(Appendix 1) RPMS Tool For T I-III SY 2020-2021 in The Time of COVID-19
(Appendix 1) RPMS Tool For T I-III SY 2020-2021 in The Time of COVID-19
(Appendix 1) RPMS Tool For T I-III SY 2020-2021 in The Time of COVID-19
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications (For Senior High School Teachers, please refer to: DO 3, s. 2016; DO 27, s. 2016; and DO 51, s. 2017)
Position Title Teacher I Teacher II Teacher III
Education For Elementary School – Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) or Bachelor’s degree plus 18 professional units in Education, or
Bachelor in Secondary Education, or its equivalent
For Secondary School – Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) or Bachelor’s degree plus 18 professional units in Education with
appropriate major or Bachelor in Secondary Education, or its equivalent
Experience None required 1 year relevant experience 2 years relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080 RA 1080 RA 1080
Trainings None required None required None required
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education BSE/BSEEd/College Graduate with Education units (18-21), at least 18 MA units
Eligibility PBET/LET/BLEPT Passer
Trainings In-service training
1. Applies mastery of content knowledge and its application across learning areas
2. Facilitates learning using appropriate and innovative teaching strategies and classroom management practices
3. Manages an environment conducive to learning
4. Addresses learner diversity
5. Implements and supervises curricular and co-curricular programs to support learning
6. Monitors and evaluates learner progress and undertakes activities to improve learner performance
7. Maintains updated records of learners’ progress
8. Counsels and guides learners
9. Works with relevant stakeholders, both internal and external, to promote learning and improve school performance
10. Undertakes activities towards personal and professional growth
11. Does related work
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
1. Applied Classroom Observation Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
knowledge Tool (COT) rating sheet Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
of content or inter-observer Objective 1 as Objective 1 as Objective 1 as Objective 1 as Objective 1 as
within and agreement form from shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT
across 1. an online observation of rating sheets/inter- rating rating rating rating sheets/inter-
curriculum online synchronous observer sheets/inter- sheets/inter- sheets/inter- observer
teaching teaching agreement forms observer observer observer agreement forms
areas 2. if option 1 is not agreement agreement agreement
possible, an forms forms forms or
observation of a video
lesson that is SLM- No acceptable
based or MELC- evidence was
aligned shown
3. if options 1 and 2 are
not possible, an
observation of a
demonstration teaching
via LAC
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the
average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating.
COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating
Means of Verification Rating Average
Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table
COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000
COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 3.500 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
(Very Satisfactory)
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
2. Ensured Any supplementary Ensured that the Ensured that the Ensured that the Ensured that ICT No acceptable
the positive material (in print/digital ICT used redefine ICT used ICT used modify are used but do evidence was
use of ICT to format) made by the and transform augment and processes and not create a shown
facilitate the ratee and used in the learning enrich learning improve learning new learning
teaching and lesson delivery that experiences and experiences and experiences and experience
learning highlights the positive use are documented are are documented and/or are
process of ICT to facilitate the properly and documented properly and documented
teaching and learning consistently properly and consistently but not
process using any consistently using any consistent with
Activity sheet/s referencing using any referencing one
One lesson from a self- style as shown in referencing style as shown in referencing
learning module (SLM) Quality
the submitted style as shown in the submitted style as shown in
Lesson plan (e.g., DLP, learning material the submitted learning material the submitted
DLL, WHLP, WLP, learning material learning material
WLL, Lesson Exemplars,
and the likes)
Video lesson
Audio lesson
Other learning materials
in print/digital format
(please specify and
provide annotations)
*The following terms adapted Ruben Puentedura's SAMR Model (substitution, augmenting, modification, and redefining) in technology integration: (i) ICT used “redefine and transform” learning experiences
– The learning materials are able to create new kinds of learning experiences that were not possible before, e.g., using social networking sites to engage with other students from other corners of the globe;
(ii) ICT used “augment and enrich” learning experiences – The use of the tool provides value-added experience, e.g., using Google Jamboard that makes discussion interactive; (iii) ICT used “modify
processes and improve” learning experiences – Using ICT improves processes to increase productivity, e.g., using Google Docs for real time collaboration in group activities.
