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Mehran Coaching Academy of Science & English Language (Mcasel) Monthly Test March 2023 Class Xii Pre Engineering

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PHYSICS (a) Increasing the temperature

(b) Adding trivalent impurity
1. Choose only false statement of the following: (c) Adding pentavalent impurity
(a) In conductors valance and conduction band may (d) Both b and c
overlap 12. The symbol of NPN transistor is:
(b) Substances with energy gap of the order of 10eV
are insulators (a) (b)
(c) The resistivity of semiconductors increases with
the increase of temperature
(d) The resistivity of semiconductors increases with (c) (d)
the decrease of temperature
2. Emitter Base junction is forward biased in: 13. In photodiode the diode current varies linearly with:
(a) PNP transistor (c) Both a and b (a) Output voltage (c) Both a and b
(b) NPN transistor (d) None of these (b) Light flux (d) None of these
3. In a semiconductor 14. Which of the following devices work on reverse bias?
(a) there are no free electrons at 0 K (a) Diode (c) Photodiode
(b) there are no free electrons at any temperature (b) LED (d) All of these
(c) the number of free electrons increases with 15. Choose the right option for A.M:
(d) pressure the number of free electrons is more (a) Amplitude monitor (c) amplitude magnification
than that in a conductor (b) Amplitude modulation(d) Amplitude measurement
4. The electrical conductivity of pure germanium can be 16. The process in which an original signal is recovered
increased by from modulated signal is called:
(a) increasing the temperature (a) Doping (c) Rectification
(b) doping acceptor impurities (b) Biasing (d) Demodulation
(c) doping donor impurities 17. In frequency modulation, which one of the following
(d) All of the above of the original signal does not change:
5. Electrons present in p-type material due to thermal pair (a) Pitch (b) Wavelength
generation are: (c) Frequency (d) Amplitude
(a) Majority carriers (c) dual carriers 18. Base-emitter junction and base-collector junction of
(b) Minority carriers (d) blockers transistor are ______________ respectively.
6. During the formation of PN junction _______ current (a) Forward biased and reverse biased
is established due to diffusion of majority charge (b) Reverse biased and forward biased
carriers from either side to form a depletion layer. (c) Both reverse biased (d) both forward biased
(a) Drift current (c) both a and b 19. The semiconductor device which increase the strength
(b) Diffusion current (d) None of these of weak signal at the output is a:
7. The minimum voltage required to break the depletion (a) N-type semiconductor (c) P-N diode
layer for semiconductors is called: (b) Transistor (d) P-type semiconductor
(a) breakdown voltage (c) both a and b 20. Which quantity of audio signal is changed by
(b) Knee voltage (d) none of these transistor?
8. For the input signal shown, the output signal at the (a) Amplitude (c) Wavelength
resistor `R` looks like: (b) Frequency (d) All of these
21. Electromagnetic waves consists of:
(a) Magnetic field
(b) Electric field
(c) Electric and magnetic field moving perpendicular
to each other
(d) Electric and magnetics moving parallel to each
9. In which of the following devices there is no use of 22. Speed of electromagnetic waves is given by:
any biasing voltage? (a) √ μo∈ o (b) μo ∈o (c) 1/√ μo∈ o (d) NOT
(a) LED (c) Solar cell 23. The electromagnetic waves travel in free space with
(b) Photodiode (d) Both b and c the speed:
10. The use of transformer in a rectifier circuit is: (a) Equal to the speed of light
(a) It allows us to step up or step down the ac voltage (b) Equal to the speed of sound
(b) It isolates the rectifier circuit from power line thus (c) Less than the speed of sound
to reduce the risk of electric shock (d) Greater than the speed of light
(c) Both a and b 24. Electromagnetic waves are:
(d) None of these (a) Longitudinal (c) Stationary
11. Which is the most efficient way of increasing the (b) Transverse (d) Complex
conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors?

