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Homework For The Next Week

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Homework for the next week

Instructions to submit homework:

To submit your homework, enter the website – www.academstar.com/homework and choose your
group – fill in the form.
Group 5 nijat@academstar.com
Group 14 nijat@academstar.com
Groups 1, 4 and 6 nijat@academstar.com
Group 7 nijat@academstar.com
Groups 3 and 8 nijat@academstar.com
Groups 2 and 13 nijat@academstar.com
Deadline for the homework submission is – Thursday 11:30 pm.

The homework consists of two parts: compulsory homework and voluntary homework. You must
submit the compulsory homework (voluntary homework is up to you).
In case you have questions regarding your IELTS Homework, please contact your main teacher – Mr.
Nijat Guliyev (https://www.facebook.com/nijattguliyevscorpion/ )

Compulsory Homework
IELTS Listening and Reading Page 2 of this file
IELTS Writing Page 3 of this file
IELTS Speaking Page 4 of this file
Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2 Vocabulary Page 6 of this file
Voluntary Homework
Reading Vocabulary Page 9 of this file
IELTS Listening and Reading

1.IELTS Cambridge 14 – Do 4 Listening and 4 Reading tests* (each test consists of 40 questions).
For Academic IELTS Students – Do Tests 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Reading) from the beginning. Choose the
IELTS 14 Academic book.
For General Training IELTS Students – Choose the IELTS 14 General Training book.

Additional instructions:
1.To download a book – www.twirpx.com (register here and upload a book) or use the website
www.ieltsmaterial.com .
2.To listen to the recordings for the Listening test – just open YouTube (www.youtube.com ) –
write ielts 14 test 1 for the First test (ielts 14 test 2 for the second test etc.) listen and follow the
instructions – listen once only and while listening, answer the questions in the book.
3.For the Reading section – you have 1 hour for 1 full test (3 passages and 40 questions in total).
4.After you do Listening and Reading tests, check the results at the end of the book. Make sure you
write your scores in the homework form on our website. Also add your problems with each section
(time management, vocabulary etc.).
5.If you don`t understand Reading questions, here is the website for answer explanations -
6.If you have questions, feel free to post them in this group and our teachers will help you

*If you work and have a tough schedule at work / university, inform Mr. Nijat Guliyev about it and
do half of the tasks required.
IELTS Writing
(Look at the page 6 for vocabulary, the structure for essays and sample essays will be sent to you on

1. Write a 250-word essay on the following topic (vocabulary is on the page 8):
Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for
driving cars and riding motorbikes.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Write a 150-word report on the following topic (vocabulary is on the page 6):
The chart shows how the population figures changed in three countries.


3. Write a 150-word letter on the following topic: (start your letter with Dear …)
You are renting a house in an English-speaking country, and the landlord has been helpful during
your stay. Now your friend is interested in renting your place. Please write a letter to your landlord
to inform your friend that you will be moving out.

In your letter
tell your landlord that you are leaving and explain why
thank your landlord for being helpful
recommend your friend as a prospective tenant.
IELTS Speaking
1.Speaking topics to prepare for the next class (prepare 2-minute speeches on these cue cards -
Part 2). Use vocabulary to the right side of this cue card. Also think about Part 3 questions.
1.Speaking topics to prepare for the next class (prepare 2-minute speeches on these cue cards).
Use vocabulary to the right side of this cue card.
Cue Card topic Vocabulary
Describe an experience when you lost I was unable to find …
something and got it back. The loss was quite important for me…
what you lost I was very upset about / groaned inwardly / felt
how you lost it dismayed
where you lost it I mislaid (mislay = put somewhere and be unable
and explain how you felt about it. to find it) these keys …
I put it there but no longer had it…
Describe a time when you had to wait in a Wait in a long line of vehicles
traffic jam. I was stuck in a traffic jam
When and where it happened? Be caught on/ sit in a traffic jam
How long you were stuck due to bad traffic? I could not avoid/beat the traffic/rush hour
What you did while waiting? It was a traffic bottleneck (narrow area to drive)
And explain how you felt when you were stuck in which caused that traffic jam
that traffic jam? Congested traffic is a common problem …
Describe a competition/contest you would like It was a design / art competition/contest
to take part in I participated/took part in / was involved/ was
What competition it is invited to participate in …
What you would do in this competition I won the first/second place in the competition.
Why you want to take part in it It is a competition of an international/national
We entered the contest/competition
Describe a quiet place you like to spend time in. This place is surrounded by trees
It is a quite place with a handful (very few) shops
Where it is? and restaurants
How you knew it? There is no noise/ noise pollution in the area
How often you go there? The place / setting/ environment in this … was
What do you do there? without many people and much noise
And explain why you like the place? I enjoyed the relaxed ambience of this place
Nice/enjoyable / ambient atmosphere of …
The … filled my soul with peace and positive
Describe a house you often visit It is a two-bedroom house with well-lit rooms
You should say: The third floor is an attic with an entertainment
Whose home it is room full of games
How often you visit it The house is surrounded by a garden, the house
What it looks like near the shore of a sea/ocean, house overlooks the
How you feel about it sea shore.
It should be located outside the city center/ on
the outskirts of my hometown
It should have many drawers, with built-in
The house should be fully furnished and have
many high-tech solutions for kitchen…
Describe someone you really like to spend time I really get pleasure from / enjoy the
with conversation with …
Who this person is? His positive nature helps me during …
How you knew him/her? He appears to be a respectful man and a good
What you usually do together? listener.
And explain why you like to spend time with His ability to support others really motivates
him/her? me…
It is his gentle voice that attracts a person …
He shares his great ideas and always talks about
new topics which are unfamiliar to me
Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic This plastic garbage was harmful for many people
waste because…
You should say: This contributions to society were immense due
Where it was and what you saw to …
Why there was a lot of plastic The job is to collect plastic, which benefitted the
What you did society
How you felt I was dissatisfied / annoyed because …

