SBSW Winter 2010
SBSW Winter 2010
SBSW Winter 2010
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wire basics at
Whenever I teach a jewelry techniques class, I tell my
students that if I could give out an award at the end of
the class for the most awful, misshapen piece of jewelry
produced in class I would, because whomever had made it
had pushed themselves to test the materials out the most
while a teacher was there to answer their questions about
it. If you want to get the most out of your class, push your
boundaries and test the materials while you have an expert
to answer your questions.
Does that sound like its a little too far outside of your
comfort zone? It is for many people. Ive found that if I
articulate some of my students unconscious notions, it
helps them take down the barriers to enlarging their com-
fort zone. One of those notions is the hope that maybe
theyll be discovered. Students may hope their teachers
or classmates will not only recognize their talent, but be
blown away by their phenomenal artistry. Glory will soon
follow. Admit it, weve all been guilty of thinking that.
I gently remind them that it doesnt happen in jewelry
classes. They laugh even more when I suggest that their
secret hope is that once they get discovered, theyll fnally
get to quit their day job. Then they totally get it. Everyone
breathes a sigh of relief, and gets down to business.
If youre busy worrying about how your work is go-
ing to look to your teacher and classmates, youre going to
be very, very careful, and try to minimize mistakes. There
is no creativity or learning without mistakes. Once youve
identifed some of the more unrealistic notions about what
you can get out of it, consider the many options available
in the instruction, and which ones work best for you.
Robert Dancik is a well-respected artist and author, and a
popular jewelry-techniques teacher who has taught in a wide
variety of venues, from bead shop back-room classrooms to
Getting the Most
from a Jewelry Class
international conferences. I think the different kinds of venues
can be generally separated into residential and non-residential,
he explains. Community art centers, colleges and university ex-
tension programs, bead stores and private craft centers are all
venues which mostly target locals. Residential facilities, such as
the Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina, or the Arrow-
mont School of Arts and Crafts in Tennessee, can offer a more in-
tensive experience. An increasingly popular niche is art facilities
in exotic locales such as La Cascade in the South of France, or
Hacienda Mosaico in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where students can
learn design and technique, and have lots of time to experiment,
with plenty of opportunities to experience the local culture.
Then you have the somewhat newer phenomenon of fes-
tivals such as Bead Fest, Art Unraveled, and Art and Soul, ex-
plains Dancik. Students can take classes with numerous teach-
ers, all in one place. People who live in the area can commute,
TOP: Robert Dancik uses a variety of classic and non-traditional tools and materials
to help students fnd their own voice in art jewelry.
ABOVE: Ronna Sarvas Weltman guides students in a personal exploration of poly-
mer clay and wire at Bead Fest Philadelphia.
SSWF-091216-007-2.indd 7 10/9/09 2:14:50 PM
step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 8
Ronna Sarvas
lives in Bellevue,
Wash., with her
husband and
two sons. She
uses sterling and fne silver, high
quality semi-precious stones,
precious metal clay, polymer clay,
glass beads, bone, leather and
found objects to craft artisan jew-
elry. Her work has been featured
in a number of magazines, and
can be found at
while others can rent a room in the hosting hotel or close by.
Different venues offer advantages and challenges. Consider the selection of teachers,
your budget, your family life, or time off work when exploring them. Combine a gifted
teacher and enthusiastic students with a studio, and you can have a transformative experi-
ence, whether its a 90-minute seminar or a months-long intensive. What makes a class suc-
cessful for a student usually has little to do with the venue.
The most important thing that I want students to understand from the get-go is that its
their class, says Dancik. He notices that students often feel as if they need to get permission
to express themselves artistically, and he encourages students to tap into the realization of
how rich their experiences are. Techniques are not worth anything at all unless it allows
you to express yourself better as an artist. For some reason, we have a tendency to look
outside of ourselves for things like inspiration, guidance, and expertise. My sense is its all
right there for the taking. The hard part is allowing yourself.
Jewelry artist and teacher Loretta Lam agrees that empowering students to trust their
own instincts is fundamental for transformational learning. Lam also teaches in a variety
of venues and formats. What she has discovered over the years is that sometimes fellow
students are the key to becoming self-directed, and that is often more easily accomplished
in intensive workshops with extended studio hours.
Intensive workshops, which last from several days to months and have on-site lodging,
usually include studios that are open around the clock. Because the studio is open 24 hours,
the students often spend lots of time working in the studio without the teacher. When they
do that, they blend into a group mentality. The energy becomes lifted as they learn from each
other. Working in that intense situation, they become more self-driven, and more focused on
their individuality and their own ideas. They ultimately get much more out of it.
The key to allowing yourself to tap into your own experience and voice in art is to un-
derstand that no matter how informative, helpful or even transformative a particular class
is, it should always be viewed as a starting point rather than a culmination.
As a teacher, I do my best to help my students understand Im there to help them use my
techniques as tools or inspiration to reach their own artistic goals; as a student, Im a poster
child for thinking theres no creativity without mistakes. When I take a class, I always turn
to classmates who are sitting on either side of me and say, Dont worry about me or feel
bad for me when you see the awful things I make in this class. Trust me, Im happiest when
Im experimenting and taking the materials beyond their aesthetic limits. Usually theyre
comfortable with that. But it works for two reasons: I use my time in the classroom to get a
thorough understanding of the techniques, materials and concepts being introduced to me,
and more important I use it as a springboard to examine where I go from there.
Take as many classes as your budget and calendar will allow. Most important, listen to
the voice within that guides your artistic journey. When you listen to your internal voice,
your teachers voice comes through to you even more clearly and powerfully. Why is that?
Because youll be really ready to listenand to learn.
are not worth
anything at all
unless it allows
you to express
yourself better
as an artist.
Susan Lenart Kazmer leads students
on a week-long art jewelry exploration
at La Cascade in the south of France.
SSWF-091216-007-2.indd 8 10/9/09 2:14:53 PM
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courtesy of:
2117722-SSWF-091216.pdf Processed by DG October 1, 2009
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step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 12
For the holly, cut a 4' length of
26g wire. Alternately string four
3mm and 4mm crystals. Center them
on the wire, make a loop with the
crystals, and twist two times to secure.
Make another leaf on each of the wire
tails, as close to the frst as possible.
Stretch the trumpet open again with your fngers,
elongating it slightly. Using the pointed end of
bent nose pliers, push around the bell, opening it up
and faring it. You may need to repeat compressing and
opening a few times to get the stitches evened out.
Since the work can no longer go through a drawplate
because of the fare, your fngers are doing the work of
the drawplate.
Pick up one 4mm crystal, and slide it next to the last
stitch made. The picture shows this with a blue bead.
Carefully make the next stitch, being careful not to break
the crystal. Make the stitch in two separate motions: frst,
pull the wire straight across the piece, and when the wire is
snug, then fnish making the loop. Repeat around the bell
until all 16 crystals are secured. Clip the wire, and leave
a tail of about
/8". File the end, and fold this tail down
around the wire.
Work one normal round of 12
stitches. Keep using your thumb
to push the work out, faring it into
the bell shape.
The last round of increases
will leave you with 16 stitches.
Work three normal stitches, work a
loop in the next rib. Repeat this three
more times, and check that you have
16 stitches. Work one last round
of 16 normal stitches. Do not clip
the wire.
Gently compress all around
the trumpet with your fngers.
Do not be afraid to really squeeze
the work.
Take the starting end of the knitting and feed it into the bell. Use
scrap wire to hold the piece together while you double check the size.
Remove the scrap wire. Bring each end of the holly wire through the bracelet
so that it penetrates the starting end, and holds it in place. Using a hole next
to where the wire came out, go back through BOTH ends of the bracelet,
coming back through as close to the leaves as possible. Pull on both ends
to snug the wires. Wrap the shorter wire under the leaves twice, and clip the
end closely.