25. The direction of propagation of an electromagnetic 39. AVO meter is used to measure:
waves is: (a) Current (c) Resistance
(a) Perpendicular to the electric field (b) Voltage (d) All of these
(b) Perpendicular to the magnetic field
40. Meter bridge is used to measure:
(c) Parallel to electric field
(d) Perpendicular to both fields (a) Current (c) resistance
26. The device which can receive or generate (b) Voltage (d) None of these
electromagnetic waves is called: 41. This is a high resistance instrument:
(a) Decoder (b) Diode (c) Antenna (d) Not (a) Voltmeter (c) Potentiometer
27. If an audio signal whose frequency range is from 100 (b) Ammeter (d) AVO meter
Hz to 10 KHz find its bandwidth? 42. Which of the following work(s) on the principle wheat
(a) 100 KHz (b) 20KHz (c) 30KHz (d) 50KHz
stone bridge?
28. In amplitude modulation if percentage modulation is
50%, then this is called: (a) Slide-wire bridge (c) Post office box
(a) Over modulation (c) Perfect modulation (b) Meter bridge (d) All of the above
(b) Under modulation (d) Critical modulation 43. A galvanometer has a resistance of 20 Ohms and a full
29. Which one has the highest frequency then the other? scale deflection when a current of 0.001 ampere flows
(a) Information signal frequency in it. What is the value of the series resistance to
(b) Baseband Signal frequency convert it into completely a voltmeter of range 10
(c) Audio signal frequency
(d) Carrier signal frequency
30. The range of FM is: (a) 7780 ohms (c) 5580 ohms
(a) 88 -- 108KHz (b) 100 – 108 MHz (b) 9980 ohms (d) 4480 ohms (e) 3380 ohms
(b) 88 -- 108MHz (c) 90 – 99 MHz 44. Identify the instrument/s which is/are used for the
31. Which one of the following is amplitude modulated measurement of resistance?
wave? I. Wheatstone bridge
(a) VAM = A Cos(2πfct) + B Cos(2πfmt) II. Meter bridge
(b) VAM = A Cos(2πfct) + B Cos(2πfmt) * A Cos(2πfct)
III. Post office box
(c) VAM = A Cos(2πfmt) + B Cos(2πfmt) * A Cos(2πfct)
(d) All of these IV. Ohmmeter
32. Which one is heavily doped? (a) I only (c) I and II only
(a) Emitter (b) base (c) Collector (d) NOT (b) II and III only (d) II and IV only
33. The sinusoidal waveform can be varied using which of (c) I, II, III and IV only
the following parameters? 45. If modulated signal frequency is represented by fm,
I. Amplitude II. Frequency III. Phase carrier frequency by fc, fmin and fmax represent
(a) I and II only (c)I and III only
minimum and maximum values respectively than
(b) I only (d)I, II and III only
34. An instrument which can measure and compare lower sideband refers to the range:
potentials without drawing any current from the circuit (a) Fc-fmax to to fc-fmin (c) Fc+fmin to to fc+fmax
is known as: (b) Fc-fm (d) fm-fc
(a) Voltmeter (c) AVO mete 46. A galvanometer whose resistance is 40 ohm deflects
(b) Potentiometer (d) Wheat stone bridge full scale for a potential difference of 100millivolts
35. In a moving coil galvanometer pole pieces of U across its terminals. How it can be converted into an
shaped magnet are made concave: ammeter of 5 ampere range?
(a) To make the field radial(c)To make the field spiral (a) 0.01 ohm (b) 0.2 ohm (c) 0.02 ohm (d) 0.1 ohm
(b) To make the field weak (d)To make the field moving 47. The coil of galvanometer which has a resistance of 50
36. In electric circuits Rheostat can be largely used as: ohm and a current of 500 micro amperes produces full
(a) Source of potential (c) Potential divider scale deflection in it. How it can be converted into
(b) Source of current (d) Power supplier voltmeter of 300 volt range?
37. A single device containing ammeter, voltmeter and (a) 599950 ohm (c) 5999950 ohm
ohmmeter is called: (b) 59950 ohm (d) 599995 ohm
(a) VTVM (c) CRO 48. The coil of galvanometer which has a resistance of 100
(b) Multi-meter (d) Potentiometer ohm and a current of 500 micro amperes produces full
38. If length of wire of potentiometer is increased the scale deflection in it. How it can be converted into
accuracy in the determination of null point : voltmeter of 500 volt range?
(a) Increases (c) Remains same (a) 9999900 ohm (c) 999900 ohm
(b) Decreases (d) NOT (b) 9999009 ohm (d) 999999900 ohm

