Chap 3 Part 2
Chap 3 Part 2
Chap 3 Part 2
As for measuring the wind speed, anemometers will be utilized and statistics
will be monitored by the researchers and interpreted by the statistician. The data
will be gathered every two days from morning to evening and will be measured
every thirty minutes, with a duration of two minutes and the average velocity will be
listed by the researchers. The average velocity based on the data will be used in
simulating. As for measuring the power output, a digital multimeter will be utilized.
3.3 Simulation
During the simulation, the researchers will use Computer Aided Design.
They will simulate the optimum design that can harness more energy. The
researchers will use Savonius design during the simulation while assuming a
certain wind speed and then will use the number and angle of blades to determine
the design with the most harnessed power. After that, the researchers will
incorporate the optimum Savonius design with magnetic levitation design and the
researchers will fabricate the design and place it to the researcher’s Research
3.4 Fabrication
The fabrication will be based on the optimum VAWT design during the
simulation. Power equipment such as angle grinders, drill presses, and welding
machines will be used by the researchers during the fabrication process. Steel
plates, plywood, angle bars, round bars, and other materials could be utilized in
the fabrication process. The VAWT rotor blades will be composed of AL 6061-T6
and will be costly. Aluminum is a metal, just like steel, brass, copper, zinc, lead,
or titanium. Aluminum has a specific weight of 2.7 g/, which is about a third that of
steel. Aluminum has a natural oxide coating that protects it from corrosion. For
measuring the power usage, the researchers will utilize a digital power reader as
it is more convenient.
The researchers would use the best design that harnessed the required
simulated output. They will use a neodymium magnet for repulsion and suspension
The researchers will use copper or winding coils to induce the voltage. The
design works by inducing a voltage using the changing magnetic field produced by
the magnets. The rotating magnets run through a series of coils, each of which
For the design in the winding coil and magnet, the more winding in the
winding coil and the magnet, the higher the voltage; nevertheless, increasing the
size of the coil causes a drop in flux magnitude (Gene A., Kojo A., Adam W. 2009).
The researchers decided that a winding coil must be placed between two attracting
magnets. As a result, increasing the field density improves the voltage output
3.5 Testing
Wind turbines convert wind's mechanical energy into electrical energy. The
kinetic energy of a flowing fluid, which is air, is converted into a rotating motion by
through them. In case of a magnetic levitation vertical axis wind turbine, the
rotating motion of the blades causes a magnetic field where the magnets are
located below the body of the blades and the VAWTs base.
As for testing the design, it will be done weekly. For testing the optimum
design in VAWTs in terms of its output performance in voltage, flow current and
maximum capacity, the researchers will use an electric fan to utilize its wind as an
alternative of wind power. For measuring the voltage and current output of the
The researchers will place the VAWTs and the electricfan at different
the wind speed before testing of the turbine. It is important to measure the wind
speed first to determine the difference of the output produced at different distances
and power. After determining the voltage and current output, the researchers will
determine the maximum capacity of VAWTs design using Ohm's Law Formula.
The spikes on the data on day two and three are due to high velocity winds
caused by sudden rainfall and strong winds. The listed windspeed does not include
the maximum and minimum windspeed under the duration of two minutes.
%20Maglev%20Vertical%20Axis%20%20Wind%20Turbine-VAMWT.pdf horizontal-vs-vertical-wind-turbines-3500.html.
Kohilo University. 2020. Types of Wind Turbines & Their Advantages &
Aravind, C. V., Rajparthiban, R., Rajprasad, R., & Wong, Y. V. (2012, March). A
andanalysis.In2012IEEE8thInternationalColloquiumonSignalProcessingand its
the performance of Savonius wind turbines related with the number of blades.
Gohda, Y., Tatetsu, Y., & Tsuneyuki, S. (2018). Electron theory on grain-boundary