Local and Global Instabilities of Rolled T-Section Columns Under Axial Compression
Local and Global Instabilities of Rolled T-Section Columns Under Axial Compression
Local and Global Instabilities of Rolled T-Section Columns Under Axial Compression
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3 authors:
Nicolas Boissonnade
Laval University
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The resistance capacity of rolled T-section columns comprising slender webs is investigated in this
paper. Both (i) cross-sectional behavior influenced by local buckling and (ii) member behavior
influenced by global buckling are investigated through extensive numerical analyses. Regarding cross-
section resistance, current design rules rely on the traditional cross-section classification system and
the Effective Width Method (EWM), while local-global coupled instabilities in members with slender
plate elements are usually addressed through the EWM combined with flexural-torsional buckling
curves, which leads to conservative and scattered predictions for T-section members, mainly because
the effects of torsional buckling are considered twice: through the EWM and through the member
buckling curves. To overcome these shortcomings, an Overall Interaction Concept (OIC) approach is
proposed in this paper, providing a more economic and simple design method for both T-section
members. The load resistances predicted by the OIC, Eurocode 3, the American Specifications and the
Australian Standards are compared with numerical and experimental results. Overall, the results show
that the OIC-based approach provides more accurate and consistent predictions than current design
1 Introduction
As manufacturing technology advances, steel structural components comprising high strength steel
thin-walled plate elements are becoming more widespread. Such elements indeed provide an improved
performance-to-weight ratio, yet they show more prone to local buckling. The latter phenomenon may
also further influence the member’s response and interact with flexural buckling or lateral torsional
buckling, leading to so-called “coupled instabilities”. Dating back to 1969, Van der Neut [1]
established a theoretical framework to characterize the response of members affected by such coupled
instabilities. After that, many researchers (see for example [2-10]) have investigated various
particularities of mode interactions, such as highly unstable post-buckling behavior or high sensitivity
to imperfections.
This paper focuses on the local, global and local-global interactive buckling of T-section members
under axial compression. T-section members, which are often used as connection members between I-
sections and other members, as chord members in steel roof trusses or as tie beams in precast concrete
desk slabs [11,12] (see Fig. 1), can be easily obtained by connecting two angle sections back-to-back,
by plate welding or by cutting hot-rolled I-sections into half as shown in Fig. 2. The latter ones,
considered in this study, are ideal substitutes for double-angle sections since they are easier to
r 0 r 0
a) b) c)
Fig. 2. Manufacturing T-section members from – a) Double angles back-to-back – b) Plate welding – c) Tee cut from a
hot-rolled I-section.
Although steel T-section members have been widely used in construction, research on the local and
local-global coupled instabilities of T-section members has received much less attention than I-shaped
and angle sections, and only limited experimental research has been carried out. An early attempt can
be found dating back to 1972 by Kennedy [13], who tested 27 Tee struts and proposed the member
capacity to be determined from the minimum theoretical buckling loads, i.e., among the local buckling
load, the flexural buckling load and the flexural-torsional buckling load. Although these test results
were in reasonable agreement with his proposal, the possibility of interactions between local and global
buckling was ignored. Later on, similar tests were performed in 1986 by Kitipornchai [14] who carried
out a series of experimental tests followed by theoretical analyses on the inelastic buckling of T-section
columns under axial compression. The results showed that the failure mode of T-section columns with
wide flanges was flexural buckling, while the failure type of other members was flexural-torsional
buckling. In more recent years, Luo [15] analyzed the overall stability capacity of eight long T-section
columns loaded through their centroid, shear center and a mid-point between the centroid and the shear
center. It was found that lower capacities were achieved by the columns where compression was
applied through the shear center, eccentric loading increasing the compression stresses in flange plates.
In contrast, Chen’s study [16] revealed that for T-section members with aspect ratios h / b higher than
1.25, higher resistances could be obtained when compression acts through the shear center since
flexural-torsional buckling is not dominant and only flexural buckling can happen.
Shear Centre
tf Centroid
z tw
a) b) c)
Fig. 3. Buckling deformation of T-section columns – a) Section dimensions and notations – b) Local buckling
mode – c) Global buckling mode (flexural-torsional buckling).
Further, the similarity between plate local buckling and member torsional buckling of T-section
columns as shown in Fig. 3 has received special attention [17-22]. In particular for a thin-walled T-
section column with identical flange and web elements, i.e., tf = tw and h / b = 0.5, the interaction
between elements can be ignored and the torsional buckling critical stress is identical to the plate
critical stress [17]. As for T-section column with a stocky flange and slender web elements, which is
the case studied in this paper, the web plate may deflect besides torsional twist because the stocky
flange can provide a better support to the web plate. As an illustration, Fig. 4 presents the elastic
buckling behavior of a T-section column computed from software GBTUL [23] in which Ncr is the
critical load and L is the length of the member. With an increase in L, the value of Ncr first fluctuates
mildly, in a typical local plate buckling pattern, and then drops suddenly. More specifically, two
separate stages can be observed: short columns – L < 3800 mm in this example – buckle in plate local-
torsional mixed mode whereas long columns buckle in member flexural-torsional mixed mode. In both
stages, the torsional buckling mode is dominant (see Fig. 4b modal participation), despite half-
Fig. 4. Buckling behavior of T-section column with b = h = 300 mm, tf =10 mm and tw = 7.5 mm – a) Signature
curve – b) Modal participation.
In addition to the elastic buckling behavior, Trahair [18] found that the local and torsional post-
buckling behavior are also very similar, causing resistance predictions to be over-conservative when
both buckling effects are considered. Other researchers [19-22] have reached similar conclusions.
