Got Lunch
Got Lunch
Got Lunch
Instructor: MR. JOSE MA. P. SANTOS
Date: NOVEMBER 16, 2022
1. You are hearing rumors that students are planning a walk out at lunch time on
the first day of school to protest closed campus. How do you prepare?
They have the right to free speech to school, they have the right to speak out as long
as they don’t disrupt or violate the school content policy. I will talk to them personally
about the consequences if they continue what they’ve plan. Student protest is a
relatively new issue for school leaders, but one that will likely to continue to impact
schools, students, staff members and families in the months and years to come.
Principals and other administrators must be proactive in preparing for these protests
and communicating effectively with all stakeholders.
2. Do you believe that closed campus is a positive or negative policy?
For me, closed campus is a positive policy, because It may offer students a lunch that
meets nutritional guidelines. Allowing students to go off-campus to find something to eat
could create a situation where the lunch they choose does not meet the nutritional
guidelines that are sometimes mandated by law. It decreases the risk of truancy,
tardiness, or skipping. An open campus lunch raises the possibility of students skipping
class. Additionally, it may result in more students arriving late to class around lunchtime.
Some students would even choose to skip their next class because they believe that
spending time outside is more enjoyable than spending time indoors reading literature
under fluorescent light.
3. You have worked hard on developing a relationship with local businesses. What is
your public relations plan with these businesses who will now experience a decrease in
revenue due to this new policy?
To help the local businesses who will now experience a decrease in revenue due to the
new policy, the committee was informed by the cafeteria manager that Food Services is
actively seeking for quick food restaurants who might be willing to offer food. With this
plan, the small businesses will be given an opportunity to continue their business inside
the school campus.
4. What do you plan to do with all of the negative comments regarding the quality of
At school, food is offered for sale, bought, and eaten in the cafeteria. What students
choose to eat can be influenced by how food is presented, produced, and sold, how
tables, chairs, and food are set up, as well as by how clean and appealing the cafeteria
is overall. The cafeteria has the power to promote healthy or harmful eating habits at a
time when kids are still building their dietary preferences and routines, so it's crucial to
make the healthy option always the simple one. To improve the quality of food. The
cooker must be trained and have an experienced in cooking nutritious and delicious
foods. When thinking about adding new items to the menu, trial their popularity and
gather feedback with free student taste testing. A suggestion box by the counter is a
great way for students to give feedback about canteen items and identify new foods or
drinks they would like to see on the menu.
5. If the media shows up at your campus on the first day of closed campus, how would
you respond?
I would be friendly and courteous, I will answer all their questions honestly. When they
begin asking questions, I will think about what points they want to emphasize or what
the reporters really focus on. But, If a reporter begins asking questions and I am not
prepared to do an interview at that moment, I will not hesitate to say I’m busy and ask if
they can come back.
6. Some students are currently using phones in the classrooms to order food. Should
you allow this?
No, because food delivery businesses are not allowed to bring food to pupils during the
school day. During the school day, pupils can only receive food deliveries from parents
and close relatives. This will lessen disruptions to the school day and better ensure the
school's security. Additionally, students are not permitted to leave the campus to buy
meals. Students who are caught skipping class will face disciplinary action. Food that
was sent to pupils by outside delivery services will be seized.
7. How would you organize a much-needed lunch intramural program with no additional
Through fund raising and collection of athletic fee to the students and it will be intended
for the upcoming intramurals program.
8. How do you handle an increase in the need for pest control services due to the fact
that students are eating at various locations on the school grounds?
Schools can decrease pest populations and use of pesticides by employing integrated
pest control rather than merely relying on massive pesticide applications, making
schools safer for students and staff. Decreases the need for pesticides by monitoring
pest populations first to determine where, when, and what kinds of treatments should be
used. By recognizing and eliminating the factors that attract pests, schools can lessen
their insect infestations through restricting where food is eaten, moving dumpsters and
food disposal containers away from the school and educating students and staff about
how their actions affect pest management and control.
