For Mate
For Mate
For Mate
AIM : - To write scilab code for given example of optical Fiber Waveguide.
SOFTWARE:- Scilab 6.1.0
What is Optical Fiber ?
An optical fiber is a hair thin cylindrical fiber of glass or any transparent dielectric
medium. The fiber which are used for optical communication are wave guides made
of transparent dielectrics. Its function is to guide visible and infrared light over long
What is Waveguide?
A Hollow metallic tube of uniform cross section for transmitting
electromagnetic waves by successive reflections from the inner walls of the tube is
calls waveguide.
Waveguides may be used to carry energy between pieces of equipment or over longer
distances to carry transmitter power to an antenna or microwave signals from an
antenna to a receiver.
Waveguides are made from copper, aluminium. These metals are extruded into long
rectangular or circular pipes.
An electromagnetic energy to be carried by a waveguide is injected into one end of
the waveguide. The electric and magnetic fields associated with the signal bounce off
the inside walls back and forth as it progresses down the waveguide.
In simple terms, reflection implies the rebounding of light, sound, heat or
another object back to the source, without absorbing it. It alters the direction of the
beam of light, when it falls on the plane, amidst two media, so that the ray goes back
to the medium, in which it is generated. The law of reflection says:
1. The angle of incidence is identical to the angle of reflection.
2. The ray of incidence, ray of reflection and the normal drawn at the point of
incidence, to the mirror, occurs at the same plane.
These two principles are apposite to all kinds of reflecting planes. Reflection can be of
two types:
Regular reflection: Otherwise known as specular reflection, which occurs
when the beam of light falls on a regular, polished and smooth plane, such as
metal or mirror, reflects light at the same angle as it is incident to the surface.
Irregular reflection: Also called as diffused reflection, which takes place
when the beam of light is incident on the rough surface and reflects light in
diverse directions
Refraction can be understood as the phenomenon of light, wherein the wave is
diverted when it passes diagonally through the interface between two media of
different densities. It refers to the shift in direction and speed of the beam of light or
radio waves, because of the change in transmission medium.
Refractive index is the ratio of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction. It
ascertains the speed of a ray of light in the new medium, i.e. the denser the medium the
slow is the speed of light, and vice versa.
Refraction index = n=C/V _______________________(2.1)
= speed of light in free space / velocity of light in non-conducting medium.
Fig_(A)2.1 Reflaction
Snell’s law: “The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of
refraction is a constant, for the light of a given color and for the given pair of media”.
Snell’s law formula is expressed as:
n1 sinΦ1= n2 sinΦ2
Total Internal Reflection:
A ray of light passes from a medium of water to that of air. Light ray will be refracted
at the junction separating the two media. Since it passes from a medium of a higher
refractive index to that having a lower refractive index, the refracted light ray bends
away from the normal.
At a specific angle of incidence, the incident ray of light is refracted in such a way
that it passes along the surface of the water. This particular angle of incidence is
called the critical angle. Here the angle of refraction is 90 degrees.
Critical angle(Φ)= sin Φ = n2/n1 ______________
When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the incident ray is
reflected back to the medium. We call this phenomenon total internal reflection.
where a is waveguide core radius, 1 is wavelength in vacuum, and nl and n2 are the
refractive index in the core and refractive index of the homogeneous cladding,
(Note that the difference between the square root of the squares of nl and n2is by
definition the numérical aperture of the fiber.)
For a multimode fiber, the mode volume of that fiber, which is the approximate
number of bound modes within that fiber is directionally proportional to the
normalized frequency.
For a single –mode fiber , it is requied that the normalized frequency, satisfies the
condition V< 2. 4048. For a step index fiber, the mode volume of that fiber is
directionally proportional to the square of the normalized frequency, that is V2.
