Performance Objective Phonetique 2
Performance Objective Phonetique 2
Performance Objective Phonetique 2
1-Pre-requesite activities Some conditions based on yes/no Task 1: Provide some conditions based on
The teacher asks leaners to questions are: yes/no questions
provide some conditions based -Natural intonation
on yes/no questions. -Speaker’ s intention focused on 10 min
the action
-Speaker’ s intention focused on
the thing or a person
-The teacher selects one condition based
on natural intonation.
3- Production Answer
The teacher asks learners to provide 1. Did you eat yesterday? Task 3:
their own examples, stress and write 2. Will Abana Travel tomorrow? Provide your own examples, stress and
them on the board. 3.Were you here last time? then write them on the board.
4.Have your parents got daughters
and sons?
08 min
Next, the teacher asks learner to write Learner write down the lesson in
down the lesson in their copybooks. their copybooks.
III- Evaluation Answer Task 4:
1- Applied exercise -Does She Cook dinner tonight? Stress and give the intonation of the
The teacher asks learners to stress and -Has Diana got cookies and sweets? following questions
give the intonation of the following -Were you with John and Anna? -Does she cook dinner tonight?
yes/no questions based on the -Could you do it by yourself? -Has Diana got cookies and sweets?
intonation. -Were you with John and Anna?
-Could you do it by yourself?
2- Homework
The teacher asks learners to give the Answer Task 5: 15 min
correct intonation - Do you eat mangoes? The following questions are not well
- Does she know you? stressed, give the correct intonation.
- Am I a student? - Do you eat mangoes?
- Could you call him now? - Does she know you?
- Am I a student?
- Could you call him now?