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2119167-SSWF-091216 .pdf Processed by DG October 6, 2009
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2116759-EZWS-091000.pdf Processed by DG September 16, 2009
SSWF-091216-014-1.indd 14 10/12/09 4:53:26 PM
wire basics at
braided silver
tools & supplies
18-gauge silver craft wire, 5"
20-gauge silver craft wire, 10'
15mm round bead
Knitting needle, size 2, or other 2.75mm
Empty 35oz. yogurt carton
Flush cutters
Round nose pliers
Flat nose pliers
Photo of fnished piece by Jim Lawson, all other photos
courtesy of the author.
Craft wire braid with a beaded focal clasp.
The materials specifed are enough for an 8" braid. If
you braid really tightly, packing the strands closer
together, you will end up with a shorter braid. If you have
a larger wrist, you could make the bracelet with a larger
stone and a wider knitting needle.
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step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 16
Push the mandrel through a
yogurt carton as shown, or
use another method that holds the
mandrel horizontally above the table.
Place the yogurt carton at the edge
of the table, so the table does not get
in the way of the wires as you work.
Cut four 24" pieces of 20g wire,
and mark the centers by bending
them slightly with your fngers.
Take the frst piece of wire, and
hold the center underneath the
mandrel. Bend the left end of the wire
over the mandrel, and down toward
you. Bend the right over so it crosses
the left.
Take the second piece of wire
and hold the center underneath
the mandrel, beneath the crossover
of the frst wire. Again, start with the
left end, and bend it over the top and
down toward you, so that it crosses
over the frst wire, and ends in the
front. Repeat with the right end.
From here on, the wire must always cross over two wires. Take the third
piece of wire, and hold the center under the mandrel. Bring the left end
up behind the other two wires, and bend it over the mandrel and down toward
you, so that it ends the front. It will cross over the frst and second wires.
Bring the right end up between the frst and second wires. Bend it over the
mandrel and down toward you, as before. It will cross over two wires, the
second wire and itself (third).
Take the last piece of wire. Hold the center underneath the mandrel, and
bring the left end up between the frst and second wires. Bend it over the
top and down toward you, crossing the second and third wires. Bring the right
end up between the second and third wires, over the top and down toward
you, crossing the third wire and itself (fourth). You have all the wires on the
mandrel. If necessary, pull on the four ends on each side until the wires are
lying parallel and equally spaced.
Take the top left wire, and pull
it frmly around the back of the
mandrel. Bring it up in the middle of
the four wires on the right. Bend it
over the mandrel and down toward
you, crossing two wires. Repeat with
the top right wire.
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wire basics at
Continue until the bead has
been wrapped fve or six times
on each side. Trim the excess wire,
and bend the ends up into the back
of the weave. To form hooks, bend
both ends of the clasp around the
Bend the other end around
in the same way, and trim the
wire close to the bead. Using the
remaining 20g wire, wrap it around
the bead wire close to the bead.
Bend the 20g wire around the
side of the bead, and wrap it
around the other end of the clasp
wire, frst passing over the top, then
underneath, and back over the top.
Repeat on the other side of
the bead. Continue from end
to end of the bead. Wrap the wire
by frst passing over the top, then
underneath, and back over the top.
Once you have completed the frst
circle, position each new wrap below
the existing ones, so they gradually
enclose the back of the bead.
Repeat Step 7 until the wire has been completely braided. Always use the
top wire, which alternates between left and right. You may fnd it quicker,
once you have the method mastered, to hold the mandrel instead of using the
yogurt carton. You can temporarily slip the braid off the mandrel to remove
it from the yogurt carton. Hold the mandrel as shown in your left hand, and
braid with your right hand. Slide the braid off the mandrel.
To make the clasp, pass the 18g
wire through the bead. Bend the
wire back against itself like a hairpin
1" from the end, using round nose
pliers. Pinch the bend tight using fat
nose pliers. If the bead hole is big
enough for the wire to pass through
twice, let the wire end extend into the
For a neat braid, start each move by re-tensioning the wire, before
adding the next bend. Watch as you fnish each move that you leave the
wires equally spaced and at a consistent angle.
The length of the braid will depend on how closely you braid the wire.
The given length is plenty for an 8" braid. If you use a thicker knitting
needle, you will need to use more.
If the beginning of the braid is a bit messy, simply trim off the messy
section leaving one longer wire end. Shape this end to form a loop, and
bend all the other wire tips inward so they wont snag.
If the braid seems misshapen when you have bent it around your wrist,
push it back onto the mandrel to straighten it, and re-shape again.
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step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 18
Frances Harper
lives in the Sunshine
Coast hinterland
of Australia. She
has been designing
jewelry for three years, coming
from a career in computer systems
design. She is surprised by her own
creativity and theorizes that her many
years of thinking outside the box
have transferred to her new interest.
Her greatest joy is from sharing her
designs with others through her
workshops and kits. She can be
contacted via her Web site, www.
Trim the other wire ends, and use
round nose pliers to tuck them invisibly
into the braid. Shape the bracelet so the
opening is slightly wider than the length of
the clasp. This will leave it with spring so
the clasp will be under tension when the
bracelet is latched shut.
Hook one end of the clasp
through the beginning loop of
the braid and pinch the hook closed.
Bend the braid around your wrist,
with the clasp on top to fnd the
required length.
On the other end, unbraid
any excess. Trim all the wires
shorter, leaving one wire from one
side of the braid end 1" long, to
become the catch loop. Bend it with
your fngers so the end is pushed into
the braid, and use chain nose pliers
to wrap the end securely around an
inner wire.
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SSWF-091216-015-4.indd 18 10/14/09 2:49:03 PM
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2117723-SSWF-091216.pdf Processed by DG October 1, 2009
SSWF-091216-019-1.indd 19 10/12/09 4:48:12 PM
step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 20
spine of the
tools & supplies
18-gauge 3.75mm ID sterling jump rings, 196
6mm CrystallizedSwarovski Elements
bicones in Indian Sapphire, 25
8" piece of Soft Flex beading wire, 21 strand
.014 clear, 2
15 clear silver-lined seed beads, 26
Silver-plated Scrimps, 2
Double strand clasp
Sterling earwires
Chain nose pliers, 2
Paper clip
Photo of fnished piece by Jim Lawson, all other photos
courtesy of the author.
Crystals embedded in chain maille.
One day while exhibiting at a jewelry show a customer asked
me if I could make her a chain similar to the chain on her hus-
bands leather vest. But she wanted hers to be more feminine. I
came up with this design that consists of two chains linked to-
gether, with each individual chain consisting of alternating jump
ring rosebuds. I made a few bracelets without crystals, but since
I love crystals, I had to fnd a way to incorporate them into this
bracelet. Floating them down the center of the weave made the
most sense. The materials listed are for a 7" bracelet.
SSWF-091216-020-2.indd 20 10/15/09 4:05:21 PM
wire basics at
spine of the
Take one open jump ring, and
add it to the paper clip. Before
closing the ring, add one closed ring.
Close the ring. Take an open ring,
and scoop up the frst and second
ring. This is a two ring mobis.
With an open ring and scoop up
the 2-ring mobis. Before closing,
add a closed ring. Close the ring. On
the paper clip, you will have one ring,
followed by a mobis, a single ring,
and another single ring waiting to be
made into a mobis.
With an open ring, scoop up the
two single rings, forming another
mobis. Close the ring. Repeat Steps
23 until you reach the desired length
of the bracelet, minus the length of
the clasp. This is the frst chain.
Complete another length of
chain the same size as the frst
by repeating Steps 13. This is the
second chain. With an open ring,
scoop up the frst single ring of the
frst chain and the frst single ring of
the second chain. Close the ring.
