Higher National Diploma: National Board For Techncial Education Kaduna
Higher National Diploma: National Board For Techncial Education Kaduna
Higher National Diploma: National Board For Techncial Education Kaduna
i. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:- This course is designed to procedure Technologists with good knowledge of Physics and
electronics and capable of applying laboratory Techniques in scientific work.
In exceptional cases, ND diplomates with a pass (CGPA of 2.00-2.49) in the ND examination that had two or more years of cognate
experience in the specific field may be considered for admission into the HND programme
The curriculum of all ND and HND programme consists of four main components.
iii. ENTRY REQUIREMENT:- In addition to National Diploma requirement, the candidate for Higher National Diploma in
physics with electronics must possess at least a lower credit pass in National Diploma in Science laboratory technology
and a minimum of twelve (12) months of supervised industrial experience.
I) General Studies/Education
II) Foundation courses
III) Professional courses
IV) Supervised Industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
PROFESSIONAL COURSES are courses which give the student the theory and practical skills he needs to practice his field of calling
at the technician/ technologist level. These may account for between 60-70% of the contact hours depending on the programme.
3.0 STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMME: The Higher National Diploma Programme is structured to last for two years (four
semesters) all of which shall be taken.
Each programme offered either at the ND or HND level shall be accredited by the NBTE before the diplomates can be awarded either
of the two diploma certificates. Details about the process of accrediting a programme for the award of the ND and HND are available
from the Executive Secretary, National Board for Technical Education Plot B, Bida Road PMB 2239, Kaduna Nigeria.
Institutions offering accredited programmes will award the National Diploma/Higher National diploma candidates who successfully
completed the programme after passing prescribe course work, examinations, diploma project and the students industrial work
experience scheme. Such candidates should have completed a minimum of between 72 and 80 semester credit units depending on the
programme. Diploma shall be classified as follows:
Distinction- GPA of 3.50 and above Upper Credit GPA of 3.00 and 3.49
Lower credit GPA of 2.50 – 2.99
Pass – GPA of 2.00 – 2.49
Fail – GPA of below 2.00.
As the success of the credit unit system depends on the articulation of programmes between the institutions and industry, the
Curriculum content has been written in behavioural objectives, so that it is clear to all the expected performance of the student who
successfully completed some of the courses or the diplomates of the programme. There is a slight departure in the presentation of the
performance based curriculum which requires the conditions under which the performance are expected to be carried out and the
criteria for the acceptable levels of performance. It is a deliberate attempt to further involve the staff of the department teaching the
programme to write their own curriculum stating the conditions existing in their institution under which the performance can take
place and to follow that with the criteria for determining an acceptable level of performance. Departmental submission on the final
curriculum may be vetted by the Academic Board of the Institution.
Our aim is to continue to see to it that a solid internal evaluation system exists in each institution for ensuring minimum standard and
quality of education in the programme offered throughout the polytechnic system.
The teaching of the theory and practical work should, be integrated.
Practical exercises, especially those in professional courses and laboratory work should not be taught in isolation from theory.
Practical courses should form an integral part of final examination. For each course, these should be a balance of theory to practice of
Continuous assessment 30% (15% quiz and test 15% practical grades)
Final written examination 70% (35% theory and 35% practical)
Total 19 2 6 21 27
Total 17 1 6 19 24
Total 16 - 12 20 28
Total 8 - 6 17 14
DURATION: 30 Hours (2 hours Lecture/Week)
UNITS: 2.0
GOAL: This course is designed to enable students understand the structure of the atom and the nucleus, the
nature of atomic and nuclear forces and their application in large scale release of energy
General Objectives: On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
COURSE: ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Course Code: PYE 311 Contact Hours 30 UNIT: 2
Course Specification: Theoretical content
General Objectives: Understand the particle nature of the atom
Week Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Describe the models of the atom:- Thompson plum Lecture
pudding model, Rutherfurd’s model, model etc Describe the structure of atom
1-2 1.2 Derive an expression for the energy changes Explain various models of atom
between levels in hydrogen atom using Bohr’s Sketch energy level diagrams
postulate. for hydrogen atom
1.3 Define Rydberg constant
1.4 Explain the limitations to the Bohr model of
hydrogen atom
1.5 Explain the selection rule for the hydrogen atom
1.6 Explain the transitions permitted by the selection
1.7 Draw energy level diagrams for the hydrogen atom
General Objectives 2.0 understand the wave nature of the atom
Elements of Quantum Mechanics Explain the concept of quantum
2.1 State the postulates of quantum mechanics mechanics
2.2 State the Schröedinger’s equation
3 2.3 Explain how schroedinger’s equation leads to the Lecture
wave nature of the atom
2.4 Explain the schroedinger’s solution in terms of Write down scroedinger’s
quantum numbers equation
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the use of spectroscopy in the analysis of the atom
Week Special Learning Objectives Teacher’s Activities Resources
3.1 Explain spectroscopy
4-6 3.2 Out line the theoretical foundation of Lecture
spectroscopy Discuss the concept of
3.3 Explain how the frequency of any line of the spectroscopy in the study of
spectrum is proportional to the difference atoms
between the values of the energies of the two
states of the atom emitting the radiation
3.4 List the types of spectra
3.5 Describe (i )the physical appearance of the Explain the characteristics of
spectra lines e.g. sharp or diffuse(ii) the spectra lines
method used in producing the spectra and (iii)
the behavior of the lines when the emitting Describe normal and
atoms are subjected to external electric and anomalous Zeeman’s effect
magnetic fields (Zeeman’s effect)
3.6 Explain (i) the normal Zeeman’s effect and (ii) Calculate some simple
the anomalous Zeeman’s effect problems involving the
3.7 Explain how to measure magnetic field frequency, wavelength etc.
intensity using zeeman’s effect. between two energy levels
3.8 Explain the orbital, spin, and magnetic
numbers of the atom.
3.9 Describe the stern-Gerlack experiments to
demonstrate electron spin
3.10Solve numerical problems involving the
energies of a spectrum, the wavelength, Give numerical problems
frequency and the wave number between two
energy levels
General Objectives: 4.0 understand the nature and application of X-rays
Week Special Learning Objectives Teacher’s Activities Resources
X-Rays Lecture
7-10 4.1 Describe how x-rays are produced.
4.2 State the wavelength limits of X-radiation Describe what happens when
4.3 Explain how the intensity of an X-ray beam is an X-ray beam is passed
reduced upon passing through matter through body.
4.4 Derive an expression for the intensity, I, of a
beam after passing through a thickness X; ie I Explain the quantities stated in
= IoE where Io is initial incident intensity, and 4.5
–I is the linear coefficient of absorption.
4.5 Define (i) linear absorption coefficient (ii) Discuss secondary emission in
mass absorption coefficient of absorption. X-radiation
4.6 State the relationship between the coefficients
in 4.5 above
4.7 Explain how secondary emission occurs when
X-rays are absorbed.
4.8 Explain the following forms of emission
resulting from X-ray production
i Scattered rays Lecture
ii Electron emission and
iii Characteristic emission Explain coherent and
4.9 Describe (i) coherent scattering (rayleigh; (ii) incoherent scattering.
Incoherent scattering (Compton)
Discuss the characteristic of
4.10 Describe the spectrum produced by an X-ray spectrum produced by an X-ray
4.11 State mosley law Describe Mosley’s law using
4.12 Describe with the aid of a diagram the diagram
characteristic features of Mosley’s law
4.13 Explain how Mosley’s law may be used to
predict some elements of the periodic table
4.14 State the relationship between the
accelerating voltage and the quality of X- Explain Bragg’s law
4.15 Explain what happens when a parallel beam Apply Bragg’s law to solve
of X-rays falls on given family of planes in a some simple problems.
4.16 State Bragg’s law
4.17 Derive Bragg’s law
4.18 Solve problems relating to the law in 4.17
4.19 Describe how to determine X-ray absorption
5.9 List the type of nuclear fuel for given critical
5.10Explain why fissile fuels are less abundant in Categorize nuclear reactors in
nature terms of codant, conversion
5.11Explain how the relative abundance o fissile ratio and neutron energies
nuclear fuels can be increased by (i)
enrichment (ii) conversion and breeding
5.12Classify nuclear reactors in terms of (i) the
neutron energies (ii) the moderator or codant
used (iii) conversion ratio.
5.13Describe the processes of reactor control
14-15 General Objectives: 6.0 Understand the nature of radiological hazards and principles of radiological protection
Hazards Question and answer
6.1 Define the radiological units (i) exposure (ii)
dose (iii) dose rate (iv) relative biological Explain the biological effects
effectiveness and (v) dose equivalent of radiation
6.2 Describe the biological effects of radiation
6.3 Outline the standards set out by the Discuss the factors to be
international commission on radiological considered when disposing
protection nuclear materials and in the
6.4 Determine the dose equivalent for any control of contamination of
radiation worker using the NCRP standards pollutants
6.5 Describe the (i) control of contamination and
(ii) disposal of nuclear wastes.
PROGRAMME: Physics with Electronics Higher National Diploma
UNIT: 2.0
GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with the knowledge of
Basic structure and properties of materials with specific attention to alloys
and metals.
COURSE: Material Science I (Metals and COURSE CODE PYE 312 Contact Hours 30
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: Know the classification of materials
Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Resources
1.0 Classification of materials. Differentiate materials as regards their
1.1 Classify materials according to chemical constituent, physical
chemical composition, physical feature characteristics and internal structure
and internal (crystal) structure. arrangement.
1.2 Identify common materials with the
classes they belong: biological materials,
organic materials, inorganic materials etc
1.3 State the distinguishing properties of each
class in 1.1 including their uses.
1.4 Explain the need for alloying, coating,
cladding and sintering in metals.
General Objectives: 2.0 Know the relevant mechanical properties of materials.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Resources
Mechanical Properties of Materials. Explain, ductility, elasticity, malleability
2.1 State the various mechanical properties etc. in materials.
of materials. Discuss the ampercents of Hooke’s law.
2.2 Describe methods of determining Explain with the aid of a diagram the stress
2-3 mechanical properties of materials. – strain relationship.
2.3 State Hooke’s law of elasticity. Explain Young’s modulus.
2.4 State the mathematical expressions for Discuss toughness.
Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, and rigidity Discuss the various scales of material
modulus. hardness.
2.5 Identify various features of the stress-
strain diagramme.
2.6 Differentiate between tensil strength
and yield strength.
Describe how to determine the Young’s
2.8 Explain the meaning of ductility both
quantitatively and qualitatively.
2.9 Define toughness.
2.10 Explain both Isod and charpy tests for
2.11 Define hardness.
2.12 Explain the Mineralogists (Moh) scale,
the Brindel scale and the Rockwell
series for hardness.
2.13 Solve numerical problems.
3.6 List at least 3 examples of each of the
structures mentioned in 3.5.
3.7 Explain the meaning of Schottky and
Frenkel defects.
3.8 List other forms of point defects in
single crystals.
3.9 Differentiate between point and line
defects in crystals.
3.10 Identify dislocations and grain
boundaries as different aspects of line
3.11 Sketch illustrative diagrammes to
demonstrate edge skew and mixed
3.12 Explain the uses of the Buerger’s
vectors and skew axis to characterize the
propagation of line defects.
General Objective: 4.0 Understand the microscopic crystal nature of metallic surfaces
Special Learning Objective Teacher’s Activities Resources Teachers Act
Microstructure: Lecture and demonstrate
4.1 Explain procedure for preparation and
examination of specimens of pure
metals using microscope.
4.2 Explain highly magnified photographs
of metal surfaces as regards grain size
General Objective: 5.0 Understand the different techniques for X-ray study of materials
Special Learning Objective Teacher’s Activities Resources
X-ray Diffraction Techniques: Calculate problems on the spacing and
5.1 Derive the Bragg’s condition (equation) angle of diffraction.
for diffraction of x-ray from crystal
5.2 Describe the laue single crystal and
powder methods for x-ray diffraction.
5.3 Solve simple problems involving d-
spacing and angle of diffraction.
General Objective: 6.0 Understand the energy relations and stability of materials
Special Learning Objective Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Growth and Solidification: Explain the equations in 6.1.
6.1 State the first law of thermodynamics Discuss Gibb’s function relate free energy
in its quantitative forms dQ = adatability using cooling curves.
dU + dW and H = Pdv where all Describe growght of crystal by controlled
symbols have their usual meanings. cooling with/without seeding,
6.2 Explain the physical interpretation of Calculate some numerical problems.
both equations in 6.1 above.
6.3 State the Gibb’s function (free energy).
6.4 Interpret energy changes during phase
transformation using the Gibb’s
6.5 Sketch cooling curve for (i) water
between 110oC to 10oC and (ii) iron
between 1600oC to 900oC.
6.6 Illustrate the relationship between free
energy and stability using the cooling
6.7 Explain the concept of nucleation and
sustenance of crystal growth using the
free energy equation change.
6.8 Obtain critical radius and critical free
energy from energy equation change.
6.9 Explain practical growth of crystal by
controlled cooling without seeding as
well as seeding.
6.10 Solve simple numerical problems.
General Objective: 7.0 Know the process of alloying
Special Learning Objective Teacher’s Activities Resources
Alloys: Calculate alloy percentage as atomic
7.1 State the factors affecting solubility of quantity and weight quantity.
solid solutions. Describe the application of Gibb’s free
7.2 Calculate quantitative percentage of energy in the stability of alloy.
alloy constituent in weight percent and
atomic percent.
7.3 Explain the Gbb’s phase rule.
7.4 Explain the stability of alloy in terms of
Gibo’s free energy.
7.5 Interprete a simple phase diagramme of
binaiyalloys using a copper alloy, an
alluminium alloy and carbon-iron
alloys as examples.
General Objective: 8.0 Understand the deterioration of metals during use and ways of limiting deterioration.
Special Learning Objective Teacher’s Activities Resources
Modifying Effect of Service Environment Discuss the effect of corrosion, temperature,
8.1 Explain the effect of temperature, strain hardening, hardening etc on metals.
localized strain, strain rate, fluctuating
stress and corrosion as regards
mechanical failure.
8.2 Explain the effects of strain hardening,
cold work, hot work annealing, heat
treatment and tempering, dispersion,
hardening, or sintering in improving
quality of metals.
8.3 Explain three methods of preventing
corrosion including sacrificial anoding
General Objective: 9.0 Know the different methods of fabricating metals.
Special Learning Objective Teacher’s Activities Resources
Fabrication: List the different ways of fabricating metals.
9.1 Explain the following methods of
forming metals to shape (casting,
stretching, extraction spinning, forging
and rolling).
9.2 List the advantages and
limitations of each of the methods
treated in 9.1 above including their
effects on the mechanical properties.
UNIT: 2.0
GOAL: This course is intended to enable the student acquire basic knowledge of electric circuit theory.
1.0 Understand network theorems and their application to d.c. electrical circuit.
2.0 Understand a.c. theory and its application to electrical circuit problems.
4.0 Understand network transformation and duality principle and their applications.
Course: Electric Circuit Theory Course: PYE 313 Contact Hours: 2 Hours
Unit: 2.0
WEEK GENERAL OBJECTGIVES: Understand Network theorems and their application to d.c. electrical circuit.
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 State kickoff’s voltage and current laws. Lecture with worked Textbook
1.2 Calculate voltage drops and total current at a examples.
1-4 point in complete circuit applying kickoff’s State superposition theorem
laws. and Explain it’s application.
1.3 State superposition theorem
1.4 Explain the application of superposition State thevnim’s it’s
theorem. application calculate some
1.5 Calculate the current in any branch of a network problems.
by applying the superposition theorem.
