Unit 1
What Is Business?
Pre-reading Activity
Discuss the following questions.
1. When you see the word business, what do you think about? Quickly write
down words or ideas as they come into your mind.
2. Write your own definition of business in the space provided below. Begin your
definition in this way:
Business is
Compare your definition with the one written by the person next to you. Add
to your definition if you find any new information.
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you read “What is
Business?, “ see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add
other terms that you do not know.
Reading Passage
Business is a word that is commonly used in many different languages.
But exactly what does it mean? The concepts and activities of business have,
increased in modern times. Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or
trade for things people wanted or needed. Today it has more technical
5 definition. One definition of business is the production, distribution, and sale
of goods and services for a profit. To examine this definition, we will look at
its various parts.
First production is the creation of services or the changing of materials
into products. One example is the conversion of iron ore into metal car parts.
10 Next these products need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace.
This is known as distribution. A car might be moved from a factory in Detroit
to a car dealership in Miami.
Third is the sale of goods and services. Sale is the exchange of a product
or services for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money. Goods
15 are products that people need or want: for example, cars can be classified as
goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities that a person or group
performs for another person or organization. For instance, an auto mechanic
performs a service when he repairs a car. A doctor also performs a service by
taking care of people when they are sick.
Business, then, is a combination of all these activities: production,
distribution, and sale. However, there is one other important factor. This
20 factor is the creation of profit or economic surplus. A major goal in the
functioning of an American business company is making a profit. Profit is the
money that remains after all the expenses are paid. Creating an economic
surplus or profit is, therefore, a primary goal of business activity.
A. Answer the following questions about the meaning of business. Questions with
asterisks (*) cannot be answered directly from the text.
B. Determine which of the following statements are true and which are false.
Then put T or F in the blanks. Rewrite false statements to make them true.
2. ____ From ancient to modern times the definition of business has remained
the same.
Vocabulary Exercises
A. Write down any terms that you did not understand in the reading. Find each
term in the reading, look at its context, and try to figure out the meaning.
Discuss these terms with your classmates.
B. Look at the terms in the left-hand column and find the correct synonyms in the
right-hand column. Copy the corresponding letters in the blanks.
1. ____goods a. moving or transporting
2. ____conversion b. trade
3. ____for
f instance c. however
4. ____distribution d. look at
5. ____exchange e. change
6. ____ on the other hand f. for example
7. ____ examine g. products
C. Complete the sentences with the noun and verb forms provided.
1. sales/sells
subject - object (singular) - predicate
a. An annual report includes the sales figures of the company for the current
fiscal year.
b. An auto dealership sells cars, trucks, vans, and sometimes recreational
subject - object (singular) - predicate
2. distribution/distribute
3. production/produces
4. classification/are classified
5. conversion/convert
Text Analysis
1. The reading contains terms such as its, it, and this factor. These terms refer to
nouns or noun phrases that occurred earlier in the text. For example, its in
line 7 refers to one definition of business in lines 5-6. What does each of the
following refer to?
3. Line 7 refers to its various parts. List the parts of the business definition that
are explained in the reading.
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________
4. What key transition words are used to introduce each new part of the
A number of terms are defined this way in the reading. Find and copy these
definitions in the spaces below.
a. Business is_______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________
and examples given in the reading (lines 13-18). Classify the following items as
either goods or services.
Car Medical diagnosis
1 A shipment of grain is transferred from a boat
to a truck. _____________________
2 A chemical plant turns raw materials into
fertilizer. _____________________
3 A salesperson from a concrete manufacturer
convinces the owner of a building materials
company to buy a shipment of drainage pipe
from his company. _____________________
4 A warehouse ships books to a bookstore.
5 A computer manufacturer receives silicon
chips and puts them into minicomputers. _____________________
6 A dentist repairs a child’s broken tooth. _____________________
7 A train moves truck parts across the country. _____________________
8 A grocer exchanges groceries for money. _____________________
9 A waitress takes order for lunch. _____________________
10 A farmer plants vegetables for harvest in the
fall. _____________________
B. With your partner, write down real-life situations that would fit into the
categories of production, distribution, and sale. For examples, see the
preceding exercise.