Additional Vocabulary for Writing

1. Writing Task 2 Vocabulary
To spur/ provoke / incite - to cause to do/happen

Prices spur manufacturers to reduce costs.

Media should not be used to incite conflicts.

traffic jams

be caught in/be stuck in/sit in a traffic jam

congested traffic
cause congestion / tailbacks traffic jams/gridlock
the state of being crowded and full of traffic
traffic jams

be caught in/be stuck in/sit in a traffic jam

congested traffic
cause congestion / tailbacks traffic jams/gridlock
the state of being crowded and full of traffic
Severe traffic congestion
To ease/facilitate traffic congestion
Heavy traffic congestion can be reported/seen / observed on many motorwaysTo be allowed
to drive since the age of … / at the age of …

To invoke – to use something to support your view

I would like to invoke the decision by the Japanese government to support my argument about
this approach.

To rebuke / to reprimand – to criticize- speak severely because someone did something wrong

The company was publicly rebuked for not ….

They rebuked /reprimanded the company for …

To navigate – to find the way to deal with some problem / issue 2) understand what is what

It is not easy to navigate the labyrinth of mass media channels.

She managed to navigate her company through the most difficult period.

Unrealistic – not realistic

It is unrealistic to expect people to move to another planet.

Another/One further/ One additional reason / The more important reason (One of the most
important reasons is …)

Another/One further/One additional reason for supporting poor people is that it increases the life
quality in cities.

Another + singular/ plural nouns.

Immoral – not good

There is nothing immoral about encouraging children to work voluntarily.

To spur/ provoke / incite - to cause to do/happen

Prices spur manufacturers to reduce costs.

Media should not be used to incite conflicts.

To invoke – to use something to support your view

I would like to invoke the decision by the Japanese government to support my argument about
this approach.

To rebuke / to reprimand – to criticize- speak severely because someone did something wrong

The company was publicly rebuked for not ….

They rebuked /reprimanded the company for …

To navigate – to find the way to deal with some problem / issue 2) understand what is what

It is not easy to navigate the labyrinth of mass media channels.

She managed to navigate her company through the most difficult period.

Unrealistic – not realistic

It is unrealistic to expect people to move to another planet.

Another/One further/ One additional reason / The more important reason (One of the most
important reasons is …)

Another/One further/One additional reason for supporting poor people is that it increases the life
quality in cities.

Another + singular/ plural nouns.

Immoral – not good

There is nothing immoral about encouraging children to work voluntarily.

(un)acceptable – agreed/ approved by society

We should learn socially acceptable behaviour.

In this case/regard, it is acceptable to keep animals in captivity.

Impractical – not realistic or sensible

This solution has been proved (to be) impractical for 20 years.

Inhumane / cruel / callous (only for people) – not caring about the pain of humans and animals

Inhumane treatment of animals

This is demonstrating a callous disregard for human lives.

Unlawful – not acceptable by law, not according to law

It is unlawful for companies to engage in fraudulent and manipulative practices.

Imperative – extremely important and urgent

It is imperative that animals should be kept in their natural environment.

Infuse – 1) to have particular quality 2) to have an effect on smth

Such books are generally infused with motivation and necessary guidance.
Social problems infuse all layers of society.

Inject money – to give money for organizations so as to help it function.

The government infuses money/ financial resources into the tourism industry.

Organically – showing how different parts are connected to each other

Different mass media platforms are organically linked.