1.6 State Theremins/ theorem.
1.7 Explain the application of Theremin’s theorem.
1.8 Replace any circuit by the Theremin equivalent
1.9 Calculate the following: parameters in any
branch of a network applying Helmholty – State millman’s theorem, P
Theremin’s theorem; C. procity theorem.
[a] current [b] internal impedance [c] potential
difference across the branch terminals. Discuss their application
1.10 State Norton’s theorem solve problems on network
1.11 Explain the application of Norton’s theorem. circuit by applying these Textbook
1.12 Calculate the following parameter in any theorems.
branch of a network applying Helmholtz – Norton’s
[a] the voltage across any branch of the
[b] internal shunt admittance of the network
looking into the branch terminals.
1-4 1.13 state [i] Millman’s theorem (parallel –
generated theorem). [ii] reciprocity theorem.
1.14 Explain the application of theorems in 1.13
1.15 Solve problems on network circuits by applying
the theorems above.
WEEK General Objectives: Understand a.c. theory and its application to electrical circuit problems
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Convert the polar form of a.c. signal to j Lecture with worked Textbook
notation. examples
2.2 Subtract, add, multiply and divide phases using j
2.3 Draw phases diagrams to scale for a.c. circuits, Explain the terms L, C, fo of
i.e. series and parallel. an .a.c. circuit.
2.4 Explain, with the aid of phasor diagrams, the
current and voltage relationship in [i] inductive Sketch and explain the
circuits [iii] capacitive circuits. curve of impedance against
2.5 Distinguish between inductive and capacitive [f] for circuit in series and
reactance’s. parallel
2.6 Desire an expression for inductive reactance and
5-7 capacitive reactance.
2.7 Draw voltage and current waver forms on the
same axis to show lagging and leading angles. Textbook
2.8 Explain, with the aid of phasor diagrams, the
current and voltage relationship in series l-c-r
2.9 Define [i] series resonance [ii] parallel
2.10Sketch the curve of I against f (I = current; f = Explain the terms L, C, fo an
frequency) for [i] series circuit [ii] parallel a.c. circuit.
5-7 2.11Determine in terms of l and c the resonant sketch and explain the curve
frequency, fo, of an a.c. circuit, where L is of impedance against [f] for
inductance and C is capacitance. circuit in series and parallel.
2.12Determine the inductance and the effective series
resistance of an inductor in a series resonant Calculate resonant
circuit. frequency and O-factor of
2.13Sketch the curve of impedance ( ) against L-C-R circuit.
frequency (f) for [i] series circuit [ii] parallel
2.14Define Q – factor (i.e. Q = Quality) for [i] series
connection [ii] parallel connection Textbook
2.15Calculate the resonant frequency and Q – factor
of a series L-C-R circuit.
2.16Define bandwidth for:
[i] series connection Lecture with worked
[ii] parallel connection examples
5-7 2.17Calculate the following parameters is parallel L-
C-R circuits with known Q – factors_
[a] the resistance of the inductor
[b] the dynamic resistance of the circuit.
[c] the bandwidth of the circuit.
WEEL General Objectives: 3.0 Understand power in a.c. circuits.
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
3.1 Determine power in a.c. circuit involving Lecture with worked Textbook
[i] resistance [ii] inductance [iii] capacitance examples.
[iv] combination of [i], [ii] and [iii] above.
3.2 Define [i] apparent power [ii] reactive power
[iii] true power.
8-9 3.3 Define power factor Explain power in a.c.
3.4 Explain the significance of power factor. circuits.
3.5 Calculate the power supplied to a device in a.c.
circuits using the equation P = VI Cos O; where P is Define power factor and
power; V is effective potential difference; I is explain its significance.
effective current; O is angle of lag or lead; Cos ) is
the power factor of the device.
WEEK General Objectives: 4.0 Understand network transformation and duality principle and their applications.
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Identify the Y and delta networks Lecture with worked
4.2 Transform delta to Y and vice versa. examples
10-11 4.3 Explain duality principle.
4.4 State the rule for finding the duality of a
4.5 Transform network using the duality principle. Explain duality principle
and transform network
using the duality principle.
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the concept of three phase a.c. circuits.
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
5.1 Explain the meaning of a three – phase circuit. Lecture with worked Textbook
5.2 Distinguish between three – phase, three wire examples.
circuit and three phase, four wire circuit.
5.3 Explain [i] line current [ii] line voltage.
5.4 Determine power in three – phase circuit.
12-13 5.5 Calculate the following parameters. In a
balanced three phase star-connected (Y) load
connected to a three-phase supply and which has
an inductive reactance and resistance of know
values [a] impedance per phase
[b] the phase and line currents
[c] the total power consumed.
WEEK General Objectives: 6.0 Understand the concept of magnetic coupling and its application.
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
6.1 Define mutual inductance Show Polarity of coup0led
6.2 Indicate the polarity of coupled coils. coils
6.3 Define coefficient of coupling. Textbook
6.4 Desire equivalent circuits for Explain the concept of
14-15 magnetically coupled coils. magnetic coupling.
6.5 Define an ideal transformer.
6.6 Derive an equivalent circuit of an ideal Define an ideal transformer.
6.7 Sketch the equivalent circuit diagrams of
a practical transformer. Derive an equivalent circuit
6.8 Draw the phases diagram of: of the above. Textbook
[i] ideal transformer
[ii] practical transformer.
6.9 Calculate the induced e.m.f. in the
secondary coil of the coils that have a Lecture with worked
14-15 mutual inductance if the current in the examples..
primary coil changes.
[i] the number of secondary turns
[ii] the primary and secondary full load
[iii] the volts per turn on both primary
and secondary windings of an ideal
single phases transformer.
Course: ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 Course Code: PYE 314 Contact Hours: 2hrs Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the concept of Static Electricity and its Applications
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1-2 1.1 Explain the existence of positive and negative charges. Lecture Textbooks.
1.2 Describe briefly charging by friction and induction. Discuss the concept of
1.3 State the unit of charge. static electricity.
1.4 Explain repulsion between like charges and attraction State the basic laws of
between unlike charges. electrostatics.
1.5 State Coulomb’s Law. Solve problems on
1.6 Explain super position principle. Conlomb’s law and
1.7 Calculate force between a numbers of charges using supposition principles.
superposition principle. Apply the expressions in
1.8 Define an electric field intensity (E). 1.9 to solve problems on
1.9 Derive expressions for the electric field intensity for a electrostatics.
(i)point charge (ii) a charged sphere (iii) a line charge or
charged cylinder (iv) infinite plane of charge (v) charged
parallel plates.
1.10 Explain electric flux and electric flux density (or electric Give worked examples to
displacement). explain electric flux and
1.11 State the relationship between electric flux and electric electric flux density.
flux density. Deduce expressions for the
1.12 State the unit of electric flux (ϕ) and electric flux density relation ship between D
(D). and E in a linear
1.13 State the relationship between D an E in a linear homogeneous and isotropic
homogeneous and isotropic medium. medium.
Explain Gauss law.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.14 Evaluate the total flux out of a closed surface containing
1.15 Evaluate total charge in a volume of charge in a volume
of charge density (P)
1.16 State Gauss law.
1.17 Determine the field of a point charge using Gauss law. Derive expression for the
1.18 Derive coulomb’s law from Gauss law. Gauss law.
1.19 Express Gauss law in differential form.
1.20 Explain the divergence of a vector. Solve problems on
1.21 State the divergence theorem. electrostatic potential and
1.22 Show that y energy.
V.D = P Apply poisson and lapluce
equations to solve practical
1.23 Explain the concept of electrostatic potential and energy. problems.
1.24 Write an expression for the p.d between two points in an
electrotatic field.
1.25 Express electric field as a potential gradient.
1.26 State Poisson and laplace equations.
1.27 Solve Laplace equation
1.28 Explain electric dipole and dipole moment
1.29 Derive an expression for the (i) potential, (ii) electric Give assignments to
field, of an electric dipole. students.
WEEK General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the effects of induced charges in dielectrics
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Compare conductors and dielectrics. Demonstrate
2.2 Name dielectric materials. Explain the characteristics
2.3 Describe the behaviour of a dielectric in an electric field. of conductors dielectrics.
3,4,5 2.4 Explain polar and non-polar molecules. Explain the relationship
2.5 Explain polarization of dielectric materials. between polarization
2.6 Define polarization vector (р) and dipole moment (p). vector and dipole moment.
2.7 State the relationship between P and p.
2.8 State the units of P and p.
2.9 Define permitting, relative permitting (or dielectric
constant), electric susceptibility.
2.10 State the boundary conditions for D and E. State the importance of
2.11 Derive an expression for energy stored in dielectrics. energy stored in dielectrics.
2.12 Calculate D between the conductors of a coaxial cable. Explain the operational
2.13 Define the capacitance of a capacitor. principle of a capacitor.
2.14 Derive expressions for the capacitance of a (i) parallel Solve problems on
plate (ii) cylindrical (iii) sphenrical capacitor. capacitance of capacitor.
2.15 Calculate the capacitance of capacitors in (i) series (ii) Distinguish between
parallel. electrostatic shielding and
2.16 Derive an expression for energy stored in a capacitor images.
2.17 Explain electrostatic shielding
2.18 Explain electrostatics images.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.19 Solve problems by method of images. Illustrate piezoelectric
2.20 Describe electrostatic lens effect with the aid of
2.21 Explain piezoelectric effect. suitable diagrams.
2.22 State the applications of piezoelectric materials
WEEK General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the behaviour of charges moving in a magnetic field
5.1 Explain
Special the magnetic
Learning effect of an electric current
Objectives: Lecture.
Teachers Activities Resources
5.2 State
4.1 Biot-Savart
Explain the concept Lawof magnetic field. Explain
Lecture. the significance of
5.3 Derive expressions for the field current
4.2 Define the S.I unit of magnetic field (H). carrying Biot-Savant
Illustrate thelaw.
concept of
conductor as in (i) infinite linear conductor
4.3 Explain magnetic flux and magnetic flux density (B) (ii) circular Solve
magnetic fieldproblem
various with on
8-9 loop (iii) the solenoid (iv) Toroid (Circular
4.4 Relate magnetic flux density and magnetic flux. solenoid) current carrying
appropriate sketches.
4.5 Relate magnetic flux density (D) and magnetic field (H) conductors.Derive expression to relate
4.6 Write an expression for the force on a moving charge in Explain
magneticthe Gauss
flun lawand
density of
a magnetic field. magnetism.
magnetic flux.
4.7 Write an expression for the Lorentz force experienced by Apply the expressions
a moving charge in a region of both electric and obtained in 4.6, 4.7,4.8 and
magnetic fields. 4.9 to solve problem on
4.8 Describe the path of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field.
magnetic field.
4.9 Derive an expression for the radius of the path described
in 4.8
4.10 Apply the expression derived in 4.9 above to
spectrograph and accelerators in materials analysis.
4.11 Explain Hall effect.
4.12 Outline the theory of Hall effect meter for measuring
magnetic fields.
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the concept of fields produced by current carrying conductors
WEEK General Objectives:
WEEK General Objectives:
6.1 Explain ferromagnetic diamagnetic and paramagnetic Lecture.
Special Learning Objectives: State the characteristics
Teachers Activities of Resources
6.2 List examples of ferromagnetic, diamagnetic and
5.21 Derive the maxwell’s equation V x H = J starting with ferromagnetic,
Ampere’s Law.materials. diagmagnetic and
6.3 Explain the effects of strong non-uniform
5.22 Define magnetic vector potential. field on these paramagnetic materials.
5.23 Derive expressions for the force and torque on coils Explain the magnisatium of
6.4 carrying
Describe currents.
how atoms of a diamagnetic material acquire a paramagnetic gas or
induced magnetic dipole moments in direction
5.24 Calculate the force on a current carrying conductor opposite to liquid.
9,10,11 an applied
rotating in amagnetic
field. Plot the curve of the
6.5 Define the magnetization vector m of a magetic material. equation in 6.8
6.6 Define the magnetization of a paramagnetic gas or liquid Define the magnetic
General Objectives:
in terms 6.0 Understand
of the permanent themagnetic
molecular properties of magneticsusceptibility
dipole materials and
moments. permeability.
6.7 Explain qualitatively domains and curve point. Discuss the making of
6.8 Interprete the equation B=Bo+Bm for various magnetic magnetics.
materials. State the relationship
between B and H.
Distinguish between
permanent and temporary
Solve problems on
magnetic field and
magnetic flun density.
WEEK General Objectives:
Course: General Physics Practicals I Course Code: PYE 315 Contact Hours: 6 Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Practical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Know the relevant mechanical properties of materials
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1 1.1 Determine the moment of inertia using Bifilar Conduct practicals on Metre rule, G-
suspension. moment of inertia, young’s clamp, stop watch,
1.2 Determine the Young’s modulus of a wire. modulus steel wire, weights.
1.3 Determine the Young’s modulus by bending a beam.
2 1.4 Determine the Young’s modulus from the period of
vibration of loaded cantilever.
1.5 Determine the coefficient of Rigidity of a wire statically.
3 1.6 Determine the coefficient of Rigidity of a wire
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the behavior of sound waves
4 2.1 Calibrate a narrow necked resonator Conductor practical on
narrow necked resonator
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the concept of static electricity and its applications
3.1 Measure the capacitance of a capacitor using meter Conduct practicals on Meter bridge
bridge. capacitance of a capacitor capacitors,
3.2 Show how a capacitor can be discharged through a neon and on charging and connecting wires,
5 lamp discharging of a capacitor high tension
batteries, neon lamp
ammeter, voltmeter.
WEEK General Objectives: 4.0 Understand a.c theory and applications to electrical circuit problems.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Determine the inductance and the effective series Conduct practical on the Inductor
6 resistance of an inductor in a series resonance. determination of
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the use of spectroscopy in the analysis of the atom
5.1 Measure the magnetic field intensity using Zeeman’s Conduct practical on Zee
7 effect. man’s effect
WEEK General Objectives: 9.0 Understand the properties of magnetic materials.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
9.1 Determine the properties of magnetic materials - do - Mild steel,
11 galvanometer,
Course: Thermodynamics Course Code: PYE 321 Contact Hours: 3hrs Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the first law of thermodynamics
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1-2 First Law of Thermodynamics Lecture with worked
1.1 Write the equation of state of the ideal gas. examples.
1.2 Define specific heat capacities of gas i.e Cp and Cv. Give tutorial questions as
1.3 Explain the concept of work done by an expanding gas. assignment
1.4 Define isothermal and adiabatic processes. Give tutorial classes.
1.5 Interpret the ratio of specific heat capacities, i.e Cp/Cv Explain the equation of an
=Ŵ where Cp, Cv are specific heat capacities at constant ideal gas.
Define specific heat
pressure and volume respectively, Ŵ is a constant. capacity of gas.
1.6 State the first law of thermodynamics. Explain adiabatic
1.7 Prove that Cp-Cv = R where R is gas constant. isothermal processes.
1.8 Calculate the values of Ŵ = Cp/Cv for a gaseous mixture. Prove that cp-cv- = R.
The gases are assumed to be ideal. Cp, is specific heat Calculate some simple
capacity at constant pressure, Cv is specific heat capacity problems.
at constant volume.
- do -
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the processes by which changes in thermodynamics system are effected
WEEK Cyclic
General Processes Explain how changes in a
Objectives: 2.0 Understand the second law of thermodynamics
3.1 State
Special how changes
Learning in a thermodynamic system are
Objectives thermodynamic
Teachers system are Resources
6-8 effected by processes.