Production: _____________________________________________________
Distribution: ____________________________________________________
Sale: __________________________________________________________
Write a paragraph about a business operation with which you are familiar.
Include the categories of production, distribution, and sale in your description.
From the initial drilling for oil to the final sale of gasoline at the pump, oil
passes through a variety of stages. After the oil has been taken from the ground,
it is refined into gasoline during the production process. Then the gasoline is
taken from the refinery and shipped by either truck or rail. It is sold to
wholesalers who distribute it, or it is directly distributed by the company to the
gas stations. Finally, the gasoline is purchased by customers who need it for their
cars, trucks, or other vehicles.
Unit 2
Careers in Business
Pre-reading Activity
Discuss the following questions.
1. Have you ever had a job? Describe your most interesting one. How did you get
it? What training or skills were required? What kinds of duties did you
2. Name some of the different fields of business in which a person may work,
such as marketing. Then list some of the specializations within the different
fields. For example, within marketing one may specialize in advertising or
marketing advertising
3. Before selecting a career (the chosen work of one’s life), what should a
person try to find out about himself or herself and the job?
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you read “Careers in
Business,” see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add
other terms that you do not know.
Career offer suitable consequently
Variety specialize in available ___________
Field __________ _____________ ___________
Salary __________ _____________ ___________
Aptitude __________ _____________ ___________
Demand __________ _____________ ___________
Advancement __________ _____________ ___________
Reading Passage
Figure 1
15 In choosing a business career, there are several questions you may want to ask. For
instance, does the work interest you? Are there any areas of business for which you
have an aptitude or special capability? What are the opportunities involved, such as
salary, chance for advancement, and demand (or need) for the job? Answers to these
kinds of questions and careful planning will help you choose a suitable and successful
career in business.
B. Circle the letter of the answer that best completes each of the sentences
c. job opportunities
d. all of the above
Vocabulary Exercises
B. Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the list.
Within the field of accounting, there are a number of areas that you might
______________. These include bookkeeping and the ____________types of
accounting. In order to choose the specific accounting job that is most
_____________, you might ask yourself how much this type of work interests you
and if you have any ____________for organizing financial data. You might also
consider the average _________earned by a bookkeeper or accountant and the
demand the work, particularly for the area in which you hope to live.
current _________for
Opportunity for _____________in the accounting field is another factor that you,
as a prospective bookkeeper or accountant, may wish to consider.
Text Analysis
2. In the reading passage, two transition phrases are used to give examples.
What are these two phrases? What examples do they introduce?
__________________________ ___________________________
3. A transition word is used in the reading passage to show a result, What is this
___________________________ ___________________________
(transition) (result)
4. Writers sometimes ask questions in order to focus and intensify the reader’s
interest. When the reader comes to one of these questions, he or she
generally pauses and considers the question before going on. An answer is
not expected. This type of question is known as a “rhetorical question”.
Find three rhetorical questions in the reading passage and write them below.
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
5. Write definitions for the following business fields by matching a field on the
left with a definition on the right. Use this definition form:
term being defined verb to be definition
Class: ___________________ Class: Management Careers
Members Researcher Members: ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
Class: Finance Class : Business fields
Members: ___________________ Members: ____________________
___________________ ____________________
_____stockbroker____ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
B. In each of the examples below, three of the items are members of the same
class and one is not. Cross out the one that is not a member. Then write the
name of the class to which the other three belong.
1. buyer/banker/seller/distributor ____marketing careers_
2. banker/financial analyst/stockbroker/accountant ____________________
3. computers and data processing/finance/marketing/ ____________________
General manager
4. computer operator/computer programmer/data ____________________
processing/ systems analyst
5. general manager/management/production ____________________
manager/personnel manager
6. advertising/management/marketing/accounting ____________________
7. private accountant/banker/government accountant/____________________
Information Transfer
Where Women Are Employed in the U.S
Figure 2
A. Scan figure 2 to answer these questions.
1. For each pair of words, circle one word that applies to this graph.
a. men/women
b. employed/unemployed
c. all the world/U.S
d. percentage/total number
e. bar graph/pie graph
Unit 3
Why Nations Trade
Pre-reading Activity
3. What commodities does your country export? What are the biggest imports?
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you read “Why Nations
Trade,” see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add other
terms that you do not know.
