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Development Feasibility Sample Report - JLDA

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Another Road, Somewhere, Oxfordshire

Site Development Feasibility Report

Prepared for ABC Developments Ltd

16 November 2011

JLDA sustainable building design

(Note: this sample report contains sections from different reports and is intended to
provide an example of the scope of a typical site feasibility report)
ABC Developments Ltd – Land Feasibility Study


1. Executive Summary 4
Current development activity 4
Pricing of new build property 4
Town planning constraints 4
Site development potential 4
Financial analysis and Return on Investment 4
2. Site Context 6
The Proposed Site 6
Services 8
Flood Risk Assessment 9
3. Planning Context 10
Planning Policy 10
Planning History 11
4. Development Context 12
Current Development Sites in the Locality 12
5. Development Value 13
Demographics 13
Sale prices for new build and resale 17
Average Sale Values 19
6. Development Potential 20
Site Feasibility Plan 20
Accommodation Schedule & Potential Development Value 22
Site Development Calculation 23
Return on Investment Calculation 24
Comments on Financial Analysis 25
Conclusions & Recommendations 26
Recommendations 26
Risk Assessment 27
7. Terms and Conditions of Use 29
Another Road, Somewhere Road, Oxfordshire
ABC Development Ltd

1. Executive Summary

Current development activity

• In October 2011 there are 2 active developments in the local area of 69 and 22 units that are currently under construction.
• Across the wider area there are 6 active developments containing a total of 130 units of which 39 are still under construction.
• 28% are detached houses, 13% are semis, 20% are terraced and 34% flats.

Pricing of new build property

• The average selling price at October 2011 is £44,8611 for detached houses, £303,464 for semis, £202,409 for terraced houses and £140,063 for flats.
• Over the last 12 months to October 2011 the average price for detached houses has risen by 10.4% compared to a fall of 5.5% for the overall market.
• Average prices per square foot are £214psf for 1 bed flats, £30psf for 2 bed flats, £246psf for 2 bed houses, £251psf for 3 bed houses and £317psf for 4
bed houses.

Town planning constraints

• South Oxfordshire District Council’s Core Strategy makes provision for additional houses in Henley on suitable infill and redevelopment sites.
• Local Plan 2011 policy H4 provides for new houses in Henley, subject to a number of criteria being satisfied.

Site development potential

• The Shepherds Road site has a potential for 11 units totalling 14,790 sqft/ 1375 sqm in a mix of 3 and 4 bed detached houses with double garages.
• Using local pricing data, this equates to a total sale value of £5,989,000 at October 2011 prices.

Financial analysis and Return on Investment

• Assuming 3 years to complete the development and a 3.5% estimated increase in construction costs per annum, the total outlay on completion will be
• Assuming a finance requirement of £3,700,000 at 75% loan-to-value, the total initial investment outlay will be £1.226,800.
• Assuming a 2.0% estimated growth on current value per annum in the 3 years to complete the development, the current development value on completion
will be £6,355,600.
• Based on these figures, the Return on Capital will be 15.6% over the period of the development.

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Somewhere Road, Oxfordshire
ABC Development Ltd

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Somewhere Road, Oxfordshire
ABC Development Ltd

2. Site Context

The Proposed Site

Fig 1. Site at XX St Andrews Road, Henley-on-Thames

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Somewhere Road, Oxfordshire
ABC Development Ltd

Site details

Location Henley-on-Thames
Gross site area 1,494 m2 / 16,065 sqft
Land cost £540,000
Existing buildings or structures on site yes
Listed buildings no
Conservation area yes

Fig 2. Site details for XX St Andrews Road, Henley-on-Thames

The proposed site on St Andrew’s Road is part of the curtilage of XX St Andrew’s Road. A high boundary wall on the frontage separates the plot from the
footway. Conservation Area Consent has been granted for the demolition of the other existing structures on the site (LPA ref P10/EXXXX/CA), whose
presence was a negative feature of the area. No significant trees are present on the site that would prejudice any development. The site is at the edge of St
Mark’s Road Conservation Area, with both adjoining properties being outside the Area.

