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ADMISSIONS AND ENROLMENT .................................................................................................................................. 4
TUITION AND FEES ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
SCHOOL TERMS AND SCHOOL DAY .............................................................................................................................. 6
LOGISTICS: UNIFORMS, BUS SERVICES AND TEXTBOOKS ............................................................................................. 6
NURSERY SCHOOLS ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
TERTIARY EDUCATION................................................................................................................................................. 8
TIPS FOR CHOOSING A SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD ....................................................................................................... 9
THE EXPERIENTIAL ELEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 9
CURRICULUM .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
TEACHERS AND CLASS SIZES .................................................................................................................................... 9
PROXIMITY ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS ........................................................................................................................................ 10
American Embassy School ................................................................................................................................. 10
Amity Global School, Noida ............................................................................................................................... 11
Apeejay School International – South Delhi ....................................................................................................... 12
The British School .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Deutsche Schule New Delhi ............................................................................................................................... 14
DPS International School ................................................................................................................................... 14
Genesis Global School ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Heritage Xperiential Learning School ............................................................................................................ 16
Metro Delhi International School....................................................................................................................... 18
Lycée Français International de Delhi ................................................................................................................ 20
Pathways Early Years ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Pathways School Gurgaon ................................................................................................................................. 21
Pathways School Noida ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Pathways World School Gurgaon....................................................................................................................... 24
FOR MORE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 26


Modern New Delhi, just south of the old and original city, has the same unique characteristics that the
Indian capital has held for several thousand years. The city is a tangle of crowded streets, diverse
languages and beautiful architecture. The metropolis is teeming with different industries and cultures,
and now a wave of enticed expats moving to Delhi adds to the eclectic nature and community of the

Delhi's economy is developing at a rapid rate and the tall, modern buildings and robust industries look
like they are trying to leave a less developed India behind. New Delhi expats largely add to the
propulsion of the economy's development.

The accelerated growth of Delhi's key industries, No matter where you’re moving, few tasks
including IT and telecommunications, means there is a can feel more daunting than choosing the
high demand for experienced employees, many of right school for your children to continue
whom are recruited from abroad. Corporate their education, and the questions can feel
headquarters and expats alike move to Delhi to take endless: What curriculum is best? Will my
advantage of a cheap, educated, English-speaking child get the attention he needs? Will she
workforce, in addition to the opportunities created by be able to integrate back into our home
the mushrooming economy. system? Will he be best prepared for
college entrance exams? Will she be safe?
Expats moving to Delhi with a family can rest assured Can I afford it? Will he make friends
that their children’s education will be adequately easily? Will she overcome the language
catered for. Due to the language barrier and quality barrier?
concerns, most expats don’t consider public schools in
Delhi as a viable option for expat children. A common alternative is to send their children to an
international school in New Delhi or in the surrounding National Capital Region (NCR) instead, as the
curricula and environments are familiar to foreign students. There is also a good selection of private
schools that use English as the language of instruction, which serves to widen the schooling options
even further.

Because schools in New Delhi are known to be some of the best in the country, one of the major
drawbacks is that expats may find that the more popular institutions are flooded with applications,
and securing a place is therefore difficult. Another consideration worth bearing in mind when choosing
a school in Delhi is travelling time. Delhi is notorious for its traffic congestion and getting from one
area to another can take over an hour.

Tuition fees at international schools in Delhi are notoriously high, especially those that charge fees in a
foreign currency such as the US Dollar. Extras such as school transport, extra-curricular activities and
lunches are not usually included in annual fees and cost extra. Expats should not be afraid to approach
their employer for support with their child’s school fees, especially if they are in a senior position.

Naturally the process of choosing, applying and eventually securing a place at the right school may
seem like a daunting task for expat parents moving to the Indian capital. The Expat Arrivals Schools


Guide for Delhi sheds some light on the local school system and provides insights to make the
transition abroad as smooth and seamless as possible for those relocating to Delhi with children.

There are a good number of international school options in New Delhi, specialising in a range of
foreign curricula. The majority of international schools in Delhi follow the American, British or
International Baccalaureate (IB) curricula, but there are also a handful of other options including
French and German schools.

The main advantage of attending an international school is that they

maintain an expat child’s respective home country’s teaching language In recent years more
and curriculum. This provides students who are geographically mobile schools have been built,
with continuity in their studies and aids in making the general but seat scarcity is still a
transition to life in Delhi smoother. These schools tend to have the common complaint of
experience and knowledge to understand and cater for the needs of most new arrivals,
expat students. They also allow students to associate with other especially for those
children that are new to India and can therefore relate to the same trying to find a place for
cultural issues. a student between the
ages of three and six.
The range in tuition fees at international schools in Delhi varies widely, We advise that parents
so it is always best to consult the individual schools’ websites for this make any and all
information. Fees can be high, so expat parents enticed by an attempts to settle the
attractive employment offer in New Delhi should try to negotiate an school situation as soon
allowance into their employment contract that covers at least part of as possible, preferably
their children’s school fees. In addition to tuition, other costs that will well before the move.
also need to be considered when choosing an international school in
New Delhi include transportation, textbooks and stationery, uniforms
and extra-curricular pursuits.