The sale of goods and services is not restricted to local, regional, or
national markets; it often takes place on an international basis. Nations
import goods that they lack or cannot produce as efficiently as other
nations. This exchange of goods and services in the world, or global
5 market is known as international trade. There are three main benefits to
be gained from this type of exchange.
First, international trade makes scarce good available to nations that
need or desire them. When a nation lacks the resources needed to
produce goods domestically, it may import them from another country.
10 For example, Saudi Arabia import automobiles; the United States,
bananas, and Mexico, computers.
Second, international trade allows a nation to specialize in production
of those goods for which it is particularly suited. This often results in
increased output, decreased costs, and a higher national standard of
15 living. Natural, human, and technical resources help determine which
products a nation will specialize in. Saudi Arabia is able to specialize in
petroleum because it has the necessary natural resource; Mexico is able
to specialize in the production of wooden furniture because it has the
human resources to assemble the furniture by hand; and the United
20 States is able to specialize in the computer industry because it has the
technical expertise necessary for design and production.
There are two economic principles that help explain how and when
specialization is advantageous. According to the theory of absolute
advantage, a nation ought to specialize in the goods that it can produce
25 more cheaply than its competitors or in the goods that no other nation is
able to produce. According to the theory of comparative advantage, a
nation ought to concentrate on the products that it can produce most
efficiently and profitably. For example, a nation might produce both grain
and wine cheaply, but it specializes in the one that will be more profitable.
30 The third benefit of international trade is its political effects. Nations
that trade together develop common interests that may help them
overcome political differences. Economic cooperation has been the
foundation for many political alliances, such as the European Community
(EC), founded in 1957.
35 International trade has done much to improve global conditions. It
enables countries to import goods they lack or cannot produce
domestically. It allows countries to specialize in certain goods with
increased production and decreased prices. Finally, it opens the channel
of communication among nations.
A. Answer the following questions about international trade. Questions with
asterisks(*) cannot be answered directly from the text.
1. What are the various markets in which the sale of goods and services takes
2. What is international trade?______________________________________
3. What is the first benefit of international trade?_______________________
4. What is one commodity that Mexico imports? *Why?__________________
5. What resources help determine which products a nation will specialize
6. *Which of these resources is most abundant in your country?___________
7. According to the theory of comparative advantage, what should a nation
8. *Can you give an example to show how this theory has worked in your
country? Explain._______________________________________________
9. What is the third benefit of international trade?______________________
10.*What are some examples, other than the European Community, of how
Economic Cooperation has helped overcome political differences?
B. Circle the letter of the answer that best completes each of the following
a. it can specialize in
b. no other nation can produce
c. it can make efficiently
d. it can produce most efficiently and profitably
1. Diamonds are found in only a few places in the world; they are rare.scarce
2. The production of the factory increased when ten new workers were hired.
3. Nations that are without technological resources cannot produce their
computer systems. ______________.
4. International trade has affected worldwide conditions in numerous ways.
5. Specialized knowledge is necessary to design fax machines. ____________
6. Many small businesses focus only on the home market. _______________
7. Oil is a valuable asset. __________
8. International trade makes it possible for countries to import goods that they
cannot produce. ___________
B. Complete the sentences with the noun, verb, and adjective forms provided.
1. restriction/is restricted/restrictive
a. A_________limits the number of workers that can be hired.
is restricted national markets.
b. Trade _________not ___________to
c. A ____________trade law is one that controls the number of goods
imported or exported.
2. specialization/specializes/specialized
a. Generally a nation that_______________in certain products can increase
b. Research and development is a _____________area of marketing.
c. America’s __________in agriculture has made it a leading producer of
3. Importation/imports/imported
a. Because California has a warm climate, oranges are a ____________product
for it to specialize in.
b. Thesuitability
_________of a particular specialization is determined by the country’s
c. Because of its cold climate, Sweden __________not suited
specialize in coffee or bananas.
Text Analysis
2. The reading discusses three benefits of international trade. What are these
three benefits?