The proposed site is located within Henley conservation area, a designated heritage asset. Henley conservation area was designated under the Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 for its ‘special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to
preserve or enhance’. South Oxfordshire District Council approved the Henley Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan on 16th June 2005. This
included a conservation area boundary review which extended the boundaries of the St Mark’s Road Conservation Area to include properties in St Andrew’s
Road and Reading Road. St Andrew’s Road is located within Character Area 7, the proposal site is therefore included within a designated heritage asset,
(Henley Conservation Area) and is also identified as a non designated heritage asset of local interest.

Key features of the conservation area:

• Mainly red brick houses with blue brick or stone decoration under Welsh slate or tiled roofs
• Mainly semi-detached houses, set back slightly from the road behind brick walls or hedges
• More substantial houses in St Andrew’s Road - detached with larger gardens
• Roads laid out on grid pattern
• Common building line for most houses
• Reasonably generous, long, narrow gardens
• Houses of varied architectural designs and details

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Somewhere Road, Oxfordshire
ABC Development Ltd

• Significant local characteristic of frontage house with larger garden behind, set back behind modest front gardens
• Double-depth, 2 storey houses most common; however 2 storeys plus attics typical in detached houses in St Andrew’s Road
• Largely concealed rear gardens
• Positive contribution of trees and other more open gardens
• Fine examples of brick boundary walls
• Views of the surrounding wooded hills

Vegetation on the site prevents any significant townscape relationship between development on it and the more recently housing on adjacent land in Western


Foul and Surface water

A 450mm diameter surface water sewer and a 225mm diameter foul sewer runs are present in St Andrew’s Road. Because new drains cannot be laid across
adjacent properties, pumped sewerage and soakaways will be required for the lower part of the site.

Records provided by EDF indicate a low voltage cable which runs parallel to the site’s northern boundary.

National Grid have confirmed that there is a 180mm diameter gas main running along St Andrew’s Road.

British Telecom
Residential and commercial services are available from BT in the St Andrew’s Road area. There are no overhead lines crossing the site.

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Flood Risk Assessment

The proposed site is located on raised ground outside the potential flood risk area of the River Thames.


Fig 3. Henley flood risk area.

Source: Environment Agency

Fig 4. Flood Risk Areas in England.

Source: Environment Agency

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Planning Context

Planning Policy

The Oxfordshire Structure Plan makes provision for an additional 8,000 dwellings in the district between 1996 and 2011, divided between Didcot - about 5,000
dwellings (with a further 500 dwellings in the Vale of the White Horse District at Didcot) and the rest of South Oxfordshire - 3000 dwellings, but there will be no
significant housing growth in Henley. South Oxfordshire District Council’s Core Strategy proposes to make provision for additional houses in Henley (Policy
CSS1). Policy CSHEN1 accordingly includes the intention to “… allow housing on suitable infill and redevelopment sites.” South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011
policy H4 provides for new houses in Henley, subject to a number of criteria being satisfied.

Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing (PPS3) seeks the effective use of land for housing by re-using previously developed land. For the purposes of PPS3
the Secretary of State removed gardens from the definition of previously developed land, together with the national indicative minimum density, last year. As
a consequence, rear gardens are now treated as undeveloped plots with no presumption in favour of their development.

Guidance in Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3), and South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 policy H8 recommend a minimum density of 30 dwellings per

The adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 policies G5, G6, CON7, D1, D2, D3, D4, D6, D,7 D8, H4, H8, as well as the South Oxfordshire Design Guide
(SODG) 2000 and the Henley Character Appraisal in respect of Henley Character Area 7 are relevant to this proposal. South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011
policy D1 requires that new developments contribute to the distinctive character and sense of place of each part of the district, and in the detailed design of
the building and the use of materials, reference should be made to local architectural themes or traditions. The scale of any new development should be in
keeping with adjoining development and with the size of the plot. Building forms should be kept as simple as possible and should reflect the general
relationship of buildings to the street in the local area. Dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the plot site are a mix of large semi-detached and detached
houses, and any proposal should be designed to reflect this mix.