This particular buckling behavior makes it difficult to develop accurate design rules for T-section
members in current standards. Regarding cross-section resistance, current code-oriented design relies
on the traditional cross-section classification system and the Effective Width Method (EWM), whose
deficiencies were discussed in many papers, e.g., [24-27]. For members with slender plate elements,
local-global coupled instabilities are usually addressed by the EWM (1st step) combined with member
buckling curves (2nd step) in current design standards, to consider the detrimental effects of local
buckling on member instabilities. The design procedures of Eurocode 3 (EC 3) [28,29], of the
American Specifications (AISC) [30] and of the Australian Standards (AS) [31] for T-section columns
have conveniently been summarized by Cardoso [20,21] and Taras [19] in detail. Three aspects are
Fig. 5 shows a comparison among European, American and Australian column buckling curves
(curves "a0” to “d”) for non-slender T-shaped section columns. Note that Eurocode 3 proposes up
to 5 column buckling curves and that only curve “c” is used for the design of T-section columns.
The global slenderness λ̅ G used in Fig. 5 is defined in Eq. (1), where Npl represents the plastic
capacity of the T-section column under axial compression and Ncr,G the (global) critical buckling
load. According to the classical theory of elastic stability [22], Ncr,G for T-section members shall be
kept as the minimum of (i) the two flexural buckling loads Ncr,y and Ncr,z as defined in Eq. (2) and
(3), where Iy and Iz designate the second moments of area about the principal axes and E is elastic
modulus, and (ii) the flexural-torsional buckling load Ncr,FT as defined in Eq. (4) and (5), in which
G is the shear modulus, Iω the warping constant, r0 the polar radius of gyration and zc the distance
between centroid and shear centre. In particular for T-section column with Iy > Iz, Ncr,FT is always
lower than Ncr,y and Ncr,z [20,21]. For these sections, both Eurocode 3 and the American
Specifications examine the torsional buckling mode twice – in the local buckling check and in the
global buckling check through flexural-torsional column buckling curves. In contrast, the Australian
Standards consider the torsional buckling mode in a 1st step, followed by relying on flexural
G N pl Ncr,G (1)
Ncr,y π 2 EI y L2 (2)
Ncr,z π 2 EI z L2 (3)
GI t 2 EI ω L2
N cr,T (4)
r02 zc2
N cr,z N cr,T ( N cr,z N cr,T ) 2 4 N cr,z N cr,T r02 r
N cr,FT (5)
2r02 r0
Because the mid-thickness lines of the web and flange of T-section members intersect at the shear
center, the primary warping constant II of T-section members is zero. Besides, since the secondary
warping constant III is small and only affects very short columns [20,21], Eurocode 3 and the
American Specifications neglect the secondary warping of T-section members and assume
Itot = II + III ≈ 0. Therefore, with a decrease in L, the member slenderness ̅λG,FT cannot approach
zero for T-section members whose flexural-torsional buckling mode is dominant. Accordingly, the
Eurocode 3 considers an extra bending moment arising from the possible shift eN from the centroid
of the gross section area A to the centroid of the effective section area Aeff calculated by the EWM
Interaction equations for combined loading design check should therefore be applied for both cross-
sectional and member design, which might lead to more conservative predictions [26], further to
Besides, various new methods such as the Erosion of Critical Bifurcation Load (ECBL) approach
[4,32,33], the Direct Strength Method (DSM) [8,34-36] or the Overall Interaction Concept (OIC)
[10,27] also provide design guidelines to address interactive buckling in steel members. In this paper,
an OIC approach is proposed, with the main objective to provide a more economic and simple design
method for both T-shapes sections and members. The OIC, which is based on the well-established
the cross-section classification concept as well as the EWM, and deals with all cross-section shapes in
a similar way, both at the section and member levels, for simple or combined load cases. More
precisely, the OIC uses the section plastic capacity as a reference and considers penalty factors χ (one
for cross-sectional resistance L and another for member resistanceG) to account for buckling
detrimental effects, imperfections and their interactions. This approach is therefore capable of
capturing all types of sections’ responses, from stocky to slender ones. Fig. 6 presents the general OIC
flow chart with the steps that need to be followed to check the ultimate resistance according to the OIC
methodology. More details on the practical use of the proposed approach are given below:
Step 1: calculate the plastic capacity under axial force of the section Npl;
Step 2: calculate the local (L) and global (G) critical loads (Ncr,L and Ncr,G), which are relative to
either local or global instabilities, without considering any imperfections. Critical loads can be
Step 3: take the balance between the influences of plasticity and instability (i.e., material vs
Step 4: determine separate reduction coefficients χL (local) and χG (global) which consider all
Step 5: determine the ultimate compression resistance of T-section columns Nu. In this last step,
load reduction coefficients χi’s are also multiplied by (i) a local-global coupling factor fL/G and by
(ii) the plastic resistance Npl to obtain the ultimate resistance of cross-sections or members.
Assuming a partial safety factor equal to unity, when only local buckling behavior is considered,
Nu,L = χL ꞏ Npl; when only global buckling behavior is considered, Nu,G = χG ꞏ Npl; when considering
local-global coupled instabilities, Nu,L+G = χL ꞏ χG ꞏ fL/G ꞏ Npl where fL/G is a local-global coupling factor
which accounts for the interaction between local and global buckling [10]. Partial safety factors ϕ or
γM shall eventually be added to address reliability aspects of the proposed design equations.
Cross-sectional local behaviour (L) Member global behaviour (G)
N pl N pl
N cr,L N cr,G
Cross-section buckling curve Member buckling curve
L Plastic resistance 1L G Plastic resistance
Critical load Critical load
Cross-section local Member global
buckling curve 1 buckling curve
0 G
L L+G L G f L G G
Fig. 6. OIC design flow chart for cross-section and member design.
As a particular point and as discussed before, one may note that a torsional twist of the section about
the shear centre may occur in both local and global buckling modes, causing the local and global
buckling behaviors to appear quite similar. Hence, considering the torsional buckling mode in both χL
and χG may lead to overconservative results [18-22]. In the present paper, the member buckling curve
only intends at taking into account the effect of flexural buckling, such as in the Australian Standard.
