Dead Levels II
Dead Levels II
Dead Levels II
Character Class
Dead Levels II
Character Class Companion
By Kolja Raven Liquette
In this second Dead Levels article, designed as a companion to the first Dead Levels, twelve alternative core
classes are explored from various supplemental books, including Complete Arcane, Complete Divine, Complete
Warrior, Heroes of Horror and Player's Handbook II. The Complete Psionic, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Magic
of Incarnum, Miniatures Handbook, and Tome of Magic were not excluded because of bias, but rather article size
As a warning, if you are reading this material seeking powerful additions to your favorite character classes, you
are going to be disappointed. These dead level abilities (like their predecessors) were designed to have an
imperceptible impact on game balance while remaining thematically consistent to the flavor of each character
class. They were created under the design restriction of having to avoid any beneficial effect during melee or spell
combat. If a dead levels ability does help during combat, the advantage is exceedingly situational. For the most
part, dead level abilities are meant to encourage role-playing wherever possible.
To be clear, these abilities should not be considered "band-aids" or "quick fixes" for perceived character class
deficiencies. The purpose of these dead level abilities is rather to give players "something" instead of "nothing". As
before, the dedicated spellcasting classes (that gain new spells or spells per day at every level) receive the least
significant bonuses.
Not to be oblivious, the first Dead Levels article stirred up quite a cloud of dust. Whether you participated in those
discussions or not, message boards both official and private discussed what a dead level "is" or "should be"
exactly. While the title of my previous article (Dead Levels) definitely garnered a lot of attention, people
stampeded to the material with different expectations in mind, none of which were inherently right or wrong.
Many of you expressed that certain existing class abilities should be considered
dead levels, due to their virtually nonexistent or highly obscure usage. *Cough*
slow fall trap sense *Cough*. I hear you, but that was not for me to decide. A
poll was conducted asking people if they "really need a special ability at every
level". This was largely a yes/no split, although the "yes" votes did prevail in the
end. Almost everybody agreed that something needs to be done about the dead
levels of certain core classes, especially when a prestige class that grants +1
level of spellcasting at every level (in addition to special abilities) is clearly more
appealing. Fingers wagged at the sorcerer primarily and the cleric to a lesser
Dead Levels II
For every dead level ability that was published in the first article, feedback was returned to me both "for" and
"against" each idea. What this tells us, once again, is that you can't please everybody all of the time. Heck, there
are still people out there who don't like Reserve feats! I know, I know, crazy talk.
With that in mind, we present the second round of dead levels adjustments--DMs take note, if (and only if) the
adjustments below suit your game, we encourage you to include these enhancements for your players. Of course,
you might also consider dead level adjustments of your own (more of that at the end).
The archivist, similar to the druid and rogue, has two dead levels. When a class can fill eighteen out of twenty
levels with special abilities, the distinctive lack of abilities during two of those levels stands out like a beacon. The
two dead level abilities presented here take into account that archivists gain two new spells at every level,
reducing the significance of their dead level abilities.
Logical Mind (Ex): At 16th level, an archivist refines their Designer's Note: Despite the mechanical
deductive thinking to an efficient, objective edge. An archivist can advantages of these two abilities, they are
now decipher two pages of script in 1 minute (10 consecutive full largely trumped by the fact that any archivist
round actions), or 1 page of script in 30 seconds (5 consecutive who placed maximum ranks into Decipher
full round actions) on a successful Decipher Script check. In Script, a thematic skill for archivists,
addition, an archivist no longer draws false conclusions from a experiences no difficulty reading even the
failed Decipher Script check. most obscure writing.
Academic (Ex): At 19th level, the archivist becomes so certain in the use of Decipher Script that the character
can use it reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check with Decipher Script, the archivist
may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent the character from doing so.
The beguiler has seven dead levels, but gains spells per day during each one of those levels. During 2nd and 3rd
level, however, and every odd level thereafter, beguilers merely gain more spontaneous spell slots per day of the
spells they already know. While some of their dead levels coincide with gaining access to higher level spells, not
all of them do. Regardless, the beguiler is a potent class in the right hands, and so their dead level abilities are
relatively minor.
Clever Wording (Ex): At 4th level, a beguiler starts mastering the ability to verbally transmit information to
another character without others understanding it. A beguiler has to fail a Bluff check by 6 or more when delivering
Dead Levels II
a secret message before false information is implied or inferred. Failure by 5 or more means a beguiler can't get
the message across. See Bluff checks on pg. 67 of the Player's Handbook. These failed Bluff increments increase
by 1 at 9th, 13th, 16th, and 18th level, when a beguiler has to fail a Bluff check by 10 or more before false
information is implied or inferred.