The most popular international schools are oversubscribed and have long waiting lists. Expats
struggling to secure a place at the school of their choice should consider asking their employer for
help. In some cases, employers in Delhi have strong links with particular schools and can therefore
assist their employees in this area. It is also advisable to start the application process as soon as

The standard of English spoken by locals in Delhi is very good and many of the wealthier Indian
families choose to send their children to private schools that utilise English as the language of
instruction. Some of these schools teach local curricula such as CBSE or ICSE, while others offer
education based on alternative teaching philosophies like Waldorf or Montessori. There are also
private schools that teach through a religious lens, such as Christianity. Teaching standards at these
schools are high and most also offer a good range of extra-curricular activities.


Private schools in Delhi are an attractive option for families who are looking to settle down in India in
the long term. Sending expat children to a private school allows them to mix with local students in
addition to other foreigners. Allowing them to interact with Indian children gives them insight into
the local culture and encourages integration.

It is worth noting, however, that there is a lot of pressure for local children at these private schools to
achieve high grades by way of rote learning rather than teaching and making use of critical thinking.
This may not suit expat parents who prefer a more proactive learning environment.


For the most part, schools make it straightforward for parents to find out when and how they need to
apply. It is usually a matter of consulting the school’s website or, when in need of more information,
contacting the school via telephone.

When it comes to enrolment, some schools are more selective than others. This is particularly true of
private and international schools, which may require children to take an entrance exam or attend an

Though admissions policies vary from school to school, in general, expats will want to make sure that
they have the following documents in order to apply for admission to the school of their choice:

 Completed school application form

 Proof of vaccinations
 Proof of medical examination
 Child’s birth certificate
 Parent’s passport/s
 Recent reports from previous school
 References from previous school
 Proof of address

Some schools only grant admission during a designated period, while others have rolling admissions
policies granting entrance whenever space becomes available throughout the year. So even if a place
can’t initially be found, it’s important to stay positive. After all, Delhi can be a transient place, and
spots can open up just as quickly as they can close. That said, it’s crucial that expats apply to more
than one school so that their child has a seat somewhere at the start of the school year.

Expats moving to the city without having secured a slot for their children should keep in constant
contact with school administrators, put the word out on expat forums and networks, and utilise any
company contacts that can facilitate the process – one never knows when another family has to




The cost of schooling for expats in India is by no means cheap. Expat parents will have to set
aside a considerable amount of money if they want their children to have access to the best
schools in Delhi.

Tuition varies from one school to the next and also depends on the student’s age, but expat parents
sending their children to any of the top international schools can expect that fees will cause a
significant dent in their budget. In addition, many international schools in Delhi charge a non-
refundable application fee.

Expats should also budget for various extra-curricular activities, uniforms, textbooks and stationery. As
a result of traffic congestion, parents may wish to use the bus service provided by some schools. This
generally comes at an additional cost and may only cover certain areas, so it is still worth making an
informed decision when choosing a place to live in Delhi.

Some private and international schools in Delhi offer boarding options for students at an extra cost.


There are slight variations is school terms in Delhi so it is best to check with each individual school
when planning holidays. Generally, the school year in Delhi begins in April. There is a mid-year
break during the summer, which is usually from mid-May to early July. There is also a winter
vacation from late December to early/mid-January.

The school day in Delhi usually begins at 8am and finishes at 3pm with one or two short breaks,
depending on the school itself. Schools in Delhi usually start and finish early as the days get very hot
and it becomes more difficult to study in the afternoon.


Expat parents sending their children to private and international schools in Delhi will need to set aside
some funds to cover additional expenses such as textbooks and stationery, which are usually not
included in the price of school fees. If a student chooses to take part in the various extra-curricular
activities available at these schools, this often carries an extra fee.

When choosing a school, it is always worth bearing in mind its proximity to the family home and the
parent’s place of work. Traffic in Delhi is notoriously difficult to contend with. Some schools do offer a
bus service which covers certain parts of the city. Prices for the use of such services vary, but it is an
appealing option for many parents who opt to avoid the frustrations of dealing with traffic congestion
and erratic local driving practices.



The legality of home schooling in India has come into question since the Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, known as the RTE, was passed into law in 2009.

Although the RTE established formal education as a fundamental right for every child between the
ages of six and 14, it doesn’t make any substantial reference to the legality of homeschooling or other
alternative modes of education. Despite the lack of recognition of homeschooling among the official
authorities in India, there have been no incidents of parents who’ve opted to homeschool their
children being reprimanded.

Those who do choose to homeschool their children while on an expat assignment in Delhi will find the
support network to be very limited. While support groups for homeschoolers do exist in India, most of
them only have a presence online. Swashikshan – Indian Association of Homeschoolers is the most
comprehensive resource for parents considering this option for their children.

Expat parents with little ones too young to start primary school or kindergarten will find plenty of
options for nursery schools in Delhi, including schools using alternative education models such as
the Montessori approach. Parents should, however, be prepared to pay high fees. Nurseries accept
children from as young as one year to as old as four years, but each institution has its own age

Alternatively, expats can opt to hire a full-time nanny to take care of their childcare needs. This is
the preferred option for many local families. It is best to network with locals and other expats to find
a nanny that comes highly recommended.

While India has traditionally been seen as a country that sends rather than receives international
students, in recent years the country as a whole, and New Delhi in particular, has seen a rise in the
number of foreign students choosing to study at local universities.

