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Electrical conduction in gases was first studied in 1905 by

(a) Loeb
(b) Maxwell
(c) Townsend
(d) Hertz
2. According to Townsend current growth process the current ( I) in a uniform electric field gap is
(a) I0e− αd
(b) I0eαd
(c) I0e γd
(d) I0e−γd
3. The breakdown criterion in a uniform field electrode gap is
(a) α−γd= 1

(c) γeαd= 1
(d) γe−αd=1
4. SF6 is a
(a) neutral gas
(b) electronegative gas
(c) ionizes easily to form ions
(d) non-attaching gas
5. Time lag for breakdown is
(a) time difference between instant of applied voltage and occurrence of breakdown
(b) time taken for the voltage to rise before breakdown occurs
(c) time required for gas to breakdown under pulse application
(d) none of the above.
6. At standard temperature and pressure the electric field at which breakdown occur in air with a
small gap d (cm) is given by

7. The mechanism of breakdown in vacuum is due to

(a) particle exchange
(b) field emission
(c) clump formation
(d) all of the above
8. SF6 has the following property which is not favorable for use in electrical apparatus:
(a) High dielectric strength
(b) High are quenching ability
(c) It is not environmental friendly and causes global warming
(d) None of the above
9. Among the common gases that are used for electrical insulation, which gas has the highest
breakdown strength at atmospheric pressure?
(a) Air
(b) Nitrogen
(c) SF6
(d) Oxygen
10. Which of the following gas is a electronegative gas?
(a) Air
(b) O2
(c) SF6
(d) Both O2 and SF6
11. Transformer oil is
(a) Caster oil
(b) silicone oil
(c) polyester
(d) mineral oil
12. Dielectric constant of mineral oils is about
(a)1.5 to 2.0
(b)2.2 to 2.4
(c)3.0 to 3.5
13. Maximum dielectric strength obtained with pure liquids is about
(a) 100 kV/mm
(b) 10 kV/mm
(c) 1 MV/mm
(d) 50 kV/mm

14. The relation between breakdown strength and gap distance in liquid dielectrics is Vb
(a) K/d
(b) Kdn
(c) Kd−n
(d) (K1d + K2)
15. Stressed oil volume theory is applicable when
(a) small volume of liquid is involved
(b) large volume of liquid is involved
(c) large gap distance is involved
(d) pure liquids are involved
16. The parameters that affect the breakdown strength of liquids is
(a) hydrostatic pressure and temperature
(b) dissolved impurities
(c) dielectric constant
(d) pressure, temperature, dissolved impurities and suspended particles
17. The usual mechanism of breakdown in solid dielectrics is
(a) intrinsic breakdown
(b) electromechanical breakdown
(c) thermal breakdown
(d) chemical breakdown
18. Long-term deterioration and breakdown occurs in solid dielectrics due to
(a) thermal phenomenon
(b) surface discharges
(c) internal discharges
(d) treeing phenomenon
19. Paper insulation is mainly used in
(a) cables and capacitors
(b) transformers
(c) rotating machines
(d) circuit breakers
20. Thermal classification of insulating materials is done for
(a) gases
(b) liquids
(c) solids
(d) composite insulation
21. Breakdown is permanent in
(a) gases
(b) liquids
(c) solids
(d) in all the three
22. Electromechanical breakdown occurs when the thickness due to electrical stress is compressed
or reduced to about
23. Aging in electrical insulating materials under an electrical field means
(a) gradual reduction in dielectric strength which may lead to breakdown
(b) decrease in insulation resistance of the materials
(c) progressive building up of disruptive discharges inside the material
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above
24. Peak to peak ripple is defined as
(a) the difference between average dc voltage and peak value
(b) the difference between maximum and minimum dc voltage
(c) the difference between maximum ac and average dc voltages
(d) the difference between ac (rms) and average dc voltages
25. In a voltage doubler circuit peak to peak ripple is if C: capacitance, I : load current, and f=
(a)= (3If/C)
(b)= 2If/fC
(c)= 3I/fC
(d)= I/fC
26. Optimum number of stages for Cockcroft Walton voltage multiplier circuit are (if Vmax= supply
voltage, f= frequency, I = load current, C = stage capacitance)