Lively Discourse (Ex): At 12th level, a beguiler gains the ability to Designer's Note: These abilities are based
relay detailed messages, especially those that require specific on a single iteration of the Bluff skill. As a
locations, people and times. The DC is 30 to relay intricate character class that treats lying and
messages with a Bluff check. manipulation as tools, a beguiler will most
likely take maximum ranks in Bluff. These
Piqued Hearing (Ex): At 17th level, a beguiler is so attuned to abilities ensure that beguilers are the
conversations with secret messages that noticing them becomes foremost experts at disseminating
effortless. A beguiler within 30 feet of a conversation containing a information, thereby dominating their niche.
secret message is entitled to a Sense Motive check to intercept
the transmitted message as if actively listening for it. The beguiler must first be able to hear the conversation with
a Listen check.
The duskblade has six dead levels, but gains a single new spell at Designer's Note: As every member of this
every level with a generous number of spell per day to cast from character class is mentored by an elf (see
their repertoire. Duskblades also enjoy a full base attack bonus Alignment, pg. 19 of the Player's Handbook
and can wear up to medium armor without spell failure. While their II), elven insight has been balanced by
spell selection is limited, duskblades are not shy in the arcane or making this ability dependant on interacting
physical power departments. As such, their dead level ability with elves. The ability is balanced by the fact
should be restrictive at best. that duskblades do not count Diplomacy or
Gather Information as class skills, but treat
Elven Insight (Ex): At 8th level, a duskblade better understands Intelligence as one of their primary ability
how elves think after having pursued their ancient racial scores.
profession to this point. A duskblade can use their Intelligence
ability modifier (instead of Charisma) when making Diplomacy and Gather Information checks with elves or in
elven communities. At 9th level, a duskblade gains a +1 bonus on these skill checks. These bonuses increase by
+1 at 12th, 14th, 17th, and 19th level.
The favored soul has thirteen dead levels, but gains new spells per day or spells known during each one of those
levels. The favored soul is a curious character class in that no special abilities are received at 1st level, creating
something of a conceptual design void. This void is offset by having all good saving throws, but mechanical
bonuses and spell choices alone can leave some people feeling cold at 1st level.
Faith Healing (Su): Starting at 1st level, a favored soul can selectively channel a small amount of divine energy
when handling the wounds of a dying creature. The favored soul is so certain in the use of first-aid (see Heal, pg.
75 of the Player's Handbook) that the character can use it reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a
Dead Levels II
first-aid check on anybody who is within one step of their deity's alignment, the favored soul may take 10 even if
stress and distractions would normally prevent the character from doing so. At 6th level, these first-aid checks
heal 1 point of damage. This amount increases by 1 hit point every five levels thereafter (11th and 16th).
Knowledge Specialty (Ex): At 1st level, a favored soul can Designer's Note: As every favored soul
choose whether to make Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge worships a god (see Religion, pg. 7 of
(religion) a class skill. Once this choice is made, it cannot be Complete Divine), exalted presence and
reversed. faith healing have been balanced by making
both abilities dependant on a deity's
Exalted or Vile Presence (Su): At 2nd level, a favored soul is alignment. Knowledge specialty merely
more influential when interacting with people of the same faith. A offers a class skill option that was perhaps
favored soul gains a +2 bonus on Charisma when using any skill "intended" for favored souls.
that treats Charisma as the key ability, but only when interacting
with people who worship the same deity. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 18th, and
19th level. A favored soul gains one-half of this bonus (rounded down) when interacting with anybody who is
within one step of their deity's alignment. When making Use Magic Device checks, this bonus also applies to
magic objects that are divinely created or intelligent objects with alignments.
The hexblade has five dead levels, the first of which occurs at 6th level. Their hexblade's curse and aura of unluck
abilities both follow a logical progression (one every four levels) as do their bonus feats (one every five levels).
Hexblades consistently gain new spells per day during all of their dead levels, and so their dead level ability simply
embellishes what is normally a 0-level spell to sorcerers and wizards.