Therefore, Ncr,G (Step 3) is taken as the minimum value of Ncr,y and Ncr,z, and the value of χG (Step 4)
A few years ago, Boissonnade et al. [27] first described the mechanical background, principles and
application steps of the OIC Consecutively, OIC-based design approaches have been developed for
square and rectangular hollow sections [25,38,39], I-sections [10,26,40,41] and mono-symmetric
sections [42,43]. Along all these studies, OIC expressions were proved to be more precise and
This paper aims to extend the application of the OIC to the design of T-section members. Both cross-
sectional behavior as influenced by local buckling and member behavior affected by global buckling
are investigated through extensive numerical analyses. The modeling procedure and relevant
validation results are provided in Section 2. Based on validated numerical models, a parametric study
was carried out (Section 3) to analyze the possible effects of section dimensions, section/member
slenderness and steel grade. Then, OIC-based design formulae for T-section columns are proposed.
The resistances predicted by OIC, Eurocode 3, the American Specifications and the Australian
Standards are compared with numerical and experimental results in Section 4, where a reliability
2 Numerical investigations
Numerical models for T-section columns under axial compression were built by using non-linear finite
element (FE) software ABAQUS [45]. The general-purpose shell element S4R, which has been applied
in many previous numerical studies on mono-symmetric and asymmetric sections [42,46-48], was used
order to balance out computation time and accuracy, the mesh size was selected as 1 / 20th of the web
height (see Fig. 7a). Extra hollow beam section and spring elements were added in web-to-flange zones
to simulate real geometries in the fillet areas [26,40,42,43,49], see Fig. 7b. A quad-linear stress-strain
material relationship [50], which was converted into true stress and logarithmic plastic strain, was
a) b)
Fig. 7. Numerical modeling – a) Typical member deformation at peak load (magnified) – b) Radius area of T-section
As shown in Fig. 8, all the T-section columns were assumed to be under simply supported, fork-type
boundary conditions, in which both end sections were restrained against torsional displacements and
against out-of-plane displacements about both principal axes, i.e., uy = uz = x = 0. At one end, the
compression load was applied at a reference point which was coupled to the end section through rigid
body conditions, while the longitudinal displacement ux of the opposite reference point was prevented.
Similar numerical boundary conditions were adopted in [47,51,52]. Note that, in the validation process,
a non-zero longitudinal distance between the reference point and the end-sections ex (Fig. 8) has been
considered in order to replicate the real boundary conditions, while this distance was set to zero in
parametric studies.
The manufacturing process of T-section members, which are usually obtained by cutting hot-rolled I-
sections in half, triggers more complicated distributions of residual stresses. Unfortunately, to the
authors’ knowledge, no experimental measurements have been focused on residual stresses patterns of
these T-section members. An idealized residual stresses pattern adopted in other numerical research
works [19-21] assumes that no extra heat is created during the cutting process and ignores a potential
straightening process, which could be conservative [19]. In the current study, a triangular residual
stresses pattern suggested in [53] (see Fig. 9a) and proved reliable by other researchers [15,54-57],
was adopted in the numerical models. Note that the distribution of residual stresses in each plate fulfils
Fig. 9. Definition of – a) Residual stresses – b) Local geometrical imperfections – c) Global geometrical imperfections.
As for geometrical initial imperfections, no detailed physical measurements could be found in the
literature for hot-rolled T-section members. Since it is unthinkable to measure the actual distribution
of geometrical imperfection for each steel cross-section or member in daily practice, many numerical
analyses rely on “standardized” imperfection patterns (i.e., safe-sided yet suitable patterns). As
examples, close-formed analytical solutions based on energy methods to determine local buckling
modes may be found in [58-60]. In this paper, both local and global geometrical imperfections were
introduced in the FE shell models by modifying nodes’ coordinates through sine-wave functions, as
suggested in [61]. Identical approaches have been considered in previous studies for hollow sections
as well as I-sections [62-64], and this approach has been proved to be accurate enough compared with
test results. As depicted in Fig. 9b and Fig. 9c, the half-wavelength for global buckling is assumed to
be L, while the half-wavelength aL for local buckling is assumed to be associated with the flange plate
buckling length af (so-called “flat length”) and the web plate buckling length aw, where af = b – tw – 2 r
and aw = 2 (h – tf – r). In order to keep the middle section as the weakest one, odd numbers of half-
waves have been contemplated. The amplitudes of local imperfections in the web and flange plates are
defined as alocal,w and alocal,f respectively, while aglobal represents the amplitude of both major-axis and
stresses patterns, and no reductions with respect to amplitudes have been considered, such as the
suggestion in EC3 Part 1.5 Annex C [29] for bridge (welded) girders. More discussions about the
influence of local and global imperfection patterns on ultimate resistance of T-section members are
The FE models were firstly validated against experimental results reported by Kitipornchai [14] and
Luo [15], and then used in parametric studies on a wider range of section dimensions and member
slenderness. For validation purposes, the dimensions of specimens and material properties measured
through coupon tests as summarized in Table 1 were adopted in the numerical models. Key section
properties such as h / b or Iy / Iz are also presented in Table 1. Note that the h / b ratio is usually
positively correlated to the value of Iy / Iz, since larger web plates usually provide larger Iy value when
flange dimensions and web thickness are fixed. Table 1 also provides failure modes observed in
experiments as well as the ratios between the flexural buckling load Ncr,y or the flexural-torsional
buckling load Ncr,FT to the local buckling load Ncr,L for the seven specimens under axial compression.