Having a good tertiary education is highly valued in Indian society. Some of the most prestigious
institutions include the University of Delhi, Indira Gandhi National Open University and Jawaharlal
Nehru University. Delhi also boasts some of the top universities in the country for engineering and is
also home to some of India’s best medical research and treatment institutions.
Expats who wish to study in Delhi or those who wish to send their children to a university in Delhi
will need to ensure that they are in possession of a valid student visa for the duration of the course.
The fees that Indian universities charge their international students are considerably higher than
those paid by local students. While costs vary according to the institution and the course of study,
expats should expect to pay around 350,000 INR per year.



Whether a seasoned expat who has had to sift through countless school choices or a first-time
assignee who’s never had to do much more than pack lunches, it’s always a good idea to consider a
few key principles when making choices about a child’s education. While excluding public schools from
one’s decision helps to narrow down the choices somewhat, there is still much to consider when it
comes to the curriculum, teaching philosophy, extra-curricular facilities and the general experience
offered by individual schools.


Relocation can be challenging for young students and it isn’t unusual for parents to ask how moving
might affect their children’s lives. This is a normal anxiety that many expats deal with, and the best
way for parents to address it is to think carefully about their child’s preparedness for a new school
context and their ability to enjoy, succeed and grow throughout the experience.

Anything radically different from a child’s previous experience must be considered with great care. It is
important for parents who plan on moving overseas to evaluate their children’s needs and abilities and
try to find a school that best aligns with their priorities. If a child has special needs, parents need to be
certain that a prospective school can cater to them. Similarly, it is important for a school to offer
courses or activities that develop and foster a child’s interests and talents.

Most expat parents choose a curriculum that aligns with that of their home country, but it is also
important to make sure that the curriculum is challenging enough for their children. This point is
central to the decision-making process, especially for those with children in high school approaching
the time when college applications begin. In this case, parents should find out about the standardised
test the curriculum is geared toward, as well as which diploma is granted upon graduation. It is worth
noting, for instance, that the International Baccalaureate curriculum is recognised in many countries.

Besides these fundamentals, it is also important to have a close look at the extra-curricular options a
school offers. The best institutions will have a balanced blend of sports programmes, will encourage
their students to take part in community activities, and will offer a range of cultural activities such as
art, debating and music.


A school is only as good as its teachers, who are arguably the determining factor that influences a
child’s education and development. Though it can be difficult to find out how “good” a teacher is,
there are some basic questions that parents can ask to draw some general conclusions.

Find out about the qualifications the school requires its teachers to have and whether it encourages
them to take part in professional development courses.


Find out about the average teacher turnover and, above all else, find out about the average class size.
Even the best teachers can become swallowed by a giant sea of eager students.

Lastly, visit the school and meet the teacher to find out how friendly, enthusiastic and knowledgeable
they are about the school and its curriculum.

Parents must also consider geographic proximity and the travel time to and from school. Traffic
congestion in Delhi is often heavy, especially during the morning and evening rush hour periods, and
a long commute with little ones in the back seat can be challenging.

Some schools offer bus services that transport students between home and school each day, which
many parents find useful as they save them having to brave the traffic themselves.

However, these are often limited to areas which are close to the school, so it is worth factoring in
proximity to good schools when deciding on which area or suburb of Delhi to live in.

Given that public schools in Delhi are often not considered a viable option for expat students
because of the language barrier, international schools are usually the best option for expat families.

Seat scarcity is often an issue at international schools in Delhi, though, with the most popular schools
having long waiting lists.

Some expat parents end up homeschooling their children while waiting for space to become available.
In some cases an expat employer may have links with international schools and may be in a position to
bypass waiting lists and secure a spot for the children of an employee.

Regardless, parents should try to begin the admissions process as soon as possible and have a shortlist
of potential schools in case they struggle to secure a spot at their child’s first choice.

American Embassy School

Physical address: Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Website: www.aes.ac.in
Email: admissions@aes.ac.in
Telephone: +91 11 2688 8854
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: American (including Advanced Placement Subjects) and International Baccalaureate
Ages: 3 to 18


Founded in 1952, the American Embassy School (AES) offers a truly international education in the
heart of New Delhi. Dozens of nationalities are represented in the school's diverse student population.

Early-years teaching is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, gradually moving over to the American
curriculum. In the final years before graduation, students can work towards obtaining an American
High School Diploma (including Advanced Placement subjects) or an International Baccalaureate

AES is accredited by a number of prominent organisations, including the Middle States Association of
Colleges and Schools, the International Baccalaureate education foundation and the Association for
the Advancement of International Education.

Amity Global School, Noida

Physical address: Sector 44 Noida, 201301
Website: www.amityglobalschoolnoida.com
Email: info@agsn.amity.edu
Telephone: +91 120 439 9150
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate, Cambridge Lower
Secondary, Cambridge IGCSE and A-levels
Ages: 3 to 18

What the school says

"Our mission is to nurture young minds through a sound international educational programme which
is sensitive to the multicultural ethos, so as to create caring and socially responsible individuals.

The school promotes and ensures that each student has ample opportunities to be an impressive
communicator, a keen inquirer and one who enhances his or her academics, social and sporting skills,
thereby developing into a well-balanced person and a global citizen."

From the principal

In an increasingly interconnected world, today’s young generation needs to be engaged,
reflective and compassionate. We at Amity Global School, Noida endeavour to nurture and
develop in each learner international mindedness, a sense of local as well as global
responsibility and above all respect and empathy for all life forms. It is my earnest desire that
every student comprehends and lives by the spirit of the school motto:

'Vasudev Kutumbakam – The world is one family.'

