Liana Robinson: David Paul
Liana Robinson: David Paul
Liana Robinson: David Paul
Series Editor
David Paul
Syllabus ............................................................... 4
How to Use This Book .............................................. 6
• Hi! / Hello!
Students will learn the names of the
• What’s your name? • Greetings doll, ball, train, Katie, Amy, Rachel, Eric,
1 main characters in the series and the
names of their classmates.
• nformation question with what
- ’m Amy. • Names Max, Jeff, girl, boy
- My name is Eric.
• Family members
Students will begin to identify family • Subject pronouns: he, she • Who is he? dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, brother,
Unit 1 2 members. • nformation question with who - He’s my dad.
• Asking about people
• dentifying people
sister, cake, balloon, present
n the
Students will be able to identify the
Neighborhood • Good morning! • Greetings morning, afternoon, evening, night,
3 different times of day (morning,
evening, afternoon, night).
• Time of day greetings
• t is day. • Times of day day, good-bye, sun, moon, clouds, stars
Students will identify a few singular • Singular nouns • What is it? • dentifying objects flower, tree, cat, bear, dog, kite,
4 objects. • nformation question with what - t’s a kite. • Singular objects teddy bear, skateboard
• Toys
Students will become more familiar with • How many toy cars are there?
• Asking the number of objects bus, boat, skates, house, car, airplane,
4 how to express quantities and practice
the names of some toys.
• nformation question with how many - There is one toy car.
- There are four toy cars.
• dentifying the number of puzzle, sticker, puppet
4 Syllabus 5
How to Use This Book
Reading Chest recycles The follow-up activity is a Song Chest is a song set to Many of the songs can
some of the key vocabulary comprehension checking a familiar tune. Ending a unit be altered to include the
and/or target patterns. The exercise. The format varies with a song is a great way personal information of the
students try to read the text. from unit to unit. to help students retain the students in the class. The
They can also talk or write unit's language targets. We students can also listen to
about themselves or the can introduce the song by the song again at home or
world around them using playing the audio recording, in the car with their parents.
the patterns in the text. getting the students to read
the song before playing the
recording, or simply by
Writing Chest is a simple starting to sing it with the
writing activity that helps students.
consolidate the target
A special illustration
accompanies each song.
This makes the song more
interesting and memorable
for the students.
Lesson 4 What s t?
Track 2
Track 1
My name is Eric.
Hi, what’s your name? ’m Amy.
doll train ball
My name is Katie.
’m enny.
My name is Tom.
_____ am Ben.
1. Tony is a (train / doll).
2. The train has (dolls and balls / girls and boys).
What’s your name?
My name is _________________. / am ( ’m) _________________.
Katie / Rachel
14 Unit 1 Lesson 1 15
Track 5
’m Eric.
16 Unit 1 Lesson 1 17