Forced Omens (Ex): At 6th level, a foreboding sense of doom Designer's Note: Despite the fact that
travels with the hexblade, as candle lights flicker, fresh food turns prestidigitation is designed to be an
green, or the air becomes stale. A hexblade adds prestidigitation ineffectual cantrip, a clever hexblade will find
to their list of spells known. See the spell description on pg. 264 of new and resourceful uses for this spell
the Player's Handbook. If a hexblade already knows this spell, the beyond simply creating a dramatic entrance.
character may choose a different 1st level spell. As a bonus spell, Keep in mind that prestidigitation has a
prestidigitation cannot be traded for another 1st level spell. range of 10 feet, can only lift 1 pound of
weight, and is restricted to affecting non-
At 8th level, a hexblade may cast prestidigitation as if augmented living material.
by the Silent Spell feat without using up a higher-level spell slot. At
11th level, a hexblade may cast prestidigitation as a spell-like ability, lacking both somatic and verbal components,
but is still limited to their spell slots per day. At 14th level, a hexblade may cast prestidigitation a number of
additional times per day equal to 3 + their Charisma modifier. At 18th level, a hexblade can cast prestidigitation at
will. The prestidigitation spell disappears from their list of spells known at this level.
The knight has the unique honor of being the only character class with a single dead level. Indeed, this class
boasts nineteen levels of special abilities and then nothing at 18th level. Well, that's not entirely true. Knights do
Dead Levels II
gain a point of base attack bonus (which they get every level), hit points (which they get every level), and higher
saving throws of every type (which only happens once every six levels). I can't imagine why 18th level was
neglected, so the following ability was created to reflect the societal influence.
Gallant Nature (Ex): At 18th level, a knight has a persuasive way Designer's Note: Having class skill access
of gaining favors from the aristocracy. A knight can reroll a to Knowledge (nobility and royalty), this
Diplomacy check once per day, but only when attempting to ability playfully gives high level knights a
influence the attitudes of nobility or royalty. A knight must take the decent chance to get noticed by the prince
result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. See or princess of their choice. The ability is
Diplomacy on pg. 73 of the Player's Handbook. balanced by the fact that knights do not
count Diplomacy as a class skill, but treat
SAMURAI Charisma as one of their primary ability
Complete Warrior, pg. 8
The samurai has six dead levels, the first of which occurs at 4th level. The samurai class is a highly specialized
warrior who is extremely talented at demoralizing opponents, two-weapon fighting, and making a single decisive
strike. Their primary dead level ability offers an alternate use of a daily charged ability by developing a skill that
samurai are already good at using.
Breaking Stare (Ex): At 4th level, the samurai can internalize Designer's Note: While breaking stare can
their mastery of kiai into making a subject fear for their life. When be extremely useful, it requires the samurai
attempting to change behavior, a samurai can spend 1 use of their to spend a daily use of a primary combat
kiai smite ability to negate a target's Wisdom modifier for a single ability and only applies to changing
Intimidate check. At 9th level, a samurai negates a target's behavior, not demoralizing opponents.
modifiers on saves against fear. At 13th level, a samurai negates Interrogator is downplayed by the fact that a
a target's immunity from being intimidated for being a paladin of 19th level samurai is assumed to have taken
3rd level or higher. At 15th level, a samurai reduces the size maximum ranks in Intimidate to better use
modifier of a target by one category. At 18th level, a samurai their staredown, mass staredown, and
reduces the size modifier of a target by two categories. improved staredown abilities.
Interrogator (Ex): At 19th level, the samurai becomes so certain in the use of Intimidate to change behavior that
the character can use it reliably even under adverse conditions. When making an Intimidate check to change
behavior, the samurai may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent the character from doing
The shugenja has nineteen dead levels, but this is mitigated by their sense elements ability (the range of which
increases by 5 feet each level) and gaining new spells known at every level (which can be considered special
abilities in their own right). In choosing an element focus at 1st level, however, a shugenja immediately prohibits
an entire descriptor of magic, limiting their spellcasting options, thus allowing for a minor ability.
Knowledge (the planes) checks to identify such creature types, but Designer's Note: Elemental identification is
gains no insight about their special powers or vulnerabilities. See only one part of the Knowledge (the planes)
Knowledge on pg. 78 of the Player's Handbook. Moreover, the skill, and even then, elemental recognition
shugenja can make these Knowledge (the planes) checks does not reveal the strengths or weaknesses
untrained. This bonus increases by +1 for each shugenja level the of a creature. Knowledge (the planes) and
character takes after 2nd level. elemental recognition combined, however,
will permit shugenja to recognize any
SPIRIT SHAMAN creature with an elemental subtype on sight,
which is thematically supported by their
Complete Divine, pg. 14
Spirit shamans are similar to sorcerers in that spells are cast Designer's Note: The key abilities for guide
spontaneously, but different in that their spells known can be meld are extrapolated from the spirit guide
changed each day (by proxy through a spirit guide). Wisdom characteristics in Complete Divine. The key
determines which higher level spells a spirit shaman can cast, abilities for bear, buffalo, cougar, eagle, fox,
while Charisma modifies the Difficulty Class of their spells. As a and owl are based on the ability bonuses
spellcasting class that requires two ability scores to access the granted by the bear's endurance, bull's
druid spell list, with abilities that are largely restricted to strength, cat's grace, eagle's splendor, fox's
incorporeal creatures, the dead level ability for spirit shamans can cunning, and owl's wisdom spells
be somewhat generous. (respectively).