10. Evaluate the minutes from the meetings and analyze the contents related to various
categories. Do some categories seem to have more weight than others?
In food services, the committee asked the for even more carts but the district turned
down the proposal, meaning the district is not in favored to the new policy. The students
also are not willing to accept the job which is to work during lunchtime.
In facilities, The school can provide cafeteria where student can eat. The cafeteria
currently has six mobile carts, four inside serving lines, and four outside serving
windows. The cafeteria manager announced that eight more mobile carts will be
provided. to make room for the kids. The committee thought this wasn't enough and
asked for even more carts, but the district turned down the proposal.
11. Prepare a press release (using any platform) regarding closed campus and your
Today, the principal announces that the Board of Education implement a closed campus lunch policy. The
students will no longer will be allowed to leave campus during the lunch period. We organize a committee
that composed of class representatives, selected students, parents, teachers and any other participants to
device a plan in closed campus lunch policy.
10% of Bayshore's student body is African-American, 15% are Asian, 5% are Hispanic, and 70% are Caucasian.
Administrative and support staff consists of one principal, three vice principals, one head counselor, six
counselors, one attendance coordinator, and one school police officer. There are 150 certificated employees
at Fairfax.
The district has had an open campus lunch policy for the last 20 years. After a 30-minute lunch break,
students were free to leave the building and return by fifth period.
The Board of Education plans to introduce a closed campus lunch policy in November. The pupils won't be
permitted to leave campus for lunch any longer.
1. What additional information if any, do you need?
I would like to know more about the negative and positive effect of the closed
campus policy to the students.
4. What approach will you take with the parents who complained?
Genuinely acknowledge a parent's concern. Parents fear that their concerns will
not be acknowledged, let alone handled fairly. I always allow parents the
opportunity to vent, to express their protest first. I try never to be in a hurry to
speak; I have learned to listen carefully. Some complaints are obvious and direct.
Others actually mask underlying circumstances or conditions I am not even
aware of. I also try to put myself in the parents' shoes and approach the problem
from their perspective. And I always try to confirm -- and even affirm -- their
perception of the problem before offering my own explanation of the situation.
5. If you see that a parent is hostile or becoming hostile, what are some strategies
you can implement to defuse the situation?
If you see the parents being hostile, keep calm and listen to the parents' concerns,
treat them with respect regardless of how they treat you. Be honest to all the parents
as possible when responding their complaints and take a deep breath in the face of
frustration and also keep the lines of communications open.
6. What are the legal and ethical issues involved in this situation?
Closed campus lunch policy can also present a number of liabilities and risks that
put schools, students and parents in bad positions. a closed-campus lunch would
also jeopardize the local economy, these businesses make food specially
marketed towards kids who need a quick and balanced meal. Without students
buying their lunches anywhere outside of South, the shops directly across the
street from us will lose a significant portion of their daily business.
7. What do you think of the idea of establishing a human relations committee in the
district to respond to community needs?
Relationships are the building blocks for all community organizing activities.
Because the relationships we have with the communities we serve, and even our
adversaries are the means for achieving our goals. We need to be working
together! It is our relationships all added together that are the foundation of an
organized effort for change. We need lots of people to contribute their ideas, take
a stand, and get the work done.
8. What long range plans are needed at your school to remediate this situation?
A group needs good information on which to base its planning, including a
strong understanding of the current situation. Next, a group needs to develop
and agree on the vision and the goals. A plan for how to achieve the goals needs
specific tasks and time frames; a specific person must be responsible for each
task. Write down your mission. This might sound simple, but there's something
very powerful about putting your plan on paper.Set goals for your business.
Identify broad key strategies. Measure Ongoing Results and Stay positive.
10. What outside agencies might be helpful in assisting you to reach your goals?
The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public
health by assuring the safety, efficacy and food supply. The FDA or Food and
Drug Administration have a guideline for school lunches.