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Project Review 2

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Design and Analysis of Electric Go Kart Chassis

STUDENT NAMES : Aditya Abhang 20141009

Vibhanshu Hire 20141044
Vishwajeet Nashte 20141080
Today's Agenda

What is a Go-Kart




References and citations


Definition: A kart is a land single seater vehicle without a roof

or a cockpit, without suspension and with or without bodywork
elements, with 4 non aligned wheels that are in contact with the
ground, the 2 front ones of which control the direction and the
other 2 rear ones, connected by a one-piece axle, transmit the
Karting is a type of racing in which a compact four-wheel
vehicle called a go-kart is used. In the beginning, Art Ingels
invented the first go-kart in Los Angeles in 1956.
They are usually raced on scaled-down circuits, although some
professional kart races are also held on full-size motor sport
Karting is commonly perceived as the stepping stone to the
higher ranks of motorsports, with most of the Formula One
At the initial stage, the group After studying actual life After calculations, a prototype
studied go-kart and its dynamics. conditions, the group conducted is made using Solidworks and
We took help of research papes calculations and kept in mind of and tested few conditions like
and reference books like chassis packaging of several components impact test, bending test, crash
engineering and H-point. like batteries and motors. impact etc.


A PVC pipe is selected to make a All pipes were bent using hot
After testing the model in Ansys
prototype for real life version of sands and heat guns for
a real-life drafting of ratio 1:1 is
chassis, to find out difficulties in desired shape and curvature of
being drafted on the floor using
manufacturing of go kart chassis. the chassis member. After that
scale and draft printout.
profiling was done.
After studying the research paper and studying racing vehicle
dynamics, we concluded that chassis need to be stiff as well as
flexible at the same time to carry, distribute and resist the
deforming forces.
Calculations were done taking help of the books such as the
design of machine elements for chemical and physical properties
of chassis material, chassis engineering by herb Addams for
dynamics and calculations, and H-point for packaging of go-kart
The amount of carbon in steel is important to determine the
strength, hardness, and machining characteristics. Material
selection of the frame plays an important role in providing
desired strength, endurance, safety, and reliability of the vehicle.
Aluminium alloy is more expensive than steel so mainly steel is
used to construct the chassis.
The chassis of the go-kart must consist of stability, and torsional
rigidity, as well as it should have a relatively high degree of
flexibility as there is no suspension.
It can also have adequate strength to sustain the load of the
operator and other accessories. The chassis is designed for
convenience and safety for the operator.
The chassis was designed for a safe ride and the load is applied
on it without compromising the structural strength.
The design process of the vehicle is iterative and is based on
various engineering and reverse engineering processes
depending upon the availability, cost, and other such factors.
The chassis has been designed by taking factors like dimensional
limits (width, height, length, and weight), operational
restrictions, regulatory issues, contractual requirements, financial
constraints, and human ergonomics as a priority.
A basic chassis frame of circular pipes of 1.25-inch diameter and
2mm thickness was designed and selected by taking the points of
strength, availability, and cost into consideration.
Yield strength
Materials of Cost per m in(₹)

AISI 1026 260-440 17-27% 345

AISI 4130 435-979 18-26% 735

AISI 1020 230-370 18-28% 315

AISI 1018 270-400 18-29% 300

The amount of carbon in steel is important to determine the
strength, hardness, and machining characteristics. Material
selection of the frame plays an important role in providing
desired strength, endurance, safety, and reliability of the vehicle.
AISI 1018 Has high machinability and is inexpensive hence was
a good choice but strength to weight ratio is greater for 4130.
AISI 1020 was rejected because of its high cost.
AISI 4130 has the superior hardening ability that other iron
alloys like 4130 and 4140 possess. It is a popular steel in the race
car industry.
The 3-D model is designed using Solidworks. The modeling of the chassis is done by taking into account of
mountings of components, human ergonomics, and vehicle dynamics.
We tried to keep CG as low as possible as well as at the cenremost possible to eliminate rolling action.
Front Impact Test: For front impact test, the mass of a vehicle with driver is considered 200 kg and
assumed that vehicle is countered with the impact force at a speed of 60 km/hr for a second in the front part
of the chassis.
Rear Impact Test: A force of 2000 N was applied to the rear ends by totally constraining the degree of
freedom of the suspension points and we had seen such results as shown assuming the deceleration. The
impact will be more at the rear end.
Side Impact Test: For side impact test, the mass of a vehicle with driver is considered 200 kg and assumed
that vehicle is countered with the impact force at a speed of 60 km/hr for a second in the side part of the
For making the prototype we chose the PVC pipes to find problems in manufacturing, At first The draft of
ratio 1:1 is made on the floor using measuring tapes. After that pipes were bent in desired shape of chassis to
match the draft.
Material : AISI 4130
Total length of pipe needed-
1.5 inch : 32ft

