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Ethnography :

Sebuah Pengantar


“I want to understand the world from your point of
view. I want to know what you know in the way you know
it. I want to understand
the meaning of your experience, to walk in your shoes, to
feel things as you
feel them, to explain things as you explain them. Will you
become my teacher
and help me understand? “

(Spradley, n.a. )
Ethno : People, nation, culture
Graphy : Describe, write
Sejarah Singkat Etnografi
Berawal dari Dipengaruhi Wacana Post kolonial:
kajian positivism: sainstifik, Subatltern, hybrid
antropology rasional, dan objective space, decolonialisasi.

Dipengaruhi pandangan Post-positivistic: multiple

kolonialisme dan meaning, integrase emosi
orientalisme: konstruksi dan rasional, refleksivitas
“other” atau liyan
What ?
It documents routine daily lives of people (Fetterman,1998)
Explores a cultural group
Lives with people, or spends a lot of time with them
Has a guiding question that evolves during the study (Hall,
Setting Etnografi
Setting Etnografi
Ciri-ciri Etnografi
Fokus kepada perilaku sebuah kelompok masyarakat
Menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yang
beragam, dengan observasi merupakan elemen yang
paling utama
Menggunakan sudut pandang partisipan
Pendekatan naturalistic, tidak melakukan intervensi,
tidak membuktikan hipotesis
Analisa secara mendalam (thick description) (Geertz,
Isu-isu Dalam Etnografi

Native vs the Maintaining

Other/ Emic vs Relasi Kuasa Isu Etik the
Etic relationship
Tahapan-tahapan Fieldwork
Negotiating consent: Periode pengenalan:
gatekeepers, key memahami rutin, Participatory Writing
informants, key struktur, membangun
observation Fieldwork
Reflexivity entails consideration of a variety of factors: personal
biography, social situation, political values, situation within the
academic labour [sic] structure, personal relationship to research
respondents, relations of authority within the research process and so
on. Reflexivity is thus a complex field,
concerning EPISTEMOLOGY, politics and METHODOLOGY (original
emphasis)” (The Dictionary of Human Geography, 2009, 627)
Jenis-jenis Etnografi
Multi site ethnography
Online ethnography
Points To Consider
Credibility (do the findings represent accurate interpretation of the participants?)
Authenticity (are different voices of participants are heard?)
Criticality (is there a critical evaluation of the research?)
Integrity (are the researchers being critical to her roles in the research process?)
Vividness, creativity, thoroughness, congruence, and sensitivity (Whittemore,Chase, and
Mandle, 2001, pp. 248-249).
Etnografi Dengan
Kelompok Marginal
“Can subaltern speak for themselves?”
(Spivak, 2008)
Penelitian Dengan
Kelompok Marginal
Keadilan Representasi

Visibilitas Proteksi
Thank You

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