Information Sheet 5
Information Sheet 5
Information Sheet 5
TOPIC: Media and Information Languages
1. evaluate everyday media and information with regard to codes, convention, and messages;
● Analyze the quote, then share what you think about the message.
● Is it possible that a different individual derives a different meaning from the message?
Different types of media languages: visual, aural, written, verbal, and non-verbal.
● Visual Language
This language communicates through visual elements like television and film based on
specific camera angles and chosen movements, to understand the meaning of the scene. It
is perceived by what our eyes see, then interpreted by our brain, and transform into
According to a hoary adage, “We are given two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice
as much as we talk.” Aside from oral, listening is the skill that helps to understand and
define the codes and conventions. Aural language refers to language as we hear it that helps
● Written Language
From the word itself, meaning it creates a symbol and format through traditional and digital
media. It creates a meaning through text that you can notice in different types of media
such as print, broadcast, and new media to present a story in an organized way.
● Verbal Language
Aside from written, the verbal language is a media language on which to understand a piece
of genre and on how to deliver the content. The important factors are used for context in
different areas such as television, radio and film directly to the audience.
● Non-Verbal Language
. Based on the thoughts, action, and emotion received by the audience it can easily
Codes are systems of signs that when put together create meaning that are used to gather
● Symbolic Codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see (objects, setting, body
language, clothing, color, etc.) or iconic symbols that are easily understood.
Different examples of Symbolic Codes
Red – Stop
Green – Go
Yellow – Ready
is used to tell the story. This includes sound, camera angles, types of shots and lighting as well
as the horizon.
▪ Long shot a view of a situation or setting from a
object in detail.
response to an action.
opposite perspective.
stable shots.
▪ Angle shot is a long or extremely long shot of the
person’s eye
Conventions refer to a standard or norm that acts as a rule governing behavior and are generally
established and accepted ways of doing something. This is the accepted way of using codes coming
from the audience's expectation through its form, story, and genre. Conventions are used to
Media producers determine artistic policies for performing arts organizations, prepare and
present news, sports and other information, conduct interviews, introduce music, performances
and special events on radio and television. Specializations include Executive producers, film
Audience is a group of consumers for whom the media message was constructed as well as anyone
Producers are people engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to
Stakeholders refers to a course of action that includes libraries, archives, museums, internet, and