentences. The smallest cat-
egory (IR) was a challenge for all of the algorithms. Machine learning algorithms
often struggle with small datasets [9], which may explain this observation.

Fig. 1. Aggregate F1 score by algorithm across different integration model categories

Automated Approaches for Detecting Integration in Student Essays 279

Although SVM’s performed better overall, the strong performance of multi-

word on the IR category indicates that a hybrid approach combining the thresh-
old SVM method with multi-word may improve the performance at detecting
integration. Several authors have used the multi-word approach to create fea-
tures that were then used by an SVM for text classification [11, for example].
Such an approach may prove more successful at this task than either approach
in isolation. Naive Bayes has been successfully applied to text classification and
may also be effective at this task. Also, repeating the experiments with a larger
dataset with more sentences in the IR category may yield better results. One
limitation to this study was the need to create an integrated model of the topic,
and manually code a datset to this model. For this approach to be successfully
applied to new domains, the manual effort required would need to be minimized.
If multiple datasets on different topics were collected, each with their own in-
tegrated model, it may be possible to train a more general classifier that can
detect integration in unseen datasets without the need for an integrated model.

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5. Joachims, T.: Making large-scale SVM learning practical. In: Schölkopf, B., Burges,
C., Smola, A. (eds.) Advances in Kernel Methods: Support Vector Learning. MIT
Press (1999)
6. Jurafsky, D., Martin, J.: Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition.
Prentice-Hall, New York (2000)
7. Justeson, J.S., Katz, S.M.: Technical terminology: some linguistic properties and
an algorithm for identification in text. Natural Language Engineering 1(01) (1995)
8. Landauer, T., Dumais, S.: A solution to Plato’s problem: The Latent Semantic
Analysis theory of acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge. Psy-
chological Review 104, 211–240 (1997)
9. Mitchell, T.: Machine Learning (Mcgraw-Hill International Edit), 1st edn.
McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions) (October 1997)
10. Papka, R., Allan, J.: Document classification using multiword features. In: Pro-
ceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management, CIKM 1998, pp. 124–131. ACM, New York (1998)
11. Zhang, W., Yoshida, T., Tang, X.: A comparative study of tf*idf, lsi and multi-
words for text classification. Expert Systems with Applications 38(3) (2011)
On the WEIRD Nature of ITS/AIED Conferences
A 10 Year Longitudinal Study Analyzing Potential Cultural Biases

Emmanuel G. Blanchard

Department of Architecture, Design, and Medialogy

Aalborg University Copenhagen

Abstract. Arnett (2008) confirmed that research production (authorship, sam-

ples) in major psychology journals is strongly dominated by Western societies
that are not cognitively representative of the whole mankind (Henrich et al.,
2010). In this paper, results from a ten-year analysis of paper production in
ITS/AIED conferences suggest a similar bias in the AIED research field.

Keywords: Research production, cultural bias, AIED design and strategies.

1 Introduction
In an analysis of publications of six major journals of the American Psychology As-
sociation (APA), Arnett [1] shows that a huge majority of first authors are affiliated
with academic institutions from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Demo-
cratic (WEIRD) societies [2] that represent just 12% of the world population. This
analysis further reveals that samples in considered journals are almost exclusively
WEIRD ones, and that authors tend to easily broaden the applicability of their results
to the whole of mankind. However, Henrich et al. [2] showed that WEIRD and non-
WEIRD people cognitively differ to a great extent. This paper discusses if and how
this WEIRD bias observed in psychology may be influencing AIED1 research. First,
Arnett [1] is presented. Henrich et al. [2] is then summarized and considered in the
AIED context. Results of an analysis of full papers published in the AIED/ITS confe-
rences are eventually reported and discussed by AIED senior members.

2 WEIRD Dominance on Psychology and Implications for ITS

The WEIRD dominance on psychology. The main contribution of Arnett [1] is an
analysis of national affiliations of content of papers published in six premier APA
journals between 2003 and 2007. Results for first authors and samples are summa-
rized in Table 1, and show a very strong dominance of WEIRD first authors and a
similarly large tendency to draw conclusions based only on WEIRD samples.

In this paper, the AIED acronym refers to the field for which Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(ITS) and Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) conferences are frequently acknowl-
edged as premier events.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 280–285, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
On the WEIRD Nature of ITS/AIED Conferences 281

Table 1. National affiliations of first authors and of samples in six APA journals (see [1])

Nb. 461 698 354 313 408 297 2531 466 721 334 273 371 287 2452
1st Author (% per national affiliation) Samples (% per national affiliation)
USA 72% 65% 78% 85% 78% 66% 73% 64% 62% 73% 81% 76% 64% 68%
Eng. 17% 13% 12% 8% 16% 15% 14% 19% 12% 13% 8% 15% 14% 14%
Europe 9% 18% 9% 6% 6% 12% 11% 11% 19% 11% 8% 8% 13% 13%
Asia 1% 1% 1% 1% 4% 1% 4% 4% 2% 1% 1% 7% 3%
Latin A. 1% 1% 1%
Africa 1%
Israel 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 1%
Notes: The journals considered are Developmental Psychology (DP), Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology (JPSP), Journal of Abnormal Psychology (JAP), Journal of Family Psychology (JFP), Health
Psychology (HP), and Journal of Educational Psychology (JEP). In tables 1 and 2, ‘Latin A.’ refers to Latin
America, and ‘Eng.’ to English-speaking countries i.e. the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand. Finally, according to [2], WEIRD societies refer to the ‘USA’, ‘Eng.’, ‘Europe’, and ‘Israel’ rows.

Arnett sees two main reasons for the dominance of WEIRD countries on psycholo-
gy. The first one is economic, with governments of developing countries likely to
dedicate their funds to more crucial expenses than research on psychology. However,
this does not explain the low presence of research originating in non-WEIRD devel-
oped countries (e.g. Japan). Arnett thus suggests that the dominant philosophy of
science in psychology remains “on investigating fundamental processes, resting on
the assumption – rarely stated, and rarely actually tested – that people anywhere can
be taken to represent people everywhere, and that the cultural context of their lives
can be safely ignored”. This philosophy strongly favors the production of WEIRD-
flavored content when considering that most psychology scholars are located in
WEIRD societies and consequently have an easy access to WEIRD samples, and that
they “have extremely limited knowledge concerning the work of their international
counterparts” [3].
WEIRD People as Outliers in the World Population. Henrich et al. [2] extended
[1] by investigating potential WEIRD cognitive biases through a four-level review: (i)
Industrialized societies versus small scale societies. Variations in visual perception,
economic decision-making (e.g. social motivation, fairness), folk-biological reason-
ing, and spatial cognition are reported between member of industrialized societies
(frequent outliers) to members of various small-scale societies. Other variations in
decision-making are also likely to exist. (ii) Western versus non-Western societies.
Variations are reported with regards to social-decision making (e.g. fairness, coopera-
tion, punishment), reasoning strategies (tendency of Westerners to be more analytic,
and of others to be more holistic), moral reasoning, and independent/interdependent
self-concepts (tendency of Westerners to be more individualistic, which has implica-
tions for features such as motivation or emotions). (iii) Contemporary US peoples
versus the rest of the West. Reliance on US content is huge in contemporary psychol-
ogy even when compared to other WEIRD societies (see Table 1). According to [2],
US people have a higher tendency for expressing strong individualism, which may be
the illustration of an ideology that “particularly stresses the importance of freedom
and self-sufficiency”, and of “various practices in education and childrearing” that
282 E.G. Blanchard

enforce individualism. (iv) Typical contemporary American subjects versus other

Americans. Much of American psychology relies on samples of college students.
Variations are reported between them and other American with regards to rationality
of choices, individualism, conformity motivation, perception of racial diversity, struc-
ture of social networks, interdependence, pro-social behaviors, etc. As test subjects,
children are likely to have parents with a high socio-economic status (SES), while
poor-SES and high-SES children show differences in processes such as spatial rea-
soning. Existing and reported similarities do not restrain Henrich et al. to state that
WEIRD subjects “are some of the most psychologically unusual people on Earth”,
and consequently “may often be the worst population from which to make generaliza-
tions”. The authors also warn that the demonstrated extreme reliance on WEIRD
samples “may cause researchers to miss important dimensions of variation, and de-
vote undue attention to behavioral tendencies that are unusual in a global context”.
[2] has been overwhelmingly supported by many researchers in [4]. These com-
ments also bring additional elements to consider such as extending the suspicion of
WEIRD biases to research on cognitive development, children’s social behavior, and
parent-child interaction (p. 99-100), to philosophical production and intuitions (p.
110), and to experimental designs (p.84-85). Evidences of socio-cultural variations in
brain functioning are also reported (p. 88-90), distortions on research resulting from
the use of English and other WEIRD languages (p. 103) are also mentioned, and “the
promise of Internet in reaching more diverse samples” (p.94-95) is also noticed.
WEIRD Biases Spreading to the ITS Research Field. The work of Arnett [1] con-
vincingly demonstrates that contemporary psychology is WEIRD-dominated to a
great extent. Furthermore, according to Henrich et al. [2], this situation is likely to
produce ethnocentric biases in research since WEIRD societies are not cognitively
representative of the world population, though there is a tendency among scholars to
present results obtained on WEIRD samples incautiously as universalisms.
An initial conclusion can be drawn from this situation. Since AIED historically re-
lies on research in psychology, the reported ethnocentric biases have most probably
spread to this domain. Indeed, several features with reported variability between
WEIRD and non-WEIRD societies (see [2, 4]) are genuine ITS topics of interest e.g.
self-concepts, emotions (see [5] for an overview of cultural influences on the affective
domain), reasoning strategies, decision making, cooperation, etc. However, concerns
on potential WEIRD biases in AIED are not necessarily relevant if a tutoring system
is tailored for a WEIRD audience, although even within WEIRD societies there may
be large variations. Still, one has to be cautious when relying on theories established
in a different socio-cultural context than the one of the targeted learners, and with
growing educational needs of demographic giants such as China, India, Brazil, or
Nigeria (all showing great market opportunities for AIED), alternative approaches
could be envisioned for ITS to become more culturally-aware [6].

3 A Ten Year Analysis of Full Papers in ITS/AIED Conferences

While the influence of psychology-originated WEIRD biases on AIED is not really
questionable, another point needs to be discussed: does AIED similarly produce
On the WEIRD Nature of ITS/AIED Conferences 283

WEIRD-biased research results? To address this question, the full paper production of
the ten last AIED/ITS conferences was analyzed. Similar to APA journals in psychol-
ogy, both these conferences are seen as premier references by many members of the
ITS community, especially when considering the limited number of long-term estab-
lished journals dedicated to the discipline. Using the same regional categories as [1],
the top part of Table 2 presents the distribution of first authors’ national affiliations
per conference. Results indicate nearly similar proportions of WEIRD first authors in
ITS/AIED conferences as in results reported by Arnett (see Table 1).

Table 2. National affiliations of first authors and of samples in ITS and AIED conferences2

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total
Nb. 93 40 73 89 67 60 62 68 61 49 662
1st Author (% per origin)
USA 26% 40% 41% 46% 37% 70% 56% 49% 74% 63% 49%
Eng. 26% 20% 22% 26% 28% 17% 19% 30% 15% 18% 23%
Europe 40% 25% 21% 16% 16% 8% 13% 13% 5% 12% 19%
Asia 4% 10% 5% 10% 15% 3% 11% 9% 7% 4% 8%
Latin A. 4% 5% 11% 1% 3% 2% 1% 3%
Nb. 41 20 28 48 29 47 40 50 47 36 386
Considered Samples (% per origin)
USA 34% 50% 61% 54% 55% 79% 75% 52% 81% 61% 61%
Eng. 37% 35% 29% 27% 28% 9% 13% 24% 6% 17% 21%
Europe 27% 10% 11% 13% 3% 9% 5% 10% 4% 14% 11%
Asia 4% 10% 4% 8% 10% 6% 8% 5%
Latin A. 2% 5% 2% 3% 4% 2% 2%

In order to make the analysis of AIED/ITS samples comparable to Arnett’s results,

further paper refinements were required. (i) Some ITS/AIED papers do not present
any evaluations involving humans and had to be discarded. An analysis of this crite-
rion revealed a strongly increasing tendency of ITS/AIED conferences content to
include more and more human-related evaluations: in ITS2002 and AIED2003, papers
with such content represented 50.5% and 57.5% respectively (lowest scores in the
whole decade), whereas in ITS2010 and AIED2011, they represented 90.2% and
93.9% respectively (highest scores in the whole decade). (ii) Other papers use human-
related data only to validate technical aspects3, and similarly had to be discarded. This
further categorization showed that the rate of papers with (sometimes lousy) psychol-
ogy-related features has also strongly increased, especially since AIED2007: in the
second half of the decade, it lays between 64.5% and 79.6%, whereas it was between
38.5% and 54.1% in the first half. Various explanations can be envisioned to explain

ITS2002 occurred in France/Spain, AIED2003 in Australia, ITS2004 in Brazil, AIED2005 in
the Netherlands, ITS2006 in Taiwan, AIED2007 in USA, ITS2008 in French Canada,
AIED2009 in the UK, ITS2010 in USA and AIED2011 in New Zealand.
Human-based evaluations were rated as purely technical only when there was a unique focus
on validating the system/technique rather than on assessing the students, their behavioral or
cognitive processes, or their appraisal of the system (in which cases they were perceived as
including psychological features).
284 E.G. Blanchard

this evolution. Still, this evolution towards more systematic inclusions of psychology-
related features makes AIED more sensible to WEIRD-biases affecting psychology.
Following this refinement, the national origins of samples from remaining papers
(that include psychology-related features) were investigated. They are presented in the
bottom part of Table 2. A significant proportion of samples were not clearly de-
scribed, but it was possible most of the time to infer their origins by cross-checking
indirect clues. Nevertheless, a few samples were discarded because of the impossibili-
ty of determining their origin with sufficient confidence. Results indicate a dominance
of WEIRD samples that is comparable to Arnett’s results. These results suggest that
the AIED community may be producing similarly WEIRD-flavored research.

4 Discussion and Conclusion

In order to assess these results in a non-dogmatic way, seven AIED senior members,
three of who are female, accepted to comment on them. Regarding their origin, one is
from the USA, three are from English-speaking countries (one is a French-speaking
Canadian), two are from Europe, and one is from Asia. Despite several attempts, no
Latin American expert answered positively to the invitation. Regarding their academ-
ic background, two of the panel members have a PhD (or equivalent) in psychology,
one in educational technology, and four in computer sciences and related disciplines.
Due to space constraints, the following paragraphs only summarize some expert
views and comments. Readers have to be aware that comments were collected indivi-
dually. Hence, each expert may disagree with thoughts expressed by others.
All experts agreed to the existence of a WEIRD bias in AIED research with one
expert even noticing a worrying “strong tendency to blindness to that bias” in some
societies. However, for most of the experts (and for the author as well), it is important
to insist that the bias is unintentional, that the selection of papers is only based on
scientific criteria, and that the discussed bias can only be understood currently as an
imbalance in author and sample origins since no results are actually provided on how
it may be influencing the AIED research. Four experts insisted that the AIED field has
several important differences with psychology that would lead this bias to have dif-
ferent incidences and implications on AIED production, which has to be thoroughly
investigated in future work. One expert rightfully insisted on differentiating the fact
that AIED research is mainly performed by WEIRD scholars, from the one that it is
mainly grounded on WEIRD samples. These issues are not equally problematic and
have to be considered separately. Another expert noted that other potential sampling
biases should be investigated as well. Two experts insisted on the English language
dominance in the academic world to partly explain the situation. Another expert stated
that this imbalance would not be an issue if the AIED community correctly followed
the ‘scientific paradigm’, which (s)he claims is not currently the case.
The author submitted several suggestions to the panel. Five experts agreed with
the author that the main way to address the issue raised in this paper is to make the
AIED community aware of it, which the current paper intends to achieve. Scholars
could then self-regulate their work and the way they present their results. Six experts
agreed with the author that papers including intercultural evaluations and collabora-
tions should be encouraged, and more events should be dedicated to better understand
On the WEIRD Nature of ITS/AIED Conferences 285

issues that may be culturally-variable and relevant for AIED development. Two ex-
perts further mentioned that the influence of culture on AIED should also be investi-
gated in more master and doctoral projects. Five experts agreed with the author that
conference reviewers should ensure that samples are correctly described and, conse-
quently, sample description guidelines should be available on conference websites.
The seventh expert did not see this point as a crucial solution.
Finally, two panel members suggest the AIED community to question itself about
the current importance of human-based evaluations on paper acceptance/rejection
decisions. Even when loosely done, they claim it has more impact on the acceptance
decision than detailing a clever technical solution, which they consider a problematic
As a conclusion, this paper attempts to make the community aware of an identified
and quantified WEIRD bias in psychology research that is likely to have an indirect
impact on the AIED research field. A ten years analysis of conference full papers
production reveals similar WEIRD imbalances in the AIED research field, which
suggests that it may be producing WEIRD-flavored research as well. Several AIED
experts, while acknowledging the situation, have produced different interpretations
and suggestions on how to address it in the future, and many other options could be
investigated as well. Indeed, considering culture into AIED is not more of an ‘intract-
able problem’ than other ones our community has faced in the past. The true question
is whether or not we want to embrace this challenge.

Acknowledgement. The author would like to thank Jacqueline Bourdeau, Benedict

du Boulay, Bert Bredeweg, Monique Grandbastien, W. Lewis Johnson, Susanne P.
Lajoie, Riichiro Mizoguchi, and the four ITS anonymous reviewers for their fruitful
comments and suggestions, and Isabela Gasparini for her help in collecting confe-
rence data.

1. Arnett, J.J.: The neglected 95%. Why American psychology needs to become less Ameri-
can. American Psychologist 63(7), 602–614 (2008)
2. Henrich, J., Heine, S.J., Norenzayan, A.: The weirdest people in the world? Behavioral and
Brain Sciences 33, 61–83 (2010)
3. Denmark, F.L.: Women and psychology: An international perspective. American Psycholo-
gist 53, 465–473 (1998)
4. Various authors: Open Peer Commentaries on “The weirdest people in the world?” Beha-
vioral and Brain Sciences 33, 83–111 (2010)
5. Mesquita, B., Frijda, N.H., Scherer, K.R.: Culture and emotion. In: Dasen, P., Saraswathi,
T.S. (eds.) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Basic Processes and Human Develop-
ment, vol. 2, pp. 255–297. Allyn & Bacon, Boston (1997)
6. Blanchard, E.G., Ogan, A.: Infusing Cultural Awareness into Intelligent Tutoring Systems
for a Globalized World. In: Nkambou, R., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R. (eds.) Advances in
Intelligent Tutoring Systems. SCI, vol. 308, pp. 485–505. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
Goal-Oriented Conceptualization
of Procedural Knowledge

Martin Možina, Matej Guid, Aleksander Sadikov,

Vida Groznik, and Ivan Bratko

Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Abstract. Conceptualizing procedural knowledge is one of the most

challenging tasks of building systems for intelligent tutoring. We present
an algorithm that enables teachers to accomplish this task semi auto-
matically. We used the algorithm on a difficult king, bishop, and knight
versus the lone king (KBNK) chess endgame, and obtained concepts that
could serve as textbook instructions. A pilot experiment with students
and a separate evaluation of the instructions by experienced chess train-
ers were deemed very positive.

Keywords: domain conceptualization, procedural knowledge, goal-oriented

rule learning, argument-based machine learning, chess.

1 Introduction
Domain conceptualization lies at the very core of building an intelligent tutoring
system (ITS) [7],[10]. This involves the structuring of the domain and creating
a vocabulary or ontology of key concepts. Domain conceptualization consists of
declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, which generally speaking is
the knowledge exercised in the performance at some task. Procedural knowledge
is usually implicit and not easily articulated by the individual. Due to its tacit
nature this kind of knowledge is often very hard to conceptualize.
In this paper, we will consider symbolic problem solving domains where prob-
lem solving is based on reasoning with symbolic descriptions (like in physics,
mathematics, or games like chess). A particular domain is defined with a ba-
sic domain theory (e.g., the rules of chess) and a solution to be achieved (e.g.,
checkmate the opponent in chess). The task is to find a sequence of steps that
bring us from the starting state of the problem to the goal state.
The basic domain theory (or basic declarative knowledge of the domain) is
usually simple and easy to remember. It is, in principle, sufficient for solving
problems (e.g., knowing rules of chess could in theory enable optimal play).
However, finding a solution using only declarative knowledge would require far
too extensive searching for a human. A human student is incapable of searching
very deeply, therefore we need to teach him also the procedural knowledge – how
to solve problems. The “complete” procedural knowledge would be a function

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 286–291, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Goal-Oriented Conceptualization of Procedural Knowledge 287

mapping from each problem state to a corresponding action that leads to the
solution of the problem. In chess, such complete knowledge (called “tablebases”)
is computed for some endgames. Tablebases effectively specify best moves for
all possible positions. They logically follow from the rules of the game and can
be viewed as a compilation of the rules into an extensive form. Tablebases can
be used easily because they only require trivial amount of search. But now the
problem is the space complexity – it is impossible for humans to memorize such
tablebases that typically contain millions of positions.
There is a way, however, that enables humans to solve problems in such chess
endgames quite comfortably. The key is that humans use some intermediate rep-
resentation of the problem that lies between the rules of the game (or the corre-
sponding tablebases) and solutions. We call such an intermediate representation
a “conceptualized domain.” Powerful conceptualizations are sufficiently “small”
so they can be memorized by a human, and they contain concepts that enable
fast derivation of solutions. Such a domain conceptualization enables effective
reasoning about problems and solutions [8].
In this paper, we propose a goal-oriented conceptualization of domains and
explore how to semi-automatically construct such a conceptualization that can
be effectively used in teaching problem-solving. To this end, we used argument-
based machine learning (ABML) [6], an approach that combines learning from
examples with learning from domain knowledge. Such a combination can be
particularly useful in the problem of domain conceptualization, as it is consistent
with data (accurate) and at the same time consistent with expert’s knowledge
(understandable) [4]. A similar idea, however with a different goal, was explored
in a system called SimStudent [2], where learning from examples and learning
by tutored problem solving was interweaved. Another interesting and somewhat
similar work comes from Tecuci et al. [9] who developed a series of systems
called Disciple that combine different types of learning, such as learning from
explanations provided by users or by generalizing learning examples.

2 Goal-Oriented Rules
A goal-oriented rule has the following structure:
IF preconditions THEN goal (depth)
The rule’s preconditions and goal are expressed in terms of attributes used for
describing states. The preconditions is a conjunction of simple conditions speci-
fying the required value of an attribute. For example, preconditions could contain
kdist = 3 (kdist being distance between kings in chess), or a threshold on an
attribute value, e.g., kdist > 3. Similarly, a goal is a conjunction of subgoals,
where a subgoal can specify the desired value of an attribute (e.g., kdist = 3) or
any of the four possible qualitative changes of an attribute given the initial value:
decrease, increase, not decrease, not increase or its optimization: minimize, max-
imize; e.g., a subgoal can be “decrease kdist” (decrease distance between kings).
The depth property of a rule specifies the maximum allowed number of steps in
288 M. Možina et al.

Algorithm 1. Pseudo code of the goal-oriented rule learning method.

let allRules be an empty list
while ES is not empty do
let seedExample be FindBestSeed(ES, ruleList)
let goals be DiscoverGoals(ES, seedExample, ruleList, depth)
if goals is empty then
remove seedExample from ES and return to the beginning of while sentence
end if
let rule be LearnRule(ES, goals, ruleList)
add rule to allRules
remove examples from ES covered by rule
end while
return allRules

achieving the goal. It corresponds to the level of conceptualization, where higher

depths lead to simpler rules with less conditions and less subgoals, however, these
goals are more difficult to solve, because they require more search.
The complete proposed conceptualization of procedural knowledge is a de-
cision list of ordered goal-oriented rules. In an ordered set of rules, the first
rule that “triggers” is applied. Note the difference between goal-oriented rules
and classical if-then rules. An if-then rule triggers for a particular state if the
preconditions are true, while a goal-based rule triggers when the preconditions
are true and the goal is achievable. For example, consider a rule: IF edist > 1
THEN decrease kdist. The correct interpretation of this rule is: “if black king’s
distance from the edge is larger than 1 and a decrease in distance between kings
is possible, then reach this goal: decrease the distance between the kings.”
If a goal is achievable, we would like to know how good it is in a given
state. We evaluate the goal by its worst possible realization in terms of the
distance-to-solution (e.g., distance-to-mate in chess). Formally, a goal’s qual-
ity q(g, s) in state s is defined as the difference between starting distance-
to-solution and distance-to-solution after the worst realization of the goal g:
q(g, s) = dts(sworst ) − dts(s). We say that a goal is good for a state s if its worst
realization reduces the distance to solution, i.e., if q(g, s) < 0; otherwise the goal
is bad.
The quality of a rule R is directly related to the quality of its goal on states
covered by the rule. Let p be the number of covered examples where the goal
is good and n number of all covered examples. Then, the quality is computed
using the Laplacian rule of succession: q(R) = (p + 1)/(n + 2).

3 Goal-Oriented Rule Learning Algorithm

The task of learning goal-oriented rules is stated as: given a set of problem
solving states each labeled with a distance-to-solution, learn an ordered set of
goal-oriented rules. As these states act as learning examples, we will use this
term in the description of the algorithm. As mentioned above, each learning
example is described with a set of attributes.
Goal-Oriented Conceptualization of Procedural Knowledge 289

The pseudo code of our goal-oriented rule learning method is shown in Algo-
rithm 1. It accepts two parameters; ES are the learning examples and depth is
the maximum allowed search depth for achieving goals.
The learning loop starts by selecting a seed example, which is used in the fol-
lowing calls to procedures DiscoverGoals and LearnRule. The DiscoverGoals
procedure finds good goals for the seed example and then LearnRule induces a
rule covering this example. The idea of seed examples and learning rules from
them was adopted from the AQ series of rule-learners developed by Michalski[3],
and is especially useful here, since discovering a goal is a time consuming step.
A learned rule is afterwards added to the list of all rules allRules and all exam-
ples covered by this rule are removed from the learning examples. The loop is
stopped when all learning examples have been covered.
The F indBestSeed procedure selects as the seed example the one with the
lowest distance-to-solution. The DiscoverGoals procedure searches for best goals
in a given example. It starts with an empty goal and iteratively adds subgoals (se-
lecting from all possible subgoals, see section 2) until we find a good goal. If there
are several good goals having the same number of subgoals, then the method re-
turns all good goals. The LearnRule procedure creates for each provided goal a
data set containing all examples from ES, where this goal is achievable. Each
example in the new data set is labeled as either a good goal or as a bad goal.
Afterwards, LearnRule procedure learns a single rule from each data set and
selects the best among them. We use the CN2 algorithm to learn a rule.
We extended the above algorithm with the capability to use arguments as
in argument-based machine learning (ABML)[6]. Arguments are provided by an
expert to explain single learning examples – we call such examples argumented
examples. The task in ABML is to find a hypothesis that is consistent with
learning examples and arguments. In goal-oriented rule learning, an argument
has the following structure: “argGoal because argConditions,” where an expert
expresses his or her opinion that the goal argGoal is good in the selected state,
because the conditions argConditions hold.
We developed an iterative loop that asks the expert to explain only critical
examples, i.e., examples not covered by any sufficiently good rules. Such loop
significantly decreased the required effort of the expert; he needed to explain
only a few examples instead of all. Due to space limitations, we only presented
an overview of the ABML extension (see [1] and [5] for more details).

4 Evaluation

We used our algorithm for the conceptualization of procedural knowledge re-

quired to deliver checkmate in the KBNK chess endgame. KBNK (king, bishop,
and knight vs. a lone king) is regarded as the most difficult of the elementary
chess endgames. The stronger side can always checkmate the opponent, but even
optimal play may take as many as 33 moves. There are many recorded cases
when strong players, including grandmasters, failed to win this endgame. In an
interactive procedure between a chess teacher (a FIDE master of chess) and the
290 M. Možina et al.

computer, we derived instructions in the form of goals for delivering checkmate

from any given KBNK position (see [1] for details). The result of this procedure
was an ordered set of eleven rules.
The rules were used to compile teaching materials for playing KBNK: text-
book instructions, supplemented with five example games.1 They were presented
to three chess teachers (among them a selector of Slovenian women’s squad and a
selector of Slovenian youth squad) to evaluate their appropriateness for teaching
chess-players. They all agreed on the usefulness of the presented concepts and
found the teaching materials suitable for educational purposes. Among the rea-
sons to support this assessment was that the instructions “clearly demonstrate
the intermediate subgoals of delivering checkmate.” [1]
We further assessed the teaching materials with the following pilot exper-
iment with three students – chess beginners of slightly different levels – who
played several KBNK games against a computer. The computer was defending
“optimally,” i.e., randomly choosing among moves with the longest distance to
mate (using chess tablebases). The time limit was 10 minutes per game. Each
game started from a different starting position, all mate-in-30-moves or more.
The moves and times spent for each move were recorded automatically.
At the beginning of the experiment, each student played three games against
the computer, and they always failed to deliver checkmate. They clearly lacked
procedural knowledge for successfully delivering checkmate in this endgame be-
fore seeing the teaching materials.
Next, the students were presented with the teaching materials. They were
reading the instructions and observing the example games until they felt they
are ready to challenge the computer once again. None of them spent more than
30 minutes at this second stage.
In the final stage of the experiment, the students were again trying to check-
mate the optimally defending computer. The textbook instructions and example
games were not accessible to the students during the games. Only if a game
ended in a draw, the student was again granted the access to the teaching ma-
terials for up to ten minutes before starting a new game. While the first student
(a slightly stronger chess player than the other two) successfully checkmated in
the second game already, the other two students checkmated in games 5 and
6, respectively. Once they achieved the win the students had no problems at
all achieving it again, even with the white bishop being placed on the opposite
square color than in all previous games.
Although the goal of the conceptualized procedural knowledge included in
the textbook instructions is not to teach students how to play “optimally,”
but merely to enable them to achieve a step-by-step progress towards deliv-
ering checkmate, it is particularly interesting that the second student in his
third game of the final stage of the experiment played 22(!) optimal moves in
a row – an achievement that a chess grandmaster could be proud of. Moreover,
it happened in less than an hour after he was first given access to the text-
book instructions and example games. This result would be very hard or even
The teaching materials are available at http://www.ailab.si/matej/KBNK
Goal-Oriented Conceptualization of Procedural Knowledge 291

impossible to achieve without an effective way of memorizing particular concepts

of procedural knowledge required in order to master this difficult endgame.

5 Conclusions
We presented a novel algorithm for semi-automated conceptualization of proce-
dural knowledge based on goal-oriented rules in symbolic domains. We applied
the algorithm to the challenging KBNK chess endgame, and carried out a pilot
experiment to evaluate whether the obtained concepts (instructions) could serve
as a teaching tool. Somewhat surprisingly, even the beginner-level chess players
were able to quickly grasp the concepts, and learn to deliver checkmate. A sepa-
rate, subjective evaluation of the instructions by experienced chess trainers was
also positive.
A more rigorous evaluation is an obvious task for further work. Apart from
other domains, it should be evaluated whether the derived concepts could serve
as the knowledge base of an ITS. To this end we plan to build such a system,
and conduct an experiment on a much larger number of students.

1. Guid, M., Možina, M., Sadikov, A., Bratko, I.: Deriving Concepts and Strategies
from Chess Tablebases. In: van den Herik, H.J., Spronck, P. (eds.) ACG 2009.
LNCS, vol. 6048, pp. 195–207. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
2. Matsuda, N., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Tu, A., Stylianides, G., Cohen, W.W.,
Koedinger, K.R.: Learning by Teaching SimStudent: Technical Accomplishments
and an Initial Use with Students. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS
2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 317–326. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
3. Michalski, R.S.: A theory and methodology of inductive learning. Artificial Intelli-
gence 20(2), 111–161 (1983)
4. Možina, M., Guid, M., Krivec, J., Sadikov, A., Bratko, I.: Fighting knowledge
acquisition bottleneck with argument based machine learning. In: Patras, G. (ed.)
Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008),
pp. 234–238. IOS Press, Patras (2008)
5. Možina, M., Guid, M., Sadikov, A., Groznik, V., Krivec, J., Bratko, I.: Conceptu-
alizing procedural knowledge targeted at students with different skill levels (2010)
(unpublished), http://www.ailab.si/martin/abml/gorules.pdf
6. Možina, M., Žabkar, J., Bratko, I.: Argument based machine learning. Artificial
Intelligence 171(10/15), 922–937 (2007)
7. Murray, T.: Authoring intelligent tutoring systems: An analysis of the state of
the art. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED) 10,
98–129 (1999)
8. Tadepalli, P.: Learning to solve problems from exercises. Computational Intelli-
gence 24(4), 257–291 (2008)
9. Tecuci, G., Boicu, M., Boicu, C., Marcu, D., Stanescu, B., Barbulescu, M.: The
disciple-RKF learning and reasoning agent. Computational Intelligence 21(4), 462–
479 (2005)
10. Woolf, B.P.: Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Student-centered strategies for
revolutionizing e-learning. Elsevier & Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington (2008)
Context-Dependent Help for Novices Acquiring
Conceptual Systems Knowledge in DynaLearn

Wouter Beek1 and Bert Bredeweg2

Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam

Abstract. In Interactive Learning Environments for conceptual knowl-

edge, novice learners need support with understanding the used qualita-
tive vocabulary, interpreting the simulation results, and knowing which
modeling tasks can be performed. We explain how we generate support
automatically, without making a priori assumptions regarding the do-
main knowledge involved. Assistance is contextualized and generated on
the fly, even for complex models and simulations.

Keywords: qualitative reasoning, conceptual modeling, support knowl-

edge, help systems, causal explanation.

1 Introduction
DynaLearn [2] is an Integrated Learning Environment (ILE) for conceptual
modeling that allows learning by constructing and simulating causal models.1
Using Qualitative Reasoning (QR) techniques, DynaLearn provides domain-
independent and formal means to externalize thought, thereby fostering the
learner’s beliefs about how a system behaves and why it behaves that way.
Since the modeling language is very powerful, it introduces a host of concepts
and tools, resulting in a steep learning curve for novice learners.
In order to support learners in their conceptual modeling attempt, we have
implemented context-sensitive support facilities. A menu of questions that can
be posed is dynamically generated. The answers to these questions are also auto-
matically generated and include follow-up questions that disclose more in-depth
information.[8] Having these basic help facilities integrated into the learning en-
vironment, and having them dynamically adapt to the learner’s interactions,
provides a scaffold for novice learners. The basic help is meant to be comple-
mentary to existing pedagogical instruments, and ensures a learner has sufficient
foreknowledge in order to understand more complicated feedback facilities in
DynaLearn. For these more basic support tasks, existing QR-based ILEs pro-
vide fixed learning resources (e.g. VModel [4], Betty’s Brain [6], Model-It [3]).
The goal and added value of our approach is to automate and custom-tailor this
kind of support.
This work is co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework
Programme project no. 231526. http://www.dynalearn.eu

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 292–297, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Novices Acquiring Conceptual Systems Knowledge in DynaLearn 293

2 Principles for Basic Help

Basic help is help that requires no foreknowledge regarding conceptual modeling
or system dynamics thinking. It provides the propaedeutics for more advanced
modes of assistance and tutoring. Since basic help must to be blended with more
advanced pedagogical modules, it is designed to be inherently complementary
and non-obtrusive. In order to realize this the help modes are developed accord-
ing to the following four principles:
Conciseness. Individual help messages must be short (i.e. one to three sen-
tences) and focused. A message is focused if a novice learner is able to di-
rectly relate the help message’s content to something s/he is working on at
that very moment. Also, we want the cognitive load of processing the help
message to be minimal, reducing the likelihood that processing help will
obfuscate the learner’s actual task.
Self-containment. A messages is self-contained if its contents are self-descriptive.
Self-descriptive contents can be understood without having to relate to re-
sources that are not available in the message itself.
Completeness. Even though conciseness dictates that each individual commu-
nication be short and self-contained, help must allow all knowledge that is
inside the learning environment or in the learner’s model to be communicated
upon further requests from the learner.
Context-dependence. Help message must relate directly to the learner-created
model. As such, the automatically generated questions must only include re-
quests that make sense within the current context.

3 Implementation of the Basic Help

This section explains the implementation of the basic help facilities, in line with
the principles in section 2. We first discuss what all basic help modes have in
common, and then zoom in on two of them.
Because of conciseness, each help message consists of 1 to 3 sentences. A
message includes links to its related resources. The sentences are communicated
in natural language by a virtual character that communicates the help results
verbally (using text-to-speech), non-verbally, and in written form. The text is
shown in a speech bubble and is displayed beside the content that the learner
is working on. To relate the contents of a help message to on-screen elements in
the ILE the character uses gesticulation, facial expression and a laser pointer.
The knowledge resources that the help modes use internally, as well as the
generated messages themselves, are represented using Semantic Web techniques,
allowing for explicit semantics. Every item that can be the onus of a help re-
quest is assigned a unique URI. The help modes are added on top of the legacy
modeling environment Garp3. [1]
Messages are automatically generated, including links for possible follow-up
requests. These follow-ups consist of URIs as well. Messages are self-contained
RDF-documents with self-descriptive natural language contents, generated via
294 W. Beek and B. Bredeweg

pattern matching or via a context-free grammar that is guided by the semantic

relations of the RDF-graph. A glossary of QR and dynamic systems terminology
is included as well.
The dynamically generated follow-up links put the knowledge a message ex-
presses into a broader context of related help messages. The way in which the
help messages and their interrelations are generated reflects the compositional
nature of the QR modeling formalism. The compositional nature of QR models
ensures that all knowledge can be reached by allowing the learner to traverse the
graph of interconnected messages, thus ensuring completeness. The help modes
also link to each other, making the network of interconnections more valuable
by relating different types of knowledge.
As the learner uses the DynaLearn ILE, creating models and running simula-
tions, applicable help requests are continuously generated inside a hierarchically
structured menu. The learner can choose to access the various help modes from
this menu. A basic help interaction is never forced on the learner, since this
would conflict with its non-obtrusive and complementary purpose. Which ques-
tions are displayed in the menu depends on the state of the DynaLearn ILE and
on the status of the learner-created model, which is extracted from the modeling
environment and is transcribed to a First-Order Logic (FOL) representation.
We distinguish between three basic help modes related to different types of
information: “How to?”, “What is?”, and “Why?”. The “What is?”-mode ex-
plains the modeling vocabulary in terms of the learner-created content. A con-
ceptual model in DynaLearn consists of domain-specific assertions embedded in
the generic modeling language vocabulary. Each expression created by a learner
is a subtype and/or a refinement of the latter. The “What is?”-help mode is able
to describe occurrences of every element that occurs in a model. Details of the
workings of the “What is?”-mode are given in [9].

3.1 Model Building Task Support (How To?)

The “How to?”-mode explains how to perform tasks within the learning envi-
ronment. Because there are many tasks (102 main tasks consisting of 2 to 8
subtasks), not all requests can be displayed at once. All tasks are relevant some
of the time (e.g. save changes), and some tasks are relevant all of the time (e.g.
quit the application), but not all tasks are relevant all of the time.
In order to not overwhelm the learner, only tasks that can be performed
given the current state of the ILE are communicated in the “How to?”. Each
model construction task S belongs to a static task ontology T and consists
of a sequence of subtasks S1 , . . . , Sn . Subtasks have associated preconditions
Pre(Si ) represented as FOL statements that are satisfied against the formal
description of the learner-created model M . Task S can be performed if Pre(Si )
is true for at least one of S’s subtasks Si . Only tasks that can be performed are
shown, and only subtasks that are not yet performed are included in the help
message (see formula 1).

{Si+1 , . . . , Sn  | S1 , . . . , Sn  ∈ T ∧ ∃!1≤i<n M  (Pre(Si ) ∧ ¬ Pre(Si+1 ))} (1)

Novices Acquiring Conceptual Systems Knowledge in DynaLearn 295

Select this quantity to

add an inequality.
Entity Select another quantity.
Set the state of the
Cost Revenue Set the type of the inequality.
Swap the arguments.
Zp Zp Add remarks.
Plus Plus
Press save to store changes.
Zero Zero

Fig. 1. The options for the “How to?”-functionality for the model fragment on the left.
In this example the learner requests how to add an inequality relation (e.g. stating that
costs > revenue). Three subtasks for this request appear to the right.

Besides preconditions (i.e. aspects of M that allow a subtask to be performed),

each subtask also has post-conditions (i.e. changes to M due to performing a
subtask) that ensure the formal description of the learner-model M stays up-
to-date. A subtask is communicated once the learner has satisfied its precon-
ditions. Performing the subtask brings about its post-conditions, triggering the
preconditions of the next subtask (if any), etc. In this way information regarding
individual subtasks (principle of conciseness) are communicated one-by-one at
precisely the right moment (principle of context-dependence).

3.2 Causal Explanations (Why?)

The “Why?”-mode gives information about the simulation results (i.e. why some
behavior occurs). These are distributed over time, and include ambiguous be-
havior represented as branching temporal states. Having learners understand the
causal behavior of complex systems over multiple simulation states is difficult.
This is one of the reasons why ILEs based on QR use single, within-state simula-
tion (e.g. Betty’s Brain [6], VModel [4]). DynaLearn has taken a more advanced
approach, making it possible to simulate causal behavior over an arbitrary num-
ber of states.
Questions can be posed as to why values (i.e. quantity values and quantity
derivatives) and inequality relations (between quantities or between values) oc-
cur. Explanations can involve a causal chain of considerable length, making it
difficult to meet both the conciseness and the completeness principles for all
cases. Also, there may be multiple explanations, some of which are more im-
portant than others. Finally, explanations should be given at the right level of
Each message explains a single reasoning step (conciseness principle). In order
to ensure close resemblance with help provided by human experts, the experimen-
tally established stock of reasoning steps identified by [5] is used. The reasoning
296 W. Beek and B. Bredeweg

steps are embodied in reasoning components. A component explains the value

of a single value or inequality (the component’s output or conclusion) using an
arbitrary number of other values and/or inequalities (the component’s inputs or
antecedents). The procedure that the component uses to calculate the output
from its inputs is described by an additional procedural knowledge input.


infl+ prop+ prop+ increasing
Flow=plus ɷVolume= ɷHeight=
increasing increasing
increasing prop+

Fig. 2. An example of part of a point/component-representation that is used to answer

“Why?”-requests. The boxes are components that represent causal inferences. The
points are magnitude or derivative values of quantities. There are two explanations
as to why the pressure is increasing (δ means ‘derivative’). Explanation one uses the
aggregate component (at the top), stating that flow indirectly influences pressure (+
indicates a positive influence). Explanation two states that temperature propagates
to pressure. Explanation one is decomposable (dotted lines indicate decomposition),
stating that height propagates to pressure. For this last explanation a follow-up request
exists that asks why height is increasing, etc., thus traversing the causal chain.

Based on the simulation results, a circuit-like representation is created. The

values and inequalities are represented as points. The reasoning steps are rep-
resented as components. Points and components are connected forming an ex-
planatory graph (see figure 2). In a help message the inputs deliver the premises
and the output delivers the conclusion. Giving an more in-depth explanation
amounts to traversing the point/component-circuit on a per-component basis,
starting from the requested data point and reasoning backwards through the
circuit. Follow-up requests take an input point from the previous component
and explain it as the conclusion of a new component.
Multiple explanations of the same datum are represented as multiple com-
ponents that are connected to a single point. Not all explanations are equally
relevant for a learner and we do not want to communicate each of them (concise-
ness principle). Alternative explanations are ranked based on importance values
assigned to each component type. For instance, influence components (causation)
are ranked higher than correspondence components (additional constraints).
Explanations of varying abstraction levels are generated using aggregated
components. An aggregate component explains the same output datum, but
uses premises that are farther away (i.e. multiple decompositions deep). Ag-
gregate components abstract the intermediary data points away. An example
of an aggregation is a causal link that consists of one influence followed by an
Novices Acquiring Conceptual Systems Knowledge in DynaLearn 297

arbitrary number of proportionalities. These are grouped into a single, aggre-

gated causal component. The importance value of an aggregated component is
based on the importance values of its subservient components, thereby favoring
abstract explanations in case alternative explanations exist.
Follow-up requests can also be posed for each message that is generated based
on an aggregate component. These follow-ups give a more detailed explanation
of the same material. They are generated by ‘unpacking’ the aggregated com-
ponent, resulting in multiple low-level components with additional in-between
value and/or inequality points.

4 Concluding Remarks
We showed that it is possible to integrate automated assistance in the DynaLearn
ILE such that communicated messages are concise and self-contained, all avail-
able basic knowledge is covered and the context is taken into account for both
question and answer generation. These basic help facilities provide a scaffold
for novice learners. Usage evaluation studies of DynaLearn with learners are
reported in [7].

1. Bredeweg, B., Linnebank, F., Bouwer, A., Liem, J.: Garp3: Workbench for Qualita-
tive Modelling and Simulation. Ecological Informatics 4(5-6), 263–281 (2009)
2. Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., Linnebank, F., Bühling, R., Wißner, M., Gracia del Rı́o,
J., Salles, P., Beek, W., Gómez Pérez, A.: DynaLearn: Architecture and Approach
for Investigating Conceptual System Knowledge Acquisition. In: Aleven, V., Kay,
J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6095, pp. 272–274. Springer, Heidelberg
3. Jackson, S., Stratford, S., Krajcik, J., Soloway, E.: Model-It: A case study of learner-
centered design software for supporting model building. In: Proc. from the Working
Conference on Applications of Technology in the Science Classroom (1995)
4. Forbus, K., Carney, K., Sherin, B., Ureel II, L.: VModel: A Visual Qualitative Mod-
eling Environment for Middle-School Students. AI Magazine 26(3), 63–72 (2005)
5. De Koning, K., Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J., Wielinga, B.: Model-Based Reasoning
about Learner Behaviour. Artificial Intelligence 117(2), 173–229 (2000)
6. Leelawong, K., Biswas, G.: Designing Learning by Teaching Agents. The Betty’s
Brain System. Int. J. of AIED 18(3), 181–208 (2008)
7. Mioduser, D., Zuzovsky, R.: Evaluation of DynaLearn: First Phase Insights. Deliv-
erable D7.2.6. DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526 (2012)
8. Mittal, V., Moore, J.: Dynamic Generation of Follow-up Question Menus: Facilitat-
ing Interactive Natural Language Dialogues. In: Proc. of the 8th NCAI, pp. 90–97
9. Wißner, M., Häring, M., Bühling, R., Beek, W., Linnebank, F., Liem, J., Bredeweg,
B., André, E.: Basic Help and Teachable Agent. Deliverable D5.3. DynaLearn, EC
FP7 STREP project 231526 (2010)
Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve
Usability in Collaborative Learning

Endhe Elias1 , Dalgoberto Miquilino1,2 , Ig Ibert Bittencourt1 , Thyago Tenório1 ,

Rafael Ferreira3, Alan Silva1 , Seiji Isotani4 , and Patrı́cia Jaques5
Center of Excellence in Social Technologies, The Computing Institute, Federal
University of Alagoas (UFAL), Brazil
Maurı́cio de Nassau Faculty, Brazil
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
PIPCA, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil
endhe.elias@ic.ufal.br, dalgoberto.pinho@mauriciodenassau.edu.br

Abstract. The systems usability has been the subject of increasing dis-
cussion for several decades and when this concerns to computer support
collaborative learning (CSCL) environment, it becomes a harder task. In
CSCL environments, the usability is evaluated based on the the techni-
cal and pedagogical aspects. Therefore, the literature discusses different
methods and techniques to validate usability in such environments. How-
ever, these methods usually need to be applied manually. The manual
process use to be very expensive, very specific and time consuming. In
addition, in CSCL environments, the usability validation becomes even
more difficult due the existence of several usability requirements and its
high level of interaction. For this reason, there is a need to automate the
process. On the one hand, the technical usability can be automated after
a formal description of the environment features. On the other hand, the
pedagogical usability is dependent on the user experience and it is not
possible to be totally automated. This paper presents a semi-automatic
validation system to improve usability in CSCL environments. It uses
ontology to represent the usability knowledge and software agents to
automate the process. Finally, a case study in a real environment is des-
cribed to present the advantages of using the proposed system.

Keywords: Technical and Pedagogical Usability, CSCL Environments,

Ontology, Software Agent.

1 Introduction
The teaching process has the potential to become more active, dynamic and
personalized through computer support collaborative learning (CSCL) environ-
ments. Moreover, CSCL plays an important role in learners performance, for
example, it has been suggested that CSCL helps students to facilitate high or-
der cognitive processes and to create new knowledge [3].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 298–303, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve Usability 299

When they have low usability these environments may hamper the interac-
tion, causing a high degree of negative experiences. On the other hand, a good
usability can emphasize high levels of participation of students and improve the
learning process. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the usability
during the development of CSCL systems. In CSCL environments, the evalua-
tions should consider two types of usability: technical and pedagogical usability.
On the one hand, technical usability addresses the technical interfaces enabling
the development focused on the audience. On the other hand, pedagogical usa-
bility is associated with the educational materials and course preparation.
In this context, this paper presents a semi-automatic evaluation system to
improve usability in CSCL environments. This system uses usability methods
and techniques presented in the literature to create rules to deal with usability
problems. This system considers the automatic inspection to evaluate the tech-
nical usability and questionnaires to evaluate the pedagogical usability. It also
uses the user interaction to suggest new usability rules that can be added in real
time. To accomplish this and to automate the process the system uses ontology
and software agents. A case study in a real environment is described to present
the advantages of using the proposed system.

2 System Proposal

This section aims to present the system features, describing each component
of the system and the interaction among them. As presented in Figure 1, the
proposed system has uses semantic technologies (i.e. ontologies) to represent the
domain knowledge and software agents to automatically perform the inspection
rules into the ontology. The ontology represents the CSCL environment features
under the usability perspective. In addition, the system uses to pedagogical
usability validation. With these components, the report generator component
uses the agent and questionnaires output the generate a report in order for the
team to improve the environment usability. Each system component is detailed
in the next subsections.

Fig. 1. System Components Overview

300 E. Elias et al.

2.1 Domain Ontology

In order for the system to ensure the consistence of the inspection and the report
generation, an ontology for representing usability into CSCL environments was
modeled. The ontology represents concepts, relationships, and axioms related to
the knowledge domain. The specification of the ontology is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Domain Ontology

CSCL  has pages Pages CSCL  color consistency Boolean

CSCL  presentation Boolean
Pages  has container Container Pages  presentation Boolean
Pages  description String Pages  everyday expression Boolean
Pages  has alert Boolean Pages  id String
Pages  language String Pages  layout String
Pages  title String
Container  has item Item Container  layout Container String
Item  has link Link Item  has paragraph Paragraph
Item  has form Form Item  has buttons Buttons
Item  has image Image Item  has block Block
Block  has Item Item Block  has Link Link
Block  has Tool Tool

The main ontology concepts are described as follows: i) CSCL: it has a

brief environment description and contains all the pages of the environment
(has pages); Pages: this entity contains page description (presentation, descrip-
tion, language, id, title), page design information (layout ), alerts
(everyday expression, has alert ), and containers (has container ); Container:
the container has the resources (Item) that can be used in the CSCL envi-
ronment. It is important to say that a container may have more than one Item;
Item: Items contain the features of the environment (e.g. text, forms, buttons,
images, tools); Block: it contains item sets. The idea is to facilitate the grouping
on the page.

2.2 Controller Agent and Validation Agent

The software agents are used to assess the environments at run time. If some
changes occur in the domain ontology or in the rules the agents automatically
perform the rules to inspect the usability of the environment. The system pro-
vides two types of software agents which are used to perform automatic verifi-
The Validation Agent is responsible for validating the environment based on
usability rules (described in the Section 2.4). After the validation, this agent
generates a report with the usability issues and their status. As a result, the
information obtained through this agent are used to produce reports to the
system administrator.
Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve Usability 301

The Controller Agent monitors the directory that stores the domain ontology
and rules. Thus, for each new environment that is represented in the ontology,
the controller agent creates a new validation agent. Therefore, when a CSCL
administrator wants to create a new usability validation it is not necessary to
run the system, he just needs to update the domain ontology. It is important
highlight that for each new environment a new validation agent is instantiated.

2.3 Questionnaire

In order to complete the assessment generated by the software agents the system
uses a questionnaire, which should be answered by the students. The question-
naire was designed based on pedagogical and technical usability issues according
to [1,2]. Broadly speaking, it is used to confirm the issues raised by the software
agents and to better understand the student’s behavior.
The questionnaire is composed by 36 questions and aims at providing both
technical and pedagogical usability information, such as the content granularity,
the quality of the content and if it is easy to use, the quality of the layout, the
appropriateness of the tool during activities, the interaction of the user, the kind
of pedagogical activity, and others.

2.4 Rules and Validation Process

A collection of usability rules were created taking into account pedagogical and
technical aspects. It was created based on three aspects: (i) rules presented in
the literature; (ii) rules made by experts; and (iii) rules inferred by the system.
This work has a knowledge base which contains 72 usability issues. Some
examples of them are: the environment does not use jargon abbreviation or
unknown expressions; the colors of links are consistent with the web conventions;
users like the activities on the environment, and so on. The usability issues
were made based on [1,2]. The Table 2 shows some usability issues and their
description. It is important to say that the numbers for each usability issue
presented in Table 2 represents a usability axiom. The mapping is based on the
aforementioned works.

Table 2. Usability Category - Usability Issue

Usability Category Usability Issue

1 - Pedagogical Usability 1, 2, 4-12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25-29, 56-72

2 - Technical Usability 3, 13, 15-18, 22-24, 30-47, 67
3 - Technical and Pedagogical Usability 48-55

For each usability issue in usability category 1, the system has a question re-
lated to it. This question are available on the questionnaire. These questions are
answered by the users. In addition, for each usability issue present in usability
302 E. Elias et al.

categories 2 and 3, the system maps the usability issue to a set of rules described
with SPARQL1 . Therefore, there are two validation methods: questionnaire, des-
cribed in Subsection 2.3 and SPARQL rules performed by the agents described
in Subsection 2.2.

3 Case Study
This section describes the case study applied to evaluate the system. The case
study was executed in a real collaborative learning environment, Moodle2 and
it is used as the learning environment at Federal University of Alagoas - Brazil.
The goal of the case study is to apply the system in order to evaluate the
technical and pedagogical usability of a course. For this reason, the questions
related to the case study are: (1) how adequate is the technical usability in the
course/environment? and (2) how adequate is the pedagogical usability of the
system? (3) Which aspects of technical and pedagogical usability are inadequate?
The questionnaire contains 36 questions of usability evaluation, each question
related to pedagogical usability issue. Moreover, each question was inspected to
verify its applicability with regards to the learning material developed for the
case study. The questionnaire was available online to the users, and 15 users ans-
wered it. For each question was quantified students’ agreement or disagreement
about the specific aspects of pedagogical usability. The higher was the agreement
with the question answered by the student, the more important this pedagogical
usability issue was considered.
The validation of usability category 2 and 3 (see subsection 2) were made
through the execution of rules by the validation agent. In order to do that, the
domain ontology was populated with instances. In these categories, the issues
were considered adequate or non-adequate, and this status was obtained through
the presence or absence of the object instance or interface feature of the learning
After that, the report generator compiles the outputs into reports. The current
version of the system has graphical reports and check lists with regards the
usability issues.
The next stage was the validation of usability category 2 and 3 through the
rules and intelligent agents described above. The Table 3 shows the result of
some usability issues and the status after execution of the rules.
The results obtained through questionnaire were added with the results ob-
tained by execution agents, in order to generate the usability reports. Therefore,
the results obtained by usability evaluation of the three categories are shown
to system administrator through the check list (Table 3. In addition, this work
checked which usability issues were considered most critical from the point of
users view.

SPARQL Query Language for RDF is W3C recommendation since January 2008 -
More details: http://moodle.com/
Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve Usability 303

Table 3. Result of Rules Validation

Usability Issue Status

The feedback (warning/response given by the system)
is immediate Non-Adequate
There is a common form of presentation and content organization used
in all environment Adequate

4 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper presented a validation system to improve usability in Computer Sup-
port Collaborative Learning Environments. To accomplish it, the system uses
usability rules according to the literature, rules made by experts and rules in-
ferred by the system. These rules validated both technical and pedagogical as-
pects. The system works in a semi-automatic way. On the one hand a group of
agents interact with the ontology and perform the rules to evaluate the environ-
ment usability. On the other hand, a questionnaire is submitted to the students
in order to obtain their opinions about the usability. As a result, the system
provides reports in order to help the administrator to improve the usability of
the CSCL environment. As future works, the authors intend to: i) extract the
relevant features of the CSCL environment and populate the domain ontology
automatically, ii) create a guide to recommend good usability practices, iii) im-
prove the usability rules and iv) evaluate with different CSCL environments.

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank UFAL, CAPES (scholarship BEX

4025-11-3), CNPq, Fapergs, UNISINOS and USP for their support in this re-

1. Nokelainen, P.: An empirical assessment of pedagogical usability criteria for digi-
tal learning material with elementary school students. Educational Technology and
Society 9(2), 178–197 (2006)
2. Sharp, H., Rogers, Y., Preece, J.: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer
Interaction. Wiley, NJ (2007)
3. Wang, S.-L., Hwang, G.-J.: The role of collective efficacy, cognitive quality, and task
cohesion in computer-supported collaborative learning (cscl). Computers & Amp;
Education 58, 679–687 (2012)
Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation
for a Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor

Wei Jin1, Tiffany Barnes2, John Stamper3, Michael John Eagle2,

Matthew W. Johnson2, and Lorrie Lehmann2
Shaw University, Raleigh, NC, USA
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC, USA
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Abstract. We describe a new technique to represent, classify, and use programs

written by novices as a base for automatic hint generation for programming tu-
tors. The proposed linkage graph representation is used to record and reuse stu-
dent work as a domain model, and we use an overlay comparison to compare
in-progress work with complete solutions in a twist on the classic approach to
hint generation. Hint annotation is a time consuming component of developing
intelligent tutoring systems. Our approach uses educational data mining and
machine learning techniques to automate the creation of a domain model and
hints from student problem-solving data. We evaluate the approach with a sam-
ple of partial and complete, novice programs and show that our algorithms can
be used to generate hints over 80 percent of the time. This promising rate shows
that the approach has potential to be a source for automatically generated hints
for novice programmers.

Keywords: Intelligent tutoring systems, automatic hint generation, program-

ming tutors, educational data mining and data clustering.

1 Introduction

Our goal is to create a data-driven intelligent tutor for computer programming using
Markov decision processes (MDPs), created from past student data, to generate con-
textualized hints for students solving a specific problem. This approach has been ap-
plied in the logic domain, providing hints for 70-90% of problem-solving steps
[Barnes2010a, Barnes2010b, Stamper2011].
To use the MDP approach, we must describe the student’s current solution attempt
“target” state that can be compared to existing prior attempts, which are potential hint
“sources”. Jin, et al. proposed linkage graphs to represent novice program states
[Jin2011]. In this paper, we present detailed algorithms for automatic linkage graph
extraction from programs and automatic hint generation, and our feasibility study to
evaluate the approach.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 304–309, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation 305

2 Linkage Graphs to Represent Data Flow and Dependencies

A linkage graph for a program is a directed acyclic graph, as shown in Figure 1,
where nodes represent program statements and directed edges indicate order depen-
dencies. If statements I and J access the same variable x, and J is the first statement
after I that accesses variable x, then J directly depends on I and we add an edge from
node I to node J with label x. We call a single trace through the graph a linkage,
which connects statements that modify the same variable. A linkage graph is the
combined set of linkages. Representation for control statements are discussed in
[Jin2011] and we do not implement this aspect of linkage graphs here. In this section
we describe our representation and extraction for linkage graphs. We use a 2-
dimensional matrix to represent a linkage graph; Table 1 (left) shows the matrix for
the program in Figure 1. Variable v0 shows up in statements 0, 9 and 10, represented
as 1’s in the corresponding rows, indicating that variable v0’s linkage starts with
statement 0 and consists of edges (0,9) and (9,10)..

double mowingTime, yardLen, yardWid, mowingRate, lawnArea;

cin >> yardLen; cin >> yardWid; cin >> mowingRate;
lawnArea = yardLen * yardWid;
mowingTime = lawnArea / mowingRate; cout << mowingTime;

double mowingTime; double yardLen; double yardWid; double mowingRate; double lawnArea;

cin >> yardLen; cin >> yardWid; cin >> mowingRate;

mowingTime = lawnArea / mowingRate; lawnArea = yardLen * yardWid;

cout << mowingTime;

Fig. 1. The linkage graph for a program to calculate money earned for mowing grass. The co-
lored directed edges identify variable dependency between nodes.

Table 1. Linkage Graph Matrices. The left is for the program in Fig. 1; the right is equivalent.
(v0=mowingTime, v1=yardLen, v2=yardWidth, v3=mowingRate, and v4=lawnArea).
v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v0 v1 v2 v3 v4
0. double v0; 1 0. double v4; 1
1. double v1; 1 1. double v3; 1
2. double v2; 1 2. double v2; 1
3. double v3; 1 3. double v1; 1
4. double v4; 1 4. double v0; 1
5. cin >> v1; 1 5. cin >> v3; 1
6. cin >> v2; 1 6. cin >> v2; 1
7. cin >> v3; 1 7. cin >> v1; 1
8. v4 = v1 * v2; 1 1 1 8. v4 = v1 * v2; 1 1 1
9. v0 = v4 / v3; 1 1 1 9. v0 = v4 / v3; 1 1 1
10. cout << v0; 1 10. cout << v0; 1

Table 1 shows matrices for two programs that differ only in order. Since there are
no variable dependencies among statements 0-4 and among 5-7, they are equivalent.
306 W. Jin et al.

We note that programs with the same output are not necessarily equivalent. For ex-
ample, a = b * c / d is not equivalent to t = b * c; a = t / d. Our goal is that equivalent
programs should have the same linkage matrix representation. To accomplish this, we
must determine the order of the variables (corresponding to columns of the matrix)
and the order of the statements (corresponding to rows of the matrix). The statement
order will be determined based on the variable order and the variable dependencies.
Instructor-Provided Specification File: An initial list of variables is taken from an
instructor-provided variable specification file for the given programming problem, as
shown in Table 2, or could alternatively be generated from the problem description
using a bag-of-words approach. Each item specifies a program variable, and consists
of three parts: (1) correct data types, (2) phrases that describe the item and may com-
pose the variable name for that item, and (3) how the variable is assigned a value,
with the keyword ‘input’ indicating user-entered values. In Table 2, a slash means
“or” – either one of them may be present in the name.

Table 2. A Possible Variable Specification File for the Programming Problem in Figure 1
Name Types Variable Name Terms Assignment
v0 float, double mowing time/hours v1 * v2 / v3
v1 float, double yard/lawn length Input
v2 float, double yard/lawn width Input
v3 float, double mowing rate/speed Input
v4 float, double yard/lawn area v1 * v2

Assigning Variables and Extending the Variable Specification: Meaningful varia-

ble names, such as yardLength or yardLen, are a common requirement in introductory
programming courses. A preliminary analysis of novice programs shows that students
choose variable names in this fashion. Second choice names are also common. This
suggests that a simple list of all the variable names could be aggregated from all pro-
grams and compared to the instructor specification file. For those matching the speci-
fication, they are assigned the given variable names. If any remain, we can compute
simple similarity and thesaurus lookups to determine if any match to the existing va-
riables or one another. We can cluster the remaining variables and add representative
variables to the variable specification.
Variable Normalization: In order to avoid the problem of having a program
categorized as different simply because of varying names for variables, we normalize
variable names. The variable specification file determines the variable order and nor-
malized names. If a variable name is ambiguous, for example, length may refer to
yard length or house length, we can use how the variable is used to determine its pur-
pose. If programs are collected in an interactive environment, we could also ask the
student which data item the variable refers to.
Statement Sorting: After variables are normalized, the statements will be sorted.
Statement sorting consists of three steps. Step 1 – Preprocessing. We break a declara-
tion statement for multiple variables into multiple declaration statements, with each
declaring only one variable; we do the same for input and output statements. We also
break a declaration with initialization into a declaration and an assignment.
Step 2 – Create statements sets according to variable dependencies. The first
set consists of statements that do not depend on any other statement. The second set
Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation 307

consists of the statements that depend only on those from the first set. The third set
consists of the statements that depend only on those from the first and second sets,
and so on. For example, for the programs in Table 1, the first set consists of state-
ments 0 – 4, the second set 5 – 7, the third set 8, the fourth set 9, and the last set 10.
Step 3 – Within each set, statements are sorted in the decreasing order of their va-
riable signatures. Assume that there are n data items in the variable specification file.
A statement’s variable signature is s0s1…sn-1, where si is 1 if the normalized variable
name vi is in the statement and 0 otherwise. For example, the sorted version for the
matrix in Table 1 (right) is the matrix shown in Table 1 (left).
Linkage Matrix Representation Uniqueness: The matrix columns are labeled and
ordered by normalized variable names. The rows are labeled and ordered by sorted
statements. Step 2 guarantees the equivalency of the new program to the original;
sorting ensures that equivalent programs have the same matrix representation.

3 Hint Generation for Work-in-Progress Programs

The first step in hint generation for a programming problem is to collect a set of cor-
rect solutions from previous students. Then we build linkage graphs for these model
solutions. They serve as the sources for hint generation. New solutions may be added
to the set. We also build linkage graphs for intermediate states (e.g. program snap-
shots saved when the compile button is pressed), which are linked by directed arcs
that indicate the order the program was written. Each complete program results in a
sequence of states illustrating each step in development. These sequences are com-
posed into a single large graph, with equivalent states (linkage graphs) mapped to one
another. We then assign a reward value to each state (say 1 point for each linkage)
and the correct solutions (say 100), and apply value iteration to create a Markov Deci-
sion Process [Barnes2010b]. The linkages act as state features for the states and the
reward function computes the state value based its closeness to being complete.
When a student requests a hint, the tutor will build a linkage graph for the partial
program. The tutor will find a linkage graph in the MDP that is closest in structure, or
a ‘match’. When a student’s state is matched in the MDP, the MDP allows us to select
the next best state by choosing the one with the highest value. We may generate a hint
based on the next best state in the MDP or on the final complete solution if the student
were to follow the path with the highest values at each step. Suppose that for the par-
tial programs in Table 3, the complete linkage graph as the source for hint generation
is Table 1 (left). A partial linkage graph matrix has the same underlying structure as
the complete linkage graph: The statements and variables are in the same order as
those in the complete graph. The numbers in the matrices (Table 3) represent the or-
der of the statements in the partial programs. We can use missing items or items with
wrong orders from the complete graph to generate hints. For example, v4 = v1*v2 is
missing from Table 3 (left), so the hint might be “Calculate v1*v2 instead of v1/v2”. In
Table 3 (right), cin>> v1 and cin>> v2 are after v4 = v1*v2, so the hint might be “cin>>
v1 and cin >> v2 should be before v4 = v1*v2”. Note that when generating hints, we use
student variable names (e.g. yardLen) instead of normalized names (e.g. v0 and v1).
No Matching State Found: Linkage Graph Transformation. If the work-in-
progress solution takes a different approach from all existing correct solutions, we
have to determine whether any of the existing complete solutions can be modified to
308 W. Jin et al.

fit the current work-in-progress program. Table 4 shows how we expand the source
linkage graph to match the target partial program by adding new rows (and columns)
and splitting existing ones as needed. Once this transformation occurs, the new lin-
kage graph can be compared to the partial program to generate hints. This allows us to
provide hints right away with a provided expert solution.
Table 3. The Linkage Matrices for the Partial/Incorrect Programs
… cin >> v1; cin >> v2; cin >> v3; … v4 = v1 * v2; // wrong order
v4 = v1 / v2; // wrong expression cin >> v1; cin >> v2; cin >> v3;
v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v0 v1 v2 v3 v4
0. double v0; 0. double v0;
1. double v1; 1 1. double v1; 1
2. double v2; 1 2. double v2; 1
3. double v3; 1 3. double v3; 1
4. double v4; 1 4. double v4; 1
5. cin >> v1; 2 5. cin >> v1; 3
6. cin >> v2; 2 6. cin >> v2; 3
7. cin >> v3; 2 7. cin >> v3; 2
8. v4 = v1 * v2; 8. v4 = v1 * v2; 2 2
9. v0 = v4 / v3; 9. v0 = v4 / v3;
10. cout << v0; 10. cout << v0;

Table 4. Transformed Linkage Graph Matrix to Match a Partial Program

Complete/Correct Program: ... v0 = (v1 * v2) / v3; cout << v0;
Partial Program that Needs Hints: ... v4 = v1 * v2;
v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 //column v4 added
0. double v0; 1
1. double v1; 1
2. double v2; 1
3. double v3; 1
3b. double v4; 1 // a row is added
4. cin >> v1; 2
5. cin >> v2; 2
6. cin >> v3; 2
7a. v4 = v1 * v2 ; 3 3 2 // a row broken into 2
7. v0=v1*v2/v3;
7b. v0 = v4 / v3; 2 3 3 rows
8. cout << v0; 3

4 Effectiveness of Linkage Graph for Hint Generation

We have implemented the algorithms described herein in the context of jFlex/CUP.
To evaluate the effectiveness of using linkage graphs to generate hints, we analyzed
student submissions for a lab from the Spring 2011 introductory programming course
at UNC-Charlotte. The program is to calculate the pay for mowing the lawn around a
house. There are 200 total submissions with 37 correct solutions.
We performed vertical and horizontal evaluations. The ‘vertical’ evaluation was
applied to the set of correct submissions to generate hints for the first intermediate
Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation 309

version that can compile from its later complete counterpart. Since the same student
wrote the partial and complete programs, we expected the hints to make sense. This
baseline was to confirm that our ‘overlay’ hint generation approach would work.
Among 16 randomly selected correct submissions, good hints were generated for 14
(87.5%) of them, with six correcting a mistake, four finishing one more step, four no
hints due to program already complete. The only two cases, where the hints were not
appropriate, occurred when variable names were reused for different purposes.
We applied a ‘horizontal’ evaluation to a sample of 15 randomly selected incorrect
submissions. For each of incorrect solutions, we manually selected a similar correct
solution, which was not necessarily the best match. We then ran our program to gen-
erate linkage graphs and generate hints based on their differences. We found that we
could provide meaningful hints for 10 (66.6%) of the incorrect submissions. We be-
lieve this rate is promising, since we did not perform a best-match search. With a
best-match search and full MDPs, we could leverage partial solutions on paths to
correct solutions to provide intermediate states for hints. The remaining 5 programs
fall into the following two categories: (1) Variable name reuse. (2) The current algo-
rithm looks at each linkage separately. A hint is provided for the first missing state-
ment along each individual linkage. For example, if a program didn’t convert the lawn
area from square feet to square yards, the hints will most likely include “double
lawnSqYds” A better hint should be the next statement along that linkage “lawnSqYds
= lawnSqFt / 9”. This can be addressed by considering the relevant linkages together.
In both cases, implementing our proposed algorithms for detecting variable name
reuse would bring the successful hint rates to over 86%. We believe this success rate
indicates that our approach is likely to work.
Future Work will include implementing variable reuse detection, linkage graph
transformation when a match cannot be found, and further automating the variable
normalization process. Finally, we will also determine strategies for hint presentation,
since a full list of ‘missing’ items may be intimidating for novices.
Acknowledgement. This work was partially supported by NSF grants IIS-0845997
and CCLI-0837505.

Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Automatic hint generation for logic proof tutoring using historical data.
Journal Educational Technology & Society, Special Issue on Intelligent Tutoring Sys-
tems 13(1), 3–12 (2010)
Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Using Markov decision processes for student problem-solving visuali-
zation and automatic hint generation. In: Handbook on Educational Data Mining. CRC Press
Jin, W., Lehmann, L., Johnson, M., Eagle, M., Mostafavi, B., Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Towards
Automatic Hint Generation for a Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor. In: Workshop on
Knowledge Discovery in Educational Data, 17th ACM Conference on Knowledge Discov-
ery and Data Mining (2011)
Stamper, J., Barnes, T., Croy, M.: Enhancing the automatic generation of hints with expert
seeding. To appear in Intl. Journal of AI in Education, Special Issue “Best of ITS” (2011)
Exploring Quality of Constraints
for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments

Jaime Galvez Cordero, Eduardo Guzman De Los Riscos,

and Ricardo Conejo Muñoz

Universidad de Malaga,
29071, Malaga, Spain

Abstract. One of the approaches that has demonstrated by far its efficiency as a
tutorial strategy in problem solving learning environments is the Constraint-
Based Modeling (CBM). In existing works it has been combined with a data-
driven technique for automatic assessment, the Item Response Theory (IRT).
The result is a well-founded model for assessing students while solving prob-
lems. In this paper a novel technique for studying quality of constraints for this
type of assessment is presented. It has been tested with two new systems, an in-
dependent component for assessment that implements CBM with IRT, which
provides assessment to a new problem solving environment developed to assess
the students’ skills in decision-making in project investments. The results of
testing our approach and the application of these two systems with undergra-
duate students are also discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Problem Solving Environments, Constraint-Based Modeling, Item

Response Theory.

1 Introduction
Among the existing approaches that can be applied to modeling students in problem
solving environments, Constraint-Based Modeling (CBM) has proved its effective-
ness with a range of tutors and studies performed in the last years [1]. It is easier to be
applied than other approaches, such as Model Tracing [2], since CBM does not re-
quire identifying all possible steps a student could take to reach a solution to a prob-
lem. On the contrary, only those constraints that any solution should not violate need
to be identified.
CBM is an effective approach, whose power lies in the design of the constraints
set. To build a new learning environment using authoring tools such as ASPIRE [3] is
a very easy task, since no programming skills are needed. What is necessary to model
constraints in an appropriate manner is to have a broad knowledge of the domain
matter; the same happens in any other approach when a new learning environment is
going to be developed. Nevertheless, even with human experts, constraints could not
be reflecting properly a domain principle. In this sense, a constraint could actually
represent a more specific principle or, otherwise, a more general one.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 310–319, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments 311

The work presented here is based on the model presented in [4, 5] which combines
Item Response Theory (IRT) with CBM. IRT is a data-driven theory commonly used
in testing environments for assessment. The IRT+CBM model generates probabilistic
curves, called Constraint Characteristic Curve (CCC), which are inferred from a cali-
bration process with prior data from students’ performance.
Unfortunately, as mentioned before, constraints may not represent the domain
model in the best possible way. Moreover, the calibration performed by the
IRT+CBM model might not have enough evidence to infer the CCCs properly. In this
paper we present a data-driven technique to determine quality of constraints, i.e.,
whether or not they are good enough to be used for assessment.
The content of the article is organized as follows: first, the work related to our re-
search is mentioned. Then, we describe how IRT would help to determine quality of
constraints. Next, we present a new assessment framework and a new problem solv-
ing environment we have used to carry out the experimentation. Section 5 describes
our hypothesis, the experiment we designed, and our findings. Finally, conclusions
and future research work are outlined in the section 6.

2 Related Work

The first methodology of interest to the work of this paper is the CBM, which is used
to model the domain and student in problem solving environments with the goal of
improving learning of a given subject. Its basis is the Olsson’s theory of learning from
performance errors [6], according to which incomplete or incorrect student’s know-
ledge can be used within an intelligent tutoring system as guidance. Detection of this
faulty knowledge is done by the main element of CBM: the constraint, which
represents a principle that none of the possible solutions to a problem in this domain
will violate.
The other technique employed here is the IRT conceived by Thurstone [7], a well-
founded theory used in testing environments to measure certain traits, such as the
student’s knowledge. This theory is based on modeling the probability of answering a
question/item correctly given a student's knowledge level by means of a function
called Item Characteristic Curve (ICC) where the greater the student’s knowledge
level is, the higher the probability of answering correctly.
The main work related to the study conducted here is based on [4, 5], where a
model combining CBM and IRT is proposed in order to provide CBM with a long-
term student model. According to this work, constraints of CBM are equivalent to
questions of a test and using IR assessment over constraints can improve the student
model accuracy and, consequently, provide a better adaptation to the student learning
process. The analogy made between these two methodologies is the basis that allowed
us to apply techniques associated with the IRT into CBM to develop this work.
In literature there are works on CBM [8, 9] which explore whether or not groups of
constraints, linked to more general concepts, would be more effective for learning
than single constraints. However, our approach treats it from a different point of view
since it is based on IRT.
312 J. Galvez Cordero, E. Guzman De Los Riscos, and R. Conejo Muñoz

3 Using IRT to Study Quality of Constraints for Assessment

The analogy that allows us to formulate the approach explained below is that con-
straints are equivalent to questions in the sense that both of them represent declarative
knowledge units and both of them have two values as the result of the student perfor-
mance: one positive and one negative. The positive value represents correct know-
ledge, which, in the case of CBM, corresponds to a satisfaction of a constraint and, in
questions, to a correct response. The negative value would represent faulty know-
ledge, meaning that the constraint was violated or the response was wrong.
According to [4, 5], to apply IRT to constraints, a Constraint Characteristic Curve
(CCC) is defined for every constraint in a calibration process with the evidence taken
from the student’s performance. As in IRT, it represents a probability distribution
based on the knowledge: the broader the knowledge, the more probability of satisfy-
ing the constraint. Violations can be also modeled using the inverse of this function,
which means that when the knowledge is broader, the probability of violation is low-
er. As a result of the calibration, the parameters representing the CCC are obtained.
Normally, the 3 parameters logistic function (3PL) is applied, producing the fol-
lowing three parameters: a represents discrimination which is a value proportional to
the slope of the curve. The higher it is, the greater capacity to differentiate between
the students' inferior and superior knowledge levels; b is the difficulty and it corres-
ponds to the knowledge value for which the probability of satisfying the constraint is
the same as that of violating it; the last parameter, c, is the guessing and it represents
the probability that a student will satisfy the constraint even though he/she may not
possess the knowledge required to do so.
The basis of our proposal is that, considering the parameters of a CCC, we could
manage constraints as if they were items and, consequently, mechanisms applied over
items to determine their quality are equally valid for constraints. Concretely, we pro-
pose to employ the Item Information Function (IIF) [10, 11], which is a technique
used in adaptive testing in order to describe, select, and compare items and tests. Ac-
cordingly, we define the Constraint Information Function (CIF) that can be used to
detect the most suitable constraints for assessment (see equation 1 based on [10]). In
this way, assessment would be done over concepts representing more faithfully the
reality, which would reduce misleading result of an inappropriate representation.
. ( )
I (θ) . ( ) . ( )

The I (θ) represents how informative a constraint i is for a fixed value of the stu-
dent’s knowledge, θ. This knowledge ranges from ∞ to ∞, but in practice, only
values from the interval [-4, 4] or [-3, 3] are normally considered because, out of this
interval, the value of the CIF is very close to zero and hence it is negligible. Within
this interval the function has a logistic bell shape with values close to zero in the ex-
tremes and a maximum in the value of =bi, which is the parameter corresponding to
the difficulty of the constraint and the most representative for the CIF. Note that equa-
tion 1 assumes that CCC has been calibrated under the 3PL model.
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments 313

To calculate the CIF of a particular constraint, given that the formula is the deriva-
tive respect to θ, we would apply equation 2 to get the total information, which would
consider the whole range of student’s knowledge.
I I (θ) dθ (2)
We distinguish three particular cases where CIFs could help to explore the quality of
a) The first case is related to the relevance of constraints. Some of the domain
constraints are not always relevant to all the problems. They will have less evi-
dence in comparison to others and, thereby, less information of the domain. The
use of these constraints to assess students could produce an inaccurate assess-
b) Secondly, extremely high values of the information function in a constraint, in
comparison to the others, could suggest that this constraint is grouping more
than one domain principles. The recommendation here should be to consider
splitting this constraint into several ones, each one modeling a more specific
c) The last case would be exactly the opposite of the second one: the value of the
information function is extremely low. Two reasons could lead to this fact:
first, the population is small and there is not enough evidence to calibrate the
curves properly; and second, the constraint is too fine-grained and it should be
merged with other constraint to model a more general principle. Finally, this
CIF value could also suggest that the constraint is not a good indicator of the
student’s knowledge in the domain.
Regarding the distinction between good and bad constraints, it is clear that if the in-
formation is lower, it will be worse for assessment. Nevertheless, if we have to estab-
lish a limit or threshold to separate good constraints from bad ones, we still do not
know if there is a common limit for different domains. In the experimentation section
we give the threshold, obtained for our problem solving environment, as a reference
point for further studies.

4 Tools Used in the Experiment

To perform the experiment we used three systems, each one for different purposes:
the first one is Siette [12], a web-based authoring tool and testing environment where
students can take tests on a subject matter, and where assessment with IRT is possi-
ble. The other two systems are presented in this paper for the first time and both are
components of a bigger platform for teaching mathematics, DEDALO [13]. Follow-
ing the philosophy of this framework, every component is independent and can com-
municate through Web Services with the rest of the platform components. These
components are called Project Investments Problem Solving Environment (PIPSE)
and CBM-Engine.
314 J. Galvez Cordero, E. Guzman De Los Riscos, and R. Conejo Muñoz

4.1 Project Investment Problem Solving Environment

PIPSE was developed to be used as part of a course of Project Management as a sup-
port tool. It is a problem solving environment focused on the study of the profitability
of starting up a project given a series of variables associated with costs and benefits
that it would generate. The system is a Web application implemented on .net through
which students can apply several indexes, such as Net Present Value (NPV) or Inter-
nal Rate of Return (IRR) [14], to study the profitability of a project. Figure 1 shows
the four main parts of PIPSE: A is a panel of actions related to the current session and
to the student’s attempts; B contains the problem stem and buttons to hide / show it; C
is the table with the student’s solutions which can be edited; and D contains the con-
trols to add years or variables to the problem, with the solution variables and a work-
space panel where all actions carried out by the student are represented, and new
commands can be entered into a command line interpreter.

Fig. 1. Project Investment Problem Solving Environment

The system interface tries to reduce the cognitive overload [15], otherwise calculus
inherent in this kind of problems would affect the student’s working memory. This is
done by providing students with mechanisms similar to a datasheet, allowing them to
use references to cells of a table to build formulas that will be automatically inter-
preted and calculated by the system. Those mechanisms make calculations unneces-
sary outside the interface and help students to focus on using their knowledge to solve
the problem. Students should build a table with all the problem information and
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments 315

provide other information, which, all together, would represent the solution to the
problem. PIPSE is able to present information about the student performance errors
obtained from the application of CBM to their solution. This characteristic makes the
system not only an assessment tool, but also, suitable for learning purposes.
Information gathered from the student interaction with the system is used by it to
generate different assessments. To accomplish this, the information is sent to different
assessment subsystems, available through Web Services. Those subsystems are inde-
pendent and they are not fixed, i.e., they can be dynamically replaced, added, or
removed from the system. Although currently there are two different assessment sub-
systems implemented, each one associated with a different methodology, only one of
them is of interest to this study: the one that implements the combination of
CBM+IRT, which is explained in the following subsection.

4.2 CBM-Engine Assessment Component

The CBM-Engine is a SOA-based component following the same idea of [16] that
implements CBM with IRT assessment. It has no interface but a set of services that
can be used to apply the already-explained methodology in any external system/tutor.
It is formed by a three-layered architecture comprising: a) a top level layer offering
Web Services as interface with the external systems, b) an assessment layer where all
inferences and application logic are carried out, and c) a persistence layer in charge of
storing data structures common to any domain and those specific to each particular
domain. New problem solving environments or tutors wanting to obtain assessment
with this framework must be added to the system by using an authoring tool where
constraints and data structures must be defined.
In the particular case of the PIPSE system, we are dealing with a well-defined do-
main where problems as well as tasks are well-defined [17]. The constraints and the
specific data structures forming the domain model were added to the engine resulting
in a set of 17 constraints, which can be categorized in three subsets: (a) correct defini-
tion of variables related to the problem; (b) manipulation of the data in the solution
table; and (c) calculus and inference associated with the solution.

5 Experimentation

In this section we are going to describe the experiment we have conducted to validate
our proposal. In this sense, the main hypothesis to be tested will be whether or not the
IIF can be applied to constraints in the same way it is used in testing environments, to
detect constraints not suitable for assessment.
As a secondary goal, the second part of our experimentation tries to study an im-
portant characteristic that any system should have in order to be used for assessment
purposes: it should be able to provide a valid assessment of the student performance.
To verify this with the PIPSE system presented in this study, we proceeded as it was
done in [4, 5]. Following the same criteria, assessment produced with the system us-
ing the combination CBM+IRT should be similar to the one obtained by applying a
316 J. Galvez Cordero, E. Guzman De Los Riscos, and R. Conejo Muñoz

formal assessment of the same concepts involved in the system. Thus, the second part
is focused on exploring whether or not the assessment provided by our new system,
using a set of constraints valid for assessment, is equivalent to the one provided by a
test where IRT would be applied to infer the student’s knowledge.

5.1 Design and Implementation of the Experiment

In order to evaluate our methodology, we designed an experiment with students from
the last year of the M.Sc. in Computer Science degree at the University of Malaga. A
total of 24 students participated in the study that was performed in December 2011
and comprised of several stages. First, the students were instructed during several
classes on the different indexes to solve the project investment problems. Next, they
took a one-hour-long session where they were able to use the system to solve two
problems seen previously in class; a week later, we performed a paper-based exam
where two problems where proposed and a test was administered.
To test the experiment hypothesis, problems proposed in the exam did not cover
the whole set of constraints; a characteristic we would use later in the analysis of con-
straints quality with the CIF. Regarding the test, it was designed, following the same
premises as in [4, 5], in order to assess the same concepts involved in the problems.
To achieve this, a question was written for each constraint, producing a total of 15
questions in the test. Two of the constraints were left out of the test since they were
not associated with concepts, but with mathematical verifications.
Unlike the early work with this technique, the exam was made on paper with the
aim of getting only the constraints violations and preventing students from receiving
any type of feedback. With this omission of information about errors made in the
solution, the learning factor associated with feedback was isolated and taken out of
the experiment, which, according to IRT requirements, is important to generate a
good calibration of constraints and to apply IRT mechanisms. Once all the students
had finished the exam, the solutions they provided were then introduced into the prob-
lem solving environment and constraints were checked against them.
The experiment was used as an assessment item in the course, and all 24 students
enrolled in the course participated in it. Additionally, the Siette test was also adminis-
tered to the students. After all data had been gathered from students, we performed
the analysis of constraints applying the approach explained before, filtering some of
the constraints and leaving the rest to perform the assessment of students, which led
us to the results described in the next section.

5.2 Results
The solution provided by every student was introduced into the PIPSE, which sent it
to the CBM-Engine, recording all data and calibrating constraints. The calibration
output, i.e., parameters representing the CCC, was analyzed by applying the informa-
tion function to every constraint using the formula (1). As a result, we got an average
value of 14.81 of the CIF and a standard deviation of 2.18 for the whole set of 17
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments 317

Before examining the results, we grouped the constraints into those that were not
relevant during the problems taken in the exam and those that were. Looking at the
results, the first supporting finding we made was that the group of relevant con-
straints, composed by 7 of them, had a greater mean of the CIF (16.29 versus 13.76).
Although after a t-test we couldn’t find significant difference in their means (p-value
0.68), we discovered that one of the constraints from this analysis had a strange value
that was affecting the results by introducing noise. When we discarded it, the differ-
ence became significant (p-value 0.012).
Besides, we ordered the constraints according to their value in the CIF, finding that
5 out of 7 of the relevant constraints were at the top of the list. In this particular case,
splitting the data with the threshold 0.5 , resulted in the division of the relevant
constraints at the top of the list. This suggests that most of them could be detected
using the CIF (conforming case a) of our proposal in section 3). Regarding the other
two relevant constraints not found at the top, both of them were at the bottom with an
order of -1.67 times the standard deviation, which was significant. This constraint
with extremely low value was representing a principle of the domain that was implicit
in other constraints and, therefore, it was not providing much information. The other
constraint at the bottom of the list was not significantly different from the rest and
experts in the domain didn’t find any other constraint that could be merged with it.
This probably is explained by a small population of students that didn’t provide
enough evidence to get a good calibration of the constraint. In any case, irregularities
of both of these constraints were detected with our approach (conforming case c) of
our proposal).
Additionally, during the analysis we found a constraint with an outstanding value
of the information function over the remaining ones. It had a 20.07, which is an order
of 2.4 times the standard deviation. Since we had not deliberately designed this con-
straint to be different from the others, by examining it to see what the cause of this
exaggerated value would be, we realized it was due to grouping several concepts to-
gether, which led to students’ faulty knowledge being more pronounced here. It
means that we were able to detect a constraint which could be split into others
representing more fine-grained principles of the domain (see case b) of our proposal
in section 3).
The filtered set of constraints was used then in the assessment framework to pro-
vide a score for every student. This assessment was compared with the one obtained
in the Siette test using a paired t-test at 95% confidence. As result of the t-test we got
a p-value of 0.8155. This clearly suggests that in the case of pairs of scores belonging
to a student, there is no significant difference between them. Furthermore, we per-
formed a correlation analysis between both scores, obtaining a correlation coefficient
of 0.06. This is a very small value that we think could be explained by two factors: a)
the number of data from students / constraints is not big enough; or b) questions of the
test were not correctly designed to evaluate the same concepts.

6 Conclusions
In this paper, a new approach, called Constraint Information Function (CIF), to study
quality of constraints in CBM tutors has been introduced. This methodology is based
318 J. Galvez Cordero, E. Guzman De Los Riscos, and R. Conejo Muñoz

on the analogy discovered between questions and CBM constraints [4, 5], according
to which, constraints are used as if they were questions in a test and, consequently,
mechanisms of IRT can be applied to constraints. In this way, the IIF, normally used
to study quality of questions in test development, has been proposed to determine
whether or not constraints are representing the domain correctly and if they can be
used for assessing students appropriately. This approach would help to generate a
more accurate assessment, leading to a more precise student model and a better adap-
tation. In addition, our approach could contribute to the constraint elicitation process,
since it could help to detect constraints that should be split or grouped, and even to
reformulate or discard them.
As part of the study, the CBM with IRT assessment has been implemented in a
new SOA-based assessment framework called CBM-Engine. This system is able to
perform the same assessment procedure combining both techniques, with the advan-
tage of being independent of the learning system. What is more, it can be used by any
external learning environment as long as it is registered in the system and its domain
model is incorporated into the specific domain data structures.
Besides, a new problem solving environment focused on the domain of project in-
vestment analysis has been presented. It has been designed to provide different
assessments from independent subsystems, each one using different assessment me-
chanisms. For the study presented in this article, only the methodology provided by
the CBM-Engine is of relevance. This problem solving environment can be used not
only as an assessment tool, but also as a tutoring system since it is able to take the
feedback produced by the CBM and present it to the students. However, this scaffold-
ing mechanism goes beyond the scope of this paper.
In the experiments conducted, we used the problem solving environment working
with the new assessment framework. Students’ data were used by the framework to
produce first a calibration of constraints and then an assessment. Between the two
phases, the Information Function was successfully applied to detect those constraints
which were not suitable to be used for assessment. The assessment performed after
filtering the non-suitable set of constraints was compared to the assessment of a test
covering the same concepts involved in the constraints. Statistical analysis suggests
that our model could diagnose in the same way as an IRT-based test does. Neverthe-
less, no much correlation was found between the test and the problem solving scores,
probably because the data used in the experiment was much reduced.
When we look at CBM with IRT as a problem solving environment assessment
mechanism, the results are promising and a range of possibilities is opened with this
synergy. Nevertheless it has a drawback that should be taken under consideration: so
far, results have been found only in systems without a big population using it. There-
fore, further work is being done to explore efficiency of this technique for bigger
systems. Further work should be also done to explore if the process of the approach
presented here, which was made entirely manual, could be automated within the
CBM-engine; if some common threshold to distinguish good constraints from bad
ones can be found in different systems; and whether there exist any automatic me-
chanism to determine it. Our current work is focused on these lines and exploring
other utilities of IRT mechanisms that can be applied to CBM tutors.
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments 319

Acknowledgements. This work has been co-financed by the Andalusian Regional

Ministry of Science, Innovation and Enterprise (P07-TIC-03243 and P09-TIC-5105).

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In: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 375–382
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error
Diagnosis Accuracy for Intelligent Tutors?

Nguyen-Thinh Le and Niels Pinkwart

Clausthal University of Technology Germany


Abstract. Problems for which multiple solution strategies are possible can be
challenging for intelligent tutors. These kinds of problems are often the norm in
exploratory learning environments which allow students to develop solutions in
a creative manner without many restrictions imposed by the problem solving in-
terface. How can intelligent tutors determine a student’s intention in order to
give appropriate feedback for problems with multiple, quite different solutions?
This paper focuses on improving the diagnosis capabilities of constraint-based
intelligent tutors with respect to supporting problems with multiple possible so-
lution strategies. An evaluation study showed that by applying a soft-computing
technique (a probabilistic approach for constraint satisfaction problems), the
diagnostic accuracy of constraint-based intelligent tutors can be improved.

Keywords: Soft computing, constraint satisfaction problems, error diagnosis,

intelligent tutoring systems.

1 Introduction

Intelligent tutors which are able to deal with problems that have multiple solution
variants usually have to face the challenge of diagnosing the student’s intention, i.e.,
determining which solution strategy the student is pursuing as she is trying to solve a
given problem. Diagnosing the solution strategy intended by a student is important,
because only if this is done correctly, an accurate error diagnosis can be conducted
and, in consequence, appropriate feedback on the student’s solution can be given.
There are two main and established approaches for building intelligent tutors:
model-tracing [1] and constraint-based modeling [2]. While a model-tracing system is
able to diagnose the student’s intention by monitoring and relating the student’s prob-
lem solving steps to the correct solution paths captured in the cognitive model [3],
constraint-based tutors do usually not contain sufficient information to decide on the
most plausible hypothesis about the student’s intention underlying a student’s solu-
tion. Constraint-based error diagnosis can be conceived as a constraint satisfaction
problem. If a student solution is correct, then all constraints will be satisfied. If an
erroneous student solution is evaluated, an inconsistency between the erroneous stu-
dent solution and the constraint system occurs, i.e., one or more constraints will be
violated. In this case, the problem of error diagnosis is considered over-constrained.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 320–329, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy 321

The goal of constraint-based error diagnosis is not to search for a correct solution, but
rather to identify the constraint violations which lead to the inconsistency between an
erroneous solution and the constraint system. The result of this constraint-based error
diagnosis – the constraints that are violated and those that are not – is a good starting
point for giving feedback to students if there is only one main solution for a problem
(possibly with slight variations that the constraint system can accommodate). Yet, it is
off less use if different solution strategies (i.e., different constraint sets) for a problem
are possible.
To build constraint-based intelligent tutors which are able to handle problems with
multiple solution strategies, the approach presented in this paper adopts a soft compu-
ting technique for solving constraint satisfaction problems: a probabilistic framework.
For that purpose, each constraint is associated with a constraint weight which
represents heuristic information indicating the importance of the constraint. As we
will argue in this paper, these weights can be used to hypothesize the student’s inten-
tion underlying his solution.
In the next section, we review some typical soft computing techniques for solving
constraint satisfaction problems and argue why we choose the probabilistic approach.
Then, we briefly describe a weighted constraint-based model which can be used to
build intelligent constraint-based tutors for problems with multiple solution strategies.
Next, we show an evaluation study which confirms that by applying soft computing
techniques, the diagnostic accuracy for constraint-based intelligent tutors can be en-
hanced as compared to traditional constraint-based modeling approaches. Finally, we
summarize the benefits of the weighted constraint-based model and propose some
future work.

2 Soft Computing for Constraint Satisfaction Problems

To deal with the issue of over-constrained satisfaction problems, some researchers

have attempted to distinguish the level of importance between constraints. Here, hard
constraints represent conditions which must always hold, and soft constraints
represent preferences which should be satisfied when possible. Several techniques
have been devised to express soft constraints and to allow their violation. The most
popular approaches include fuzzy constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) [4], cost-
minimizing CSPs [5], partial CSPs [6], and probabilistic CSPs [7].
A partial CSP framework attempts to soften a constraint satisfaction problem by
changing the domain of variables/constraints or a constraint system in several ways:
by 1) enlarging the domain of a variable, 2) enlarging the domain of a constraint, 3)
removing variables of a constraint, or 4) removing a constraint from the constraint
system. This approach is not appropriate for enhancing the error diagnosis capability
of a constraint-based intelligent tutor due to the following reason. To choose the most
plausible solution strategy, we need to consider all possible evidence (based on solu-
tion components), whereas a partial CSP framework attempts to eliminate constraints
which can be violated by a student solution and thus, evidence supporting the process
322 N.-T. Le and N. Pinkwart

of hypothesizing the student’s intention during error diagnosis is also eliminated. As a

consequence, the diagnosis capability of a constraint-based intelligent tutor would be
While a partial CSP framework requires satisfying a partial set of constraints, the
fuzzy CSP and the cost-minimizing CSP approaches allow all constraints to be satis-
fied by defining a preference ranking of the possible instantiations according to some
criteria depending on the constraints. The solution of a fuzzy/cost-minimizing con-
straint satisfaction problem is the instantiation which meets the highest satisfaction
degree. The fuzzy CSP framework associates a level of preference with each instan-
tiation of variables in each constraint and searches a solution by maximizing the satis-
faction degree of the least preferred constraint. On the contrary, in a cost-minimizing
CSP framework instantiations are assigned with a cost and the goal is to find a
solution which minimizes the total sum of costs of the chosen instantiation for each
constraint. These approaches are very appropriate for problem situations where prefe-
rence levels for certain instantiations of the constraint variables are available. They
are, however, not well suited for improving the capability of constraint-based error
diagnosis. The problem of error diagnosis in a constraint-based tutor is a situation
where it is almost impossible to specify instantiations of constraint variables in ad-
vance because the amount of constraints required to model domain knowledge is
relatively high and the space of possible instantiations is large.
A probabilistic CSP framework, finally, contains a set of constraints. Each of these
constraints is intended to represent a piece of knowledge. It is associated with a prob-
ability of relevance. That is, some constraints can be specified as relevant to the prob-
lem with complete certainty, and for some others it can be specified that they may or
may not be relevant to this problem. It is usually assumed that the probabilities of two
different constraints are independent from each other. A solution of the probabilistic
constraint satisfaction problem is an instantiation of all variables that has a maximal
probability. A probabilistic CSP framework can be used to model situations where
each constraint can be specified with a certain probability. Since such a situation is
applicable to constraint-based intelligent tutors, Le and Pinkwart proposed to adopt
the probabilistic approach for enhancing the diagnosis capability of traditional con-
straint-based tutors [8].
In the approach pursued here, a probability associated with each constraint indi-
cates a measure of the importance of a constraint and is being referred to as a con-
straint weight. Applying the probabilistic CSP approach, the automated evaluation of
student solutions resembles the assessment of written examinations by a human tutor:
not only the quantity of the “correct” statements made by the student is important for
the final mark, but also the importance of the contained statements.
In our approach, one goal for using constraint weights (in addition to coming to a
more realistic estimation about solution quality by considering different importance
degrees for different constraints) is to choose the most plausible hypothesis about the
solution strategy pursued by a student.
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy 323

3 Weighted Constraint-Based Models

As presented in more detail in [8], a weighted constraint-based model (WCBM) con-

sists of a semantic table, a set of weighted constraints, and transformation rules. The
WCBM model assumes that a problem can be solved by applying different alternative
solution strategies, and each of them can be implemented in different variations. The
semantic table is used to model alternative solution strategies and to represent genera-
lized components for each solution strategy. Constraints are used to check the seman-
tic correctness of the student solution with respect to the requirements specified in the
semantic table and to examine general well-formedness conditions for a solution.
Transformation rules serve to extend the coverage of a solution space (for instance,
they allow for including general rules such as math equations, e.g., X(Y+Z) =
XY+XZ, into the diagnosis process). The process of diagnosing errors in a student
solution performed by a WCBM tutor consists of two interwoven tasks (hypotheses
generation and hypotheses evaluation) which take place on two levels (strategy and
solution variant level). First, on the strategy level, the system generates hypotheses
about the student’s intention by iteratively matching the student solution against the
solution strategies that are specified in the semantic table. Then, once a solution strat-
egy has been matched, the process initiates hypotheses about the student’s solution
variant by matching components of the student solution against corresponding com-
ponents of the selected solution strategy. Next, hypotheses generated on the solution
variant level are evaluated, and the most plausible variant of the student solution
(within a strategy) is chosen. In this process, hypotheses are evaluated with respect to
their plausibility by multiplying the weights of constraints which are violated by that
hypothesis according the following formula:

PlausibilityProd(H) = ∏ , where Wi is the weight of a violated constraint (1)

On the strategy level, the hypothesis with the highest plausibility score (note that
important constraints have weight values close to 0, while less important ones have
weights close to 1) corresponds to the solution strategy which the student has most
likely intended to pursue in his solution. This hypothesis is selected, and diagnostic
information is derived from constraint violations resulting from the plausibility com-
putation of the selected hypothesis.

4 Evaluation

In [8] it has been shown that an intelligent tutor built based on the weighted con-
straint-based model is better than a corresponding intelligent tutor that is built based
on a classical constraint-based modeling approach with respect to evaluating intention
analysis. The intention analysis of a tutor is the capability to hypothesize the solution
strategy underlying the student solutions correctly. In this paper, we intend to go the
next step and compare the diagnostic validity of a weighted constraint-based tutor
with a corresponding traditional constraint-based tutor. Evaluating the diagnostic
324 N.-T. Le and N. Pinkwart

validity means determining whether the diagnostic result is acceptable with respect to
a gold standard. The diagnostic validity partially depends on the capability of inten-
tion analysis, because if the intention of the student is hypothesized wrongly, this
makes it more difficult to detect errors with a high validity.

4.1 Design
To compare the diagnostic validity of the weighted constraint-based model with the
classical constraint-based modeling approach, we used two versions of INCOM, a
tutoring system for logic programming. The first one applies the weighted constraint-
based model (INCOM-WCBM). A modified version of INCOM (INCOM-CBM)
corresponds to a classical constraint-based tutor and uses constraints without weight
values. Classical constraint-based tutors have no “standard” way of dealing with mul-
tiple solution strategies that each come with different constraint sets. To realistically
compare INCOM-WCMB and INCOM-CBM, such a feature for plausibility of hypo-
theses about the solution strategy intended by the student had to be added to INCOM-
CBM. We did this by summing up the number of constraint violations caused by each
PlausibilityAdd(H) = |C| (2)

C is the set of all constraint violations caused by each hypothesis H. This approach
seems quite natural and straightforward in a situation where constraints do not have
weights but can just either be violated or nor – it models the idea that if a student
solution violates X constraints for the constraint system corresponding to solution
strategy A and Y(>X) constraints for the constraint system corresponding to solution
strategy B, then the student has most likely pursued strategy A. That is, the plausibil-
ity of a hypothesis is associated to the number of corresponding violated constraints.
We collected exercises and solutions from past written examinations for computer
science (specifically, a course in logic programming and AI) and input them into the
two systems under comparison (INCOM-WCBM and INCOM-CBM). In total, we
collected 221 student solutions, where the solutions have been collected based on the
following criteria: 1) any piece of code which satisfies minimal requirements of inter-
preting it as a Prolog program is considered a solution, 2) syntax errors in the solu-
tions are ignored (because during the written examination session students did not
have access to a computer), 3) both correct and incorrect solutions are taken into ac-
count. Following are short versions of the seven tasks we selected:

1. Access to specific elements within an embedded list;

2. Querying a data base and applying a linear transformation to the result;
3. Modification of all elements of a list subject to a case distinction;
4. Creation of an n-best list from a data base;
5. Computing the sum of all integer elements of a list;
6. Counting the number of elements in an embedded list;
7. Finding the element of an embedded list which has the maximum value for a cer-
tain component.
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy 325

To define a gold standard, we invited a human expert in logic programming to inspect

all errors (i.e., diagnosis results) provided by the INCOM-WCBM system after analyz-
ing 221 student solutions, either confirming or rejecting it. In addition, the human tutor
had the possibility to add general comments which are not specific to the presented
errors, for example, if he thought that crucial errors have been missed (due to high re-
source requirements for this human expert tasks, we did not involve multiple graders).
Once the gold standard was specified, we are able to determine the set of gold
standard errors (which should have been identified by the system) and gold standard
not-errors (which should not have been identified by the system). The sets retrieved
errors and not-retrieved errors are the results of the systems diagnoses.

4.2 Results

To measure the diagnostic validity of an intelligent tutor, we use the metrics Recall
and Precision. With respect to Table 1, Precision and Recall are defined as follows

Table 1. Categories for Precision and Recall

Gold standard Gold standard

Errors Not-errors
Retrieved errors A B
Not retrieved errors C

Under these definitions, a high precision means that the model is based on fairly
reliable constraints which have a low risk of producing false alarms, i.e., the develop-
er was careful to avoid particularly risky constraints. A high recall, on the other hand,
means that the diagnosis has a good coverage, i.e., it considers a sufficiently rich set
of relevant constraints.
Table 2 summarizes the results of system diagnoses of INCOM-WCBM and
INCOM-CBM with respect to diagnostic validity. From this table, we can notice three
aspects. First, the precision of INCOM-WCBM is high (0.953), as is the recall (0.97).
The latter indicates that the set of weighted constraints covers possible errors in the
domain of logic programming sufficiently. As such, one can state that the diagnostic
validity of WCBM-INCOM is high: one can expect this system to give appropriate
feedback to students also in the situation of tasks that have multiple possible solution
strategies (as is the case for most of the tasks we considered). Would these good re-
sults also have been possible without the constraint weights? Table 2 gives an answer
to this: The second claim we can make is that the precision of INCOM-WCBM is
remarkably higher than the one of INCOM-CBM (0.459). This can be attributed to the
weight values associated to each constraint in the INCOM-WCBM, because con-
straint weights are used to determine the student’s intention and to control the error
diagnosis process.
326 N.-T. Le and N. Pinkwart

Table 2. Evaluation of the diagnostic validity

Task Precision Recall Precision Recall
1 0.9 0.93 0.466 0.724
2 0.941 1 0.666 0.875
3 1 1 1 1
4 0.907 0.929 0.488 0.909
5 0.991 0.983 0.208 0.297
6 0.961 0.961 0.198 0.359
7 0.974 0.987 0.19 0.185
Avg. 0.953 (sd.=0.04) 0.97 (sd.=0.03) 0.459 (sd.=0.3) 0.621 (sd.=0.33)

Third, we notice that while the precision of INCOM-WCBM seems to be stable

across the seven tasks, the precision of INCOM-CBM tends to decrease from task 4
on. This can be explained by the fact that the complexity of tasks 4-7 is higher than
the one of tasks 1-4. In addition, we can see that both INCOM-WCBM and INCOM-
CBM reach their maximum precision value at Task 3. Yet, this has to be interpreted in
the light of the fact that only four student solutions were available for this task, and all
of them contained very few errors.
We next want to illustrate the difference of diagnostic validity between INCOM-
WCBM and INCOM-CBM using an erroneous example student solution for Task 6:
countz(N,L):- L=[], N is 0.
countz(N,L):- L=[Head|Rest], countz(N1, Rest), N is N1+1.

Task 6 can, among others, be solved by applying either a naive recursive strategy or a
tail recursive strategy. Applying the weighted constraint-based model, INCOM-
WCBM produced two hypotheses on the strategy level. The first hypothesis (H1) is
that the student has implemented the naive recursive strategy and the student solution
has violated three constraints, i.e., the solution has three errors (Table 3).

Table 3. Hypothesis 1 of INCOM-WCBM: The naive recursive strategy

ID Weight Feedback
s7c 0.8 At the position N, a number is expected.
countz(N,L):- L=[], N is 0.
p5c 0.8 The variable Head in the clause body is not used. Is it super-
fluous, or did you forget a subgoal to use it, or should it be an
anonymous variable?
countz(N,L):- L=[Head|Rest], countz(N1, Rest), N is N1+1.
s5b 0.1 The arithmetic subgoal is superfluous.
countz(N,L):- L=[], N is 0.
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy 327

Since the system does not allow the subgoal “N is 0” as a value assignment, the
first constraint violation indicates that the variable N needs to be instantiated with a
number and the third constraint violation shows that the arithmetic subgoal is not
required. The second constraint violation shows that a variable Head is present but
not used. Applying formula (1), the plausibility of this hypothesis is
The second hypothesis (H2) is that the student has implemented the tail recursive
strategy. Following this hypothesis, the student solution violated constraints as listed
in Table 4. These constraint violations occurred because the system tried to match the
student solution with components of the tail recursive strategy which requires
the following clauses: 1) the main clause which calls the accumulative predicate, 2)
the base case of the accumulative predicate, and 3) a recursive clause which accumu-
lates a value using an accumulative variable. Since the student solution could not be
matched well to the tail recursive strategy (it violated five constraints, each with
weight 0.01), the plausibility of this hypothesis is 0.015. As such, H2 is less plausible
than hypothesis H1. As a result, INCOM-WCBM decided that the student has most
likely pursued the naive recursion strategy.

Table 4. Hypothesis 2 of INCOM-WCBM: The tail recursive strategy

ID Weight Feedback
s7g1 0.01 If you want to implement a non-recursive clause, at least one
clause must have been specified as non-recursive.
s7g 0.01 A base case is missing.
s7h 0.01 A recursive case is required. Or did you forget a subgoal in a
clause body?
s7i 0.01 countz/2: this predicate definition has more base cases than
countz(N,L):- L=[], N is 0.
s7j 0.01 countz/2: this predicate definition has more recursive cases than
countz(N,L):- L=[Head|Rest], countz(N1, Rest), N is N1+1.

INCOM-CBM also generated two hypotheses. The first hypothesis (H1A) is that
the student has implemented the naive recursive strategy. This hypothesis caused, in
addition to three constraint violations in Table 3, two others, which address the arith-
metic argument in the second clause. (countz(N,L):- L=[Head|Rest],
countz(N1, Rest), N is N1+1.):
1. At the position N1, a constant number is required.
2. At the position 1, a variable is required.
These additional constraint violations resulted from the fact that INCOM-CBM was
not able to choose the most plausible hypothesis generated on the solution variant
level. By matching the arithmetic term N1+1 of the student solution against the se-
mantic table, two hypotheses have been generated: H1_1={map(N1, N1'); map(1,1)}
and H1_2={map(N1, 1); map(1,N1')}, where N1'+1 is a corresponding arithmetic
328 N.-T. Le and N. Pinkwart

term specified in the semantic table. INCOM-CBM chose the second hypothesis on
the solution variant level and forwarded this to the strategy level. Applying formula
(2), the plausibility for hypothesis H1A is the number of violated constraints, i.e., the
plausibility is 5.
The second hypothesis (H2A) INCOM-CBM has generated is that the student has
implemented the tail recursive strategy. Diagnosing errors following this hypothesis,
INCOM-CBM produced the same five constraint violations as in Table 4. That is, the
plausibility of this hypothesis is also five and equal to the plausibility of hypothesis
H1A. Thus, INCOM-CBM was not able to decide on the most plausible hypothesis
about the student’s solution variant, because two hypotheses of INCOM-CBM (naive
recursive and tail recursive) have the same plausibility score (each hypothesis produc-
es five constraint violations). Therefore, the system could not decide which strategy
was most likely pursued by the student. Many of the cases where INCOM-WCBM
had a higher diagnostic validity than INCOM-CBM can be explained in a similar
fashion: the weights outperformed the simple counting of constraint violations.

4.3 Possible Limitations

Overall, our results indicate that adding constraint weights can improve the error
diagnosis of constraint-based intelligent tutors. Yet, our results concerning the diag-
nostic validity of INCOM-WCBM might be a bit optimistic, because our method of
determining the gold standard was based on actual system’s diagnosis results. This
might have created a bias toward these error interpretations. Other comparable tutor
systems for programming, e.g. PROUST [10], APROPOS2 [11], and Hong’s Prolog
tutor [12], which also provide problems with multiple solution variants, defined the
gold standard by hand analysis. That is, a human expert analyzed each student solu-
tion and detected errors independent from the system’s diagnostic result. However,
this way of defining a gold standard by hand analysis is not well-suited for constraint-
based tutors due to two reasons. First, the human expert has to know the large set of
constraints (the current implementation of INCOM includes 147 constraints [13])
which represent error types, and relate every error detected in a program to a corres-
ponding constraint. This is a very laborious undertaking for a human expert. Second,
a constraint can be relevant to different components of the same solution many times.
If a human expert has to assign a detected error to one of the existing constraints, she
would have to iterate through the list of constraints as many times as the system does.
This is a bothersome and error prone task. Hence, we specified the gold standard in a
way that provides a balance between human and system orientation.
Another possible limitation is that, in our study, we compared INCOM-WCMB to
a classical constraint based tutor which made use of a reasonable but quite
straightforward method for determining student strategies. Adding more advanced
features (i.e., more sophisticated methods for guessing solution strategies) could
probably have increased the diagnostic validity of our “control condition” INCOM-
CBM. Yet, it remains to be shown if, with additional features but without weights, the
diagnostic validity could have reached the level that can be reached with weighted
constraints as available in INCOM-WCMB.
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy 329

5 Conclusion

In this paper we have presented a weighted constraint-based model for intelligent

tutors. We also demonstrated an evaluation study which compared the diagnostic
validity of a tutor applying the weighted constraint-based model and a classical con-
straint-based tutor for the same domain in logic programming. The evaluation study
showed that the precision of error diagnosis provided by the weighted constraint-
based tutor (0.953) is remarkably higher than the one of the classical constraint-based
tutor (0.459). From this result and the evaluation study in [8], we can conclude that
the error diagnosis capability of constraint-based tutors can be improved if constraints
are enriched with weight values which represent the importance of a constraint. In the
future, we plan to test the applicability of the weighted constraint-based model in
other domains.

