SSB Chapter 3
SSB Chapter 3
SSB Chapter 3
Single sideband modulation or SSB is derived from amplitude modulation (AM) and
SSB modulation overcomes a number of the disadvantages of AM.
Single sideband modulation is normally used for voice transmission, but technically it
can be used for many other applications where two way radio communication using
analogue signals is required.
As a result of its widespread use there are many items of radio communication
equipment designed to use single sideband radio including: SSB receiver, SSB
transmitter and SSB transceiver equipment's.
SSB advantages
Single sideband modulation is often compared to AM, of which it is a derivative. It has several advantages for
two way radio communication that more than outweigh the additional complexity required in the SSB receiver
and SSB transmitter required for its reception and transmission.
1.As the carrier is not transmitted, this enables a 50% reduction in transmitter power level for the same level of
information carrying signal. [NB for an AM transmission using 100% modulation, half of the power is used in
the carrier and a total of half the power in the two sideband - each sideband has a quarter of the power.]
2.As only one sideband is transmitted there is a further reduction in transmitter power.
3.As only one sideband is transmitted the receiver bandwidth can be reduced by half. This improves the signal
to noise ratio by a factor of two, i.e. 3 dB, because the narrower bandwidth used will allow through less noise
and interference.
The summary of this is that SSB modulation offers a far more effective solution for two way radio
communication because it provides a significant improvement in efficiency
1. Dennis Roddy & John Coolen, “Electronic Communications”, PHI, 4/E, 1995.
2. George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, 3/E, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1993.
3. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 2/E, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1994.
4. Taub and Schilling, “Principles of communication Systems”,3/E, Mc Graw Hill Publication,
5. B. P. Lathi, ”Modern digital and analog communication systems”,4th Ed., Holt, Sounders Pub.
6. Lathi B. P. and Ding Zhi, "Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems", Oxford
University Press,4th Ed., 2010.
7. Proakis J. and Salehi M., "Fundamental Of Communication Systems", PHI/Pearson
Education-LPE, 2nd Ed.,2006.
8. Internet etc.