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Republic of the Philippines

University of Rizal System

Morong, Rizal
College of Education

Name: __SANTIAGO, VERONICA A. ___ Year/Section: 2-BTLED-HE2

First Semester, SY. 2021-2022

Instructions: Read and analyze the items below. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before each number.
_ B _1. It refers to the process of physical maturation resulting an increase in size of the body
and various organs.
A. Development C. Maturity
B. Growth D. Quantitative
__C__2. It is a comprehensive and wider term that refers to the overall changes in an
A. Growth C. Development
B. Maturation D. Quality
_A___3. Who is the proponent of classical conditioning?
A. Ivan Pavlov C. Albert Bandura
B. B.F. Skinner D. Jean Piaget
__B__4. Who is the proponent of operant conditioning?
A. Ivan Pavlov C. Albert Bandura
B. B.F. Skinner D. Jean Piaget
__A__5. It refers to the fact that learners must operate, or perform a certain behavior, before
receiving a reward or punishment.
A. Classical conditioning C. Behavior
B. Social Learning D. Operant conditioning
__B__6. It refers to the integrated view of human development.
A. Learning paradigm C. Ethology
B. System Approach D. Behaviorism
_B___7. It is a view in which behavior can be explained by external factors and behavioral
conditioning can be used as a universal learning process.
A. Behaviorism C. Humanism
B. Cognitivism D. Constructivism
__C__8. The following are the characteristics of life-span perspective EXCEPT one;
A. Development is lifelong. C. Development is plastic.
B. Development is elastic. D. Development is contextual
__C__9. It is an approach which believes that individuals will show extensive change from
birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in late old age.
A. System Approach C. Life-span Approach
B. Learning Approach D. Traditional Approach
__B__10. It refers to the perspective which stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by
biology and is tied of evolution.
A. Theory of Natural Selection C. Life-span Perspective
B. Ethological Theory D. System Approach
_A___11. Which of the following best described system approach?
A. The human person is the product of the interaction of nature and nurture.
B. It explains human development based on the pairing of two stimuli leads to response.
C. It emphasizes the dynamic interaction of between people and their behavior.
D. All of the aforementioned statements described system approach.
__B__12. Life-span perspective involves the dynamic interaction of factors like physical,
emotional, and psychosocial development. What does it mean?
A. Development is multidisciplinary. C. Development is multidirectional.
B. Development is multidimensional. D. development is multicultural.
___A_13. The human person is not exclusively taken as a biological individual but also a
product of the context in which the individual is situated. What perspective in human
development is being described?
A. System Approach C. Traditional Approach
B. Life-span Approach D. Ethological Approach
__D__14. It refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our
early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, our surrounding
A. Nature C. Culture
B. Nurture D. Socialization
_C___15. Which is NOT TRUE about growth?
A. It is a quantitative aspect of development. C. It does not continue throughout life.
B. It stops when maturity has been attained. D. It implies changes in character/quality.
__D__16. The following statements support the concept of development. Which is NOT?
A. It is a process by which an individual grows and changes throughout its life span.
B. It is a progressive series of changes which are orderly and coherent and which lead
towards the goal of maturity.
C. It shows results in new characteristics, and new abilities in an individual.
D. It is a quantitative aspect that comes into the domain of physical sense.
__A__17. The process of growth and development continues from the conception till the
individual reaches maturity. Development of both physical and mental traits continues
gradually until these traits reach their maximum growth. It goes on continuously throughout
life. Even after maturity has been attained, development does not end. Which of the following
principle of growth and development described in the abovementioned statement?
A. Development is continuous. C. Development is sequential.
B. Development is gradual. D. Development is predictable.
__B__18. Rate of development varies person to person. It means that the rate of development
is ____________.
A. uniform C. either uniform or not uniform
B. not uniform D. balance
_C___19. Every species, whether animal or human, follows a pattern of development peculiar
to it. This pattern in general is the same for all individuals. The child crawls before he creeps,
stands before he walks and babbles before he talks. What particular principle of human
development is being described?
A. Development is continuous. C. Development is sequential.
B. Development is gradual. D. Development is predictable.
__B__20. Development in one area is highly related to development in other areas. For
example, a child who has a good health can be active socially and intellectually. What principle
of human development will support the statements?