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Identification and Classification of the Most Important
Moments from Students’ Collaborative Discourses

Costin-Gabriel Chiru1 and Stefan Trausan-Matu1,2

“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
313 Splaiul Independetei, Bucharest, Romania
Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of the Romanian Academy,
13 Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucharest, Romania

Abstract. In this paper we present a method that combines the cognitive and
socio-cultural paradigms for automatically identifying the most important mo-
ments (the so-called pivotal moments) from a Computer Supported Collabora-
tive Learning chat. The existing applications do not identify these moments and
we propose a flexible visual method for filling this gap. Since these moments
may have different roles in a discourse, we also propose a classification of the
identified types of important moments from chat conversations.

Keywords: CSCL, Pivotal Moments, Discourse Analysis, Polyphony Theory.

1 Introduction

This paper proposes a method and a visualization tool for analyzing Computer Sup-
ported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) instant messenger (chats), with the main pur-
pose of identifying and classifying the most important moments from such chats. The
identification of these moments is extremely important for both the learners and the
tutors since it provides hints about the areas where specific topics are debated and it is
able to capture the connections that exist between different topics or the strength of a
topic compared with the strength of other topics. For students this information helps
learning in the phase of searching for answers to different problems since it can serve
to build a better retrieval system of relevant texts, because it is possible to identify the
areas from the chat where specific concepts are debated and therefore the retrieval
system could index and retrieve only parts of that chat instead of the whole chat.
More than that, the information provided by the identification of the most important
moments could also suggest what solution has been chosen for solving a specific
problem if multiple such solutions have been identified in the chat. For tutors, this
information is helpful in providing an overview of the understanding students have on
the topics debated in the chat since it reflects how well they understood the notions
related to a given topic and also shows how they relate different topics. In the same
time, it can provide information about differential positions relating the debated topics
and whether these positions are finally reaching a consensus or not [7].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 330–339, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from Students 331

The method presented here combines the cognitive and socio-cultural paradigms in
the analysis of CSCL chats under the concept of voice from the Polyphonic Theory
[7, 8] and the WordNet (http://wordnet.princeton.edu) linguistic database. It uses
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques [2] (for example, building lexical
chains starting from the given text and a linguistic database) and the ideas related to
identifying polyphonic threads presented in [8].
We have used the implemented system for the analysis of CSCL chats consisting
of 4-8 participants debating about which is the best tool for collaborative learning. In
the preparation of these chats, the students have been divided by the tutors in groups
and each student from the group has been provided with learning materials about a
specific topic from the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) domain (chat, blog, fo-
rum, wiki). The students were supposed to study their specific topic and to defend it
in a “confrontation” with the other students supporting their own topics. The desired
outcome of these chats was the understanding in further detail of all the considered
topics by all the participants. This outcome could only be reached if each participant
would share its own knowledge with the others and, through debate, would be able to
compare and relate to each other the considered topics.
In the next section we will state the theoretical ideas that represent the basis of this
system. The paper continues with the presentation of the application and of the me-
thod used for identifying the important moments from a chat. As a consequence of the
multiple things that may be observed in a chat after encountering such an important
moment, we propose a classification of the identified important moments that is de-
scribed in section 4. The paper concludes with our observations regarding the pro-
posed method and classification.

2 Theoretical Ideas

In the discourse analysis field, two major directions can be indentified: the cognitive
paradigm, considered in NLP - “focusing on the knowledge in individuals’ minds” [7]
- and the socio-cultural paradigm [9] - “stating that learning is achieved socially” [7].
One of the applications of the cognitive paradigm in Artificial Intelligence was to
support learning, leading to the development of Intelligent Tutoring Systems that
were trying to teach students by transferring knowledge from a tutor (human or com-
puter) to them. Unfortunately, these systems did not acquire the expected results and,
as a consequence, other theories for learning were searched for. In this context, the
socio-cultural paradigm (stating that the knowledge is socially constructed) was con-
sidered suitable: Mikhail Bakhtin [1] introduced a new perspective in which dialogue
was seen as a central concept and this idea was applied in learning: “discourse should
be a central issue in a theory about learning” [7].
Bakhtin started from the polyphony model of the musical domain and extended it
to discourse, considering that “the voices of others become woven into what we say,
write and think” [3]. Therefore, the knowledge is acquired from the discussion with
the other participating voices by interweaving the ideas expressed by each of the
voices: “rather than speaking about ‘acquisition of knowledge,’ many people prefer to
332 C.-G. Chiru and S. Trausan-Matu

view learning as becoming a participant in a certain discourse” [6]. Discourse is seen

as a tool for enhancing learning, the things that are learnt reflecting the ideas of the
contributing voices.
Bakhtin has also introduced another very important theory – the polyphonic cha-
racter of some texts – stating that the voices that are present in those texts are influen-
cing each other, which leads to inter-animation of the ideas presented by these voices.
The notion of voice, that is central in the work of Bakhtin, represents not the phys-
ical, vocal expression of a participant but rather a distinct position taken by one or
more of the participants that is discussed in the conversation and that influences the
subsequent evolution of the conversation.
Current approaches that implemented Bakhtin’s theory ([5], [8], for example) con-
sidered only two perspectives on the notion of voice: a voice might be represented by
either an utterance from a conversation or by a participant. None of these approaches
had the purpose of identifying the important moments from a conversation. Moreover,
it is much more difficult to consider these approaches in narrative texts since it is very
difficult to detect when different participant interfere and what an utterance means.

3 The Application

In this paper we propose an implementation that considers, from the perspective of

Bakhtin’s dialogism, that a voice is a position, an idea expressed by those partici-
pants. Since each word is a potential voice by this definition, we needed to be able to
identify the influence each word has on the subsequent conversation – the echoes
(repetitions or more complex forms) of that particular word in the given chat. There-
fore, we have used the lexical chains that could be built starting from that word and
the WordNet database [4] to capture its echoes in the form of the repetitions of that
word. The most important such lexical chains could become the voices of the dis-
course, but the problem of identifying which voices are of greater interest has been
left to the user, since it depends on what that particular user is actually looking for.
Besides the concept repetitions, we have also investigated the repetition of the
form of the words (paronymy) as another source of unity-difference and inter-
animation in the discourse (and therefore another element that can be considered
when investigating the voices – in fact, another type of voice). This type of repetition
was also needed as a way to counter-balance the spelling errors that were present in
the analyzed discourses.
Since we wanted to give the user the possibility to choose what he/she wants to
see, we provided three independent options (chains of exact repetitions, chains of
conceptually-related words and paronyms chains) and let the user choose one or more
of them, therefore making the application more flexible.
The application offers a couple of different views of the chat. The implicit visuali-
zation consists in showing the content of the chat that is analyzed and the vocabulary
(the important, non stop-words [2] in the chat). If one of the concepts from the voca-
bulary is selected, the occurrences of that concept in the text are highlighted using the
blue color. If the options to use the synonyms/lexical chains and/or the paronyms
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from Students 333

from the right area are checked, then the semantically related words are also hig-
highted using the yellow color while the paronyms are highlighted using the green
color. An example of highlighted text is given for the concept of “chat” in the conver-
sation presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Visualization of the “chat” concept (blue stands for identical words, yellow for words
from the lexical chains of the chosen concept and green for paronyms of the chosen concept)

Another way to visualize the chat is represented by a graph describing the distribu-
tion and frequency of the concepts selected by the user. This graph allows the user to
choose one or more different voices from the given chat and to visualize their flow in
the text (see Fig. 2 for an example). Therefore, from now on we will be calling this
graph as “voices visualization”.
In this graph we have represented the text using a number of points in the available
area that depends on the display resolution. Each voice is represented by a thread of a
different color. The points from each voice are placed in the position corresponding to
the occurrence of that concept in the given text (the logic of the representation is an
array of such nodes being similar to the one of writing the words using a text editor –
such as Microsoft Word for example). We have also connected the nodes correspond-
ing to a concept in order to visualize easier the flow of the voice they represent. This
method of visualization is not independent to the previous one (the implicit visualiza-
tion): one can observe the context of an occurrence of a concept considered important
by clicking on that occurrence. In this case, the user is redirected to the implicit
334 C.-G. Chiru and S. Trausan-Matu

visualization to see the text of the chat, where the occurrence considered important is
highlighted with the same color as the voice from this visualization (now the whole
sentence is highlighted and not individual words as in the previous visualization).

Fig. 2. The visualization of voices and of their inter-animation. ◊ stands for a singular moment,
while with ○ we represented the threads of meeting points.

4 The Identification and Classification of the Most Important

Moments from a Chat
Starting from the voices that are considered important by a particular user, we have
investigated the areas from the chat were these voices might inter-animate [7, 8] (in-
fluence each other or co-participate to the utterance meaning) and considered these to
be the most important moments from a chat. In order to influence each other (to inter-
animate), the voices have to be close enough. Therefore, we considered that two or
more voices inter-animate if they are found in the same unit of text, which for us
means the same utterance.
As a consequence of identifying the areas where the voices inter-animate each oth-
er, the application is able to identify the important moments from a discourse – mo-
ments where something happens after the inter-animation of different voices: all the
voices die out (cannot be observed in that discourse from that moment on); only a part
of them die, the rest being further present in the discourse; the voices continue to be
present in different areas of the discourse; one voice substitutes the other, etc.
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from Students 335

Considering the observed types of interactions that are possible between the voices,
we propose a classification of the important moments from a discourse in 5 different
classes: pivotal moments, moments of convergence, singular moments, moments of
divergence, and meeting points.
The different types of important moments from the discourse are represented in the
voices visualization graph using 4 different symbols: a triangle for the pivotal mo-
ments, a square for the convergence moments, a diamond for the singular moments
and an empty circle for the divergence moments. We considered that there is no need
to introduce another symbol for the meeting points, since they can be interpreted as
multiple divergence moments. An example of the important moments’ visualization is
offered in Fig. 2, where one can see a couple of meeting points and a singular moment
close to the end of the file.

4.1 Pivotal Moments

In our opinion, pivotal moments are the most important type since they represent the
switch from one voice to another (from one concept to another). The pivotal moment
is identified when two voices are present in the same utterance, and one of the voices
seizes its presence in the discourse, while the other one just starts it.
To exemplify this type of moments, we have considered the voices of “informa-
tion” and “problem” in the graph from Fig. 3. As it can be seen, until that moment
(represented by a triangle) the voice of “information”, with a local distribution in the
middle of the conversation, has been present in the discourse, while from that moment
on, this voice disappears and it is replaced by a new voice represented by “problem”.

Fig. 3. The visualization of a pivotal moment. △ represents the pivotal moment.

336 C.-G. Chiru and S. Trausan-Matu

Fig. 4. The visualization of some meeting points and of a convergence moment. □ stands for a
convergence moment, while with ○ we represented the threads of meeting points.

4.2 Convergence Moments

This type of moments is present when two or more voices meet and after that all of
them die out – disappear from the text. This type of moments (represented by a
square) may have the meaning of resolving all (or at least a part of) the dissonances
that appear in discourse [7], of unifying the voices. It is like a conclusion regarding
the voices that get to the convergence moment. This is why most of the time such
moments are present towards the end of discourses. One such example is given in Fig.
4, where in a single utterance one can see the last occurrences of the voices “devices”
and “knowledge”.

4.3 Singular Moments

This kind of moments – represented by diamonds in the graph – can be defined as the
situation when two or more voices meet each other and all of them die out but one.
The result is that only one from many voices continues to be present in the discourse,
fact that made us calling it this way. The meaning of singular moments is the exis-
tence of a divergence between multiple voices, that meet to confront each other in a
point of the discourse and one of the voices – the most important one, “the loudest” –
dissolves the others, so that from that moment on the discussion focuses only on it.
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from Students 337

An example can be seen in Fig. 5 where such a singular moment is found at the “con-
frontation” between the voices “topic” and “post”. After a couple of times where the
two voices meet, the final “confrontation” is won by the “topic” voice which contin-
ues to be present in the chat, while the other voice (“post”) seizes its presence.

Fig. 5. The visualization of a singular moment. ◊ stands for a singular moment, while with ○
we represented the threads of meeting points.

4.4 Divergence Moments

The divergence moment is defined as the moment when two or more voices meet and
after that they continue to be present in other utterances from the discourse. It is like a
fight between multiple voices – with all the voices strong enough so that not to be
assimilated by the other voices – and after this fight every voice continues its own
flow in the discourse. An example is shown in Fig. 4 where the voices of “week” and
“knowledge” meet at the beginning of the chat and after that they are present in dif-
ferent areas of the chat without interacting with each other.

4.5 Meeting Points

The last type of moments identified in a discourse is in fact a chain of important mo-
ments, unlike the previous situations where only one point from the discourse was
identified. This kind of moments – the meeting points – can be observed when two or
multiple voices are constantly debating during the discourse. They meet in several
338 C.-G. Chiru and S. Trausan-Matu

points and they continue to be present and to interact with each other or with other
voices, usually their flows being parallel.
These moments could be considered as multiple divergence points of the same
voices, but in fact that is a misjudgment because there is a totally different situation.
In the case of divergence moments there are two or more voices that interact once and
after that each of them flows in different areas of discourse without interacting again
– it is like a fight that has not been resolved, each of the participant voices continuing
its own flow. In the case of the meeting points, there are multiple voices that fit very
well together, be it because they are semantically related but the link between them
has not been considered – either because the user did not select the lexical chains
button, or because the used lexical database has flaws (missing links) that did not
allow the reconstruction of the connection between the voices – or because they are
discourse related: constructions such as collocations, syntagms or idioms. Therefore,
it is extremely important to make the difference between the divergence and meeting
points. On the provided graph, the difference between them can be identified consi-
dering the number of empty circles from the interaction of some considered voices: if
there is only one such circle, we have a divergence moment; if multiple such points
are present, then we have some meeting points.
An example that falls in the first category of meeting points is provided in Fig. 2,
where the voices of “wiki”, “chat”, “blog” and “forum” (that are related from the HCI
point of view, but are unrelated in the WordNet database) meet many times. An ex-
ample from the second category is presented in Fig. 6 where some meeting points
generated by two collocational words are present: “quality” and “control”.

Fig. 6. The visualization of some meeting points. □ stands for a convergence moment, while
with ○ we represented the threads of meeting points.
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from Students 339

5 Conclusions

In this paper we have proposed a classification of the most important moments of a

discourse and a visual method and implemented system for their identification. The
resulted application is domain independent (since it is based on a general purpose
database), language independent (as long as there is a means to extract the voices - the
threads of ideas - from the discourse) and it is flexible, letting the user decide what
voices he/she wants to analyze from the given discourse.
This method could be used for identifying the most important moments from a dis-
course, which could also give information about the areas where specific topics are
debated in a chat, about the collocations, syntagms and idioms that are encountered in
that chat or about the identification of missing links in the used lexical database. Oth-
er tasks in which this application could be used would be the identification of how
“strong” different voices are (from the point of view of the chat participants), how
focused these voices are, what are their types: local (artifacts) or global, which are the
voices that can (or cannot) be used in the same area of text, the identification of the
topic drifts (the areas where the debate was off-topic) or the disambiguation of the
polysemous words by considering the context provided by the voices that are found in
the vicinity of the polysemous word.

Acknowledgement. This research was supported by project No.264207, ERRIC-

Empowering Romanian Research on Intelligent Information Technologies/FP7-

1. Bakhtin, M.M.: Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, Ardis (1973)
2. Jurafsky, D., Martin, J.H.: Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to NLP,
Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition, 2nd edn. Prentice-Hall (2009)
3. Koschmann, T.: Toward a Dialogic Theory of Learning: Bakhtin’s Contribution to Learning
in Settings of Collaboration. In: Proceedings of the CSCL 1999 Conf., pp. 308–313 (1999)
4. Morris, J., Hirst, G.: Lexical Cohesion, the Thesaurus, and the Structure of Text. Computa-
tional Linguistics 17(1), 211–232 (1991)
5. Rebedea, T., Dascălu, M., Trausan-Matu, S., Banica, D., Gartner, A., Chiru, C., Mihaila, D.:
Overview and Preliminary Results of Using PolyCAFe for Collaboration Analysis and
Feedback Generation. In: Proceedings of ECTEL 2010, pp. 420–425. Springer (2010)
6. Sfard, A.: On reform movement and the limits of mathematical discourse. Mathematical
Thinking and Learning 2(3), 157–189 (2000)
7. Trausan-Matu, S.: The Polyphonic Model of Hybrid and Collaborative Learning. In: Wang,
Fong, Kwan (eds.) Handbook of Research on Hybrid Learning Models: Advanced Tools,
Technologies, and Applications, pp. 466–486. Information Sc. Publishing, Hershey (2010)
8. Trausan-Matu, S., Rebedea, T.: A Polyphonic Model and System for Inter-animation Anal-
ysis in Chat Conversations with Multiple Participants. In: Gelbukh, A. (ed.) CICLing 2010.
LNCS, vol. 6008, pp. 354–363. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
9. Vygotsky, L.: Mind in society. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (1978)
When Less Is More: Focused Pruning of Knowledge
Bases to Improve Recognition of Student Conversation

Mark Floryan, Toby Dragon, and Beverly Park Woolf

Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

140 Governors Dr. Amherst, MA USA

Abstract. Expert knowledge bases are effective tools for providing a domain
model from which intelligent, individualized support can be offered. This is
even true for noisy data such as that gathered from activities involving ill-
defined domains and collaboration. We attempt to automatically detect the
subject of free-text collaborative input by matching students’ messages to an
expert knowledge base. In particular, we describe experiments that analyze the
effect of pruning a knowledge base to the nodes most relevant to current
students’ tasks on the algorithm’s ability to identify the content of student chat.
We discover a tradeoff. By constraining a knowledge base to its most relevant
nodes, the algorithm detects student chat topics with more confidence, at the
expense of overall accuracy. We suggest this trade-off be manipulated to best fit
the intended use of the matching scheme in an intelligent tutor.

Keywords: knowledge base, ill-defined domains, collaboration.

1 Cognitive Support for Collaborative Inquiry Systems

While great strides have been made in the categorization and improvement of
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) that support work in ill-defined domains [1]
inherent challenges exist in working within these loosely structured spaces. One
challenge is to identify the current focus of student work. The introduction of
collaboration among students can create an even greater chance that students will
become sidetracked, but also provides novel opportunities to automatically recognize
the content focus of students. Our current research utilizes an expert knowledge base
to detect student focus and identify opportunity for intervention. This paper presents
a specific attempt to understand how pruning of an expert knowledge base can affect
the content recognition of student discussion within a collaborative inquiry learning
For the remainder of this paper, we describe the related research (Section 2) and
how our current research builds upon it (Section 3). We present the approach and
methodology of the study (Section 4). Finally, we conclude by discussing the results
and recognizing the tradeoff between confidence and overall accuracy that is
observed after pruning the knowledge base (Section 5).

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 340–345, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
When Less Is More: Focused Pruning of Knowledge Bases to Improve Recognition 341

2 Related Work
Some previous work has focused on utilizing expert knowledge bases to detect
patterns in student actions. Rahati and Kabanza describe a system that detects when
student’s constrained interactions are useful for learning [4]. Chen and Mostow
constructed a model of predictable student responses [5] within a reading tutor and are
able to detect on task behavior, but not offer dynamic feedback. These previous
efforts are based on an assumption that in a constrained system, user actions can be
predicted. These attempts succeed specifically because of the constrained nature of
student interactions.
We can see potential for our theory of a confidence / overall accuracy tradeoff
when changing the size of the knowledge base when considering [6]. This project
took the opposite approach, increasing the size of their knowledge base using an
online resource. Using this larger knowledge base to recognize student solutions,
they report an increase in recall (number of recognized solutions) along with a
decrease in precision (a measure of confidence in the solutions). We also look to
recent work outside of the ITS community, in the field of machine-learning
classification [7] that demonstrates the power of harnessing implicit expert knowledge
encoded in the dataset to make informed decisions about pruning.
Finally, when considering recognition of textual input in order to support students’
learning, we must also consider the offerings provided by the field of natural language
understanding. Several researchers offer contributions in this manner [8, 9], yet they
approach a different problem, and offer a different solution. The focus of this work is
to mine large datasets for valuable information, placing emphasis on the sorting and
filtering of data. Our work uses a smaller custom-built knowledge base to provide the
set of items from which to identify helpful information for student use.

3 Rashi: An Inquiry Learning System with Collaborative

The following experiments were conducted using data collected from Rashi, a
collaborative inquiry-learning system that provides the tools and environments
necessary for students to consider authentic, real-world problems [2]. Students engage
in inquiry learning by collecting data, (question / answer interface, interactive images,
etc.) and formulating hypotheses, providing an introduction to methods commonly
used by professionals. Although the framework is domain-independent, the students
participating in these studies focused on challenges involving human biology, where
their task is to diagnose ill patients.
Rashi provides several forms of collaborative features to support students. These
features allow students to view and monitor the work of a peer, offer critiques of
specific discussable objects, and receive feedback regarding discussions of interest.
These features have been shown to prompt an increase in hypothesis creation, data
collection, and recognizing connections between data and hypotheses [10]. Rashi also
provides a chat facility that enables students to have unconstrained discussions with
members of their group (Figure 1). The focus of the following studies is to detect the
content of student chat, in order to provide personalized feedback. We attempt to do
so by utilizing our system’s expert knowledge base.
342 M. Floryan, T. Dragon, and B.P. Woolf

Our expert knowledge base (EKB) provides both the enumeration of the individual
subjects we seek to identify, as well as the semantics necessary to provide support
after identification [2]. The EKB is a directed, acyclic graph of domain concepts
connected with supporting and refuting relationships (Figure 2).

Fig. 1 (left) and 2. (right): Students chat with group members to discuss the patient’s illness
(left). These messages are matched against nodes from the knowledge base (right).

Rashi also has an established, text-matching algorithm that matches chat message
content to the knowledge base. Previous effort demonstrated an average success rate
of 70% in matching messages to content [3]. However, the confidence in any given
judgment could be quite low (below 60%). Thus, we were motivated to experiment
with methods of increasing confidence.

4 Research Design

We observed that chat tends to focus on the relevant aspects of the case. Thus, we
analyzed the change in matching efficacy after pruning the knowledge base’s least
relevant nodes. We defined relevance as the connectedness of particular hypothesis:

Relevance(H) = | inEdges(H) | + | outEdges(H) |

We were able to prune data by using a Boolean value that defines the node as case-
specific or not. The algorithm was executed using the full knowledge base, and three
successive levels of pruning. Each of these conditions was repeated over the
messages from two cases (anemia and hyperthyroidism case). The conditions were:

• All: Full Knowledge Base

• Min Hypo Relevance > 2: The minimum hypothesis relevance must be
greater than or equal to 2 to be included in the search.
• Min Hypo Relevance > 5: The minimum hypothesis relevance must be
greater than or equal to 5 to be included in the search.
• Min Hypo Relevance > 5 + Restricted Data: Same as above, with the
additional condition that only case-specific data nodes are included.
When Less Is More: Focused Pruning of Knowledge Bases to Improve Recognition 343

For each condition, the algorithm outputs the chat, and which node (if recognized) is
the subject of that message. If no match is found, then the algorithm assumes the
message not related to domain content and outputs “No Match”.
A human judge examined the algorithm’s output and placed each line of output
into one of four categories: correctly matched (+); correctly ignored / not matched (+);
incorrectly matched (-); or not matched / ignored even though an appropriate match
existed (-). Once completed, we analyzed the results to determine how the algorithm
was affected by the pruning of the knowledge base. We considered two statistics.

Match Confidence: A measure of how likely the average match given is correct.

Confidence = Correct Matches / [ Correct Matches + Incorrect Matches ]

Overall Accuracy: A measure of the total efficacy of the algorithm.

Accuracy = [ Correct Matches + Correct Non-Matches ] / Total Messages

Our data spanned multiple dialogues produced by students of varying age (middle-
school - college), and after varying amounts of work time (45 min - 2 hrs). To
eliminate bias, the human judge worked without knowledge of which match belonged
to which condition.

5 Results and Conclusion

Figure 3 shows the raw data results for the two cases we considered.

Fig. 3. Raw data results for both cases

344 M. Floryan, T. Dragon, and B.P. Woolf

We see that as we restrict the knowledge base, the number of matched chats
decreases, while unmatched chats increases. The algorithm, over both cases, achieved
overall accuracies between 72 and 82 percent. In addition, the confidence of matches
ranged from 60 to 77 percent.
Figures 3 and 4 show the relationship between the accuracy of the algorithm, and
the match confidence when restricting the knowledge base. We see that the overall
accuracy tends to decrease, while the percentage of correct matches tends to increase.
In addition, Figures 3 and 4 show that as we prune the knowledge base, we cannot
recognize as many total individual pieces of dialogue, which is expected.

Fig. 4 and 5. Confidence vs. Accuracy for the each case

Because our human judge’s responses produce a distribution over four categories
(see Section 4 for the judge’s response options), we used chi-squared tests to ensure
the distributions from conditions are independent. Table 1 shows the results of these
tests. The dependent condition is labeled on the y-axis, while the independent
condition is on the x-axis. Thus, we see that the majority of our pruning levels
produce significant changes in algorithmic behavior.

Table 1. Chi-square statistics, significant changes in algorithmic behavior were found

In conclusion, we find that simple keyword matching to an expert knowledge base

holds serious potential for identifying the content of student conversation within noisy
environments. We find that the breadth of a knowledge base has a direct effect on the
quality of subject recognition. If nodes are pruned to the most relevant, then subject
recognition can be done with a significant increase in confidence, at the cost of the
breadth of student input that can be identified.
We believe that this tradeoff is a useful observation for designers of Intelligent
Tutors who utilize expert knowledge bases. When offering support utilizing expert
When Less Is More: Focused Pruning of Knowledge Bases to Improve Recognition 345

knowledge base matching, we show that the knowledge base can be intelligently
pruned according to whether increased confidence or overall accuracy is preferable.

Acknowledgements. This research was funded by an award from the NSF 0632769, IIS
CSE, Effective Collaborative Role-playing Environments, (PI) Beverly Woolf, with Merle
Bruno and Daniel Suthers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.

1. Lynch, C., Ashley, K.D., Pinkwart, N., Aleven, V.: Concepts, Structures, and Goals:
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LNCS, vol. 6095, pp. 113–122. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
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pp. 51–61. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
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Automatic Recognition of Children’s Spoken Responses. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow,
J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 65–74. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
6. Kazi, H., Haddawy, P., Suebnukarn, S.: Expanding the Space of Plausible Solutions in a
Medical Tutoring System for Problem-Based Learning. International Journal of Artificial
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7. Mahmood, A.M., Kuppa, M.R.: A novel pruning approach using expert knowledge for
data-specific pruning. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 28(1), 21–30 (2012)
8. Ravi, S., Kim, J., Shaw, E.: Mining On-line Discussions: Assessing, Technical Quality for
Student Scaffolding and Classifying Messages for Participation Profiling. In: Educational
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9. Bernhard, D., Gurevych, I.: Answering learners’ questions by retrieving question
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England, pp. 740–742 (2009)
Coordinating Multi-dimensional Support
in Collaborative Conversational Agents

David Adamson and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Language Technologies Institute

Carnegie Mellon University
dadamson@cs.cmu.edu, cprose@cs.cmu.edu

Abstract. The field of computer supported collaborative learning has

evolved an ontology of types of support for group learning. In recent
years, conversational agents have been used successfully to realize forms
of dynamic micro and macro level script based support for group learning.
However, using existing architectures for managing the coordination of
these agent-based behaviors (which can vary widely in scope, timing, and
constraints), infelicitous “collision” of behaviors have been observed. In
this paper, we introduce a new architecture that facilitates the develop-
ment, coordination, and co-performance of multiple agent-based support

Keywords: collaborative learning, intelligent agents, multi-party con-

versational agents, conversational scripting, dynamic support.

1 Introduction
This paper describes a new architecture for intelligent support of collaborative
learning, motivated by recent work in dynamic scripting. A script in CSCL is
a method for structuring collaboration [1]. A script can provide structure at
a macro-level, or it can scaffold a participant’s contributions at a micro-level.
Such scripts can be implemented statically, providing the same support in all
cases, or dynamically, responding to the students and their context to deliver an
appropriate level of support at opportune times.
The Basilica agent architecture [7] pioneered dynamic collaborative support
alongside traditional static macro- and micro-scripts. Agents were defined as a
collection of modular components, any of which could influence the agents’ user-
facing behavior. Despite Basilica’s design innovations, it left plenty of room for
improvement in the realm of authoring and coordinating agent behavior.
The contribution of this paper is an illustration of the design space of multi-
dimensional support for collaborative learning as enabled through Bazaar, a
successor architecture to Basilica, designed to simplify the coordination of mul-
tiple dynamic supportive behaviors. In Section 3, we describe Bazaar in detail. In
particular, Section 3.2 describes a feature of this architecture that allows for the
graceful resolution of conflict between proposed system actions. Finally, Section
4 showcases a number of agents that were developed with this architecture, and
locates them within the space of multi-dimensional support.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 346–351, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Coordinating Supports in Conversational Agents 347

2 Collaborative Scripting and Support

A script can describe any of a wide range of features of collaborative activities,

including task, timing, roles, and the patterns of interaction between the partici-
pants. A number of models have been proposed to aid the design and analysis of
collaborative scripts [5] [6] [10]. Scripts can be classified as either macro-scripts
or micro-scripts [2]. Macro-scripts are pedagogical models that describe coarse-
grained features of a collaborative setting, such as the sequence and structure
of an activity. Micro-scripts, in contrast, are models of dialogue and argumen-
tation that are embedded in the environment, and are intended to be adopted
and progressively internalized by the participants. Examples of macro-scripts
include the classic Jigsaw activity, as well as specialized scripts like ArgueGraph
and ConceptGrid [5]. Micro-scripting can be implemented by offering prompts
or hints to the user to guide their contributions [9], which may depend on the
current phase of the macro-script.
Early approaches to scripting have been static, offering the same script or
supports for every group in every context. Such non-adaptive approaches can
lead to over scripting [1], or to the interference between different types of scripts
[11]. A more dynamic approach that triggered micro-scripted supports or the
appropriate phases of macro-scripts in response to the automatic analysis of
participant activity would be preferable. Such analysis can occur at a macro-
discourse level, following the state of the activity as a whole, or it can be based
on isolated user events. Such dynamic awareness might allow minimal scripting
to be used to greater effect, with greater hopes of the users internalizing the
support’s intended interaction patterns. Further, the benefits of fading the sup-
port over time [9] could be more fully realized, as the timing and degree of such
fading could be dynamically tuned to the group’s level of internalization. The
collaborative tutoring agents described by Kumar [7] were among the first to
implement dynamic scripting in a CSCL environment, and were quite successful
at increasing both learning and the quality of collaborative behavior in groups.

Table 1. Sample of Agent Self-Collision

Student 1:03 I think it has to do with the flow through the membrane.
Tutor 1:05 That’s interesting, Student - can you say more about permeability?
Tutor 1:06 Let’s move on to the next problem.
Student 1:09 What about my answer? :-(

2.1 Coordinated Multi-dimensional Support

Participants in a collaborative session aren’t just completing the assigned task.

They’re involved in numerous simultaneous processes including social bonding,
idea formation, argumentation, and time management. To allow for rich, holistic
interactive support, a tutor must be able to express several differently-scoped
behaviors concurrently - it can be considered to be working through several
348 D. Adamson and C.P. Rosé

overlapping macro- and micro-scripts at once. However, the tutor has to remain
effective while doing so. As illustrated in Table 1, a tutor managing several
scripts at once can “step on its own toes”. When multiple responses from the
tutor interfere with, or interrupt each other, the students’ belief in the tutor’s
competence can be shattered. Although several approaches have been described
to address some of these concerns [7], it remains an actively-pursued grail [8].

3 The Bazaar Architecture

The Bazaar architecture builds upon Basilica [7], a modular framework for de-
signing multi-party collaborative agents. Both are event-driven systems where in-
dependent components receive and respond to user-, environment-, and system-
generated actions, and present the unified output of these components to the
user. We adapt the Basilica architecture to accommodate competing sources of
agent behavior, to streamline agent development. Both architectures are able to
interact with the same varied set of collaborative environments, which include
text chatrooms and shared whiteboards, as well as more novel environments like
the virtual world of SecondLife.

3.1 Events and Components

A Bazaar Event, like its Basilica counterpart, is an object representing some-
thing interesting that has happened in the world of the agent. An Event might
represent an incoming student message or a user entering a chat room. Events
can also result from the analysis of other events, or changes in system state.
Events such as these are used to launch phases of macro-scripts, or to dynami-
cally initiate suitable support behavior. A Component is a modular representa-
tion of related behavior and state-knowledge, and often corresponds to a single
method of scripting or support. Basilica components were arranged in an agent-
specific graph of relationships, frequently defining a custom event for each inter-
component connection. This led to an undesirable degree of coupling, especially
among components that sought to mediate or suppress the behavior of their
neighbors. Bazaar replaces the web of components with a two-step event flow,
dividing component responsibility between Preprocessor and Reactor interfaces.
When a new event is received by the system, all Preprocessors registered for
the event’s type are given the opportunity to respond to it, either generating
new events (perhaps to indicate a shift in the conversation’s focus) or modify-
ing the original (like adding a conceptual annotation to a user message). All
preprocessed events are subsequently delivered to the Reactors registered for
the resulting event types. Reactors have the opportunity to respond to events
(and thus dynamically enact sub-scripts or supports) by proposing actions to
the Output Coordinator. Figure 1 illustrates a typical Bazaar configuration.

3.2 Output Coordinator: Prioritizing Proposed Actions

Proposals for agent actions are queued in the Output Coordinator with a time-
window of relevance and an initial priority value assigned by the originating
Coordinating Supports in Conversational Agents 349

Fig. 1. A sample Bazaar configuration

Reactor. The Output Coordinator will periodically re-evaluate the priority of

each remaining proposal, rejecting those that are no longer relevant and accept-
ing and enacting the one with the highest priority.
As a solution to the multi-source management problem described in Section
2.1, we employ a generalization of the “concurrent mode” approach described by
Lison [8]. A previously-accepted agent action can leave a lingering presence in
the Output Coordinator, a Proposal Source, which can re-prioritize (or entirely
suppress) incoming proposals until its influence expires. Each action proposal
is constructed with a timeout-window after which it is no longer relevant - if a
queued proposal has not been accepted when its timeout expires, it’s removed
from the queue. When a message is accepted or rejected, a callback-method is
invoked, allowing the originating Component to update its state accordingly.

4 Case Studies in Multi-dimensional Support

The tutors in the following case studies highlight the capabilities of the Bazaar
architecture, notably the coordination of multiple sources of behavior and sup-
port. Table 2 illustrates their dimensions (macro or micro, static or dynamic,
as discussed in Section 2) along which each system offered scripting or support.
The first two were developed in-house, and have been used in recent studies.
The third is one of a set of conversational agents developed by small teams of
undergraduate students as part of a two-week CSCL workshop at IIIT Delhi.

Dynamic Feedback: Revoicing in Chemistry and Biology. How does tu-

tor revoicing affect the quality of student explanations? In a college chemistry
lesson on intermolecular forces, we deployed an agent that matched student input

Table 2. Dimensions of Support in Bazaar Agents

Support Revoicing CycleTalk Devil & Guardian

Static Macro X X
Dynamic Macro X X
Dynamic Micro X X X
350 D. Adamson and C.P. Rosé

against a list of target concepts, and offered the matched concept as a rephrasing
of their contribution. In addition, the tutor followed a macro-script to deliver the
problem sets and background material that framed the discussions, and also em-
ployed dynamic macro-level social strategies as first implemented by Kumar [7].
The revoicing and social behaviors operated in tandem - higher-priority revoic-
ing responses softly blocked any social prompts that were triggered until several
seconds after the revoicing move had completed. The macro-script’s timing was
similarly softened - where previous Basilica tutors would drop everything and
interrupt themselves for a macro-level timeout, in this tutor a prompt for the
next macro-phase would be delayed long enough for the current move-sequence
to play out. The same arrangement of behavioral components has since been
re-deployed in a high-school biology domain [3]. Only the lesson’s macro-script
and the targeted-concept list for the revoicing behavior had to be modified. This
study, showed a significant effect from the dynamic revoicing behavior on the
quality of student discussion and explanation.

Multiple Agent Scripts: CycleTalk. How can we manipulate the self-efficacy

of group members? This Bazaar tutor employed two chat-room user presences
to present both an authoritative and non-authoritative face to the human users.
The “Doctor Bob” presence delivered the macro-scripted lesson content, while
dynamic social prompts and additional scripted questions were posed to a tar-
geted student in each group by “Jimmy”, portrayed as a clueless student. Results
from this study indicate that this sort of targeting may be detrimental to stu-
dents groups with low-self-efficacy [4].

Dynamic Macro-Scripting: Devil and Guardian. Will a balanced debate

lead to greater mutual understanding? “Devil and Guardian” employed a topic-
classification model to classify the recent history of a conversation (as a rolling
window over past participant turns) by topic and by “side” (i.e., a Gun Control
discussion dominated by Conservatives), and used this classification to select
and insert talking-points and images on the current topic, supporting the under-
represented opposing side. In addition, the rate of per-user contributions was
monitored, dynamically triggering events to encourage participation by the less
vocal user. This agent was has not yet been used in a study.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

Bazaar is a powerful tool for facilitating research in collaborative learning. Its
flexibility and simplicity mean it can be used to very rapidly develop platforms
for investigating a wide range of important questions within the design space
of dynamic support for collaborative learning. We have developed a number of
such research platforms, and actively employ them in our learning studies. As we
continue to do so, we expect to discover ways in which the Bazaar architecture
can be extended and refined. We look forward to sharing Bazaar with other
researchers exploring dynamic supports for collaboration, and to continue to
improve the architecture and make it accessible to this target audience.
Coordinating Supports in Conversational Agents 351

Acknowledgments. This work was funded by NSF Grants DUE-1022958,

EEC-0935145 and SBE-0836012.

[1] Dillenbourg, P.: Over-scripting CSCL: The risks of blending collaborative learning
with instructional design. In: Three Worlds of CSCL Can We Support CSCL, pp.
61–91 (2002)
[2] Dillenbourg, P., Hong, F.: The mechanics of CSCL macro scripts. The Interna-
tional Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 3(1), 5–23 (2008)
[3] Dyke, G., Howley, I., Adamson, D., Rosé, C.P.: Towards Academically Productive
Talk Supported by Conversational Agents. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (in
press, 2012)
[4] Howley, I., Adamson, D., Dyke, G., Mayfield, E., Beuth, J., Rosé, C.P.: Group
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Textual Complexity and Discourse Structure
in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

Stefan Trausan-Matu1, Mihai Dascalu1, and Philippe Dessus2

University Politehnica of Bucharest, 313 Splaiul Independetei, Bucharest, Romania
Grenoble University, 1251, Av. Centrale, BP 47, F-38040 Grenoble CEDEX 9, France

Abstract. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) technologies

play an increasing role simultaneously with the appearance of the Social Web.
The polyphonic analysis method based on Bakhtin’s dialogical model reflects
the multi-voiced nature of a CSCL conversation and the related learning
processes. We propose the extension of the model and the previous applications
of the polyphonic method to both collaborative CSCL chats and individual
metacognitive essays performed by the same learners. The model allows a tight
correlation between collaboration and textual complexity, all integrated in an
implemented system, which uses Natural Language Processing techniques.

Keywords: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, metacognition,

polyphonic model, dialogism, knowledge building, textual complexity, NLP.

1 Introduction
In recent years, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) grew as an
alternate solution to Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) in supporting learning with
computers. One of the explanations is the huge spreading of collaborative tools on the
web, empowering social knowledge building: discussion forums, instant messenger
(chat), social networks, and wikis. The transition from ITS to CSCL may be seen as a
change of focus from learning as knowledge acquisition to learning as discourse
building [1] or, from a higher abstraction level, from a cognitive to a socio-cultural
paradigm. A theoretical basis for CSCL is Bakhtin’s dialogism, multi-vocality and
polyphony [2, 3, 4]. We further consider that these concepts are present not only in
any CSCL dialogical text (e.g., forum posts or chat utterances), but also in texts
written by students, in manuals read by them and even in their inner thinking and they
can be used for analyzing complex assignments [4].
We propose a model and a system based on the polyphony idea, which considers
both the semantic content (at the individual level related to an expert standard, like in
ITSs) and the social dimension (at a collaborative level, in CSCL) by analyzing the
relationships between texts in a corpus (of the considered domain), texts
collaboratively written by students in CSCL chat sessions and their individual
metacognitive essays written afterwards, commenting their collaborative activity. To

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 352–357, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Textual Complexity and Discourse Structure in Computer-Supported 353

achieve this aim we used Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques enabling the
computation of both distances between voices and the overall complexity of threads.

2 Theoretical Considerations
Let us consider students engaged in a distance learning situation (e.g., through an
Internet-based platform). Typically, their main goal is to build knowledge through
two lines of activities [3], individual (read texts, write out notes, essays, summaries
from course material) and collective (discussions about the course material), which
can both be supported either by a teacher or computer-based feedback. All the
stakeholders (the computer included) performing these activities ‘say something’ in
natural language, in other words, emit ‘utterances’ [5] that may become ‘voices’
populating the distance learning platform, responding to each other. The way a
student can, upon a given question (from herself or others), gather information from
multiple textual sources (either from course material or chat utterances) in order to
compose her own piece of text (mainly, summaries or syntheses) might be viewed as
“contexts” in which they try to handle the polyphony of voices.
This framework allows us assume that each utterance can be analyzed by some
NLP or Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques, thus leading to the production of
(semi-) automated support of learners’ activities [6]. The achievement of the aim of
supporting learning with computers should start from a model of how people learn.
The development of any model usually begins with deciding the main ingredients to
be considered as essential. The core model of ITSs was influenced by Knowledge-
Based Systems, taking knowledge as major ingredient. The ITS model is centered on
a knowledge base of the target domain, which may be seen as a model of what should
be learned. Learners are modelled by the knowledge they acquired, either correct,
usually a subset of the domain knowledge base, or erroneous, to be corrected
(sometimes also described in knowledge bases). Some other types of knowledge
about the particular learner may be considered, as her cognitive profile, emotional
state, goals or other motivational facts.
We keep the ITS idea that students’ knowledge should be compared with a ‘gold
standard’: experts’ knowledge. However, for comparing students’ performance
(content of chat utterances and written essays) with the desired one (content of a
corpus of reference texts), we are using NLP techniques like Tf-Idf or Latent Semantic
Analysis (LSA) [7]. We consider that a deficiency of the ITS model is its relation to
the transfer of knowledge model of learning, that learning is in a very important
degree also socially built [1, 3]. Therefore, in addition to keeping an ITS-type
semantic based content analysis, a CSCL-like analysis is also needed, because dialog,
conversation, and multi-voiced discourse in natural language have major roles: “rather
than speaking about ‘acquisition of knowledge,’ many people prefer to view learning
as becoming a participant in a certain discourse” [1].
We further assume that dialogism, multi-vocality and polyphony [2] are in any
text, conversation and even thinking. The ‘glue’ of all these is the idea of voice in a
generalized sense: as a word, a phrase, an utterance (written or thought), a discussion
thread, a lexical chain, or even a whole text (‘utterance’ may be used for words with
‘echoes’, phrases and texts, as Bakhtin mentioned [5]). In our view, an utterance may
become a voice if it has an impact by its emission to the subsequent utterances.
354 S. Trausan-Matu, M. Dascalu, and P. Dessus

3 The Implemented Model

We implemented, using NLP tools, an evaluation model of learners’ utterances
derived from Bakhtin’s dialogic, polyphonic model. The entire analysis process is
centered on the utterance graph automatically built from the discourse and is
customized for two different types of assessed text: multi-participant chat
conversations, on one hand, and essays (texts in general), on the other. Utterances
may be considered pieces of text whose boundaries are represented by the change of
speech subject [5] and are the central unit of analysis of the discourse in our approach.
Whereas in chat conversation we adopt Dong’s [8] perspective of separating
utterances based on turn-taking events between speakers, in texts, in general,
utterances are embedded within sentences that convey relevant information, units that
can be separately and independently analyzed in the first phase of the evaluation.
We start the processing with a typical NLP pipe (spell-checking, elimination of
stop-words, stemming, part-of-speech tagging and lexicalized dependency parsing
[9]). We seek a shallow perspective over each utterance seen individually and we
provide them a quantitative mark by merging the concept of entropy from information
theory with the Tf-Idf measure [9]. The combination of disorder and emphasis on
diversity of concepts induced by the entropy of stems after stop words elimination,
with summing up statistical importance of stems given a training corpus, provides a
good surface indicator of the information withheld in each utterance (Eq. 1):

| |
( ) ( )log ( ( )) (1 | |) (1)
| |

where: ( ) expresses the probability of a stem to occur in a given utterance;

| | denotes the number of occurrences of each stem within the utterance; | |
and | | are related to the training corpus used also with LSA that comprises a
multitude of documents closely related to the topics at hand and a general set of
documents for common words. In this context, entropy is used rather as an inhibitor,
where low quality or spam utterances have a lower score.
The key-step is using the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of utterances reflecting
the sequential ordering. Our aim is to determine the semantic cohesion between two
utterances by means of similarity and degree of inter-connection. Similarity between
utterances can be expressed by combining repetitions of stems and Jaccard similarity
as measures of lexical cohesion, with semantic similarity computed by means of LSA.
Therefore, Eq. 2 covers the general approach of measuring cohesion:
| , |
( , ) | | ( ( ), ( ))
| |
| |
( ) (1 | |)
| |

where is the vector of in the matrix obtained after SVD

decomposition and projection over k most meaningful dimensions are performed. As
a result, for a given conversation the DAG in Figure 1 is obtained automatically.
The next step in our analysis consists in determining the importance of each
utterance within the discourse and two additional dimensions, besides quantitative
Textual Com
mplexity and Discourse Structure in Computer-Supported 355

evaluation, are consideredd: a qualitative one centered on relevance, impact and

coherence, and a social pers
rspective, seen as an augmentation factor.

Fig. 1. Example of an utteraance graph build upon a student’s metacognition (texts aree in

Relevance is determined wiith regards to the entire discourse (practically the semanntic
coherence function applied between a specific utterance and the whole document) and
to the vector space by mean ns of cosine similarity between the utterance vector and the
mean vector of the LSA vector space. Completeness is an optional factor and
expresses the semantic sim milarity between a set of topics (manually defined by the
tutor or automatically determined by the system) and the given utterance.
Thread cohesion and fu uture impact express the impact of previous and of futture
utterances that are inter-co onnected to the current utterance in the utterance graaph.
These factors are obtained d by summing up semantic cohesion values exceedinng a
threshold; after multiple exp periments, the best empirical value of this threshold turrned
out to be the average minuss standard deviation of all the edges of the utterance grapph.
From the dialogic perrspective, the current utterance is seen as a sum of
overlapping voices materiaalized as concepts that are highlighted through informattion
retrieval techniques. Futurre impact encapsulates all future echoes of the currrent
utterance based on the coheerence function that expresses both the voice, in the seense
of concept repetition, an nd attenuation, simulated through semantic similarrity.
Meanwhile, thread cohesio on acts as a memory function by referring to informattion
previously stated and pro ovides overall discourse coherence as a local functtion
perpetuated through the enttire discourse.
From a completely diffferent point of view, the social perspective consistss in
applying social network analysis
a specific algorithms for estimating an utterannces
importance in the utterancee graph. These metrics include degree, closeness centrallity,
distance centrality, eigenv vector centrality, betweenness centrality and an adjussted
version of the well-known n Page Rank algorithm [10]. By combining all previious
factors, the qualitative facto
or of each utterance can be expressed as follows (Eq. 3)::
356 S. Trausan-Matu, M. Dascalu, and P. Dessus

( ) cos ( ), ( ) cos( ( ), )
cos( ( ), ( ))

( ) (1 log ( ( ))

( ) ( , ) 1 ( , ) ( ) ( )
.. ..
→ →

Regarding the social factor, a normalization induced by the logarithm function

provided a smoothing of results. The factor 1 in the coherence values sum expresses
internal strength in a discussion thread and was induced by the cosine similarity
measure applied between utterance u and itself. By combining the quantitative mark
with the qualitative score, the overall rating of each utterance is obtained (Eq. 4):

( ) ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( , ) ( )
.. .. (4)
→ →
( ) ( )

Eq. 4 clearly comprises all factors required for thoroughly evaluating an utterance:
its local and individual formula, its importance within all discourse threads measured
through semantic cohesion with previous and future inter-connected utterances, its
relevance expressed in terms of semantic similarity with the entire document, topics
of discussion and the LSA learning space, but also social networks analysis applied
on the utterance graph in order to integrate centrality features in our approach.
After having all previous assessments completed, textual complexity can be
evaluated and gains the focus of the entire analysis. Due to the fact that textual
complexity cannot be determined by enforcing a single factor of evaluation, we
propose a multitude of factors, categorized in a multilayered pyramid, from the
simplest to the more complex ones, that combined provide relevant information to the
tutor regarding the actual “hardness” of a text [11]. The first and simplest factors are
at a surface level and include readability metrics, utterance entropy at stem level and
proxies extracted from Page’s [12] automatic essay grading technique. Slotnick’s six
factors [13] of fluency, spelling, diction, sentence structure, punctuation and
paragraph development are the main factors we implemented in our system.
At the syntax level, structural complexity is estimated from the parsing tree in
terms of max depth and of max width [14]. Moreover, entropy applied on parts of
speech and the actual number of specific parts of speech (mostly pronouns, verbs and
nouns) provide additional information at this level. Semantics is addressed through
topics that are determined by combining Tf-Idf with cosine similarity between the
utterance vector and that of the entire documents. The textual complexity at this level
is expressed as a weighted mean of the difficulty of each topic, estimated in
computations as the number of syllables of each word. The last level of pragmatics
and discourse addresses textual complexity as cohesion determined upon social
networks analysis metrics applied at macroscopic level. Discourse markers, co-
references, rhetorical schemas and argumentation structures are also considered, but
are not included in current work.
Textual Complexity and Discourse Structure in Computer-Supported 357

By considering the disparate facets of textual complexity and by proposing

possible automatic methods of evaluation, the resulted measurement vectors provide
tutors valuable information regarding the hardness of presented texts.

4 Conclusions and Future Research Directions

Borrowing from Bakhtin’s dialogism and polyphony theories, we devised a
framework that takes into account several dimensions of learners’ activities in CSCL.
Reading course materials, understanding them, discussing about them produce
utterances seen as polyphonic voices interacting to each other. Our model
automatically assesses these utterances at multiple levels (cognitive, metacognitive,
social), and accounts for learner’s comprehension of textual materials.

Acknowledgement. This research was partially supported by project 264207,

ERRIC-Empowering Romanian Research on Intelligent Information

1. Sfard, A.: On reform movement and the limits of mathematical discourse. Mathematical
Thinking and Learning 2(3), 157–189 (2000)
2. Bakhtin, M.M.: Problems of Dostoevsky’s poetics. University of Minnesota Press,
Minneapolis (1993)
3. Stahl, G.: Group cognition. MIT Press, Cambridge (2006)
4. Trausan-Matu, S., Stahl, G., Sarmiento, J.: Supporting polyphonic collaborative learning.
E-service Journal 6(1), 58–74 (2007)
5. Bakhtin, M.M.: Speech genres and other late essays. University of Texas, Austin
6. Dessus, P., Trausan-Matu, S.: Implementing Bakhtin’s dialogism theory with NLP
techniques in distance learning environments. In: Trausan-Matu, S., Dessus, P. (eds.) Proc.
2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Support of Learning: Metrics, Feedback
and Connectivity (NLPsL 2010), pp. 11–20. Matrix Rom, Bucharest (2010)
7. Landauer, T.K., Dumais, S.T.: A solution to Plato’s problem: the Latent Semantic Analysis
theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychol. Rev. 104(2),
211–240 (1997)
8. Dong, A.: The language of design: Theory and computation. Springer, New York (2009)
9. Jurafsky, D., Martin, J.H.: An introduction to natural language processing. Computational
linguistics, and speech recognition. Pearson Prentice Hall, London (2009)
10. Nguyen, Q.H., Hong, S.-H.: Comparison of centrality-based planarisation for 2.5D graph
drawing. NICTA technical report, Sidney (2006)
11. Dascalu, M., Trausan-Matu, S., Dessus, P.: Utterances assessment in chat conversations.
Research in Computing Science 46, 323–334 (2010)
12. Page, E.: The imminence of grading essays by computer. Phi Delta Kappan 47, 238–243
13. Wresch, W.: The imminence of grading essays by computer—25 years later. Computers
and Composition 10(2), 45–58 (1993)
14. Gervasi, V., Ambriola, V.: Quantitative assessment of textual complexity. In: Merlini
Barbaresi, L. (ed.) Complexity in Language and Text, pp. 197–228. Plus, Pisa (2002)
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger
Questions for Academic Writing Support

Ming Liu and Rafael A. Calvo

University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia

Abstract. Automated question generation approaches have been proposed to

support reading comprehension. However, these approaches are not suitable for
supporting writing activities. We present a novel approach to generate different
forms of trigger questions (directive and facilitative) aimed at supporting deep
learning. Useful semantic information from Wikipedia articles is extracted and
linked to the key phrases in a students’ literature review, particularly focusing
on extracting information containing 3 types of relations (Kind of, Similar-to
and Different-to) by using syntactic pattern matching rules. We collected
literature reviews from 23 Engineering research students, and evaluated the
quality of 306 computer generated questions and 115 generic questions.
Facilitative questions are more useful when it comes to deep learning about the
topic, while directive questions are clearer and useful for improving the

Keywords: Information Extraction, Question Generation, Academic Writing


1 Introduction
The purpose of academic writing is to document new knowledge, generally including
a review of what is currently known about a given topic [1]. This is the particular
focus of a literature review genre, a common activity in advanced undergraduate and
postgraduate courses, and necessary for all research students. Afolabi [2] identified
some of the most common problems that students have when writing a literature
review including not being sufficiently critical, lacking synthesis and not
discriminating between relevant and irrelevant materials. Helping students with these
issues is difficult and time consuming, a significant problem in research methods
courses. Automated and semi-automated feedback approaches are being developed to
ease the burden.
One common form of feedback is questioning the writer about issues in the
composition. This is considered an effective method for promoting critical thinking,
yet not much is known about how human instructors generate questions or what type
of questions are most effective. In order to find out how the human supervisors
generate such specific trigger question, we conducted a large study [3] on an
Engineering Research method course and analyzed 125 trigger questions generated by
25 human supervisors for supporting their research students’ literature review writing.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 358–367, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Questions 359

In that study, we identified important concept types such as Research Field, System,
Technology and Technical Term, which the questions generated from. The aim of the
current study is to automatically generate two types of questions (Directive and
Facilitative) from these important concept types. Q1 and Q2 in Example 1 were
computer generated to ask the student writer to critically analyze the difference
between the Technology concept Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and factor
analysis in relation to the writing while Q1 In Example 2 to critically compare PCA
with other types of true eigenvector-based multivariate analyses. Q2 in Example 2
triggers reflection on the limitations of the PCA.
Example 1
Q1: Have you discussed the differences between PCA and factor analysis in:
relation to your project? If not, please consider doing so. (Directive)
Q2: What do you think of the differences between PCA and factor analysis in
relation to your project? (Facilitative)
Example 2
Q1: Have you compared the advantages and disadvantages of PCA to other
types of the true eigenvector-based multivariate analyses in relation to your
project? If not, please consider doing so. (Directive)
Q2: One limitation of principal component analysis is that the results of PCA
depend on the scaling of the variables. How do you address these issues in
your project? (Facilitative)

Another intention of this research is to explore how useful the directive and
facilitative strategies shown in the examples above are. Black and William [4] defined
directive feedback as that which tells the student what needs to be fixed or revised
while facilitative feedback provides comments and suggestions to help guide students
in their own revision and conceptualization. Ellis [5] found that teachers chose
directive and facilitative strategies at different times to accomplish different purposes.
For example, facilitative feedback may help students improve overall essay
organization and coherence while directive feedback may help them to address
spelling and grammatical errors or improve sentence structures. However, it is still
unknown the impact of these two strategies on our question templates. In this study,
we evaluated both directive and facilitative questions generated by the system.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 provides a brief
review of the literature focusing on question generation and information extraction.
Section 3 describes the linguistic patterns developed. Section 4 briefly describes the
question generation process while section 5 details the evaluation and results.

2 Related Work
One of the first automatic QG systems proposed for supporting novices to learn
English was AUTOQUEST [6]. This approach is based on simple pattern matching
rules to transform the declarative sentence into a question. For example, the pattern
S1 (cause) + so that (conjunction) + S2 (effect) can be used to generate why question.
360 M. Liu and R.A. Calvo

E.g. sentence: Jamie had an afternoon nap so that he wouldn’t fall asleep at the
concert later. Question: Why did Jamie have an afternoon nap? Other systems that
support reading and language learning include Kunichika et al. [7] who proposed a
question generation method based on both syntactic and semantic information (Space,
Time and Agent) so that it can generate more question types (Where, When and
Who). More recently, Mostow and Chen [8] proposed an approach to generate
questions based on a situation model. It can generate what, how and why questions.
E.g. what did <character> <verb>? why/how did <character> <verb> <complement>?
Although these approaches are useful for reading comprehension task, it is not
suitable for writing support since it is not useful to ask an author questions about what
they just wrote, especially then expecting the answer to be that contained in the same
document. Our solution is to extract knowledge from Wikipedia that discuss concepts
described in the student’s writing.
Typically, information extraction can be used to identifying name entities (e.g.
authors and books), and relationships between name entities (e.g. authorX write
bookY). Most of work focused on supervised methods which identified the name
entities and extract their relations [9]. However, these approaches required a manually
annotated corpus, which is very time-consuming and laborious. Semi-supervised and
unsupervised approaches depend on seeds patterns or examples of specific types of
relations, which is learned by using regular expressions [10]. The comparative
expressions in English are divisive and complex. Frizeman et al. [11] concentrated on
extracting the comparative relation between two drugs based on a shared attribute in
the medical domain.
In this study, the information extraction task focuses on extracting other entities
that have comparative (similar-to and different-to) and hierarchical relations (kind-of)
with a key concept in the student’s composition.

3 Linguistic Patterns Generation

Our training set contains frequent comparative patterns identified by Frizeman [11]
and 52 sentences (one of the three relations), extracted from 20 Wikipedia articles
(one for each composition). After observing common linguistic patterns from our
training set, we developed 26 Tregex rules including 5 for kind-of relation, 10 for
different-to and 11 for similar-to. The reasons for using Tregex [12] are that it can
identify target syntactic elements (e.g. main verbs or subject complement) which
matched predefined cue phrases. If they are matched, we extract matched noun
phrases (NP) as entities. For example, the sentence A extends B is identified as a
kind-of type by detecting its main verb which matches the cue phrase ‘extend’. Then,
the matched A (NP) in the Subject as Entity1 and B (NP) in the Object as Entity2 can
be extracted.

3.1 Interpreting Kind-of Patterns

For kind-of sentences the frequent linguistic pattern is denoted as the subject
complement in the form of a possessive case. Table 1 illustrates the frequent pattern,
where the noun phrase (NP) possessed by the Entity2 (NP) in the Subject
Complement matches the cue phrase, such as kind. Entity1 is the matched NP in the
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Questions 361

Subject while Entity2 is the processor of a possessive. These linguistic patterns

indicate necessary linguistic units. {BE} means some form of be, such as is, am and
belongs to while slash indicates disjunction. {Prep} means the preposition word, such
as to and of. From the example in Table 2, we extracted feature extraction as Entity1
and dimensionality reduction as Entity2 with kind-of relation.

Table 1. The frequent pattern in kind-of relation type sentence

Name The subject complement in the form of a Possessive Case.
Frequent Entity1{BE}kind/family/form/generalization/class/example/
Pattern extension {Prep} Entity2
Example In pattern recognition and in image processing, feature extraction is a
special form of dimensionality reduction.
Tregex S < NP=entity1 < (VP << belong|is|are|were|am|was << (NP <<-
Rule family|form|generalization|example|type|kind|group $+ (PP << of <
(NP <<, NP=entity2a)|< NP=entity2b)) )
Other 1. S < NP=entity1 < (VP << /generalize|extend.?/ & << (PP < (IN < to) <
patterns NP=entity2a) | < NP=entity2b & << /generalize|extend.?/ )"
E.g. Entity1 extends Entity2.
2. NP << ( /form|type.?/ . (of > (IN $+ NP=entity2a))) $+ (VP [ < (NP <<,
NP=entity1) |< NP=entity1])
E.g. Feature extraction is a special form of dimensionality reduction.
3. S < NP=entity1 < (VP << (NP < (NP << /extension|successor|simplest.?/)
< (PP < (IN < of) < NP=entity2a)))
E.g. SVMs can be interpreted as an extension of the perceptron.

Table 2. The frequent pattern in different relation type sentence

Name Difference between Entity1 and Entity2
Pattern The difference/differences/contrast/contrast between Entity1 and
Entity2 {BE} that/in the ways clause.
Examples An important difference between remote procedure calls and local
calls is that remote calls can fail because of unpredictable network
Tregex NP << /difference|contrast.?/ $+ (PP < (IN < between $+ (NP < (CC <
Rule and $- /NP|NN.?/=entity2 $+ /NP|NN?/=entity1) )))
Other 1.VP << (/JJ/ < different|dissimilar|unrelated $++ (PP < (IN|TO <
Patterns from|to|with) [< (NP <<, NP=entity2a) | < NP=entity2b ] )) $-- NP=entity1
E.g. The false positive rate is different from the familywise error rate.
2. NP=entity1 $+ (VP << (ADJP|ADVP << better|easier|accurate|slower|faster
$++ (PP < (IN < than) [ < (NP <<, NP=entity2a) | < NP=entity2b ] )))
E.g. SOAP can be considerably slower than CORBA.
3. VP << (/VB.?/ < /differ.?/ $++ (PP < (IN < from) [< (NP <<, NP=entity2a)
| < NP=entity2b ] )) $-- NP=entity1 e.g.
E.g. The channel encoding on NTSC-J differs slightly from NTSC-M.

3.2 Interpreting Different-to Patterns

For different-to sentences the frequent linguistic pattern in Table 2 is denoted as
difference between Entity1 and Entity2. The frequent pattern shows the NP, which
362 M. Liu and R.A. Calvo

precedes a preposition phrase containing between NP and NP, matches a possible cue
phrase, such as difference. The compared two NP as Entities are separated by a
conjunction, and. The pattern could appear in either Subject or Object of the sentence.

3.3 Interpreting Similar-to Relation

For similar-to sentences, the frequent pattern is the subject complement in the form of
{Adjective Phrase} + {Prep} + {NP} shown in Table 3. The {Adjective Phrase}
matches a possible cue phrase, such as similar. Entity1 is NP in the Subject while
Entity2 is the NP immediately after {Prep}.

Table 3. The frequent pattern in similar relation type sentence

Name Similar to
Pattern Entity1 {BE} similar/analogous/equivalent {Prep} Entity2
Examples As noted earlier, PLSA is similar to LDA.
Tregex VP << (/JJ/ < parallel|analogous|equivalent|correspondent|comparable
Rule $++ (PP < (IN|TO < to|with) [< (NP <<, NP=entity2a) | < NP=entity2b ]
)) $-- NP=entity1
Other 1. NP << similarity|similarities $+ (PP < (IN < between|of $+ (NP <
Rules (CC < and $- /NP|NN?/=entity2a $+ /NP|NN?/=entity1) )))
and E.g. The similarities of NTSC-M and NTSC-N can be seen...
Examples 2. PP < (IN < Like|like) [ < (NP <<, NP=entity2a) | < NP=entity2b ] $++
E.g. Like PAL, a SECAM receiver needs a delay line.
3. NP=entity1 $+ (VP << (ADJP < (/VB?/ < related|linked $+ (PP [ <
(NP <<, NP=entity2a) | < NP=entity2b ]))))
E.g. PCA is closely related to factor analysis.

4 Automatic Question Generation Process

In this section we provide an overview of the multi-stage question generation system.

In stage 1, key phrases are extracted by using Lingo algorithm [13]. In stage 2,
Wikipedia articles are retrieved by querying these key phrases through Java
Wikipedia Library [14]. Each key phrase is then classified based on the content of the
retrieved article by using a rule-based approach.
In stage 3, once the key phrase is classified as a valid concept (Research Field,
Technology, System or Term) we extract knowledge from the retrieved Wikipedia
article. Our previous approach [15] focused on extracting sentences, which have one
of following five relations with the concept: Is-a (Definition of the Concept) Has-
Limitation (Drawback of the Concept), Has-Strength (Advantage of the Concept),
Apply-to (Application of the Concept) or Include-technology (Methods used in the
Concept). In this study, we focus on extracting noun phrase (entities), which have one
of three relations (Similar-to, Different-to and Kind-of). Each piece of information
extracted can be expressed as a triple denoted as relation-type (Concept,
Sentence/Noun Phrase).
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Questions 363

In the final stage, each question is generated based on 12 predefined question

generation rules. Each rule contains a triple and one question template. In the example
above, in stage 1, the PCA is extracted as a key phrase from a student’s document. In
stage 2, the Principal Component Analysis Wikipedia article is retrieved and the key
phrase is classified as a Technology concept. In stage 3, from that Wikipedia article,
we extract knowledge in term of triples, such as Different-to(PCA, factor analysis). In
stage 4, the questions in Example 1 are generated by matching Different-to(PCA,
factor analysis) while the Q1 and Q2 in Example 2 are generated by respectively
matching the Kind-of(PCA, The true eigenvector-based multivariate analyses) and
Has-Limitation(PCA, PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original

Table 4. Generic trigger questions chosen from educational learning materials for writing

Have I critically analysed the literature I use? (Do I follow through a set of concepts
and questions, comparing items to each other in the ways they deal with them?)
Could the problem have been approached more effectively from another perspective?
What is your project’s contribution to the research field you are working on?
Have I critically analysed the literature I use? (Instead of just listing and summarizing
items, do I assess them, discussing strengths and weaknesses?)
Are my literature reviews relevant, appropriate and useful?

5 Evaluation

5.1 Participants and Procedure

The participants consisted of 23 research students at the Faculty of Engineering at The
University of Sydney. All participants signed an informed consent form approved by
the Human Research Ethics Committee and given a movie voucher as a reward. As
part of their degrees participants wrote the 23 literature review papers used in this
study. From these literature reviews, 306 questions were generated by the automatic
question generation system described in section 3. We also obtained five generic
trigger questions from a literature review writing tutorial [16] (see Table 4).
For the evaluation, each question was rated on five quality measures: QM1: This
question is grammatically correct. QM2: This question is clear and not ambiguous.
QM3: This question is relevant to my project. QM4: This question helped me to
develop a better understanding of important concepts (e.g. research field,
technologies, methods, algorithms, models and etc) related to my project. QM5: This
question helped me to think more critically or to discriminate between relevant and
irrelevant materials when writing the literature review. The first three quality
measures were derived from the Question Generation Shared Task Evaluation
Challenge (QGSTE) [17] QM 1, 2 and 3 are about whether a question is
understandable. QM 4 assess a question’s usefulness for learning important concepts,
while QM 5 assess whether the question’s usefulness for improving the literature
review document.
364 M. Liu and R.A. Calvo

5.2 Relation Extraction Performance

In the key phrase classification stage, the computer system correctly classified 67
unique key phrases as a concept type (Research Field, System, Technology and
Method) in the 23 literature review papers. This is excluding 32 duplicate key phrases
(which occurs when, for example, the same key phrase was extracted from two
papers) and 13 generic key phrases (algorithm, measurement, etc) as not likely to
produce valuable questions in an engineering research project. Here, we report the
relation extraction result based on the 197 sentences containing one of three relations
(kind-of, similar and different) extracted from the Wikipedia articles linking to the 67
key phrases. Table 5 shows the rule-based relation extractor has reached high
precision, but low recall. Anaphors are a major reason since they cause false
negatives. The target sentence (The task is very similar to that of information
extraction (IE).) contains the anaphor (the task), which refers to Relation Extraction
task. In this sentence, it fails to extract the similar-to relation between Information
Extraction and Relation Extraction. Another reason for the lower recall is that some
implicit patterns indicate relations. For example, the pattern modifier (noun/adjective)
+ key phrase (e.g. User-based collaborative filtering, Cloud Database) often indicates
kind of relation type. In this noun phrase, user-based collaborative filtering is a kind
of collaborative filtering.

Table 5. Relation Extraction Performance

Relation Type F-score Precision Recall

Kind-of 0.630 0.944 0.472
Similar 0.726 0.963 0.586
Different 0.800 0.944 0.694
Average 0.719 0.950 0.584

5.3 Evaluation of Computer Generated and Generic question

Each participant rated the quality of each question (115 generic and 306 computer
generated) on a five-point Likert point scale along five quality measures (QM).
Higher scores reflect stronger agreement with the quality measure statements; the
midpoint, 3, reflects a neutral stance. The average results are displayed in Table 6.
The scores indicate that generic questions were perceived to be clearer (QM2) and
more grammatically correct (QM1) and relevant (QM3) than computer generated
questions. However, ANOVA results showed that these differences were not
significant for QM1 (F(1,419) = 3.911, p > 0.05), nor for QM2 (F(1,419) = 0.007, p >
0.05) and QM3(F(1,419)=0.088, P>0.05)
QM4 and QM5 assess the perceived pedagogical usefulness of the questions. The
computer generated slightly outscores generic questions in both. ANOVA results
indicated that these differences were not statistically significant: F(1,419) = 8.37, p >
0.05 for QM4, and F(1,419) = 0.003, p > 0.05 for QM5.
However, after filtering out 24 computer generated questions from the 13 generic
key phrases described in section 5.2, we found that the remaining 282 computer
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Questions 365

generated questions significantly outperformed generic questions in QM3

(F(1,396)=4.350, p < 0.05). This indicates that the computer generated questions are
more useful than generic question in terms of learning important concepts.

Table 6. Evaluation of computer generated and generic questions

Question Producer Computer Computer(after Generic

Quality Measure filtering some
QM1:Correctness 4.173 4.177 4.382
QM2:Clarity 3.921 3.968 3.931
QM3:Relevancy 3.578 3.699 3.704
QM4:Useful for learning concepts 3.431 3.543 3.313
QM5:Useful to improve document 3.297 3.390 3.296

5.4 Evaluation of Questions Generated from Different Relation Types

Each question is generated from a triple with one of the relation types described in
section 4. Here, we analyzed the 282 computer generated questions from the correctly
classified key phrases. Table 7 displays the average score for the questions generated
from each relation type under a certain quality measure. ANOVA results showed no
significant difference among these relation types in QM1 (F(7,274) =1.579, p > 0.05)
and QM2 (F(7,274) =1.187, p > 0.05). Has-strength, Has-limitation, Has-different and
Include-Technology types got relatively higher scores than Apply-to, Has-definition,
Kind-of and Similar-to across QM3, QM4 and QM5. A series of ANOVA and Fisher
Least Significant Difference (LSD) test results show that Has-strength, Has-
limitation, Has-different and Include-Technology significantly outperformed Apply-to
and Similar-to in QM 3 and QM4. The Has-strength, Has-limitation, Has-different
and Include-Technology question types had more pedagogical value than others.

Table 7. Evaluation of computer generated questions from different relation types

Apply- Definiti Diff Include- Kind-of Limit Similar Strength

to on tech
QM1 3.818 4.189 4.389 4.400 3.972 4.444 4.186 4.500
QM2 3.758 3.989 4.056 4.333 3.694 3.889 4.070 4.500
QM3 3.091 3.874 3.917 4.200 3.639 3.722 3.372 4.333
QM4 2.879 3.379 3.806 4.007 3.556 4.278 3.651 3.833
QM5 2.818 3.411 3.722 3.733 3.278 3.556 3.326 4.000

5.5 Directive versus Facilitative Questions

Facilitative and directive feedback strategies were used in our question templates
design. The 282 computer generated questions included 143 facilitative questions and
139 directive questions. Table 8 shows the average scores for the two types of
366 M. Liu and R.A. Calvo

questions for each quality measure. Facilitative feedback got higher scores than
directive in QM3 and QM4 while directive type outscored facilitative type in QM1,
QM2 and QM5. This result implied that directive questions are clearer than
facilitative questions while facilitative questions are more useful to trigger reflection
on important concepts. However, ANOVA results show that their differences are not
significant across all quality measures.

Table 8. Evaluation of Two Feedback Types

Quality Measure Facilitative Type Directive Type
QM1 4.091 4.266
QM2 3.951 3.986
QM3 3.783 3.612
QM4 3.552 3.532
QM5 3.392 3.888

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Within the numerous types of learning activities for which we would like to provide
automated feedback, writing is one of the hardest, amongst other reasons because
there is not always a right or wrong answer. Feedback that helps writers reconsider
their work is most useful. This is particularly true when it is produced with knowledge
not contained in the actual document, like the one an experienced instructor has. In
this paper we introduced a novel approach for generating questions by extracting
semantic information from Wikipedia, particularly focusing on extracting three types
of relations (Similar-to, Different-to and Kind-of). The study shows that computer
generated questions are better than generic questions because there are more specific
to the content and useful to promote deep thinking. Facilitative questions are more
useful when it comes to deep learning (QM3: Relevancy and QM4: Learning
Concept) while directive questions are clearer (QM2) and useful for improving
writing. However, the automated question generation system is a multi stage pipe
line processing. Error could happen at any stage and propagate to following stages so
that it would impact the overall quality of generated questions. In the future work, we
are looking into a generic question ranking function to improve the system

Acknowledgments. This project was partially supported by a University of Sydney

TIES grant, an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant (DP0986873)
and Google Research Award for measuring the impact of feedback on the writing

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Question Generation, Pittsburgh, pp. 45–57 (2010)
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking
Questions in Context

Lee Becker1, Martha Palmer1 , Sarel van Vuuren1 , and Wayne Ward1,2
Center for Computational Language and Education Research
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colorado, USA 80309
Boulder Language Technologies, Boulder, CO 80301

Abstract. Asking questions in a context relevant manner is a critical

behavior for intelligent tutoring systems; however even within a single
pedagogy there may be numerous valid strategies. This paper explores
the use of supervised ranking models to rank candidate questions in
the context of tutorial dialogues. By training models on individual and
aggregate judgments from experienced tutors, we learn to reproduce in-
dividual and average preferences in questioning. Analysis of our models’
performance across different tutors highlights differences in individual
teaching preferences and illustrates the impact of surface form, semantic
and pragmatic features for modeling variations in tutoring styles. This
work has implications for dialogue system design and provides a nat-
ural starting point towards creating tunable and customizable tutorial
dialogue interactions.

Keywords: Question Ranking, Question Selection, Tutorial Dialogue,

Dialogue Acts, Dialogue Modeling, Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

1 Introduction
Much of the benefit of conversational one-on-one tutoring comes from the tu-
tor’s ability to tailor his or her line of questioning to the needs of the student
[10]. Despite the numerous improvements in making dialogue with intelligent
tutoring systems (ITS) more robust and responsive, there is still a performance
gap between human tutoring and ITS. Closing this gap will require even more
human-like dialogue behavior that can adapt tutoring strategies to differences in
student abilities and learning styles. For tutoring, much of this behavior hinges
on knowing how to ask questions that encourage student uptake and promote
understanding of the material. We approach the task of question asking as a
process of ranking candidate questions for a given dialogue context. By pairing
questions with judgments collected from experienced human tutors, we can train
ranking models capable of reproducing individual preferences in question asking.

This work was supported by grants from the NSF (DRL-0733322, DRL-0733323),
the IES (R3053070434) and the DARPA GALE program (HR0011-06-C-0022).

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 368–378, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Models for Question 369

Analysis of model parameters shows the importance of semantically and prag-

matically informed dialogue act features in accounting for variation in individual
tutoring styles and preferences.

Connections to Prior Work: Learning tutorial dialogue policies from corpora

is a growing area of research in NLP and ITS. Existing work has made use of
hidden Markov models [4] and reinforcement learning [9,8] to discover tutoring
strategies optimized to maximize learning gains; however, much of this work as-
sumes there is only one correct behavior, and the additional complexity required
to model individual tutoring styles would require much more data. This work
adopts an approach similar to Ai and Litman [1] who utilize ranking to predict
human judgments of simulated dialogue quality.
There is also an abundance of previous work in categorizing dialogue acts and
questions for tutoring [12,11,21]. Corpora tagged with dialogue and tutoring acts
have been used to explore the correlation between tutoring moves and learning
[13,17] as well as specific behaviors such as when to ask “why” questions [22],
provide hints [24], or insert discourse markers [16]. To our knowledge there has
been no previous work in ranking questions for a dialogue context, nor has there
been analysis into the role of dialogue act features for learning differences in
tutoring style between experienced tutors.

2 Corpus
2.1 Tutorial Setting and Transcripts
Our investigations are grounded within the context of the My Science Tutor
(MyST) [25], a conversational virtual tutor designed to improve science learning
and understanding for students in grades 3-5 (ages 7-11). Students using MyST
investigate and discuss science through natural spoken dialogues and multime-
dia interactions with a virtual tutor named Marni. The MyST dialogue design
and tutoring style is based on a pedagogy called Questioning the Author (QtA)
[2] which places an emphasis on eliciting student speech via open-ended ques-
tions. MyST curriculum is based on the Full Option Science System (FOSS,
http://www.fossweb.com) an inquiry-centered curriculum that has been widely
deployed in the United States.
For these experiments, we use MyST transcripts collected in a Wizard-of-Oz
(WoZ) condition. During a WoZ session, human tutors (wizards) were respon-
sible for accepting, overriding, and/or authoring system actions. Wizards were
also responsible for managing which of the learning goals was currently in fo-
cus. Students talked to MyST via microphone, while MyST communicates us-
ing Text-to-Speech (TTS) in the WoZ setting. A typical MyST session revolves
around a single FOSS lesson and lasts approximately 15 minutes. To obtain a
dialogue transcript, tutor moves are taken directly from the system logfile, while
student speech is manually transcribed from audio. In total we make use of tran-
scripts from 122 WoZ dialogues conducted by 14 different tutors, which cover
ten units on magnetism and electricity and two on measurement and standards.
370 L. Becker et al.

2.2 Dialogue Annotation

To enable extraction of features representative of the underlying actions and

intentions of the dialogue, we have annotated our transcripts and questions with
the Dialogue Schema Unifying Speech and Semantics (DISCUSS) [3], a multidi-
mensional dialogue move taxonomy that represents an utterance as a tuple com-
posed of three dimensions: Dialogue Act (22 tags), Rhetorical Form (22 tags),
and Predicate Type (19 tags). This scheme draws from past work in task-oriented
dialogue acts [7,11], tutorial act taxonomies [21,23,6,5], discourse relations [18]
and question taxonomies [12,20]. To motivate our use of the DISCUSS represen-
tation for question ranking, we give a brief primer on its dimensions below.
Dialogue Act (DA). The DA represents an utterance’s conversational action
with moves such as Ask, Answer, Assert, etc. . . ). DISCUSS supplements DA acts
commonly found in other taxonomies with two acts common to QtA instruction:
Mark and Revoice. A Mark act highlights key words from the student’s speech
while a Revoice summarizes or refines student language to clarify a concept.
Rhetorical Form (RF). Although the DA is useful for identifying the speaker’s
intent, it gives no indication of how the speaker is advancing the conversation.
Consider the questions “What is the battery doing?” and “Which one is the
battery?”. Both have Ask as a DA label, however they elicit two very different
kinds of responses. The former, elicits a description (RF=Describe) while the
latter elicits identification of an object (RF=Identify).
Predicate Type (PT). The PT aims to summarize the semantic relationships
between the entities and keywords in an utterance. For questions this drives
towards the kind of content the tutor is eliciting whether it is a Procedure,
Function, Causal Relation, Observation or some other PT.
Annotation: All transcripts used in this experiment have been annotated with
DISCUSS labels at the dialogue turn level. A reliability study using 15% of
the transcripts was conducted to assess DISCUSS inter-annotator agreement.
This consisted of 18 doubly annotated transcripts comprised of 828 dialogue
utterances. Because DISCUSS permits multiple tuples per instance, we bound
reliability with two metrics: exact agreement and partial agreement. For exact
agreement, each annotators’ set of labels must match exactly to receive credit.
Partial agreement is defined as the number of intersecting labels divided by
the total number of unique labels. Table 2 lists these metrics broken down by
DISCUSS dimension. While the DA and RF agreement are relatively high, the
PT agreement reflects the difficulty and open-ended nature of the task.

2.3 Question Authoring

Though a question generation system would provide the most systematic control
in varying questions, we instead use manually authored questions to avoid con-
founding our findings with issues of question grammaticality and well-formedness.
To maintain consistency, we used a single author trained in MyST-oriented QtA
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Models for Question 371

Table 1. Example dialogue context snippet and a collection of candidate questions. The
DISCUSS (DA=dialogue act, RF=rhetorical form, PT=predicate type) labels illustrate
how the questions vary in intent and meaning.

T: Tell me more about what is happening with the electricity in a complete circuit.
S: Well the battery sends all the electricity in a circuit to the motor so the motor
starts to go.
Candidate Question DISCUSS (DA/RF/PT)
Q1 Roll over the switch and then in your own words, Direct/Task/Visual
tell me again what a complete or closed circuit is all Ask/Describe/Configuration
Q2 How is this circuit setup? Is it open or closed? Ask/Select/Configuration
Q3 To summarize, a closed circuit allows the electricity Assert/Recap/Proposition
to flow and the motor to spin. Now in this circuit, Direct/Task/Visual
we have a new component. The switch. What is the Ask/Describe/Function
switch all about?
Q4 You said something about the motor spinning in a Revoice/None/None
complete circuit. Tell me more about that. Ask/Elaborate/CausalRel’n

and taught him to vary questions lexically, syntactically, and semantically. While
the author was free to write any questions he thought appropriate for the context,
our guidelines emphasized authoring by making permutations corresponding to
changes in DISCUSS, wording, directness, and learning-goal content. To mini-
mize the risk of rater bias, we advised our author to avoid using positive feedback
expressions such as “Good job!”. Table 1 shows an example context along with
a set of candidate questions and their corresponding DISCUSS representations.
The author was presented with information comparable to the dialogue con-
texts available to the human WoZ and computer MyST tutors such as the dia-
logue history, learning goals, and visuals, and was asked to author 5 candidate
questions per context. Question authoring contexts were manually selected for
scenarios that require a follow-up question. We also extracted the original ques-
tion provided by the tutor, and filtered out those that did not contain questions
related to the lesson content. Our corpus has 205 question authoring contexts
comprised of 1025 manually authored questions and 131 questions extracted
from the original transcript yielding 1156 questions in total.

2.4 Ratings Collection

To rate questions, we enlisted the help of four experienced tutors who had pre-
viously served as project tutors and wizards. The raters were presented with
the same information used for question authoring. The interface included the
entire dialogue history preceding the question decision point and a list of up to 6
candidate questions (5 manually authored, 1 taken from the original transcript
if applicable). Because rating individual questions in isolation can lead to in-
consistent scoring, we instead asked raters to simultaneously score all candidate
372 L. Becker et al.

Table 2. Inter-annotator agree- Table 3. Rater-rater rank agreement

ment for DISCUSS annotation (Kendall’s-τ ). The bottom row is the self-
(DA=Dialogue Act, RF=Rhetorical agreement for contexts rated by the same
Form, PT=Predicate Type) rater in two separate trials.

Reliability Metric DA RF PT Rater A Rater B Rater C Rater D

Exact Agreement 0.80 0.66 0.56 Rater A - 0.2590 0.1418 0.0075
Partial Agreement 0.89 0.77 0.68 Rater B 0.2590 - 0.1217 0.2370
Rater C 0.1418 0.1217 - 0.0540
Rater D 0.0075 0.2370 0.0540 -
mean 0.1361 0.2059 0.1058 0.0995
self 0.4802 0.4022 0.2327 0.3531

questions. While we did not define any specific criteria for rating, we instructed
the raters to score questions as if they were conducting the tutoring and to
consider which ones they felt most appropriate for this particular point in the
dialogue. Scores were collected using an ordinal 10-point scale ranging from 1
(lowest/worst) to 10 (highest/best). Each set of questions was rated by at least
three tutors with raters never scoring questions from sessions they had tutored
themselves. In total we collected ratings for 1156 questions representing a total
of 205 question contexts distributed across 30 transcripts.

Rater Agreement: Because these judgments are subjective, a key challenge

in this work centers on understanding to what degree the tutors agree with
one another. Since our goal is to rank questions and not score questions, we
convert each tutors’ scores for a given context into a rank-ordered list. To get a
sense of inter-rater agreement for ranking, we use Kendall’s-τ rank correlation
coefficient [15], a non-parametric statistic that measures the agreement between
two orderings of the same set of items. We compute τ between all pairs of raters
across all question rating contexts. The mean value for all pairs of raters and
contexts is τ = 0.1478, a breakdown of rater-rater τ is shown in table 3. Though
Kendall’s-τ can vary from -1 to 1, its value is highly task dependent, and it is
typically lower when the range of possible choices is narrow, as it is in this task.
We can obtain the odds of pairwise agreement using the formula (1 + τ )/(1 − τ ),
which shows that for τ = 0.1478 our raters are 1.34 times more likely to agree
on the relative ordering of two questions. While inter-rater agreement is fairly
modest, we also see variation based on dependent on the pairs of tutors. This
suggests that despite their common training and experience, the raters key in on
different criteria when scoring. To get a sense of the tutor’s internal agreement
in rating, we had each tutor rerate a batch of 60 question sets. Kendall’s-τ self-
agreement values are listed in the bottom row of table 3. In contrast with the
rater-rater agreement, self-agreement is much more consistent, giving further
evidence for a difference in rating criteria. Together these inter-rater and self-
agreement help bound expected system performance in ranking.
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Models for Question 373

3 Automatic Question Ranking

We approach the problem of question selection as a supervised machine learning

ranking task. The gold-standard rank-orderings used for training and evaluation
are derived from the rater scores. When modeling individual raters, an individual
rater’s scores are converted directly into rankings. To average the scores from all
raters for a general model, we combine the scores from all raters by tabulating
pairwise wins for all pairs of questions qi , qj , (i = j) within a given dialogue
context C. If rating(qi ) > rating(qj ), question qi receives a win. We sum wins
across all raters for a given set of questions. The question with the most wins
has rank one. Questions with an equal number of wins are considered tied, and
are given the average ranking of their ordinal positions.
Using this rank-ordering we then train a pairwise classifier to determine if one
question has a better rank than another. For each question qi within a context
C, we construct a vector of features φi . For a pair of questions qi and qj , we
then create a new vector using the difference of features: Φ(qi , qj , C) = φi − φj .
For training, if rank(qi ) < rank(qj ), the classification is positive otherwise it is
negative. To account for the possibility of ties, and to make the difference mea-
sure appear symmetric, we train both combinations (qi , qj ) and (qj , qi ). During
decoding, we run the trained classifier on all pairs and tabulate wins using the
approach described above.
Because we are interested in understanding how well our features can account
for individual tutoring preferences, the machine learning algorithms employed
in this study are limited to those with interpretable feature weights. Specifi-
cally, we use a Maximum Entropy classifier [19]. In previous experiments we
observed similar performance between Maximum Entropy models and ranking
optimized Support Vector Machines [14], consequently we do not sacrifice model
performance for this interpretability. To explore the impact of different dialogue
features and semantic forms in system performance we build several models by
incrementally adding classes of DISCUSS-based features. To assess our mod-
els’ ability to replicate question ranking behavior we train and evaluate in the
following conditions:

Training / Evaluation Individual Rankings Combined Rankings

Individual Rankings X
Combined Rankings X X

Features. When designing features for this task, we wanted to capture the fac-
tors that may play a role in the tutor’s decision making process during question
selection. Scorers may consider factors such as the question’s wording, lesson
relevance, and contextual relevance, consequently our feature space consists of
four categories: surface form features, lexical similarity features, DISCUSS fea-
tures, and Context probability features. We model learning goal completion as
a conditional probability of a DISCUSS act given task progress . Table 4 lists
the features used to create ranking models.
374 L. Becker et al.

Table 4. Model features by category. While most features are real-valued, WH-Word,
POS-tag, and DISCUSS features are vectorized as a bag-of-features with 0/1 values.

Feature Class Features

Surface Form Features Question Length, Part-of-Speech tags, WH-Words
Lexical Similarity Features Word and POS Uni/Bigram Overlap between:
* Question-Previous Student Turn
* Question-Last Tutor Question
* Question-Current Learning Goal
* Question-max(Other Learning Goal)
DISCUSS Features Dialogue Act (DA), Rhetorical Form (RF)
Predicate Type (PT)
RF/PT-matches previous turn
Context Probability Features p(DA, RF, P Tquestion |DA, RF, P Tstudent turn )
p(DA, RFquestion |DA, RFstudent turn )
p(P Tquestion |P Tstudent turn )
p(DA, RF, P Tquestion |% elements f illed)

Evaluation. To evaluate our models’ agreement with the tutor rankings, we

employ the same mean Kendall’s-τ statistic used for assessing inter-rater reli-
ability with the coefficients averaged over all sets of questions. Gold-standard
rankings for each context are computed using the approaches described above.
For model comparison we apply the Wilcoxon-signed rank test to test whether
the distribution of taus (i.e. per dialogue context agreement coefficients) between
models is statistically significant. We train and evaluate our models using 10-
fold cross validation (3 transcripts/fold, ≈ 7 dialogue contexts/transcript, ≈ 6
questions/context). The exact number of contexts depends on the evaluation
condition with raters A, B, C, and D each with 148, 155, 151, and 161 contexts
respectively. Folds are partitioned by FOSS unit, to ensure the test set comes
from an unseen lesson.

4 Results and Discussion

Table 5 lists the Kendall’s-τ rank order agreement for models trained on in-
dividual tutors as well as the combined model. Applying the Wilcoxon-signed
rank test to the distribution of Kendall’s-τ values (i.e. per dialogue context
agreement coefficients) shows a statistically significant improvement (p < 0.01,
148 ≤ n ≤ 161) between the baseline and top-performing models for all raters.
This suggests that features extracted from DISCUSS provides additional infor-
mation not available in the surface form and lexical similarity features. How-
ever, performance is not strictly tied to the number of DISCUSS-based features.
Unlike the models trained on average rankings, models trained to replicate an
individual rater’s rankings may require only a subset of the total features. For
example, the best model for Rater C used only the dialogue act and baseline
features, whereas Rater D showed improvement when adding the more complex
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Models for Question 375

Table 5. System Mean Kendall’s τ rank-order agreement scores by model and rater.
Model training and evaluation is conducted per rater, or in the case of All, a combi-
nation of the four raters. The General Model row shows agreement between output
from a system trained on the combination of raters (the best model in the ’All’ column)
and the gold standard rankings from individual raters. Presence or absence of features
is denoted with a ’+’ or ’-’. The Baseline features consist of the Surface Form and
Lexical Similarity features.

Model Rater A Rater B Rater C Rater D All

Context+DISCUSS+POS- 0.3374 0.1482 0.1203 0.1433 0.1910
DISCUSS+POS- 0.3324 0.1558 0.1213 0.1272 0.1789
DISCUSS+ 0.3056 0.1319 0.1240 0.1072 0.1628
DA+RF+PT+ 0.3092 0.1281 0.1236 0.1177 0.1466
DA+RF+ 0.2881 0.1363 0.1243 0.1057 0.1303
DA+ 0.3022 0.1503 0.1396 0.0903 0.1201
Baseline 0.2783 0.1160 0.0995 0.0797 0.1051
Random Baseline 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
General Model 0.2121 0.1451 0.0924 0.0948 0.1910

Table 6. Distribution of the 20 Table 7. Cosine similarity between rater

most influential features by coarse model feature weights

Baseline DA RF PT Rater A Rater B Rater C Rater D

Rater A 0.163 0.312 0.245 0.281 Rater A 1.000 0.526 0.167 0.163
Rater B 0.557 0.123 0.134 0.187 Rater B 0.526 1.000 0.106 0.250
Rater C 0.275 0.200 0.195 0.330 Rater C 0.167 0.106 1.000 0.184
Rater D 0.581 0.114 0.101 0.204 Rater D 0.163 0.250 0.184 1.000
All 0.374 0.151 0.139 0.336 mean 0.464 0.470 0.364 0.399

contextual features. These differences in performance roughly outline what level

of linguistic detail underlies a rater’s preference for one question over another.
Comparing the results from table 5 with the inter and intra-rater agreement
values from table 3, we see that we are best able to replicate the rankings for
raters who have the highest self-agreement, which suggests that data collection
should be improved to limit variation in judgment. One potential way to improve
rater reliability would be to back away from having raters simultaneously scoring
all questions and instead present them with paired comparisons.

Feature Analysis: To get a qualitative perspective of our models, we asked our

lead tutor to give a brief description of each rater’s tutoring style. She offered:
‘Rater A focuses more on the student than the lesson.”, “Rater B focuses on
the lesson objectives.”, “Rater C tries to get the student to relate to what they
see or do.”, and “Rater D likes to add more to the lesson than what was done
in class.”. Looking at the models in light of these comments, we see the feature
376 L. Becker et al.

weights reflect these differences in tutoring philosophies. Rater A’s model was
the only one to give a negative weight to the Assert DA feature, which may stem
from a desire to elicit speech instead of lecture. Rater B’s emphasis on learning
goals manifests itself with larger weights for the lexical overlap features than
the other rater models. Rater C’s emphasis on visuals results in PT features
weighted towards Observation over Function or Process. Rater D’s desire to
create a new experience yields a DA Metastatement weight that is twice that
found in the other raters’ models. Additionally, rater D had the heaviest weight
for the contextual probability features.
Looking at the feature category distributions for the 20 (15%) most influential
features (those with the largest weight magnitudes), we observe wide variance
in distribution (table 6) from rater to rater. However, differences in feature cate-
gory distributions does not fully account for differences in rater model behavior.
Probing further, we compute cosine similarities between the model weight vectors
for each rater’s model (table 7). The similarities in this table mirror inter-rater
agreement found in table 3, which gives further evidence that our models rank
in a manner like the tutors on which they were trained.
Error Analysis: Cross-referencing rater feedback with analyses of contexts
with low system-rater agreement helped to identify three categories of errors: 1)
question authoring errors, 2) DISCUSS annotation errors and 3) model deficiency
errors. Example question authoring mistakes include referencing an interactive
visual when a static one was on-screen, and writing questions which were too
wordy or used incorrect terminology. Unlike the raters, our models were unable
to key in on these mistakes. While better quality control would help to reduce
many of these errors, for future work in fully-automatic question generation,
language model or vocabulary features may help to give a better account of a
question’s surface form. In instances with incorrect DISCUSS annotation, we
found that the correct label would have likely yielded better classification accu-
racy and consequently ranking agreement. Although we model student learning
goal completion as part of the DISCUSS context probability features, a large pro-
portion of errors coincided with rater comments about student understanding
and misconceptions. This suggests that additional features that capture student
correctness could benefit system performance.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented an approach for ranking candidate follow-up questions in
the context of a tutorial dialogue. Furthermore, we have shown that adding fea-
tures extracted from a rich, linguistically-motivated tutorial act representation
to baseline lexical and surface form features, enables statistical machine learn-
ing of question ranking behavior in agreement with experienced human tutors.
This framework provides a straightforward means for collecting and using hu-
man judgment to customize tutorial dialogue behavior, and this methodology
shows that a variety of tutoring styles can be captured by having tutors eval-
uate other tutors’ sessions. Looking forward, we plan on further refining our
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Models for Question 377

system by adding more detailed accounts of student misconceptions. Lastly, we

feel this work is a natural starting point to explore the use of fully-automatic
question generation within an intelligent tutoring system.


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Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving

Petr Jarušek and Radek Pelánek

Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno

Abstract. Our aim is to improve problem selection and recommenda-

tion in intelligent tutoring systems by modeling students problem solving
times. We describe a simple model which assumes a linear relationship
between latent problem solving ability and a logarithm of time to solve
a problem. We show that this model is related to models from two dif-
ferent areas: the item response theory and collaborative filtering. Each
of these areas provides inspiration for parameter estimation procedure
and for possible extensions. The model is already applied in a widely
used “Problem solving tutor”; using the data collected by this system
we evaluate the model and analyse its parameter values.

Keywords: Problem solving, intelligent tutoring systems, item response

theory, collaborative filtering.

1 Introduction

Problem solving is an important part of education in general and of intelligent

tutoring systems in particular. To use problem solving activities efficiently, it is
important to estimate well their difficulty – easy problems are boring, difficult
problems are frustrating (this observation is elaborated by the flow concept [4]).
In intelligent tutoring systems [1,12] problem selection is often done with
respect to knowledge concepts – matching students mastery of concepts with
concepts required to solve a problem. In some domains, however, there are many
problems which are based on the same knowledge concepts, but differ signifi-
cantly in their difficulty. In this work we focus on these types of domains, specif-
ically on logic puzzles and introductory programming – these problems require
little background knowledge, do not have easily identifiable skills, and yet span
wide range of difficulty [6].
In this work we focus on predicting students problem solving times based on the
data about previous problem solving attempts. To attain clear focus, we consider
both students and problems as “black boxes”, i.e., the only information that we
use are the problem solving times. For practical application it may be useful to
combine this approach with other data about students and problems (e.g., from
knowledge tracing models [3]). Nevertheless, even the basic “black box” approach

This work is supported by GA ČR grant no. P202/10/0334.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 379–388, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
380 P. Jarušek and R. Pelánek

is applicable and has an important advantage of being simple and cheap (e.g., com-
pared to knowledge tracing models which require significant expertise).
We describe a model which assumes a linear relation between a problem solv-
ing ability and a logarithm of time to solve a problem (i.e., exponential relation
between ability and time). We provide connections of the model to two different
areas – item response theory and collaborative filtering. Item response theory
[2,5] is used mainly in computerized adaptive testing to predict a probability of a
correct answer and thus to select a suitable test item. Collaborative filtering [8]
is used in recommender systems to predict user ratings of items (e.g., books)
and recommend items to buy. Using inspiration from these areas we describe
different variants of the model and different methods for parameter estimation.
The model is currently used in a “Problem solving tutor” – a web-based
system which recommends students problems of suitable difficulty. The tutor
contains more than 20 types of problems from areas of programming, math, and
logic puzzles. The system is used in several schools and contains data about
more than 5 000 users and 220 000 solved problems. Using this extensive data
we evaluate the model and its different variants.
The evaluation shows several interesting results. The data support the basic
model assumption of linear relation between ability and a logarithm of time to
solve a problem. For predicting future times even a simple baseline predictor
provides reasonable results; the model provides only slight improvement in pre-
dictions. Nevertheless, it brings several advantages. The model is group invariant
and gives a better ordering of problems with respect to difficulty. It also brings
additional insight – we can determine not just average difficulty of problems,
but also their discrimination and randomness. With an extension of the model
we can even determine similarity of individual problems (using just the problem
solving times). All these parameters are useful for automatic problem selection
in intelligent tutoring systems.

2 Modeling Problem Solving Times

We describe the setting, the basic models and we elaborate on its relation to the
item response theory and collaborative filtering.

2.1 The Setting and Simple Models

We assume that we have a set of students S, a set of problems P , and data

about problem solving times: tsp is a logarithm of time it took student s ∈ S to
solve a problem p ∈ P (i.e, t is a matrix with missing values). In this work we do
not consider any other information about students and problems except for the
problem solving times. We study models for predicting future problem solving
times based on the available data. These predictions are denoted t̂sp .
As noted above, we work with a logarithm of time instead of the untrans-
formed time itself. There are several good reasons to do so. At first, problem
solving times have a natural “multiplicative” (not “additive”) nature, e.g., if
Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving Times 381

Alice is a slightly better problem solver than Bob, then we expect her times
to be 0.8 of Bob’s times (not 20 second smaller than Bob’s times). At second,
previous research on response times in item response theory successfully used
the assumption of log-normal distribution of response times [9,11], analysis of
our data also suggests that problem solving times are log-normally distributed.
At third, the use of a logarithm of time has both theoretical advantages (e.g.,
applicability of simple linear models) and pragmatic advantages (e.g., reduction
of effect of outliers).
Given our setting, the simplest way to predict problem solving times is to use
mean time, i.e., t̂sp = mp , where mp is the mean of ts p over students s who
solved the problem p. A straightforward way to improve and personalize this
prediction is to take into account the performance of individual students. This
leads to the “baseline” model t̂sp = mp − δs , where δ s is a “mean performance
of student s with respect to other solvers”, i.e., δs = ( mp − tsp )/ns , where ns
is the number of problems solved by the student.
Our basic model, on which we will further elaborate, is an extension of this
baseline model. It is a linear model, which combines problem difficulty for average
solver (bp ), problem discrimination (ap ) and student’s ability (θs ), i.e., t̂sp =
bp + ap θs . In the following we describe two different ways how to derive and
further develop this basic idea.

2.2 Model Inspired by Item Response Theory

The item response theory (IRT) deals with test items with discrete set of answers
and models the probability of a correct answer. There has been research on
modeling response times in the context of IRT (see e.g., [9]), but in this research
time is used only as an additional information (the main focus being on the
correctness of response), not on the time itself.
The basic models of IRT assume that probability of correct response depends
on one latent ability θ. The most often used model is the three parameter logistic
model Pa,b,c,θ = c+ (1 − c)ea(θ−b) /(1 + ea(θ−b) ). This model has three parameters
(see Fig. 1): b is the basic difficulty of an item, a is the discrimination factor
(slope of the curve, how well the item discriminates based on ability), and c is
the pseudo-guessing parameter (lower limit of the curve, probability that even a
student with very low ability will guess the correct answer).
In our setting, we similarly assume that a problem solving performance de-
pends on one latent problem solving ability θ. We are interested in a “problem
response function” f (θ), which for a given ability θ gives an estimate of a time
to solve a problem. More specifically, the function gives a probabilistic density
of times.
As a specific model we use the simplest “natural” choice: a normal distribution
with the mean linearly dependent on the ability and with constant variance
(remember that we work with a logarithm of time, i.e., this model assumes that
the untransformed time to solve a problem is exponentially dependent on ability).
The model thus has 3 problem parameters with the following intuitive meaning
382 P. Jarušek and R. Pelánek

Fig. 1. An intuitive illustration of an item response function and a problem response

function. Dashed lines illustrate distributions for certain abilities; solid line denotes the
expected problem solving time, grey area depicts the area into which most attempts
should fall. Note that we are dealing with a logarithm of time.

(we intentionally use notation analogical to IRT): discrimination factor ap , basic

difficulty of the problem bp , and randomness factor cp .
The problem response function, i.e., the probability that a student s with
ability θs will solve a problem p at (a logarithm of) time t, is thus given by a
normal distribution with a mean bp + ap θ and a variance c2 : fap ,bp ,cp ,θs (t) =
N (bp + ap θs , cp )(t).
The predicted time for a student s and a problem p is the expected value of
fap ,bp ,cp ,θs , i.e., t̂sp = bp + ap θs . The model and intuition behind its parameters
are illustrated in Fig. 1. Discrimination factor ap describes the slope of the
function, i.e., it specifies how the problem distinguishes between students with
different ability. Basic difficulty describes expected solving time of a student with
average ability. The randomness factor describes variance in solving times for a
particular ability.
Note that the presented model is not yet identified as it suffers from the
“indeterminacy of the scale” issue in the same way as the basic IRT model. This
is solved by normalization – we require that the mean of all θs is 0 and the mean
of all ap is -1.
Since we do not know either parameters of problems, or abilities of students,
we need to estimate them from available data. Similarly to the procedures used
in IRT [5], this estimation can be performed by iterative maximum likelihood
estimation. We iteratively update problem (student) parameters assuming that
student (problem) parameters are known. Maximum likelihood estimation for
parameter values leads to ordinary least squares regression. Maximum likelihood
estimation for students abilities gives the following update rule [7] (weighted
sum of “local” ability estimates across all problems solved by a student): θs =
 a2p tsp −bp  a2p
p c2
p ap / p p c2 .

2.3 Models Inspired by Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering is a method used in recommender systems, e.g., systems
for recommending movies (Netflix) or books (Amazon). The goal in these cases is
to predict future user ratings based on past ratings. Instead of predicting ratings,
Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving Times 383

we predict problem solving times, but otherwise our situation is analogical (in
both cases the input is a large sparse matrix).
There are two basic methods for collaborative filtering: neighbourhood based
(memory based) and matrix factorization (model based). The main principle of
matrix factorization methods is based on singular value decomposition (SVD) –
a linear algebra theorem which states that any matrix A can be decomposed as
A = U DV T , where D is a diagonal matrix and U, V are orthonormal matricies.
Using this decomposition it is possible to find an approximation of A by using
only first few rows in the product.
This theorem can be directly used only for complete matrices. In collaborative
filtering, however, there are typically many missing values. This can be overcome
by imputing data (e.g., substituing means in place of missing values), but such
approach has many disadvantages (e.g., imprecision, computational demands). It
is preferable to construct directly an approximation of the form: r̂ij = pi T · qj ,
where r̂ij is the predicted rating and pi and qj are feature vectors of length
k. This model is typically further extended to include the baseline prediction
for a given item [8]. This leads (using our notation) to the following model:
t̂sp = bp + ap T · θs , where ap and θs are vectors of length k which specify
problem-feature and user-feature interactions. The parameters of the model are
typically estimated using stochastic gradient descent with the goal to minimize
sum of square errors [8].
Note that for k = 1 the resulting model has the same structure as the model
inspired by IRT. Both the item response theory model and our analogical model
of problem solving times can also be extended to incorporate multidimensional
ability [10].
Collaborative filtering has to deal with parameter changes during time (e.g.,
user book preferences evolve) [8]. Similarly, in our setting it is sensible to incor-
porate learning into the model – students problem solving ability should improve
as they solve more problems. A natural extension of the model is the following:
t̂sp = bp + ap (θs + Δs · f (k)), where k is the order of the problem in problem
solving sequence; f is a monotone function, and Δs is a student’s learning rate.

2.4 Group Invariance

The mean predictor and the simple baseline predictor are misleading if the sub-
group of students which solved a particular problem is not representative of
the whole population. An important feature of our approach is that the mod-
els are “group invariant” (similarly to IRT models [5]), i.e., problem (student)
parameters do not depend on a subgroup of students which solved the problem
(problems solved by a student).
Let us describe this important feature on a specific example. When we have a
set of problems, then typically the harder problems are solved only by students
with above average ability. If we use a mean problem solving time as a predictor
of problem difficulty, than we underestimate the difficulty of these harder prob-
lems. Our model takes abilities of solvers into account and thus the obtained
problem parameters are independent of the group of solvers.
384 P. Jarušek and R. Pelánek

3 Application and Evaluation

Now we briefly introduce a “Problem solving tutor”, which uses the described
approach to make predictions and recommendations to students. Data collected
by this system are used for evaluation of described models.

3.1 Problem Solving Tutor

The described approach is currently used in a “Problem solving tutor” – a free
web-based tutoring system for practicing problem solving, which is available
at tutor.fi.muni.cz. At the moment the system focuses solely on the “outer
loop” of intelligent tutoring [12], i.e., recommending problem instances of the
right difficulty.
The system contains more than 20 types of problems, particularly computer
science problems (e.g., binary numbers, robot programming, turtle graphics, in-
troductory C and Python programming), math problems (e.g., describing func-
tions, matching expressions), and logic puzzles (e.g., Sokoban, Nurikabe). All
problems are “pure” problem solving problems with clearly defined correct so-
lution – problem solving time is the single measure of students performance,
there are no “quality of solution” measures (i.e., no hints during solutions or
acceptance of partial solutions).
The system was launched in March 2011, it is already used by more than
20 schools and has more than 5 000 registered users (mainly university and
high school students) who have spent more then 8 000 hours solving more than
220 000 problems. The collected data are used for the below described evaluation.
The number of solved problems is distributed unevenly among different problem
types, in the evaluation we use only problems for which we have sufficient data.

3.2 Analysis of Parameter Values

We begin our evaluation by analysis of the basic model with one ability. The
parameter values were estimated as described in Section 2. We have described
two ways to derive our basic model and estimate parameters: model inspired
by item response theory with parameters estimated by alternating maximum
likelihood estimation and the SVD inspired model with parameters estimated
by stochastic gradient descent (the specific algorithm parameters were used as
in [8]). Our results show that these two ways to estimate the parameters lead to
nearly the same results. Thus here we report only on the computed parameters
(student abilities θ, problem parameters a, b, c) of the IRT inspired model.
Student abilities should be normally distributed in a population, and the results
show that the estimated abilities θ are really approximately normally distributed
(see Fig. 2.). The variance of the distribution depends on the problem type – for
educational problems we have larger variance of abilities than for logic puzzles.
Generally the data suggest that the basic assumptions on which the model
is based are suitable, e.g., for particular problems the relation between the
Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving Times 385

Fig. 2. Left: Distribution of abilities for the Robotanist problem. Right: Ability versus
variation in the student performance for the Robotanist problem.

estimated ability θ and a logarithm of time is really linear as the model as-
sumes. Nevertheless, one result shows that some of the model assumptions are
too simple. Fig. 2. shows a relation between an estimated ability and a variation
in student performance (the standard deviation of ability estimates for individ-
ual problem instances). There is a slight negative correlation, i.e., students with
lower ability have larger variance, whereas the model assumes a constant vari-
ance. Thus the model can be extended by another parameter to describe this
decrease of variance with increasing ability.
Fig. 3. shows scatter plots for problem parameters a, b, c. There is a correlation
between the basic problem difficulty and its discrimination – more difficult prob-
lems are more discriminating. The randomness parameter (which corresponds to
variance of problem solving times) is nearly independent of the basic problem
difficulty (there is a positive correlation, but only small). Note that this result
indirectly supports the application of logarithmic transformation of times. If we
had used untransformed times or some different transformation, there would be
much stronger dependence.
Although there are some correlations among the parameters, generally the
parameters are rather independent, i.e., each of them provides a useful infor-
mation about the problem difficulty. For example, in intelligent tutoring sys-
tem, it may be suitable to filter out problems with large randomness or low

3.3 Evaluation of Predictions

Evaluation of model predictions was done by repeated random subsample cross-

validation. We performed 20 repetitions, each with 90% of data as a training
set and the remaining 10% of data as a test set. Table 1. compares the results
using the root mean square error metric. We have also evaluated other metrics
like the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients and mean absolute error.
The relative results are very similar.
386 P. Jarušek and R. Pelánek

Fig. 3. Relations between parameters a, b, c of the model

Table 1. Quality of predictions for different models and problems measured by root
mean square error metric. Baseline model, IRT-model, and SVD-model are models
described respectively in Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. All models assume a single latent ability.

Problem type Mean time Baseline model IRT-model SVD-model

Binary numbers 1.1717 0.9941 0.9856 0.9860
Graphs and functions 1.2868 1.0477 1.0395 1.0419
Nurikabe 0.9021 0.7111 0.7191 0.7175
Robotanist 1.3137 1.2056 1.1944 1.1963
Rush hour 0.8937 0.8072 0.7948 0.7975
Slither Link 1.0252 0.7873 0.7766 0.7760
Sokoban 1.1491 0.8965 0.8876 0.8893
Tents 1.0238 0.9355 0.9423 0.9434
Tilt maze 1.0044 0.8665 0.8620 0.8656

The results show that all models provide improvement over the use of a
mean time as a predictor. Most of the improvement in prediction is captured
by the baseline model; models with more parameters bring a slight, but not very
important improvement. As mentioned above, IRT-based and SVD-based pa-
rameter estimations lead to nearly the same parameter values and thus the
predictions are also nearly the same.
So far we have evaluated absolute predictions of problem solving time. In
practical applications it may be more important to focus on relative predictions,
i.e., on ordering of individual problem instances, so that students can progress
from easy problems to difficult ones. Here the group invariance issue (described
in Section 2.4) becomes important. The baseline model leads to same ordering
of problems as the mean time, i.e., it is not group invariant, whereas other
described models are group invariant. An analysis of data shows that the ordering
based on our models is better than the ordering based on mean time (to make
this comparison we ordered problems into sequences P1 , . . . , Pn and counted
how many times did some student solve problem Pi faster than problem Pj for
i > j).
Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving Times 387

Fig. 4. Determination of problem similarity by the extended model with two abilities.
Graph axes are the problem discrimination parameters a1 , a2 . White dots are Sokoban
problems, black dots are Slither Link problems.