49. A galvanometer whose resistance is 100 ohm deflects 59. How many carbon atoms are sp3 hybridized in above
full scale for a potential difference of 1000millivolts structure?
across its terminals. How it can be converted into an A) 9 B) 8 C) 7 D) 6
ammeter of 10 ampere range? 60. Which of the following is true about above
(a) 0.01 ohm (b) 0.2 ohm (c) 0.02 ohm (d) 0.1 ohm compound?
50. A galvanometer has a resistance of 50 Ohms and a full A) It is saturated polyfunctional group aromatic
scale deflection when a current of 1 mictro ampere compound.
flows in it. What is the value of the series resistance to B) It is unsaturated polyfunctional group aliphatic
convert it into completely a ammeter of range 20 compound
ampere? C) It is unsaturated aromatic compound which
(a) 25 micro ohms (c) 2.5 micro ohms contains carboxyl, carbonyl, hydroxyl and amino
(b) 250 micro ohms (d) 4480 ohms group
D) It is unsaturated aromatic compound which
CHEMISTRY contains carbonyl, carboxyl, hydroxyl, amino and
ether groups.
51. Carbon atoms in 1, 2, 3- propantriol contain
61. What is IUPAC nomenclature of following
A) 5 B) 8 C) 6 D) 7
52. Molecular formula of glycerol is :
A) C3H8O3 B) C3H7O2 C) C3H6O3 D) N.O.T
53. No of carbon atoms which do not contain hydrogen
atoms in tertiary butyl alcohol are:
A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) None of these
54. Which of the following is wrong name?
A) 3-chlorobutane B) 4-iodobutane
C) 4-bromopentane D) A and B E) A, B and C

See the structure of following organic compound

and answer the subsequent five questions.
A) 4-ethyl-6-methyl-3-propyl nonane
B) 4, 5-diethyl-7-methyldecane
C) 4-methyl-6, 7-diethyldecane
D) 5-ethyl-2, 5-propyloctane
62. What is true about structure of mustard gas?
A) It contains one carbon, one sulfur and one chlorine
atom B)
It contains two sulfur, two carbons and two chlorine
C) It contains one sulfur, two alpha carbons, two beta
55. How many types of functional groups are present in carbons and two chlorine atoms
compound contains? D) It contains two sulfur ,two alpha carbons, two beta
A) 7 B) 8 C) 5 D) 6 E) N.O.T carbons and two chlorine atoms
56. How many atoms are sp2 hybridized in above 63. Which of the following is also known as ethylene
structure? glycol?
A) 4 B) 6 C) 10 D) 12 E) N.O.T A) 1,2-ethandiol B) Glycerol
57. How many carbon atoms are present in above C) Glycerine D) A.O.T
structure? 64. Maleic anhydride contains ______ doubly bonded
A) 20 B) 21 C) 19 D) 17 carbons.
58. How many carbon atoms contain two hydrogens in A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
above structure? 65. Which of following contain(s) C≡C bond?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 5 D) 3 A) Calcium carbide B) Ethyne
C) Hydrogen cyanide D) Both B and C
E) A, B and C