Second Law of Thermodynamics effected by processes.
3.2 State
2.1 Distinguish between
the second flow and non-flow
law thermodynamics in processes.
the form of Explain the difference
3-5 Kelvin – Planck’s statement. between
Give flowquestions
tutorial and non-flow
2.2 Explain the second law using working cycles on the P-V process.
diagram for heat engines and refrigerators. Give tutorial classes.
2.3 Derive expressions for (i) work done in a car not engine; Explain the 2nd law of
(ii) efficiency of the car not engine. thermodynamics in the
2.4 State the clausius statement for the second law. form of Kelvin-Palankk’s
2.5 Explain how the statements in 2.1 and 2.4 are equivalent. statement.
2.6 Explain the equivalence of the ideal gas temperature and With illustration explain
Kelvin temperature. the second law using
2.7 Explain the concept of entropy. working cycles on the P-V
2.8 Explain the second law in terms of entropy change for diagram for heat engines.
heat engines and refrigerators. Explain the Glausins
2.9 State the Tds equations. statement for the second
2.10Describe the Joule-kelvin effect. law.
2.11Obtain conditions for Joule-kelvin effect, using th Tds Compare the 2nd law of
equation and inversion curves. thermodynamics and
2.12 Describe the process of liquefaction of gas, using Joule- Clausins statement of the
kelvin effect. 2nd law.
Explain the Tds equations.
Explain the Joule-Kelvin
State condition for Joule-
Kelvin effect using the Tds
equation and
Explain the process of
liquefaction of gas using
the Joule-Kelvin effect.
3.3 State the conditions which must be satisfied by steady State and explain the
flow processes. conditions which must be
WEEK General
3.4 Objectives:
Derive the steady flow energy equation (SFEE) satisfied by steady flow
Q-W 9(h -h
Special Learning –G2 –Z2-Z1)g) M
2 1) + C2 Objectives: processes. Activities
Teachers Resources
-2000 1000 Drive the formula in 3.4.
where h=specific enthalpy; m=mass flow rate into the control Explain the steady – flow
volume; c= velocity; z = height above a datam level; energy in relation to:
g = acceleration due to gravity; Q = heat transfer rate; W=Rate (i) boiler
at which work is done. (ii) condensers
3.5 Apply the steady – flow energy equation to boiler, (iii) turbines and
condensers, turbines and compressors. (iv) compressors.
3.6 Derive the non-flow energy equation U2 –U1 = Q- Drive the no-flow energy
Where U2 is the final energy of a system; U1 is the initial equation
energy of the system; Q is the quantity of heat transferred and U2 – U, = Q – W
W is the work done. Explain the non-flow
3.7 Apply the non-flow equation to: energy equation in relation
(i) constant volume proceses; (ii) constant pressure to:
processes; (iii) adiabatic processes; and (iv) (i) constant volume
polytropic proceses. processes
3.8 Define: (i) a reversible process; (ii) irreversible process. (ii) constant
3.9 Distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes. pressure
3.10 Explain why a reversible process is impossible in reality. processes
(iii) adiabatic
(iv) polytropic
Define: (i) a reversible
process (ii) irreversible
Give the difference(s)
between reversible and
irreversible processes.
Explain why a reversible
process is impossible in
44 reality.
Properties of pure substances Lecture.
4.1 Define internal energy, U. Define internal energy, U.
WEEK General Objectives:
4.2 Relate 4.0 Know
internal energy to thethe
firstProperties of pure substancesExplain
law of thermodynamics. in termsthe
of relationship
the thermodynamic functions
4.3 Define enthalpy, H = U
Special Learning Objectives: + PV. between
Teachers internal energy
Activities Resources
4.4 Explain how the change in enthalpy for an isobaric and 1 law of
process is equal to the heat transferred. thermodynamics.
4.5 Apply enthalpy to: (i) throttling process; and (ii) a pure Define enthalpy, H = U +
substance undergoing a reversible process. PV.
4.6 Define the helmholte function, F = U – TS. Explain how the heat
4.7 Explain how the changes of helmoholte function during transferred can be
an isothermal process equal the work done on the system. compared to the changes in
4.8 Define the Gibbs’s function, G = U – TS + PV enthalpy for an isobaric
4.9 Derive the Maxwell’s equations on the Tds equations by process.
applying the thermodynamic potentials. Compare enthalpy in
4.10 Determine the principal specific heat capacities using relation to: (i) throttling
Maxwell’s equation. process; and (ii) a pure
substance undergoing a
reversible process.
Define Helmholtz function,
F = U – Ts.
Define the Gibb’s function
G = U – Ts + PV.
Explain and drive the
Maxwell’s equations on the
Tds equations by applying
the thermodynamix
Drive the principal specific
heat capacities using
Maxwell’s equation.
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the third law of thermodynamics
Third law of thermodynamics State and explain the third
5.1 State the third law of thermodynamics. law of thermodynamics.
5.2 List the elementary physical consequences of the third List the elementary physics
law. consequencies of the 3rd
5.3 Explain the unattainability of absolute zero. law.
5.4 Apply the law in 5.1 above to allotropic transformation Give the application of
and glasses. thermodynamics with
relevant examples in
relation to (i)
transformation (ii) glasses.
WEEK General Objectives: 6.0 Understand the importance of combustion as one of the ways of producing thermal energy
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Fuels and Combustions Explain the classification
13 – 15 6.1 Classify fuels according to the phases in which they are of fuel according to the
handled as liquid, gaseous and solid fuels. phases: i.e. gaseous, liquid
6.2 Explain the nature of each type of fuel, including nuclear and solid fuels.
fuels. Explain combustion.
6.3 Define combustion. Explain composition
6.4 Calculate the composition change of fuel on combustion change of fuel on
in air. combustion in air.
6.5 Deduce air-fuel ratio exhaust gas analysis. Explain (i) percentage
6.6 Define: (i) percentage excess air; and (ii) mixture excess air; (ii) mixture
strength. strength.
6.7 Deduce: (i) enthalpy formation (ii) heat of reaction (iii) Explain how with first law
performance of combustion equipment using first law of if thermodynamics,
thermodynamics. deduce: (i) enthalpy
6.8 Define calorific value. formation (ii) heat of
6.9 Explain how higher and lower calorific values for reaction (iii) performance
products of combustion can be determined. of combustion.
6.10 Define: (i) flame speed; (ii) ignition temperature. Explain calorific value.
6.11 Describe the processes of dielectric and induction Explain (i) flame speed (ii)
heating. ignition temperature.
6.12 List the application of induction and dielectric heating. Explain dielectric and
induction heating.
Explain the application of
induction and dielectric
Course: Material Science II (polymers and Ceramics) Course Code: PYE 322 Contact Hours: 3hrs Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the chemical process involved in polymerization and it’s relationship to
observed physical properties of polymers.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Polymers, types and
Polymerization and Relevant
uses properties of polymers. Lecture. Textbooks.
1.1 Differentiate
2.1 Explain how abetween
joins up and
to become
a polymer. Lecture.
1.2 using
List the
steps involved in polymerization (i.e. initiation, Question and answers.
2.2 Classify
and termatination).
into their different groups or types by
1.3 their
and use.polymerization and
2.3 Explain
how addition
of sulphur and / or oxygen leads to
1.4 vulcanization.
Explain the chemical inertness of most polymers and
susceptibility of monomers with some functional groups
like alcoholic (- OH) and carboxylic (COOH) to chemical
1.5 State the relationship between the number of carbon
(backbone) atoms and melting temperature as well as
tensile strength.
1.6 Calculate number average and weight average molecular
weight as well as degree of polymerizations.
Stability of Polymers (plastics)
WEEK 4.1 Explain
General the alterations in chemical and physical structure
due to exposition of polymers to radiations.
Special Learning
4.2 Describe howObjectives:
radiation damage polymers can be Teachers Activities Resources
2.4 Explain
minimized.the relationship between (i) branching and
4.3 density
thebranching and
relationship strengththe
between (iii) branching
number and
of carbon
atoms and degradation of radiation.
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the methods of forming plastics into shapes using additives
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand Ceramic materials
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
10 – 15 Ceramic materials Lecture.
5.1 Classify ceramic materials by their (i) chemical
components (ii) occurrence (iii) electrical properties (iv)
transparency (v) uses.
5.2 State the chemical formulae of commonly occurring
ceramic materials in use e.g. silica, limestone, magnetite,
alumna, dolomite and typical clay (e.g. koolin, e.t.c.).
5.3 Explain the modifying effects of heat on ceramics.
5.4 State the uses of the following additives in ceramic
bodies (i) network modifiers (ii) colouring oxides (iii)
5.5 State the for glazing.
5.6 Describe the process of glazing.
5.7 List components used in forming glazes.
5.8 List the materials used in making glass.
5.9 Explain the thermo-plasticity of glass.
5.10 Describe steps in producing pottery ceramics.
5.11 Explain moulding by (i) die casting (ii) pressing (iii)
blowing (for glass).
5.12 State factors involved in the selection of materials for
ceramics with respect to (I) cost (ii) properties (iii) ease
of forming (iv) durability (v) safety factors.
Course: Electromgnetism II Course Code: PYE 323 Contact Hours: Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the concept of electromagnetic Induction
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Describe the Faraday’s experiment on induction Explain the law of Textbooks.
1 –2 1.2 State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. electromagnetic inductions.
1.3 State Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction Obtain mathematical
1.4 Express the Laws in 1.2 and 1.3 above mathematically. expressions for laws of
1.5 Explain induced e.m.f. and induced current. electromagnetic induction.
1.6 Derive an expression for induced e.m.f. in Discuss the practical
(i) a rod moving in a magnetic field. applications of
(ii) A rectangular coil (iii) circular coil, moving in a electromagnetic induction.
magnetic field. Distinguish between self
1.7 Explain practical applications of electromagnetic inductance and mutual
induction in general of electrical power, and in betatron. inductance.
1.8 Deduce the differential form of Faraday’s Law from the Explain the effect by
integral form. stresses losses in magnetic
1.9 Explain self-inductance and mutual inductance . materials.
1.10 Derive expressions for self inductance and mutual Solve problems on
inductance of circuits. electromagnetic induction.
1.11 Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor
and total magnetic energy of a system of currents. .
1.12 Explain hysterics losses in ferromagnetic materials
1.13 Draw the hysterics loop for soft and hard magnetic
1.14 Explain energy product, and maximum energy product.
1.15 Solve numerical problems.
WEEK General Objectives: 2.0 Understand Maxwell’s equations and their solutions
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 State equation of continuity. Explain the relationship
3-5 2.2 Interpret the equation in terms of conservation of charge. between displacement
2.3 Define displacement current (Id) and displacement current and displacement
current density (Jd). current density.
2.4 State the differential form of Ampere’s Law. Solve problems on ampears
2.5 Modify Ampere’s Law for currents changing with time. law.
2.6 Derive the four Maxwell equations. Obtain the Maxwell’s
2.7 State the constitutive relations: Ĵ = & Ē, D = EE and B = equations and their
Μ H in linear, isotropic homogeneous media. significance.
2.8 Explain the physical significance of each of the Discuss the merits and
Maxwell’s equation. demerits of
2.9 Apply Maxwell’s equations to fields varying rapidly with electromagnetic radiations.
2.10 State an example in which fields change rapidly with
2.11 Explain electromagnetic radiation in terms of rapidly
changing fields.
2.12 Describe electromagnetic radiation.
WEEK General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the properties of electromagnetic waves and their propagation in free space
and matter.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
3.1 State Maxwell’s equation in free space Explain Maxwell’s
3.2 Solve Maxwell’s equation in free space. equation in free space.
6-8 3.3 Show that the solution of 3.2 corresponds to waves with Define the important
speed of light. features of the
3.4 Show that the speed of light in free space is related to µo electromagnetic field.
and Σo (permeability and permittivity of free space). Apply the expression
3.5 Explain the important features of the electromagnetic obtained in 3.7 to solve
field by plane waves; wave number, wavelength, period numerical problems.
frequency and wave velocity. Explain the characteristics
3.6 Explain polarized plane wave. of electric and magnetic
3.7 State the expression for linearly polarized plane wave. fields in the
3.8 \illustrate with the aid of diagrams, the relative directions electromagnetic wave.
of electric and magnetic field vectors in a plane wave. Explain the terms listed in
3.9 Derive the relation between the electric and magnetic 3.12.
fields in the electromagnetic wave. Give practical examples of
3.10 Define the refractive index of the medium. skin effects.
3.11 Calculate the energy in an electromagnetic wave
3.12 Define (i) Pointing vector (ii) wave group (iii) wave
velocity, (iv) phase velocity (v) group velocity.
3.13 Determine the attenuation of plane waves in conductors.
3.14 Explain the skin effect.
3.15 Describe the absorption of plane waves in insulators.
3.16 Define absorption index.
WEEK General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the propagation of high frequency signals along transmission lines.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Define a transmission line. Illustrate the
4.2 Define (i) a lossy line, and (ii) a loss less line properties of a
4.3 Explain astematron along transmission line transmission line with
9-11 4.4 Explain the properties of loss line the aid of diagrams.
4.5 Write the voltage equation for a wave traveling along a line. Apply the equations
4.6 Write current equation for a wave traveling along a line. obtained in 4.5 and
4.7 Describe commonly used line e.g. coaxial cables and parallel 4.6 to solve problems
strip lines. on T- line.
4.8 Calculate capacitance per unit length and inductance per unit Discuss the
length of commonly used lines. reflections at the end
4.9 Derive (i) the characteristic impedance of lines; (ii) speeds of of transmission line.
signal propagation along the line. Obtain the voltage
4.10 Explain reflections at the end of transmission lines. standing wave ratio
4.11 Explain standing waves along the lines. from a typical
4.12 Calculate voltage standing wave ratio. transmission line.
4.13 Explain mismatched transmission line. Explain the
4.14 Explain impedance matching. application of
4.15 Explain transmission lines as high frequency circuit. impedance matching
in practical systems.
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the propagation of high frequency signal wave - guides
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
5.1 Describe wave guides in common sense
12-15 5.2 Compare a wave guide with an antenna in transmitting waves. Explain the operational
5.3 Describe the propagation of waves between conducting principles of
planes. waveguides.
5.4 Explain the reflection and transmission of electromagnetic
5.5 State the boundary conditions.
5.6 Define transverse electromagnetic (TSM) waves.
5.7 Write an expression for acceptance propagation mode.
5.8 Define (i) cut-off frequency modes (ii) wave guide number Discuss the properties
and (iii) guide wavelength. of electromagnetic
5.9 Explain the characteristics of the waves that can travel down a wave.
rectangular wave guide.
5.10Write the wave guide equation.
5.11 Write expressions for TEmm wave, where TEmm is
transverse electromagnetic wave. Compare the
5.12 Write expressions for TMmm wave, where TMmm is expressing for TEmm
transverse mechanical wave. and TMmm waves.
5.13Explain how Tmo1, TM10, modes vanish in rectangular wave Discuss power flow in
guide. a practical waveguide.
5.14State the losses in practical wave guides. Draw the basic
5.15Describe the basic structure of a cavity resonator (reflex structure of a cartty
klystron or magnetron) resonator.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
5.16Calculate the resonant frequency of a rectangular cavity. Solve problems using
5.17State expressions for both electric and magnetic fields in expressions obtained in
the cavity. 5.17.