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
3. What connective words or phrases are used to introduce each benefit?
a. ______________________ _______________________
b. ______________________ _______________________
c. ______________________ _______________________
4. What are some other connective words or phrases that could have been used
instead of second and third?
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
5. The reading discusses the resources that help determine in which products a
nation will specialize. The possession of a particular resource may be thought
of as a cause and the resultant specialization may be seen as an effect. List the
cause/effect specialization relationships for Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and the
United States.
b. Mexico
c. ______________________________________________________________
Some possible results of international trade are listed below. Look at each
situation and determine whether it concerns countries that import or export.
Then decide whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage for those nations.
Enter the number of the situation in the appropriate area of the grid.
1. A greater variety of goods is available.
2. Foreign competition endangers domestic industries.
3. A larger market is now available.
4. A nation becomes too dependent upon its foreign markets.
5. More jobs are created.
6. Gross National Product (GNP) is increased.
7. A nation becomes too dependent on foreign products.
8. For economic reasons, a country prefers to sell to foreign markets rather than
deal with its domestic market.
9. Domestic workers lose employment.
10. A nation imports natural resources rather than depleting its own sources.
11. The international market gets flooded.
12. The national standard of living is raised.
Importing Exporting
nations nations
Advantage 1
Write a paragraph describing a product your country has specialized in. Include
in your paragraph information about resources, economic theory, and results.
One of the products that Japan has chosen to specialize in is production of
cameras. Because of its technical resources, Japan has the knowledge
required to design and produce sophisticated cameras; because of its human
resources, Japan has a workforce that large enough to produce these cameras
on a competitive basis. According to the theory of comparative advantage,
Japan has chosen to specialize in production of cameras because it can
produce them cheaply than it can a number of other goods. Japan’s
specialization in cameras has resulted, among other things, in increased
domestic employment, more money coming into the country, and a higher
standard of living.
Unit 4
The Four P’s
Pre-reading Activity
2. Can you list the various steps or actions that are involved in the marketing
process? (Think of all the steps that must take place to get goods and services
to the customer.)
3. Now write a definition of marketing using some of the ideas and steps listed in
Questions 1 and 2.
Marketing is
Compare your definition with the ones written by your classmates. Add to your
definition if you find any new information.
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you read “The Four
P’s’. See if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add other
terms that you do not know.
retailer _____________ ____________ ___________
promotion _____________ ____________ ___________
Reading Passage
work together to develop a successful marketing operation that satisfies
customers and achieves the company’s objectives.
E.Jerome McCarthy, Basic Marketing (Homewod, III: Richard D.Irwan, Inc., 1971). Pp.44-46
B. Circle the letter of the answer that best completes each of the sentences
d. manufacturer—wholesaler—retailer—customer
Vocabulary Exercises
A. Write down any terms that you did not understand in the reading
passage. Find each term in the reading, look at its context, and try to
figure out the meaning. Discuss these terms with your classmates.
B. Look at the terms in the left-hand column and find the correct synonyms
or definitions in the right-hand column. Copy the corresponding letters in
the blanks.
C. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the list
Generally, wholesalers___________ lower __________than retailers and
sell in larger quantities. Together, these channels of distribution play a
______________role in the _________________element of marketing.
Text analysis
Various problems that might occur in the marketing process are listed below.
Determine which of the four P’s each problem is most closely related to. Mark
the appropriate category of product, price, placement, or promotion with an X.
2 The product is
__________ __________ __________ __________
3 The product is
not available in
enough stores.
I. Read the following letter of complaint about dangerous product. It is written to be sent as a
fax (facsimile transmission).
When we returned the truck to the store, the manager refunded our
money and apologized for what happened to our son. He said that he would
report the accident to the manufacturer, L&R Toy company. However, he said
he would continue to sell the toy trucks in his store unless he was notified to
return them to L&R Toy Company.
We feel that L&R Toy Company must immediately recall product # 17348
from the market and stop selling this toy until it is safe for children to play
with. No other children should be hurt by the sharp edges in the way our son
With your partner, write a response to Susan and Donald Murphy or write your own letter
of complaint. Send it as a fax or letter.
Unit 5
Why Finance?