66. Which of the following contains tri-substituted 78. Tertiary alkyl halides undergo ______ mechanism at
benzene ring? ordinary conditions.
A) Resorcinol B) P-cresol C) Picric acid A) SN1 & E2 B) SN2 & E1
D) Catechol E) Both B and C C) SN1 & E1 D) SN2 & E2
67. Which of the following pair contains isomers? 79. Transition state is observed in____ mechanism.
A) Catechol and resorcinol A) SN1 & E2 B) SN2 & E1
B) Resorcinol and Hydroquinone C) SN1 & E1 D) SN2 & E2
C) Catechol and Hydroquinone 80. 1-iodopropane will undergo______ mechanism at
D) A.O.T E) N.O.T ordinary conditions.
68. Molecule of meta formaldehyde contains: A) SN1 & E2 B) SN2 & E1
A) Three single bonded oxygens C) SN1 & E1 D) SN2 & E2
B) Three single bonded carbons 81. Pyridine is used as a catalyst in production of:
C) Three pairs of single bonded hydrogens A) Ethyl bromide B) Propyl chloride
D) Both A and B E) A, B and C C) Tertiary butyl chloride D) N.O.T
69. ACETAL contains: 82. Butene has_____ isomers.
A) Two OR groups and two hydrogens on central A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
carbon 83. Acetone is the isomer of____
B) one OR, one OH and two hydrogens on central A) Propanol B) Propanal
carbon C) Propantriol D) N.O.T
C) Three OR and one Hydrogen on central carbon 84. 4-hexene-1-yne can have _____ isomers.
D) N.O.T A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) N.O.T
70. Which of the following contain(s) five hydroxyl 85. Which of the following can be isomers of each other?
groups? I. Alcohols and ethers
A) Glucose B) Fructose C) Galactose D) A.O.T II. Aldehydes and ketones
71. Ring structure of which compound is known as III. Alkenes and cyclo-alkenes
furanose structure? IV. Carboxylic acids and esters
A) Glucose B) Fructose C) Galactose D) A.O.T A) I & II B) II & IV
72. Which of the following contains 1:6 glycosidic C) I, II & IV D) I, II ,III & IV
linkage? 86. Which of the following will produce ortho-para
A) Cellulose B) Amylose product on Sulphonation?
C) Amylopectin D) A.O.T A) Benzoic acid B) nitrobenzene C) toluene
73. One glucose and one galactose unite to form_____ D) Acetophenone E) Both C and D
A) Sucrose B) Lactose C) Maltose D) Pyranose 87. Acetophenone is produced during
74. Dry distillation of calcium acetate produces: A) Alkylation of benzene B) Acylation of benzene
A) Aldehyde B) Ketone C) Reaction of benzene with alkyl halides
C) Formaldehyde D) A.O.T D) Both A and C
75. Picric acid is produced when phenol reacts with: 88. Which of the following is Lewis base?
A) Bromine B) Dilute HNO3 -
A) NH3 B) OH C) H2O D) A.O.T
C) Concentrated HNO3 D) Concentrated H2SO4
89. Which of the following reacts fast?
76. In which reaction benzene ring does not loss its
A) Benzoic acid B) nitrobenzene C) toluene
Aromatic character?
D) Acetophenone E) Benzene
A) hydrogenation of phenol
90. What end product will be formed by following
B) Reaction of phenol with zinc dust
sequence of reaction of benzene?
C) Oxidation of benzene
1st.Alkylation 2nd.Sulphonation 3rd. oxidation
D) A.O.T
A) Ortho product B) Para product
77. What happens during elimination reactions of alkyl
C) Meta product D) Mixture of ortho and para
I) Removal beta hydrogen II) Removal halide ion
91. Which of the following is red solid?
III. Formation of single bond IV. Attack of
A) Copper acetylide B) Silver acetylide
nucleophile on carbons V. Formation of double bond
C) Cuprous oxide D) Both A and C
A) I & II B) I, II & IV
92. Boiling point of ethane is _____
C) I, II & III D) I, II & V
A) -99 Celsius B) -89 Celsius C) -79 Celsius