Number of Modes traveling in Fiber:
The total number of traveling in a fiber depends on the V – Number and is related as:
For Step Index Fiber
For Graded Index fiber
Question:1 A silica optical fiber with a core diameter large enough to be considered
by ray theory analysis has a core refractive index of 1.50 and a cladding refractive
index of 1.47. Determine: (a) the critical angle at the core–cladding interface; (b) the
NA for the fiber; (c) the acceptance angle in air for the fiber.
//As per Given data 1: n1,n2 is given, Find Critical Angle, NA, and Accepance
Angle ?
n1 = 1.50 ; //Core refractive index
n2 = 1.47; //Cladding refractive index
PHIc = asin(n2/n1)*180/%pi; // Critical Angle at the core-cladding interface in
NA = sqrt(n1*n1-n2*n2); // NA for the fiber
THEETAa = asin(NA)*180/%pi; // Accepance Angle in air for the fiber in
Question:2 A typical relative refractive index difference for an optical fiber designed for
longdistance transmission is 1%. Estimate the NA and the solid acceptance angle in air
for the fiber when the core index is 1.46. Further, calculate the critical angle at the core–
cladding interface within the fiber. It may be assumed that the concepts of geometric
optics hold for the fiber.
//As per Given data 2:n1, delta is given, Find NA, Acceptance Angle, Critical Angle
N1=1.46; //Core refranctive index
Delta = 0.01; //Relaltive refence index difference
NA = n1*sqrt(2*delta); //Numerical Aperture
Question:3 An optical fiber in air has an NA of 0.4. Compare the acceptance angle for
meridional rays with that for skew rays which change direction by 100° at each reflection.
NA = 0.4; // numerical aperture
GAMMA = 100/2; // Degrees-skew rays change direction by 100
THEETHAa = asin(NA)*180/%pi; // acceptance angle for meridonial rays in
Question:4 A multimode step index fiber with a core diameter of 80 μm and a relative
index difference of 1.5% is operating at a wavelength of 0.85 μm. If the core refractive
index is 1.48, estimate: (a) the normalized frequency for the fiber; (b) the number of
guided modes.
n1 = 1.48; // Core refractive index
delta = 0.015; // Relative refractive index differnce
d= 80*10^(-6); // metre - Core diameter
lambda = 0.85*10^(-6); // metre - Operating wavelength
a = d/2; // Core radius
V= 2*%pi/lambda*a*n1*sqrt(2*delta); // (a) Normalised frequency for the fiber
Question:5 A graded index fiber has a core with a parabolic refractive index profile
which has a diameter of 50 μm. The fiber has a numerical aperture of 0.2. Estimate the
total number of guided modes propagating in the fiber when it is operating at a
wavelength of 1 μm.
NA = 0.2; // Numerical Aperture
d = 50*10^^(-6); // metre-CORE Diameter
lambda - 1*10^(-6); // metre - OPERATING
a = d/2 ; // CORE RADIUS
V = 2*pi/lambda*a*NA; // normalised frequency for the fiber
M = (V^2)/4; // Mode volume for parabolic profile
Question:6 Estimate the maximum core diameter for an optical fiber with the same
relative refractive index difference (1.5%) and core refractive index (1.48) as the fiber
given in Example 2.4 in order that it may be suitable for single-mode operation. It may be
assumed that the fiber is operating at the same wavelength (0.85 μm). Further, estimate
the new maximum core diameter for single-mode operation when the relative refractive
index difference is reduced by a factor of 10.
// As per Given data 6: delta, nl, wavelength, New core diameter. Compare the effect of
//in size of core diameter.
// Use eq. (1.8)
V=2.4; //Normalized Frequency
lambda=0.85*10^(-6); //metre-OPERATING WAVELENGTH
Conclusion: From the above experiment we came to know about is optical fiber and what
is waveguide! We also came to know about different terminologies like reflection,
refraction, refraction index, critical angle, incident angle, Snell’s law, acceptance angle,
numerical aperture, skew rays, Normalized Frequency, and Number of Guided Modes.
We have also written the scilab code for numerical examples.