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. Example:
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
QET Satisfactory
(5) (3) (2) (1)
3. Applied a Any supplementary Applied teaching Applied Applied Applied teaching No acceptable
range of material (in print/digital strategies that teaching teaching strategies that evidence was
teaching format) made by the ratee challenge strategies that strategies that lead learners shown
strategies to and used in the lesson learners to require require along a single
develop delivery that highlights draw learners to learners to path of inquiry
critical and teaching strategies to develop conclusions make describe and and/or to simple
creative critical and creative thinking, and justify their connections explain ideas recall and rote
thinking, as as well as other higher-order thinking or put using ideas learned as memorization
well as other thinking skills parts together learned as shown in the of concepts as
higher-order Activity sheet/s to promote deeper shown in the submitted shown in the
thinking One lesson from a self- Quality understanding of submitted learning submitted
skills learning module (SLM) ideas learned as learning material learning material
Lesson plan (e.g., DLP, shown in the material
DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, submitted
Lesson Exemplars, and the learning material
Video lesson
Audio lesson
Other learning materials in
print/digital format (please
specify and provide
*The following phrases are defined in terms of Lorin Anderson’s revised categories of the cognitive domain under the Bloom’s Taxonomy: “put parts together” refers to Creating (synthesizing
parts into something new to form a functional whole); “draw conclusions and justify their thinking” refers to Evaluating (making judgments about the value of ideas or materials); “make
connections using ideas learned” refers to Analyzing (determining how parts relate); “describe and explain ideas learned” refers to Applying (applying information and skills to related
ideas/concepts/materials) and Understanding (constructing meaning); and “single path of inquiry” and “simple recall and rote memorization” refer to Remembering (using memory to
retrieve/recall ideas).
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. Example:
KRA 2: Diversity of Learners & Assessment and
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
4. Established Any supplementary Utilized effective Utilized effective Utilized an Utilized a No acceptable
a learner- material (in print/digital teaching teaching effective teaching evidence was
centered format) made by the strategies that strategies that teaching strategy or shown
culture by ratee and used in the are appropriate are appropriate strategy that is strategies that
using teaching lesson delivery that in responding to in responding to appropriate in partially
strategies that highlights teaching learners’ linguistic, learners’ linguistic, responding to respond to
respond to strategies that are cultural, cultural, learners’ learners’
their linguistic, responsive to learners’ socioeconomic, or socioeconomic, or linguistic, linguistic,
cultural, linguistic, cultural, religious religious cultural, cultural,
socioeconomic socioeconomic, or religious backgrounds at an backgrounds at a socioeconomic, socioeconomic,
and religious backgrounds individual level* group level* as or religious or religious
backgrounds Activity sheet/s as shown in the shown in the backgrounds as backgrounds as
One lesson from a self- submitted learning submitted learning shown in the shown in the
learning module (SLM)
material material submitted submitted
Lesson plan (e.g., DLP,
DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, learning material learning material
Lesson Exemplars, and the
Video lesson
Audio lesson
Other learning materials in
print/digital format (please
specify and provide
* “At a group level” refers to general, whole class instruction where teaching/modelling of concepts for all students happen at once; “at an individual level” refers to targeted instruction to an
individual learner or to a number of learners.
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. Example:
KRA 2: Diversity of Learners & Assessment and
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
5. Planned and Classroom Observation Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
delivered Tool (COT) rating sheet Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
teaching or inter-observer Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as
strategies that agreement form from shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT
are responsive 1. an online observation of rating sheets/inter- rating rating rating rating sheets/inter-
to the special online synchronous observer sheets/inter- sheets/inter- sheets/inter- observer
educational teaching agreement forms observer observer observer agreement forms
needs of 2. if option 1 is not agreement agreement agreement
learners in possible, an forms forms forms or
difficult observation of a video
lesson that is SLM- Quality No acceptable
based or MELC- evidence was
aligned shown
chronic illness; 3. if options 1 and 2 are
displacement not possible, an
due to armed observation of a
conflict, urban demonstration
resettlement or teaching via LAC
disasters; child
abuse and child
labor practices
* This objective is about strategies that respond to “learners in difficult circumstances” (see glossary for the definition). In the context of SY 2020-2021, the Filipino learners (and all the learners
across the globe) have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which brought difficulty in the way they learn and live. The efforts that teachers exert to adjust and modify the teaching and
learning delivery is captured in this year’s RPMS.
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the
average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating.
COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating
Means of Verification Rating Average
Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table
COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000
COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 3.500 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
(Very Satisfactory)
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
KRA 2: Diversity of Learners & Assessment and
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
QET Satisfactory
(5) (3) (2) (1)
6. Used Evidence that highlights Provided learners Provided Provided Provided No evidence
strategies for providing accurate and with accurate, learners with learners with learners with was shown
providing constructive feedback to and specific and accurate, and accurate, and inaccurate
timely, accurate improve learner performance and directed specific general and/or
and that shows timeliness of constructive constructive constructive destructive
constructive feedback given to any of the Quality feedback* as feedback as feedback feedback
feedback to following shown in the shown in the as shown in as shown in the
improve learner activity sheet evidence submitted evidence the evidence evidence
performance performance task submitted submitted submitted
quiz or test
self-learning module
MOV submitted MOV MOV MOV submitted No evidence
shows feedback submitted submitted shows feedback was shown
given within 5 shows shows given beyond
working days feedback given feedback 20 working
Timeliness from within 6-10 given within days from
submission** working 11-20 submission**
days from working days
submission** from
*Feedback refers to essential and culturally-appropriate written and/or oral information about learners’ performance/output that can be used to raise awareness on their strengths and weaknesses as bases for
improvement; Directed constructive feedback is constructive feedback that gives specific direction on how to make improvements; Specific constructive feedback is constructive feedback that points out a specific
issue in a learner’s performance/output; General constructive feedback is constructive feedback that points out what is commonly observed among learners’ performance/output (and is addressed to the class in
**All MOVs for this objective must contain date stamps to keep track of submission of learners’ output/performance and of the learners’ receipt of teachers’ feedback.
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. Follow the same
procedure in calculating the rating for Timeliness.
RPMS 5-point Scale RPMS 5-point Scale RPMS Rating
Means of Verification
Rating for Quality Rating for Timeliness Transmutation Table
MOV 1: Activity sheet with
3 5 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000
teachers’ feedback
MOV 2: Performance task with
4 5 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
teachers’ feedback
Average 3.500 5.000 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
RPMS Rating 4 (Very Satisfactory) 5 (Outstanding) Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
KRA 3: Curriculum and
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
7. Selected, Classroom Observation Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
developed, Tool (COT) rating sheet Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
organized or inter-observer Objective 7 as Objective 7 as Objective 7 as Objective 7 as Objective 7 as
and used agreement form from shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT
appropriate 1. an online observation of rating sheets/inter- rating rating rating rating sheets/inter-
teaching and online synchronous observer sheets/inter- sheets/inter- sheets/inter- observer
learning teaching agreement forms observer observer observer agreement forms
resources, 2. if option 1 is not agreement agreement agreement
including ICT, possible, an forms forms forms or
to address observation of a video
learning lesson that is SLM- No acceptable
goals based or MELC- evidence was
aligned shown
3. if options 1 and 2 are
not possible, an
observation of a
demonstration teaching
via LAC
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the
average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating.
COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating
Means of Verification Rating Average
Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table
COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000
COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 3.500 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
(Very Satisfactory)
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
KRA 3: Curriculum and
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
QET Satisfactory
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
8. Set One lesson plan (e.g., DLP, All of the Majority of Half of the Less than half No acceptable
achievable and DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, learning the learning learning of the learning evidence was
appropriate Lesson Exemplars, and the outcomes set outcomes set outcomes set outcomes set shown
learning likes) or one lesson from a are aligned are aligned are aligned are aligned with
outcomes that self-learning module with the with the with the the learning
are aligned prepared by the ratee with learning learning learning competencies as
with learning achievable and appropriate competencies competencies competencies shown in the
competencies learning outcomes that are as shown in the as shown in the as shown in the MOV submitted
aligned with the learning MOV MOV MOV
competencies as shown in any submitted submitted submitted
of the following: Quality
Activity/activity sheet
Performance task
Rubric for assessing
performance using criteria
that appropriately describe
the target output
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
9. Built 1. Proof of participation in any activity Sustained Secured Communicated Communicated No acceptable
for improved access to education
relationships such as, but not limited to the ff.
engagement collaboration with and with parents/ evidence was
with parents/ activities with parents/ with parents/ obtained guardians and/or shown
guardians Distribution of learning guardians and/or guardians and/or response from wider school
and the wider materials to learners/parents wider school wider school parents/ guardians community to
(e.g., receipt form/monitoring
school form during distribution of community to community to and/or wider facilitate
community to learning materials, etc.) facilitate facilitate school community involvement in the
facilitate Brigada Eskwela (e.g., involvement in involvement in to facilitate educative process
commitment form to
involvement stakeholders, developed Quality the educative the educative involvement in the but received no
in the advocacy materials, certificate process as process as educative process response/reply
educative of participation that involves evidenced by 2 or evidenced by as evidenced by as evidenced by
process parents’/stakeholders’ more of MOV one MOV no. 1 MOV No. 3 MOV No. 3
engagement signed by the
school head, etc.) no. 1 or 2 or 2
Home visitation (e.g., home
visitation form, etc.)
