Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Department of Education
Region VII
If lesson plan is not
completed, indicate
the phases/activities
completed Remarks
If lesson is □ lesson to be
completed: continued
Competency Lesson Objectives References/Learning Materials % and no. of learners □ proceed to new
Date Indicate the competency Indicate the lesson objectives in the Indicate the SLM/SLK Used, the WHLP, who attained mastery lesson
as stated in the SLM KSAVs Existing LPs, textbooks, TMs, etc level (at least 80%): ___ □ enrichment
% and no. of learners lesson for next
who got approximating day
mastery level (50% - □ reteach
79%): _____
% and no. of learners
who got low mastery
level (Below 50%): ____
Day 1 analyzes elements K – Identify the elements and MAPEH- MELC 90% and of Lesson to
Date: and principles of art principles of art in the arts learners who continue
March in the production of and crafts of South Asia, https://www.youtube.com/ attained mastery
20,2023 arts and crafts West Asia and Central Asia watch?v=A30u5oiSxPU level
inspired by the
cultures of South S- Classify arts and crafts of
Asia, West Asia, and South Asia, West Asia and
Central Asia Central Asia
A – Appreciate the importance
of arts and crafts of South
Day 5 appreciates the K- Identify the mood, idea or MAPEH- MELC 90% and of Proceed to
Date: artifacts and art message from selected learners who new lesson.
March 24, objects in terms of artifacts and art objects attained mastery
2023 their utilization and https://www.youtube.com/ level
their distinct use of S – Arrange skills in the watch?v=4Cj1EAi1jYI
art elements and selected artifacts and art
principles objects
A-Appreciate the idea, mood
or message from selected
artifacts and art objects