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ITSE 2354 Advanced Oracle PL/SQL

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COURSE DESCRIPTION Prerequisites: ITSE 1345 or instructor approval. A continuation of Oracle SQL. Topics include hierarchical queries, set-based queries, correlated subqueries, scripting, and scripting generation. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. This is a 3 credit hour course. (2 lec., 4 lab.) WECM END-OF-COURSE OUTCOMES: Retrieve data including SET operators, correlated subqueries, and hierarchical queries; write SQL scripts that execute remote procedure calls; create a package to group together variables, cursors, exceptions, procedures, and functions; and invoke a package constraint. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of ITSE 2354 Advanced Oracle PL/SQL, students will be able to: Explain the use of higher-level PL/SQL program block structures, procedures, functions, triggers, dependencies and packages. Manipulate database tables using hierarchical, set based and correlated queries, write scripts that execute remote procedure calls, utilize data, cursor and exception handling, and PL/SQL packages. Reinforce skills by retrieving data with SET operators, building error trapping facilities within programs, embedding SQL, loading data into Oracle tables from external files using the SQL* Loader utility, and employing dynamic SQL and object technology based on assignment criteria. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of PL/SQL needed to pass the Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL or Oracle Database SQL Expert certification exam by developing and writing documented programs using PL/SQL statements, procedures and creating packages to group together variables, cursors, exceptions, procedures, functions and invoking a package constraint. Study.

COURSE MATERIALS Textbook: Workbook: Oracle 11g Developer: PL/SQL Programming. McLaughlin. McGraw-Hill, 2008 (ISBN: 0071494456) Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming Workbook, McLaughlin, McGrawHill, 2010 (ISBN: 0071493697)

Email Address: (i.e. Ecc Webmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, gmail, etc.) 1

This is an online class. All course work will be posted on eCampus. It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and laboratory assignments from eCampus. Your instructor will respond to all emails within 24 hours. FINANCIAL AID STATEMENT Students who are receiving any form of financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from classes. Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further aid and could cause you to be in a position of repayment for the current semester. Students who fail to attend or participate after the drop date are also subject to this policy. DROP PROCEDURE/ATTENDANCE If you are unable to complete the course or courses for which you have registered, it is your responsibility to withdraw formally from the course. You need to speak with and obtain the signature of the course instructor to drop the course. If the instructor is not available, a counselor, advisor, or dean may sign the drop form. Failure to drop will result in a performance grade, usually a grade of "F." If you drop a class or withdraw from the college before the official drop/withdrawal deadline, you will receive a W (Withdraw) in each class dropped. For more information about drop deadlines, refer to the current printed Credit Class Schedule, contact the Admissions office at 214-860-2484 (A169), or contact the division office. THE LAST DAY TO DROP SEE CALENDAR Students sometimes drop courses when help is available that would enable them to continue. I hope you will discuss your plans with me if you do feel the need to withdraw. STOP BEFORE YOU DROP For students who enrolled in college level courses for the first time in the fall of 2007, Texas Education Code 51.907 limits the number of courses a student may drop. You may drop no more than six (6) courses during your entire undergraduate career, unless the drop qualifies as an exception. Your campus counseling/advising center will give you more information on the allowable exceptions. Remember that once you have accumulated six non-exempt drops, you cannot drop any other courses with a W. Therefore, please exercise caution when dropping courses in any Texas public institution of higher learning, including all seven of the Dallas County Community Colleges. For more information, you may access https://www1.dcccd.edu/6drop. REPEATING A COURSE Effective for Fall Semester 2005, the Dallas County Community Colleges will charge additional tuition to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. All third and subsequent attempts of the majority of credit and Continuing Education/Workforce Training courses will result in additional tuition to be charged. Developmental Studies and some other courses will not be charged a higher tuition rate. Third attempts include courses taken at any of the Dallas County

Community Colleges since the Fall 2002 Semester. See Third Attempt to Enroll in a Course at http://www.dcccd.edu/thirdcourseattempt/ ACADEMIC ETHICS Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct (as printed in the El Centro College Catalog and available at http://www1.dcccd.edu/catalog/about/standard.cfm) will be penalized accordingly. All matters of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, cheating, etc.) will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question. All violations will be forwarded to the proper college authorities for review. The college may, at its discretion, impose additional penalties on the student including academic probation, suspension, or expulsion. ANY form of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. COMPUTATION OF FINAL GRADE Student progress will be evaluated by the following means:
ITSE-2354 Grade Item Attendance/Participation (15) SLO Self-Evaluation Discussion Questions (16) Assignments (16) Case Study: Chapter Quizzes (16) Course Test (2) Final Grade % of Grade 10% 5% 10% 25% 20% 10% 20% 100% Grade Evaluation A= B= C= D= F= 90100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59%