Pre-reading Activity
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you read “Why
Finance?” see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add
other terms that you do not know.
Reading Passage
A. Answer the following questions about finance. Questions with asterisks (*)
cannot be answered directly from the text.
B. Determine which of the following statements are true and which are false.
Then, put T or F in the blanks.
Vocabulary Exercises
1. Although Ms. Robinson and her partners had already defined their new
product line, they were still searching for the money needed to purchase
equipment and materials. _____Capital____________
3. One of the chief elements in financial planning is achieving the correct balance
between long-term and short-term capital. ________________
5. When a company wants to expand, one factor that always affects this decision
is cost. __________
8. Owners anticipate that the company will use fixed assets for many years.
B. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the list.
The Cunhas were planning to _start up____ a small retail business. Before
making the final decision, they looked at the amount of personal
__________they had to invest. The remaining funds they would have to
____________ through various _________and long term ___________. Another
___________was the type of equipment they would have to ________initially.
_________________, the Cunhas evaluated the costs of inventory, employee
salaries and benefits, and other general expenses. After reviewing all these
factors, the Cunhas decided to open their business.
b. ____________________________________________________________
Classify the following real-life situations. First decide whether they are
examples of short-or long-term financing. Then classify them according to the
specific uses of the funds.
inventories equipment
accounts receivable buildings
cash property
marketable securities
2. In order to locate its manufacturing site close to the natural resource required
for production, a timber company constructs a new plywood mill.
____________________________/ ________________________________
Dear Anna:
As we discussed last week at lunch, West Coast Industries (WCI) plans a major
expansion of its cold-storage warehouse based in Portland. In order to expand these
facilities, WCI will need a combination of short-and-long term financing. Our estimates
indicate a need for $1,500,000 for one year and $ 15, 750,000 for a term of ten years.
The long-term financing will, of course, be utilized for the construction of the new cold-
storage warehouse. Short-term financing will permit the purchase of additional
Would National City Bank be able to provide WCI with a line of credit totaling
$17,250,000 for the purposes of this expansion project? Our executive committee
would welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal in detail with bank’s board
directors at the earliest possible date. Your assistance in arranging a meeting would be
most appreciated.
Unit 6
An Accounting Overview
Pre-reading Activity
3. Are there different types of accountants in your country? Explain what kind of
work they do and for whom they work.
Below is a list of terms that you will in the text. As you read “An Accounting
Overview,” see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and other
terms that you do not know.
Reading Passage
Accounting is frequently called the “language of business” because of its
ability to communicate financial information about an organization. Various
interested parties, such as managers, potential investors, creditors, and the
government, depend on a company’s accounting system to help them make
5 informed financial decisions. An effective accounting system, therefore, must
include accurate collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting,
and reporting of information on the financial status of an organization.
In order to achieve a standardized system, the accounting process allows
accounting principles and rules. Regardless of the type of business or the
10 amount of money involved, common procedures for handling and presenting
financial information are used. Incoming money (revenues) and outgoing
money (expenditures) are carefully monitored, and transactions are
summarized in financial statements, which reflect the major financial activities
of an organization.
15 Two common financial statements are the balance sheet and the income
statement. The balance sheet shows the financial position of a company at
one point in time while the income statement shows the financial
performance of company over a period of time. Financial statements allow
interested parties to compare one organization to another and/or to compare
20 accounting periods within one organization. For example, an investor may
compare the most recent income statements of two corporations in order to
find out which one would be a better investment.
People who specialize in the field of accounting are known accountants. In
the United States, accountants are usually classified as public, private, or
25 governmental. Public accountants work independently and provide
accounting services such as auditing and tax computation to companies and
individuals. Public accountants may earn the title of CPA (Certified Public
Accountant) by fulfilling rigorous requirements. Private accountants work
solely for private companies or corporations that hire them to maintain
30 financial records, and government accountants work for governmental
agencies or bureaus. Both private and governmental accountants are paid on
a salary basis, whereas public accountants receive fees for their services.
Through effective application of commonly accepted accounting systems,
private, public, and governmental accountant provide accurate and timely
35 financial information that is necessary for organizational decision-making.