With an open ring, skip the frst
mobis on each chain, and pick
up the second single ring on the frst
chain and the second single ring of
the second chain. Close the ring.
Repeat linking the two chains
together using only the single
rings. Do not let the chains fip or
twist. End by joining the last two
single rings together.
Connect one side of the clasp to
the two single rings on one end of
the bracelet. Repeat on the other end
with the second half of the clasp.
Add a Scrimp to one end of
the beading wire. Thread the wire
under the frst ring in the spine.
Thread a 15 bead and a crystal onto
the wire. Thread the wire through the
next ring. Add seed bead and crystals
in this manner until you reach the end
of the bracelet. Add a Scrimp to the
other end of the wire.
Lauren Andersen
has been weaving
sterling and other
metals into gorgeous
chain maille for over
four years. Lauren
was born and raised in Southern
California and teaches chain maille
classes both at bead and jewelry
shows and privately. She also has a
radio show at blockheadradiolive.
com. She can be reached at See her
SSWF-091216-020-2.indd 21 10/9/09 1:41:01 PM
step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 22
tools & supplies
20-gauge half hard sterling wire,
approximately 12'
7.5mm twisted sterling jump rings, 60
4mm sterling jump rings, 26
6mm round crystal, dark purple, 27
6mm round crystal, light purple,18
6mm round in crystal, clear AB, 10
Round nose pliers
Chain nose pliers
Permanent marker
Lobster claw clasp
Sterling headpin
Photo of fnished piece by Jim Lawson, all other photos
courtesy of the author. Diagram by Ashley Millhouse.
Tri-colored linked chain.
I was experimenting with these 6mm crystal rounds for a
woven Kumihimo crystal bracelet. The fnished bracelet was not
what I had hoped for, so I took it apart. After that they just sat
around in my box, until one day inspiration struck when I came
across these twisted sterling jump rings.
Editors note: For the step photos, only a small section of the drape
is shown.
SSWF-091216-022-3.indd 22 10/9/09 1:57:41 PM
wire basics at
Make wrapped loop links starting
on Row 1 by threading the frst
crystal with 1" wire (the example
shows a longer wire if you wish to
wrap more). Attach the crystal to the
twisted ring. Leave the other end
open to be attached later. Do not trim
the excess.
Continue connecting middle
crystals with wrapped loops with
1" pieces of wire (the example shows
longer wires, to wrap more) to the
twisted rings until you get to the last
crystal in the row. Do not wrap the
other side of the last crystal.
Start the second row of crystals,
wrapping them to the twisted
rings on one end, and leaving the
other end open until you get to the
third row. This row will look like it is
dangling from the twisted rings.
Lay out the design on your work surface. Start from the top
row going left to right.
Row 1: Alternate 10 dark crystals with nine twisted rings.
Row 2: Line nine dark crystals up with the twisted rings of
Row 1, with the bead holes going up and down.
Row 3: Start with twisted rings, and line them up with the
crystals from Row 2; alternate nine twisted rings and eight
dark crystals.
Row 4: Line up seven light crystals starting with second
twisted ring in Row 3, with bead hole going up and down.
Row 5: Start with twisted rings, and line them up with the
crystals from Row 4, alternate seven twisted rings and six
light crystals.
Row 6: Line up fve light crystals starting with second
twisted ring in Row 5, with the bead hole going up and
Row 7: Start with fve twisted rings that line up with the
crystals from Row 6, with the bead hole going up and
down, alternate with four clear crystals.
Row 8: Line up three clear crystals starting with second
twisted ring in Row 7.
Row 9: Start with three twisted rings and line them up
with the crystals of Row 8, alternate with two clear
Row 10: Line up the last clear crystal with the center
twisted ring of Row 9.
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step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 24
Vanessa Blevins
has been crafty all her
life. A friend introduced
her to jewelry making,
starting with stringing, and then moving
to metalwork. After teaching herself many
techniques by reading or trial and error,
she began selling her creations. She is
currently a teacher at On the Rocks, a local
bead shop. Contact Vanessa at vlblevins@
It is important for this project to make consistently sized wrapped
loops. If you have trouble making them the same size try marking
the round nose pliers with a marker and use that spot each time you
make the loop.
Start the third row by wrapping
the dangling second row crystals
to the twisted rings on the bottom.
Wrap the crystals to twisted rings, to
join them all together in a row.
Repeat Steps 34 three times,
until you come to the last bead.
Use a headpin to dangle this crystal
from center ring of Row 9.
Alternate 13 twisted rings and 13
open 4mm sterling rings to make
a chain, closing the smaller rings
as you go along. End with a 4mm
sterling ring, attach the lobster claw,
and close the ring. Wrap the frst ring
in the chain to the unfnished crystal
on one side of Row 1.
Alternate 14 twisted rings and
13 sterling rings to make another
chain, and end with a twisted ring.
Wrap the frst ring in the chain to the
unfnished crystal on the other side of
Row 1.
SSWF-091216-022-3.indd 24 10/9/09 1:57:54 PM
Bergins Jewelry - Award Winning Design
2108582-SSWF-090915.pdf Processed by DG July 29, 2009
2114798-SSWF-091216.pdf Processed by DG October 8, 2009
Made in the USA Sterling Silver
2119161-SSWF-091216.pdf Processed by DG October 1, 2009
Advertisers Index
AD Adornments ................... 37
Alacarte Clasps and WireLace ...57
Antelope Beads .................... 33
Beadalon ............................. 25
BeadSmith/Helby Imports ...... 6
Beaducation Lisa Niven Kelly .....37
Bezel Form .......................... 57
Blue Buddha Boutique ......... 41
CGM Inc. ..............................c3
Charm Factory ..................... 57
Ds Designs .......................... 33 ......................... 57
Fire Mountain Gems & Beads .... c4
Gardiner Design .................. 57 ............. 57
Interweave....14, 30, 33, 36, 41
....... 48, 49, 55, 56, 57, 58-59
JM Imports .......................... 57
Mega Jewels .........................c2
Merchants Overseas ............. 25
Metalliferous Inc. ................. 41
Monsterslayer Inc. ............... 37
Natural Touch ...................... 37
Penn State Industries ........... 37
Rio Grande .......................... 18
Shiana ................................ 33
Soft Flex Co. ........................ 13
Sunroom Studios .................. 57
Urban Maille Chainworks ..... 37
Venetian Bead Shop ............. 57
Vintaj Natural Brass Co. ....... 25 .......... 9, 19
Wubbers L.L.C. ....................... 1
wire basics at
SSWF-091216-057-1.indd 57 10/20/09 10:31:54 AM
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From the Editor:
This must-have collectors edition offers a bit of
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If youre a long-time Step by Step Wire Jewelry
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Denise Peck, Editor in chief
Step by Step Wire Jewelry
Best &Biggest Ever
2118021-SSWF-091216.pdf Processed by DG October 19, 2009
SSWF-091216-058-2.indd 58 10/19/09 12:31:08 PM
Advance your skills with the most
comprehensive wire jewelry design and project
collection evernow available for the rst time!
Best of Step by Step Wire Jewelry delivers
more than double the content and
inspiration of a regular issue, helping you:
Enhance your skills with easy-to-follow
instructions from the experts you trust.
Design one-of-a-kind earrings, necklaces
and more with 25 favorite wire designs.
Create affordable jewelry with copper,
silver, colored wire, beads, and stone.
Learn what 12 tools you shouldnt be
Discover new twists on favorite
techniques youll turn to again
and again!
WireBetter with the
Dont miss the ultimate resource for wire artists like you.
