The Process of Evaluating How Social, Political, Economic, and Governing Factors Affect The Natural Environment When Considering Development
The Process of Evaluating How Social, Political, Economic, and Governing Factors Affect The Natural Environment When Considering Development
The Process of Evaluating How Social, Political, Economic, and Governing Factors Affect The Natural Environment When Considering Development
SEC. 17. Subjects of Examination
RA 10587: ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING ACT (a) History, concepts, theories and principles of environmental
OF 2013 planning;
An act regulating the practice of Environmental planning, repealing (b) Environmental planning process, methods/techniques and
for the Purpose p.d. 1008, entitled “law regulating The environmental strategies; and
planning profession in The philippines”, and for other purposes. (c) Environmental plan implementation, legal aspects and
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy – The State recognizes the importance SEC. 18. Qualifications for Taking the Examination.
of environmental planning in nation building and development. (a) A citizen of the Philippines or a foreign citizen whose country or
Hence, State has a policy on reciprocity in the practice of the profession;
• develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productive and well- (b) A holder of any of the following degrees from schools, colleges or
rounded professional environmental planners; universities duly recognized and accredited by the CHED:
• standards of practice and service shall be excellent, world-class and 1. A graduate in environmental planning, urban/city and
globally competitive regional planning, or town and country planning or its equivalent;
• honest, effective, relevant and credible licensure examinations and 2. A Post-Graduate Diploma in Environmental Planning,
• regulatory programs, measures and activities that foster their city and regional planning or its equivalent, and with at least one (1)
professional growth, social responsibility and development. year of on-the-job training as required herein;
3. A Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Planning, city
SEC. 3. Coverage of this Act planning or urban and regional planning, or town and country
(a) Examination, registration and licensure of environmental planning, or its equivalent, and with two (2) years of on-the-job
planners; training as required herein;
(b) Supervision, control and regulation of the practice 4. A masters or doctorate degree in either architecture,
of environmental planning; engineering, ecology, economics, geography, geology, public
(c) Development, upgrading and updating of the curriculum of the administration, business administration, sociology, social science,
environmental planning profession; law, environmental science, environmental management,
(d) Development and improvement of the professional competence development management, natural resources planning and
and practice of environmental planners through, among others, development, and related disciplines acceptable to the Board, and
continuing professional education and development. with three (3) years of on-the-job training as required herein:
Provided, That a person falling under this paragraph shall be allowed
SEC. 4. Definition of Terms to take the licensure examination only within the next five (5) years
(a) ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING, refers to the from the effectivity of this Act;
multidisciplinary art and science of analyzing, specifying, clarifying, 5. A bachelor’s degree in architecture, engineering,
harmonizing, managing and regulating the use and development of economics, public administration, law, social work and community
land and water resources, in relation to their environs, for the development or sociology and other related disciplines acceptable to
development of sustainable communities and ecosystems. the Board and with five (5) years of on-the-job training as required
(b) ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER refers to a person who is herein: Provided, That a person falling under this paragraph shall be
registered and licensed to practice environmental planning and who allowed to take the licensure examination only within the next five
holds a valid Certificate of Registration and a valid Professional (5) years from the effectivity of this Act; and
Identification Card from the Board of Environmental Planning and 6. Incumbent holders of planning positions in the national,
the Professional Regulation Commission. regional or local government offices or agencies including
(c) ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION (APO) government-owned and -controlled corporations and have been
refers to the duly integrated and accredited professional organization engaged in development planning functions acceptable to the Board:
of environmental planners, of which there shall be only one as Provided, That they are holders of professional civil service
prescribed by Republic Act No. 8981, the Comprehensive eligibility and they have undergone at least eighty (80) hours of in-
Professional Code, and in Section 32 of this Act. service training or distance learning in developmental planning from
a government agency, school or institution recognized by proper
SEC. 5. Scope of Practice authorities. Provided, further, That a person falling under this
(a) Providing professional services in the form of paragraph may be allowed to take the licensure examination only
technical consultation, rendering of technical advice, within the next five (5) years after the effectivity of this Act.
plan preparation, capacity building and monitoring (c) Of good moral character; and
and evaluation of implementation involving the (d) Not convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude
following: by a court of competent jurisdiction.
1. National, regional or local development
and/or physical framework and comprehensive land-use plans; ARTICLE V ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ACT AND PENAL
2. Zoning and related ordinances, codes and other legal PROVISIONS
issuances for the development and management, preservation, SEC. 33. Enforcement by Government Officials and Officers of
conservation, rehabilitation, regulation and control of the the Law – It shall be the duty of all government officials and duly
environment, including all land, water, air and natural resources; constituted law officers of the national, provincial, city or municipal
3. Planning and development of a barangay, municipality, government to assist the Board and the Commission in enforcing the
city, province, region or any portion or combination thereof; and provisions of this Act and to cause the prosecution of any person
4. Development of a site for a particular need or violating the same.
special purpose, such as economic or ecological zones; tourism SEC. 34. The Positions in Government with Environmental
development zones; and housing and other estate development Planning Functions. Civil Service Commission (CSC) shall
projects, including the creation of any other spatial arrangement of create positions and set qualification standards for
buildings, utilities, transport and communications; environmental planners at various levels in government
(b) Preparing the following studies: service, including government-owned and -controlled