Note that some failure modes could not clearly be identified and that some failure shapes at peak load
do not correspond to their respective buckling modes (with the lowest critical loads), owing to (i) the
similarity between local and torsional buckling behavior and to (ii) the influence of the actual
An overall view of two experimental tests set-up is recalled in Fig. 10. For the six tests reported in
[14], all six columns were loaded concentrically through spherical and supports, which allowed
bending rotations but restrained torsional twist in the end sections. The distance between each sphere
center and end-section ex was 92.5 mm. As for the tests carried out in [15], the experimental program
comprised three loading situations, i.e., the columns were loaded through the centroid, shear center or
the midpoint between them. The end sections were attached to knife-edge supports, which only allowed
bending rotations about the z-axis, but restrained rotations around the y-axis i.e., y = 0. The height of
a) b)
Fig. 10. Overall views of experimental test set-ups – a) Test reported in [14] – b) Test reported in [15].
2 Table 1. Section geometries, material properties and test results of T-section columns.
JZ [15] Shear centre 149.0 147.0 8.8 6.7 3265.5 0.99 1.80 201000 306 - - FT 268.6
MZ [15] between centroid 148.0 151.0 9.0 6.7 3269.9 1.02 1.95 201000 306 - - FT 330.4
and shear centre
4 Note: F = flexural buckling mode, FT = flexural-torsional buckling mode
5 Fig. 11 displays the comparison between test and numerical results with various local and global
6 geometrical imperfection types. Twenty-seven sets of imperfection types were investigated, including
7 (i) three local imperfection half-wavelengths, i.e., aL,1 = (aw + af) / 2, aL,2 = af and aL,3 = aw, (ii) three
8 local imperfection amplitudes a / 100, a / 200 and a / 400, and (iii) three global imperfection
9 amplitudes L / 1000, L / 1500 and L / 3000. Note that a = aw for web plates and a = af for flange plates.
10 In Fig. 11, the vertical axes report normalized Nu,FE / Nu,exp. ratios of numerical-to-experimental
11 ultimate capacities. When Nu,FE / Nu,exp. < 1.0, the numerical predictions are on the safe side and vice-
12 versa. Clear tendencies can be observed from Fig. 11: as expected, lower resistances are obtained when
13 applying higher local or global imperfection amplitudes. More specifically and as expected, short to
14 middle length members are more sensitive to local imperfections, yet the latter become almost
15 negligible when it comes to long columns ZZ, JZ and MZ. Likewise, only middle length and longer
16 members are obviously affected by global imperfection. Especially for middle length columns T3 to
17 T6, which are extremely sensitive to imperfections, very detrimental results with Nu,FE / Nu,exp. ≈ 0.6
18 are reported when using the combination of a / 100 & L / 1000. In comparison, a shift in half-
19 wavelength aL is less influential than a change in imperfection amplitude – less than 10% difference
20 is reported. Note that according to previous experimental measurements and numerical analyses on
21 open and hollow sections [25,62,65-68], the a / 200 value shall be seen as reasonable for local
23 underestimated when using a / 200, which might be because (i) the residual stresses pattern introduced
24 in the FE models was slightly overconservative, and because (ii) T-section members are more prone
25 to experience flexural-torsional buckling when considering more severe local imperfection amplitudes
26 as a result of the similarity between plate local buckling and member torsional buckling of T-section
28 amplitudes and measured residual stresses patterns, a / 400 values were adopted as local imperfection
29 amplitudes for T-section members. In conclusion, it is shown that when considering the half-
30 wavelengths aL,1 = (aw + af) / 2, local imperfection amplitudes alocal = a / 400 and global imperfection
31 amplitudes aglobal = L / 1000, the most accurate and consistent numerical predictions are obtained – the
32 corresponding average Nu,FE / Nu,exp. ratio is 0.98 associated with a quite low Coefficient of Variation
33 (COV) equal to 0.05. These geometrical imperfections were therefore adopted for further parametric
34 studies.
a/100 & aL,1 a/200 & aL,1 a/400 & aL,1
1.3 a/100 & aL,2 a/200 & aL,2 a/400 & aL,2
1.2 Unsafe a/100 & aL,3 a/200 & aL,3 a/400 & aL,3
Nu, F.E. / Nu, Exp. [-]
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 ZZ JZ MZ
36 a)
a/100 & aL,1 a/200 & aL,1 a/400 & aL,1
a/100 & aL,2 a/200 & aL,2 a/400 & aL,2
1.2 Unsafe a/100 & aL,3 a/200 & aL,3 a/400 & aL,3
Nu, F.E. / Nu, Exp. [-]
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 ZZ JZ MZ
38 b)
1.4 a/100 & aL,1 a/200 & aL,1 a/400 & aL,1
1.3 a/100 & aL,2 a/200 & aL,2 a/400 & aL,2
1.2 Unsafe a/100 & aL,3 a/200 & aL,3 a/400 & aL,3
43 For such imperfection sets, comparison between experimental and FE load-displacement curves for
44 specimen ZZ are further displayed in Fig. 12. Good agreement levels are observed with respect to
45 initial stiffness, ultimate resistance and general load-displacement history. Note that the numerical
46 results exhibit a loss in stiffness after reaching 140 kN, attributed to a likely more severe residual
47 stresses pattern introduced in the shell models. Fig. 12 also reports ultimate resistances predicted by
48 Eurocode 3, the Australian Standards and the American Specifications. The latter provides an unsafe
49 prediction (10% higher than Nu,exp.), while over-conservative results are obtained from the other two
50 design approaches (around 20% lower than Nu,exp.). More discussions about the performances of
51 current design approaches are provided in Section 4. Besides, as shown in Fig. 13, the numerical failure
52 mode closely matches with the experimental one for specimen JZ. Therefore, it is concluded that the
53 developed numerical models are capable of providing accurate predictions for the buckling resistance