We at Amity Global School, Noida aim to equip students with the knowledge, compassion and
prowess that will enable them to become an active and involved citizens of the world.


Our students not only have to know themselves and their roots, but should also foster a
comprehensive perspective that helps them look beyond their community, religion and

They should be able to recognize and respect the incredible diversity and cultural richness that
is across our planet. We strive to educate our children about global issues and encourage them
to see the larger socio-cultural landscape.”

– Ms. Jayashree Kad, Principal

Apeejay School International – South Delhi

Physical address: Phase I, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi 110017
Website: intl.apeejay.edu
Email: skool.ss.int@apeejay.edu
Telephone: +91 11 26016935 / +91 9599929774
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate and Cambridge IGCSE
Ages: 5 to 18

What the school says

"The school’s ethos aims to achieve high academic and personal standards, in an atmosphere of
warmth and generosity, where all cultures and traditions are valued. The school strives to create
global citizens with Indian values.

Inspired by exciting developments that are taking place in this ever-evolving world, Apeejay School
International – South Delhi aims to prepare students for challenges and opportunities posed by the
fast-changing world and equip them with right skills to be successful. Hence we focus on developing
critical skills required for success through implementing an internationally accredited and enriched

At Apeejay School International – South Delhi the curriculum is focused on academic rigour, excellence
in sports, and co-curricular activities to create experiences necessary for the development of critical
thinking, problem-solving and innovation skills. Education at Apeejay School International – South
Delhi focuses on all facets of human development – mental, physical and intellectual, with emphasis
on human values to strengthen character and nation-building. Apeejay School International – South
Delhi believes that the students learn best when the learning is based on life experiences and is
delivered in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Apeejay School International – South Delhi’s educational approach is broad, challenging, engaging and
experiential, requiring the learner to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results
through investigating, experimenting, being curious, solving problems and assuming responsibility. The
school imparts education that results in well-formed minds and the impetus and environment to


From the principal

"Welcome to Apeejay School International – South Delhi! At Apeejay School International – South
Delhi we are committed to creating a community focused on nurturing young minds through
innovative pedagogies in an enabling and caring environment. We welcome students, parents, staff
and visitors to come and be a part of the community enriched with a sense of belonging, built around
a culture of excellence and innovation.

We are aware of the accelerating pace of change and the challenges it is bringing with it. By a popular
estimate, most of the jobs that exist today will cease to exist in 20 years’ time. As educators, our job
today is to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt and navigate through the
world as it changes.

We intend to do so through implementing a powerful curriculum focused on equipping students with

essential fluencies for developing skills that they will need to succeed today and in the future. Our
curriculum delivery model is focused on inquiry-based learning complemented by teacher-directed
sessions to provide children with not only a strong academic foundation but also the skill set required
to be effective in any facet of their future life. Inquiry-based pedagogy helps create deeper
understanding and goes beyond mere memorisation of facts and content.

World-class technology-enabled campus and modern facilities have been designed to complement the
implementation of all programs mentioned above. State-of-the-art sports facilities provide ample
opportunities for students to hone their sporting skills. Apeejay School International – South Delhi
promises to be a place where children are safe and secure, valued and encouraged to dream. We look
forward to welcoming you on our campus!"

– Purshottam Vashist, Principal

What the parents say

“We can tell you that we are very happy with the school and the education you provide to our
son. We thank the teamwork, the great service you provide, and the skills you teach our son.
The high standards maintained, coupled with the individual attention afforded to students, are
remarkable. As our son explained, 'I am so happy there and enjoy every minute in the school...'"

– Atul Kapoor (Sarthak’s father, Grade I)

The British School

Physical address: Dr Jose P Rizal Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Website: www.british-school.org
Email: admissions@british-school.org
Telephone: +91 11 4066 4166
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Ages: 3 to 18
Curriculum: English National Curriculum, Cambridge IGCSE and International Baccalaureate


The British School (TBS) is a non-profit school offering an international education with strong British
roots. The curriculum at TBS is largely based on the English National Curriculum, including the
Cambridge IGCSE and concluding with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 11
and 12.

Situated in the diplomatic area of New Delhi, the school is located on lush grounds with excellent
facilities. The building is temperature-controlled and designed to be environmentally friendly with
features such as solar power and wastewater recycling and treatment. An organic hot lunch service is
available in the on-site cafeteria.

Deutsche Schule New Delhi

Address: 16/17 Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Website: www.dsnd.de
Email: schulleitung@dsnd.de
Tel: +91 11 2611 2193
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: German
Curriculum: German
Ages: 1.5 to 18

Having earned the title of 'Excellent German School Abroad' from the German Bund-Länder Inspektion
(Federal States Inspection), Deutsche Schule New Delhi comes highly recommended. Students work
towards the German International Abitur, earned upon graduation.

Kindergarten is bilingual with teaching in German and English. In primary and secondary school,
teaching is in German only, so new students are required to have proficiency in the German language.
Applications are open year-round, but space is limited due to small class sizes so parents are advised
to apply as early as possible.