Others (please specify and
provide annotations)
2. Parent-teacher log or proof of other
stakeholders meeting (e.g., one-on-
one parent-teacher- learner Submitted any Submitted any Submitted any 2 Submitted any 1 No acceptable
conference log; attendance sheet 4 of the 3 of the of the of the evidence was
with minutes of online or face-to- acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable shown
face meeting; proof of involvement
in the learners’/parents’ orientation, MOV* MOV* MOV* MOV
3. Any form of communication to
parents/stakeholders (e.g., notice of
meeting; screenshot of chat/text
message/communication with Efficiency
parent/guardian [name or any
identifier removed]; digital/ printed
copy of Learner Enrollment Survey
Form signed by the ICT
person and School Head)
* “Any 4/3/2 of the acceptable MOV” under Efficiency means the same kind of MOV can be submitted more than once (e.g., Submitted MOVs could be two (2) Parent-teacher logs, one (1) printed LESF,
and one (1) screenshot of correspondence with parents via an online platform to merit an Outstanding in Efficiency for this objective.)
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
10. Participated Certificate of Participated in Participated in Participated in Participated in No acceptable
in professional completion in a any professional any professional any professional any professional evidence was
networks to course/training network/activity network/activity network/activity network/activity shown
share Certificate of that requires that requires that requires that does not
knowledge and participation in a output* and output* and output* to share require output
to enhance webinar, retooling, proof of proof of knowledge and to to share
practice upskilling, and other implementation implementation enhance practice knowledge and
training/ seminar/ ** within the ** within the as evidenced by to enhance
workshop with proof of school to share department/ the submitted practice as
implementation Quality knowledge and to grade level to MOV evidenced by the
Certificate of enhance practice share knowledge submitted MOV
recognition/ as evidenced by and to enhance
speakership in a the submitted practice as
webinar, retooling, MOV evidenced by the
upskilling, and other submitted MOV
training/ seminar/
Any proof of
participation to a
benchmarking activity Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted any No acceptable
Any proof of different kinds different kinds different kinds 1 of the evidence was
participation in school of acceptable of acceptable of acceptable acceptable shown
LAC sessions MOV*** MOV*** MOV*** MOV
(online/face-to-face) Efficiency
certified by the LAC
Others (please specify
and provide
* “Output” may include, but not limited to, lesson plan, instructional materials, action plan, or any teaching and learning-related materials.
** “Proof of implementation” can be in the form of implemented action plan, lesson plan executed in class, application project, etc.
*** “Different kinds of acceptable MOV” under Efficiency means each type of MOV can be submitted only once (e.g. Submitted MOVs could be one (1) Certificate of participation in a webinar, one (1)
Certificate of recognition/ speakership in a conference, one (1) proof of participation in a benchmarking activity, and one (1) proof of participation in school LAC session).
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
11. Developed a Main MOV: Updated the Discussed Accomplishe Accomplished No acceptable
personal Individual Performance and Development progress on d the the Strengths evidence was
improvement Commitment Review Form- Plan and the Development and shown
plan based on Development Plan (IPCRF- approved by Development Plan from Development
reflection of the rater during Plan with the learning Needs portion of
one’s practice Supporting MOV: Phase II of the rater to check objectives up to the Development
and ongoing Any document aligned RPMS cycle whether resources Plan after self-
professional with the IPCRF-DP such as Development needed to assessment at the
learning Quality Needs were address beginning of the
Reflection of one’s
practice during LAC addressed Development school year
session/s with proof of Needs during
attendance Phase I of the
Reflection/Personal RPMS cycle
Notes on Coaching and
Mentoring and/or Mid-
year Review
Personal notes journal
on division/school-led Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the No acceptable
INSET with proof of IPCRF-DP with IPCRF-DP with IPCRF-DP with IPCRF-DP with evidence was
attendance any 4 of the any 3 of the any 2 of the any 1 of the shown
Certificate of enrolment/ acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable
registration form/class Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting
card in graduate/post- MOV* MOV* MOV* MOV
graduate school/online
courses Efficiency
Any learning material
highlighting the
improvement done based
on accomplished
“reflection” section
Others (Please specify
and provide
* “Any 4/3/2 of the acceptable Supporting MOV” under Efficiency means the same kind of MOV can be submitted more than once (e.g., Submitted MOVs could be two (2) Reflection on LAC sessions with
proof of attendance and two (2) Reflection/Personal Notes on Coaching and Mentoring to merit an Outstanding in Efficiency under this objective).