Side rails : 5 ft

Front rail :3.9 ft

rear bar 3.2ft

1. Base metal cost -
his is the cost incurred for procuring (including custom dues),
transporting, insuring, and handling, storing, testing and bringing
all the material in the proper sequence.

2. Preparation cost-The cost of cutting to dimension each single

piece of metal, the job was properly accounted for and summed to the total.

3. Filler Metal cost-Filler metals are used to fill the space between two close-fitting materials
in welding, soldering, or brazing. These alloys or unalloyed metals when heated, melt to
flow into the gaps between two close-fitting materials to create a weld, soldered, or brazed joint.

4. Gases cost-This cost intervenes only when auxiliary gases are actually used in the process.
In this case, the cost of gas per hour (including welding and nonwelding time when flow is zero)
is obtained by the hourly consumption rate.

5. Energy cost - For electric equipment the Welding-cost estimate should be calculated by multiplying Voltage by
Amperage and dividing by 1000 and by the electric efficiency of the equipment, times the price per kW.hr (kilo Watt
hour) time the operating factor (actual arc-on time per hour).
Metal required x cost per meter = 7166.25/-

Preparation cost = 700/-

Cutting and Bending of metal
Filler Metal Cost -
Electrode/Filler Metal Used: AWS: SFA-5.18, ER-70S-6,
0.8 mm Diameter Bare Wire
Wire Feed Rate Selected: 8 mm/min
Length of Wire Used: 1.48 m = 0.36 kg
0.95 m = 0.16 kg
Deposition efficiency = Weight of Weld Metal (kg) ÷ Weight of Electrode (kg) Used
Filler Metal Cost = Filler metal cost per kg / Deposition efficiency

Power/Energy Cost= (COST/kWh x VOLTS x AMPS) / (1000 x DEPOSITION RATE)

Voltage can range from 14 volts to more than 30 volts.
It is observed that the wheelbase affects the turning radius
significantly, after checking references it was found that the
front trackwidth should be 80% of the wheelbase.
To minimize the bending cost we chose to go with standard
angles which were 100, 120, and 150 degrees, hence we tried to
keep all angles with similar angles.
Weight distribution can be shifted to the front or back by adding
and removing the chassis members. the ideal weight distribution
for favorable human ergonomics is 40%-60%.
An overview of choosing the most optimum material in terms of
strength, and the cost is given in this paper. As much as the
internal features of a vehicle are important so are the external
1. Indian Karting Championship Rule Book.2022.
2. Koustubh Hajare, Yuvraj Shet, Ankush Khot.”A Review Paper
On Design And Analysis Of A Go Kart Chassis” International
Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied
Sciences, www.ijetmas.com, February 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2,
ISSN 2349-4476
3. Anjul chavan, Lalit naagar, Sparsh chawla."Design and analysis
of a go-kart" International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical
Engineering, Management, and Applied Sciences,
www.ijermas.com, September 2016, Volume 3, Issue 3, ISSN
(O): 2393-8609.
4. V.B.Bhandari, “Design Of Machine Elements”
5. Adams Herb (1993) Chassis Design: Berkley Publishing Group"
6. GillespieThomas D (1992) Fundamentals OfVehicleDynamics:
7. JOUR Kumar, Sunil Nand, Sachchida 2011/01/01
Estimation and Comparison of Welding Cost of MIG
Process on Mild Steel

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