RMC 78-2022
RMC 78-2022
RMC 78-2022
The circular covers the tax treatment of the following educational institutions:
A. Proprietary Educational Institution - refers to any private school maintained and administered by
private individuals or groups with an issued permit to operate from the Department of Education
(DepEd), or the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), or the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA), as the case may be, in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
Moreover, all domestic non-stock, non-profit (NSNP) educational institutions whose net income or
assets accrue/inure to or benefit any member or specific person shall likewise be subject to the ten
percent (10%) preferential Income Tax rate under Section 27(B) of the Tax Code. Provided, that
beginning July 1, 2020 until June 30, 2023, the tax rate imposed shall be one percent (1%).
If the gross income of the domestic corporation proprietary educational institution - including NSNP
educational institution in the preceding paragraph insofar as its revenues or income not used actually,
directly and exclusively for educational purposes are concerned - from 'unrelated trade, business or
other activity exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total gross income it derived from all sources, the
regular Corporate Income Tax prescribed in Section 27(A) of the Tax Code shall be imposed on the entire
taxable income of the said institution.
The term 'unrelated trade, business or other activity' means any trade, business or other activity, the
conduct of which is not substantially related to the exercise or performance by such educational
institution of its primary purpose or function.
ii. Others - The other proprietary educational institutions that are not organized as domestic
corporations are taxable as follows:
a. Individual - The income of an individual, trust, or estate that owns the proprietary educational
institution as a sole proprietor, is taxable under Sections 24 and 25 of the Tax Code, and the applicable
tax rates shall depend on the citizenship and residence of such individual, trust, or estate.
b. Other Corporations - The income of a corporation, as defined under Section 22(B) of the Tax Code,
that is not organized as domestic corporation but is classified as resident foreign corporation, is taxable
under Section 28(A) of the Tax Code.
B. Government Educational Institution - refers to a public university or college that is fully owned and
subsidized by the government. A government educational institution (GEI) may be created through a
charter or a law passed by the Congress of the Philippines.
i. Express Provision in Charter or Law - If the GEI has a charter and the charter expressly provides that it
is exempt from taxes, then such GEI is exempt from applicable taxes as may be provided in the aforesaid
ii. No Express Provision in Law - If the GEI's charter does not expressly provide that it is exempt from tax,
it is nonetheless exempt from Income Tax on the income received as such pursuant to Section 30(I) of
the Tax Code.
C. Non-stock and Non-profit (NSNP) Educational Institution - All revenues and assets of an NSNP
educational institution used actually, directly and exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt
from taxes and duties, pursuant to Paragraph 3, Section 4, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution, and as
reiterated in Section 30 of the Tax Code. For the Constitutional exemption to be enjoyed, the NSNP
educational institutional must comply with the two requisites: (1) the school must be NSNP; and (2) the
income is actually, directly and exclusively used for educational purposes. To avail of the exemption, the
taxpayer must factually prove that its income or revenues are used actually, directly and exclusively for
educational purposes, and that no net income or asset accrues to the benefit of any member of the
corporation. For this purpose, the NSNP educational institution shall submit, together with the required
annual Income Tax return, a detailed breakdown of the expenses defrayed from each nature of
revenues/income or an accounting for those actually, directly and exclusively used for educational
purposes for the exemption to set in.
B. Exemption from Donor's Tax Certain gifts or donations in favor of an NSNP educational institution may
be exempt from Donor's Tax, subject to the condition that not more than thirty percent (30%) of said
gifts shall be used by the donee institution for administration purposes.
D. Withholding tax on income received a. NSNP educational institutions shall not be subject to any
creditable or final Withholding Tax on their revenues and assets used actually, directly and exclusively
for educational purposes as provided under the Constitution. For this purpose, existing NSNP
educational institutions shall continue to present to withholding agents their duly issued Certificate of
Income Tax exemption or exemption rulings, and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration.
Newly-organized NSNP educational institutions must secure their Certificate of Tax Exemption within
three (3) months from the issuance of their Certificate of Registration with the SEC. b. The income
payments to proprietary educational institutions, including NSNP educational institutions, which are
subject to preferential Income Tax under Sec. 27(B) are subject to creditable and final Withholding
Taxes. The creditable Withholding Tax on the income payments to these institutions should not be more
than the statutory Income Tax rate imposed on proprietary educational institutions under Section 27(B)
of the Tax Code. c. The income payments to educational institutions organized as sole proprietorships
under Sec. 24(A)(2)(a) or Sec. 24(A)(2)(b) are also subject to Creditable and Final Withholding Taxes. All
educational institutions are required to comply with the following: a. Register with the BIR, both primary
and secondary – secure Authority to Print Receipts/Invoices, register Books of Accounts and update
registration information b. Issue receipts/invoices c. File tax returns d. Secure Certificate of Income Tax