DPS International School

Physical address: RK Puram: 875, Sector 10, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, Delhi 110022, India
Saket: P-37, Sector 6, Pushp Vihar Saket, New Delhi 110017
Website: www.dpsi.ac.in
Email: RK Puram: dpsirkp@gmail.com /Saket: dpsi@vsnl.net
Telephone: RK Puram: +91 11 2619 5859/ Saket: +91 11 2956 1187
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Ages: 3 to 18
Curriculum: English National Curriculum, Cambridge IGCSE and A-Levels


DPS International School is one of more than 120 schools in India and around the world founded by
the Delhi Public School Society. The junior school is located in RK Puram and the senior school in Saket.
The school makes use of its international connections with regular cultural exchange programmes with
Germany, France and Spain.

Offering the Cambridge IGCSE and A-Levels, DPS International School consistently achieves good
academic results. Past students have gone on to attend prestigious universities around the world
including King's College London, the University of British Columbia and Carnegie Mellon University.

DPS encourages holistic development of students with a comprehensive extra-curricular programme.

Sports, the arts and various club activities are available.

Genesis Global School

Physical address: A-12 Sector 132, Noida Expressway, Uttar Pradesh 201304
Website: www.genesisglobalschool.edu.in
Email: info@genesisgs.edu.in
Telephone: +91 97110 00625/626/498/560
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Ages: 2.5 to 18
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate, Cambridge IGCSE and CBSE (Indian)

What the school says

"The ethos at Genesis Global School (GGS) is one of celebrating the individual and their place in a
wider community. Our mission is one of enabling every child to reach their potential within an
increasingly global world. Our teachers are part of a wider team of professionals who will guide,
nurture and inspire your child to take ownership of their learning both in and out of the classroom
environment. A wide range of sports are available including amenities such as an Olympic-standard
swimming pool and equestrian facilities. Your child will be able to participate in co-curricular
opportunities with world-class facilities led by highly experienced and qualified international and local

"The international curriculum at GGS aims at providing a well-structured, holistic programme to
learners of all ages and all abilities. GGS is focused on academic excellence through the concept-based
and context-driven curriculum which develops our learners not just as knowledgeable inquirers but
also as skilful practitioners through experiential learning.

From PYP to MYP/IGCSE and DP, all learners are put in the heart of the planned, taught and assessed
curriculum. They are the advocates of their learning, making the programme very much learner-
oriented, tailored to individual needs and developing every child to the best of their abilities.


The enhanced child support programme provided by the learning support team, the ESL support team
and the counselling services ensures all learners have equal opportunities for success. GGS is not only
about international curriculum, it is a strong combination of curricular, co-curricular and
extracurricular programmes ensuring quality and success.”

Fees for the 2022/2023 academic year range from INR 3,75,900 for Pre-Nursery to INR 6,61,500
and can be paid annually, twice a year or per term. There is a once-off online application fee of
1,000 INR, as well as a once-off admission fee of INR 80,000.

From the director

“Working in India is a wonderful and exciting cultural experience. People are friendly and polite and
willing to assist whenever possible. The teachers and staff I have met at Genesis Global School have all
been eager to share their experiences and are open to new ideas about teaching and learning. I am
lucky to find myself in a community such as this one, and I know it will be an enriching experience for
me and the rest of the team as well. Studying in this country is on par with the education offered in
good schools worldwide. Students enjoy international curricula and services, all while learning about
this intensely culturally rich country.”

– David Brazeau, School Director

From the parents

“When moving to India, one of the challenges we faced was finding the right school for our
boys to provide them with education which would then be recognised in the world. As my
children had IB education previously and we had seen the benefits, we wanted to have the
same continued in India as well.

Though there is a great cultural difference – difference in food, weather, approaches – it all
seemed to be non-existent. The warm acceptance of the class teachers, the care and the
professional support they were provided with ensured that the boys joined the school as happy

Heritage Xperiential Learning School

Address: Primary Campus: Site No 7, Zone 7, DLF 5, Gurugram 122003
Middle and Senior Campus: Sector 62, Gurugram 122011
Website: www.hixs.org
Email: info@hixs.org
Telephone: +91 88821 78996
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate, Lower Secondary Cambridge and Cambridge IGCSE
Ages: 3 to 18


Heritage International Xperiential School (HIXS) is known for its commitment to an experiential
project-based pedagogy and integrated curriculum. In just over a decade, HIXS has established
a formidable reputation for itself as a progressive, innovative school. HIXS has regularly found
representation in the top 10 schools of the country.

The school’s international programme has two campuses. The Heritage International
Xperiential School is located in DLF Phase 5, Gurugram, while the middle and senior schools are
located in sector 62, Gurugram. Both campuses are fully air-conditioned with treated fresh air
and have state-of-the-art infrastructure which includes sports facilities and makerspaces, as
well as visual and performing arts facilities.

The experiential learning approach used by HXLS ensures that learning has an authentic purpose, is
engaging and instrumental in helping students address complex problems and find meaningful
solutions. Experiential learning accelerates learning since ‘learning by doing’ helps to develop the vital
skills of critical thinking, problem solving and effective decision making. Such an enabling environment
provides equal opportunities for collaboration in which each child’s contribution is valued.

The International School follows IB Primary Years Programme in the junior grades, Cambridge
curriculum in the middle grades and prepares students for the IGCSE examination in Grade 10 and the
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) in Grades 11 and 12.

The school’s faculty is drawn from international schools across the world. It is supported by an in-
house team of instructional coaches and curriculum designers who work continuously with the
teachers inside and outside the classroom to help them hone their practice towards realising their
potential. Its leadership team consists of alumni from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, an
alumnus of the Harvard Business School, an international associate of University College London as
well as other experienced educators from around the world.