56 Fig. 12. Experimental and FE load-displacement curves for specimen ZZ.
58 Fig. 13. Comparison of test and numerical failure modes for specimen JZ.
60 Based on the validated numerical models, extensive parametric studies were carried out to analyze the
61 possible effects of steel grade, section dimension and section/member slenderness on the cross-section
62 and member resistance of T-section columns. Three steel grades, S235, S355 and S460 with nominal
63 yield strengths fy = 235 MPa, 355 MPa, 460 MPa were considered in parametric studies for both short
64 columns – in which local buckling prevails, and for long members – in which flexural or flexural-
66 A total of 138 various geometries of T-section short columns, which were assumed to be obtained
67 through cutting standardized hot-rolled I-sections [69,70] into half, were considered for studying the
68 cross-sectional local behavior. The height h of T-section short columns was varied between 50 and
69 559 mm, while width b spanned from 55 to 424 mm, web thickness tw from 4.1 to 45.5 mm and flange
70 thickness tf from 5.2 to 82 mm. Therefore, the section aspect ratio h / b of these T-section geometries
71 ranges from 0.5 to 1.7, the web plate slenderness h / tw ranges from 10.0 to 31.5 and flange plate
72 slenderness b / (2 tf) varies from 2.5 to 10.8. In order to exclude any possible influence of global
73 buckling, the length of short columns L was set as three half-waves, i.e., L = 3 ꞏ (af + aw) / 2, to ensure
74 that (i) the weakest section remains in the middle and (ii) the length is small enough to neglect flexural
75 buckling but long enough to ignore the influence of boundary conditions on ultimate capacities [49].
76 Besides, the lateral displacements uy of shear centers (web-to-flange nodes) are constrained all along
78 For analyzing the resistance of T-section columns as influenced by local-global coupled instabilities,
79 27 different sections were selected from the previous 138 geometries, in which h was varied between
80 60 and 495 mm, while b spanned from 64 to 400 mm, and for each section geometry, six relative
81 member lengths (or member slenderness ̅λG) were considered, leading to the global-to-local critical
82 load ratio Ncr,G / Ncr,L spanning from 0.02 to 3.18. Accordingly, 414 computations have been carried
83 out to obtain ultimate cross-sectional resistance characterized by the local reduction factor χL only,
84 while 486 numerical results were obtained for the ultimate load of columns characterized by their
86 In order to isolate pure global buckling behavior in which the influence of local buckling is ignored,
87 the same number of FE models, i.e., 486, was considered to obtain χG reduction factors. In order to
88 prevent any possible plate buckling, the vertical displacements uz of flange nodes were restrained to
89 the middle of flange plates and the horizontal displacements uy of web nodes were constrained to the
90 centroid point as illustrated in Fig. 14a. The same constraints were adopted previously in [10] for I-
91 section members. Besides, since it is difficult to distinguish between local and torsional buckling
92 modes in T-section members, considering them both may lead to overconservative results [18-22].
93 Therefore, when attempting to isolating the pure flexural buckling resistance χG, torsional twist about
94 the shear center was prevented. Consequently, in these particular simulations, member global behavior
95 was only influenced by member flexural buckling as shown in Fig. 14b and Fig. 14c, and no local plate
98 a) b) c)
99 Fig. 14. FE models for member global resistance χG – a) Extra constrains in shell models – b) Member flexural buckling
100 about z-axis – c) Member flexural buckling about y-axis.
103 Based on the numerical results collected along the parametric studies described in Section 3, both local
104 and global buckling design curves following the OIC framework as presented in Fig. 6 could be
105 developed. Although the influence of many parameters such as the steel grade or the section’s
106 geometry are already “naturally” embedded in the OIC ̅λL – L format, further investigations are still
107 needed to identify key factors responsible for the observed scatter in the results; such factors may be
108 used to derive multiple, parameter-dependent buckling curves. Firstly, the influence of steel grade on
109 cross-section and member resistance is analyzed in Fig. 15, which are in an OIC λ̅ – χ format and where
110 the horizontal axes represent the section local slenderness ̅λL or member global slenderness ̅λG, while
111 vertical axes refer to the local buckling reduction coefficient χL or the global buckling reduction
112 coefficient χG. The solid reference line χ = 1.0 represents the attainment of plastic resistance and the
113 dashed curve χ = 1 / ̅λ2 represents the elastic plate buckling or elastic column buckling limits.
114 For cross-section resistance (Fig. 15a), increasing cross-sectional aspect ratio h / b or Iy / Iz usually
115 leads to higher section slenderness and thus lower relative resistance levels, since (i) an increase in h
116 may lead to a more slender web plate and thus to a more slender section, (ii) the flange with shorter
117 width is less likely to provide enough support to the web plate and prevent it from local buckling and
118 (iii) according to the EWM, for a T-section column with a slender web plate, the effective width of the
119 web plate is reduced, so the centroidal axis of the effective cross-section shifts upward, resulting in an
120 extra major-axis bending moment ∆M = N ꞏ eN, where the eN is the distance between the centroid of
121 the effective area and the centroid of the gross area. Additionally, the most slender T-shaped cross-
122 sections (see green ellipse in Fig. 15a) can be shown to exhibit post-buckling effects which leads to
123 higher L factors than the stability “reference curve” in 1 / ̅λL2. In general, for a given ̅λL, the values
124 of L are very close to each other so that applying only one single buckling curve seems sufficient, i.e.,
125 the influence of steel grade has been sufficiently accounted for through the OIC approach.
127 a) b)
128 Fig. 15. Influence of steel grade on ultimate capacity – a) Cross-section resistance – b) Member resistance.
129 For member resistance, as expected, the member response of long columns ( ̅λG > 1.5) is more
130 controlled by global instability and less influenced by geometrical imperfection and residual stresses.