5.18Explain how TE and TM modes are obtained in the cavity. Discuss the application of
5.19List the different uses of cavities. cavities in practical
Course: Mechnaics Course Code: PYE 324 Contact Hours: 2 hrs Unit
2.1 Define position vector. Explain position vector.
2.0 Textbooks.
2.2 Differentiate
Course Specification: with respect
Theoretical Contentto time :- Differentiate these vector
(i) position vector (ii) velocity vector
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the concept of Vector Algebra quantities with respect to
2.3 Differentiate a unit vector with respect to time. time (i) velocity vector (ii)
Special Learning
2.4 Integrate Objectives:
a vector with respect to a scalar. Teachers Activities
position vector (iii) unit Resources
2.5 Explain:-
Express in(i)polar
the form:
Cartesian co-ordinate system
(i) displacement Explain the Cartesian co-
(ii) velocity and vector. Textbooks.
1 –2 (ii) plane polar
(iii) acceleration. coordinate system. ordinate system, plane
Integrate a vector with
2.6 Define (i) theunit vector (ii) null vector
del operator polar co-ordinate
respect to a scalar.system.
1.3 Add and substract vector in Cartesian system.
2.7 Explain: (i) grad of a scalar (ii) divergence of a vector Explain scalar
(i) gradand
of vector
a scalar
1.4Explain scalar
(iii) curl of a multiplication
vector. of vectors (vector dot quantities.
(ii) divergence of a vector
product) Explain
(iii) curl cross and dot
of a vector.
1.1 Explain vector cross product. product of vectors.
1.2 Calculate the magnitude of a vector. Calculate magnitude of a
1.3 Explain the direction cosine of vectors. .vector.
1.4 Calculate the angle between two vectors. Discuss direction cosine of
Calculate angle between
two vectors.
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the concept of vector calculus
WEEK General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the applications of vector algebra and calculus
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Expresssecond
Relate force in vector
order form. equation to parameters of
differential Derive
Discusson expression in 3.2 Textbooks.
3.2 Derive
an an expression
oscillating system. for work done by a force moving Discuss the components
Apply second order of
4.2 between two
Explain: points
(i) free along a chosen
oscillations path. oscillations and
(ii) damped force at any point in a
differentiate equation to
3.3 Explain
(iii) conservative
forced oscillations.field conservative
parameters infield.
4.1, 4.3.
4.3 Explainthe
Apply thesecond
components of force at any
order differential pointto
equation inharmonic
a Write an expression
Calculate the amplitudefor
motion, whichfield.
is under damped, critically damped and potential
and phaseenergy and
in forced
3.5 over
an expression for potential energy in a conservative
kinetic energy in a
4.4 Calculate the amplitude and phase in forced oscillation.conservative field.
Apply differentiate
3.6 Apply
4.5 Derivedifferential
an expression for kinetic
equation energy
to R-L-C in a conservative.
electrical State
circuits.the to
equation lawequation
of in 4.5.
3.7 Write an expression for the conservation of energy. conservation of energy.
7-11 3.8 State the law of conservation of energy. Explain linear momentum
3.9 Express linear momentum in Cartesian coordinates. in Cartesian co-ordinate.
3.10 Explain the conservation of linear momentum. Discuss the conservation of
3.11 Explain elastic and inelastic collisions. linear momentum in
3.12 Calculate the final velocity of bodies in elastic and Cartesian co-ordinate.
inelastic. Discuss the conservation of
linear momentum.
Explain elastic and
inelastic collision.
Solve simple questions on
final velocity of bodies
inelastic and inelastic.
General Objectives: 4.0 Know the application of differential equations to vibrations and oscillation
General Objectives: 4.0 Know the application of differential equations to vibrations and oscillation
4.1 Relate second order differential equation to parameters of Discuss 4.2. Textbooks.
an oscillating system. Apply second order
4.2 Explain: (i) free oscillations (ii) damped oscillations and differentiate equation to
(iii) forced oscillations. parameters in 4.1, 4.3.
4.3 Apply the second order differential equation to harmonic Calculate the amplitude
motion, which is under damped, critically damped and and phase in forced
over damped. oscillation.
4.4 Calculate the amplitude and phase in forced oscillation. Apply differentiate
4.5 Apply differential equation to R-L-C electrical circuits. equation to equation in 4.5.
Course: Analogue Electronics 1 Course Code: PYE 325 Contact Hours: 2 hrs
Semiconductor Diode
Course Specification: Theoretical Content Explan the principle of Textbooks.
1.1 List the various types of diodes and their symbols (i.e p- operation of (i) p – n
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the Construction, Characteristics and uses of different semiconductor diode
n junction diode, breakdown (zener) diode, Tunnel junction diode.
Special Learning Objectives:
(Esaki) diode, photodiodes, and light emitting diodes) Teachers
(ii) tunnel Activities
diodes (iii) Resources
1.2 Describe the construction and V-I characteristic of:- photodiode.
(i) P-N Junction diode (ii) Tunnel diodes (iii) Explain the V-I
Photodiode characteristics of diodes
1.3 State the uses of the various types of diodes listed in 1.2 under former 2 and reverse
above. biased conditions.
1.4 Compare V-I characteristics of Silicon and germanium Solve problems involving
diodes under forward and reverse biased conditions. diode equation.
1.5 Describe an experiment to determine V-I characteristics Give practical applications
for silicon and germanium diodes. of diodes.
1.6 Explain the diode equation. Give practical applications
1.7 Draw the equivalent circuit of a diode (Piecewise-linear of diodes.
1.8 Derive an expression for diode resistance from the diode .
1.9 Describe how to determine the static and dynamic
resistance of a silicon diode (general purpose diode)
1.10 Describe how to determine zener diode characteristics.
Work Examples.
General Objectives:
Transistor 2.0 Understand the constructional features,
Characteristics characteristics
Distinguish and n-p-n
between uses of various transistors
WEEK 2.1 List the various types of transistors and their symbols and p-n-p bipolar
Special transistors,
Learning field-effect transistors, injunction
Objectives transistors.
Teachers Activities Resources
transistors and silicon controlled rectifiers Explain the characteristic
2.2 Draw circuit diagrams of properly biased P-n-P, n-p-n curves for bipolar transistor
bipolar transistors for different configurations. in common – base,
2.3 Draw characteristics curves for bipolar transistor in: common-emitter and
(i) common base (CB) configuration common-collector
(ii) common-emmitter (CE) configuration configurations.
(iii) common-collector (C.C) configuration Solve problems on bipolar
2.4 Determine from 2.3 above the following (i) imput transistors.
resistance (ii) voltage gain (iii) current gain (iv) output Discuss the application by
resistance brid parameters of
2.5 Explain how to measure experimentally the basic equivalent circuit of a
parameters of transistor in common-Emmitter bipolar transistor.
configuration. Explain the principle of
2.6 Draw the hybrid(h-) parameters equivalent circuit of a operation of field effect
bipolar transistor. transistor (FST).
2.7 Find Av of a vacuum Tube amplifier stage using (a) the Solve problems on the
venin equivalent circuit formula (b) Norton equivalent characteristic curve of field
circuit formula. effect transistor.
2.8 Describe the constructional features and equivalent Explain the constructional
circuit of the mud field effect transistor (FET) factors of the Unijunction.
Give practical applications
of Unijunction Transistor.
Explain the principle of
operation of silicon
controlled rectifier (SCR).
WEEK General Objectives
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the analysis and parameters of single stage amplifiers with high input impedance
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
Amplifier circuits with high inputs impedance. Explain the circuit
4.1 Draw circuit diagram of a common collector amplifier (emitter diagrams of a common
follower). collector amplifier
4.2 Derive an expression for the input impedance of the common- (emitter follower).
4-6 collect using h-parameter. Give practical
4.3 State the properties of a common collector amplifier. applications of common
4.4 Describe the bootstrapping technique of increasing the input collector amplifier.
impedance of an emitter follower. Discuss the circuit
4.5 Draw the circuit diagram of a FET amplifier in common collector diagram of FET in single
configuration. stage amplifier.
4.6 State the properties of FET in 4.5 above.
4.7 Explain some applications of common collector amplifier and FET
Course: Telecommunication Principle Course Code: PYE 326 Contact Hours 2 :0:0
Course Specification: Theoretical content
General Objectives; 1.0 Understand the AM(Amplitude Modulated) wave
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the frequency response of RC coupled amplifiers
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
Frequency response of RC coupled Explain the P – C
5.1 Describe the frequency response of typical RC coupled coupled amplifier circuit.
amplifiers. Discuss the frequency
5.2 Determine the band width of an RC coupled amplifier from the response curve of an P-C
4-6 frequency response curve. coupled amplifier.
5.3 Explain the effect of the coupling capacitor on the frequency Give assignments to
response curve at low and high frequency. students on R-C coupled
5.4 Describe the effect of the emitter by-pass conductor on the amplifier.
frequency response of the emplifier.
5.5 Describe how to determine the frequency response curve of an
RC coupled amplifier.
1.1 Write the mathematical expression for Derive the mathematical Textbook
an amplitude modulated wave expression for an amplitude
1.2 Sketch the spectrum of an AM wave modulated wave
from the expression in 1.1
1.3 Write the expression for Explain the expression (i) the
(i) the transmitted band width transmitted band width (ii)AM
(ii) AM radiated power radiated powers
1.4 Explain why more power resides in the
carrier than in the side bands. Explain modulation index
1.5 Define modulation index
1.6 Explain the need for transmission using Explain the concept of
(i) DSB (ii) SSB (iii) DSBSC (iv) transmission in relation to (i)
(iv) SSBSC
1.7 Explain the generation of Amplitude
Modulated signals using appropriate Explain the generation signals
electronic circuit using appropriate electronic
1.8 Write the advantages and disadvantages circuit
of (i) SSB (ii)DSB (iii) DSBSC (iv)
SSBDC Explain the advantages and
1.9 Explain the need for SSB pilot carrier disadvantages listed in 1.8
General Objectives: 2.0
4.0 Understand the principles
FM (frequency modulated)
of digital signal
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
Frequency Modulated Explain frequency
2.1 Write expression for frequency Modulated wave form modulated wave form
2.2 Explain the following terms in relation to FM wave form:- and derive expression for
(i) frequency deviation (ii) radiated power (iii) frequency it.
4-6 swing; (iv) bond width Explain frequency
2.3 Explain why frequency modulated (FM) signal requires wider modulation and
band width than amplitude modulated (AM) signal. amplitude modulation.
2.4 Sketch the spectrum of an FM wave form. Explain the advantages
2.5 State the advantages and disadvantages of FM over AM and disadvantages of FM
2.6 Describe the production of FM signal using: and AM.
(i) varactor diode; (ii) reactance valve Explain the production of
2.7 Explain pre-emphasis circuit FM.
Explain pre-emphases
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand AM and FM detection
3.1 Show mathematically how a diode can be used to detect an AM Explain how a diode can
signal. be used to detect AM
7-9 3.2 Explain envelope detection. signal.
3.3 Explain the square law detector. Explain how expression
3.4 Derive expression for output of square law detector can be derived for out put
3.5 Sketch the output wave form of square law detector of square law detector.
3.6 Explain, with the aid of sketches, the operation of the following Explain with aid of
circuit diagrams for FM detection: (i) Foster-Seeley; (ii) Radio diagram the output
detector waveform of square law
3.7 Explain de-emphasis circuit. detector.
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand different telecommunication system
1.1 Explain
Course: Physical Opticswhat is meant by wave motion . Course Code: PYE 327 Explain wave motions.
Contact Hours: 2 Textbooks.
Unit 2.0
1.2 Explain importance Content
Course Specification: Theoretical of sine wave in physical optics. Write equations of
1.3 Write equations of wave
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand motion the nature of waves wave motion.
1.4 Write down the solution of wave equation. Explain what is meant
Special Learning
1.5 Explain Objectives:
the terms (i) phase (ii) phase difference Teachers Activities
by (i) phase. (ii) phase Resources
1.6 Define (i) phase velocity or wave velocity (ii) intensity (iii) difference.
amplitude Explain (i) intendits
1.7 Explain when it is appropriate to think of light as consisting of waves (ii) amplitude and
and when as consisting of rays. velocity of waves.
1.8 Calculate the velocity, frequency and amplitude of wave using Calculate the
equations 1.3 above. frequency, velocity and
1.9 Describe properties of waves such as :- amplitude of wave
(i) reflection (ii) refraction (iii) diffraction (iv) polarization (v) using equation in 1.3
interference above.
1.10 Explain wave packets Explain the properties
1.11 Explain how to determine the velocity of light by various methods :- of waves such as (i)
(i) Romer’s reflection (ii)
(ii) Fizean’s and refraction, (iii)
(iii) Michelson’s interference e.t.c.
Explain wave packets.
Explain methods used
to determine velocity of
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the principle of superposition of waves
WEEK 3.1 State Huygen’s principle Explain Huygen’s
3.2 Explain Coherent sources.
Special Learning Objectives principle.
Teachers Activities Resources
3.3 Explain the principles of Young’s slit experiment. Describe the principles of
2.1 Add simple
3.4 Describe sinusoidal
intensity waves in fringes system.
distribution Discuss slit
Yung’s the experiment.
2.2 Explain the superposition of many waves
3.5 Explain the principle of Fresnel’s biprism with random phases. position of many waves
Describe the intensity
2.3 Differentiate
3.6 Describe complex
the functions of Lody’s mirror and with randominphases.
distribution Fringes
2.4 Fresnel’s
Explain the use
mirror. of Fourier Analysis in resolving complex wave Explain
system. complex waves.
3 patterns into simple components. Discuss the use of
3.7 Describe Michelson’s interferometer Differentiate between
2.5 Explain group velocity
3.8 Differentiate between circular fringes and localized fringes. Fourier analysis in
functions of the mirrors
3.9 Describe white light fringes. resolving
in 3.6. complex wave
3.10 Explain visibility of fringes. patterns.
Differentiate between
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the interference phenomenon
3.11 Describe the measurement of lengths using interferometer. of waves
circular fringes and local
3.12 Explain the working of Twyman and Green interferometer. pad fringes.
3.13 Explain the determination of index of refraction using Explain white light
interferometer. fringes and visibility of
3.14 Determine the wavelength of light if given the width of the fringes.
fringes on the screen when a plane light falls on Fresnel’s mirrors Describe the way
with an angle between them. Twyman and Green
3.15 Explain why in Michelson’s interferometer using yellow sodium refractometer work.
line coroposed of two wavelengths, the interference patter Explain how to
vanished periodically when there is a translational displacement determine index of
of one of the mirrors refraction using
Determine the
wavelength of light in
Explain 3.15.
Describe reflection from
a plane – parallel film.
General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives Teachers Activities Resources
3.16 Describe reflection from a plane parallel film. Discuss interference in
3.17 Identify fringes of equal inclination. transmitted light.
3.18 Explain interference in transmitted light. Explain fringes of equal
3.19 Explain fringes of equal thickness. thickness.
3.20 Explain Newton’s rings. Derive an expression for
3.21 Derive an expression for intensity function. intensity function.
3.22 Describe chromatic resolving power. Describe chromatic
3.23 Explain channeled spectra (Interference filter) resolving power.
Explain 3.2.
4.1 Explain the term diffraction Explain what diffraction
4.2 Explain relationship between fresnel and fraunhofer diffraction. means in waves.
General Objectives:
4.3 Explain diffraction by a single slit. Relate between fresnel
7-9 4.4 Explain chromatic resolving power of a prism. and
4.5 Explain
Special resolving
Learning power of telescope.