Quarterly academic fees for the school year 2022/2023 range from INR 1,14,500 (Nursery and KG) to
INR 2,26,000 (Grades 11 and 12). Fee payment is in four instalments. For new admissions, there is a
one-time joining admission fee of INR 1,92,500 along with a security deposit equivalent to one
quarter’s academic fees.

From the headmaster

"At Heritage, we have begun a journey to create students who are independently minded, creative
thinkers, who will become value-driven citizens of our global society. For them to own their own
learning, we must abandon reliance on teacher-directed, teacher-taught, and teacher-delivered


schooling in the pursuit of student-owned, teacher-facilitated learning. Increasingly, our students are
accessing a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, as critical partners in their own learning."

– Headmaster

From the parents

“I am very happy with the way my child has settled into the school. He receives a lot of personal
attention due to the small, intimate community that the Heritage International programme has
created and the school's focus on experiential learning with a focus on global perspectives is

– Vidya Chari, Parent of Grade 7 student

“My children love the school. They are not only learning a lot but they also have fun in the school with
their friends and teachers. The teachers are very supportive and I am happy to send my children to

– Hyo Jung Han, Parent of KG student

Metro Delhi International School

Address: All India Prayer Fellowship, Mission Hospital Road,
Shahurpur, Fatehpurberi Post, Sat Bari, New Delhi 110074
Website: www.mdis.net
Email: info@mdis.net
Telephone: +91 886 015 0178
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Ages: 3 to 18
Curriculum: American

Metro Delhi International School (MDIS) is an international school that runs an American curriculum.
The school is founded on Christian values and all subjects are taught from a biblical worldview. The
school was established in 2002 by a small group of parents who did not want to send their kids away
to boarding school but still wanted a quality Christian education for their children. Since then the
school has grown and now serves students from Kindergarten through to Grade 12.

The school is proud to serve the Christian community in Delhi. As part of this heritage, the main
concern is not just with the academic side of development but there is also a focus on building the
character and social conscience of the students. MDIS has a holistic approach to education where
values, ethics, servant leadership and so forth are prioritised and embedded into the school's teaching


Tuition fees for 2022/2023 school year range from INR 63,000 per semester in Pre-K1 (three days a
week) to INR 2,81,000 per semester in Grades 11 and 12. There are two semesters per school year.
There is a once-off fee of INR 15,000 for the application and admission assessment.

Fees are generally charged per semester, but arrangements can be made for those who require an
alternative payment procedure. The school offers financial aid to a fixed percentage of applicants
based on their needs.

From the principal

"At Metro Delhi International School, we operate an American educational programme that is based
on the NY Engage Common Core Curriculum. This is a rigorous programme that challenges students to
employ higher-level thinking skills such as evaluating, creating, and analysing. High academic
performance is not the only priority for MDIS, we are built on a foundation of Christian values and as a
result a biblical worldview permeates through all our courses. Character development, ethical
reasoning, and servant leadership are examples of aspects of healthy development that are too often
ignored in education.

"MDIS is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), which is an American
accrediting body. We are also accredited with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
A high school diploma from MDIS is your child’s pathway to international universities and colleges.
Additionally, we are also recognised by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), so continuing in
India is also an option.

"At MDIS we believe education is the continuing process through which children begin to develop a
sense of their own worth. Since every experience is a part of that process, our responsibility is to
provide the opportunity for intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and social growth.

"We are proud of our heritage and strong foundations. We look forward to serving you through the
provision of a quality and well-rounded education for your greatest asset, your children."

– Mr James Bellingham, Principal

Quotes from parents and students

“Without the close and caring concern of teachers and the principal, I would’ve found life tough in

– High school student

“We love the community and loving nature of the teachers – they take a genuine interest in my

– Parent


Lycée Français International de Delhi

Address: 2 APJ Kalam Road, New Delhi 110011
Website: www.lfdelhi.org
Email: contact@lfdelhi.org
Tel: +91 11 3041 9550
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: French and English
Curriculum: French
Ages: 2 to 18

Lycée Français International de Delhi is dedicated to providing a high-quality French education in Delhi.
Teaching in kindergarten and primary school is bilingual with teaching in English and French. In
secondary school, teaching is entirely in French, though there are French as a Second Language (FSL)
programmes to assist non-native French speakers. Students graduate with the French Baccalauréat.

With the aim of providing a bilingual education, the school offers two extended programmes. Students
can elect to take either the Anglophone or European stream in addition to the standard curriculum.
Students who successfully complete the European stream receive a Section Européenne mention on
their French Baccalauréat.

Pathways Early Years

Address: Greater Kailash: Greater Kailash: 2 Hemkunt
Colony, Greater Kailash, New Delhi 110048
Golf Course Road: Golf Course Road, Sector 55, Gurugram
Website: www.pathways.in/earlyyears
Email: admissions.gk@pathways.in
Telephone: +91 95 9900 2060; +91 97 1775 5998
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: Early Years
Ages: 6 months to 9 years

Pathways Early Years provides an enriched environment and opportunities to maximise learning –
spacious, bright and pleasant classrooms; a fenced-in outdoor play area with a variety of safe
equipment; different areas for rest, quiet and active play; a library of books and learning materials;
and clean, safe toys within reach of the children.

