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Specification PDF

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Building Technology 4
Lecture by:
• a written document describing in detail the
scope of work, materials to be used,
methodsbofbinstallation, and quality of
worksmanship for a work to be placed under
contract, usually utilized in conjunction with a
Rules of Specification
•• means using plain English, avoiding legalese and
jargon and restricting vocabulary to words in common

• Avoid using alternatives just to make the text more
into resting.

• Nevertheless words should be selected to ensure
that their meaning is clear and unambiguous, while
phrasing should be brief and expressed in the
imperative mood.use ‘Provide light fittings….’ not ‘The
contractor shall provide light fittings…’

• Ensure consistency and accuracy by using the
same simple terms throughout and employ
accurate and consistent phraseology for
repeated clauses. Avoid generalisations, or
unclear words or phrasing. Avoid acronyms
and abbreviations, unless very well known and
incapable of simple error. Blanket clauses
implying responsibility for the general or the
unknown, must be avoided.
ACCURACY (cont'd)
• Don’t use gender-specific words and phrases. And
avoid nominating specific control functions to
particular persons (say architect, engineer, surveyor)
unless this is intended. In particular avoid words
such as ‘approve’ or ‘approved’ unless this is an
essential requirement of the contract.

• Avoid redundant and misleading paragraphs; in
particular poorly or loosely worded SCOPE clauses
at the start of specification sections. SCOPE clauses
are legally dangerous as they could be taken by a
contractor or subcontractor as encapsulating
everything that is required. They are best avoided
altogether. At the most they should be restricted to a
simple extension of the section title.
ACCURACYh (cont'd)
• Also avoid clauses such as ‘read the General
section with this section,’ which might imply
that the specification can be broken up into
individual parts – a dangerous process
contractually. And don’t repeat general
instructions to the contractor in every section
unless there is a particular concern (such as
the prevalence for some workers to leave
debris on site, or a specific risk of damage to
adjoining work or finished work).
ACCURACY (cont'd)
• Avoid listing overly specific, or indefinable
requirements such as ‘best trade practice,’ ‘first
class work,’ or ‘acceptable standard.’ Only
require ‘approval’ or ‘inspection by….’ where this
fulfills some specific purpose.
• Also carefully check secondary consultants’
and specialists’ specification sections to
ensure consistency of meaning. Some
consultants can include indefinite phrases like
‘builders work,’ or include contractual issues, or
even monetary amounts in among the technical
Documents are meant to be complimentary. The principles to follow
say everything, but say it only once. Repetition is inadvisable and
legally dangerous
avoid erroneous information (such as listing a standard that is not
referenced in the text)
just in case, if something applies, include it once, If something
does not apply, remove it or leave it out
if information is on the drawings, don’t repeat it in the specification,
unless the subject requires amplification
if an issue is covered in the conditions of contract, don’t repeat it
in the specification. Matters of contract and/or tender must not be
included within the technical text.
• Do not include irrelevant details on drawings
and similarly there is no justification for
including irrelevant clauses or redundant
words in the specification.
• The Masterspec sections are set in an easily
recognisable pattern, with logical and
meaningful clause titles and a logical
numbering system for all clauses. Cross-
referencing within the specification is kept to a
minimum, because of possible future changes
or project-based modifications. Where
unavoidable, clause names rather than
numbers are used for cross referencing.
LOGIC (cont'd)
• Keep matters of contract, tender and administration
separate from the technical sections of the specification,
except for specific instructions on quality, or for
instructing/informing others (such as a sub-contractor); for
example the obtaining of samples, tests and certification,
the setting of standards of performance, requirements to
provide guarantees, warranties, as-builts, or maintenance
information. This approach allows the technical sections
to be more readily used with any chosen method of pricing,
administration or contract. It also adds certainty for the
contractor and/or project manager when attempting to
locate all relevant contract, pricing or administrative
LOGIC (cont'd)
• Don’t specify for failure, such as specifying
repairs following damage. That is for the
conditions of contract to resolve.

• Don’t address individual matters to ‘the
contractor.’ The whole document is addressed
to that one person or entity.
Specification Writing
The process of specification
writing, conducted in parallel with
design and drawing work, helps
create the proper balance
between client, statutory,
technical and aesthetic
Who should write the
Options in larger organisations include specialist specification
writers, project managers, or members of the project design
group. The principle qualifications needed are:

familiarity with the project, including the design philosophy

expertise in editorial, technical and contractual matters

willingness and availability.
Masterspec approach
Masterspec provide specification systems not off-the-
shelf standard specifications. They require the
specifier to vet existing data, to create a project
document. All Masterspec systems are formatted to
suit electronic onscreen editing. Some specifiers may
prefer to prepare a manual draft, but this significantly
increases the final checking process. Where a manual
approach is used, always print draft sections directly
off the current electronic files to ensure that the latest
edition is being used as a base.
The GENERAL sections incorporate
explanatory clauses on:
• The precedence of figured to scale dimensions
• Tradesmen divisions versus specification sections
• The precedence between specifications, drawings and other
documents (Note: precedence between documents is also
addressed in some standard conditions of contract)
• Manufacturer’s requirements/specifications/instructions/details.
• the use of capital letters as against lower case letters for
descriptors (e.g. architect, owner, contractor, acceptable solution,
building consent, etc). While some publications capitalise such
descriptors to signify that they are a defined term, this is not
grammatically correct and the Masterspec text follows the rule of
“when in doubt use a lower case initial letter.” Title case, where
the first letter of each word in the title of a book or other
publication, is also avoided.
1. As a briefing document and a record of decisions made.

2. As a design record.

3. A demonstration of statutory compliance.

4. A cost planning tool.

5. A tendering document.

6. A contract document.

7. A project management aid.
Purpose (cont'd)

8. An on-site manual.

9. As evidence in disputes.

10. A resource for facilities management and
building maintenance.
Writing project
Specifying methods
• Specifying by performance

• Specifying by sample

• he prescriptive approach
Specifying by performance 

While in theory a performance based approach should permit
greater innovation and competition among tenderers, the nature of
most New Zealand building contracts does not allow significant
benefits to occur. The cost and time involved in producing the
essential performance definitions, methods of verification and
confirmation of performance values is generally too high to be
either practical or economic on most projects. Nevertheless
performance-based specifying of some elements is already in
common use. Products such as aluminium windows, demountable
partitions, suspended ceilings, some mechanical services, ready-
mixed concrete and precast concrete products, are all specified
quite satisfactorily by reference to performance requirements,
published technical data, or to certain tested and proven
capabilities. This trend is certain to increase
Specifying by sample 

Specifying by reference to a sample offers a relatively simple way
to ensure a desired quality standard is met. This is particularly
useful in determining the standard of naturally sourced materials
such as quarried stone. Alternately a proprietary product of known
quality – perhaps a particular window section or balustrade design
– can be used as a benchmark for contractors to match or
The prescriptive approach

The prescriptive (or by prescription) approach is where the means
to an end are set out and defined in detail. This detailed
information is set out under three main headings: GENERAL,
PRODUCTS and EXECUTION; with a fourth SELECTIONS used when
appropriate. Different approaches used when specifying by
prescription are: 

Descriptive (spelling out in detail what is wanted) 
Reference (specifying to a code, standard or other
recognised document) 
Brand name (nominating a particular brand, range of
acceptable brands, or a specific product).

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