Objectives FraunhoferActivities
Teachers diffraction. Resources
4.6 Explain brightness and illumination of star images. Explain diffraction by a
4.7 Calculate resolving power of a microscope. single slit.
4.8 Explain phase contrast. Discuss chromatic
4.9 Write equation for the intensity. resolving power of a
4.10 Explain the difference between single-slit and double slit prism.
patterns Explain resolving power
4.11 Differentiate between interference and diffraction in telescope.
4.12 Explain effect of finite width of source slit. Describe brightness and
illumination of star
4.13 Explain
the effect
of increasing
of slits. absorptionpower
Explain resolving and
5.2 Describe
Explain absorption
intensity distribution
by solids andfrom
an ideal grating. scattering
of of light.
5.3 Explain
the maxima and minima (missing orders) Calculate
Relate theresolving
5.4 Explain principal
selective reflection
maxima (residual way) power
Describeof absorption
above. of
5.5 Differentiate
Explain the relationship
between minima
reflection. gases. phase contrast.
5.6 Explain
small angle.
by a grating Relateequation
Write between forthethe
5.7 Explain theory of scattering. intensity.
absorption and reflection
5.8 Explain molecular scattering (blue colour of sky) Differentiate
of light. between
General Objectives:
the term 6.0 Understand dispersion of Light
5.9 Explain scattering index and refractive index. Explain molecular
interference and
WEEK scattering.
Special Learning Objectives Teachers
Explain Activities
the is meant
effect of by Resources
6.1 Explain the effects of absorption on dispersion. Explain
finite the
width effects
and of slit
of scattering
6.2 Explain dispersion curve of a surface. absorption
index. onincreasing
effect of dispersion.
6.3 Derive the electromagnetic equations for transparent media. the number of Blits.curve
Explain dispersion
6.4 Explain theory of dispersion. of a surface.
Explain the positions of
12-13 6.5 Describe the nature of vibrating particles and fractional forces. maxima theory
Explain of
and minima.
dispersion. between
minima 6.5secondary
General Objectives: 7.0 Understand Polarization maxima.
Discuss 4.18
7.1 Explain polarization by reflection.
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand Scattering and absorption of lightDiscuss polarization by
7.2 Explain polarization angle and Brewster’s law. reflection.
7-9 7.3 Explain polarization by a pile of plates. Explain polarization
7.4 Define Malus Law. angle and Brewster’s
7.5 Explain polarization by dichroic crystals law.
7.6 Explain double refraction Explain polarization by a
7.7 Describe refraction by calcite prism. pile of plates.
7.8 Explain polarization by scattering. Explain polarization by
7.9 Calculate (a) reflection coefficients. (b) the degree of diachronic crystals.
polarization of the reflected light using Fresnel equations when Explain double
natural light falls at Brewster angle on the surface of glass. refraction.
7.10 Construct, using Huygen’s principle, wavefronts and the Discuss polarization by
propagation directions of ordinary and extra ordination rays in a scattering.
positive uniaxial crystal whose optic axis: (a) is perpendicular to Calculate problems in
the incidence plane and parallel to the surface of the
77crystal; (b) 7.9.
lies in the incidence plane and parallel to the surface of the
Course: Electronics Practical 1 Course Code: PYE 328 Contact Hours: 6 Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Practical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the Construction, Characteristics of Semiconductor diodes
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Determine the static and dynamic characteristics of a silicon diode Conduct practical to Diodes (si,Ge),
1 –2 (general purpose diode) determine the CRO, Zener
1.2 Investigate the working of the diode as a limiter and clamper. characteristics of diode, power
1.3 Determine zener diode characteristics. diodes, and investigate supply unit.
1.4 Investigate the working of a diode in single phase, half-wave and full their use on half wave Multimeter
wave rectification. and full wave rectifier (digital)
connecting wires,
. voltmeter, signal
generator etc.
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the parameters of C-E single stage transistor amplifiers
3.1 Investigate the properties of a transistor power amplifier. Conduct practicals to CRO, power
3.2 Determine the voltage and current gains of a C-E amplifier investigate the supply unit signal
3.3 Investigate the effect of negative feedback on the gain and properties/parameters of generator, probes
frequency response of an amplifier. transistors.
3.4 Investigate the effects of positive feedback in the gain and
bandwidth of transistor amplifier.
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the frequency response of RC –coupled amplifier
4.1 Determine the high frequency response curve of an RC coupled Conductor practical to - do -
amplifier. determine high and low
4.2 Determine the low frequency response of an amplifier frequency response of
coupled amplifier
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the concept of multistage amplifier
WEEK General Objectives: 6.0 Understand the working of Multivibrators
6.1 Investigate the behavior of monostable and A stable coupled Conduct practical to - do -
transistor multivibrators. investigate the behavior
of mono-and a stable
General Objectives: 7.0 Understand the behavior of small signal tuned amplifier
7.1 Determine the bandwidth in tuned transistor amplifier circuits Conduct practical - do -
determine the bandwidth
of tuned amplifier
General Objectives: 8.0 Understand the concept of power amplifier
8.1 Determine the efficiency of class A transistor power amplifier Conduct practical to - do -
8.2 Determine the efficiency of class B transistor power amplifier determine efficiency of with appropriate
class A and B power consumables
Course: Electronics/Instrumentation Workshop Course Code: PYE 411 Contact Hours: Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Practical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Know electronic components and their specifications.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Electronics Components Demonstration Textbook
1 –4 1.1 Identify the following electronic components in relation to their Lab-manual
symbols types,, rating, colour coding/valves, and areas of applications:
(i) resistors
(ii) capacitors
(iii) inductors
(iv) diodes (Pn-junction, zener, tunnel, LED)
(v) transistors (BJT, FET,UJT)
(vi) Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)
(vii) Dial
(viii) Triac
(ix) Integrated, circuit, operational Amplifier Logic gates, rectifiers,
Regulators etc
(x) Transformers
1.2 Test, using appropriate instruments, the conditions of components
listed in 1.1 above.
1.3 Obtain necessary information on components listed in 1.1 above using
data books.
WEEK General Objectives: 2.0 Understand soldering Techniques
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Soldering Techniques Explain the precautions
2.1 State all precautions to be taken before and when :- necessary to be taken
(i) Soldering before and during
(ii) De-soldering soldering and ele-
2.2 Select appropriate soldering lead and soldering iron soldering.
2.3 State the importance of flux in soldering State the importance of
5-7 2.4 Solder materials applying correct techniques. flux in soldering.
2.5 De-solder materials applying correct techniques. Differentiate between a
2.6 Distinguish between a good and dry joint good and a dry joint.
General Objectives:3.0 Understand the layout of components on a Vero board and printed circuit Board (pcb)
3.1 Identify different types of boards such as : Explain the specific
(i) Vero board uses of board listed in
(ii) Bread board 3.1.
8-11 (iii) Matrix board Explain the layout
(iv) Printed circuit board (p.c.b) procedure of
3.2 Explain the specific uses of boards listed in 3.1. components on a
3.3 Explain the layout of components on a Vero board from a given printed circuit board for
circuit diagram. a given circuit diagram.
3.4 Layout components on a Vero board for a given circuit diagram of :-
(i) push-pull power amplifier stage (involving use of heat sink
(ii) regulated power supply unit
(iii) digital devices (using TTL,CMOS etc)
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
WEEK General Objectives:
3.5 Explain the layout procedure of components on a printed circuit
board for a given circuit diagram.
3.6 Produce a printed circuit board (p.c.b) for any given circuit.
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the methods of fault finding in instruments.
Course: Instrumentation 1 Course Code: PYE 421 Contact Hours: Unit 3.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the characteristics of Measuring Instruments
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Classify instruments into types, ie. Indicating, recording and Lecture Textbook
1 –2 controlling instruments. Demonstrate and
1.2 Explain the factors affecting instrument selection e.g. accuracy supervise.
precision, resolution, sensivity and range reliability, cost, static and Explain how
dynamic response, environment and type of output. instrument can be
1.3 Classify the courses of error in measuring system into: classified into type.
(i) manufacturing errors Explain the factors
(ii) design errors affecting instrument.
(iii) operating errors Explain the
(iv) environmental errors and classification of errors
(v) application errors in measuring systems.
1.4 Explain the importance of calibration
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the composition of a measuring instrument systems.
WEEK 3.1 Explain
General how the following static performance parameters of
Objectives: Explain the concepts of
WEEK General Objectives:
measuring systems can be determined. (i) sensitivity (ii) accuracy (i) sensitivity (ii)
and precision (iii) hysteresis
Special Learning Objectives:(iv) dead-band etc. accuracy
Teachersand precision
Activities Resources
(iii) hysteresis (iv) dead-
Purposes e.g. nature of measurement, environment consideration, bard
Give etc. as related
examples to
of simple
3-6 cost availability etc. static performance
electrical hydraulicofand
2.6 State examples of simple electrical, hydraulic and mechanical measuring system.
mechanical amplifying
amplifying elements elements.
2.7 Explain the principles of operation of each classes of amplifying Give example of signal
element listed in 2.6 converters.
2.8 State examples of signal converters (e.g. a rack and pinion gear, Explain the principle of
a bridge circuit or charger amplifier etc) operation of signal
2.9 Explain the principle of operation of each class of signal converters.
converters in 2.8 above.
2.10 State areas of application of each type of signal converter. Give the practical
2.11 State examples of display units. application of each type
2.12 Explain board classification of display e.g. analog and digital.
of signal converter.
2.13 Explain the principle of operation of the various types of display
Explain the term display
unit. units.
2.14 Explain factors considered in selecting display unit for Explain the principle of
measuring purposes. operation of the various
types of display unit.
General Objectives: 3.0 Know the importance of static and dynamic performance of measuring systems
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
5.1 Describe how force can be measured using the following Explain how force can be
10 methods i.e. (i) gravity-balance (ii) fluid-pressure (iii) measured using the
deflection of elastic element and (iv) Piezoelectric electricfollowing methods in 5.1.
elements Explain how pressure can
5.2 Describe pressure measurement using:- (i) piezometer and be measured using (i)
manometer (ii) deflection and strain of elastic elements. piezometer and
manometer (ii) deflection
and strain of elastic
General Objectives: 6.0 Know the methods of measurement of time, counts, frequency and speed.
Course: Radio Communication Principles Course Code: PYE 413 Contact Hours: Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Contents
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Know various frequency bands within the radio spectrum
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
WEEK General Objectives:
WEEK General Objectives:
3.5 Explain the following types of operating propagation frequency:- Discuss the various
(i) critical frequency frequencies at which
5-6 (ii) maximum frequency radio waves can be
(iii) Optimum working frequency propagated.
3.6 Describe radio wave propagation for different applications such Explain the relevance of
as:- radio wave propagation
(i) broadcasting in broadcasting etc.
(ii) paint to paint communication, etc.
General Objectives: 4.0 Appreciate the principles of modulation and demodulation
Modulation and demodulation Lecture with worked
4.1 Distinguish between carrier and modulating signals. examples.
4.2 Explain modulation Discuss modulation .
4.3 Describe the formation as: Explain the types of
(i) an amplitude modulated carrier signal carriers.
(ii) a frequency modulated carrier List out their advantages
(iii) a pulse modulated carrier and disadvantages.
4.4 State the merits and demerits of AM, and FM signals. Sketch a sine wave for (i)
4.5 Explain the application of AM and FM signals. AM wave pathern, (ii)
4.6 Sketch a properly labeled (i) sine wave amplitude modulated PM wave characteristics.
waveforms. (ii) pulse amplitude modulated wave forms.
4.7 Explain how to obtain frequency spectrum and bandwidth of an Explain Demodulation.
amplitude modulated waveform produced from given (i) sine
wave modulating frequency (ii) speech modulating frequencies
4.8 Describe qualitative “Demodulation” as the reverse process of
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the working principles of Radio Transmitter
WEEK General Objectives:
6.4 Describe some of the limitations of the straight radio receiver Lecture and solve
such as: problems.
13-15 (i) ganging multiple r.f. signals Explain the
(ii) selectivity disadvantages of slvaght
(iii) Bandwidth requirement radio receiver.
6.5 Explain, with the aid of a block diagram the working principle of Discuss with the aid of a
super heterodyne radio receiver. diagram:
6.6 Explain the choice of intermediate frequency (i.f.) (i) the working
6.7 Describe the characteristics and circuit arrangement of : principle of
(i) i.f. amplifier superhetherod
(ii) a local oscillator yne radio
6.8 Explain the problem of second channel (image) interference. receiver.
(ii) I.F amplifier
and an
Course: Analogue Electronics II Course Code: PYE 414 Contact Hours: Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Contents
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the Concept of Multistage Amplifiers
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Multistage Amplifier Distinguish between Textbook
1– 1.1 Define a multistage amplifier circuit. single stage and
3 1.2 State the different methods of amplifier coupling e.g. RC coupling, multistage amplifiers.
direct coupling and transformer coupling. Explain the frequency
1.3 Draw the circuit diagram of OM RC coupled two stage transistor. response curve of a two
1.4 Explain with the aid of a sketch, the frequency response of a two stage stage RC coupled
RC coupled amplifier. amplifier.
1.5 Derive the relationship between the gain and bond width of a Explain the basic
multistage RC coupled amplifier features of a
1.6 Draw the circuit diagram of a transformer coupled multistage transformer coupled
amplifier. multistage amplifier
1.7 Explain, with the aid of sketch, the frequency response of a and direct coupled
transformer coupled amplifier. multistage amplifier.
1.8 Draw the circuit diagram of a direct coupled multistage amplifier State the applications
1.9 Explain, with the aid of a sketch the frequency response of direct of different types of
coupled multistage amplifier coupling in 1.2 above.
1.10 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different types of
coupling in 1.2 above.
WEEK General Objectives
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Small Signal Turned Amplifier Explain with the aid of a
2.1 Draw the circuit diagram of a tuned transistor amplifier sketch, the operation of a
2.2 Describe the operation of a tuned amplifier. tuned amplifier and
2.3 Calculate the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit double-tuned amplifier
4-5 2.4 Draw the circuit diagram of a double tuned amplifier circuit. circuit.
2.5 Describe the principle of operation of a double tuned amplifier. Discuss the characteristic
2.6 Explain how to determine the bandwidth in tuned transistor curve of a tuned
amplifier circuits. transistor amplifier
2.7 List areas of applications of tuned amplifiers e.g. circuit.
(i) r. f. amplifiers in radio receiver
(ii) Video amplifiers
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the Concept of Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Direct Coupled Amplifiers Explain the principle of a
3.1 List three class of direct coupled amplifiers e.g. Darlington (pair)
(i) Darlington- connection amplifier.
(ii) Differential amplifier Solve problems on the h-
(iii) Operational amplifier parameters for a
3.2 Draw the circuit diagram of a Darlington (pair) amplifier Darlington pair amplifier.
3.3 Describe the operation of the circuit in 3.2
3.4 Derive expressions using h-parameters for:
(i) Input Impedance
6-8 (ii) Current gain
(iii) Output impedance
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the concept of Feedback as I.T. affects the performance of the Transistor
Special Feedback Amplifier
Objectives: Explain with
Teachers the aid of
Activities Resources
5.1 Define feedback diagram the negative fed
5.2 (iv)
an expression
gain offor voltage gain
a Darlington in amplifier
pair negative feedback back amplifiers.
Illustrate the working
12-13 amplifier.
3.5 Describe the use of diodes to stabilize the Darlington pair principle of a balancedof
State the applications
5.3 amplifier
Explain the effect of feedback on (i) voltage gain (ii) Distortion and negative feedback
(iii) Band
3.6 Draw width (iv)
the circuit InputofImpedance
diagram a balanced(v) and Output
differential amplifier amplifiers listed
differentiate in 5.4.
