LIFE SC - Evidence1
LIFE SC - Evidence1
LIFE SC - Evidence1
Module: Activity:
1 Evidence 1
Date: 19/Feb/2021
febrero de 2021, de
EcuRed. (s. f.). Ciervo copetudo - EcuRed. ciervo copetudo. Recuperado 20 de febrero
de 2021, de
Elaphodus cephalophus (tufted deer). (s. f.). Animal Diversity Web. Recuperado 20 de
febrero de 2021, de
Tufted Deer
Habitat Adaptation
Tufted deer prefers places that have good cover, so they can stage
be well camouflaged. They live in forested regions at high Deer are ruminant,
altitudes and in rain forests in high-altitude valleys, the tufted saying they chew,
deer live in northeast Burma and southern and central China. swallow, regurgitate
and chew their food
to extract nutrition.
They have several
adaptations to be
Stages of Types of able to achieve this,
instead of having
Its mating period is from the stomach of the tufted deer sharp incisors like
October to January, the males is made up of four chambers some mammals, they
do not interact with the where each has a different have hard, flat teeth.
females, however, they travel function, Its complexion is
long distances to be able to They have as metabolism and generally thin and
find them. Males show their the process "Catabolism" this is elegant with very
necks more widened and done during the digestive strong legs.
engage in fights to mate and process and what it does is
the young are born 200 days simplify the food and be
after mating. converted into chemical
molecules much easier than
Stage of growth
*Fully mature at nine months.
Type of irritability and geographical space
*Mainly grow to about 38-110
Its geographical space is usually forest in mountain and near
rivers, so it has adequate amenities. Their range extends from
*Their fur color changes, in
24 to 35 degrees N latitude and from 98 to 122 degrees E
the winter it I almost black
and turns to chocolaty brown
They move their tail from the sideways when they are scared or
color in the summer.
flee. They are too agile and good swimmers; it is normal for
them to cross rivers or lakes to be able to flee their predators
and are characterized by having the same routes when they are
going to graze.
4. Food chain:
Tertiary consumer
Secondary consumer
Primary consumer
Describe the importance of the species in its environment.
This species is extremely important like all others because if one disappears it
can affect the entire food chain in which it and the other species.
Explain whether climate changes or some environmental aspects
threatens their reproduction.
change can greatly affect the species, a serious example would be its food, they
feed on herbs and because of climate change they may stop dating in that area.
This can affect the young as at birth they will not have enough food.
What impact would humans have if the species disappeared from its
If the species disappears it can cause a complete disorder in the food chain and
the carnivorous animals that fed on it, there would be an imbalance of the plant
ecosystem, completely altering the structure of the ecosystem.
¿Qué pasa cuando se extingue una especie animal? (s. f.). Mi Señal. Recuperado 20 de febrero de 2021, de
El impacto del cambio climático sobre las especies. (s. f.). WWF. Recuperado 20 de febrero de 2021, de
Tierra, P. A. H. V. A. (2019, 29 octubre). Árboles, agua, aire… pero… ¿y los animales? Vamos a hacer algo por la
I have learned that a species is extremely important in our ecosystem and that if
it were to disappear it could cause complete disorder. I managed to reflect and
realized that man is doing a lot of damage to biodiversity and that we should
start doing something for it, I was also able to learn about a new species that
had no idea it existed.