A. Development brings about both structural and functional changes.
B. There is a constant interaction between all factors of development.
C. Development proceeds from general to specific.
D. Most traits are correlated in development.
__C__21. It is the stage of human development where it is considered as the time of
remarkable growth with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly
influenced by the environment and the people that surround them.
A. Infancy C. Middle and Late childhood
B. Early childhood D. Adolescence
__D__22. This stage of human development comes with hormonal changes and learning
about who you are as an individual.
A. Infancy C. Middle and Late childhood
B. Early childhood D. Adolescence
__C__23. During this time, children become more self-sufficient as they go to school and make
friends. What stages of development being described?
A. Infancy C. Middle and Late childhood
B. Early childhood D. Adolescence
__B__24. It is considered as traumatic life stage for child and parent.
A. Infancy C. Middle and Late childhood
B. Early childhood D. Adolescence
__C__25. It is a phase of pre-natal development where conception, implantation, formation,
formation of placenta happens.
A. Germinal C. Fetal
B. Embryonic D. Natal
__A__26. It is a phase of pre-natal development where bodily growth continues, movement
capability begins, brain cells multiply age of viability.
A. Germinal C. Fetal
B. Embryonic D. Natal
__C__27. The following characterized adolescence period, which is NOT?
A. trying to establish self-identity C. puberty occurs
B. extremely concerned with appearance D. physical development complete
___A_28. Which of the following best described the characteristic of middle and late
A. developed complex motor skills C. usually knows how to profit from errors
B. confrontations with authority D. physical development complete
_B___29. What stage of human development which involves finding an occupation and often
finding a life partner as well?
A. Adolescence C. Middle Adulthood
B. Early Adulthood D. Late Adulthood
__C__30. What stage of human development which is considered as the time when most
people start a family and settle into their adult lives?
A. Adolescence C. Middle Adulthood
B. Early Adulthood D. Late Adulthood
__B__31. There are times that the child wants to be just like parent. What stage of
development supports the idea?
A. Infancy C. Middle and Late childhood
B. Early childhood D. Adolescence
___C_32. A child starts to form sentences which are more complex and speaks well enough
for strangers to understand. What is being described in the situation?
A. Infancy C. Middle and Late childhood
B. Early childhood D. Adolescence
__C__33. A 9-year old child most likely wants to form independent activities to same sex group
activities. What is the implication of the aforementioned statement?
A. A child is in the early adulthood. C. A child is in the middle/late childhood.
B. A child is in the stage of infancy. D. A child is in the stage of pre-natal.
___D_34. According to him as time progresses and societies change their ideas of gender,
these tasks may look different or become less important to complete. He also emphasizes that
development is continuous throughout a person’s entire lifespan, occurring in stages.
A. Skinner C. Havighurst
B. Piaget D. Freud
___D_35. It refers to a task that arises at or about a certain period in life, unsuccessful
achievement of which leads to inability to perform tasks associated with the next period or
stage in life.
A. Growth task C. Individual task
B. Performance task D. Developmental task
___B_36. Which of the following best described the developmental task for middle and late
childhood as stage of development?
A. Readiness for reading C. Achieving mature relations
B. Learning an appropriate sex role D. Achieving emotional independence
_B___37. Which of the following can be associated in biological influences?
A. Physical maturation C. Pressure of society
B. Personal values D. All of these
__C__38. Teacher A considers that individual’s personality and interests will also influence
the tasks required to develop successfully while Teacher B emphasizes that tasks do not just
come from external forces. What implication can be drawn from the statements of the two
A. Development is influenced by biological factors.
B. Development is influenced by psychological factors
C. Development is influenced by social factors.
D. Either A or B
_A___39. Which developmental task is NOT associated for adolescent learner?
A. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
B. Accepting one’s physical body as it goes through changes
C. Achieving emotional independence of adults
D. Assuming civic responsibility
__A__40. The teacher noticed that the learners started developing their fundamental skills in
reading, writing and calculating. This developmental task is applicable to _______________.
A. Early childhood C. Adolescence
B. Middle and Late childhood D. Early adulthood
_ C__41. He is the proponent of psychoanalytic theory.
A. Jean Piaget C. Sigmund Freud
B. Ivan Pavlov D. B.F. Skinner
_ B__42. It refers to the structure of personality that operates on moral principle and exerts
influence on what is right and wrong.
A. Id C. Ego
B. Superego D. Either B or C