Note: There will be 16 end of chapter quizzes, a midterm and the final The textbook, lab exercises and the project review material are possible sources for tests. Because we are preparing students to pass an industry-recognized standard with the Oracle Certification, the ability to produce hands-on work quickly and efficiently is critical. There will be benchmarks to aid you in completing assignments in a timely manner. CONTINUING EDUCATION STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE ALL LABS, HANDS-ON, QUIZZES, CASE STUDY AND EXAMS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A CEU AWARD. Grading Scale for ITSE 2354 Lab Work All work is to be turned in to the lab assignment area in eCampus. No homework will be accepted that is not in this format. The file must be submitted to the instructor no later than the scheduled due date. Partial credit will be issued for labs. Labs may not be repeated. All lab work must be completed Last Day of Class There is no specific lab time assigned for this class. There is no support for Oracle other than your instructors lab time. Refer to your instructors lab schedule for the posted lab times. Plan to spend at least four hours per week working on lab assignments. 3

Your instructor is providing a suggested completion date for submission of all labs assignments, and test dates. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, some assignments may change. The student will be notified in lecture of any changes in assignments or due dates. In order to insure that you have the correct assignments and due dates, it is your responsibility to consult with your instructor if you are absent from lecture. Preparing for Examinations View lecture on eCampus and read the chapters. Complete the eleven (16) end of chapter quizzes. They are worth 1600 credit points and count as one exam grade. All exam questions are taken directly from chapter quizzes. INCOMPLETE GRADE STATEMENT Incomplete grades are given only in case of extreme emergency and at least 50% of the course requirements must have been completed. Request for an incomplete grade must be justified through a written statement and presented before the drop date to your instructor who will decide if your request can be approved. COMPUTER CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION The El Centro Computer Center, Room A435, is open to all students from: 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday Room A431 is open to all students from: 5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Friday

WE DO NOT PROVIDE TUTORING SERVICES IN THE 4TH FLOOR COMPUTER CENTER. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Students are expected to follow established procedures of the appropriate division in handling academic issues, such as grade appeals. El Centro College requires that other complaints and disputes (that cannot be resolved by the persons directly involved) be referred initially to the Ombudsman Office for informal, confidential resolution. Additional grievance procedures and the Student Code of conduct are outlined in the El Centro College Catalog, available in hard copy in advisement or on the web at www.elcentrocollege.edu. RELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS STATEMENT A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence if, not later than the fifteenth day after the first day of the semester, the student notified the instructor of each class scheduled on the date that the student would be absent for a religious holy day. A religious holy day means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code. The notice shall be in writing and shall be delivered by the student personally to the instructor, with 4

receipt acknowledged and dated by the instructor or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the instructor. A student who is excused under this section may not be penalized for the absence, but the instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination. CHILDREN ON CAMPUS El Centro College strives to protect an environment most conducive to teaching and learning for all enrolled students. Minor children may not be brought to classrooms, labs, testing areas or study areas of the college. This practice is disruptive to the learning process. Children who are taking part in organized scheduled activities, or who are enrolled in specific classes, are welcomed. For reasons of security and child welfare, the college will not permit unattended children to be left anywhere on the premises. Students/Parents who have problems with childcare should visit the advisement/counseling center or the Adult Resource Center to receive referrals to childcare services in the area. COMPUTER USE POLICY This class will not require you to utilize campus computers. If you need to use the campus computers, please see the computer use policy for the district under the student code of conduct at https://www1.dcccd.edu/cat0910/ss/computer.cfm?loc=DCCCD SOFTWARE COPYING POLICY Copying computer software without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder may be unlawful and subject to civil and criminal penalties. To protect you, the college and the copyright holder. DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS Any student who may need accommodations due to a disability and/or special needs should contact the Disability Services Office, Room A110, phone number (214) 860-2411. (Voice/TTY), visit A110, or go to http://www.elcentrocollege.edu/Student_Services/Disability/ CAMPUS EMERGENCY OPERATION PLAN El Centro College and the Dallas County Community College District have developed policies and procedures for dealing with emergencies that may occur on campus. To familiarize yourself with these procedures, please take time to watch the overview video: http://video.dcccd.edu/rtv/DO/emergency_dcccd.wmv Why Should You Seek ORACLE Certification? Oracle Database SQL Certified Experts demonstrate the complete set of skills required for working with the powerful SQL programming language and have mastered the key concepts of a relational database. SQL Experts understand how to use the advanced features of SQL in order to query and manipulate data within the database, control privileges at the object and system level, and use advanced querying and reporting techniques. They are able to manipulate large data sets and understand storing and retrieving dates according to different time zones. They are also knowledgeable about the concepts of controlling access and privileges for schema objects. 5

Oracle Certification Program

Oracle PL/SQL and Oracle Forms Developer Oracle offers a complete, integrated set of application development tools that support any development approach, technology platform, or operating system. Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associates demonstrate expertise in building databasecentric Internet applications for both Oracle9i and Oracle Database 10g. Oracle Forms Developer Certified Professionals gain greater credibility, a higher level of efficiency, and improved job performance as application developers.

http://www.certmag.com/ This site will have up to date salary information in the next couple of months so check it out often. Lecture, Laboratory, and Examination Schedule The lecture, laboratory, and examination schedule is shown on the next page. You are expected to read each assigned project prior to the lecture. Lectures will be short, to the point, and will discuss the highlights of the Project for that week. Most of the class time will be spent working on your Laboratory assignments.