93. Which of the following is incorrect reactivity (b) (3 , -1) (d) none of these
order(s)? 108. Foci of the equation of Hyperbola
A) HCl>HBr>HI B) HI>HBr>HCl ( y−4)2 (x−3)2
C) Cl2>Br2>I2 D) I2<Br2<Cl2 E) Both A&D − =1 is
25 9
94. Products of cracking are____ (a) (3 , 4 ±√ 34 ) (c) (3 , 4)
A) Alkanes B) Alkenes C) Hydrogen D) A.O.T
(b) (- 3 , - 4 ±√ 34 ) (d) none of these
95. Cyclohexanol is____
109. If 16x2 + 9y2 + 64x – 72y + 40 = 0 then
A) Homocyclic B) Carbocyclic C) alicyclic
equation of hyperbola is:
D) Both A& B E) A, B & C
96. Fractional distillation of petroleum yields__% petrol. ( y−4)2 (x−2)2
(a) − =1 (c)
9 16
A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 15 2 2
( y + 4) ( x−2)
97. Menadione is form of vitamin___ − =1
16 9
A) K B) D C) A D) B 2
( y−4) (x +2)
(b) − =1 (d) none of these
98. Pyridoxine is form of vitamin___ 16 9
A) K B) D C) A D) B 110. Vectors u⃗ =ai− j+ k and ⃗v =i−2 j+bk
are perpendicular if:
99. Ptyalin hydrolysis starch to___
(a) a = 3, b = - 1 (c) a = 2, b = - 1
A) Maltose B) Sucrose B) Lactose (b) a = 1, b = - 3 (d) a = 1/2, b = 2
100. Polytetrafluoroethylene is also known as__
A) PVC B) PVA C) Teflon D) Perspex
[ ( ) ]
let I = ∫ 4 cos x +
2 π
−2 dx , then I

MATHEMATICS equals to:

101. Equation of hyperbola is 9x2 – 16y2 = 144

the coordinates of foci are:
( π3 )−2 x+ c
(a) 4 cos x +

(b) 4 sin ( x + ) −2 x + c
(a) (0 , ±5) (c) (0 , ±4) 2 π
(b) (±5 , 0) (d) (±4 , 0) 3

(c) sin ( 2 x +
3 )
102. Equation of hyperbola is 9x2 – 16y2 = 144 2π
+c (d) none of these
then eccentricity is:
(a) 5/4 (c) – 5/4 6
(b) 4/5 (d) 16/25 112. ∫ x 26−9 dx=¿ ¿
103. Equation of hyperbola is 9x2 – 16y2 = 144 5

then equation of directrices are: 3

(a) ln 3 (c) ln ⁡( )
(a) 4/5 (c) 16/5 4

(b) 5/4 (d) 5/16
Equation of hyperbola is 9x2 – 16y2 = 144
(b) ln ( 43 ) (d) none of these

then length of transverse axis is: 113. Two vectors a⃗ =2 i+3 j+ ck and
(a) 6 (c) 8 ⃗
b=−i−2 j+ k are perpendicular to each other
(b) 16 (d) 64 then value of c is:
105. Equation of Hyperbola is 2x2 – y2 = 10 (a) 6 (c) – 8
then the distance between foci will be: (b) 7 (d) 8
(a) 2√ 15 (c) √ 15 114. |⃗a| of a vector a⃗ where a⃗ =⃗
p1 p2 , where
(b) 30 (d) √ 30
p1 (0,0,1) and p2=(−3,1,2 ) is:
106. Eccentricity of the hyperbola 16x2 – 4y2 =
64 is:
(a) √ 11 (c) 2
(a) 5 (c) √ 5
(b) √ 12 (d) √ 13
(b) 2√ 5 (d) 25 115. ∫ etanx sec2 x dx = ___________
107. Vertices of the equation of Hyperbola (a) e tanx + c (c) e sec x

2 2
( y−4) ( x−3) (b) e secx + c (d) none of these
− =1 is:
25 9 116. ∫ secx tanx dx = _____________
(a) (3 , 9) (c) both a and b
(a) secx +c (c) −secx

(b) tanx+ c (d) secx 2

117. The position vector of any point in xy – 127. ∫ k dk = _______

plane is:
(a) 3/2 (c) 9/4
(a) r⃗ =xi+ yi (c) r⃗ =xi+ zk
(b) 2/3 (d) 4/9
(b) r⃗ =xi+ yi+ zk (d) r⃗ = yi+ zk b
118. The scalar quantity in the following is: 128. ∫ m1 dm = ____________
(a) Force (c) length a

(b) Displacement (d) velocity (b−a)

(a) +c (c) ( b−a ) + c
∫ sin 3 x cosx dx = ___________
(b) ln
+c (d) ln ( m ) +c

(a) 1/2 (c) 1/4 2

∫ 2 x e x dx = ________

(b) 2/3 (d) 1/9 129.