3.4 Extended Models

Finally, we provide a brief evaluation of extended models described in Section 2.3

– a model with learning and a model which assumes multiple abilities (i.e., model
corresponding to SVD technique with several features). Parameters for these
models were estimated using the stochastic gradient descent method in a similar
way as for the basic model.
On our current data these models do not improve predictions due to the
overfitting – we get improved fit over the training set, but worse fit on the test
set. Nevertheless, even with the current data these models can give us some
interesting insight.
The model with learning is of the following form: t̂sp = bp + ap (θs + Δs · f (k)),
where k is the order of the problem in a problem sequence, f is a monotone
function, and Δs is a learning rate. Our analysis confirms an intuitive expectation
that f should be sublinear (learning is faster at the beginning and then slows
down); a use of square root leads to a good fit. Results also show that for our
problems the learning rate Δs is weakly positively correlated with ability θs (i.e.,
better students improve faster).
We also evaluated a model with two abilities: t̂sp = bp + a1p θ1s + a2p θ2s .
Although the model does not improve predictions on our current data due to the
overfitting, we can at least evaluate whether the automatically learnt concepts
(abilities) are sensible. To do so we performed the following experiment: we mix
data for two types of logic puzzles, let the algorithm learn the concepts, and
then check, how well are the puzzles separated. Fig. 4 shows results for two
particular problems. As we can see, the two problem types are separated quite
well by the automatically learnt concepts. This extended model can thus be used
for automatic determination of similarity between problems within a given set of
problems. This can be useful for problem recommendation in intelligent tutoring
systems. If a student solved a particular problem slowly, we can give her a similar
problem, but easier problem, if a student solved problem quickly, we can give
her a problem utilizing different concept.
388 P. Jarušek and R. Pelánek

4 Conclusions

We describe a model of students problem solving times, which assumes a linear

relationship between a problem solving ability and a logarithm of time. We derive
the model details and parameter estimation procedures from two different areas:
the item response theory and collaborative filtering. The model is already applied
in an online “Problem solving tutor” to recommend problems of suitable diffi-
culty. This system is already widely used (more than 220 000 problems solved),
the collected data were used for evaluation of the model. The results show that
the model brings only slight improvement compared to the baseline predictor,
but also that the model provides interesting information about problems (includ-
ing determination of problem similarity based only on problem solving times).
This information can be useful for problem selection and recommendation in
intelligent tutoring systems.

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Modelling and Optimizing
the Process of Learning Mathematics

Tanja Käser1, Alberto Giovanni Busetto1,2 ,

Gian-Marco Baschera1, Juliane Kohn4 , Karin Kucian3 ,
Michael von Aster3,4,5 , and Markus Gross1
Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Competence Center for Systems Physiology and Metabolic Diseases,
Zurich, Switzerland
MR-Center, University Children’s Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Psychology, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
German Red Cross Hospitals Westend, Berlin, Germany

Abstract. This paper introduces a computer-based training program

for enhancing numerical cognition aimed at children with developmen-
tal dyscalculia. Through modelling cognitive processes and controlling
the level of their stimulation, the system optimizes the learning process.
Domain knowledge is represented with a dynamic Bayesian network on
which the mechanism of automatic control operates. Accumulated know-
ledge is estimated to select informative tasks and to evaluate student
actions. This adaptive training environment equally improves success
and motivation. Large-scale experimental data quantifies substantial im-
provement and validates the advantages of the optimized training.

Keywords: learning, control theory, optimization, dynamic Bayesian

network, dyscalculia.

1 Introduction
Computer-assisted learning is gaining importance in children’s education. Intel-
ligent tutoring systems are successfully employed in different fields of education,
particularly to overcome learning disabilities [1]. The application of computers
extends conventional learning therapy. This study presents a computer-based
training program for enhancing numerical cognition, aimed at children with
developmental dyscalculia (DD) or difficulties in learning mathematics. It en-
tertains the idea that the learning process can be optimized through modelling
cognitive development and control.

Motivation. DD is a specific learning disability affecting the acquisition of

arithmetic skills. Genetic, neurobiological, and epidemiological evidence indi-
cates that DD is a brain-based disorder with a prevalence of 3-6% [2]. Challenges
are subject-dependent and hence individualization is needed to achieve substan-
tial improvements. Computer-based approaches enable the design of adaptable

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 389–398, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
390 T. Käser et al.

training, by estimating abilities and by providing intensive training in a stimu-

lating environment. The learner gains self efficacy and success, in turn leading
to increased motivation.

Related Work. Previous studies evaluated computer-based trainings for num-

ber processing and calculation, documenting promising results [3,4,5]. Available
trainings are designed specifically for children with DD, yet provide limited user
adaptation. In the domain of mathematics, intelligent tutoring systems focus on
specific aspects of the domain [6,7,8]. A plethora of advanced control approaches
aimed at optimization of complex mechanisms exists in the literature [9]. As
in this study, controllers can be based upon explicit models obtained through
intervention-driven identification [10]. Related predictive models aimed at treat-
ing learning disabilities have been introduced for spelling learning [1,11].

Contribution. We model the cognitive processes of mathematical development.

Recent neuropsychological findings are incorporated into a predictive dynamic
Bayesian network. We introduce automatic control aimed at optimizing learning.
This model predictive control enables a significant level of cognitive stimulation
which is user- and context-adaptive. Results from two large user-studies quantify
and validate the improvements induced by training.

2 Training Environment

Current neuropsychological models postulate the existence of task-specific rep-

resentational modules located in different areas of the brain. The functions of
these modules are relevant to both adult cognitive number processing and cal-
culation [12]. Dehaene’s triple-code model [13] presumes three representational
modules (verbal, symbolic, and analogue magnitude) related to number process-
ing. These modules develop hierarchically over time [14] and the overlap of the
number representations increases with growing mathematical understanding [17].
The development of numerical abilities follows a subject-dependent speed which
is influenced by the development of other cognitive as well as domain general
abilities and biographical aspects [14]. Hence, when teaching mathematics, a
substantial degree of individualization may not only be beneficial, but even nec-
essary. The introduced computer-based training addresses these challenges by

1. structuring the curriculum on the basis of natural development of mathe-

matical understanding (hierarchical development of number processing).
2. introducing a highly specific design for numerical stimuli enhancing the dif-
ferent representations and facilitating understanding. The different number
representations and their interrelationsships form the basis of number un-
derstanding and are often perturbed in dyscalculic children [14].
3. training operations and procedures with numbers. Dyscalculic children tend
to have difficulties in acquiring simple arithmetic procedures and show a
deficit in fact retrieval [15,16].
Modelling and Optimizing the Process of Learning Mathematics 391

(a) Landing game. (b) Plus-Minus game.

Fig. 1. In the Landing game, the position of the displayed number (29) needs to be
indicated on the number line. In the Plus-Minus game, the task displayed needs to
be modeled with the blocks of tens and ones.

4. providing a fully adaptive learning environment. Student model and control-

ling algorithm optimize the learning process by providing an ideal level of
cognitive stimulation.

Structure of the Training Program. The training is composed of multiple

games in a hierarchical structure. Games are structured according to number
ranges and further grouped into two areas. The first area focuses on “number rep-
resentations and understanding”. It trains the transcoding between alternative
representations and introduces the three principles of number understanding:
cardinality, ordinality, and relativity. Games in this area are structured accord-
ing to current neuropsychological models [13,14]. The first area is exemplified by
the Landing game (Fig. 1(a)). The second area is that of “cognitive operations
and procedures with numbers”, which aims at training concepts and automa-
tion of arithmetical operations. This is illustrated by the Plus-Minus game
(Fig. 1(b)). Games are divided into main games requiring different abilities and
support games training specific ones, serving as basic prerequisites. Difficulty
estimation and hierarchy result from the development of mathematical abilities.
Design of the Numerical Stimuli. Properties of numbers are encoded with
auditory and visual cues such as color, form, and topology. The digits of a number
are attached to the branches of a graph and represented with different colors
according to the positions in the place-value system (see left of Fig. 2). Numbers
are illustrated as a composition of blocks with different colors, i.e., as an assembly
of one, ten and hundred blocks. Blocks are linearly arranged from left to right
or directly integrated in the number line (Fig. 2 right). Showing all stimuli
simultaneously in each game of the training program reinforces links between
different number representations and improves number understanding.

Fig. 2. Design of numerical stimuli for the number 35

392 T. Käser et al.

Fig. 3. Skill net containing 100 skills (left), zoom of addition skills from 0-100 (right)

3 Selection of Actions
A fundamental component is the pedagogical module: the subsystem making
the teaching decisions. It selects the skills for training and determines the ac-
tions. The mechanisms adaptively assess user inputs and dynamically optimize
decisions [9]. The learner state is estimated and internally represented by the
student model. An attached bug library enables recognition of error patterns.

3.1 Student Model

The mathematical knowledge of the learner is modelled using a dynamic Bayesian
network [18]. The network consists of a directed acyclic graphical model repre-
senting different mathematical skills and their dependencies. This representation
is ideal for modelling mathematical knowledge as the learning domain exhibits
a distinctively hierarchical structure. The resulting student model contains 100
different skills (Fig. 3).The structure of the net was designed using experts’ ad-
vice and incorporates domain knowledge [13,14,15,16]. Two skills sA and sB have
a (directed) connection, if mastering skill sA is a prerequisite for skill sB . The
belief of a skill sAi (probability that skill is in the learnt state) is conditioned
over its parents πi :

p(sA1 , ..., sAn ) = psAi where psAi := p(sAi |πi ) (1)
As the skills cannot be directly observed, the system infers them by posing tasks
and evaluating user actions. Such observations (E) indicate the presence of a skill
probabilistically. The posteriors psAi |Ek of the net are updated after each solved
task k using the sum-product algorithm (libDAI [19]). Initially, the probabilities
are initialized to 0.5 (principle of indifference). The dynamic Bayesian net has a
memory of 5, i.e. posteriors are calculated over the last five time steps.

3.2 Controller
The selection of actions is rule-based and non-linear. Rather than following a
specified sequence to the goal, learning paths are adapted individually. This
Modelling and Optimizing the Process of Learning Mathematics 393

# remediation 0 # unplayed 0 all pre- # main 0 Recursion no 0

cursors # main skills?
skills? precursors? skills? support skill sr set? support
skill skill
n n n yes n
B precursors F select sr

Fig. 4. Decision trees for ’Go Back’ (left) and ’Go Forward’ (right) options. At the
end nodes (triangles), the candidate skill with lowest posterior probability (’Go Back’
option)/with posterior probability closest to 0.5 (’Go Forward’ option) is selected.

increases the set of possible actions (due to multiple precursors and successors).
The controller selects one of the following options based on the current state:
1. Stay: Continue the training of the current skill;
2. Go back: Train a precursor skill;
3. Go forward: Train a successor skill;
The decision is based on the posterior probabilities delivered by the student
model. After each solved task, the controller fetches the posterior probability
ps|E (t) of the skill s being trained at time t. Then, ps|E (t) is compared against a
lower and an upper threshold, denoted by pls (t) and pus (t). The resulting interval
defines the optimal training level: if the probability lies between the thresholds,
’Stay’ is selected. In contrast, ’Go Back’ and ’Go forward’ are selected when
ps|E (t) < pls (t) and when ps|E (t) > pus (t). Thresholds are not fixed: they converge
with more played samples (nc ):
pls (t) = pl0
s (t) · lc and pus (t) = pu0
s (t) · uc
Initial values of the upper (pl0
s (t))
and lower (pu0
s (t))
thresholds as well as the
change rates (lc , uc ) are heuristically determined. The convergence of the thresh-
olds ensures a sufficiently large number of solved tasks per skill and prevents
training the same skill for too long without passing it.
When ’Stay’ is selected, a new appropriate task is built. Otherwise, a precursor
(or successor) skill is selected by fetching all precursor (successor) skills of the
current skill and feeding them into a decision tree. Figure 4 shows the simplified
decision trees for ’Go Back’ and ’Go Forward’. The nodes of the trees encode
selection rules. If errors matching patterns of the bug library are detected, the
relevant remediation skill is trained. If a user fails to master skill sA and goes
back to sB , sA is set as a recursion skill. After passing sB , the controller will
return to sA . To consolidate less sophisticated skills and increase variability,
selective recalls are used.
This control design exhibits the following advantages:
1. Adaptability: the network path targets the needs of the individual user (Fig. 5).
2. Memory modelling: forgetting and knowledge gaps are addressed by going
3. Locality: the controller acts upon current nodes and neighbours, avoiding
unreliable estimates of far nodes.
4. Generality: the controller is student model-independent: it can be used on
arbitrary discrete structures.
394 T. Käser et al.

Fig. 5. Skill sequences of three children in addition. Colours are consistent with Fig. 3.
User 2 and 3 passed all skills in the range, while user 1 did not pass this range within
the training period. The length of the rectangles indicates the number of samples.

4 Methods and Results

Quality of controller and student model have been measured through exter-
nal effectiveness tests. Experimental data consist of input logs of two on-going
large-scale studies (Germany and Switzerland). The studies are conducted us-
ing a cross-over design, i.e. participants are divided into a group starting the
training immediately and a waiting group. The groups are mapped according to
age (2.-5. grade of elementary school), intelligence and gender. All participants
visit normal public schools and are German-speaking. They exhibit difficulties
in learning mathematics indicated by a below-average performance in arithmetic
(addition T-score: 35.4 [SD 7.1], subtraction T-score 35.4 [SD 7.9]) [22]. Partic-
ipants trained for a period of 6 weeks with a frequency of 5 times per week,
during sessions of 20 minutes. Due to technical challenges, a subset of 33 logfiles
were completely and correctly recorded. On average, each user completed 29.84
(SD 2.87, min 24, max 36.96) sessions. The total number of solved tasks is 1562
(SD 281.53, min 1011, max 2179), while the number of solved tasks per session
corresponds to 52.37 (SD 7.9, min 37.8, max 68.1).

4.1 Logfile Analyses

The analyses of the input data show that the participants improved over time.
They provide evidence that the introduced control mechanism significantly speeds
up the learning process and that it rapidly adapts to the individual user.

Key skills. To facilitate the analysis of the log files, the concept of ’key skills’ is
introduced. Key skills are defined in terms of subject-dependent difficulty, they
are the hardest skills for the user to pass. More formally,
Definition 1. A skill sA is a key skill for a user U , that is sA ∈ KU , if the
user went back to a precursor skill sB at least once before passing sA .
From this follows that the set of key skills KU may be different for each user U
(and it typically is). In the sequence in Fig. 5, user 2 has no key skills, while
user 3 has one key skill (coloured in green) and user 1 has several key skills.

Adaptability of controller. During the study, all participants started the

training at the lowest (easiest) skill of the net. The adaptation time [t0 , tKU ] is
defined as the period between the start t0 of the training and the first time the
Modelling and Optimizing the Process of Learning Mathematics 395

user hits one of his key skills tKU . On average, the participants reached their
tKU after solving 144.3 tasks (SD 113.2, min 10, max 459). The number of com-
plete sessions played up to this point is 1.95 (SD 1.63, min 0.08, max 6.48). These
results show, that the model rapidly adjusts to the state of knowledge of the user.

Improvement analysis. To quantify improvement, the learning rate over KU

is measured from all available samples (both if the participant mastered them
during training or not). The improvement over time I([tKU , tend ]) is computed
using a non-linear mixed effect model (NLME) [20] employing one group per
user and key skill:

yi ∼ Binomial(1, pi ) with pi = and ui ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) (3)
1 + e−(b0 +b1 ·xi +ui )

where ui denotes the noise term, xi the normalized sample indices (xi ∈ [0, 1])
and yi the sample correctness. The resulting model (Fig. 6) exhibits an estimated
mean improvement of 22.6% (95% confidence interval = [0.21 0.24]).

b0 b1
Estimate(SD) 0.09 (0.06) 1.0 (0.06)
sig. 0.16 <1e-4
95% ci [-0.073 0.21] [0.89 1.11]

Fig. 6. The percentage of correctly solved tasks (of key skills) increases over the training
period by 22.6% (left side). Exact coefficients of NLME along with standard deviation
(in brackets) are plotted by respective significance (sig.) and confidence intervals (ci).

Further analysis demonstrates that the possibility to go back to easier (played

or unplayed) skills yields a substantially beneficial effect. The user not only
immediately starts reducing the rate of mistakes, but also learns faster. The log
files recorded 533 individual cases of going back. All cases in which users play a
certain skill (samples xb ), go back to one or several easier skills, and finally pass
them to come back to the current skill (samples xa ) are incorporated. Per each
case k the correct rate over time ca,k (cb,k ) is estimated separately for xa and xb .
Fitting is performed via logistic regression using bootstrap aggregation [21] with
resampling (B = 200). The direct improvement dk is the difference between the
initial correct rate ca,k (at xa = 0) and the achieved correct rate cb,k (at xb = 1).
The improvement in learning rate rk is the difference in learning rate over ca,k
and cb,k . The distributions over d¯ (mean over dk ) and r̄ (mean over rk ) are
well approximated by a normal distribution (Fig. 7). Both measurements are
positive on average and a two-sided t-test indicates their statistically significant
difference from zero (Tab. 1).
396 T. Käser et al.

Fig. 7. Distributions over direct improvement d¯ and improvement in learning rate r̄

Table 1. Statistics for the improvement after going back: Mean improvement μ, sig-
nificance of mean (sig.), standard deviation (SD), and confidence intervals (ci)

Mean μ sig. 99% ci of μ SD σ 99% ci of σ

d̄ 0.1494 <1e-6 [0.1204 0.1784] 0.2593 [0.2403 0.2814]
r̄ 0.3758 <1e-6 [0.3236 0.4280] 0.4662 [0.4319 0.5059]

4.2 Training Effects

Training effects were measured using external paper-pencil and computer tests.
The HRT [22] is a paper-pencil test. Children are provided with a list of addi-
tion (subtraction) tasks ordered by difficulty. The goal is to solve as many tasks
as possible within a time frame of 2 minutes. The AC (arithmetic test) exists
in a paper-pencil and a computer-based version. Children solve addition (and
subtraction) tasks ordered by difficulty. Tasks are presented serially in a time
frame of 10 minutes.
Analyses are done by comparing the effects of the training period (Tc ) with those
of the waiting period (Wc ). First results stem from 33 subjects (26 females, 7
males) in the training condition and 32 subjects (23 females, 9 males) in the
waiting condition. The training induced a significant improvement in subtrac-
tion (HRT and AC), while no improvement was found after the waiting period
(Tab. 2). Pre-tests showed no significant difference between the groups.
The improvement is supported by additional evidence: the percentage of train-
ing time children spent with subtraction tasks. In fact, 62% (73% if considering
key skills only) of arithmetical tasks consist of subtractions. The focus on sub-
traction and the significant improvement coming with it is scientifically interest-
ing as performance in subtraction is considered the main indicator for numerical
understanding [12]. Consistently with this, improved number line representation
is directly measurable from the input data. Over time, children achieved greater
accuracy when giving the position of a number on a number line (Fig. 8). The
analysis of the accuracy is performed using a NLME model:
yi ∼ Poisson(λi ) with λi = eb0 +b1 ·xi +ui and ui ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) (4)
Modelling and Optimizing the Process of Learning Mathematics 397

Table 2. Comparison of test improvement between training and waiting condition.

The last column shows the results of a t-test on the improvements assuming same
variance and different variances, respectively.

Cond. Pre-Score(SD) Post-Score(SD) sig. Comparison

Tc 12.9 (5.38) 16.7 (5.3) 1.5e-8
HRT 2.6e-5 (2.9e-5)
Wc 14.84 (6.47) 15.06 (5.87) 0.72
Tc 50.53 (27.25) 60.63 (26.3) 4.5e-4
AC 1.9e-3 (2.0e-3)
Wc 55.18 (25.24) 52.9 (27.74) 0.42

b0 b1
Estimate(SD) 2.3 (0.07) -0.63 (0.02)
sig. <1e-4 <1e-4
95% ci [2.17 2.44] [-0.67 -0.58]

Fig. 8. Landing accuracy in the range 0-100 increases over time (left). Exact coeffi-
cients of NLME along with standard deviation (in brackets) are plotted by respective
significance (sig.) and confidence intervals (ci).

where ui denotes the noise term, xi the normalized sample indices (xi ∈ [0, 1])
and yi the deviance. Fitting is performed using one group per user.

5 Conclusion
This study introduces a model of the cognitive processes of mathematical de-
velopment based on current neuropsychological findings. Experimental results
demonstrate that domain knowledge is well represented by dynamic Bayesian
networks. The predictive model enables the optimization of the learning pro-
cess through controlled cognitive stimulation. Regression analysis highlights sus-
tained improvement; in particular, the possibility to go back significantly (and
rapidly) reduces the error rate and yields an overall increased learning rate.
Results are validated by large-scale input data analysis as well as external mea-
sures of effectiveness. The student model has the potential to be further refined
by incorporating available experimental data.
Acknowledgments. We thank B. Solenthaler for helpful suggestions. The work
was funded by the CTI-grant 11006.1 and the BMBF-grant 01GJ1011.

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vic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS, vol. 6738, pp. 31–38. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
12. Dehaene, S.: The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics. Oxford
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14. von Aster, M.G., Shalev, R.: Number development and developmental dyscalculia.
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of Special Needs Education 14, 21–36 (1999)
17. Kucian, K., Kaufmann, L.: A developmental model of number representation. Be-
havioral and Brain Sciences 32, 313 (2009)
18. Friedmann, N., Murphy, K., Russell, S.: Learning the Structure of Dynamic Prob-
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19. Mooij, J.M.: libDAI: A free & open source C++ library for Discrete Approximate
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20. Pinheiro, J.C., Bates, D.M.: Approximations to the Log-likelihood function in
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21. Breiman, L.: Bagging predictors. Machine Learning 24(2), 123–140 (1996)
22. Haffner, J., Baro, K., Parzer, P., Resch, F.: Heidelberger Rechentest (HRT): Er-
fassung mathematischer Basiskompetenzen im Grundschulalter. Hogrefe Verlag
The Student Skill Model

Yutao Wang and Neil T. Heffernan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Department of Computer Science
yutaowang@wpi.edu, nth@wpi.edu

Abstract. One of the most popular methods for modeling students’ knowledge
is Corbett and Anderson’s[1] Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (KT) model. The
original Knowledge Tracing model does not allow for individualization.
Recently, Pardos and Heffernan [4] showed that more information about
students’ prior knowledge can help build a better fitting model and provide a
more accurate prediction of student data. Our goal was to further explore the
individualization of student parameters in order to allow the Bayesian network
to keep track of each of the four parameters per student: prior knowledge,
guess, slip and learning. We proposed a new Bayesian network model called the
Student Skill model (SS), and evaluated it in comparison with the traditional
knowledge tracing model in both simulated and realword experiments. The new
model predicts student responses better than the standard knowledge tracing
model when the number of students and the number of skills are large.

Keywords: Knowledge Tracing, Individualization, Bayesian Networks, Data

Mining, Prediction, Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

1 Introduction

One of the most popular methods for modeling students’ knowledge is Corbett and An-
derson’s[1] Bayesian Knowledge Tracing model. The original Knowledge Tracing mod-
el does not allow for individualization. Several researchers have tried to show the power
of individualization. Corbett and Andersen presented a method to individualize students’
parameters with a two phase process and reported mixed results[2]. Recently, Pardos and
Heffernan [4] showed that by a single process Bayesian network model: the prior per
student model, more information about students’ prior knowledge can help better fit
model and provide more accurate prediction of student data. The result is inspiring; how-
ever, the author only looked into the students’ prior knowledge and didn’t extend the
individualization to the other aspects of student knowledge, such as guess rate or learning
rate. Pardos and Heffernan [5] also tried a method where they trained all four parameters
per student in a pre-process, then took those values and put them into a per skill model to
learn how the user parameters interacted with the skill. This method requires a two phase
data process, which is complicated to use in real-world.
Our goal was to further explore the individualization of student parameters in order
to allow the Bayesian network to keep track of all our parameters per student as well

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 399–404, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
400 Y. Wang and N.T. Heffernan

as skill specific parameters simultaneously. We proposed a new Bayesian netw work

model called the Student Skkill model (SS), and evaluated it in comparion to the traadi-
tional Knowledge Tracing model (KT) in both simulation and real data experimeents.
The new model predicts student
s responses better than standard knowledge traccing
model when the number of students and the number of skills are large.

2 The Student Skiill Model

The Knowledge Tracing mo odel assumes that all students have the same probabilityy of
knowing a particular skill ata their first opportunity, or guess/slip in one skill, or leaarn-
ing a particular skill even th
hough students seem likely differ in these aspects. Our ggoal
was to add individualization n into the original Knowledge Tracing model.
The new model we prop posed in this paper is called the Student Skill model. It can
learn four student parametters and four skill parameters simultaneously in a sinngle
phase process. The model iss shown in Fig.1.

Fig. 1. The Student Skill model

The lowest two levels off this model are the same as the original Knowledge Trrac-
ing model (nodes K1~Kn and a Q1~Qn in Fig.1). The Student Skill model adds uppper
levels to represent the studeent and skill information and their interaction. We used ttwo
multinomial nodes to repressent the identity of each student (node St in Fig.1) and eeach
skill (node Sk in Fig.1). Instead of pointing the student identity and the skill idenntity
nodes directly to the knowlledge nodes, which would result in a huge number of paara-
meters, we added a level off nodes to represent the four student parameters (node S StP,
StG, StS and StL in Fig.1)) and the four skill parameters (node SkP, SkG, SkS and
SkL in Fig.1). Those param meter nodes are binary nodes that represent the high/llow
level of the corresponding parameters.
p For example, if the StP node is 1 for a student,
The Student Skill Model 401

then the student has high level of prior knowledge, and if the StP node is 0 for a stu-
dent, means the student has low level of prior knowledge. The next level uses condi-
tional probability tables to combines the influence of the student parameters and the
skill parameters and generates the four standard Knowledge Tracing parameters (node
P, G, S and L in Fig.1) to be used in the lowest two levels.
The number of parameters in this model for n students and m skills can be com-
puted as: 4 4 16, while the number of parameters in the Knowledge Tracing
model is: 4 . The cost of individualization is the additional 4 16 parameters.

3 Model Evaluation
The model is evaluated in both simulated and real data experiments. In our experi-
ments, we used the Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab developed by Murphy [3] to im-
plement the Bayesian network student models and the Expectation Maximization
(EM) algorithm to fit the model parameters to the dataset. We choose initial parame-
ters for each skill in Knowledge Tracing as follows: initial knowledge = 0.5, learning
= 0.1, guess = 0.1, slip = 0.1.

3.1 Simulation Experiments

To evaluate the ability of the Student Skill model to function properly, in this experi-
ment, we generated data from the Student Skill model and compared the prediction
accuracy with the Knowledge Tracing model. The data records generated in the simu-
lation represent student performances, with 1 representing correct and 0 representing
incorrect. To simulate the random noise in the real data, we randomly flipped over 1%
of the student performance data.
To split the training and testing data set, for each student, we randomly selected
half of the skills data and put them into a training set. The remaining data went to the
testing set. Both the Knowledge Tracing model and Student Skill model were trained
and tested on the same dataset. A sequence of performances of given students and
skills were predicted by both of these models.

Prediction accuracy is the selected metric for evaluating the results. In one simulation,
the number of skills was set at 30 while the number of students was changed from 5 to
100 to observe the influence the number of student had on SS and KT respectively.
Similarly, in another simulation, the number of students was set to be 30 while the
number of skills was changed.
We observed that, in situations with a small number of students as well as those
with a small number of skills, the Knowledge Tracing model outperformed the Stu-
dent Skill model. However, when the number of students and the number of skills
were increased, the performance of the Student Skill model improved and eventually
exceeded the Knowledge Tracing model. The reason for this trend could be the fact
that the Student Skill model contains more parameters than the Knowledge Tracing
model, and with fewer data points, the model behaves less reliably.
402 Y. Wang and N.T. Heffernan

We also compared the Student Skill model and the Knowledge Tracing model un-
der different student parameter variance. The number of students and the number of
skills were both set to 40, and the number of data points per student per skill was set
to 10. The student variance was controlled by the real parameters used to generate
simulated data. When the student variance was 0, all students shared the same para-
meters. We observed that the Student Skill model performs worse when there is no
variance in student parameters and when the students are highly variant, the Student
Skill model outperformed the Knowledge Tracing model.

3.2 Real Data Experiments

One of the dangers of relying on simulation experiments is that the dataset may not
reflect real-world conditions. Without evaluation using real data, the success of the
new model during simulation could simply be caused by the data being generated
from this model. To further evaluate the Student Skill model, we applied it to real
datasets and again compared its performance with the Knowledge Tracing model.
The data used in the analysis presented here came from the ASSISTments platform, a
freely available web-based tutoring system for 4th through 10th grade mathematics.
We randomly pulled out the data of one hundred 12-14 year old 8th grade students and
fifty skills from September 2010 to September 2011 school year. There are 53,450
total problem logs in the dataset.
The dataset was randomly split into four bins by student and skill in order to perform
a four-fold cross-validation of the predictions and increase the reliability of the re-
sults. For each student, we made a list of the skills the student had seen and split that
list randomly into four bins, placing all data for that student and that skill into the
respective bin. There were four rounds of training and testing, during each round a
different bin served as the test set, and the data from the remaining three bins served
as the training set. Again, both the Knowledge Tracing model and the Student Skill
model were trained and tested on the same dataset. A sequence of performances of the
given students and skills were predicted by both of these models.
The accuracy of the prediction was evaluated in terms of the Root Mean Squared
Error (RMSE). A lower value means higher accuracy. The cross-validation results are
shown in Table 1.

Table 1. RMSE results of KT vs SS

Fold ID SS KT P value Student Level P value

Fold1 0.4017 0.4055 0.0432 0.0404
Fold2 0.4194 0.4385 0.0459 0.0365
Fold3 0.4144 0.4348 0.0477 0.0451
Fold4 0.4441 0.4538 0.0420 0.0406
average 0.4199 0.4331 ------- --------
The Student Skill Model 403

To test the reliability of the four folds experiment, we did a paired T test for each
fold as well as the result of all the folds. The P value that compares the final RMSE of
the SS model and the KT model of the four folds is 0.0439. The P value for each indi-
vidual fold is shown in the fourth column. Our experiment shows that the difference
between SS and KT is statistically significant, and the average RMSE shows that SS
is more accurate than KT under our experimental conditions. We also did reliability
analysis by computing RMSE for each student to account for the non-independence of
actions within each student’s dataset, and then compared each pair of models using a
two tailed paired t-test. The Student Level P values are reported in the last column.
All the results are statistically reliable.

4 Discussion and Future Work

In this paper, we built a new Bayesian network model for modeling individual student
parameters called the Student Skill model and compared it with the knowledge tracing
model in both simulation and real data experiments.
In our experiments, we found that the Student Skill model is not always better than
the Knowledge Tracing model. Under simulatied conditions, we found that the new
model is generally more accurate when the amount of students and skills are large.
We are interested in other features that can indicate which model works batter under
what situations, in the hope that these two models can be combined in order to utilize
both models’ advantages.

5 Contribution
Several researchers have tried to show the power of individualization. Corbett and
Andersen’s presented a method to individualize students’ parameters with a two phase
process: first run Knowledge Tracing on all the students and then run a separate re-
gression to learn a set of slip, guess, learning and prior parameters per students. Par-
dos and Heffernan [4] explored the individualized student prior, but did not learn all
of the student parameters and skill parameters in one single model. We presented the
SS model, which is elegant in accounting for individual differences (of learning rate,
prior knowledge and guess and slip rates). Our simulation showed that we could reli-
ably fit such a model. The simulation showed plausible results, such as that the SS
model is better if more variation per student.
Our contribution is in presenting a model that allows us to use EM to learn parame-
ters individualized to each student, while at the same time learn parameters for each
skill. We presented simulation and real data experiments that showed this method can
provide meaningful results. Knowledge Tracing is a special case of this model and
can be derived by fixing the student parameters of the Student Skill model to the same
values. In a practical sense, researchers need to figure out when the SS model can
start to be used, as our simulation showed that SS is better than KT when 1) the num-
ber of skills a student has learned is high, and 2) the number of students is high.
404 Y. Wang and N.T. Heffernan

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the National Science foundation

via grant “Graduates in K-12 Education” (GK-12) Fellowship, award number
DGE0742503 and Neil Heffernan's CAREER grant. We also acknowledge the many
additional funders of ASSISTments Platform found here:
All of the opinions expressed in this paper are those solely of the authors and not
those of our funding organizations.

1. Corbett, A., Anderson, J.: Knowledge Tracing: Modeling the Acquisition of Procedural
Knowledge. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 4, 253–278 (1995)
2. Corbett, A., Bhatnagar, A.: Student Modeling in the ACT Programming Tutor: Adjusting a
Procedural Learning Model with Declarative Knowledge. In: User Modeling: Proceedings
of the 6th International Conference, pp. 243–254 (1997)
3. Murphy, K.P.: The Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab. In: Computing Science and Statistics:
Proceedings of Interface, vol. 33 (2001)
4. Pardos, Z.A., Heffernan, N.T.: Modeling Individualization in a Bayesian Networks Im-
plementation of Knowledge Tracing. In: De Bra, P., Kobsa, A., Chin, D. (eds.) UMAP
2010. LNCS, vol. 6075, pp. 255–266. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
5. Pardos, Z.A., Heffernan, N.T.: Using HMMs and bagged decision trees to leverage rich
features of user and skill from an intelligent tutoring system dataset. To appear in the Jour-
nal of Machine Learning Research W & CP (in press)
Clustered Knowledge Tracing*

Zachary A. Pardos, Shubhendu Trivedi, Neil T. Heffernan, and Gábor N. Sárközy

Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States


Abstract. By learning a more distributed representation of the input space, clus-

tering can be a powerful source of information for boosting the performance of
predictive models. While such semi-supervised methods based on clustering
have been applied to increase the accuracy of predictions of external tests, they
have not yet been applied to improve within-tutor prediction of student
responses. We use a widely adopted model for student prediction called know-
ledge tracing as our predictor and demonstrate how clustering students can im-
prove model accuracy. The intuition behind this application of clustering is that
different groups of students can be better fit with separate models. High per-
forming students, for example, might be better modeled with a higher know-
ledge tracing learning rate parameter than lower performing students. We use a
bagging method that exploits clusterings at different values for K in order to
capture a variety of different categorizations of students. The method then com-
bines the predictions of each cluster in order to produce a more accurate result
than without clustering.

Keywords: Bayesian Knowledge Tracing, Clustering, Bagging.

1 Introduction
A recent work that involved clustering of the knowledge tracing (KT) space was that
by Ritter et al. [1]. Their work focused on clustering the parameter space of KT [2]
and essentially showed that the information compression offered by clustering was
enough to significantly reduce the parameter space without compromising the per-
formance of the system. Ritter et al. also mention this as their motivation. It thus can-
not be considered an extension to KT per se, but it raises important questions about
the nature of the parameter space. Trivedi et al. [3] used clustering to make better out-
of-tutor predictions and didn’t deal with knowledge tracing at all. They clustered stu-
dents based on features of tutor usage and then used those features to fit a model to
predict performance on a test that students are given at the end of the school year. In
our case, we cluster students based on some tutor usage features and then use these
distinct clusters to train KT on them. We use a technique by Trivedi et al. [3] that
exploits the information handed down by varying the granularity of the clustering to
learn a more distributed representation.

A longer version of this paper is available online at:

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 405–410, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
406 Z.A. Pardos et al.

2 Clustered Knowledge Tracing

For each student we have a number of features that measure his/her interaction with
the tutor. Students could be clustered on the basis of these features and once the
groups have been found the item sequences for these groups of students could be used
for training KT separately. Below we briefly review the clustering algorithms and the
bootstrapping method used.

2.1 Clustering Algorithms Used and Strategy for Bootstrapping

In our experiments we clustered students based on the features on tutor usage based
on two algorithms: k-means and spectral clustering [4]. The basic k-means algorithm
finds groupings in the data by randomly initializing a set of K cluster centroids and
then iteratively minimizing a distortion function and updating these K cluster centro-
ids and the points assigned to them. This is done till a point is reached such that sum
of the distances of all the points with their assigned cluster centroids is as low as poss-
ible. Clustering methods such as k-means estimate explicit models of the data (specif-
ically spherical gaussians) and fail spectacularly when the data is organized in very
irregular and complex shaped clusters. Spectral clustering on the other hand works
quite differently. It represents the data as an undirected graph and analyses the spec-
trum of the graph laplacian obtained from the pairwise similarities of the data-points.
This view is useful as it does not estimate any explicit model of the data and instead
works by unfolding the data manifold to form meaningful clusters. Usually spectral
clustering is a far more “accurate” clustering method as compared to k-means except
in cases where the data indeed confirms to the model that the k-means estimates. This
leads to another interesting question – Which of the two works better in our scenario?
This question is more interesting than just the comparison of two algorithms. If the
per-user-per-skill KT parameters are arranged in approximately spherical clusters then
the k-means algorithm might do better and vice versa. Note that this should happen
even though we are clustering tutor usage features and not the per-user-per-skill KT
parameters themselves. This is because student groupings in the feature space should
correspond to the groupings found in the KT parameter space unless the features col-
lected are irrelevant. An exploration of this correspondence could be used to collect or
engineer better features. These features should also be more useful for out-of-tutor
predictions as well.
Using the methodology due to Trivedi et al. [3] we use clustering for bagging pre-
dictors. Using the features from tutor usage we initially employ clustering to find K
student groups. Corresponding to each group identified we train KT models separate-
ly, thus getting K different models (Trivedi et al. call each such model trained on one
cluster a “cluster model”). All of these models together will make one set of predic-
tions on the test data (all of the cluster models together for a given K are called a
“prediction model” PMK). This process is schematically described in Fig. 1. The
number of clusters K is then varied and the above process is repeated iteratively from
K -1 to 1 (K = 1 corresponds to KT trained on the entire dataset, this should serve as
Clustered Knowledge Tracing 407

the baseline KT). By this process we get a set of K different predictions. These pre-
dictions are then averaged to get a single final prediction.

3 Empirical Validation
In this section we present results of experiments to evaluate the performance of “Clus-
tered Knowledge Tracing” as described above and compare it with the baseline. Both
k-means and spectral clustering are used. Specifically we used the classical k-means
with random initialization and for spectral clustering we used self-tuned spectral clus-
tering with a fully connected graph of data-points.

3.1 Dataset Description

The data comes from the 2010 KDD Cup competition on educational data mining. We
used the Algebra 2005-2006 and the Bridge to Algebra 2006-2007 datasets. These
represent two different Algebra tutoring systems which are part of the Cognitive Tu-
tor family of tutors [5]. The number of students
in the Algebra set was 575 with 813,661 total
logged responses over 387 skills. There were
1,146 students in the Bridge to Algebra set with
3,656,871 total logged responses over 470 skills.
These datasets included skill information for
each response and no response was tagged with
more than one skill. The Cognitive Tutor di-
vides its online curriculum into units. Skills
which appear in different units, even if they
have the same name, are considered different
skills. Within units there are many problems
which students try to solve. Each problem con-
sists of many sub questions called steps. Steps
are the level at which the responses in this data-
set were logged. Our training and test set is the
same as defined by the competition organizers Fig. 1. Construction of a Prediction
Model for a given K. In each case a
[6]. We stick to the competition’s train and test
new PM is obtained and thus a pre-
set format so that comparisons can be made diction onK the test data.
between the error levels we find and the error
levels of other published work with this dataset. The various tutor features that were
used to cluster the students were: number of skills completed, total number of data-
points, user prior, user learn rate, user guess, user slip, number of EM iterations, Log
likelihood improvement, percent correct, average response time. In experiments, stu-
dents were clustered using all these features and also only using the user tutor features
(user prior, user learn rate, user guess, user slip). These user specific KT parameters
were generated like in [6] by training a separate KT model per student based on all of
that student’s data in the training set (across all skills).
408 Z.A. Pardos et al.

3.2 Results of the Bagging Strategy to Knowledge Tracing

For both datasets we report results using all the features described above and also by
only using the user features. The results while using all features are with both kmeans
and spectral clustering, and while using the user features are only by kmeans. We
report the results for both the individuals prediction models (i.e. the model obtained
by training KT on each cluster for a given K i.e. PMK) and the ensembled results (re-
sults obtained by averaging from PM1 to PMK). For results we report the RMSE
defined per user. The justification to use the RMSE per user is that it equally weighs
the benefit to each student without biasing it to students who have contributed more
data points.
Initially we tried spectral clustering for the purpose of bootstrapping. This was mo-
tivated by the fact that spectral clustering is generally better than k-means clustering
as discussed in section 2.1. Fig 2 shows the results for bagging using spectral cluster-
ing considering all the features on both the datasets. We see the declining trend in
error when the results are ensembled and also notice that the individual prediction
models don’t do too well showing that clustering alone does not help but blending the
predictions does. Fig 3 indicates that a similar result is repeated in the same scenario
with k-means (all features) in the algebra dataset. Such a result is not observed in the
bridge dataset however. In fact in the bridge dataset both the various PMk and
the ensembled results do worse than the baseline (which is PM1 i.e. KT trained on the
entire dataset). But in further experiments we see that we can do better even on the
bridge dataset if we consider only the user features. For the algebra dataset the base-
line (i.e PM1) RMSE is 0.32185, which represents standard KT with no clustering.
The best result in the Algebra dataset for spectral (Fig 2) is obtained on averaging the
first ten prediction models (0.31706). The best result for k-means (Fig 3) on this data-
set is 0.31696, also after averaging the first ten prediction models. The result is sur-
prising as kmeans seems to do better than spectral clustering in this case. Perhaps this
might be explained by the intuition in section 2.1. The trend however is reversed in
the Bridge to algebra data-set, however we still note that the ensemble using spectral
clustering does better than the baseline for all the K’s considered in this dataset. Giv-
en that k-means appeared to do well in one dataset and also given its speed, the above
procedure was repeated in both the datasets with k-means using only the user specific
features. We also cluster to a much higher K and see that the error trend line only
decreases as K is increased as is shown in Fig 4. Here again, for the Algebra dataset,
PM1 has an RMSE of 0.32185. The best prediction accuracy on averaging is attained
at K = 20 where the RMSE is 0.3149. This accuracy is even better as was reported
earlier considering both the clustering methods indicating that the user features are
much richer for clustering the students. When only the user features are considered a
similar error profile is also observed in the bridge to algebra dataset too (PM1 RMSE
= 0.28397 and RMSE of the average from PM1 to PM30 is 0.28225). Except for the
case when kmeans was run on the bridge to algebra set considering all the features, all
the improvements are statistically significant over the baseline (p < 0.05). In another
experiment in which all the above models are combined, the best accuracy that we
obtain for the algebra dataset is 0.31506 and 0.2827 for the bridge to algebra dataset.
Like we noted earlier, we report the RMSE per user. However even if we considered
the RMSE on the leaderboard we get a statistically significant improvement over the
baseline with PM1 being 0.32408 and the best prediction being 0.32318.
Clustered Knowledge Tracing 409

Dataset: Algebra - All Features Dataset: Bridge - All Features

0.323 0.287
Prediction Models Prediction Models
Ensembled 0.2865 Ensembled




0.32 0.285




0.317 0.283
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 2. Results on the Algebra (L) and the Bridge to Algebra (R) datasets with spectral
clustering when all the features are considered. The red line shows the ensembled results after
averaging from PM1 to PMK while the black one shows the results for each Prediction Model

Dataset: Algebra - All Features Dataset: Bridge - All Features

0.323 0.288
Prediction Models Prediction Models
Ensembled 0.2875 Ensembled


0.32 0.286


0.319 0.2855



0.316 0.2835
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 3. Algebra (L) and the Bridge to Algebra (R) with k-means clust. considering all features

Dataset: Algebra - User Features Dataset: Bridge - User Features

0.323 0.2865
Prediction Models Prediction Models
0.322 Ensembled 0.286 Ensembled

0.321 0.2855

0.32 0.285

0.319 0.2845

0.318 0.284

0.317 0.2835

0.316 0.283

0.315 0.2825

0.314 0.282
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 4. Algebra (L) and the Bridge to Algebra (R) with k-means clust. considering user features
410 Z.A. Pardos et al.

4 Discussion and Future Work

While various extensions to the base KT model have focused on adding new features
to the base model, in this work we took a slightly different view. Instead of trying to
model new parameters we try to learn a more distributed representation of the KT
input space. We achieve this by using clustering for bootstrapping. In extensive vali-
dation we show that our strategy indeed works very well. We report an improvement
in prediction accuracy in most cases. We also report that the user features are much
richer for clustering than the features of interaction of a student with a tutor. We be-
lieve that this leads to an interesting research problem. Often, the interaction of stu-
dents with a tutor is measured and recorded as features. These features should be such
that if students were clustered on this feature space, the clustering should correspond
to one on the KT parameter space. If it is not the case then it indicates that the task of
feature generation in the tutor is noisy and could be improved in a more principled
manner. An improvement in methodology here would be greatly useful in getting
features that would be most helpful in making better out-of-tutor predictions. An in-
teresting problem would be to consider a case study in which the various clusters are
analyzed and an attempt is made to interpret them on the basis of the associated KT
parameters. Such a study could be quite useful, especially in making some data driven
inferences and pedagogy. Lastly, this exploration concerning the KT input space,
especially concerning learning a more distributed representation could be quite useful
even when used in conjunction with KT variants such as [6] that are known to be
stronger predictors than the base KT.

1. Ritter, S., Harris, T., Nixon, T., Dickison, D., Murray, R., Towle, B.: Reducing the know-
ledge tracing space. In: In Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Da-
ta Mining, Cordoba, Spain, pp. 151–160 (2009)
2. Corbett, A.T., Anderson, J.R.: Knowledge Tracing: Modeling the Acquisition of Procedur-
al Knowledge. User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction 4, 253–278 (1995)
3. Trivedi, S., Pardos, Z.A., Heffernan, N.T.: Clustering Students to Generate an Ensemble to
Improve Standard Test Score Predictions. In: Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A.
(eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS, vol. 6738, pp. 377–384. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
4. Luxburg, U.: A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering. In: Statistics and Computing, vol. 17(4).
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham (2007)
5. Koedinger, K.R., Corbett, A.T.: Cognitive tutors: Technology bringing learning science to
the classroom. In: Sawyer, K. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences,
pp. 61–78. Cambridge University Press, New York (2006)
6. Pardos, Z.A., Heffernan, N.T.: Using HMMs and bagged decision trees to leverage rich
features of user and skill from an intelligent tutoring system dataset. To appear in Journal
of Machine Learning Research W & CP
Preferred Features of Open Learner Models
for University Students

Susan Bull

Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK


Abstract. This paper describes features and purposes for opening the learner
model to the learner. Building on previous studies of use of a range of open
learner models, it considers the features that are preferred by university level,
experienced open learner model users. Recommendations are presented to help
guide open learner model designers in their choices of features to make
available to learners, with reference to user control, privacy, navigation,
visualisation content and detail, comparisons and releasing models to peers.

Keywords: Open learner models, learner preferences.

1 Introduction

Intelligent tutoring systems model the user's knowledge or strength of knowledge in a

domain, and may also model an individual's difficulties and/or misconceptions or
other learning-related attributes. Based on this model, inferred during the learner's use
of the system (e.g. their answers to questions; problem-solving tasks; tasks or
subtasks attempted or completed; hints used; time taken to complete a task; number of
attempts required), the system is able to personalise the educational interaction
appropriately according to the current needs of the user. This may result in a range of
interventions or interaction types, such as: additional exercises or tasks; explanations;
tutoring on new or problematic topics; prompting reflection on difficult concepts;
suggestions for navigation, and so on.
The system will therefore usually provide some kind of tutoring, scaffolding or
guidance, as suited to the individual user according to the current state of their learner
model. However, intelligent tutoring systems are now increasingly identifying
benefits of opening the learner model directly to the learner, for example: to promote
awareness and reflection; to aid planning; to facilitate independent learning; to
encourage collaboration; to encourage and help learners recognise and take greater
responsibility for their learning (see [1]). Open learner models are also used
independently of tutoring systems with a particular focus on promoting metacognitive
activities and learner independence [2]; and may incorporate data from a range of
sources [3,4].
This paper takes benefits such as the above as a starting point, and then focuses on
the preferences of 230 experienced open learner model users, for features of an open

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 411–421, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
412 S. Bull

learner model. This leads to recommendations for open learner model designers,
about features to include in their open learner models.

2 Open Learner Models

Open learner models have been used with various types of model, ranging from
visualisations of simple weighted numerical models of knowledge level (e.g. [5]); to
more complex models incorporating conceptual and/or hierarchical relationships (e.g.
[6,7,8,9]; constraint-based models [10]; and Bayesian models [11]. The method by
which the learner model is externalised to the user may not match the format or
complexity of the underlying model [1]. For example, skill meters have indicated
level of understanding represented in a simple weighted numerical model [5], and also
in a constraint-based model [10]. A primary concern is that the model should be
presented in a form that is understandable by the user. This is not as straightforward
as simply showing the learner the representations in the underlying system's model, as
these are not designed for human interpretation. In particular, it must be taken into
account that learners are often still learning a subject, and so may not be able to easily
interpret a learner model presentation with reference to their progress. For this reason,
multiple views of the learner model have been made available (e.g. [9,12]).
As an example of learner model presentations, Figure 1 shows skill meters and a
pre-formatted structured view of the learner model, both of which are available in the
same environment, presenting information from the same learner model data [13].
This example is for a general open learner model; the screen shots from an Adaptive
Learning Environments course. The skill meters (left) show current level of
understanding of each topic (medium shading); existence of any misconceptions in a
topic (dark shading); and general difficulties that are not inferred to be caused by
specific misconceptions (light shading). Brief statements of misconceptions are
revealed by clicking on the 'misconceptions' links. For example: “you may believe
that an intelligent tutoring system does not have to ‘understand’ the learner model.”
This misconception is sometimes identified early in the course before students have
fully understood what it means to have a model of knowledge to enable adaptive
interaction (e.g. students think of system responses as a form of feedback, perhaps
tied to specific questions or sets of questions). The misconception can be identified by
selection of response options to a range of questions (in multiple choice format in this
case), for example, options indicating that a student believes:
• a learner model is simply a record of the student’s answers;
• an open learner model externalises the underlying form of the model (i.e.
believing that the 'view' of the learner model available to them is the way the
learner model is stored in the system);
• a learner model is simply the system’s feedback (a misconception sometimes
first arising when the notion of open learner models is introduced).
The structured view of the learner model (right) shows level of understanding by the
colour of the nodes, also indicating the structure of the topics in the course (e.g.
learner modelling techniques and open learner models are part of the learner model
Preferred Features of Open Learner Models for University Students 413

topic; various aspects of individual differences feed into the individual differences
topic which, in turn, relates to the learner model topic; and so on. Students may use
whichever of these (or other) views of the learner model that they wish. (Previous
work has demonstrated individual differences in preferences for learner model views,
in several open learner model systems [12], hence our use of this approach here).

Fig. 1. Skill meters and structured learner model view [13]

Fig. 2. Peer models: individual and group models [5,15]

414 S. Bull

In addition to the learner being able to view their learner model, it may also be
accessible to other users. Examples have so far been developed primarily for
teachers/instructors and peers (e.g. [9,14]), though other stakeholders in the education
context can also be included [4]. Individual learner models may be presented to others,
and/or aggregate or group models may be shown. In this paper we are concerned with
university level open learner models, and focus the discussion on learner models open to
the learner and peers. Figure 2 gives an excerpt from an example of how a student may
view individual peer models where peers have given their permission for their model to
be available to them (top left); and a group model for two topics (top right) [13]; and a
numerical summary of group understanding (bottom) [15].
It is not only the visualisation of the model that is important: an open learner model
may involve more than just the externalisation of its contents. The learner may also be
able to interact with their model, and/or change it in some way. For example, the
learner may have complete control over the model contents by being able to edit them
[8]; some control by being able to offer evidence or additional information for the
system to take into account [6]; or by enabling the learner and system to discuss and
negotiate the model towards joint agreement on its contents, achieved, for example,
through dialogue games [7], or chatbot [16]. This contrasts with the simplest
definition of "open learner model", where the system presents the model data for
student inspection as described above, but does not allow the learner any direct
comment or input about the model data. Figure 3 shows an example of how a learner
model may allow direct input from the learner, to correct the learner model (as might
be useful, for example, following learning away from the computer environment) [8].

Fig. 3. Editing the learner model

There are a variety of purposes for opening the learner model [1], including:
• Addressing the user’s right to view data about themself;
• Aiding navigation directly from the open learner model;
• Raising awareness (of knowledge, progress, difficulties, etc.);
• Facilitating planning;
• Helping the learner to take greater control over their learning decisions;
• Promoting collaborative interaction.
Preferred Features of Open Learner Models for University Students 415

This paper investigates student preferences for the presentation of the learner model
data, and the purposes for which they would use an open learner model.

3 Previous Findings from Open Learner Model Use

Use of open learner models alongside university courses has become more
widespread in recent years (e.g. [5,9,10,17,18]). Previous use of an independent open
learner model over time has shown that many students may have misconceptions and,
in most cases, they will view statements of their misconceptions [5]. It has also been
found that learners will consult peer models and open their own learner model to
peers to facilitate collaborative interactions [14]; and that viewing peer models can
benefit learning [18]. Other studies investigating learning from open learner models
found that students may become better at problem selection [10]; an that open learner
models may be used to visualise work on long term group projects [19].
Previous work has also investigated user opinions of various features of open
learner models, including access to the model using methods such as overview, zoom,
filtering, and possibility to modify [20]; and the context of use of the model, such as
whether it is assessed; point in the course at which it becomes available; method of
introduction of the environment [21]. The following section investigates student
preferences for features of an open learner model in greater detail, with a large
number of students with experience of working with several independent open learner
models. This is the first study on such a scale that considers user preferences for open
learner model features in general (i.e. not with reference to a specific system). This
allows future open learner model designers to take into account, the likely attitude of
students towards various kinds of open learner model that are designed to support
learning alongside university courses.

4 User Preferences for Open Learner Models

As stated above, there have been positive findings for university level use of open
learner models. In this section we build on these results, introducing a survey into
students' preferences for open learner model features.

4.1 Participants, Materials and Methods

Participants were 230 university students over six years, who completed a survey of
their open learner model preferences, giving responses to statements on a three point
scale (agree, neutral, disagree). The participants were in their final year of a 3 year
BEng degree, in their third or fourth year of a 4 year MEng degree, or studying for a 1
year postgraduate (MSc) degree. All had previous direct experience of interacting
with at least three open learner models, from: CALMSystem (a negotiated learner
model with a simple model view) [16], MusicaLM (an inspectable learner model with
multiple simple views) [22]; AniMis (an inspectable learner model using animations
of understanding) [23]; Flexi-OLM (an editable learner model having simple and
structured views) [8], t-OLM (an editable learner model that can be released to peers,
having simple and structured views) [13]; OLMlets (a simple learner model that can
be released to peers) [5], UMPTEEN (a simple learner model that can be released to
416 S. Bull

peers) [15]; with at least one of these used throughout a term as a learning support
alongside one or more lecture courses. (The latter four open learner models have each
been available to support longer term learning.) Each of the above is an ‘independent
open learner model’ [2] (i.e. the interaction is focused around the learner model with
no system tutoring – it is the students’ own responsibility to determine their learning
choices). All participants had a good understanding of educational technology and
adaptive learning environments, as they were taking courses in these areas as part of
their degree at the time of the study, and the survey questions were distributed during
one of the teaching sessions. The results, therefore, are based on the views of
knowledgeable and experienced open learner model users.

4.2 Results
Figure 4 shows that there is a preference for using an inspectable learner model, with
about 70% of students selecting this option. However, when the neutral responses are
also taken into account, the difference between preference for inspectable and the
more interactive (editable and negotiated) learner models, diminishes1. (Inspectable -
where the user has no control over the model data; editable - where the learner has
complete control over the model; negotiated - where there is joint control). In each
case there is a minority of respondents stating that they would not use that type of
open learner model. In accordance with the above, there is also a lower level of
preference for contributing to the learner model to help improve its accuracy.

Fig. 4. User preferences for open learner models

Note that a student may have more than one preference.
Preferred Features of Open Learner Models for University Students 417

There is a strong belief that it is the user's right to be able to view the contents of
their learner model (just over 80%), with very few participants disagreeing with this.
A little under 80% consider an open learner model useful as an aid to navigation; and
a little over 80% as a means of raising their awareness of their own knowledge state,
with even higher appreciation of the use of an open learner model to help them
recognise their misconceptions. Around three quarters of respondents indicated that
an open learner model could help them realise any areas of general difficulty (not
related to specific misconceptions), and around two thirds would like to use it to help
them judge their progress towards passing an examination or other forthcoming
assessment. Only around half wished to use an OLM for metacognitive activities such
as planning their learning, and taking responsibility for their own learning.
Most have a preference for the availability of both overview and detailed
presentations of the learner model (nearly two thirds); though some would prefer one
option over the other. Most students would prefer to be able to compare their current
understanding against the domain (over 70%); and even more (just over 80%) want to
be able to compare their current knowledge to the current expectations for a course.
Over half of students would view named and anonymous learner models that had
been released to them; 60% would be willing to release their own learner model
anonymously to others; and over one third would release their learner model in
identifiable form (i.e. with their name).

4.3 Discussion and Recommendations

As indicated above, open learner models are increasingly being used in university
education, with some positive findings for improvements to the learning process (e.g.
[10]), data on use of an open learner model [5], important model features [20], and
sharing learner models [14,19]. Our findings build on such results – the starting point
is the positive outcomes of previous research in the field (i.e. we take it as given that,
at least in some circumstances, open learner models can be beneficial for learners).
The participants were experienced not only in open learner model use, but also had
theoretical knowledge of open learner models and intelligent tutoring systems, as an
academic subject. This can be viewed either as an advantage, in that the participants
fully understand what is, for many users, an unusual learning application; but could
also be viewed as a limitation because this experience may make the results less
generalisable. Either way, this study has introduced some new information: it is on a
larger scale than previous investigations of student preferences for open learner model
features, and considers a range of features that are not typically combined in a single
system, the context in which most open learner model studies are undertaken.
Minimally, therefore, this study provides information about features of open learner
models that students may prefer to use once they are accustomed to an open learner
model environment, and understand its purpose. (Previous work has considered
contexts in which a specific open learner model is most likely to be taken up [21].)
The study focused on independent open learner models. Findings are likely to be
generally applicable to open learner models in intelligent tutoring systems
(questionnaire items were general, and participants were familiar with intelligent
418 S. Bull

tutoring systems); but a similar broad study with open learner models in larger
systems could confirm or provide additional results.
The fact that the majority of students were in favour of using inspectable learner
models, coupled with previous data on actual use of inspectable learner models [2,5],
is a strong indication that they can facilitate learning or improve the learning
experience in some way. We may not yet know quite how these benefits are
perceived, but learners clearly believe there to be some benefit to their learning. Our
first recommendation is therefore:
• Provide an inspectable learner model where possible and appropriate, to
support independent learning in courses.
Preferences for learner models where the learner has greater direct influence of the
model contents, were considered less crucial, with around 40% stating that they
would use such an environment. In line with this, students were not highly concerned
about improving the accuracy of the learner model with their own direct
contributions. Therefore our second recommendation is:
• Where development resources are available, consider an optional
mechanism for students to contribute information directly to their learner
model. This may be to give them full control or partial influence (which may
include a requirement for system verification of changes).
As the right to view data about oneself was considered to be so important by students,
this could contribute to the initial introduction of an open learner model as a learning
• When introducing an open learner model in a course, explain the privacy
issues in addition to the learning benefits.
An open learner model to support navigation was considered very useful:
• When introducing an open learner model in a course, explain the benefits to
users, of being able to access materials and/or exercises from within the
learner model (i.e. that they can use the learner model for guidance).
There was strong appreciation of each of the progress-related items: awareness of
knowledge, progress towards passing an exam, awareness of misconceptions and
awareness of general difficulties. Thus:
• Where modelled in a system, provide learners with information about both
positive aspects of their learning, and more problematic areas.
The more metacognitive aspects, planning and responsibility for learning, were
considered important by only around half the students. This is of concern, since one
of the primary aims of open learner models is to promote metacognition [24]. From
this data we do not know whether learners benefitted in this way from an open learner
model, but did not consider it important (recall that participants had experience of real
use of at least one open learner model during a term); or whether they did not engage
in any additional metacognitive activity. Further research is required on this issue.
Preferred Features of Open Learner Models for University Students 419

When it comes to overviews versus detailed views of learner model data, most
students would prefer to have both, though some have a preference for one approach.
Previous work has allowed learner selection of simpler versus more complex views
[8], and our survey results are in line with this. Therefore we recommend:
• Provide learners with the choice of whether and when to view their learner
model in overview or detailed form, if there is no specific pedagogical
reason to offer one over the other.
With reference to comparison of the model to other information, students were
particularly keen to compare their progress against the current expectations for their
course and, to a slightly lesser extent, to the overall expert or domain knowledge:
• If possible, provide comparisons for students, firstly so that they can identify
their overall progress (not only their knowledge); but also to allow them to
gauge their progress with reference to what is expected of them at the stage
of the course they have reached.
In contrast, while still a majority (with many of the other students remaining neutral),
participants were less concerned with comparisons to peers’ knowledge. Nevertheless,
responses still indicate that it would be useful to offer this:
• Allow students to release their learner models to each other, if they wish.
(Experience has shown that it is useful to explain the benefits – e.g.
prompting collaboration – for students to try this.)
Furthermore, sufficient numbers of users would be prepared to release their models
named or anonymously, for this feature to be a realistic benefit for those who wish to
use it. (Indeed, other research has demonstrated this in practice [14]).

5 Summary

This paper has presented some of the key issues described in the open learner model
literature as a starting point for identifying features of open learner models that
students would most like to use. Participants were experienced users of open learner
models, with additional theoretical knowledge of open learner modelling. A survey of
230 users enabled the identification of features considered important by students for
open learner models in general, with reference to: user control over the model data,
privacy, navigation, model content and detail, comparisons, and releasing models to
each other. This enabled the recommendation of features to include in open learner
models at university level, according to those who had experienced alternatives.


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Do Your Eyes Give It Away? Using Eye Tracking
Data to Understand Students’ Attitudes towards
Open Student Model Representations

Moffat Mathews, Antonija Mitrovic, Bin Lin, Jay Holland,

and Neville Churcher

Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group, University of Canterbury,

Christchurch, New Zealand

Abstract. There is sufficient evidence to show that allowing students

to see their own student model is an effective learning and metacog-
nitive strategy. Different tutors have different representations of these
open student models, all varying in complexity and detail. EER-Tutor
has a number of open student model representations available to the
student at any particular time. These include skill meters, kiviat graphs,
tag clouds, concept hierarchies, concept lists, and treemaps. Finding out
which representation best helps the student at their level of expertise is
a difficult task. Do they really understand the representation they are
looking at? This paper looks at a novel way of using eye gaze tracking
data to see if such data provides us with any clues as to how students
use these representations and if they understand them.

Keywords: open student modelling, eye tracking, gaze tracking, intel-

ligent tutoring systems, metacognition.

1 Introduction
A student model is how an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) views a student,
or more precisely, views their domain knowledge. ITSs use this model to make
pedagogical decisions for each student. The student model is not visible to the
student. However, it has been shown that opening up the student model to the
student, so that they could view “what the system thinks of them” is conducive
to learning. In fact, the Open Student Model (OSM) plays quite a large role in
increasing their metacognitive skills, which in turn helps their long-term learning
[2,11]. Opening up the student model means that ITS authors have to consider
how to best visualise this data so that the student can understand and make use
of it.
As research continues in this area, there are now several new visualisations of
the OSM, each giving different details, at different levels, and using different repre-
sentations. Skill meters [2,11] have been used in a number of systems. Other types
of OSMs include a tree structure [7,11], and concept graphs [5]. Most of these mod-
els are dynamic; others can be interactive; such as the negotiable student model

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 422–427, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Do Your Eyes Give It Away? 423

[15]. With so many proposed OSM representations, new questions now exist, such
as, “Do students actually understand these representations?”, “Can we tell which
representations they find easier to understand than others?”, or “Are certain rep-
resentations better for certain populations? e.g. novices versus experts?”. If we, as
ITS authors, could get the answers to these questions, we could 1) design better,
more comprehensible representations, and 2) figure out which representations suit
the particular student and guide them towards viewing that one. In this paper, we
make an attempt at answering some of these questions for four of the representa-
tions contained in an ITS, namely EER-Tutor, in the hope that these methods
could then be used to test other OSM representations.
Our method utilises eye (gaze) tracking in combination with test results to see
if the student actually understood the model they were presented. Gaze track-
ing gives us an indication of where the student is looking and what they are pay-
ing attention to, while trying to understand the problem and the model. Gaze
tracking has been used previously to find comparisons between novices and ex-
perts; e.g. during Visual Flight Rules flight [6], during laparoscopic surgery [8],
working within a Learning Management System [14], while playing chess [3], and
within collaborative environments [9]. It has been found to be a good indicator
of the “Yes!” moments of delight while a student interacts with an ITS [13]. Gaze
tracking data has also been used to supplement and change the underlying student
model [4,10]. Bull, Cooke and Mabbott [1] found that students spend more atten-
tion on certain OSM representations for a reason, and that developers must take
visual gaze attention into account when creating and presenting student models.
In this paper, we want to find out if gaze data gives us any information on how
difficult a student finds and understands an OSM representation. For this, we had
students viewing four different OSM representations and answering questions on
each, while eye gaze data was recorded for each student. We looked at the scores
of their answers and compared it to eye gaze data. We believe that if eye gaze
data gives us information on how much difficulty a student is having with a
particular model, we could, in time, incorporate eye gaze data to dynamically
inform the pedagogical module of each student’s experience with a certain OSM
representation. The score in that future case would be the knowledge score taken
from the student’s model. The tutor can then intervene and present them with
other options of OSM representations.

2 Design and Methodology

Seventeen participants took part in this study. They were all students who be-
longed to a second-year database course at the University of Canterbury. Each
participant was given a NZ$20 voucher on completion of the study. The ITS
chosen for this study was EER-Tutor [12] and the study was conducted using
a Tobii TX3001 (300Hz) eyetracker. Each participant took part in the study
424 M. Mathews et al.

Fig. 1. Gazeplot for the kiviat and concept tag graphs

EER-Tutor is a standard tutor that students use in the lab sessions of this
course; the lab sessions occur after the relevant lectures on the topic at hand.
All participants had logged into EER-Tutor once during the first EER lab and
completed the pretest. The version used in the course was similar in all respects
to that used in the study, except that it only had one OSM representation: the
skill meter.
Each participant took approximately an hour to complete the study. After the
initial formalities of the study (information, consent form, etc.), each participant
was asked to spend twenty minutes on the evaluation version of EER-Tutor. This
version had all four OSM representations: kiviat chart; concept tags; concept
hierarchy; and treemap. Participants were instructed to try solving problems,
but to mainly focus on understanding each of the representations. During these
twenty minutes, there were no restrictions put on the participants; they could
solve as many or as few problems as they wished, as long as they focused on
understanding the OSM representations.

Fig. 2. Gazeplot for the treemap and the concept hierarchy

Do Your Eyes Give It Away? 425

After the twenty minute session, the participants were automatically redi-
rected to a web survey that we created, where they were asked questions about
each of the OSM representations. To keep the eye gaze data clean and separated,
all questions relating to a particular OSM representation were on the same page;
the eyetracker generated new eye gaze plots for each page. Each page had a dif-
ferent representation of a pre-made model; all participants received the same
pre-made OSMs. There were three questions directly related to each OSM and
the understanding of the OSM in terms of the domain. As an example of a ques-
tion, participants were asked to view an OSM and answer how much the student
(represented by the OSM) had learnt and covered for a particular concept. Each
question then could be given a score and participants were marked accordingly.
At the end of the questionnaire there were two unmarked questions where partic-
ipants could: 1) give general feedback and 2) rank their preference of the OSMs
in the context of learning. Once a participant moved on from a page, they could
not go back and change their answers. Participants were allowed to see their
gaze data after completion of the evaluation study.
We have included cropped figures to show examples of the gazeplots from one
question for one participant for each of the OSMs; Fig. 1 for the kiviat graph
and the tag clouds, Fig. 2 for the concept hierarchy, and the treemap. Each node
in the gaze data is a fixation. The longer the fixation, the bigger the node.
Our idea for this research was to find if eye gaze data added any value to
figuring out how quickly and efficiently a student understood a particular OSM.
If eye gaze data could be used in such a manner, then ITSs in future could track
a student using one version of the OSM, figure out if they are having difficulty
with it, and then intervene in some way, such as presenting them with a different

3 Results and Discussion

We defined a new variable called OSM Efficiency. The more efficient someone
was at understanding a particular model, the higher their score would be. They
would also be able to understand the OSM in less time with fewer fixations;
experts take fewer fixations than novices to complete a task [6,9]. With this logic,
we came up with our equation for OSM Efficiency, which is given in Equation 1.

OSM Ef f iciency = (1)
T ime × N umber of f ixations
An expert marked the answers to the OSM questions according to the marking
schema and came up with a score for each OSM. The time and number of
fixations were extracted from the eyetracker.
We used repeated measures ANOVA and found a significant difference be-
tween the efficiencies in the OSM groups (F (3, 42) = 43.567, p > .05). To find
out which groups were significantly different from each other, we conducted a
Bonferroni post-hoc test. There is a significant difference between the kiviat
graph and two other OSMs (tag cloud and treemap). There is no difference
426 M. Mathews et al.

between kiviat graph and concept hierarchy. Similarly, there is a significant dif-
ference between concept hierarchy and two other OSMs (tag cloud and treemap).
There is no difference between tag cloud and treemap.
This shows that participants were on average more efficient (with our defini-
tion of efficiency) using the kiviat graph and the concept hierarchy, but had diffi-
culties understanding and answering questions using the tag cloud and treemap
However, how does this match up with participants’ attitudes towards the
OSM representations? In our questionnaire, we asked participants to rank the
OSMs according to their preference in a learning context.
There was a statistically significant difference in the rankings of the OSMs
(χ2(3) = 17.118, p = 0.001). Post-hoc analysis with Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Tests
was conducted with a Bonferroni correction applied, resulting in a significance
level set at p < 0.0125. Median (IQR) ranking levels were 1.0 (1.0 to 2.5) for
kiviat graph, 3.0 (2.0 to 4.0) for tag clouds, 2.0 (2.0 to 3.0) for concept hierarchy,
and 4.0 (3.0 to 4.0) for treemap. There was a statistically significant difference
in tag cloud vs. kiviat graph rankings (Z = −2.545, p = .011), and in treemap
vs. kiviat graph rankings (Z = −3.103, p = 0.002).
The comments’ question gave participants a chance to tell us about their
experience with the OSMs. Many agreed that the Kiviat Chart was best for
an overall and quick indication of their levels but the other representations had
their uses if more information was required. This led to the conclusion that the
best OSMs depend on the context of the situation.
ITS designers are becoming more creative with their OSM designs. There has
to be a method of testing between the various OSMs rather than just assuming
that all OSMs are easy to understand. In this paper, we were able to compare
four OSMs and found significant differences between them in terms of efficiency.
This efficiency took into account the participant’s score, their time for fixations,
and their number of fixations. Future ITSs would gather the student’s knowledge
score (from the student model) instead of a questionnaire score to determine if
the student is having difficulties. We compared this with subjective question-
naires that the participants had submitted rating their preference for each of
the OSMs. There were significant commonalities between the efficiencies and
the preferences. Furthermore, we manually analysed their comments and found
that their attitude towards the OSMs were significantly similar to both the ef-
ficiencies and preferences. Following on from the background research and the
participants’ comments, we wonder if there would be a difference between differ-
ent groups of students (say, novices versus experts). Novices might be interested
in an easy to understand smaller OSM, while experts might want further detail
and not be content with the smaller OSMs. We also found that eye tracking can
play a large role in automatically understanding how the student is feeling to-
wards each OSM. This could later on be harnessed with ITSs to present students
with different OSMs when the ITS notices that they are struggling using their
eye gaze data.
Do Your Eyes Give It Away? 427

1. Bull, S., Cooke, N., Mabbott, A.: Visual Attention in Open Learner Model Pre-
sentations: An Eye-Tracking Investigation. In: Conati, C., McCoy, K., Paliouras,
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mote reflection and learner autonomy. Engineering Education: Journal of the
Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre 1(1), 8–18 (2006)
3. Charness, N., Reingold, E.M., Pomplun, M., Stampe, D.M.: The perceptual as-
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Cognition 29(8), 1146–1152 (2001)
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crease Bandwidth in User Modeling. In: Ardissono, L., Brna, P., Mitrović, A. (eds.)
UM 2005. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3538, pp. 357–366. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
5. Dimitrova, V.: Style-olm. Artificial Intelligence in Education 13(2), 35–78 (2003)
6. Kasarskis, P., Stehwien, J., Hickox, J., Aretz, A.: Wickens: Comparison of expert
and novice scan behaviors during vfr flight. In: 11th Int. Symposium on Aviation
Psychology (2001)
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sibility. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computers in Education, pp. 17–24. AACE,
Charlottesville (1997)
8. Law, B., Atkins, M.S., Kirkpatrick, A.E., Lomax, A.J.: Eye gaze patterns differ-
entiate novice and experts in a virtual laparoscopic surgery training environment.
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pp. 41–48. ACM, New York (2004)
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expert? analyzing gaze data to predict expertise level in collaborative applications.
In: IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo., pp. 898–901 (2009)
10. Merten, C., Conati, C.: Eye-tracking to model and adapt to user meta-cognition
in intelligent learning environments. In: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Intelligent User In-
terfaces, IUI 2006, pp. 39–46. ACM, New York (2006)
11. Mitrovic, A., Martin, B.: Evaluating the effect of open student models on self-
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12. Mitrovic, A.: Fifteen years of constraint-based tutors: what we have achieved and
where we are going. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 1–34 (2011)
13. Muldner, K., Burleson, W., VanLehn, K.: “Yes!”: Using Tutor and Sensor Data
to Predict Moments of Delight during Instructional Activities. In: De Bra, P.,
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14. Pretorius, M., van Biljon, J.: Learning management systems: Ict skills, usability
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Fuzzy Logic Representation for Student Modelling*
Case Study on Geometry

Gagan Goel1, Sébastien Lallé2, and Vanda Luengo2

Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology
(NIT) Hamirpur, H.P. - 177005, India
Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (LIG METAH), Université Joseph Fourier,
110 av. de la Chimie, BP 53, 38041, Grenoble Cedex 9, France

Abstract. Our aim is to develop a Fuzzy Logic based student model which re-
moves the arbitrary specification of precise numbers and facilitates the model-
ling at a higher level of abstraction. Fuzzy Logic involves the use of natural
language in the form of If-Then statements to demonstrate knowledge of do-
main experts and hence generates decisions and facilitates human reasoning
based on imprecise information coming from the student-computer interaction.
Our case study is in geometry. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy logic represen-
tation for student modelling and compare it with the Additive Factor Model
(AFM) algorithm implemented on DataShop. Two rule-based fuzzy inference
systems have been developed that ultimately predict the degree of error a stu-
dent makes in the next attempt to the problem. Results indicate the rule-based
systems achieve levels of accuracy matching that of the AFM algorithm.

Keywords: Student model, fuzzy inference system, rule-base.

1 Introduction

Student Model is one of the primary components of an Intelligent Tutoring System

(ITS). Our objective here is to study one of the AI approaches (fuzzy logic) for the
conception of these kinds of models. Our methodology emphasizes the collection of
real-world data for evaluating and comparing the model. Building student models is a
complex and intractable task, as seen in [1]. Students pose the real challenge to a tu-
toring system in the sense that it is very difficult to study their minds and hence
extract information under different circumstances. Moreover, recent approaches to
develop an effective student model have lacked in one way or the other. Specifically,
we will consider the case of Additive Factor Model (AFM) algorithm, [2], which
performs the knowledge diagnosis of the student by predicting the error rate. It has

This work has been granted by the Rhône-Alpes Region in France.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 428–433, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Fuzzy Logic Representation for Student Modelling 429

been graphically shown on the learning curve diagrams on Datashop that the actual
values of Error rate and the values predicted by AFM sometimes differ significantly.
Later in the paper, we will compare the results obtained with the fuzzy inference sys-
tems with the AFM predicted values as well as with the actual error rate values com-
ing directly from the student-computer interaction.
Fuzzy logic is an AI technique that involves the use of natural language in the form
of If-Then rule paradigms which allows the modelling of complex systems using a
higher level of abstraction. The main advantage of using fuzzy logic is that humans
often reason in terms of vague concepts when dealing with situations in which they
experience uncertainty, [3]. Hence we go for a technique that effectively maps the
subjective concepts such as skilled, unskilled, average etc. (when talking about a stu-
dent’s skill level) into numerical values with the help of membership function curves.

2 Related Previous Work

In [4], the Brilliant Scholar Series 1 (BSS1) tutoring system has been designed based
on fuzzy logic techniques. This way, it has improved the performance of the system
by introducing intelligent features which can better manage the student’s learning like
monitoring the student’s progress, trends in performance etc. A general fuzzy logic
engine has been designed and implemented to support development of intelligent
features for BSS1. Again in [4], it has been shown that a fuzzy logic based system
offers the flexibility to manipulate the system as per the designer’s need, for instance,
by modelling the problem suitably, defining fuzzy variables and suitable membership
functions for their fuzzy sets, and developing a comprehensive set of rules relating
input and output variables.

3 The Proposed Student Model

We make use of the student-computer interaction data available on Datashop, de-
scribed in [5], which is an online repository of data-sets coming from different Intelli-
gent Tutoring Systems covering a wide variety of domains. Our approach involves the
design of a student model based on Knowledge Tracing, [6], and fuzzy inference us-
ing If-Then statements for the development of the rule-base. Two rule-based systems
have been designed, one for the diagnosis of student knowledge i.e. Knowledge Com-
ponent (KC) diagnosis and other (using the first rule-base) for the prediction of a
parameter for student performance i.e. Error Rate. Learning curves have been used
that visually present measures of student performance. We have considered data of
Geometry Cognitive Tutor 1996 with Geometry Area (1996-1997) as the Dataset
accessed via DataShop which was tested on 59 students with an existing KC model
(“Original”), [7].

3.1 Knowledge Component (KC) Diagnosis

The amount of learning that a student acquires in various concepts of geometry is an
important measure for the student knowledge diagnosis, so a rule-base for the
430 G. Goel, S. Lallé, and V. Luengo

prediction of knowledge component level has been designed. In geometry domain, a

student progressing through various problems encounters a total of 15 KCs when
Original KC model is considered. Here, we will only consider the diagnosis of Paral-
lelogram Area KC (given the base and height, the student is able to find the area of a
parallelogram). This consideration has been generalized for the diagnosis of remain-
ing KCs.
Input-Output Consideration and Membership Function (MF) Curves. KC diag-
nosis is a 3-input 1-output rule-base. The inputs are the probability that student knows
the KC, the Opportunity Count (OC) and the Outcome (correct or incorrect answer) at
time t. The single output considered is the probability that the student knows the KC
at time t+1. With ParallelogramArea KC as an output, we can infer about the student
skill level or the gaps in his knowledge about some concepts. Diagnosis results of this
KC from previous step serve as an input for the KC diagnosis for current step. This
information considers the fact that the current level of the student knowledge about a
particular concept also depends on his previous knowledge about that concept.
Membership Function curves represents linguistic levels (non-numeric variables
such as skilled, unskilled, average etc.) that a fuzzy variable can take. We have consi-
dered Universe of Discourse for ParallelogramArea from 0 to 100 as it is in terms of
percentage of the KC learnt. Fig. 1 shows that a total of 7 linguistic levels have been
considered for ParallelogramArea. Here, for example, the linguistic level “Above
Average” has a Triangular curve with its range from 45 to 95. Opportunity Count and
Outcome for the KC have 3 and 2 linguistic levels; Low, Medium, High, and Incor-
rect, Correct respectively.

Fig. 1. Membership Function curves for ParallelogramArea

Rule-Base. For KC diagnosis, 24 If-Then rules are developed for the 3-input 1-output
system. These rules allow inferring the value of the output.
Sample Rule. If ParallelogramArea is Average and OCParallelogramArea is Medium
and OutcomeParallelogramArea is Correct, then ParallelogramArea is Above Aver-
At Medium OC, if the student makes correct attempt with an Average level of Pa-
rallelogramArea (from previous step), then his knowledge about this KC will rise to
Above Average. Following this procedure, remaining rules can also be interpreted.
Fuzzy Logic Representation for Student Modelling 431

3.2 Error Rate Prediction

We use the KC diagnosis for the prediction of error rate i.e. to predict about the prob-
ability that a student makes an error on a step. This will help us to compare our results
with the actual values and also with the values predicted by AFM algorithm. The
intuition of AFM is that the probability of a student getting a step correct depends on
the response of the student on a step, the amount of knowledge that the student pos-
sesses, the difficulty level of the KC, the skill level of student, and the amount of
learning gained for each practice opportunity.
Input-Output Consideration and Membership Function Curves. Considering the
variables and intuition of AFM, an analogy is applied that results in a 3-input 1-output
rule-base for error rate prediction. The output considered here is the ErrorRate and the
inputs are KC (Knowledge Component), Student (Skill Level of Student), and KC-
DifficultyLevel (Difficulty Level of KC). KC diagnosis rule-base considers outcome
of ITS and OC as two of its inputs, so we take the inferred KC level (from first rule-
base) as an input. This reduces the number of input variables for error rate prediction
(as compared to the number of variables in AFM). 3 linguistic levels are taken both
for Student and KC-DifficultyLevel inputs; Skilled, Average, Unskilled, and Easy,
Medium, Hard respectively. For the ErrorRate output, 7 linguistic levels are consi-
dered; Very Low, Low, Below Medium, Medium, Above Medium, High, Very High.
Rule-Base. 31 If-Then rules are developed for the prediction of error rate for the 3-
input 1-output fuzzy inference system. The rules are developed on the basis of learn-
ing curve plots. Two such curves for error rate and assistance score are taken. On
seeing the Assistance Score learning curve plot, we find those OCs which correspond
to Average KC. Then values for actual error rate are computed from its learning curve
plot and its average is taken for all the OCs under consideration. This mean value is
then mapped to a relevant level of error rate using its MF curves and the inferred level
obtained this way is assigned as the output to this rule.
Sample rule. If KC is Average and Student is Unskilled and KC-DifficultyLevel is
Hard, then ErrorRate is High.

4 Results
For Fig. 2, error rates (as computed with the fuzzy inference) for all students with every
KC are recorded individually. Then, all the readings are grouped so that we get values of
Actual error rate, predicted error rate by AFM, and the error rate as computed by the rule-
based system. Observations are then plotted as a function of Opportunity Count present
in DataShop traces. Figures 2-4 show a good accuracy of the prediction; the rule-based
system RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) in general is rather close to that of AFM, on
Fig. 2. In particular, Table 1 indicates for Figures 2-4 the correlation between the actual
error rate and the AFM prediction on one hand, between the actual error rate and the rule-
based system on the other hand. The correlation is again significantly good as compared
to AFM. However, our results present over-fitting issues, as we have not yet used cross-
validation (i.e. to use a part of the data to train and the rest to test the model). This point
is discussed in more detail in the conclusion.
432 G. Goel, S. Lallé, and V. Luengo

Fig. 2. General plot for all KCs and all students. Rule-Based System RMSE: 0.18635, AFM
RMSE: 0.13447

Fig. 3. Plot for Trapezoid-Base KC and all Fig. 4. Specific plot for Circle-Radius KC and
students Stu_0a8e3638e3c0deb4e5e49c72286

Table 1. Corresponding Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) values for above plots
Fig. No 2 2 3 3 4 4
Pair of Actual- Actual- Actual- Actual- Actual- Actual-
Curves DataShop Rule-base DataShop Rule-base DataShop Rule-base
Value 0.662 0.785 0.616 0.817 0.234 0.966

5 Conclusions and Perspectives

With the fuzzy logic representation for student modelling, we have developed a stu-
dent model that respects the process of knowledge tracing. This model can handle
data at a higher level of abstraction and it also has the ability to deal with uncertainty.
Moreover, fuzzy logic needs fewer parameters (in comparison to AFM) and this faci-
litates modelling with continuous variables (e.g. the membership function curves for
the fuzzy variables). As the inputs and the rules are particularly comprehensible for
humans due to the linguistic levels expressed in natural language, it is quite easy to
adapt and refine the model (for instance by experts). In the past, knowledge tracing
Fuzzy Logic Representation for Student Modelling 433

has been implemented with Hidden-Markov model and Logistic regression. Here, the
main contribution of this paper is the design of a cognitive student model based on
Fuzzy Logic. The expressive power of fuzzy inference is comparable to full Bayesian
inference, but it requires fewer parameters due to the continuous Membership Func-
tions. Moreover, the structure of this fuzzy logic model is not dependent on our do-
main, so it can be reused by ITS designers for another work/domain/ITS as long as
the KC Model is developed. Determination of the parameters (the thresholds of each
membership function) may be done either by experts or by machine learning algo-
rithms. As said previously, validating the proposed student model in a more formal
way is a crucial perspective. Our results show some over-fitting and a lack of preci-
sion in the beginning, so constructing the model with machine learning techniques is
also important, this would help us improve the accuracy of the model during the ini-
tial stages. As a perspective, methods like training the model with real data (bagging
algorithms) may help to overcome this issue. We also plan to compare our model with
other student models (in a specific domain) both from cognitive sciences and AI,
consider for example [8].

1. Self, J.A.: Formal Approaches to Student Modelling. Technical Report No. 92. In: McCalla,
G.I., Greer, J. (eds.) Student Modelling: the Key to Individualized Knowledge-Based In-
struction, pp. 295–352. Springer, Berlin (1994)
2. Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R., Junker, B.: Comparing Two IRT Models for Conjunctive Skills.
In: Woolf, B.P., Aïmeur, E., Nkambou, R., Lajoie, S. (eds.) ITS 2008. LNCS, vol. 5091, pp.
796–798. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
3. Zadeh, L.: The role of fuzzy logic in the management of uncertainty in expert systems.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 11, 199–227 (1983)
4. Warendorf, K., Jen, T.S.: Application of Fuzzy Logic Techniques in the BSS1 Tutoring
System. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 8(1), 113–142 (1997)
5. Koedinger, K.R., Baker, R.S.J.d., Cunningham, K., Skogsholm, A., Leber, B., Stamper, J.:
A Data Repository for the EDM community: The PSLC DataShop. In: Romero, C., Ventu-
ra, S., Pechenizkiy, M., Baker, R.S.J.d. (eds.) Handbook of Educational Data Mining, pp.
43–56. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2010)
6. Corbett, A.T., Anderson, J.R.: Knowledge tracing: Modeling the acquisition of procedural
knowledge. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 4, 253–278 (1995)
7. Cen, H., Koedinger, K., Junker, B.: Is Over Practice Necessary? - Improving Learning Effi-
ciency with the Cognitive Tutor through Educational Data Mining. In: Luckin, R., Koedin-
ger, K.R., Greer, J. (eds.) The 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Education (AIED 2007), pp. 511–518 (2007)
8. Lallé, S., Luengo, V., Guin, N.: An Automatic Comparison Between Knowledge Diagnostic
Techniques. In: Cerri, S.A., Clancey, B. (eds.) ITS 2012. LNCS, vol. 7315, pp. 623–624.
Springer, Heidelberg (2012)
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-
Moment Learning Detector

Sujith M. Gowda1, Zachary A. Pardos2, and Ryan S.J.D. Baker1

Department of Social Science and Policy Studies,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA USA
Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA USA

Abstract. In recent years, it has become clear that educational data mining me-
thods can play a positive role in refining the content of intelligent tutoring sys-
tems. In particular, efforts to determine which content is more and less effective
at promoting learning can help improve tutoring systems by identifying ineffec-
tive content and cycling it out of the system. Analysis of the learning value of
content can also help teachers and system designers create better content by tak-
ing notice of what has and has not worked in the past. Past work has looked
solely at student response data in doing this type of analysis; we extend this
work by instead utilizing the moment-by-moment learning model, P(J). This
model uses parameters learned from Bayesian Knowledge Tracing as well as
other features extracted from log data to compute the probability that a student
learned a skill at a specific problem step. By averaging P(J) values for a particu-
lar item across students, and comparing items using statistical testing with post-
hoc controls, we can investigate which items typically produce more and less
learning. We use this analysis to evaluate items within twenty problem sets
completed by students using the ASSISTments Platform, and show how item
learning results can be obtained and interpreted from this analysis.

Keywords: Educational data mining, item sequencing, learning gains.

1 Introduction

The last several years have begun to see a shift in the sources of intelligent tutor con-
tent. As recently as five years ago, most intelligent tutor content was authored in pro-
gramming development kits, and took considerable work to create – according to one
estimate, it takes over 200 hours of a Ph.D.-level researcher’s time to create one hour
of student-usable content [16]. However, the recent advent of tools for rapid problem
authoring by non-programmers [cf. 1, 13] has begun to change this practice. In fact,
some intelligent tutoring systems are being authored via crowd-sourcing methods,
where a wide range of individuals can contribute problems and content. For example,
in the ASSISTments Platform [10], many problems and associated tutoring for those
problems are now authored by teachers.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 434–443, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-Moment Learning Detector 435

The move toward a wider base of content developers presents both opportunities
and challenges. A wider developer base enables new content to be created more
quickly and more responsively than traditional approaches. However, assuring and
maintaining quality is a greater challenge when content is being created by a wider
range of individuals, many of whom do not have explicit training in creating intelli-
gent tutoring systems. (Though this is an opportunity in itself, as some teachers may
have innovative new ideas for problem content that are better than current approach-
es). Also, as community-authored content grows rapidly, it is not feasible for small
research teams to continually vet new content.
Given rapidly expanding content of uncertain quality, one approach to assuring
and maintaining quality is to use educational data mining to vet content. The data
produced by students as they use a tutoring system can provide indicators of which
problems are most effective. Work in this area can build off of prior approaches to
determine which pedagogical strategies lead to better learning experiences for stu-
dents. For example, Beck and colleagues [6] used learning decomposition methods to
study the effectiveness of different learning strategies for different groups of students.
Chi and VanLehn [7] used reinforcement learning to study this same issue.
The approach proposed in [6] was adopted by Feng et al. [11], who used learning
decomposition to determine that problems had varying efficacy within the ASSIST-
ments Platform. This approach used logistic regression to analyze the future perfor-
mance associated with having received a specific problem. Similarly, Pardos and
Heffernan [17] addressed this same issue with a model based on Bayesian Know-
ledge-Tracing. Pardos et al. showed that models based this framework could be mod-
ified to measure the learning probability of individual items within particular know-
ledge components (KCs). Pardos suggested that item learning effects can be measured
so long as the order of the items within a KC is randomized per student. Given ran-
domization of item order, the sets of items can be analyzed as a quasi-randomized
controlled trial.
These approaches provide actionable information on which problems are most ef-
fective and least effective. However, they are somewhat limited in terms of their sen-
sitivity. First, assessments of problem effectiveness are dependent on performance in
immediately subsequent problems; if those problems are of varying difficulty, there
may be substantial noise in estimations of learning effectiveness. In addition, correct-
ness does not take into account all of the information about a student action; other
aspects of student performance have also been shown to predict knowledge and learn-
ing [cf. 9].
To address this possible limitation and create a richer indicator of the differential
learning associated with different problems, we adopt an alternate paradigm for mea-
suring learning: the moment-by-moment learning model [4]. This model is designed
to specifically assess the learning that occurs within a specific problem. Instead of
assessing the current degree of latent knowledge, it assesses the degree of knowledge
learned at a specific moment using a function of the aspects of the student’s actions
on that problem (such as speed of response and use of help features).
In this paper, we apply the moment-by-moment learning model to a group of prob-
lem sets from the ASSISTments Platform. We then conduct statistical analysis to
436 S.M. Gowda, Z. Pardos, and R.S.J.D. Baker

determine the degree to which different problems have different moment-by-moment

learning across students, and study the problems associated with the largest and smal-
lest degree of moment-by-moment learning in two data sets.

2 Data
The data used in this analysis comes from the ASSISTments Tutoring Systems [10],
with data drawn from the 2009-2010 school year. The students were from 7th and 8th
grade Algebra classes with ages 12-14. The 8,519 students in the data set were
drawn from 108 schools, primarily in Massachusetts. Students used the software for
one class day approximately every two weeks throughout the school year, completing
a range of problem sets involving different mathematical skills. The system provided
instructional assistance to troubled students by breaking the original problem into
scaffolding steps or displaying hint messages on-screen, upon student request. The
ASSISTments tutoring system allows teachers to control the ordering of the problems
within a problem set, choosing between a pre-chosen order, or random order. In this
paper, we analyze a subset of the data drawn from students using random order prob-
lems within a problem set, selecting only problems that are associated with at least
one cognitive skill.
There were a total of 78,558 student actions, made by 3,169 students on 1,170
problems, for whom the problem order was set to random and each problem was as-
sociated with at least one skill. There were some problems that were associated with
more than one skill. For these problems, we treated them as representing evidence for
each skill equally and with full credit assignment to each skill (i.e. a problem with
three skills was treated the same as three problems, one tied to each of the three
skills). Within the data set, there were a total of 945 skill-problem sets, out of which
we selected 20 skill-problem sets that had the highest number of student actions, giv-
ing a final data set with 20,760 student actions produced by 2,210 students on 80

3 Detecting Learning Using Moment-by-Moment Learning

In this section we describe the moment-by-moment learning model developed by
Baker and colleagues [4]. This model estimates the probability that a student learned a
skill at a specific problem step, termed P(J). Recent results have argued in favor of
this model’s face validity; derivatives of this model can successfully predict students’
final knowledge as assessed by Bayesian Knowledge Tracing [4], and can successful-
ly predict students’ preparation for future learning [5]. Bayesian Knowledge-Tracing
(BKT) is a well-established approach for modeling student knowledge within an intel-
ligent tutoring system [8]. BKT uses a four-parameter two-node dynamic Bayesian
network to probabilistically assess the knowledge of a student for a specific skill. We
use P(J) values in this analysis to assess the amount that students typically learn from
each problem within a randomly ordered problem set.
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-Moment Learning Detector 437

3.1 Development of P(J) Model

The P(J) model was developed using a two-step process, the same procedure used in
[4]. First, training labels to detect moment-by-moment learning were generated for
each problem step in a tutor data set. The labels were generated by applying Bayes’
Rule to knowledge estimates from a traditional BKT model, in combination with the
information about the correctness of the next two problem-solving actions of the stu-
dent on items involving the same skill. Next, a set of predictor features was generat-
ed using past tutor data to form a training data set. The predictor feature set included 4
categories of features: 1) Action correctness, this category included features like is the
action correct, incorrect or hint request, 2) Step interface type included feature that are
based on type of interface widget involved, like is the problem multiple choice or just
a single choice, 3) Response times, this categories included features that are derived
from the amount of time taken to complete problem-solving steps, and 4) Problem
solving history included features that characterize the student’s problem-solving his-
tory in the tutor. These predictor features date back to the development of “gaming
the system” detectors for Cognitive Tutors [3]. In addition to these features, skill dif-
ficulty related features were also included to increase the goodness of the model [12].
Linear regression was conducted within Rapidminer 4.6 [15] to develop models to
predict P(J). This resulted in a set of numerical predictions of P(J), moment-by-
moment learning, for each problem-solving step. The cross-validated correlation be-
tween the model and the original training labels was 0.449.

4 Overall Comparison of Problem Effectiveness

With the outputs of the P(J) detector, it is possible to assess the learning effectiveness
of each problem in each skill-problem set. We do so by obtaining the set of values of
P(J) for each problem, across students. We can then search for particularly poor prob-
lems and particularly effective problems. We analyze this in two ways. First, we con-
duct a one-way ANOVA to determine whether there are overall differences in the
mean value of P(J) between problems in the same skill-problem set. Next, we attempt
to determine if each skill-problem set has a single problem that is either better or
worse than all other problems in the skill-problem set, an indicator that this problem is
particularly effective or ineffective. It should be noted that the P(J) value is capturing
the combined learning value of the problem and its tutoring (scaffolds and hints).
Results are summarized in Table 1.
We found that 12 sets out of 20 skill-problem sets had statistically significant dif-
ferences in learning between problems. Within these 12 skill-problem sets, we studied
whether there was a best and worst problem, using post-hoc methods. The Levene test
[14] was used to determine if the P(J) values for each problem in a skill-problem set
had equal variance or not, to avoid violating the assumptions of the post-hoc analysis
methods. Tukey’s test was used when equal variance was assumed, and Tamhane’s
T2 test was used when equal variance was not assumed. Given the post-hoc differenc-
es between problems, a problem was labeled a best problem if it had positive mean
difference with all the other problems and was significantly different from all the
other problems in the skill-problem set. Similarly, a problem was labeled a worst
438 S.M. Gowda, Z. Pardos, and R.S.J.D. Baker

problem if it had negative mean difference with all the other problems and was signif-
icantly different from all the other problems in the skill-problem set. According to this
test, 7 of the 12 problem sets had a single problem that was substantially better or
worse than all other problems.

Table 1. ANOVA results of 20 skill-problem sets. ** = statistical significance of p<0.05.

Total Best Prob- Worst
Skill-Problem Set F-test
Actions lem Problem
867 --- --- F(1, 865) = 0.22
CountingMethods 752 No Yes F(2, 749) = 12.64**
Estimation 510 --- --- F(2, 507) = 0.52
849 Yes Yes F(1, 847) = 8.28**
481 --- --- F(2, 478 ) = 1.721
LineOfBestFit 713 --- --- F(3, 709) = 1.60
Median 612 Yes No F(2, 609) = 9.76**
850 No No F(7, 842) = 28.16**
NumberLine 864 --- --- F(1, 862) = 2.89
PercentOf 1703 No No F(7, 1695) = 84.85**
535 --- --- F(3, 531) = 0.54
PointPlotting-1 868 Yes Yes F(1, 866) = 8.59**
PointPlotting-2 520 --- --- F(1, 518) = 0.99
Proportion-1 1220 Yes Yes F(1, 1218) = 8.59**
Proportion-2 2716 Yes No F(4, 2711) = 41.47**
Proportion-3 1056 No No F(4, 1051) = 33.06**
PythagoreanTheorem 2174 No No F(12, 2161) = 6.65**
Range 810 No Yes F(2, 807) = 16.44**
Transformation 878 No No F(7, 870) = 5.30**
595 --- --- F(1, 593) = 0.80

4.1 Case Study of Individual Problems and Their Tutoring

Of the 20 skill-problem sets, there were seven problems that were significantly better
or worse than all other problems in the same skill-problem set. These seven are shown
in Table 2. Since the learning value of an item is a latent measurement, we have no
ground truth to compare it to in order to verify that the best or worst items detected
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-Moment Learning Detector 439

were in fact the correct ones. Instead, we present the problems chosen as best and
worst as dictated by the P(J) item learning detector and see if the results have face
validity, that is if the detector looks like it measured what we intended for it to meas-
ure. Due to space limitations, we focus on two skill-problem sets, comparing a prob-
lem that is significantly different from all other problems with another problem from
the set. We select the two skill-problem sets among the four possible options that have
the largest difference in P(J) between the problems with the highest and lowest P(J).
To facilitate discussion of differences, we compare the significantly different prob-
lems to the problem at the other end of the range. Within the PDF version of this doc-
ument, the reader can inspect the problems, by clicking on any of the IDs in Table 2.
The hyperlinks lead to a public preview of the items on the ASSISTments system.

Table 2. skill-problem sets with significant learning items

Worst item Mean difference between
Problem set Best item ID
ID P(J) values
Proportion-2 15792 24642 0.0183
Range 27521 25796 0.0127
Counting Methods 24754 24752 0.0106
Median 1059 2239 0.0090
Proportion-1 15792 15844 0.0049
PointPlotting-1 12353 12354 0.0048
FindingFractionsandRatios 12375 12376 0.0038

4.2 Case study of Proportion-2’s Best and Worst Problems

The skill-problem set Proportion-2 had the largest difference in P(J) between the best
and worst problem among the four skill-problem sets with a significant best or worst
problem, 0.018. In this skill-problem set, one problem had statistically significantly
higher P(J) than all the other problems in the skill-problem set. The problems with
the highest P(J) and lowest are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows the best problem (on the left) in the Proportion-2 skill problem set.
This problem has a visual component (the figure of the triangle) and is multiple-
choice. The choices contain possible fraction equalities and the student is asked to
select the one that can be used to solve for X. The first hint shows the student that
there is a small triangle within the larger one. The following three hints proceed to
evaluate the three wrong choices and tell the student which part of the answer is
wrong and why. The last hint shows the correct answer, explains why it is correct, and
shows four other proportion equalities that would have also been correct. The total
hint count in this problem is five. Due to space limitations, the figure only shows the
first three hints. This highly effective problem has more than double as many hints as
the comparison problem, and uses visuals and significantly more text to teach the
concept of proportion. From this comparison, it is not immediately clear which of
these differences is beneficial, but multiple hypotheses are now available for improv-
ing other problems in this skill-problem set. For problems with much lesser magni-
tude of P(J) difference, additional attributes of the problems and their help would
likely need to be defined in order to tease out an explanation for the more subtle
difference in learning.
440 S.M. Gowda, Z. Pardos, and R.S.J.D. Baker

Fig. 1. Proportion 1: the (sig) best problem and its tutoring (left) and the worst problem (right)

The problem to the right in Figure 1 shows the worst P(J) problem, which asks the
student to solve for X where X is part of a fraction equal to another fraction. The tu-
toring for the problem gives the student a first hint which suggests the student observe
the relationship between the numerator and denominator of the fraction on the right
side of the equation and apply this relationship to the fraction on the left side to de-
termine X. The second hint explicitly tells the student the relationship between nume-
rator and denominator which is that the numerator is half of the denominator of the
fraction on the right side of the equation. The third hint is a bottom-out hint, and gives
the student the answer.

4.3 Case study of Range, Best and Worst Problems

The skill-problem set Range had the second-largest difference in P(J) between the
best and worst problem, 0.013. In this skill-problem set, one problem had statistically
significantly lower P(J) than all the other problems in the skill-problem set.
Figure 2 shows the worst problem in this skill-problem set (on the right), which
asks for the range of the points scored in the table. This problem contains three scaf-
folds that in turn prompt the student for the maximum and minimum scores observed,
and then re-asks the original question. Each of the scaffolds contains two hints. The
first hint suggests the student look at the table for the answer and the second hint
shows another picture of the table with the relevant row highlighted. The total number
of hint in this problem was six.
The problem to the left in Figure 2 shows the best problem, which also shows a
two column table but asks which of four multiple choice statistics has the highest
value. This problem has six scaffolds. The first prompts the student to count the
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-Moment Learning Detector 441

number of animals listed. The next four scaffolds teach the student how to compute
the mean, median, mode, and range using the table in the problem. The last scaffold
re-asks the original question. There are 20 hints in this problem.

Fig. 2. Range: the best problem (left) and the (sig) worst (right)

Comparing the two problem’s tutoring of the skill of range, there does not appear
to be anything strikingly deficient about the significantly worst problem’s tutoring.
However, the most significant difference in the content between the worst and best
problem is that the best problem contains three additional skills (mean, median, and
mode) while the worst problem only contains range. A look at the Q-matrix for both
problems revealed that the best problem was indeed tagged with four skills while the
worst problem was tagged with only a single skill. Since P(J) is computed based on
the relative learning value of the problems in a set, it appears that P(J) has detected a
skill difference between problems. The tutoring of the problem that teaches and re-
quires only the skill of range has little chance of providing the requisite knowledge to
solve a problem that requires mean, median, mode, and range; however the four-skill
problem has the tutoring to provide the requisite knowledge for the single-skill prob-
lem which would explain significant P(J) difference between problems.

5 Discussion
We have shown how the moment of learning detector can be applied to evaluate the
relative learning value of problems in a set and how statistical tests can be run to de-
termine if there are problems which are significantly better or worse. We conducted a
case study of problem pairs in two skill-problem sets which showed the most signifi-
cant differences in P(J) in order to investigate if differences could be plainly observed
by viewing the problems and their tutoring approaches.
442 S.M. Gowda, Z. Pardos, and R.S.J.D. Baker

Several avenues exist for further research in the area of learning value analysis.
Firstly, the method could be applied at the skill-problem set level to detect which
problem sets pertaining to a common skill are providing the most learning value. This
analysis would require a dataset where the order of problem sets, at least within a
skill, were randomized per student. A second area for further study is a more stringent
validity test. Face validity tests are subjective and fall far short of confirming that the
claimed underlying construct is being accurately measured. A gold standard validity
test would be a randomized controlled trial where individual problems were tested for
learning gain with a pre/post-test design. The existence of a significantly higher or
lower learning gain problem could be identified and compared to the findings of the
P(J) learning value detector and other learning item analysis techniques.

Acknowledgements. We would also like to thank Lisa Rossi for valuable comments
and suggestions. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation via
the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center, grant award #SBE-0836012, and by a
“Graduates in K-12 Education” (GK-12) Fellowship, award number DGE0742503.
We would like to thank the additional funders of the ASSISTments Platform found
here: http://www.webcitation.org/5ym157Yfr.

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Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student
Learning Is Shallow

Ryan S.J.D. Baker1, Sujith M. Gowda1, Albert T. Corbett2, and Jaclyn Ocumpaugh1
Department of Social Science and Policy Studies,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA USA
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA USA

Abstract. Recent research has extended student modeling to infer not just
whether a student knows a skill or set of skills, but also whether the student has
achieved robust learning – learning that leads the student to be able to transfer
their knowledge and prepares them for future learning (PFL). However, a
student may fail to have robust learning in two fashions: they may have no
learning, or they may have shallow learning (learning that applies only to the
current skill, and does not support transfer or PFL). Within this paper, we
present an automated detector which is able to identify shallow learners, who
are likely to need different intervention than students who have not yet learned
at all. This detector is developed using a step regression approach, with data
from college students learning introductory genetics from an intelligent tutoring

Keywords: robust learning, student modeling, educational data mining, intelligent

tutoring system.

1 Introduction

Over the last two decades, student models have become effective at predicting which
skills a student knows at a given time [cf. 16, 21, 22]. Recent research has gone
beyond this to also assess the robustness of student learning [20] – whether students
will be able to transfer their knowledge, whether they will be prepared for future
learning, and whether they will retain their knowledge over the long-term. [8]
presents a model that infers whether a student will perform well on a transfer test after
using the tutor software – where the student must succeed at a related skill not taught
in the tutor. Similarly, [9] presents a model that infers whether a student will be able
to learn a new but related skill from an instructional text, after using the tutor. These
types of models represent a step towards intelligent tutoring systems that can respond
not just to whether a student has learned a skill, but to whether the student has
achieved robust learning that will help them apply the knowledge broadly, in novel
situations going forward.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 444–453, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning Is Shallow 445

However, while this work is a step towards modeling and remediation of robust
learning, it is not sufficient to enable sophisticated differential intervention for
shallow and robust learners. The robust learning detectors in [8, 9] only measure the
extent to which a student has acquired robust learning. If the student has not acquired
robust learning, these detectors cannot differentiate between a student who has
acquired shallow knowledge (where the student knows the skills taught in the tutor,
but cannot transfer those skills and is not prepared for future learning) and a student
who has not learned at all. A student who has not learned at all may simply need more
tutor practice [cf. 15], whereas a student who has shallow learning may need support
in building from their procedural skill to deeper conceptual understanding. There are
now interventions which have been shown to help students acquire robust learning
[cf. 11, 13, 23, 24, 27], but not all students may need such interventions. A detector
which can identify a student who has shallow learning, when combined with such
interventions, may have the potential to enable richer intervention and better learner
support than is currently possible.
As a step towards this vision, this paper presents a model designed to identify
shallow learners, within a Cognitive Tutor for Genetics problem-solving [17]. This
model is generated using a combination of feature engineering and step regression,
and is cross-validated at the student level (e.g. repeatedly trained on one group of
students and tested on other students). We report this detector’s effectiveness at
identifying shallow learners, and analyze its internal features, comparing them to
features previously used to predict transfer and preparation for future learning (PFL).

2 Data Set
The data analyzed in this study come from 71 undergraduates using the Genetics
Cognitive Tutor [17]. The Genetics Cognitive Tutor consists of 19 modules that
support problem solving across a wide range of topics in genetics. Various subsets of
the 19 modules have been piloted at 15 universities in North America. This study
focuses on the data from a tutor module that employs a gene mapping technique
called three-factor cross, in which students infer the order of three genes on a
chromosome based on offspring phenotypes, as described in [5]. The data used in this
analysis, first published in [8], were produced by students who were enrolled in
genetics or introductory biology classes at Carnegie Mellon University.
These students used Cognitive Tutor-supported activities in two one-hour
laboratory sessions, on successive days. In each session, students completed standard
three-factor cross problems. During the first lab session, some students piloted
cognitive-tutor activities designed to support deeper understanding; however, no
differences were found between conditions for any robust learning measure, so in this
analysis we collapse across the conditions and focus solely on student behavior and
learning within the standard problem-solving activities.
The 71 students completed a total of 22,885 problem-solving actions across 10,966
problem steps in the tutor. Four paper-and-pencil post-tests followed the tutor
activities [cf. 5]. Three tests were given immediately after tutor usage: a
446 R.S.J.D. Baker et al.

straightforward problem-solving post-test, a transfer test, and a test of preparation for

future learning. A retention test was administered one week later.
Within this paper we focus analysis on the immediate problem-solving post-test,
and the transfer test of robust learning. The problem-solving post-test consisted of two
problems, and had two test forms, counterbalanced with the pre-test. Each of the two
problems on each test form consisted of 11 steps involving 7 of the 8 skills in the
three-factor cross tutor lesson, with two skills applied twice in each problem and one
skill applied three times. The transfer test included two problems intended to tap
students’ understanding of the underlying processes of three-factor cross. The first
was a three-factor cross problem that could not be solved with the standard solution
method and required students to improvise an alternative method. The second
problem asked students to extend their reasoning to four genes. It provided a sequence
of four genes on a chromosome and asked students to reason about the crossovers that
must have occurred in different offspring groups.
Students demonstrated successful learning in this tutor, with an average pre-test
performance of 0.31 (SD=0.19), and an average post-test performance of 0.81
(SD=0.18). Students were also successful on the transfer test, with an average score of
0.85 (SD=0.18). The correlation between the problem-solving post-test and the
transfer test was 0.59, suggesting that, although problem-solving skill and transfer
skill were related, transfer may be predicted by more than just simply skill at
problem-solving within this domain.

3 Shallowness Detector

3.1 Label Generation

The first step towards developing a data-mined model to predict which students have
shallow learning is to create an operational definition of shallow learning that can be
used as a training label (e.g. a “ground truth” label of the construct being predicted)
for our shallowness detector. We employed data from the post-test of problem-solving
skill and the transfer test posttest to do this. We operationalized shallow learning as
the difference between a student’s problem-solving test score and their transfer test
score. Better performance on the problem-solving test than the transfer test indicates
the student has acquired basic problem-solving knowledge, but in a shallow fashion,
without the deep understanding that enables the application of that knowledge in
novel situations.
Given the approximately equal average performance on the two tests, we can take
simple percent correct on each test to assess whether a student is a shallow learner or
not (if the tests had radically different average performance, it might be better to use
percentile rank on each test, or Z scores). As such, the present analysis treats students
who achieve higher scores on the problem-solving post-test than on the transfer test as
having shallow learning.
According to this operational definition, 24 of the 71 students in this study are
labeled as shallow learners. Of the remaining 47 students, treated as not having
Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning Is Shallow 447

shallow learning, 17 had perfect scores on both the transfer test and post-test. No
other students had the same score on the two tests. The other 30 students had higher
scores on the transfer test than the post-test. Among the 24 students labeled as shallow
learners, there was an average of a 0.14 point difference between performance on the
two tests (standard deviation = 0.10), with an average score of 0.87 on the problem-
solving post-test, and an average score of 0.73 on the transfer test.