131 For short to intermediate length columns, where the effects of local buckling are more prevalent, a
132 limited scatter (see orange ellipse in Fig. 15b) is observed and can be shown associated with the various
133 section dimensions being considered in the current study. In particular, with a decrease in Iy / Iz, the
134 minor-axis switches from being the z-axis to the y-axis. Therefore, a slightly lower resistance is
135 achieved in such situations as torsional buckling modes are excluded, since more compressive stresses
136 are applied in the flange and upper web plate due to the development of additional bending moments
137 ∆M. Especially for members with intermediate global slenderness (0.7 < ̅λG < 1.0), which are more
138 affected by imperfections and residual stresses, around 10% differences among the different steel
139 grades considered are observed. As for long members, where the effects of residual stresses and local
140 imperfections become negligible, there is almost no difference between results from different steel
141 grades. Therefore, although slightly higher nominal resistance χL is observed for middle-length
142 members with S460 steel grade, a single buckling curve for each case is adopted for simplicity.
143 The proposed OIC design equations for both local buckling and member buckling curves are
144 summarized in Table 2. Note that the OIC approach extends the Ayrton-Perry format [71,72] well-
145 known for member buckling to cross-section resistance predictions. In this format, λ̅ 0 captures the
146 length of the “plateau” where χL or χG = 1.0, αL and αG take account of the influence of local and global
147 imperfections, respectively, and δ considers the benefits of post-buckling effects on cross-section
148 resistance. As for global buckling, note that the OIC global buckling curve is the same as recommended
149 by Eurocode 3 (buckling curve b), which is lower than the buckling curve proposed in the American
150 Specifications, but higher than European buckling curve c (see Fig. 5). The corresponding buckling
151 curves are compared with the reference numerical results in Fig. 15, revealing that both cross-section
153 Table 2. Design procedure and key parameters for cross-section and member buckling curves.
156 The local-global coupled instability design of T-section members was accounted for by resorting to
157 the coupling factor fL/G that was introduced in Section 1 and Fig. 6. After obtaining the cross-section
158 and member buckling reduction factors L and G separately (i.e., without any local-global coupling),
159 a coupling factor fL/G shall be considered in the final step to account for the interaction between local
160 and member buckling (𝜒 ). The relationship between fL/G and λ̅ G is illustrated in Fig. 16 – note that
161 fL/G = χL+G / (L ꞏ G). It is shown that the impact of local/global interactions changes with global
162 slenderness λ̅ G, since the column relative resistance χL+G is mostly influenced by local buckling when
163 it comes to short members, i.e., χL+G ≈ χL, but the effect of local buckling diminishes for long members
164 and only global buckling shall be taken into account, i.e., χL+G ≈ χG. Therefore, for short columns
165 whose χG ≈ 1.0 and χL+G ≈ χL, fL/G is close to unity; yet, for some cases where the local/global
166 interaction is very pronounced, fL/G can be slightly lower than unity (see blue ellipse in Fig. 16). As for
167 long columns, global buckling is dominant, which leads to fL/G ≈ 1/ χL in order to “eliminate” the
168 influence of local buckling. For columns with intermediate global slenderness, both local and global
169 buckling should be considered, resulting in the following repationship: 1.0 < fL/G <1 / χL. More
172 Fig. 16. Local-global coupling factor fL/G.
173 In accordance with the above, a trilinear design formulation was proposed for fL/G as presented by
174 Eq. (6). The suggested fL/G design formula was compared to numerical results as shown in
175 Fig. 16 – note that only three upper bounds of fL/G design curves are represented. As a particular point,
176 the end point of the second segment of the proposed design equations, i.e., for intermediate ̅λG values,
177 is seen increasing with a decrease in χL, since the OIC adopts flexural column buckling curves and
178 only considers the effects of torsional buckling within a local buckling curve. Indeed, as discussed in
179 Section 3.1, more slender T-shaped cross-section usually possess higher h / b or Iy / Iz ratios and the
180 associated T-section members are more prone to experience flexural torsional buckling, so that the
181 corresponding second segments shall be relatively longer, in order to fully account for the detrimental
182 effects of torsional buckling. Note that for the sections with the lower χL values (black points in
183 Fig. 16), the member slenderness ̅λG never exceeds 1.5, since extreme cases, such as T-section columns
184 with extremely slender flange plates, were not considered in this study. Overall, the proposed fL/G
185 expressions are applicable to all hot-rolled cut T-section columns studied in this paper. The general
186 performance of this OIC-based design approach for T-shaped cross-sections and members is assessed
187 in Section 4.
1 G 0.5
188 fL G G
1.4 L 0.5
1 L 1 1 0.5 G 1.4 L (6)
1 G 1.4 L
190 Detailed comparisons between the numerical results and four analytical predictions involving the
191 American Specifications, Eurocode 3, the Australian Standards and the proposed OIC-based design
192 approach for T-shaped cross-sections and members are presented in Figs. 17 to 21. Among those
193 figures, Figs. 17 to 19 present the results for T-shaped cross-sections with various steel grades while
194 Figs. 20 to 21 divide the results as a function of the Iy / Iz ratio that serves as a way to separate the most
195 slender section shapes – large Iy / Iz ratios are associated with the most sender sections. The
196 χL,Ref. / χL,FE and χL+G,Ref. / χL+G,FE ratios refer to the ultimate resistance predicted by any of the four
197 reference design rules over the FE results. If the ratio is larger than one, the design predictions are on
198 the unsafe side, and vice-versa. “a figures” in Figs. 17 to 19 plot χL,Ref. / χL,FE or χL+G,Ref. / χL+G,FE ratios
200 indicates relevant frequency histograms. In addition, Table 3 provides some statistical results related
201 to χL,Ref. / χL,FE and χL+G,Ref. / χL+G,FE ratios, which include mean values, COV, maximum and minimum
202 values, and the percentage of corresponding predictions greater than 3%, 10% and 20% on the
203 unconservative side. These data quantify the proportion of slightly unconservative and significantly
204 unsafe predictions, which might or might not be compensated by usual values of safety factors.