_ B__43. This level of mental life is characterized by immoral urges and selfish needs.
A. Conscious mind C. Pre-conscious mind
B. Unconscious mind D. Superconscious mind
_ A/B__44. Sigmund Freud developed this concept to describe a child’s sexual desire for the
parent of the opposite sex and a sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex.
A. Oedipus complex C. Psychoanalysis
B. Electra complex D. Rivalry
_ A__45. Pleasure comes from oral through mouth sucking eating, mouthing, chewing and
biting. In what stage of Freud’s psychosexual development best fit the aforementioned
A. Oral C. Genital
B. Phallic D. Latency
_ C__46. Which of the following is the correct order of Freud’s psychosexual stages of
A. Oral-Phallic-Anal-Latency-Genital C. Oral-Anal-Phallic-Latency-Genital
B. Oral-Anal-Phallic-Genital-Latency D. Oral-Anal-Latency-Phallic-Genital
_ _A_47. Across these five stages, the child is presented with different conflicts between their
biological drives (id) and their social and moral conscience (superego) because their biological
pleasure-seeking urges focus on different areas of the body. Sigmund Freud called this as
A. erogenous zone C. homogeneous zone
B. exogenous zone D. fixated zone
_ _A_48. Conflicts arise due to greater emotional attachment to one parent over another where
child starts to recognize what it means to be a girl or a boy. In what stage of psychosexual
stages of development this happens?
A. Phallic C. Anal
B. Genital D. Latency
_ _D_49. The following represents the phallic stage fixation EXCEPT one;
A. Vanity C. Confused sexual identity
B. Sexual deviances D. Anal expulsive
_ A__50. Which best described genital stage in psychosexual stages of development?
A. The puberty stage where sexual urges are once again awakened.
B. Focuses on physical and academic skills of the children.
C. Child starts to recognize what it means to be a girl or a boy.
D. Pleasure focuses on bowel movement (withholding/eliminating feces)
_B __51. He viewed that early cognitive development involves processes based upon actions
and later progresses to changes in mental operations.
A. Lev Vygotsky C. Albert Bandura
B. Jean Piaget D. Ivan Pavlov
_ B__52. It refers to the categories of knowledge that help us to interpret and understand the
A. Response C. Experience
B. Schema D. Equilibrium
_ A__53. This refers to the process of taking in new information into our already existing
schema. The process is somewhat subjective because we tend to modify experiences
and information slightly to fit in with our preexisting beliefs.
A. Assimilation C. Equilibration
B. Accommodation D. Communication
_ C__54. Piaget believed that all children try to strike a balance between assimilation and
accommodation, which is achieved through a mechanism. What do you call this process?
A. Assimilation C. Equilibration
B. Accommodation D. Communication
_ _B_55. Another part of adaptation involves changing or altering our existing schema in light
of new information wherein it involves modifying existing schema, or idea, as a result of new
information or new experiences. This process is called ______________.
A. Assimilation C. Equilibration
B. Accommodation D. Communication
_A __56. Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget’s stages of cognitive
A. Sensorimotor-Preoperational-Concrete Operational-Formal Operational
B. Sensorimotor-Preoperational-Formal Operational-Concrete Operational
C. Sensorimotor- Formal Operational-Concrete Operational-Preoperational
D. Sensorimotor-Concrete Operational-Preoperational- Formal Operational
_D __57. The following statements described the major characteristics of sensorimotor stage.
Which is NOT belong?
A. Children learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping,
listening and looking.
B. They realize that their actions can cause things to happen in the world around them.
C. The infants know the world through their movements and sensations.
D. Children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words and pictures to represents
_ C__58. Infants learn that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen. In
addition, understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, was an
important element during sensorimotor stage. What is the term used by Piaget which is also
called as object constancy?
A. Subject permanence C. Object permanence
B. Object consistency D. Subject consistency
_A __59. Which of the following best described the developmental changes during concrete
operational stage?
A. Children begin using inductive logic or reasoning
B. Children begin to use deductive logic or reasoning
C. Children tend to be egocentric and struggle to see things from other’s perspectives.
D. Children realize that their actions can cause things to happen in the world around them.
_ C__60. During this stage, children also become less egocentric and begin to think about
how other people might think and feel. Children in this stage also begin to understand that
their thoughts are unique to them and that not everyone else necessarily shares their thoughts,
feelings, and opinions.
A. Sensorimotor stage C. Concrete operational stage
B. Preoperational stage D. Formal operational stage

Prepared by:


Professorial Lecturer

Noted by:


Dean, College of Education

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