3.2 Data Features

The next step in our process of developing a model that could automatically identify
shallow learning was to identify properties of students’ problem-solving actions in the
Cognitive Tutor that may be hallmarks of shallow learning. Towards this end, we
selected a set of action-level features based on a combination of theory and prior work
to model and detect related constructs. In particular, prior research on detectors of
transfer [8] and PFL [9] influenced our design of features. As in that work, we can
infer which students had shallow learning, using the method discussed in the previous
section; but we do not know exactly what actions are associated with the shallow
learning in advance. Hence, we take features calculated at the level of actions, and
aggregate them across actions. We do so using two kinds of computations: the
proportion of time specific behaviors occurred, and average quantitative values across
actions. The 24 features used in this analysis included two categories of basic
features, and two categories of complex features.
The first category of basic features focused on overall response time and time
spent processing tutor-provided assistance, including: (1) average response time, (2)
the average unitized response time (in standard deviations above or below the mean
for students on the current skill), (3) the proportion of actions that involved a fast
response after the student received a bug message (bug messages indicate why the
system thinks the student made an error), (4) the proportion of slow responses after a
bug message, (5) the proportion of fast responses after requesting a hint, (6) the
proportion of slow responses after requesting a hint, (7) the proportion of slow actions
after receiving a hint and entering a correct answer [cf. 25], and (8) the proportion of
fast actions after receiving a hint and entering a correct answer.
The second category of basic features focused on the content of a student action:
(9) the proportion of correct answers, (10) the proportion of help requests, and (11)
the proportion of answers that were incorrect and received bug messages.
The first category of complex features involved Bayesian Knowledge Tracing
estimates of the student’s knowledge of relevant skills and performance probabilities
[16]: (12) the average probability the student knew the skill, (13) the average
probability the student would give a correct answer according to the model, (14) fast
actions on well-known skills, and (15) slow actions on well-known skills.
The second category of complex features focused on features derived from
previous research on meta-cognition and disengagement: (16) help avoidance, the
proportion of actions where the skill was not known and help was not sought [cf. 2],
(17) the proportion of actions where the skill was known and help was not sought,
(18) fast actions not involving gaming the system [using the detector from 6], (19)
448 R.S.J.D. Baker et al.

slow actions not involving off-task behavior [using the detector from 3], (20) the
average contextual probability that an error was due to slipping [cf. 4], (21) the
average contextual probability of slip among actions with over 50% probability of
being a slip (called “certainty of slip”) [cf. 5], (22) the average contextual probability
that a correct response was a guess [cf. 4], (23) the “certainty of guess”
(corresponding to certainty of slip), and (24) the average moment-by-moment
learning [cf. 7].
Some of these features relied upon cut-offs; in these cases, an optimized cut-off
was chosen using a procedure discussed in the next section.

3.3 Detector Development

We fit detectors of shallowness using step regression models. (Note that step
regression is not the same as step-wise regression.) Step regression involves fitting a
linear regression model to predict the labels of shallowness using the features of
student behavior in the tutor, and then thresholding that model’s predictions with a
pre-chosen cut-off, in this case 0.5. Within this statistical framework, all students for
whom the linear regression predicted values of 0.5 or higher are assessed to have non-
shallow learning, whereas all students for whom the linear regression predicted values
below 0.5 are assessed to have shallow learning. The choice of 0.5 is an arbitrary
standard convention (0.5 is halfway between 0 and 1); so long as the step cut-off is
chosen prior to model fitting, equal performance can be achieved for any step cut-off
(different step cut-offs are adjusted for by the constant term of the equation). Hence,
this framework takes numerical predictions of shallowness and transforms them into a
binary prediction of whether the student’s learning is shallow or not, which can be
compared to the labels initially derived from the two tests.
These detectors of shallowness are assessed using 10-fold student-level cross-
validation [18]. In 10-fold cross-validation, the data points are divided into ten groups
(in this case divided by students), each of which serves successively as a test set. That
is, for each of the ten groups, the other nine groups are used to produce a model, and
then the tenth group is used to test that model. Hence, each model’s goodness is never
tested on the same students it was trained on, but each model is tested on every
student. Because this process does not exclude any data points (or students) from the
modeling process, cross-validation is typically preferred to holding out a test set that
is entirely excluded from model development. Cross-validated performance assesses
the model’s predictive performance when applied to new data, an indicator of the
model’s ability to generalize.
Two metrics were used as the assessment of goodness for each model: (1) A' (also
called AUC, for “Area Under [the ROC] Curve”) [19], and (2) Cohen’s [14] Kappa,
or κ. A' is the probability that if the detector is comparing two students, one labeled as
having shallow learning and the other one not labeled as having shallow learning, it
will correctly identify which clip is which. A' is mathematically equivalent to W, the
Wilcoxon statistic [19]. A model with an A' of 0.5 performs at chance, and a model
with an A' of 1.0 performs perfectly. In these analyses, A' was computed using the
AUC (area under the curve) method. Cohen’s Kappa (κ) assesses whether the detector
Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning Is Shallow 449

is better than chance at identifying the correct action sequences as involving the
category of interest. A Kappa of 0 indicates that the detector performs at chance, and
a Kappa of 1 indicates that the detector performs perfectly. A’ and Kappa both
compensate for the possibility that successful classifications can occur by chance [cf.
10]. A’ can be more sensitive to uncertainty in classification than Kappa, because
Kappa looks only at the final label whereas A' looks at the classifier’s degree of
confidence in classifying an instance.
We fit two detectors. The first detector uses only the individual features discussed
above in section 3.2. Some of the features, involving proportions of specific types of
actions, depend on a threshold parameter (such as how many seconds differentiates a
“long pause” from a “short pause”); these parameters were optimized by computing
the single-feature step regression model for a range of potential thresholds (see [8] for
more details) and selecting the threshold with the best A' value. The second detector
also includes multiplicative interactions between the individual features. In order to
reduce the potential for over-fitting (where a set of features does not generalize well
to data from new students), we reduce the parameter space of both models prior to
fitting full models. The individual feature model is limited to considering features for
which a single-feature step regression model has a better value for the Akaike
information criterion (AIC [1]) than the empty model, reducing the data space from
24 features to 11 features. The multiplicative interaction model only considers the 66
interactions of those 11 features, and furthermore discards features that fail the same
Akaike test, resulting in a set of 35 multiplicative interaction features, plus 11
individual features, for a total data space of 46 features.
We used Forward Selection to find the best model for each one of the two feature
sets. In Forward Selection, the best single-parameter model is chosen, and then the
parameter that most improves the model is repeatedly added until no more parameters
can be added which improve the model. In this case, the goodness criterion for model
selection was cross-validated Kappa.

4 Results

The best-fitting models for each feature set are as follows:

Table 1. Step regression models with student-level cross-validated A' and Kappa
(higher values of model coefficients correspond to non-shallow learners)

Model Type Model A' Kappa

2221 * SlowResponseAfterBugMsg
- 0.22 * AverageCertaintyOfSlip * AvgTime 0.758 0.389
+ 1.03
34.74 * SlowResponseAfterBugMsg
- 1232 * AvgTimeSD 0.767 0.346
+ 0.6726
450 R.S.J.D. Baker et al.

As can be seen in Table 1, the multiplicative-interactions model achieves

moderately better cross-validated Kappa than the no-interactions model, and slightly
worse cross-validated A'. The model with multiplicative interactions achieved an
acceptable cross-validated kappa of 0.389 (39% better than chance according to the
baseline [cf. 14]). It is worth noting that kappa values typically achieved in data
mining are usually lower than kappa values achieved in inter-rater reliability checks
among human coders; the standards are different because the goals are different. The
agreement between a data-mined model and a construct which is itself noisy will
inherently be lower than human agreement on a tightly-defined construct. The A'
value for the multiplicative-interactions model is 0.758, which indicates that the
model can differentiate a student who performs better on the problem-solving test
than the transfer test from a student who does not perform better on the problem-
solving test than the transfer test, 75.8% of the time. This level of performance on the
A' metric is typically considered to be sufficient to enable fail-soft intervention. This
level of performance is significantly better than chance, Z=-3.56, p<0.001, using the
test from [19].
The features that constitute the two models are similar, and both models are quite
simple. In both models, the first feature is slow responses after bug messages. The
positive coefficient for this feature indicates that students who pause when receiving
bug messages are less likely to be shallow learners. Bug messages in this tutor lesson
tell students about what order to complete steps in, and which information is
necessary to draw valid conclusions. As such, reflective pauses upon receiving these
messages may indicate a student trying to understand why certain information is
necessary at specific steps in the reasoning process. It seems reasonable that these
reflective pauses would be associated with more robust learning. This feature is also
associated with a greater probability of transfer, in the same tutor lesson [8].
The second feature in both models involves average response time. This feature
has a negative coefficient in both models, indicating that in general slow response
times are associated with shallow learning. Shallow learners are not characterized by
fast guesses (which may lead to no learning at all), but just the opposite – they seem
rather to be struggling compared to students achieving robust learning. More
specifically, average response speed relative to all students enters into the individual
feature model. In the multiplicative-interactions model, response speed enters the
model as an interaction with the average certainty of slip (the probability of slip
among actions that are likely to be slips, an error despite knowing the skill). The
average certainty of slip has been previously shown to predict final tutor knowledge,
even after controlling for predictions from Bayesian Knowledge Tracing [5]; as such,
it makes sense that this feature may be related to the depth of learning. While the
more common interpretation of a slip is carelessness, an alternative interpretation is
that a slip indicates imperfect acquisition of skill, where a student’s skill knowledge
works on some problems but not on others [cf. 4]. Such lack of transfer within even
basic problem solving would be consistent with shallow learning.
Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning Is Shallow 451

5 Discussion and Conclusions

Within this paper, we have presented models that can distinguish with reasonable
accuracy whether a student has acquired shallow learning, operationally defined as
performing better on a test of the material learned in the tutor, than on a test of the
ability to transfer that skill to related problems. These models are developed in the
context of a Cognitive Tutor for Genetics, and cross-validated at the student level;
exploring this model’s generality to other learning domains and types of educational
software is an important area of future work.
The better of these models can distinguish a shallow learner from a non-shallow
learner 76% of the time, performing 39% better than chance. These models are based
on three features of the student’s interactions with the learning software, including
two found in both models: the speed of student actions, and the speed of student
responses after receiving bug messages. A third feature, probable slips during
performance, is only found in the multiplicative-interactions model. As with the
previous model of transfer [cf. 8], how students respond to evidence that they do not
understand the skill (bug messages) appears to be particularly important for modeling
shallow learning. This result is in line with theory that suggests a key role for meta-
cognition in robust learning [20]; it also suggests that student responses to bug
messages – not currently a key aspect of theoretical models of meta-cognition in
intelligent tutoring systems [cf. 2] – deserves a more prominent place in future
theoretical models.
Shallowness detectors have considerable potential usefulness for intelligent
remediation. Students who have learned the exact skills taught in the tutor but who
have not achieved robust learning are a group especially in need of remediation.
Traditional student modeling methods are likely to fail to provide them any
remediation, as they have learned the skills being taught by the tutor and can
demonstrate that skill. A detector of shallow learning can identify these students and
offer them remediation specific to their needs, helping a student to build on his or her
procedural knowledge to achieve the conceptual understanding necessary for future
use of their knowledge. Thus, we view this detector as a second step – building on
the first step of transfer and PFL detectors – towards educational software that can
predict and respond automatically to differences in the robustness of student learning,
an important complement to ongoing research on designing educational software that
promotes robust learning [cf. 11, 13, 23, 24, 26].

Acknowledgements. The authors thank award #DRL-0910188 from the National

Science Foundation, “Empirical Research: Emerging Research: Robust and Efficient
Learning: Modeling and Remediating Students’ Domain Knowledge”.

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Item to Skills Mapping: Deriving a Conjunctive
Q-matrix from Data

Michel C. Desmarais, Behzad Beheshti, and Rhouma Naceur

Polytechnique Montréal

Abstract. Uncovering which skills are determining the success to ques-

tions and exercises is a fundamental task in ITS. This task is notoriously
difficult because most exercise and question items involve multiple skills,
and because skills modeling may involve subtle concepts and abilities.
Means to derive this mapping from test results data are highly desir-
able. They would provide objective and reproductible evidence of item
to skills mapping that can either help validate predefine skills models,
or give guidance to define such models. However, the progress towards
this end has been relatively elusive, in particular for a conjunctive skills
model, where all required skills of an item must be mastered to obtain
a success. We extend a technique based on Non-negative Matrix Fac-
torization, that was previously shown successful for single skill items, to
construct a conjunctive item to skills mapping from test data with mul-
tiple skills per item. Using simulated student test data, the technique
is shown to yield reliable mapping for items involving one or two skills
from a set of six skills.

Keywords: Student model, Skills modeling, Psychometrics, Q-matrix,

matrix factorization, SVD, NMF.

1 Introduction

When an ITS personalizes the learning content presented to a student, it has

to rely on some classification of this content with regards to skills, and on the
student’s skills assessment. Therefore, the question items and exercises involved
in the assessment must be aligned with these skills. The mapping of items to
skills plays a pivotal role in most if not all ITS.
A standard means to model this mapping is the Q-matrix [10,9]. It defines
which skills are necessary to correctly answer an item. Take the Q-matrix in
figure 1 (matrix Q on the left) composed of 3 skills and 4 items. We find that
item i1 requires two skills, s2 and s3 , whereas item i2 requires a single skill, s3 ,
and so on.
Assuming now that a set of three examinees have mastered skills according
to matrix S of figure 1 (middle), and that all skills of an item are necessary to
correctly answer this item, then we would expect a result that corresponds to
matrix R in figure 1 (right). This framework corresponds to a conjunctive Q-
matrix: a line in Figure 1’s Q-matrix indicates a conjunction of necessary skills

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 454–463, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Item to Skills Mapping 455

skills examinee
s1 s2 s3 e1 e2 e3
e1 e2 e3
i1 0 1 1 i1 0 0 1
Q= S= s1 1 0 0 R=

i2 0 0 1 i2 0 1 1

s2 0 0 1
i3 1 0 0 i3 1 0 0
s3 0 1 1
i4 1 0 1 i4 0 0 0

Fig. 1. Q-matrix and skills matrix examples

to succeed the corresponding item. The goal is to bring this framework to a

linear system, allowing the application of standard linear algebra techniques.
Barnes [1] gives the following equation for inferring the expected examinee
results as the product of the Q-matrix and the skills matrix (adapted from [1]
for the transpose of R):
R = ¬(Q(¬S)) (1)
where the operator ¬ is the boolean negation, which is defined as a function that
maps a value of 0 to 1 and any other value to 0. This equation will yield values
of 0 in R whenever an examinee is missing one or more skills for a given item,
and yield 1 whenever all necessary skills are mastered by an examinee.
Applying the operator ¬ on both side of equation (1) and normalizing matrix
Q to ensure the row sums are 1 yields:

¬R = Q(¬S) (2)

Equation (2) is a standard linear equation where the matrices R and S are
negated. The task of inferring the Q-matrix from ¬R can therefore be seen as
a matrix factorization: the matrix ¬R is the product of the two matrices, Q
and ¬S.

2 Comparison with a One Skill Per Item Condition

The matrix factorization approach to inferring the Q-matrix from data has been
explored by a few researchers [3,11], but for Q-matrices that involved only a
single skill per item. They investigated the Non-negative Matrix Factorization
(NMF) [8] technique and showed that it works very well for simulated data, but
the technique’s performance with real data was degraded. For highly separa-
ble skills like mathematics and French, its performance is quite good, assigning
correctly the items belonging to each topic. But the technique is very weak at
classifying items according to skills such as History and Biology, as measured by
Trivia type of questions. These results suggest that expertise necessary to suc-
ceed Biology and History questions is not well separated into these two general
topics. Presumably, we would find a stronger skill seperation if we studied very
specific skills, like the pieces of knowledge behind each question. This is in fact
what tutors such as the Cognitive family of tutors and the ASSISTment sys-
tem do, they rely on fine grain skills mapped to items [7,5]. For these low-level
456 M.C. Desmarais, B. Beheshti, and R. Naceur

skills, the conjunctive model, which requires that each skill is mastered for every
item that require them, is in general the model used by widely known learning
environments such as the Cognitive Tutors family.
The matrix factorization approach of the studies in [3,11] was based on the
additive (compensatory) model of skills, where each skill increases the chances
of success to an item. This corresponds to the following equation where the
negation operator ¬ is omitted:

R = QS (3)
For the one skill per item condition, equations (1) and (3) are equivalent, but
they give very different results for two or more skills per item. Following the skill
structure example in figure 1, item i4 would be failed by all examinees according
to equation (1) whereas it would be (partly) succeeded according to equation (1),
with values above 0 for all examinees on this item.
An obvious followup over the studies by [1,3,11] is to apply the NMF technique
to equation (2), and to determine if NMF can successfully derive a conjunctive Q-
matrix, where skills do not add up to increase the chances of success to an item,
but instead are necessary conditions. This is the goal of the current investigation.

3 Non-negative Matrix Factorization

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) decomposes a matrix into two smaller
matrices. It is used for dimensionality reduction, akin to Principal Component
Analysis and Factor analysis. NMF decomposes a matrix of n × m positive
numbers, V, as the product of two matrices:

V ≈ WH (4)
Clearly, the matrix W corresponds to the Q-matrices of equations (2) and (3).
Whereas most other matrix factorization techniques impose constraints of
orthogonality among factors, NMF imposes the constraint that the two matrices,
W and H, be non-negative. This constraint makes the interpretation much more
intuitive in the context of using this technique for building a Q-matrix. It implies
that the skills (latent factors) are additive “causes” that contribute to the success
of items, and that they can only increase the probability of success and not
decrease it, which makes good sense for skill factors.
It is important to emphasize that there are many solutions to V = WH. Dif-
ferent algorithms may lead to different solutions. Indeed, many NMF algorithms
have been developed in the last decade and they can yield different solutions. We
refer the reader to [2] for a more thorough and recent review of this technique
which has gained strong adoption in many different fields.
The non-negative constraint and the additive property of the skills bring a
specific interpretation of the Q-matrix. For example, if an item requires skills
a and b with the same weight each, then each skill will contribute equally to
the success of the item. This corresponds to the notion of a compensatory or
additive model of skills as we mentioned earlier. The negation of matrix R in
Item to Skills Mapping 457

equation (2) brings a new interpretation of the Q-matrix where the conjunction
of skills are considered necessary conditions to answer the corresponding item.
This requires that the matrix S be also negated, and it corresponds to H in
equation (4). However, in applying the negation operator, ¬, all values greater
than 1 are replaced by 1, and that can be considered as a loss of information.

4 Simulated Data
To validate the approach, we rely on simulated data. Although it lacks the external
validity of real data, it remains the most reliable means of obtaining test results
data for which the underlying, latent skills structure is perfectly known. Any ex-
periment with real data is faced with the issues that the expert-defined Q-matrix
may not contain all determinant skills, may not have a perfect mapping, and that
all skills may not combine conjunctively and with equal weight, making the inter-
pretation of the results a complex and error prone task. Therefore, assessing the
technique over simulated data is a necessary first step to establish the validity the
approach under controlled conditions. Further studies with real data will be nec-
essary, assuming the results of the existing study warrants such work.
The underlying model and methodology of the simulated data are explained in
a previous paper [4] and we briefly review some details this methodology below.
A first step to obtain data of simulated examinee test results is to define a
Q-matrix composed of j skills and k items. We chose to define a Q-matrix that
spans all possible combinations of 6 skills with a maximum of two skills per
item, and at least one skill per item. A total of 21 items spans this space of
combinations. This matrix is shown in Figure 2(a). Items 1 to 15 are two-skills
and items 16 to 21 are single-skill.
We do not assume that skills all have the same difficulty level, and therefore
we assign various difficulty level to each skill. The difficulty is reflected by the
probability of mastery. That difficulty will transfer to items that have this skill.
The difficulty of the two-skills items will further increase by the fact that they
require the conjunction of their skills. An item difficulty is therefore inherited
by the difficulty of its underlying skills.
In addition to skills difficulty, examinees need to be assigned ability levels.
The ability is reflected by the probability of mastering some skill. Therefore,
the probability of mastery of a given skill by a given examinee is a function of
examinee ability and skill difficulty levels.
Finally, two more parameters are used in the simulated data, namely the slip
and guess factors. These factors are set as constant values across items. They
are essentially noise factors and the greater they are, the more difficult is the
task of inducing the Q-matrix from data.
Given the above framework, the process of generating simulated examinee
data follows the following steps:
1. Assign a difficulty level to each skill.
2. Generate a random set of hypothetical examinee skills vectors based on the
difficulty of each skill and the examinee’s ability level. Skill difficulty and
458 M.C. Desmarais, B. Beheshti, and R. Naceur

1 2 3 4 5 6



5 10 15 20
20 40 60 80 100
(a) Q-matrix of 6 skills and for which (b) Simulated data example of 100 exami-
21 items are spanning the full set of 1 and nees with parameters: slip: 0.1, guess: 0.2,
2 skill combinations. Items 16 to 21 require skills difficulties: (0.17, 0.30, 0.43, 0.57,
a single skill and all others require 2-skills. 0.70, 0.83).

Fig. 2. Q-matrix and an example of simulated data with this matrix. Light pixels
represent 1’s and dark (red) ones represent 0’s.

examinee ability are each expressed as a random normal variable. The prob-
ability density function of their sum provides the probability of mastery of
the skill for the corresponding examinee. The skill vector is a sampling in
{0, 1} based on each skill probability of mastery.
3. Generate simulated data based on equation (2) without taking into account
the slip and guess parameters. This is referred to as the ideal response pat-
4. Randomly change the values of the generated data based on the slip and
guess parameters. For example, with values of 0.1 and 0.2 respectively, this
will result in 10% of the succeeded items in the ideal response pattern to
become failed, and 20% of the failed items to become succeeded.

The first two steps of this process are based on additive gaussian fac-
tors and follow a similar methodology to [3]. For brevity we do not
report the full details but refer the reader to the R code available
at www.professeurs.polymtl.ca/michel.desmarais/Papers/ITS2012/
A sample of the results matrix is given in figure 2(b). Examinee ability shows
up as vertical patterns, whereas skills difficulty creates horizontal patterns. As
expected, the mean success rate of the 2-skills items 1 to 15 is lower (0.51) than
the single skill items 16 to 21 (0.64).

5 Simulation Methodology
The assessment of the NMF performance to infer a Q-matrix from simulated test
data such as figure 2(b)’s is conducted by comparing the predefined Q-matrix, Q,
Item to Skills Mapping 459

as shown in figure 2(a), with the W matrix obtained in the NMF of equation (4).
As mentioned above, the negation operator is applied over the simulated test
data and the NMF algorithm is carried over this data. We used the R NMF
package [6] and the Brunet NMF algorithm.
We defined a specific method for the quantitative comparison of the matrix W
with Q. First, the W matrix contains numerical values on a continuous scale. To
simplify the comparison with matrix Q, which is composed of {0, 1} values, we
discretize the numerical values of W by applying a clustering algorithm to each
item in W, forcing two clusters, one for 0’s and one for 1’s. For example, item 1
in the NMF inferred matrix of figure 4(a) (which we explain later) corresponds
to a vector of six numerical values, say {1.6, 1.7, 0.0015, 0.0022, 0.0022, 0.0018}.
This vector clearly cluster into the {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} vector of item 1 in figure 4(b).
The K-means algorithm is used for the clustering process of each item and we
use the kmeans routine provided in R (version 2.13.1).
Then, to determine which skill vector (column) of the W matrix corresponds
to the skill vector of the Q matrix, a correlation matrix is computed and the
highest correlation of each column vector W is in turn matched with the corre-
sponding unmatched column in Q.
We will use visual representations of the raw and the “discretized” (clustered)
W matrix to provide an intuitive view of the results, as well as a quantitative
measures of the fit corresponding to the average of the correlations between the
matched skills vectors W and Q.

6 Results

In order for the mean and variance of the simulated data to reflect realistic val-
ues of test data, the skill difficulty and examinee ability parameters are adjusted
such that the average success rate is close to 60%. Examinee ability is combined
with the skill difficulty vectors to create a probability matrix of the same di-
mensions as S, from which S is obtained. Figure 3(a) displays a histogram of
the 21 items success rate of the ideal response patterns for a sample of 2000
examinees, which is generated according to equation (1). Figure 3(b) shows the
item success rates after the data is transformed by the application of slip and
guess transformations. This transformation will generally decrease the spread of
the distribution.
Figure 4(a) shows a heat map of the matrix W inferred from an ideal response
pattern of 200 simulated examinees. Skill difficulties were set at (0.17, 0.30, 0.43,
0.57, 0.70, 0.83) and examinee mean ability and standard deviation respectively
at 0 and 0.5. The discetized version of figure 4(a)’s matrix is shown in figure 4(b)
and it is identical to the underlying matrix Q in figure 2(a).
Figure 4(c) and 4(d) shows the effect of adding slip and guess parameters
of 0.2 for each. The mapping to the underlying matrix Q degrades as expected,
but remains relatively accurate.
Table 1 reports the results of the quantitative comparison between the Q
matrix and the W matrix inferred as a function of different slip and guess
460 M.C. Desmarais, B. Beheshti, and R. Naceur

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Item success rate Item success rate

(a) Histogram of the item success rates for (b) Histogram of the item success rates af-
the ideal response pattern ter the slip and guess factors

Fig. 3. Histogram of item success rates

parameters. These results are based on 10-fold simulations. The mean of the
Pearson correlation coeffficient (r) between Q and W is reported for the dis-
cretized version of W obtained with the clustering algorithm described in sec-
tion 5. In addition, the error rate as computed by this formula is also provided:

ij |wij − qij |
Err =  (5)
2 · ij |qij |

Where wij and qij are respectively the (i, j) cells of the matrices W and Q. The
error rate will be 0 for a perfectly matched Q and 1 when no cells match. A
value of 0.5 indicates that half of the non-zero cells are correctly matched. For
the matrix Q, the error rate of a random assignment of the 36 skills is 69%.
The 0 slip and 0 guess condition (first line) correspond to figures 4(a) and 4(b),
whereas the corresponding 0.2–0.2 condition (line 3) correspond to figures 4(c)
and 4(d).
Up to the 0.2–0.2 slip-guess condition, the skill mapping stays relatively close
to perfect. On average, approximately only 2 or 3 skills requirements are wrongly
assigned out of the 36 skills requirements (7%) at the 0.2–0.2 condition. However,

Table 1. Quantitative comparison between original Q matrix and NMF inferred ma-
trices W. Results are based on means and standard deviation over 10 simulation runs.

Slip Guess r sd(r) Err sd(Err)

0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.20 0.10 0.97 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.20 0.20 0.90 0.06 0.07 0.04
0.20 0.30 0.63 0.08 0.26 0.06
0.20 0.40 0.49 0.07 0.36 0.06
Item to Skills Mapping 461







5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Item Item
(a) Matrix W without slip and guess fac- (b) Discretized W without slip and guess
tors (r = 1). factors (r = 1).







5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Item Item
(c) Matrix W with slip and guess factors (d) Discretized W for slip and guess of 0.2
of 0.2 (r = 0.91). (r = 0.93). Four out of 36 skill requirements
are incorrectly mapped in this example.

Fig. 4. Visual representations of the original Q matrix and NMF inferred matrices W.
The correlation reported (r) is computed by a comparison with the theoretical (real)
matrix as explained in the text.

the error rate increases substantially at the 0.3–0.2 slip-guess condition, and at
the 0.2–0.4 condition, the quality of the match degrades considerably, with an
average of 13/36 wrong assignements (36%).

7 Conclusion

The proposed approach to infer a conjunctive Q-matrix from simulated data

with NMF is successful but, as we can expect, it degrades with the amount
of slips and guesses. If the conjunctive Q-matrix contains one or two items per
462 M.C. Desmarais, B. Beheshti, and R. Naceur

skill and the noise in the data remains below slip and guess factors of 0.2, the
approach successfully derives the Q-matrix with very few mismatches of items
to skills. However, once the data has slip and guess factors of 0.2 and 0.3, then
the performance starts to degrade rapidly.
Of course, with a slip factor of 0.2 and a guess factor 0.3, about 25% of
the values in the results become inconsistent with the Q-matrix. A substantial
degradation is therefore not surprising. But in this experiment with simulated
data, we have a number of advantages that are lost with real data: the number
of skills is known in advance, no item has more than two conjunctive skills,
skills are independent, and surely other factors will arise to make real data more
complex. Therefore, we can expect that even if real data does not have a 50% rate
of inconsistent results with the examinees’ skills mastery profile, other factors
might make the induction of the Q-matrix subject to errors of this scale.
Further studies with real and simulated data are clearly needed. For exam-
ple, we would like to know what is the mapping accuracy degradation when an
incorrect number of skills are modelled. And, naturally, a study with real data
is necessary to establish if the approach is reliable in practice.


1. Barnes, T.: The Q-matrix method: Mining student response data for knowledge.
In: AAAI 2005 Workshop on Educational Data Mining, technical report WS–05–02
2. Berry, M.W., Browne, M., Langville, A.N., Paul Pauca, V., Plemmons, R.J.: Algo-
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to analyze different grain-sized skill models in an intelligent tutoring system. IEEE
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7. Koedinger, K.R., Anderson, J.R., Hadley, W.H., Mark, M.A.: Intelligent tutoring
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8. Lee, D.D., Sebastian Seung, H.: Learning the parts of objects by non-negative
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9. Tatsuoka, K.K.: Rule space: An approach for dealing with misconceptions based
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Item to Skills Mapping 463

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The Role of Sub-problems: Supporting Problem Solving
in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments

Lucy R. Shores, Kristin F. Hoffmann, John L. Nietfeld, and James C. Lester

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC


Abstract. Narrative-centered learning environments provide an excellent

platform for both content-knowledge and problem-solving skill acquisition, as
these experiences require students to apply learned material while solving real-
world problems. Solving complex problems in an open-ended environment can
be a challenging endeavor for elementary students given limitations in their
cognitive skills. A promising potential solution is providing students with
explicit quests, or proximal goals of a larger, more complex problem-solving
activity. Quests have the potential to scaffold the process by breaking down the
problem into cognitively manageable units, providing useful, frequent feedback,
and maintaining motivation and the novelty of the experience. The aim of this
research was to investigate the role of quests as a means for supporting
situational interest and content-knowledge acquisition during interactions with a
narrative-centered learning environment. Of the 299 5th grade students who
interacted with CRYSTAL ISLAND, a narrative-centered learning environment for
science, it was found that students who completed more quests exhibited
significant increases in content learning and had higher levels of situational
interest. These preliminary findings suggest potential educational and
motivational advantages for integrating quest-like sub-problems into the design
of narrative-centered learning environments.

Keywords: Narrative-Centered Learning Environments, Game-Based Learning,

Problem Solving, Situational Interest.

1 Introduction
Leveraging affordances of technology for improving students’ problem-solving skills
is a long-term objective of the intelligent tutoring systems community. Kim and
Hannafin [1] define problem solving as “situated, deliberate, learner-directed,
activity-oriented efforts to seek divergent solutions to authentic problems through
multiple interactions amongst problem solver, tools, and other resources.” Students
should be challenged with more open-ended problem-solving scenarios requiring
domain knowledge, creativity, and high-level thinking skills [2], as it “affords them
with opportunities to notice patterns, discover underlying causalities, and learn in
ways that are seemingly more robust” [3]. Unfortunately, as students lacking
sufficient problem-solving skills interact in such environments, they often suffer from
cognitive overload [1,4] resulting in unfavorable learning outcomes [5,6].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 464–469, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
The Role of Sub-problems: Supporting Problem Solving 465

However, narrative-centered learning environments—immersive spaces that

engage users by juxtaposing domain knowledge and practical skill acquisition with
narrative and game elements—may mitigate this overload by providing adequate
scaffolding or constraints [1,3,7,8]. Kim and Hannafin [1] suggest helping students
reduce problems into reasonable units in order to maintain focus and interest. This
approach has been used in several technology-enhanced, inquiry-based learning
environments for science [1,9,10]. Narrative-centered learning environments allow for
such scaffolding by casting sub-tasks of the overarching problem as sub-plot events,
benefiting students four-fold. First, flexible problem solving is promoted by charging
students with unique problem-solving scenarios each requiring different content
knowledge and actions, yet emphasizing the generality of the basic problem-solving
model [11]. Second, creating smaller, more defined activities reduces the amount of
relevant information to be synthesized by the student thereby freeing up working
memory resources [4]. Third, since multiple quests can be completed during one
session, students are provided with frequent, informational feedback to regularly
prompt reflection on efficiency and strategy use, an important component of skill
development [11]. Finally, by breaking the problem down into manageable units,
students are able to efficiently complete tasks, a triumph associated with maintaining
situational interest [12,13], which has been shown to influence cognitive performance
[14] and facilitate deeper learning [15]. Thus, the primary aim of this study was to
examine the relationship between providing students with manageable sub-problems
and student game performance and situational interest.

2 Current Investigation
Fifth-grade students from 4 large public elementary schools in Raleigh, North
Carolina interacted with CRYSTAL ISLAND, a narrative-centered learning environment
for fifth-grade science education (Figure 1). The curriculum underlying the CRYSTAL
ISLAND mystery narrative is derived from the state of North Carolina’s standard
course of study for landforms and map skills and is also intended to support learning
strategies such as problem solving, critical thinking, and metacognitive skill
development in an applied setting.
Students played the role of a student-selected protagonist who is one of several
ship-wrecked passengers stranded on a cluster of volcanic, fictional islands trying to
establish a village community. This overall goal is decomposed into three distinct
sub-problems, or quests as they are referred to within the game environment, each
with two levels, totaling seven distinct tasks—the overall problem plus six quests.
The three quests are self-contained adventures that challenge students to use their
domain expertise in order to complete game-like activities, and each focuses on
landform identification, map navigation, and modeling, respectively, and are leveled
based on difficulty. For example, level two of the modeling quest challenges the
student to create a virtual model of the village by correctly arranging the island’s huts
on a 2-D space. The students are free to complete the quests in any order they please;
however, students must successfully complete the first level of all quests before
engaging in any of the second level quests. To aid their problem solving, students can
seek counsel from map and landform experts who happen to be among the
466 L.R. Shores et al.

ship-wrecked crew as well as the player’s iPad-like device equipped with note-taking
tools, a camera, a log to monitor quest completion and progress, a glossary of key
landform and map skill terminology, and a problem-solving app that details the steps
to the problem-solving method. To succeed, students must complete all seven quests.

Fig. 1. The CRYSTAL ISLAND narrative-centered learning environment

After cleaning the data for incomplete and outliers, a total of 293 (134 male, 159
female) cases were used for the investigation. Approximately 6% of the participants
were American Indian or Alaska Native, 4% were Asian, 22% were African
American, 12% were Hispanic or Latino, 54% were European American, and 7%
identified themselves as other. Content knowledge was measured with a researcher-
constructed, 19-item multiple-choice test that was based on the North Carolina
Standard Course of Study curriculum and was designed to measure domain-related
material integrated within the learning environment. Specifically, the test utilized
fact-level and application-level questions targeting problem-solving skills, map skills,
and landform knowledge. Situational interest was measured using the Perceived
Interest Questionnaire (PIQ), a 10-item measure on a 5-point Likert scale, which has
been shown to be internally reliable [16]. Students were also asked a series of open-
ended, reflection questions to identify and better understand their favorite aspects of
the game. In particular, one question, “What did you like best about playing CRYSTAL
ISLAND,” was independently and reliably coded by two researchers (r = .98) and used
for analysis. The experiment took place during three 60-minute sessions held on three
consecutive days. Two weeks prior to data collection, students completed the content
knowledge pre-test, and the post-test items were completed immediately following
gameplay during the final session.

3 Results

In order to determine if content knowledge was affected as a result of interacting with

the learning environment, a repeated measures analysis of variance was conducted
comparing the pre- and post-content tests. Results showed a significant within-
subjects effect (F(1, 292) = 25.79, p < .001, η2=.08), indicating a significant mean
The Role of Sub-problems: Supporting Problem Solving 467

diff-erence in content test scores between pre-test and post-test. Furthermore,

significant correlations were found between content pre-test scores and total quests
completed (r = .40, p < .001), content post-test scores and total quests completed (r =
.44, p < .001), and situational interest and total quests completed (r = .18, p < .001).
To further investigate the relationship between quest completion and content
knowledge acquisition, a hierarchical linear regression was conducted. Pre-content
test scores (first block) and number of quests completed (second block) were used to
predict post-content test scores. Both models were found to be significant
(respectively, F(1, 292) = 440.35, p < .001; F(2, 291) = 237.72, p < .001; Table 3). The total
number of quests completed was found to be a significant predictor in conjunction
with pre-test scores with the entire model accounting for 61% of the variance.
Interestingly, in order to determine whether the trend was simply due to high content
knowledge students completing more quests, students were divided using a tertiary
split on their pre-content-test scores, and the students in the lower third were isolated
for analysis (N = 83). Both models in a similar hierarchical linear regression
considering only those students also were found to be significant (respectively, F(1, 82)
= 33.63, p < .001; F(2, 83) = 21.465, p < .001). Again, both prior knowledge (t = 4.84, p
< .001) and total quests completed (t = 2.63, p = .01) were found to be significant
predictors accounting for 35% of the variance within this population.

Table 1. Hierarchical linear regression predicting post content test scores

Model 1 Model 2
Predictor B SE β B SE β
Pre Content Test .79** .04 .77** .73** .04 .70**
Total Quests Completed .42** .11 .16**
Notes: ** - p < .01

Finally, analyses were performed to determine the effect of quest completion on

student situational interest levels. Again, a hierarchical linear regression was
conducted to predict situational interest with pre content test entered into the first
block, and post content test and total quests completed entered into the second block.
Only the second model was found to be significant (F(3, 290) = 3.62, p < .05; Table 4)
and was responsible for 4% of the variance. The results found only total quests
completed to be a significant predictor of situational interest.

Table 2. Hierarchical linear regression predicting situational interest

Model 1 Model 2
Predictor B SE β B SE β
Pre Content Test .02 .01 .08 .01 .02 .06
Post Content Test -.02 .02 -.07
Total Quests Completed .12** .04 .19**
Notes: ** - p < .01
468 L.R. Shores et al.

Furthermore, students’ responses to the reflection questions were coded for

mentions of the quests, which divided students into two groups, those who mentioned
the quests as their favorite part (N = 132) and those who mentioned other aspects of
the game (e.g., choosing a player; N = 167). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) found
students who mentioned quests as their favorite part of the CRYSTAL ISLAND
experience reported significantly higher ratings of situational interest than those who
did not (F(1, 298) = 12.38, p < .001). Students stating that they enjoyed completing the
quests made comments such as, “The quests were the best...They kept you active and
seeing what’s behind the corner...” and “My favorite part was the quests you had to
do because they teach you, but they are very fun!” Positive reflections from the
students further endorse the motivational advantages for implementing quests.

4 Conclusions

The findings of the study suggest that quests could be effectively utilized to scaffold
problem solving in narrative-centered learning environments. Completing more quests
during gameplay significantly predicted performance on the content post-test and
indicated higher levels of situational interest. Interestingly, quest completion is a
better predictor of situational interest than content knowledge. The current analysis
has several implications. First, the use of quests appears to aid student learning and
problem solving by decomposing problems into smaller, more manageable units.
Secondly, quest completions enhance students’ situational interest as completing
more quests is highly predictive of situational interest and further evidenced by
responses to open-ended reflections from the students following their interaction with
the environment. Consequently, the data from this study supports this hypothesis, and
suggests quests could be a beneficial design tool for scaffolding problem solving.
The limitations of the study should be noted. Most importantly, re-conducting the
current analysis with a control condition is imperative for confirming our current
findings and implications. Until this study occurs, we cannot make valid claims about
the benefits of integrating quest-like activities in similar environments. In addition, it
will be important to more closely analyze each quest and subsequently revise each in
order to realize the quest’s greatest potential as a learning device for the particular
concept in on which it is focused. Nonetheless, the results suggest lines of future
investigation. As quests in narrative-centered learning environments are focused on
one particular aspect of the curriculum, they could potentially form the foundation for
an adaptive system targeting learners at the individual level. Quests could be unlocked
and presented to students in real-time as the system automatically senses a student’s
lack of understanding of a certain topic. Moreover, as more advanced students might
not need scaffolding, quests could be used as a tool only for less accomplished
problem solvers by promoting appropriate challenge at the individual level.
Moreover, since students could be challenged to repeat quests as to beat their
preceding score, investigating the role of quests for promoting mastery learning is
another venue for future research.
The Role of Sub-problems: Supporting Problem Solving 469

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank members of the IntelliMedia Group

for their assistance. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation
under Grant DRL-0822200 and the Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science

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Exploring Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Strategies
in Game-Based Learning Environments

Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford W. Mott, and James C. Lester

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA


Abstract. Guided inquiry-based learning has been proposed as a promising ap-

proach to science education. Students are encouraged to gather information, use
this information to iteratively formulate and test hypotheses, draw conclusions,
and report their findings. However, students may not automatically follow this
prescribed sequence of steps in open-ended learning environments. This paper
examines the role of inquiry behaviors in an open-ended, game-based learning
environment for middle grade microbiology. Results indicate that students’
quantity of information-gathering behaviors has a greater impact on content
learning gains than adherence to a particular sequence of problem-solving steps.
We also observe that information gathering prior to hypothesis generation is
correlated with improved initial hypotheses and problem-solving efficiency.

Keywords: Problem solving, Inquiry-based learning, Game-based learning.

1 Introduction

Inquiry-based learning has been a focus of recent attention in both traditional class-
rooms [1,2] and intelligent tutoring systems [3,4,5], particularly in science education.
There is evidence that inquiry-based learning may only be effective under particular
conditions. Students typically need to have some background knowledge in order to
learn new material in an inquiry-based setting [1, 2], and they may also require expli-
cit guidance during inquiry-based learning in order to avoid floundering [1,2,5]. There
is further evidence that providing guidance about appropriate inquiry behaviors can
improve students’ future inquiry skills [5].
A variety of approaches to inquiry-based learning have been explored in the intel-
ligent tutoring systems community. For example, Woolf et al. have developed the
inquiry environment Rashi, which supports inquiry skills in a variety of different do-
mains including biology and geology [4]. Students use an inquiry notebook and hypo-
thesis editor to record their observations, reason about findings and support or reject
hypotheses. In the Invention Lab, students are encouraged to “invent” equations that
explain the relationships between variables [3]. River City and Crystal Island both
embed inquiry-based learning within interactive science mysteries in which students
are encouraged to gather information about patient symptoms and diagnose a spread-
ing disease in open-ended virtual environments [5,7].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 470–475, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Exploring Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Strategies 471

A promising platform for promoting inquiry-based learning is digital game envi-

ronments. Game-based learning environments have been used for a range of domains,
including negotiation skills [8], foreign languages [9], and policy argumentation [6].
Devising effective methods for guiding inquiry-based learning in game environments
requires an understanding of students’ inquiry strategies in digital games. This paper
examines students’ inquiry behaviors within a game-based learning environment, as
well as inquiry behaviors’ relationships with problem solving and learning.

2 CRYSTAL ISLAND Learning Environment

Our work on problem-solving behaviors is situated in CRYSTAL ISLAND, a game-

based learning environment for middle grade microbiology [7]. The premise of
CRYSTAL ISLAND is that a mysterious illness is afflicting a research team stationed on
a remote island. The student plays the role of a visitor who is drawn into a mission to
save the research team from the outbreak. The student explores the research camp
from a first-person viewpoint and manipulates virtual objects, converses with charac-
ters, and uses lab equipment and other resources to solve the mystery. The student is
expected to gather information regarding patient symptoms and relevant diseases,
form hypotheses based on her findings, use virtual lab equipment and a diagnosis
worksheet to record their findings, and share her conclusion with the camp’s nurse.
A range of in-game information gathering behaviors are available to students: they
can converse with virtual characters about microbiology concepts; they can discuss
symptoms and possible transmission sources with sick patients; and they can read
virtual posters and books to narrow down which illnesses match the patients’ symp-
toms. As students work towards solving the mystery, they have two primary mechan-
isms to specify and test their hypotheses. The first mechanism is a virtual laboratory
instrument that enables students to test food objects to determine if they are contami-
nated with pathogens, mutagens or carcinogens. The second method is a diagnosis
worksheet that serves as a graphic organizer for recording findings and hypothesized
diagnoses. A camp nurse will review the diagnosis worksheet to determine its cor-
rectness and provide feedback. This paper examines two primary problem-solving
tasks that are critical for solving the mystery: achieving a positive test with the labora-
tory instrument, and submitting a correct diagnosis worksheet to the camp nurse. In
particular, this work investigates how different problem-solving strategies for these
tasks relate to content learning gains and in-game problem solving performance.

3 Procedure

A study was conducted with 450 eighth grade students from two North Carolina mid-
dle schools. All of the students interacted with the CRYSTAL ISLAND environment.
After removing instances of incomplete data, the final corpus included data from 400
students. Of these, there were 194 male and 206 female participants. The average age
of the students was 13.5 years (SD = 0.62). At the time of the study, the students had
not yet completed the microbiology curriculum in their classes.
472 J. Sabourin et al.

Participants interacted with CRYSTAL ISLAND in their school classroom, although

the study was not part of their regular classroom activities. During the week prior to
using CRYSTAL ISLAND, students completed several personality questionnaires and a
researcher-generated curriculum test consisting of 19 questions created by an interdis-
ciplinary team of researchers assessing microbiology concepts covered in CRYSTAL
ISLAND. During the study, participants were given approximately 55 minutes to work
on solving the mystery. Immediately after solving the mystery, or after 55 minutes of
interaction, students moved to a different room in order to complete several post-
study questionnaires including the curriculum post-test.
In order to understand how students approach problem solving in the game, we
consider four key milestones in CRYSTAL ISLAND’s problem-solving process: first
laboratory test, positive laboratory test, first diagnosis worksheet check, and correct
diagnosis worksheet check. We are interested in identifying what in-game behaviors
typically precede problem-solving milestone achieved by students, and what beha-
viors occur after completing milestones. Two hypotheses guide this investigation. It is
hypothesized that students who spend more time gathering data and reviewing re-
sources prior to their first laboratory test or diagnosis worksheet check will be more
effective at solving the mystery (Hyp. 1) and have higher learning gains (Hyp. 2) than
students who attempt the problem solving milestones without having gathered much
background information. Data gathering behaviors in the context of CRYSTAL ISLAND
include talking with characters, viewing posters, reading books, and taking notes.

4 Results
Of the 400 students in the corpus, 320 students were able to perform a positive lab test
and 124 students were able to arrive at a correct diagnosis. In our investigation of
laboratory test milestones and diagnosis worksheet milestones, we limit our analyses
to these respective subsets of students.

4.1 Hypothesis 1 – More Effective Problem Solving

Pearson correlations were calculated to investigate the relationships between different
information gathering behaviors and initial problem solving milestones. Metrics of
effective problem solving include total number of attempts (i.e., tests conducted with
the laboratory instrument or submissions of the diagnosis worksheet) and total time to
achieve a successful result (i.e., time taken to perform a lab test that results positive or
submit a complete and correct diagnosis worksheet).
Laboratory Tests. Prior to their first laboratory test, students read an average of 1.5
books in the game, looked at 3.9 posters, took 2.7 notes and talked to 3.7 unique vir-
tual characters. On average, 7.3 minutes elapsed between students conducting their
first lab test and conducting a positive test. During this time they ran an average of 5.2
total tests. A series of Pearson correlations revealed that students who talked to more
unique characters took less time to achieve a successful test, r(318) = -0.27, p < .001
and ran fewer total tests, r(318) = -0.14, p = .012. Similarly, students who viewed
more posters took less time to achieve a successful test, r(318) = -0.18, p = 0.002 and
ran fewer tests, r(318) = -0.11, p = 0.05. The number of books read and notes taken
were not observed to be significantly correlated with the problem solving metrics.
Exploring Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Strategies 473

Table 1. Correlations of data-collection behaviors prior to first diagnosis check. * and **

indicate statistical significance at p < .05 and .01, respectively.

Total Problem-Solving Total Number of Correctness of First

Time Attempts Submission
Books -0.35** -0.29** 0.44**
Posters -0.41** -0.43** 0.47**
Notes -0.22* -0.19* 0.25*
Characters -0.36** -0.12 0.28*

Diagnosis Worksheet. Prior to their first diagnosis worksheet check, students read an
average of 3.2 books, looked at 7.3 posters, took 3.1 notes and talked to 5.2 unique
characters. Students took an average of 10.4 minutes to submit a correct diagnosis
after their first attempt, and made an average of 3.5 attempts. Correlations revealed
that prior information gathering was associated with more effective problem solving
behaviors. Table 1 shows medium-strong correlations between many of the informa-
tion gathering behaviors, problem-solving time, and number of worksheet checks.
Overall, Hypothesis 1 was supported. Increased data-collection behavior prior to
problem-solving attempts was correlated with more effective problem solving. Stu-
dents spent less time and made fewer total attempts than those who did not engage in
information gathering behaviors prior to problem solving.

4.2 Hypothesis 2 – Better Learning Gains

Correlations were calculated between students’ information gathering behaviors prior
to their first laboratory test and first diagnosis check and normalized learning gains.
However, there was no correlation between any of these metrics. The absence of an
observed relationship prompted further investigation. When examining the relation-
ships between student learning gains and total information gathering behaviors over
the entire session, several significant correlations were observed. Conversations with
characters, r(398) = .26, p < .001, looking at posters, r(398) = .18, p < 0.001, and
reading books r(398) = .18, p < .001 were all positively correlated with normalized
learning gains. This suggested that the total number of investigative actions was more
associated with students’ learning outcomes than when the behaviors were performed.
In order to further investigate this trend, we grouped students into early and late
investigators based on the proportion of their information gathering behaviors that
occurred prior to their first test or diagnosis check. T-tests between these groups
yielded interesting findings. First, it appears that while early investigators are
completing more information-gathering prior to problem solving, they are not
completing more information gathering across the interaction (Figure 1). Specifically,
prior to the first test or first diagnosis check, early investigators have completed sig-
nificantly (p < 0.001) more information gathering behaviors than late investigators.
However, at the time of a successful test late investigators have actually completed
significantly more information gathering behaviors than their peers, t(318) = 3.23, p =
0.001. Alternatively, there is no difference in total investigative behaviors between
early and late investigators at the time of a successful diagnosis check.
474 J. Sabourin et al.

Fig. 1. Change in total investigative behaviors for early and late investigators

Together these findings suggest that no support was observed for Hypothesis 2. In-
creased information gathering behaviors prior to problem solving does not lead to
better learning gains. Instead, total investigative behaviors, and not their timing, is
what is important for microbiology content learning. There is evidence that early and
late investigators still engage in the same amount of total data-collection behaviors,
which accounts for the lack of difference in learning gains between these two groups.

5 Discussion

These findings suggest that students who do not automatically employ effective prob-
lem-solving strategies in open-ended game-based learning environments, and prob-
lem-solving strategy-use can experience distinct impacts on in-game problem solving
and content learning gains. A possible explanation for this study’s findings is as fol-
lows: the curriculum test primarily assessed microbiology concepts, as opposed to
science problem-solving strategies. Students who gathered background information
throughout the session benefitted from increased exposure to microbiology content,
and these benefits were revealed by the curriculum test. However, gathering informa-
tion prior to formulating and testing hypotheses was evidence of problem-solving
skill. This strategic knowledge was primarily assessed by in-game performance, and
not the curriculum test. This explains why effective problem-solving strategy use did
not necessarily yield improved performance on a curriculum post-test, but it was as-
sociated with improved in-game problem solving outcomes.
The results point toward several promising directions for future work. First, the ob-
servation that both early and late investigators perform a comparable number of total
information-gathering behaviors raises questions about whether the late investigators
learned how to improve their inquiry skills. In fact, there is evidence from other learn-
ing systems that repeated exposure to game-based inquiry environments may improve
students’ inquiry skills [5, 8]. Another important area for future work will be closely
examining those students who were unable to complete CRYSTAL ISLAND’s problem-
solving milestones, and identifying which features separate them from students who
Exploring Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Strategies 475

were more successful. It will particularly important to determine what patterns of

inquiry behaviors these students exhibit in order to devise intelligent scaffolding tech-
niques to guide their problem solving.

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank members of the IntelliMedia Group

for their assistance, Omer Sturlovich and Pavel Turzo for use of their 3D model libra-
ries, and Valve Software for access to the SourceTM engine and SDK. This research
was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants REC-0632450,
DRL-0822200, and IIS-0812291. This material is based upon work supported under a
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Any opinions, findings,
and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the au-
thors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Additional support was provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wil-
liam and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and EDUCAUSE.

1. Kirschner, P.A., Sweller, J., Clark, R.E.: Why Minimal Guidance during instruction does
not work: An analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Expe-
riential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching. Ed. Psychologist 41, 75–86 (2006)
2. Alfieri, L., Brooks, P., Aldrich, N., Tenenbaum, H.: Does Discovery-Based Instruction
Enhance Learning. Journal of Education Psychology 103(1), 1–18 (2011)
3. Roll, I., Aleven, V., Koedinger, K.R.: The Invention Lab: Using a Hybrid of Model Trac-
ing and Constraint-Based Modeling to Offer Intelligent Support in Inquiry Environments.
In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 115–124. Sprin-
ger, Heidelberg (2010)
4. Woolf, B.P., et al.: Critical Thinking Environments for Science Education. In: Proceedings
of the 12th Intl. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 515–522 (2005)
5. Ketelhut, D.J.: The impact of student self-efficacy on scientific inquiry skills: An explora-
tory investigation in ‘River City’, a multi-user virtual environment. Journal of Science
Education and Technology 16(1), 99–111 (2007)
6. Easterday, M.W., Aleven, V., Scheines, R., Carver, S.M.: Using Tutors to Improve Educa-
tional Games. In: Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS,
vol. 6738, pp. 63–71. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
7. Rowe, J.P., Shores, L.R., Mott, B.W., Lester, J.C.: Integrating Learning, Problem Solving,
and Engagement in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence in Education (2011)
8. Kim, J., Hill, R.W., Durlach, P., Lane, C., Forbell, E., Core, M., Marsella, S., Pyanadath,
D., Hart, J.: BiLAT: A game-based environment for practicing negotiation in a cultural
context. Intl. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 19(3), 289–308 (2009)
9. Johnson, W.L.: Serious Use of a Serious Game for Language Learning. International Jour-
nal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 20(2), 175–195 (2010)
Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning
for Story-Based Learning

Seung Y. Lee, Bradford W. Mott, and James C. Lester

Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC 27695, USA

Abstract. Interactive story-based learning environments offer significant

potential for crafting narrative tutorial guidance to create pedagogically
effective learning experiences that are tailored to individual students. This paper
reports on an empirical evaluation of machine-learned models of narrative-
centered tutorial planning for story-based learning environments. We
investigate differences in learning gains and in-game performance during
student interactions in a rich virtual storyworld. One hundred and eighty-three
middle school students participated in the study, which had three conditions:
Minimal Guidance, Intermediate Guidance, and Full Guidance. Results reveal
statistically significant differences in learning and in-game problem-solving
effectiveness between students who received minimal guidance and students
who received full guidance. Students in the full guidance condition tended to
demonstrate higher learning outcomes and problem-solving efficiency. The
findings suggest that machine-learned models of narrative-centered tutorial
planning can improve learning outcomes and in-game efficiency.

Keywords: Narrative-centered learning environments, Game-based learning

environments, Dynamic Bayesian Networks.

1 Introduction

Recent years have witnessed significant growth in research on interactive story-based

learning environments that create engaging and pedagogically effective learning
experiences [1,2]. These environments promote students’ active participation in
engaging story-based problem-solving activities. A number of researchers have
explored story-based learning environments for education and training. For example,
story-based learning environments can support science education [3], social behavior
education [4], and training [5].
Story-based learning environments actively observe students interacting within the
storyworld to determine the most appropriate time to intervene with the next tutorial
action to perform in service of guiding students’ learning experiences. Through this
process, story-based learning environments create effective narrative-centered tutorial
planning by managing the story structure and scaffolding student interaction.
Given the potential that story-based learning environments have shown, we have
developed two empirically driven models of tutorial planning: tutorial intervention

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 476–481, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning for Story-Based Learning 477

planning [6] and tutorial action planning [7]. The tutorial intervention model
determines when the next tutorial action should occur. The tutorial action model
determines which narrative-centered tutorial action to perform. Both models were
developed using empirically driven methods. By utilizing a corpus of human
interactions within a story-based learning environment, dynamic Bayesian networks
(DBN) were learned to model the two types of narrative-centered tutorial planning.
This paper reports on an empirical evaluation of the machine-learned models of
narrative-centered tutorial planning for real-time interaction with a story-based
learning environment. We investigate differences in learning gains and in-game
performance during student interactions. Analyses reveal that the proposed approach
offer significant potential for creating efficient learning processes and effective
learning outcomes.

2 CRYSTAL ISLAND Story-Based Learning Environment

CRYSTAL ISLAND is a virtual learning environment developed for the domain of

microbiology for eighth grade science education featuring a science mystery [3]. To
devise accurate computational models of narrative-centered tutorial planning, a
Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ) data collection was conducted with a customized version of
CRYSTAL ISLAND. Wizards provide the tutorial and narrative planning functionalities
while interacting with students in the environment. Throughout the corpus collection,
detailed trace data was collected for all wizard decision-making and all navigation
and manipulation activities within the virtual environment. The resulting corpus of
trace data was utilized to learn the narrative-centered tutorial planning models.

2.1 Integrated Real-Time Model

To explore the real-time effectiveness of the machine-learned models of narrative-

centered tutorial planning, the intervention model and the action model were
integrated into the CRYSTAL ISLAND story-based learning environment (Fig 1). The
environment is identical to the WOZ-enabled CRYSTAL ISLAND except non-player
character interactions are driven by the tutorial planning models. Students interact
with non-player characters to receive environmental information (e.g., How do you
operate the testing equipment? or Where is the library?), and microbiology concepts
(e.g., What is a waterborne disease?) using multimodal dialogue. Students select their
questions using a dialogue menu and characters respond with spoken language.
Actions generated by the narrative-centered tutorial planning models are primarily
initiated via the camp nurse. For example, when the model determines that it is an
appropriate time to intervene to help the student examine patient symptoms to solve
the mystery, the model directs the camp nurse to walk to the student. The camp nurse,
using spoken language, informs the student that she should examine patients to
determine their current symptoms. The camp nurse then guides the student to the
infirmary to examine the patients.
478 S.Y. Lee, B.W. Mott, and J.C. Lester

Fig. 1. CRYSTAL ISLAND story-based learning environment with integrated models

To solve the mystery, students complete a diagnosis worksheet to organize their

hypotheses and record findings about patient symptoms and testing results. Once
students have completed their diagnosis worksheets with the source and cause of the
illness, they can submit their solutions to the camp nurse for review.

3 Empirical Study
Three experimental conditions were crafted to evaluate the effectiveness of the real-
time narrative-centered tutorial planning: Minimal Guidance, Intermediate Guidance,
and Full Guidance. Outcomes of the conditions were compared to determine the
effectiveness of utilizing our machine-learned models.
Minimal Guidance. Students experience the storyworld controlled by a minimal
narrative-centered tutorial planning model. This is a base model that includes the
actions that must be achieved by the system (i.e., the user cannot achieve them
without the system taking action). The minimal guidance model in this condition is
not machine-learned; rather, it simply makes decisions once all pre-conditions are met
for an action to be taken.
Intermediate Guidance. Students experience the storyworld controlled by an
intermediate narrative-centered tutorial planning model. This is an ablated model
inspired by the notions of islands [8]. Islands are intermediate plan steps through
which all valid solution paths must pass. They have preconditions describing the
intermediate world state, and if the plan does not satisfy each island’s preconditions,
the plan will never achieve its goal. Islands must occur at some intermediate time for
achieving the overall goals. In our version of CRYSTAL ISLAND, the transitions
between narrative arc phases represent “islands” in our narrative. Each arc phase
consists of a number of potential tutorial action decisions; however, the phases are
bounded by specific tutorial action decisions that define when each phase starts and
ends. We employ these specific tutorial action decisions as our islands. The
intermediate guidance tutorial planning employs only eight tutorial action decisions.
Full Guidance. Students experience the storyworld controlled by the full narrative-
centered tutorial planning model. The model actively monitors students interacting
Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning for Story-Based Learning 479

within the storyworld to determine when it is appropriate to intervene with the next
tutorial decisions to guide students. The model has full control of the tutorial
intervention decisions (i.e., determining when to intervene) and tutorial action
decisions (i.e., determining what the intervention should be). The full guidance
tutorial planning model employs all 15 of the tutorial action decisions described in
previous work [7].

3.1 Study Method

A total of 183 students interacted with CRYSTAL ISLAND. Participants were all eighth-
grade students from a North Carolina public school ranging in age from 12 to 15
(M = 13.40, SD = 0.53). Twelve of the participants were eliminated due to hardware
and software issues. Another twenty-one participants were eliminated due to
incomplete data on either their pre-test or post-test. Among the remaining students, 68
were male and 82 were female.
Students were given 45 minutes to solve CRYSTAL ISLAND’s science mystery.
Immediately after solving the mystery, or 45 minutes of interaction, whichever came
first, students exited the CRYSTAL ISLAND learning environment and completed the
post-test. The post-test consisted of the same items as the pre-test, which was
completed several days prior to the intervention. The post-test was completed by the
students within 30 minutes. In total, the students’ sessions lasted no more than 90

4 Results
An investigation of overall learning found that students’ CRYSTAL ISLAND
interactions yielded positive learning outcomes. A matched pairs t-test between post-
test and pre-test scores indicates that the learning gains were significant, t(149) =
2.03, p < .05. Examining the learning outcome for each condition it was found that
students’ CRYSTAL ISLAND interactions in the Full Guidance condition yielded
significant learning gains, as measured by the difference of post-test and pre-test
scores. A matched pairs t-test revealed that students in the Full Guidance condition
showed statistically significant learning gains. Students in the Intermediate and
Minimal Guidance conditions did not show significant learning gains (Table 1).

Table 1. Learning gains and t-test statistics

Conditions Gain Avg. SD t p

Full 1.28 2.66 2.03 < 0.05
Intermediate 0.13 2.69 0.19 0.84
Minimal 0.89 3.12 1.23 0.22

In addition, there was a significant difference between the conditions in terms of

learning gains. Controlling for pre-test scores using ANCOVA, the learning gains for
the Full and Minimal Guidance conditions were significantly different, F(2, 99) =
38.64, p < .001 and the Full and Intermediate Guidance conditions were also
significantly different, F(2, 100) = 40.22, p < .001. Thus, students in the Full
480 S.Y. Lee, B.W. Mott, and J.C. Lester

Guidance condition achieved significantly higher learning gains than the students in
the other two conditions.
We also conducted in-game problem-solving performance analyses to more closely
investigate the effectiveness of the narrative-centered tutorial planning model. In
order to compare the behavior of students problem-solving performances among the
conditions, we investigated the students’ gameplay efficiency by analyzing whether
they solved CRYSTAL ISLAND’s science mystery and their game completion time.
Table 2 reports the game play performance for each condition.

Table 2. In-game problem-solving performances

Completion Time (s)

Conditions Solved Mystery
Mean SD
Full 92.73 % 1724 417.01
Intermediate 85.42 % 1761 445.66
Minimal 70.21 % 2229 461.55

To analyze the difference in the number of students who solved the mystery among
the conditions, a chi-square test was performed. The results showed that the
correlation is significant, (likelihood ratio, χ2 = 9.37, Pearson, χ2 = 9.47, p < .01),
indicating that the number of students who solved the mystery varied significantly
among the conditions. We also examined the differences in time it took students to
solve the mystery. An ANOVA test was performed to investigate the differences
among the conditions. The test revealed that differences were significant, F(2, 122) =
15.13, p < .001, which implied that the total time it took to solve the mystery varied
significantly among the different conditions. Tukey’s pairwise comparison tests
further indicated that the Full and Minimal Guidance conditions are significantly
different (p < .001), as well as the Intermediate and Minimal Guidance conditions (p
< .001). However, Tukey’s test did not reveal any significant differences between the
Full and Intermediate Guidance conditions.

5 Conclusion
Creating narrative-centered tutorial planning is critically important for achieving
pedagogically effective story-based learning experiences. We have presented an
empirical evaluation of machine-learned models of narrative-centered tutorial
planning and investigated differences in learning gains and in-game performance
during student interactions with a story-based learning environment. It was found that
students in a full guidance condition exhibited significant learning gains and problem-
solving performances. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the differences in learning
and in-game problem-solving performance among the conditions showed that there
were statistically significant differences between students who received full guidance
and students who received intermediate or minimal guidance. The findings suggest
that integrated machine-learned models of narrative-centered tutorial planning for
real-time interaction can improve learning outcomes and in-game efficiency.
Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning for Story-Based Learning 481

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank members of the IntelliMedia Group

for their assistance and Valve Corporation for access to the Source™ SDK. Special
thanks to Joe Grafsgaard, Kate Lester, and Megan Mott for assisting with the study.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant
DRL-0822200. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the National Science Foundation.

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An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring
Groups in a Multi-tabletop Learning Environment

Roberto Martinez Maldonado1, Judy Kay1, Kalina Yacef1, and Beat Schwendimann2
School of Information Technologies, 2 Faculty of Education and Social Work
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Abstract. One of the main challenges for teachers in facilitating and orchestrat-
ing collaborative activities within multiple groups is that they cannot see
information in real time and typically see only the final product of the groups’
activity. This is a problem as it means that teachers may find it hard to be aware
of the learners’ collaborative processes, partial solutions and the contribution of
each student. Emerging shared devices have the potential to provide new forms
of support for face-to-face collaboration and also open new opportunities for
capturing and analysing the collaborative process. This can enable teachers to
monitor students’ learning more effectively. This paper presents an interactive
dashboard that summarises student data captured from a multi-tabletop learning
environment and allows teachers to drill down to more specific information
when required. It consists of a set of visual real-time indicators of the groups’
activity and collaboration. This study evaluates how teachers used the
dashboard determine when to intervene in a group. The key contributions of the
paper are the implementation and evaluation of the dashboard, which shows a
form of learner model from a concept mapping tabletop application designed to
both support collaborative learning and capture traces of activity.

Keywords: interactive tabletop, ubiquitous learning environment, collaborative

learning, group modelling, data mining, teacher’s dashboard, concept mapping.

1 Introduction and Related Work

Working effectively in collaborative settings is increasingly important both for educa-

tion and work [3]. Given the importance of these skills, teachers ought to encourage
enhanced performance by providing effective feedback and implementing strategies
to help students to be more aware about their collaborative interactions. One of the
main challenges for teachers in orchestrating multiple groups working face-to-face is
that they need to determine the right moment to intervene and divide their time effec-
tively among the groups[4]. Often teachers only see the final product that does not
reveal the processes students followed [15]. This means teachers cannot act effec-
tively as facilitators for the learning of group skills. This is a problem because teach-
ers may find hard to evaluate the collaborative processes, such as the symmetry of
participation [3], high quality partial solutions or students’ individual contributions.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 482–492, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a Multi-tabletop 483

Fig. 1. Left: Class view of the teacher’s dashboard displayed in a handheld device while a
group of students build a concept map. Right: The multi-tabletop learning scenario.

Emerging pervasive shared devices, such as interactive multi-touch tabletops, have

the potential to support face-to-face collaboration by providing a shared space through
which students can have access to digital content while they build a joint solution.
Tabletops also open new opportunities for capturing learners’ digital footprints offer-
ing teachers and researchers the possibility to inspect the collaborative process and
recognise patterns of behaviour. However, teachers often do not use quantitative in-
formation about student performance to change their strategies, suggesting that teach-
ers need real time information carefully selected and effectively presented [16].
This paper presents a teacher-driven design, implementation, and evaluation of a
dashboard for guiding teachers’ attention by showing summaries of real time data
captured from a tabletop environment (Figure 1). Stephen Few [7] defines dashboards
as "a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more
objectives; consolidated on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a
glance". Our dashboard shows a set of visual indicators of collaborative activity gen-
erated by means of group models and a data mining technique exploiting tabletop data
including: amount and symmetry of learners’ physical and verbal activity, the pro-
gress of the group towards the goal, the interactions among learners, and domain
specific indicators. The main goal is to help teachers gain awareness by visualising
selected information that would otherwise remain invisible so they can determine
which groups need their attention right away and whether or not to intervene.
There has been significant research exploring data captured from educational table-
tops. Fleck et al. [8] analysed the conversations that occur among learners working at
interactive tabletops and highlighted that both verbal interactions and physical
touches ought to be considered to study collaboration. Martinez et al. [13] showed
how touch data captured from these devices make it possible to analyse collaborative
learning, by, for example, mining sequential patterns of interaction that are followed
by high achieving groups. VisTaco [17] is a tool that visualises the low-level logged
touches of users using distributed tabletops to help researchers to study group dynam-
ics. Verbal participation around non-interactive tabletops has been modelled to create
visualisations of patterns of conversation in group decision making [2]. There is also
484 R. Martinez Maldonado et al.

significant research on designing visual models that reveal associations between ob-
servable patterns and quality of group work. Erickson et al. [6] showed the benefits of
visually representing the chat conversation of a group for self-regulation. Donath [5]
displayed participation in the visualisation of online group activities using a Loom
visualisation. Kay et al. [9] created a set of visualisations to identify anomalies in
online team work by mirroring aspects such as participation, interaction and leader-
ship. The most similar research to ours was conducted by AlAgha et al. [1] who built
a tool through which teachers can interact with groups and monitor multi-tabletop
classrooms. Our work goes beyond previous work by introducing a novel approach to
model and visualise aspects of collaboration unobtrusively captured from an interac-
tive tabletop environment to support teacher guidance.

2 The Tabletop-Based Learning Environment: Concept


This study used an updated version of a collaborative concept mapping tabletop ap-
plication [11] (Figure 2). Concept mapping [14] is a technique through which learners
can represent their understanding about a topic in a graphical manner. A concept map
includes short words that represent objects, processes or ideas (called concepts, e.g.
protein, milk). Two concepts can be linked to create a statement (called proposition
e.g. milk contains protein).
Fifteen university students participated in the case study. They were assigned to
groups of three and knew each other. First, learners were asked to read the same text
about the learning domain (healthy nutrition) and build their individual concept maps
in private using a desktop tool (CMapTools [14]). Then, learners came to the tabletop
to integrate their perspectives into a collaborative concept map (see Figure 2, right).
The activity was semi-structured in four stages: i) individual concept mapping (exter-
nal to the tabletop); ii) collaborative brainstorming of the concepts for the joint map;
iii) adding propositions that learners had in common, and iv) the discussion phase,
where learners create the rest of the propositions, by negotiating different views.
They had 30 minutes for building individual maps and up to 30 minutes for the colla-
borative stage at the tabletop. All sessions were video recorded. At the tabletop,
learners could add concepts from individual lists of concepts from the individual
stage; create new links and concepts, edit propositions and have access to their
individual maps.
The tabletop hardware itself cannot distinguish between users. An overhead depth
sensor (www.xbox.com/kinect) was used to track the position of each user and auto-
matically identify who did each touch. Frequency of individual verbal contributions
was recorded through a microphone array (www.dev-audio.com) located above the
tabletop and which distinguishes who is speaking [10].
An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a Multi-tabletop 485

Fig. 2. The collaborative concept mapping tabletop application. Left: Two propositions. Center:
Three learners working together. Right: Integrating propositions from the individual map.

3 The Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard

It is challenging to define ways to present the information about group collaboration
in a manner that is readily understood and useful for educators. For this reason we
decided to include teachers experienced in classroom collaboration in early stages of
the dashboard design. Features that classroom experts believed should be in a truly
effective educational awareness tool included features for: identifying learners who
are not contributing to the group who are dominating and controlling the activity;
groups that work independently; or that do not understand the task. The dashboard
was designed to enable teachers to determine whether groups or individual learners
need attention, by showing the symmetry of activity, degree of interaction with oth-
ers’ contributions and overall progress of the task. Four teachers were involved in the
teacher-driven design process that consisted of an iterative series of interviews, proto-
types and empirical evaluations of both the visualisations and the structure of the
dashboard. The final result was a dashboard with 2 levels of detail: 1) the class level,
shows very summarised information about each of the groups so teachers can use it in
real time to see several groups at once during a classroom session (Figure 1,
right), and ii) the detailed group level, that permits in depth exploration of a specific
group’s activity.

3.1 The Class Level: Accumulated Summaries of Each Group Activity

The class level of the dashboard aims to give minimal information needed for a
teacher to gain an overview of the overall activity of each group. This layer displays
sets of three visualisations per group. We now explain the design of each of these.
Mixed radar of participation. Groups in which learners participate asymmetrically
are often associated to cases of free-riding or disengagement while collaborative
groups tend to allow the contribution of all members [3]. This radar models the cumu-
lated amount and symmetry of physical and verbal participation (Figure 3 - 1). The
triangles (red and blue) depict the number of touches and amount of speech by each
learner. Each coloured circle represents a student. The closer the corner of the triangle
is to the circle, the more that student was participating. If the triangle is equilateral it
means that learners participated equally.
Graph of interaction with others’ objects. Studies with students working at table-
tops have confirmed that interacting with what others’ have done may trigger further
486 R. Martinez Maldonado et al.

discussion that is beneficial for collaboration [8]. This graph models the cumulated
number of interactions by each learner with other students’ objects at the tabletop
(Figure 3-2). The size of the circles indicates the amount of physical activity (touches)
by each learner. The width of the lines that link these circles represents the number of
actions that the learners performed on the concepts or links created by other learners.
Indicator of detected collaboration. This visualisation shows the “level of collabo-
ration” detected by the system as a summary of group health. It is based on a mathe-
matical model developed by Martinez et al. [12] using the data mining prediction
Best-First tree algorithm. It classifies each block of half a minute of activity according
to a number of features that can be captured from collocated settings. They are: num-
ber of active participants in verbal discussions, amount of speech, number of touches
and symmetry of activity measured with an indicator of dispersion (Gini coefficient).
The system labels each 30 second episode as one of three possible values: Collabora-
tive, Non-collaborative, or Average. The visualisation shows the accumulation of
these labelled episodes. The arrow bends to the right if there are more “collaborative”
episodes or to the left if there are more “non collaborative” episodes (see Figure 3-3).

Fig. 3. Overview visualisations. Left: a balanced group (Group A). Right: a group in which one
member (red circles) was completely disengaged from the activity (Group D).

3.2 The Detailed Group Level: Detailed Timeline Summaries for a Specific
The group level visually depicts information over time for post-mortem analysis. This
level is accessed by touching the set of visualisations of a specific group in the class
level. It includes the next five visualisation types.

Links Links

Minutes Minutes

Fig. 4. Evolution of the group map. Left: A group with a dominant student (red) and a low
participant student (yellow) (Group C). Right: A group with a low participant (red) (Group D).
An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a Multi-tabletop 487

Evolution of the group map. This visualisation shows the contributions of group
members towards the group map, by displaying the number of propositions (links)
created and their authors, along the time line (Figure 4). The small coloured circles
indicate a “create link” event generated by the learner identified by that colour. In this
way a teacher can become aware of dominant participants, see patterns of alternating
contributions or whether all members contribute to the concept map evenly. The red
flags (C, L) indicate the stages that students explicitly started: The first stage is brain-
storming starting from minute 0 (not flagged). C= adding propositions learners have
in Common, L= Main Linking phase. This is the only visualisation of the dashboard
that is coupled with the concept mapping task.

Timeline of interaction with other learners’ objects. This visualisation depicts the
amount of interaction by each learner with others’ objects. Each coloured horizontal
line represents a learners’ timeline. Each vertical line represents an interaction of that
learner with other learners’ objects. Figure 5 (left) shows the interactions of a group in
which one learner (Alice, red coloured) dominated the physical interactions with her
peers (Bob and Carl, green and yellow). Figure 5 (right) shows a group where learners
hardly built upon other’s ideas, as there are very few interactions.

Radars of verbal and physical participation in the timeline. These visualisations

model the amount and symmetry of verbal (Row 1, Figure 6) and physical participa-
tion (Row 2, Figure 6) of each group member. Similarly to the cumulative radars
described in the previous section, if the corner of the triangle is closer to the centre
(black dot), that means the corresponding learner’s activity was low.

Fig. 5. Timeline of interaction with other learners’ objects. Left: A group with a dominant
learner (Group C). Right: group members that worked independently (Group B).

Contribution charts. These visualisations model the dimension of the concept map in the
tabletop in terms of propositions. They also show the distribution of the individual con-
tribution to the group concept map. The size of the charts indicates the number of links in
the concept map. In the dashboard, these visualisations cover 4-5 minutes of activity.
Therefore multiple visualisations are shown in the timeline (Row 3, Figure 6).
488 R. Martinez Maldonado et al.

Fig. 6. Radars of verbal participation (Row 1), radars of physical participation (Row 2) and
Contribution charts (Row 3) of a group with a dominant student-red coloured (Group C)

4 Evaluation

We aimed to evaluate two research questions: (Q1) Is the class level of the dashboard
useful for teachers to decide when to intervene or which groups need their attention?
(Q2) Which visualisations (in both levels) do teachers use to decide whether groups
need attention?
Eight teachers experienced in small-group classroom collaboration participated in
the evaluation sessions. None had been involved in the design of the dashboard. The
data recorded from four groups, each with three students, was used. Groups were
cross-distributed among teachers so that each teacher monitored three groups at the
same time and each group was monitored by six teachers. The system simulated the
real time generation of data for the teacher, as if he or she was monitoring three
groups during 30 minutes. This version of the dashboard presents up to three groups
at the same time. In parallel, each group video was manually analysed by an external
person to diagnose groups’ collaboration and have a baseline reference of group per-
formance. Based on these observations, groups can be described as follows: Group A
performed best in terms of collaboration. Students discussed their ideas, worked to-
gether to build the group concept map. They completed the task sooner than the other
groups and their final solution was simpler. By contrast, members of Group B worked
independently most of the time, building three different concept maps rather than
combining perspectives into a shared map. Group C was distinguished by the domi-
nance of a single student, who leaded the discussion, took most of the decisions and
ended up building most of the group map without considering others’ perspectives. In
Group D, only two learners collaborated to merge their ideas. The third learner did
not contribute to the group effort and had lower levels of participation – free-riding.
The evaluation recreated the classroom orchestration loop documented by
Dillenbourg et. al. [4]: teachers monitor the classroom, compare it to some desirable
state, and intervene to mentor students. This was adopted as follows: (1) First, teach-
An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a Multi-tabletop 489

ers were asked to think aloud as they were looking at the class level of the dashboard,
verbalising their perception of each visualisation. (2) Then, they were asked to state
whether each group was collaborating. (3) As appropriate, they would select the visu-
alisations that indicated that a group might have anomalies in terms of collaboration.
(4) As appropriate, they would choose one group (or none) that they would attend to,
indicating which visualisations helped them to take such decision. (5) As a response,
the system drills down from the class level to the selected detailed group level of the
dashboard. (6) Then, teachers were requested to think aloud, stating the visualisations
that helped them to confirm possible anomalies and whether they would talk with the
group members or provide corrective feedback. If the teacher decided to intervene
they had to wait at least 2 minutes in this layer without viewing other groups (simulat-
ing the time taken to talk with the group). Teachers followed this loop throughout the
30 minutes duration of the trials. Finally, they were asked to answer a short question-
naire to validate that they understood the visualisations. Data captured from the
teacher dashboard usage sessions were recorded and analysed.

5 Results and Discussion

(Q1) Is the class level of the dashboard useful for teachers to decide when to inter-
vene or which groups need their attention? This research question drove the study.
Our objective is to help teachers recognise potential issues within the groups so they
can be more aware about which group needs attention. Table 1 shows the two main
evaluation aspects: which group teachers would visit next and why (attention), and if
they would either intervene or let the group continue working (intervention). During
the experiment attention was indicated when teachers navigated from the class level
to the detailed group level of the dashboard. Interventions were indicated when, after
analysing the group level of the dashboard, teachers felt that the group still needed to
take corrective actions to improve collaboration.
Results indicated that teachers would focus most of their attention on groups B and
D (investing 44% and 40% of their time on average in them). They correctly identi-
fied independent work and the presence of a free-rider as their major issues. They
indicated interventions would had served to encourage students to work more collabo-
ratively and share their ideas with others (on average 4 interventions out of 7 mo-
ments of attention and 3 interventions out of 6 moments of attention respectively per
teacher). Group B claimed a similar degree of attention (13% of intervention out of
the 31% of attention per tutor). In fact, the difference in the attention across these
three groups was not significant (p>0.05). However, for all of the tutors, Group A was
clearly performing well and teachers would not have intervened (average of 2 visits
and 0.7 interventions per tutor). The attention provided to other groups compared with
Group A was statistically significant (p<.00027, two-tailed). Inter-tutor agreement
was calculated to examine how different the observations. Table 1, Column k
(Cohen's kappa) shows that the 6 tutors who monitored each group agreed on which
group needed intervention and when they needed it either at the beginning, in the
middle or by the end of the task- k > 0.4.
490 R. Martinez Maldonado et al.

Table 1. Teachers attention and interventions per group. Att= Average number of times each
tutor decided to monitor that group. Att%=Average proportion of moments dedicated to that
group. Int=Average number of interventions. Int%=Average proportion of interventions. k=
Inter tutor agreement (Cohen's kappa).

Attention Interventions Observations based

Group K
Att Att% Int Int% on the videos
A 2 (s=1) 15% (s=7) 1 (s=0.5) 4% (s=3.4) 0.7 Even group
B 7 (s=2) 44% (s=7) 4 (s=1.4) 21% (s=6) 0.4 Independent work
C 5 (s=1) 31% (s=6) 2 (s=0.6) 13% (s=3) 0.5 Dominant student
D 6 (s=3) 40% (s=13) 3 (s=1.7) 19% (s=8) 0.5 Free-rider

(Q2) Which visualisations (at both levels) do teachers use to decide whether
groups need attention? Based on the think aloud analysis of the class level visualisa-
tions, we found that teachers agreed on the usefulness of the mixed radar of participa-
tion and the chart of interactions with others’ objects graphs. These provided them
with enough information to identify possible problems within certain groups. Some
tutors indicated that the third graph, indicator of detected collaboration, was useful
only to confirm their observations using the first two charts. Table 2 shows that teach-
ers obtained more information from the two first visualisations (85 and 65 detected
issues) and started to use them from the beginning of the activity. They identified the
main anomalies of groups B, C and D describing the main problems with the groups:
independent work and a low participant for Group B, a dominant student in Group C
and a free-rider in Group D. They were not concerned about Group A (Table 1, 15%
for Attention). Four out of 6 tutors indicated that Group A progressed quickly and
finished the activity quickly, so in a real scenario they would have encouraged them
to explore more ideas to complete their work. Teachers indicated that the detailed
timeline level of the dashboard provided information about the progress of each
group. All agreed that this level would become an important tool for after-class analy-
sis but the class level of the dashboard provides enough information to identify possi-
ble anomalies during a classroom session. Table 2 shows that tutors tended to use all
the timeline visualisations in combination to detect issues (usage between 22 and 36).
However, it does not provide useful information during the first 10 minutes of the
activity while the class level provides rich information from beginning to end of the
activity (Table 2, column Min 10). Our analysis indicates that teachers could identify
the major groups anomalies based on the class level and confirm them after looking at
the detailed group level. Visualisations were understood by teachers (96% of correct
answers in post-study questionnaires) and helped them divide their attention effec-
tively according to groups’ needs. Quantitative data does not provide details of
group’s collaboration but it provided information for teachers to infer whether groups
were potentially engaged in non-collaborative activity.
An Interactive Teacher’s Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a Multi-tabletop 491

Table 2. Potential group anomalies identified by teachers using each visualisation

Min Min Min

Visualisation Total 10 20 30
Level 1 – Class
Mixed radar of participation (audio and touches) 85 36 23 26
Chart of interactions with others’ objects 65 18 29 18
Indicator of detected collaboration 26 8 6 12
Level 2 – Detailed group
Evolution of the group map 22 1 8 13
Timeline of interactions with other’s objects 35 3 18 14
Radars of verbal participation in the timeline 31 8 13 10
Radars of physical participation in the timeline 36 7 15 14
Contribution charts 26 7 7 12

6 Conclusions and Further Work

The goal of this research is to present real time data from interactive tabletops, com-
bined with data mining results, in an interactive dashboard that helps teachers monitor
group activities at a multi-tabletop learning environment. We present the design and
evaluation of the teacher dashboard that shows information at two levels: a class
summary and a detailed group timeline. Evaluation results indicate that the dashboard
allowed teachers to effectively detect which groups encountered problems in terms of
collaboration. The class level of the dashboard provided information from the begin-
ning of the activity and was used as a decision making tool to help teachers manage
their attention and interventions. The detailed group level shows chronological infor-
mation that was considered effective for assessing task progress after class. Our
evaluation is limited to pre-recorded data for the purpose of repeatability. Most of the
visualisations contained in the dashboard can be generalised to other domains. A
follow-up study can include a real study that analyses reactions from students to
teacher’s interventions. Future research will evaluate this tool in a real classroom and
explore ways to integrate the dashboard into teachers’ strategies and experience.

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Efficient Cross-Domain Learning
of Complex Skills

Nan Li, William W. Cohen, and Kenneth R. Koedinger

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15213 USA

Abstract. Building an intelligent agent that simulates human learn-

ing of math and science could potentially benefit both education, by
contributing to the understanding of human learning, and artificial in-
telligence, by advancing the goal of creating human-level intelligence.
However, constructing such a learning agent currently requires signifi-
cant manual encoding of prior domain knowledge; in addition to being a
poor model of human acquisition of prior knowledge, manual knowledge-
encoding is both time-consuming and error-prone. Recently, we proposed
an efficient algorithm that automatically acquires domain-specific prior
knowledge in the form of deep features. We integrate this deep feature
learner into a machine-learning agent, SimStudent. To evaluate the gen-
erality of the proposed approach and the effect of integration on prior
knowledge, we carried out a controlled simulation study in three domains,
fraction addition, equation solving, and stoichiometry, using problems
solved by human students. The results show that the integration reduces
SimStudent’s dependence over domain-specific prior knowledge, while
maintains SimStudent’s performance.

Keywords: deep feature learning, learner modeling, transfer learning.

1 Introduction

Education in the 21st century will be increasingly about helping students not just
to learn content but also to become better learners. In order to achieve this goal,
we need to better understand the process of human knowledge acquisition and
how students are different in their abilities to learn. Hence, a considerable amount
of research (e.g., [6,1,5,7]) has been carried out in building intelligent agents that
model human learning of math and science. Although such agents are able to
produce intelligent behavior requiring less knowledge engineering than before,
agent developers still need to encode a nontrivial amount of domain-specific prior
knowledge. Such manual encoding of prior knowledge can be time-consuming
and error-prone. Moreover, providing domain-specific prior knowledge to the
intelligent agents is less cognitively plausible, as students do not necessarily know
such prior knowledge before class. An intelligent system that models automatic

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 493–498, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
494 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger

knowledge acquisition without domain-specific prior knowledge could be helpful

both in reducing the effort in knowledge engineering intelligent systems and in
advancing the cognitive science of human learning.
Previous work in cognitive science [2] showed that one of the key factors that
differentiates experts and novices in a field is that experts view the world in terms
of deep functional features (e.g., coefficient and constant in algebra, molecular
ratio in stoichiometry), while novices only view it in terms of shallow percep-
tual features (e.g., integer in an expression). We [3] have recently developed a
learning algorithm that acquires deep features automatically with only domain-
independent knowledge (e.g., what is an integer) as input. We integrate this
deep feature learning algorithm into a machine-learning agent, SimStudent [5],
to let it have this major component of human expertise acquisition. To evaluate
how deep feature learner affects learning performance as well as prior knowledge
requirement, we carried out a controlled simulation study in three math and
science domains: fraction addition, equation solving, and stoichiometry.

2 A Brief Review of SimStudent

SimStudent is a machine-learning agent that inductively learns skills to solve
problems from demonstrated solutions and from problem solving experience. In
the rest of this section, we will briefly review SimStudent. For full details, please
refer to [4]. In this paper, we will use stoichiometry as an illustrative example.
Stoichiometry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the relative quantities
of reactants and products in chemical reactions. In the stoichiometry domain,
SimStudent is asked to solve problems such as “How many moles of atomic
oxygen (O) are in 250 grams of P4 O10 ? (Hint: the molecular weight of P4 O10 is
283.88 g P4 O10 / mol P4 O10 .)”.
During the learning process, given the current state of the problem (e.g., 1
mol COH4 has ? mol H), SimStudent first tries to propose a plan for the next
step (e.g., (bind ?element (get-substance “? mol H”)) (bind ?output (molecular-
ratio “1 mol COH4 ” ?element))) based on the skill knowledge it has acquired.
If it finds a plan and receives positive feedback, it continues to the next step. If
the proposed next step is incorrect, the tutor sends negative feedback to Sim-
Student and demonstrates a correct next step. Then, SimStudent attempts to
learn or modify its skill knowledge accordingly. If it has not learned enough skill
knowledge and fails to find a plan, a correct next step is directly demonstrated
to SimStudent.
Based on the demonstration, SimStudent learns a set of production rules as
its skill knowledge. The left side of Figure 1 shows an example of a production
rule learned by SimStudent in a readable format1 . A production rule indicates
“where” to look for information in the interface, “how” to change the problem
state, and “when” to apply a rule. For example, the rule to “calculate how many
moles of H are in 1 mole of COH4 ” shown at the left side of Figure 1 would
be read as “given the current value (1 mol COH4 ) and the question (? mol H),
The actual production rule uses a LISP format.
Efficient Cross-Domain Learning 495

•  Original: •  Extended:
•  Skill molar-ratio (e.g. 1 mol COH4 has ? mol H) •  Skill molar-ratio (e.g. 1 mol COH4 has ? mol H)
•  Perceptual information: •  Perceptual information:
•  Current value (1 mol COH4) ••  Current value (4, 1 mol COH4)
•  Question (? mol H) ••  Question (mol H, ? mol H)
•  Precondition: ••  Precondition:
•  The substance in question (H) is an element ••  The substance in question (H) is an element
in the substance of current value (COH4) in the substance of current value (COH4)
•  Operator sequence: ••  Operator sequence:
•  Get the substance (H) in question (? mol H) ••  Get the substance (H) in question (? mol H)
•  Get the molecular ratio of H (4 mol H) in •  Get the molecular ratio of H (4 mol H) in
current value (1 mol COH4) current value (1 mol COH4)
•  Concatenate 4 with mol H to get the answer
(4 mol H)

Fig. 1. Original and extended production rules for divide in a readable format

when the substance in question (H) is an element in the substance (COH4 ), then
get the substance in question (H), and compute the molecular ratio of H (4 mol
H) in COH4 ”.

3 A Brief Description of Integrating Deep Feature

Learning into SimStudent
To learn the “how” part in the production rules, SimStudent requires a set of
operator functions given as prior knowledge. For instance, (molecular-ratio ?val1
?val2) is an operator function. It generates the number of moles of an individual
substance that each mole of input substance has, based on molecular ratio of
input substance. There are two groups of operator functions: domain-specific
operator functions (e.g., (molecular-ratio ?val1 ?val2)) and domain-general op-
erator functions (e.g., (copy-string ?val)). Domain-specific operator functions are
more complicated skills, which human students may not know in advance.
Many of the domain-specific operator functions are extraction operators that
extract deep features from the input. In order to reduce SimStudent’s dependence
on such domain-specific operator functions, we use a deep feature learner [3] to
acquire the deep features automatically, and then extend the “where” (percep-
tual information) part to include these deep features as needed. As presented at
the right side of Figure 1, in addition to the original current value 1 mol COH4
and the question ? mol H, SimStudent automatically adds the molecular ratio of
H (4) into the perceptual information part. Then, the “how” (operator sequence)
part does not need the three domain-specific operators any more. Instead, Sim-
Student can directly concatenate the molecular ratio (4) with the rest part in
question (mol H).
Here are a few more examples to demonstrate how the extended “where” part
enables the removal of domain-specific operator functions, while maintaining effi-
cient skill knowledge acquisition. Figure 2 shows the parse trees of example input
strings acquired by the deep feature learner. The deep features are associated
with nonterminal symbols in the parse trees.
In fraction addition, one of the important operator functions in this do-
main is getting the denominator of the addend (i.e., (get-denominator ?val)).
496 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger







(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2. Example parse trees learned by the deep feature learner in three domains, a)
fraction addition, b) equation solving, c) stoichiometry

Figure 2(a) shows an example parse tree for 3/5. The extended SimStudent can
directly get the denominator 5 from the non-terminal symbol Number in rule
M0 → 1.0, DivSign, Number. Then, the operator function (get-denominator
?val) is replaced by a more general operator function (copy-string ?val). An-
other important domain-specific operator function in equation solving is getting
the coefficient of some expression (i.e., (get-coefficient ?val)). With the deep
feature learner, the coefficient of an expression can be extracted by directly tak-
ing the signed number (i.e., SignedNumber) in rule Expression → 1.0, Signed-
Number, Variable. Again, the domain-specific operator function (get-coefficient
?val) is replaced by the domain-general operator function (copy-string ?val). As
mentioned before, (molecular-ratio ?val0 ?val1) is a domain-specific operator
function used in stoichiometry. Instead of programming this operator function,
after integrated with deep feature learning, the output can now be generated by
taking the “Number” in grammar rule E0 → 0.5 Element, Number, and then
concatenating with the unit mol and the individual substance “Element”. Thus,
the original operator function (molecular-ratio ?val0 ?val1) is replaced by the
domain-general operator function concatenation (i.e., (concat ?val2 ?val3)).

4 Experimental Study
To further quantitatively evaluate the amount of required prior knowledge en-
coding and the learning effectiveness of SimStudent, we carried out a controlled
simulation study in the above three domains: fraction addition, equation solving,
and stoichiometry.
Methods: We compare three versions of SimStudent: two original SimStudents
without deep feature learning, and one extended SimStudent with deep feature
learning. One of the original SimStudents is given both domain-general and
domain-specific operator functions (O+Strong Ops). The other is given only
domain-general operator functions (O+Weak Ops). The extended SimStudent is
also only given domain-general operator functions (E+Weak Ops).
Efficient Cross-Domain Learning 497

Table 1. Number of training problems and testing problems presented to SimStudent

Domain Name # of Training Problems # of Testing Problems

Fraction Addition 40 6
Equation Solving 24 11
Stoichiometry 16 3

In each domain, the three SimStudents are trained on 12 problem sequences

over the same set of problems in different orders. Both training and testing
problems are gathered from classroom studies on human students. SimStudent
is tutored by automatic tutors that are similar to those used by human students.
The number of training and testing problems is listed in Table 1.
We evaluate the performance of SimStudent with two measurements. We use
the number of domain-specific and domain-general operator functions used in
three domains to measure the amount of prior knowledge engineering needed. In
addition, we count the number of lines of Java code developed for each opera-
tor functions, and use this as a secondary measurement to assess the amount of
knowledge engineering. To assess learning effectiveness, we define a step score for
each step in the testing problem. Among all next steps proposed by SimStudent,
we count the number of next steps that are correct, and compute the step score
as the number of correct next steps proposed divided by the total number of cor-
rect steps plus the number of incorrect next steps proposed. This measurement
evaluates the quality of production rules in terms of both precision and recall.
Experimental Results: Not surprisingly, only the original SimStudent given
the strong set of operator functions (O+Strong Ops) uses domain-specific op-
erator functions. Across three domains, it requires at least as many operator
functions as the extended SimStudent without domain-specific operator func-
tions (E+Weak Ops). Moreover, since domain-specific operator functions are
not reusable across domains, the original SimStudent with domain-specific oper-
ator functions (O+Strong Ops) requires nearly twice as many operator functions
(31 vs. 17) as that of the extended SimStudent (E+Weak Ops) needed. The total
number of lines of code required for the operator functions used by the extended
SimStudent (E+Weak Ops) is 645, whereas the total number of lines of code
programmed for the original SimStudent (O+Strong Ops) is 6789, which is more
than ten times the size of the code needed by the extended SimStudent.
Learning curves of the three SimStudents are presented in Figure 3. Across
three domains, without domain-specific prior knowledge, the original SimStudent
(O+Weak Ops) is not able to achieve a step score more than 0.3. Given domain-
specific operator functions, the original SimStudent (O+Strong Ops) is able to
perform reasonably well. It obtains a step score around 0.85 in equation solving.
However, its performance is still not as good as the extended SimStudent. Given
all training problems, the extended SimStudent (E+Weak Ops) performs slightly
better than the original SimStudent with domain-specific prior knowledge in
equation solving. It (E+Weak Ops) achieves significantly (p < 0.0001) better step
scores than the original SimStudent given domain-specific operator functions
498 N. Li, W.W. Cohen, and K.R. Koedinger

Learning Curve Learning Curve Learning Curve

1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6

Step score

Step score
Step score
0.5 0.5 0.5 E+Weak Ops
O+Strong Ops
0.4 0.4 0.4 O+Weak Ops

0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.2

E+Weak Ops
E+Weak Ops
0.1 O+Strong Ops 0.1 O+Strong Ops 0.1
O+Weak Ops O+Weak Ops
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15
Number of training problems
Number of training problems Number of training problems

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. Learning curves of three SimStudents in three domains, a) fraction addition,

b) equation solving, c) stoichiometry

(O+Strong Ops) in two other domains. Hence, we conclude that the extended
SimStudent acquires skill knowledge, which is as or more effective than the
original SimStudent, while requiring less prior knowledge engineering.

5 Concluding Remarks
To summarize, we presented a novel approach that integrates a deep feature
leaner into a simulated student, SimStudent, and demonstrated with examples
how the integrated deep feature learner reduces prior knowledge engineering ef-
fort across three domains. We then carried out a controlled simulation study
to quantitatively measure the amount of prior knowledge engineering and the
learning efficiency, and showed that the extended SimStudent achieved better
or comparable performance than the original SimStudent, without requiring en-
coding of domain-specific prior knowledge.

1. Anzai, Y., Simon, H.A.: The theory of learning by doing. Psychological Review 86(2),
124–140 (1979)
2. Chi, M.T.H., Feltovich, P.J., Glaser, R.: Categorization and representation of physics
problems by experts and novices. Cognitive Science 5(2), 121–152 (1981)
3. Li, N., Cohen, W.W., Koedinger, K.R.: A Computational Model of Accelerated
Future Learning through Feature Recognition. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J.
(eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6095, pp. 368–370. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
4. Li, N., Cohen, W.W., Koedinger, K.R.: Integrating representation learning and skill
learning in a human-like intelligent agent. Tech. Rep. CMU-MLD-12-1001, Carnegie
Mellon University (January 2012)
5. Matsuda, N., Lee, A., Cohen, W.W., Koedinger, K.R.: A computational model of
how learner errors arise from weak prior knowledge. In: Proceedings of Conference
of the Cognitive Science Society (2009)
6. Neves, C.M., Anderson, J.R.: Knowledge compilation: Mechanisms for the automa-
tization of cognitive skills, pp. 57–84 (1981)
7. VanLehn, K.: Mind Bugs: The Origins of Procedural Misconceptions. MIT Press,
Cambridge (1990)
Exploring Two Strategies for Teaching Procedures

Antonija Mitrovic, Moffat Mathews, and Jay Holland

Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand


Abstract. Due to high cost and complexity of Intelligent Tutoring Systems

(ITS), current systems typically implement a single teaching strategy, and com-
parative evaluations of alternative strategies are rare. We explore two compet-
ing strategies for teaching database normalization. Each data normalization
problem consists of a number of tasks, some of which are optional. The first
strategy enforces the procedural nature of the data normalization by providing
an interface that requires the student to complete the current task (i.e. a part of
the problem) before attempting the next one. The alternative strategy provides
more freedom to the student, allowing him/her to select the task to work on. We
performed an evaluation study which showed that the former, more restrictive
strategy results in better problem-solving skills.

Keywords: teaching strategies, procedural tasks, evaluation.

1 Introduction

Ideally, ITSs should support multiple teaching strategies and adapt them for each
student. Current ITSs typically implement a single teaching strategy, due to high de-
velopment costs. Different teaching strategies might require a lot of development
work; for example, the system’s interface might need to be changed to support a dif-
ferent style of interaction. There are also difficulties in the evaluation of ITSs. For
those reasons, evaluating competing teaching strategies for the same domain is rare.
Many factors influence ITS design, such as the limited capacity of working mem-
ory [1], the cognitive load [2] and the nature of the task. Instructional tasks can be
arranged on a spectrum from strictly procedural (sequential), in which the student
needs to learn a well-defined algorithm, to non-procedural, in which students are free
to start from any part of the problem or apply actions in any order [3]. The solution
search space for sequential tasks is much smaller than that of non-sequential tasks [4],
as the student only has to concentrate on the solution space for a part of the task rather
than the whole task. An example non-procedural task is software design: the student
does not have to start at a particular point and there is no sequence they must follow;
the solution search space is much higher as they keep track of what they have done,
the consequences of what they have done, and what is left to do.
So, how should one teach procedures to novices? In this paper, we explore whether
there is a difference between forcing students to adhere to the sequence of actions or
leaving them to answer problems steps in any order they wish. Our hypothesis is that

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 499–504, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
500 A. Mitrovic, M. Mathews, and J. Holland

students taught via the non-sequential method would be less efficient and solve fewer
tasks, while students in the sequential method group would tackle more problems, and
also more complex ones, have a higher rate of success, and be more efficient.
We discuss data normalization in the following section. Section 3 then presents
two versions of NORMIT, implementing the sequential and a less-restrictive strategy.
We present the study and its results in Section 4, and end with conclusions.

2 Data Normalization
Data normalization is the technique of refining an existing relational database schema
in order to ensure that all relations are of high quality [5]. Normalization is usually
taught via a series of lectures that introduce the relevant concepts followed by paper-
based exercises. Students find data normalization very difficult [6, 7], as it is very
theoretical and requires a good understanding of the relational data model, various
types of keys (primary, candidate, foreign keys and superkeys), Functional Depen-
dencies (FD), normal forms and normalization algorithms.
Data normalization is a procedural technique: the student goes through a number of
tasks to analyze the quality of a database. Each problem consists of a relation schema
and a set of FDs (which does not have to be complete). For example, the student
might be given a relation R(A, B, C, D, E) (typically the semantics of the attributes id
not given) and the set of FDs: {A → B, AB → C, D → AC, D → E}.
The normalization procedure as implemented in NORMIT consists of eleven tasks
described below. Please note that we refer to elements of the procedure as tasks rather
than steps, as each of them contains a number of actions the student has to perform,
including in some cases relatively complex algorithms. Therefore we refer to them as
tasks to make it clear that the tasks are relatively complex compared to what is gener-
ally assumed by a step in the ITS research. The first eight tasks are necessary to de-
termine the highest normal form the relation is in. If the relation is not in Boyce-Codd
Normal Form (BCNF), the student needs to apply the relational synthesis algorithm to
derive an improved database schema via tasks 9-11.
1. Identify the candidate keys for the given table. There may be one or more keys in
a table; e.g. the only key in the above problem is D.
2. Find the closure of a given set of attributes. In the above example, to make sure
that D is the key of relation R, we could determine that its closure consists of all
attributes of relation R.
3. Identify prime attributes. Prime attributes are those attributes that belong to any
candidate keys. In the above problem, D is the only prime attribute.
4. Simplify FDs by applying the decomposition rule, if necessary. In this task, a FD
with more than one attribute on the right-hand side (RHS) is replaced with as
many FDs as there are attributes on RHS. In the above problem, D → AC would
be replaced with two FDs: D → A and D → C.
5. Determine the normal forms for the given relation.
6. If the student specified that the relation is not in 2NF, he/she needs to identify FDs
that violate that form (i.e. partial FDs).
Exploring Two Strategies for Teaching Procedures 501

7. If the student specified that the relation is not in 3NF, he/she needs to identify FDs
that violate that form (i.e. transitive FDs).
8. If the student specified that the relation is not in BCNF, he/she will be asked to
identify FDs that violate that form.
9. For relations that are not in BCNF, reduce LHS of FDs. This task checks whether
some of the attributes on the LHS can be dropped while still having a valid FD.
10. Find minimal cover (i.e. the minimal set of FDs).
11. Decompose the table by using the minimal cover.

3 Two Versions of NORMIT

NORMIT [8, 9] teaches data normalization in a task-by-task manner, showing only
one task at a time which the student needs to complete before moving on to the next
task. The student can submit a solution at any time, which the system then analyses
and presents feedback. At any point during the session, the student may change the
problem, review the history of the session, examine the student model or ask for help
on the current task. The system currently contains 50 problems and new problems can
be added easily. NORMIT is a constraint-based tutor, and its knowledge base is
represented as a set of 82 (problem-independent) constraints. Each constraint is rele-
vant for a particular task of the procedure. Some constraints are purely syntactic,
while others compare the student’s solution to the ideal solution (generated by the
problem solver). The short-term student model consists of a list of violated/satisfied
constraints for the current attempt, while the long term model records the history of
usage for each constraint. Please see [8] for information about NORMIT.
The original version of NORMIT enforces the procedural nature of the data norma-
lization by forcing the student to complete the current task before being able to move
on to the next task. An alternative strategy would allow the student to work on any
task of the procedure in any order. To implement that strategy, we developed a less
restrictive interface which shows all the tasks on a single page, thus allowing the stu-
dent to approach the problem in different ways. In order to work on a particular task,
the student clicks the Edit button which expands the page by adding specific elements
for that task. The functionality provided by the modified interface is essentially the
same as in the original tutor, but the interaction is slightly different. We also had to
modify the system’s knowledge base to support this new style of interaction. In the
original version of NORMIT, constraints are task-specific: the very first test in each
constraint specifies the task the constraint is relevant for. In the new version, the stu-
dent is free to select the task, and therefore the constraints cannot be restricted to spe-
cific task. There are 75 constraints in the non-procedural version of NORMIT.

4 Evaluation Study
We performed an evaluation study with the students enrolled in an introductory data-
base course at the University of Canterbury. Our hypothesis was that procedural ver-
sion of the tutor would result in higher learning in terms of problem-solving skills and
conceptual knowledge. Prior to the experiment, the students had four lectures on
502 A. Mitrovic, M. Mathews, and J. Holland

normalization. The study was conducted at the scheduled lab times on October 5th or
6th, 2011(the students were divided into two streams). The session length was 100
minutes. The students in the control group used the original, procedural version of the
system, while the experimental group used the new, non-procedural version. The
participation was voluntary, and 33 students participated in the study. All students
enrolled in the course were free to use the system after the study if they so wished.
The students were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions, and were given
an online pre-test, with four multi-choice questions. The initial two question required
students to identify the correct primary key and the highest normal form for a given
table. For the remaining two questions students needed to identify the correct defini-
tion of a given concept. A similar test was used as the post-test at the end of the
sessions. Both tests were short on purpose as the session was of limited length. The
consequence of short pre/post tests, however, is the limited coverage of the domain.

Table 1. Statistics from the study (standard deviations given in parentheses)

Group Experimental (14) Control (14) Significant?
Pre-test mean (SD) 1.9 (1.3) 2.3 (1.3) no
Post-test mean (SD) 3.3 (1) 3.5 (0.8) no
Gain 1.5 (1) 1.2 (1.5) no
Normalized gain 0.7 (0.4) 0.6 (0.5) no
Improvement pre-to-post t=5, t<0.01 t=2.9, p<0.01
Time 68 (27) 74 (15) no
Attempted problems 4.7 (2.2) 8.3 (3.3) p<0.05
Solved problems 3.7 (2.4) 6.6 (3.7) p<0.05
Attempts 33 (24) 101 (56) p<0.01
Known at start 35 (15) 37 (17) no
Learnt constraints 6.9 (5.9) 5.4 (3.7) no
Used constraints 53 (18) 63 (20) p=0.09
Problem complexity 2.3 (1.3) 4.4 (2.5) p<0.01

We excluded data about students who interacted with the system for less than 10
minutes and/or have made no attempts at problems, which resulted in 14 students in
each group (Table 1). There was no difference between the two groups on the pre-test
and post-test performance, as well as on the gains, normalized gains and interaction
time. Both groups improved significantly during the session (determined by compar-
ing their pre/post test results by a matched t-test).
We then analyzed the learning behavior by examining the student logs. The control
group students attempted and solved significantly more problems and made signifi-
cantly more attempts than their peers. The latter is easy to explain: the control condi-
tion had to go through each task in order to solve problems, while the experimental
condition participants could only work on a subset of tasks.
Another measure of learning is the number of constraints that were learnt during
the session. To see whether a constraint is known at the start, we require that the stu-
dent has applied it correctly on at least 4 out of 5 initial attempts at that constraint. As
reported in Table 1, there was neither significant difference on the number of con-
straints known at start, nor on the number of learnt constraints.
Exploring Two Strategies for Teaching Procedures 503

The control group participants attempted and solved approximately twice as many
problems as their peers. At the first look, it seems contradictory that they acquired the
same number of constraints and achieved similar results at the post-test as the experi-
mental group. We therefore looked deeper into the logs. We identified all constraints
relevant for attempts and report them in the Used constraints row of Table 1. There
was a marginal difference in favour of the control group. Therefore, the control group
students used more constraints to solve problems that the experimental group. A dee-
per look at the problems solved provides another interesting observation. The average
complexity of problems solved by the experimental group is just over 2, while the
control group solved problems of significantly higher complexities (the last row of
Table 1). Given that there was no difference in background knowledge of the two
groups, we can conclude that the significant difference in the problem-solving ac-
complishments comes from the difference in the interfaces. The procedural version of
the tutor provided more guidance which in turn enabled the students to solve more
problems, and also more complex problems, in the same amount of time.

Fig. 1. Learning curves for the two groups

Figure 1 shows the learning curves for the two conditions (i.e. the proportion of vi-
olated constraints following the nth occasion when a constraint was relevant, averaged
across all students and all constraints). The R2 fit to the exponential curve is good for
the control, but is quite poor for the experimental group. The learning rate of the con-
trol group is also slightly higher. A closer inspection of the constraints learnt shows
that the control group learnt more complex constraints, which is the consequence of
higher average complexity of problems they attempted and solved.

5 Conclusions

There are many possible approaches to teach the same instructional domain. Due to
high complexity of ITSs and high development costs, ITS developers usually imple-
ment only one teaching strategy. In this paper, we present two teaching strategies for
data normalization, which differ in the amount of control students have in selecting
504 A. Mitrovic, M. Mathews, and J. Holland

which part of the problem to work on. The first strategy requires the student to follow
the procedure closely, working on one task at a time and completing it before attempt-
ing subsequent tasks, while the other gives full control to the student. Our hypothesis
was that the former strategy would result in better learning.
Our study shows that both strategies resulted in significant improvement from pre-
to post-test. There was no significant difference between the two groups on the
post-test; however, the post-test was short and its questions are of different nature
compared to the problems in the ITS. We also looked at how many new knowledge
elements (i.e. constraints) students learnt during the study. Although there was no
significant difference in the amount of newly acquired knowledge, there was differ-
ence in the kinds of constraints learnt. The procedural version resulted in significantly
higher number of problems attempted and solved in comparison to the non-procedural
strategy. The average complexity of problems solved is also significantly higher in the
case of procedural strategy. Therefore, closer adherence to the procedural nature of
data normalization did result in higher problem-solving success.
Our study was of short duration and small in terms of the participants. We plan to
to perform a bigger study in 2012 with NORMIT and also to conduct similar studies
in other instructional domains.

1. Miller, G.A.: The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two. The Psyhological Re-
view 63, 81–97 (1956)
2. Sweller, J.: Cognitive Load Theory, Learning Difficulty, and Instructional Design. Learn-
ing and Instruction 4, 295–312 (1994)
3. Mitrovic, A., Weerasinghe, A.: Revisiting the Ill-Definedness and Consequences for ITSs.
In: Dimitrova, V., Mizoguchi, R., du Boulay, B., Graesser, A. (eds.) Proc. 14th Int. Conf.
AIED, pp. 375–382 (2009)
4. McCallum, A.K.: Learning to Use Selective Attention and Short-Term Memory in Sequen-
tial Tasks. In: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp. 315–324 (1996)
5. Elmasri, R., Navathe, S.B.: Fundamentals of database systems. Addison-Wesley (2010)
6. Kung, H.-J., Tung, H.-L.: An alternative approach to teaching database normalization: A
simple algorithm and an interactive e-Learning tool. Journal of Information Systems Edu-
cation 17(30), 315–325 (2006)
7. Phillip, G.C.: Teaching database modeling and design: areas of confusion and helpful
hints. Journal of Information Technology Education 6, 481–497 (2007)
8. Mitrovic, A.: The Effect of Explaining on Learning: a Case Study with a Data Normaliza-
tion Tutor. In: Looi, C.-K., McCalla, G., Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J. (eds.) Proc. Artificial
Intelligence in Education, pp. 499–506. IOS Press (2005)
9. Mitrovic, A.: Fifteen years of Constraint-Based Tutors: What we have achieved and where
we are going. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 22 (in print),
Relating Student Performance to Action Outcomes
and Context in a Choice-Rich Learning Environment

James R. Segedy, John S. Kinnebrew, and Gautam Biswas

Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 37235, USA


Abstract. This paper presents results from a recent classroom study using Bet-
ty’s Brain, a choice-rich learning environment in which students learn about a
scientific domain (e.g., mammal thermoregulation) as they teach a virtual agent
named Betty. The learning and teaching task combines reading and understand-
ing a set of hypertext resources with constructing a causal map that accurately
models the science phenomena. The open-ended nature of this task requires
students to combine planning, targeted reading, teaching, monitoring their
teaching, and making revisions, which presents significant challenges for mid-
dle school students. This paper examines students’ learning activity traces and
compares learning behaviors of students who achieved success with those who
struggled to complete their causal maps. This analysis focuses on students’ ac-
tions leading to changes in their causal maps. We specifically examine which
actions led students to make correct versus incorrect changes to their causal
map. The results of this analysis suggest future directions in the design and tim-
ing of feedback and support for similarly complex, choice-rich learning tasks.