3.7 Describe the working principles of the balanced differential with suitable diagrams.
5.4 amplifier
Classify, using black diagrams negative feedback into: Derive the expression for
(i) Series voltage feedback
3.8 Describe with the aid of diagram the working principles of the common-mode rejection
(ii) Seriesdifferential
unbalanced current feedback
amplifier. ratio (CMRR) of a
(iii) Parallel voltage feedback
3.9 Explain the determination of common-mode rejection ratio differential amplifier.
(CMRR) Parallel current feedback
of a differential amplifier.
5.5 Describe
General with the4.0
Objectives: aid Understand
of circuit diagrams, negative
the concept feedback
of Power Amplification
amplifiers listed in 5.4
Power Amplifiers Explain each class of
4.1 Explain the importance of large signal amplification. power amplifiers.
4.2 Explain the classification of power amplifiers i.e. Illustrate the working
(i) class A mode principle of the push-pull
(ii) class B mode amplifiers with suitable
(iii) class AB mode circuit diagrams.
(iv) class C mode State the practical
4.3 Describe the method of determining the power output and the application of classes of
efficiency of an amplifier. push pull power
4.4 Describe the operation of the push-pull power amplifiers in the: amplifiers.
(i) class A mode (ii) class B mode (iii) class AB mode
4.5 Compare the merits and demerits of classes of push-pull power
amplifiers listed in 4.4 above.
Course: Digital Electronics Course Code: PYE 415 Contact Hours: 2Hrs Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Contents
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the working principles and applications of the Operational Amplifier
WEEK General Objectives: Know the Operational Principle of Oscillator
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Describe the operation of transistor as a switch.
2.2 Explain the switching times of a transistor. Explain the principle of
WEEK General
2.3 Define Objectives:
a multivibrator. operation of a
2.4 Explain the different
Special Learning Objectives: classes of multivibrator. multivibrator.
Teachers Activities Resources
(i) monostable Discuss the merits and
(i) astable
the rated output demerits of monostable,
Lecture Textbook
(iii) power
(ii) bistabledissipation astable and bistable
14-15 2.5 (iii)
Describe with the aid of
input overload protectioncircuit diagrams and waveform sketches, multivibrators.
(iv) operation of astable
supply current drain multivibrator Give assignments
Explain to
how to minimize
2.6 (v)
Describe, with the
amplifier aid of circuit diagrams and waveform
noise students ondistortion in
sketches, the operation of bistate multivibration.
1.12 Describe the effect of cross-over distortion in the design of multivibrators.
operational amplifier.
2.7 Describe, with the aid of circuit
equipment using operational amplifier diagrams and waveform sketches Illustrate with the aidof
State the importance of
the operation of monostable
1.13 Explain the use of OP AMP as: multivibrator. multivibrators
diagrams, in the
the connection
2.8 (i)Explainanthe applications of the different types of multivibrators,
integrator electronic
of OP-AMP systems.
as listed in
(ii) i.e. (i) monostable
a differentiator as time base generator. (ii) bistable as a Explain
1.13. the waveform
(iii)counter. (iii) astable
an instrument as a signal generator.
amplifier shaping circuits.
Discuss the applications
2.9 (iv)
Describe the RC waveform
current to voltage converter shaping circuits (differentiating and Distinguish
of OP-AMPbetween RL
in practical
(v) precision voltage regulator etc. and RC
systems. waveform
2.10 Describe
General the RL waveform
Objectives: shapingthe
2.0 Understand circuits. (differentiating
operation and and
of multi vibrator shaping
wave circuits.
shaping circuits
integrating.) Explain the operation of
2.11 Describe the operation of clipping and clamping. clipping and clamping
circuits with suitable
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
3.7 Explain the term Binary coded Decimal (BCD) Give worked examples to Textbook
3.8 Explain the construction of the gray code and its use in students of BCD.
automatic machines.
3.9 Explain the operation and application of decoders
3.10 Explain the formation of Karnaugh mapping. Solve problems using
3.11 Apply Karnaugh mapping to simplify problems Karnaugh maps.
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the operation of basic logic gates and their applications.
4.1 Explain the two distinguish levels of any logic gate. Explain the logic gate Textbook
(i) high level and its levels.
11-13 (ii) low level
4.2 List the six basic logic functions, i.e. (AND, OR, NOR, NAND, Give worked examples to
NOT and EX-OR) explain the functions of
4.3 Explain , with the aid of symbols and truth table, the functions of the gates listed in 4.2.
the gates listed in 4.2 State the advantage and
4.4 Describe the rise and decay times for ideal and real pulses disadvantage of the
4.5 Explain the operation of the flip-flop gate as a latch. building blocks listed in
4.6 Explain, with circuit diagrams for implementing the building 4.6.
blocks, i.e. Solve problems to
(i) Diode logic (DL) implement the logic
(ii) Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) functions.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
5.1 Explain the process of fabrication of integrated circuits (IC) Explain the advantages Textbook
(i) Transistors of IC fabrication or
(ii) Diodes discrete components.
(iii) Capacitors
(iv) Resistors State the general
(v) Inductors applications of integrated
5.2 Explain the terms: circuits.
(i) Small scale integration (SSI)
(ii) Medium Scale Integration (MSI)
(iii) Large Scale Integration (LSI)
(iv) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
Programme: Physics with electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
1.0 Understand Solar Radiation and Factors affecting its availability on the earth’s surface
2.0 Understand heat transfer fundamentals for solar energy application
3.0 Understand basic properties of solar collectors and their uses
4.0 Understand various methods of Solar Energy Conversion
5.0 Understand the various methods of Storing Solar Energy
6.0 Understand specific applications of Solar Energy
Course: Solar Energy Course Code: PYE 416 Contact Hours: Unit 2
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand Solar Radiation and Factors affecting its availability on the earth’s surface
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Solar Radiation Lectures *Charts of sun structure.
1.1 Explain using the celestial vault represented in the Use questions and answer *Iso radiation map of
1-3 horizontal system. (i) Zenith; (ii) nadir; (iii) celestial techniques. Nigeria.
poles; (iv) vertical circles; (v) celestial equator; (vi) Explain solar declination. *Dynamometer
hour circles; (vii) almucantor; (viii) altitude; (ix) Define hour angle, *Pyrheliometer
azimuth. apparent solar time and *Charts of various types of
1.2 Explain solar declination. clock time. solar collectors.
1.3 Define (i) hour angle; (ii) apparent solar time (iii) clock Discuss the motion of the Flat plate collector
time (local time). earth in space. Concentrator collector
1.4 Describe qualitatively the structure of the sun. Explain the various ways
1.5 Describe the motion of the earth in space. of estimating direct
1.6 Explain how the earth’s motion leads to variation of radiation.
solar energy incident on the earth’s atmosphere.
1.7 Define (i) direct (beam radiation) (ii) diffused radiation
(iii) total (global) radiation. (iv) solar constant; (v) air
1.8 Sketch the spectral distribution curves for solar radiation
collected: (i) above the earth’s atmosphere (ii) at sea
level with air mass = O; (iii) at sea level with air mass =
1; (iv) at sea level with air mass = 2
1.9 Explain the causes of the differences in the curves in 1.8.
1.10 Describe methods for estimating total, direct and
diffused radiation.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives Teacher’s Activities Resources
1.11 Describe the solar map of Nigeria (isoradiation map) Explain the solar map of Nigeria.
1.12 Describe the principle of operation of a Discuss the principle of operation
dynamometer. of a pyranometer.
1.13 Describe the principle of operation of a
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand heat transfer fundamentals for solar energy application
Solar Energy Conversion Techniques - do -
4.1 Describe the technique of conversion of solar energy to *Lecture
WEEK General Objectives:
electrical energy 3.0 Understand
by use basic properties of solar collectors
of fuel cells. Discuss howandfuel
their usescan be used
4.2 Describe
Special devices
Learning which converts thermal energy to
Objectives to convert solar
Teacher’s energy to
Activities Resources
Properties energy such as (i) the thermoelectric unit
of Collectors electrical
Lecture energy. - do -
utilizing the
3.1 Describe thesee back effect;
structure (ii) the
of flat plate magneto
collector (i.e. Explain the usefulness of
6-8 hydrodynamic
window, (MHD)
absorber, generator
insulator operating on the
and channels). concentrators in solar energy.
3.2 Faraday
the structure and use of concentrators in Itemize the applications of solar
harnessing solar radiation. air heaters in 3.5.
3.3 Describe the method of liquid healing by solar energy. List the applications of solar pond
3.4 Describe porous and non-porous solar air heaters. Describe a solar furnace
3.5 Explain the application of solar air heaters in: - *Give tutorials
(i) Space heating
(ii) Air conditioning building utilizing desiccant beds
or an absorption refrigeration process;
(iii) Drying agricultural produce and lumber;
(iv) Heating green houses;
(v) Heating source for a heat engine.
3.6 Describe the principles of operation of a solar pond.
3.7 Explain two applications of the solar pond.
3.8 Describe a solar furnace.
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand various methods of Solar Energy Conversion
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives Teacher’s Activities Resources
4.3 Describe the natural conversion of solar energy to Explain the conversion of solar - do -
chemical energy in plants (Biomass). energy to chemical energy in plants.
4.4 Explain the conversion of solar energy to electrical List the applications of types of
energy in photovoltaic cells. solar energy conversion techniques
4.5 State applications of various types of solar energy to; chemical energy, electrical
conversion techniques listed from 4.1 to 4.4. above. energy (fuel cells),(photovoltaic
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the various methods of Storing Solar Energy.
Solar Energy Storage Describe the various ways of - do -
5.1 Describe the following methods of storing solar energy storing solar energy mechanically.
mechanically: (i) Hydro-electric plants; (ii) Explain chemical energy storage in
Compressed gas energy storage; (iii) the flywheel. 5.3.
12-13 5.2 Explain the procedure involved in thermal energy *Lecture
storage of solar energy. *Give tutorials
5.3 Explain chemical energy storage in (i) Aqueous
electrolyte batteries; (ii) Metal-air batteries; (iii) High
temperature batteries; (iv) Organic electrolyte batteries.
General Objectives: 6.0 Understand specific applications of Solar Energy
Solar Energy Utilization Discuss how solar cells can be used - do -
14-15 6.1 Explain the use of solar cells as power supply units. to generate power.
6.2 Describe the construction of solar powered refrigerators Explain how to produce Distilled
ad air-conditioners. Water, hydrogen using solar
6.3 Describe the solar production of: (i) Distilled water; energy.
(ii) Hydrogen
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives Teacher’s Activities Resources
*Lectures - do -
6.4 Describe the construction of various farm produce Discuss how solar energy can be
storage devices using solar energy. applied to the construction of farm
6.5 Describe the applications of solar energy for domestic produce devices.
use (e.g. solar house hybrid utilization.
Programme: Physics with electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
Course: Acoustics Course Code: PYE 417 Contact Hours: Unit 2 CU 2
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the production, propagation and properties of sound energy.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Outline the origin of sound energy as vibrating Explain the concept of sound as a Textbooks
object. result of vibrating object.
1-3 1.2 Explain the propagation of sound through a Discuss how sound travels in
medium various mediums.
1.3 Explain the following terms in relation to sound Write out the derived sound
wave propagation (i) pitch (ii) timbre (iii) energy equation.
quality. Relate intensity and amplitude of
1.4 Derive the sound energy equation. sound.
1.5 Define (i) sound intensity (ii) bel (iii) decibel. Discuss these terms: Refraction,
1.6 State the relationship between intensity and reflection, diffraction, and
amplitude. interference.
1.7 Explain the following properties of sound: (i) Explain standing and traveling
interference (ii) diffraction (iii) reflection (iv) waves.
refraction. Describe resonance and it’s effect.
1.8 Differentiate between standing wave and Show mathematically the
traveling wave. relationship between air-column
1.9 Define resonance. and temperature
1.10 Explain the concept of vibrating air-column in an
1.11 Prove that fundamental frequency of an air-
column increases with temperature.
WEEK General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the behavior of sound waves in rooms and other enclosures
3.1 Differentiate between noise and musical sound. Distinguish between noise and sound. - do -
3.2 Define an octave
2.1 Explain the production of standing waves within Explain how
Discuss whatstanding
an octavewaves are
3.3 enclosures.
Explain the three common musical scales (i) Explain the
produced threeenclosures.
within common musical Textbook
American standard scale A440; (ii) International
2.2 Explain the concept of “dead zone” in halls and scales in 3.3
Describe “dead zones”
4-5 pitch scale
auditoria. A435; (iii) the just scale (256) Describehow
Explain wind, string instruments
reverberation can be and
3.4 Derive expression for the fundamental frequency
2.3 Explain the origin of reverberation in halls and of discuss their
controlled. mode of operations.
sound obtainable
auditoria. from a tube, (of given diameter)
2.4 (i) open atthe
Calculate onereverberation
end; (ii) open at both
time usingends.
3.5 formula.
Explain how the frequency of sound can be
2.5 constructed along anecessary
State the measures given scale.
for controlling
3.6 reverberation
Explain the principle of operation
in halls and auditoria. of wind
3.7 Derive
General expression3.0
Objectives: for Understand
the fundamental frequency
the acoustics of
principles in musical instruments
a vibrating string held at both ends.
3.8 Explain the principle of operation of stringed
3.9 Explain the operational principle of the following
musical instruments (i) acoustic guitars (ii) flutes
(iii) trumpets.
Sound Storage and Reproduction Explain the operational principles
5.1 Describe how a microphone works. of microphones and earphones.
WEEK General Objectives:
5.2 Describe how an4.0 Understand
earphone works.the acoustic principles inExplain
speech and
loudspeakers work.
5.3 Describe
Special the Objectives
Learning working principle of loudspeakers. Discuss theActivities
Teacher’s production principles Resources
5.4 Explain the
Physiological constructional features and uses of the
Acoustics in 5.6 the concept in 4.2.
Explain - do -
4.1 Explain thetypes of speakers:
production (i) by
of sound tweeter, (ii) midrange;
the human larynx of Describe the process
Draw a human ear andofindicate
tape the
9-10 (iii) bass
“sound box” recording
important and reproduction.
5.5 Explain
4.2 Explainthetheability
principle of sound
of the humanseparation into the
being to alter different
of his voice.ranges (tweeter, midrange, and bass) in a
loud speaker.
4.3 Explain “coloration” by the mouth cavity.
5.6 Explain,
4.4 Explain with
the principle ofdiagram,
the aid of productiontheofessential
phonogram with:
of mono recording
human ear. (ii) stereo recording.
5.7 Explain
4.5 Describethetheprocess
reproduction from
4.6 List recordcharacters
some peculiar with: (i) mono recording;
of human hearing(ii)
stereo recording.
frequency limits, the increased sensitivity at higher
5.8 frequencies
Explain thefor process
tape recording and reproduction.
