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Prayer of The Faithful Petitions For Ceremonies During Ones Franciscan Journey

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PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL c) For all those who minister to the Church, that by word and work they

may lead to salvation the people entrusted to their care:

The formulas may be prepared following the texts offered below, and let us pray to the Lord. R/.
elements thought to be more suitable may be selected from them, or other
elements may be appropriately prepared. II a) For the peace and salvation of the world, that all Franciscan religious
may be messengers and servants of the peace of Christ:
OPENING PRAYERS let us pray to the Lord. R/.

a) For the Rite of Admission: b) For the good of all people, that those who are dedicated to the Lord’s
service may pursue the things of heaven and spend their days in the
Dear friends, recalling the words of Christ: “Without Me you can do service of others:
nothing,” through Him let us ask the Father for mercy, for the salvation let us pray to the Lord. R/.
of all people, for peace in our time, for these (this) brother(s)/sister(s) of
ours whom we receive today into our family. c) For the poor and afflicted, that, following the example of the Divine
Master, all who follow the counsels of the Gospel may love to bring
b) For the Rite of Temporary Profession and Annual Renewal: good news to the poor, and to come to the aid of the oppressed:
let us pray to the Lord. R/.
Dear friends, celebrating Christ’s paschal mystery and the profession of
these (this) our brother(s)/sister)s), let us direct our prayers in common to d) For those who remain far from God: that all the children of St. Francis
God the almighty Father through Jesus Christ, the author of the gospel
will be eager for the gift received from him of communicating with
way of life.
them, and of stirring up in them a desire for the truth and love of
c) For the Mass of Profession or Permanent Commitment to the Gospel life:
let us pray to the Lord. R/.
Dear friends, our spiritual family rejoices today, as these (this) servant(s)
of God are (is) intent on serving Christ and the Church more fully by e) For all who believe in Christ, that they may listen attentively to the
perpetual profession of the Rule. Let us direct our prayers with one mind secret voice of God as He invites them all to a life of holiness:
and heart to God the Father from whom the gift of vocation comes. let us pray to the Lord. R/.

d) For the Mass or Other Liturgy of 25th or 50th Anniversary of Profession: III a) For all religious of the Franciscan family, that their way of life may
stand out as a clear sign of the future Kingdom :
Dear friends, let us humbly address our prayers to the God the Father, Let us pray to the Lord. R/.
for His holy Church, for the peace and salvation of the world, for our
religious family, and for these (this) our brother(s)/sister(s) who have b) For our Fraternity: that the law of love for one another may shine in it,
(has) renewed their (his)(her) commitment to the Gospel life today. and that like the first disciples we may be one in heart and mind:
Let us pray to the Lord. R/.
c) For all the members of the Franciscan family, that they may share the
I. a) For the holy Church of God: that adorned by the virtues of her children, life of the Church and cooperate fully in all her works and hopes:
she may shine ever more brightly in Christ, her Bridegroom: Let us pray to the Lord. R/.
let us pray to the Lord. R/.
d) For all the members of the Franciscan family, that each one, according
b) For our Holy Father the Pope and the other bishops, that the Holy Spirit to the call of God, may increase the holiness of the Church and work to
who filled the apostles may pour out His grace unceasingly upon their spread God’s kingdom:
Let us pray to the Lord. R/.
let us pray to the Lord. R/.
e) For all the members of the Franciscan family, that they may offer to
God with a joyful heart their prayer and work, their joys and b) For the Rite of Temporary Profession and Annual Renewal and the Mass of
Profession or Permanent Commitment to the Gospel life:
sufferings of life:
Let us pray to the Lord. R/. i. For the Rite of Temporary Profession and Renewal:

IV. For the Rite of Temporary Profession and Annual Renewal and Mass of O God, you are the source of holiness. Hear the prayers of your people,
and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness of
Profession or Permanent Commitment to the Gospel life:
our Franciscan family, pour out upon these (this) your servant(s) your
abundant blessing, so that, as they (he)(she) follow(s) you, they (he)(she)
a) For these (this) brother(s)/sister(s) of ours who have (has) today bound may constantly carry out what they (he)(she) have (has) promised with
themselves (himself)(herself) more closely to the service of God; that in the help of your grace.
His goodness he may foster in them (him)(her) the spirit of fraternal We ask this through Christ our Lord.
love and active charity toward all:
All: Amen.
Let us pray to the Lord. R/.
ii. For the Mass of Profession or Permanent Commitment to the Gospel Life:
c) For these (this) brother(s)/sister(s) of ours, who have (has) today bound
themselves (himself)(herself) more closely to God by profession; that in Lord, grant the prayers of your people, and by the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church and the Patroness of
his goodness he may give them (him)(her) a love of prayer, a spirit of our Franciscan family, pour out your divine Spirit abundantly upon
penance, and zeal in the apostolate: those (the one) whom you have graciously called to follow Christ, so
Let us pray to the Lord. R/. that they (he)(she) may confirm by everlasting devotion that which they
(he)(she) have (has) promised.
d) For these (this) brother(s)/sister(s) of ours N.(N)., that they (he)(she), We ask this through Christ our Lord.
having become the light and leaven of the world, may enlighten human
society with the brightness of their (his)(her) virtues and renew it with All: Amen.
their (his)(her) constant prayer:
Let us pray to the Lord. R/. c) For the Mass or Other Liturgy of 25th or 50th Anniversary of Profession:

V. For the family (families) and friends of these (this) brother(s)/sister(s); Lord God, you are the source of truth and mercy, hear the prayers of
that they too may become partakers in their journey of faith, your people, and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Patroness of our Franciscan family, pour into these (this) your
servant(s) the strength to persevere, so that by following you faithfully
VI For all here present, that we may be faithful to the words of the divine they (he)(she) may fulfill the commitment which they (he)(she) now
Teacher, as He calls us to be perfect, so that we may bear fruit in renew(s).
holiness: We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Let us pray to the Lord. R/.
All: Amen.
a) For the Rite of Admission:

Lord, protect your family, and in your goodness grant our prayers for
these (this) brother(s)/sister(s) of ours, as they (he)(she) offer(s) you the
first fruits of their (his)(her) dedicated lives (life).
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

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