Order your copy today at
From the Editor:
This must-have collectors edition offers a bit of
everything weve offered, from very basic, beginning
skills, to some more complex work. Plus, weve included
some favorite ndings projects: a few simple bails,
and some terri c clasps.
If youre a long-time Step by Step Wire Jewelry
subscriber, you will love remembering some
of these most popular designs, and the fact
that theyre all bound together here in one
supersized issue. If youre not a subscriber
heres your chance to get your hands on all these
designs youve missed!
Denise Peck, Editor in chief
Step by Step Wire Jewelry
Best &Biggest Ever
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step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 60
wire Marketplace
To be listed in wire Marketplace please contact Monica Turner at (800) 272-2193, x424
or The cost is $50 per issue with a 5 issue minimum.
Ari zonA
AZ Bead DepotApache Junction
The friendliest little bead shop in the West! Swarovski,
Czech, Delicas, seed beads, pearls, stone, chain, findings,
tools, and more! We specialize in customer service and fun
every day! NEW LOCATION!
260 W. Apache Trail (480) 983-5674
Cosmopolitan BeadsCave Creek
Indulge your need to bead in style and elegance. Grand selection
of handmade glass beads from Cave Creek Glassworks, all the
beads and findings you need, great classes and inspiration.
6061 E. Cave Creek Rd., Ste. 1 (480) 595-6644
Beaded LadyBenton
Bargain beaders paradise. Knowledgeable staff, superior
selection, Swarovski crystals, pearls, Czech, Austrian,
Indian, China beads, Delica, Ceylon, seeds, charms, tools,
wire, chain. Tue, Thu, Sat 16. Classes day, evening. Jew-
elry repair. One-stop shopping.
7103 Samples Rd. (501) 794-2647
CAl i forni A
Bead InspirationsAlameda
Gorgeous, high-quality beads, findingsSwarovski, gems,
glass, chain, wire, sterling silver sheet at a great value.
Sterling, gold-filled, copper, Vintaj antique nickel-free
brass findings. Books and tools for beading, wirework,
PMC, metalsmithing. Inspiring classes for all levels.
Friendly, knowledgeable staff. Open 7 days, evenings.
1544 Park St. (510) 337-1203
San Gabriel Bead Co.Arcadia
Beads, books, gourds, tools, workshops, metals, and friendly
advice.We carry a wide assortment of wires in different gauges
and metal. TueThu 129, Fri 126, Sat 106, Sun 125.
325 E. Live Oak Ave. (626) 447-7753
Brea Bead WorksBrea
Full-service bead store and hot-glass studio with friendly
and helpful staff. The largest selection of beads and gem-
stones in the area. Workshops weekly and studio rental
available. MonFri 107; Sat 106; Sun 125.
1027 E. Imperial Hwy., Unit D5 (714) 671-9976
Beads Etc.Clovis
Welcome to Californias Central Valley full-supply bead
store located in the Fresno/Clovis area. We carry a wide
variety of Swarovski crystals, seed beads, gemstones, Czech
beads, vintage beads, lampwork, and a great selection of
findings. We also have some unique beads and wide variety
of classes to satisfy every beader. We look forward to serv-
ing you! MonFri 116; Sat 114.
80 W. Bullard, #106 (559) 297-8526
Just Bead It!Concord
Beads to thread, wire, and just admire. All for beading to
your hearts desire. Family owned since 2003. Open Mon,
Wed, Thu, and Fri 117; Sat 116; Sun 125.
2051 Harrison St., Ste. C (925) 682-6493
BeadtopiaEl Segundo
(S. of LAX) We are a full-service bead store with knowledge-
able staff and friendly service. Find all the newest beading
and jewelry trends, plus a large selection of glass, semipre-
cious, pearls, Delicas, seed beads, and findings. See our web-
site for our ever-changing, exciting classes and party details.
Mon, Tue, Fri 115; Wed, Thu 117; Sat 104; closed Sun.
319 Richmond St. (310) 322-0077.
Ruby Tuesday Bead CompanyLong Beach
Full-service bead store with an amazing selection of glass
and semiprecious beads. Come see our wall of beads. Great
prices. Quality beads. Friendly, helpful staff.
398 Ximeno Ave. (562) 433-9393
South Sun ProductsSan Diego
Beads, silver, and jewelry superstore! Youll find the largest
selection of beads and jewelry in the United States. Huge selec-
tion of semiprecious beads, pearls, Swarovski, sterling silver
pendants, findings, chain, rings, earrings, classes, and more!
MonFri 8:307; SatSun 105 (enter at Sandrock Rd.).
8601 Aero Dr. (858) 309-5045
The Bouncing BeadSan Diego
We enable your addiction! A great selection of Swarovski,
Miyuki, and Czech. Dont forget about the findings and
great classes! Friendly and outgoing sisters who are admit-
ted enablers! Open 7 days a week.
8323 La Mesa Blvd. (619) 460-2323
Sew BeadazzledSan Jose
Purveyor of unique beads/buttons! If youre ready to have fun
. . . we are the place to bead! Never-ending supply of beads/
all are handpicked. We specialize in one-on-one classes. Clean,
kid-friendly bead shop. Check website for special guest artist
workshops. Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 106; Thu 108; Sun 114.
1068 Lincoln Ave. (408) 293-2232
BeadniksSanta Monica
Immerse yourself in a 2,000 sq. ft. world of rare beads,
unique findings, and exotic treasures. Just steps from the
Pier and a block off the famous 3rd St. Promenade.
MonSat 109; Sun 126.
203 Arizona Ave. (310) 395-0033
The Spirited Bead & Klews Gallery
Tehachapi and Ridgecrest
An artist-owned bead store. Our beads are all hand-selected!
Hwy. 58 between Bakersfield and Mojave. From the basic to
the extravagant. See our website for details and map.
435 W. J St. (661) 823-1930
104 W. Panamint (760) 384-2323
Col orAdo
Lunas Beads & GlassFrisco
Vast assortment of beads and supplies. Delicas, seed beads,
triangles, cubes, drops, bugles, lampwork, Swarovski, Czech
glass, semiprecious, Bali and sterling silver, findings, books,
tools, hemp, wire. Friendly, knowledgeable assistance.
416 Main St. (5th and Main) (970) 668-8001
di stri Ct of Columbi A
BeadazzledWashington, D.C.
Best selection of beads and findings: gemstones; seed
beads; Czech, Chinese, and Indian glass; Swarovski; Afri-
can and Asian art glass; wood; bone; shell; horn; resin;
metals and more. Wire, tools, cords, findings, books, jew-
elry, classes, and friendly, knowledgeable staff. Inspiring!
1507 Connecticut Ave. NW (202) 265-2323
fl ori dA
The Beading BoutiqueAltamonte Springs
3,100 sq. ft. of fabulous beading magic. Largest collection
of Toho and Delica seed beads in Central Florida. Exten-
sive selection of beads, findings, pearls, crystals, etc. A
beaders dream come true. Must see to believe. Instruction
offered daily. Parties, Girls Night Out, and so much more.
Come in and relax at gourmet coffee bar while choosing a
new creation to make and take. Spend the morning, after-
noon, or entire day. Open 7 days/week.
1046 Montgomery Rd. (407) 574-7164
Avalon Bead Store/Gifts of AvalonGainesville
North Floridas oldest and largest bead store! 2,500 sq. ft.
and 16 years experience. Complete selection of all types
of beads and supplies, online catalog. Classes in wire
wrapping, art clay, metalsmithing, seed bead weaving,
basics, and more. Knowledgeable, friendly staff, great
prices! Near I-75. Open 7 days.
4205 NW 16th Blvd. (800) 337-3844
Bead & ArtLighthouse Point
South Floridas friendliest bead store. Tons of semipre-
cious, pearls, Czech, Swarovski, sterling, tools, supplies.
