Care For Children Knowledge Reviews
Care For Children Knowledge Reviews
Care For Children Knowledge Reviews
a. Early Recognition and Call for Help b. Early CPR – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
c. Early Defibrillation d. Early Professional Care and Follow-Up
7. Fill in the missing meaning for each letter on the Cycle of Care: AB-CABS™
Cycle of Care graphic.
Help or AED Arrives
C = __ Chest Compressions ________________ Continue Until
A = __ Airway Open ______________________
B = __ Breathing for the Child ______________ Airway Breathing
S = __ Serious Bleeding ___________________ Open? Normally? A
S Shock
Spinal Injury
8. When a child needs emergency care, time is critical because: (Check all that apply.)
_____ a. It becomes more difficult to administer first aid.
__X__ b. The chances of successful resuscitation diminish with time.
__X__ c. When a child is unresponsive and not breathing normally, irreversible brain damage can occur
within minutes.
9. Besides providing an act of kindness, list the three basic reasons for assisting a child who needs emergency
a. ___ You can save or restore a child’s life.____________________________________________________
b. ___ You can help reduce a child’s recovery time; either in the hospital or at home.__________________
c. ___ You can make the difference between a child having a temporary or lifelong disability.___________
10. Of the six reasons causing people to hesitate when providing emergency care to a child, name three:
a. ___ (Answers vary between any of these six responses.) 1. Anxiety. 2. Guilt. 3. Fear of imperfect ______
performance. 4. Fear of making a person worse. 5. Fear of infection. 6. Responsibility concerns. ___
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________
11. Good Samaritan laws are enacted to encourage people to come to the aid of others. Generally, they protect
individuals who voluntarily offer assistance to those in need.
__X__True _____False
12. To be protected by Good Samaritan laws you should: (Check all that apply.)
__X__ a. Only provide care that is within the scope of your training as an Emergency Responder.
__X__ b. Ask for permission to help
__X__ c. Act in good faith.
__X__ d. Do not be reckless or negligent.
_____ e. Avoid helping an injured or ill person when others are around.
__X__ f. Act as a prudent person would.
__X__ g. Do not abandon the patient once you begin care. The exception to this is if you must do so to
protect yourself from imminent danger.
13. You should never fear harming a child when performing CPR on an unresponsive child who is not breathing
normally because the child is already in grave danger.
__X__ True ____False
14. Children may experience cardiac arrest due to:
a. ____ Their breathing stops – respiratory failure. _____________________________________________
b. ____ Existing heart condition.____________________________________________________________
c. ____ Severe trauma. ____________________________________________________________________
15. Relative to adults, the four differences you need to consider to help you determine how to best handle
emergencies involving a child include: (Check all that apply.)
__X__ a. Age
__X__ b. Size
__X__ c. Ability to understand what is going on or to communicate effectively.
__X__ d. Mental state and willingness to cooperate.
Care for Children Instructor Guide
16. As an Emergency Responder what general rule may help you avoid infection by bloodborne pathogens?
__X__ a. Always place a barrier between you and any moist or wet substance originating from a patient.
_____ b. Ask the patient not to cough when you are giving him emergency care.
_____ c. Have the patient bandage his own bleeding wounds whenever possible.
17. From the introductory statements below, which one would you select when asking permission to help a child?
_____ a. I’m a doctor. May I help you?
__X__ b. Hello? My name is _____________________, I’m an Emergency Responder. May I help you?
_____ c. Are you hurt? Where?
18. How do you activate the Emergency Medical Service in your area?
Phone number: __ (Answers vary based on regional differences.) __________________________________
19. Regardless of a child’s injury or illness, you perform a ______________ assessment and monitor the child’s
______________ .
_____ a. secondary; line of life
__X__ b. primary; Cycle of Care
20. Once a child is stabilized during primary care, you attend to the next level of emergency care - ___________.
_____ a. injury care
__X__ b. secondary care
21. An injury is defined as ____ physical harm to the body __________________________________________.
22. An illness is defined as ____ an unhealthy condition of the body___________________________________.
23. A symptom is: (Place a check by your response.)
__X__ a. something the patient tells you is wrong
_____ b. something you can see, hear or feel
24. Assessment first aid is the treatment of conditions that are not immediately ___ life threatening _____________.