27. The nominal rating of a testing transformer in kVA is given by (if ω = supply frequency, C =
capacitance loading and V= output voltage)
(a) 0.5 V2 ωC
(b) V2 ωC
(c) 1.5 V2 ω C
(d) 10 V2 ω C
28. In testing with a resonant transformer, the output voltage is
(a) rectangular wave
(b) triangular wave
(c) trapezoidal wave
(d) pure sine wave
29. Tesla coil is used for
(a) generation of sinusoidal output voltages
(b) generation of very high voltages
(c) generation of rectangular voltages
(d) generation of high frequency ac voltages
30. The approximate value of time to front in an impulse voltage generator is
(a) 3 R1 C1
(b) 2.3 R1 C1
(d) (0.7)(R1+R2)(C1 + C2)
31. An impulse voltage generator has a generator capacitance of 0.01 μF, load capacitance of 1 nF,
front resistance of R1 = 110 Ω and tail resistance of R2 = 400 Ω. The tail time is
(a) 40 μs
(b) 55 μs
(c) 50 μs
(d) 10 μs
32. In an impulse current generator the capacitors are connected in
(a) series
(b) parallel
(c) connected in parallel while charging and in series while discharging
(d) connected in series while charging and parallel while discharging
33. Impulse current generator output wave-form is
(a) damped oscillatory wave
(b) overdamped wave
(c) critically damped wave
(d) can be damped waved or damped oscillatory wave
34. A trigetron gap is used with
(a) cascade transformer units
(b) impulse current generator
(c) impulse voltage generator
(d) dc voltage double units
35. A generating voltmeter is used to measure
(a) impulse voltages
(b) ac voltages
(c) dc voltages
(d) high-frequency ac voltages
36. CVT when tuned does not have
(a) ratio error
(b) phase angle error
(c) both ratio and phase angle errors
(d) temperature error
37. Electrostatic voltmeters can measure
(a) only dc voltage
(b) both dc and ac voltages up to high frequency
(c) impulse voltages
(d) ac, dc and impulse voltages
38. Sphere gaps are used to measure
(a) dc voltages
(b) ac peak voltages
(c) dc, ac peak and impulse voltages
(d) only dc and ac peak voltages.
39. Sphere gap measurement is linear and valid for gap spacing less than or equal to
(a) radius of the sphere
(b) diameter of the sphere
(c) half the radius of sphere
(d) two times diameter of the sphere
40. The main factors that affect the sparkover voltage of sphere gap are
(a) humidity and waveform
(b) nearby earthed objects and atmospheric conditions
(c) diameter of the sphere
(d) gap spacing, diameter and waveform
41. For an RC divider to be compensated, the condition is
(a) R1C1=R2C2
(b) R1C2=R2C1
(c) R1C1 = R2 Cg
(d) (R1+R2)(C1 + C2)µs.
42. Compensated capacitance divider for high voltages (1 MV) generally has a bandwidth of
(a) 10 MHz
(b) 1 MHz
(c) 100 MHz
(d) 1000 MHz.
43. In a pure capacitive divider, the ground capacitance Cg is represented by adding additional
capacitance from central point of hv capacitor to the ground and is equal to
(a) Cg
(b) Cg/3
(c) 2Cg/3
(d) Cg/2.
44. The surge impedance of a measuring cable with its resistance neglected, Cg is (if L and C are
inductance and capacitance of cable per unit lamp

45. Hall generators are normally used to measure

(a) impulse voltages
(b) unidirectional impulse currents
(c) any type of impulse currents
(d) large ac currents
46.To measure a high-voltage of peak value abut 150 kV, the suitable sphere gap would be (diameter
in cm)
(a) 5 or 10
(b) 10 or 15
(c) 15 or 25
(d) 50 or 100
47. With a series capacitor voltmeter, a large error will result in when the
(a) capacitance is larger
(b) meter used is an electromechanical meter
(c) voltage to be measured is non-sinusoidal and contains harmonics
(d) capacitance is smaller
48. Sphere-gap measurement of peak voltage has an error of
(a) <±1%
(b) 5 to 10%
(c) 3 to 5%
(d) <3%
49. The equivalent circuit of a surge arrester may be represented as:
(b)an inductor
(c)non-linear resistor
50. The duration of switching surges in GIS is
(a) ms
(b) microseconds
(c) few nanoseconds and less than a microsecond
(d) few tens of micro seconds
51. Indirect strokes near overhead transmission lines induce overvoltages due to
(a) electrostatic induction
(b) both electrostatic and electromagnetic induction
(c) only electromagnetic induction
(d) conduction currents through line conductors
52. For resistivity and dielectric constant measurements the electrode system used is
(a) two electrode
(b) three electrode
(c) four electrode
(d) none of the above
53. The type of bridge used for low frequency (≈ 50 Hz) dielectric measurement is
(a) Transformer ratio bridge
(b) Mole’s-bridge
(c) shunted Schering-bridge
(d) Wagner’s-bridge
54. In a transformer ratio arm bridge, unknown capacitance Cx is given by (if Cs = standard
capacitor, and Ns, Nx are the number of turns used on standard capacitor and test capacitor sides

55. Fifty per cent flashover voltage is defined as

(a) the voltage at which the flashover probability is 0.5
(b) the voltage at which corona discharge appears before flashover
(c) the voltage at which the flashover occurs alternately when applied several times
(d) the average value of withstand voltage and flashover voltage.
56. Standard atmospheric condition as per Indian Standard Specifications are
(a) temp = 27°C, pressure = 1013 millibars and humidity = 17 g/m3
(b) temp = 20°C, pressure = 1013 millibars and humidity = 11 g/m3
(c) temp = 27°C, pressure = 1013 millibars and humidity = 11 g/m3
(d) temp = 27°C, pressure = 1000 millibars and humidity = 17 g/m3.
57. In wet flashover tests, the conductivity of water used is
(a) 10 ±1.5 µ Siemens
(b) 100 ±15 µ Siemens at ambient temperature
(c) 45 ±10 µ Siemens at room temperature
(d) < 1.0 µ Siemens at 27°C.
58. Most important tests conducted on isolators and circuit breakers are
(a) voltage withstand tests
(b) short circuit tests
(c) high current tests
(d) temperature rise tests.
59. C- tan δ test on electric bushings is done using
(a) impulse generator
(b) high voltage Schering bridge
(c) power frequency cascade transformer unit
(d) resonant transformer
60- A cascaded transformer having five stages then the number of tertiary windings are
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
Answer Key:

1 C 13 A 25 C 37 B 49 C
2 B 14 B 26 D 38 C 50 C
3 C 15 B 27 C 39 A 51 B
4 B 16 D 28 D 40 B 52 B
5 A 17 C 29 D 41 A 53 C
6 C 18 C 30 C 42 C 54 A
7 D 19 A 31 A 43 C 55 A
8 D 20 C 32 B 44 A 56 C
9 C 21 C 33 D 45 B 57 B
10 D 22 D 34 C 46 C 58 B
11 D 23 D 35 C 47 C 59 B
12 B 24 B 36 B 48 D 60 B

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