Original lampworked beads. Classes and kits. Check out
our website for store location and class schedules.
5034 N. Federal Hwy. (954) 418-3390
Beads Etc.Maitland (Orlando)
Orlandos finest full-service bead store. Featuring a wide
selection of gemstones, pearls, Swarovski crystals, silver
gold-filled findings, lampwork, Czech, Venetian, and
more. Customer service #1! Classes for all levels (one on
one). Great parking.
429 S. Orlando Ave. (407) 339-2323
Voted Best New Business 2007Tampa Tribune. Huge selec-
tion of Swarovski crystals, gemstones, freshwater pearls,
dichroic glass pendants, lampworked beads, seed beads, over
750 Delica colors. Check out our class schedule online.
1543 S. Dale Mabry (813) 258-3900
(866) 357-2323
i l l i noi s
A Beadtiful ThingAurora
You have found the mothership! Fulfill your need to bead
at Auroras only full-service bead store. I buy what I like
and hope you like it, too! You will love our staff. Located
behind Rush Copley Hospital on Montgomery Rd. Come
and stay for awhile! Open Mon, Tue 106; Wed, Thu 108;
Fri, Sat 105; Sun 14.
1649 Montgomery Rd. (630) 236-5913
Chicago Bead Inc.Glen Ellyn
Premium, full-service bead store and jewelry design studio!
Finest in sterling, Bali, GF, copper findings, Swarovski,
Miyuki, gemstones, pendants, charms, pearls, Czech glass,
cubic zirconia, lampwork, books, tools, supplies. Classes, par-
ties, design services, repairs. Friendly/knowledgeable staff.
Designer originals! Gift certificates and frequent-shopper
discounts. Tue, Thu 118; Wed, Sat 116; Fri, Sun 126.
491 Roosevelt Rd. (630) 858-2626
Free to BeadPeoria Heights
The only full-service bead store in the Peoria area. We have
silver, Bali, semiprecious, crystals, pearls, glass, seed beads,
supplies, tools, and classes. Everything you need and
more. Come bead with us.
1311 E. Seiberling Ave. (309) 682-2323
Sweet Earth (Formerly Ben Franklin)Sycamore
Gifts*Jewelry*Engraving*Beads. Largest color selection of
Swarovski crystals, pearls, Bali, gemstones, Czech sterling
14kt gold-filled findings. Chain by the inch. 900+ charms.
MonSat 106. GIA graduate gemologist. Engraving in
store. We are worth the trip! Bring this ad in for $5 off any
$25 purchase of merchandise.
341 W. State St. (866) 895-3011
SSWF-091216-060-4.indd 60 10/15/09 10:38:09 AM
wire basics at
The Genuine ArticleWheaton
Beads for sale and classes designed for beginners to artisans.
Stop in for tea or coffee and enjoy our unique selection of
beads, charms, and books. Class information on website.
Corner of Front & Hale Sts. (630) 690-BEAD
I ndI ana
Bead Palace Inc.Greenwood
Franchising available. Wholesale/retail. Best prices and quality.
163 S. Madison Ave. (317) 882-5522
Beads AmoreIndianapolis
Beads, wire, supplies, classes, and parties, by the bead or
strand, Czech, Swarovski, seed beads, vintage, miracle,
and silver, semiprecious and cabs. MonThu 108; FriSat
106; Sun 104.
3834 E. 82nd St., Indianapolis (317) 595-0144
La Beada LocaValparaiso
Largest seed bead and Swarovski dealer in the area. Classes
always available. Large selections of books, findings, and
stones, from the rare to the unique. MonFri 106; Sat 104;
Sun intermittently. Drop by to learn and share!
255 Indiana Ave. (219) 531-0504
MaI ne
The Beadin PathFreeport
Vintage Lucite and Swarovski are our specialty, but we
have it all! Check out the pictures of our newly expanded
(4,400 sq. ft.) store online or come and see us. Well bring
out the bead lover in you! Daily 106.
15 Main St. (207) 877-92beads
Maryl and
Best selection of beads and findings: gemstones; seed
beads; Czech, Chinese, and Indian glass; Swarovski; Afri-
can and Asian art glass; wood; bone; shell; horn; resin;
metals and more. Wire, tools, cords, findings, books, jew-
elry, classes, and friendly, knowledgeable staff. Inspiring!
501 N. Charles St. (410) 837-2323
Beads & Crystals of FrederickFrederick
New, bigger store. Your best area source for Swarovski,
ToHo, Miyuki, and much more. Monthly trunk shows
keep our inventory fresh. Always something new and
always a great value.
5732 Buckeystown Pike (301) 694-4900
KK Gems and BeadsGaithersburg
A world of beauty and color! Beads of all sizes and styles glis-
ten all around! Mesmerizing beads from Bali, Thailand, Tibet,
India, and Nepal. No store in the Washington metropolitan
area offers such beautiful beads for LESS. MonSat 106.
615 S. Frederick Ave., #R6 (301) 330-7320
Bead BoutiquePrince Frederick
Large variety of unique and quality semiprecious,
Swarovski, lampwork, bone, African, freshwater pearls,
Tohos, beads, and findings. Precious metals, PMC, charms,
tools. Great prices. Worktables, Classes. Parties. MonSat
28 Solomons Island Rd. (410) 535-6337
Marvin Schwab/The Bead Warehouse
Silver Spring
Wholesale and mail order. Huge selection of semiprecious beads,
freshwater pearls, tools, and supplies. Findings in sterling silver,
gold-filled, 14k, and plated. Showroom by appointment and special
open hours. Fax (301) 565-0489; e-mail
2740 Garfield Ave. (301) 565-0487
Vintage VogueAyer
Come get your bead on! Stunning selection of new and
vintage beads, buttons, and findings. We have it all!
Friendly staff, cool beads, and kits galore! Check us out on
the Web for hours and details.
37 Main St. (978) 772-7750
Full-service shop with a fine, upscale selection of beads,
findings, wire, and tools. Original lampworked beads also
offered and custom orders accepted. Classes, parties, work-
space, and artistic support offered. Come in and express
yourself! TueSun. E-mail
374 N. Main St. (866) 749-BEAD (2323)
(508) 339-3330
MI chI gan
World of RocksYpsilanti
Fun and classes highlighting wire wrapping, metalwork-
ing, chain, and beading. Beginners to advanced. Findings,
silver, crystals, tools, supplies, and many rock specialties.
Open Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 126; Sat 106; Sun 15. Closed
Tue. (I-94 to exit 183, go north past Michigan Ave.).
42 N. Huron St. (734) 481-9981
Stony Creek Bead & GalleryYpsilanti Twp.
A unique store where you can combine beads from around
the world, classes, kits, books, and a helpful staff to create
your own pieces of exceptional art in a relaxed and fun
atmosphere. Closed Mondays. TueFri 106; Wed 107; Sat
104; Sun 102. I-94 to exit 183, one mile south.
2060 Whittaker Rd. (734) 544-0904
Bead HavenLas Vegas
Nevadas most comprehensive bead store, catering to all
bead enthusiasts. Huge selection of findings, pressed glass,
and seed beads. Full line of Swarovski. Free classes daily.
MonFri 107; Sat 106; Closed Sun.
7664 W. Lake Mead Blvd., #111 (702) 233-2450
new haMpshI re
Castleander BeadsHudson
Bead zen more. Come see us and get your groove on at our new
larger shop at 216 Central St., Rte. 111. Were still in Hudson.
216 Central St. (603) 594-0048
Ladybead and RookWilton
Beautiful, quality beads to inspire your creativity and
accentuate your style. Emphasis on European beads: Czech
crystals, pressed glass, seed beads, pearls, and semipre-
cious. Artisan-created jewelry for fine gift giving. Ample
parking. TueSat 10:305:30; Sun 124. gobead@comcast.
net. At the Riverview Mill Artist Shops.