Guide Meld (Su): At 8th level, the spirit shaman is constantly influenced by the characteristics of their spirit guide
as the two become natural extensions of each other. A spirit shaman gains a +1 bonus on ability checks using the
key ability of their chosen spirit guide. This bonus increases by +1 at 12th, 14th, and 18th level. See Ability
Checks on pg. 65 of the Player's Handbook.
The swashbuckler has six dead levels, the first of which occurs at 4th level. Their grace and dodge bonus both
follow a logical progression (one every nine and five levels) with no spell-like or supernatural abilities to shore up
their martial skills. In keeping with their grandiose approach to combat, the following dead level ability is intended
to reflect their larger-than-life celebrity as adventurers.
Seduction (Ex): At 4th level, a swashbuckler has a lascivious way of acquiring knowledge through less than
diplomatic channels. A swashbuckler gains an additional use of the Bluff skill called seduce to learn secret. The
swashbuckler can use charm, flirtation, or seduction to learn a coveted secret that is known by a nonplayer
character. In order for this iteration of the Bluff skill to work, the nonplayer character must find the swashbuckler
physically attractive and be in a position to actually know the secret in question. There are five kinds of secrets
that can be learned with a seduce to learn secret check . The fewer people that know a secret, the greater their
loyalty to keep that secret.
*The DC assumes that the nonplayer character is indifferent. The Bluff check is modified by -20 if the NPC is
hostile, -10 if the NPC is unfriendly, +5 if the NPC is friendly, and +10 if the NPC is helpful.
Evocation Sense (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a warmage can recognize the material, somatic, and verbal
component of evocation spells. The warmage gains a +1 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify an evocation spell
being cast by another creature. See Spellcraft on pg. 82 of the Player's Handbook. This bonus increases by +1 at
4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 18th, and 19th level.
The wu jen has thirteen dead levels, but gains new spells at every level (which can be considered special abilities
in their own right). Similar to wizards, wu jens use the same mechanic of recording spells into a spellbook (with
largely similar spell lists), and can therefore prepare for any situation with enough foresight and planning. Although
wu jens eventually master a single element, they are not restricted from casting the spells of other elements.
Elemental mastery did, however, inform their second dead level ability.
Intuitive Spirit: At 2nd level, the watchful spirit that looks out for Designer's Note: Intuitive spirit was an
the wu jen also helps provide expertise. Choose one Knowledge effort to incorporate the watchful spirit idea
skill. Once per day, when making a skill check with this Knowledge of the wu jen more. Elemental bond,
skill, a wu jen can reroll their skill check before any information is combined with maximum Spellcraft ranks,
disclosed. The wu jen takes the better of the two rolls. At 4th level, can make wu jens exceedingly good at
this reroll can also be used to decipher or identify anything with a counterspelling elemental mastery spells,
Spellcraft check, but not learn or prepare spells. At 5th level, this but this is offset by the fact that wu jens do
reroll can also be used to avoid distraction from nonmagical not cast spontaneously, preparing all of their
motion or weather with a Concentration check, but not from spells ahead of time.
damage or grappling.
Elemental Bond (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a wu jen can recognize the material, somatic, and verbal component
of any spell from their elemental mastery list (including spells that are designated as "all"). The wu jen gains a +1
Dead Levels II
bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify these spells being cast by another creature. See Spellcraft on pg. 82 of the
Player's Handbook. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 19th, and 20th level.
And now it's your turn. As mentioned in the introduction, DMs might consider their own dead level adjustments--
and we'd like to hear what you'd suggest, either for the classes in this article or the core classes from the first
article. Send them in to, and please be sure to include "Dead Levels" in the subject
line. We look forward to hearing your suggestions!
Kolja Raven Liquette is perhaps best known for creating The Waking Lands website, but he has also co-
authored Complete Mage, Monster Manual IV, Races of the Dragon and Weapons of Legacy, in addition to
providing material for Five Nations, Complete Warrior and various articles and enhancements for the Wizards of
the Coast website.
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