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Chapter Four Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development

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Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and

Sustainable Development

Chapter Four
Environmental Impact Assessment
and Sustainable Development

4.1 Introduction
The present era of fast development and growth is aimed at raising the
quality of human life by providing greater opportunities for employment,
better provisions of basic amenities and comforts, healthy environment
ensuring physical and mental well-being of humans. Also growth and
development lead to several environmental problems like pollution of the
air, water and soil, depletion of natural resources, energy crisis,
occupational health problems, and global problems like climate change,
ozone layer depletion, and loss of biodiversity. Thus, development is
bound to have certain environmental impacts. It was about 40 years back
when it was realized that before a development project is started,
prediction and assessment of its impacts should be done, so that measures
could be taken to minimize those impacts. This concept was formulated
as a methodical procedure known as Environmental Impact Assessment
Further, for achieving the goals of real improvement in the quality of
human life, development should be based on sustainability principles.
Thus, sustainable development aims at growth with judicious use of
resources and causing minimum damage to the environment.

Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and
Sustainable Development

4.2 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a procedure to plan some
developmental activity with well-defined environmental goals so that
damage due to the activity both during developmental stage and
production stage has minimum impact on the natural system and the
population in the area.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) U.S.A. in 1969 first of

all provided the guidelines for environmental impact assessment through
Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ).
4.2.1 Goals of EIA
(i) To fulfill the responsibilities towards the coming generations as
trustees of environment.
(ii) To assure safe, healthy, productive, aesthetically as well as culturally
pleasing surroundings.
(iii) To provide widest range of beneficial uses of environment without
degradation or risk to health.
(iv) To preserve historical, cultural and natural heritage.
(v) To achieve a balance between population and resource use for a good
standard of living.
(vi) To ensure sustainable development with minimal environmental
4.2.3 EIA Methodology
The basic steps followed in EIA are screening, scoping, base line data,
impact identification, prediction, evaluation, mitigation, EIS preparation,
and review and environment audit, involving public participation at
various stages, as shown in Figure 4.1.

Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and
Sustainable Development

(i) Screening is done to see whether the project needs an EIA for
clearance or not. Further, there are some prohibited areas where generally
development projects are not allowed.

(ii) Scoping involves determination of the extent of EIA required for the
project. Depending upon the project, basically two types of EIA may be
carried out. When the EIA report is based on a single season data (other
than monsoon period), it is called rapid EIA. When the EIA report is
based on detailed seasonal data, it is called comprehensive EIA.
(iii) Baseline data gives a holistic picture of the overall environmental
setting of the project location showing any significant environmental
items prior to initiation of the action; any potentially critical
environmental changes and information about the site to the decision
makers and reviewers, who might be unfamiliar with the general location
of the project area.
(iv) Impact prediction: Here magnitude of changes going to occur due to
the project is predicted by using mathematical models or mass balance
(v) Impact evaluation: Impact evaluation is done by considering the
costs and benefits of the project. Long-term effects and side-effects of the
project are also evaluated. Indirect valuation of environmental parameters
is also done, e.g. loss of a rare species, degradation of a lake etc.
(vi) Mitigation: Once the impacts are predicted and evaluated, mitigation
measures are to be suggested to avoid, reduce or rectify the adverse
changes due to the project. Review and a draft impact statement are
prepared at this stage.
(vii) Decision analysis: Public participation is involved by arranging
group discussion or by adopting questionnaire method to arrive at a
decision about the project and its evaluation.

Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and
Sustainable Development

(viii) Environmental audit: It compares the impacts predicted in EIS

before the project was started and actual impacts after implementation of
the project.

Figure 4.1 EIA Methodology Flow-chart

Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and
Sustainable Development

4.3 Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is defined as “meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs.” This definition was given in Brundtland Commission Report,
‘‘Our Common Future’’, by the Norwegian Prime Minister, G.H.
Brundtland, who was also the Director of World Health Organization
(WHO). Today sustainable development has become a buzz word and
hundreds of programs have been initiated in the name of sustainable
development. If you want to test whether or not a proposal will achieve
the goals of sustainability just try to find out the following:
- Does it protect our biodiversity?
- Does it prevent soil erosion?
- Does it slow down population growth?
- Does it increase forest cover?
- Does it cut off the emissions of CFC, SO×, NO× and CO2?
- Does it reduce waste generation and does it bring benefits to all?
These are only a few parameters for achieving sustainable growth. Until
now development has been human-oriented, that too mainly, for a few
rich nations. They have touched the greatest heights of scientific and
technological development, but at what cost? The air we breathe, the
water we drink and the food we eat have all been badly polluted.
The key aspects for sustainable development are:
a. Inter-generational equity: This emphasizes that we should minimize
any adverse impacts on resources and environment for future generations
i.e. we should hand over a safe, healthy and resourceful environment to
our future generations. This can be possible only if we stop over-
exploitation of resources, reduce waste discharge and emissions and
maintain ecological balance.

Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and
Sustainable Development

b. Intra-generational equity: This emphasizes that the development

processes should seek to minimize the wealth gaps within and between
nations. The Human Development Report of United Nations (2001)
emphasizes that the benefits of technology should seek to achieve the
goals of inter-generational equity. This type of technological
development will support the economic growth of the poor countries and
help in narrowing the wealth gap and lead to sustainability.

4.3.1 Measures for Sustainable Development

Some of the important measures for sustainable development are as
1. Using appropriate technology: is one which is locally adaptable, eco-
friendly, resource efficient and culturally suitable. It mostly involves
local resources and local labor. Indigenous technologies are more useful,
cost-effective and sustainable. Nature is often taken as a model, using the
natural conditions of that region as its components. This concept is
known as “design with nature”. The technology should use less of
resources and should produce minimum waste.
2. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle approach: The 3-R approach advocating
minimization of resource use, using them again and again instead of
passing it on to the waste stream and recycling the materials goes a long
way in achieving the goals of sustainability. It reduces pressure on our
resources as well as reduces waste generation and pollution.
3. Promoting environmental education and awareness: Making
environmental education the center of all learning process will greatly
help in changing the thinking pattern and attitude of people towards our
earth and the environment.

Ecology Chapter Four: Environmental Impact Assessment and
Sustainable Development

4. Resource utilization as per carrying capacity: Any system can

sustain a limited number of organisms on a long-term basis which is
known as its carrying capacity.
5. Improving quality of life including social, cultural and economic
dimensions: development should not focus just on one section of already
affluent people. Rather it should include sharing of benefits between the
rich and the poor and the population growth should be stabilized.

Thus sustainable development can occur by integrating social, scientific

and ecological dimensions at regional and global level, as illustrated in
Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Multidimensional models for sustainable development

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