29 Howard St. (603) 654-2805
new J ersey
Beads by BlancheBergenfield
Visit East Coasts premier bead shop. 3,000+ colors of Japanese
seed beads, glass, crystal, semiprecious, lampwork, and more!
Classes by locally and nationally known artists. Extensive
inventory for unlimited possibilities! Fax (201) 385-6120.
106 N. Washington Ave. (201) 385-6225
Extraordinary BeadsClinton
Full-service shop offering quality beads and supplies.
Inspiring collection of Swarovski crystal; Miyuki seed
beads and kits; Czech; Venetian; and artist-made glass;
PMC; and fusing. Great classes! Great service! It takes
Extraordinary Beads to make exceptional jewelry! Tue,
Wed, Thu, Sat, 106; Fri 107:30; Sun 125. Come in!
2 E. Main St. (908) 735-6797
Jubili Beads & Yarns
Everything you need under one roof! Fabulous full-service
source for beads, classic and novelty yarns. Eight-torch
lampwork studio, spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting,
PMC, and more! Repairs, custom jewelry, parties. Contact
us via e-mail at
713 Haddon Ave. (856) 858-7844
Multi Creations (NJ) Inc.Old Bridge
All kinds of silver, gold-filled, and 14/18k gold findings, chains
by foot, Bali silver beads, hill tribe silver, gemstone and glass
beads, pearls and Swarovski crystals, beading accessories,
tools, and much more at wholesale prices. TueSat 106;
Sun 113; closed Mon. E-mail:
Fax: (732) 607-6416; Mobile: (732) 642-2260.
1405 Rt. 18 S., Unit #102 (732) 607-6422
The Bead CellarPennsauken
Experience beading in a warm, sharing, and creative atmo-
sphere while browsing our extensive inventory. Thousands
of seed and accent beads, lampwork and semiprecious,
findings and supplies. Just minutes from Philadelphia with
easy parking, free instruction, parties, and classes.
6305 Westfield Ave. (856) 665-4744
Bumble BeedsSmithville
Full-service bead shop located in a village of 60 shops and
restaurants. Large selection of semiprecious, glass, pearl,
shell, and Swarovski crystal. Come and join us for a free
basic beading class or plan a party.
615 E. Moss Mill Rd. (609) 652-3158
new york
Lets Bead!East Rochester
Bright full-service bead shop. Ever-growing selection of
tools, books, beads, stringing materials, findings, wire, chain
mail, kumihimo, Swarovski crystals, more! Relax, use our
tools, and get friendly help at one of 4 design stations.
349 W. Commercial St. (585) 586-6550
Bumble Beads StudioLatham
The hottest and friendliest bead store in the Capital Dis-
trict. Huge variety of beads, findings, tools, classes. Amaz-
ing kids parties and events, ample work space. Also chic
boutique, jewelry, clothing. Accessories, giftware. Were
truly not your average bead store.
620 Loudon Rd. (518) 690-7896
Beads WorldNew York
From beads to crystals to leather cords and more. Beads
World is your one-stop shop. Quality selections in the heart
of NYCs fashion district. MonFri 97; SatSun 105.
1384 Broadway (212) 302-1199
Bead SpringRed Hook
For the love of beads and fun! All of your beading needs
and a great selection of unusual stones, ethnic, rare, and
collectible beads. In-store worktable, friendly and
helpful staff. Call for hours and workshop schedule.
7 W. Market St. (845) 758-9037
Park Ave BeadsWantagh
The best bead shop on Long Island with friendly, experi-
enced, and talented staff carrying gemstones, freshwater
pearls, seed beads, Swarovski, Czech, findings, Bali, sterling
silver, thread, tools, and Kazuri beads at the lowest prices.
Classes, parties, and groups.
3341 Park Ave. (516) 221-7167
wire Marketplace
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step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 62
North Carol i Na
Beads and Other Fancy StuffMorganton
Our huge variety and quality of beads and beading sup-
plies are our hallmark. From crystals, gemstones, glass,
ceramic, wood, African, Czech, seed beads, tools, and
more. Our selection and low prices are the best! In addition
to our helpful staff, we offer on-site repairs, work area, and
classes three times a week. Novices or experienced beaders
welcome! I-40 near Exit 103.
408 W. Fleming Dr. (828) 439-9935
Visit us for our wide selection of beads in glass, stone, pearl,
and metal with worktables, classes, and the most helpful
staff anywhere. We also carry art clay silver, Kato clay, glass-
soldering supplies, paper-craft supplies, books, and unusual
ribbons. We will be your favorite bead store!
509 N. West St. (919) 834-6260
PanopolieN. Raleigh
Visit us for our full bead selection, worktables, classes, and
helpful staff. We carry art clay silver, glass soldering sup-
plies, paper craft supplies, books, and unusual ribbons.
6320 Capital Blvd. (919) 872-4767
Cindale BeadsSmithfield
Everything you need to bead. Free training. Over 100 dif-
ferent kinds of gemstones. No customers, just friends that
visit. MonSat 107; Sun 115.
150B S. Equity Dr. (919) 934-2900
ohi o
Edybeadys Bead ShoppeCanton
NE Ohios premier bead shop. Amazing selection of beads,
Swarovski, seed, semiprecious, findings, and much more.
Classes and adults and kids parties available. Friendly and
fun designers on staff to assist you with your creations!
2872 Whipple Ave. NW (330) 479-9598
Bead Q!Chagrin Falls & Rocky River
Now with TWO locations. Ohios widest selection of beads!
Swarovski crystal, sterling silver findings, semiprecious-
bead strands. Classes and parties. Fax (413) 638-1501.
8584 E. Washington, Chagrin Falls (440) 708-1771
19306 Detroit Rd., Rocky River (440) 333-GEMS
Gahanna Bead ShopGahanna
Vast selection of glass and semiprecious beads, crystals,
and Miyuki seed beads. Sterling, pewter, and gold-filled
findings for all your beading needs! Distributor of Unicor-
and Kazuri
beads. Open studio area with friendly,
knowledgeable staff.
1024 N. Hamilton Rd. (614) 933-8948
Meant to BeadToledo
You are meant to beadand we can help! We offer a wide
selection of seed beads, Swarovski, Delicas, Bali, semipre-
cious, pearls, art beads, charms, etc. Design assistance,
classes, and parties in a friendly atmosphere. MonThu
108; Fri, Sat 106; Sun 15.
6536 W. Central Ave. (419) 842-8183
okl ahoma
BeadlesBroken Arrow
Beads to beat the band! Beads take center stage in our
showroom and classroom. Whether you are looking for a
rock-star centerpiece or some great backup beads, our selec-
tion and service are sure to make you twist and shout.
114 W. Dallas St. (918) 806-8945
Azillion BeadsBend
More beads than you can imagine! New location in
Bend. Over 2,000 sq. ft. of beads!
Call for directions.
240 NE Emerson, Ste. 110 (541) 617-8854
Azillion BeadsEugene
More beads than you can imagine!. Over 2,000 sq. ft. of
beads. Call for appointment. (541) 338-8311 or e-mail
PeNNsylvaNi a
Infinity BeadsCarlisle
Some call it sensory overload, we just think its FUN! Semi-
precious, Swarovski crystals and pearls, freshwater pearls,
Bali and hill tribe silver, Venetian glass, Miyuki and Toho seed
beads, brass and copper beads, PMC supplies, etc. Classes
include stringing, wireworking, chain mail, PMC, and seed-
bead pieces. See our website for class info and pictures. Tue,
Wed, Fri 116; Thu 118; Sat 103; closed Sun, Mon.
