SWAYAM is the indigenous platform of the MHRD, GOI providing an integrated portal and platform for
hosting Massive open online courses (MOOCS) developed under the aegis of NME-ICT. Government of India
adopted the MOOCs concept to supplement the formal education system in the country from high school to
higher education, named aptly as the “Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds”
(SWAYAM). It hosts various courses based on curriculum, continuing education and skill.
MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are such online courses which are developed as per the
pedagogy stated herein and following the four quadrant approach consisting of video , text, self assessment and
learn more.
Course: shall be of two types: credit courses and non-credit courses.
I. Credit Course shall mean a course which is taught for at least one semester as a part of a PG Programme
in Indian Universities.
II. Non-Credit Course shall include courses like awareness programme, continuing education programme
or of specific skill set as independent course, which are not part of any set curriculum.
Subject: shall mean a specific area under a discipline (Example: Physics) taught in an educational institution
consisting of specific programme/ courses, resulting in the award of a certificate/ diploma/ degree shorter
National Coordinator (NC): National Coordinators are the Institutions that have been so designated by the
Ministry and assigned a specific sector or preparation of online courses for SWAYAM. UGC is the NC for
developing Non-Technology PG Courses.
Course Coordinator (CC): A Subject Matter Expert (SME) belonging to a reputed educational
institution/Industry or a specialist in the field identified and entrusted with the task of developing online course.
Host Institution -An educational institution who offers the MOOC on SWAYAM is called Host Institution.
The host institution facilitates conducts the examination, evaluation and award and transfer of credits. On
successful completion of each course, the Host Institution offering the MOOCs course would issue the
certificate, along with the number of credits and grades, through which the student can get credits transferred
into his marks certificate issued by his/her parent institution.
Parent Institution- A parent institution is where a prospective learner is enrolled in a particular program and
may further opt for a particular MOOC/s hosted on SWAYAM.
On successful completion of each course, the host institution offering the Online Course would issue the
certificate, along with the number of credits and grades, through which the student can get credits transferred
into his/her grade
The process of MOOCs development and delivery shall consist of the following four steps which are
further explained below :
I. Course-Coordinator Details
II. Online Proposal for Development and Delivery of MOOCs
III. Course Content/Deliverables
IV. Declaration
A. Course Details:-
2.3 Applicant 1. Funded university (12B of UGC) (Choose from drop down menu)
2.6 Course objectives Define the overall objectives of the complete Preferably give the learning outcomes
course including the expected learning point wise
outcome of the course.
2.7 Course The course for the purpose of MOOC shall Description should contain
Description & be:
Outline a) A part of approved curriculum 250 to 300 words.
being taught in an Indian
b) A paper which is taught for atleast
one semester as a part of the
c) Having a Proctored examination in
the end resulting in award of
2.8 Give brief about course Details of the Topic Covered under the Description should contain 150 to 200
content / curriculum - Course words.
Topics covered
2.12 Outcomes
2.13 Assessment Specify requirements for successful course Grading Scheme * [allocation of marks
Plan completion Assessment plan - the weight age (in percentage) to various assessments]
assigned for different elements of the
• Assigments:-%
• Pratical:-%
• Final Exam
• Others:-%
B. MOOC Structure:
The MOOCs being offered on SWAYAM following the four-quadrant instructional design, as per the MH]
Guidelines. The structure of each MOOC will have following components:
Details of the Quadrant approach for MOOCs development:-
2. 0 I- Quadrant Engagement Total video hours of the MOOCs. Shall contain Video and Audio Content in an
time Video of 25~30 minutes per module. organized form, Animation, Simulations, video
(Video) demonstrations, Virtual Labs, etc, along with
the transcription of the video.
2.1 II- Quadrant Total engagement time for Total text material to be 15- 20 pages long per
Engagement time 2nd quadrant elements for all the module- 12 font Arial, single space.
(Text material, ebook, modules of the MOOC Counting 3 minutes/page the learning
objectives, summary, engagement time to be in the range of 45- 60
glossary, case studies, minutes per module.
FAQs, Other Learning Shall contain self instructional material,
material) e-Books, illustrations, case studies,
presentations, Web Resources such as further
references, Related Links, Open source
Content on Internet, Video, Case Studies,
books including e-books, research papers &
journals, Anecdotal information, Historical
development of the subject, Articles, etc.
2.2 III- Quadrant Please provide the reference list as a Give specific links that are viable and direct to
(References, Web links) word document appropriate pages. Links to other learning sites.
Do not give or
Discussion forum for raising of doubts and
clarifying them on a near real time basis by the
Course Coordinator or his team.
2.3 IV - Quadrant Total engagement time for incourse 10-15 MCQ per module comprise of Quiz.
Engagement assessment. Engagement time is 1 minute per MCQ for
Time Quiz
Assessment Assessment to include:
1. Quizzes- self graded Engagement time for Assignment questions
2. Assignments- 3 short (up to should be 5 minutes per short question and 10
200 words) and 2 long answer (up to minutes per long question. Total engagement
500 words) depending on the course time should be in range 4550 minutes per
requirements module.
Shall contain problems and solutions, which
could be in the form of Multiple Choice
Questions, Fill in the blanks, Matching
Questions, Short Answer Questions, Long
Answer Questions, Quizzes, Assignments and
solutions, Discussion forum topics and setting
up the FAQs, Clarifications on general
2.4 Total Engagement in interaction and discussion is to
Engagement time for be factored with grades. Suggested: a) After
Discussion and The interaction can be through video every 2-3 module give 1 hours of interaction. b)
interaction tutorial or forum moderations and List some topics and questions for discussion in
participation. the forum.
Faculty to encourage discussion.
May assign marks for participation
and forum interaction.
Discussion related to subject
2.5 Term End assessment Proctored exam, with question paper
sets to be provided by course faculty.
2.6 Total Engagement I- Quadrant+ II- Quadrant+ III- Total engagement time to amount to 2-3 hours
time(hours) Quadrant + IV- Quadrant + per module
Engagement time for Discussion and
interaction + Term End assessment
2.8 Grading scheme For conversion into CGPA and credit scheme
for each program
The Course-Coordinator has to provide the details whether an agency/institution has been identified
for conducting exam and also to provide the details of number of examination centers proposed:-
a) In case, a pen and paper final examination is to be conducted, the same shall be offered through any
college/school. volunteering to conduct the same. The decision in this respect will be taken by the host
b) After conduct of the examination and completion of the evaluation, the host institution shall award
marks/grade as per the evaluation scheme announced, within 4 weeks from the date of completion of the final
c) On successful completion of each course, the host institution offering the Online Course would issue
the certificate, along with the number of credits and grades, through which the student can get credits
transferred into his/her marks certificate issued by his/ her parent institution.
d) The CC shall decide the suitable assessment system for the course based on the stated learning
outcomes, in consultation with the VC/ Registrar / Controller of examination/Dean Examination or any other
equivalent authority at host University/ institution offering the course.
Normally, the assessment shall have both formative assessment to promote deeper learning, critical thinking
and reflection, in combination with summative assessments designed to gauge student achievement and/or
performance. Summative assessments may include graded quizzes, reports or projects, peer assessments or
proctored examination
Whereas an online examination would be the preferred mode, the CC may decide on the mode of conducting
the final examination.
Step:- Declaration by the Course Coordinator:-