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Bio Venting

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In Situ Biological

WMSU Musil, Rexelle May Ann S.

Sungahid, Maria Karrey C.
Bioventing is an in situ remediation technology that uses microorganisms to
biodegrade organic constituents in a water system. Bioventing enhances the
activity of indigenous bacteria and archaea and stimulates the natural in situ
biodegradation of hydrocarbon derivatives (as, for example, form a spill of
crude oil or crude oil products) by inducing air or oxygen flow into the
unsaturated zone and, if necessary, by adding nutrients. During bioventing,
oxygen may be supplied through direct air injection into residual
contamination in soil. Bioventing primarily assists in the degradation of
adsorbed fuel residuals, but also assists in the degradation of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) as vapors move slowly through biologically active soil.
• Active Bioventing
• Passive Bioventing
• Natural Pressure-Driven Bioventing
• Cometabolic Bioventing
• Anaerobic Bioventing
Active Bioventing
• the most common approach
• the use one or more blowers
to introduce air into the
vadose zone
• can be operated to either inject
air or extract soil vapors from
a series of vent wells

Passive Bioventing
• Less common is the use of passive
bioventing systems in which
changes in atmospheric pressure
and, in rare situations (e.g., sites
where tidal fluctuations are
pronounced) changes in
groundwater levels facilitate the
introduction of ambient air into
the vadose zone.
Cometabolic Bioventing
• Cometabolic bioventing involves the injection of a
cometabolite such as methane or propane that is
metabolized by bacteria. The metabolism causes the
expression of enzymes (often oxygenases) that
fortuitously react with the chlorinated VOC. Cometabolic
bioventing may be applicable to contaminants such as
trichloroethylene (TCE), trichloroethane (TCA), ethylene
dibromide, and dichloroethylene (DCE) that resist direct
aerobic degradation (EPA, 2006).
Anaerobic Bioventing
• Anaerobic bioventing is an emerging technology used to
treat chlorinated compounds (e.g., PCE, TCE, PCP),
some polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and pesticides
(e.g., lindane and DDT) (EPA, 2006). In place of air
injection, anaerobic bioventing delivers nitrogen gas and
an electron donor (e.g., hydrogen) to the subsurface.
Development Status and Availability
• At full scale • As the final remedy at
• To remediate a source only multiple sites
• As part of a technology train • To successfully attain
• Commercially available nationwide cleanup goals in multiple
• Nonhalogenated VOC
• Nonhalogenated SVOC
• Fuels
• Upfront Costs
– Design and extent of a pilot study.
– Areal footprint and lithology of contaminated soil.
– Vapor treatment.
– Site location.
• Operation and Maintenance Costs
– Treatment duration
• Equipment lease duration
• Utilities 
– Amendments
– Labor
– Long-term monitoring for process control.
• Bioventing is a medium- to long-term technology. Typical cleanup
can range from 6 months to 5 years. The duration of operation
and maintenance is dependent on the following conditions:
– Cleanup goals
– Type of contaminants
– Contaminant concentration and distribution
– Achievable biodegradation rates
– In situ characteristics including permeability and anisotropy, which can
impact ability to adequately and uniformly distribute the gas to the
vadose zone
Implementability Considerations
• The presence of the water table within several feet of the surface can reduce bioventing performance and would not be a good
application for the technology.
• Vapors can build up in basements or other structures within the radius of influence of air injection wells, a problem that can be
alleviated by extracting air near the structure of concern.
• Subsurface heterogeneity can interfere with efficient aeration of the contaminated zone.
• Low-permeability and high-moisture content soils are difficult to treat due to insufficient aeration.
• Low soil moisture content may limit biodegradation and the effectiveness of bioventing, which tends to dry out the soils.
• At sites where high concentrations of lighter end petroleum products (e.g., gasoline, JP-4) are present and/or the source of
contamination is fresh, SVE in lieu of or prior to bioventing should be considered.
• Vapor monitoring at the soil surface may be required when soils are aerated through air injection.
• Aerobic biodegradation of many chlorinated compounds may not be effective unless either a primary substrate is present or an
anaerobic cycle is used.
• Low ambient temperatures, such as those found in arctic environments, can significantly decrease biodegradation rates.
• Contamination is located in an area that is not easily accessible (e.g., underneath buildings). This may limit the ability to install
bioventing wells. More expensive horizontal wells may be required.
• Contamination is widespread and/or deep, which can result in high well installation cost.
• A fluctuating water table with hydrocarbon contamination can re-contaminate soil treated by bioventing extending remedial
Related Studies/ Paper
• Wastewater and Bioventing Treatment Systems for Acid Mine Drainage–Contaminated Soil
Acid mine drainage (AMD) has continued to be a major threat leading to the destruction of the
ecosystem and contamination of soil and waterbodies. The study focused on the evaluation of
biological treatment through the application of wastewater (bio stimulation) and air-injection
(bioventing) for sulfate removal from AMD-contaminated soils. AMD contaminated soil was amended
with brewery (BWW) and municipal wastewater (MWW) at varying loading ratios to investigate the
possible synergy while atmospheric air was supplied to bioventing treatments only. . The BST and BVT
treatment resulted in 34–53% and 27–42% sulfate removal efficiency, respectively (Anekwe and Isa,

DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2020.1863909
Related Studies/ Paper

• Evaluation of the Application of Wastewater and Bioventing System for

the Treatment of Crude Oil Contaminated Soils
Bioremediation technology offers a biological means which provide an eco-friendly and
cost-effective approach for soil remediation in contrast to physicochemical methods. The
treatment involves the amendment of crude oil contaminated soils with wastewaters at different
ratios and the injection of atmospheric air. The results showed that the combined application of
wastewater and air-injection was effective with 60-75% TPH removal efficiency while single
application recorded 48-59% and 55% for wastewater and air-injection respectively (Anekwe
and Isa, 2020).

• AFCEE. Procedures for Conducting Bioventing Pilot Tests and Long-Term Monitoring of Bioventing Systems (2004)
Provides guidance for site selection, planning, monitoring, and closure.
• EPA and AFCEE. Manual Principles and Practice of Bioventing, Volume I - Principles and Volumes 1 and 2 - Bioventing Design (1995)
Provides results of a multi-site demonstration that evaluated the efficacy of bioventing under a wide range of site conditions. Theoretical basis for
aerobic bioventing, design guidance, and case studies are provided.
• EPA. Bioventing. Chapter III How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for
Corrective Action Plan Reviewers (2017)
Description of bioventing, its effectiveness and design principles.
• EPA. Engineering Issue: In Situ and Ex Situ Biodegradation Technologies for Remediation of Contaminated Sites (October 2006)
Provides descriptions of bioventing and other related technologies.
• EPA. Engineering Issue: In Situ Treatment Technologies for Contaminated Soil (November 2006)
Provides a discussion of applicability and limitations of aerobic, anaerobic, and cometabolic bioventing.
• ESTCP Natural Pressure-Driven Passive Bioventing
Presents results from technology demonstration of passive bioventing. It includes links to the final project report, addendum, guidance document
and cost and performance report.
• NAVFAC. Passive Bioventing in Stratified Soils and Shallow Groundwater Conditions, TDS 2083 (August 2000)
Describes the passive bioventing process where gases moving naturally in and out of the vadose zone provide enough oxygen for
biodegradation, rather than using a blower to inject or extract air.
• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Engineering and Design Soil Vapor Extraction and Bioventing (2002)
Provides practical guidance for the design and operation of SVE and bioventing systems.

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