206 As shown in Figs. 17 to 19 and Table 3, the performances of both the American Specifications and the
207 OIC-based approach for T-shaped cross-sections under axial compression are hardly affected by the
208 steel grade. For the OIC-based approach, the mean value of the χL,OIC / χL,FE ratio is up to 0.99 with an
209 excellent C.O.V of 0.02 and a maximum value remaining within 4% on the unconservative side. In
210 contrast, Eurocode 3 provides much more conservative predictions, especially for slender cross-
211 sections with ̅λL larger than 0.7. Since sections become more slender with an increase in yield stress,
212 many more low values of χL, EC 3 / χL,FE are obtained for cross-sections with fy = 355 MPa and 460 MPa.
213 For all three steel grades, the mean value of the χL,EC 3 / χL,FE ratio is 0.86 with a relatively large COV
214 value of 0.13 and a minimum value is as low as 0.68, indicating an important level of over-
215 conservatism when it comes to more slender sections. This shall primarily be associated with
216 Eurocode 3 considering the extra bending moment resulting from the shift of the centroid of the gross
217 section area A to the centroid of the effective section area Aeff for slender cross-sections, requiring
218 combined loading design checks and therefore leading to quite conservative predictions [24,26].
219 Oppositely, the Australian Standards exhibit more unsafe predictions for sections with higher yield
220 strengths. As shown in Fig. 19, more than 20% of the predictions from the Australian Standards are on
221 the unsafe side, indicating that its design formulae are less applicable to the design of T-shaped cross-
222 sections with fy = 460 MPa. As for sections with fy = 235 MPa (see Fig. 17), its predictions are overall
223 relatively more conservative than the American Specifications and the OIC proposal but more accurate
224 than Eurocode 3 for sections with ̅λL between 0.7 to 1.0. Yet, overall, the OIC-based approach is seen
225 to provide accurate predictions for T-shaped cross-sections with various yield strengths.
227 a) b)
228 Fig. 17. Design rules vs. FE results for T-shaped cross-sections in compression with fy = 235 MPa – a) Accuracy of
229 resistance predictions as a function of ̅λL – b) Frequency distributions.
231 a) b)
232 Fig. 18. Design rules vs. FE results for T-shaped cross-sections in compression with fy = 355 MPa – a) Accuracy of
233 resistance predictions as a function of ̅λL – b) Frequency distributions.
235 a) b)
236 Fig. 19. Design rules vs. FE results for T-shaped cross-sections in compression with fy = 460 MPa – a) Accuracy of
237 resistance predictions as a function of ̅λL – b) Frequency distributions.
239 Table 3. Statistical results for χL,Ref. / χL,FE and χL+G,Ref. / χL+G,FE ratios.
242 Figs. 20 to 21 and Table 3 present the results for all T-section columns considered in the current study.
243 In general, more scattered outcomes are observed since the inaccuracies reported for the design of
244 cross-sections worsen when it comes to members, as a consequence of the additional presence of
245 column buckling. As shown in Fig. 20, for sections with Iy / Iz < 1.0, the Australian Standards provide
246 the most conservative resistance predictions – the mean value of the χL+G,AS / χL+G,FE ratio is 0.84 with
247 a minimum value as low as 0.74, as a consequence of a lower column buckling curve being proposed
248 by the Australian Standards (see Fig. 5). In contrast, for the American Specifications, which suggest
249 the most favorable buckling curve, around 70% of the χL+G,AISC / χL+G,FE ratios lie on the unsafe side,
250 indicating an overall inaccurate design approach. For Eurocode 3, many conservative predictions are
251 provided for short columns (see blue ellipse in Fig. 20) and that conservatism gradually reduces with
252 an increase in global slenderness ̅λG. Eurocode 3 indeed provides over-conservative predictions for
253 cross-section resistance and that conservatism can be compensated to some extent for long members
254 by considering a global slenderness λ̅ L+G, modified to account for local buckling through an effective
257 As shown in Fig. 21, for T-section columns with Iy / Iz ≥ 1.0 which are more prone to flexural-torsional
258 buckling, Eurocode 3 offers the most conservative and scattered predictions. The mean value of the
259 χL+G,EC 3 / χL+G,FE ratio is 0.73 with the highest COV value (0.15) and the minimum value is as low as
260 0.49 – i.e., the ultimate capacity of T-section columns is reduced by 50%, compared to its “true” level,
261 mainly because the global critical buckling load Ncr,G in Eq. (7) is taken as the flexural-torsional
262 buckling load Ncr,FT. As mentioned before, torsional buckling effects in T-section members are
263 considered redundantly and it can be shown that this results in quite conservative and scattered
265 In comparison, the American Specifications provide many unsafe predictions for members with ̅λG
266 comprised between 1.0 and 1.5, mostly because of a seemingly too favorable buckling curve. The
267 maximum value of χL+G,AISC / χL+G,FE is around 1.2 with more than 4.4% of the results above the 10%
268 safety limit. The Australian Standards, which only consider torsional buckling at the cross-sectional
269 level, exhibit an overall better performance than Eurocode 3 but there are still 0.8% of the results
270 remaining over the 10% unsafe side limit, mostly due to the Australian Standards providing inaccurate
272 Compared to these code design approaches, the OIC proposal exhibits better accuracy and higher
273 consistency for both T-section columns with Iy / Iz < 1.0 and Iy / Iz ≥ 1.0. The mean value of
274 χL+G,OIC / χL+G,FE ratios for all cases remain at 0.96, with a COV as low as 0.06.
