Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
PRELIMINARY READING AND RESEARCH – PSTs are required to do research and
preliminary reading on pre-assigned organizational leadership topics/concepts. There will be group
presentation after the group sharing.
Expected of professional teachers who care for and embark on continuing professional
development is a promotion along the way. With this in mind, this course won’t be complete without a
discussion of an effective leader and manager for which you will be in the future. But should you
refuse offer for a managerial or leadership position in school or in the bigger educational organization
because of the love for teaching and learners, this lesson on organizational leadership won’t be laid to
waste because even as teacher you are ready a leader and a manager. You are a teacher and a class
or classroom manager.
In organizational leadership, leaders help set strategic goals for the organization while
motivating individuals within the organization to successfully carry out assignments in order to realize
those goals. In the school setting, the school leader helps set the goals/targets for the school and
motivates teachers, parents, learners, non-teaching personnel and other members of the community
to do their task to realize the school goals.
Organizational Leadership works towards what is best for individual members and what
is best for the organization as a group at the same time. Organizational leadership does not sacrifice
the individual members for the sake of the people nor sacrifice the welfare of the group for the sake
of individual members. Both individual and group are necessary.
Organizational leadership is also an attitude and a work ethic that empowers an individual in
any role to lead from the top, middle, or bottom of an organization. Applied to the school setting, the
school leader helps anyone from the organization not necessarily from the top to lead others. An
example of this leadership which does not necessarily come from the top of the organization is
teacher leadership.
Administer Innovate
Their process is transactional; meet Their process is transformational: develop a vision and
objectives and delegate tasks. find a way forward.
Work Focused People Focused
The goal is to get things done. They are skilled at The goals include both people and results. They care
allocating work. about you and want you to succeed.
Have Subordinates Have Followers
They create circles of power and lead by They create circles of influence and lead by inspiring.
Do Things Right Do The Right Thing
Managers enact the existing culture and maintain Leaders shape the culture and drive integrity.
status quo.
Source: Dubrin, Andrew E. (2006) Essentials of management, Mason, OH 45040 USA
Leadership Styles
Here are leadership styles:
Autocratic leaders do decision making by themselves. Consultative leaders allow
participation of the members of the organization by consulting them but make the decision
themselves. This is what happens in consultation meetings called by schools when they increase
tuition fees. Sometimes education stakeholders get disappointed that their suggestions are not
carried after school leaders have consulted them. They do not understand that consultation does not
necessarily mean approval of stakeholders suggestions.
Democratic leaders allow the members of the organization to fully participate in decision
making. Decisions are arrived at by way of consensus. This is genuine participation of the members
of the organization which is in keeping with school empowerment.
In laissez faire or free-rein leadership style, leaders avoid responsibility and leave the
members of the organization to establish their own work. This leadership style leads to the kanya-
kanya mentality, one weaknesses of the Filipino character. There will be no problem if the situation is
deal, i.e each member of the organization has reached a level of maturity and so if members are left
to themselves they will do only what is good for the organization. On the other hand, it will be
chaos if each member will do as he/she please even if it is against the common good.
The Situational Leadership Model In situational leadership,
effective leaders adapt their leadership
style to the situation of the members
of the organization,.e to the readiness
and willingness of the group members.
Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard
(1996) characterized leadership style
in terms of the amount of task
behaviour and relationship behaviour
that the leader provides to their
followers. They categorized all
leadership styles into four behaviour
styles, which they named S1 to S4.
Among these leadership styles, no one style is considered best for all leaders to use all the time.
Effective leaders need to be flexible, and must adapt themselves according to the situation, the
readiness and willingness of the members of the organization.
Servant Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Picture Not Mine. Credits to the owner
Sustaining Change
For reforms to transform, the innovations introduced by the transformational leader must be
institutional and sustained. Or else that innovation is simply a passing fad that loses its flavour after a a
time. A proof than an innovation introduced has transformed the organization is that the result or effect
of that change persists or ripples even when the transformative leader is gone or is transferred to
another school or gets promoted in the organization.
We feel most comfortable with our old pair or shoes. We like to live in our comfort zones and so
sometimes we don’t welcome change. And yet if we want improvement in the way we do things in our
organization, in our school or if we want to improve in life we must be willing to change. The
transformational leader ought to deal with resistance to change to succeed. There will always be
resisters to change. To ensure tat the innovation he/she introduces leads to the transformation of the
organization, Morato of Bayan ABS-CBN (2011) gives the following advice:
1. Seek the support of the stakeholders- The leaders must build a “strong coalition of allies in order
to push for any meaningful change that would yield results. Innovations cannot be forced upon
the teachers, the students, the parents, the community… without serious consequences.”
2. Get people early and often – Resistance drops off in proportion to the involvement of
participants. You may not to expect 100-percentt support from any individual who was not
personally involved in a change that affected his/her wor. It is best to set up networks to reach
out to as many people as possible.
3. Plan a communications campaign to “sell” the innovation – Morata (2011) asserts: The change
envisioned must cascade downwards to the last lesson plan and ripple sidewards to win the
support of major stakeholders.”
4. Ensure that the innovation is understood by all – The benefits and costs must be appreciated and
weighed carefully.
5. Consider timing and phasing – These are highly critical; missteps might backfire and lack of
sensitivity to stakeholders might lead to resistance.