120. If u⃗ =2i− j+k then ⃗
|u⃗ × u⃗| = (a) e (e ¿¿ 3−1)¿ (c) (e ¿¿ 4−1)¿
(b) (e ¿¿ 3−1) ¿ (d)
(a) 6 (c) √ 6
2 e (e¿¿ 3−1)¿
(b) 0 (d) – 1 1
121. ∫ (x+ sec 2
x) dx = ____________ 130. ∫ 1+1x 2 d x = _____________
2 0
x 2
π π
(a) 1+tanx+c (c) +sec x+ c
2 (a) (c)
2 2
4 6
x x π
(b) +tanx+c (d) −sec 2 x +c
2 2 (b) (d) π
122. ∫ sin ( ax+b ) dx = __________ 131. ⃗
If a⃗ =3 i+ j−2 k and b=3 i−2 rj+k are
1 perpendicular to each other then value of r is:
(a) acos ( ax+ b ) +c (c) cos ( ax+ b ) +c
a (a) – 2/7 (c) – 7/2
−1 (b) 2/7 (d) 7/2
(b) −acos ( ax+ b ) +c (d) cos ( ax +b )+ c
a e
132. ∫ 1+e dx = ____________
123. ∫ cos 5 3 x sin 3 xdx = 2x

_________________ (a) ln ( 1+e x ) + c (c) tan−1 e x + c

−1 6 1 3
(b) ln ( e x ) + c (d) sin −1 e x +c
(a) cos 3 x +c (c) cos 3 x +sin 3 x+ c
18 8
−1 4
133. ∫ sec2 xdx = ______.
(b) cos 3 x +c (d) cos 6 3 x +sin2 3 x +c (a) secxtanx+ c (c) tanx+ c
1 (b) cotx+ c (d) cosx
124. The integral of w.r.t. ”x” is f(x) is:
9 x +4 134. ∫ a dx = ______

1 −1 3 x 1 −1 3 x ax
(a) tan (c) tan (a) a x lna (c)
6 2 3 2 lna
1 −1 3 x 1 3 x+ 2 a
(b) tan (d) ln (b) (d)
6 2 3 3 x −2 lnx lnx
125. The eccentricity of the rectangular 135. ⃗
If a⃗ =3 i+ j−2 k and b=3 i−2 j+k , then
hyperbola is:
a⃗ −b⃗ = _________
(a) 0 (c) 2
(a) 6 i−3 j−3 k (c) −3 i− j−k
(b) 1 (d) √ 2
(b) ⃗3 j −3 k (d) none of these
126. ∫ e2 lnsinx dx = ________________ 136. If A = ⃗ 4 i+2 j−k and B = ⃗ 2 i− j+ 4 k
x sinx
(a) e 2 lnsinx +c (c) − +c then the cross product is:
2 2
(a) i+2 j−9 k (c) −4 i+3 j+ k
(b) 2 cotx+c (d) none of these
(b) 7 i−18 j−8 k (d) none ofthese