Keywords: Metacognition, Monitoring, Learning Activity Traces, Sequence

Analysis, Learning Environment.

1 Introduction
Betty’s Brain is a learning-by-teaching environment where students teach a virtual
agent, named Betty, about science topics by reading a set of hypertext resources and
constructing a causal map (Figure 1) to model the relevant scientific phenomena [1].
Once taught, Betty (the Teachable Agent) can use her map to answer causal questions
(e.g., if cold temperatures increase, what happens to an animal’s blood vessel con-
striction?) and explain those answers by reasoning through chains of links [1]. The
student’s goal is to teach Betty a causal map that matches a hidden, expert model of
the domain using information from the resources. To gauge their progress towards
this goal, students can make Betty take quizzes, which are sets of questions created
and graded by a virtual mentor agent named Mr. Davis, who compares Betty’s an-
swers with those generated by the expert model. Thus, when Betty is unable to answer
quiz questions correctly, the (human) students can use that information to discover
Betty’s (and their own) misunderstandings and correct them.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 505–510, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
506 J.R. Segedy, J.S. Kinnebrew, and G. Biswas

Fig. 1. Betty’s Brain system with query window and quiz results

Overall, this is a complex, open-ended, and choice-rich learning task for middle
school students. In the system, learners must choose how to effectively perform their
teaching task: they must decide when and how to search for new information (reading
the resources), how to teach this information to Betty (building the causal map), and
when to monitor Betty’s understanding (using quizzes, questions, and explanations).
Achieving success at this task requires utilizing and coordinating a complex set of
cognitive and metacognitive skills, some of which the student may not yet know.
Research has shown that middle school students do not have well-developed inde-
pendent learning strategies; and as novices they often adopt suboptimal trial-and-error
methods when they encounter difficult exploratory learning tasks [2, 3]. Research
with Betty’s Brain corroborates this finding, as many students struggle to teach Betty
the correct causal map. Recent analyses show that these students (1) fail to systemati-
cally plan their teaching interactions, (2) struggle to discover and understand causal
relations in the resources, and (3) misunderstand or misinterpret Betty’s quiz results
[4]. For example, a previous analysis illustrated that three-fifths of successful stu-
dents’ causal link edits (i.e., adding, deleting, or changing a link) improved their
causal map scores1, while less successful students’ link edits increased their map
scores only two-fifths of the time [5]. These results, in conjunction with other analys-
es of student behaviors, led us to hypothesize that these students experienced difficul-
ties because they could not easily identify the causal relations contained in the
Causal map scores were calculated by subtracting the number of incorrect map links (i.e.
those that were not present in the expert model) from the number of correct map links.
Relating Student Performance to Action Outcomes and Context 507

Our primary goal in this paper is to further explore our hypothesis through analysis
of the outcome of causal map editing actions (i.e., whether or not the edit action led to
a map that more closely matched the expert model) and the context of these actions
(in terms of their relevance to recent preceding actions). We report results of this
analysis on student learning activity traces from an experimental study recently con-
ducted in an eighth-grade science classroom. These results suggest future directions in
the design of feedback and support for similarly complex, choice-rich learning tasks.

2 Method
The current study was conducted in three eighth-grade middle Tennessee science
classrooms taught by the same teacher. Due to attrition (caused by unsigned permis-
sion slips and student absences), we had complete data for 40 students at the end of
the study. The study proceeded as follows: on day 1, the classroom teacher introduced
students to thermoregulation in mammals. On day 2, they completed a pre-test. On
days 3 and 4, the researchers instructed the students on causal reasoning and the Bet-
ty’s Brain system. Students then spent five class periods independently using Betty’s
Brain with minimal intervention from the teachers and the researchers. Finally, all
students took a post-test that was identical to the pre-test.
In this paper, we analyze students’ learning activity traces collected from the system to
investigate the edits they made to their causal map (specifically, adding, removing, or
changing causal links). We categorize each edit along three dimensions determined by
metrics for the consequences of the edit and its context (in terms of preceding actions).
The first metric is the type of action performed directly before the edit (the prior action),
which can be: (1) editing another link (L-EDIT), (2) editing (i.e., adding or removing) a
concept (C-EDIT), (3) reading the resources (READ), (4) asking Betty to answer a causal
question (QUER), (5) asking Betty to explain her answer to a question (EXPL), or (6)
having Betty take a quiz (QUIZ). The second metric is whether the edit was relevant to
any of the three actions directly preceding it. Actions in Betty’s Brain are considered
relevant to each other if they reference or operate on one of the same causal map links
[5]. For example, two L-EDIT actions are relevant to each other only if they operate on
the same link, and a QUER action is relevant to an L-EDIT action if the link edited was
used in Betty’s answer to the query. The third metric is the edit’s correctness, where
correct indicates that the link edit resulted in a map that more closely resembled the ex-
pert model. The proportion of a student’s edits that fell into each category (the possible
combinations of values across the three metrics) provided a score for the corresponding
category. For example, each student was given a score equal to the percentage of their
edits that were relevant, correct edits performed after a read (represented as READ 

3 Results
We begin by analyzing students’ map scores, which measure the quality of the causal
maps that they taught Betty. Similar to other recent studies with Betty’s Brain, the
students in this experiment achieved an average map score of 8.10 out of 15, with a
standard deviation of 5.64. While some students were very successful at the task,
others struggled to teach Betty the target material.
508 J.R. Segedy, J.S. Kinnebrew, and G. Biswas

Building on previous analyses that used this data to illustrate marked differences
between students with high and low map scores [4], we divide the students into three
groups based on their map scores. Students in the low group taught Betty a map that
achieved a score of 5 or below (out of a maximum score of 15). Students in the me-
dium group taught Betty a map with a score of 6 to 10, and students in the high group
taught Betty a map with a score of 11 to 15. The resulting low, medium, and high
groups had 18, 6, and 16 students, respectively. The remaining analyses in this section
compare the high group and the low group in order to highlight important differences
in how they edited their causal maps.

Table 1. Editing behaviors exhibited proportionally more by the high group

High Group Low Group
Edit Behavior
Mean Mean
1. L-EDIT  L-EDIT-irrelevant-correct 11.6% 5.4%
2. QUIZ  L-EDIT-relevant-correct 5.9% 1.9%
3. READ  L-EDIT-irrelevant-correct 11.3% 7.6%

To assess the differences in students’ editing behaviors, we compared the high and
low groups’ scores for each category of edit identified in Section 2. Table 1 shows the
three edit behaviors with the largest difference in score between groups, where the
behaviors were exhibited proportionally more often by the high group. Similarly,
Table 2 shows the three edit behaviors with the largest difference that were exhibited
proportionally more often by the low group. In Table 1, all three behaviors included
correct edits, and in Table 2, all three behaviors included incorrect edits. This matches
previous analyses indicating that successful students generally had a higher percen-
tage of correct edits than students in the low group, and vice versa.

Table 2. Editing behaviors exhibited significantly more times by the low group
High Group Low Group
Edit Behavior
Mean Mean
4. READ  L-EDIT-irrelevant-incorrect 9.2% 15.7%
5. C-EDIT  L-EDIT-relevant-incorrect 3.8% 7.6%
6. QUER  L-EDIT-irrelevant-incorrect 2.6% 5.3%

One interesting result indicated by edit behavior 2 is that even though the high
group students made mistakes when editing their maps, they were able to use the re-
sults of Betty’s quizzes to correct those mistakes. In contrast, edit behavior 6 shows
that students in the low group made irrelevant, incorrect link edits after queries. This
suggests that these students had trouble using queries to explore and correct Betty’s
knowledge, and they may have had a misconception regarding how to use queries. To
fully understand Betty’s answers, students need to listen to her explanations, which
provide insight into the causal links she used to answer the question. However, stu-
dents in the low group often moved directly from querying Betty to editing the map.
Relating Student Performance to Action Outcomes and Context 509

Thus, they missed important opportunities to engage the science material at a deeper
level and may have made an incorrect edit as a result.
A surprising result indicated by edit behaviors 1 and 3 is that many of the high
group’s correct link edits were not relevant to recent actions. We expect that students
derive correct edits from their previous activities, such as reading or viewing quiz
results. However, these patterns tend to contradict this intuition, at least with the defi-
nition of relevance used in this analysis. One possible explanation for the irrelevance
of the link edit in behavior 1 may be an artifact of the Betty’s Brain user interface:
Students are able to simultaneously view the resources and edit the causal map, so an
initial read action (i.e., accessing a page in the resources) may not fall within the re-
levance window for a subsequent edit, even though the page was still visible for the
student to reference. Therefore, edit behavior 1 could indicate that the high group
employed a strategy of opening a page in the resources and incrementally adding
links, while continuing to reference the visible resource page. Alternatively, students
could have used prior knowledge in combination with information from the resources
to make irrelevant, but correct, edits. This could also explain the irrelevance of the
edit in behavior 3 following a read action. The correct edit could have been informed
by previous reads or prior knowledge (e.g., when the current page prompted the recall
of that information).
Edit behavior 4 is analogous to edit behavior 3, except that the low group students
were more likely to make an incorrect edit when it was not related to a preceding
read. These students may have had difficulty in identifying causal links in the reading
materials. Edit behavior 5 is difficult to interpret, as it only indicates that students in
the low group more often made incorrect, but relevant, link edits directly after a con-
cept edit. This could be a difference in the sequencing of concept and link edits be-
tween the two groups.

4 Discussion and Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented results from a recent classroom study that highlight
how successful and unsuccessful students differ in their teaching behaviors in Betty’s
Brain. The results suggest that students who struggle with the teaching task often have
difficulty in both finding causal relations as they read the resources provided in the
system (edit behaviors 3 and 4) and monitoring Betty’s understanding of the subject
matter via quizzes and queries (edit behaviors 2 and 6). Further, these results illustrate
the importance of considering both action outcomes (e.g., effect of an edit on the map
score) and action context (e.g., preceding actions and relevance of the edit action)
when analyzing learning activity sequences. The analysis presented here provides
possible explanations for why students in the low group struggled to succeed.
One strong possibility is that many students in the low group approached the Bet-
ty’s Brain learning task without a firm grasp of some of the cognitive skills necessary
to achieve success in the system, such as identifying causal links in reading materials.
These students may also have failed to fully understand how causal maps work during
classroom instruction. Causal reasoning and careful reading are both difficult,
complex skills that underlie the Betty’s Brain learning task. However, the current
feedback and scaffolding in Betty’s Brain focus on metacognitive strategies for plan-
510 J.R. Segedy, J.S. Kinnebrew, and G. Biswas

ning teaching interactions and monitoring the causal map’s correctness (via queries
and quizzes). These scaffolds may not be sufficient for helping students as they are
struggling with reading and causal reasoning. The present analysis emphasizes this
point with respect to students’ reading abilities: students who were not able to teach
Betty the correct map were more likely to incorrectly edit their map, even directly
after reading the resources. This suggests that we need to augment the current Betty’s
Brain with direct support of causal reasoning and identifying causal links in reading
An important limitation of this analysis is that it focused primarily on causal link
edits and the actions directly preceding them. It is reasonable to assume that many of
these edits were the results of learning that required multiple, coordinated actions.
Further, some link edits marked as irrelevant may have been influenced by (relevant)
actions that took place outside of the three-action window used to calculate relevance.
In future analyses, we intend to investigate longer sequences of actions before edits.
As we move forward with this work, we will develop and incorporate tutorials into
the system that support students in causal reasoning and reading skills. We will also
introduce the notion of explicit pedagogical goals in the agents’ reasoning mechan-
isms. For example, the mentor agent’s goal will be a function of the student’s state of
knowledge, exhibited learning behaviors, and previous feedback delivered to the stu-
dent. This will focus students on a skill until it produces a successful result, because
all feedback delivered during that time period will focus on the same pedagogical
goal. We believe that these refinements will provide important benefits to struggling
students by helping them gain the necessary cognitive skills and then coordinate those
skills in effective metacognitive strategies.

1. Leelawong, K., Biswas, G.: Designing learning by teaching agents: The Betty’s Brain sys-
tem. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 18(3), 181–208 (2008)
2. Azevedo, R.: Using hypermediaas a metacognitive tool for enhancing student learning?
The role of self-regulated learning. Educational Psychologist 40(4), 199–209 (2005)
3. Schunk, D.H., Zimmerman, B.J.: Social origins of self-regulatory competence. Educational
Psychologist 32(4), 195–208 (1997)
4. Segedy, J.R., Kinnebrew, J.S., Biswas, G.: Modeling learner’s cognitive and metacognitive
strategies in an open-ended learning environment. In: AAAI Fall Symposium on Advances
in Cognitive Systems, Arlington, VA (2011)
5. Segedy, J.R., Kinnebrew, J.S., Biswas, G.: Supporting cognitive and metacognitive skills
in complex, open-ended learning environments. Journal of Educational Psychology (in re-
Using the MetaHistoReasoning Tool Training Module
to Facilitate the Acquisition of Domain-Specific
Metacognitive Strategies

Eric Poitras, Susanne Lajoie, and Yuan-Jin Hong

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology,

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1Y2
eric.poitras@mail.mcgill.ca, susanne.lajoie@mcgill.ca,

Abstract. Learning through historical inquiry requires that students engage in

domain-specific metacognitive strategies. For example, students need to be
aware that causes of historical events are often unknown or uncertain and they
need strategies for resolving such ambiguity. In this paper, we provide an over-
view of the theoretical, instructional, and empirical foundations of the MetaHis-
toReasoning Tool Training Module. This computer-based learning environment
is designed to facilitate the acquisition of metacognitive strategies that are criti-
cal in learning through historical inquiry. We review findings pertaining to (1)
the classes of self-explanations generated and (2) the accuracy of categoriza-
tions made by students. We discuss these findings in terms of developing an
artificial pedagogical agent capable of appropriately delivering instructional
explanations and effectively prompting self-explanations.

Keywords: metacognition, metacognitive tool, pedagogical agent, historical


1 Introduction
Learning about complex historical events requires that students engage in metacogni-
tive processes that are specific to that discipline. However, students often engage in
dysregulated learning [1], since they fail to monitor and strategically control cognitive
processes that are important to learning [2-3]. Specifically, students often fail to no-
tice that the causes of historical events are unknown, uncertain, or unreported. They
also fail to formulate explanations to gain better understanding [3].
As such, we designed the MetaHistoReasoning tool [4], a computer-based learning
environment that serves as a metacognitive tool. The design of the environment is
guided by a theory that accounts for domain-specific metacognitive strategies in
learning through historical inquiry. The environment includes a training and inquiry
module. We used example-based skill acquisition as an instructional model for the
training module. The inquiry module is driven by inquiry-based learning principles.
For the purposes of this study we only examine how students learn with the training

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 511–516, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
512 E. Poitras, S. Lajoie, and Y.-J. Hong

The MetaHistoReasoning tool training module supports students in terms of ac-

quiring domain-specific metacognitive strategies in learning through historical inquiry
[5]. These strategies include both metacognitive monitoring and control activities. In
doing so, the training module provides students with examples of each type of meta-
cognitive strategy. An artificial pedagogical agent prompts students to categorize
these examples and provides corrective feedback. The agent also prompts students to
explain the rationale and purpose of each strategy [6-7].
This study examines the effectiveness of the training model in facilitating skill ac-
quisition. More specifically, we test a model of students’ self-explanation activities in
terms of predicting accuracy in categorizing examples of metacognitive strategies.
In doing so, we address the following question: Does generating self-explanations in
relation to the rationale and purpose of each domain-specific metacognitive strategy
result in categorizing examples more accurately? Using categorization accuracy as an
indicator of skill acquisition, we hypothesize that generating this specific type of self-
explanation, which targets the learning-domain of the examples, is predictive of
categorization accuracy. Based on our findings, we make recommendations for the
modification of the training module with the goal of enhancing skill acquisition.

2 Methods

2.1 Participants

Eight undergraduate students (2 men and 6 women; Mean Age = 22; Mean GPA =
3.09) were recruited through a classified ad posted on the university website. Students
were Anglophone non-history majors who had completed at least 2 years of their
degree. A questionnaire was administered to assess their familiarity with historical
inquiry and the historical topic [8]. The results confirmed that students were unfami-
liar with both of these subjects, which is the population that is targeted by the Meta-
HistoReasoning tool. Students received a compensation of 40$.

2.2 Computer-Based Learning Environment

The MetaHistoReasoning tool training module is a rule-based system wherein stu-
dents progress through each phase as they become more proficient in categorizing
examples. The exemplifying-domain of the examples refers to the Acadian Deporta-
tion. Students study these examples while going through three phases: the pre-
training, training, and acquisition phase.
In the pre-training phase, students view an instructional video that introduces the
topic of the examples. The video provides a brief overview of the strategies that are
exemplified. The video also explains how to use the tools of the training module.
In the training phase, students study a categorized example of each strategy. In
doing so, an artificial pedagogical agent defines and explains each strategy (i.e., “This
example shows an historian asking a question. In doing so, the historian begins to
search for the most important cause of the Acadian Deportation.”). Alternatively, a
brief description and example of each strategy is also available as a tool-tip that ap-
pears when the mouse cursor is positioned over an option from the list.
Using the MetaHistoReasoning Tool Training Module to Facilitate the Acquisition 513

Fig. 1. The design of the MetaHistoReasoning tool training module

In the acquisition phase, students learn domain-specific metacognitive strategies by

categorizing examples, receiving corrective feedback, and generating self-
explanations (see Fig. 1). These strategies include (1) noticing unexplained events
(e.g., the document does not mention any causes for the Deportation of the Acadians);
(2) asking appropriate questions (e.g., What is the most important cause for the Aca-
dian Deportation?); (3) formulating explanations (e.g., the Acadian Deportation was
caused by British Governor Charles Lawrence’s discontent towards the Acadians); (4)
evaluating the trustworthiness of sources (e.g., since anybody can edit or revise the
website, it is considered less trustworthy); (5) gathering evidence (e.g., Governor
Charles Lawrence’s declaration states that all citizens must bear arms in case of war);
(6) corroborating evidence (e.g., the fact is mentioned in both a letter and the tran-
scription of a council meeting); (7) contextualizing evidence (e.g., The Acadians must
have felt apprehensive about the war); and (8) using substantive concepts (e.g., the
Seven Years’ War is the first global conflict which involved both French and British).
The pedagogical agent supports students by providing categorization prompts (i.e.,
“Which instance of historical thinking does this example show? Choose the option
that best describes what the historian says.”). Students make as many attempts as
necessary to categorize an example by choosing correctly from amongst the strategies
exemplified on an eight-option list. Students are then provided with corrective feed-
back (i.e., “Your answer is correct.”; “Your answer is incorrect, try again.”). The
agent also supports students to explain the rationale of each strategy by providing a
self-explanation prompt (i.e., “Explain how each instance of historical thinking relates
to the historian’s goal, which is to explain why the Acadian Deportation occurred.”).

2.3 Measures
We collected data through on-line unobtrusive cognitive methodologies (i.e., log-file
trace data and time-stamped video screen capture data; see [9]). The log-file records
514 E. Poitras, S. Lajoie, and Y.-J. Hong

events at a scale of milliseconds (10-4 seconds). Events recorded in the log-file trace
data include the accuracy scores, self-explanations, time taken to categorize an exam-
ple, number of attempts taken to categorize an example accurately, and the number of
previous exposures to a similar type of example. The time-stamped video screen cap-
tures were used to corroborate log-file trace data by recording the sequence of entries.

2.4 Procedure
Students first completed a consent form, a demographic questionnaire, and a ques-
tionnaire that assessed familiarity with historical inquiry and the historical topic [8].
Students received instructions in learning with the training module through a video
that automatically appeared on the computer screen. The video described the histori-
cal context surrounding the Acadian Deportation. The students were then shown how
to use the training module. First, the students were taught to categorize examples by
choosing from the multiple-choice options. Second, the students were shown how to
write self-explanations. After learning with the benefit of the MetaHistoReasoning
tool, students were debriefed and compensated for their participation.

2.5 Coding and Scoring

The unit of our analysis was the accuracy of students’ categorizations (0 = accurate, 1
= inaccurate) – whether students identified the correct type of metacognitive strategy
that was exemplified when choosing from a multiple-choice list of eight options. The
predictor variables were the following: (1) the time spent categorizing an example; (2)
the example category; (3) the fading threshold (i.e., baseline or auxiliary example);
(4) the example difficulty (i.e., simple or complex example); (5) the amount of prior
exposure to similar examples; (6) the count of categorization attempts; (7) the count
of exemplifying-domain self-explanations; (8) the count of learning-domain simple
self-explanations; and (9) the count of learning-domain elaborate self-explanations.
We adapted a coding scheme of self-explanation activities used in previous re-
search for the purposes of this study [10]. Exemplifying-domain self-explanations
paraphrased the contents of the examples. Elaborate learning-domain self-
explanations involved both (1) relating skills with each other and (2) explaining each
skill’s contribution towards achieving the goal of explaining the Acadian Deportation.
In contrast, Simple learning-domain self-explanations referred to only one of the two
aspects mentioned for an elaborate explanation. Explanations that did not fit any of
these categories were classified as other. The types of self-explanations were coded
by two raters for the entire transcript the interrater agreement was substantial (i.e.,
interrater agreement of 89%). Disagreements were resolved through discussion.

3 Results
We compared a six- and nine-predictor logistic model (i.e., with and without self-
explanations) in terms of their fit to the accuracy scores (N = 517 categorizations).
The data were filtered for outliers (i.e., 4 cases were discarded) and the assumptions
in relation to the binomial distribution and minimum observation to predictor ratio
Using the MetaHistoReasoning Tool Training Module to Facilitate the Acquisition 515

were met. A test of the model with nine predictors against a constant-only model was
statistically significant, χ2(15, N = 513) = 155.199, p < .05. This suggests that the
nine-predictor model is effective in terms of classifying accurate and inaccurate ex-
ample categorizations. Moreover, the Hosmer-Lemeshow (H-L) goodness-of-fit test
was insignificant, χ2(8, N = 513) = 5.551, p > .05, which suggests that the second
model was fit to the data well. A test of the nine-predictor model compared against
the six-predictor model was statistically significant, χ2(3, N = 513) = 29.900, p < .05.
This finding shows that adding the type of self-explanation generated by students to
the predictors makes a significant contribution to distinguishing between accurate and
inaccurate categorizations. The model correctly predicted 93.2% of accurate categori-
zations and 47.3% of inaccurate categorizations, for an overall rate of 81.7%.
Table 1 shows the parameters of the nine predictors in the second model that sig-
nificantly contributed to the prediction of accuracy scores. Based on the model, the
greater the amount of prior exposure to the example category, the more likely it is that
a categorization is accurate. However, the greater the amount of time spent, attempts
taken, and exemplifying-domain self-explanations, the more likely it is that a catego-
rization is inaccurate. All other scores being equal, categorizing examples pertaining
to contextualizing evidence, gathering evidence, and corroborating evidence were
more likely to be inaccurate. The odds of inaccurately categorizing an example of
contextualizing evidence was 25.074 times greater (= e3.222), gathering evidence was
16.675 times greater (= e2.814), and corroborating evidence was 5.869 times greater (=
e1.770). Moreover, complex examples were more likely to be categorized inaccurately,
with an odds of .446 times greater (= e-0.808).

Table 1. Nine-predictor logistic model (non-significant parameters excluded)

Predictor β SE β Wald’s df p eβ (odd

χ2 ratio)
Constant -2.766 .758 13.327 1 .000* N/A
Time to categorize .043 .011 15.496 1 .000* 1.043
Attempt number .312 .084 13.822 1 .000* 1.366
Amount of exposure -.140 .045 9.734 1 .002* .869
Example category 58.204 7 .000*
Gathering evidence 2.814 .642 19.241 1 .000* 16.675
Contextualizing evidence 3.222 .633 25.922 1 .000* 25.074
Corroborating evidence 1.770 .641 7.623 1 .006* 5.869
Simple examples -.808 .360 5.048 1 .025* .446
Exemplifying-domain .449 .118 14.486 1 .000* 1.567
self-explanation count

4 Discussion

The aim of this study was to predict students’ accuracy in categorizing examples of
domain-specific metacognitive strategies based on students’ self-explanation activi-
ties. Students were accurate in their categorizations on 75% of occasions. Students
516 E. Poitras, S. Lajoie, and Y.-J. Hong

were more accurate in categorizing examples when they had previous exposure to
similar types of examples, which suggests that practice is critical in facilitating skill
acquisition. Errors were more likely to occur when students categorized examples
pertaining to gathering, corroborating, and contextualizing evidence. Errors were also
more likely when students generated exemplifying-domain self-explanations. Learn-
ing-domain self-explanations had no impact on categorization accuracy.
These findings suggest that students require additional training in generating
appropriate self-explanations. Furthermore, the model can be embedded in the envi-
ronment to guide the delivery of instructional explanations designed according to
empirically-based guidelines [6] and tailored to assist students in categorizing chal-
lenging examples. In making these design modifications, the training module stands
to foster metacognitive activities that are critical in learning through historical

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2. Greene, J.A., Bolick, C.M., Robertson, J.: Fostering Historical Knowledge and Thinking
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Computers & Education 54, 230–243 (2010)
3. Poitras, E., Lajoie, S., Hong, Y.-J.: The Design of Technology-Rich Learning Environ-
ments as Metacognitive Tools in History Education. Instructional Science (2011)
4. Poitras, E., Lajoie, S., Nokes, J., Hong, Y.-J.: The MetaHistoReasoning Tool: Fostering
Domain-Specific Metacognitive Processes While Learning through Historical Inquiry. In:
Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS, vol. 6738, pp. 609–
611. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
5. Poitras, E., Lajoie, S.: A Metacognitive Framework to Improve Learning through Histori-
cal Inquiry. Contemporary Educational Psychology (in preparation)
6. Renkl, A., Hilbert, T., Schworm, S.: Example-Based Learning in Heuristic Domains: A
Cognitive Load Theory Account. Educational Psychology Review 21(1), 67–78 (2009)
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8. Hicks, D., Doolittle, P.E.: Multimedia-Based Historical Inquiry Strategy Instruction. Do
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tional Explanations Reduce Self-Explanations. Computers & Education 46(4), 426–445
An Indicator-Based Approach to Promote
the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Interventions

Aina Lekira, Christophe Després, Pierre Jacoboni, and Dominique Py

LIUM, Université du Maine, Avenue Laënnec,

72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Abstract. This paper deals with the feedback given to teachers in order they
better manage their activities. We support teachers’ activities, especially their
interventions effectiveness, by giving them feedback about the effects of these
interventions through an indicator-based approach. To investigate the benefits
of the introduction of this aid, we conducted experimentations in the field of
object-oriented programming. Experimental outcomes show that giving
teachers information about the effects of their interventions increases their
effectiveness qualitatively and quantitatively; it also has a positive impact on
learners’ ability to solve their problems.

Keywords: Indicators, Meta-indicators, Tutoring, Interventions, Synchronous


1 Introduction

We deal with teachers’ activities instrumentation in the context of mediated and

synchronous tutoring within the framework of the support of teachers’ interventions.
Some attempts for that purpose have been made [1][2]. Research outcomes most often
lead to models and tools design in order to enable teachers to monitor, supervise or
evaluate learners’ activities through indicators [3][4]. An indicator is a “variable that
describes ’something’ related to the mode, the process or the ’quality’ of the
considered ’cognitive system’ activity; the features or the quality of the interaction
product; the mode or the quality of the collaboration […]” [5].
Our objective is to support teachers in these instrumented situations by giving them
feedback about their work, especially their interventions. To reach this goal, we rely
on an indicator-based approach that supplies teachers with the effects of their
interventions; this supply is made through the study of the evolution of the indicator
values which allowed to detect the critical situation at the root of the intervention.
The indicator-based approach has been implemented in the TEL system HOP3X [6].
We conducted two experimentations by using HOP3X, in the field of object-oriented
programming. We compared a situation in which teachers have information about the
effects of their interventions to another one in which this information is not supplied

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 517–523, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
518 A. Lekira et al.

and we observed that meta-indicators had a positive impact on teachers’ and learners’
The indicator-based approach is detailed in section 2. Hop3x, the TEL system used
during the experimentations, is presented in section 3. Section 4 describes the
experimentations. Their results are analyzed and discussed in section 5.

2 An Indicator-Based Approach
During the regulation of learners’ activities, teachers intervene when a learner is faced
with a situation considered pedagogically interesting. To detect these situations, we
rely on the information from indicators calculation. Assuming that teachers intervene
because of indicator values identified as critical, we propose to give teachers feedback
about the evolution of these indicator values through meta-indicators calculation. A
meta-indicator is an indicator which gives information about the evolution of other

2.1 Categories of Indicators

Indicators about learners’ activities can give teachers information about learners’
progress, trails or productions. They reflect the gap between what learners have done
and what teachers expect. We integrate this latter within the definition of an indicator
through an acceptability domain of its value, which can be a value, a threshold, an
interval or a set. Examples of indicators are presented in Tab.1.

Table 1. Examples of observation needs and corresponding indicators with the type and value
of their reference

2.2 Meta-indicators and Interventions

Indicators provide teachers with information about learners’ activities. When an

indicator value doesn’t belong to its acceptability domain, the situation that it reflects
is said “critical”. In this case, teachers may intervene. Thus, an intervention is linked
to this/these indicator(s). To observe the effectiveness of teachers’ interventions, it is
An Indicator-Based Approach to Promote the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Interventions 519

necessary to follow the evolution of indicators values and verify if they change
positively. To do that, meta indicators reflect the positive, negative or zero evolution
of indicators values.
We also associate to an intervention the meta-indicators which follow the evolution
of indicators at the root of the intervention. Thus, an intervention is successful if all
the meta-indicators associated with it have evolved positively (“success”).
Conversely, an intervention fails if all the meta-indicators associated with it have
evolved unfavourably (deterioration or no change of the indicator value). Otherwise,
we consider that an intervention has some effectiveness measured by the percentage
of meta-indicators which reflect respectively positive evolution, negative evolution or
no evolution of the indicator value (“success”, “no effect”, “improvement”,

3 Hop3x: An Implementation of the Indicator-Based Approach

HOP3X is a track-based TEL system which aims at supporting learning programming
[6]. We use it in object-oriented programming. HOP3X is composed of three
- HOP3X-STUDENT allows learners to edit, compile and run codes and programs. It
also allows them to call teachers for help if needed.
- HOP3X-TEACHER provides teachers with a real-time supervision of learners’
activities. It allows teachers to visualize indicators and meta-indicators through a
monitoring interface that uses a color code: red for the interventions that have failed,
green for those which passed, orange green for those in which a majority of meta-
indicators have evolved positively and orange red for the others.
- HOP3X-SERVER collects interaction tracks of the learning session participants and
saves them as Hop3x events (e.g. a creation/suppression of a project or a file, a text
insertion/deletion, a compilation, a run, an annotation, an audio intervention, etc.).
Theses tracks allow indicators and meta-indicators calculation by TOOLUTL which
uses the UTL meta-language and the DCL4UTL [7] associated language.

4 Experimentations Description
In order to measure the benefits of giving teachers feedback about their interventions,
in the context of synchronous tutoring, we conducted two experimentations: one with
available meta-indicators for teachers and another one without meta-indicators. These
experimentations were carried out through two college years and dealt with practical
work activities which are part of a course entitled “Object-oriented Programming and
Java”. This course is provided to third-year undergraduate students of the Maine
University (France), who are neophytes in Java programming. Before each learning
session with HOP3X in which students practiced Java programming, students attended
lectures and tutorials about the notions and concepts they would implement during
practical work. The two experimentations had the same context: the same two
teachers participated in the two experimentations, the same pedagogical scenario was
used and the students involved had the same background and had taken the same
520 A. Lekira et al.

courses. In collaboration with the teaching team, we identified and defined 62

indicators that have been modeled with UTL. These indicators were available to
teachers during the two experimentations.
The first experimentation (experimentation 1) was carried out from January to
February 2010. It involved thirty-six students (group 1). The second experimentation
(experimentation 2) was carried out from January to February 2011 and took place
with forty-five students (group 2).
Regarding the amount of students’ productions and teachers’ interventions, there
was no major difference between the two experimentations. On average, for a three-
hour practical work, per student, there were 3995 events for group 1 and 4391 events
for group 2. Concerning teachers’ interventions, there were 84 interventions for group
1 (2.33 interventions per student) and 96 interventions for group 2 (2.13 interventions
per student).

5 Experimental Outcomes and Discussion

Our analysis is twofold. First, we want to we see if the meta-indicators improve
teachers’ performance and the effectiveness of their interventions. Second, we want to
observe if this improvement of teachers’ performance enhance learners’ outcomes.

5.1 Contribution of Meta-indicators to Teachers’ Activities

In this section, we study the benefits of giving teachers information about the effects
of their interventions through the comparison of the results of experimentation 2 — in
which meta-indicators were provided — and experimentation 1 — in which teachers
had no available meta-indicators.
In this analysis, we deal with interventions which can be either unique i.e. only
composed of the original intervention (we name it single intervention), either a
sequence of interventions i.e. a series of interventions on the same subject. A
sequence of interventions is successful if the last intervention is successful and the
student eventually corrects the problems about which the teacher has intervened.
Otherwise, it is a failure.
Meta-indicators provide teachers with information about the result (success or
failure) of their interventions In case of failure, they remind the teacher that the
student has not yet solved the problem. Therefore, the teacher is encouraged to
intervene again. Thus, we can assume that the supply of meta-indicators will increase
the global rate of successful interventions (H1) and, in particular, it will increase the
number of successful interventions because of re-interventions (H2).
As shown in Fig.1, 75.99% of all interventions (i.e. both single interventions and
sequences of interventions) are successful for group 1. For group 2, this rate is
91.42%. These results show an improvement of the global rate of successful
interventions that increases by 15.43 points. This result validates our first hypothesis
H1: on the whole, teachers with available meta-indicators were better able to make
their interventions efficient than those without available meta-indicators.
An Indicator-Based Approach to Promote the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Interventions 521

The explanation of this increase of the global rate of interventions that have
succeeded is twofold. First, it is due to the improvement of teachers’ re-interventions.
Indeed, when the original interventions failed, there were 40.36% of cases in which
teachers re-intervened in group 1. This rate is 75.02% in group 2. Meta-indicators are
a permanent reminder of a possible failure of teachers’ interventions. This permanent
reminder fosters teachers to re-intervene: the rate of re-interventions in group 2 is
34.66 points higher compared to the group 1. As a consequence, the rate of successful
sequences of intervention rises by 4.95 points — from 9.33% for group 1 to 14.28 for
group 2 — and the rate of failed unique interventions decreases by 14.29 points —
from 20.00% for group 1 to 5.71% for group 2. We explain this difference because of
meta-indicators: sequence of interventions contains re-interventions which are
triggered by meta-indicators. These results tend to validate our second hypothesis H2:
there was an increase of the number of re-interventions and there was also a rise in the
number of effective interventions through re-interventions.
Second, as shown in Fig.1, the rate of successful unique interventions has
increased between group 1 and group 2. It cannot be due to meta-indicators because
there was no re-intervention here. We explain this difference by the fact that the same
teachers were involved in the two experimentations. After experimentation 1, teachers
gained some expertise by remembering some effective interventions, so they could
better target their choice of remediation strategies.

Fig. 1. Distribution of teachers’ interventions for group 1 and group 2

5.2 Contribution of Meta-indicators to Learners’ Activities

We want to see if the improvement of teachers’ performance and the increase of their
re-interventions has a positive impact in learners’ activities. To reach this goal, we
brought out critical situations (CS) i.e. situations in which indicators – about learners’
activities – values were not acceptable. Among these situations, some have evolved
positively (indicators values returned to normal at the end of the session) and others
have not. In addition, among the CS, some have been resolved by students’
522 A. Lekira et al.

self-correction, others have not been the subject of an intervention since teachers had
chosen not to treat them because they had more serious CS to deal with. Here, we are
interested in the CS that have been the subject of an intervention.

Fig. 2. Distribution of CS for group 1 and group 2

Fig.2 shows the distribution of CS which have been treated in interventions

depending on their resolution at the end of the session. It shows that the rate of solved
CS thanks to interventions increases from 83.74% to 92.32% between group 1 and
group 2. This increase is probably due to the successful interventions, which increase
with the introduction of meta-indicators (see section 6.1). However, for group 2, there
was 7.67% of non-solved CS despite interventions. This category of non-solved CS
despite interventions corresponds to interventions on learners who had great difficulty
in programming.
This result tends to prove that the introduction of meta-indicators — which induces
better interventions quantitatively and qualitatively (increase of the rate of re
interventions and increase of the number of successful interventions) — has a
positive impact on learners’ performance because they were better able to solve their
CS when teachers had feedback about their interventions.

6 Conclusion and Outlook

In this paper, we investigated the benefits of the aid provided to teachers when they
manage their activities in real time, and in particular their interventions. Through a
generic indicator-based approach, we provide teachers with information about
learners’ activities in using indicators calculated from learners’ tracks. Relying on
these indicators, teachers can intervene about critical situations and can have
information about their intervention through meta-indicators. The indicator-based
approach is reusable. It can be deployed in any track-based TEL system. It consists,
on the one hand, in defining indicators in a given learning area and in categorizing
them according to the fact that they have or not an acceptability domain, and on the
other hand, in integrating the meta-indicators previously described.
Experimental results show that supplying teachers with information about their
interventions improves the effectiveness of these interventions in a quantitative and
qualitative ways. Moreover, these results also highlight that the improvement of
teachers’ performance has a positive influence on learners’ performance.
An Indicator-Based Approach to Promote the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Interventions 523

Our mid-term objective consists in providing teachers with information which

enables them to use their know-how acquired from one learner on others. To do that,
we want to capitalize teachers’ interventions depending on the measure of their
effectiveness and suggest them effective interventions when they are in a similar

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2010. LNCS, vol. 6383, pp. 260–275. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
2. Chen, W.: Supporting Teachers’ Intervention in Collaborative Knowledge Building.
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3. Mazza, R., Dimitrova, V.: CourseVis: A Graphical Student Monitoring Tool for
Facilitating Instructors in Web-Based Distance Courses. International Journal in Human-
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4. Després, C.: Synchronous Tutoring in Distance Learning. In: International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Australia, pp. 271–278 (2003)
5. ICALTS JEIRP: Interaction and Collaboration Analysis’ Supporting Teachers and
Students’ self-Regulation, Delivrables 1, 2 and 3 (2004),
6. HOP3X to learn Java Programming,
7. Pham Thi Ngoc, D., Iksal, S., Choquet, C.: Re-engineering of Pedagogical Scenarios
Using the Data Combination Language and Usage Tracking Language. In: 10th IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Tunisia, pp. 681–685
Limiting the Number of Revisions while Providing
Error-Flagging Support during Tests

Amruth N. Kumar

Ramapo College of New Jersey,

Mahwah, NJ 07430, USA

Abstract. Error-flagging support provided during tests leads to higher scores,

as reported in literature. Although many beneficial factors contribute to higher
scores, one undesirable contributing factor is that students abuse error-flagging
feedback to find the correct answer through trial and error even when the test is
not multiple-choice in nature. A limit can be placed on the number of revisions
allowed per problem to foil the trial and error approach. A follow-up study was
conducted to examine whether limiting the number of revisions allowed per
problem yielded the benefits of error-flagging feedback while alleviating its
shortcomings. The study also considered the effects of error-flagging feedback
on partial scores. The findings are: even with a limit placed on the number of
revisions per problem, students revised more often and scored higher with
rather than without error-flagging. When students solved problems incorrectly
without revisions, their solution qualified for more partial credit when error-
flagging support was provided. When a limit was placed on the number of
revisions and students solved problems correctly with revisions, they did so
with fewer revisions when error-flagging feedback was provided than when it
was not. When students solved problems incorrectly with revisions, even with a
limit placed on the number of revisions, they revised more often with error-
flagging than without, scored more partial credit, but did not take more time
than when error-flagging was not provided. A limit on the number of revisions
may discourage students from using error-flagging feedback as a substitute for
their own judgment. Overall, students solved problems faster with error-
flagging feedback, even though revisions prompted by such feedback can cost

Keywords: Error-flagging, Testing, Adaptation, Evaluation.

1 Introduction and Experiment

In a recent study of online tests that do not involve multiple-choice questions [1],
students scored better on tests with rather than without error-flagging support. A
follow-up study [2] found that when error-flag feedback is provided, students save
time on the problems that they already know how to solve, and spend additional time
on the problems for which they do not readily know the correct solution. It also found
that students may abuse error-flagging support to find the correct solution by trial and

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 524–530, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Limiting the Number of Revisions while Providing Error-Flagging Support during Tests 525

error. The work reported herein was conducted as a follow-up to study 1) whether
limiting the number of revisions allowed per problem would yield the benefits of
error-flagging feedback while foiling abuse; 2) the effect of error-flagging feedback
on partially correct solutions.
This work is of relevance to the tutoring systems community in that adaptive
tutors often use an online pretest to prime the student model. Since error-flagging
feedback helps students avoid inadvertent mistakes, tutors that provide error-flagging
feedback during their pretest can build a more accurate student model that facilitates
better adaptation of tutoring content.
For the current study, two problem-solving software tutors were used in fall
2011. The tutors were on predicting the behavior of while and for loops in
introductory computer programming. The while loop tutor targeted 9 concepts; for
loop tutor targeted 10 concepts. The tutors presented problems on these concepts,
each problem containing a program whose output had to be identified by the student.
Each software tutor went through pretest-practice-post-test protocol in 30 minutes.
Since this is a study of the effect of error-flagging feedback during testing, data from
only the pretest portion of the tutor was considered for analysis.
The evaluations were conducted online and in-vivo. The tutors were used in
introductory programming courses at 11 institutions which were randomly assigned to
one of two groups: A or B. A partial cross-over design was used: students in group A
served as test subjects on while loop tutor and control subjects on for loop tutor,
while students in group B served as control subjects on while loop tutor and test
subjects on for loop tutor. All else being equal, error-flagging feedback was
provided during pretest to students in the test group, but not the control group. Error-
flagging feedback was provided before the student submitted the answer.
When solving a problem, students identified the output of a program, one at a time.
Identifying each output consisted of entering the output string free-hand, and selecting
from a drop-down menu, line number of the code that generated the output. Students
could go back and delete a previously entered output by clicking on the “Delete”
button paired with it.
When error-flagging feedback was provided, if an answer was incorrect, it was
displayed on red background if incorrect, and green background if correct. When
error-flagging support was not provided, the answer was always displayed on white
background. When error-flagging support was provided, no facility was provided for
the student to find out why the output was incorrect, or how it could be corrected. The
online instructions presented to the students before using each tutor explained the
significance of the background colors.
Whether or not the tutor provided error-flagging feedback, students had the option
to revise their answer (e.g., “Delete” button described earlier) before submitting it.
The interface always displayed the number of available revisions (maximum 3). If the
student used up all available revisions, thereafter, the student could add additional
outputs, but could no longer delete any previously identified outputs. These features
were described in the instructions presented to the students at the beginning of each
526 A.N. Kumar

2 Results

For analysis, only those students were considered who had used both while and for
loop tutors. Only those students were considered who attempted most of the pretest
problems: at least 6 of the 9 problems on while loop tutor and 6 of the 10 problems
on for loop tutor. Students who scored 0 or 100% on either pretest were excluded.
This left a total of 155 students - 126 students in group A and 29 students in group B.
In order to factor out the effect of the difference in the number of problems solved by
the students, the average score per pretest problem (range 0  1.0) was considered
for analysis rather than the total score.
Score Per Problem: A 2 X 2 mixed-factor ANOVA analysis of the score per pretest
problem was conducted with the treatment (without versus with error-flagging
support) as the repeated measure and the group (group A with error-flagging on
while loop versus group B with error-flagging on for loop pretest) as the between
subjects factor.
A significant main effect was found for error-flagging [F(1,153) = 77.662, p <
0.001]: students scored 0.541 ± 0.040 without error-flagging and 0.820 ± 0.024 with
error-flagging (at 95% confidence level). The difference was statistically significant
[t(154) = -14.289, p < 0.001]. The effect size (Cohen’s d) is 1.323, indicating a large
effect – test group mean is at 90th percentile of the control group. So, even with a limit
placed on the number of revisions per problem, students scored more with error-
flagging support during tests than without.
A large significant interaction was found between treatment and group [F(1,153) =
26.441, p < 0.001]. As shown in Table 1, the group with error-flagging scored
statistically significantly more than the group without error-flagging on both while
loop pretest [t(153) = 3.414, p = 0.001] and for loop pretest [t(153) = -6.050, p <
0.001]. Similarly, each group scored more with error-flagging than without [t(125) = -
16.378, p < .001] for group A and [t(28) = -1.912, p = .066] for group B.

Table 1. Average pretest score with and without error-flagging

while loop pretest for loop pretest

Without error-flagging 0.704 ± 0.087 0.503 ± 0.043
With error-flagging 0.827 ± 0.027 0.789 ± 0.051

Time Per Problem: A 2 X 2 mixed-factor ANOVA analysis of the time per pretest
problem was conducted with the treatment as the repeated measure and the group as
the between subjects factor. A significant main effect was found for error-flagging
[F(1,153) = 6.581, p = 0.011]: students spent 122.412 ± 7.455 seconds without error-
flagging and 95.609 ± 6.150 seconds with error-flagging support. The difference was
statistically significant [t(154) = 6.582, p < 0.001]. The effect size (Cohen’s d) is
0.617, indicating a large effect – test group mean is at 73rd percentile of the control
group. So, overall, students solved problems faster with error-flagging feedback, even
though revisions prompted by such feedback can cost time.
Limiting the Number of Revisions while Providing Error-Flagging Support during Tests 527

A large significant interaction was observed between treatment and group

[F(1,153) = 21.456, p < 0.001]. As shown in Table 2, the group with error-flagging
solved problems faster than the group without error-flagging, but the difference was
not statistically significant on either pretest. The difference with versus without error-
flagging was significant for group A [t(125) = 8.826, p < .001], but not for group B.

Table 2. Average pretest time per problem with and without error-flagging

while loop pretest for loop pretest

Without error-flagging 102.913 ± 13.525 126.900 ± 8.455
With error-flagging 91.594 ± 5.960 113.051 ± 19.269

Number of Revisions: A 2 X 2 mixed-factor ANOVA analysis of the number of

revisions was conducted with the treatment as the repeated measure and the group as
the between subjects factor. A significant main effect was found for error-flagging
[F(1,153) = 50.711, p < 0.001]: students revised an average of 1.26 ± 0.232 times
without error-flagging and 3.90 ± 0.623 times with error-flagging support. The
difference was statistically significant [t(154) = -7.988, p < 0.001]. The effect size
(Cohen’s d) is -0.885, indicating a large effect – test group mean is at 82nd percentile
of the control group. So, even with a limit placed on the number of revisions per
problem, students revised their answers more often with error-flagging support than
without. Both the groups revised more often with error-flagging than without, as
shown in Table 3. The difference with versus without error-flagging was significant
for group A [t(125) = -6.354, p < .001] as well as group B [t(28) = -6.011, p < .001].

Table 3. Number of revisions with and without error-flagging

while loop pretest for loop pretest

Without error-flagging 1.17 ± .584 1.29 ± .253
With error-flagging 3.70 ± .721 4.76 ± 1.086

As in the previous study [2], we considered four cases for comparing students with
and without error-flagging support:
1. Students solved a problem correctly without any revisions – we compared the
time students took to solve each problem.
2. Students solved a problem incorrectly without any revisions – we compared the
partial score and time spent per problem.
3. Students solved a problem correctly with revisions – we compared the number of
revisions and time spent per problem.
4. Students solved a problem incorrectly with revisions – we compared the partial
score, time spent per problem and number of revisions.
The limit placed on the number of revisions per problem is expected to affect cases 3
and 4 only.
528 A.N. Kumar

Case 1 – Problem solved correctly without any revisions: Univariate analysis of

variance of the time spent per problem yielded a significant main effect for treatment
[F(1,1135) = 33.462, p < .001]: students spent 91.56 ± 6.99 seconds per problem
without and 67.9 ± 4.57 seconds with error-flagging support. This confirms the earlier
result - when error-flagging support is provided, students save the time they would
have spent re-checking their solution.
Case 2 – Problem solved partially or incorrectly without any revisions: ANOVA
analysis of the time spent per problem yielded significant main effect for treatment
[F(1,1146) = 7.178, p = .007]: students solved the problems in 136.48 ± 7.108
seconds per problem without and 117.42 ± 12.726 seconds with error-flagging
support. ANOVA analysis of the partial score yielded a significant main effect for
treatment [F(1,1146) = 183.288, p < .001]: students scored 0.209 ± .021 points per
problem without error-flagging, and 0.495 ± .037 points per problem with error-
flagging support. So, even when students solved problems incorrectly without
revisions, their solution qualified for more partial credit when error-flagging support
was provided. In this study, they also solved the problems faster than when error-
flagging was not provided.
Case 3 – Problem solved correctly, with revisions: ANOVA analysis of the time
spent per problem yielded no significant main effect for treatment: [F(1,290) = 0.166,
p = 0.684]: whereas students solved problems correctly in an average of 92.91 ± 13.01
seconds without error-flagging and 97.74 ± 11.00 seconds with error-flagging, the
difference was not statistically significant.
Analysis of the number of revisions yielded a significant main effect for treatment:
[F(1,290) = 20.44, p < .001]: students revised their answers 1.49 ± .178 times without
error-flagging, and 1.16 ± .056 times with error-flagging. So, when a limit was placed
on the number of revisions, students solved problems correctly with fewer revisions
when error-flagging support was provided than when it was not. We speculate that
when students are made aware of the limit placed on the number of revisions allowed,
they deliberate more before revising and therefore, need fewer revisions. Fewer
revisions may also explain why students spent less time with rather than without
error-flagging feedback.
Revisions still carry a time penalty – among the problems students with error-
flagging support solve correctly, the problems solved without revisions take
significantly less time (67.9 ± 4.575 seconds) than the problems solved with revisions
(97.74 ± 11.0 seconds) [t(891) = 5.794, p < .001].
Case 4 – Problem solved partially or incorrectly with revisions: ANOVA analysis
of the time spent per problem yielded no significant main effect for treatment
[F(1,265) = .024, p = 0.876]: students spent about the same amount of time without
(145.79 ± 19.62 seconds) as with error-flagging support (147.7 ± 13.07 seconds).
ANOVA analysis of the number of revisions yielded significant main effect for
treatment [F(1,265) = 8.411, p = 0.004]: students revised 1.42 ± .155 times without
error-flagging and 1.73 ± .12 times with error-flagging. ANOVA analysis of the
partial credit earned by students yielded a significant main effect for treatment
Limiting the Number of Revisions while Providing Error-Flagging Support during Tests 529

[F(1,265) = 27.82, p < .001]: students scored .221 ± .067 points without error-flagging
and .435 ± .043 with error-flagging. So, even when a limit is placed on the number of
revisions, students revise more often with error-flagging than without, score more
partial credit, but do not take more time than when error-flagging is not provided.
Table 4 lists the percentage of problems that were solved correctly/incorrectly,
with/without revisions in the two treatments. Prior study had reported that students
with error-flagging feedback solved a third fewer problems correctly without
revisions than with revisions, presumably because students were using error-flagging
feedback as a substitute for their own judgment. With the introduction of a limit on
the number of allowed revisions, students with error-flagging feedback solved nearly
three times as many problems correctly without revisions than with revisions. This
reversal suggests that a limit on the number of revisions may discourage students from
using error-flagging feedback as a substitute for their own judgment. As in the prior
study, we note that the percentage of students who solved problems incorrectly
without any revisions is far smaller with than without error-flagging. In other words,
students take advantage of error-flagging feedback to fix an incorrect answer. It is
clear that students with error-flagging support revise their solution far more than those
without error-flagging support, whether or not the solution eventually turns out to be
correct. The objective of limiting the number of revisions allowed per problem is to
minimize the amount of time students spend revising solutions that eventually turn
out to be incorrect, and/or increase the partial credit students score in such cases. Case
4 above bears out that this objective was met.

Table 4. Percentage of problems solved correctly/incorrectly, with and without revision

Solution never revised Solution revised

Correct Partial/Incorrect Correct Partial/Incorrect
Without Error-Flagging 33.08 57.63 3.95 5.34
With Error-Flagging 47.14 22.60 16.74 13.52

In conclusion, placing a limit on the number of revisions per problem did yield the
benefits of error-flagging feedback while foiling abuse. Even with the limit, students
revised more often and scored higher with rather than without error-flagging. When
students solved problems incorrectly without revisions, their solution qualified for
more partial credit when error-flagging support was provided. With the limit in place,
when students solved problems correctly with revisions, they did so with fewer
revisions when error-flagging feedback was provided than when it was not. When
students solved problems incorrectly with revisions, even with the limit in place, they
revised more often with error-flagging than without, scored more partial credit, but
did not take more time than when error-flagging was not provided. A limit on the
number of revisions discourages students from relying on error-flagging uncritically.
Overall, students solved problems faster with error-flagging feedback, even though
revisions prompted by such feedback can cost time. This makes the process of using a
pretest to prime the student model in an adaptive tutor more efficient.
530 A.N. Kumar

Acknowledgments. Partial support for this work was provided by the National
Science Foundation under grant DUE-0817187.

1. Kumar, A.N.: Error-Flagging Support for Testing and Its Effect on Adaptation. In: Aleven,
V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 359–368. Springer,
Heidelberg (2010)
2. Kumar, A.N.: Error-Flagging Support and Higher Test Scores. In: Biswas, G., Bull, S.,
Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS(LNAI), vol. 6738, pp. 147–154. Springer,
Heidelberg (2011)
Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported
by Conversational Agents

Gregory Dyke, David Adamson, Iris Howley, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Abstract. In this paper, we investigate the use of conversational agents to scaf-

fold on-line collaborative learning discussions through an approach called aca-
demically productive talk. In contrast to past work, which has involved using
agents to elevate the conceptual depth of collaborative discussion by leading
students in groups through directed lines of reasoning, this approach lets stu-
dents follow their own lines of reasoning and promotes productive practices
such as explaining, stating agreement and disagreement, and reading and re-
voicing the statements of other students. We contrast two types of academically
productive talk support for a discussion about 9th grade biology and show that
one type in particular has a positive effect on the overall conversation, while the
other is worse than no support. This positive effect carries over onto participa-
tion in a full-class discussion the following day. We use a sociolinguistic style
analysis to investigate how the two types of support influence the discussion
and draw conclusions for redesign. In particular, our findings have implications
for how dynamic micro-scripting agents such as those scaffolding academically
productive talk can be used in consort with more static macro- and micro-

Keywords: conversational agents, discussion scaffolding, collaboration


1 Introduction

In recent years there has been a series of successful results in the area of conversa-
tional agents to support learning in chat environments [2][4][6-11]. Such agents have
provided social support, affording the agents a more credible social standing in the
group and helping to diffuse tension and create a productive learning environment.
Furthermore, they have provided conceptual support, designed to elicit more depth by
leading students through directed lines of reasoning, referred to as knowledge con-
struction dialogues (KCDs).
While KCDs have been shown to lead to increased learning gains, particularly in
situations where the conversational agents also provide social support [8], the necessi-
ty of designing them statically, with a pre-defined line of reasoning in mind both
makes them hard to adapt to new subject material and does not fully exploit the bene-
fits of collaborative learners following their own spontaneous lines of reasoning.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 531–540, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
532 G. Dyke et al.

We have therefore drawn on extensive work related to support of classroom dis-

course [12-14] and collaborative learning [3,15] to investigate the use by conversa-
tional agents of facilitation moves that promote academically productive talk (APT).
The aim of APT facilitation moves is to increase the amount of transactivity [3], by
dynamically reacting to student discussions, encouraging them to build on each oth-
er’s reasoning. Furthermore, as APT refers both to learners social positioning to each
other and their conceptual positioning to knowledge, this provides us with a theoreti-
cal framework to better integrate the social and conceptual support aspects of conver-
sational agents.
In this paper, we analyse our first study involving an agent performing APT moves
in the context of a 9th grade biology classroom. We contrast two forms of support (one
in which the agent performs the facilitation and a second in which the agent prompts
another student to perform these moves) and a null condition with no support. We
show that the presence of APT moves is correlated with improved student reasoning
but also discover that while the first form of APT support shows promise, the second
produces much less reasoning than would be expected. In order to better understand
how the agents shape the conversation, both productively and unproductively, we
employ a linguistic style process analysis to inform the next iteration of development
of academically productive talk agents.

2 Academically Productive Talk

The notion of Academically Productive Talk stems from frameworks that emphasize
the importance of social interaction in the development of mental processes, and has
developed in parallel to similar ideas from the computer-supported collaborative
learning community. Michaels, O’Connor and Resnick [12] describe some of the core
dialogic practices of Accountable Talk along three broad dimensions:

• Students should be accountable to the learning community, listening to the contri-

butions of others and building on them to form their own.
• Students should be accountable to accepted standards of reasoning, emphasizing
logical connections and drawing reasonable conclusions
• Students should be accountable to knowledge, making arguments which are based
explicitly on facts, written texts or other public information.
In order to introduce such practices in the classroom where they do not exist, it is
necessary both to introduce students to unfamiliar dialogic interaction forms and to
provide teachers with the means to scaffold these interaction forms. Drawing on over
15 years of observation and study, Michaels, O’Connor and Resnick [12] propose a
number of core “moves” that teachers can draw upon in order to encourage the devel-
opment of academically productive classroom discussion, among which are:
1. Revoicing: “So let me see if I’ve got your thinking right. You’re saying XXX?”
(with time for students to accept or reject the teacher’s formulation);
2. Asking students to restate someone else’s reasoning: “Can you repeat what he just
said in your own words?”;
Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents 533

3. Asking students to apply their own reasoning to someone else’s reasoning: “Do
you agree or disagree and why?”;
4. Prompting students for participation: “Would someone like to add on?”;
5. Asking students to explicate their reasoning: “Why do you think that?” or “How
did you arrive at that answer?” or “Say more about that”.
These moves have in common that they encourage reasoning statements (where the
reasoning is made explicit) and they encourage transactivity [3], in which a reason-
ing operates on previous reasoning statement.

3 An Agent to Facilitate Academically Productive Talk

In this study, 50 students in four 9th grade biology periods were involved in an activity
about diffusion and osmosis over two 42-minute periods on consecutive days. On the
first day, they went through a 20 minute discussion in groups of three, in which a
conversational agent presented them with three similar experimental setups, asking
them to make predictions, watch a video, record their observations and provide expla-
nations. This agent also provided APT scaffolding according the condition to which
the groups were assigned. Furthermore the students were assigned roles related to
APT scaffolding, with each student being responsible for performing one type of scaf-
fold when appropriate. On the second day, the students participated in full class dis-
cussions, led by their teacher, at the end of which they took a post-test. Our research
goal was to evaluate two forms of APT support. Our educational goal was to prepare
the students as well as possible for the second day’s discussion so that they might
each benefit from it as much as possible.

3.1 Agent Support for Academically Productive Talk

The APT conversational agent was setup to accomplish two roles, neither of which
provided any conceptual support. The first was to guide and instruct students through
each phase of the activity. The second was to provide various levels of scaffolding
using three of the “moves” proposed for the scaffolding of APT: prompting students
to restate each other’s reasoning, asking students whether they are in agreement with
each other or not, and asking students to further explicate their reasoning.
The levels of support formed the three experimental conditions of our study:

• Unsupported: provide no APT support (only guiding through phases of activity)

• Direct: directly prompt students using APT moves (“John, could you say what
Ann said in your own words”)
• Indirect: prompt students to fulfill their assigned role (“Susan, could you ask John
to say in his own words what Ann said”).
In a pilot study using human “wizards of Oz” to provide APT support, students
reacted unfavorably to the tutors – we hypothesized that in such a social situation a
computer agent might not have the authority and credibility to make APT move re-
quests of the human participants. The Indirect condition was designed to mitigate this
situation by prompting learners to fulfill a role which had already been assigned to
them in lieu of the agent.
534 G. Dyke et al.

Student1 I think it’s going to get heavier.

Tutor Student2, do you agree with what Student1 just said?

Student2 Wait I’m confused, please explain this again.

Student1 The egg will get bigger… heavier
Tutor Student3, do you agree with what Student1 just said?
Student3 I can’t understand.
Student3 oh, ok, I get it.

In the example above, when the agent detects that a student has made a prediction,
it tries to get the other students to challenge the prediction. In this case, the response
is that both of the other students admit that they are confused. This is actually a pro-
ductive response since voicing confusion can be a precursor to a useful clarification
dialogue. If students don’t voice their confusion, they are less likely to achieve clarity
within the conversation. In the Indirect condition, the Tutor would have said: Stu-
dent3, check with Student2 if they agree with Student1.

4 Analysis
In our analysis, presented below, we initially examine the students’ conversations and
the effect of the ATP support conditions, by coding utterances for accountable talk
moves, reasoning, and transactivity. Reasoning movesWe then examine the effect on
participation in the following day’s full class discussion and the learning outcome
subsequent to that discussion. This shows that the Direct condition outperforms the
None and the Indirect.
We then perform a more detailed process analysis of linguistic style, to investigate
why the Indirect condition performs so poorly. We investigate specific areas in the
conversations where Indirect seems different from the other two conditions and iso-
late some of the issues which will be a focal point for APT agent redesign.

4.1 Reasoning in Conversations

We first coded for APT moves (which follow a set template), reasoning (0.72κ inter-
rater reliability), and transactivity (0.70κ).

Table 1. APT Moves, Reasoning, Transactivity per student, across all conditions
Condition Student APT Moves Reasoning Transactivi-
APT (including tutor) ty
Unsupported .56 (2.7%) 1.6 (1.8%) 1.6 (11%) .55 (2.7%)
Indirect 1.2 (4.9%) 3.8 (3.6%) .53 (3.8%) .13 (1.1%)
Direct .67 (6.4%) 4.25 (7%) 2 (17%) .92 (5.1%)
Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents 535

It should first be admitted that, overall, these results are lower than we had ex-
pected, with little reasoning and transactivity, mainly because of the difficulty the
students had in carrying out the activity. The biggest difference between conditions
shows up in terms of explicit displays of reasoning. Here there is a marginal effect
on total number of reasoning moves per session F(2,42) = 2.46, p < .1, whereby stu-
dents in the Direct condition produce a significantly greater number of reasoning
moves than students in the Indirect condition, with the Unsupported condition not
being significantly different from either (this same effect is significant when consider-
ing reasoning moves as a percentage F(2,42) = 4.47, p < .05). We did not see any
statistical relationship between the number or percentage of Academically Productive
Talk moves from the tutor and either student reasoning displays or transactive moves,
however, we did see a significant but weak correlation between total percentage of
Academically Productive Talk moves in a chat transcript from any source and the
percentage of student contributions that were explicit displays of reasoning R2 = .11,
p < .05. Given this result, and the non-significant trend of the Indirect condition
having more APT moves (both from the students and from all participants), it is sur-
prising that the Direct condition outperformed the Indirect condition in producing

4.2 Effect on Full-Class Discussion Participation

We examined the effect on class participation by counting contributions to the teach-
er-led discussion. Because the data were far from normally distributed, we first did a
log transformation on the counts of contributions. We then performed an ANOVA
analysis to determine whether there was a significant effect of condition. Since there
was also a big difference in participation (and ability) across class periods, we re-
tained class session as an additional factor in the ANOVA analysis. Both class ses-
sion (F(3,21) = 7.0, p < .005) and condition (F(2,26) = 4.2, p < .05) were statistically
significant1. A post-hoc analysis using t-tests demonstrated that students in both the
Direct and Indirect conditions contributed to the whole group discussion significantly
more frequently than students who had been in the Unsupported condition. In both
cases the effect size was about .75 standard deviations.

Table 2. Classroom discussion participation by Period and Condition

Unsupported Indirect Direct

Period 1 4.2 (3.7) 8.0 (5.9) 3.7 (2.1)
Period 3 N/A 19 (8.5) 60 (49.5)
Period 6 1 (0) 3.2 (2.1) 5.8 (5.3)
Period 9 1 (0) 20 (0) 7 (0)

Because of the difficulty in indentifying participating students in our audio recordings of the
class discussion, this data is incomplete and the analysis may not accurately reflect the effect
of participation on discussion. On the other hand, there is no reason to assume that our ability
to identify students was biased by condition.
536 G. Dyke et al.

4.3 Learning Gains

The major factor influencing post-test results was the class period. The performance
of all but the first period was so poor that no results of any significance were observa-
ble. To increase statistical power, we examined the effect of condition only on the
first period (grouping Direct and Indirect conditions into the Supported condition) and
only on questions related to providing generic explanations (as opposed to fact recall
and observation understanding). Students in the Supported conditions scored signifi-
cantly higher than those in the Unsupported F(1,46) = 4.3, p < .05, with an effect size
of 1.1sd.

Table 3. Post-test score on Explain for Period 1, by condition (mark is out of 4 points)
Supported Unsupported
Explain 2 (.7) 1.1 (.9)

4.4 Process Analysis of Linguistic Style

From the above analyses it is surprising that the Indirect condition produced such
poor reasoning compared to the Direct. We therefore examined the conversations in
greater detail. In addition to Transactivity, which shows how students reason and
operate on each others’ reasoning, we coded the discussions for Heteroglossia (0.77κ
inter-rater reliability), which shows how participants frame their assertions. The Hete-
roglossia framework is operationalized from Martin and White’s theory of engage-
ment (Martin & White, 2005), and here we describe it as identifying word choice that
allows or restricts other possibilities and opinions. This creates a rather simple divide
in possible coding terms for contributions (among statements that are ontask

• Heteroglossic-Expand (HE) phrases tend to make allowances for alternative views

and opinions (such as “She claimed that glucose will move through the semi-
permeable membrane.”)
• Heteroglossic-Contract (HC) phrases attempt to thwart other positions (such as
“The experiment demonstrated that glucose will move through the semi-permeable
• Monoglossic (M) phrases make no mention of other views and viewpoints (such as
“Glucose will move through the semi-permeable membrane.”)

Overall, we find a positive and strong correlation between the average percentage of
HE contributions in a discussion and the percentage of a student’s contributions that
are explicit reasoning displays, R2 = .5, p < .0001. We also see a significantly smaller
percentage of student contributions that are Heteroglossic Expand F(2,41) = 6.79, p <
.005 in the Indirect condition.
Towards Academicallly Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents 537

Fig. 1. Heteroglossia (M=red, HE=blue, HC=light blue, Non Assertion=orange, Offtask=cyyan)

distributed over time (horizon
ntal axis) in Unsupported (top), Direct (center) and Indirect (B Bot-
tom). Dark bars indicate tutor turns present in all conditions and groups, green bars are the A
moves specific to individual coonditions and groups. The dip in the middle is where the studdents
watch the video.

To better understand wh hat was happening in the indirect condition, we used Taatia-
na [5] to construct a visuallization showing the running average distribution of heete-
roglossia codes over time within
w each of the three conditions (cumulating across the
groups of each condition, cf. Fig. 1). We can see that during the prediction phaase,
before going to see the vid deo but after several ATP moves by the agent, there iis a
marked lack of HE turns an nd a marked presence of M turns in the Indirect condittion
compared to the two others. The HE turns remain low throughout. By investigatting
these phases of the converssation more closely, we saw that HE statements tendedd to
be predictions and explanattions, whereas the M statements tended to be statementss of
Closer examination rev vealed that this was often triggered by the agent’s maccro-
scripting of the activity (insstructions of what to do) interfering with its micro-scriptting
of the APT (e.g. Fig. 2)). Furthermore, the agent frequently lost credibilityy as
performing moves in inap ppropriate places was doubly harmful when the studeents
followed its instructions (ee.g. asking for a revoice when there was nothing usefuul to
538 G. Dyke et al.

Tutor You should now move on to discussing Condition C

S041 The world is going to end in 2012
Tutor S027, now would be a good time to ask S034 to build on what S041 is
S034 I’m so confused!
S027 034, would you like to build onto what 041 is saying? And me too!
Tutor When you agree, write down your predictions on your worksheet.

Fig. 2. Inappropriate timing of request for revoicing in the Indirect condition

5 Discussion and Implications for Redesign

The analysis of heteroglossia helped us identify the major way in which the Indirect
discussions were different from those in the other two conditions. It also showed that
lack of heteroglossic turns and presence of monoglossic turns could be an indicator of
areas where the tutor was negatively impacting the discussion. Aside from the interfe-
rence between static macro- and dynamic micro- scripting, we also saw that students
were often frustrated when the agent was unable to provide them with any conceptual
In redesign for re-conducting a similar study this year, the agent scripting issues
were solved as discussed in [1] by implementing a better coordination algorithm so
as to avoid collisions from different agent types. The activity was simplified so as to
be better tailored to the students abilities. Last, and most importantly, the revoicing
and addon APT moves were adopted because of their ability to provide simple con-
ceptual nudges. The revoicing agent compares student utterances to a set of sentences
that it knows to be true about the domain. When it finds a sentence which is semanti-
cally similar, it asks the students whether it is an appropriate revoice (e.g. Fig. 3). The
addon agent knows about a list of concepts which ought to be discussed and will
prompt struggling groups to discuss these concepts. Both these agents allow for rapid
extension to new domains without the need to develop elaborate lines of reasoning.
This year’s study has just been conducted and preliminary analysis shows that the
amount of reasoning is greater by at least an order of magnitude than the amount
shown in this condition. The agents also were considered more credible and useful
interlocutors than in the study presented in this paper.

S25 it mixed with the water and it turned green because of how much glucose
is in the water
Tutor Would that be the same as saying "a glucose test strip changes from yel-
low to green when glucose is there?"
S25 Yes
Fig. 3. In this excerpt from the new revoicing agent, the tutor’s utterance both reframes the
student utterance more precisely, and leaves the responsibility for producing and evaluating
reasoning with the student
Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents 539

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented a new kind of conversational agent for learning, based on
the theoretical framework of Academically Productive Talk. Such agents are designed
to behave as beneficial generic participants in collaborative learning discussion situa-
tions. We described a study in which two different implementations of such APT
support are compared and contrasted with an Unsupported condition. While our activ-
ity proved to be slightly too difficult, the Supported conditions are shown to provide
better learning outcomes and increased participation in subsequent classroom discus-
sion. The Direct condition is shown to outperform the Indirect condition in increasing
the amount of student reasoning. A process analysis of linguistic style is used to in-
vestigate this difference more closely, revealing several issues with the agents as im-
plemented. In a promising redesign, we implemented new kinds of APT moves such
as revoicing and adding on and a better coordination mechanism for loosely coupled
agents. We believe APT agents open the doors to creating agents which can be reused
in a variety of contexts with minimal adaptation effort. Furthermore, they provide
new opportunities for controlled research into the effects and pertinence in context of
various APT and other discussion scaffolding moves.

Acknowledgments. This work was funded by NSF SBE-0836012.

1. Adamson, D., Rosé, C.P.: Coordinating Multi-dimensional Support in Collaborative Con-
versational Agents. In: Cerri, S.A., Clancey, B. (eds.) ITS 2012. LNCS, vol. 7315,
pp. 347–352. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)
2. Ai, H., Kumar, R., Nguyen, D., Nagasunder, A., Rosé, C.P.: Exploring the Effectiveness of
Social Capabilities and Goal Alignment in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6095, pp. 134–143. Sprin-
ger, Heidelberg (2010)
3. Berkowitz, M., Gibbs, J.: Measuring the developmental features of moral discussion. Mer-
rill-Palmer Quarterly 29, 399–410 (1983)
4. Chaudhuri, S., Kumar, R., Howley, I., Rosé, C.P.: Engaging Collaborative Learners with
Helping Agents. Submitted to Artificial Intelligence in Education (2009)
5. Dyke, G., Lund, K., Girardot, J.-J.: Tatiana: an environment to support the CSCL analysis
process. In: CSCL 2009, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 58–67 (2009)
6. Howley, I., Chaudhuri, S., Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P.: Motivation and Collaboration On-Line.
Submitted to Artificial Intelligence in Education (2009)
7. Howley, I., Mayfield, E., Rosé, C.P.: Missing Something? Authority in Collaborative
Learning. In: Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (2011)
8. Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P., Wang, Y.C., Joshi, M., Robinson, A.: Tutorial Dialogue as Adap-
tive Collaborative Learning Support. In: Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Education
9. Kumar, R., Ai, H., Beuth, J.L., Rosé, C.P.: Socially Capable Conversational Tutors Can Be
Effective in Collaborative Learning Situations. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.)
ITS 2010. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 156–164. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
540 G. Dyke et al.

10. Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P.: Architecture for building Conversational Agents that support Col-
laborative Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Special Issue on Intelli-
gent and Innovative Support Systems for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (in
11. Martin, J., White, P.: The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English. Palgrave (2005)
12. Michaels, S., O’Connor, C., Resnick, L.B.: Deliberative discourse idealized and realized:
Accountable talk in the classroom and in civic life. Studies in Philosophy and Education
13. Resnick, L.B., Bill, V., Lesgold, S.: Developing thinking abilities in arithmetic class. In:
Demetriou, A., Shayer, M., Efklides, A. (eds.) Neo-Piagetian Theories of Cognitive De-
velopment: Implications and Applications for Education, pp. 210–230. Routledge, London
14. Resnick, L., O’Connor, C., Michaels, S.: Classroom Discourse, Mathematical Rigor, and
Student Reasoning: An Accountable Talk Literature Review (2007)
15. Weinberger, A., Fischer, F.: A framework to analyze argumentative knowledge construc-
tion in computer supported collaborative learning. Computers & Education 46, 71–95
Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations
and Erroneous Responses for Dialogue-Based ITSs

Blair Lehman1, Caitlin Mills2, Sidney D’Mello2, and Arthur Graesser1

Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152
Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN 46556

Abstract. Self-explanations (SE) are an effective method to promote learning

because they can help students identify gaps and inconsistencies in their
knowledge and revise their faulty mental models. Given this potential, it is
beneficial for intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) to promote SEs and adaptively
respond based on SE quality. We developed and evaluated classification models
using combinations of SE content (e.g., inverse weighted word-overlap) and
contextual cues (e.g., SE response time, topic being discussed). SEs were coded
based on correctness and presence of different types of errors. We achieved
some success at classifying SE quality using SE content and context. For
correct vs. incorrect discrimination, context-based features were more effective,
whereas content-based features were more effective when classifying different
types of errors. Implications for automatic assessment of learner SEs by ITSs
are discussed.

Keywords: self-explanations, automatic scoring, adaptive responses, ITSs,

natural language understanding.

1 Introduction

Learning is a complex process that involves both the acquisition of new knowledge
and integration of new content with existing knowledge. This task can be especially
difficult when learners' mental models are rife with gaps, inconsistencies, and
misconceptions. One method to facilitate the learning process is to have instructors
provide explanations and guidance. Another method is to allow learners to construct
and refine their own mental models. The latter method represents a more active form
of knowledge construction. This type of active knowledge construction, in which
learners are encouraged to engage in a form of self-instruction [1], can be contrasted
with more shallow learning that involves the mere accumulation of facts [2-3].
Self-instruction can be completed through a number of learning activities; one such
activity is self-explanation. Self-explanations (SE) are a representation of the learner’s
current knowledge about a concept and involve making inferences as well as
integrating new information into existing knowledge structures [4]. SEs can also
facilitate learning by causing learners to realize where gaps or inconsistencies exist in

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 541–550, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
542 B. Lehman et al.

their knowledge [5-6]. The impact of SEs on learning can be especially strong when
learners are required to apply skills to new situations [5, 7].
The value of SEs as a means to diagnose learner knowledge and facilitate learning
has been acknowledged for some time. Many studies have taken advantage of the SE
effect (e.g., [5, 8, 9]). For example, Chi et al. [5] had learners study example problems
on Newtonian physics and engage in a talk-aloud while studying. They found that
higher achieving learners generated SEs at each step of the example problem while
working to create a more refined understanding of the concept. Less successful
learners, on the other hand, did not generate their own SEs while learning.
The benefits of SEs have also been studied in the context of intelligent tutoring
systems (ITS). Many ITSs incorporate SEs as part of the learning process and some
even train learners to become more adept self-explainers [6-7, 10-12]. iSTART, for
example, is an ITS that provides learners with SE and reading strategy training [12].
By providing learners with examples of high quality SEs, practice generating SEs,
and additional reading strategies, iSTART is able to increase learners’ reading
comprehension skills [13].
In addition to promoting SE use and training learners to generate higher quality
SEs, ITSs must also be capable of evaluating the quality of learner-generated SEs. If
an ITS can provide learners with opportunities to self-explain and automatically
assesses the quality of their SEs, the ITS can adaptively respond to any gaps in the
learner’s knowledge and begin to correct problematic misconceptions.
The process of understanding natural language contributions from learners,
however, is not a trivial task because the responses are often short, conversational,
fragmented, and syntactically incorrect. In one study, Williams and D’Mello [14]
used linguistic properties to assess the quality of learner responses during expert
human tutoring sessions. The Linguistic Inquiry Word Count [15] was used to classify
answers as correct, partially-correct, vague, or error-ridden. Although this approach
did not use any content-dependent words, they were able to correctly classify 45.2%
of learner responses.
Other studies have used a more content-dependent approach for assessing learner
contributions. Litman, Moore, Dzikovska, and Farrow [16] used content word
matching to analyze corpora from tutoring sessions with an ITS and human tutors.
Use of a domain-specific glossary yielded some success; however, approximately half
of the content words in learner responses were misclassified. In a series of studies,
Graesser, Penumatsa, Ventura, Cai, and Hu [17] made use of Latent Semantic
Analysis (LSA) [18] to model learner knowledge during interactions with an ITS.
LSA is a method to semantically compare two texts using a bag of words approach
and dimensionality reduction techniques. By comparing learner responses to
expectations (ideal responses) and common misconceptions, they were able to model
learner knowledge at a level that was comparable to unskilled human tutors.
Research on natural language understanding (NLU) techniques to assess learner
responses has also revealed that a combination of algorithms may be an effective method
for diagnosing learner knowledge. Aleven, Popescu, and Koedinger [19] used the
combination of a geometry knowledge base (e.g., keywords, ideal responses) and a
statistical text classifier (NaïveBayes). The knowledge base incorporated hierarchical
Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations and Erroneous Responses 543

ordering for comparisons of learner responses to correct or partially-correct example

responses. When only the knowledge base was used to discriminate between correct and
incorrect learner responses, 59.5% of responses were correctly classified [20]. However,
when the classification model included both the knowledge base and statistical classifier,
classification improved to 61% [21]. The negligible increase, when the statistical
classifier was included (59.5% vs. 61%), was attributed to the large number of potential
classifications for each SE (167 labels). When semantic similarity between labels, or
types of error-ridden answers, was taken into account and reduced the number of
potential labels, accuracy greatly increased to 81%.
Rus, McCarthy, Lintean, Graesser, and McNamara [22] examined seven
algorithms to assess the quality of learner SEs from iSTART interactions. iSTART
presents learners with a text and then asks them to explain the text in their own words.
The algorithms were either word-based, syntactic, or a combination of word and
syntactic information. Word-based algorithms assessed word-overlap between learner
SEs and the original text. Seventy-four percent of paraphrase SEs were correctly
classified via a combination of the entailment index [23], synonymy index, word-
overlap, and LSA (see [22] for details).
Past research on automatic classification of learner contributions has focused on
the response content (i.e., the words in the response), while context from the learning
session has largely been ignored. In the present paper we attempt to expand upon
these past results by augmenting a semantic analysis of the response content with
information about the context surrounding the response. Similar to past research, we
test a model that uses a weighted word-overlap algorithm as the predictive feature (SE
Content model). We build on past research by testing a Context model that
incorporates features of the response characteristics (e.g., SE response time) and
larger learning context (e.g., order of topic presentation, prior performance in the
learning session). We compare the individual models to a Combined model (Content
+ Context). Finally, taking a somewhat different approach, we tested a Word-Based
model that exclusively relies on the words in SEs as predictive features without a
knowledge-based model of correct and incorrect answers. The models were tested on
a corpus of learner SEs collected from a previous study involving tutorial sessions on
scientific reasoning topics.

2 Method
2.1 Participants
Participants were 76 undergraduate students from a mid-south university in the US
who participated for course credit. Participants completed four learning sessions, one
on each of the scientific reasoning topics (experimenter bias, control group, random
assignment, replication). Order of topics was counterbalanced across participants.

2.2 Learning Sessions

The learning sessions consisted of the human learners engaging in a trialogue with
two animated pedagogical agents (tutor agent and peer student agent) while learning
about scientific reasoning topics [24]. The trialogues consisted of learners discussing
544 B. Lehman et al.

the scientific merits of sample research studies with the tutor and peer agents. All
studies had one subtle flaw and the learner had to identify this flaw by reflecting and
deliberating on the quality of the methodologies of the studies.
The excerpt in Table 1 is an example trialogue between the two agents and the
human learner. In this excerpt, the tutor agent (Dr. Williams) and the peer agent
(Chris) are discussing a flawed study with the human learner (Bob). The study is
flawed because the replication study used the same population as the original study.

Table 1. Excerpt of trialogue

Turn Speaker Dialogue Move

A study showed that people who drank non-alcoholic beer can feel drunk. A professor ran
this study with his class. He randomly assigned 50 students to drink the real beer and 50 the
non-alcoholic beer. The professor was skeptical, so he ran a replication study two weeks
later with the same method and same class. He found the same results again. So he
concluded that people can feel just as drunk from non-alcoholic beer. <Research Study>
1 Dr. I think we all need to go over the experiment some more. <Advance
Williams dialogue>
2 Dr. Alright, so I think that the real problem here is with the second
Williams experiment. <Assert information>
3 Chris I disagree with you, Dr. Williams. I think the replication was done right.
<Assert information>
4 Dr. Bob, was this a good or bad replication? Please type good or bad.
Williams <Forced-choice question>
5 Bob bad <Response>
6 Dr. Tell me more about your thoughts on this Bob. <Pump for SE>
7 Bob How can feel drunk drinking a non-alcoholic drink unless you had
a alcoholic drink before taking the experiment. Its faulty and
doesn't make sense. <Student SE>

Each learning session began with learners reading the research study and then
beginning a trialogue with the agents. The discussion involved five trials. All trials
consisted of the tutor (turn 2) and peer (turn 3) agents asserting their opinions,
prompting the learner to intervene (turn 4), and obtaining the learner’s response (turn
5). Learner responses were either correct or incorrect. Trials 3 and 4 also included
pumps (turn 6) that required learner SEs (turn 7). Learners did not receive feedback
on SE quality; the agents simply acknowledged learners’ contributions (e.g.,
“Alright,” “Okay”). This cycle was repeated in each trial, with each trial becoming
more specific about the scientific merits of the study. The present paper will focus on
Trials 3 and 4 because learners were asked to self-explain during these trials.

2.3 Procedure
Learners were tested individually over a two-hour session. First, learners signed an
informed consent and completed the pretest. Next, learners read a short introduction
on research methods. Learners then completed four learning sessions, one on each
Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations and Erroneous Responses 545

scientific reasoning topic. Finally, learners completed the posttest and were fully
debriefed. Pretest and posttest data is not relevant to the present analyses and will not
be discussed any further.

2.2 Self-Explanation Coding

A total of 608 learner SEs were obtained from the learning sessions. Two human-
raters coded the SEs as correct, partially-correct, or incorrect. A subset of the corpus
was first coded to compute reliability (kappa = .842). The corpus was then divided
evenly between the raters for coding. For the current analyses, partially-correct and
incorrect SEs were collapsed into one category (incorrect) because there were very
few instances of partially-correct SEs (8.72%). This yielded 36% correct responses
and 64% incorrect responses.
Incorrect SEs were further coded for types of error-ridden reasoning. Learner SEs
could be rated as Correct, Error Type 1, Error Type 2, Error Type 3, Unclassified, or
Frozen Expression. Incorrect learner SEs that did not fit into one of the error type
categories were grouped as Unclassified. Frozen expressions, SEs unrelated to the
topic, were not included in the current analyses because a speech act classifier that
can accurately identify these utterances has already been developed [25].
Table 2 shows an example of a correct response, different error types, and a frozen
expression. Error types were unique to each scientific reasoning topic and trial. Errors
could vary from focusing on superficial features of the study rather than
methodological issues (see Error Type 2) to complete misunderstandings of the
concept being discussed (see Error Type 1).

Table 2. Examples of SE response types for Trial 3 of the replication topic

Response Type Example

Correct Answer It was bad since the study used the same people to replicate the study.
Different people should have been used so the accuracy of the data
could have been confirmed more firmly.

Error Type 1 I think that it was a good replication of the first study; however, I do
not think that the first study was executed properly.
Error Type 2 How can feel drunk drinking a non-alcoholic drink unless you had a
alcoholic drink before. It doesn't make sense.
Error Type 3 The professor was careful to conduct random assignment. That helps
to make it a good replication. And he used the same people.
Unclassified It was conducted well but the longevity of the study could not make it
very accurate.
Frozen Expression I don’t know.

2.3 Semantic Matching

In order to evaluate the semantic quality of learner SEs, we first needed to create
expected responses and expected errors. Prototypical correct responses and
prototypical erroneous responses (for each error type) were created by a content
546 B. Lehman et al.

expert (see Table 2 for an example). Prototypical correct and erroneous responses
were unique to each of the eight individual questions (4 topics x 2 trials).
Learner SEs were compared to prototypical correct and erroneous responses using
an inverse word frequency weighted overlap (IWFWO) algorithm. The IWFWO
algorithm is a word-matching algorithm in which each overlapped word is weighted
on a scale from 0 to 1, relative to its inverse frequency in the English language using
the CELEX corpus [26]. The inverse frequency allows for higher weighting of lower
frequency, more contextually relevant words (e.g., replication, bias), while higher
frequency words (e.g., and, but) are given a lower weighting. Comparisons resulted in
a match score between 0 and 1 (1 = perfect similarity).

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Content, Context, and Combined Models
We tested three models to determine which SE features were most diagnostic of SE
quality. The Content Model included the IWFWO match score (either to the
prototypical correct or error type SE based on the classification task) and the number
of words in the SE. The Context Model included SE response time, performance
(correct or incorrect) and response time on the forced-choice question prior to the SE
(see turn 4 in Table 1), and the order of topic presentation (e.g., first, second). These
contextual features were selected because they are already logged by the learning
environment and would not require additional processing for future SE classification.
Finally, there was also a Combined model, which combined features from the two
individual models.
Four classification algorithms from WEKA [27] were used to build and evaluate
the models: NaïveBayes, IBk (nearest neighbor with k = 10), j48, and LogitBoost. The
majority class algorithm (ZeroR) that classifies all SEs to the most prevalent group
was used as the baseline comparison. Each algorithm was evaluated using 10-fold
cross-validation. Two separate classification tasks were performed. The first task
consisted of making a simple correct vs. incorrect discrimination, while the second
task performed a fine-grained discrimination in terms of specific error types.
SEs were separated into eight groups based on scientific reasoning topic and trial.
After removing frozen expression responses, there was an average of 71.9 responses
per group (SD = 2.42; Range 69 to 75). The algorithms were evaluated on each SE
group for both classification tasks. For each SE group the best algorithm (i.e., one out
of the four algorithms that yielded the best performance) was selected. The best
classification results were averaged across SE groups and constituted the Content,
Context, and Combined models. Table 3 shows the results obtained for each
classification task averaged across the eight groups.
We note that the Context model (74.0%) was the most successful for segregating
correct from incorrect responses. Both the Content, t(7) = 2.40, p < .05, and Context
models, t(7) = 4.29, p < .01, performed significantly better than the Baseline model.
The Context model also significantly outperformed the Content model for correct-
incorrect discriminations, t(7) = 2.39, p < .05. Both individual models outperformed
the Baseline model for error type discriminations (Content: t(7) = 8.02, p < .01;
Context: t(7) = 2.69, p < .05). However, it was the Content model that performed best
Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations and Erroneous Responses 547

Table 3. Mean (SD) classification performance across groups

Correct-Incorrect Error Type

Model Accuracy (%) Kappa Accuracy (%) Kappa
Baseline 64.6 (9.45) .000 (.000) 43.3 (6.93) .000 (.000)

Content 69.5 (6.74) .248 (.080) 67.6 (4.44) .501 (.108)

Context 74.0 (4.08) .335 (.160) 50.3 (8.44) .231 (.095)

Combined 74.3 (3.92) .347 (.160) 67.4 (6.54) .510 (.103)

for error discrimination (67.6%). Interestingly, the Content model was twice as more
effective for error type classifications than the Context model, t(7) = 4.70, p < .01.
Indeed, these models were differentially effective for different classification tasks.
When comparing correct and incorrect SEs, we found that learners with correct
SEs took longer to self-explain, t(14) = 3.14, p = .01, and responded more accurately
to the forced-choice question prior to self-explaining, t(14) = 2.30, p < .05. This
suggests that learners who responded correctly took more time to thoughtfully
construct a response. For erroneous SEs, error types only differed on match to the
prototypical erroneous responses, F(3) = 20.2, p < .01, which is what could be
expected. Furthermore, SEs that were grouped as unclassified had lower match scores
to the prototypical erroneous responses.
Comparisons of the Combined model to the individual models were also quite
informative. Combined models for both discrimination tasks outperformed the
Baseline models (correct-incorrect: t(7) = 2.86, p < .05; error type: t(7) = 8.26, p <
.01). However, the Combined model did not yield any noticeable improvements over
the best performing individual model for either the correct vs. incorrect or error
discrimination task (p’s > .05). The negligible improvement by the Combined models
suggests that it may be beneficial for systems to not conduct a full classification
model initially, but rather allot these resources only when needed. For example, if an
SE is classified as correct, it is not necessary to conduct a full classification model
and analyze the actual content of the SE.

3.2 Word-Based Models

We also attempted to classify SEs with only the words in responses as features. This
was accomplished using the StringToWordVector package in WEKA to transform
text strings (words) into numerical input using tf-idf (term frequency-inverse
document frequency) weighting. The tf-idf weighting allows less frequent, more
content-rich words to have higher weightings.
The same four classifiers were used to train the models and they were tested with
ten-fold cross-validation. As in the previous analyses, SEs were separated by
scientific reasoning topic and trial for classification. The best classifier for each
individual SE group was then selected. The average classification accuracy (across
the eight groups) for the correct vs. incorrect was 71.1% (SD = 8.45) with a kappa of
.282 (SD = .178). For error discrimination, the average accuracy was 58.1%
548 B. Lehman et al.

(SD = 9.30) with a kappa of .352 (SD = .119). The word-based models performed
significantly better than the Baseline model for both discrimination tasks (correct vs.
incorrect: t(7) = 2.10, p < .1; error type: t(7) = 5.43, p < .01).
These results suggest that while it is possible to classify SEs on the basis of words
alone, the resultant models were less effective than the Content model (67.6%
accuracy) for error classification. However, the word-based models were
approximately equivalent to the Context model (74% accuracy) for correct vs.
incorrect discrimination. This suggests that for fine-grained detection of learner
errors, a knowledge-based approach of SE content is more appropriate [19-21].

4 Conclusion
Several ITSs have incorporated the assessment of learner natural language responses
using NLU techniques such as LSA, word-overlap, and other linguistic features. We
tested which response features (content, context, combination) were most effective at
accurately assessing SE quality, both in terms of correct vs. incorrect discriminations
and classifying different error types. We were able to achieve moderate success at SE
classification with models that included either the response content or response
context, but there were no improvements when the models were combined.
Previous work on the classification of learner contributions has focused on
response content [16-17, 22]. We expanded these previous efforts by also
incorporating features of the context. We found that the effectiveness of content- and
context-based features differed depending on the discrimination task. More
specifically, the context-based model was sufficient to make correct vs. incorrect
discriminations but the content-based model was needed for more specific error type
classification. An effective approach for classification systems, then, would be to
initially use context-based features to determine whether an SE is correct or incorrect.
If the SE is classified as incorrect, the content features can then be used to make a
finer-grain distinction between types of erroneous responses.
One interesting and informative finding was that we were relatively successful at
making a general correct vs. incorrect SE classification without even considering the
actual SE response. The success of this context model, which incorporated the
learner’s prior performance and other informative parameters, suggests that it can be
used to make predictive assessments of SE quality. This information can be used to
decide the optimal time to ask learners to provide an SE. However, this conclusion
should be taken with a modicum of caution because further empirical testing of this
classification scheme will be necessary to determine how frequently SEs are
misclassified and the impact this misclassification has on learning.
Automatic classification of SE quality and error-ridden reasoning has important
implications for building adaptive and effective ITSs. Through the use of readily
available context features as well as word-overlap comparisons, ITSs can use SEs to
create a more accurate model of learner knowledge. ITSs can then use this
information to provide individually tailored scaffolding based on errors identified in
learner-generated explanations. This type of adaptive scaffolding will allow ITSs to
more efficiently and effectively help learners to reach deeper levels of understanding.
Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations and Erroneous Responses 549

Acknowledgement. The research was supported by the National Science Foundation

(REC 0106965, ITR 0325428, HCC 0834847, DRL 1108845) and the Institute of
Education Sciences (R305A080594). The opinions expressed are those of the authors
and do not represent views of the NSF and IES.

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Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors
for Impacting Students’ Academic Self-efficacy

Iris Howley, David Adamson, Gregory Dyke, Elijah Mayfield, Jack Beuth,
and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA


Abstract. In this paper, we explore using an intelligent dialogue tutor to influ-

ence student academic self-efficacy, as well as its interaction with group
self-efficacy composition in a dyadic learning environment. We find providing
additional tutor prompts encouraging students to participate in discussion may
have unexpected negative effects on self-efficacy, especially on students with
low self-efficacy scores who have partners with low self-efficacy scores.

Keywords: Intelligent Dialogue Tutors, Collaborative Learning, Self-efficacy,

Group Composition, and Discourse During Learning Interactions.

1 Introduction
We know from past research that academic self-efficacy, which is a student’s perception
of his academic capabilities, is beneficial in individual learning contexts (Zimmerman,
1999) as well as in collaborative learning contexts in which higher group-level self-
efficacies are associated with behaviors that support learning (Howley et al, 2011). If the
connection is causal, and if we can improve a student’s self-efficacy, then the student
may reap the associated increased learning and persistence benefits.
In this paper we test this causal connection. Specifically, we leverage conversa-
tional agents that have been used successfully as dynamic support for collaborative
learning in earlier work (Kumar et al, 2007) as well as theories of discussion moves
hypothesized to increase student perception of competence (Michaels, O'Connor, &
Resnick, 2008) to provide opportunities for students to take a more authoritative role
in a conversation in order to test the effect of that manipulation on self-efficacy.
While it is possible to give a student the opportunity to participate more authoritative-
ly, they may choose not to take it or may find themselves unable to take it. The effect
of these choices in the face of these uncertainties is an open question. Furthermore,
the reactions the student receives from his teammates may have also have an effect on
a student’s willingness to pursue a discussion opportunity, so it is also necessary to
control the group’s self-efficacy composition to investigate this issue systematically.

2 Prior Work
The work in this paper revolves around theories from linguistics and social psycholo-
gy, most notably self-efficacy and a behavioral construct known as authoritativeness.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 551–556, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
552 I. Howley et al.

We focus on Bandura’s (1977) theory of self-efficacy and define academic self-

efficacy as a student’s perceptions of her academic capabilities, interpreted from pre-
vious mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal and social persuasions, and
emotional and physiological states. Bandura (1997) also introduces collective efficacy
as several individuals’ combined perception of the group’s capabilities to perform
given tasks. Wang & Lin (2007) further investigate this group disposition in collabo-
ration, where they report that individual student self-efficacy predicts the group’s
collective efficacy, and collective efficacy predicts use of high-level cognitive skills
in discussion, as well as group performance.
Along with self-report measures of self-efficacy, we examine behavioral data using
a framework for looking at authoritativeness of knowledge presentation. Authorita-
tiveness provides researchers with a lens for examining students’ ownership over
knowledge through their behavior, rather than through self-report. For our purposes,
an “authoritative” statement is a presentation of knowledge without seeking external
validation for the knowledge. The Authoritativeness Framework we introduce in this
paper is rooted in Martin's Negotiation Framework (Martin, 1992), from the systemic
functional linguistics community. A more thorough discussion of our efforts in mak-
ing this framework replicable is described in Mayfield & Rosé (2011), while our
approach for automatically coding chat transcripts with the framework is further ex-
plained in Howley et al. (2011).
Our formulation of the Authoritativeness framework is comprised of two dimen-
sions with six and three codes respectively, and is based on principles from the Nego-
tiation framework. For this paper, we will focus on three moves in particular:

• K1, or 'primary knower'. A 'primary knower' move includes a statement of fact, an

opinion, or an answer to a factual question, such as 'yes' or 'no'. It only counts as
‘primary knower’ if it is not presented in such a way as to elicit an evaluation from
another participant in the discussion. An example: “This is the end.”
• K2, or 'secondary knower'. A 'secondary knower' move includes statements where
the speaker is not positioned as authoritative on the current topic, such as asking a
question eliciting information, or presenting information in a context where evalua-
tion is the expected response or formulated in such a way as to elicit feedback. An
example: “Is this the end?”
• ‘o’ or ‘other’ encompassing conversational moves that do not fit within the bounds
of the prior two codes described. An example: “So…”

3 Method

The data for this experiment was gathered in order to examine how student academic
self-efficacy, learning, and behavior might be affected by targeted prompts from an
intelligent dialogue tutor, while also manipulating the partner’s self-efficacy in order
to look closer at the influence of a peer’s self-efficacy. 104 undergraduate students
from a thermodynamics class at a private American university participated in the
study by attending one of six computer lab sessions, in which time was strictly con-
trolled. Students were given a pre-questionnaire, software training and practice (60
Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors for Impacting 553

minutes), pretest (10 minutes), the experimental manipulation (40 minutes), and then
the posttest and post-questionnaire (15 minutes).
Students were semi-randomly assigned to pairs according to a median split on their
course self-efficacy scale in order to achieve homogeneous high self-efficacy pairs,
homogenous low self-efficacy pairs, and heterogeneous pairs. After being assigned to
pairs, each partner was randomly assigned a goal to design either an eco-friendly
power plant or a power- proficient power plant. In all conditions, a tutor agent partici-
pated with the students in the chat in order to offer support. The lab session took
place in a single computer lab, in which each student had her own computer and part-
ners did not sit next to each other. The experimental manipulation took place during
an online collaborative design discussion and consisted of modifying tutor behaviors
only. In all other respects, the student experience in all conditions was the same.
Students used Cyclepad (Forbus et al, 1999), a computer software simulator that
students use to design simulated power plant designs through a graphical interface.
Specifically, students must consider trade-offs between power output and environ-
mental friendliness in designing a Rankine cycle, which is a type of heat engine. The
intelligent dialogue tutor was implemented through the Bazaar agent authoring
framework (Adamson & Rosé, 2012), allowing the software agent to guide and time
discussions, with additional social behaviors. Student dyads collaborated through the
ConcertChat software (Stahl, 2006) which enables communication through a chat
window and a whiteboard for sharing graphical information.
The experimental manipulation was a 3X3 between-subjects design. Each student
pair was randomly assigned to one of nine conditions. The first independent variable
manipulated tutor behavior toward high and low self-efficacy students within each
pair. The three variations of the tutor behavior were: “target high” (targeting the high
self-efficacy student with additional prompts for explanation), “target low” (targeting
the low self-efficacy student), and “neutral” (no additional targeted prompts). An
example of the tutor’s targeting behavior is “student08, I don't get it - why can't t-max
be any higher?” Targeted students received two such prompts, while untargeted stu-
dents received one, and students in the neutral condition received none. Task-related
information such as conceptual hints and timing reminders were kept constant across
all three tutoring behaviors leaving the only manipulation to be this targeting beha-
vior. Additionally, all conditions also included context-less mini acknowledgements
or encouragements such as “What do you think, student14?” In homogeneous self-
efficacy teams, the student with the higher (or lower) self-efficacy score received
targeted context questions as shown in Table 1. That is, in a homogenous low self-
efficacy pair that was assigned to “target low” the student with the lower self-efficacy
score would receive these additional contextual prompts for participation. In the case
that both students had identical self-efficacy scale scores, the student target would be
selected at random.
The second independent variable contrasted the three team composition types (ho-
mogeneous high self-efficacy, homogeneous low self-efficacy, and heterogeneous
self-efficacy), where the median split for the original assignment of “high” and “low”
was determined from other similar studies, although for analysis we later reassigned
the median split value to be that of this study’s cohort. As outcome measures, we
554 I. Howley et al.

examined academic self-efficacy both before and after the experimental activity. The
pre- and post-questionnaires consisted of scales for measuring collective efficacy,
mastery-related beliefs (said to predict self-efficacy), and self-efficacy, constructed
via the guidance in Bandura (2006). 35 isomorphic multiple choice and short answer
questions were used to test analytical and conceptual knowledge on both the pre- and
post-tests. And finally, a process analysis examining changes in chat behavior over
time was performed.

4 Results
Data was analyzed with respect to factors including: gender, self-efficacy, dialogue
tutor targeting, and self-efficacy team composition. Upon reassigning the self-efficacy
median split value to match that of this study’s cohort median split (i.e., after the
completion of the study), our sample consisted of: 14 pairs of homogeneous high self-
efficacy, 15 pairs of homogeneous low self-efficacy, and 23 pairs of heterogeneous
academic self-efficacy. When analyzing this data with respect to the targeting condi-
tion, we look at individual students as “targeted”, “untargeted” (if the student’s
partner received targeted prompts from the intelligent tutor), or “neutral” (if neither
partner received targeted behaviors from the dialogue tutor).
When looking at the tutor’s effect on post- academic self-efficacy, we found a sig-
nificant effect of team composition type, F(2, 97) = 4.91, p = 0.0093. Specifically,
students who were in homogeneous low self-efficacy groups ended with a self-
efficacy score significantly lower than the homogenous high self-efficacy groups and
heterogeneous groups, even with controlling for initial self-efficacy. The interaction
term between team composition type and whether the student was targeted, untar-
geted, or in a neutral condition was not significant, although we did find that targeted
students in homogeneous low self-efficacy pairs did significantly worse than all other
combinations of tutor-conditions and team composition types (except for students in
neutral-tutor homogeneous low condition who were indistinguishable from either
group). This result is the opposite of what we expected. These results suggest that
prompting low self-efficacy students for further participation may not be the ideal
method for improving activity self-efficacy in situations where both partners have low
self-efficacies compared to the rest of their classmates. More investigation is neces-
sary to make stronger claims, but future designs should take this into account.
Investigating the relationship between students’ collective efficacy and self-
efficacies showed that collective efficacy is significantly positively correlated with
both students’ pre- (r(104) = 0.54, p < 0.0001) and post- self-efficacy (r(104) = 0.59,
p < 0.0001).
In order to look at what effect the intelligent dialogue tutor has on conversational
behavior, we examine authoritativeness that has been automatically coded through the
process described in Mayfield & Rosé (2011). As a validation of the automatic
coding, we tested our agreement and found an inter-rater reliability with the auto-
mated coding scheme of 0.65, which is close to a robust confidence in non-random
Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors for Impacting 555

When looking at overall counts of authoritativeness codes, we find a significant

main effect of team composition and targeting condition on K2 moves that is super-
seded by the interaction term between team composition and the targeting condition
on K2 moves, F(2, 98) = 6.01, p = 0.0034. A post hoc analysis reveals that targeted
students in homogeneous low self-efficacy groups had significantly more K2 moves
than every other group. Additionally, team composition type is a significant predictor
or “other” moves, F(2,98) = 3.71, p = 0.028 as well as authoritativeness (the number
of primary knower moves over the total number of knowledge authority moves), F(2,
98) = 3.52, p = 0.033. Students in homogeneous low self-efficacy groups were signif-
icantly less authoritative than students in heterogeneous groups, with homogeneous
high groups being indistinguishable from either. Students in homogeneous low self-
efficacy groups also had significantly more “other” moves than students in homoge-
neous high groups.
While it may be expected that homogeneous low self-efficacy dyads would per-
form worse than their heterogeneous counterparts, it is interesting that the manipula-
tion appears to have an impact on student behavior within these low self-efficacy
pairs. When we look at K2 moves, we find that it is negatively correlated with pre- to
post- self-efficacy residuals r(104) = -0.255, p = 0.009.This is consistent with our
previous results from the self-efficacy analysis.
The tutor targeting conditions, team composition, authoritativeness, and pre- and
post- individual self-efficacies did not have a significant effect on learning, but collec-
tive self-efficacy is marginally positively correlated with learning, F(1, 101) = 3.11, p
= 0.081. One might think that perhaps students with lower collective efficacies were
at a disadvantage because their group has access to less knowledge; however, there
was no significant correlation between pretest scores and collective efficacy, nor be-
tween pretest scores and self-efficacy.

5 Conclusions
The majority of our results involved students in homogenous low self-efficacy dyads.
Targeted students in homogeneous low groups ended with self-efficacies lower than
predicted compared to all other groups. Students in the low self-efficacy groups had
more secondary knower authoritativeness moves and lower authoritativeness scores.
These results point to some important caveats for future work in this area. Dyad
self-efficacy composition must be taken into consideration, especially since much of
our results concern students in homogenous low self-efficacy pairs. Simply providing
opportunities for students to participate more in the discussion may not harm the un-
targeted students in the pair, but it does not seem to have the desired effect for the
targeted student. And so, future work should control for self-efficacy team composi-
tion, as well as consider the dynamics within homogenous low self-efficacy groups.
With regards to authoritativeness, we found that targeted students in homogeneous
low self-efficacy groups had significantly more K2 moves, but we do not yet know if
secondary knower moves are beneficial or desirable. Future work should look more
specifically at how students propose knowledge for evaluation, and if there is a bene-
ficial or harmful side effect to doing so.
556 I. Howley et al.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Pittsburgh Science of Learning

Center (#SBE 0836012) and a Graduate Training Grant from the Department of Edu-
cation (#R305B040063).

1. Adamson, D., Rosé, C.P.: Coordinating Multi-dimensional Support in Collaborative Con-
versational Agents. In: Cerri, S.A., Clancey, B. (eds.) ITS 2012. LNCS, vol. 7315,
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8. Martin, J.: English Text: System and structure. Benjamins, Amsterdam (1992)
9. Mayfield, E., Rosé, C.P.: Recognizing authority in dialogue with an integer linear pro-
gramming constrained model. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pp. 1018–1026 (2011)
10. Michaels, S., O’Connor, C., Resnick, L.: Deliberative discourse idealized and realized:
Accountable Talk in the classroom and in civic life. Studies in Philosophy and Educa-
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11. Stahl, G.: Analyzing and designing the group cognitive experience. International Journal
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12. Veel, R.: Language, knowledge, and authority in school mathematics. In: Christie, F. (ed.)
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How Do They Do It? Investigating Dialogue Moves within
Dialogue Modes in Expert Human Tutoring

Blair Lehman1, Sidney D’Mello2, Whitney Cade1, and Natalie Person3

Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152
Departments of Psychology and Computer Science, University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Department of Psychology, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN 38112

Abstract. Expert human tutors are widely considered to be the gold standard
for increasing student learning. While not every student has access to an expert
tutor, it is possible to model intelligent tutoring systems after expert tutors. In
an effort to achieve this goal, we have analyzed a corpus of 50 hours of one-to-
one expert human tutoring sessions. This corpus was coded for speech acts
(dialogue moves) and larger pedagogical strategies (dialogue modes). Using
mixed-effects modeling, we found that expert tutors differentially used dialogue
moves depending on the dialogue mode. Specifically, tutor posed questions,
explanations, and motivational statements were predictive of different dialogue
modes (e.g., Lecture, Scaffolding).

Keywords: expert tutoring, speech acts, dialogue, ITSs, pedagogical strategies.

1 Introduction

Expert human tutors have widely been considered the gold standard for learning, with
Bloom [1] reporting a 2 sigma (or approximately 2 letter grade) learning gain over
traditional classroom instruction Novice human tutors typically only achieve a gain of
0.4 sigma [2], while intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) produced a 1 sigma learning
gain over traditional classrooms [3]. A recent meta-analysis by VanLehn [4], how-
ever, reported a more modest effect for expert tutors (d = .79). Interestingly, ITSs had
a comparable impact on learning (d = .76). Despite this more modest learning effect,
the pedagogical practices of expert tutors are still effective and there might be advan-
tages associated with building ITSs that model the strategies of expert tutors.
So what exactly are these strategies that make expert tutors so effective? Unfortu-
nately, many of the studies have relied on a small sample (N = 2) and the definition of
expert status has varied widely (e.g., [5-6]). For example, college professors [5] and
graduate students have been used as expert tutors [6]. These two groups may be con-
sidered experts, but there is a lack of consensus on what constitutes expertise.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 557–562, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
558 B. Lehman et al.

Despite these concerns, past research has been able to identify some of the strate-
gies that make expert tutors effective. Lepper and Woolverton [7] have suggested that
there are three key elements to this effectiveness: individualization, immediacy, and
interactivity. Through modeling and monitoring student knowledge, tutors have the
ability to dynamically adapt to the needs of individual students [8]. Over the course of
a tutoring session, tutors can target the specific knowledge deficits and misconcep-
tions, and construct just-in-time interventions for each student.
Although these broad strategies hint at why expert tutors are effective, a more de-
tailed analysis of tutoring strategies is needed. There is, however, a question about the
level of analysis. Past studies have analyzed tutoring sessions at the speech act level
[9-10], problem-solving episode [11], and the larger pedagogical context [9, 12]. If
the goal is to develop an ITS based on the strategies of expert tutors, it is necessary to
understand these strategies at both a fine grained level and a more global level.
There have been few studies that investigated the interplay between different levels
of tutorial dialogue [9, 13]. One study attempted to extract the larger pedagogical
context from the speech acts of students and novice tutors using Hidden Markov
Models [9]. In another study that took a more theory-driven approach, Cade et al. [12]
created a dialogue mode coding scheme based on both learning theory (e.g.,
Modeling-Scaffolding-Fading paradigm, [14]) and observations from a corpus of
expert tutoring sessions. Although this study yielded important insights into the
strategies of expert tutors, it only considered tutorial dialogue at the mode level.
The present study addresses this issue via a multi-level analysis of tutorial dialogue
in a corpus of 50 hours of one-to-one expert tutoring sessions. Previously, this corpus
was coded at the dialogue move [10] and dialogue mode levels [12]. In the present
paper we investigated the distribution of moves within each mode. Specifically, we
sought to answer the question: How are dialogue modes manifested in dialogue
moves? We will also test whether it is possible to discriminate between dialogue
modes using dialogue moves as features.

2 Expert Tutoring Corpus

The corpus consisted of 50 tutoring sessions between ten expert tutors and 40 students
[10, 12]. Expert status was defined as licensed to teach at the secondary level, five or
more years of tutoring experience, employed by a professional tutoring agency, and
recommended by local school personnel. The students were in middle or high school
and having difficulty in a science or math course. All tutor-student pairs were work-
ing together prior to the study. Each session lasted approximately one hour.
Tutor-student dialogue was coded at two levels: dialogue moves [10] and dialogue
modes [12]. Dialogue moves varied in length from one-word acknowledgements to
lengthy explanations. Dialogue modes were longer, pedagogically distinct phases that
consisted of both tutor and student contributions over multiple dialogue turns. The
dialogue move (kappa = .88) and dialogue mode coding schemes (kappa = .87) were
developed and coded independent of each other.
How Do They Do It? Investigating Dialogue Moves within Dialogue 559

Tutor Dialogue Move Coding Scheme. The 26-item tutor dialogue move coding
scheme [10] was divided into groups based on similar functions within the tutoring
session: direct instruction (example, counterexample, preview, summary, provide
correct answer, direct instruction), question (new problem, simplified problem,
prompt, pump, hint, forced-choice), feedback (positive, neutral, negative), motiva-
tional statement (humor, attribution, general motivation, solidarity), conversational
“Okay”, and off-topic.
Student Dialogue Move Coding Scheme. The 16-item student dialogue move coding
scheme was divided into eight groups based on the function of each move: answer
(correct, partially-correct, vague, error-ridden, none), question (common ground,
knowledge deficit), misconception, metacomment, work-related action (think aloud,
read aloud, work silently), socially motivated action (social coordination, acknowl-
edge), gripe, and off-topic.
Dialogue Mode Coding Scheme. An 8-category coding scheme was used to code
dialogue modes [12]. The coding scheme for dialogue modes consisted of Introduc-
tion, Lecture, Clarification, Modeling, Scaffolding, Fading, Off-topic, and Conclu-
sion. Lecture, for example, involved the tutor explicitly delivering information to the
student with fewer student responses, while Scaffolding involved collaborative prob-
lem solving between the tutor and student.
The present paper focused on Lecture, Clarification, Modeling, Scaffolding, and
Fading because these modes have predominantly pedagogical functions, whereas the
remaining dialogue modes (Introduction, Conclusion, Off-topic) involved social and
rapport building dialogue [15].