405 N. East St. (717) 960-9100
The Rolling BeadCarlisle
Your bead headquarters in central PA offering a wide selec-
tion of seed beads, Miyuki Delicas, and Swarovski crystals.
2,000 sq. ft. of inventory with over 4,500 items. We also
carry a wide variety of Czech pressed glass, fire polished
beads, findings, clasps, threads, tools, books, and maga-
zines. Beading classes offered. Shop MonFri 96, Sat 94.
Easy access from I-81.
200 S. Spring Garden St. (717) 243-5300
Toll-free (877) 315-2323
Beyond Beads LLCCranberry Twp.
Fun, inspiring, creative environment. Huge selection of
beads, Swarovski, findings, and more. Classes, parties, and
gifts.2 minutes from PA Turnpike, Rt 79
1301 Freedom Rd. (724) 775-2344
The Bead GardenHavertown
Come play in our garden! We are a full-service, customer-
friendly bead shop with a plethora of popular products and
unique items. Offering a workshop environment during
store hours, you are encouraged to walk in and create some-
thing or try a class if you are looking to gain more skills.
Classes for all levels, parties, camps, repair services, special
occasions jewelry. Knowledgeable staff that loves to help.
Voted Main Line Times/Suburban Times, Best Bead Store/Best
of the Main Line 2009.
2122 Darby Rd. (610) 449-2699
Blue Santa BeadsMedia
A newly located artistic venue. Classes available. Custom-
ers always come first and always return.
1165 W. Baltimore Pike (610) 892-2740
Buttercup BeadsPottstown
Let your creativity blossom in our cozy cottage setting.
Classes, parties, oh-so-pretty sparkly things, fun! No expe-
rience necessary. Service with a smile and always free
chocolate. Something for everyone. Lampwork Artisan/
Bead Addict owned and operated. Guilds/Bead Society
discounts, too!
2151 E. High St., Ste. A (484) 524-8231
The Bead GalleryYork
New, larger location! Same fabulous shop! Irresistible selec-
tion of beads, precious metals, and everything in between.
Chat with our friendly staff, take a unique class, or create in
our spacious work area. Always something new!
2594 Eastern Blvd. Kingston Sq. (717) 600-8222
Fabulous selection of gemstones, pearls, Swarovski, silver,
Delicas, findings, tools, books, and classes. Now carrying
silver metal clay and dichroic glass-making supplies.
Friendly, knowledgeable staff.
8220 Louetta, #124 (281) 257-0510
14315 Cypress Rosehill, Ste. 110 (281) 256-0904
Antiques, Beads & Crafty PeoplePearland
Our crafty people can help with your selection from our
full line of bead- and jewelry-making supplies. Custom
jewelry. Special orders welcome. Classes and parties. Mon
Sat 106. E-mail
2517 E. Broadway St. (281) 997-3600
vi rgi Ni a
Country BeadsBerryville
Located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. We are a full-
service bead shop with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Low, low prices. Handpicked selection of semiprecious gems,
pearls, Swarovski crystals, gold-filled, sterling silver, findings,
tools, books, etc. Classes available.
2573 Springsbury Rd. (540) 955-5053
(540) 664-4925
Gus Haus of BeadsChesapeake
Huge selection of glass beads, pearls, and Swarovski crys-
tals. Beautiful jewelry. You can do it is our motto. FREE
beginner class. Customers love our mix of Southern hos-
pitality and European charmFREE Monday Nite at
Gus with a new project every week.
701 N. Battlefield Blvd. (757) 549-5124
Best selection of beads and findings: gemstones; seed
beads; Czech, Chinese, and Indian glass; Swarovski; Afri-
can and Asian art glass; wood; bone; shell; horn; resin;
metals and more. Wire, tools, cords, findings, books, jew-
elry, classes, and friendly, knowledgeable staff. Inspiring!
Tysons Corner Center I (703) 848-2323
The Bead CottageVirginia Beach
A Beading Paradise1,000s of beads, Swarovski crystals,
Bali, sterling silver, gold-filled, seed beads, Delica beads, mag-
netic hematite, semiprecious stones, findings, beading supplies,
tools, classes, and moreall in a paradise-like setting.
5350 Kempsriver Dr., Ste. 106 (757) 495-5400
Wi sCoNsi N
Meant to BeadSun Prairie
Full-service bead shop. Featuring classes, large selection of
beads, books, tools, etc. Specializing in PMC, semiprecious
stone and vintage beads. MonFri 108; Sat 105; Sun 124.
1264 W. Main St. (608) 837-5900
Strung Out On BeadsAbbotsford
Check out our new arrivals: Toho seed beads, shell, semi-
precious, funky wood beads, chain, clasps, bead caps.
Come and enjoy our relaxed atmosphere and friendly,
knowledgeable staff. 2,000 sq. ft. of beading bliss.
33735 Essendene Ave. (604) 852-8677
Designing Sisters Bead and Jewellery Outlet
Great selection and prices! Glass, lampwork, semiprecious,
Swarovski crystals, seed beads, findings, tools, stringing
supplies, art wire, books, magazines, bargain beads, work-
shops, and more.
23 Craig St., Unit 3 (519) 755-0468
wire Marketplace
SSWF-091216-060-4.indd 62 10/15/09 10:38:21 AM
wire basics at
Rideau Art & Beads...THE BEAD STORE
Kemptville, ON
Full-service bead store with 1,000s and 1,000s of beads, sup-
plies, tools, and more in stock to inspire beginners and pros
alike! Incredible designer-preferred beads, gemstones, and
findings. Silver Metal Clay distributor with senior instructor
on staff teaching classes! Online class calendar. Full line of Art
Clay products and Bronzclay online! We are easy to find! Exit
28 off Hwy. 416look for our blue sign! Just 25 minutes south
of Ottawa. Free parking in lot across the street. Accessible
store. New stock every week! Open TueThu 115; Fri 116;
Sat 105 Closed Sun, Mon.
10 Prescott St. Kemptville (613) 258-7930
Capilano Rock & GemNorth Vancouver, BC
Stone beads, pearls, Swarovski, Czech glass, sterling sil-
ver/gold-filled findings and chains. Distributors for Gro-
bet, EuroTool, Pepe Tools, Soft Flex, Beadalon, Lortone.
Wholesale/retail. We are known for our great prices and
friendly staff! Close to downtown Vancouver.
1406 Pemberton Ave. (604) 987-5311
S & S StudioPort Moody, BC
Importer of commercial/higher-grade semiprecious stones,
pearls, 14k gold-filled and sterling silver findings, chains
and wires, Soft Flex, Swarovski crystals, leather cords, tools,
displays, dichroic lampwork, made-in-Canada artisan jew-
elry, wholesale and retail to the public, and jewelry classes.;; fax (604) 945-2712.
7-3130 St. Johns St. (604) 469-3327
Country BeadsVancouver
Semiprecious stones, freshwater pearls, sterling silver and gold
findings, and beads. Chain by the foot, Swarovski crystals,
Delicas, Czech fire-polished, and more. Books, tools, classes.
Wholesale prices to public. A unique shopping experience!
2015 W. 4th Ave. (604) 730-8056
Kimdoly BeadsVancouver
Come to the beach and bead! Discover the wide selection
of semiprecious stone beads, pearls, findings, tools, and
more at amazing prices. Classes offered at Denman. Come
in today for an unique beading experience. Visit our web-
site today, online shop now open!
909 Denman St. (604) 683-6323
POCO Creations & BeadsWinnipeg
Your full-service bead store. Freshwater pearls, gemstones,
porcelain, metal, wood, Swarovski, glass, shell; sold by strand
or individually. Findings, wire, tools, books, Jewelry Work-
shop Kits, magazines, displays. Workshops, private parties,
custom design, repairs, handmade consignment jewelry.
