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Ehv Ac & DC Transmission MCQ Unit - 2: Ans: (D)

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1. The topmost conductor in hv transmission line is

a)  B-phase conductor

b)  Y- phase conductor

c)  R- phase conductor

d)  Earth conductor

Ans: (d)

2.   Corona has the disadvantage(s) of

a)  Power loss

b)  Introduction with neighbouring communication circuits

c)  Introducing the harmonics, predominately third harmonics, into transmission lines
d)  All of these

Ans: (d)

3.   Insulators used on EHT transmission lines are

a)  PVC
b)  Glass
c)  Stealite

d)  Porcelain

Ans: (d)

4.   The dielectric strength of air under normal conditions is around

a)  30 kV/cm.

b)  150 kV/cm.

c)  100 kV /cm.

d)  200

kV/cm Ans:


5.   The insulators used on 220 kV transmission lines are of

a)  Suspension type

b)  Pin type

c)  Shackle type

d)  None of these

Ans: (a)

6.   Power loss due to corona is directly proportional to

a)  Radius of conductor

b)  Supply frequency

c)  Spacing between conductors.

d)  None of these

Ans: (b)

7.   HV transmission line uses

a)  Pine type insulators

b)  Suspension insulators

c)  Both (a) and (b)
d)  None of these

Ans: (c)

8.   Corona occurs between two transmission conductors when they

a)  Have high potential difference

b)  Are closely spaced

c)  Carry dc power

d)  Both (a) and

(b) Ans: (d)


9.   Critical voltage limit of a transmission line is increased by

a)  Reducing the radius of the conductors

b)  Reducing the spacing between conductors

c)  Increasing the spacing between conductors
d)  Increasing the radius of the conductors

Ans: (d)

10.   Which of the following affects the corona least?

a)  Size and charge per ion

b)  Number of ions

c)  Atmospheric temperature

d)  Mean free length

Ans: (c)
11.   Transmission line constants are

a)  Capacitance

b)  Inductance
c)  Resistance
d)  All of these

Ans: (d)

12.   The effect of corona is

a)  Increased inductance

b)  Increased reactance

c)  Increased power loss
d)  All of

these Ans:


13.   The inductance of line is minimum when

a)  G M D is high

b)  G M R is high
c)  Both G M D and G M R are high

d)  G M D is low but G M R is high

Ans: (d)

14.   Corona is affected by

a)  Size of conductor

b)  Shape and surface condition of the conductor

c)  Operating voltage

d)  All of
these Ans:

15.   The inductance of single phase two wire power transmission line per km gets doubled
when the
a)  Radius of the wore is double

b)  Distance between the wires is increased as square of the original distance
c)  Distance between the wires is doubled
d)  Distance between the wires is
doubled Ans: (b)

16.   Capacitance of a transmission line

a)  Increases

b)  Decreases
c)  Remains same with increase in its length

d)  None of

these Ans: (a)


17.   The only advantage of corona is that is

a)  Ozone gas is produced

b)  works as a safety valve for surges

c)  makes line current sinusoidal

d)  produces a pleasing luminous glow

Ans: (b)

18.   Compared with solid conductor of the same radius, corona appears on a stranded
conductor at a lower voltage, because stranding
a)  assists ionization

b)  makes the current flow spirally about the axis of the conductor
c)  produces oblique sections to a plane perpendicular to the axis of the conductor

d)  produces surfaces of smaller radius

Ans: (d)

19.   The skin effect of a conductor reduces with the increase in

a)  permeability of conductor material

b)  x-section of conductor

c)  Resistivity of the conductor material
d)  Supply frequency

Ans: (c)

20.   High voltage transmission lines are transposed because then

a)  Phase voltage imbalances can be minimized

b)  Voltage drop in the lines can be minimized

c)  Computations of inductance becomes easier

d)  Corona losses can be

minimized Ans: (a)


1.  It is desirable to have wavefront control resistance

(a)  entirely within the impulse circuit

(b)  entirely outside the impulse circuit

(c) partly inside and partly outside the


impulse circuit
(d)  any where

2.  The magnitude of pulse currents depends upon

(a) voltage applied (b) no. of voids (c) (a) and (b)

3.  The frequency spectrum of PD pulse current contains complete information concerning

(a)  the measurable charge in low frequency range

( b) apparent charge in the low frequency


(c)  apparent charge in the high frequency range

(d)  None of the above


4.  In order to have proper integration of the pulse current it is desired that

(a) time constant of pulse τ should be


greater than time constant of the

measuring circuit (T)
(b)  τ < T (c) τ = T

(d) time constant has nothing to do with integration of a pulse current


5.  In narrow band PD detection circuit

(a)  Parallel combination of RLC forms measuring impedance

( b) Parallel combination of RL forms


measuring impedance
(c)  integration is carried out on the pulse current

(d)  (a) and (c)


6.  Recurrent surge generator is used to generate

(a)  current of large magnitude

(b)  repetitive current surges

(c) impulse voltage of smaller magnitude


(d)  (b) and (c)