WEEK General Objectives: 6.0 Understand the Production and applications of Ultrasonic waves
Special Learning Objectives Teacher’s Activities Resources
6.1 Explain ultrasonic and infrasonic waves. Explain the features of piezoelective - do -
6.2 Describe the piezoelective and magnetostrictive. and magnetostrictive generation of
14-15 6.3 Explain sonar and ultrasound. ultrasonic waves
Programme: Physics with electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
Goal: This course is designed to enable students understand the operational principles of digital and analogue instruments and
to determine the response of same physical quantities of simple control systems
Course: General Physics Practical II Course Code: PYE 418 Contact Hours: 6 Unit 2
Course Specification: Practical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand Principles of Operation of Analogue Instruments
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Calibrate an ammeter using a potentiometer. Conduct practical Ammeter, Potentiometer,
1.2 Calibrate a voltmeter using a potentiometer. demonstration in the use of Voltmeter, Ballistic
1-3 1.3 Calibrate a ballistic galvanometer using a standard Carey, Foster Bridge and Galvanometer,
capacitor. X-Y/T Recorder galvanometer
1.4 Determine the sensitivity of a galvanometer Q-meter
1.5 Determine the capacitance of a capacitor using a Q-meter Q-meter
1.6 Determine the Inductance of an inductor using a Q-meter
1.7 Compare two nearly equal Resistances by the Carey –
Foster Bridge.
1.8 Calibrate an X-Y/T recorder
WEEK General Objectives: 3.0 Understand frequency response of simple control elements or systems
3.1 Determine the frequency response of a single – stage Conduct practical in Oscilloscope
amplifier. frequency response in single
3.2 Determine the frequency response of a second order RC stage, RC network, & a.c.
network. mains
3.3 Determine the frequency of the a.c mains using a sonometer Sonometer
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the time response of simple control system
4.1 Determine the time response of a first order RC-network Conduct practical on time Oscilloscope
4.2 Determine the time response of a second order R L C network response. Inductor
Conduct practical on time Capacitor
response on R L C network
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand interference Phenomenon
5.1 Measure wavelength of light using Young double slit Conducts a demonstration in Spectrometer
5.2 Compare wavelengths using interferometer the spectrometer, Interferometer
5.3 Determine wavelength of light with grating. interferometer
5.4 Determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s Ring “
5.5 Determine the wavelength of sodium light a Frenel’s biprism
5.6 Determine the diameter of a fine wire by interference fringe
Programme: Physics with electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
Goal: This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the applications of digital and analogue
instruments and automatic control systems
Course: Instrumentation II and Control Course Code: PYE 421 Contact Hours: 2 Unit 2
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1. 8 Classify analogue (graphical) instruments into:- Explain why UV, potentiometer,
(i) Moving coil recorders (ii) Potentiometer recorders; moving coil recorders are grouped
(ii) X-Y plotters (iv) UV recorders; C.R.O. into analogue instrument.
1.9 Explain methods of digital display such as:
(i) Mechanical drum as disc.
(ii) Neon tubes Demonstration
(iii) Incandescent display;
(iv) Solid state (LED);
(v) Liquid crystal
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the principle of operation and application of analogue (pointer) instruments
Analogue (Pointer) Instruments Describe the mode of operation of
2.1 Explain the principle of operation and construction of a a moving coil instrument.
moving coil instrument. Relate the instrument above to
2.2 Describe the application of a moving coil instrument as; ammeter, voltmeter, and
(i) A Galvanometer, multimeter.
(ii) An Ammeter Relate moving iron instrument to
(iii) A Voltmeter 2.4
(iv) A Multimeter
2.3 Explain the principle of operation of a moving iron
2.4 Explain the application of a moving iron instrument as: Demonstration
(i) An Ammeter
(ii) A Voltmeter
(iii) A Power factor meter Lecture
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.5 Explain the principle of operation of the electrodynamics Discuss how electrodynamics,
instrument. rectifier, null detector instruments
2.6 Explain the application of the electrodynamics instrument and Q-meter work.
as: List out their uses.
(i) An Ammeter
(ii) A Voltmeter
(iii) A Wattmeter
(iv) A Power Factor Meter
2.7 Explain the principle of operation of the rectifier
2.8 Explain the application of the rectifier instruments as:
(i) An Ammeter
(ii) A Voltmeter
(iii) A Multimeter
2.9 Explain the principle of operation of the null detector
2.10 Explain the application of the null-detector as a phase Lecture
sensitive detector
2.11 Explain the principle of operation of the Q-meter
2.12 Explain the application of the Q-meter for the : Demonstration
(i) Determination of inductor properties
(ii) Determination of capacitor properties
WEEK General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the principle of operation and application of analogue (graphical) instruments
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
Analogue (graphical) Instruments: Discuss the applications of
3.1 Explain the principle of operation of the moving coil Moving coil recorder,
recorder. potentiometer recorder, X-Y
3.2 State some specifications and application of the moving plotter, UV recorder cathode ray
coil recorder. oscilloscope..
3.3 Explain the principle of operation of the potentiometer
3.4 State some specifications and application of the
Potentiometer recorder.
3.5 Explain the principle of operation of the X-Y plotter.
3.6 State some specifications of the X-Y plotter.
3.7 Explain the principle of operation of UV recorder.
3.8 State some specifications and application of the UV
3.9 Explain the principle of operation of a cathode ray
3.10 State some specifications and application of the cathode ray
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the principle of operation and application of digital instruments
Digital Instruments Demonstration
4.1 Explain the construction and principle of operation of a Relate frequency, period and
digital counter. time measurements to digital
7-8 4.2 State some specifications (features) of digital counter. counter mechanism.
4.3 Explain the application of the digital counter for:
(i) Frequency measurement
(ii) Period Measurement
(iii) Time Measurement (digital clock)
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
4.4 Explain the methods used for the conversion of an analogue to Describe conversion of
digital signal such as:- analogue system to digital
(i) Successive and Approximating Method (using ladder system.
(ii) Ramp method or Voltage to Time Conservation Technique
(iii) Voltage to Frequency Methods. Demonstration
4.5 Explain the principle of operation of a digital voltmeter.
4.6 State some characteristics of digital voltmeter.
4.7 Explain the application of digital voltmeters for d.c. Voltage
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand the basic principles, classification and areas of application of automatic control
Concept of Automatic Control Systems Describe what control
5.1 Explain the general concept and significance of control systems. systems means in
5.2 Classify control systems into types (i.e. open-loop) automation.
5.3 State examples of op-loop and closed –loop control systems. With the aid of a diagram,
5.4 Explain, using the block diagramed, the following terms in relate the following to
9-10 relation to a closed –loop control system. closed-loop control system:
(i) Reference signal Controlled output signal,
(ii) Error signal comparator, error signal, e
(iii) Controlled Output signal t c.
(iv) Comparator
(v) Control element etc.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
5.5 State the advantages and disadvantages of a closed-loop control Itemize the merits and de-
system. merits of closed-loop
5.6 Explain, using simple block diagrammed, the principle of control.
operation of : Discuss speed, position,
(i) Speed Control System and process control
(ii) Position Control System systems with the aid of a
(iii) Process Control System diagram.
General Objectives: 6.0 Understand transfer function and frequency response of simple control elements or systems.
Transfer Function and Frequency Response Explain unit of dimension
6.1 Define transfer function of a device or system. of transfer function.
6.2 Discuss the unit of dimension of transfer function.
6.3 Derive an expression for transfer function of:
(i) Passive Electrical Networks
(ii) Simple Operational Amplifier Circuits
(iii) Pneumatic Flapper-Nozzle Arrangement;
(iv) Simple Mechanical System
6.4 Derive expression for amplitude response, A(w) and phase
response Ø(w) from known transfer function e.g. if Vo = I = I
V 1+ST 1+JWT
Then A(w) = I 2 Ø(w) = - tan – 1(WT)
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
6.5 Explain the concept of the “decibel” in relation to
amplitude response, i.e. A (w) = 20 log 10 (Vo) dB
6.6 Plot the Bode diagrammed for simple expressions of Demonstration
transfer function, using the semi-log graph sheets Using examples
General Objectives: 7.0 Understand the time response of simple control system
7.1 State the tests signals normally employed in time Explain test signal in relation to: step
response analysis, such as: (i) Step signal (ii) ramp signal, ramp signal.
signal etc. Solve simple mathematical problems
7.2 Write expression in time and frequency domain to involving time response.
describe the test signals listed in 7.1 above.
7.3 Explain the general formula for the determination of
time response as::
Vo(t) = L-1Vo (s) =L –1Vi (s), F (s)
Where, V(i) (s) = Lap lace transform of input test signal
F(s) = transfer function of any given device
L-1 ie, the inverse Lap lace transform
7.4 Derive expression for time response of first-order
7.5 Derive expression for time response of second-order
7.6 Define the parameters associated with the response of
a second –order system i.e. overshoot, rise time etc.
Programme: Physics with Electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
Goal: This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the structure, functionalism,
and concept of micro processing system.
2.1 Explain the meaning of a tri-select/enable signal for control of the Lecture with
third states. examples
2.2 Explain that there is no logical conflict on the address bus since the Discuss the use of
microprocessor is the only talker. address selection in a
2.3 Deduce that the microprocessor, RAM, ROM and input devices can all microprocessor
act as talkers on the common data bus without conflict by the use of system.
tri-state devices. Explain the
2.4 Explain the process of address decoding and examines manufacturer’s importance of address
literature on commercial clips. bus, control bus and
date bus in a
Course: Microelectronic Systems Course Code: PYE 422 Contact Hours: 2 Unit 2.0
Course Specification:
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Identifies and understands the function of a CPU and its relation with other components of a
Microprocessor System with respect to the address, data and control buses.
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Draw a microprocessor containing instruction register Lecture with examples
(IR) Programmed counted (PC) store address register, Explain the internal structure of a
1-2 accumulator, arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), Status microprocessor.
register, control and timing devices and explain the Explain the function of each unit of
purpose of each. a microprocessor system.
1.2 Draw a block diagram of a typical microprocessor State the application of
system including a microprocessor, memory (RAM and microprocessor in practical systems.
ROM), input/output, address bus, data bus, and control Solve problems on microprocessor
bus. system.
1.3 Explain the purpose of each component in 1.2 and the
need for both RAM and ROM in a system.
1.4 Draw a typical memory map for a small system.
- do -
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the use of address selection and enabling signals within a microprocessor system
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.5 Explain how part of the control bus (e.g. clock, read, write e.t.c)
are used to control the data transfers.
2.6 Analysis schematic diagrams showing the interconnection of
processing, memory and 1/10 ports using data address,
read/write-enabling signals. - do -
2.7 Examiners the relationship between the signals in 2.6 using a
CRO or logic analyzer.
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the fetch executive sequence.
3.1 Explain the basic operation as fetching the instruction to the Lecture with examples
microprocessor, decoding the instruction within the Explain the fletch cycle in
microprocessor, fetching more data required and executing the a microprocessor.
instruction. Give examples to students
3.2 Illustrates the fetch execute sequence for a simple data transfer to illustrate the fletch
instruction involving the accumulator and memory on 1/0 port. execute cycle (sequence)
3.3 Illustrates the execute sequence for a simple jump instruction. Explain with the aid of
3.4 Interpret timing diagrams to show the relationship between clock suitable diagrams the
pulses and bus signals for the transfer defined in 3.2 synchronization of bus
microprocessor system.
General Objectives: 4.0 Identifies the main classes of instruction within the instruction set of a microprocessor and
understands their operations.
4.1 Give examples from main types of instruction groups: data Lecture with examples.
transfer instructions memory reference and 1/0, arithmetic and Discuss the types of
logic instructions test and branch instructions. instruction set.
4.2 Explain the use of four addressing modes and differentials Describe the features of
between them. the addressing modes in
WEEK General Objectives: 5.0 Traces the dynamic executive of a simple machine code programme
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
5.1 Explains that, for any given problem, a set of steps called an
algorithm must be created which will solve the problem. Lecture with examples
5.2 Define the algorithm (draws the programs to solve a given Give assignment.
sample problem. Give examples of
5.3 Defines that in order to load and executive a simple program. algorithm.
Some software must already exist within the machine. Explain the importance of
8-9 5.4 Constructs trace tables of the problem in 5.2 flow chart in writing
5.5 Vilifies the trace table in 5.4 by loading and single. programs.
5.6 Examine the bus signals under clock control during the Give assignment on trace
execution of programs in 5.2 tables.
Illustrate with suitable
timing diagram the
variation of bus signals
under clock control during
the execution of programs.
General Objectives: 6.0 Understand the organization of the stock and its uses by sub routines
6.1 Explain the medianism of the stock as a last in first out (LIFO) Lecture with worked
store and the function of the stack pointer in this operation. examples
6.2 Explain the use of the stack in the storing of the return address
from sub routine of a sub routine, saving of MPU resister Explain the working
9 contents. principles of stack
6.3 Shows how the sack can be used to pass parameters between the memory.
main program and a sub routine. Solve problems in
6.4 test sub routine for: timing delay, a defined mathematical involving stack memory.
function, an input or output routine.
WEEK General Objectives: 7.0 Understand the principles of interrupts
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
7.1 Deduces why interrupts are necessary especially in the
handling of data transfer between peripheral and Explain the principle of
computer. interrupt in data transfer.
7.2 Explains that an interrupt may cause the main program
to call an interrupt servicing an interrupt. Explain the relationship
7.3 Infers that in returning from the ISR, the main program between MPU registers,
10-11 should continue as thought it had never been stack and interrupt.
7.4 Explain the use of the sack in saving and restoring State the types of interrupts
MPU registers when servicing an interrupt. and their applications
7.5 Explain the mechanism of the microprocessor response
upon receipt of an interrupt.
7.6 Distinguishes between mask able and non-mask able
General Objectives: 8.0 Appreciate classification and packaging of and technologies used in integrated circuits in
microprocessor based system.
8.1 Identifies, using manufacturer’s literature the characteristics of a Explain characteristics
single chip computing element e.g. 8 bit and 16 bit processors and function and operation of
bit slice elements. items in 8.1 and 8.2 using
8.2 Discusses, using manufacturer’s literature, the function, operation manufacturers literature.
and distinguishing characteristics of: Static RAM, dynamic RAM,
MOS, EPROM, EEROM, parallel output port. Discuss the performance of
8.3 Investigates practically the performance of these devices with items listed above.
reference to manufacturer’s data sheets and the system design.
WEEK General Objectives: 9.0 Use a microcomputer system to write, assemble, run and Debug program
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
9.1 Write programs involving assignment, selection and iteration.
9.2 Assembles, debugs and executes the programs written in 9.1 Illustrate with examples
13 9.3 Writes, assembles, tests and debugs an assembly language
program to: parallel ports, ser4ial ports involving the use of sub Guide the students to write,
routines and interrupts debug and create programs
in assembly language.
General Objectives: 10.0 Understand bow board design system layout bus loading and distribution relate to signal
10.1 Relates logic circuit diagrams to printed circuit board (P.C.B) Explain the sources of
layout. digital signal degradation
10.2 Explain the effect inductance, capacitance and resistance in printed circuit board.
associated with P.C.B’s on high-speed digital signal.
General Objectives: 11.0 Solve practically the problem of signal degradation
11.1 Uses buffer elements to prevent ringing in bus lines. Solve problems on signal
11.2 Uses decoupling networks to eliminate cross talk degradation in PCB.
Programme: Physics with electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
Goal: This course is designed to enable students know the basic concepts of reliability engineering
and it’s importance in electronics equipment and systems
Course: Equipment Reliability Course Code: PYE 423 Contact Hours: 2 Unit 2.0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
WEEK General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the basic terms and relationships commonly used in reliability
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the importance of reliability with respect to electronic Lecture with worked
equipment and systems. examples Textbooks
1-4 1.2 Define the terms: Explain the terms in
(i) Reliability (ii) Failure (iii) Item (iv) Mean time between failure 1.2.
(MTBF) (v) Mean time to failure (MTTF). Discuss the meaning
1.3 Explain the meaning of the following types of failure of (i) failure (ii)
(i) Misuse failure (ii) Inherent weakness failure (iii) Sudden failure misuse failure (iii)
(iv) gradual failure (v) Partial failure (iv) Catastrophic failure and inherent weakness
(vii) degradation failure. failure e.t.c.
