Project Review 2
Project Review 2
Project Review 2
Design and Analysis of Electric Go Kart Chassis
What is a Go-Kart
A PVC pipe is selected to make a All pipes were bent using hot
After testing the model in Ansys
prototype for real life version of sands and heat guns for
a real-life drafting of ratio 1:1 is
chassis, to find out difficulties in desired shape and curvature of
being drafted on the floor using
manufacturing of go kart chassis. the chassis member. After that
scale and draft printout.
profiling was done.
After studying the research paper and studying racing vehicle
dynamics, we concluded that chassis need to be stiff as well as
flexible at the same time to carry, distribute and resist the
deforming forces.
Calculations were done taking help of the books such as the
design of machine elements for chemical and physical properties
of chassis material, chassis engineering by herb Addams for
dynamics and calculations, and H-point for packaging of go-kart
The amount of carbon in steel is important to determine the
strength, hardness, and machining characteristics. Material
selection of the frame plays an important role in providing
desired strength, endurance, safety, and reliability of the vehicle.
Aluminium alloy is more expensive than steel so mainly steel is
used to construct the chassis.
The chassis of the go-kart must consist of stability, and torsional
rigidity, as well as it should have a relatively high degree of
flexibility as there is no suspension.
It can also have adequate strength to sustain the load of the
operator and other accessories. The chassis is designed for
convenience and safety for the operator.
The chassis was designed for a safe ride and the load is applied
on it without compromising the structural strength.
The design process of the vehicle is iterative and is based on
various engineering and reverse engineering processes
depending upon the availability, cost, and other such factors.
The chassis has been designed by taking factors like dimensional
limits (width, height, length, and weight), operational
restrictions, regulatory issues, contractual requirements, financial
constraints, and human ergonomics as a priority.
A basic chassis frame of circular pipes of 1.25-inch diameter and
2mm thickness was designed and selected by taking the points of
strength, availability, and cost into consideration.
Yield strength
Materials of Cost per m in(₹)
Side rails : 5 ft
3. Filler Metal cost-Filler metals are used to fill the space between two close-fitting materials
in welding, soldering, or brazing. These alloys or unalloyed metals when heated, melt to
flow into the gaps between two close-fitting materials to create a weld, soldered, or brazed joint.
4. Gases cost-This cost intervenes only when auxiliary gases are actually used in the process.
In this case, the cost of gas per hour (including welding and nonwelding time when flow is zero)
is obtained by the hourly consumption rate.
5. Energy cost - For electric equipment the Welding-cost estimate should be calculated by multiplying Voltage by
Amperage and dividing by 1000 and by the electric efficiency of the equipment, times the price per (kilo Watt
hour) time the operating factor (actual arc-on time per hour).
Metal required x cost per meter = 7166.25/-