7.  For reducing tower footing resistance it is better to use

(a) chemical and ground rods only (b) chemical and counterpoise only

(c) ground rod and counterpoise only (d) chemical, ground rods and counter poise

8.  The impulse ratio of a rod gap is:

(a) unity (b) between 1.2 and 1.5

(c) between 2.0 and 2.2 (d) between 1.6 and 1.8

9.  The insulation of the modern EHV lines is designed based on:

(a) The lightning voltage (b) The switching voltage

(c) Corona

(d) RI

10.  High voltage d.c. testing for HV machines is resorted because

( a) Certain conclusions regarding the


continuous ageing of an insulation can be

(b)  The stress distribution is a representation of the service condition

(c)  Standardisation on the magnitude of voltage to be applied is available

(d)  The stresses do not damage the coil and insulation

11.  Standard impulse testing of a power transformer requires :

( a) Two applications of chopped wave followed


by one application of a full wave

(b)  One application of chopped wave followed by one applications of a full wave

(c)  One application of chopped wave followed by two applications of a full wave

(d)  None of the above


12.  Sphere gap is used for measurement of

(a) a.c. voltage only (b) d.c. voltage only

(c) Impulse voltage of any wave shape 

(d) (a) and (b)

13.  Sphere gap when used for measurement of high voltage, the spheres are placed

(  a) in horizontal configuration if spheres are


(b)  in vertical configuration if spheres are small

(c)  in horizontal configuration if spheres are large

(d)  (b) and (c)


14.  Protective resistance to be connected between the sphere gap and the test equipment
is required while measuring

(  a) power frequency and higher frequency a.c.


(b)  power frequency and impulse voltage

(c)  Higher frequency a.c. voltages and impulse voltage

(d)  all kinds of voltages


15.  If D is the diameter of the sphere, for better measurements, the gaps ‘S’ should be such
that, (a) 0.05 D ≤S ≤0.6 D (b) 0.04 D ≤S ≤0.5 D

(c) 0.05 D ≤S ≤0.5 D (d) 0.03 D ≤S ≤0.6 D

16.  Tick out of the correct :

(a)  The breakdown voltage in sphere gaps increases with increase in partial pressure of water

(b)  The increase in breakdown voltage as in (a) increases with increase in gap length
(c) (a) and (b)

(d)  The breakdown voltage in sphere gaps decreases with increase in partial pressure of
water vapour

17.  Using uniform field spark gap, the breakdown voltage for 10 mm gap length
(a) 34.25 kV 
(b) 30.30 kV 
(c) 36.25 kV 
(d) 32.73 kV

18.  The voltage measurements using uniform spark gap are

(a) affected by nearby earthed objects (b) affected by polarity of supply

(c) affected by dust particles 


1. Which of the following are pros of HVDC over AC:
1.     Absence of Capacitance
2.     Absence of inductance
3.     Absence of phase displacement
4.     All of these

Ans . All of these

2. VSC Converters use:

1.     Thyristors
2.     Mercury arc valves
3.     Transistors
4.     All of these
Ans. Transistors

3. Generally the Converter transformers used in VSC HVDC systems are _ as compare to LCC
HVDC systems:
1.     Complex
2.     Simple
3.     Identical
Ans . Simple

4.     Symmetrical monopole converters are earthed with impedance:

1.     Zero
2.     Low
3.     Medium
4.     High

Ans. Low

5.  In HVDC transmission system, rectifier firing angle a is kept near

(a) 0°
(b) 15°
(c) 300


6.  If firing angle in an SCR circuit is increased, the output …………

a)     Remains the same

b)     Is increased
c)     Is decreased
d)     None of the above

Answer : c

7.  A single-phase two pulse converter feeds RL load with a sufficient smoothing such that
the load current does not fall to zero. If the resistance of the load circuit is increased then

a)  ripple content is not affected

b)  ripple content of current increases

c)  ripple content of current decreases

d)  load current may fall to


Answer: b

8.  In case of controlled rectifiers, the nature of the load current (continues or
discontinuous) depends upon the

a)  type of load and firing angle

b)  only on the type of load

c)  only on the firing angle

d)  it is independent of all the


Answer: a

9.  In a single phase full converter, for discontinuous load current and extinction angle β > π,
each SCR conducts for
     a)  α

b)  β
c)  β-α


Unit - 5
Unit - 5

1.             The HVDC converter

Ans -        Consumes 50% of the real power

2.              A back to back HVDC link can be advantageous compared to AC primarily because

Ans -         Of controlled power glow

3.               A 12-pulse bridge is preferred in HVDC because

Ans -          It eliminates certain harmonics

4.              Fault on a two terminal DC link is removed by  

Ans -         Current control of converters

5. Which of following are used to reduce short circuit fault currents

a) Reactors

b) Resistors

c) Capacitors

d) Parallel combination of all these

Ans: (a)

6. Which of the following type of reactors are popularly used in power systems?

a) Compensation reactors

b) Current limiting reactors

c) Suppression or Peterson reactors

d) All of these

Ans: (d)
7. Oil immersed type reactor has the advantage of

a) Higher safety against flashover

b) Smaller size with large thermal capacity

c) Limiting the fault voltage

d) Both (a) and (b) above

Ans: (a)

8. Shunt reactors are connected with transmission lines for

a) Limiting fault current

b) Absorbing reactive power

c) Absorbing high voltage surges

d) Limiting fault current 

Ans: (b)

9. Which of the following method of protection is used to achieve earth fault


a) Core balance method

b) Relay connected with neutral to ground

c) Frame leakage method

d) None of these

Ans: (a)

10. Minimum faults occur in which of the following power system equipment?

a) Transformer

b) Switch gear

c) CT, PT

d) Alternator

Ans: (d)

11. Large internal faults below oil level are protected by

a) Mho and ohm relays

b) Horn gap and temperature relay

c) Merz Price percentage differential relay

d) Earth fault and positive sequence relay

Ans: (b)

12. Interruption due to fault and maintenance is minimum in

a) Main and transfer bus arrangement

b) Single bus arrangement

c) Sectionalized single bus arrangement

d) Double bus, double breaker arrangement 

Ans: (d)

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