B. Circle the letter of the answer that best completes each of the sentences
4. Public accountants may earn the title of CPA by:
a. becoming governmental accountants
b. paying a fee
c. fulfilling rigorous requirements
d. obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in accounting
Vocabulary Exercises
B. Complete the sentences with the noun, verb, and adjective forms provided.
1. communication/to communicate/communicative
a. Supervisors should strive for two-way communication with their
b. By using an overhead projector, the guest speaker was able to
communicate his statistical information clearly.
c. Because of the clerk’s highly developed communicative skills, she was
given a position that required her to deal directly with customers.
2. information/informed/informative
a. The owner _________his employees that they would all receive a 5
percent pay increase.
b. Getting acquainted with Accounting, by John L.Carey, is a
c. Financial ______________is essential for organizational decision making.
3. allowance/allowed/allowable
a. The supervisor lost control of his staff members after he ________them
to override his decisions.
b. When the factory was built 50 years ago, little________was made for
remodeling and expansion.
c. Although ________, smoking was discouraged in the lunch room.
4. fulfillment/fulfill/fulfilling
a. At times the assembly line worker felt a lack of professional_________.
b. When he was promoted to production supervisor, however, his job
became much more ________
c. Before the accountant could become a CPA, She had to _______________
5. standards/has standardized/standard
a. The _________________paper size in the United States for business
letters and memoranda is 8 ½ X 11 inches.
b. The computer department _________________ its procedures for storing
and retrieving data.
c. Nowadays rigorous ____________are enforced in the area of food
processing and packaging.
C. Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the list.
parties financial statement reflected standardized allows
whereas interpretations informed communicates rigorous
Look at the reading passage to answer these questions.
1. What does each of the following refer to?
1 its _____________
4 them _____________
19 another _____________
21 one _____________
Unit 7
The Balance Sheet
Pre-reading Activity
4. Have you ever worked with a balance sheet? How did you make use of it?
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you “The Balance
Sheet,” see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add
other terms that you do not know.
accounting detail ____________ __________
equation ___________ ____________ __________
inventory ___________ ____________ __________
___________ ___________ ____________ __________
A. Answer the following questions about the balance sheet. Questions with
asterisks (*) cannot be answered directly from the text.
B. Complete the balance sheet by writing in the correct terms from the list
Vocabulary Exercises
A. Write down any terms that you did not understand in the reading passage.
Find each term in the reading passage, look at its context, and try to figure
out the meaning. Discuss these terms with your classmates.
B. Look at the terms in the left-hand column and find the correct synonyms or
definitions in the right-hand column. Copy the corresponding letters in the
2. In line 6, what are property, equipment, and account receivable examples of?
3. In line 7, what do suppliers and banks refer to?
4. In lines 5-7, two different phrases are used to incorporate examples in the
reading passage. What are these phrases?
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
5. Another method of clarification by example is the use of mathematical
representations. From the reading passage, copy examples that use
mathematical symbols.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
Using the information in the reading passage, answer the following questions.
Give reasons to support your answers.
______________________ _________________________
______________________ _________________________
______________________ _________________________
3. If a company’s assets are $ 140,017 and its liabilities total $ 74,215, what is the
owner’s (or stockholders’) equity? Explain how you arrived at this answer.
In the business’s next transaction, the owner borrows $ 8,000 from the local bank
in the form of a loan. Which of the following statements accurately describes how
this transaction affects the accounting equation?
_____ a. Assets would increase by $ 8,00 and owners’ equity would decrease by
$ 8,000.
_____ b. Both assets and liabilities would decrease by $ 8,000.
_____ c. Assets would increase by $ 8,000 and liabilities would increase by $
_____ d. Liabilities would increase by $ 4,000 and owners’ equity would
increase by $ 4,000.
5. Equity is the amount of money that remains when liabilities are subtracted
from assets (asset minus liabilities). Why is a distinction made between owners’
equity and stockholder’s equity?
Information Transfer
3. If Miles Laboratories, Inc., sells $ 50,000 in stock in order to raise capital for
a new warehouse, which figures in the balance sheet must be changed?
4. Which one of the items listed under shareholders’ equity must be subtracted
from the total shareholders’ equity rather than added to it?