COURSE OUTLINE These dates may vary slightly; however, this outline provides you with target dates so that you can plan your semester to meet assignment deadlines. A more detailed lab assignment sheet follows. The instructor may alter this course outline at any time due to time constraints, loss of school days, or unforeseen problems with computer equipment, labs, etc.

ITSE 2354 INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE PL/SQL Reading/Lab Assignments Outline

Due End of Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Last Week of School

Lesson Textbook Lab 1 Oracle PL/SQL Overview (Appendix A-J) Lab 2 - PL/SQL Basic Lab 3 Language Fundamentals Lab 4 Control Structures Lab 5 Error Management Lab 6 Functions and Procedures Lab 8 Large Objects Lab 7 - Collections Midterm Exam Chapters 1-8 Lab 9 Packages Lab 10 - Triggers Lab 11 Dynamic SQL Lab 12 Intersession Communication Lab 13 External Procedures Lab 14 Object Types Lab 15 Java Libraries Lab 16 -- Web Application Development Final Exam 9-16 Learning Outcome SelfEvaluation

Page 571-777 (Scan these) 26-45 45-91 92-131 132-163 164-207 208-265 266-313 314-343 344-381 382-417 418-445 446-475 478-505 506-533 534-570

Lesson Workbook
Ch 1 Oracle Development Overview

Ch 2 PL/SQL Basics & Ch 3 Transaction Scope

Ch 4 Error Management Ch 5 Functions & Ch 6 Procedures Ch 7 Collections Ch 8 Packages Ch 9 Triggers Ch 10 Dynamnic SQL

Ch 12 External Files

COURSE OUTCOME: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Retrieve data including SET operators, correlated subqueries, and hierarchical queries; write SQL scripts that execute remote procedure calls; create a package to group together variables, cursors, exceptions, procedures, and functions; and invoke a package constraint. LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the use of higher-level PL/SQL program block structures, procedures, functions, triggers, dependencies and packages. Manipulate database tables using hierarchical, set based and correlated queries, write scripts that execute remote procedure calls, utilize data, cursor and exception handling, and PL/SQL packages. Reinforce skills by retrieving data with SET operators, building error trapping facilities within programs, embedding SQL, loading data into Oracle tables from external files using the SQL* Loader utility, and employing dynamic SQL and object technology based on assignment criteria. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of PL/SQL needed to pass the Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL or Oracle Database SQL Expert certification exam by developing and writing documented programs using PL/SQL statements, procedures and creating packages to group together variables, cursors, exceptions, procedures, functions and invoking a package constraint. Study. EVALUATION Course assignments Course test Course Case Study Discussion Questions Course assignments Course test Course Case Study Discussion Questions Course assignments Course test Course Case Study Discussion Questions SCANS 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6D, 7A, 7B, 7D, 7F, 8A 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6D, 7A, 7B, 7D, 7F, 8A 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6D, 7A, 7B, 7D, 7F, 8A

Course assignments Course test Course Case Study Discussion Questions

3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6D, 7A, 7B, 7D, 7F, 8A

El Centro College Scans Statement

What Are Scans Skills?

These are the skills that employers need the most from their workers. SCANS skills are the predictors in the workplace.
Who Defined these Skills? In 1989, the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education jointly surveyed U.S. employers to find out the most important skills and competencies needed by workers. The results of the survey identified SCANS (Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills). ECC Students and SCANS

El Centro College is committed to the preparation of our students for success in the workplace.
All El Centro College courses provide learning outcomes which result in the mastery of SCANS skills. Although each course will not include every SCANS skill, each course syllabus will identify the specific SCANS skills and competencies taught in that course. Throughout a formal program of study (Certificate, Degree or Transfer Program) a student will have the opportunity to master all SCANS skills and competencies. SCANS Workplace Competencies 1 Managing Resources 1.a. Manage Time 1.b. Manage Money 1.c. Manage Materials 1.d Manage Space 1.e. Manage Human Resources 2 Interpersonal Skills 2.a. Work on Teams 2.b. Teach Others 3 Information Skills 3.a. Acquire and evaluate data 3.b. Organize and maintain data 3.c. Interpret and Communicate data 3.d. Process data with computer 4 Systems Knowledge 4.a. Work in social systems 4.b. Work in technological systems 4.c. Monitor and correct systems 4.d. Design and improve systems 5 Using Technology 5.a. Select equipment and tools 5.b. Apply technology to tasks 5.c. Maintain and troubleshoot technologies

2.c. Serve Customers 2.d. Lead Others 2.e. Negotiate Conflict 2.f. Work with Diversity

SCANS Foundation Skills 6 Basic Skills 6.a. 6.b. 6.c. 6.d. 6.e. Reading Writing Arithmetic/Math Speaking Listening 7.a. 7.b. 7.c. 7.d. 7.e. 7.f. 7 Thinking Skills Creative thinking Decision making Problem Solving Thinking logically Seeing things in the minds eye Reasoning 8.a. 8.b. 8.c. 8.d. 8.e. 8 Personal Qualities Responsibility Self-esteem Sociability Self-Management Integrity

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