137. If the position vector for A is i−3 j and 148. An equation involving derivatives or
position vector B is 2 i−5 j , then the value of differentiates is called:
| AB| is: (a) Quadratic equation (c) algebraic equation
(a) √ 25 (c) √ 65 (b) Differential equation (d) exponential
(b) √ 5 (d) 24
149. If n^ is the unit vector perpendicular to the
x2 y 2
138. The eccentricity of hyperbola − =1 plane containing vectors A and B then n^ is:
a2 b A×B A×B
is: (a) (c)
| A × B| ABcosθ
(a) e= √ (c) e= √
a2−b2 b2−a2 | A × B|
a a (b) (d) ABsinθ
(b) e= √
2 2
a +b 150. If vectors A and B are parallel vectors,
(d) e= √ a 2+ b2
a then A × B is:
139. If u and v are perpendicular to each other (a) 0 (c) – 1
then u . v is: (b) 1 (d) 2
(a) |u|.|v| (c) 1
(b) −|u|.|v| (d) 0 ENGLISH
140. If a and b represents the two sides of a 151. John Galsworthy was a __________.
(a) Novelist (c) Playwright
triangle, then area of a triangle is:
(b) Advocate (d) Both (a) and (c)
|a× b| 152. Conrad, a contemporary novelist, described
(a) a . b (c)
2 Galsworthy as a__________.
(b) |a× b| (d) |b × a| (a) Social activist
(b) Liberal writer
141. The modulus of vector 6 i+2 j−3 k
(c) Humanitarian moralist
(a) 7 (c) 5 (d) Humanitarian Critic
(b) 9 (d) 49 153. The Silver Cigarette-box is a bitter play, and it
2 x+3 criticizes the __________ of well-to-do
142. ∫ = _________ professional class of Galsworthy’s time.
0 √ x2 +3 x +1 (a) Practices (c) Values
(a) 2 ( √ 41+1 ) (c) ( √ 41+1 ) (b) Customs (d)Justice
(b) 2 ( √ 41−1 ) (d) ( √ 41−1 ) 154. __________ is one of the best novels of
sinx +cosx
143. ∫ cosx
= ___________ (a) The Man of Property (c) Strife
(b) Loyalties and Escape (d) All of them
(a) ln ( cosx )−x+ c (c) ln ( cosx )+ x +c 155. __________ was blamed by Barthwicks for
(b) ln ( secx )−x +c (d) ln ( secx ) + x+ c stealing the Silver Cigarette-box.
(a) James Jones (c) Jane Jones
Find ∫ tan xdx = __________
144. (b) Jack Barthwick (d) Roper
(a) tanx−x+ c (c) sec 2 x−x +c 156. Thomas Marlow is a __________ to John
(b) cosx + c (d) sinx+ x +c a) Chef (c) Gardener
145. ⃗
If a⃗ =2 i+ j−3 k and b=−i+4 j−2 k , b) Butler (d) Police Officer
then cosθ = _____ 157. Jones and Jack Barthwick had committed a
8 5 similar:
(a) (c) (a) Mistake (c) Crime
7 √6 7 √3 (b) Fraud (d) Action
−7 158. Robert Snow is a __________.
(b) (d) none of these
8 √6 a) Butler (c) Police Officer
146. The eccentricity of the hyperbola ia: b) Driver (d) Prosecutor
(a) e <0 (c) e=1 159. __________was blamed for stealing the Silver
(b) 0< e<1 (d) e >1 (a) James Jones (c) Jane Jones
147. (i× k )× j = ____________ (b) Jack Barthwick (d) Roper
(a) – 1 (c) 1 160. The magistrate gives a __________ trail to Jones.
(b) 0 (d) ∞ a) Fair (c) Unfair
b) Long (d) Short