KRA 5: Plus
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
12. Performed Proof of: Performed at Performed at Performed at Performed at least No acceptable
various related committee involvement least 1 related least 1 related least 1 related 1 related evidence was
works/activities advisorship of co- work/activity work/activity work/activity work/activity that shown
that contribute curricular activities that contributed that contributed that contributed contributed to the
to the teaching- involvement as to the teaching- to the teaching- to the teaching- teaching- learning
learning module/learning learning process learning process learning process process within
process material writer beyond the within the within the the class as
involvement as school/ school/ learning area/ evidenced by
module/learning Community Community department as submitted MOV
material validator Learning Learning evidenced by
participation in the Quality Center (CLC) Center (CLC) submitted MOV
RO/SDO/school- as evidenced by as evidenced by
initiated TV-/radio- submitted MOV submitted MOV
based instruction
book or journal
coaching and
mentoring learners in
competitions Submitted any Submitted any Submitted any Submitted any 1 No acceptable
mentoring pre-service 4 of the 3 of the 2 of the of the evidence was
teachers acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable shown
participation in MOV* MOV* MOV* MOV
demonstration teaching
participation as research Efficiency
presenter in a forum/
others (please specify
and provide
* “Any 4/3/2 of the acceptable MOV” under Efficiency means the same kind of MOV can be submitted more than once.
Content knowledge Competencies that teachers are expected to master for them to teach efficiently and effectively (Department of Education 2017, 24).
and pedagogy
Involve exploring ideas, generating possibilities and looking for many right answers rather than just one (Department of Education 2017, p. 24)
Creative thinking skills
Refer to the many kinds of intellectual skills that (in its most basic expression) occurs when students are analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, or
Critical thinking skills synthesizing information and applying creative thought to form an argument, solve a problem, or reach a conclusion (Department of Education
2017, 24)
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) See Lesson Plan
Daily Lesson Plan (DLP) See Lesson Plan
Refers to essential and culturally-appropriate written and/or oral information about learners’ performance/output that can be used to raise awareness on
their strengths and weaknesses as bases for improvement (Department of Education 2019, 61)
Complex thinking processes which include logical and critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis thinking
Higher-order thinking skills that enable individuals to reflect, solve problems and create products/solutions (Department of Education 2017, 25)
An intervention strategy that involves the learner’s families and the community. “Where possible, the teacher shall do home visits to learners
Home visitation needing remediation or assistance” (Department of Education 2020b, 32). Interviews, consultation, and dialogues with parents can be conducted to
assess the student’s learning progress (Department of Education 2015, 67).
Individual Learning “Utilized to monitor learner progress based on the given intervention strategies” (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and
Monitoring Plan Instruction 2020, Appendix D)
Information and Includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware and software, digital resources (e.g., books, journals, research reports, databases, scripts, etc. in
Communications digital form), and digital information/media (e.g., digital images, video, audio, websites, web pages, social media, etc.) that can be used for instruction
Technology (ICT) (Department of Education 2019a)
Refers to a set of attitudes, conventions and practices that place the learners at the center of the learning process by using varied
Learner-centered culture teaching modalities responsive to learners’ diverse background and relevant to meaningful learning experience
(Department of Education – Teacher Education Council 2019)
Refer to learners that are geographically isolated; chronically ill; displaced due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child- abused and
Learners in difficult experienced child labor practices (Department of Education 2017, 15); Also refer to persons who suffer from hunger, thirst, dangerous jobs,
circumstances prostitution, sexual abuse, diseases, exclusion, harassment, problems with the law, imprisonment, destructive drugs, domestic slavery, violence, among
others (UNESCO 1999)
An online platform that can be used for distance learning which includes the DepEd-LMS, DepEd Commons, DepEd Learning Resource (LR) Portal,
Learning Management
and third-party software such as Edmodo, Schoology, Google Classroom, and Microsoft Teams (Department of Education
System 2020b, 31)
Refers to the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) as part of instructional planning (Department of Education 2016b).
Lesson Plan Other forms of a lesson plan are the Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP), Weekly Lesson Log (WLL), Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) and
Lesson Exemplars (LE).
Refer to the competencies from the K to 12 curriculum guides which are most useful in many professions and in everyday life, thereby satisfying the so-
called endurance criterion. Anchored on the prescribed standards, these competencies identified by the Department in consultation with stakeholders are
Most Essential Learning
to be used nationwide by field implementers and private schools for SY 2020-2021 as a response to
Competencies (MELCs)
developing resilient education systems most especially during emergencies such as the current global pandemic (Department of Education, 2020a).