There are two branches centrally located in Greater Kailash, New Delhi and Golf Course Road,


What the school says

"All children are naturally curious. Our learning programme stimulates their interest, making them
learners for life. Through play, our children develop into confident communicators, problem solvers
and thinkers. We bring our experience with the International Baccalaureate programme of enquiry to
shape our Pathways Early Years. It's the best pre-school preparation your child could have.

Our comprehensive Early Years Curriculum features activities and equipment designed for the
development of gross and fine motor coordination. Hands-on activities that are appropriate for
children at this age are planned and incorporated into our daily routines. This curriculum is focused on
individualised care and attention to build strong foundations of love and security."

Inspired by the best practices of IB PYP, Reggio Emilia, Playaway and Maria Montessori, Pathways has
developed a comprehensive, dynamic and contemporary curriculum that prepares our young ones to
go through the journey of life with complete confidence.

Quarterly fees for expats for the 2022/2023 school year range from INR 72,300 for infants to INR
90,000 for Kindergarten. Parents have flexible payment options. Fees can be paid quarterly or

From the parents

"My daughter is doing extremely well. My heartiest congratulations to the school as well as the
teachers for doing their job so well. I am happy that my child’s foundation years were spent at
Pathways Early Years."

– Rohit

"Initially, I was afraid of sending my daughter to pre-school in India as she can't speak English and I
also had doubts about the safety and security system. But, all my worries came to rest when saw the
security systems at Pathways. Earlier she used to cry before going to the school but now she runs into
school with a smile. I am satisfied and thankful."

– KK Lee

Pathways School Gurgaon

Address: Off Gurugram Faridabad Road, Gurugram 12203
Website: www.pathways.in/gurgaon
Email: admissions.gurgaon@pathways.in
Telephone: +91 956 012 1222, +91 956 0145 666
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate
Ages: 2.5 to 18


Launched in 2010, Pathways School Gurgaon has been consistently recognised as Rank 1 International
Day School in North India. The school is centrally located in the national capital with ease of access
from Delhi, Faridabad and Gurugram. The curriculum includes the Primary Years, Middle Years and
Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organisation of Geneva.

The 10-acre campus site is equipped with an environment friendly modern architecture with world-
class academic and sporting infrastructure. Pathways has created a benchmark in the purposeful use
of technology in school education with universal radio networking and the use of interactive
whiteboards and projection screens to integrate Information Communication Technology (ICT) with
classroom learning.

Pathways School Gurgaon is the only School Chain in New Delhi to be accredited jointly by NEASC
(New England Association of Schools and Colleges) and CIS (Council of International Schools),
demonstrating its commitment to international education and continual improvement.

Fees (per quarter) for expats for the 2022/2023 school year range from INR 1,88,000 (Grades 1 to 8) to
INR 3,16,000 (Grades 11 and 12).

Parents have flexible payment options. Fees can be paid quarterly or annually.

From the school director

"We believe there can be no higher calling than to deliver an outstanding education for your child and
we have an excellent faculty and staff who are committed to that very purpose.

The exposure that we provide, the knowledge that we impart and the curriculum that we focus on
prepares young minds to develop an in-depth understanding of fundamental skills in the arts and
sciences, current world events, intercultural dialogue and fluency in the new technologies, thereby
preparing students for the global challenges of the present and the future.

We value and treasure the uniqueness each child brings to the classroom. The very diverse cultural
backgrounds and learning styles of our student community makes Pathways an ideal setting for
positive and healthy learning. The richness of our academic programmes encourages students to
connect separate elements of knowledge to form a coherent perspective of the whole, thus producing
insightful, creative and analytical thinkers.

As we embark on this amazing and enriching journey, I am confident we will succeed in challenging our
students to become engaged citizens of the 21st century who possess not only the knowledge for
critical thinking but also the motivation for keeping their minds actively engaged in learning for the
rest of their lives.

– Capt Rohit Bajaj, School Director, Pathways School Gurgaon


From the parents

"Our children have so much fun learning with joy as if they were playing, instead of being hard
burdened. They are learning how to be curious and interested in all their activities at the school which
we feel is the pillar for their knowledge. Thank you all for the wonderful work you do with our
children, please continue giving smiles."

– Ignacio and Maria

"I have lived in five countries (including India). I can confidently state that the education my child
received at Pathways compares favourably with leading schools in all these countries. Pathways makes
an effort to be global and national at the same time – an international school with an Indian touch –
and does so successfully."

– Anupam Ray

Pathways School Noida

Address: Sector 100, Noida 201301
Website: www.pathways.in/noida
Email: admissions.noida@pathways.in
Tel: +91 956 013 0099, +91 956 016 6200
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate
Ages: 2.5 to 18

Launched in 2010, Pathways School Noida has been consistently recognised as Rank 1 International
Day School in Uttar Pradesh, while achieving Rank 2 in North India. The day school is centrally located
with ease of access from Delhi, Noida, and Ghaziabad.

The curriculum includes the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programme of the International
Baccalaureate Organisation of Geneva. The school is located on a 10-acre site and is equipped with an
environment-friendly modern architecture with world-class academic and sporting infrastructure.
Pathways has created a benchmark in the purposeful use of technology in school education with
universal radio networking and the use of interactive whiteboards and projection screens to integrate
information communication technology (ICT) with classroom learning.

Pathways is the one of only two Schools in New Delhi to be accredited by CIS (Council of International
Schools), demonstrating its commitment to international education and continual improvement.