161. Mrs. Jones worked as a __________at (b) 1923 (d) 1924

Barthwicks. 177. According to Einstein, we exist for our:
(a) Butler (c) Charwoman (a) Neighbors (c) Relatives
(b) Governess (d) Babysitter (b) Countrymen (d) fellow men
162. “Charwoman” is a British expression and it 178. Einstein was strongly drawn to:
means: (a) Hard life (c) Luxurious life
(a) Cook (c) Nurse (b) Simple life (d) Political life
(b) Midwife (d) Cleaner 179. “Our lives depend on the labors of other men; we
163. Jones says, “I am living from “hand to mouth”. It must try to give in the same __________.” Says
means, he has: Einstein.
(a) lots of money (a) Manner (c) Bank
(b) has been very busy (b) Measure (d) Currency
(c) enough food and money to live on 180. Einstein regards class differences as contrary to:
(d) hardly enough food or money to live on a) Reason (c) Justice
164. Mrs. Jones broke her home and went on the b) Science (d) Freedom
streets because her husband did not have a 181. In the philosophical sense, Einstein does not
________ to provide for the family. believe in human __________.
(a) Money (c) Job a) Progress (c) Freedom
(b) Property (d) None of these b) Slavery (d) Equality
165. Barthwick junior was a/an________. 182. The ordinary objects of human endeavor --
(a) MP (c) Politician property, outward success, luxury -- have always
(b) Desolate son (d) Liberal been __________ to Einstein.
166. Jones hit a policeman because they wanted to a) Condemnable (c) Valuable
arrest: b) Commendable (d) Contemptible
(a) Jones (c) Jane 183. __________ is the political ideal of Einstein.
(b) Jack (d) Livens a) Freedom (c) Democracy
167. Jane Jones lost her job because she was guilty. b) Justice (d) Autocracy
(a) True (c) False 184. According to Einstein, Media and Schools of
(b) Maybe (d) Unsure thought are responsible for the persistence of war.
168. The silver cigarette-box was found from the house a) False (c) Maybe
of: b) True (d) Unsure
(a) Barthwicks (c) Jones 185. I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part
(a) Livens (d) Magistrate in such an __________ business. Says Einstein,
169. Einstein was born in: talking about war.
(a) 1878 (c) 1879 a) Excellent (c) Abominable
(b) 1880 (d) 1890 b) Contemptible (d) Affectionate
170. Einstein died in: 186. According to Einstein, the fairest thing we can
(a) 1945 (c) 1950 experience is the __________.
(b) 1955 (d) 1960 (a) Truth (c) Mysterious
171. Einstein was born in: (b) Beauty (d) Goodness
(a) America (c) Germany 187. Einstein is acknowledged as one of the most
(b) Switzerland (d) Austria brilliant _________ of all times.
172. By birth, Einstein was a __________. (a) Scientist (c) Man
(a) Christian (c) Muslim (b) Chemist (d) Professor
(b) Jew (d) Atheist 188. The poem, “An Essay on Man” is written by:
173. For some time, Einstein taught Mathematical (a) John Dryden (c) Alexander Pope
Physics at: (b) John Milton (d) None of these
(a) Zurich (c) Oxford 189. “An Essay on Man” was presented before Lord:
(b) Harvard (d) Cambridge (a) Bolingbroke (c) Alexander
174. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has transformed
(b) Byron (d) None of these
scientist’s notions of:
190. Heaven from all creatures hides the book of:
(a) Gravity (c) Space (a) Life (c) Death
(b) Time (d) Both (b) and (c) (b) Freewill (d) Fate
175. Einstein, in his famous equation E=MC2, stated 191. “From brutes what man, from men what
that Energy was related to: ________ know.” Says Pope.
(a) Moss (c) Mass (a) Spirits (c) Angels
(b) Mars (d) Mess (b) Animals (d) All of these
176. Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in: 192. According to Pope, ________ is the great teacher.
(a) 1920 (c) 1921 (a) Life (c) Society

(b) Death (d) John Milton

193. The soul , uneasy and confined from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to ________.
(a) Go (c) Come
(b) Paradise (d) Hell
194. According to Pope, blindness to future is a
(a) Misery (c) Blessing
(b) Gift (d) Treasure
195. The poem, “Samson Agonists” is written by:
(a) John Galsworthy (c) John Barthwick
(b) John Dryden (d) John Milton
196. Samson was a man of immense ________.
(a) Beauty (c) Strength
(b) Knowledge (d) Influence
197. Samson was taken captive through treachery of
(a) Friend (c) Wife
(b) Brother (d) Mother
198. Samson was a ________.
(a) Hebrew (c) African
(b) Philistine (d) American
199. Samson fought against the ________.
(a) Hebrews (c) Philistines
(b) Ethiopians (d) Christians
200. Samson killed the enemies of his race by bringing
down the roof of a great ________.
(a) Prison (c) Fortress
(b) Temple (d) Palace

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