Genetically – relating to genes

Genetically inherited diseases

Genetically engineered crops
Disparage belittle demean – to show as something not important (belittle - done by someone)

While I accept that GM can be harmful, I do not want to belittle the achievements of scientists in
this field.
Husbands should not belittle their wives` career achievements.
Such advertisements demean women.

Deviate – differ from the norm

This situation deviates from the norm / accepted standards.

Baffle – to be confused

Scientists/ People are baffled (as to) who should be responsible for the pollution of the
environment / the environmental pollution.

To seclude oneself from = to be separated / isolated from

These people seclude themselves from the rest of society.

Additional Vocabulary for Reading (Voluntary homework).

Word Explanation Examples
Prejudice Bias, preconception Prejudice towards this idea
thwart Counter, hinder, impede, foil, circumvent, curb, baffle, To thwart his father in this decision
inherent Intrinsic, inborn, built-in, ingrained, deep-rooted Inherent features of animals
intrusion Intervention, trespass on, invasion of My aunt`s intrusion into my private
genuinely Truly, absolutely, not in an artificial way, fairly, Genuinely funny movies
disavow Reject, deny, disclaim, rebut, repudiate Disavow claims about this
err Make a mistake To err in this statement
cogent Convincing, persuasive, compelling, able to make one Cogent arguments in the essay
believe that x is true,
manifold Numerous, multifarious, multitudinous, various Manifold opportunities
multifarious Of diverse types, numerous, varied Multifarious activities in this club
prominent Famous, well-known, eminent, preeminent, noteworthy A prominent member of this
undermine Cast doubt on, doubt, question, weaken Undermine the claim about this
ample Enough, sufficient, adequate, abundant Ample evidence to reach a
colossal Gigantic, massive, huge, enormous Colossal amount of information
ultimately Eventually, finally The small corporation will
ultimately turn into a bigger one
justify Give grounds for, give reasons for The use of aggression is never
supersede Take the place of, supplant, replace The old method was superseded
substitute Exchange, replace with, trade Rosemary can be substituted for
other herbs.
pragmatic Practical, sensible (realistic) Pragmatic approach with hands-on
aesthetic Relating to beauty Aesthetic quality of artworks;
aesthetically pleasing
evoke Recall, bring to mind Evoke old feelings
decry Condemn, criticize, censure, denounce To decry abuse towards women
realm Domain, field of interest, area The realm of physics
reserved Slow to reveal emotion or opinion, reticent, restrained, My father is a reserved and taciturn
quiet man
acquisition Buying / purchasing items, or developing some skill Acquisition of managerial skills
bar Prevent, prohibit, preclude, inhibit, ban He was barred from leaving the
prioritize To designate/ treat something as more important, choose Prioritize education over job
as more significant
trivial Insignificant, minor, of little value, inconsequential Trivial offenses are often ignored
by the police
Overlook Fail to notice/observe, ignore, neglect, look down on We overlooked this point, so our
conclusion is wrong
To take To treat as more important, outweigh While reviewing everything, health
precedence factors take precedence.
explicitly Not implicitly, clearly, obviously, in a clear and detailed The essay explicitly states why the
manner author agreed with this view.
rescind Cancel, remove, take away, revoke To rescind an agreement
immoral Not conforming to accepted standards, unethical, Immoral behavior of children who
wrongful, unprincipled are raised by parents showing
modify Change, adjust, alter, adapt Modify the view depending on
trace Track, unearth, find, discover, uncover Trace the evidence of new
Provide/form Create the platform / conditions for something The book will form a basis for our
a basis for discussion.
Set forth Present, describe, delineate, explain / expound Set forth new evidence in the report
intend Have (the) intention, plan To intend to reduce the cost
defer Postpone, adjourn, put off, delay Defer the application process for
the next year
trammel Limit, restrain, constrain, bridle, fetter To trammel access to this
momentary Short, fleeting, quick, transient Momentary lapse of concentration
may reduce your understanding.
alloy Fuse, amalgamate, mix To get bronze, we alloy copper and
Exquisite Delicate, beautiful, magnificent, superb Exquisite patterns of this element
perceive Become aware/conscious of, come to realize, discern, This discovery is now perceived as
recognize, attain awareness/understanding of groundbreaking.
incompatible Irreconcilable, conflicting, opposing, not matching The work in this company is
together, not able to exist together incompatible with my values
inadmissible Not considered to be accepted or valid This evidence is inadmissible.
Conducive Make a situation likely/possible, good for, favorable The library provides an
environment conducive for learning
favor Work for the advantage of, benefit, assist, aid Such weather favors farmers.
conformity Compliance with standards or rules, accordance with Conformity to new regulations

Reading articles – Read 30 articles from this link -


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