1. Pre-feasibility, feasibility and other related corporations and other entities.
2. Environmental assessments; and After the lapse of five (5) years from the effectivity of this Act, only
3. Institutional, administrative or legal systems; registered and licensed environmental planners shall be appointed to
(c) Curriculum and syllabi development in licensure examinations for the position of heads and assistant heads of groups, departments,
environmental planners and teaching in academic institutions and divisions in government offices, agencies, bureaus or
conducting review courses in environmental planning; instrumentalities thereof, including government-owned and
(d) Serving as expert witness, resource person, lecturer, juror or controlled corporations, provinces, cities and municipalities, and such
arbitrator in hearings, competitions, exhibitions and other public
other positions which require the knowledge, skills and competence
and qualifications of registered and licensed environmental planners.
Appointments made thereafter in violation hereof shall be considered
null and void.
SEC. 35. Civil Liability of Environmental Planners. – The INTRO AND HISTORY OF ENVI PLANNING
environmental planner in charge of the preparation of an
environmental plan and related documents, as well as other members Four major planning Methods Questions on human activities
of the planning team involved in the preparation thereof, may be held within a given community:
civilly liable in cases of serious, large-scale or wholesale damage, 1. Who are they? Demographic Analysis
failure or destruction of any project subject of or covered by an 2. What do they do? Economic Analysis
environmental plan, that result in significant adverse impact on 3. Where do these activities occur? Land-use Analysis
affected stakeholders or the concerned ecosystem, within a period of 4. How are human activities connected spatially? Transportation
ten (10) years from the time of implementation of such plan. Analysis
Urban Planning
is the process of developing and designing urban areas to
meet the needs of a community. The practice draws from a number of
disciplines—architecture, engineering, economics, sociology, public
health, finance, and more—and strives to prepare cities and towns for
Major Schools of Thought in Planning the future. It is typically used as part of a larger city plan and should
1. Planning as Social Physics – (positivist Regional Science tie back to your city’s mission and vision statements.
and Regional Economics) Planning aims to discover
presumed natural laws or regular occurrences in social Philippine Definition of “Urban
phenomena so that these phenomena can be better predicted National Statistics Office -- operational rather than conceptual
and managed. definition According to these concepts, an area is considered urban if:
2. Planning and Social Darwinism – Planning studies human 1. In their entirety all cities and municipalities having a
societies as biological organisms subject to the laws of population density of at least 1,000 persons per square
natural evolution such as competition, adaptation, kilometer;
predation, parasitism, co-evolution, survival of the fittest, 2. Poblaciones or central districts of municipalities and cities
matira ang matibay, etc. which have a population density of at least 500 persons per square
3. Planning as Social Engineering – Planning is a State kilometer;
function that aims to create purposive change by directing • 3.) Poblaciones or central districts (not included above),
human behavior through a combination of persuasive and regardless of the population size which have the following:
coercive strategies. • Street pattern, i.e., network of streets in either parallel or
4. Instrumentalist View – Planning needs no theoretical right-angle orientation;
mooring and has no inherent value apart from its being a • At least six (6) establishments (commercial, manufacturing,
pragmatic tool to bring about results. recreational and/or personal services) and least three
5. Planning as Communicative Action– Planning aims to of the following:
understand & describe social interaction among sectors for • i. A town hall, church or chapel with religious services at
meaningful community discourse, harmonization of least once a month;
interests, and collaborative action (interpretive). • ii. A public plaza, park or cemetery;
6. Critical or Radical Planning – Planning aims to smash • iii. A marketplace or building where trading activities are
myths and mobilize people to radically (radix, i.e. roots) carried on at least once a week;
change structures of domination & subjugation in society. • iv. A public building like school, hospital, puericulture or
7. Systems Theory of Planning – Planning functions like a health center and library.
machine or computer unit that utilizes information and
feedback in an iterative, cyclical, self-feeding fashion in HOW DID URBAN PLANNING START?
order to effectively describe, simulate, forecast, and project
societal conditions. 1. Urbanization began around 4000 B.C. in the area as the Fertile
Crescent. Which stretch from the Nile Valley to the alluvial plains of
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
2. Urban planning began with the development of city-kingdoms
by the Sumerians of Assyria. These warrior-kings built cities that
were both fortress and marketplaces for the agricultural products of
the surrounding lands.
3. Sumerian cities of the Bronze Age, it reached its legendary
greatness when Nebuchanezzar II had it rebuilt during the sixth
century B.C. the new city followed a regular street plan. The temple
and tower remains at the center.
• Father of American City Planning
• Designed the World’s Columbian Exposition, together with
HIPPODAMUS OF MILETUS Frederick Law Olmsted and John Wellborn Root. The plan
for the expo was the first comprehensive planning
document in the US.
• His plans include Chicago (the greatest feat; was described
as “Paris on a Prairie”), San Francisco, Cleveland, and
locally, Manila & Baguio.
• Burnham’s plans for Chicago (left), Manila (centre), and
Baguio (right).