A mode of teaching that involves learners downloading materials from the internet, completing and submitting assignments online through a
Online Asynchronous
Learning Management System (LMS) such as the DepEd Commons and DepEd Learning Resource (LR) Portal, Google Classroom, and Microsoft
Teams (Department of Education 2020b, 31).
A mode of teaching that utilizes video conferencing, live chat, instant messaging, or a combination of any of the online tools to engage learners to work
Online Synchronous
in real-time. These materials may be designed for collaborative tasks to engage learners on virtual collaboration among peers (Department of Education
2020b, 31).
Performance Monitoring Provides a record of significant incidents (actual events and behavior in which both positive and negative performances are observed) such as
and Coaching Form (PMCF) demonstrated behavior, competence and performance (Department of Education 2019b)
Positive use of ICT Responsible, ethical, or appropriate use of ICT to achieve and reinforce learning (Department of Education 2017, 26).
Refer to learning resources crafted by teachers to supplement the materials handed down by the DepEd division/regional/central offices. These
materials should be aligned with DepEd standards and support the contextualized needs of learners in online, modular, and TV- and radio-based
instruction. These teacher-made learning materials can be printed or digital modules, activity sheets, interactive e- materials, and MELCs-aligned
Supplementary materials
video- and audio-lessons (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020, 3). Writing tasks can also be part of the
supplementary materials where learners can write the challenges they are facing and what parts
of the lesson they did not fully understand and need additional help for from their teacher (Department of Education 2020b, 37)
Teaching and learning Teaching aids and other materials that teachers use not only to enhance teaching and learning but also to
resources assist learners to meet the expectations for learning as defined by the curriculum (Department of Education 2017, 27)
“functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement” (Department of Education
2016a, i). LAC aims to improve the teaching-learning process that will lead to improved learning among the students; to nurture successful teachers;
Learning Action Cell (LAC) to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes; and to foster
a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers, and the community as a
whole (Department of Education 2016a, 3).
“During pandemic and other disruptive events, all public elementary and secondary school teachers in the region shall prepare their lesson
Lesson Exemplar exemplars instead of the usual Detailed Lesson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily Learning Logs (DLL) for MELCs and/or enabling competencies”
(Department of Education - CALABARZON 2020, 10).
Refers to a learning material similar to a video-recorded lesson and video-taped lesson used for online asynchronous teaching or used as
Video lesson supplementary material. This material can be uploaded to YouTube, Google Classroom, or any online platform, or distributed via
storage devices (e.g., flash drives or CD-ROMs).
“The Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) shall be prepared by teachers implementing Distance and Blended Learning while the DLP or
Weekly Home Learning Plan
DLL…shall be prepared by teachers implementing F2F learning” (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020,
Appendix D).
Weekly Lesson Log (WLL) See Lesson Plan
Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP) See Lesson Plan
Wider school community Refers to both internal and external stakeholders (Department of Education 2017, 27)
Chuter, Anthony. n.d. Puentedura’s SAMR Model. https://ict4kids.ca/teaching-and-learning/technology-integration/puenteduras-samr-model/ Government of the
Philippines, Department of Education. 2020a. Guidelines on the Use of the Most Essential Learning Competencies. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2020b. Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the Covid-19
Public Health Emergency. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2019a. Classroom Observation Tool. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2019b. Results-based Performance Management System Updated Manual. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2017. National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. Pasig City. Government
of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2016a. The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-based Continuing Professional
Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2016b. Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Pasig City. Government of the
Philippines, Department of Education. 2015. Guidelines on the Enhanced School Improvement Planning (SIP) Process and the School Report Card (SRC).
Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education – CALABARZON. 2019. PIVOT 4A Budget of Work in All Learning Areas in Key Stage 1-4 (version 2.0). Cainta. Government
of the Philippines, Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction. 2020. Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of Learning Delivery
Modalities for the Formal Education. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education – Teacher Education Council. 2019. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Resource Package Module
17. Pasig City.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 1999. Programme for the Education of Children in Difficult Circumstances: street children, working
children...access to education, even for the most destitute. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000118101_eng?posInSet=1&queryId=9046c1d9-f537-4e9c-9641-
University of Tasmania. 2020. Constructive Feedback Principles. https://www.utas.edu.au/curriculum-and-quality/student-surveys/evaluate/constructive-feedback-principles -