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Dialogue Moves Predicting Dialogue Modes

Mixed-effects logistic regressions [16] were used to investigate whether dialogue
move groups (e.g., feedback) and individual dialogue moves (e.g., positive feedback)
could predict the presence (1) or absence (0) of each dialogue mode. Mixed-effects
modeling is the recommended analysis for the present data set because of the repeated
and nested structures in the data (e.g., moves embedded within modes). There were a
total of 47,318 observations (dialogue moves) in the corpus.
In each model, the random effects were the tutor, student, domain (math or sci-
ence), and order of the dialogue move within the tutoring session. The fixed effects
were either move groups or individual moves. Separate models were constructed for
tutor and student moves to isolate their independent contributions. For each mode five
models were tested: random effects only, move groups (tutor or student), and individ-
ual moves (tutor or student). The lme4 package in R [17] was used to perform the
requisite computation.
For all modes, models with fixed effects fit the data significantly better than the
random effects only models (p < .001). Table 1 shows the pattern of significant (p <
.05) predictors, using move groups as fixed effects. However, instances in which in-
dividual moves differed from move groups are discussed below.
560 B. Lehman et al.

Table 1. Dialogue move group patterns for dialogue modes

Lecture Clarify Model Scaffold Fade

Tutor Dialogue Move Groups
Direct Instruction + + + -* -
Question - + -
Feedback - - + +
Motivational Statement + -
Comprehension Gauging Question + + + - -
Conversational OK + -* -
Off-Topic - - - -
Student Dialogue Move Groups
Answer Quality - - - + +
Misconception +
Metacomment + -
Question -* +
Work-Related Action - - + +
Socially Motivated Action + + + - -
Gripe - +* -
Off-Topic - - - -
+ = positive predictor; - = negative predictor; blank = non-significant predictor; * = p < 0.1

Overall, a contrast between a transmission model of learning [18] and a more col-
laborative interaction was revealed. Specifically, in Lecture, Clarification, and Mod-
eling the tutor provided the majority of information and requested little information
from the student. A different pattern emerged for Scaffolding and Fading. Tutors sup-
plied less information and instead asked questions and provided feedback. Similarly,
students asked and answered questions during Scaffolding. This profile of Scaffolding
suggests that students were engaged in problem solving with the guidance of the tutor.
During Fading, tutor transmission of information became almost non-existent. Al-
though tutor questions were a negative predictor of Fading, posing new problems was
a significant positive predictor. For student moves, Fading was predicted by answers
and work related actions. This suggests that during Fading, tutors took on a passive
role and allowed students to apply their knowledge. Overall, these findings suggest
that there is a connection between these two levels of tutorial dialogue.

3.2 Discriminating Between Dialogue Modes

Next, we attempted to discriminate between Lecture, Clarification, Modeling, and
Scaffolding with dialogue move groups. Clarification and Modeling were collapsed
into one category due to similar pedagogical functions (referred to as Modeling). To
account for unequal distributions, we downsampled to create more equal mode distri-
butions (Lecture = .352; Modeling = .322; Scaffolding = .325).
Twelve models were tested using dialogue move groups and tutoring session con-
text to discriminate between dialogue modes. Each model was trained and evaluated
using discriminant function analyses. Classification accuracy (correct) and kappa
scores (see Table 2) were computed using leave-one-out cross validation.
How Do They Do It? Investigating Dialogue Moves within Dialogue 561

Table 2. Classification results

Dialogue Move Groups

Tutor Student Tutor + Student
Context Correct Kappa Correct Kappa Correct Kappa
None 39.1% .090 39.5% .072 43.6% .147
Move Order 44.5% .171 43.9% .154 46.7% .201
Domain 63.6% .450 63.2% .444 63.6% .451
Domain + Move Order 66.7% .497 66.7% .497 67.0% .503

The results indicated that models combining tutor and student move groups (kappa
= .147) were the most effective at classifying modes (Tutor + Student). When the
context of the tutoring session was added, classification accuracy improved (kappa =
.503). In particular, inclusion of the tutoring session domain improved performance
the most. These findings suggest that the tutoring session context, particularly the
domain, is an important element to consider when generating tutorial dialogue.

4 Conclusion

There have been a number of studies investigating the strategies of expert tutors [5-8],
but tutorial dialogue has rarely been analyzed at different levels within a single study.
In the present paper we examined tutorial dialogue at two levels. While the patterns
found were expected based on theories of learning and pedagogy (e.g., [7, 14]), it is
important to find evidence that expert tutors actually use these practices. This paper
confirmed that some of these ‘ideal tutorial strategies’ (e.g., Modeling-Scaffolding-
Fading) are indeed implemented by more accomplished human tutors.
It is important to briefly consider the implications of our findings for ITSs. ITSs
already manage tutorial dialogue at both a local and global level [19] and are effective
in achieving learning gains at rates comparable to human tutors [4]. However, the
dialogue of most ITSs is informed by learning theories or the practices of novice hu-
man tutors, not expert human tutors. The present findings can inform ITS dialogues in
several important ways. First, expert tutors seem to use a balance of information
transmission and collaborative problem solving. Second, the patterns of moves can be
used to detect when transitions between modes should occur. Although the present
analyses do not address transitions between modes, this has been previously analyzed
[12]. Finally, the content of the tutoring session (i.e., domain) seems to have an im-
pact on tutorial dialogue. Future research will need to further examine how strategies
differ and under what circumstances different strategies should be deployed to further
improve learning.

Acknowledgement. The research reported here was supported by the Institute of

Education Sciences (R305A080594) and the U. S. Office of Naval Research
(N00014-05-1-0241). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not
represent views of the IES, the U.S. DoE, the ONR, or DoD.
562 B. Lehman et al.

1. Bloom, B.: The 2 sigma problem: The search for methods of group instruction as effective
as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Researcher 13(6), 4–16 (1984)
2. Cohen, P., Kulik, J., Kulik, C.: Educational outcomes of tutoring: A meta-analysis of
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3. Corbett, A., Anderson, J., Graesser, A., Koedinger, K., VanLehn, K.: Third generation
computer tutors: Learn from or ignore human tutors? In: Proceedings of the 1999
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4. VanLehn, K.: The relative effectiveness of human tutoring, intelligent tutoring systems,
and other tutoring systems. Educational Psychologist 46(4), 197–221 (2011)
5. Evens, M., Spitkovsky, J., Boyle, P., Michael, J., Rovick, A.: Synthesizing tutorial
dialogues. In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
Society, pp. 137–142. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale (1993)
6. Fox, B.: Cognitive and interactional aspects of correction in tutoring. In: Goodyear, P.
(ed.) Teaching Knowledge and Intelligent Tutoring, pp. 149–172. Ablex, Norwood (1991)
7. Lepper, M., Woolverton, M.: The wisdom of practice: Lessons learned from the study of
highly effective tutors. In: Aronson, J. (ed.) Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of
Psychological Factors on Education, pp. 135–158. Academic Press, Orlando (2002)
8. Chi, M., Siler, S., Jeong, H.: Can tutors monitor students’ understanding accurately?
Cognition and Instruction 22(3), 363–387 (2004)
9. Boyer, K., Phillips, R., Ingram, A., Ha, E., Wallis, M., Vouk, M., et al.: Investigating the
relationship between dialogue structure and tutoring effectiveness: A Hidden Markov
Modeling approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (in press)
10. Person, N., Lehman, B., Ozbun, R.: Pedagogical and motivational dialogue moves used by
expert tutors. Paper Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and
Discourse, Glasgow, Scotland (2007)
11. VanLehn, K., Siler, S., Murray, C., Yamauchi, T., Baggett, W.: Why do only some events
cause learning during human tutoring? Cognition and Instruction 21(3), 209–249 (2003)
12. Cade, W.L., Copeland, J.L., Person, N.K., D’Mello, S.K.: Dialogue Modes in Expert
Tutoring. In: Woolf, B.P., Aïmeur, E., Nkambou, R., Lajoie, S. (eds.) ITS 2008. LNCS,
vol. 5091, pp. 470–479. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
13. D’Mello, S., Olney, A., Person, N.: Mining collaborative patterns in tutorial dialogues.
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14. Rogoff, B., Gardner, W.: Adult guidance of cognitive development. In: Rogoff, B., Lave,
J. (eds.) Everyday Cognition: Its Development in Social Context, pp. 96–116. Harvard
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15. Cade, W., Lehman, B., Olney, A.: An exploration of off topic conversation. In: Burstein,
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Intelligence in Education 16(3), 227–265 (2006)
Building a Conversational SimStudent

Ryan Carlson, Victoria Keiser, Noboru Matsuda, Kenneth R. Koedinger,

and Carolyn Penstein Rosé

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University
{rcarlson,keiser,noboru.matsuda,cprose}@cs.cmu.edu, koedinger@cmu.edu

Abstract. SimStudent, an intelligent-agent architecture that generates

a cognitive model from worked-out examples, currently interacts with
human subjects only in a limited capacity. In our application, SimStu-
dent attempts to solve algebra equations, querying the user about the
correctness of each step as it solves, and the user explains the step in
natural language. Based on that input, SimStudent can choose to ask fur-
ther questions that prompt the user to think harder about the problem
in an attempt to elicit deeper responses. We show how text classification
techniques can be used to train models that can distinguish between dif-
ferent categories of student feedback to SimStudent, and how this enables
interaction with SimStudent in a pilot study.

1 Introduction
Teachable agents take advantage of the learning-by-teaching paradigm, allowing
the user to take on the role of tutor while the agent plays the tutee role. In
such setups, the tutor can gain experience listening and responding to displayed
thought processes from the tutee. Additionally, the tutor-in-training is not in
danger of harming the tutee’s learning. These advantages make teachable agents
useful tools which can be integrated into learning environments ranging from
video games to homework help sessions [1].
Incorporating natural language input in a chat environment with intelligent
tutors has had success in the past. Conversational agents have been used in
qualitative physics tutoring [7], and tutorial dialogue agents have reported some
success in replicating knowledge construction dialogues found in human-human
tutoring interactions [4]. The empty box awaiting input forces students to ex-
plicitly express their ideas and to identify areas with which they have difficulty.
Moreover, it greatly increases how expressive students can be in their dialogues
with the agent. This open-ended setup has also been leveraged to reinforce stu-
dent reflection during thermodynamics tutoring [8]. As we will see, while natural
language input allows for thoughtful, complete responses to questions posed by
the teachable agent, it also opens the door for off-task behavior.
Once we allow natural language interaction between user and agent, we im-
mediately find a need for a mechanism to process and interpret the user’s input.
In order to respond reliably and realistically to user input, one technique is to
classify the input into one of several discrete categories and react accordingly.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 563–569, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
564 R. Carlson et al.

Fig. 1. SimStudent interface and sample input from a problem solving session

Machine learning can be a powerful tool to generate a model that automatically

classifies the data based on a coding scheme. While the results can be difficult
to interpret, machine learning offers the ability to sift through massive amounts
of data and produces a classifier with minimal human intervention. Without a
machine learning step to automatically model the discussion space, an agent is
often limited to a much more static conversation structure.

2 System Building

The application of this research revolves around an architecture called SimStu-

dent, which supports a computational model of human learning [5]. TuTalk [2],
a dialogue-building system, was integrated into the SimStudent architecture to
provide richer interaction with the student. SimStudent can ask users questions,
allowing them to show off how well they understand the material, and can fol-
low up based on the user responses. For example, a response like “because you
need to combine like terms” may be sufficient, while “because I said so” will
probably warrant further examination and prompting. A small set of codes have
been developed to categorize the user responses and determine SimStudent’s
next statement or question. Our task is to build a model to predict which of
these codes a student’s statement falls into, and thus determine the appropriate
next move for SimStudent. Note that we refer to SimStudent and agent inter-
changeably; similarly with student and user.

2.1 Interaction with SimStudent

As discussed, SimStudent is an algebra-solving teachable agent, pictured in Fig-

ure 1. The agent is featured as an avatar in the lower left corner and starts
off with some basic knowledge about how to solve one-step equations. Students
Building a Conversational SimStudent 565

1. [Student instructs SimStudent to solve the problem x + 3 = 2x by writing the left

and right hand sides of the equation in the equation box.]
2. SimStudent (SS): What will doing the problem x + 3 = 2x help me learn?
3. Student (S): Your gonna need to combine like terms in this problem
4. SS: Okay!
5. [SimStudent puts “subtract 3” in the top cell of the Transformation column.]
6. SS: I entered “subtract 3” for the transformation. Do you think that would be a
good move?
7. [Student clicks the No button (which appears in the interface when appropriate).]
8. SS: But I put “subtract 9” for y + 9 = 6. Why doesn’t subtract 3 work now?
9. S: Youre subtracting the wrong thing!!!!
10. SS: Hmm, I still don’t understand – could you explain this to me in more detail?
11. S: subtract the variable x to get the variable on one side

Fig. 2. A sample conversation between a student and SimStudent. Italicized lines in-
dicate non-language actions. Creative spelling is typical of the data we are processing.

choose problems for it to attempt and then help the agent through the process.
SimStudent solves the equation step-by-step, asking the student to verify each
step’s correctness. SimStudent will sometimes follow up with a question about
the current problem, at which point the student responds in natural language.
Our model evaluates this input and classifies it into one of a small set of codes.
Based on that evaluation, SimStudent responds in order to foster a stronger dia-
logue and force the student to think about the relevant concepts for the problem
at hand. Thus, the set of codes we have chosen are in a one-to-one correspon-
dence with the next SimStudent action. This differs from previous work in that
we are essentially classifying SimStudent’s responses based on the student input,
rather than forming a representation of what the student has said.
In order to better illustrate the type of conversation the student and agent
are engaging in, we can look at a sample discussion, shown in Figure 2. The
interaction begins with the student setting up an equation for the agent to
solve. SimStudent asks a question about the importance of the student’s choice,
and she responds with a complete response, so SimStudent moves on. The agent
makes a mistake at step 6 and when it comes time for the student to explain
the rationale (step 9) she indicates that SimStudent is subtracting the wrong
term. But since the goal is to prompt the student towards fuller, more complete
responses, SimStudent asks the student to better explain herself (step 10) and
she does in the following step.

2.2 Coding Scheme

Our coding scheme uses seven different codes, broken up into three broader cat-
egories: On Target & Helpful, Responsibility Oriented, and Punt. The
data were coded by two independent coders (cohen’s kappa = 0.75). The first
category deals with student responses that are relevant to the problem at hand.
They must reference facts about the equation. If the student uses concepts in
her explanation (e.g. “because you should have combined like terms”), then the
566 R. Carlson et al.

response is coded as deep. These responses are the only type which requires no
follow-up from SimStudent. If the response is not concept-oriented but is proce-
dural (e.g. “add 6”) then the appropriate code is action. While a hypothetical
human tutee might know what to do after this type of hint, she would not know
why, and thus SimStudent should prompt for a more complete response. If the
statement is relevant to the problem but is either vague or is missing some crucial
information (e.g. “add”,“pay attention to the negative”), it should be assigned
the insufficient code.
The second category of responses is concerned with assigning responsibility
to either the student or the teachable agent. If the student accepts responsibility
for an error that was made, it is labeled as a mistake. Additionally, the same
code is used if the student aligns herself with SimStudent (e.g. “my bad”, “we
made a mistake”). If the student deflects responsibility or does not align herself
with the agent (e.g. “you’re wrong”,“it was wrong”), the code should be blame.
The final category consists of responses unrelated to the content of the ques-
tions asked by SimStudent. If the student admits that she simply doesn’t know
the answer we use the code doesn’t know (e.g. “idk”, “i have no idea get me
out of here!”). Finally, the catchall code is unhelpful which consists of a large,
heterogeneous set of responses that range from the bogus to the almost rele-
vant (e.g. “shut up and go away”,“look at the equation”). They are met with
SimStudent asking the user to explain themselves in another way.

3 Exploring the Data

Our training set came from a study of 141 students interacting with SimStudent
from December 2-6, 2010. The original, raw data can be found through DataShop
[3]. The data was collected from 7-10 grade-level students using SimStudent at
school. The school volunteered its students and the students were not compen-
sated. Contrast this with a pilot study run in December 2011 that we use as our
test set. Nine students, grades 6-11, were recruited using local fliers. This was
thus an opt-in program and the students were compensated for their time.
Before training a model, some initial preprocessing steps were necessary.
This involved basic spell-checking that ensured instances of the same word (e.g.
“because”, “becuase”, “beecause”) were treated as the same. Additionally, all
equation-specific details were removed from the user input and were replaced
with consistent tags. Specifically, every equation was replaced with eqn, and so
on for expressions, numbers, and variables. This allowed for features to encode
patterns involving, say, a number, without relying on that number’s value.
To train our model we used SIDE [6], a text mining tool kit. For each transac-
tion we extracted unigrams (i.e., individual words), bigrams (i.e., pairs of words
that occur contiguously in the text), and punctuation from the user input. Fur-
thermore, all the words are stemmed to remove suffixes that indicate tense,
number, etc. Once all of the features were extracted, we trained our model using
the LibLinear package of Weka [9] with L2-regularized logistic regression, which
aids in avoiding overfitting during training.
Building a Conversational SimStudent 567

Two challenges are introduced in the training data. First, since half of the
entries are unhelpful, we expect the model to bias towards that class value when
strong evidence does not favor a different class. Additionally, the unhelpful class
is poorly defined, making it difficult to find strong predictive features. Thus, the
model will generally classify instances as unhelpful unless they squarely match
up with other classes. If the unhelpful class is no longer a large majority class in
the test set as is the case with the second study, we expect to run into problems.
The pattern of results turns out to be exactly as we expect. Using 10-fold cross-
validation, which means averaging over 10 iterations of training on 90 percent of
the data and testing on the other 10 percent, the model achieves an error rate of
17.9% (0.73 kappa). However, when we train on all of that data and test on the
test set from the smaller study, the error rate increases to 50.7% (0.34 kappa).
Examining the features which most prominently contribute to error in cross-
validation can help to make sense of these models and explain their performance.
The single largest contributor to error results from incorrectly distinguishing
between unhelpful and insufficient responses (5.5 percent of the error). As an
example, the unigram problem is often used in generic and irrelevant answers
like “you got a problem like it wrong before.” The feature is in 17 percent
of the instances where the model correctly classifies the instance as unhelpful.
While this feature does have some predictive power, it can also be deceptive
as it is present in 22 percent of the transactions that confuse unhelpful and
We present a methodology below that is simplistic, but which dramatically
improves performance in practice. As we have noted, the unhelpful class is ill-
defined and occurs often in the training set but only rarely in the test set.
Our technique is to eliminate this class from the training set and train a new
model, evaluating it on the test set. Training a classifier on the other six codes
and then checking its performance on the test set guarantees we classify every
unhelpful transaction incorrectly. Since the test set contains considerably fewer
transactions coded as unhelpful, failing at these codes does not make a large
impact. Eliminating this crucial code from the training set increases the overall
ability of the model to accurately classify input in the test set. Cross-validation
on this altered training set produces an error rate of 21.5 (0.71 kappa). While
these results are slightly worse when comparing cross-validation across the two
models, we are most interested in the performance on the test set. And here
our technique proves valuable. The model’s error rate drops on the test set from
50.7% all the way to 30.3% (0.52 kappa), which is much better than the original
model’s results.

4 Discussion

The work we have presented here does not benefit from a mere quirk of this data.
In any intelligent tutoring environment where the user is interacting with an
agent in an open-ended fashion (be it in text, speech, or another modality), there
is going to be the possibility of off-task or otherwise unhelpful input. Moreover,
568 R. Carlson et al.

if these agents are being deployed into the classroom, educators will often know
how motivated, engaged, or otherwise likely to provide on-topic responses the
students are. Under these circumstances, our work can provide a simple first
step to enhance the interactive experience of the tutoring session.
We have shown that a model generated using data where approximately half
of the responses were deemed unhelpful has an error rate of under 20 percent
so long as the data is similarly distributed. We drew this conclusion from using
cross-validation with very little feature engineering. In a practical application,
this model would be used with the lower achievers or the less motivated. SimStu-
dent will often need to ask the user to rephrase or might direct her to the unit
overview. On the other hand, we can say that more motivated, higher achiev-
ers are much less likely to move off task and will pattern much closer to the
volunteers in the pilot study. Given this information, we can raise classification
accuracy on such a set of new data dramatically. In our tests, we saw the error
rate drop significantly with a simultaneous rise in kappa statistic. These results
show promise that a very simple and computationally inexpensive methodology
can greatly improve the interaction experience.

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by National Science Foundation

Award DRL-0910176 and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Ed-
ucation (Grant R305A090519 to Carnegie Mellon University). The opinions expressed
are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education. This work is also supported in part by the Pittsburgh Science of
Learning Center, which is funded by the National Science Foundation Award No. SBE-
0836012. Additionally, this work is supported by Graduate Training Grant awarded to
Carnegie Mellon University by the Department of Education (R305B090023).


1. Blair, K., Schwartz, D., Biswas, G., Leelawong, K.: Pedagogical agents for learning
by teaching: Teachable Agents. Educational Technology 47(1), 56 (2007)
2. Jordan, P., Ringenberg, M., Hall, B.: Rapidly Developing Dialogue Systems that
Support Learning Studies. In: Workshop on Teaching with Robots, Agents, and
NLP (2006)
3. Koedinger, K.R., Baker, R.S.J., Cunningham, K., Skogsholm, A., Leber, B., Stam-
per, J.: A data repository for the EDM community: The PSLC DataShop. In:
Handbook of Educational Data Mining, pp. 1–21. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2010)
4. Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P., Aleven, V., Iglesias, A., Robinson, A.: Evaluating the Ef-
fectiveness of Tutorial Dialogue Instruction in an Exploratory Learning Context.
In: Ikeda, M., Ashley, K.D., Chan, T.-W. (eds.) ITS 2006. LNCS, vol. 4053, pp.
666–674. Springer, Heidelberg (2006)
5. Matsuda, N., Cohen, W.W., Koedinger, K.R., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Yarzebinski,
E., Watson, S.P., Stylianides, G.: Studying the Effect of Tutor Learning using a
Teachable Agent that asks the Student Tutor for Explanations. In: Proceedings
of the International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced
Learning, Digitel (2012)
Building a Conversational SimStudent 569

6. Mayfield, E., Rosé, C.P.: An interactive tool for supporting error analysis for text
mining. In: Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Demonstration Session, pp. 25–
28. Association for Computational Linguistics (2010)
7. Rosé, C.P., Jordan, P., Ringenberg, M., Siler, S., VanLehn, K., Weinstein, A.:
Interactive conceptual tutoring in Atlas-Andes. In: Proceedings of AI in Education
2001 Conference, pp. 151–153 (2001)
8. Rosé, C.P., Torrey, C., Aleven, V., Wu, A., Forbus, K.: CycleTalk: Toward a Dia-
logue Agent That Guides Design with an Articulate Simulator. In: Lester, J.C., Vi-
cari, R.M., Paraguaçu, F. (eds.) ITS 2004. LNCS, vol. 3220, pp. 401–411. Springer,
Heidelberg (2004)
9. Witten, I.H., Frank, E., Hall, M.: Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools
and Techniques, 3rd edn. Elsevier (2011)
Predicting Learner’s Project Performance with Dialogue
Features in Online Q&A Discussions

Jaebong Yoo and Jihie Kim

Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California


Abstract. Although many college courses adopt online tools such as Q&A on-
line discussions, there is no easy way to evaluate their impact on learning. In
this paper, we investigate a predictive relation between characteristics of dis-
cussion contributions and student performance. For the modeling dynamics of
conversational dialogue, speech acts (Q&A dialog roles that participants play)
and emotional features covered by LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count)
were used. These dialogue information is used for correlation and regression
analyses for predicting the performance of learners (173 student groups). Our
current results indicate that the number of answers provided to others, the de-
gree of positive emotion expressions, and how early students exchange informa-
tion before the deadline correlate with project grades. This finding confirms the
argument that in assessing student online activities, we need to capture how
they interact, not just what they produce.

Keywords: Online discussions, group projects, speech act classifiers.

1 Introduction
Online asynchronous discussions (OADs) have become increasingly popular tools for
university-level engineering courses in supporting students’ communication and col-
laboration. As recent studies have pointed to OADs as a promising strategy for colla-
boration and higher-order thinking, researchers have also sought to understand the
predictive relationship between discussion participation and learning [1].
There exists a large body of research on assessing OADs using quantitative or
qualitative methods. Quantitative approaches use some statistical information such as
message frequencies (the number of initials and replies, the number of messages read,
thread lengths, and response time from the previous messages) and correlate them
with course grades [2]. It is widely acknowledged that this approach provides at best a
rough analysis of online activities on a surface level. Qualitative approaches such as
content analysis have gained considerable attention in the past decade [3]. Such ap-
proaches reveal latent semantic information in the transcript from the discussion
boards for knowledge building or critical thinking. However, such results have not
been fully used for explaining or predicting student performance.
In this study, we extend the scope of existing qualitative methods by employing a
relatively large corpus of student discussion contributions and relating dialogue fea-
tures that capture the dynamics of Q&A conversation to student performance. For

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 570–575, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Predicting Learner’s Project Performance with Dialogue Features 571

modeling dynamics of conversational dialogue, Speech Acts (SAs) [4] and Linguistic
Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) [5] were used. The SAs define roles that individual mes-
sages play within the discussion, such as Sink (information seeking act) and Source
(information providing act), and can provide hints on how the student is contributing
to the class. The LIWC has been used in capturing emotional and psychological fea-
tures, and predicting student knowledge [6]. For effective data processing, we apply
machine learned classifier (Speech Acts) and automatic text processing (LIWC).

2 Methods
2.1 Participants
Our work takes place in the context of an undergraduate Operating Systems course
discussion board in the Computer Sciences department at the University of Southern
California. The course is held every semester and taught by the same instructor for the
past 15 semesters. We studied recent eight semesters from the same course. Among
the 240 groups enrolled, 173 groups (370 students) were active (posted more than 3
messages). In Table 1, ‘group’ participation means participation by at least one mem-
ber of the group. Our analysis focuses on the active groups and treats each group as a
unit. All the group members receive the same grade that takes 40% of the final grade.

Table 1. Forum Participation of Individual and Group by Semester (N = 240)

Year 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010

Semester Spring Fall Spring Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall
0.62 0.55 0.40 0.65 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.41
36/58 46/83 21/53 77/119 58/115 26/54 49/99 57/140
0.83 0.78 0.67 0.78 0.73 0.80 0.73 0.55
24/29 32/41 14/21 39/50 37/51 20/25 32/44 42/77
* PR (Participation Ratio) = # of students participated / # of students enrolled in the discussion forum

2.2 Procedures

Data Collection. The class used phpBB (2006 ~ 2009) and then Moodle (2010 ~
current). The 8 semesters’ discussion data have been collected from the discussion
Data Preprocessing. In order to generate meaningful features, appropriate cleaning
and normalization have to be performed. For SA classifiers, our data preprocessing
step fixes common typos and abbreviation, converts contracted forms to their full
forms, and transforms informal words to formal words. For example, “we’re” was
modified to “we are” in M1 and “dont” should be converted to “do not” in M2 as
shown in Figure 1. As another example, “ya”, “yea”, and “yup” are all substituted by
“yes.” For the LIWC measures that rely on the number of words, we remove quotes
(repetition of previous message content inside the current post) using a text compari-
son tool called “google-diff-match-patch.” Also, a large block of code that appears
inside the text cannot be recognized by LIWC, which expects normal English text as
input. For detecting programming content, we developed a set of regular expressions
572 J. Yoo and J. Kim

to identify variable assignments, function definitions, function calls, comments and

etc. The programming content in M1 is replaced with a code tag as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. An Example discussion thread:

Variable Generation. From the above data pre-processing steps, the input data for
SA classifiers and LIWC are produced. The results from SA classifiers and LIWC are
as follows: Sink/Source classification and 80 LIWC metrics. Among 80 metrics, we
selected 20 metrics that are relevant to student project forums. The variables used for
our analysis are summarized below.
Predicting Learner’s Performance. After extracting data for selected variables,
correlation and regression analyses were performed against project grades.

2.3 Discussion Analysis Variables

The categories of variables below were used for the study are:
• Traditional quantitative metrics (3 variables): the number of total/initial/replies
• Qualitative and quantitative metrics in discussion dialogue (4 variables):
─ Sink: Sink as a message which requests information from others
─ Source: Source as a message which provides information to others
─ APTTPD (Average duration between the Posting Time and Project Deadline)
─ Degree of technical term use: % of operating systems technical terms in text
• Qualitative variables from LIWC (20 variables): word count, words/sentences,
words>6 letters, tense (past, present, future), negations, swear words, positive
/negative emotions, insight, causation, discrepancy, certainty, tentative, inhibition,
see, time, achievement, assent. The further details of these variables, see [5].

3 Speech Act Classifier

The discussion threads can be viewed as a special case of human conversion, and
we adopted the theory of speech acts (SAs) [7] to classify patterns of student’s
interaction. As SAs are important variables for characterizing student discourse, in order
Predicting Learner’s Project Performance with Dialogue Features 573

to improve the classification accuracy, we investigated several ways of optimizing fea-

tures and eliminating irrelevant or redundant information [8]. The SA classifiers were
built through three steps: feature generation, feature selection, and classification.
• Feature generation: we used standard n-grams features as well as metadata of mes-
sages such as their absolute/relative positions, author change information, and their
previous metadata information. There are 30,044 features in the training corpus.
• Feature selection: we applied four filter-based feature selection algorithms (i.e.
Chi-squire, InfoGain, GainRatio, and ReliefF) to reduce the dimensionality of the
input data because filters can handle a large number of features efficiently.
• Feature classification: Finally, the SA classifier is built with the selected optimal
features. The 2006 spring and 2007 fall semester discussion data (898 messages)
were randomly divided into two datasets: training dataset (628 messages) and test
dataset (270 messages). All the threads were annotated by hand beforehand: the
Kappa scores of Sink and Source were 92.92% and 95.95% respectively.
We optimized the features as we crease the number of selected features from 100 to
4000 with an increment of 100. Note that SVM is less sensitive to the change of the
number of selected features so we chose it for developing the final SA classifiers. The
accuracies of the SA classifier for Sink and Source have improved from 87.1% to
93.2% and from 86.1% to 90.1% respectively by optimizing the features.

4 Results

4.1 Correlation Analysis

Table 2 shows that 5 out of 27 independent variables (described in Section 2.2) are
significantly related to the project grade. The correlation analysis revealed that Sink
did not have a significant coefficient in comparison to Source. We predicted that low
performers ask more questions due to confusion or misunderstanding. However, stu-
dents who tend to answer others’ questions may have understood the topic better, and
achieve better grades. Surprisingly, the simple statistical information such as Total
and Reply was related to the learner’s performance. Among LIWC variables, only
Positive Emotion was positively correlated with the project grade.

4.2 Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis

In order to identify which variables explain the variance of our model, multiple
stepwise regression analysis was conducted with normalized project grade as the de-
pendent variable. An analysis of variance test suggests that the regression model is
significant, F(3, 169) = 17.08, p < 0.001, with 32% variance in student’s performance
being explained by three predictors. The result of the multiple stepwise regression is
summarized in Table 3. One pair of Total and Reply was automatically dropped off
from the analysis because Source includes them conceptually. Source has the largest
regression coefficient, B = .47 (p < .001). It implies the more information students
provide to other students, the better grade they achieve. APTTPD has the second larg-
est regression coefficient, B = .20 (p < .001). This is consistent with recent findings
from other researchers [9] that high procrastinators tend to get lower grades. Among
574 J. Yoo and J. Kim

the LIWC variables, the only significant variable was Positive Emotion. This suggests
that LIWC that has been used mainly for behavioral or social psychology research
may be not the best tool for analyzing our technical Q&A discussion data.

Table 2. Correlation between Variables and Grade among Learners

Category Variables Correlation
Grade Traditional Quantitative metric Total .17*
Model Quantitative metric Initial .13
Quantitative metric Reply .17*
Our Speech act Sink .03
Model Speech act Source .22**
Procrastination APTTD .21**
Technical terms Technical terms .08
LIWC Linguistic Word count -.08
Words/sentence -.09
Words>6 letters -.10
Past tense -.09
Present tense .10
Future tense .08
Negations -.11
Swear words -.09
Psychological Positive Emotion .16**
Negative Emotion .10
Insight -.01
Causation .05
Discrepancy .16
Tentative .10
Certainty .05
Inhibition -.02
See .06
Time .01
Personal concerns Achievement -.02
Spoken category Assent .02
N = 173; *p < .05; **p < .01

Table 3. Summary of Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis

Variables in the Equation

Variable B Std. Error Beta
Source .47 .06 .48***
APTTPD .20 .07 .20**
Positive Emotion .02 .01 .13*
Note: R =.32 N = 173; *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

5 Summary and Future Work

We have investigated how quantitative and qualitative features of student online Q&A
discussions are related to student project performance. For modeling dynamics of
Predicting Learner’s Project Performance with Dialogue Features 575

conversational dialogue, speech acts and emotional and psychological features were
used. In order to generate meaningful features using machine classifiers and automat-
ic text processing tools, the raw discussion data was processed with various noise
reduction and normalization steps. As SAs are an important variable for characteriz-
ing student discourse, to improve SA classifiers, we identified an optimal feature set
for the classification. The final Sink/Source classifier accuracies reached 93.2% and
90.1% respectively.
The current results indicate that qualitative dialogue features such as the degree of
information provided to others and how early students discuss their problems before
the deadline are important factors in explaining the project grade. Other quantitative
characteristics or local textual variables do not seem to contribute much. We plan to
perform more comprehensive analysis with diverse conversational or collaborative
discussion features including number of conversation partners, degree of interactions
with teachers, etc. as well as additional textual features.

Acknowlegement. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation,

REEESE program (award #1008747).

1. Koschmann, T.E.: CSCL: Theory and practice of an emerging paradim 1996. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (1996)
2. Palmer, S., Holt, D., Bray, S.: Does the discussion help? The impact of a formally assessed
online discussion on final student results. British Journal of Educational Technology 39(5),
837–858 (2008)
3. De Wever, B., Schellens, T., Valcke, M., Van Keer, H.: Content analysis schemes to ana-
lyze transcripts of online asynchronous discussion groups: A review. Computers & Educa-
tion 46(1), 6–28 (2006)
4. Ravi, S., Kim, J.: Profiling student interactions in threaded discussions with speech act
classifiers. IOS Press (2007)
5. Pennebaker, J.W., Francis, M.E., Booth, R.J.: Linguistic inquiry and word count: LIWC
2001. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahway (2001)
6. Williams, C., D’Mello, S.: Predicting Student Knowledge Level from Domain-
Independent Function and Content Words. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (eds.) ITS
2010. LNCS, vol. 6095, pp. 62–71. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
7. Searle, J.R., Bierwisch, M.: Speech act theory and pragmatics, vol. 10. Springer (1980)
8. Yang, Y., Pedersen, J.O.: A comparative study on feature selection in text categorization.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. (1997)
9. Michinov, N., et al.: Procrastination, participation, and performance in online learning en-
vironments. Computers & Education 56(1), 243–252 (2011)
Interventions to Regulate Confusion during Learning

Blair Lehman1, Sidney D’Mello2, and Arthur Graesser1

Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152
Departments of Psychology and Computer Science, University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Abstract. Experiences of confusion have been found to correlate with learning,

particularly for learning at deeper levels of comprehension. Previously, we have
induced confusion within learning environments that teach critical scientific
reasoning. Confusion was successfully induced with the presentation of contra-
dictory information and false feedback. Next, we would like to regulate experi-
ences of confusion to increase learning. In the current paper, we propose a
series of experiments that investigate potential interventions to help regulate
confusion during learning. Specifically, these experiments will address the
impact of feedback specificity and emotional support.

Keywords: confusion, contradiction, false feedback, affect, tutoring, intelligent

tutoring systems, scaffolding, learning.

1 Introduction

Learning is an emotional experience and confusion is one emotion that plays a par-
ticularly important role in learning [1]. Learners experience confusion when they are
confronted with an anomaly, contradiction, or system breakdown; and are uncertain
about how to proceed. Although confusion has been correlationally linked to learning,
it is unlikely that the mere experience of confusion promotes deep learning. Instead,
confusion creates opportunities for learning because it causes students to stop, reflect,
and begin active problem solving to resolve their confusion. These cognitive activities
enable learners to work through confusion and acquire a deeper understanding of
complex topics [2]. Hence, our working hypothesis is that learning can be increased if
intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) can capitalize on the benefits of confusion.
To take advantage of the benefits of confusion, an ITS must include events that
trigger confusion in learners, track and monitor learner experiences of confusion, and
provide support so that learners can regulate confusion. Previously we have con-
ducted experiments to address the induction and tracking of confusion [3]. However,
we have not yet addressed the third task: regulating confusion. We propose a series of
three experiments that will test the effectiveness of interventions to regulate learner
experiences of confusion in order to increase positive learning outcomes.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 576–578, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Interventions to Regulate Confusion during Learning 577

2 Previous Research

We have experimented with confusion induction techniques within learning environ-

ments that promoted the learning of scientific reasoning concepts (e.g., experimenter
bias, replication). In these experiments, learners engaged in either a trialogue with two
pedagogical agents (tutor and student) (Experiments 1, 2, 3, and 5) or a dialogue with
one agent (tutor) to diagnose flaws in hypothetical research studies (Experiment 4).
Confusion was induced through the presentation of contradictory information by two
agents in Experiment 1, 2, 3, and 5 [3]. Confusion was successfully induced when the
two agents presented opposing opinions and asked the learner to pick one side. In
Experiment 4, we induced confusion using false system feedback. After learners at-
tempted to diagnose the flaw in a study, the tutor agent delivered either accurate or
inaccurate feedback. We found that learners who responded correctly but received
negative feedback (e.g., “That’s wrong.”) were more confused than learners that re-
ceived accurate feedback.
In addition to confusion induction, we also investigated methods to track learner
confusion. The accuracy of learner responses immediately following the manipula-
tions was used to track confusion in the contradictory information experiments, such
that incorrect responses were indicative of being in a state of confusion. In the false
feedback experiment, learners were asked to self-report experiences of confusion after
receiving feedback. Through response quality and strategically placed self-report
probes, we have been able to track learner confusion with minimal interruption to the
learning process.
There is evidence that partial or complete resolution of confusion can increase
learning, particularly at deeper levels of understanding [4]. The two systems discussed
above do not currently provide any support for the regulation or resolution of learner
confusion. However, increased learning was still found in both experiments. We ex-
pect that interventions that help learners regulate and potentially resolve confusion
will further increase learning.

3 Future Research Plans

Confusion regulation interventions will be investigated within an ITS that discusses
scientific reasoning topics. Learners will engage in trialogues with two agents (tutor
and student) while diagnosing the flaws in research studies. Confusion will be in-
duced through the presentation of contradictory information by the two agents and
tracked through a combination of response accuracy and strategically placed self-
report probes. We will compare interventions based on feedback specificity and emo-
tional support to help learners regulate their confusion.
In previous experiments learners have provided self-explanations (SEs) after they
diagnosed the flaw in a research study, but were not given feedback about SE quality.
We hypothesize that elaborated feedback on SE quality will facilitate confusion
regulation. To test this hypothesis we will test the impact of feedback specificity on
confusion regulation (Proposed Experiment 1). Learner-generated SEs will first be
classified as correct or incorrect and then incorrect SEs will be further classified based
578 B. Lehman, S. D’Mello, and A. Graesser

on the type of error present. We have already developed mechanisms to facilitate the
classification of learner SEs [5]. The tutor agent will either provide no feedback, non-
elaborated feedback only (e.g., “That’s correct”), or elaborated feedback. For elabo-
rated feedback the tutor agent will first deliver feedback and then either provide the
correct answer (feedback + correct answer) or correct the specific error that was pre-
sent in the SE (feedback + error correction). Feedback that is tailored to specific er-
rors is expected to facilitate confusion regulation and ultimately improve learning [6].
Proposed Experiment 2 will investigate emotionally supportive interventions in re-
sponse to induced confusion. It is hypothesized that learners view confusion as in-
dicative of failure and is a threat to their self-concept of intelligence [7]. We will test
two types of emotional support to help learners change these negative attributions of
confusion. In one condition the tutor agent will serve as an “encouraging and suppor-
tive mentor” for the learner by providing general encouragement (e.g., “I know you
can figure this out!”). To specifically address learner misgivings about confusion, the
tutor agent will explain the benefits of confusion (confusion reappraisal). We expect
that directly targeting learner beliefs about confusion will be more effective for con-
fusion resolution than general encouragement. Finally, Proposed Experiment 3 will
compare the most effective interventions from Experiments 1 and 2.

Acknowledgement. The research was supported by the National Science Foundation

(REC 0106965, ITR 0325428, HCC 0834847, DRL 1108845) and the Institute of
Education Sciences (R305A080594). The opinions expressed are those of the authors
and do not represent views of the NSF and IES.

1. Calvo, R., D’Mello, S. (eds.): New Perspectives on affect and learning technologies.
Springer, New York (2011)
2. VanLehn, K., Siler, S., Murray, C., Yamauchi, T., Baggett, W.: Why do only some events
cause learning during human tutoring? Cognition and Instruction 21(3), 209–249 (2003)
3. Lehman, B., D’Mello, S.K., Strain, A.C., Gross, M., Dobbins, A., Wallace, P., Millis, K.,
Graesser, A.C.: Inducing and Tracking Confusion with Contradictions during Critical
Thinking and Scientific Reasoning. In: Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.)
AIED 2011. LNCS, vol. 6738, pp. 171–178. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
4. D’Mello, S., Graesser, A.: Inducing and tracking confusion and cognitive disequilibrium
with breakdown scenarios. Memory and Cognition (in review)
5. Lehman, B., Mills, C., D’Mello, S., Graesser, A.: Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-
Explanations and Types of Erroneous Responses for Dialogue-Based ITSs. In: Cerri, S.A.,
Clancey, B. (eds.) ITS 2012. LNCS, vol. 7315, pp. 544–553. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)
6. Fedor, D.: Recipient Responses to Performance Feedback: A Proposed Model and its
Implications. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management 9, 73–120
7. Dweck, C.: The development of ability conceptions. In: Wigfield, A., Eccles, J. (eds.)
Development of Achievement Motivation, pp. 57–88. Academic Press, San Diego (2002)
Using Examples in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Amir Shareghi Najar1 and Antonija Mitrovic2

University of Canterbury (Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group)
University of Canterbury (Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group)

Abstract. In the past five years, researchers studied the use of examples
compared to tutored problems in different domains, yet the results are
not conclusive to decide whether they could replace tutored problems or
not. Due to different results in using examples for Intelligent Tutoring
System (ITS), there is still a research potential to investigate examples’
effects on learning compared to tutored problems. We plan to expand
this area to Constraint Based Modeling (CBM) tutors using SQL-Tutor.
The result of this study would allow us to develop more effective and
efficient ITSs.

Keywords: Examples, Problem-Solving, SQL-Tutor.

1 Introduction
Previous studies found considerable benefit in applying examples in education.
Most of the prior studies on supported or unsupported problem-solving indicate
that the primary benefit of applying examples in learning is that novices who
receive examples learn more efficiently than those who learn by solving prob-
lems. Another significant benefit is that using examples improves learning gain.
This has been shown for novices when the examples were compared to untutored
problems (e.g [3, 8]). On the other hand, a few studies found no significant dif-
ference in learning achievement between examples and tutored problem-solving
conditions. Nevertheless, Schwonke et al. [9] show higher learning gain in con-
ceptual knowledge for the example condition. We would like to emphasize that
the reviewed studies’ are limited to a small number of domains under specific
conditions; therefore, there is still a need for further research to gain a better
understanding of the examples’ application compared to tutored problems.
In our future work, we would like to expand this area to constraint-based mod-
elling tutors. For this purpose, we chose SQL-Tutor developed by the Intelligent
Computer Tutoring Group (ICTG) at the University of Canterbury [6]. SQL is
a well-defined domain with ill-defined tasks [7]. This makes our study different
from the prior studies as they were implemented on well-defined domains with
well-defined tasks (e.g. Geometry and Algebra).
In addition, we also plan to investigate the effect of examples with self-
explanation (SE). McLaren and Isotani [5] performed a study with three condi-
tions: examples only, problems only and example/problem pairs. They show that

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 579–581, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
580 A.S. Najar and A. Mitrovic

using examples alone is more efficient than the other two conditions in the Stoi-
chiometry domain. However, they have not considered the effect of SE, which was
only used after examples, but not after problems. We believe that SE is valuable
for learning also after problems. Our hypothesis is that example/problem pairs
lead to faster learning and a better learning gain than examples only or prob-
lems only conditions. Aleven and Koedinger [1] explain from two studies’ results
that using tutored problem-solving with self-explanation significantly improves
the learning gain, because self-explanation reduces the shallowness of procedural
knowledge and provides better integration between verbal and visual declarative
knowledge. ”Procedural knowledge is implicit knowledge that is now available
to awareness whereas declarative knowledge is explicit knowledge that we are
aware of in visual or verbal form” [1].

2 Future Work
We plan to provide SE after each problem, but the SE questions must be different
from those that were provided in the example conditions. According to Schwonke
et al. [9] the conceptual transfer is significantly associated with visual map-
ping activities (the process of translating from visual thinking onto paper or
electronic paper), and procedural transfer is strongly related to principle-based
self-explanations; moreover, in Schwonke’s study, the students in the example
condition had more conceptual transfer than in the problem condition. Hence,
in the prior study by McLaren, they reinforced procedural transfer of examples
by providing SE. This made the example-SE pair ideal, and it might be the rea-
son that why they found the examples only condition was more efficient than the
other conditions. In our study, we plan to use conceptual SE to reinforce learn-
ing from problem-solving and procedural transfer to support examples. Overall,
we aim to have a better comparison between examples and problems when they
both have been reinforced with suitable SE.
The study will have three conditions: Problem–Problem, Example-Problem
and Example-Example pairs. Students in the control group will have to solve six
isomorphic problem pairs (six question pairs is the average maximum number of
SQL questions that a student can solve in 90 minuets). When they solve a tutored
problem, then they have to answer a conceptual SE question; if they could not
give the right answer, system will give them the answer. In the example-example
condition they must follow the same routine as the students in control group, but
they have to deal with procedural SE. Therefore, after reviewing each example
students need to provide the right answer for the procedural SE question, and if
they couldn’t give the correct answer then they have to go back to the example
in order to find the answer. The last group (example-problem) must first read
the example and then they will be asked a procedural SE question. Then they
need to solve a problem and answer to a conceptual SE question. In our study,
students will answer self-explanation questions by selecting right answers from
multiple choices.
According to Atkinson et al. [2], intra-example features describes a single
worked-out example design. In this study, we will design examples grounded
Using Examples in Intelligent Tutoring Systems 581

on multi-media learning theory [4]. This will improve learning from examples
compared to problem solving; however, it would not bias our result as our goal
is to investigate the efficiency of example-problem pairs condition compared to
problem-problem and example-example only conditions. We expect the example-
problem condition to improve learning gain and time more than the example-
example and problem-problem pairs.
To recapitulate, the aim of this research is not only to investigate the benefits
of example-based strategy in SQL-Tutor, but also to find an ideal approach to
present examples in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

[1] Aleven, V.A., Koedinger, K.R.: An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by do-
ing and explaining with a computer-based cognitive tutor. Cognitive Science 26(2),
147–179 (2002)
[2] Atkinson, R.K., Derry, S.J., Renkl, A., Wortham, D.: Learning from examples:
Instructional principles from the worked examples research. Review of Educational
Research 70(2), 181–214 (2000)
[3] van Gog, T., Kester, L., Paas, F.: Effects of worked examples, example-problem,
and problem-example pairs on novices’ learning. Contemporary Educational Psy-
chology 36(3), 212–218 (2011)
[4] Mayer, R.E.: Multimedia Learning, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, New
York (2009)
[5] McLaren, B., Isotani, S.: When Is It Best to Learn with All Worked Examples? In:
Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS, vol. 6738, pp.
222–229. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
[6] Mitrovic, A.: An intelligent SQL Tutor on the web. Int. J. Artif. Intell. Ed. 13,
173–197 (2003)
[7] Mitrovic, A., Weerasinghe, A.: Revisiting ill-definedness and the consequences for
ITSs. In: Proceeding of the 2009 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education:
Building Learning Systems that Care: From Knowledge Representation to Affective
Modelling, pp. 375–382. IOS Press, Amsterdam (2009)
[8] Rourke, A., Sweller, J.: The worked-example effect using ill-defined problems:
Learning to recognise designers’ styles. Learning and Instruction 19(2), 185–199
[9] Schwonke, R., Renkl, A., Krieg, C., Wittwer, J., Aleven, V., Salden, R.: The worked-
example effect: Not an artefact of lousy control conditions. Computers in Human
Behavior 25, 258–266 (2009)
Semi-Supervised Classification of Realtime Physiological
Sensor Datastreams for Student Affect Assessment
in Intelligent Tutoring

Keith W. Brawner1, Robert Sottilare1, and Avelino Gonzalez2

United States Army Research Laboratory
Human Research and Engineering Directorate
Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments Laboratory
Simulation and Training Technology Center, Orlando, FL 32826
Univercity of Central Florida
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Orlando, FL 32826

Abstract. Famously, individual expert tutoring holds the promise of two

standard deviations of improvement over classroom-based instruction. Current
content-scaling techniques have been able to prove one standard deviation of
improvement. However, just as expert tutors take the motivation and emotion-
al state of the student into account for instruction, so too must computer instruc-
tors. Differences between individuals and individual baselines make this
difficult, but this information is known across one training session. The con-
struction of assessing modules in realtime, from the available performance and
sensor datastreams, skirts these problems, but is technically difficult. This
research investigates automated student model construction in realtime from
datastreams as a solution from which to base pedagogical strategy recommen-

Keywords: Intelligent Tutoring, Affective Computing, Datastream Mining.

1 Background, Research, and Direction

Artificial Intelligence is a collection of methods that are used to solve problems. The
most frequent problem solved is the automation of decision making, based upon the
classification of inputs. The classification problem can be separated into two cate-
gories: unsupervised and supervised. Supervised classification problems have train-
ing data with provided 'answers', known as ‘labels’, and testing data. Unsupervised
artificial intelligence problems attempt to classify data without knowing the true class
of the observation.
Physiological data presents a unique problem to the realm of classification. One
of the overwhelming trends in the field of psychology is that all people are different,

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 582–584, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Semi-Supervised Classification of Realtime Physiological Sensor Datastreams 583

known as individual differences. As such, the observed behavior of individuals va-

ries widely. This trend represents itself well among physiological sensors as well
[1]. Psychology studies relating to physiological measurements frequently involve
the ‘baseline’ of an individual in order to correct for this problem. This is, inherent-
ly, an unsupervised learning problem. For example, galvanic skin responses (GSR),
which are specific to the individual, must be learned without explicit second-by-
second updates on the person's emotions, due to impracticality.
While there have been many studies that use physiological data in order to estab-
lish meaning among individuals or groups [2], the problem of individual differences
forces the researcher to evaluate each individual individually. While this approach is
helpful to psychology researchers, a different approach must be taken for an intelli-
gent tutoring system. If an engineered system was to respond to the needs of its user,
this data would have to be parsed, interpreted, and recommended for action in real-
time. Because of individual differences, day-to-day variations, inter-day variations,
sensor placements, and a host of other issues, baseline measurements cannot be stored
for the individual [3]. Establishment of the meaning of these sensors measurements
must be made as close to instantaneously as possible. This presents its own prob-
lems, starting with the ideas that the data can be of potentially infinite length, and all
points and trends on a new individual are unknown.
Intelligent Tutoring comes in many forms. It can be a virtual world where the
student can play and practice skills, a computer-led classroom presentation, a comput-
er-human mixed-discussion activity, or other teaching methods. The two fundamen-
tal inputs to the human tutor are the assessments of knowledge and the assessments of
the affect of the student [4]. Expert human tutors achieve learning gains of two sig-
ma, or roughly two letter grades [5]. Web-based computer tutors, which perform
only one of these assessments, have been shown to produce one sigma of learning
gain [6]. In order to increase the effectiveness of computer-based learning activities,
the intelligent tutor should mirror the approach of human tutoring, and account for the
affect of the person being trained [7].
All of the above describes the effort of the author to solve part of a problem which
is not only important, but novel. Intelligent tutoring systems should respond to the
needs of their students, by assessing their affect, from sensor data taken from the stu-
dent in realtime, and classified along with self assessments and performance meas-
ures. This research addresses this issue through the comparison of supervised against
unsupervised methods of machine learning on a dataset of wide-ranging sensors.
This research will develop realtime, unsupervised or semi-supervised methods of
affect detection. These models will be directly compared against the supervised
linear regression tree models built from validated benchmarks collected in another
experiment using low-cost sensors as measurement and high-cost EEG as a moment-
by-moment ground truth [8]. The three main thrusts of this research are:
• Group classification models of sensor data are impractical or nonexistent
─ Individual classification models must be built
─ Shown via literature
• Offline individual models of sensor-based affect are not reusable
584 K.W. Brawner, R. Sottilare, and A. Gonzalez

─ Models must be built in realtime

─ Shown via literature
• Realtime-constructed models are comparable to their offline counterparts
─ Making them usable in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
─ Shown via experiments and artificial intelligence datastream development [9]

1. Baker, R.S.J.d.: Mining Data for Student Models. In: Nkambou, R., Bourdeau, J., Mizogu-
chi, R. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. SCI, vol. 308, pp. 323–337.
Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
2. D’Mello, S.K., Graesser, A.C.: Multimodal semi-automated affect detection from conver-
sational cues, gross body language, and facial features. User Model. User-Adapt. Inte-
ract. 20(2), 147–187 (2010)
3. Bersak, D., McDarby, G., Augenblick, N., McDarby, P., McDonnell, D., McDonal, B.,
Karkun, R.: Biofeedback using an Immersive Competitive Environment. In: Online Pro-
ceedings for the Designing Ubiquitous Computing Games Workshop, Ubicomp 2001
4. Scandura, J.: What TutorIT Can Do Better Than a Human and Why: Now and in the Fu-
ture. In: Tech., Inst., Cognition and Learning, vol. 8, pp. 175–227. Old City Publishing
5. Bloom, B.S.: The 2 sigma problem. The search for methods of group instruction as effec-
tive as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Researcher 13(6), 4–16 (1984)
6. Verdú, E., Regueras, L.M., Verdú, M.J., De Castro, J.P., Pérez, M.A.: Is Adaptive Learn-
ing Effective? A Review of the Research. In: Qing, L., Chen, S.Y., Xu, A., Li, M. (eds.)
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer & Applied
Computational Science (ACACOS 2008), pp. 710–715. WSEAS Press, Stevens Point
7. Woolf, B., Burleson, W., Arroyo, I., Dragon, T., Cooper, D., Picard, R.: Affect-Aware Tu-
tors: Recognizing and Responding to Student Affect. International Journal of Learning
Technology 4, 129–164 (2009)
8. Carroll, M., Kokini, C., Champney, R., Sottilare, R., Goldberg, B.: Modeling Trainee Af-
fective and Cognitive State Using Low Cost Sensors. In: Proceedings of the Interser-
vice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL
(November 2011)
9. Brawner, K., Gonzalez, A.: Realtime Clustering of Unlabeled Sensory Data for User State
Assessment. In: Proceedings of International Defense & Homeland Security Simulation
Workshop of the I3M Conference, Rome, Italy (September 2011)
Detection of Cognitive Strategies in Reading
Comprehension Tasks

Terry Peckham

Laboratory for Advanced Research in Intelligent Educational Systems

University of Saskatchewan

Abstract. In this paper we discuss the detection of cognitive strategies used in a

reading comprehension task. By mining the results of student interaction data
we have been able to determine various cognitive strategies employed by the
students that are positive for learning and others that are negative. Some of
these strategies are associated with the Bloom level of the student’s task. This
could be useful to learning environments in directly supporting students’
learning metacognitive skills.

Keywords: Bloom’s Taxonomy, data mining, metacognition, reading compre-


1 Introduction

Reading comprehension is critical in life-long learning [4] and in the workplace, where
self-regulated learning (SRL) is the key. Azevedo, et. al. [3] demonstrated that it is
possible to identify student metacognitive strategies in a SRL environment by using a
tracing methodology that analyzed the data collected by the environment rather than self-
reported measures which are commonly used within educational environments. This
recording of student interaction data with course content at a fine grained level of detail
along with the pedagogical framework of the course allows for the automated classifica-
tion of students as effective or ineffective in their use of cognitive skills. Some of the
skills are associated with a particular level of Bloom’s taxonomy1 [2]. Bloom’s tax-
onomy of the cognitive domain provides a pedagogical hierarchy of six levels of cogni-
tive strategies ranging in difficulty from the simple recall of facts at the low end of the
scale to analysis, synthesis, and evaluation at the high end of the scale. There are times
when it is more expedient to use a different cognitive strategy than the one normally
employed by a student to solve a given task. If we are able to capture cognitive strate-
gies from student usage data, we can inform a student model and/or provide feedback to
the student to help them use a better strategy, thereby scaffolding metacognition appro-
priate to the Bloom level of the student’s task. This would extend current work on me-
tacognition in intelligent tutoring systems (ITS).

Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels, in increasing order of difficulty, are comprised of Knowledge,
Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 585–587, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
586 T. Peckham

2 The Experiment

An experiment was designed to look for patterns of student behavior in a reading

comprehension task. Student interaction with a learning environment was designed
to emulate hypermedia courses offered in post-secondary institutions where content is
presented along with questions about that content. The students could view the con-
tent and/or questions in any order or manner they chose with no constraints applied in
their interaction with the system. All the interactions/events with the content and
questions were recorded and time-stamped.
The students were tasked with reading content and then answering various ques-
tions at different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The first experimental condition had
the students answering lower level Bloom questions on a single document. In the
second condition students answered questions at higher Bloom levels with multiple
documents. The participants were adult students enrolled in a grade 12 Adult Educa-
tion English course. There were 17 participants for the first experimental condition
and 11 for the second with an average age of twenty six.

3 Results

The timestamp data was processed so that reading, scanning and scrolling navigation
times could be calculated for each of the interactions/events. The time cutoffs used
to distinguish reading from scanning from scrolling fit with other document naviga-
tion research [1]. Multi-dimensional K-Means clustering was applied to the data
collected with respect to the reading, scanning and scrolling times. The following
clusters proved to be statistically interesting with respect to the Bloom level:

• Light Reading Cluster: 50% reading: 30% scanning: 20% scrolling (50:30:20)
• Light Medium Reading Cluster: (60:30:10)
• Heavy Medium Reading Cluster: (70:20:10)
• Heavy Reading Cluster: (80:10:10)

Two other clusters, Medium Scrolling (10:10:60) and Medium Scanning (20:60:20),
did appear in the clustering searches but the number of data points that were placed
into these categories was often quite small. Because of their small size they were
omitted from the statistical analysis.
An ANOVA was performed on each of the clusters as it relates to each level of
Bloom found within the experiment. All of the clusters were statistically significant
with the exception of Bloom’s level five (due to a small sample size). For example,
those students who were classified as light readers for Bloom level 1 questions were
significantly different in their reading strategies from those clustered as light medium
readers for the same Bloom level. A Tukey-Kramer analysis was used to help con-
trol for unequal sample sizes in this type of analysis. When a test was performed to
see if the clusters were significantly different without using Bloom in the analysis, no
significant differences between the clusters were found. Interestingly, the granularity
Detection of Cognitive Strategies in Reading Comprehension Tasks 587

of the Bloom level is still significant if we group the clusters into high and low level
Bloom rather than at each individual level.
Next we analyzed how the clusters were related to the Bloom level. The Light
Reading and Heavy Medium Reading clusters were not found above Bloom Level 3
and the Heavy Reading cluster was found at all Bloom levels. As the Bloom level
increases the amount of Heavy Reading increases while the amount of Light Reading
decreases. The Light Medium Reading cluster was only found at Bloom level 1 and
2. There were several students that used the same cognitive strategy despite the dif-
ficulty of the task while there were others who adopted different strategies for differ-
ent difficulty levels. Those participants that chose a Heavy Reading style did not
complete all of the questions as time became a factor. Similarly, those that used a
light reading style completed on time or early but performed poorly on some of their
tasks where higher level Bloom skills were needed. Those who varied their strate-
gies depending on Bloom level tended to perform better.

4 Conclusions

This experiment demonstrates that not all students choose the correct cognitive strate-
gy to solve various tasks. Since we have been able to detect these inconsistencies
automatically we have the potential to update a student model, inform the student
about their metacognitive strategies and/or suggest appropriate pedagogical tasks that
could be useful for a student attempting to improve weak metacognitive skills. Fu-
ture research will explore the patterns found in reading comprehension, further en-
quire about the relationship between the selection of reading content and questions
that need to be answered, and look at how these patterns can be exploited by an ITS.

1. Alexander, J., Cockburn, A.: An Empirical Characterization of Electronic Document Na-
vigation. In: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2008, Windsor, On., Canada, pp. 123–130
2. Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S. (eds.): Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching
and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Longman,
New York (2000)
3. Azevedo, R., Moos, D., Johnson, A., Chauncey, A.: Measuring Cognitive and Metacogni-
tive Regulatory Processes During Hypermedia Learning: Issues and Challenges. Educa-
tional Psychologist 45(4), 210–223 (2010)
4. Sporer, N., Brunstein, J., Kieschke, U.: Improving student’s reading comprehension skills:
Effects of strategy instruction and reciprocal teaching. Learning and Instruction 19,
272–286 (2009)
The Effects of Adaptive Sequencing Algorithms on Player
Engagement within an Online Game

Derek Lomas1, John Stamper1, Ryan Muller1, Kishan Patel2, and Kenneth R. Koedinger1
Carnegie Mellon University
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication, Gujarat, India

Abstract. Using the online educational game Battleship Numberline, we have

collected over 8 million number line estimates from hundreds of thousands of
players. Using random assignment, we evaluate the effects of various adaptive
sequencing algorithms on player engagement and learning.

Keywords: games, number sense, engagement, adaptive sequencing.

1 Introduction
Number line estimation accuracy is highly correlated with math achievement scores in
grades K-8 (Siegler, Thompson, Schneider, 2011). To promote practice with number
line estimation, we have developed Battleship Numberline, a game involving estimat-
ing the location of ships on a number line. Using this game, we have collected over 8
million number line estimates from several hundred thousand online players. The
order of instructional items in the game is typically presented at random, but we hypo-
thesize that an adaptive sequence will result in an improved learning experience.
Adaptive instructional sequences are best known for increasing the efficiency of
learning [2]. However, Pavlik et al. [3] reported that students tended to chose an adap-
tive sequence of foreign language instructional items over a random sequence of
items. We further explore this phenomenon by investigating whether adaptive se-
quences can increase motivation to engage in a learning activity.

2 Adaptive Sequences
Conati et al. [1] describe using Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) to promote learn-
ing in an educational game. However, many games use far simpler algorithms to pro-
mote learning and player interest; for instance, they may require a player to perform
flawlessly on a level before progressing to the next. Could simpler adaptive
algorithms achieve comparable performance to Bayesian Knowledge Tracing? Specif-
ically, could they produce comparable learning (pre-post test gain) and player
engagement (duration of intrinsically-motivated play)?
In our implementation of BKT, we developed a knowledge component model with
five knowledge components (KC). The parameters for the model were developed

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 588–590, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
The Effects of Adaptive Sequencing Algorithms on Player Engagement 589

based on data collected from a prior classroom study involving 150 students in 4th-6th
grade. These parameters included the probability of existing knowledge (L0), learning
rates (T), and the probability for slipping (S) and guessing (G). The sequencing algo-
rithm worked by randomly choosing an item belonging to the KC with the highest
probability of being known, so long as it was below the threshold of .9 probability of
being known. When a KC exceeded .9, it was removed from the sequence. Once all
KCs in the level exceeded .9, the level was over.
The Difficulty Ladder (dLadder) is an adaptive sequencing algorithm that requires
mastery of easier items before allowing progress to more difficult items. Based on the
same dataset from which the BKT parameters were derived, the items in the instruc-
tional sequence were divided into 5 bins of difficulty, each with 4 items. Players be-
gan in the easiest bin; if they were correct twice in a row, they advanced to the next
more difficult bin. If they were incorrect twice in a row, they went back to the pre-
vious, less difficult bin. When the player completed the hardest bin, the level was
over. A high performing player could complete the ladder in only 10 trials.
Naïve ITS is based on the idea that a successful response tends to generate more
learning than an unsuccessful response. To promote success, if a player gets an item
incorrect, they are given another opportunity to attempt the item after a delay of one
other item. The delay of one trial facilitates working memory retrieval without mak-
ing the task trivially easy (as it might be if there was no delay). Once the player gets
every item correct at least once, the level is over.
The random sequence randomly presents (without replacement) one of 20 different
fractions. Unlike the adaptive sequences, the random sequence is not affected by the
player’s prior performance.

3 Experiment 1: Structure, Participants and Metrics

The adaptive sequencing experiment involved randomly assigning 1087 players to

one of sixteen different level sequences representing four different experimental con-
ditions (BKT, Difficulty Ladder, Naïve ITS, & Random) with four different
pre/posttest form combinations (A-B, B-C, C-D, D-A). Each level sequence consisted
of a pretest level, a level with one of four sequencing algorithms, a post-test level, and
then additional levels of the same sequencing algorithm (so that patterns of extended
play could be compared over the different algorithms). The pre/post tests involve four
fraction estimation problems, presented fully within the context of the game.
Our participants are anonymous online players who freely access our game through
the educational portal Brainpop.com. Despite this anonymity, we can infer from the
demographics of Brainpop.com that our users are likely to be third to eighth grade
students, probably playing in a classroom setting. Brainpop.com offers a number of
different educational games. We assume that students are free to stop playing Battle-
ship Numberline at any time; indeed, over 50% of students play less than 10 trials.
In this study, we define engagement as the number of trials that a player chooses to
play, as this is believed to reflect the players intrinsic motivation to participate in the
gameplay sequence. We measure learning as the gain from pretest to posttest.
590 D. Lomas et al.

Table 1. Initial conditions of experiment

Completed Pretest Av. Av. # of Median % playing

Pretest Trials # of > 40 Tri-
Trials als
BKT 265 23% (.42) 25(30) 14 20%
DLadder 267 23% (.42) 29(35) 16 25%
NaiveITS 279 26% (.44) 30(37) 16 24%
Random 276 23% (.42) 24(22) 15 21%

Table 2. Here, data is presented only for the players that completed the posttest. Gain is
significant from pre to post test over all conditions (p<.02, p<.01, p<.001) using a paired t-test.

Completed Pretest Av. Posttest Av. Median #

Posttest of Trials
BKT 0 n/a n/a n/a
DLadder 22 46% (.50) 65%(.48) 30.5
NaiveITS 55 31% (.46) 47%(.50) 49
Random 103 25% (.43) 37%(.48) 28

4 Discussion

The data presented here suggests a modest effect from the sequencing algorithms.
Unfortunately, learning gains are impossible to compare directly, without statistically
correcting for the substantial rates of attrition. Our BKT algorithm apparently set the
bar too high—no players in this sample actually completed the level, despite some
players completing more than 100 trials. Future work will involve tuning the parame-
ters of the BKT algorithm, developing more comparable measures of learning, and
validating our online engagement construct in a classroom setting.

1. Conati, C., Zhao, X.: Building and evaluating an intelligent pedagogical agent to improve
the effectiveness of an educational game. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Confe-
rence on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp. 6–13. ACM (2004)
2. Corbett, A.T., Anderson, J.R.: Knowledge tracing: Modeling the acquisition of procedural
knowledge. User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction 4(4), 253–278 (1995)
3. Pavlik Jr., P., Bolster, T., Wu, S.-M., Koedinger, K., MacWhinney, B.: Using Optimally Se-
lected Drill Practice to Train Basic Facts. In: Woolf, B.P., Aïmeur, E., Nkambou, R., Lajoie,
S. (eds.) ITS 2008. LNCS, vol. 5091, pp. 593–602. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
4. Siegler, R.S., Thompson, C.A., Schneider, M.: An integrated theory of whole number and
fractions development. Cognitive Psychology 62(4), 273–296 (2011)
A Canonicalizing Model for Building
Programming Tutors

Kelly Rivers and Kenneth R. Koedinger

Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract. It is difficult to build intelligent tutoring systems in the

domain of programming due to the complexity and variety of possi-
ble answers. To simplify this process, we have constructed a language-
independent canonicalized model for programming solutions. This model
allows for much greater overlap across different students than a basic
text model, which enables more self-sustaining hint generation methods
in programming tutors.

Keywords: canonicalization, programming tutors, abstract syntax trees.

1 Introduction
Though interest has continually been shown in creating intelligent tutors for
programming topics, few solutions have been found that have been applied to
widespread classes [1]. This is partially due to constraints already existing in
the classroom such as programming language, development environment, and
curriculum choices. We aim to simplify the tutor-building process by creating a
language-independent method for turning students’ programs into canonicalized
models which can be more easily examined and compared than text programs.
We also discuss ideas for self-sustaining hint generators that would not require
as much instructor input.

2 Model Creation

Our model is based on abstract syntax trees (ASTs). ASTs represent the
underlying structure of a program by branching complex statements out into
smaller sub-statements. They are commonly used in program transformations,
which means that modules already exist for creating and modifying ASTs from
text for many different programming languages; they’re also constructed from
basic programming concepts, so they can be made equivalent across languages.
Once a student’s program has been converted into an AST, we can gather rele-
vant information on what data structures and algorithms the student is using by
examining the tree. This information can later be used to unearth basic problems.
For example, a student uncomfortable with variables might try to write an entire
program in one line rather than use any assignments, while another student might
write code after a return statement without realizing that it isn’t being run.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 591–593, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
592 K. Rivers and K.R. Koedinger

Fig. 1. Above, the two programs shown canonicalize to the same model

At that point, canonicalizing functions can be run over the AST to change it
into a format more likely to match other students’ submissions. These functions
are commonly used in compiler optimizations and result in trees which can be
shown to be semantically equivalent [2], so they will not change the student’s
output. The functions we use currently include:

– Collapsing constant operations

– Propagating expressions assigned to variables
– Using De Morgan’s laws to propagate the not op inside boolean statements
– Normalizing the direction of comparisons
– Ordering commutative operators with a strict comparison function
– Removing unreachable and unused code
– Inlining helper functions

We did preliminary testing of this model using solutions to basic programming

problems taken from an introductory programming course composed of around
five hundred students. A median of 70% of the students could be mapped to
common solution groups (where groups were composed of 2 to 300 students). Fig.
1 demonstrates how this includes submissions that look completely different on a
textual level. We are currently extending the model to work for more complicated
problems, and results have been promising (a median of 25% of the students map
to groups in multi-function problems using control structures).
Next, we plan to utilize machine learning algorithms to determine the best
methodology for creating a clustering of canonicalized models, using unit test
results, tree substructures, tokens, and any other information which proves useful
to construct the clustering algorithm. We are also considering using text mining
techniques on the tokens of the canonicalized abstract syntax trees. We plan to
verify the correctness of the resulting algorithms by checking it against original
grades and results from unit tests run on the original submissions.
A Canonicalizing Model for Building Programming Tutors 593

3 Hint Generation and Future Work

The next steps involve experimenting with different ways to generate hints based
off of canonicalized models. A few approaches which could be adapted include:
Model Driven: Basic hints could be created based entirely on the student’s
underlying model and the canonicalizing functions used to create it. This would
look for the typical red flags of bad code- unreachable statements, infinite loops,
etc.- to give suggestions for improvement. It could also be trained to look for
typical novice mistakes, such as off-by-one errors and stylistic mistakes.
Data Driven: In this approach (inspired by work done on creating automatic
hints in a logic tutor [3]), the clustering of models would be used in conjunction
with compile-time data about how previous programs changed over time until
they reached a solution. The solutions found by other students whose models
were closest in the clustering would be used to determine the optimal next step
for the student asking for a hint.
Crowd Driven: Instead of being programmatically based, this option uses
crowd-sourcing amongst students to slowly build a database of hints. Students
would type quick conceptual explanations of how they had fixed a problem af-
ter progressing past a state; these statements could then be re-used as hints for
future students stuck at the same state. A simple voting system could bring the
best hints to the top, and a filtering mechanism could keep the explanations
from giving away exact solutions.
We plan to continue work on this concept using a corpus of final submissions
from the introductory programming course at our university. If this method is
successful, we hope to use it in a system for programming instructors requiring
little input or upkeep, which would be ideal for the large-scale courses which
have become popular recently; in such an environment, solutions would be sub-
mitted rapidly enough to provide tutoring for complex problems. We also hope
to explore how canonicalization could be used as a method for grouping submis-
sions (for purposes such as general grading and plagiarism detection) and how
canonicalizing functions should best be classified for instructor use.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported in part by Graduate Training
Grant awarded to Carnegie Mellon University by the Department of Education
(# R305B090023).

1. Pears, A., Seidman, S., Malmi, L., Mannila, L., Adams, E., Bennedsen, J., Devlin,
M., Paterson, J.: A survey of literature on the teaching of introductory programming.
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 39(4), 204–223 (2007)
2. Xu, S., Chee, Y.S.: Transformation-Based Diagnosis of Student Programs for Pro-
gramming Tutoring Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29(4),
360–384 (2003)
3. Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Toward Automatic Hint Generation for Logic Proof Tutor-
ing Using Historical Student Data. In: Woolf, B.P., Aı̈meur, E., Nkambou, R., Lajoie,
S. (eds.) ITS 2008. LNCS, vol. 5091, pp. 373–382. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
Developmentally Appropriate Intelligent
Spatial Tutoring for Mobile Devices

Melissa A. Wiederrecht and Amy C. Ulinski

University of Wyoming, Laramie WY 82072, USA


Abstract. Given the centrality of spatial reasoning to the STEM disci-

plines, it is commonly acknowledged that it is of great importance that
researchers determine effective ways to train our next generation to be
spatially literate. Early childhood has been shown to be a very important
time in a child’s development of spatial skills and it is also known that
certain types of interventions can help children develop higher levels of
spatial ability. However, teaching young children comes with unique chal-
lenges, such as Developmentally Appropriate teaching and open-ended
instruction and play. We propose that an Intelligent Tutoring System
might be useful to address these challenges and present an initial research
plan to design one to teach young children spatial skills in a Develop-
mentally Appropriate, open-ended play-based manner.

Keywords: early childhood, developmentally appropriate, open-ended

play, spatial reasoning, intelligent tutoring systems, mobile learning.

1 Motivation and Related Works

Spatial reasoning is well known to be of vital importance in the disciplines of

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) [16]. It is also known
that spatial reasoning is a skill that can be learned with practice [12]. In partic-
ular, spatial reasoning has been shown to be malleable in very young children
[12], and it is recognized to be very important that we find ways to encourage
the development of spatial thinking in children in the preschool years [12].
Mobile devices have been shown to offer unique attributes that can help ben-
efit education for both adults and children: among other benefits, they encour-
age “anywhere, anytime” learning, fit with learning environments, and enable
a personalized learning experience [14]. However, to take full advantage of the
opportunities that mobile devices offer to education, developers must be careful
to design software that fulfills standards of good educational quality.
For young children (ages 3-8), the gold standard of educational quality is a
concept called Developmentally Appropriate (DA) Practice. The National As-
sociation for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) position statement on
Technology and Young Children specified that DA software should be 1) age ap-
propriate, 2) individually appropriate, and 3) culturally appropriate, and should

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 594–596, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Developmentally Appropriate Intelligent Spatial Tutoring for Mobile Devices 595

engage “children in creative play, mastery learning, problem solving, and conver-
sation” [10]. Others also recommend that DA software should “match the child’s
current level of understanding and skills, while growing with the child” [6], and
should be open-ended to allow the children control over their environment [15].
More specifically for systems designed to teach spatial skills, it has been shown
that children learn spatial skills better in the context of a story [1]. Further,
several learning trajectories have been identified which specify the stages that
young children go through in the development of certain spatial skills [13] that
we propose could be adapted for use in a computer tutoring setting.
Given the effectiveness of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) in many do-
mains for providing individualized instruction for adults and children, we will
investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of an ITS for providing a DA learning
experience to enhance early childhood spatial education. Several ITSs have been
developed to teach spatial skills in the past [3,5,9]. Other systems without intel-
ligent capabilities have been developed to teach spatial skills to adults [8,11,7]
and to children [2]. Work has also been done on systems designed for open-ended
play for children [4]. However, it has yet to be investigated how the benefits of
an ITS may be utilized to teach spatial skills in a DA manner to young children.

2 Initial Research Plan

We will investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of a mobile, story-based ITS
to teach spatial skills to young children in a DA manner utilizing spatial reason-
ing learning trajectories. We will answer the following:
1. What measures can we use to evaluate children’s spatial abilities on mobile
devices during open-ended play?
2. What tasks will provide data for our measures and allow for inquiry-based,
open-ended-play-based developmentally appropriate interactions?
3. How can we develop useful child-centric student models using data from
these tasks and measures?
4. Based on our student model, what methods of intervention most effectively
guide the children to a higher level of understanding of spatial reasoning?
5. Finally, how well do children learn spatial reasoning from our system com-
pared to more traditional approaches both on and off the computer?
We will select measures based on proven spatial ability tests and determine
their effectiveness for our application. Then we will adapt proven spatial ability
tasks to fit our child-centered requirements and to provide data for our chosen
measures. This data will be organized into a student model which will be con-
structed based on existing tutoring systems strategies and adapted to fit the
child-centered requirements. Next we will utilize knowledge from early child-
hood education and spatial cognition about how to best intervene to encourage
learning of spatial concepts. Finally, we will conduct studies comparing the same
types of instruction with our system, with non-intelligent computer-based sys-
tems, and with traditional non-computer instruction to determine the relative
effectiveness of our system.
596 M.A. Wiederrecht and A.C. Ulinski

3 Conclusion
We hope that our work on determining the feasibility and effectiveness of an
Intelligent Tutoring System designed to teach young children spatial reasoning
skills in a Developmentally Appropriate, open-ended, play-based manner will
provide a beneficial, accessible, and enjoyable way for children to learn these
skills that will be vital to their future success in the STEM disciplines.

1. Casey, B., Erkut, S., Ceder, I., Young, J.M.: Use of a storytelling context to improve
girls’ and boys’ geometry skills in kindergarten. Journal of Applied Developmental
Psychology 29, 29–48 (2008)
2. Clements, D.H., Sarama, J.: Effects of a Preschool Mathematics Curriculum: Sum-
mative Research on the Building Blocks Project. Journal for Research in Mathe-
matics Education 38, 136–163 (2007)
3. Connell, M.W., Stevens, D.A.: A computer-based tutoring system for visual-spatial
skills: dynamically adapting to the user’s developmental range. In: ICDL 2002
4. Creighton, E.: Jogo: an explorative design for free play. In: IDC 2010, Barcelona,
Spain, June 9-12 (2010)
5. Fournier-Viger, P., Nkambou, R., Mayers, A.: Evaluating spatial representations
and skills in a simulator-based tutoring system. IEEE Transactions on Learning
Technologies 1 (2008)
6. Haugland, S.: Children’s Home Computer Use: An Opportunity for Parent/Teacher
Collaboration. Early Childhood Education Journal 25 (1997)
7. Martin-Dorta, N., et al.: A 3D Educational Mobile Game to Enhance Student’s
Spatial Skills. In: 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies (2010)
8. Martı́n-Gutiérrez, J., Contero, M., Alcañiz, M.: Evaluating the Usability of an Aug-
mented Reality Based Educational Application. In: Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J.
(eds.) ITS 2010, part I. LNCS, vol. 6094, pp. 296–306. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
9. Mengshoel, O.J., Chaeuhan, S., Kim, Y.S.: Intelligent critiquing and tutoring of
spatial reasoning skills. Artificial Intelligent for Engineering Design, Analysis and
Manufacturing 10, 235–249 (1996)
10. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC
Position Statement: Technology and Young Children - Ages 3 through 8 (1996)
11. Nesbitt, K., Sutton, K., Wilson, J.: Improving Player Spatial Abilities for 3D Chal-
lenges. In: IE 2009, Sydney, Austrailia, December 17-19 (2009)
12. Newcombe, N.S., Frick, A.: Early education for spatial intelligence: why, what, and
how. Mind, Brain, and Education 4, 102–111 (2010)
13. Sarama, J., Clements, D.H.: Early childhood mathematics education research:
learning trajectories for young children. Routledge (2009)
14. Shuler, C.: Pockets of potential: using mobile technologies to promote children’s
learning. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, New York (2009)
15. Snider, S.L., Badget, T.L.: “I have this computer, what do I do now?” Using
technology to enhance every child’s learning. Early Childhood Educ. J. 23 (1995)
16. Wai, J., Lubinski, D., Benbow, P.: Spatial ability for STEM domains: aligning over
50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance. Journal
of Educational Psychology 101, 817–835 (2009)
Leveraging Game Design to Promote Effective
User Behavior of Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Matthew W. Johnson, Tomoko Okimoto, and Tiffany Barnes

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte NC 28223, USA

Abstract. We propose developing a mobile device application that will

leverage game-play mechanics to incentivize optimal spacing for second
language vocabulary acquisition. Through the collection and analysis of
user log-data, we intend to investigate the effects of pervasive studying,
studying vocabulary words for short intervals, many times throughout a
day. This investigation will provide insight into new strategies of studying
second language vocabulary, which may be more efficient.

Keywords: Game Design, Spacing, Second Language Acquisition,

Pervasive Games.

1 Introduction

Intelligent tutoring systems and digital games have a number of aspects in com-
mon, for example, the feedback and update loops present. However, we can
leverage certain aspects of digital games to improve intelligent tutoring systems.
One important aspect of learning a second language is repetition and consis-
tency, but repetitively reviewing vocabulary can reduce motivation and interest.
We hypothesize that 1) we can use game design and mechanics to maintain con-
sistent levels of motivation and interest, 2) that we can use game play mechanics
to incentivize optimal spacing of language items for students, to make second
language (L2) acquisition more efficient, and 3) that we will be able to inves-
tigate the effects of pervasive studying, studying for many short intervals in a
day, by using a mobile device delivery method.
The Japanese language has three alphabet systems used in the written lan-
guage, Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana. Hiragana and Katakana each have 46
characters and Kanji are the Chinese characters often used to represent words, of
which there are 2,136 that make up the Joyo or ‘regular-use Chinese characters’[3].
Next, when writing the order of those 2,136 characters the pronunciation may
change, and many characters have multiple pronunciations depending on where
in the word it appears. These characteristics of the Japanese language make
it difficult for L2 learners to study, learn and become literate. The Japanese
language has a standardized test, known as the JLPT, Japanese Language Pro-
ficiency Test, which is comprised of four levels. The JLPT divides the Joyo Kanji
into the four levels of the JLPT, level four being the easiest and level one being
the most difficult.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 597–599, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
598 M.W. Johnson, T. Okimoto, and T. Barnes

2 Method
We propose the development of an Intelligent Tutoring System and Digital game
hybrid built for mobile devices, which will allow for players to login and practice
vocabulary words in a pervasive fashion. The software will have two phases;
the first phase is the review phase and is inspired from the works in the field
of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In phase one, players will study and review
vocabulary words, during this phase they will earn points, used in phase two.
The second phase will be the game phase where the players will spend points
earned in the first phase to improve one’s character or achieve other game-based

2.1 Gamification
Players will choose their ability level, based on the JLPT, to define the set of
words to study. Crothers and Suppes show that the number of words to study
at one time is dependent on word difficulty, but for lists with limited difficult
words, 100 words seem to be optimal[2], this will act as our Open-list. As players
consistently answer Kanji items correctly, the game will move those questions
from the Open-list to a review-list. Crothers and Suppes also discovered that
people are capable of remembering 100 words within seven repetitions, and at
80% retention for lists with 216 words after six repetitions[2]. Other research has
shown studying word-pairs is an effective method for vocabulary acquisition [4].
Techniques developed for ITSs, like student modeling, can be incorporated into
the ITS phase to improve word selection.
We will apply two game mechanics to motivate consistent play, ongoing mo-
tivation, and optimal spacing. The first mechanic is to incorporate spacing, e.g.
every 12 hours, players can perform a Kanji-quiz in the ITS phase in order to
gain points. Researchers have studied spacing in many ways and with proper
spacing people are less likely to forget items they have studied [1,5]. The ITS
phase will have a review and quiz stage. The review stage will always be avail-
able and give players an unlimited time to review Kanji. During the quiz stage,
students can gain points for correctly answering questions. After the interval
has expired, the player can again perform the quiz in order to gain more points.
We can calculate points based on many player attributes, like success rate on
Kanji-items, the number of item attempts, and item difficulty. By limiting the
availability of the point gaining opportunity, players will value that opportu-
nity and are likely to maximize their point earning potential. The most efficient
performance is scoring points as soon as they are available to the player, i.e. at
every interval.
The game phase will use the points earned to reward players. Depending on
the theme or ‘skinning’ of the game we could see varying degrees of interest from
the audience, so the game should provide a setting, which our audience, college
students studying the Japanese language, have an interest. Ideally, the game-
portion would also provide an educational experience but that is not required. We
can also offer points when players log in consecutively over days, and maintain
Leveraging Game Design to Promote Effective User Behavior 599

desired spacing. Lastly, we can incorporate an achievement method to motivate

review, where players can gain point bonuses for overcoming thresholds, for
example reviewing 1000 items or for consecutively answering questions correctly.
By making the system work on mobile devices like iOS or Android, we can
allow the player the ability to quickly pick up and play for even short periods,
making their study-time more accessible. To facilitate this, the shortest play-
experience can be as quick as reviewing a single item and ending a play session.

2.2 Study Design

We propose the following study to investigate whether these game play mechan-
ics have a positive effect on learning gains, consistency and motivation through
the course of a player’s study of the Japanese language. In collaboration with the
Japanese department at my University, students will be provided access to either
a game play version or strictly the ITS version of the software. Next we will pro-
vide logins to students so we can log their user-data for later analysis. Through our
collaboration we can administer pre-tests and post-tests on Kanji to understand
the types of affects the game had on student progress in learning Japanese Kanji.

3 Conclusion
We propose the development of a pervasive ITS-game for mobile devices so we
can investigate the affects of game-play mechanics that incentivize optimal spac-
ing. Furthermore we will collect log data to better understand player behavior
and gain insight into learning gains of pervasive studying. Through data analy-
sis we can gain a better understanding of what methods players use for learning
a second language. A meaningful advantage this approach has over other ap-
proaches is we will be able to collect and analyze data from players and monitor
their study habits over long periods, including entire semesters, and even over
multiple semesters through the cooperation of the University’s Japanese lan-
guage department.

1. Atkinson, R.C.: Optimizing the learning of a second-language vocabulary. Journal
of Experimental Psychology 96, 124–129 (1972)
2. Crothers, E.J., Suppes, P.: Experiments in second-language learning. Academic
Press, New York (1967)
3. MEXT: Tech. rep., Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
4. Nation, I.S.P.: Beginning to learn foreign vocabulary: A review of the research.
RELC Journal 13(1), 14–36 (1982),
5. Pavlik, P.I., Anderson, J.R.: Practice and forgetting effects on vocabulary memory:
An activation based model of the spacing effect. Cognitive Science 29, 559–586
Design of a Knowledge Base to Teach Programming

Dinesha Weragama and Jim Reye

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
d.weragama@qut.edu.au, j.reye@qut.edu.au

Abstract. Programming is a subject that many beginning students find difficult.

This paper describes a knowledge base designed for the purpose of analyzing
programs written in the PHP web development language. The aim is to use
this knowledge base in an Intelligent Tutoring System that will provide effec-
tive feedback to students. The main focus of this research is that a program-
ming exercise can have many correct solutions. This paper presents an
overview of how the proposed knowledge base can be utilized to accept
different solutions to a given exercise.

Keywords: knowledge base design, Intelligent Tutoring System, program

analysis, PHP.

1 Introduction

Programming is a very difficult subject for many beginning students. This paper
describes a knowledge base designed to support an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)
that will teach programming to novices. Since PHP is a popular web development
language, it has been selected as the concrete language for this ITS.
A computer programming problem very rarely has a unique solution. This is illu-
strated by the three simple program examples in Table 1, each of which is superficial-
ly different, but each of which has the same overall effect of setting the variable y to 0
when x has an integer value that is greater than 10, and to 1 in all other instances.
Therefore, the proposed ITS should be capable of analyzing different student solu-
tions to a given problem and providing constructive feedback. The strength of the
proposed knowledge base is that it is capable of supporting many alternative solutions
to a single programming exercise.

Table 1. Programs to illustrate different solutions to a given programming task

Program a Program b Program c

if($x>10) if($x>=11) if($x<=10)
$y=0; $y=0; $y=1;
else else else
$y=1; $y=1; $y=0;

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 600–602, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Design of a Knowledge Base to Teach Programming 601

2 Knowledge Base

The knowledge base in this system has been designed as a set of predicates in first
order logic, together with associated rules and actions. Currently, it is capable of
handling key aspects of assignment statements, conditional statements, arrays, for
loops, functions and HTML form processing.
Fig. 1 shows a Object Relational Modeling (ORM) [1] diagram that contains some
key objects and predicates in the knowledge base. Once a student submits their an-
swer to an exercise, the program code is first parsed into an abstract syntax tree
(AST). The AST is then processed node by node, creating corresponding instances
of predicates. The knowledge base also contains a large number of rules that are
used to derive more predicates in order to analyze the student’s solution. Some pro-
gramming statements, such as the assignment statement, are modeled as actions.
When such a statement is encountered, the corresponding action is performed, result-
ing in the creation of more predicates.



SimpleExpression BooleanExpression CalculateExpression

GreaterExpr AddExpr


HasLiteral ExpressionId


Literal(.id) HasVariableId

Variable HasName

HasInitialValue * For each expression [value] can be found by


Fig. 1. ORM diagram of key predicates

The formal program specification for each exercise contains a goal which is a
combination of the above predicates. Once the student’s program is converted to
predicates using the above method, the resultant set of predicates is known as the final
602 D. Weragama and J. Reye

state. This final state is then compared against the goal to identify any predicates that
are missing or are unnecessary. This information can then be used to provide feed-
back that is appropriate to the missing predicates.
As mentioned earlier, a programming exercise does not have a unique solution.
The knowledge base makes use of different rules to convert different types of pro-
grams into a standardized set of predicates that corresponds with the goal state.
If statements are handled in the knowledge base as implications. The condition
checked in the if statement, such as GreaterThan(x,y) implies the predicates that result
from the statements under the if part. Looping statements are modeled using sub-
plans. The functionality of the desired loop is specified as a set of predicates
representing the precondition and the post-condition of the loop. When the predi-
cates derived from the program match these conditions, the loop is taken to be correct.

3 Discussion and Related Work

Programming is a difficult task for beginning students. Many ITSs have been built to
teach programming to novices. The knowledge base of these ITSs have been devel-
oped using numerous methods. Some of the better known methods are model tracing
[2], Constraint Based Modeling [3] and the PROUST system [4]. Although many
other ITSs have been developed to teach programming, none of them are in wide-
spread use. Therefore, it is obvious that more research needs to be carried out in this
This research aims to address some of these difficulties by creating a knowledge
base that is capable of accepting alternative solutions to a given programming exer-
cise. It attempts to manage the flexibility that is available to students when they
write programs in traditional programming languages, by handling variations of order
and logical equivalence. The proposed knowledge base is also capable of address-
ing different algorithms to a certain extent. For example, it can handle different
types of loops although it cannot replace a loop with recursion. As the system is
aimed at teaching introductory programming, it does not try to solve all the complexi-
ties of programming.

1. Halpin, T.A., Morgan, T.: Information modeling and relational databases. Elsevier/Morgan
Kaufman Publishers, Burlington, MA (2008)
2. Anderson, J.R., Corbett, A.T., Koedinger, K.R., Pelletier, R.: Cognitive tutors: Lessons
learned. The Journal of Learning Sciences 4, 167–207 (1995)
3. Ohlsson, S., Mitrovic, A.: Constraint-based knowledge representation for individualized in-
struction. Computer Science and Information Systems 3, 1–22 (2006)
4. Johnson, W.L., Soloway, E.: PROUST: Knowledge-based program understanding. IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11, 267–275 (1985)
Towards an ITS for Improving Social Problem Solving
Skills of ADHD Children

Atefeh Ahmadi Olounabadi and Antonija Mitrovic

University of Canterbury (Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group)


Abstract. The major problem of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dis-

order) is the lack of social skill and personal relationships, which leads to peer
rejection and society isolation. As the result, they often develop depression and
other mental disorders. Effective educational software for ADHD children is of
great societal importance as evidenced by the high proportion of this disability
in the population (8% to 10% [5]). The main aim of this research is to develop
an ITS for ADHD children to teach them social problem-solving skills. The
proposed system will enable children to solve everyday problems, which leads
to a better life in which there is no peer rejection as well as a strong foundation
for their adulthood.

Keywords: ADHD Children, Social Skills, Problem-Solving Skills, Computer-

Based Training, Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

1 Introduction
ADHD is a developmental disorder composed of different difficulties with unknown
etiology [1]. People with ADHD simply cannot control their behavior. Inattention,
hyperactivity and impulsivity are the three symptoms of ADHD [2-3]. ADHD people
also have major problems in their relationships with other people around them which
might be taken into their adulthood in lack of proper treatment [3]. This disorder has
been diagnosed as the most common childhood behavior disorder affecting 8% to
10% of children [4-5]. Both assessment and therapy are needed for this disorder best
before the age of seven, as untreated ADHD has significant impact on the child, their
immediate family and the whole society [5]. Moreover the probability of performing
risky actions like dangerous driving [5-6] or crime commitment [7] is high amongst
ADHD adults. Untreated ADHD children have problems in higher education. Their
problems in personal relationships, social skills, time management and self-
organization lead to society isolation which may lead to depression or other mental
problems [8]. So having a way of helping ADHD children to control their disorder,
we equipped them with a well-organized foundation for their future.

2 Method
There are three main elements for social skills: social intake, internal processing and
social output. Traditional problem-solving strategies do not work well for ADHD

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 603–605, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
604 A.A. Olounabadi and A. Mitrovic

children. The reason is they do not practice the learnt lessons in the real life, so they
have short term effects. On the other hand, due to mental disorders, ADHD children
learn very hard and forget about lesson learnt easily. Also, new approaches have to be
tailored for them to be applicable. Centre of social success in Dallas introduced a
method for problem solving called POPS [9]. It is an abbreviation for: Problem, Op-
tions, Pick, and Solve or Start again. Applying POPS, children are asked to define a
problem. Then they are given some options. They are asked to pick an option and try
it. If the chosen option is able to choose the problem, the process ends, otherwise they
have to start again. In Social Autopsy, children are asked to give their solution options
themselves even if they have an adult's support. ADHD children normally cannot give
any justification for their actions, especially the ones who have hyperactivity or im-
pulsivity symptoms. Giving their own solution options is a hard task for them espe-
cially when they have to be flexible enough to change it without any help. In my
project, I am going to adopt an integration of POPS and Social Autopsy and develop a
software system according to this new approach specific to ADHD children.
The first step in designing system is to find out what social skills 8 to 12 years old
children should know. The social context is another important factor that has to be
considered. After choosing the skill they like to practice, the child will be asked to
define the problem context. The problem context is any different places where the
child could be during the day and therefore is another important factor that has to be
considered. The system will then select a problem with an animated scenario to help
children to imagine themselves in the real situation. The child’s progress will be
tracked and recorded with each session to monitor improvements or difficulties with
each task. It also helps in choosing the next appropriate problem for the child. Going
through different phases of the system depends on successive scores of the previous
phases. The learning process is multi-level and is divided to three phases with increas-
ing level of difficulty in each phase.
Phase 1: System poses a problem to the child. When s/he becomes familiar enough
with the question, system will give her/him a list of solution options. The child choos-
es one option. Then system will ask for a justification for her/his choice with a sup-
porting list of justifications. The system provides feedback for each step in this phase.
An example: Imagine the child has selected the "Requesting Help" skill in the context
of school yard. A problem could be: Your mom was supposed to come and collect
you after school, but she is late and you are worried. Who is the best person to get
help from?" This scenario would be an animated and colorful view and the child can
see a figure as a symbol of him/her in that environment. The child has to click on the
right object which in this case is the school's principal. If a wrong object was clicked,
the system asks for a justification which in this phase is given as a pop down menu.
Phase 2: Once the child has got enough practice and success in stage one, they enter
phase 2. In this phase again problems are given to the child, but instead of making
options available, s/he has to come up with options themselves. They also have to
give justification for each choice.
Phase 3: This phase is an advanced mode which will be open-ended, so that children
have to enter not only the solution options, but also their own problem to the system
Towards an ITS for Improving Social Problem Solving Skills of ADHD Children 605

and go through the social problem solving skills independently like the real life. The
system will not provide a lot of feedback in this phase.
Pre-test and post-test are being done by psychologists who measure certain factors
using pre-designed standard tests. Additional related factors such as response time,
interaction time or correctness rate will be logged so that children’s behavior can be
studied while they are working with the system. Furthermore, children will work with
two versions of the system; a version without feedback, and an adaptive version with
feedback. This is to evaluate effectiveness of the training in particular.
The software system should be attractive enough to absorb ADHD child's attention.
The object of the displayed scenario will be moved to different places each time, so if
the child have a better performance next time when s/he works with the system we
can make sure s/he has not memorize the object's place. Therefore we evaluate the
child's improvement with more confidence. The proposed system will be developed
specifically for ADHD children. Using this system they can become good social prob-
lem solvers.

1. Parsons, T., Bowerly, T., Buckwalter, J., Rizzo, A.: A Controlled Clinical Comparison of
Attention Performance in Children with ADHD in a Virtual Reality Classroom Compared
to Standard Neuropsychological Methods. Child Neuropsychology 13, 363–381 (2007)
2. Excoffier, E.: What is Child Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Revue Du Prat-
cien 56(4), 371–378 (2006)
3. Cho, B., Ku, J., Jang, D., Kim, S., Lee, Y., Kim, I., Lee, J., Kim, S.: The Effect of Virtual
Reality Cognitive Training for Attention Enhancement. Cyber Psychology and Beha-
viour 5(2) (2002)
4. Slate, S., Meyer, T., Burns, W., Montgomery, D.: Computerized Cognitive Training for
Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children with ADHD. Behavior Modification 22(3), 415–
437 (1998)
5. Anton, R., Opris, D., Dobrean, A., David, D., Rizzo, A.: Virtual Reality in the Rehabilita-
tion of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Instrument Construction Principles. Jour-
nal of Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapies 9(2), 235–246 (2009)
6. Thompson, A., Molina, B., Pelham, W., Gnagy, E.: Risky Driving in Adolescents and
Young Adults with Childhood ADHD. Journal of Paediatric Psychology 32(7), 745–759
7. Fletcher, J., Wolfe, B.: Long-Term Consequences of Childhood ADHD on Criminal Activ-
ities. Journal of Mental Health Policy 12(3), 119–138 (2009)
8. Harpin, A.: The Effect of ADHD on the life of an individual, their family and community
from Preschool to Adult Life. Archives of Disease in Childhood 90(2), I2–I7 (2005)
9. Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), Empowering ADHD Children to Become
Better Social Problem Solvers, https://www.adda-sr.org/reading/
A Scenario Based Analysis of E-Collaboration

Raoudha Chebil1, Wided Lejouad Chaari1, and Stefano A. Cerri2

Laboratory of Optimization Strategies and Intelligent Computing (SOIE)
National School of Computer Studies (ENSI) – Manouba University
Campus de la Manouba, 2010 Manouba, Tunisia
The Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics, and Microelectronics (LIRMM),
University of Montpellier 2 & the National Center for Scientific Research
161, Rue Ada - F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Abstract. Collaboration is the basis for conceiving, coordinating and imple-

menting the tasks associated to complex goals. Collaboration is pervasive: there
is practically no human challenging domain that is not influenced by collabora-
tive processes, in particular Education in formal and informal settings. For these
reasons we have to consider collaboration at a distance as a “new” key pheno-
menon that deserves to be studied, thus modeled in order as much as possible to
foresee its effects. In the global village, synthetically represented by “the Web”,
many collaborative contexts exist; each with its properties.
In all these different contexts where the collaboration quality depends on
some particular property like the collaboration goal, tasks, and constraints, clas-
sical performance evaluation methods are not adequate and cannot be applied
directly. In this paper, we discuss a new e-collaboration evaluation approach
based on the analysis of scenarios.

Keywords: e-collaboration, performance evaluation, scenario based analysis.

1 Problem Position

Frequently, two or many persons in different ends of the world have common inter-
ests and need to collaborate. Such a requirement imposes multiple constraints, but at
the same time could produce very interesting results promoting a significant progress
in the concerned domain. Thanks to the existing technologies, collaborative work can
be encouraged with a minimum of constraints. Actually, a wide range of collaborative
platforms is available offering services more and more sophisticated and adapted to
all the needs. Despite all this technological wealth in perpetual growth, its exploita-
tion is still limited and slowed by a weak reliability level. The improvement of this
situation can’t be ensured without the application of largely validated performance
evaluation methods permitting to detect and eventually solve the existing problems.
In the literature, there are many works on e-collaboration performance evaluation
developing different ideas generally without any validation [3][4]. This explains the

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 606–608, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
A Scenario Based Analysis of E-Collaboration Environments 607

lack of standards for performance evaluation and the frequency of subjective state-
ments on e-collaboration performance. In this paper, we present a scenario based
analysis of e-collaboration environments as a first step of a new, hopefully well
founded, performance evaluation approach that we are currently studying.

2 E-Collaboration Analysis
At the end of this analytical phase, we wish to obtain the abstractions representing the
reality in a significant way. We considered that the best mean to ensure this purpose,
is to start from observing real e-collaboration cases like e-learning sessions [1], vote
scenarios [2] and virtual meetings of research teams; this way we choose an empirical
approach to experimentation. In the following, we present the preliminary conclusions
we have obtained.

2.1 Observing Results

The observation showed that despite their diversity, all e-collaboration scenarios are
supported by a communication tool permitting to participants to work with each other.
The collaborator’s interactions available in any scenario generate interesting know-
ledge and expertise exchanges responsible of the sub-goal satisfaction and so the ac-
complishment of the global goal. From this common description of e-collaboration
scenarios shown in Figure 1, we can cite the following elements as their most impor-
tant constituents: collaborators, e-collaboration tool, interactions, sub-goals and
global goal. The aspects related to individual exchanges can be considered as the e-
collaboration kernel and deserve a more elaborated description as suggested

Fig. 1. Formalization of e-collaboration scenarios

608 R. Chebil, W. Lejouad Chaari, and S.A. Cerri

In every e-collaboration scenario, exchanges are ensured by series of “communica-

tion moves” between the collaborators. In order to communicate with collaborator B,
collaborator A needs to interact with his/her computer which needs to interact on its
turn with the recipient’s computer. To access to the received information, collaborator
B has also to communicate with his/her computer. From this description, three types
of interactions [5] can be identified during an e-collaboration session: Computer to
Computer Interaction; Collaborator to Computer Interaction; Collaborator to Collabo-
rator Interaction.
The previously described work [5] was based on particular scenarios and provided
a general formalization of e-collaboration sessions. This generalization is useful as it
will be a starting point for the reusable evaluation method to propose. Once the most
important e-collaboration constituents are available, the principal aspects having to be
evaluated can be hopefully determined (measured): the platform’s performance, the
accomplishment of the global goal in terms of sub goals and the quality of the ex-

3 Discussion
The three cited evaluating aspects haven’t the same importance. In fact, thanks to
technological progress, e-collaboration platforms performances are continuously im-
proved and nowadays are generally satisfactory. In addition, evaluating goal’s
accomplishment is easy to carry out in any e-collaboration scenario. The last point
concerning exchanges is estimated to be the most difficult to deal with; so our future
analysis will be focused on it.

1. Eisenstadt, M., Komzak, J., Cerri, S.A.: Peer conversations for e-learning in the grid. In:
1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning,
Vico Equense, Naples (2005)
2. Business Process Model and Notation, V1.1 (January 2008), Standard document:
3. Steves, M., Scholtz, J.: A framework for evaluating collaborative systems in the real
world. In: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference (2005)
4. Westphal, et al.: Measuring collaboration performance in virtual organizations. In: Estab-
lishing The Foundation of Collaborative Networks (2007)
5. Chebil, R., Lejouad Chaari, W., Cerri, S.A.: An E-Collaboration New Vision and Its Ef-
fects on Performance Evaluation. International Journal of Computer Information Systems
and Industrial Management Application 3, 560–567 (2011)
Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case
Studies for Ill-Defined Domains

Mayya Sharipova

University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science

Abstract. Computer science students often must take a professional

ethics course, but sometimes find the qualitative nature of such a course
to be challenging. To this end, we have built a prototype system called
Umka that helps such learners in analyzing the case studies commonly
used in this kind of course by : (i) directly critiquing (with various kinds
of feedback) the arguments of a learner about issues that arise in a case
study; and (ii) supporting collaboration among multiple learners as they
discuss these issues. The key technology underlying Umka is the use of
latent semantic analysis (LSA) augmented with the structured interface
for the ”diagnosis” of students’ arguments. Umka was tested in a proof-
of-concept experiment, in which we assessed the accuracy of the LSA
technique in diagnosing a learner’s argument, and explored the peda-
gogical effectiveness of the support provided by Umka for various types
of learners. Preliminary conclusions are drawn that are promising, and
further experiments are planned in the future. It is the longer term goal
of our research to develop techniques that can be used to create tools to
support learners in a number of ill-defined educational domains.

Keywords: ethics education, ill-defined domain, latent semantic anal-

ysis, supporting learner argumentation and discussion.

Introduction. Rendering support to learners working on domain-specific tasks

constitutes a main part of any ITS. An effective support system should be ped-
agogically effective, helping students to achieve learning goals in a personalized
way. This makes the construction of an effective support system a fairly com-
plicated task. For ill-defined domains [1] such as professional ethics, this task is
further complicated by the absence of a uniform set of guidelines to solve prob-
lems, the non-existence of a single right solution and the reliance on the natural
language interaction in solving the problems.
How can learners be effectively supported in ill-defined domains? What types
of support are pedagogically effective and for what categories of learners? How
can these support types be effectively realized? To begin to answer these ques-
tions, at least for the domain of professional ethics for computer science students,
we have built a prototype system called Umka, and using the system conducted
a small experiment with 23 students.

System’s Description. The system’s domain knowledge consists of case stud-

ies representing some ethical dilemma. For every case study there are possible

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 609–611, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
610 M. Sharipova

ways of resolving the dilemma, and predefined arguments for and against a par-
ticular resolution. An argument can be a “good” argument or a misconceived
argument. For good arguments the system stores hints attached to them, and for
misconceived arguments - challenging questions to correct the misconception.
The mechanism for matching student arguments against system arguments
and other students’ arguments is based on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA),
helped by the structure of the interface. LSA has been used in other ITSs in-
cluding Autotutor [2] for evaluating students answers against predefined system
answers. LSA works as the ”bag of words” model, and therefore is not very ef-
fective in distinguishing negative arguments from positive ones. The interface
allows this distinction to be clearly identified by the system, by forcing the stu-
dent to place his/her argument either into the arguments FOR or arguments
AGAINST windows.
Umka provides different support types available on demand by the student.
When the student works individually with the system, it gives various kinds
of feedback to the arguments of the student: (1) feedback that the student ar-
gument is good, when the argument was closely matched with a good system
argument; (2) feedback that the argument is original, if the system was not able
to find any close match; (3) asking challenging questions for the argument, if
the argument was closely matched with a misconceived system argument; (4)
providing a counterargument to the student’s argument, if a similar argument
was found in the system’s knowledge base but on the opposite side of analysis,
for vs against; (5) giving hints on good system arguments that the student had
not yet considered in his or her analysis; and (6) giving guidance on the steps of
ethical analysis.
Umka also supports collaboration among multiple learners by (1) suggesting
that the student consider similar, different, and counterarguments of other stu-
dents, where “similar” means arguments closely matched by LSA, “different”
means arguments of other students that the student had not considered in his
analysis, found quite far from his arguments in the LSA semantic space, and
“counterargument” means an argument similar to the student argument but on
the opposite side of analysis, for vs against; and by (2) showing arguments of all
students semantically grouped based on the LSA similarity measure.

Experiment. In the experiment students were given an Intellectual Property

case study representing dilemma as to whether or not to make a copy of a copy-
righted software for a friend. In the first part of the experiment students worked
individually, identifying arguments for and against copying or not copying, and
the system was giving feedback on these arguments. In the second part of the
experiment students could see and comment on the arguments of other students,
and the system was supporting this collaboration.
The goal of our experiment was to answer two questions: (i) how effective is
the cross-interaction of LSA and the interface in finding good matches?; and (ii)
what types of support are pedagogically effective, and which are preferred by
different categories of students? Our findings are:
Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case Studies 611

– The cross-interaction of LSA and the interface was proved to be fairly effec-
tive, with an average precision of LSA 0.5 when compared to human expert
judgement, which was around 4 times as high as the precision of random
matching, and higher than keyword search precision. Moreover, students
found 62% of support messages relevant.
– Various support types seem to produce unequal pedagogical effects. Thus,
students found it most helpful to see arguments of all students semantically
clustered. The most frequently used support type was the system suggestions
to consider similar, different or counterarguments of other students. The type
of support that affected students most was hints on ideas students hadn’t
yet considered.
– We also discovered that different categories of students indeed preferred dif-
ferent support types. Thus, male students were more responsive to counter-
arguments than female students, while females used guidance about ethical
analysis more than males. Students who find themselves well-versed in the
ethical issues of computing appreciated feedback on a good idea and presen-
tation of all semantically clustered ideas more than their counterparts. And
finally, students who hadn’t taken an ethics course were more affected by
arguments of other students suggested by the system than students who had
taken an ethics course.

Conclusion. The results from our first study look promising, and we would
like to follow them up with subsequent studies moving to more complex case
studies, considering other support types and different domains. Future steps for
the research are enhancing LSA with other methods such as textual entailment,
work on the automatic expansion of the case library by extracting novel ideas
of students not present in the system, and personalization of the environment
by adapting to specific features of learners, following up the different behaviour
patterns seen in this study. It is the longer term goal of our research to de-
velop techniques that can be used to create tools to support learners in almost
any ill-defined educational domain, where argument, qualitative analysis, and
interaction are key pedagogical practices.

Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank the Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council of Canada for their funding of this research project.

1. Lynch, C., Ashley, K., Pinkwart, N., Aleven, V.: Concepts, structures, and goals:
Redefining ill-definedness. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Educa-
tion 19(3), 253–266 (2009)
2. Graesser, A., Lu, S., Jackson, G., Mitchell, H., Ventura, M., Olney, A., Louwerse,
M.: Autotutor: A tutor with dialogue in natural language. Behavior Research Meth-
ods 36(2), 180–192 (2004)
Using Individualized Feedback and Guided Instruction
via a Virtual Human Agent in an Introductory Computer
Programming Course

Lorrie Lehmann, Dale-Marie Wilson, and Tiffany Barnes

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

9201 University City Blvd.

Abstract. Students taking introductory courses in higher learning often hold

misconceptions of how well they understand the material they will be tested on.
One common phrase from students is, “I know the material, but I just do poorly
on the tests.” We propose an automated system to keep the students informed
of their progress in how well they understand the knowledge components of a
course in a timely manner along with providing customized help via a virtual
human agent to increase their performance on tests.

Keywords: meta-cognition, adaptive help, virtual humans.