Fees (per quarter) for expats for the 2022/2023 school year range from INR 1,88,000 (Grades 1 to 8) to
INR 3,16,000 (Grades 11 and 12). Parents have flexible payment options. Fees can be paid quarterly or


From the school director

"What makes a great school? It certainly is not beautiful buildings, comfortable, temperature-
controlled classrooms or great sports facilities – although we have those. It is not easy access to
advanced technology, to student laptops and interactive boards – even if Pathways has been a leader
in that area. It is not an international curriculum, well suited to prepare children for a globalised world
– even though we offer the International Baccalaureate programme at Pathways.

What matters in a school is its heart. Its conviction that a school must prepare each child to be the
best that she or he can be. The recognition that different children excel in different ways and that for
one person, being an outstanding soccer player is as important as being a brilliant Mathematician is for
another. That academic success is a vital ingredient for success in life, but so is communicating well,
problem-solving and taking responsibility for improving our world. That new problems require new
solutions and the contributions of young people have enormous value. At Pathways, we want our
students to make a habit of multiple excellences.

Small class sizes, passionate and dedicated teachers provide a stimulating learning environment.
Nurturing each individual, focusing on the creation of a vibrant, happy atmosphere creates confident,
lively young people who love coming to school. Welcome to Pathways School at Noida. I look forward
to welcoming you to the school."

– Dr Shalini Advani, School Director, Pathways School Noida

From the parents

"The more I get to know about Pathways, the more I like it. It is the best decision which my husband
and I have taken for our daughter. The Pathways family is doing a brilliant job in keeping that BIG smile
on her face. A BIG hug and a BIG thank you!"

– Ashwita

Pathways World School Gurgaon

Address: Off Gurgaon Sohna Road – Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon 122102
Website: www.pathways.in/worldschoolgurgaon
Email: admissions.pws@pathways.in
Telephone: +91 124 4513000
Gender: Co-educational
Teaching language: English
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate
Ages: 2.5 to 18

Consistently recognised as a Rank 1 International Day-cum-Residential School in North India,
Pathways World School, Gurgaon launched in 2003 was the first ever IB Day-cum-Residential
School in North India. The 34-acre campus is situated on an elevated, wooded site along the


majestic foothills of the Aravali Range. This not only ensures a tranquil environment away from
the rush and din of city life, but also offers the perfect environment for students to learn and

The curriculum includes the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programme of the
International Baccalaureate Organisation of Geneva. The school offers both day and boarding
options for students while providing flexibility in the boarding with choices among week,
fortnight, and term boarding. Residential facilities are based on the model of a first-class British
independent boarding school with professional staffing, comfortable study-bedrooms and
common rooms, and catering of international standards.

Pathways World School is the only School Chain in New Delhi to be accredited jointly by NEASC
(New England Association of Schools and Colleges) and CIS (Council of International Schools),
demonstrating its commitment to international education and continual improvement.

Fees (per quarter) for expats for the 2022/2023 school year range from INR 1,88,000 (Grades 1
to 8) to INR 3,16,000 (Grades 11 and 12). Parents have flexible payment options. Fees can be
paid quarterly or annually.

For new students, there is a one-time application and registration fee of INR 30,000 and an
admission fee of INR 1,95,000. Boarders pay a residential fee of INR 1,57,000.

From the school director

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson

"Pathways believes in delivering quality and excellence in education, paving the path to IB
continuum learning for its students. Our endeavour is to empower our students to think
intensively and critically, while being morally upright. We stress upon developing analytical
skills while tickling the students’ curiosity and ability to solve complex problems.

Superiority in education rests on four pillars; students, staff, infrastructure, and facilities.
Supremacy does not come only with students who are eager to learn and explore, or a state-of-
the-art infrastructure, or world-class facilities. It also requires the nurturing care of staff
dedicated in giving nothing but ‘excellence’.

We make every effort to ensure in building and retaining an experienced, balanced and
articulate team that is focused to help students to be the best versions of themselves.
Our teachers help build a strong foundation for their students by preparing them to embrace
life with positivity through focus on their determination and will to learn.

The vibrancy of our programmes brings about the best in our students through the 10
attributes of the IB Learner Profile that form the core of the Pathways vision and mission, also


encompassing the essence of life in school – play. We expect our students to explore and focus
on sustainable development goals and share their learning experiences with students across the

These goals, also interwoven in our curriculum, help students in collaborating globally thereby
promoting global citizenship. Our learning methodologies are entwined around the learner
profile and the objectives of the SDGs, bringing out sensitive, responsible and compassionate
world citizens. Our students are enthusiastic and committed to learn amidst a diverse and
intellectually challenging environment. At Pathways, students and staff get ample opportunities
and exposure to learn to train their mind and heart, while staying grounded to their roots!"

– Ms Sonya Ghandy Mehta, School Director, Pathways World School

From the parents

"As parents, we know perfect schools and perfect teachers and staff are hard to find, but for us,
you all have been the best for our children. We acknowledge the contribution that you all have
made in the journey through their early education. Thank you for your love and care you have
given to our children each day and we truly appreciate that."

– Reena and Raman

"I wanted once again to thank you for the quality of the school, you cannot imagine how happy
the children are in the morning, and how proud they are to have adapted themselves to this
new environment. You can count on me to promote your school."

– Caile Labarre


For more information on moving to Delhi, including accommodation, healthcare and transport, have a
look at our Expat Guide to Delhi:



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