275 Further to these purely numerical analyses, a comparison between seven test results and the four design
276 approaches predictions for the seven T-section columns under axial compression is summarized in
277 Table 4, where Nu,Ref. = χL+G,Ref. ꞏ Npl. Similarly, Eurocode 3 and the Australian Standards provide
278 relatively conservative and scattered predictions, especially for middle length members T3 to T6 – the
279 mean value of Nu,EC 3 / Nu,exp. and Nu,AS / Nu,exp. ratios are 0.78 and 0.74, respectively, while the American
280 Specifications provide an unsafe result for specimen ZZ with Nu,AISC / Nu,exp. = 1.10. In contrast, the
281 mean value of Nu,OIC / Nu,exp. is 0.94 with a COV as low as 0.05, indicating that the OIC yields
282 significantly more accurate results than the other three proposals. Therefore, owing to the various
283 member geometries considered and the complex local-global coupled instabilities analyzed, the OIC
284 proposal can be seen as an appropriate design approach in terms of accuracy, consistency and safety.
286 a) b)
287 Fig. 20. Design rules vs. FE results for T-section columns in compression with Iy / Iz < 1.0 – a) Accuracy of resistance
288 predictions as a function of ̅λG – b) Frequency distributions.
290 a) b)
291 Fig. 21. Design rules vs. FE results for T-section columns in compression with Iy / Iz ≥ 1.0 – a) Accuracy of resistance
292 predictions as a function of ̅λG – b) Frequency distributions.
293 Table 4. Comparison of test results and resistance predictions from different proposals.
296 Within the Eurocode framework, Annex D of EN 1990 [44] introduces an evaluation method to obtain
297 the design model partial safety factor γM associated with a given design proposal (see Fig. 6), which
298 covers all uncertainties derived from materials, section/member geometries and design model
299 approximations or inaccuracies. According to the provisions of EN 1990 and a simplified approach
300 suggested in [73], a statistical analysis was carried out to investigate the reliability of the American
301 Specifications, Eurocode 3, the Australian Standard, and the OIC proposals for the design of T-section
302 members.
304 Fig. 22. Example of a tail approximation for T-section members.
305 Note that a large proportion of over-conservative results could result in unduly high γM factors.
306 Therefore, the Tail Approximation (T.A.) technique [65,73] has been applied to select more
307 representative subsets for the different proposals. An example of a such a T.A. is illustrated in Fig. 22,
308 together with a linear regression line for the worst 124 cases proposed by Eurocode 3. In this figure,
309 the horizontal axis Nu,L+G,FE(exp.) / Nu,L+G,EC 3 represents the ultimate numerical and experimental results
310 over the ultimate resistances predicted by Eurocode 3, and the vertical axis is normalized to “standard
311 distribution”, meaning that all the results are assumed to be scattered with a normal distribution. It is
312 shown that when all datasets are considered, their general distribution does not align with a normal
313 distribution, which opposes to the assumption of the statistical procedure in Annex E of EN 1993-1-1
314 [28], and therefore leads to inaccurate and overconservative γM0 results. Therefore, in resorting to the
315 tail approximation, the error derived from over-safe results can be corrected by approximating the
316 dataset through a fitted normal distribution about the “tail end”.
317 Reliability analysis results and relevant key statistical parameters are presented in Table 5, in which n
318 is the number of numerical and experimental results in each subset that have been selected through the
319 tail approximation, kd,n is the design fractile factor, b is the least squares estimator of the regression
320 slope, Vδ is the COV of the numerical and experimental resistances relative to the design modes, and
321 Vr, which stands as the combined COV considering the uncertainties derived from both the design
322 model and basic variables, can be calculated through Eq. (8) and (9) [73], where 𝑉mat is the COV of
323 material strength and 𝑉geom is the COV of geometric properties. The value of 𝑉mat was selected based
324 on Annex E of EN 1993-1-1 [28] and 𝑉geom was taken as 0.03, following the recommendations in [74].
327 Overall, based on the results reported in Table 5, it is shown that for cross-section resistance, γM values
328 associated with the American Specifications, Eurocode 3 and the OIC proposals were found to be
329 either 1.0 or very close to unity, while the partial safety factor γM for the Australian Standards is larger
330 than 1.20, further confirming that the latter provide inaccurate and also unsafe predictions for sections
331 with fy = 460 MPa. As for member resistance, the γM factor corresponding to Eurocode 3 design rules
332 is lower than unity, indicating that the γM value suggested in EN 1993-1-1 is satisfactory. However,
333 the γM value for the American Specifications is larger than 1.10, which could lead to many unduly
334 penalizing cases where a much lower safety level is needed. In general, the OIC, which provides
335 reasonable γM values compared to the other three proposals, can be deemed as a reliable and accurate
337 Table 5. Reliability analysis results after applying tail approximations (T.A.).
339 5 Conclusions
340 The results of extensive numerical analyses towards the local and global buckling behaviors of T-
341 section columns with slender web plates have been presented in this paper. The developed non-linear
342 shell FE models were validated against existing experimental tests and consecutively used in a series
343 of parametric studies carried out to analyze the effects of steel grade, section dimension and
344 section/member slenderness on cross-section and member resistance. Based on the numerical results,
345 an OIC-based design approach was proposed for T-section columns, which included (i) design at the
346 cross-section level through a local buckling curve, (ii) an original flexural buckling curve and (iii) a
347 local-global coupling factor fL/G to capture the interaction between local buckling and member buckling
348 of T-section members. The accuracy of this OIC approach and of other codified design methods was
349 assessed against the reference FE results. It was observed that Eurocode 3 provided the most
350 conservative predictions for both T-shaped cross-sections and members; resistance predictions based
351 on the American Specifications were found to be unsafe and scattered, especially for members with
352 intermediate global slenderness. As for the Australian Standard, inaccurate predictions for columns
353 with fy = 460 MPa were observed at both local and global levels. In comparison, the OIC-based
354 proposal provides better accuracy and higher consistency than the other recommendations. Eventually,
355 reliability analyses based on EN 1990 proved that the OIC proposed approach could be safely and
356 suitably used for the design of T-shaped cross-sections and members.
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