1 Introduction
In this paper we propose a unique approach to help students in an introductory
programming class become more aware of which concepts they need more practice
with and offer them a virtual human agent who will give them guided instruction on
their specific weak points. It has been shown that meta-cognition skills are important
for effective learning [1] and we seek to help students develop these skills while
improving their performance in programming.
Over the course of team-teaching six semesters of our “Introduction to Computer
Science Course, ITCS 1212”, we have used clicker quizzes to mark attendance in
lectures. This semester we are using the results of these quizzes to provide individual
feedback to each student through email and individualized practice sessions with a
virtual human agent, Dr. Chestr. Our goal is to determine if providing the students
with the specific topics they answered incorrectly and pointing them to online help
with a virtual human who will guide them in these topics will increase performance
on lecture tests.

2 Background
Dr. Chestr, a Computerized Host Encouraging Students to Review, is a virtual human
with a game-show host personality that is designed to help students review C++
programming concepts. Dr. Chestr is implemented using Haptek’s People Putty, a

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 612–614, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Using Individualized Feedback and Guided Instruction via a Virtual Human Agent 613

text-to-speech engine and is connected to a MySql database holding over 300

questions all directly related to topics covered in lecture. Dr. Chestr can run over an
Internet connection using various browsers. Dr. Chestr has a voice component and is
able to read the questions and provide verbal feedback to student responses. He
is programmed to have a playful yet intelligent personality. Student progress is
recorded in the database. Dr. Chestr was used in a pilot program at The University of
North Carolina, where participation was voluntary, to study students’ reactions to the
virtual game show host personality. The study reported a high degree of usability [2].
Since then we have added more questions to the database and are now incorporating
student clicker results with the use of the agent. We have used clicker quizzes the in
the past semesters for attendance purposes. Students did receive feedback at the time
of the quiz, but there was no follow up and it was evident that many students did not
put much importance on the correctness of their responses.

3 Proposed Study
Each lecture session includes a clicker quiz comprised of four to six questions. The
results of the quizzes are read into a script and email is generated weekly and sent to
each student stating which topics they missed on the quiz and how they did relative to
the other students in the class. One question on each quiz asks the students to rate
their understanding of the concepts. Some quizzes cover previous lecture material and
some cover the material covered in the current lecture. The students are directed to the
Dr. Chestr link and the virtual human offers questions on the missed topics. In
addition, the student may practice with any other course topics. Time spent using the
agent and student scores are stored in the database.
We predict that the individual timely feedback will provide students with a more
realistic appraisal of how much they are understanding and will prompt many of them
to seek help using the virtual human at their convenience and to participate more in
lecture as the semester progresses. We will be able to measure changes in lecture test
results from the same semester last spring where we had the same distribution of
students (majors vs. non-majors), approximately the same class size of 320 students
and the same instructors to determine what effects the use of individualized feedback
and the virtual human have on test performance. The virtual human will provide a
non-threatening agent for practice that students can use anytime using a web browser.
In a user study last year [2] students expressed a general like for the virtual
character’s personality. We will log how often each student uses the virtual tutor and
which questions the student chooses for practice. We also hope to help students
become more effective learners by becoming more aware of their misconceptions as
the semester progresses, and to become more aware during lecture what concepts are

4 Future Work

Once this system is fully implemented we would like to use it to provide individual
study guides to students to prepare for each test and the final exam. We currently
provide general study sessions, which provide a review of all the major topics. The
614 L. Lehmann, D.-M. Wilson, and T. Barnes

individual study guides would be built using the results of clicker quizzes along with
the student’s responses on previous tests. The guides would be delivered via the
virtual human when the student logs into the system.

1. Wagster, J., Tan, J., Biswas, G., Schwartz, D.: How Metacognitive Feedback Affects
Behavior in Learning and Transfer. In: Workshop on Metacognition and Self-Regulated
Learning, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (2007)
2. Wilson, D., Sakpal, R.: Dr. C.H.E.S.T.R.: Computerized Host Encouraging Students to
Review. In: Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology 2009 Conference,
Singapore, Japan (2010)
Data-Driven Method for Assessing
Skill-Opportunity Recognition in Open
Procedural Problem Solving Environments

Michael John Eagle and Tiffany Barnes

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28213

Abstract. Our research goal is to use data-driven methods to generate

the basic functionalities of intelligent tutoring systems. In open procedu-
ral problem solving environments, the tutor gives users a goal with little
to no restrictions on how to reach it. Knowledge components refer to not
only skill application, but also applicable skill-opportunity recognition.
Syntax and logic errors further confound the results with ambiguity in
error detection. In this work, we present a domain independent method
of assessing skill-opportunity recognition. The results of this method can
be used to provide automatic feedback to users as well as to assess users
problem solving abilities.

Keywords: Educational Data Mining, Interaction Network.

1 Introduction

To generate knowledge components in open procedural problems we must first

address the assumptions of the Bayesian knowledge-tracing model[2]. First, we
must be able to address each interaction as correct or incorrect. Second, we must
be able to assign to each interaction a single knowledge component. For open
procedural problems, both of these assumptions are challenging. As each inter-
action represents a step towards a goal, it is difficult to address the correctness
of an individual step. While errors in the application of actions can be easily
marked, errors in obtaining the correct solution require special attention.
The next challenge is the classification of each interaction to individual knowl-
edge components. The open nature of the environment makes it possible for each
interaction to provide opportunities to apply several skills. Furthermore, the
skills needed for an interaction include action-application, action-opportunity
recognition, and problem-solving skill. We can assess the action-application
knowledge components by using legal/illegal action application attempts. Pre-
vious work in [1] generated automated feedback from student data; this work
is extended here by the addition of automated generation of knowledge compo-
nents, as well as the addition of other heuristics for suggesting next steps. We

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 615–617, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
616 M.J. Eagle and T. Barnes

introduce interaction networks, a data structure generated on previously col-

lected tutor-data, as well as metrics and algorithms which and be performed on
the structure to generate knowledge tracing and hint feedback.

2 Interaction Network
We model a solution attempt as a path graph of states (vertices) and actions
(edges). We use case to refer to individual students, as well as student specific
information. We create the interaction network for a problem by conjoining the
set of all the path graphs. We use state to describe the state of the software
environment, representing enough information so the program’s state could be
regenerated in the interface. We use actions to describe user interactions and
their relevant parameters. We also store the set of all cases who visited any
particular state-vertex or action-edge, allowing us to count frequencies and con-
nect case specific information to the interaction network representation. This
representation results in a connected, directed, labeled multi-graph with states
as vertexes, directed action edges to connect the states, and cases that provide
additional information about states and edges.
To build the interaction network for a problem we combine the interaction
sequences, or solution attempts, from each case into one network. States are
combined when they are considered equal. In different tutors and interfaces, two
states could be considered equal as long as the screen looks the same, or all the
same actions have been performed, regardless of order, but in other cases, states
arrived at by taking the same actions in a different order could be considered
distinct. Frequency information, as well as information about which cases have
visited, is embedded into the edges and vertexes. This results in a network which
represents the interactions of a large number of users in a relatively small space.
As actions are responsible for the state transitions, it is reasonable to use
these labels to denote the skill needed for the interaction, as a starting point.
For any state in the interaction network there are multiple out-edge actions, as
well as multiple successor states. We use metrics generated from this graph in
order to address action-opportunity recognition and problem-solving knowledge
components; we can also use these as a way to assess correctness in interactions.

2.1 Methods
New interactions can be evaluated by using an interaction network built on
previously collected data. On each interaction, we look up the state, action,
and resulting-state information in the interaction network. We then update the
student model. For each student interaction we update the model as follows:
if (action is legal) {
actionKC is updated as correct
for each(action otherAction in state actions)
if(otherAction.value > currentAction) {
otherAction is updated as incorrect } }
Data-Driven Method for Assessing Skill-Opportunity Recognition 617

Selecting an action shows evidence that the user can recognize that a action is
applicable. However, selecting a non-optimal action is evidence that the user did
not recognize that another action was applicable to the problem state. This poses
the challenge of defining optimality for the actions; which is made more difficult
by our goal of domain independence. We have identified several potential metrics
for assessing the value of actions: Shortest Path; Fastest real-world time path;
Retention path (did not dropout); and Error avoidance path.

2.2 Example Case: The Deep thought Tutor

In order to assess these metrics we used data from Deep Thought, a propositional
logic tutor in which students are tasked with performing first-order logic proofs
[3]. Students are given a set of premises and a desired conclusion; the student
must then use basic logic axioms to prove the conclusion. As the student works
through the proof, the tutor records each interaction. We model the application
of axioms as the actions. We model the state of the logic tutor as the conjoined
set of each premise and derived proposition.
For example a student starts at state A ∨ D, A → (B ∧ C), ¬D ∧ E, where
each premise is separated by a comma. The student performs the interaction
SIM P (¬D ∧ E), applying the simplification rule of logic to the premise ¬D ∧ E
and derives ¬D. This leads to the resulting-state of A ∨ D, A → (B ∧ C), ¬D ∧
E, ¬D. Errors are actions performed by students that are illegal operations of
logic and the tutor this results in a loop. For example: The student is in state A∨
D, A → (B∧C), ¬D∧E, ¬D. The student performs the interaction SIM P (A∨D)
in an attempt to derive A. The resulting-state would remain A ∨ D, A → (B ∧
C), ¬D ∧ E, ¬D, the log-file would mark this edge as an error.
The results were promising, considering that the method requires no domain
specific knowledge. When comparing next best steps with the preexisting MDP
method of hint generation [1], the suggested next step overlapped around 85%
of the time. While further study is needed to determine the differences between
the suggested hints, this result provides some measure of convergent validity.
Qualitative analysis of the knowledge components showed moderate success,
with the knowledge component values raising as would be expected over steps.
In future work we will expand this analysis quantitatively in order to evaluate
the model’s prediction of student errors.

1. Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Toward Automatic Hint Generation for Logic Proof Tutor-
ing Using Historical Student Data. In: Woolf, B.P., Aı̈meur, E., Nkambou, R., Lajoie,
S. (eds.) ITS 2008. LNCS, vol. 5091, pp. 373–382. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
2. Corbett, A.T., Anderson, J.R.: Knowledge tracing: Modeling the acquisition of pro-
cedural knowledge. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 4, 253–278 (1994)
3. Croy, M.J.: Graphic interface design and deductive proof construction. J. Comput.
Math. Sci. Teach. 18, 371–385 (1999)
How Do Learners Regulate Their Emotions?

Amber Chauncey Strain1, Sidney D’Mello2, and Melissa Gross1

Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis
365 Innovation Drive, Memphis, TN, 38152
University of Notre Dame, 384 Fitzpatrick Hall, Notre Dame, IN, 46556

Abstract. In an online survey, one hundred and thirteen college students were
asked to describe the emotion regulation strategies they frequently use during
learning. We found that learners tend to report using certain strategies more fre-
quently than others, and that generally the strategies that are used most often are
considered by leaners to be the most effective. We discuss the implications of
these findings for the development of intelligent tutoring systems that train and
scaffold effective strategies to help learners regulate their emotions.

Keywords: emotion regulation, intelligent tutoring systems.

1 Introduction
There is a complex interplay between emotion and cognition during learning and
problem solving [1]. Researchers are now testing emotion regulation (ER) strategies
to help learners regulate their emotions so they might pursue more positive trajecto-
ries of thought and feeling. The present study analysed the types of reappraisal
strategies that are commonly used during learning with an eye for implementing a
subset of these strategies in next generations ITSs.

2 Method and Results

One hundred and thirteen (N=113) participants from a large public U.S. university
were recruited for this experiment. The key online material for this study was an
open-ended ER strategy questionnaire. This questionnaire was a six-item measure that
provided definitions and examples of emotion regulation strategies that are commonly
used in the literature (situation selection/modification, attentional deployment, cogni-
tive change, suppression) [2]. After the description of each strategy was presented,
participants were asked to describe a time they used that particular strategy during
learning. In particular, participants were prompted to describe the specific way in
which they used the strategy, and whether they thought that strategy was effective.
We used a subset of participants’ responses on the open-ended emotion regulation
questionnaire to develop a coding scheme to identify the types of reappraisal strate-
gies learners use. The strategies we identified were: quiet-seeking/stimulation seeking
(seeking out a quiet/stimulating place to study), self-reward (providing oneself with
rewards for accomplishing goals), prioritizing (selecting the order in which to accom-

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 618–619, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
How Do Learners Regulate Their Emotions? 619

plish tasks in a way that will minimize negative emotions), taking a break (disengag-
ing from the learning task and engaging in a non-academic task), strategy use (engag-
ing in a learning strategy that might help minimize negative emotions), posi-
tive/negative rumination (choosing to attend to positive/negative feelings), self-talk
(giving oneself a sense of reassurance by talking through the emotion), value focus
(thinking about the personal value of the task), role play (imagining or acting out a
particular role other than the role of a student or learner), and making a game (making
a game of the learning task so that it has elements of fun or competition).
After the coding scheme was developed, two trained coders independently coded
each response for the type of reappraisal strategy used, and obtained an inter-rater agree-
ment of 97%. Results indicated that quiet seeking was the most frequently used ER
strategy, along with taking a break, positive and negative rumination, and making a
game. Interestingly, we also found that with the exception of negative rumination, learn-
ers reported that each of the most frequently used ER strategies were also the most effec-
tive, indicating that learners are perhaps metacognitively aware of which strategies are
the most beneficial and tend to engage more frequently in those strategies.

3 Discussion
While more research in this area is certainly needed, our study serves as an initial
point towards gaining knowledge about the types of reappraisal strategies that are
used in real learning contexts. The next step is to implement a subset of these strate-
gies in ITSs and other advanced learning technologies.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the NSF (ITR 0325428, HCC
0834847, DRL 1108845). Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommenda-
tions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of NSF.

1. Linninbrink, L.A.: The role of affect in student learning: A multi-dimensional approach to
considering the interaction of affect, motivation, and engagement. In: Schutz, P.A.,
Pekrun, R. (eds.) Emotion in Education, Amsterdam, pp. 13–36 (2007)
2. Gross, J.: Emotion regulation. In: Lewis, M., Haviland-Jones, J., Barrett, L. (eds.)
Handbook of Emotions, 3rd edn., pp. 497–512. Guilford, New York (2008)
A Model-Building Learning Environment
with Explanatory Feedback to Erroneous Models

Tomoya Horiguchi1, Tsukasa Hirashima2, and Kenneth D. Forbus3

Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Japan
Department of Information Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
Qualitative Reasoning Group, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Northwestern University, USA

Abstract. Many model-building learning environments (MBEs) have been de-

veloped to support students in acquiring the ability to build appropriate models
of physical systems. However, they can’t explain how the simulated behavior of
an erroneous model is unnatural. Additionally, they can't create any feedback
when the model is unsolvable. We introduce a MBE which overcomes these
problems with two technical ideas: (1) robust simulator which analyzes the
consistency of a model and relaxes some constraints if necessary, and (2)
semantics of constraints which is a systematic description of physical
meanings of constraints and provides heuristics for explaining the behavioral
Keywords. model-building learning environment, qualitative reasoning, error-
awareness/correction, robust simulator, semantics of constraints.

1 Introduction
Many model-building learning environments (MBEs) have been developed to support
students in acquiring the ability to build the appropriate model of physical systems
[1,2,4]. In MBEs, students build a model by combining (GUI-based) components.
Then the behavior of their model is simulated to give feedback to the students. How-
ever, the feedback given by these systems is insufficient when students build an erro-
neous model because they can't explain how the simulated behavior is unnatural nor
how to correct the error. Additionally, when a model includes inconsistent constraints,
these systems can't create feedback themselves. Helping students identify and correct
the errors in their models is necessary because it is a difficult task for them (and
sometimes even for teachers).

2 The Method
In order to solve these problems, we use the framework of Error-based Simulation
(EBS) [5,6]. In the EBS framework, if an erroneous model is unsolvable,
simulation occurs by relaxing the constraint(s) responsible for the inconsistency. The

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 620–621, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
A Model-Building Learning Environment with Explanatory Feedback 621

unnaturalness of the behavior is judged by identifying what correct constraint(s) it

violates or relaxes (i.e., how the behavior differs from the correct one). Using this
framework, we developed a MBE which can create appropriate feedback for students'
erroneous models. It has two technical features. (1) The robust simulator (RSIM) can
analyze the consistency of a model represented by qualitative differential equations
and inequalities, and relaxes some constraints if necessary. It is implemented by using
LTRE, a Logic-based Truth Maintenance System (LTMS) coupled to a forward-
chaining Rule Engine [3]. (2) The semantics of constraints (SOC) is a systematic
description of physical meanings of constraints that provides heuristics for explaining
the behavioral unnaturalness. It is a hierarchy of constraint classes (CC), each of
which stands for a role of constraints in modeling physical systems.
Figure 1a shows an example of a model built in our MBE prototype. It represents
the qualitative relation between the amounts of water in two containers and the flow
rate of water through a pipe connecting them at their bottom (figure 1b). Because it is
over-constrained, the RSIM tries to relax some constraint(s). According to SOC, it
finds that the constraint 'the total amount of water is conserved' is the most fundamen-
tal and produces the most unnatural behavior if relaxed. Therefore, it relaxes the con-
straint to produce the most 'motivating' simulation, and explains what the behavior
means. Figure 1c is an image of the simulation showing the total amount of water
unnaturally increases.

(a) model (b) initial state (c) simulation image

Fig. 1. Model of two containers (erroneous)

1. Biswas, G., Schwartz, D., Bransford, J.: Technology Support for Complex Problem Solv-
ing - From SAD Environments to AI. In: Forbus, K.D., Feltovich, P.J. (eds.) Smart Ma-
chines in Education, pp. 72–97. AAAI Press (2001)
2. Bredeweg, B., Linnebank, F., Bouwer, A., Liem, J.: Garp3 — Workbench for qualitative
modelling and simulation. Ecological Informatics 4(5-6), 263–281 (2009)
3. Forbus, K.D., de Kleer, J.: Building Problem Solvers. MIT Press (1993)
4. Forbus, K.D., Carney, K., Sherin, B., Ureel, L.: Qualitative modeling for middle-school
students. In: Proc. of QR 2004 (2004)
5. Hirashima, T., Horiguchi, T., Kashihara, A., Toyoda, J.: Error-Based Simulation for Error-
Visualization and Its Management. Int. J. of Artificial Intelligence in Education 9(1-2),
17–31 (1998)
6. Hirashima, T., Imai, I., Horiguchi, T., Toumoto, T.: Error-Based Simulation to Promote
Awareness of Errors in Elementary Mechanics and Its Evaluation. In: Proc. of AIED 2009,
pp. 409-416 (2009)
An Automatic Comparison between Knowledge
Diagnostic Techniques

Sébastien Lallé1, 2, Vanda Luengo1, and Nathalie Guin2

1 Laboratoireinformatique de Grenoble (LIG METAH), Université Joseph Fourier,
110 av. de la Chimie, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France
2 Université de Lyon, CNRS

Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622, France


Abstract. Previous works have pointed out the crucial need for comparison
between knowledge diagnostic tools in the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(ITS). In this paper, we present an approach to compare knowledge diagnostics.
We illustrate our proposition by applying three criteria of comparison for
various diagnostic tools in geometry.

Keywords: knowledge diagnostic, student modeling, comparison.

In the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), knowledge diagnostic use data
collected from an ITS during interactions with the learner in order to infer the skills
mastered or not by the student. Student modeling is a complex task: skills refer to a
particular domain (mathematics, medicine…) and so models are often designed for
one ITS and some specific tasks. Thus a comparison between two knowledge
diagnostic processes is very difficult.
Our work aims at assisting a user who wants to compare existing knowledge
diagnostic tools in a particular domain, like benchmarks in computer sciences.
Authors such as [1] have pointed out the crucial need for comparison as a way to
improve knowledge diagnostic evaluation. We plan to give the same activity traces
(i.e. record of all interactions of the student with an ITS in a particular domain) as
input to various diagnostic tools, and to evaluate in an automatic way a set of criteria
on their outputs, in order to assist the user in his comparison.

1 Approaches

As said previously, student modeling techniques are domain-dependent. Like Wenger

[2], we identify two levels: Behavior level, where the student answers are parsed and
evaluated by the ITS with respect to the domain, and Knowledge level, where the
current state of the knowledge is diagnosed. The knowledge level seems less domain-
dependent than the Behavior level, as theoretical and generic models (such as
cognitive tutors) are more and more used. If skills are still specific to the domain,

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 622–623, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
An Automatic Comparison between Knowledge Diagnostic Techniques 623

their representation and the way they are diagnosed may be more generic. We then
assume that the Behavior level has already been done by the ITS in order to produce
enriched traces. We work on the Knowledge level diagnostic, which takes as input
these enriched traces.
More precisely, we define a knowledge diagnostic technique as a couple composed
of a diagnostic model and a computer tool that implements this model. The diagnostic
model is a particular way to represent and infer students’ knowledge state (like
Knowledge Tracing, constraint-based, bug libraries). These models can be
implemented using various computer tools that impact the diagnostic (like Bayesian
network, logic, plan recognition). We can now define the comparison as a set of
criteria that can be applied on the results of each diagnosis technique.

2 Application of Some Criteria

We realized a prototype comparing some diagnostic techniques applied to the domain
of geometry of areas, using data stored in Datashop1. In Datashop, the Behavior
diagnostic is already provided (students’ answers are evaluated as correct or
incorrect). We implemented five diagnosis techniques; then we applied three
examples of criteria using Datashop’s data: a) the accuracy of the prediction at time t
of the answer of the student at time t+1, b) the correlation with a reference (gold-
standard) and c) the number of skills diagnosed as mastered/non-mastered for all the
students. These criteria allow getting information about the quality of the diagnostics
(a and b) and their confidence (c). This work show how an automatic comparison can
be performed. Taking for instance three techniques based on Knowledge Tracing,
using Hidden-Markov Model, AFM and Fuzzy Logic, the accuracy of the prediction
is respectively of 58.8%, 57.8% and 30.3% (in cross-validation). Another technique
using Dynamic Bayesian Network gives 35.9%, and a misconceptions-based
diagnostic implemented with IF/THEN rules gives 49.2%, for the same traces.
To conclude, we have presented some notions that allow comparing knowledge
diagnostic techniques, using criteria of comparison. These criteria can help an ITS
designer to evaluate various techniques (which one is the more accurate? which skills
are correctly diagnosed?). The criteria are generic and are applied in an automatic
way, so that the ITS designer gets immediate results for his/her own ITS, domain and
data. As shown above, we managed to apply some criteria on Datashop’s traces and
their results vary depending on the knowledge diagnostic technique, i.e. diagnostic
models and the implementation tools.

1. Mitrovic, A., Koedinger, K., Martin, B.: A Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Tutoring
and Constraint-Based Modeling. In: Brusilovsky, P., Corbett, A.T., de Rosis, F. (eds.) UM
2003. LNCS, vol. 2702, pp. 313–322. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
2. Wenger, E.: Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive
approaches to the communication of knowledge. Morgan Kaufman Publishers (1987)

The Interaction Behavior of Agents’ Emotional Support
and Competency on Learner Outcomes and Perceptions

Heather K. Holden

United States Army Research Laboratory

Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments (LITE) Laboratory
Simulation Training and Technology Center, Orlando, FL 32826

Abstract. Pedagogical agents, visual ‘tutor’ representations embedded within

computer-based learning environments, exhibit lifelike appearance, persona,
and social characteristics in an attempt to establish an ideal learner-agent
relationship. This article reports on a study to assess the impact and interaction
behavior of a pedagogical agent’s emotional support and competency on
learner’s self-efficacy, performance, and agent perceptions (i.e., perceived
intelligence and trust of the agent).

Keywords: Pedagogical Agents, Virtual Tutors, Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

1 Introduction and Methodology

The intention of an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is to provide learners with
customized, computer-based instruction through the utilization of artificial
intelligence resources. Pedagogical agents are often added to the ITS interface to
establish a personal relationship and emotional connection with the learner. Thus, the
aim of the learner-agent relationship is to emulate the same benefits as the human
relationship in one-to-one tutoring as found in Bloom’s two-sigma problem [1]. A
central component of human one-to-one tutoring as well as general teaching/learning
is social interaction. Social interaction builds trust, influences learners' motivation to
learn [2], and attributes to learners’ cognitive and affective development [3].
A 2x2 mixed-design experiment was created to investigate the impact of the
independent variables (i.e., emotional support and competency) on learners’ Sudoku
Self-Efficacy (SSE), perceptions of the agent’s intelligence and trustworthiness, and
performance/subjective knowledge acquisition. This study used an adult sample of
convenience consisting of 35 volunteers (21 males / 14 females). For the
experimental testbed, a learning environment was developed to teach participants how
to play the game Sudoku with a pedagogical agent/virtual tutor, Audie, an animated
Microsoft Agent that resembles a computer. Participants were randomly assigned to
interact with one of four experimental versions of Audie [e.g., Emotionally-
Supportive and Competent (ESC), Emotionally-Supportive Only (ESO), Competent
Only (CO), and Neither Emotionally-Supportive or Competent (NESC)]. The two
hypotheses that were found to be favorably supported are: (H1) Learners who work
with an ESO virtual tutor will have higher self-efficacy in a learned task than those

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 624–625, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
The Interaction Behavior of Agents’ Emotional Support and Competency 625

who work with a CO tutor and (H2) Learners who work with an emotionally
supportive (i.e., ESO or ESC) tutor will perceive the virtual tutor as more intelligent
than it really is.

2 Results and Conclusions

One-way between-groups and repeated measures ANOVA found that there were no
significant differences between the agent conditions in regard to learners’ Sudoku
Self-Efficacy (SSE). However, there was a significant relationship between learners’
post-measures of SSE and their perceived trust (PT) in the agent/tutor (r = .368, p =
.029). As expected, participants of the emotional supportive only (ESO) condition
reported the highest post-experiment self-efficacy ratings for all conditions, thus
supporting H1. Furthermore, the ESO condition was the only group to collectively
increase learners’ SSE throughout the experiment.
In addition, the agent type had a very large effect on learners’ perceived
intelligence (PI) of the agent. Subjects who worked with the CO agent reported the
highest PI ratings among the experimental groups. A comparison between the ESO
and NESC groups were used to test and support H2. Although not statistically
significant, subjects of the ESO condition reported higher PI of the agent
(approximately 4.0 points higher on average) than the subjects of the NESC condition
group. However, the agents in both groups had the same level of intelligence.
Interestingly, the ESC agent condition, which combined high emotional support and
high competency, had a negative impact on the agent’s PI. This is seen with
reductions in perception scores throughout the progression of the experiment.
The results of this study provide insight on learner’s responses to the interaction
behavior between two essential agent characteristics. Ultimately, this study could lead
to better methods of manipulating these independent variables for targeted learners
and domains. Identifying the optimal degree of an agent’s characteristics can (a)
maximize learners’ trust and acceptance of both the learning environment and
pedagogical agent and (b) increase learners’ readiness to learn, self-efficacy towards
the domain, and the effectiveness of their learning experiences. Future work could
utilize this study’s findings to investigate how agent characteristics impact learners’
trust/acceptance of the intelligent tutoring system (ITS) the agent is embedded within,
thereby increasing our understanding of learners’ ITS acceptance, expectations and
future usage intentions. Future studies can also assess the impact of agent
characteristics on learners’ real-time and predictive cognitive and affective states.

1. Bloom, B.: The 2 Sigma Problem: The Search for Methods of Group Instruction as
Effective as One-to-One Tutoring. Educational Researcher 13(6), 4–16 (1984)
2. Baylor, A.: Beyond Butlers: Intelligent Agents as Mentors. Journal of Educational
Computing Research 22(4), 373–382 (2000)
3. Kim, Y., Baylor, A.: A Social-Cognitive Framework for Pedagogical Agents as Learning
Companions. Educational Technology Research and Development 54(6), 569–596 (2006)
Accuracy of Tracking Student’s Natural Language in
Operation ARIES!, A Serious Game for Scientific Methods

Zhiqiang Cai1, Carol Forsyth1, Mae-Lynn Germany1, Arthur Graesser1,

and Keith Millis2
Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
Department of Psychology, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL, USA

Abstract. OperationARIES! is an ITS that uses natural language conversa-

tions in order to teach research methodology to students in a serious game envi-
ronment. Regular expressions and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) are used to
evaluate the semantic matches between student contributions, expected good
answers and misconceptions. Current implementation of these algorithms
yields accuracy comparable to human ratings of student contributions. The per-
formance of LSA can be further perfected by using a domain-specific rather
than a generic corpus as a space for interpreting the meaning of the student gen-
erated contributions. ARIES can therefore accurately compute the quality of
student answers during natural language tutorial conversations.

Keywords: Serious game, natural language processing, latent semantic


1 Introduction
Operation ARIES! (ARIES for short) is an Intelligent Tutoring System which uses
natural language conversations between a human student and two pedagogical agents
in order to teach students scientific methodology in a game-like atmosphere. Both
Latent Semantic Analysis [LSA, 1] and Regular Expressions[2] are used to accurately
compare the semantic overlap between the student’s input and pre-defined ideal an-
swers and misconceptions. Regular expressions focus more on key words or phrases
whereas LSA attempts to uncover inferential aspects of the meaning of the human
input by employing a statistical pattern matching algorithm that captures the meaning
of words and world knowledge in a high dimensional semantic space. In order for
the serious game to be successful, it is imperative that the system accurately catego-
rizes student input which enables appropriate responses.

2 Analyses
The goal of the analyses conducted is to evaluate and improve the performance of the
language processing implemented in ARIES. In a previous study [3], we discovered

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 626–627, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Accuracy of Tracking Student’s Natural Language in Operation ARIES 627

that the language processing within ARIES is not only comparable(r = .667) but also
not significantly different from expert human raters(r = .686). In viewing the unique
contributions of each algorithm, the regular expressions contributed mostly to this
success, thus motivating the researchers to improve the performance of LSA by se-
lecting domain specific corpora based on the ARIES E-book, The Big Book of
Science. The selection process used an algorithm which assigned a keyness value to
each word in the E-book based on the relative frequency of occurrences of the word in
the documents of the E-book and a reference corpus. In the present analyses, 892
contributions resulting from 21 student’s interactions with ARIES were analyzed
using an LSA space consisting of documents selected based on the keyness values.
The match scores, a value from 0-1 representing the results from LSA, derived from
this comparison were then compared to ratings made by two human experts.
The language processing within ARIES was found to optimally perform using a
domain-specific corpus rather than a generic corpus. In the first analysis ,the match
score using corpora selected from Wikipedia selected with keyness values correlated
at a significantly higher rate with expert human raters than TASA, (r = .493 for Wiki-
pedia, r = .425 for TASA, Chi square = 3.369, p=0.066). The next goal was to deter-
mine whether the additional contribution was due to domain-specificity or Wikipedia
itself. Therefore, a random space was generated by randomly selecting documents
from Wikipedia. The result of the comparison between the two spaces and the expert
ratings showed that the domain-specific space (r = .493) slightly outperformed the
random space (r = .483), but not significantly. In order to probe the difference be-
tween the two types of spaces, varying numbers documents (ranging from 500 to
16,000) were extracted from Wikipedia, one sample using keyness and the other using
random. This analysis lead to the discovery that 1000 documents selected using key-
ness values derived from the domain-specific book produced optimal match scores as
compared to expert human ratings. Regardless of the number of documents, domain-
specific selections always out-performed the generic corpora. These findings have
relevance not only to the developers of ARIES but also for other researchers using
natural language processing in an ITS.

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the Institute for Education

Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305B070349. The opinions
expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the
U.S. Department of Education.

1. Landauer, T., McNamara, D., Dennis, S., Kintsch, W. (eds.): Handbook of Latent Semantic
Analysis. Erlbaum, Mahwah (2007)
2. Jurafsky, D., Martin, J.H.: Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural
Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Prentice-Hall,
Upper Saddle Creek (2008)
3. Cai, Z., Graesser, A.C., Forsyth, C., Burkett, C., Millis, K., Wallace, P., Halpern, D., Butler,
H.: Trialog in ARIES: User Input Assessment in an Intelligent Tutoring System. In: Pro-
ceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent
Systems, pp. 429–433. IEEE Press, Guangzhou (2011)
Designing the Knowledge Base for a PHP Tutor

Dinesha Weragama and Jim Reye

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
d.weragama@qut.edu.au, j.reye@qut.edu.au

Abstract. Programming is a subject that many beginning students find difficult.

This paper describes a knowledge base designed for the purpose of analyzing
programs written in the PHP web development language. The aim is to use
this knowledge base in an Intelligent Tutoring System. The main emphasis is
on accepting alternative solutions to a given problem.

Keywords: knowledge base design, Intelligent Tutoring System, program anal-

ysis, PHP.

1 Introduction

Programming is a very difficult subject for many beginning students. This paper
describes a knowledge base designed to support an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)
that will teach programming to novices using the PHP web development language.
A computer programming problem very rarely has a unique solution. Table 1
shows an example of two programs to find the maximum of a set of numbers stored in
an array. In order to handle this type of situation, the proposed knowledge base
should be capable of analyzing different student solutions to a given exercise.

Table 1. Programs illustrating different methods for finding the maximum in an array

Program a Program b
$max=$marks[1]; for($i=2;$i<=5;$i++)
for($i=2;$i<=5;$i++) if($marks[$i]>$marks[$maxpos])
if($marks[$i]>$max) $maxpos=$i;
$max=$marks[$i]; $max=$marks[$maxpos];

2 Knowledge Base Design

The knowledge base in this system has been designed using the concepts of first order
logic. Currently, it is capable of handling key aspects of assignment statements,
conditional statements, arrays, for loops, functions and HTML form processing.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 628–629, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Designing the Knowledge Base for a PHP Tutor 629

The formal program specification for each exercise contains a goal which is a
combination of predicates. Such a goal specification for the program to find the
maximum of an array is given in Fig 1. Once a student submits their answer to an
exercise, the knowledge base converts this solution into a set of predicates using rules
and actions. The final set of predicates is then compared against the goal to identify
any predicates that are missing or are unnecessary. This information can then be
used to provide appropriate feedback. The exact method of analysis is quite complex
and the limited space in this paper does not allow for a detailed discussion.

Final Goal: HasValue(VID_m,VAL_m) ∧ ∀j [(1≤j≤5)→

∧HasKeyExpression(KID_j,EID_j)∧ValueOf(EID_j,j)∧ HasValue(VID_j,VAL_j)
∧ LessThanOrEqual(VAL_j, VAL_m) ∧ VAL_m ∊ Array(ARRID_m) }]]

Fig. 1. The goal for finding the maximum

3 Discussion and Related Work

Many ITSs have been built to teach programming. Some popular examples of me-
thods used for modeling the knowledge base are model tracing [1], Constraint Based
Modeling [2] and the PROUST system [3]. Although many other ITSs have been
built to teach programming, none of them are in widespread use. Therefore, it is
obvious that more research needs to be carried out in this area.
One of the main challenges faced is to be able to handle alternative solutions to a
given problem. This research aims to create such a knowledge base. The current
knowledge base is capable of handling many of the basic programming statements for
a PHP program. However, since it is aimed at teaching introductory programming,
it does not attempt to solve all the complexities of web programming.

1. Anderson, J.R., Corbett, A.T., Koedinger, K.R., Pelletier, R.: Cognitive tutors: Lessons
learned. The Journal of Learning Sciences 4, 167–207 (1995)
2. Ohlsson, S., Mitrovic, A.: Constraint-based knowledge representation for individualized in-
struction. Computer Science and Information Systems 3, 1–22 (2006)
3. Johnson, W.L., Soloway, E.: PROUST: Knowledge-based program understanding. IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11, 267–275 (1985)
Domain Specific Knowledge Representation
for an Intelligent Tutoring System to Teach Algebraic

Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez1, David Arnau2, José Antonio González-Calero3,

and Aladdin Ayesh4
Department of Computer Science, University of Valencia, Spain
Department of Didactics of Mathematics, University of Valencia, Spain
Departament of Mathematics , University of Castilla la Mancha, Spain
Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University, UK

Abstract. Translation of word problems into symbolic notation is one of the

most challenging steps in learning the algebraic method. This paper describes a
domain-specific knowledge representation mechanism to support Intelligent Tu-
toring Systems (ITS) which focus on this stage of the problem solving process.
The description language proposed is based on the concept of a hypergraph and
makes it possible to simultaneously a) represent all potential algebraic solutions
to a given word problem; b) keep track of the student's actions; c) provide au-
tomatic remediation; and d) unequivocally determine the current state of the
resolution process. An experimental evaluation with students at a public school
supports the use of the ITS in practice.

Keywords: ITS, algebra, knowledge representation, hypergraph.

In solving algebra-word based problems, the stage of translating the problem into
algebraic notation is particularly difficult to teach [1-2]. The student’s compulsion to
calculate and the tendency to use non-algebraic solving paths have been identified as
major factors that deflect students away from the algebraic method [1]. In this work,
we have implemented an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) that focuses on the trans-
lation stage of the problem solving process. The ITS uses a domain-specific knowl-
edge representation mechanism which makes it possible to represent all potential
solutions to a word problem, without making any assumption on the resolution path
that student may follow in the resolution process.
Algebraic knowledge on a word problem can easily be represented as a function of
known quantities, unknown quantities and relations between them. In his work, Frid-
man [3] observes that the structure of the solution to a given word problem can be
expressed as a set of interconnected ternary relations such that there is at least one
unknown element in each; and relations are linked between them by at least one

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 630–631, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Domain Specific Knowledge Representation for an Intelligent Tutoring System 631

unknown quantity. The knowledge representation mechanism used in the ITS pre-
sented in this paper uses trinomial graphs to represent the structure of the solution,
and extends Fridman’s notation by using directed edges to identify quantities at the
left side of the relations. This representation is used to determine all valid student
inputs at a given instant in time, and hence to judge on the correctness of any particu-
lar input. The reasoning engine allows the student to take any valid path that yields a
correct solution, without imposing any restrictions on neither the number of sym-
bols/equations used nor the order of the actions taken to translate the problem into
symbolic notation. As in constraint based systems [4], no system intervention occurs
unless a definite incorrect input is processed by the engine. When this happens, the
student’s incorrect input is stored for final reporting purposes. In addition, the system
supports multiple readings for the same problem, by maintaining multiple concurrent
instances of the knowledge base. The same reasoning engine has been used to build a
problem solver. This module is able to automatically work out a solution to a word
problem from the corresponding trinomial graph by using a deterministic and syste-
matic approach.
The Graphical User Interface has been carefully designed to facilitate learning of
the algebraic approach to problem solving, focusing on the translation of the problem
statement into symbolic notation. Quantities are presented as elements which are re-
quired to define relations, and relations can only be defined by using elements which
already exist. In this way, quantities need first be defined before they are used as part
of a relation, partially forcing an algebraic approach. To implement this restriction,
the student is not allowed to type the expressions directly. Instead, these are built by
using a calculator-like graphical component that contains a button for each arithmetic
operator and one more for each quantity which has already been defined.
Results of an evaluation performed at a public school in Spain using a control and
an experimental group show positive effects on the group of student who used it; and
support the argument that the use of more specific representations that exploit domain
particularities may result in additional benefits to ITS in certain domains.

Acknowledgements. This work has been funded by the Spanish government through
projects TIN2011-29221-C03-02 and EDU2009-10599 and the University of Valen-
cia, through projects 79/FO11/31 and 107/DT11/34 from the Vicerectorat de Cultura,
Igualtat i Planificació.

1. Stacey, K., MacGregor, M.: Learning the Algebraic Method of Solving Problems. The Jour-
nal of Mathematical Behavior 18(2), 149–167 (1999)
2. Croteau, E.A., Heffernan, N.T., Koedinger, K.R.: Why Are Algebra Word Problems Diffi-
cult? Using Tutorial Log Files and the Power Law of Learning to Select the Best Fitting
Cognitive Model. In: Lester, J.C., Vicari, R.M., Paraguaçu, F. (eds.) ITS 2004. LNCS,
vol. 3220, pp. 240–250. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)
3. Fridman, L.M.: Trinomial graphs (Russian). Mat. Modeli Povedeniya 3, 47–53 (1978)
4. Mitrovic, A., Martin, B., Suraweera, P.: Intelligent tutors for all: the constraint based ap-
proach. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(4), 38–45 (2007)
Exploring the Potential of Tabletops
for Collaborative Learning

Michael Schubert1, Sébastien George2, and Audrey Serna2

Faculty of Psychologie, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Université de Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, France

Abstract. Digital tabletops, with their multi-touch surfaces, are innovation that
could provide new opportunities for learning. They could support rich interac-
tive collaborative activities while maintaining natural face-to-face communica-
tion. Nevertheless, we still know little about the potential learning outcomes
and the situations they favor. We have explored how group activities on table-
tops could encourage collaboration on the same tabletop but also between mul-
tiple tabletops. In particular, we focus on the potential of tabletops to favor
learning during a brainstorming activity.

Keywords: Collaborative and Group Learning, Tabletop, Brainstorming,


1 Introduction and Research Issues

Many different tabletops have been developed in the last few years to study either the
user interface and applications [1] or different facets of the technological possibilities
[2] bypassing the “one-user/one computer” paradigm. In our work, we focus on a
collaborative situation involving several interconnected tabletops, while at the same
time we keep the possibility of collaboration on each tabletop through multi-touch
support. Subsequently, two levels of collaboration will be established: 1) collabora-
tion through tabletops, and 2) collaboration at tabletops. One of the final issues of this
work is to assess if this type of CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning)
environment reveal advantages in comparison to traditional CSCL environments.
We present a first pilot study to verify if using an adapted brainstorming tool in a
multiple tabletops CSCL environment can outperform a traditional paper-pencil ver-
sion in performing the same task: learning the procedure of a brainstorming, while
performing a brainstorming. To achieve this goal, we suggest that the brainstorming
tool have to be adapted not only to the task and to the phase in the learning session,
but also to the specific learning environment (CSCL vs. traditional). We are not in
favor of solely transposing a paper-version onto the tabletops, but we really want to
improve and to take advantage of the inherent technological possibilities.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 632–633, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Exploring the Potential of Tabletops for Collaborative Learning 633

2 Application Design to Support a Brainstorming Activity

Just as during a paper-pencil brainstorming learning session, Post-its and a white-
board were used. We tried to represent and transfer all functionalities of these tools
onto our application on the tabletops. The goal was to keep the appearance and inte-
ractions as simple and intuitive as possible. The whiteboard was a large white screen,
giving the possibility for the students to add their own Post-its onto the board. The
application was developed to support the collaboration of two students on the same
tabletop (collaboration at tabletops). The question of “territoriality” for respectively
private and shared spaces has been carefully considered (as discussed in [3]). Hence,
we propose an artificial space-switcher, so that each of the two users on a table could
decide whether they prefer to work in their own private space or to work in a shared
local space.
Another benefit lies in the global collaboration support (collaboration through tab-
letops). The whiteboard acted as a global shared space where every action on one
whiteboard (one tabletop) was immediately reflected on all other whiteboards (other

3 Evaluation and Conclusion

A comparative study showed that the collaborative learning activity might be in-
creased using tabletops [4]. Even if we still have to prove the advantages of multiple
tabletops to classic CSCL environments in general, it seems that tabletop applications
could be a good means for the learners to reflect on their actions and thereby to favor
the knowledge transfer. This interesting point should be tested in a broader context.

Acknowledgements. This research is undertaken within the framework of the

SEGAREM (SErious GAmes and Mixed Reality) project. The authors wish to thank
both the DGCIS for the fund and the partners of this project (from LIRIS lab, Syme-
trix and Total Immersion) for their collaboration.

1. Streitz, N.A., Geißler, J., Holmer, T., Konomi, S., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Reischl, W., Re-
xroth, P., Seitz, P., Steinmetz, R.: i-LAND: an interactive landscape for creativity and inno-
vation. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sys-
tems: the CHI is the Limit, pp. 120–127. ACM, New York (1999)
2. Shen, C., Everitt, K., Ryall, K.: UbiTable: Impromptu Face-to-Face Collaboration on Hori-
zontal Interactive Surfaces. In: Dey, A.K., Schmidt, A., McCarthy, J.F. (eds.) UbiComp
2003. LNCS, vol. 2864, pp. 281–288. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
3. Scott, S.D., Grant, K.D., Mandryk, R.L.: System guidelines for co-located, collaborative
work on a tabletop display. In: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on European Confe-
rence on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, pp. 159–178. Kluwer Academic Pub.,
Norwell (2003)
4. Schubert, M., Serna, A., George, S.: Using collaborative activities on tabletops to enhance
learning and knowledge transfer. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference
on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 4-6, Rome, Italy (to be published, 2012)
Modeling the Affective States of Students
Using SQL-Tutor

Thea Faye G. Guia1, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo1, Michelle Marie C. Dagami1,

Jessica O. Sugay1, Francis Jan P. Macam1, and Antonija Mitrovic2
Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand

Abstract. We attempted to build models of affect of students using SQL-Tutor.

Most exhibited states are engaged concentration, confusion and boredom.
Though none correlated with achievement, boredom and frustration persisted.
Using linear regression, we arrived at a parsimonious model of boredom.

Keywords: SQL-Tutor, observation, performance, models of affect, boredom.

Constraint-based tutors (CBT) are distinguished from other ITSs by knowledge repre-
sentation. Others require detailed models while CBTs use constraints to limit this
specificity [3]. A constraint identifies feature of correct solutions and specifying im-
plicitly the solutions that violate it as incorrect. SQL-Tutor [2] is a CBT.

1 Methods
74 juniors in 3 sections from Ateneo de Manila University used SQL-Tutor for 60
minutes. Observations were carried out by a team of 4 observers who worked in pairs.
One is an assistant instructor who was highly experienced in observations. Others are
one undergraduate and two graduate students in training. Each pair observed 10 stu-
dents per section. Every student was observed for twenty seconds. If two distinct
states are seen, only the first was coded. Cohen‘s K=0.91 which is considered to be a
high level of agreement.
Learning science researches used features as indicators of learning. Learning indi-
cators for SQL-Tutor that were based on these studies are: SolvedProblems, Attemp-
tedProblems, LearnedConstraints, ConstraintsUsed, SeenMessages, NumOfLogins,
TotalTime, AvgTimeToSolve, TotalAttempts and AvgNumOfAttemptsPerSolvedProb.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 634–635, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Modeling the Affective States of Students Using SQL-Tutor 635

2 Results and Discussion

Engaged concentration (57.9%) was most common affect. Confusion (23.9%) and
boredom (8.1%) followed. When correlated with achievement, none was significant.
Using L [1], boredom persisted (L=0.11, t(33)=2.3, p=0.03). Frustration persisted
marginally significant (L=0.22, t(12)=2.18, p=0.05). In linear regression models of
two states, only boredom (r=0.647; p<0.001) was significant. It had -14.27 BiC’ [4].

Table 1. Incidence of affective states and correlation with achievement

Affective state Incidence Correlation with acheivement
Boredom 8.1% -0.021
Confusion 23.9% -0.006
Delight 4.1% -0.320
Engaged concentration 57.9% 0.073
Frustration 2.1% 0.152
Neutral 3.9% -0.262

Table 2. Model of boredom within SQL-Tutor

MODEL r p BiC‘
Boredom = -0.002 * SeenMessages + 0.647 < 0.001 -14.27
-0.002 * TotalTime +
0.031 * AvgTimeToSolve +
0.007 * TotalAttempts +

3 Conclusion

We attempted to build models of affect of students using SQL-Tutor. Most exhibited

states are engaged concentration, confusion and boredom. Though none correlated
with achievement, boredom and frustration persisted. We built models of both states
but only boredom was significant. Boredom can be predicted by amount of feedback
received, total interaction time, average time per solved problem and total attempts.

1. D’Mello, S., Taylor, R.S., Graesser, A.: Monitoring affective trajectories during complex
learning. In: Proc. 9th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Study, pp. 203–208 (2007)
2. Mitrovic, A.: Learning SQL with a computerized tutor. In: Proc. 29th SIGCSE Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 307–311 (1998)
3. Mitrovic, A., Ohlsson, S.: Evaluation of a constraint-based tutor for a database language.
Artificial Intelligence in Education 10, 238–256 (1999)
4. Raftery, A.E.: Bayesian model selection in social research. Sociological Methodology 25,
111–163 (2003)
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Effective Help-Seeking
Behavior among Students Using an ITS for Math

Jose Carlo A. Soriano1, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo1, Ryan S.J.D. Baker2, Amy Ogan3,
Erin Walker4, Maynor Jimenez Castro5, Ryan Genato2, Samantha Fontaine2,
and Ricardo Belmontez2
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica
josecarlosoriano@yahoo.com, mrodrigo@ateneo.edu,
rskbaker@wpi.edu, aeo@andrew.cmu.edu, erin.a.walker@asu.edu,
maynorj@gmail.com, rgenato@pi.edu, samanthajo@wpi.edu,

Abstract. We use educational data mining to arrive at models of help-seeking

behaviors associated with learning from datasets from three countries: Costa
Rica, the Philippines, and the USA. The models were then tested on each
country’s data to find out how effective help-seeking behavior varies across
countries. This study found that models of effective help-seeking are not
necessarily transferrable across specific pairs of cultures.

Keywords: Help-seeking, Cross-Cultural, Cognitive Tutors, Scatterplot.

Our objective was to find out whether effective help-seeking behavior is similar
across cultures, as this would have implications on future efforts to develop meta-
cognitive tutors, or tutors that try to incorporate tutoring effective help-seeking
behavior. We do this by generating models of effective help-seeking for three
countries and comparing them across cultures. This study made use of data collected
from prior studies in Costa Rica [4], Philippines [5], and the USA. In these studies,
data were extracted from logs produced by an ITS for generating and interpreting
scatterplots [2]. From the scatterplot tutor logs, 17 help-seeking features were
distilled. As in [1, 3], the features consisted of the frequency of semantic behaviors
across all tutor use. We modeled effective help-seeking behavior by finding a set of
related behaviors that led to the most learning for each country, and then created an
additional ‘universal’ model from the combined data sets of the three countries. We
quantified learning as student learning gains, as measured through a pre-test and post-
test (e.g. post – pre). Our process for creating models of effective help-seeking for
each culture involved several steps, very similar to that in [3]: feature engineering,
feature selection, feature optimization, model creation, and model evaluation.In model
evaluation, we tested each country’s models to the data sets of the other countries, and
got the correlation of the actual learning and the predicted learning.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 636–637, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Effective Help-Seeking Behavior among Students 637

The Philippine and USA models performed well on each other’s data sets (r=0.146,
0.228 respectively). Interestingly, other automated detectors have been shown to
generalize between students in the US and Philippines, for example a detector of
carelessness in [5]. However, the Philippine, USA, and the universal model did not
perform well for data from Costa Rica (r=0.004, -0.085, -0.073 respectively). The
collaborative behaviors seen in [4] for Costa Rican students may explain the
difference in help-seeking behavior, as a more collaborative environment may make
other students the main source of help while studying with ITSs, while only specific
types of help that are not available from other students will be sought in the ITS.
In conclusion, we found that help-seeking behaviors do not necessarily transfer
across specific pairs of countries. This exposes the possibility that the help-seeking
model used by a meta-cognitive tutor may be effective in one culture but not in
others. Hence, future work will be needed to determine how to develop models that
can be used world-wide, perhaps involving data from a wide range of countries, or
intelligent tutors adapting to help-seeking behaviors will need to have their models re-
fit for the countries where they are used.

1. Aleven, V., McLaren, B.M., Roll, I., Koedinger, K.R.: Toward meta-cognitive tutoring: A
model of help seeking with a Cognitive Tutor. International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education 16(2), 101–128 (2006)
2. Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A.T., Koedinger, K.R., Evenson, S., Roll, I., Wagner, A.Z., Naim,
M., Raspat, J., Baker, D.J., Beck, J.E.: Adapting to When Students Game an Intelligent
Tutoring System. In: Ikeda, M., Ashley, K.D., Chan, T.-W. (eds.) ITS 2006. LNCS,
vol. 4053, pp. 392–401. Springer, Heidelberg (2006)
3. Baker, R.S.J.d., Gowda, S.M., Corbett, A.T.: Automatically detecting a student’s
preparation for future learning: Help use is key. In: Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Educational Data Mining, pp. 179–188 (2011)
4. Ogan, A., Walker, E., Baker, R., Rebolledo, G., Jimenez-Castro, M.: Collaboration in
Cognitive Tutor Use in Latin America: Field Study and Design Recommendations. To
appear in: Proceedings ACM Computer-Human Interaction Conference (2012)
5. San Pedro, M.O.C.Z., Baker, R.S.J.d., Rodrigo, M.M.T.: Detecting Carelessness through
Contextual Estimation of Slip Probabilities among Students Using an Intelligent Tutor for
Mathematics. In: Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS,
vol. 6738, pp. 304–311. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
Emotions during Writing on Topics That Align
or Misalign with Personal Beliefs

Caitlin Mills and Sidney D’Mello

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, 46556


Abstract. We conducted a study where 42 participants wrote two essays on op-

posing stances about abortion (pro-choice and pro-life). Participants’ affective
states were tracked at 15-second intervals via a retrospective affect judgment
protocol. The results indicated participants experienced more boredom when
writing essays that did not align with their positions on abortion, but were more
engaged when there was alignment. Participants also reported more curiosity
while writing pro-choice essays. Importantly, boredom, engagement, and cu-
riosity were the affective states that predicted essay quality.

Keywords: affect, writing, cognition, boredom, engagement, ITSs.

1 Introduction

Intelligent tutoring system (ITS) researchers have developed effective educational

technologies to improve writing skills and proficiency [1-2]. However, the focus of
these systems is on the cognitive and motivational aspects of writing, at the expense
of the emotional aspects of the writing process. Although considerable research has
focused on understanding the role of emotions in learning, there is little research in-
vestigating the emotion-cognition link within the context of writing. To investigate
this gap in the literature, the present focus was on uncovering how emotions are influ-
enced by writers' positions on the topic of a written assignment. More specifically,
how does the alignment or misalignment between personal beliefs and assigned essay
position impact writers' emotions and the quality of writing?

2 Methods

The participants were 42 undergraduates from an urban U.S. university who partici-
pated for course credit. Participants wrote two essays, one supporting pro-choice and
one supporting the pro-life perspective on abortion. Participants provided self-
judgments of their affective states (14 affective states plus neutral) immediately after
the writing session via a retrospective affect judgment procedure by viewing a video
of their face along with the screen capture video of their writing session. Essay quality
was scored on a modified version of a standardized rubric similar to the one used for

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 638–639, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Emotions during Writing on Topics That Align or Misalign with Personal Beliefs 639

scoring the SAT [3]. The judge was blind to participants' actual positions on abortion.
Reliability (r = .906) was obtained in a previous study with similar essays.

3 Results and Discussion

Separate mixed effects binary logistic regression models were constructed for the six
most frequent states (anxiety, boredom, engagement, curiosity, confusion, frustration)
to investigate whether instructed essay position and actual position on abortion influ-
enced the reported affective states. The results indicated that participants were signifi-
cantly more likely to experience curiosity when asked to write a pro-choice essay
compared to a pro-life essay, irrespective of their actual positions on abortion. The
instructed position × actual position interaction was significant for boredom and en-
gagement, suggesting that the (mis)alignment of instructed position and actual posi-
tion impacted boredom and engagement levels. Boredom was more likely to occur
during misalignment but engagement was higher during alignment of positions.
A mixed effects linear regression model also revealed that boredom, engagement,
and curiosity were significant predictors of essay quality. Boredom negatively pre-
dicted essay scores (B = -.118), whereas engagement/flow (B = .111) and curiosity (B
= .152) positively predicted essay quality.
This paper offers a fine-grained investigation of affect during writing, a topic that
is much neglected in the educational, ITS, and writing community. We have shown
that (mis)alignment between the instructed position and writer's actual position on
abortion impact boredom and engagement, which, along with curiosity, predict writ-
ing outcomes in expected directions. An ITS with boredom-alleviation and engage-
ment-inducing capabilities has considerable potential for helping writers develop and
increase proficiency.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation

(NSF) (ITR 0325428, HCC 0834847, DRL 1108845). Any opinions, findings and
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.


1. Wade-Stein, D., Kintsch, E.: Summary Street: Interactive Computer Support for Writing.
Cognition and Instruction 22, 333–362 (2004)
2. McNamara, D.S., Raine, R., Roscoe, R., Crossley, S., Jackson, G.T., Dai, J., et al.: The
Writing-Pal: Natural language algorithms to support intelligent tutoring on writing strate-
gies. In: McCarthy, P.M., Boonthum, C. (eds.) Applied Natural Language Processing and
Content Analysis: Identification, Investigation, and Resolution, pp. 298–311. IGI Global,
Hershey (2012)
3. McNamara, D.S., Crossley, S.A., McCarthy, P.M.: Linguistic Features of Writing Quality.
Written Communication 27, 57–86 (2010)
A Multiagent-Based ITS Using Multiple
Viewpoints for Propositional Logic

Evandro Costa, Priscylla Silva, Marlos Silva, Emanuele Silva,

and Anderson Santos

Federal University of Alagoas, Computer Institute

Campus A. C. Simões - Av. Lourival Melo Mota, s/n, Maceió - AL - Brazil
{ebc,pmss}@ic.ufal.br, {marlos.tacio,manutunan,andersonfarin}@gmail.com

Abstract. This paper reports on preliminary efforts to develop a multi-

agent-based Intelligent Tutoring System for teaching propositional logic
using two integrated approaches with focus on checking the validation
of a given argument. One motivation for this integration comes from
the importance to involve students in two complementary viewpoints,
permitting students to make connections between the two viewpoints
involving different strategies, used in problem solving situations.

Keywords: Multiple Representations, Intelligent Tutoring.

1 Introduction
An important question in ITS research is on how to support multiple view-
points or even multiple representations on a given domain knowledge. This pa-
per addresses this question, focusing on multiple representations with different
viewpoints of propositional logic domain. We have accomplished this knowledge
domain modeling through a multiagent system. This paper reports on prelimi-
nary efforts to develop a multiagent-based ITS for teaching propositional logic
using two integrated approaches with focus on checking the validation of a given
argument. One of them is a Natural Deduction system as a proof method and the
other is Semantic system by using two methods with and without truth table.
A small number of related studies have been found in the literature. For
instances, the works in [2] and in [3] are closely related to the present one.
The work proposed by Leana and Yacef [2] provides an interesting and well-
experimented intelligent tutoring system for the teaching of logic proof using
inference rules. The evaluation of this ITS indicates that the work presents gains
for the students, showing an improvement in their performance. It works in just
one representation of PL domain with one inference method. By the contrast
our approach uses multiple representations with different inference methods.

2 An Overview of the Proposed System

Our system follows the architecture of an ITS based on the conceptual model
MATHEMA [1] consists basically of three modules: the society of artificial tu-
toring agents (SATA), the learner interface and the authoring interface. The

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 640–641, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
A Multiagent-Based ITS Using Multiple Viewpoints for Propositional Logic 641

interface provides access to the system through any Web browser. The author-
ing interface module allows the definition of the course structure and contents.
Finally, the SATA consists of a multiagent system where each agent, besides com-
munication and social capabilities, contains a tutoring system module focused
on some defined part of the target domain. The fact that the system consists of
multiagent society allows the distribution of domain contents and learner mod-
eling data among the several agents that cooperate in the tutoring task. The
interactions between two agents from different viewpoints take place by using
JADE framework.
The MATHEMA conceptual model [1] provides a partitioning scheme, called
viewpoints, after leading to sub-domains definitions. This partitioning scheme is
based on epistemological assumptions about the domain knowledge. The knowl-
edge associated with each sub-domain is structured into one or more curricula.
Each curriculum consists of a set of pedagogical units and each pedagogical unit
is associated to a set of problems. To each problem type is associated a body of
support knowledge.
From this knowledge domain model with its parts (represented by pedagogical
units), we follow with a mapping to indicate the agents in SATA. Each tutoring
agent in SATA consists of three modules: The tutoring system, the social system
and the distribution system. Tutoring system consists of there main components,
but where the Expert Module is one of them. This module is responsible for
problem solving in a given subdomain, comprising three modules: problem solver,
evaluator (evaluate solutions proposed by learners), diagnose module (diagnosis
mistakes of the learners).

3 Final Remarks
The preliminary results using this ITS have been positive, mainly with regard
to its feasibility and usefulness. One conclusion is that our work is, to the best
of our knowledge, the first in the literature to present a concrete and large in
scope solution for multiple representation with multi-strategies in classical logic,
specifically Propositional Logic with focus on argument validation.

1. de Barros Costa, E., Perkusich, A., Ferneda, E.: From a Tridimensional View of
Domain Knowledge to Multi-agent Tutoring System. In: de Oliveira, F.M. (ed.)
SBIA 1998. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 1515, pp. 61–72. Springer, Heidelberg (1998)
2. Lesta, L., Yacef, K.: An Intelligent Teaching Assistant System for Logic. In: Cerri,
S.A., Gouardéres, G., Paraguaçu, F. (eds.) ITS 2002. LNCS, vol. 2363, pp. 421–431.
Springer, Heidelberg (2002)
3. Lukins, S., Levicki, A., Burg, J.: A tutorial program for propositional logic with
human/computer interactive learning. SIGCSE Bulletin 34(1), 381–385 (2002)
Simulation-Based Training of Ill-Defined Social
Domains: The Complex Environment
Assessment and Tutoring System (CEATS)

Benjamin D. Nye, Gnana K. Bharathy, Barry G. Silverman, and Ceyhun Eksin

University of Pennsylvania
Ackoff Center for Advancement of Systems Approaches
120B Hayden Hall, 3320 Smith Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Keywords: Hybrid Tutoring, Simulation-Based Learning, Assessment,


Socio-cultural problems have special challenges that complicate training design.

Problems in these domains have been called “wicked problems” due to their in-
tractability [4]. Such problems are ill-defined: characterized by conflicting stake-
holder values, disagreements over solutions, and interconnectedness between
problems. Simulation-based learning can be used to explore these problems, but
assessment is a bottleneck for training ill-defined domains.
Problems in ill-defined domains are heterogeneous: some problems have clear
right and wrong answers, but others are subjective, context-dependent, or emer-
gent. A possible solution is hybrid tutoring, which combines multiple tutoring
approaches [2]. A hybrid tutor could match different pedagogical interventions
for different types of problems. However, hybrid tutoring lacks established design
principles for matching domain problems with suitable interventions.
The Complex Environment Assessment and Tutoring System (CEATS) fol-
lows two principles to support hybrid tutoring. First, semantic interfaces are
used to decouple components, transforming the simulation environment into
meaningful metrics. Assessments use metrics as evidence to calculate measures
about domain concept qualities. The second principle is to support families of
assessments. Together, this design decouples assessments from the simulation
and embeds meta-data to make them meaningful for reporting and tutoring
The Complex Environment Assessment and Tutoring System uses metrics
as a semantic API for the learning environment. This allows different environ-
ments (e.g. simulation vs database) to share the same metric specifications, but
implement their own function and query implementations. A metrics engine cur-
rently exists for use with a real-time simulation (described below) and a second
metrics engine is being added to support metrics on a database of simulation

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 642–644, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Training Ill-Defined Social Domains with CEATS 643

In CEATS, assessments are implemented as relationships between metrics

and domain knowledge. Assessments include meta-data on the objectivity,
usage, frame-of-reference, assessment type (qualifier), and domain knowledge
associated with the measurement. Assessment qualifiers determine the basic
meaning of the assessment, such as different types of attitudes (e.g. like/dislike)
or learning about concepts (e.g. mastery level). They also support assessments
that designate when an opportunity to demonstrate learning or preferences
has occurred. Objective vs. subjective specifies whether the assessment mea-
sures an objective truth (e.g. math problem answer) or a subjective quality
(e.g. favorite math operator). Frame of reference refers to what the measure-
ment is compared against, which can be fixed criterion (e.g. standards-based),
normed (e.g. compared to peers), or ipsative (e.g. compared against self, at
other times or tasks). Usage refers to the intended usage of the assessment.
Formative assessment is valid during a task and tends to focus on process,
while summative assessment occurs after task completion and focuses on out-
The tutoring engine is currently under active development, targeting a hybrid
design driven by assessment meta-data. At present, tutoring engine develop-
ment is focusing on three complementary types of interventions: Error Feed-
back, Comparative Feedback, and Reflective Prompts. Error feedback will be
driven by objective, criterion-based assessments. Comparative feedback will be
employed where ipsative or normed assessments are available, such as compar-
ing user performance against prior performance or comparing skills. When only
subjective criteria are available, the system will fall back on questions that help
the user reflect on their actions. This design is novel because hybrid tutoring
will be driven by assessment meta-data, instead of ad-hoc pairing of pedagogy
to problems.
CEATS has been integrated with the StateSim simulation environment to sup-
port AtN counter-insurgency strategy training. The Department of Defense is
currently supporting the “Attack the Network” (AtN) paradigm, which outlines
strategies for kinetic and non-kinetic engagement of insurgent networks that fi-
nance, develop, and deploy improvised explosive devices [3]. Users implement
courses of action in StateSim, an agent-based simulation focusing on interacting
factions [5]. StateSim competed in the DARPA Integrated Crisis Early Warning
System (ICEWS) project and forecasted measures of state and regional instabil-
ity with over 80% accuracy [1]. Currently, the CEATS engine provides metrics
and assessment capabilities for a StateSim Afghanistan AtN training scenario.
Future work on CEATS will complete the tutoring engine, supporting train-
ing of the ill-defined domain of counter-insurgency, and add authoring tools for


1. Bharathy, G.K., Silverman, B.G.: Validating agent based social systems models. In:
Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2010), pp. 441–453. IEEE (2010)
644 B.D. Nye et al.

2. Fournier-Viger, P., Nkambou, R., Nguifo, E.M.: Building Intelligent Tutoring Sys-
tems for Ill-Defined Domains. In: Nkambou, R., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R. (eds.)
Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. SCI, vol. 308, pp. 81–101. Springer, Hei-
delberg (2010)
3. NTC Operations Group: Attack the Network Handbook (May 2010)
4. Rittel, H.W.J., Webber, M.M.: Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy
Sciences 4(2), 155–169 (1973)
5. Silverman, B.G., Bharathy, G.K., Nye, B.D., Kim, G.J., Roddy, M., Poe, M.: M&S
methodologies: A systems approach to the social sciences. In: Sokolowski, J.A.,
Banks, C.M. (eds.) Modeling and Simulation Fundamentals: Theoretical Underpin-
nings and Practical Domains, pp. 227–270. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken (2010)
Empirical Investigation on Self Fading
as Adaptive Behavior of Hint Seeking

Kazuhisa Miwa1 , Hitoshi Terai1 , Nana Kanzaki1, and Ryuichi Nakaike2

Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan
Kyoto University, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan

Abstract. We investigated whether students behave adaptively in hint-

seeking from the viewpoint of self-fading. To let students effectively learn,
scaffolding should be eliminated gradually with the progress of learning.
We define self-fading as fading behavior lowing the levels of support by
students themselves. We investigated the relation between such metacog-
nitive behavior and learning effects through two experiments in a labo-
ratory setting and in actual class activities. The results showed that our
participants successfully faded help supports, and also confirmed that
those who lowered the levels of support and learned with their own ef-
forts gained larger learning effects.

Keywords: hint seeking, self fading, scaffolding, metacognition.

1 Introduction
Students themselves have to manage their help-seeking behavior to maximize
learning effects. However, many previous studies have demonstrated that stu-
dents’ help-seeking behavior does not follow rational principles [3]. Hint abuse is
a representative irrational behavior that appears in hint-seeking where students
tend to seek the most specific hints to find answers rather than seeking under-
standing [1]. In this paper, we investigate whether students behave adaptively in
hint-seeking from the viewpoint of self-fading, which is defined with scaffolding
as one central concept for providing effective learning. We define self-fading as
behavior during which the students themselves lowered their levels of support.
We tested if students actually faded their help support during learning and also
investigated the relation between such metacognitive behavior and learning ef-
fects through two experiments in a laboratory setting and actual class activities.

2 Learning System and Task

We investigated participants’ help-seeking behavior using a relatively complex
learning task in which they learned natural deduction (ND). Natural deduction is
a kind of proof calculus in which logical reasoning is expressed by inference rules
closely related to a natural way of reasoning. Participants, e. g., for inducing

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 645–646, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
646 K. Miwa et al.

a proposition ¬Q → ¬P from a premise P → Q, learned inference rules and

strategies for applying the rules. Our tutoring system was developed for teaching
ND to university undergraduates. It was established based on a server-client
framework. Miwa, et al. (2009) [2] developed a web-based production system
architecture called DoCoPro that enables such a system design to be established.
The scaffolding levels can be controlled from two viewpoints: rule selection and

3 Experimental Results
Experiment 1 was preliminarily performed. The participants solved one prob-
lem twice using our tutoring system in a laboratory setting. Experiment 2 was
performed in an actual class setting and conducted more detailed analysis. It in-
vestigated three objectives: to replicate the finding of Experiment 1, to confirm
the participants’ adaptive behavior for controlling LOSs based on the degree of
the problem difficulties, and to confirm the relation between LOSs and learning
The overall results are summarized as follows:

– The participants lowered their LOSs from the first to second trials both in
Experiment 1 in a laboratory setting and in Experiment 2 in actual class
– The participants adaptively lowered the levels of support when facing easier
problems than when facing difficult problems.
– The participants who got higher scores in the posttest learned with lower
levels of support than the students with lower scores. On the other hand, we
did not observe such a tendency in the relation between the pretest scores
and the support levels.
– However, in the correlation between the gains from the pre to post scores
and LOSs in the learning phase, a statistically significant relation was not

1. Aleven, V., Koedinger, K.R.: Limitations of Student Control: Do Students Know
When They Need Help? In: Gauthier, G., VanLehn, K., Frasson, C. (eds.) ITS 2000.
LNCS, vol. 1839, pp. 292–303. Springer, Heidelberg (2000)
2. Miwa, K., Nakaike, R., Morita, J., Terai, H.: Development of production system for
anywhere and class practice. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference
of Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 91–99 (2009)
3. Wood, H., Wood, D.: Help seeking, learning and contingent tutoring. Computers
and Education 33, 153–169 (1999)
Scripting Discussions for Elaborative, Critical

Oliver Scheuer1, Bruce M. McLaren1,2, Armin Weinberger1, and Sabine Niebuhr3

Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal, Germany

Abstract. Scripting collaborative argumentation can be effective in helping

students understand multiple perspectives in complex, ill-defined domains. We
have developed a web-based collaborative learning environment and a
collaboration script to support students in discussing and analyzing
controversial texts. We present a study in which we varied one element of the
script to support critical, elaborative interactions, namely whether or not
students take a proponent and/or critic role. Our results suggest that roles have a
positive effect on the extent of knowledge elaboration in student discussions.

Keywords: computer-supported collaborative learning, collaboration scripts,

argumentation, argument mapping.

1 Introduction
It is widely recognized that critical thinking skills play an important role in today’s
information societies. During the past two decades many computer-based tools have
been developed to support the acquisition of argumentation skills [2]. We introduce a
web-based collaborative learning environment that supports students in creating and
discussing argument diagrams, and a collaboration script to support students in using
this environment to discuss conflicting texts. We present a study that investigates
whether an additional script component, in which students take “proponent” and
“critic” roles, could improve the quality of student discussions in terms of critical,
elaborative interactions.

2 Learning Environment and Collaboration Script

LASAD is a highly configurable, web-based argument-diagramming environment that
allows groups of students to represent arguments graphically in the form of box-and-
arrow diagrams. Boxes represent statements and links represent argumentative and
rhetorical relations of different types (e.g., “support”, “opposition”, “related to”).
Besides a shared diagramming workspace students can use a chat to communicate
with one another.
The FACT-2 collaboration script (“Fostering Argumentation Through Conflicting
Texts”) has been developed to support critical, elaborative discussion in student dyads

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 647–648, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
648 O. Scheuer et al.

based on conflicting texts. It is based on distributed resources, that is, each student has
exclusive access to one of two texts. Student activities are structured in four different
phases: Students (1) model their texts in LASAD individually, (2) discuss, based on
the diagram, aspects of each text with the partner, (3) discuss connections between the
two texts, and (4) agree on a joint position and compose a joint reasoned conclusion.
A previous version of the script is described in [3].

3 Study
A quasi-experimental study using a pretest-intervention-posttest design has been
conducted. Both conditions used LASAD and the collaboration script described
above. Opposing texts regarding climate change were used (thesis: “Developed
countries have to cut their carbon emissions drastically”). For Treatment dyads an
additional role script component was administered, in which students were instructed
to act as proponent of their text and a constructive critic of their partner’s text. A
sentence opener interface [4] was used to provide support for the proponent and
constructive critic roles. The Comparison group used a standard chat instead.
Participants were students at Saarland University and received a participation fee.
The sample comprises 12 Treatment dyads (i.e., with role script) and 10 Comparison
dyads (i.e., no role script). The overall study took about 3 hours; 1.5 hours of which
were spent on the actual task. An analysis of questionnaire data indicated that the
conditions did not differ significantly in terms of relevant entry characteristics.
We report on an analysis of chat protocols. Based on the Rainbow coding
framework [1] we developed and validated a coding scheme with satisfactory result
(κ = .76). We distinguished three levels of argumentative elaboration. To assess the
quality of each protocol we analyzed the amount of ”High” elaboration moves (i.e.,
ones that cite, elaborate, question or criticize relevant contents). We found a non-
significant trend (p = .07) with large effect size (d = 0.82) in terms of ”High” codes in
favor of the Treatment group, a result in accordance with our hypothesis.

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Christoph Fehige for advice and

support. The German Research Foundation (DFG) provided funding for this research.

1. Baker, M., Andriessen, J., Lund, K., van Amelsvoort, M., Quignard, M.: Rainbow: A
Framework for Analyzing Computer-Mediated Pedagogical Debates. IJCSCL 2(2-3), 247–
272 (2007)
2. Scheuer, O., Loll, F., Pinkwart, N., McLaren, B.M.: Computer-Supported Argumentation:
A Review of the State of the Art. IJCSCL 5(1), 43–102 (2010)
3. Scheuer, O., McLaren, B.M., Harrell, M., Weinberger, A.: Scripting Collaboration: What
Affects Does it Have on Student Argumentation? In: Hirashima, T., et al. (eds.) Proc. of
ICCE 2011, pp. 181–188. Asia-Pacific Soc. for Computers in Education (2011)
4. Soller, A.: Supporting social interaction in an intelligent collaborative learning system.
IJAIED 12, 40–62 (2001)
Design Requirements of a Virtual Learning
Environment for Resource Sharing

Nikos Barbalios1, Irene Ioannidou3 , Panagiotis Tzionas2 ,

and Stefanos Paraskeuopoulos1
Dept. of Special Education, University of Thessaly
Dept. of Automation, TEI Thessalonikis
Dept. of Early Childhood Care and Education, TEI Thessalonikis

Abstract. This study presents the evaluation of the design requirements

of a novel model-supported virtual environment appropriate for environ-
mental education, where the simulation process is controlled by a novel
multi-agent model. The virtual environment was qualitatively evaluated
by 14 students, that provided feedback about the accuracy of the graph-
ical representations, the usability and interaction of the interface and
the comprehension of the underlying process. Students suggestions were
taken under consideration, modifying the virtual environment to its final

Keywords: virtual environment, multi-agent model, environmental


1 Introduction
This study introduces a novel virtual environment simulating the exploitation
of a lake by a community of farmers. It consists of two elements: a multi-agent
simulation (MAS) model of an ecosystem (that controls the simulation), and a
virtual world that makes possible the visualization of the elements and proce-
dures of the MAS model in a comprehensible manner. In this sense, the realism
and scientific accuracy of the simulation is guaranteed, while the complexity of
the ecosystem dynamics are abstracted from the students.
The MAS model presented in [1] was utilized, that simulates the exploita-
tion of a lake by a community of farmers under various farmer behaviours and
encapsulates a machine learning algorithm that can be optionally used as a wa-
ter regulatory policy to reveal optimal resource allocation schemes. This model
was chosen because it delivers realistic simulations, as it’s agents mimic actual
farmer behaviours encapsulating the growing economic pressure exerted on farm-
ers. The MAS model was calibrated according to real data from the lake Koronia
ecosystem in Greece, that was nearly depleted in 2002 due to overexploitation
[1]. Additionally, the MAS model provides means of estimating the impact of
the farmers’ behaviour to the environment and to their potential profit.
The virtual world is implemented in the VRML programming language and
entails high-detailed realistic 3-D models. It consists of a lake and 10 agricultural

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 649–650, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
650 N. Barbalios et al.

fields, each one entailing an animated crop (that slowly grows as the simulation
advances), water pumps and sprinklers for the fields’ irrigation and an animated
farmer performing some typical agricultural labour. The number of sprinklers in
each field is representative of the corresponding farmer behaviour. Moreover, the
environment entails 3-D entities that are usually met in agricultural landscapes
(i.e. tractors, trees, birds). Students may explore the virtual world like in a
first person game using the keyboard, or predefined viewpoints that focus on
important aspects of the virtual world. Based on the MAS model, at the end
of each simulation, the learner is informed about the outcome of the farmer’s
behaviour using audio and visual cues (i.e. classical music and emoticons).

2 Experiments
The virtual environment was qualitative evaluated by 7 two-person groups of
elementary school students, that provided feedback regarding a) the accuracy of
the graphical representations, b) the usability and interaction with the graphical
interface of the virtual world and c) the comprehension of the simulation proce-
dure. Regarding the clarity of the representations, students successfully identified
all the basic elements of the model (i.e. lake, farmers, fields, irrigation method),
commenting on their realistic appearance and spending a significant amount of
time exploring the virtual world. Suggestions were made however to increase the
number of fishes in the lake. Most of them had no problem navigating through
the virtual world, however 2 of them encountered difficulties using the keyboard.
Thus it was chosen to enhance the virtual environment with joystick navigation
capabilities. Regarding the comprehension of the simulation procedure, students
acknowledged both the behaviour of the farmers as well as the natural process
that took place (i.e. water draining for irrigation purposes). In overall, the virtual
environment was easily accepted by all the students, claiming that experimen-
tation was a pleasant experience and commenting on the realism and the details
of the graphical representations.

3 Conclusions
Students exhibited a positive reaction to the virtual environment, commenting
on its realistic appearance, and the experimental results verified the design re-
quirements with respect to the accuracy of the representations, the usability
and the interactions with the interface and the comprehension of the simulation
procedure. Students suggestions were taken under consideration, modifying the
virtual environment to its final form that will be used for further research.

1. Barbalios, N., Ioannidou, I., Tzionas, P., Paraskeuopoulos, S.: A constrained multi-
agent model for studying natural resource sharing. In: Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on En-
vironmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics, Skiathos, Greece,
pp. 185–191 (2011) ISBN 978-960-6865-43-5
The Effectiveness of a Pedagogical Agent’s Immediate
Feedback on Learners’ Metacognitive Judgments
during Learning with MetaTutor

Reza Feyzi-Behnagh and Roger Azevedo

McGill University, Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology, Montreal, Canada

reza.feyzibehnagh@mail.mcgill.ca, roger.azevedo@mcgill.ca

Abstract. Using pedagogical agents (PAs) in hypermedia learning

environments have been found to be an effective way to scaffold students and
provide tailored feedback to enhance learning outcomes. In this study, we
investigated the effectiveness of immediate feedback provided by PA embedded
in MetaTutor [1] (a multi-agent, adaptive hypermedia learning system) on
learners’ metacognitive calibration and bias of Feelings of Knowing (FOK) and
Judgments of Learning (JOL), and accuracy of Content Evaluations (CE) made
during a 2-hour learning session with the system. Seventy (N = 70)
undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of two instructional
conditions: Immediate Feedback (IF) or the Control Group, where they were
asked to learn about the circulatory system with the environment. Overall,
pretest-posttest learning outcome data revealed that participants in the IF
condition significantly outperformed those in the Control condition.
Additionally, participants who received immediate feedback from the PA were
more accurate and calibrated in their metacognitive judgments than those in the
Control condition. An overall bias was found toward overconfidence in JOLs
and FOKs for participants in both conditions. These findings have significant
relevance for the understanding of metacognitive monitoring and regulation
during complex learning with multi-agent systems and for designing
metacognitive-responsive PAs capable of co-adapting to learners’ cognitive and
metacognitive regualtory processes.

Keywords: Metacognitive judgments, calibration; bias, pedagogical agents,

immediate feedback, multi-agent systems, empirical studies.

Learners’ metacognitive judgments are critical in determining both the selection and use
of strategies during learning with multi-agent systems, but it has been found in previous
studies that students are not usually calibrated in their metacognitive judgments. One
approach to address this issue is developing multi-agent adaptive learning environments
that embody artificial pedagogical agents (PAs) that are designed to model, trace, foster
and scaffold students’ metacognitive processes during learning (see [1]). One of the areas
where PAs can assist learners is in monitoring metacognitive processes and making accu-
rate metacognitive judgments. In this study, we examined the effects of immediate feed-
back on the accuracy, bias, and discrimination of learners’ metacognitive judgments

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 651–652, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
652 R. Feyzi-Behnagh and R. Azevedo

(JOLs, FOKs, and CEs) during their learning about the circulatory system. These three
metacognitive judgments have been selected because inaccurate judgments might either
lead the participant into spending too much time on content already learned or proceed to
another topic without having learned enough about the current content. 70 undergraduate
students (60% females, mean age 22) participated in this study. They were randomly
assigned to either an experimental (immediate feedback, IF) or control condition. Partici-
pants in the IF condition received timely prompts from the PA in MetaTutor to deploy
different SRL processes, and received appropriate immediate feedback regarding their
performance on the use of those strategies. On the other hand, participants in the Control
group did not receive any SRL prompts and feedback from the PAs in MetaTutor. Meta-
Tutor [1] is a multi-agent intelligent hypermedia learning environment, which contains
41 pages of text and diagrams about the human circulatory system, designed to detect,
model, trace, and foster students’ self-regulated learning about complex science topics.
Data for this study was obtained from system-generated log-files. FOK and JOL ratings
were made on a Likert scale and were converted to either positive or negative valence (1-
3 to negative and 4-6 to positive valence). Three measures of Goodman-Kruskal Gamma
correlation (G), bias, and discrimination scores were calculated to describe how the JOLs
and FOKs correlated with participants’ performance. The cognitive gain results indicated
that students in the IF condition outperformed those in the control condition in the post-
test they took on the circulatory system, F(1, 68) = 33.037, p < .01, η2 = .327. Gamma
values for JOLs and FOKs across the two conditions indicate that participants in the IF
condition were more accurate than those in the Control condition. With regards to bias,
the IF condition participants did not have any bias toward over- or under-confidence
(bias = 0). However, participants in the Control condition were slightly overconfident in
their JOL ratings (bias = 0.2). In terms of discrimination scores, the IF group participants
had more confidence on correct than incorrect JOL and FOK judgments, and their dis-
crimination score was more than the one for the Control condition. These findings indi-
cate that receiving timely prompts and appropriate feedback from the PA during learning
about complex topics in a multi-agent hypermedia learning environment leads to higher
accuracy in metacognitive judgments made by participants. Analyses of the accuracy of
CEs indicated no significant difference between the two conditions, F(1, 258) = .826, p >
.05. As a summary, we found that receiving immediate feedback from a PA in MetaTutor
increased participants’ accuracy of JOLs and FOKs, decreased their bias, and improved
their discrimination.
Acknowledgments. The research presented in this study has been supported by fund-
ing from the National Science Foundation (DRL 0633918) awarded to the second
author and (DRL 1008282) awarded to Ronald Landis.

1. Azevedo, R., Feyzi-Behnagh, R., Harley, J., Trevors, G., Duffy, M., Bouchet, F.: MetaTu-
tor: A learning environment for the detection, tracking, modeling, and fostering self-
regulated learning. In: Azevedo, R., Aleven, V. (eds.) International Handbook of Meta-
cognition and Learning Technologies. Springer, Amsterdam (in press)
Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case
Studies for Professional Ethics Education

Mayya Sharipova and Gordon McCalla

University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science

Abstract. Analyzing case studies in a professional ethics course can

be quite challenging for students. To help, we have developed a system
called Umka that supports students in this analysis by: (i) directly cri-
tiquing the arguments of a student; and (ii) supporting collaboration
among multiple students. Umka achieves this support through the in-
teraction of a well-structured interface and the use of latent semantic
analysis (LSA). We conducted an experiment, which demonstrated that
this cross-interaction of the interface and LSA could be a promising way
to ”diagnose” a student’s argument even without full natural processing.

Keywords: ethics education, ill-defined domain, latent semantic anal-

ysis, supporting learner argumentation and discussion.

Introduction. Analysis of case studies is a common method in the teaching

of professional ethics. Students are given a certain case study representing some
ethical dilemma (the case description in Fig. 1), and several propositions - pos-
sible ways to resolve the dilemma of the case study (e.g. “Make a copy”,”Don’t
make a copy” in Fig. 1). A student’s task is to provide arguments for and against
propositions, and then to synthesize the arguments to find the best proposition.
The main challenge for an ITS supporting students in the analysis of case
studies is to “diagnose” arguments of students. Latent semantic analysis (LSA)
is one of the techniques used to evaluate students’ answers against predefined
system answers [1]. But LSA works as a “bag of words” model without deep
analysis of sentence structure, and therefore is not very effective in distinguishing
negative arguments from positive ones which is crucial for an ethics ITS. LSA also
usually assumes larger bodies of text than paragraph or sentence long arguments.
We show promising results for how the interface can help constrain the student
enough that LSA can work “in the small” to analyze arguments.

System’s Description and Experimental Results. To distinguish whether

a student makes an argument for or against a certain proposition, we incorpo-
rated a FOR and AGAINST distinction in the interface. We asked students
to provide arguments FOR in the left column of the table, and arguments
AGAINST in the right column (Figure 1). To give feedback to a student, the sys-
tem using LSA compares the student’s arguments from the FOR column against
the system predefined arguments FOR, and the student’s arguments from the
AGAINST column against the system predefined arguments AGAINST.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 653–654, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
654 M. Sharipova and G. McCalla

Fig. 1. A screenshot of the Umka system

To evaluate the effectiveness of the interaction of LSA and the interface in

finding good matches, we conducted an experiment with 23 students. The stu-
dents were asked to provide arguments related to a case study, and evaluate the
relevance of the system feedback given in response to their arguments. We found
that the interaction of LSA and the interface proved to be fairly effective, with an
average precision of LSA 0.5 when compared to human expert judgement, which
was around 4 times as high as the precision of random matching, and higher than
keyword search precision. Moreover, students found 62% of feedback messages

Conclusion. Our results look promising, but still leave the room for the im-
provement of the diagnosis of students’ arguments. Thus, future steps include
enhancing LSA with other methods such as textual entailment, and using stu-
dents’ arguments to tune the matching algorithm by finding different ways stu-
dents can phrase the same argument or even adding new students’ arguments
to the system. Improved diagnosis will allow more relevant feedback, and thus
more effectively support students in the analysis of case studies.

Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council of Canada for their funding of this research project.

1. Graesser, A., Lu, S., Jackson, G., Mitchell, H., Ventura, M., Olney, A., Louwerse, M.:
Autotutor: A tutor with dialogue in natural language. Behavior Research Methods
36(2), 180–192 (2004)
Evaluating the Automatic Extraction of Learning
Objects from Electronic Textbooks Using

Mikel Larrañaga, Ángel Conde, Iñaki Calvo,

Ana Arruarte, and Jon A. Elorriaga

University of the Basque Country


Abstract. Content reuse is one of the major concerns in the Technology

Enhanced Learning community. ErauzOnt is a system that uses Natural
Language Processing techniques, heuristic reasoning, and ontologies to
generate Learning Objects from textbooks. It has been tested with sev-
eral textbooks written in the Basque language in order to evaluate the
automatic construction of Learning Objects.

Keywords: Learning Objects, Content Authoring.

1 Introduction

Technology Supported Learning Systems (TSLSs) require an appropriate repre-

sentation of the knowledge to be learnt, that is the Domain Module. Content
authoring is known to be an effort and time consuming task and, therefore,
knowledge reuse and semi-automatic content authoring should be promoted.
Textbooks, one of the traditional knowledge preserving and transferring means,
can be used to gather the knowledge required to build Domain Modules.
Content reuse has been addressed by several projects with the aim of fa-
cilitating the development of TSLSs or learning material [1,3]. ErauzOnt was
developed to facilitate the construction of Learning Objects (LOs) from text-
books. The generation of LOs for the domain topics is accomplished through
the identification and extraction of Didactic Resources (DRs), i.e., consistent
fragments of the document related to one or more topics with a educational pur-
pose. ErauzOnt [2] identifies and extracts these pieces using ontologies, heuristic
reasoning, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.

2 Experiment

ErauzOnt has been tested over 4 textbooks on Nature Sciences written in Basque
with the aim of validating the extraction of LOs from electronic textbooks. The
experiment for evaluating ErauzOnt was carried out in the following way: four

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 655–656, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
656 M. Larrañaga et al.

instructional designers manually analysed the electronic textbooks, and collabo-

ratively defined the Learning Domain Ontology (LDO) that describes the learn-
ing domain for each document. The LDOs describes the topics to be mastered
and the pedagogical relationships among the topics. After that, they were re-
quested to identify and classify the fragments of the documents related to the
domain topics included in the LDOs with educational value. The instructional
designers collaboratively identified definitions, principle statements, examples,
problem statements, and combined resources, i.e., resources that combine more
than one kind of DR. The identified set of DRs was then used as the reference
for the evaluation of the performance of ErauzOnt, which relied on the LDOs
defined by the instructional designers for gathering the LOs from the textbooks.
The evaluation of the gathered LOs was carried out comparing the manually
identified DRs with the automatically gathered ones. Many of the manually
identified DRs also were composite fragments that contain finer grain resources.
An aspect to be considered to evaluate the gathered LOs is that while a LO
might be more appropriate in a particular context, one of its components or a
composite LO that comprises it might fit better and, therefore be more reusable,
in other situations. Table 1 summarises the results of the experiment, where the
LO acquisition process achieved a 70.31% recall, a 91.88% precision and a 79.66%
f-measure. LO acquisition achieved satisfying results, although the definitions,
principle statements and the composite LOs are more difficult to identify.

Table 1. Statistics on the LO Acquisition

Definitions Princ. Examples Prob. Composite Total

statements statements LOs
Recall (%) 59.70 50.00 87.50 81.90 59.46 70.31
Precision (%) 91.14 96.30 100.00 88.55 97.84 91.88
F-measure (%) 72.14 65.82 93.33 85.10 73.97 79.66

Acknowledgements. This work is supported by the University of The Basque

Country (UPV/EHU09/09), the Spanish Ministry of Education (TIN2009-14380),
and the Basque Government (IT421-10).

1. de Hoog, R., Barnard, Y., Wielinga, B.J.: IMAT: Re-using multi-media electronic
technical documentation for training. In: Roger, J.Y., Stanford-Smith, B., Kidd,
P.T. (eds.) Business and Work in the Information Society: New Technologies and
Applications, pp. 415–421. IOS Press (1999)
2. Larrañaga, M., Calvo, I., Elorriaga, J.A., Arruarte, A., Verbert, K., Duval, E.: Er-
auzOnt: A Framework for Gathering Learning Objects from Electronic Documents.
In: Proceedings of the ICALT 2011, pp. 656–658. IEEE Computer Society (2011)
3. Verbert, K., Ochoa, X., Duval, E.: The ALOCOM Framework: Towards Scalable
Content Reuse. Journal of Digital Information 9(1) (2008)
A Cognition-Based Game Platform and its Authoring
Environment for Learning Chinese Characters

Chao-Lin Liu1, Chia-Ying Lee2, Wei-Jie Huang3, Yu-Lin Tzeng4, and Chia-Ru Chou5
National Chengchi University, Taiwan,
Sinica Academia, Taiwan
chaolin@nccu.edu.tw, chiaying@sinica.edu.tw

Abstract. We present integrated services for playing and building games for
learning Chinese characters. This work is unique on two aspects: (1) students
play games that are designed based on psycholinguistic principles and (2)
teachers compile the games with software tools that are supported by sublexical
information in Chinese. Players of the games experience and learn the gra-
pheme-morpheme relationships underlying the writings and pronunciations of
Chinese characters. Both visual and audio stimuli are employed to enhance the
learning effects in the games. The software tools, utilizing structural knowledge
about Chinese characters, offer instrumental information to facilitate the com-
pilation of games. Preliminary studies with 116 participating students, in an
elementary school in Taipei, showed that students who were given a one-month
period to play the games improved their response time in naming tasks for
reading Chinese characters. In addition, evaluation of the authoring tools by 20
native speakers of Chinese indicated that using the tools significantly improved
the efficiency of preparing the games and the quality of the resulting games.

Keywords: grapheme-phoneme conversion, phonological components, serious

games, language-dependent authoring tools, visually similar Chinese characters.

Phono-semantic characters (PSCs, henceforth) constitute more than 60% of Chinese

characters in everyday lives. The writing of a PSC carries phonological and semantic

瀆 犢 牘
information with its phonological and semantic parts, respectively. For instance, “

”(du2), “ ”(du2), “ ”(du2), “ ”(du2) share the same phonological components
(PCs, henceforth), and contain different semantic parts. The PC, “ ” (mai4) on the

right sides, provide hints about the pronunciations of these characters, and the influ-

檢 撿 儉
ence of “ ” is consistent. A PC may and may not be a stand-alone character. The
characters “ ”(jian3), “ ”(jian3), and “ ”(jian3) share their PCs on their right
sides, but that PC is not a standalone Chinese character. A PC, when it is a stand-alone

賣 讀
character, may and may not be pronounced the same as those characters that contain

匋 淘
the PC. In the above examples, the pronunciations of “ ” and “ ” are different. In

陶 啕
contrast, “ ”(tou2) is a stand-alone character, and has the same pronunciation as “
”, “ ”, and “ ”. Despite these subtleties, learning the systematic influences of the
PCs on their carrying characters significantly reduces the burden to remember the
pronunciations of individual characters separately [1].

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 657–659, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
658 C.-L. Liu et al.

With the assistance of our software tools, teachers can compile games in the form

里 狸
that is illustrated on this page. Players see the target PC shown on the top of the screen,
“ ” (li3) in this game, and characters, “ ” (li2) in this snapshot, will randomly pop up
from any of the six holes. Players will hear the pronunciations of the characters (the
sound is played automatically to strengthen the connection between the pronunciation
and writing of the character), and they have to judge within a time limit whether or not
the character contains the target PC. If yes, as shown in this snapshot, the player has to
hit the monster with a mouse clip (or touch it on a flat panel computer). If no, the player
does not have to do anything. A sequence of 10 characters will be presented to the
players in a single game. Credits of players will be increased or decreased upon correct
or incorrect hits (or touches), respectively. If the players collect sufficient credits, s/he
will be allowed to play advanced games in which s/he learns how the characters are
used in normal Chinese text.
116 students in an elementary school in Taipei participated in an evaluation of the
games. Pretests and posttests were administered with (1) the Chinese Character Rec-
ognition Test (CCRT) and (2) the Rapid Automatized Naming Task (RAN). In CCRT,
participants needed to write the pronunciations in Jhuyin, which is a phonetic system
used in Taiwan, for 200 Chinese characters. The number of correctly written Jhuyins for
the characters was recorded. In RAN, participants read 20 Chinese characters as fast as
they could, and their speeds and accuracies were recorded. Experimental results show
that performance of the students, in the experimental group, improved significantly in
RAN speed (p-values <0.02) but remained almost the same in RAN and CCRT accu-
The content of a game includes characters that do and do not contain the target PC.
To have a way to control the challenge levels of the games, we require characters that
do not contain the target PC to exhibit varying attractiveness. Attractive distracters
make the game more challenging than those obviously unattractive ones. A character

that contains components that look like the target PC is such an attractive distracter.

玾 玾
Consider the game illustrated on the previous page. The character “ ”(li3) is a correct

character to click, while the character “ ” (jia3) is not. We consider “ ” a challenging
distracter because it looks like “ ”.
Listing sufficient characters that contain the target PC demands very impressive
memory about the writings of thousands of Chinese characters. It turns out that pro-
viding lists of attractive distracters are even more challenging. Experimental results
showed that even native speakers of Chinese cannot perform well in these tasks.
When authoring a game, the teacher chooses the correct characters for the game,

than s/he has to provide the attracters. Applying the techniques that we reported in [2],

we were able to assist teachers in both tasks. Consider the target PC “ ” again. Our
authoring tools can provide teachers the list “ ”
to use in the game as correct characters. Note that
these characters belong to different radicals and
have different pronunciations. Consequently, there
is no easy way to find them all with just a dictio-
nary, and our software tools are crucial. Moreover,

鈿鉀鍾 鋰 裸袖
we can recommend characters that look like the

嘿 裡 湮湩渭 浬 狎猥狠狙
correct characters, e.g., “ ” for “ ”, “

狸 黑墨 里
” for “ ”, “ ” for “ ”, “ ” for “
” , and “ ” for “ ”.
A Cognition-Based Game Platform and its Authoring Environment 659

We evaluated the authoring tools with 20 native speakers, each authoring games for
a list of 5 target PCs. The group that used our tools was able to finish the jobs two
times (on average) faster than those who did not, and the quality of the resulting
games were 50% better at the same time (p-values < 0.01).

Acknowledgment. This work was supported in part by NSC-100-2221-E-004-014 and

NSC-98-2517-S-004-001-MY3 projects of the National Science Council, Taiwan.


1. Lee, C.-Y., et al.: Consistency, regularity, and frequency effects in naming Chinese cha-
racters. Language and Linguistics 6(1), 75–107 (2005)
2. Liu, C.-L., et al.: Visually and phonologically similar characters in incorrect Chinese words:
Analyses, identification, and applications. ACM TALIP 10(2), 10:1–10:39 (2011)
Effects of Text and Visual Element Integration Schemes
on Online Reading Behaviors of Typical
and Struggling Readers

Robert P. Dolan and Sonya Powers

Pearson, Assessment & Information, 400 Center Ridge Rd., Austin, TX 78753 USA

Abstract. This study evaluates the effect of different design schemes for inte-
grating text and visual elements on student reading behaviors. Sixty three fourth
and seventh grade students were eye tracked during online reading of middle
school science passages embedded with pedagogically relevant visuals in the
form of diagrams and photographs. Results show that students’ viewing of vis-
uals can be influenced by both how the visuals are positioned and referred to in
text, and that this effect is most pronounced for struggling readers. These results
have strong implications for the design of online learning materials for diverse
students, and in informing adaptive approaches toward multimedia presentation.

Keywords: multimedia learning, eye tracking, reading behavior, instructional

design, adaptive learning.

1 Introduction
Struggling readers challenged by text decoding and/or comprehension have the most
to gain through effective use of visuals. The current study evaluated the impact of
different design schemes for integrating text and visual elements in multimedia learn-
ing on student reading behaviors, to understand how to design online learning system
layouts that are appropriately matched to individual students’ ongoing needs.

2 Methods
Seventh grade students were selected and designated as struggling or typical readers
based upon WIAT-II® reading scores. Typical fourth grade were similarly selected.
Students were shown five stimulus passages (one practice, four experimental). Stimu-
lus materials consisted of middle school general science content covering circulation,
senses, solar system, and storms. Three two-level stimulus factors were manipulated
across the four passages: reading level (at vs. ~3-4 grades above student’s reading
level, based on Lexiles™), layout linearity (visuals inline with text vs. sidelined), and
visual cueing (explicit vs. implicit; see Figure 1). Reading level and layout linearity
varied across passages, and visual cueing was varied across visuals within passages.
A randomized and counterbalanced stimulus display protocol was implemented.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 660–661, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Effects of Text and Visual Element Integration Schemes on Online Reading Behaviors 661

Inline Stimulus Sidelined Stimulus

Fig. 1. Two sample stimuli showing inline visuals (left) versus sidelined visuals (right). In each
stimulus, visuals are alternately implicitly and explicitly cued.

Data analysis consisted of several mixed-model analyses of variance used to com-

pute main effects and interactions of student group (between-subjects factor) with
reading level, cuing, and layout linearity (within-subjects factors). Follow-up tests
were used to investigate the source of differences when overall variance ratios were
significant (alpha=0.05).

3 Results
Complete, interpretable data were obtained for 23 typical fourth grade readers, 15
struggling seventh grade readers, and 25 typical seventh grade readers. Unless other-
wise noted, the following findings were significant at p<.05. Students spent 14.5% of
passage reading time viewing inline visuals and only 8.8% viewing sidelined visuals
(ES=.91σ). Struggling seventh grade readers were most impacted by inline integration
of visuals, with their viewing doubling from 6.5% to 13.9% (ES=1.31σ). These stu-
dents spent less time reading sidelined visuals than typical seventh grade readers
(6.5% vs. 10.8%; ES=.81σ). Students spent 12.0% of passage reading time viewing
explicitly cued visuals and only 11.3% viewing implicitly cued visuals (p=.057;
ES=.12σ). Passage reading level had no significant effect on the percentage of time
students viewed visuals, but did affect total passage reading time (250s for above
level, 222s for on level; ES=.34σ).

4 Conclusion
How visual elements are integrated with text in multimedia presentations can signifi-
cantly impact their use, especially by struggling readers who in general appear to
make less intentional use of visuals. These results suggest that adaptive tutoring sys-
tems might be enhanced by tracking and responding to student reading challenges,
for example by manipulating the placement and cueing of content and supports to
effectively steer students toward their use and thus promote comprehension and
Fadable Scaffolding with Cognitive Tool

Akihiro Kashihara and Makoto Ito

Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering,

The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Abstract. The main issue addressed in this paper is how to accumulate

cognitive experiences of learning with cognitive tool to develop learning skill.
Cognitive tool gives learners a scaffold for learning process, which allows them
to externalize/visualize the process or results of learning and to reify the learn-
ing process. Such reification enables the learners to gain cognitive experience
of learning. This paper discusses a fadable scaffolding method for accumulating
such experiences, in which functions available on the tool are fadable in a
learner-adaptable way.

Keywords: Fadable scaffolding, cognitive tool, skill development.

1 Introduction

Cognitive tool encourages learners to externalize/visualize the process or results of

learning to articulate their learning process in their mind. In general, cognitive tool is
designed by following a model of learning representing how to learn. It could accor-
dingly provide a scaffold for accomplishing the learning process as modeled. In
particular, the cognitive tool allows learners to reify the learning process by making
representation externalized/visualized on the tool operable and controllable. Such
reification enables them to gain cognitive experience of learning process modeled.
We also expect cognitive tool allows the learners to accumulate the cognitive expe-
riences to develop skill in accomplishing the learning process as modeled. On the
other hand, how to accumulate such experiences is an important issue towards devel-
oping the learning skill. One common method to resolving it is to induce learners to
continuously use cognitive tool. However, there is strong question as to whether the
continuous use allows them to develop their learning skill in a fruitful way.
In this paper, we present a fadable scaffolding method, in which functions availa-
ble on the tool can be faded in a learner-adaptable way.

2 Learning Skill Development with Cognitive Tool

The fadable scaffolding with cognitive tool is expected to produce the following two
performance effects on learning process. First, the learners could accomplish the
learning process in their mind without the cognitive tool. Second, they could become

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 662–663, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Fadable Scaffolding with Cognitive Tool 663

more skillful in using the tool, which would promote learning how to learn. We have
ascertained that fadable scaffolding induces learners to accomplish the learning
process without cognitive tools [1,2]. In this paper, we focus on how the fadable scaf-
folding method allows learners to become more skillful in using cognitive tool.
In the fadable scaffolding method, functions available on cognitive tool can be
faded according to learning skill. When learners get stuck in operating the tool with-
out the functions faded, these functions are once again available. In fading the func-
tions, the learners would carry on cognitive load of executing the learning process
without the aid of the functions faded, which would induce them to have more
chances to think of the learning process in their mind. Such cognitive load would
produce the effect that they could accomplish the learning process without the tool.
In addition, the learners are expected to reconfirm significance and values of the
faded functions when they get stuck in the learning process in their mind. Such recon-
firmation would give them a deeper understanding of the functions, which enables
them to become more skillful in operating the cognitive tool.
We have conducted a case study over 4 weeks with Interactive History [3] (IH for
short) that is a cognitive tool helping learners accomplish navigational learning with
hypertext-based resources. The results suggest the possibility that the fadable scaf-
folding induces learners to fade the functions of IH in a reasonable way and to be-
come more skillful in operating IH. In particular, the learners who are less skillful in
operating IH before using the fadable scaffolding could obtain more benefits to im-
prove the quality of navigational learning process.

3 Conclusion

This paper has presented fadable scaffolding with cognitive tool, which induces
learners to become more skillful in operating the tool to improve the quality of learn-
ing process. In future, we will conduct more detailed evaluation to refine the fadable
scaffolding method, and address adaptation issues in fadable scaffolding.

Acknowledgments. The work is supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific

Research (B) (No. 23300297) from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of

1. Kashihara, A., Sawazaki, K., Shinya, M.: Learner-Adaptable Scaffolding with Cognitive
Tool for Developing Self-Regulation Skill. In: Proceedings of 16th International Confe-
rence on Computers in Education, pp. 133–140 (2008)
2. Kashihara, A., Taira, K.: Developing Navigation Planning Skill with Learner-Adaptable
Scaffolding. In: Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Education, pp. 433–440 (2009)
3. Kashihara, A., Hasegawa, S.: A Model of Meta-Learning for Web-based Navigational
Learning. Int. J. Advanced Technology for Learning 2(4), 198–206 (2005)
Mediating Intelligence through Observation, Dependency
and Agency in Making Construals of Malaria

Meurig Beynon1 and Will Beynon2

Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
University Hospitals Leicester, Leicester, UK

Abstract. Achieving co-adaptation in building an Intelligent Tutoring System

(ITS) involves integrating machine and human perspectives on ‘knowledge’ and
‘intelligence’. We address this integration by using Empirical Modelling (EM)
principles to make construals: interactive environments in which human agents
acting as model-builders can explore the observation, dependency and agency
that underpins their understanding of the subject domain. This approach is well-
suited to domains such as medicine where reasoning draws both on scientific
knowledge and evolving human experience and judgement. We illustrate this by
developing construals of malaria using a web-based variant of the principal EM
tool that enables many agents to participate in the process of adaptation.

1 Introduction
In supporting co-adaptation in an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), the conceptual
framework surrounding ‘knowledge’ and ‘intelligence’ has a critical role. The well-
known problems of adapting software to meet new requirements suggest that
something richer than the conventional conceptual framework for computing
applications is appropriate. Where a traditional computing system is conceived as a
‘program’ that reflects a paradigm of ‘computational thinking’, Empirical Modelling
(EM) [1] proposes a broader perspective on computing based on the more primitive
notion of ‘construal’. A construal is an interactive environment in which a human
interpreter can experience metaphorical counterparts of the different states and
transitions between states they encounter in a phenomenon they wish to understand.
In this paper, we briefly discuss the use of construals to support learning activities
in which adaptation to new information or agent behaviours is essential, with specific
reference to medicine. A conventional ITS can give excellent support for medical
education where learning terminology, factual information and standard protocols is
concerned. But clinicians and researchers can also benefit from complementary
learning resources that help to develop informal and tacit knowledge that may guide
their judgement. A construal fulfils this role by inviting engagement from learners
with different goals, expertise, and experience. Rather than supplying definitive
answers, this activity stimulates questions, and forces the learner to reflect upon their
knowledge and experience. This is vital in medical education, where educators must
learn to cope with emerging science, evolving practice, and ever-changing contexts.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 664–665, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Mediating Intelligence through Observation, Dependency and Agency 665

2 Construals of Malaria
A potential application to medical education has been illustrated by developing online
construals of human malaria infection [2]. More details of the principles behind this
development, the construction process, and the relationship between construals and
traditional computer models are given in the full version of this poster paper [1].
Observables of many different kinds are associated with understanding malaria.
These can be classified according to the role of the modeller (e.g. clinician, medical
researcher, malaria patient), the nature of their observation, and the other agents
relevant to the modelling context (e.g. Plasmodium parasites and associated hosts).
Two principal construals for malaria infection have been developed: one specific for
P. Vivax and the other made generic. In making these construals, the modeller
potentially has the current status of many relevant observables in mind. These range
from the patient’s current temperature or likely haemoglobin to the current activity in
the blood and the biochemical interactions that are as-of-now occurring. Though it is
plausible that observables of all these kinds inform the modeller’s mental model, the
modeller cannot actually apprehend them all in one and the same state.
The constructed nature of the modeller’s perception of state highlights the
fundamental character of a construal, and its potential educational role. The
correspondence between the modeller’s experience of the construal and its referent is
always necessarily incomplete and in some aspects uncertain. This uncertainty is a
positive rather than an undesirable feature in the learning context. The modeller can
maintain the construal through carrying out exploratory interactions and rehearsing
interpretations. This activity provokes questions, and may lead them to qualify their
mental model in different ways, whether consolidating, refining, or softening the
perceived connection between the virtual and real world. Of their nature, construals
also echo the learning activity underlying the actual historical development of
understanding about malaria.

3 Conclusion
EM construals for medical education are still at an early stage of development. They
lack the computational ingenuity of techniques to support adaptation in conventional
ITSs, but have rich promise for adaptation and co-adaptation from the human
perspective. Suitably developed, EM tools may be a useful collaborative vehicle for
helping the many participants in the learning context to communicate, critique, refine
and share their mental models. They will also promote that blending of virtual and
real experience, of technical problem-solving with creative problematisation, and of
scientific and human perspectives that is vital to fields such as medicine.

1. Beynon, M., Beynon, W.: Construals as a Complement to Intelligent Tutoring Systems in
Medical Education, Computer Science RR #449, University of Warwick (2012)
2. (March 14, 2012),
Supporting Social Deliberative Skills in Online
Classroom Dialogues: Preliminary Results
Using Automated Text Analysis*

Tom Murray, Beverly Park Woolf,

Xiaoxi Xu, Stefanie Shipe, Scott Howard, and Leah Wing

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA


Abstract. We describe a study in which we tested features of online dialogue

software meant to scaffold "social deliberative skills." In addition to hand cod-
ing of the dialogue text we are exploring the use of automated text analysis
tools (LIWC and Coh-Metrix) to identify relevant features, and to be used in a
Facilitator Dashboard tool in development.

Keywords: online deliberation, social deliberative skills, text analysis.

Social Deliberative Skills. The capacity to deliberate with others about complex
issues where interlocutors have differing viewpoints is paramount for so many life
contexts, including citizen engagement, collaborative problem solving, knowledge
building, and negotiating needs in personal relationships. We use the term "social
deliberative skills" to point to a set of skills that are important to success in such deli-
berative contexts. Social deliberative skills include the skills of perspective-taking,
social inquiry (perspective-seeking), meta-dialog, and reflecting on how one's biases
and emotions are impacting a deliberative process. Our research is looking into how
to support higher quality deliberations in online contexts by supporting such skills.
We are investigating a number of deliberative contexts, including online dispute reso-
lution (for e-commerce, divorce settlements, and workplace disputes), online civic
engagement, and online discussion forums on topics of importance to participants
(including college students).
We are interested in supporting higher quality deliberations in both facilitated
(with mediators, arbitrators, moderators, etc.) and non-facilitated dialogues. For facili-
tated dialogues we are designing a Facilitator's Dashboard that will allow a facilitator
to get a birds-eye-view of one or more dialogues, and monitor key indicators to help
decide when and where to make useful interventions.
A key technology in our research is automated text analysis to characterize partici-
pant posts along a number of relevant dimensions, such as emotional tone, self-
reflection, topic abstraction, etc. We are investigating whether text analysis methods
developed by Pennabaker et al. (2007) and Graesser et al. (2011) can measure
An extended version of the paper can be found at www.tommurray.us/socialdeliberativeskills.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 666–668, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Supporting Social Deliberative Skills in Online Classroom Dialogues 667

characteristics relevant to supporting quality deliberation, so that this automated annal-

ysis can be used to provide real-time assessment of online dialogue.

Method. Forty college stu udents in students in an Alternative Dispute Mediattion

courses were assigned a serries of discussions to be had online. Students engaged iin a
sequence of three online diaalogues, one per week, over three weeks on topics that tthey
proposed as being controveersial and interesting: marijuana legalization, sexual chooic-
es, and capital punishment. For the online discussions we used the Mediem softw ware
created by Idealogue Inc., which has a discussion forum format with a numberr of
features to support deeper engagement
e and reflective dialogue.

Fig. 1. A,
A B: Mediem Sliders and Reflective Tools

Figure 1a shows the deetailed view of the Opinion Slider feature, which givees a
summary view of where paarticipants stand on an issue. Figure 2b illustrates the Sttory
feature, which gives particippants a special place to say how the issue at hand relatees to
them personally; the Conv versation Thermometer, a meta-dialogue tool that alloows
participants to rate (vote on
n) the quality of the conversation at any time, and the CCon-
tribution Tag feature, whicch allows participants to give brief comments on othher's
contributions. There were 3 experimental conditions: Condition V used the "vaniilla"
version of the software withh no reflective features; condition S used the Slider featuure,
and condition R used the other
o three Reflective features (but not the sliders). DData
sources included a post-survvey and records of text and tool use from the software.