1.4 Differentiate between instantaneous and proportional failure rates. Explain the
1.5 State the relationship between failure rate (λ) and MTBF, i.e, MTBF = difference between
i/λ , where MTBF is mean time between failures. instantaneous and
1.6 Explain the reliability equations and related curves when λ is constant, proportional failures.
ie, R = ℮-λt Write down
Q = I – е-λt reliability equations
R+Q=1 in 1.6
Where R is reliability (ie probability of no failure in time, t); Q is Solve some simple
unreliability t is time. problems on
1.7 Explain a properly labelled Bath – tub diagram (a graph of failure rate reliability of
against time). equipments
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.8State the probable causes of failure in each of the regions of the Lecture. Textbooks
Bath – tub diagram. Explain wear-out life
1.9Explain the wear out failure versus time curve and the parameters of equipments.
obtainable therefore such as: Discuss failure rate
(i) Mean (wear out) life; (ii) Standard deviation of the wear- and it’s relation to
out life; (iii) Estimates of confidence limits. basic failure,
1.10 Compute the mean wear- out life of electronic items using a weighting
normal (Gaussian) distribution curve. factors(rating,
1.11 Determine the failure rate for a unit, from the failure rates of its environmental,
constituent parts using the relationship; overall failure rate = temperature e t c.
basic failure x no of similar parts x weighting factor
(environmental) x weighting factor (rating) x weighting factor
(temperature), i.e, λT = λxn x we x wr x wt
General Objectives: 2.0 Understand the Concept of Reliability Prediction
2.1 Explain the basic probability rules (ie, multiplication and addition Lecture. Textbooks
rules and the binomial probability theorem in relation to Discuss the basic
reliability calculations. rules of probability.
5-7 2.2 Write expression for the reliability and MTBF of items connected
in series.
2.3 Write expression for the reliability and MTBF of items connected
in parallel.
2.4 Determine the reliability and MTBF of series and parallel items.
2.5 Explain the meaning and significance of redundancy.
WEEK General Objectives:
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
2.6 Differentiate between active and passive (standby) redundancy. Explain what is Textbooks
2.7 State some limitations in applying redundancy as a means of meant by passive and
improving reliability. active redundancy.
2.8 State practical applications of active and standby redundancy. Lecture with worked
2.9 Solve problems on active and passive redundancy. examples
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand the causes and remedies of component failure
3.1 Explain the causes of failure due to environmental factors, (i.e. Discuss into details Textbook
effect of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, dust, the cause of
chemical content and radiation). component failure.
3.2 Explain other causes of component failure due to mechanical List methods of
stresses, such as shock, vibration and friction. solving failure due to
8-10 3.3 Explain the causes of component failure due to operating stress, mechanical and
(i.e., effect of operating voltage, current and frequency. environmental
3.4 State specific methods of dealing with environmental and factors
mechanical problems.
3.5 Explain “Derating” as a method of dealing with failure problems
caused by operational stresses.
3.6 Illustrate “Derating” by applying the Archeries law (the fifth
power law)
WEEK General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the basic principle of maintainability
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Define the term “maintainability. Discuss how Textbooks
4.2 Explain the importance of maintainability in relation to reliability maintenance is
4.3 State the factors affecting maintainability. important and relate
4.4 Explain the methods of improving maintainability. it to reliability.
4.5 Explain the following terms:- List out the methods
(i) Utilization factor of improving
11-13 (ii) Availability maintainability.
(iii) Unavailability Explain the
(iv) Repraisability importance of
4.6 Explain the concept of preventive and corrective maintenance. corrective and
4.7 Explain, with the aid of sketches, the relationship between cost preventive
and equipment reliability. maintenance
4.8 Explain the need for failure reporting. Discuss the relevance
of failure reporting.
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand specifications and its importance
5.1 Define the term “specifications”. Explain the Textbook
5.2 State the aims and uses of specifications. importance and uses
14-15 5.3 List typical items of information that should be included in of “specifications”
specifications. Lecture.
5.4 Illustrate 5.3 with examples of specifications for typical
measuring/test equipment.
Programme: Physics with electronics.
Higher National Diploma
Unit: 2.0
Goal This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the applications of analogue and digital
instruments and variables of automatic control systems.
Course: General Physics II Course Code: PYE 424 Contact Hours 6 Units 2
Course Specification: PRACTICAL CONTENT
Week General Objectives: Understand principles of operation of Analogue instruments
Special Learning Objectives: Teachers Activities Resources
1.10Calibrate on ammeter using a Laboratory practise calibration Ammeter, potentiometer,
potentiometer of ammeter, voltmeter and voltmeter, potentiometer
1.11Calibrate a voltmeter using a potentiometer Balistic galvanometer
potentiometer Galvanometer
1.12Calibrate a ballistic galvanometer using Q-meter
a standard capacitor
1.13Determine the sensitivity of a
1.14Determine the capacitance of a Carey-foster Bridge
capacitor using a Q-meter Conduct practical
1.15Determine the inductance of an demonstration in the use of X-Y/T recorder
inductor using a Q-meter carey-foster Bridge and X-Y/T
1.16Compare two nearly equal resistances recorder
by the carey-foster Bridge
1.17Calibrate an X-Y/T recorder
General Objectives: 3.0 Understand frequency response of simple control elements or systems
3.1 Determine the frequency response of a single- Conduct practical in frequency Oscilloscope
stage amplifier response, in single- stage, RC
3.2 Determine the frequency response of a second- network and a.c mains Sonometer
order RC-network
3.3 Determine the frequency of the a.c mains using
a sonometer
General Objectives: 4.0 Understand the time response of simple control system
4.1 Determine the time response of a first-order Conduct practical in time Oscilloscope
RC-network response Inductor
4.2 Determine the time response of a second-order Capacitor
RLC network Conduct practical in time
response in RLC network
General Objectives: 5.0 Understand interference phenomenon
5.1 measure wavelength of light using Conduct a demonstration in the Spectrometer
Young double slit. use of pectometer inter
5.2 Compare wavelengths using sonometer Interformeter
interferometer Spectrometer
5.3 Determine wavelength of light with
5.4 Determine the wavelength of sodium
light by Neuton’s Ring
5.5 Determine the wavelength of sodium
light using a fresnels biprism
5.6 Determine the diameter of a gfine
wire by interference fringe
Electromagnet 1
23 Horse-shoe magnet 30
24 Electroscope gold leaf simple form 4
25 Light filters: 50mm square, deep red (primary 4
26 50mm square, deep blue (primary) 2
27 50mm square, deep green (primary) 1
Forces board, wall type plus cords and loads 1
Pulley with clamp for above. 1
28 Galvanometer: Centre zero,3.5mA-0-3.5mA, resistance 10ohms 5
29 Gauze iron, with ceramic center 5sets
30 Inclined plane and friction board. 10
31 Induction: large air-cored of different inductance values 24
32 Induction coil, 6mm spark 6
33 Interference and diffraction stand, universal 10
34 Joulemeter, digital, electronic 1
35 Key, reversing and tappling 1
36 Kundt’s tube unmounted plus wooden stand 1
37 Stand, lamphouse and transformers with sodium lamp and mercury lamp 10
38 Latent heat of steam apparatus 2
39 Less” disc apparatus
Lens, condenser, plane-convex, d=100mm, f=150mm 2
40 Lens, spherical, biconves-diameter 50mm 3
41 Focal length, 500mm 3
42 Focal length, 250mm 2
43 Focal length, 200mm 2
Focal length, 150mm 4
Focal length 100mm 2
Linear expansion apparatus 2
Loudspeaker, pair 2
Millikan apparatus 2
44 Micrometer screw guage 4pairs
45 Microphones in use with C.R.O., etc 1
46 Microscope slides, box of 100 2
47 Mirror, plane, 75mm x 25mm, mounted plane 75mm x 75mm mounted 6
48 spherical, concave, 50mm diameter focal length, 200mm 20
49 Focal length, 150mm 2
50 Focal length, 100mm
Spherical, convex, 50mm diameter
Focal length,200mm 6
Focal length, 150mm 12
Focal length, 100mm 6
Multimeter, d.c 100mV-200V (9 ranges)
Optical bench 6
Photocell mounted 6
Oscillator sine and square signal generator 6
51 Oscilloscope, single beam 2
52 Double beam 12
53 Parallel plate air capacitor with dielectric sheet 2
54 Pendulum, compound 2
55 Plasticine, pack of 500g 5
Polar meter 2
56 Potentiometer, 1 meter, single wire 2sets
57 Power supply unit, general purpose with meter, 0-30V or 0-60V 5
58 Prism, Perspex: 60: 60: 63mm edges 1
59 Right angle hypotenuse 100mm 2
60 (i) 45; 45o 10
61 (ii) 30; 60o 5
62 Projectile apparatus 12
Radio-active sources: radium-226 (alpha, beta, gamma)
Ray box complete with lamp and triple slit 12
Resistance: box 0-999.9 ohms x 0.1 ohm “known” 1 ohm 12
63 “ 2 “
64 “ 5 1
65 “ 10 “ 6
66 “ 4.5 ohms 12
“ 1.4 @ 6
Resonance tube apparatus 6
Revolution counter 6
Rheostat: 11.6 ohms, 4A 6
15.7 “ 4A 6
67 21.0 “ 2A 6
68 195. ohms, approx., 1A 1
69 330 “ approx. 1.2A 1
Ripple tank kit and accessories 6
Illuminant 6
Power supply unit 6
Stroboscope, motorized 6
70 Rods; pessper, polythene 6
Rods, steel (mild) 200 x 12mm diameter pack of 10 2
Rotary tube and solenoid for hysterics experiment, 2
Complete with specimen of mild steel and silver steel 2
Search coil, for use with “edsport” galvanometer 12each
71 Smoke cell, for Brownian movement in smoke cell 1
72 Microscope, for observing Borownian in smoke cell 1
73 Solenoid, demonstration 2
74 Sonometer, 2 wire pattern 1
75 Spectrometer, reading to 1 minute of or 6 2
76 Spherometer 2
77 Plug (black); 4mm, red 4mm 2
78 Retort stands with clamps and bosses 3
79 Stopclock, dial 140mm diameter 2
80 Surface tension apparatus (Searle’s) 6
81 Switch, plug pattern, 1 way 30
82 Switch knife (two way) 30
83 Thermocouple, copper – constantan, single 4
84 Thermometer 10 to + 110oC x 1oC 4
85 - 5 to + 50oC x 0.1oc 15
85 - 10 to + 360oC x 20oC 15
87 - 10 to + 105oC x 2oC 5
88 Thermopile, copper-constantan 24
Transformers, general purpose, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12V 6
Tuning forks, (set of 13) 4
Millimeters 0 – 2mA 12
89 0 – 5mA 4
90 0 – 10mA 6
91 0 - 50mA 1 sets
92 0 - 100mA 5
Multivoltmeter, double range: 0-10mV and 0-100mV d.c 5
Universal indicator, moving coil 15ml d.c 5
Shunt carrier for above 5
150mA d.c shunt for above 5
93 600mA d.c shunt for above 2each
94 1.5A d.c shunt for above 10
Value, double diode 10
Vernier calipers 10
Viscometer, Ostwald’s 10
2 weights x 0.5kg and 1 each 1,2,5 and 10kg, total 2
95 Wheatstone bridger, 1 metre 12
96 Wire: connecting bamp, p.v.c multistsand copper, red 2
97 Constantan, insulated, 26 s.w.g. 125g reel; 2 sets
98 Constantan, insulated, 28 s.w.g. 125h reel 6
99 Constantan, insulated 30 s.w.g. 125g reel; 50m
100 Constantan insulated 32 s.w.g. 125g reel; 50m
Constantan, insulated 34 s.w.g. 125g reel;
Constantan, bare 24 s.w.g. 125 reel
Constantan, bare 26 s.w.g. 125 reel
Copper, double sayon covered, 22 s.w.g. 250g reel
Iron 34 s.w.g
Nichrome, bare 24 s.w.g. 125g reel
Nichrome, bare 26 s.e.g 125g reel
7400 TTL logic gates series )
7401 )
4000 CMOS series
G.M tube and holder
101 Rate meter
Youngs nodulus apparatus, rernier plus wires 5 each
Youngs slits, class kit of 4 suling devices, etc
102 Breadboards 1
103 Vero boards 1
104 Diodes (germanium silicon, general purpose zener, 4
105 Tunnel 2kits
106 Transistors (different types BJT, FET, UJT) 5
107 Photo transistor 40
108 Thermistor 8 each
Cadmium salphide cell
109 Solar cell 20
110 Reistors of different values, rating and types 10
111 555 IC times 10
112 556 IC time 5
113 5
114 Rectifier unit (IC) 9 sets each
115 7 – pin IC socket) 9 each
116 14 – pin IC socket) 10
16 – pin IC socket)
118 24 – pin IC =
119 Capacitors (different types 1 uf etc) ceramic, paper electrolytic
tantamium, variable
120 Soldering iron (different power satings 15w, 25W, 40W and 60W 20 each
Solder sucker 30
Long nose plier
Diagonal slide cutter
121 Flat spanners
Set trim tools 10
122 Set box spanners 10
123 Tool box 10
124 Overhead projector 10
125 Wire stripper 10
126 1 sets
127 Glass Ware 2
128 Beakers squat graduated pyrex 100cm3 2
129 250cm3 1
130 600cm3 2
131 Cylinder, measuring: 100cm3 1 pk
250cm3 1 pk
1000cm3 1 pk
50cm3 1pk
Conical flasks 250cm3 pyrex 10
132 Density bottle 50cm3 10
Test tube 125 x 16mm pyrex 10
Test tube boiling tube, 150mm x 24mm x 24 pryex 10
Glass troughs 10
133 Tubing glass (1) 6mm external diameter, 1.5 meter length 20
134 (2) 8mm external diameter, 1.5 meter length 50
135 (3) Capillary, 1mm bore 20
136 U-tube height 20cm, diameter 1.9cm 3
137 Block glass, “rectangular” 115 x 65 x 2cm 10
138 Perspex, semicircular 90 x 45 16m
Store 10 ength
Technologists office
140 Measuring Instruments 12
141 Moving coil 12
142 Moving iron 1
143 Thermocouple 1
Signal generators
1 Pressure measuring Instruments 2
Barometers 2
Manometers 2
Pressure gauges 2
Spectrophotometer 2
Colorimeter 2
Flame photmeter
Ramain Spectrophotometer 2
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer 2
X-ray spectroscope 2
2 Electrolytic conductivity bridge 1 each
3 Coulometric titrator 1
4 PH meter 1
5 Autotitrator 1
6 Polarograph 1
7 Radio active detector 1
8 Fluorimeter 1
9 Polarimeter 1
10 Refractometer 2
11 Autoradiograph 1
12 Voltameter 1
13 Ammeter 1
14 Resistors 1
15 Conductivity meter 1
16 Ion-selecture electrodes 1
17 Ion-exchange electrodes 5
18 Microscopes 5
19 Autodiography 2 each
20 Camera lucida 1
21 Centrifuge 2
22 Melting point apparatus 2
23 Gas/Liquid Chromatography 10
24 Liquid/Liquid Chromatrograph 1
5 Column Chromatography 1
26 Rotary Evaporator 2
27 Computer System with Printer
8) Mr. ‘Tayo Okulaja SLT Dept (Physics Unit), Lagos State Poly.