Advantages of SBM
Involving stakeholder-parents, teachers, students and other members of the community- is also
helpful in the mobilization of local resources to complement public resources. Concrete proof of this the
number of classroom built as a result of the strong partnership between schools and communities and
successful school-community programs like those describe in the Chapter on the School and the
Through SBM, problems and needs at the school level get solved faster and specific personalities
and cultures are taken into consideration. These personalities and cultures are usually ignored in multi-
layered in hierarchical organization like DepEd. In a hierarchical organization, straight jacket rules,
procedures and allocations norms are given and apply to all. It takes time to solve problems if schools
have to wait for answers from above. As a result, teachers, parents and students are frustrated due to
In SBM, schools take the responsibility to plan and implement their School Improvement Plans
(SIP). (The table that you scrutinized in the phase of the lesson is a of a part of a School Improvement
Plan). It is the schools themselves, no DepEd higher offices that know best their problems and the
solutions to these offices that know best their problems and the solutions to these problems. It is the
schools that determine the number and kind of teachers they need, the kind of learning materials and
resources they need.
Since schools are given more power to direct themselves, they are made accountable for results.
SBM makes schools accountable to the stakeholders.
Figure 1. SBM – PASBE Operational Framework (Source: DepEd Order # 64, s. 2012)
A school on Level 1, Developing, means that the school is developing structures and
mechanisms with acceptable level and extent of community participation and impact on learning. A
school in Level II, described as Maturing, means that the school is introducing and sustaining
continuous improvement process that integrates wider community participation and significantly improve
performance and learning outcomes. Level III, Advanced (Accredited) means that the school is ensuring
the production of intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully integrated in
the local community and is self-renewing and self-sustaining.
In conclusion, PASBE is a means to institutionalize SBM, the granting of more autonomy to
schools for them to chart their destiny to grow in effectiveness continuously.
These factors are exemplified by high performing schools in the Philippines and abroad and by
the best education performing countries in the world.
In the Philippines, the practice of School-Based Management, gave greater autonomy to schools
to make decisions in collaboration with parents and community towards greater school effectiveness.
The SBM Assessment Tool is an instrument used to assess schools’ effectiveness and its use for
accreditation of schools is an assurance that effective practices get institutionalized to build the school’s
culture of excellence.
The heart of all these elements, both human and non-human is the school head, the school
leader. This means that all these factors that contribute to school effectiveness come forth only with a
dynamic and a transformational school leader.
School Leadership
* Developing & Communicating
Vision, Mission, Goals &
Objectives (VMGO)
* Data-based Strategic Planning
* Problem-Solving
* Building High Performance Teams
* Coordinating with Others
* Leading & Managing Teams
Personal & Professional Instructional Leadership
Attributes and * Assessment for Learning
Interpersonal Effectiveness * Developing Programs & For
* Professionalism adapting Existing Programs
* Communication CORE PRINCIPLE * Implementing Programs for
* Interpersonal Sensitivity Instructional Improvement
* Fairness, Honesty & Integrity * Instructional Supervision
School heads are
committed and
accountable in
providng access to
School Management and quality and relevant Creating a Student-
Operations education for all Centered Learning Climate
* Managing School Operations through * Setting high social &
* Fiscal Management transformational academic expectations
* Use of technology in the leadership and high * Creating school
Management of degree of environments focused on
Operations the needs of the learner
Parent Involvement &
HR Management &
Community Partnership
* Parental Involvement Professional Development
* External Community * Creating a
Professional Learning
* Recruitment & Hiring
* Managing Performance
of Teachers & Staff
Figure 2. The National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (Inclosure to DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2010)
Table 8. The National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads
Domain 1 1.A. Developing & Communicating Vision, Mission, Goals &
School Leadership Objectives (VMGO)
1.B. Data-based Strategic Planning
1.C. Problem-Solving
1.D. Building High Performance Teams
1.E. Coordinating with Others
1.F. Leading & Managing Teams
Domain 2 2.A. Assessment for Learning
Instructional Leadership 2.B. Developing Programs & For adapting Existing Programs
2.C. Implementing Programs for Instructional Improvement
2.D. Instructional Supervision
Domain 3 3.A. Setting high social & academic expectations
Creating a Student- 3.B. Creating school environments focused on the needs of the
Centered Learning Climate learner
Study Figure 2 side-by-side with the Table 7 on Domains and Strands. Notice that there are
competencies expected of school heads as instructional leaders and as administrative leaders. Focused
on instructional leadership are Domain 2, which is instructional leadership itself and Domain 3, creating
student-centered learning climate which is part of instructional leadership. Related to administrative
leadersip are Domain 1, School Leadership; Domain 6, School Management and Operations; and Domain
4, Human Resource Management and Professional Development; Domain 5, Parent Involvement and
Community Partnership. Domain 7, Personal and Professional Attributes and Interpersonal Effectiveness
can relate to both instructional leadership and administrative leadership since this has something to do a
teacher’s person-hood which cannot detach from what a teacher says and does.
As a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), let’s also take a look at the
competencies of school heads for Southeast Asia.
Figure 3. Competency Framework for Southeast Asian Heads, 2014
Instructional Leadership
Like the NCBSSH for Philippines, the competency framework for Southeast Asian school heads
also include domains for instructional leadership and administrative leadership. The domain on
instructional leadership encompasses 4 competencies: 1) leading curriculum implementation and
improvement; 2) creating a learner-centered environment; 3) supervising and
evaluating teachers’ performance; and 4) delivering planned learning
Administrative Leadership
This includes strategic thinking and innovation (Domain 1),
stakeholders’ engagement (Domain 4) and managerial leadership (Domain 5).
For the enabling competencies for each domain, refer to the Table above.
Personal excellence, another Domain (3), relates to both instructional
and administrative leadership. Whatever personal improvement school heads
have on their personal effectiveness by pursuing continuous professional
development redounds to improved administrative and instructional leadership.