Results. Data is still beingg processes and will be reported at the conference. We are
analyzing social network connectivity,
c post-survey data, human coding of the diaalo-
gue text, and automatic cod ding of the dialogue text. Initial analysis using ANOVA A to
measure differences betweeen the control and experimental groups looked promissing
but re-analysis using mixed d effects methods (including hierarchical linear modeliing)
negated some of the significance findings. Further inspection of the data showed tthat
students did not use the speecial features of the software as much as was hoped, andd we
are planning an additional study
s this spring to remedy that. Automoatic text analyysis,
especially that produced by b the LIWC system, showed promise for computatioonal
identification of features off the dialogue that would be of interest to facilitators in the
Facilitator Dashboard.
668 T. Murray et al.

Graesser, A.C., McNamara, D.S., Kulikowich, J.: Coh-Metrix: Providing multilevel analyses of
text characteristics. Educational Researcher 40(5), 223–234 (2011)
Pennebaker, J.W., Chung, C.K., Ireland, M., Gonzales, A.L., Booth, R.J.: The development and
psychometric properties of LIWC 2007, Austin, TX (2007), http://www.LIWC.net
Using Time Presssure to Promote Mathematical Fluenccy

Steve Ritter1, Tristan Nixon1, Derek Lomas2, John Stamper2, and Dixie Ching3
Carnegie Learning
r, tnixon}@carnegielearning.com
Carnegie Mellon University
mas@gmail.com, john@stamper.org
New York University

Abstract. Time pressu ure helps students practice efficient strategies. We report
strong effects from usiing games to promote fluency in mathematics.

Keywords: mathemattics, evaluation, educational games, fluency, retention,

number sense.

1 Introduction
There is a misperception th hat building fluency requires rote practice. Often, fluency
represents the ability to rappidly recognize and apply an appropriate strategy for soolv-
ing a problem [1]. For exam mple, when deciding whether is greater than , it is m more
efficient to picture pies thaan to form common denominators. The number sense de-
pends on developing these kinds
k of reasoning abilities.
Some students possess the appropriate mathematical knowledge to solve matthe-
matical problems but are relatively
r inflexible in their strategy selection and so ppick
inefficient (but correct) straategies [2]. The imposition of time pressure can force stu-
dents to consider alternativee strategies [3].

2 Game Framewo
Our experiments incorporatte three game “frameworks,” used for relative comparissons
(race), absolute magnitude (numberline)
( and equivalence (matching).

Fig. 1. Race. Students posi- Fig. 2. Numberline. Students Fig. 3. Matching. Studeents
tion the car relative to the identify the ship’s position discern equivalent and non-
lane dividers. on a numberline. equivalent items.

S.A. Cerri and B. Clancey (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 669–670, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
670 S. Ritter et al.

3 Evaluation

3.1 Participants and Method

Our evaluation was conducted at a small Catholic liberal arts university that focuses is
on women’s education. Sixteen of the 18 participants were women.
In each of five weeks, students played games for approximately one-half hour.
They took short paper-and-pencil pre- and post-tests before and after playing, as well
as a delayed test one week later. Tests were timed and designed to contain more ques-
tions than students could answer, so our main outcome is the number of questions
answered correctly.

3.2 Results and Discussion

Improvements are shown in Table 1. Effect sizes are quite large, ranging from 0.4 to
2.4, indicating that these results are not only significant but substantial.

Table 1. Mean (standard deviation) correct on immediate and delayed post tests. Pretest for
delayed post includes only students who took the delayed posttest. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ***
p < 0.001

Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 4 Ex. 5

Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Immediate 13.6 23.5*** 20.3 30.2*** 13.3 15.3 17.6 22.2** 6.3 7.4**
(5.9) (5.8) (4.8) (7.7) (4.6) (3.2) (7.6) (8.0) (2.7) (2.5)
Delayed 12.4 20.7** 19.3 34.0*** 13.2 14.2 17.3 22.4* 6.4 9.4 (2.8)
(3.8) (5.7) (5.3) (6.7) (4.7) (4.1) (8.1) (9.3) (2.8)

We may see such strong results because students are often not learning new strate-
gies. Instead, they are practicing ways of thinking about numbers that they already
possess but which have been infrequently accessed. Time pressure imposed in a game
context has promise to be a highly effective method for encouraging such practice.

1. Rittle-Johnson, B., Star, J.R.: Does comparing solution methods facilitate conceptual and
procedural knowledge? An experimental study on learning to solve equations. Journal of
Educational Psychology 99, 561–574 (2007)
2. Siegler, R.S.: Individual differences in strategy choices: Good Students, no-so-good stu-
dents, and perfectionists. Child Development 59, 833–851 (1988)
3. Siegler, R.S., Lemaire, P.: Older and younger adults’ strategy choices in multiplication:
Testing predictions of ASCM using the choice/no choice method. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General 126, 71–92 (1997)
Interoperability for ITS: An Ontology
of Learning Style Models

Judi McCuaig and Robert Gauthier

University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Abstract. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) often use information

about student learning style to inform the decision about what activity
or information to present to the learner.However, learning style models
are quite different from one another and are not interchangeable. This
paper discusses an ontology of learning style models that enables tutoring
systems to take advantage of learning styles information from multiple
learning style models.

Many different learning style models (LSM), each with a different specializa-
tion, are regularly used as components of intelligent tutoring systems. The large
number of models creates confusion over the definitions and results in a lack
of consistency [5, 1]. The design of the learning styles component of a tutoring
system tends to be customized to suit the learning style model chosen by devel-
opers, but a better scenario is that the learning style model is chosen to suit the
learning situation. However, LSMs are not modular because the relationships
between models are complex and there are inconsistencies in definitions [5, 1].
An ontology that defines the generalized elements of learning style models can be
used by an automated system to select the most suitable LSM based on learning
context, giving the intelligent system more flexibility in learner modelling.
The ontology was created by examining three learning style models: Felder
and Silvermans Learning Style Model[2], Kolbs Learning Style Index[4], and the
VARK Model[3]. Four common components were found: the learning style model,
the learning style dimension, the learning style stereotype, and the learner‘s
learning style which lead to four primary classes in the ontology: Learning Style
Models, Detection Methods, User Models, and Adaptations. A learner’s learning
style is a set of assignments that show where a learner lies on the continuum of
each dimension with respect to the stereotypes.
The ontology was populated with the three example learning style models,
example adaptation methods and the relationships between them. The ontol-
ogy can be used to differentiate between suitable adaptations by using multiple
learning style models. For example, the Felder and Silverman LSM suggests that
both audio and text are useful to a stereotypical verbal learner while the VARK
model suggests that audio is strongly connected to auditory learners and text is
strongly connected to reading/writing learners. A tutoring system that could use
both LSM models could easily make a choice between audio and text versions

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 671–672, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
672 J. McCuaig and R. Gauthier

of content given the stereotype score for a specific learner from both VARK and
Experimental participants were shown a learning preference profile for a hypo-
thetical student along with an instructional scenario. Two possible adaptations
were illustrated, with one indicated as the preferred solution. The participant
was asked to assess the validity of the preferred adaptation, given his/her under-
standing of the hypothetical learner’s learning preferences and the instructional
context. It was expected that participants would indicate that the ontology-
suggested adaptations as being valid more often than they would indicate the
other, randomly selected, adaptations were valid.
Precision scores were calculated in the traditional information retrieval fashion
by dividing the number of items by the total number available; in this case by
dividing the number of ’valids’ by the total number of trials. The expectation
was that the precision for the ontology-selected suggestions would be higher than
the precision for the randomly-selected suggestions.
Table 1 shows the results. With one exception, each participant’s precision
was greater for the ontology-based suggestions and the median precision score is
quite a bit larger for the ontology suggestions(.65 for ontology, .40 for random).
These results suggest that the ontology is able to facilitate good decision making
about adaptations when learning styles information comes from different learning
style models and when some of the LSM information is incomplete.

Table 1. Precision Values for Random and Ontology Suggestions

Random Ontology Random Ontology

Participant 1 0.75 1.00 Participant 5 0.38 0.67
Participant 2 0.43 0.50 Participant 6 0.33 0.63
Participant 3 0.80 0.50 Participant 7 0.20 0.33
Participant 4 0.33 1.00 Participant 8 0.67 0.80

[1] Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E., Ecclestone, K.: Learning styles and pedagogy in
post-16 learning (2004)
[2] Felder, R.M., Silverman, L.K.: Learning and teaching styles in engineering educa-
tion. Engineering Education 78(7), 674–681 (1988)
[3] Fleming, N.: VARK – a guide to learning styles (2010),
[4] Kolb, A.Y., Kolb, D.A.: The kolb learning style Inventory Version 3.1 2005 technical
specifications (2005)
[5] Reynolds, M.: Learning styles: A critique. Management Learning 28(2), 115–133
Skill Diaries: Can Periodic Self-assessment Improve
Students’ Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System?

Yanjin Long and Vincent Aleven

Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,

5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
ylong@cs.cmu.edu, aleven@cs.cmu.edu

Abstract. Metacognitive theories point out that self-assessment can facilitate

in-depth reflection and help direct effective self-regulated learning. Yet, not
much work has investigated the relationship between students’ self-assessment
and learning outcomes in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). This paper inves-
tigates this relationship with classrooms using the Geometry Cognitive Tutor.
We designed a skill diary that helps students take advantage of the tutor’s open
learner model to periodically self-assess their geometry skill. We investigated
whether it can support students’ self-assessment and learning. In an experiment
with 122 high school students, students in the experimental group were prompt-
ed periodically to fill out the skill diaries, whereas the control group answered
general questions that did not involve active self-assessment. The experimental
group performed better on a post-test of geometry skill. Further, the skill diaries
helped lower-performing students to significantly improve their self-assessment
accuracy and learning outcomes. This paper helps establish the important role
of self-assessment in enhancing students’ domain-level learning in ITSs.

Keywords: Skill diaries, periodic self-assessment, open learner model.

Self-assessment refers to students’ ability to evaluate their learning status (how well
they are learning/have learned). This paper investigates the relationship between self-
assessment and learning in an ITS in a classroom context in which students learn with
a Cognitive Tutor. Recently, many researchers have recognized the potential of Open
Learner Models (OLMs) to support students’ self-assessment and reflection [1]. Cog-
nitive Tutor has its own built-in OLM, called the “Skillometer,” which displays stu-
dents’ learning status in the form of skill bars. A previous study [2] illustrated that
simply presenting an OLM by itself may not be an effective way to support self-
assessment, and additional scaffolding may be necessary. Therefore, we created a
structured skill diary that prompts students to self-assess and reflect (aided by the
Skillometer) while they are learning in the tutor. We conducted an experiment to test
the hypothesis that periodically using the skill diaries can enhance both students’ self-
assessment accuracy and their learning of problem solving tasks in the ITS.
A total of 122 students participated and were randomly assigned to two conditions
(experimental vs. control) in the study. The experimental group periodically filled out
skill diaries during learning while the control group periodically answered general

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 673–674, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
674 Y. Long and V. Aleven

questions about the section of the tutor curriculum they were working on. Students
worked through four such sections in three class periods. Pre- and post-tests were
given to the students before and after the tutor sessions, each with two parts. In part I,
the to-be-solved problems were shown to the students, and the students were asked to
indicate on a 7-point Likert scale: “How confident are you that you can solve this
problem”. In part II, students actually solved the problems. We gathered complete
data for 95 students, and analyzed students’ pre-test and post-test performance, Cog-
nitive Tutor log data and self-assessment accuracy.
Overall, both groups improved significantly from pre- to post-test (repeated meas-
ures ANOVA, F(1, 93) = 13.103, p = .000), but the two groups did not differ signifi-
cantly on the pre-test nor the post-test. We then divided the test items into two catego-
ries: reproduction (isomorphic to the problems in the tutor) and transfer problems. We
found that the experimental group did significantly better than the control group on
the reproduction problems on post-test (F(1, 93) = 3.861, p = .052), but we found no
significant difference between two groups on transfer problems (F(1, 93) = .056, p =
.814)1. We also divided students into higher/lower performing groups based on their
pre-test performance. We found that the lower-performing students’ self-assessment
accuracy and their test performance on reproduction problems improved significantly
from pre- to post-test. Further, analysis of Cognitive Tutor log data revealed that the
experimental group students asked for fewer hints but spent more time on each hint.
They also made fewer incorrect attempts and spent less time on each step in more
difficult tutor sections.
The results suggest that the skill diary can help break students’ illusion of knowing,
and bringing students’ attention to unlearned content leads to more deliberate use of
help from the tutor. The skill diary also may help keep students alert and motivated to
focus on learning. This work helps to empirically establish the important role of self-
assessment in enhancing students’ learning from problem-solving tasks in ITSs, and
suggests an effective way of increasing students’ self-assessment accuracy.

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the participating teachers and students.

This work was funded by an NSF grant to the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center
(NSF Award SBE0354420).

1. Bull, S.: Supporting Learning with Open Learner Models. In: 4th Hellenic Conference: In-
formation and Communication Technologies in Education, Athens (2004)
2. Long, Y., Aleven, V.: Students’ Understanding of Their Student Model. In: Biswas, G.,
Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (eds.) AIED 2011. LNCS, vol. 6738, pp. 179–186. Springer,
Heidelberg (2011)

When pre-test score was used as co-variate, the difference between two groups on reproduc-
tion problems was on the borderline of significance (F(1, 92) = 2.747, p = .101).
An Optimal Assessment of Natural Language Student
Input Using Word-to-Word Similarity Metrics

Vasile Rus and Mihai Lintean

Department of Computer Science, The University of Memphis

Memphis, TN, 38152, USA

Abstract. We address in this paper the important task of assessing natural

language student input in dialogue-based intelligent tutoring systems. Student
input, in the form of dialogue turns called contributions must be understood in
order to build an accurate student model which in turn is important for
providing adequate feedback and scaffolding. We present a novel, optimal
semantic similarity approach based on word-to-word similarity metrics and
compare it with a greedy method as well as with a baseline method on one data
set from the intelligent tutoring system, AutoTutor.

Keywords: intelligent tutoring, optimal lexico-semantic matching.

1 Background and Results

We model the problem of assessing natural language student input in tutoring systems
as a paraphrase identification problem. That is, we have to decide whether a student
input has the same meaning as an expert answer. The student input assessment
problem has been also modeled as a textual entailment task in the past [1].
Our novel method to assess a student contribution against an expert-generated
answer relies on the compositionality principle and the sailor assignment algorithm
that was proposed to solve the assignment problem, a well-known combinatorial
optimization problem [2]. The sailor assignment algorithm optimally assigns sailors to
ships based on the fitness of the sailors’ skills to the ships’ needs. In our case, we
would like to optimally match words in the student input (the sailors) to words in the
expert-generated answer (the ships) based on how well the words in student input (the
sailors) fit the words in the expert answer (the ships). The fitness between the words
is nothing else but their similarity according to some metric of word similarity.
The methods proposed so far that rely on the principle of compositionality to
compute the semantic similarity of longer texts have been primarily greedy methods.
To the best of our knowledge, nobody proposed an optimal solution based on the
principle of compositionality and word-to-word similarity metrics (from the WordNet
Similarity package) for the student input assessment problem. It should be noted that
the optimal method is generally applicable to compute the similarity of any two texts.
The AutoTutor dataset we used contains 125 student contribution – expert answer
pairs and the correct paraphrase judgment, TRUE or FALSE, as assigned by human

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 675–676, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
676 V. Rus and M. Lintean

experts. The target domain is conceptual physics. The dataset contains 36 FALSE and
89 TRUE entailment pairs, i.e. a 28.8% versus 71.2% split (see [1] for details).
To evaluate the performance of our methods, we compare the methods’ judgments
with the expert judgments. The percentage of matching judgments provides the
accuracy of the run, i.e. the fraction of correct responses. We also report kappa
statistics which indicate agreement between our methods’ output and the human-
expert judgments for each instance while taking into account chance agreement.
Tables 1 summarizes the results on the original AutoTutor data (from Rus &
Graesser, 2006; Table 1). Since the AutoTutor dataset is small, we only report results
on it as a whole, i.e. only training. We also report a baseline method of guessing all
the time the dominant class in the dataset (which is TRUE paraphrase for all three
datasets) and a pure greedy method (Greedy label in the first column of the tables).
Overall, the optimum method offered better performance in terms of accuracy and
kappa statistics. One reason for why they are so closed is that in optimum matching
we have one-to-one word matches while in the greedy matching many-to-one matches
are possible. Another reason for why the raw scores are close for greedy and optimum
is the fact that student input and expert answers in both the AutoTutor and ULPC
corpora are sharing many words in common (>.50). This is the case because the
dialogue is highly contextualized around a given, e.g. physics, problem. In the
answer, both students and experts refer to the entities and interactions in the problem
statement which leads to high identical word overlap. Identical words lead to perfect
word-to-word similarity scores (=1.00) increasing the overall similarity score of the
two sentences in both the greedy and optimum method.

Table 1. Accuracy/kappa on AutoTutor data (* indicates statistical significance over the

baseline method at p<0.005 level)

Baseline .712 .712 .712 .712 .712 .712 .712

Greedy .736/.153 .752/.204 .760/.298 .744/.365 .752/.221 .744/.354 .760/.298
Optimal .744/.236 .752/.204 .760/.298 .744/.221 .752/.334 .752/.204 .784*/.409*

Acknowledgments. This research was supported in part by the Institute for Education
Sciences under award R305A100875.

1. Rus, V., Graesser, A.C.: Deeper Natural Language Processing for Evaluating Student
Answers in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-First National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2006 (2006)
2. Kuhn, H.W.: The Hungarian Method for the assignment problem. Naval Research Logistics
Quarterly 2, 83–97 (1955); Kuhn’s original publication
3. Graesser, A., Olney, A., Hayes, B.C., Chipman, P.: Autotutor: A cognitive system that
simulates a tutor that facilitates learning through mixed-initiative dialogue. In: Cognitive
Systems: Human Cognitive Models in System Design. Erlbaum, Mahwah (2005)
Facilitating Co-adaptation of Technology and Education
through the Creation of an Open-Source Repository
of Interoperable Code

Philip I. Pavlik Jr., Jaclyn Maass, Vasile Rus, and Andrew M. Olney

University Of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA


Abstract. Co-adaptation of technology and education is a daunting challenge

because of the limited resources available to individual researchers. Without
keeping ITS systems runnable on the latest computing platforms, the education-
al technology we develop will become obsolete by default. Without keeping
ITS systems current with the latest advances in experimentation and educational
research, our educational technology will become obsolete by design. To simul-
taneously address these challenges, we propose the creation of an open-source
research consortium focused on educational code-sharing that will speed the
co-adaptation of technology and education, allow for more cumulative progress
in our discipline, and result in faster progress for individual projects
and researchers.

Keywords: co-adaptation, intelligent tutoring systems, e-learning, instructional


1 Introduction
The evolution of ITS work hinges on the co-adaptive relationship between education
and technology. Educational theories are tested and validated through experimenta-
tion, and are manifested in some form of technology or task that provides the exam-
ples of that theory in action. Once a technology is validated by this sort of grounded
experimentation, it can be applied within the classroom. However, if that technology
is to have a broad effect in various educational environments, it must be generalized
by providing multiple examples of its instantiation in different contexts. It is this
progressive cycle of the experimental validation and adoption of new technologies for
learning that drives ITS research. Unfortunately, because of the difficulty of genera-
lizing the technological products, this co-adaptation of education and technology can
move very slowly.
As early as 1998, Ritter and Blessing identified a key way to speed up this process,
which was to design educational systems with a component-architecture according to
unified standards that would allow these systems to work together. In their vision, one
way to do this was with off-the-shelf components integrated through translation tools
such as those presented in their paper [1]. Their vision is very similar to what we
propose: to form specific standards for communication by bringing together

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 677–678, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
678 P.I. Pavlik et al.

researchers from around the world in a consortium and then provide a community
infrastructure to support these standards. This Consortium for Open-source Devel-
opment of Educational Software (CODES) will create a repository of interopera-
ble/standardized code to foster communication and cooperation between sub-
disciplines within the educational software research community.
We are not the first to consider the need for this community portal for sharing and
finding educational software [2], but we are the first to attempt to create a consortium
with the combination of the three following critical features. First, our proposed solu-
tion will create a new repository of standardized educational software code in order to
enhance and accelerate research. A second important merit of the overall proposal
will be the unification of the scientific effort (a function of the standardization) within
the educational software community, which will provide similar benefits to those
discussed by Allen Newell [3] in the context of unified models of cognition. Third,
our proposal will, to enhance adoption, use a beginner-friendly application develop-
ment approach instantiated by a final product that offers the researcher both individu-
al components and full running examples of educational systems which the researcher
can modify, improve, and dissect rather than having to start from scratch. Overall, the
sharing, unification, and beginner friendly approach fostered by this proposal will
enable faster development, allow for more constrained validation of theories, and
encourage participation in our field.

2 Conclusion

We advocate a radical solution to the challenges of co-adaptation of education and

technology. We have proposed that the field as a whole should move away from fully
independent bodies of research towards the goals of greater technological and theoret-
ical unification. Our aim is to engage the community in creating the standards neces-
sary for such unification, as well as helping to build, share, and continuously improve
educational software through the open-source projects advocated by this proposal.
Such an integrated effort specifically fosters co-adaptation of education and technolo-
gy by grounding theoretical educational developments in specific shared technologies,
and conversely, by bootstrapping the adoption of new technologies in education with
much greater speed than has previously been possible.

1. Ritter, S., Blessing, S.B.: Authoring Tools for Component-Based Learning Environments.
The Journal of the Learning Sciences 7, 107–132 (1998)
2. Holton, D.L.: Toward a Nation of Educoders: A Roadmap for Sustainably Boradening and
Improving Open Source Educational Software. In: Burton, B.J. (ed.) Open-Source Solutions
in Education: Theory and Practice, pp. 47–61. Informing Science Press, Santa Rosa (2010)
3. Newell, A.: Unified Theories of Cognition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (1990)
A Low-Cost Scalable Solution for Monitoring Affective
State of Students in E-learning Environment
Using Mouse and Keystroke Data

Po-Ming Lee1, Wei-Hsuan Tsui2, and Tzu-Chien Hsiao1,2,*

Institute of Computer Science and Engineering,
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, College of Computer Science,
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Abstract. This study proposed a user-independent intelligent system that re-

ports the affective state of students in a non-intrusive and low-cost manner by
utilizing mouse record and keystroke data collected in dynamic world. A scala-
ble client-server architecture for student affective state monitoring in e-learning
environment is also demonstrated.

Keywords: E-learning, Affect Detection, Keystroke, Mouse Record, Client-

Server Architecture.

A Low-Cost and Scalable System for Affect Monitoring (LSAM) is proposed based on a
recent proposed affect recognition technique [1]. We designed a scenario that in an e-
learning environment, an eTutor/eLecturer teaching, for example, C# programming, can
use the computer to give the lecture, and also inquire the emotional status of students
which stayed at home simultaneously. The affective information of students, whenever
feeling bored, being frustrated, or being excited, can be resolved and transmitted to the
lecturer without bothering the students in changing the manner of using the ordinary
devices, or bothering on remembering to setup and turn on additional devices. Based on
the provided information, the lecturer can control the challenge level of materials by for
example, decreasing the speed in teaching, or giving more examples for the described
concept. By using LSAM, the maintenance on optimal experience of learning of students
become feasible [2]. The Figure 1 illustrates the user interface that was displayed on the
screen used by the lecturer. The content used for presentation is displayed in the middle,
and the affective information of students is displayed in message boxes. The onset of the
message boxes was configured to notify the lecturer by displaying the affective status of
student and also a video capture from video camera (if available) only when extreme
emotional responses occur.
The Figure 1 also illustrated the system architecture of LSAM. The client in LSAM
can be a personal computer or a laptop, the LSAM client side software for Tablet PCs
may also be implemented because of the similar function provides by touch panel and

Corresponding Author.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 679–680, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
680 P.-M. Lee, W.-H. Tssui, and T.-C. Hsiao

Fig. 1. The user interface the lecturer

l sees on the monitor and the system architecture of LSA

mouse; the data collected from

fr touch panel contains the affective information as wwell
as mouse movement data does.
d The software installed for LSAM client is run in the
background and starts everyy time in the beginning of the startup of the operating ssys-
tem, the keystroke and mou use movement data is collected all the time in a time reeso-
lution of 100 nanoseconds.

Acknowledgements. This work was fully supported by Taiwan National Scieence

Council under Grant Numb ber: NSC-100-2220-E-009-041 and NSC-100-2627-E-0010-
upported in part by the UST-UCSD International Centerr of
001. This work was also su
Excellence in Advanced Bioengineering sponsored by the Taiwan National Scieence
Council I-RiCE Program unnder Grant Number: NSC-100-2911-I-009-101.

1. Epp, C., Lippold, M., Maandryk, R.L.: Identifying emotional states using keystroke dynnam-
ics. In: Proceedings of thee 2011 Annual Conference on Human factors in Computing S Sys-
tems, pp. 715–724. ACM,, Vancouver (2011)
2. Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Fllow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennnial
Modern Classics (2008)
Impact of an Adaptive Tutorial on Student Learning

Fethi A. Inan1, Fatih Ari1, Raymond Flores2, Amani Zaier1, and Ismahan Arslan-Ari1
Educational Instructional Technology, Texas Tech University, USA
Middle/Secondary Level Mathematics Education, Wichita State University, USA

Abstract. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of an adaptive tutorial

on college students’ learning outcomes, mainly, learning performance, motiva-
tion, and study time. Two versions of the tutorial were developed; adaptive and
non-adaptive. A total of 134 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to
adaptive (n=74) or non-adaptive (n=60). Our results revealed that the adaptive
group had a significantly higher knowledge gains than the non-adaptive group.

Keywords: Adaptive Web-Based Learning Environment, Individual Differenc-

es, Adaptive Instruction, Adaptive Hypermedia, Online Learning.

1 Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of an adaptive web-based tu-
torial on students’ performances, motivation and learning time. Two versions of the
tutorial were developed; adaptive and non-adaptive. The main question we sought to
answer was which groups (adaptive and non-adaptive) would achieve the maximum
benefit from the tutorial. The independent variable was the group and the dependent
measures were knowledge, motivation, and learning time.

2 Participants
A total of 134 undergraduate students (79 females and 55 males) were randomly as-
signed by computer to adaptive (n=74) or non-adaptive (n=60). Participants came
from six sections of an undergraduate introductory technology course in a large
southwestern American university. Students came from different disciplines such as
Exercise and Sports Science, Sociology, Rehabilitation, etc. and their ages ranged
from 18 and 40 with a median age of 19.

3 Adaptive Tutorial
A web-based adaptive tutorial on basic introductory statistics was developed by utiliz-
ing adaptive hypermedia methods with strategies proposed by instructional theory and
motivation models [1]. Once students enter the tutorial, their prior knowledge and
motivation levels were assessed. Based on gathered data, the adaptive tutorial auto-

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 681–682, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
682 F.A. Inan et al.

matically incorporated relevant adaptive strategies and provided appropriate content

and examples to corresponding clusters. Once students finish the tutorial, their know-
ledge and motivation levels were assessed again.

4 Data Collection and Instruments

• Achievement was measured using a locally developed 20 item multiple choice
instrument over the introductory statistics topics covered in the tutorial.
• Items adapted from the Instructional Materials Motivational Scale (IMMS) were
used to measure student motivation level [2]. Cronbach’s alpha for the IMMS
ranged from .61 to .81 [2].
• System logs were used to analyze the time spent on task.

5 Results
A series of ANOVAs and ANCOVAs were conducted to answer the research ques-
tions. Results revealed that there was a significant difference between adaptive (M=
6.63; SD=2.50) and non-adaptive (M= 5.20; SD=2.51) groups in terms of knowledge
differences, F(1,131)=10.299, p=.002. However, there was no significant difference in
terms of student post motivation scores. In addition, the students in the adaptive group
spent significantly more time on the tutorial then the students in the non-adaptive
group, F(1,132)=4.249, p=.041.

Acknowledgements. This research study was funded by grants from Texas Tech
University College of Education and EDUCAUSE through the Next Generation
Learning Challenges.

1. Inan, F.A., Flores, R., Ari, F., Arslan-Ari, I.: Towards Individualized Online Learning: The
Design and Development of an Adaptive Web Based Learning Environment. Journal of In-
teractive Learning Research 12(4), 467–489 (2011)
2. Keller, J.M.: Development and use of the ARCS model of instructional design. Journal of
Instructional Development 10(3), 2–10 (1987)
Technology Enhanced Learning Program That Makes
Thinking the Outside to Train Meta-cognitive Skill
through Knowledge Co-creation Discussion

Kazuhisa Seta1, Liang Cui2, Mitsuru Ikeda2, and Noriyuki Matsuda3

1-1, Naka-ku, Gakuen-cho, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531, Japan
1-1, Asahi-dai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1292, Japan
Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city 640-8510, Japan
seta@mi.s.osakafu-u.ac.jp, {cui-liang,ikeda}@jaist.ac.jp,

Abstract. We aim at developing a semester course to train thinking skills for 1st
year bachelor students who just entered a university. Our goal in the educational
program is to let learners perceive the isomorphism between thinking process
for self-dialogue and one for discussion, and motivate them to learn the logical
structure of self-dialogue through workshop and to acquire meta-cognition ab-
ilities through leading the discussion. We give knowledge co-creation task with
a case that requires them to perform their meta-cognitive activities.

Keywords: meta-cognition, make thinking outside, knowledge co-creation dis-

cussion, isomorphism between thinking process for self-dialogue and one for
discussion, collaborative learning.

1 Introduction

In our research, we aim at developing a semester lecture course to train thinking skills
for 1st year bachelor students who just entered a university. Training of meta-
cognitive skill is not embedded into the current school curriculum, in general,
although it is trained by displaying the skill: they do not tend to be aware of the ne-
cessity to consciously monitor and control their own thinking processes. Needless to
say, the earlier learners are able to be aware of the necessity of conducting “thinking
about thinking,” the more they will learn knowledge in depth in the university: it
changes their learning processes and/or study habit [1, 2].
We give knowledge co-creation task with a case that requires them to perform their
meta-cognitive activities. The learning materials in this educational program are: An
educational software to support learners to examine their thinking processes for self-
dialogue: Sizhi, textbook to explain the details of the workshop, and a collection of
reports/questionnaires that stimulate learners’ meta-level thinking on their thinking

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 683–684, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
684 K. Seta et al.

2 Knowledge Co-creation Workshop Using Sizhi in the Lecture


The Sizhi (Fig. 1) is a learning environment designed for developing the learner’s
ability to conduct logical thinking for self-dialogue and to appropriately reflect on
ones’ thinking process by oneself. We measured the learners’ self-evaluation of how
efficiently they have been using thinking skills, and how motivated they learn think-
ing skills are (cognition of importance). The learners answered about the Target
which is related with knowledge building, and the Distracter (finding flaws in one-
self). As a result, we found the Target became higher, and the Distracter became low-
er as the program progressed.

Three Phases of Thinking

Process in Self-dialogue

Tag Reference

Fig. 1. A Screen Image of Sizhi (Description Phase)

3 Concluding Remarks

We overviewed a thinking skill development program using Sizhi. We gained the

favorable data that reveals the intended educational benefits.

1. Brown, A.L., Bransford, J.D., Ferrara, R.A., Campione, J.C.: Learning, Remembering, and
Understanding. In: Markman, E.M., Flavell, J.H. (eds.) Handbook of Child Psychology,
Cognitive Development, vol. 3, pp. 515–529. Wiley, New York (1983)
2. Flavell, J.H.: Metacognitive aspects of problem solving. In: Resnick, L. (ed.) The Nature
of Intelligence, pp. 231–235. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale (1976)
Open Student Models to Enhance Blended-Learning

Maite Martín1, Ainhoa Álvarez1, David Reina1, Isabel Fernández-Castro1,

Maite Urretavizcaya1, and Susan Bull2
Department of Languages and Computer Systems
University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain
Elec., Elec. and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Birmingham, UK

Abstract. This work describes some experiences developed with the aim of
evaluating the usefulness of opening student models in blended learning
contexts. We have enriched the Student Model of the MAgAdI learning
environment and opened it to both students and teachers. The preliminary
results show that the former improve their reflection ability while the latter
receive support to plan and monitor the students' learning process.

Keywords: open student model, user-dependent model views, blended model.

1 Interactions in Student Model for Feedback

Current educational trends increasingly involve the blended use of
technological/social environments (Blended-Learning) to improve learning. Our
hypothesis is that the more rich, fluent and accessible the interaction information is
for students and teachers, the better the students’ learning results are likely to be.
Therefore, we propose to enrich the explicit student model of the computer
environment with interaction information [1]; and then opening/showing it to both
teachers and students in order to improve students’ learning and the adaptation of
teachers to students’ needs. Thus, we have provided a visual representation for the
student model to cover four learning objectives [2]: encourage reflection, plan &
monitor the learning process, enable students to navigate the learning system and
increase the accuracy of the Student Model data.
Some experiences have been developed about extending the MAgAdI environment
[3], so that teachers and students can use editing/visualization tools to access its Open
Student Model (OSM). The model contains personal characteristics, learning
preferences and a layered overlay model with knowledge levels and properties of the
acquisition process of each element. The opening mechanism consists of graphical
organization tools, temporal measurements, color codes, representative icons, skill
meters and visibility tools. Additionally, as described in [4] and to answer students'
requests, the OSM has been enriched with students’ answers to evaluation resources.
OSM can be accessed directly by students, and also can provide personalized
contextual information to enrich the student learning environment. In the direct use,
students follow a topic tree structure to access information of specific courses

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 685–686, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
686 M. Martín et al.

(reflection and plan&monitor). However, the contextual information provided

depends on the learning situation. So, when a task is scheduled for the student, the
definition of the task is shown together with his/her knowledge level of the task’s
requisites (navigation and plan&monitor). Otherwise, when the student is
working freely, the colors on the topic tree show the student’s knowledge level of
every topic and the state of every evaluation resource: passed, failed or not tried
Concerning teachers, the aim of OSM is to produce a strong cohesion among
learning strategies, be these promoted by teachers or by MAgAdI. To facilitate this,
OSM allows teachers inspection (reflection) and provides updating mechanisms
(accuracy). Besides, OSM helps teachers to plan following face-to-face (F2F) lessons
and to monitor and guide the students' learning process (plan & monitor).

2 Evaluation and Conclusions

OSM evaluation experiences started in December 2010, in the “Data Base
Development” course (Univ. of the Basque Country) with 18 students and their
teacher. Those experiences tried to discover main usefulness and usability
deficiencies; in addition, they explored the effects on teacher lectures’ adaptation.
Students attended to regular F2F lectures and used MAgAdI as a support for course
revision prior to the first semester exam.
A students' survey and an interview with the teacher were carried out to obtain
opinions about both the information accessible and the usability of the interface. The
results were promising with both types of user; overall, the teacher found it interesting
and very useful to access the OSM. However work remains on issues such as group
information, shared information and privacy. Most of the students (94%) found that
the tool was easy to use and that the functionality of seeing the learning activities
together with the results obtained was very interesting. They stated also that including
the performance feedback gives them trust in the OSM. Finally, students requested for
information about the class and peers’ performance. Therefore, a Student Group
Model design is included in our research agenda.

Acknowledgments. This work has been partially supported by Spanish MEC

TIN2009-14380 and the Basque Government IT421-10.

1. Martín, M., Álvarez, A., Fernández-Castro, I., Reina, D., Urretavizcaya, M.: Experiences
in Visualizing the Analysis of Blended-Learning Interactions to Support Teachers. In: Int.
Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2011), pp. 265–266 (2011)
2. Bull, S., Kay, J.: Student Models that Invite the Learner. In: The SMILI Open Learner
Modelling Framework. Int. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, vol. 17, pp. 89–
120 (2007)
3. Álvarez, A., Ruíz, S., Martín, M., Fernández-Castro, I., Urretavizcaya, M.: MAGADI: a
Blended-Learning Framework for Overall Learning. In: Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence
in Education (AIED 2009), pp. 557–564. IOS Press (2009)
4. Lazarinis, F., Retalis, S.: Analyze Me: Open Learner Model in an Adaptive Web Testing
System. Int. J. Artif. Intell. Ed. 17, 255 (2007)
ZooQuest: A Mobile Game-Based Learning Application
for Fifth Graders

Gerard Veenhof, Jacobijn Sandberg, and Marinus Maris

University of Amsterdam, Informatics Institute


Abstract. This study examined ZooQuest, a mobile game that supported fifth
graders in the process of learning English as a second language. ZooQuest em-
bedded the Mobile English Learning (MEL) application and was compared to
MEL as a stand-alone application. Two groups were compared in a quasi-
experimental pre- and posttest design. Fifth graders that used the ZooQuest ap-
plication spent more time on learning at home than fifth graders that used the
MEL application and obtained significant better learning results on the posttest
than they did on the pretest. The ZooQuest application demonstrated its benefits
in the practice of language learning outside school.

Keywords: mobile learning, serious games, motivation, informal learning.

1 Introduction
The study Mobile English Learning (MEL) by Sandberg et al. (2011) demonstrated
that fifth graders are motivated to learn with a mobile application on voluntary basis.
Sandberg et al. (2011) concluded that formal learning at school can be enhanced by
informal mobile learning, outside school. Although using the MEL application re-
sulted in significant learning gains, within 15 days of monitoring, the number of stu-
dents using the application decreased, as well as the average playtime per student. A
mobile application in the style of a serious game can offer learning opportunities to
keep the learner engaged and motivated. This study investigated the added value of
embedding the original MEL application in a game called ZooQuest.

2 Method
A game-based learning environment depends on its structural design that is formed by
different game characteristics Garris, Ahlers & Driskell (2002) categorized various
game characteristics in terms of 6 broad dimensions: fantasy, rules/goals, sensory
stimuli, challenge, mystery and control. The dimensions were incorporated in Zoo-
Quest, which added a surrounding game layer to the MEL application. The question
central to this study was whether the ZooQuest application lead to better learning
results and more motivation compared to usage of the MEL application.
A quasi-experimental pre- and posttest design was adopted. Two groups of
students were compared. Each group represented a specific condition. The first

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 687–688, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
688 G. Veenhof, J. Sandberg, and M. Maris

condition, a control condition, was derived from the initial MEL experiment. Condi-
tion 1 consisted of students that 1) took English lessons at school and 2) used the
MEL application at the zoo and 3) used the MEL application at home for 2 weeks.
Condition 2 consisted of students that solely used the ZooQuest application at home
for 2 weeks. The study involved a total of 43 fifth graders (27 boys, 22 girls) from 2
different primary schools. Ages ranged from 8-10. The pre- and posttest consisted an
English vocabulary test that measured passive and active English word knowledge of
the students. The test relied on 50 target words divided over 6 categories: animal
names, animal habitat, animal, animal characteristics, animal behavior and ‘abstract’
During the 2 week learning phase, subjects in both conditions received a personal
smartphone with either the MEL application or the ZooQuest application.

3 Results

A dependent samples t-test explained that both groups scored significantly higher on the
posttest than they did on the pretest (for both passive and active world knowledge). Con-
dition 1 (MEL) outperformed condition 2 (ZooQuest) in active word knowledge, howev-
er, there was no significant effect between the conditions in comparing the results from
the passive word knowledge test. The students from condition 1 spent additional time at
school during which active use of English words was practiced. This may explain the
effect found for active word knowledge. Students in condition 2 spent more time in the
MEL environment at home than students in condition 1.

4 Conclusion

The ZooQuest environment motivated the subjects to spend more time in the MEL-
environment, however, students that used the ZooQuest application finished the Zoo-
Quest game too soon (within 1 week). In subsequent research, the ZooQuest game
should be adjusted and extended in order to sustain student motivation. Overall, the
ZooQuest application demonstrated its benefits in the practice of language learning
outside school.1

1. Sandberg, J., Maris, M., De Geus, K.: Mobile English learning: An evidence-based study
with fifth graders. Computers & Education 57(1), 1334–1347 (2011)
2. Garris, R., Ahlers, R., Driskell, J.E.: Games, Motivation, and Learning: A Research and
Practice Model. Simulation & Gaming 33(4), 441–467 (2002)

A full version of this paper can be found at www.gerardveenhof.nl
Drawing-Based Modeling for Early Science Education

Wouter R. van Joolingen, Lars Bollen, Frank Leenaars, and Hannie Gijlers

University of Twente

Abstract. Creating models is at the heart of any scientific endeavor and there-
fore should have a place in science curricula. We present three approaches, a
collaborative drawing tool to support scientific dialogue, a domain specific tool
providing intelligent support for learning about gear systems as well as a free-
hand drawing tool to support learner created animation.

Keywords: simulation, modeling, sketch recognition, exercise selection.

The creation, modification and evaluation of models are core ingredients of a scientif-
ic world view [1]. Trying to grasp phenomena by modeling them and then investigat-
ing those models through reasoning and simulation is an important way of building
scientific knowledge. Representations are the mediating link between mental models
of the learners and real world systems. Consequently, an effective representation for
modeling is one in which the properties of a phenomena and their relationships are
made explicit and visible for learners. In the current poster we explore the benefits of
drawing for modeling, in order to support learners in expressing their models and
engaging in a realistic cycle of representing, executing and evaluating models. We
present systems for collaborative drawing in a pre-modeling stage, for domain specif-
ic drawing-based modeling and a system in which the drawing “talks back” when the
learner specifies drawing elements, their properties and relations.
As drawing facilitates idea sharing, disambiguation of conceptual understanding,
and assists students in attaining a shared focus [2, 3], there is benefit in creating colla-
borative drawing environments. To fully benefit from collaborative drawing, it is
important that students engage in task-focused [4] and elaborated meaning making
activities. Two possible means of supporting the drawing and collaborative
processes were investigated [5]: awareness support and scripting. In the first case the
learners were prompted on missing elements in their drawings, in the second, the
script made learners create individual drawings first, to serve as input for a joint draw-
ing. Study findings indicate that students in the scripted condition perform significant-
ly better on the concept recognition test and drawing quality than their peers in the
control group.
With GearSketch [6] young learners can explore the domain of gears and chains by
creating simulations. As such simulations require precision drawings, learners are
assisted by converting circles to gears as well as automatic snapping of gears and
shrinking of chains. GearSketch has an internal representation of gears and chains to
compute turning speeds and directions of gears and chains. GearSketch offers learners

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 689–690, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
690 W.R. van Joolingen et al.

integrated instructions, questions to answer and puzzles to solve. These offer students
guidance in their exploration of the gears domain. Puzzle selection is done based on a
Bayesian learner model. In a study with 78 fifth grade students, the effectiveness of a
version of GearSketch with simulation-based support was compared to a version
without this support. These results show that simulation-based support in a digital
drawing environment can lead to higher learning gains.
Our drawing and modeling tool SimSketch bridges the gap between informal,
sketch-based representations and formal, executable models. To this purpose, SimS-
ketch can be used to draw strokes to externalize their learners’ models of a phenome-
non. Learners can then place “stickers” on their drawing, each representing a
behavioral primitive, such as movements, reproduction, avoidance etc. The model that
has been created by combining the learner’s drawing and the behavioral annotations
can be executed and simulated. SimSketch is targeted at learners in primary and sec-
ondary education and is suitable for numerous educational domains, since the beha-
vioral primitives are highly generic and applicable to various phenomena, such as the
movement of celestial bodies, predator-prey systems, swarming behavior, traffic
systems and many more.
The three examples of the drawing-based approach to modeling presented here,
illustrate both the potential and the research agenda in modeling research: the support
for learners to create high quality drawings, creating challenging tasks within reach of
the learner and providing smooth represent-run-revise cycles based on drawings. The
presented tools are available from http://modeldrawing.eu.

1. Louca, L.T., Zacharia, Z.C.: Modeling-based learning in science education: cognitive, me-
tacognitive, social, material and epistemological contributions. Educational Review, 1–22
2. Brooks, M.: Drawing, Visualisation and Young Children’s Exploration of “Big Ideas”. In-
ternational Journal of Science Education 31, 319–341 (2009)
3. Ainsworth, S., Prain, V., Tytler, R.: Drawing to Learn in Science. Science 333, 1096–1097
4. Anjewierden, A., Gijlers, H., Kolloffel, B., Saab, N., de Hoog, R.: Examining the relation
between domain-related communication and collaborative inquiry learning. Computers &
Education 57, 1741–1748 (2011)
5. Gijlers, H., van Dijk, A.M., Weinberger, A.: How can Scripts and Awareness Tools Or-
chestrate Individual and Collaborative Drawing of Elementary Students for Learning
Science? In: CSCL 2011. ISLS (2011)
6. Leenaars, F., van Joolingen, W.R., Gijlers, H., Bollen, L.: Drawing-Based Simulation for
Primary School Science Education: An experimental study of the GearSketch learning en-
vironment. In: DIGITEL (2012)
An OWL Ontology for IEEE-LOM
and OBAA Metadata

João Carlos Gluz1 and Rosa M. Vicari2

Post-Graduation Program in Applied Computer Science (PIPCA) – UNISINOS – Brazil
Interdisciplinary Center for Educational Technologies (CINTED) – UFRGS – Brazil

Abstract. This works introduces the OBAA metadata ontology, which is an

OWL ontology created to represent all metadata from IEEE-LOM standard and
OBAA metadata proposal. This ontology provides the basic vocabulary of lin-
guistic terms that agents can use to query and manipulate metadata information.
The work presents main structure of the ontology, and shows a concrete exam-
ple of how to represent learning objects with this ontology.

Keywords: LOM Metadata Ontology, IEEE-LOM, OBAA, OWL.

1 The OBAA Metadata Ontology

A major problem existent in the current literature on ontologies applied to educational

technologies is the lack of an established, and public OWL ontology, which specifies
the properties of all the IEEE-LOM [1] Learning Objects (LO) metadata. The OBAA
metadata ontology was defined in order to remedy this problem. The OBAA (learning
OBjects Assisted by Agents) metadata proposal [3] is an extension of the IEEE-LOM,
including support for (a) adaptability and interoperability of LO on digital platforms
such as Web, Digital TV (DTV) and mobile, (b) compatibility with international stan-
dards, (c) accessibility of LO by all citizens, and (d) independence, and flexibility of
the technologies. Figure 1 shows the general structure of OBAA ontology.

Fig. 1. The OBAA ontology

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 691–693, 2012.
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692 J.C. Gluz and R.M. Vicari

This ontology completely covers all IEEE-LOM metadata, and the new metadata
defined in OBAA proposal. All IEEE-LOM or OBAA simple data types were mapped
to XSD, or RDF data types. Values from these simple data type are associated to me-
tadata instances via OWL data properties, named according to the format:
its <simple metadata element name> Is

where the <simple metadata element name> placeholder is retrieved from the original
specification (IEEE-LOM or OBAA), with the first letter capitalized. Following the
subject-predicate-object structure of RDF triples, it is possible to define triples like:
mdata1 itsTitleIs “Test Object 1”@en.
mdata2 itsFormatIs “text/html”.
mdata3 itsHasVisualIs true.

Aggregate data elements are represented by individuals of Aggregate subclass. These

elements are associated to metadata instances through OWL object properties, named
according the format:
has <complex metadata element name>

Using this format, one can form RDF triples with the following structure:
mdata4 hasIdentifier id1.
id1 itsCatalogIs “OBAA Test Objects”.
id1 itsEntryIs “obj1”.

Every relationship has<complex metadata element name> from OBAA ontology,

have an inverse relationship, is<complex metadata element name>Of.

Fig. 2. A learning object example showing DTV/Web inter-operation metadata

The current version of the OBAA ontology is located in <http://obaa.unisinos.br/

obaa22.owl>. This ontology meets the OWL DL profile, equivalent to a Description
An OWL Ontology for IEEE-LOM and OBAA Metadata 693

Logic with structure ALCIF[d]. This site contains a test base ontology populated with
several LO, located in <http://obaa.unisinos.br/obaa22-test-objects.owl>. This test
ontology can be queried through a web interface available at <http://obaa.unisinos.br/

1. IEEE-LTSC. Std 1484.12.1 - IEEE Learning Technology Standard Committee (LTSC) -
Standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM). IEEE (2002)
2. Sirin, E., Bulka, B., Smith, M.: Terp: Syntax for OWL-friendly SPARQL Queries. In: 7th
OWL Experiences and Directions Workshop, San Francisco (2010)
3. Viccari, R., Gluz, J., Passerino, L., et al.: The OBAA Proposal for Learning Objects Sup-
ported by Agents. In: Procs. of MASEIE Workshop – AAMAS 2010, Toronto, Canada
Classifying Topics of Video Lecture Contents
Using Speech Recognition Technology

Jun Park1,2 and Jihie Kim1

Information Sciences Institute/USC, Marina Del Ray, U.S.A.
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea

Abstract. We explore a speech-based topic classification approach. We gener-

ate the transcript of input video lecture based on speech recognition technology
and identify the topic by comparing its term-based vector with topic models.
The preliminary experiment result shows that the speech-based topic classifica-
tion works well, with its performance comparable to one that directly uses ma-
nual transcripts. The approach also shows robustness against speech recognition
errors up to 40.6%.

Keywords: Topic classification, Topic modeling, Speech recognition, Tf-idf.

1 Topic Classification Based on Speech Recognition

The speech recognition based topic classification procedure is divided into two parts:
topic model training and topic classification of input videos using the topic model.
Topics are represented as a vector space model, in which tf-idf[1] weights become the
vector elements. We first build the topic model (a vector of size N) for each topic by
computing tf-idf (term frequency – inverse document frequency) weights using the
document in the training corpus and selecting top N terms that have highest weights.
To classify the topic of the given input video lecture, we generate its transcription
text by using speech recognition technology, and build a tf-idf vector from the tran-
scription text. Then, the best matching topic is selected as the topic of the lecture
based on the cosine similarity.
The key component of this approach is 'speech recognition'. Recently, Google
made its speech recognition service available to the public through its applications
including Chrome browser, Youtube, etc. Thus, we make use of the Google's speech
recognition functionality.

2 Experiment and Discussion

We selected C++ programming learning as a task domain due to its popularity in
many undergraduate engineering programs. As the training corpus, we chose the text-
book of 'Thinking in C++'[2], the text of which is available on the web. We built 27
topic models, one for each chapter as described in Section 1.
As the test data, we select five C++ programming video lectures, provided by the
Missouri University of Science and Technology [3]. This lecture series is available on

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 694–695, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Classifying Topics of Video Lecture Contents Using Speech Recognition Technology 695

the Youtube site, where we obtained both the original transcripts and the speech rec-
ognition result by the 'Closed Caption(CC)' menu.
Table 1 shows the list of the test video lectures and the test results with the tf-idf
vector size 1000. The last column shows the speech recognition performance in terms
of the word error rate (WER): WER(%) = 100* (1 - (C-I)/N), where N, C and I are
the total, the correctly recognized and the inserted number of words, respectively.

Table 1. Test result for 5 lecture video contents

Rank (among 27
Test data
topics) WER
Length (%)
Lec.No. Lecture title #Words for CC for SR
8.5 Function Overloading 02:13 383 2 5 28.7
8.7 Inline Functions 02:23 375 1 1 29.6
13.2 String & Character Manipul. 17:40 2661 1 1 39.7
15.7.0 Overloading Operators 11:45 1815 1 1 33.3
15.10 Template Classes 16:02 2256 1 1 40.6

Using the closed caption (CC; i.e. perfect recognition), the topic model ranks the cor-
rect topic as the first for four lectures. For the remaining one, the correct topic is ranked
as the second. Although the topic model was generated from written textbook corpus, its
classification of speech transcripts is reasonably accurate. This indicates that the written
document topic models can be effectively used in modeling speech data. The classifica-
tion of speech recognition (SR) output presents similar results as shown in the sixth col-
umn. Note that the SR’s WER ranges from 28.7% to 40.6%. This indicates that the
speech recognition technology can be a useful tool in processing educational contents,
even with a considerable amount of recognition error.

3 Summary
To assess the feasibility of applying speech recognition technology to educational
contents, we explored a new speech-based topic classification approach. Our prelimi-
nary results show that text generated from videos using speech recognition can be
effectively used for classifying topics of video lectures. It is notable that the approach
shows robustness against varying levels of speech recognition errors. We also observe
that written text models work well for speech data.

Acknowledgement. This is supported by the National Science Foundation, REEESE pro-

gram (award #1008747).

1. Maning, D.C., Raghavan, P., Schutze, H.: Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge
University Press (2008)
2. Eckel, B.: Thinking in C++: Introduction to Standard C++, vol. I, II. Prentice Hall (2000)
3. Missouri S&T Courses site:
An Agent-Based Infrastructure for the Support
of Learning Objects Life-Cycle

João Carlos Gluz1, Rosa M. Vicari2, and Liliana M. Passerino2

Post-Graduation Program in Applied Computer Science (PIPCA) – UNISINOS – Brazil
Interdisciplinary Center for Educational Technologies (CINTED) – UFRGS – Brazil

Abstract. This work presents the MILOS infrastructure. This infrastructure will
implement the functionalities needed to create, manage, search, use and publish
learning objects compatible with OBAA metadata proposal. MILOS project
starts from several innovative assumptions, integrating agent and ontology
technologies to support the adaptability, interoperability and accessibility re-
quirements specified by OBAA. This work shows the assumptions of MILOS
project, and the main elements of its architecture.

Keywords: Learning Objects, Pedagogical Agents, Learning Systems Architec-

ture, Ontology Engineering, Agent Oriented Software Engineering, Multi-agent

1 The MILOS Infrastructure

The OBAA metadata standard proposal [2] was defined in an open and flexible way,
being compatible with the current scenario of educational and multimedia standards.
It is expected that this proposal enables the interoperability of Learning Objects (LO)
in Web, Digital TV (DTV), and mobile platforms. The MILOS (Multiagent
Infrastructure for Learning Object Support) infrastructure is based on a multi-agent
architecture that implements the functionality needed to support all activities involved
in the lifecycle of some LO, including activities like authoring, management, search,
and educational use of the LO. The basic expectation about the services provided by
MILOS is that users can only say what should be done with the OA, without going
into details of how this should be done. To do so, the MILOS infrastructure project
assumes an innovative epistemic premise, upheld by recent technological advances,
which offers a way to design, and build the infrastructure:
(I) A learning object is essentially a Knowledge Object (KO) able to be distributed
in educational technology systems.
The vision of a LO as a KO is consistent with the LO's goals in teaching contexts.
The real problem is that the technology to support this vision is not yet available,
especially when one takes into account the diversity of possible formats for educa-
tional contents. However, the usual division of LO in two levels of abstraction: 1)

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 696–698, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
An Agent-Based Infrastructure for the Support of Learning Objects Life-Cycle 697

educational contents level, and 2) metadata level, enables an important initial step on
the path that leads to a treatment of LO as a KO:
(II) Without loss of generality or applicability, it is possible to consider LO meta-
data as symbolic structures that can be subject of the current techniques of knowledge
representation, and manipulation.

Fig. 1. Overview of MILOS infrastructure architecture

Figure 1 presents the general architecture of MILOS infrastructure. This architec-

ture was divided in three main layers:
Ontology layer: responsible for the specification of knowledge that will be shared
among infrastructure agents. The OBAA metadata ontology [1] provides the basis for
the ontology layer. In addition to this ontology, it should be specified in this layer all
learning domain, and educational application ontologies to be used by MILOS. All of
these ontologies must be defined in OWL as derivations of OBAA metadata ontology,
i.e., they must include OBAA metadata ontology, and regard its metadata definitions
as the common terms in all MILOS applications. LO metadata define the terminology
adopted by the main agents of MILOS. These metadata elements corresponds to the
attributes, properties and relationships of the terminology, while the metadata values
correspond to the terms of terminology.
Agents layer: responsible for implementing the requirements foreseen in OBAA
proposal. MILOS agents incorporate knowledge that allow their users to perform
activities over LO based on their professional knowledge, and skills, but without re-
quiring technical knowledge about LO. These activities encompass the entire life
cycle of a LO, distributed in four large multi-agent systems: (a) Search System: sup-
ports search, and retrieval of LO; Pedagogical Support System: supports the pedagog-
ical use of LO; Authoring System: supports LO authoring activities; Management
System: supports LO storing, managing, and publishing.
Interface facilities layer: responsible by the communication of MILOS agents with
web servers, external web learnings environments, LO repositories, databases, direc-
tory services, and other legacy educational applications.
The MILOS project started in the second quarter of 2011, and is planned to run for
three years. The development methodology follows a spiral cycle, thus the initial
subsystems prototypes will be the base for posterior developments, until the full
698 J.C. Gluz, R.M. Vicari, and L.M. Passerino

functional support of OBAA requirements be achieved. The initial results are availa-
ble at the MILOS portal located in http://obaa.unisinos.br/.

1. Gluz, J., Viccari, R.: Uma Ontologia OWL para Metadados IEEE-LOM, Dublin-Core e
OBAA. Anais do XXII SBIE, Aracaju (2011)
2. Viccari, R., Gluz, J., Passerino, L.M., Santos, E., Primo, T., Rossi, L., Bordignon, A., Be-
har, P., Filho, R., Roesler, V.: The OBAA Proposal for Learning Objects Supported by
Agents. In: Procs. MASEIE Workshop – AAMAS 2010, Toronto, Canada (2010)
Cluster Based Feedback Provision Strategies
in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Sebastian Gross1 , Xibin Zhu2 , Barbara Hammer2 , and Niels Pinkwart1

Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Bielefeld University, Germany

Abstract. In this paper, we propose the use of machine learning tech-

niques operating on sets of student solutions in order to automatically
infer structure on these spaces. Feedback opportunities can then be de-
rived from the clustered data. A validation of the approach based on data
from a programming course confirmed the feasibility of the approach.

Keywords: intelligent tutoring systems, ill-defined domains, machine


1 Introduction

In many domains such as law, argumentation or art, most problems are ill-
defined and have ambiguous solutions that can be argued for (and against!) but
that are impossible to verify formally [4]. If ITSs cannot rely on explicit models,
it may be possible to acquire information about the domain in terms of examples
given by students or experts. Since these learnt models are widely data driven,
machine learning techniques such as clustering constitute a key technology to
infer meaningful information from given examples. The approach presented in
this paper is based on clusters of student solutions where the solutions within
each cluster might have a different quality but are structurally similar.

2 Clustered Solution Spaces: Feedback Strategies

In this section, we discuss two cases of how feedback based on clustered sets of
student solutions can be given in the absence of formal domain models.
In the first case, we assume that grades for most of the student solutions in
the data set are available (e.g., via assessments by human tutors). Every class
of the solution space can then be represented by one student solution which has
a high structural similarity to the other student solutions in the class (i.e., it is
near the center of the class), and has a high grade (i.e., it is a good solution).
These representative solutions can then be used to give feedback to students
who submit a new solution. A newly submitted (potentially erroneous) student

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 699–700, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
700 S. Gross et al.

solution will then be analyzed (in terms of which class it belongs to) and com-
pared structurally to the representative solution within this class. The result of
this comparison can be fed back to students in various forms, including (i) a
direct comparison showing the student’s solution and the representative solu-
tion, highlighting differences between both, or (ii) the highlighting of potentially
erroneous parts in the student’s solution (i.e., the parts where it differs from the
representative solution) without explicitly showing the representative solution.
In the second case, we assume that reliable scores for solutions are not avail-
able. As such, representative good solutions as previously defined cannot be
computed. Here, one option is to use peer reviewing among the group of stu-
dents. Another way of providing feedback is peer tutoring [3] in which a reviewing
student is tutoring another student. The peer tutor can give hints about evident
mistakes and can ask questions about potential mistakes. In this second case,
the clustering can be helpful for selecting appropriate peer reviewers or tutors.

3 Validating and Discussing the Approach: a Case Study

To validate our approach and investigate whether our method for feedback pro-
vision is practically applicable, we conducted a case study. We used a data set
from a Java programming class. For this data, scores assigned by human experts
were available for every student solution. The solution clusters were computed
using affinity propagation (AP) [2]. Similarities between solutions were computed
based on Plaggie [1], a plagiarism detection algorithm that calculates a simple
structural comparison of two programs. This way, we represented the space of all
solution structures by means of a small number of prototypical correct solutions
(case 1 from above). In general, this test confirmed our expectations: the result-
ing clusters were relatively clear, and overall the ways of feedback provision as
suggested above made sense for this data set.
However, there were also some limitations. For very poor student solutions
that lack any structure, the methods still have drawbacks – these were added to
one of the clusters, but the ways of feedback provision did not make much sense.
As long as the structural similarity between solutions is high, our methods for
feedback provision make sense – less so if elements within a cluster are dissimilar.

[1] Ahtiainen, A., Surakka, S., Rahikainen, M.: Plaggie: Gnu-licensed source code pla-
giarism detection engine for java exercises. In: Proceedings of the 6th Baltic Sea
Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling 2006, Baltic Sea 2006,
pp. 141–142. ACM, New York (2006)
[2] Frey, B.J., Dueck, D.: Clustering by passing messages between data points. Sci-
ence 315, 972–976 (2007)
[3] Goodlad, S., Hirst, B.: Peer tutoring: a guide to learning by teaching. Kogan Page
[4] Lynch, C., Ashley, K.D., Pinkwart, N., Aleven, V.: Concepts, structures, and goals:
Redefining ill-definedness. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Educa-
tion 19(3), 253–266 (2010)
A Web Comic Strip Creator for Educational Comics
with Assessable Learning Objectives

Fotis Lazarinis and Elaine Pearson

School of Computing, Teesside University, UK


Abstract. In this paper, we present an application which enables educators to

edit comic strips and associate educational goals to each comic strip. Post-
comic activities are used to measure the success of the objectives. IEEE LOM
metadata are associated to each comic which can be packaged using SCORM.

Keywords: Educational comics, Assessment, Edutainment, Hypermedia.

1 Introduction
Comics can improve the motivation of poor readers to try harder in order to under-
stand the story [1] and have been used to teach both science and art topics. Children
exposed to science comics were able to give scientific explanations [2]. Anatomy
comic strips were designed to help students learn the complexities of anatomy in a
straightforward and humorous way [3]. The presented application enables educators
to edit comic strips and associate specific learning objectives. Through post-comic
activities, such as tests, the success of the objectives is measured.

2 System Description
The authoring environment supports the creation of sequences of images through the
selection of scenes, human and animal characters, text captions and other objects (e.g.
arrows, stars, boxes, trees) (see figure 1). Each comic is associated with one or more
topics and one or more learning objectives. Topics are hierarchies of concepts, coded
using Topic Maps (www.topicmaps.org). The educational goals can be high level, e.g.
“understand concept X” or specific objectives “to achieve specific score in the
post-activity”. Educators can set their own educational goals by adapting one of the
existing predefined rules. In general there are three categories of customizable goals
supported by the system: (i) related to knowledge (e.g. understand concept X), (ii)
related to skills (e.g. be able to perform or to adjust) and (iii) related to attitudes (e.g.
justify or defend a specific case). Test creators associate one or more categories of
goals to each comic and for each goal one or more specific objectives should be de-
clared. For example, the general goal could be “Understand concept Mathemat-
ics/Addition” and the specific objectives are “Achieve score at least 90% in the post-
comic test” and “Answer correctly all questions of difficulty level 1”.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 701–702, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
702 F. Lazarinis and E. Pearson

Educators are able to form a post-comic activity (see Figure 2) and connect it to the
objectives. They are also able to provide keywords and short textual descriptions for
each comic which are encoded in IEEE LOM (ltsc.ieee.org/wg12/). These metadata
facilitate the reusability of comic strips. The data can be exported as a SCORM
(www.adlnet.gov/capabilities/scorm) learning object to be reused in other learning
platforms. The resultant sequences of PNG images are embedded in HTML files and
displayed through a regular Web browser with the aid of JavaScript and are thus
available to every environment running Web pages.

Fig. 1. EduComicStrip Comic Editor Fig. 2. Post-comic activity

3 Conclusions

The prototype of the system was evaluated with the aid of 5 educators and 5 students.
The educators were primary school teachers and the students were 10 year-old child-
ren who attend the 4th-grade class of the primary school. Overall, the initial evalua-
tion showed that the system is easy to use and useful for educational purposes and
could be employed in a number of learning actions to enhance the understanding of
the students and improve their engagement to the activity. However, more assessment
experiments are needed before it could be used in real world learning activities.

[1] Hutchinson, K.: An experiment in the use of comics as instructional material. Journal of
Educational Sociology 23(4), 236–245 (1949)
[2] Weitkamp, E., Burnet, F.: The Chemedian brings laughter to the chemistry classroom. Int.
J. Sci. Educ. 29, 1911–1929 (2007)
[3] Park, J.S., KiM, D.H., Chung, M.S.: Anatomy comic strips. Anatomical Sciences Educa-
tion 4(5), 275–279 (2011), doi:10.1002/ase.224
A Layered Architecture for Online Lab-works:
Experimentation in the Computer Science Education

Bouabid Mohamed El Amine, Philippe Vidal, and Julien Broisin

118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France, +33 561 557 402

Abstract. Practical competencies are key components of any computing

education curriculum. Today, several computer experiment tools exist,
however, these tools are originally intended to experts, and do not integrate
very well into the existing online learning environments, in particular, they lack
efficient support for teamwork, tutoring and instructional design. In this paper
we introduce a model-driven engineering approach to transparently integrate
remote computer experiments into distant learning curriculums. The originality
of this framework stands on two key components: a middleware layer that acts
as glue between existing Learning Management Systems and remote
laboratories and a set of standard unifying and extensible models representing
the whole system including its lab components, the versatile experiments and
the actors’ actions.

Keywords: Technology Enhanced Learning, Remote Lab-Works, Computing

Experiments, Distributed Architecture, Model-Driven Approach.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we present a model driven engineering approach, independent from any
specific tool, allowing teachers to design and transparently deploy computer
experiments on a remote lab. Learners are then able to interact with the
remote experiment and to benefit from pedagogical services such as teamwork and
Our approach consists in reusing the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)
initiative [3] in order to unify management of computing experiments which stands on
both a Common Information Model (CIM) to represent managed elements,
and a support architecture to facilitate control and administration of the managed
CIM exploits object concepts to model and manage systems, networks and
applications [3], which can be handled by acting on the matching CIM objects’
attributes and methods. In [1] we presented details of the models describing both
experiments’ components and users’ activities on these experiments.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 703–704, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
704 M.A. Bouabid, P. Vidal, and J. Broisin

2 A Layered Architecture to Actively Manage Remote


The global framework supporting our approach is a three-tier architecture: The Upper
layer is composed of a web-based LMS (Moodle) integrating specific GUIs. In [2] we
presented the details of these GUIs dedicated to operate remote lab experiments
The Integration layer acts as a bridge between the upper and lower layers by
exposing some services to the learning layer handling users’ requests. They are then
translated to actions performed on the remote experiments, and return the matching
results. At this level, there is a CIM repository, a kind of object database which store
the matching instances representing the states of the remote experiments but also the
explicit records of the activities performed by human actors. The testbed layer we
built using an existing testing tool (MLN) is integrated to the overall system through
dedicated WBEM adapters called providers [3].
In order to test our framework, a usability testing has been conducted with two
teams of learners, Testers were asked to perform the lab-work and to answer a
usability survey. Although this early test has only affected few learners, the results
allowed us to have a positive evaluation of our approach but some drawbacks
emerged regarding some missed capabilities and bugs as well as some desired

3 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented an approach to facilitate the design and management of

online computer lab-works based on (1) a set of CIM models to represent the multiple
entities implied into a remote lab-work activity, (2) a layered architecture, and (3) a
GUI dedicated to computing experiments. Teamwork and tutoring tasks are supported
by specific GUI providing each actor with the status of the experiments he is working
on and the awareness of all operations performed by other users on them. An early
usability testing confirmed the relevance of our approach.

1. Bouabid, A., Vidal, P., Broisin, J.: Integrating Learning Management Systems and Practical
Learning Activities: the case of Computer and Network Experiments. In: The 9th IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Riga, Latvia, July 14-18, pp.
398–402. IEEE Computer Society (2009)
2. Bouabid, M.A., Vidal, P., Broisin, J.: A Web Application Dedicated to Online Practical
Activities: the Case of System and Network Experiments. In: The 11th IEEE International
Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, Georgia, USA, July 06-08. IEEE
Computer Society (2011)
3. Distributed Management Task Force, CIM Tutorial (2003),
A Serious Game for Teaching Conflict
Resolution to Children

Joana Campos, Henrique Campos, Carlos Martinho, and Ana Paiva

INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico – Technical University of Lisbon,

Av. Prof. Cavaco Silva, Taguspark 2744-016, Porto Salvo, Portugal

Abstract. To learn how to manage conflict situations is essential for

a healthier society. In this paper, we present a serious game scenario
that aims at reinforcing this pro-social behaviour in children by using
emotional agents as NPCs.

Keywords: Conflict, Virtual agents, Serious Game.

1 Introduction

Conflict is pervasive in our society and is often related to critical aspects of our
human nature. However, despite conflicts being associated with negative feelings
and destructive behaviours, conflict situations may lead to positive outcomes, as
they offer opportunities for growth and improvement [4]. Yet conflict, when not
managed adequately, can have some negative and dramatic consequences in our
society. For that reason, being able to cope with conflict situations and handle
different kind of conflict scenarios is something that one should learn how to
master and this pro-social behaviour should be fostered since early stages in life.
Educational interventions in schools have taken different forms (eg. peer medi-
ation programs or drama workshops) and have proven to have a positive impact
on students behaviour. However, these classroom settings are static and promote
in-class learning and most of the times are not adapted to one individuals specific
needs. To address this issue and to go beyond impersonal learning, games have
been object of research as a tool to immerse people in a powerful environment
that allows users to learn new skills, knowledge and attitudes [3].
In this paper, we propose an educational game - My Dream Theatre that
intends to prepare children to manage conflict more effectively and indepen-
dently. My Dream Theatre prototype is integrated within the SIREN1 project,
which aims to develop an adaptive serious game for teaching conflict resolution
to children.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 705–706, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
706 J. Campos et al.

2 Emergent Conflicts out of Emotional Agents

Social conflict is a dyadic process which encapsulates perception, emotions, be-
haviours of both parties and consequences as a result of such interaction [1]. In
this research, we aim at addressing this phenomena by creating groups of agents,
that engage in natural situations of conflict, in the environment of an educative
game for children.
My Dream Theatre is an educational game that aims at teaching 9 to 11-
year-old children, some conflict resolution skills. The game setting is a school
theatre club directed by the user. The user has to select an adequate cast for
each performance. Each cast member (non-player character - NPC) has a set
of characteristics, such as preferences for roles, a level of proficiency, interests
and personality. As the user assigns roles to each one of the characters, conflict
situations may emerge due to the agents’ conflicting goals and their choice of
actions to handle the situation. When conflict arises, the user intervention is
required to balance the agent’s proficiency and cooperativeness (which may have
to be mediated by the user) and assure a good performance in the end.
Conflict in real life is highly dependent on emotional responses reflected on
one’s actions. Hence, we integrated a model of emotions in this prototype –
FAtiMAs agent model [2], which steams from OCC cognitive theory of emotions
and is the base of the agents decision making process. We consider that such
emotional processes in the agents’ minds is essential to capture the essence of
the real conflicts found in the description of real world situations. The escalation
process will therefore be an effect of each character appraisal of the situation and
it evolves as a result of the interplay between the agents.
This initial prototype intends to address some elements of the deep structure
of conflict, as for example, one’s emotions and others’ points of view, which are
important variables to understand how one should cope in a certain situation.
By having an environment that suits the users needs and experiences, we expect
to promote transferable knowledge to real life situations.

Acknowledgements. The research leading to these results has received funding

from European Community’s FP7 ICT under grant agreement no 258453, FCT
(INESC-ID multiannual funding) through the PIDDAC Program funds and a
PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/75342/2010) granted by FCT.

1. Coombs, C.H., Avrunin, G.S.: The Structure of Conflict. Psychology Press (1988)
2. Dias, J., Paiva, A.: Feeling and Reasoning: A Computational Model for Emotional
Characters. In: Bento, C., Cardoso, A., Dias, G. (eds.) EPIA 2005. LNCS (LNAI),
vol. 3808, pp. 127–140. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
3. Lieberman, D.A.: What can we learn from playing interactive games? In: Playing
Video Games: Motives, Responses, and Consequences, pp. 379–397 (2006)
4. Tessier, C., Müller, H.J., Fiorino, H., Chaudron, L.: Agent’s Conflicts: New Issues,
pp. 2–20. Springer (2001)
Towards Social Mobile Blended Learning

Amr Abozeid1, Mohammed Abdel Razek1,2, and Claude Frasson3

Azhar University, Faculty of Science,
Math.& Computer Science Depart. Naser City, Cairo, Egypt
Deanship of Distance Learning, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Computer Science Department, University of Montréa, CP 6128 succ. Montréal, QC, Canada
amrapozaid@gmail.com, maabdulrazek1@kau.edu.sa,

Abstract. Mobile technologies and Web 2.0 have led to explosions of commu-
nication, with a resulting increased need for people to process and utilize that
new communication. This paper presents a new approach to create an integrated
approach for learners by bring traditional education, mobile learning, along
with social network into one adaptive blended learning environment. This ap-
proach introduces an adaptation mechanism to adapt learning objects to meet
learner characteristics and their mobile capabilities.

Keywords: Social Network, Web 2.0, Mobile Learning, Adaptive Learning.

1 Introduction
Nowadays, the growth of online education encourages teachers in physical classrooms
to use Internet-based content and resources. Meanwhile, mobile learning continues to
challenge the boundaries imposed by traditional classroom learning to improve educa-
tion and exploit technology in furthering that aim. The need of (just in time - just
enough) learning and the diversity of learners’ characteristics as well as mobile tech-
nologies requires adaption for different cases [4].
This paper presents a framework for system architecture to combines the best ele-
ments of online, social network and face-to-face learning via mobile. It tends not only
to create social blended learning environment, but also to adapt course’s learning
object. Our adaptive learning platform aims to build learning environment and pro-
vide learning objects based on learner’s individualized information usage behavior,
habits, preferences and etc. The adaptation individualize the content based on learn-
er’s Level of knowledge (beginner, immediate, professional), learning styles (active –
reflective, sensing – intuitive, visual – verbal, sequential – global), location (on cam-
pus, off campus), time (allowed time).
In this paper, we display the architecture of Social Mobile Interactive Blended
Learning System (SMIBLS). SMIBLS uses mobile and Bluetooth technologies to
increase interactions and communications between instructors and students during
classroom on campus, while, it uses Web 2.0 to enrich the communication between
instructors and students during classroom off campus. MIBLS contains learning

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 707–709, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
708 A. Abozeid, M. Abdel Razek, and C. Frasson

activities that leads to enhance learning process during classroom. As shown in Fig-
ure1, SMIBLS consists of two basic user interfaces: one devoted to the instructor and
the other for the student.
These interfaces can be accessed from Mobile and PC desktop as well. In order to
provide adaptation, there are two modules: Learner Adaptation Module (LAM) , and
Instructor Adaptation Module (IAM). These modules use an adaptation engine to
adapt the educational activity according to the context. LAM is the process of auto-
matically adjusting learning contents based on learner’s needs. The adaptation meas-
ures the needs based on the contexts which are considered by learners context (e.g.
preferences, knowledge level and style), the educational context (e.g. requirements,
pedagogical theory, achievements and results), the infrastructures context (e.g. net-
works, devices) and the environments context (e.g. neighbors, weather and noise lev-
el) [7]. Meanwhile, LAM allows user to collaborate via Web 2.0 tools like Face book
and Twitter to establish alive communication between instructor in the classroom and
his students outside the classroom.

Fig. 1. SMIBLS Architecture

IAM allows instructor to formulate a quiz or a question and send it to students in

the classroom or to the student outside the classroom. IAM lets multimedia learning
objects with different format such as swf, mp3 and mp4. Each LO is a file contains
the learning content that cover part from the chapter objectives. The LO should be
small and meaningful in order to enable students browsing it in their free time or
bus traveling. From the education perspective, we suggested that LO should
contain definitions, theories, remarks, and important parts covered in chapter or
lecture notes.

1. Xie, P., et al.: Research on the method of recomposing learning objects and tools in adap-
tive learning platform. In: Digital Techniques and Systems Entertainment for Education,
pp. 326–336 (2010)
Towards Social Mobile Blended Learning 709

2. Abozeid, A., Razek, M.A., El-Sofany, H.F., Ghaleb, F.F.M.: Mobile Interactive Blended
Learning System. IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine 5 (2010)
3. Guzmán, E., Conejo, R., Pérez-De-La-Cruz, J.-L.: Adaptive testing for hierarchical student
models. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 119–157 (2007)
4. Drira, R., et al.: What can we adapt in a Mobile Learning Systems? In: The Proceedings of
the Second International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning
(IMCL 2007) in Collaboration with IEEE, Amman, Jordan, April 18-20, pp. 19–21 (2006)
Learning Looping:
From Natural Language to Worked Examples

Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser, Mark Stehlik, and Sharon Carver

Carnegie Mellon University

1 Introduction

One important introductory concept in many CS courses is repetition (looping),

the automated repeating of individual commands. In this work, we present re-
sults from a study of college undergraduates’ naive conceptions of repetition,
their difficulties with learning to construct valid repetition statements, and their
abilities to apply what they have learned to new problem solving situations.
Although computer programming is a new topic when high school or college
students encounter it for the first time, students can draw upon their previous
life experiences when solving problems. Those conceptions that align with CS
topics [2,3] have been shown to be influenced by students’ prior experiences.
Alignment through analogies can be helpful [1] although where the scientific
concept differs, common knowledge can hinder learning [4].
For many students, the topic of looping is their first encounter with non-
linearity in their programs. Until this point, each line of code is executed once,
and then control moves to the next line of code. Such linearity makes reasoning
about the programs straightforward. With the addition of looping, in the code
you will need to evaluate a termination condition and then either repeat prior
lines of code, or move to the next statement after the loop. While returning
to a previous command or location is not unusual in everyday life and natural
language, it is an important change in the way that novices see their code.

2 Methods

Fifty three (53) participants with no CS experience were recruited for this study
from Carnegie Mellon University, The University of Pittsburgh, and Allegheny
College. Participants took a paper and pencil pretest asking them to write direc-
tions to help a robot solve three problems involving repetition. Upon completing
the pretest, participants completed the tutoring sequence for one looping con-
struct (for or while) and then an assessment asking them to code two loops
similar to the ones in the tutor. After that assessment, participants completed
the tutoring sequence for the second looping construct and a second assessment.1
Students then completed a self-efficacy survey and a transfer test.
Students were randomly assigned to see tutoring for the construction of “for” loops or
“while” loops first, and in a within-subjects design saw the other looping construct.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 710–711, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Learning Looping: From Natural Language to Worked Examples 711

The online tutor was constructed to take advantage of parallel worked ex-
amples and problems in order to demonstrate the three components of a loop:
initialization, termination, and update. Each concept was described separately
and students viewed a worked example and then completed two similar examples,
constructing code only for the component that was highlighted on the page. After
completing the page for each component, students were then asked to combine
the components, writing the entire loop for each example on separate tutoring
screens. The tutor did not use a compiler, instead employing regular expressions
for matching the text based responses.

3 Results
Results of the pretest indicate that participants, even when directed to focus on
the three components of a loop, are likely to either omit or implicitly provide
directions when writing repetition directions in natural language. Participants
were most likely to make implicit references in the termination or update condi-
tions, often asking the robot to “repeat” without quantifying how many times,
or exactly which commands were to be repeated.
In the tutoring sequence, participants answered correctly 80% of the time and
had the most difficultly with the initialization and update statements. Partici-
pants were mostly accurate on the assessments, scoring an average of 9.1 points
out of 10 on both assessments. Participants had the most difficulty with correctly
ordering the loop statements and writing an accurate update statement.
Results of the transfer test indicated that participants still had a tendency to
use implicit language when describing code in natural language. When asked to
solve a problem containing nested loops, the termination and update conditions
again caused students the most trouble, and many students did not construct the
secondary loop correctly. Recommendations are to offer more practice assembling
complete looping structures and additional problems for students who struggle.2

1. Mayer, R.: The psychology of how novices learn computer programming. ACM Com-
put. Surv. 13(1), 121–141 (1981)
2. Simon, B., Bouvier, D., Chen, T., Lewandowski, G., McCartney, R., Sanders, K.:
Common sense computing(episode 4): Debugging. Computer Science Education 18,
117–133 (2008)
3. Sudol, L.A., Stehlik, M., Carver, S.: Mental models of data. In: Proceedings of the
9th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (2009)
4. Vosniadou, S.: Mental models in conceptual development. Model Based Reasoning:
Science, Technology, Values 1 (2002)

This work was supported through the Program for Interdisciplinary Education Re-
search (PIER) at CMU, funded through Grant R305B040063 to CMU, from the
Institute for Education Sciences. The opinions expressed are those of the authors
and do not represent the views of the Institute or the US Department of Education.
A Basic Model of Metacognition:
A Repository to Trigger Reflection

Alejandro Peña Ayala1,2,3, Rafael Dominguez de Leon2, and Riichiro Mizoguchi3

1WOLNM, 2ESIME-Z-National Polytechnic Institute, 3ISIR-Osaka University,
131 Julio 1859 # 1099-B, Leyes Reforma, DF, 09310, Mexico
apenaa@ipn.mx, rdominguez55@gmail.com
Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University

Abstract. In this work, we model a couple of basic metacognitive skills: know-

ledge and regulation. The aim is depicting underlying concepts of knowledge
and regulation domains. We promote reflection on learners once they access
their respective model.

Keywords: Metacognition, awareness, knowledge, regulation, reflection.

1 Introduction
Metacognition means: "…the active monitoring and consequent regulation and or-
chestration of cognitive transactions in relation to the cognitive objects or data on
which they bear, usually in service of some concrete goal …" [4].
Concerning the metacognitive knowledge (MK), Gama asserts: “It consists primar-
ily of knowledge or beliefs about what factors or variables act and interact in what
ways to affect the course and outcome of cognitive enterprises” [6]. As regards with
metacognitive regulation (MR), it refers to processes that coordinate cognition [3].
With the aim to progressively model learners’ metacognitive skills, we tailor the
first version of our metacognitive model with two key domains: MK and MR. Like-
wise, we design and develop a trial to elicit responses of a group of college students
about their beliefs, habits, and likings at learning. Those answers are raw information
about some items of MK and MR. As a result, we find out some interesting highlights
to be presented in this work.

2 Experiment

We chose the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) designed by Schraw and

Dennison [18]. MAI elicits information about learner’s beliefs, habits, and prefe-
rences. It holds a questionnaire of 52 questions (Q) to be answered as true or false.
Based on the learner’s responses, MAI estimates her level of metacognitive aware-
ness. But, they are split into two supersets of 17 and 35 questions to measure the level
of MK and metacognitive regulation MR.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 712–713, 2012.
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A Basic Model of Metacognition: A Repository to Trigger Reflection 713

These sets are respectively computed with QMK = 17 and QMR = 35. Likewise,
both supersets are respectively organized into three and five sets. So MK owns dec-
larative, procedural and conditional knowledge sets of concepts and MR contains five
basic sets of concepts: planning, information management strategies, comprehension
monitoring, debugging strategies, evaluation.
The MAI questionnaire was applied to a sample of college students, who pursue a
bachelor degree in Information Technologies in Mexico. Volunteers are studying the
fifth semester of a program of eight semesters. The size of the sample (n) was 25.
Our metacognitive model contains three concepts about the level of metacognitive
awareness, knowledge, and regulation. It also holds the prior stated eight concepts.

3 Conclusions

The statistics of true responses for the QMK questions of MK show: Based on n, the
mean is 16.6 and the median is 17. The range is 15 from 9 to 24 that respectively
correspond to the 36% and 96% of n. It reveals: The likings are known by at least a
third of the sample (e.g., #16: “I know what the teacher expects me to learn”) and
there are some habits well know by nearly all the members of the sample (e.g., #46: “I
learn more when I am interested in the topic”).
The results of the MR domain show: The sample scored 538 truth answers, the
61% of a maximum of 875 (i.e., n * QMR). Based on QMR, the mean is 21.5 positive
answers per subject and the median is 21. The range was 20 from a 10 to 30 that re-
spectively correspond to 29% and 86% of QMR. Thus, 57% is the difference between
subjects with the least and the highest metacognitive regulation!
As a future work we plan: to add other components to the metacognitive model,
such as: monitoring, reflection, and control. We are going to refine the questionnaire
and make new trials. We will also author content to enhance students’ metacognition.

Acknowledgments. First author gives testimony of the strength given by his Father,
Brother Jesus and Helper, as part of the research projects of World Outreach Light to
the Nations Ministries (WOLNM). This work is supported by: CONACYT 118862,
CONACYT-SNI-36453, CONACYT 118962-162727, SeAca/COTEPABE/144/11,

1. Flavell, J.H.: Metacognitive aspects of problem solving. In: Resnick, L.B. (ed.) The Nature
of Intelligence, pp. 231–236. Erlbaum, Hillsdale (1976)
2. Gama, C.A.: Integrating Metacognition Instruction in Interactive Learning Environments.
PhD Thesis, University of Sussex. Sussex, UK (2004)
3. Fernandez-Duque, D., Baird, J.A., Posner, M.I.: Executive attention and metacognitive
regulation. Consciousness and Cognition 10, 288–307 (2000)
4. Schraw, G., Dennison, R.S.: Assessing metacognitive awareness. Contemporary Educa-
tional Psychology 19, 460–475 (1994)
Analyzing Affective Constructs: Emotions ‘n Attitudes

Ivon Arroyo1, David Shanabrook1, Winslow Burleson2, and Beverly Park Woolf2
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst
School of Computing, Informatics and Engineering, Arizona State University

Abstract. We analyze the relationship between a variety of affective constructs

that have been researched, as it is not clear what is the breadth of affecitve
variables to model -- which constructs are equivalent, related, or unrelated.

1 Introduction
Much research has attemped to model and recognize student affect in Interactive
Learning Environments, and started exploring mechanisms to repair or cope with
negative emotions. However, there are many different theories and constructs for
student affect, so many that it is hard to compare these constructs and approaches.
This article presents the results of a correlation research study to establish the
relationship between three sets of affective constructs, in the hope to eliminate
redundant items and make richer constructs, when they are not equivalent. We
compare items from the control-value theory of emotions [1], which describes
several emotions related to achievement in learning situations (in Figure 1, they
correspond to variables ending in _P, e.g. an item of the PRIDE_P construct is “I am
proud of my contributions to math class”). The emotion constructs by Arroyo et al.
[2] were engendered from hundreds of students in real classrooms to classify their
frustration, interest, etc. These can be considered emotions when asked inside of the
tutoring system (e.g. “how frustrated do you feel?”) and affective predispositions
when asked in a pre/post survey ( “how frustrated do you get when solving math
problems?”). These are variables ending in _A, e.g. an item of the PRIDE_A
construct is “Do you feel proud when solving math problems?”). Last, the attitude
constructs by Eccles [3] try to understand students’ concept of themselves as capable
to carry out the task, These are variables end in _E, e.g. an item of the self-confidence
SC_E construct is “How good would you be at learning something new in math?”).
We present the result of a subset of these correlations, corresponding to the set of
control-oriented affective constructs, composed of PRIDE_P, PRIDE_A, ANGER_P,
SC_E, CON_A in the next section.

2 Results
Two hundred and forty middle and high school students (N=240) took a survey before
using a mathematics tutoring system. We establish that if the correlation between two

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 714–715, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Analyzing Affective Constructs: Emotions ‘n Attitudes 715

Fig. 1. R values for correlations between affective constructs. A Eccle’s SC_E (Math Self-
Concept) and Arroyo’s CON_A (“How confident do you feel…?”) are equivalent, redundant;
B PRIDE_P is highly related to both SC_E and CON_A, they should be combined; C
CON_A is highly related (negatively) to ANXIETY_P, and also FRUS_A, HOPL_P,
HOPL_A, SHAME_P. This means that talking with students about their “confidence” we are
talking about a complex combination of emotional experiences related to hope, anxiety,
frustration, shame and pride.

items is R>=0.75, then the constructs are basically equivalent, and one of them can
be ommitted in any further assessment. We consider two constructs to be highly
related when R>=0.5 and R<0.75, and will be combined as they refer to the same
construct. We consider two constructs to be moderately related when R>=0.25 and
R<0.5. The last possibility is that the constructs are unrelated (R<0.25), just different.

1. Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Frenzel, A.C.: Academic Emotions Questionnaire—Mathematics
(AEQ-M): User’s manual. University of Munich, Department of Psychology (2005)
2. Arroyo, I., Cooper, D.G., Burleson, W., Woolf, B.P., Muldner, K., Christopherson, R.:
Emotion Sensors Go To School. In: Proceedings of AIED 2009, pp. 17–24. IOS Press (2009)
3. Eccles, J., Wigfield, A., Harold, R.D., Blumenfeld, P.: Age and gender differences in
children’s self and task perceptions during elementary school. Child Develop. 64, 830–847
Interactive Virtual Representations, Fractions,
and Formative Feedback

Maria Mendiburo, Brian Sulcer, Gautam Biswas, and Ted Hasselbring

Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 37235, USA


Abstract. In this study, we explore the potential benefits of formative

feedback when students are constructing virtual representations of frac-
tions. We find greater effects for feedback about the accuracy of students’
responses to the questions they answer using the representations than for
feedback about the accuracy of the representations themselves. The re-
sults suggest further study of the timing when students receive feedback
about their representations and the ways to adapt feedback for different

Keywords: fractions, virtual representations, feedback.

1 Introduction
Virtual manipulatives offer many potential benefits, including the ability to
associate active experience with manipulatives to symbolic notation through
feedback [1]. In an extensive review of the literature on feedback, Shute [2] de-
termined that formative feedback comes in a variety of types and can be adminis-
tered at various times during the learning process, but research shows the most
effective forms of feedback are nonevaluative, supportive, timely, and specific.
In this study, we explore the benefits of delivering immediate feedback when
students construct virtual representations of fractions and then use the virtual
representations to compare symbolically represented fractions.
The system we designed for students to create virtual representations of frac-
tions delivers two different kinds of feedback to students: 1) feedback about
the accuracy and correctness of the virtual representations students create with
suggestions of how to correct mistakes, and 2) feedback about the correctness
of students’ responses to questions that ask students to compare symbolically
represented fractions. We assigned 37 students drawn from three intact, sixth-
grade mathematics classes at a charter middle school in Middle Tennessees to
four treatment conditions in which they received different combinations of these
two types of feedback and used both quantitative and qualitative methods of
analysis to examine student outcomes.

2 Results and Discussion

The students in all four treatment groups made statistically significant gains
from pre-test to post-test, which indicates the computer system and the

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 716–717, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Interactive Virtual Representations, Fractions, and Formative Feedback 717

instructional activities we designed for the experiment help students learn how
to compare the relative size of fractions. However, we found no statistically sig-
nificant treatment effect for these gains. The lack of a treatment effect in the
gains between pre-test and post-test contrast the results from the two practice
activities. The results from the practice activities showed a statistically signif-
icant treatment effect for the response feedback factor on response correctness
in both practice activities and a trend in the scores for the response feedback
factor on model correctness in one practice activity. The fact that the effect of
the response feedback appeared fairly strong during both activities but disap-
peared on the post-test introduces the possibility that students need to receive
feedback from the computer system for a longer period of time before they will
be able to achieve at similar levels without feedback. In addition, it introduces
the possibility that the feedback needs to be removed in a scaffolded rather than
an “all or nothing” format in order to maintain a more consistent level of student
performance. The trend for the response feedback factor on model correctness
suggests that students may be more motivated to utilize feedback about model
correctness if they already know their answer to a question is wrong, which is a
hypothesis we intend to test in future research.
Visual analysis of the detail reports rendered about each student by the com-
puter system and subsequent post-hoc analysis suggest the feedback students
receive from the system will be more effective if we follow Shute’s framework
and adapt the feedback to the cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics of the
learner as well as to different types of knowledge and skills. While we can’t draw
gender-based conclusions from these results given that the female and male stu-
dents at the school where we conducted this study are taught in separate classes,
it appears that the female students who participated in this study may benefit
from feedback designed to encourage less dependence on the manipulatives, and
the male students may benefit from scaffolding that allows students to skip using
the manipulatives only until the student incorrectly answers several questions in
a row. We also plan to test these hypotheses in future research.

Acknowledgements. The research reported here was supported by the In-

stitute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant
R305A100110 to Vanderbilt University. The opinions expressed are those of the
authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of

1. Clements, D., McMillan, S.: Rethinking ’concrete’ manipulatives. Teaching Children
Mathematics 2(5), 270–279 (1996)
2. Shute, V.: Focus on formative feedback. Review of Educational Research 78(1),
153–189 (2008)
An Intelligent System to Support Accurate Transcription
of University Lectures

Miltiades Papadopoulos and Elaine Pearson

Accessibility Research Centre, Teesside University, United Kingdom


Abstract. The performance of current Automatic Speech Recognition systems

in the lecture environment is still below the level required for accurate
transcription of lectures. This paper reports on the results of a study to assess
the potential of the Semantic and Syntactic Transcription Analysing Tool in the
production of meaningful post-lecture material with minimal investment in time
and effort by academic staff.

Keywords. Accessibility, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).

1 Introduction
The lecture environment isolates students with hearing disabilities, while learners
studying in a foreign language and those whose note taking skills are limited find
lectures hard to follow, understand and recall [5]. Automatic Speech Recognition
(ASR) technology can be employed to make lectures more flexible through the use of
text transcripts. However, the performance of current systems in the lecture situation
is still below the required levels. This paper reports on a set of experiments to test the
validity of a mechanism that aims to minimise the evaluation process of imperfect
transcripts and is a step forward in the production of meaningful support materials for
students in a timely manner.

2 A Pragmatic Approach to Accurate Transcription

Research into the readability and usability of speech transcription has determined that
an accuracy of at least 90% is required [4]. Extensive training is necessary in order for
systems to achieve comparable accuracy [1], however the effort and workload re-
quired for the editing process to make ASR-generated transcripts meaningful to stu-
dents is still unacceptably high [2]. Accepting that current systems are not suitable for
use in the lecture theatre, we considered a different approach by bringing together
research from the Natural Language Processing and Human Computer Interaction
domains. The resultant mechanism, the Semantic and Syntactic Transcription Analys-
ing Tool (SSTAT) [3] analyses transcripts, detects incorrect sentences and reports on
the nature of the errors in a user-friendly interface. It also supports a targeted re-
training process to improve overall efficiency for subsequent transcriptions.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 718–719, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
An Intelligent System to Support Accurate Transcription of University Lectures 719

3 Experiments

A study was devised to evaluate the potential of SSTAT in the lecture situation. The
study was divided into three phases; reduction in editing time, improvement in accu-
racy rates over time and the level of acceptability for students of edited transcripts.
The first experiment measured the reduction in editing time required to produce accu-
rate transcripts using SSTAT compared to manual editing. The results revealed a de-
crease of 42.2% in the editing time of transcripts required to reach a transcription
accuracy of approximately 88%. This demonstrates a significant potential as an auto-
mated method for supporting the transcripts’ editing process. The second experiment
utilised the targeted re-training feature to determine the improvement in accuracy
rates of the transcripts over a lecture series on the same topic and by the same lectur-
er. This experiment used five lectures from five different modules and the improve-
ment was measured on each of four passes through the system’s cycle. The results
revealed a mean overall increase of 5% between the first and fifth ASR-generated
transcript. The third experiment examined students’ perceived level of usability of
transcripts to verify the tools potential in producing meaningful materials. Twenty-six
students were involved and a repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to measure
the variance in perceived usability across transcripts’ three different accuracy levels.
The results revealed that an accuracy of at least 87.5% was considered sufficient by
students for the production of usable post-lecture materials. Current speech recogni-
tion systems are able to deliver in realistic conditions accuracy rates between 75-85%
[1; 2]. This can be increased using SSTAT to acceptable levels.
SSTAT constitutes a unique approach to producing transcripts that reach an accept-
able quality threshold for use by students with a significantly reduced investment in
time and effort compared to manual transcription.

1. Kheir, R., Way, T.: Inclusion of Deaf Students in Computer Science Classes Using Real-
Time Speech Transcription. In: 12th Annual Conference on Innovation & Technology in
Computer Science Education, pp. 261–265. ACM Press, New York (2007)
2. Papadopoulos, M., Pearson, E.: An Analysing Tool to Facilitate the Evaluation Process of
Automatic Lecture Transcriptions. In: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Gov-
ernment, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009, pp. 2189–2198. AACE, Chesapeake
3. Papadopoulos, M., Pearson, E.: A System to Support Accurate Transcription of Information
Systems Lectures for Disabled Students. In: 22nd Australasian Conference on Information
Systems, Sydney, Australia (2011)
4. Stuckless, R.: Recognition Means More Than Just Getting the Words Right: Beyond Accu-
racy to Readability. Speech Technology, 30–35 (October/November)
5. Wald, M., Bain, K.: Universal Access to Communication and Learning: The Role of Auto-
matic Speech Recognition. J. Universal Access in the Information Society 6(4), 435–447
Multi-context Recommendation in Technology Enhanced

Majda Maâtallah and Hassina Seridi-Bouchelaghem

LABGED Laboratory, University of Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Po-Box 12, 23000, Algeria

Abstract. Recommender Systems (RSs) have been applied recently in Tech-

nology Enhanced Learning (TEL) to let recommending relevant learning
resources to teachers or learners. In this paper, we propose a novel recommen-
dation technique that combines a fuzzy collaborative filtering algorithm with
content based one to make better recommendation, using learners’ preferences
and importance of knowledge to recommend items with different context cor-
responding to their different interests and tastes. Empirical evaluations show
that the proposed technique is feasible and effective.

Keywords: Technology-Enhanced Learning, Recommender Systems, Colla-

borative Filtering, Content Based Filtering, Learner Profile.

1 Multi-Context Recommendation Process

Recently, Recommender Systems (RSs) are applied in the e-learning field, particular-
ly in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)[1][2][3], in order to personalize learning
content and connect suitable learners with each other according to their individual
needs, preferences, and learning goals. Learners’ needs and preferences change over
time, where they want learning from resources with different context. This creates the
need of Adaptive RSs able to generate recommendations with different tastes depend-
ing on the learner’s preferences. To this aim, we propose a new hybrid technique that
combines CF and CBF to generate multi-context recommendations to lifelong learn-
ers that fit their different tastes and interests.
To enhance the accuracy of TEL recommendations, we are conducted toward hy-
bridization between CF and CBF, with adding knowledge importance of the learner.
First, we propose to construct clusters of users automatically from the evaluation ma-
trix. Then, we propose an adjusted fuzzy neighborhood algorithm to select just fuzzy
nearest neighbors belonging to fuzzy nearest clusters using the difference be-
tween membership degrees as similarity measure between learners. Then, we make
CF-based prediction of the learner preferences by combining linearly prediction re-
sults of user-based and item-based algorithms. Secondly, we give scores to topics to
promote courses according to the topics’ frequency and evaluations made by the
learner. Then, we make predictions based on taxonomic content according to similari-
ties with nearest courses and their evaluations. To address limitations of CF and CB
predictions, we have proposed to blend them linearly.

S.A. Cerri et al. (Eds.): ITS 2012, LNCS 7315, pp. 720–721, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Multi-Context Recommendation in Technology Enhanced Learning 721

Finally, we generate a Top-K recommendation process adapted to TEL field by in-

troducing the importance of knowledge, proposed in [3], in the calculation of courses’
ranks. Then, we select Top-K items from each Top-N list, generated in single clus-
ters, according to membership degrees of the learner to these clusters.

2 Experiment and Results

In our experiments, we have used the Moodle1 platform integrating in it books from
BX-Book-Rating database2, knowledge level of the learner and our technique.
First, we evaluated the prediction performance using the novel adapted MAE [3]
using variant sizes of clusters. From Fig.1, we observe that the MAE has an inverse
relationship with cluster sizes, and we can notice that the new MAE, in almost all
cases, is smaller than usual MAE, due to the weighting of learner’s knowledge. Then,
we evaluated the Top-K recommendation performance using the F1 metric. From
Fig.2, we observe that the F1metric increase with number of recommended courses. It
can be seen also that the recommendation performance of the system is good.

Fig. 1. MAE performance, less value means Fig. 2. F1metric evolution

better performance

Experimental results show that the proposed approach can improve the recommen-
dation accuracy. In the future work, we will elaborate this technique to generate mul-
ti-context recommendations taking in the account implicit feedback and temporal

1. Manouselis, N., Drachsler, H., Vuorikari, R., Hummel, H., Koper, R.: Recommender Sys-
tems in Technology Enhanced Learning. In: The1st RSs Handbook. Springer, Berlin
2. Garcia, E., Romero, C., Ventura, S., Castro, C.D.: An architecture for making recommen-
dations to courseware authors using association rule mining and collaborative filtering.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 19(1-2) (2009)
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Author Index

Abdel Razek, Mohammed 707 Burleson, Winslow 46, 243, 714

Abozeid, Amr 707 Burlison, Jonathan 212
Adamson, David 346, 531, 551 Busetto, Alberto Giovanni 389
Ahmadi Olounabadi, Atefeh 603
Aleven, Vincent 174, 673 Cade, Whitney 256, 557
Álvarez, Ainhoa 685 Cai, Zhiqiang 626
Arevalillo-Herráez, Miguel 630 Calvo, Iñaki 655
Ari, Fatih 681 Calvo, Rafael A. 78, 358
Arnau, David 630 Campos, Henrique 705
Arroyo, Ivon 46, 714 Campos, Joana 705
Arruarte, Ana 655 Carlson, Ryan 11, 563
Arslan-Ari, Ismahan 681 Carver, Sharon 710
Ashwin, Emma 262 Cassell, Justine 11
Ayesh, Aladdin 630 Castro, Maynor Jimenez 636
Azevedo, Roger 40, 59, 212, 651 Cerri, Stefano A. 606
Chalfoun, Pierre 1, 84
Baker, Ryan S.J.D. 434, 444, 636 Chaouachi, Maher 65
Barbalios, Nikos 649 Chauncey Strain, Amber 59, 618
Barnes, Tiffany 304, 597, 612, 615 Chebil, Raoudha 606
Baschera, Gian-Marco 389 Ching, Dixie 669
Beaulieu, Gabriel 201 Chiru, Costin-Gabriel 330
Beck, Joseph E. 90, 268 Chou, Chia-Ru 657
Becker, Lee 368 Churcher, Neville 422
Beek, Wouter 292 Cohen, William W. 185, 493
Beheshti, Behzad 454 Conati, Cristina 112
Belmontez, Ricardo 636 Conde, Ángel 655
Benton, Laura 262 Conejo Muñoz, Ricardo 310
Beuth, Jack 551 Corbett, Albert T. 444
Beynon, Meurig 664 Córdova-Sánchez, Mariheida 195
Beynon, Will 664 Costa, Evandro 640
Bharathy, Gnana K. 642 Cui, Liang 683
Biswas, Gautam 505, 716
Bittencourt, Ig Ibert 298 Dagami, Michelle Marie C. 634
Blanchard, Emmanuel G. 280 Dascalu, Mihai 352
Bollen, Lars 689 Delozanne, Elisabeth 123
Bouabid, Mohamed El Amine 703 Derbali, Lotfi 129
Bouchet, François 40, 212 Desmarais, Michel C. 454
Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth 52 Després, Christophe 517
Bratko, Ivan 286 Dessus, Philippe 352
Brawner, Keith W. 72, 582 D’Mello, Sidney 59, 256, 541, 557, 576,
Bredeweg, Bert 292 618, 638
Broisin, Julien 703 Dolan, Robert P. 660
Brosnan, Mark 262 Dominguez de Leon, Rafael 712
Bull, Susan 411, 685 Dragon, Toby 340
724 Author Index

Duan, Ying 162 Hasselbring, Ted 716

Duffy, Melissa 212 Hastings, Peter 274
Dyke, Gregory 531, 551 Hayashi, Yugo 22
Hays, Patrick 256
Eagle, Michael John 304, 615 Heffernan, Neil T. 268, 399, 405
Eksin, Ceyhun 642 Hirashima, Tsukasa 620
Elias, Endhe 298 Hoffmann, Kristin F. 464
Elorriaga, Jon A. 655 Holden, Heather K. 624
Holland, Jay 422, 499
Faghihi, Usef 233 Hong, Yuan-Jin 511
Fernández-Castro, Isabel 685 Horiguchi, Tomoya 620
Ferreira, Rafael 298 Hossain, Gahangir 212
Feyzi-Behnagh, Reza 212, 651 Howard, Scott 666
Finkelstein, Samantha 11 Howley, Iris 531, 551
Flores, Raymond 681 Hsiao, Tzu-Chien 679
Floryan, Mark 340 Huang, Wei-Jie 657
Fontaine, Samantha 636 Hughes, Simon 274
Forbus, Kenneth D. 620 Hussain, Md. Sazzad 78
Forsyth, Carol 626 Huynh-Kim-Bang, Benjamin 135
Fournier-Viger, Philippe 233
Frasson, Claude 1, 65, 84, 129, 707
Ikeda, Mitsuru 683
Galvez Cordero, Jaime 310 Inan, Fethi A. 681
Gauthier, Robert 671 Ioannidou, Irene 649
Genato, Ryan 636 Isotani, Seiji 298
George, Sébastien 632 Ito, Makoto 662
Germany, Mae-Lynn 626
Gijlers, Hannie 689 Jacoboni, Pierre 517
Gluz, João Carlos 691, 696 Jaques, Patrı́cia 298
Goel, Gagan 428 Jarušek, Petr 379
Goldberg, Benjamin S. 72 Jin, Wei 304
Goldman, Susan 274 Johnson, Hilary 262
Gong, Yue 268 Johnson, Matthew W. 304, 597
Gonzalez, Avelino 582 Jraidi, Imène 1
González-Calero, José Antonio 630
Gowda, Sujith M. 434, 444
Graesser, Arthur 162, 256, 541, 576, 626 Kanzaki, Nana 645
Grafsgaard, Joseph F. 52 Karlovčec, Mario 195
Grawemeyer, Beate 262 Käser, Tanja 389
Gross, Markus 389 Kashihara, Akihiro 662
Gross, Melissa 618 Kay, Judy 482
Gross, Sebastian 699 Keiser, Victoria 101, 563
Groznik, Vida 286 Keshtkar, Fazel 162
Guia, Thea Faye G. 634 Kim, Jihie 570, 694
Guid, Matej 286 Kinnebrew, John S. 505
Guin, Nathalie 622 Koedinger, Kenneth R. 101, 185, 222,
Guzman De Los Riscos, Eduardo 310 493, 563, 588, 591
Kohn, Juliane 389
Hammer, Barbara 699 Kucian, Karin 389
Harley, Jason M. 40, 212 Kumar, Amruth N. 524
Author Index 725

Labat, Jean-Marc 135, 168 Mitrovic, Antonija 422, 499, 579, 603,
Lajoie, Susanne 511 634
Lallé, Sébastien 428, 622 Miwa, Kazuhisa 645
Landis, Ronald S. 212 Mizoguchi, Riichiro 712
Larrañaga, Mikel 655 Monkaresi, Hamed 78
Lawless, Kimberly 274 Morgan, Brent 162
Lazarinis, Fotis 701 Mott, Bradford W. 141, 470, 476
Le, Nguyen-Thinh 320 Možina, Martin 286
Lebeau, Jean-François 201 Muir, Mary 112
Lee, Chia-Ying 657 Muller, Ryan 588
Lee, Po-Ming 679 Muratet, Mathieu 123, 168
Lee, Seung Y. 476 Murray, Tom 666
Leenaars, Frank 689 Myneni, Lakshman S. 250
Lehman, Blair 256, 541, 557, 576
Lehmann, Lorrie 304, 612 Naceur, Rhouma 454
Lejouad Chaari, Wided 606 Nakaike, Ryuichi 645
Lekira, Aina 517 Narayanan, N. Hari 250
Lester, James C. 52, 141, 464, 470, 476 Nash, Padraig 162
Li, Nan 185, 493 Niebuhr, Sabine 647
Lin, Bin 422 Nietfeld, John L. 464
Lintean, Mihai 675 Nixon, Tristan 669
Liu, Chao-Lin 657 Nkambou, Roger 233
Liu, Ming 358 Nye, Benjamin D. 642
Lomas, Derek 588, 669
Long, Yanjin 673 Ocumpaugh, Jaclyn 444
Luengo, Vanda 428, 622 Ogan, Amy 11, 636
Okimoto, Tomoko 597
Maass, Jaclyn 677 Olney, Andrew M. 256, 677
Maâtallah, Majda 720
Macam, Francis Jan P. 634 Pacampara, Nicole 212
Magliano, Joseph 274 Paiva, Ana 705
Maris, Marinus 687 Palmer, Martha 368
Marne, Bertrand 135 Papadopoulos, Miltiades 718
Marsella, Stacy C. 151 Paquette, Luc 201
Martı́n, Maite 685 Paraskeuopoulos, Stefanos 649
Martinez Maldonado, Roberto 482 Pardos, Zachary A. 195, 405, 434
Martinho, Carlos 705 Park, Jun 694
Mathews, Moffat 422, 499 Passerino, Liliana M. 696
Matsuda, Noboru 101, 563 Patel, Kishan 588
Matsuda, Noriyuki 683 Pavlik Jr., Philip I. 677
Mayers, André 201, 233 Pearson, Elaine 701, 718
Mayfield, Elijah 551 Peckham, Terry 585
McCalla, Gordon 653 Pelánek, Radek 379
McCuaig, Judi 671 Peña Ayala, Alejandro 712
McLaren, Bruce M. 647 Penstein Rosé, Carolyn 346, 531, 551,
Mendiburo, Maria 716 563
Mephu-Nguifo, Engelbert 233 Person, Natalie 256, 557
Millis, Keith 626 Pinkwart, Niels 320, 699
Mills, Caitlin 541, 638 Poitras, Eric 511
Miquilino, Dalgoberto 298 Powers, Sonya 660
726 Author Index

Py, Dominique 517 Tanveer, M. Iftekhar 212

Pynadath, David V. 151 Taub, Michelle 212
Tenório, Thyago 298
Terai, Hitoshi 645
Rahman, A.K.M. Mahbubur 212
Thomas, Pradeepa 168
Rai, Dovan 90
Torguet, Patrice 123
Raizada, Rohan 101
Trausan-Matu, Stefan 330, 352
Rau, Martina A. 174
Trevors, Gregory 212
Reina, David 685
Trivedi, Shubhendu 405
Reye, Jim 600, 628
Tsui, Wei-Hsuan 679
Ritter, Steve 669
Tzeng, Yu-Lin 657
Rivers, Kelly 591
Tzionas, Panagiotis 649
Rodrigo, Ma. Mercedes T. 634, 636
Rohrbach, Stacie 174 Ulinski, Amy C. 594
Rowe, Jonathan 470 Urretavizcaya, Maite 685
Rummel, Nikol 174, 222
Rus, Vasile 675, 677 van Joolingen, Wouter R. 689
van Vuuren, Sarel 368
Sabourin, Jennifer 141, 470 Veenhof, Gerard 687
Sadikov, Aleksander 286 Viallet, Fabienne 123
Sandberg, Jacobijn 687 Vicari, Rosa M. 691, 696
Santos, Anderson 640 Vidal, Philippe 703
Sárközy, Gábor N. 405 von Aster, Michael 389
Scheuer, Oliver 647
Schubert, Michael 632 Walker, Erin 11, 222, 243, 636
Walker, Sean 222
Schwendimann, Beat 482
Wang, Ning 151
Segedy, James R. 505
Wang, Yutao 399
Seridi-Bouchelaghem, Hassina 720
Ward, Wayne 368
Serna, Audrey 632
Weinberger, Armin 647
Seta, Kazuhisa 683
Weragama, Dinesha 600, 628
Shanabrook, David Hilton 46, 714
Wiederrecht, Melissa A. 594
Shareghi Najar, Amir 579
Williams, Claire 256
Sharipova, Mayya 609, 653
Wilson, Dale-Marie 612
Shipe, Stefanie 666
Wing, Leah 666
Shores, Lucy R. 141, 464
Wisdom, John 135
Silva, Alan 298
Woolf, Beverly Park 46, 340, 666, 714
Silva, Emanuele 640
Silva, Marlos 640 Xu, Xiaoxi 666
Silva, Priscylla 640
Silverman, Barry G. 642 Yacef, Kalina 482
Soriano, Jose Carlo A. 636 Yarzebinski, Evelyn 101
Sottilare, Robert 582 Yeasin, Mohamed 212
Stamper, John 304, 588, 669 Yessad, Amel 168
Stehlik, Mark 710 Yoo, Jaebong 570
Stylianides, Gabriel 101
Sudol-DeLyser, Leigh Ann 710 Zaier, Amani 681
Sugay, Jessica O. 634 Zhang, Li 33
Sulcer, Brian 716 Zhu, Xibin 699

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