Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Research is a process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions. A good
research follows processes that must have certain characteristic. It must be systematic, controlled, rigorous, valid and
verifiable, empirical and critical. To avoid unethical practices researchers had obligations to adhere professional
standards in conducting research. Thus to consider a research writing ethical it must be clear, accurate, just and
In the previous lessons, you learned the meaning of research and its importance in your daily life. Research is
different from inquiry. When you inquire or investigate, you tend to ask questions to probe or examine something to
request for truth, information, or knowledge. The importance of research helps improved life as well as finding a solution
to problems through reliable and validated information.
I. Characteristics of Research
4. Voluntary Participation. People must not be coerced into participating in research process. Essentially, this means
that prospective research participants must be informed about the procedures and risks involved in research and must
give their consent to participate.
5. Anonymity. It is the protection of people’s identity through not disclosing their name or not exposing their identity. It is
a situation in data gathering activities in which informant’s name is not given nor known.
6. Privacy. It is someone’s right to keep his personal matters and relationships secret. It is the ability of an individual to
seclude him from disturbance of any research activity.
Plagiarism refers to the act of using another person’s ideas, works, processes, and results without giving due credit. It
should not be tolerated as the unauthorized use of original works, a violation of intellectual property rights.
Three different acts are considered plagiarism:
1. Failure to cite quotations and borrowed ideas,
2. Failure to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and.
3. Failure to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words.
1. As a researcher, you can play the role of a member of a research team, can you identify the processes involved in
conducting research and its characteristics? Enumerate those processes.
2. What are the various research ethics and rights of a research participant
1.Based on the article, how will you define ethics in research?
2.Are SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission study on humans rather than animal models unethical?
3.If you were a part of the research teams conducting such phenomenon, what will you do to correct the
unethical feature of the experiment?
ACTIVITY 4: Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on the SEPARATE SHAEET OF PAPER
1. Research process is a step by step procedure that guides the researcher in conceptualizing and conducting the
research. These seven steps are
2. According to Sanchez (2002) research is a continuous undertaking of making known the unknown. This definition of
research leads to common characteristics of research. Can you elaborate further on this?
4. What are some tips to avoid plagiarism when one is conducting research?
ACTIVITY 5: Answer the following question and write your answers on a 1 WHOLE SHEET OF PAPER.
Subjective Objective
Data Analysis Data analysis is influenced by the personal The researcher employs standard criteria in
experiences and views. analyzing data.
Cultivates understanding with high validity. Endorse a development.
Has high output replicability.
There are no conclusions
Outcome formulated. Conclusion is formulated towards the end of the
research process.
ACTIVITY 3: Direction: Using a Venn Diagram below, illustrate the differences and similarities between a quantitative
and qualitative method of research by filling in completely the Venn diagram presented in the next page.
Natural Dependent on
Setting Both are rigorous & statistical tool
uses textual form in
data analysis
ACTIVITY 4: Complete the box by filling out the missing description of qualitative or quantitative research. Use
one whole sheet of paper
ACTIVITY 5: What do the figures below mean? Explain and write your answer below. Use on whole sheet of paper
Activity 6: Decide whether the following topics or research questions is qualitative or quantitative. Explain why and
what is your basis. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
1. Culinary Arts: Then and Now
2. How do the TVL students feel about their chosen strand?
3. What is the degree of satisfaction of students taking the different SHS?
4. The Why and How of Social Networking Use
5. The Level of Social Media Addiction among the Youth
Activity 7: Direction: Determine whether each word or group of words indicates Qualitative Research or Quantitative
1. Naturalistic
2.To validate the already constructed theory
3. Hypothesis
4. Multiple Methods
5. No criteria
6. Pure words, phrases, sentences, compositions and stories are used in data analysis
7. Open-Ended Questions
8. Highly-structured Research
9. Objective
10. Subjective
Direction: For the following research titles, identify from which field it belongs to by choosing your answers from the box
below. Write only the letter as your answer on the space provided below each number. Copy and answer.
A. Science Research
B. Fisheries research
C. Information & Communication Technology Research
D. Arts Based Research
E. Business Research
F. Humanities Research
G. Agriculture Research
H. Sports Research
I. Mathematics Research
J. Social Science Research
_______1 Scouring: Habitat Destruction of Coral Reefs and other Marine Animals
_______2.The Role of Computers in Digital Health Indicators
_______3. Students’ Misconceptions in Calculus
_______4. Making Bricks Out of Paper Strips
_______5.The Influence of Sports Activities on Learners Efficiency in Academics
_______6. Financial Attitude and Practices of Teachers
_______7. Psychosocial Stress Management of Senior High School Students
_______8. Effect of Classroom Environment through Classroom Structuring
_______9. Effect of Green Leaves as Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth of Selected Vegetables
_______10.Parenting Needs, Goals and Strategies for Single Parents
It helps the coaches and athletes to access 2.Sports and Fitness Support on Students in Public
information and apply it to develop Schools
programs and techniques in sports.
Science Discover laws, postulates theories that 1.Utilization of Garbage and other Waste
Research can explain natural or social phenomena. Resources as
Cleaning Materials
Applies systematic and constructed
scientific method to obtain, analyze and 2.Making of COVID -19 Cure out of Heat Transfer
interpret data.
A strong and testable hypothesis is the
fundamental part of the scientific
Mathematics Provides mathematics mastery topics and 1.Student Difficulties in General Mathematics:
Research helps develops confidence and interest to Remediation and
solve more mathematical problems. Interventions
It may also assist to find new methods to 2.A Systemic Approach to Changing Classroom
simplify calculations. Practices for Enhancing Mathematics
Agriculture Improves productivity and quality of crops 1.Green Space in School: Social and Environment
Research irrigation, storage methods, effective farm Perspective
management and marketing of agricultural
resources. 2. Is Urban Gardening as a Source of Well-Being?
Agriculture is the backbone of the
economic system providing food, raw
material and employment opportunities.
Fisheries Increase the productivity and 1.Finding a Future: Sustaining
research management of fishery resources to Inland Fishery
provide food: protect and maintain
different bodies of water for sustainable 2.Fishing for Change: Fishery
supply of aquatic resources. Policy in the Philippines
Information Aim to adapt current technology 1.The Role of ICT in the New
and advancement which enhances Normal Education
Technology development of resources.
(ICT) 2.Exploring the Interactive
Research Computer Simulation in Public
Business Acquire information in business to 1.Developing a Framework for
Research maximize the sales and profit. It aids Small Scale Business
business companies regulates which 2.Business Practices and Strategies of Small
product or service is most profitable or in Enterprises at Limketkai Mall
Social Science Finds solutions for human behavior 1.The Impact of COVID-19
Research gathering information about people and Pandemic on Employment
societies. Opportunities
2. Implementation of Enhanced
Community Quarantined in Low Risk Area of
You just learned the kinds and samples of research in areas of interest. Answer the following questions on the
space provided.
1. What are your views in using the samples of the research papers presented previously in areas of your interest?
2. Can you write your qualitative research proposal through the use of such pattern from the sample research
Activity 4: Identify the specific area of interest for each given topic by writing the letter of each type in the correct
column. Likewise, below the letter representing your answer, write the importance of such research in your daily
A. Digital Age
B. Child in Conflict with the Law
C. Classroom Environment
D. Herbal Medicines
E. Financial Management
Activity 5: Think of your own topic for research which you would like to work on. Keep in mind what you have
learned from this lesson to justify the specific research type for each chosen topic. Write your “top two” most
interesting topics below.
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