575 Archibald St. (204) 219-2528
Onl i ne ShOpS
Custom Jewelry Supply
Your online source for quality jewelry-making supplies.
Huge selection of loose cameos, natural and lab-created
gemstones, birthstone sets, settings, tools, and more. Fast
shipping and great customer service. Free domestic ship-
ping on orders over $75.
Lima Beads
Get fresh beads fast at Lima Beads. Huge selection of gem-
stone beads, pendants, pearls, cubic zirconia, copper, brass,
and more! 1/2 strands available. New beads every week.
Check us out!
Marsha Neal Studio
Unique handmade porcelain pendants and much more.
Shopping cart, show schedule, e-mail newsletter, shop list-
ings, PDF catalog, sale specials, and wholesale information
available at
Odd Designs
Handcrafted stoneware clay donuts, buttons, and pen-
dants; rake pendants, donuts, and buttons; and copper
metal stampings for your wire wrapping and beading
needs! Each piece is one of a kind that will make your
designs extra special. or call
Cl asses
Ari zOnA
Ann Turpin Thayer LLCPhoenix
The fine art of wire wrap jewelry. Comprehensive begin-
ning wire wrap jewelry course in a distance learning pro-
gram designed to teach, build skills and techniques, and
impart her knowledge of the jewelry business, art show
circuit, and FTC laws on gems and metals. AZ and 8-day
intensive course are also available. See website or call for
details:, 4747 E. Elliot Rd.,
Ste. 29-494, Phoenix, AZ 85044, (480) 598-9090, e-mail:
4747 E. Elliot Rd., Ste. 29-494 (480) 598-9090
CAl i fOrni A
Creative CastleNewbury Park
Offering a large selection of wire: sterling and gold-filled,
round, half-round, square, twisted, and bead in soft and
half-hard; also niobium, brass, and plated wires in various
gauges. We have Ventura Countys largest assortment of
beads. Classes: all levels. TueSun.
2321 Michael Dr. (877) BEADS4U (232-3748)
fl Ori dA
The Down the Street Bead ShowsOrange City
Covering the southeast in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, and Alabama. Wire-wrapping class taught
at most shows by Bobbye Brown who has been wire wrap-
ping and teaching for 17 years. Photos and classes available
shown online.
(866) 667-3232
AA Beads & MoreSebastion
Certified PMC studio offering multiple classes in PMC, chain
mail, wire wrapping, silversmithing, dichroic glass, and
beading. Come be a member of our beading family! Youll
see we are worth the drive. E-mail
8802 U.S. Hwy. 1, Wabasso Plaza (772) 581-0515
GeOrGi A
DK Designs.BIZAcworth/Kennesaw
Handmade glass beads, retail, and wholesale. Hand-made
bead displays for your studio, shop, or show. Glass-bead-
making lessons, private and group, beginning and inter-
mediate. One-of-a-kind jewelry designs.
(404) 314-3615
William Holland School of Lapidary Arts
Young Harris
Classes in wire wrapping, chain making, beading, cabochons,
silver, gold, glass bead making, channel, faceting, gem and
mineral ID, intarsia, glass fusing, opals, silver clay casting,
jewelry repair, gem trees. AprilOctober each year.
PO Box 980 (706) 379-2126
i l l i nOi S
Natures Creations Ltd.Wasco
Hands on instruction. Small classes, flexible scheduling.
Dichroic glass jewelry studio and rock shop offering
classes in silver jewelry, silver clay (PMC), cabochons, and
dichroic glass fusing. Retail/wholesale. Designer cabs,
fused and flameworked beads, fusible glassBullseye,
C.B.S., DichroMagic, Navitar, and Moretti Rods.
40W541 IL Rt. 64-B360 (630) 377-0197
new Mexi CO
Creative Wire StudioAlbuquerque
Have a desire to express your creativity? Want to create
your own unique designs? Then Camille Argeanas is your
teacher! Learn basic and advanced techniques with beads
and all types of wire, incorporating them into todays fash-
ions. Group, private, and apprenticeship classes are wait-
ing for you!
PO Box 10256 (505) 898-4185
new YOrk
The Jewelry Studio
Small classes and individual instructionbeginner to
advanced. Metalwork, cold connection, beading, design, and
color theory. Taught by award winning art jeweler, Sharon
Jeter. Information and registration: www.jewelrystudioclasses
(585) 662-9156
Studio 34 Jewelry Arts CenterRochester
Beginner through advanced classes in all mediawire,
metalsmith, PMC, chain mail, glass beads, fusing, polymer,
PMC cert, and more. Totally Tools, books, wire, metals,
and SERIOUS FUN! New Yorks premier public access
studio and store.
34 Elton St. (585) 737-5858
Cl assifieds
MAKE WIRE BEADS IS BACK! Its true, the blockbuster best
seller-book, Make Wire Beads previously a collectors item selling
for up to $200), is now available for download at www.beadif- for only $19.95. Also, unique wire jewelry tutorials
available. Sign up and get a free stunning wire bead tutorial!
REEDS BEADS Unique accents for your project! Array of
distinctive beads and findings for designer or novice. Spe-
cializing in semiprecious, pearl, and glass bead strands,
Thai and Bali silver, lampwork, silk cords. Class and store
info online. 32 N. Main St., Ambler, PA 19002. (215) 540-
DESIGNER CABOCHONS created for jewelry designers
and collectors. Hand-cut, top-quality stones in elegant
designs. Perfect for wire wrapping! Each piece is one of a
only. (719) 635-4781; fax (719) 473-2021; therockhaus; Wire-Anti-
Tarnish Sterling Silver, 14/20 and 12/20 gold-filled, ster-
ling silver, rose gold-filled, white gold-filled, fine silver,
brass, tinned copper, copper, non-tarnish and artistic.
Jewelry-making pliers. Findings: sterling silver, gold-filled,
and copper. Plus much more.
by step. Wire, tools, and supplies. Also, dichroic glass cabo-
chons of incredible depth and beauty for discerning jewelry
artists looking for something special. Reasonably priced. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Volume pricing available. JUST
RELEASED . . . Its In The Maille, a new book on making chain
mail jewelry.; (801) 317-2701.
offer discount prices on 14/20 gold-filled, sterling silver,
and copper wire, findings, cabochons, tools, snap settings,
How To books and much more. Great customer service;
if we dont have what you want, well get it! Visit our
online store at
STUDIO 182 Wire-wrapping cabochons. Or use our gem-
stone preforms or slabs to create your own. Visit us at
wire Marketplace
SSWF-091216-060-4.indd 63 10/16/09 10:17:06 AM
5-minute Jewelry
step by step wire jewelry winter 2010 64
Hold the center of the length of wire
against the ring mandrel at size
larger than the size you need. Wrap both
ends fully around the mandrel fve times,
and twist the ends once tightly against
the mandrel.
Leaving the wire on the mandrel,
thread both ends of the wire
through the fabricated bead and the
spacer, pushing them all the way down
against the wrapped shank.
Pull the spacer back up the
wires just enough to be able
to thread the two ends over the
sides of it, and down through the
fabricated bead below it. Pull the
wires snugly so the spacer bead sits
tightly against the fabricated bead.
Wrap each end snugly fve times
around the shank below the
bead, one on each side of the bead,
and trim the wires closely.
tools & supplies
20-gauge copper (or silver) wire, 2.5
25mm fabricated copper & silver bead
8mm sterling spacer bead
Flush cutters
Chain nose pliers
Ring mandrel
Resources: Fabricated bead: jenniferionta.; spacer: MultiCreations NJ,; copper wire: Metal-
Photo of fnished piece by Jim Lawson; all other photos
courtesy of the author.
Copper Top Ring
BY DENISE PECK, Editor-in-Chief
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