Q1 Mil Lecture Lesson6
Q1 Mil Lecture Lesson6
Q1 Mil Lecture Lesson6
Fair use is the right to use a copyrighted 2. Phishing - involves the mass sending of emails from
work under certain conditions without permission seemingly real addresses with the goal of tricking
of the copyright owner such as commentary, search potential victims into opening the links or attachments
engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, included in them.
teaching, and scholarship.
3. Identity theft - when someone uses your personal individuals, households, businesses, and geographic
information such as: your name, social security number, areas at different socioeconomic (and other
credit card number or other identifying information, demographic) levels. The Global digital divide
without permission to commit fraud or other crimes. designates countries as the units of analysis, and
examines the divide between developing and developed
Cybercrime - are any crimes that involves a computer countries on an international scale.
and a network in some cases the computer may have
been use in order to commit the crime and in other Netiquette - is a made-up word from the words net and
cases the computer may have been the target of the etiquette. Netiquette thus describes the rules of
crime. conduct for respectful and appropriate communication
on the internet.
Cyber Bullying - bullying that takes place online,
or using electronic technology such as cell
phones, computers, and tablets over
communication tools including social media
sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
Examples of cyber bullying: text messages or
emails composed to insult or demean; rumors
or false statements spread by email or posted
on social networking sites; and humiliating
photos, videos, websites, or fake profiles
deliberately shared across social media.