Policy D2 requires that parking should be accommodated on the development plot, and policy D3 requires garden and outdoor sitting areas to be designed so
as to provide a reasonable degree of privacy. Policies D4 and D8 require that adequate privacy be provided to existing and new residents without undue
intrusion from neighbours or from the public, and that buildings should be orientated within their plots to maximise daylight, passive solar gain and sunlight to
garden areas, avoiding overshadowing of adjoining dwellings.

Policy G6 requires that development in the district is of a high quality and inclusive design, and has regard to the distinctive characteristics of the local area
and that the development is appropriate in terms of its type and its scale. Policy H4 regarding the design, height, scale and materials of a proposed
development should be in keeping with its surroundings, such that the character of the area is not adversely affected. The choice of materials, the scale and

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

character of the proposed development should be chosen and designed to carefully respect the distinctive character of Another Road in order to fully comply
with these policies. Further guidance is contained in the South Oxfordshire Design Guide 2008.

Policy D7 requires access to and into buildings from the street to the proposed dwelling to ensure adequate access for those with impaired mobility, hearing or

The Council’s parking standards set out in South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 Appendix 5 require 1 parking for 1 bed dwellings, 2 spaces spaces for 2/3 bed
dwellings and 2+ extra spaces on merit for 4 bed+ dwellings.

Planning History

There have been 4 planning applications for this site.

Description Application Decision Reasons for Refusal

Demolition of existing P08/EXXXX Conservation Consent and
workshop building and Planning Permission on 30th
erection of 2m high fence. November 2008
Erection of four bedroom P09/EXXXX Withdrawn prior to
house on rear garden plot. determination on 13th August
Construction of a new build P09/EXXXX Refusal of Planning The development would be contrary to Policies G2, G4, G6, C1, D1 and
5 bedroom bungalow Permission on 19th October H6 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 and to advice contained in
2009 the South Oxfordshire Design Guide 2008, PPS1 and PPS3. Having
regard to the modest size of the plot and to the position of the site
Appeal Dismissed on 25 July relative to adjoining properties, the proposal would result in a cramped
2010 form of development which would be poorly related to and would be out
of keeping with the pattern of adjoining development and would detract
from the rural character of the area.
Erection of a pair of 3 P10/EXXXX Withdrawn prior to
bedroom single storey determination on 4th March
semi-detached dwellings 2011

Table 1. Planning History for XX St Andrews Rd, Henley

Source: South Oxfordshire District Council

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

4. Development Context

Current Development Sites in the Locality

There are 2 active developments in the local area of 69 and 22 units which are currently under construction. Across the wider area there are 6 active
developments containing a total of 130 units of which 39 are still under construction. Sales price data is not yet available for these units.

This is a summary of the mix of units currently being developed in the local area. Table 2 displays the profile of units that are under construction or yet to be
sold. Tables 3 and 4 set out the mix of housing being developed on all sites - both under construction and completed within the last 2 years.

Mix of units by dwelling type Number %

Bungalow 4 4.4%
Detached house 26 28.6%
Semi-detached House 12 13.2%
Terraced House 18 19.8%
Table 2. Mix of all housing on current active sites
Flat / Maisonette 31 34.1% Source: NHBC

Mix of units by bed count Number %

Studio 0 0.0%
1B flats 5 5.5%
2B flats 12 13.2%
2B houses 29 31.9%
3B houses 27 29.7% Table 3. Mix of units on current active sites
4B+ houses 18 19.8% Source: NHBC

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

5. Development Value


Demographic data RG9 National

Population 21,459
Median Age 43 39.05
% Educated to Degree level 36.25% 19.77%
% Retirees 25.63% 21.96%
%Full Time Students 3.15% 3.40%
% Unemployed 1.64% 3.22%
Average Property Value £522,900 £221,800
Average Earnings £35,598 £24,478
Property Price / Earnings Ratio 14.69x 9.06x

Table 4. Demographic data for Henley-on-Thames

Source: Census 2001 and Calnea Analytics (updated quarterly)

The demographic data shows the social makeup of the postcode district for the plot compared to the national average. The price to earnings ratio is an
effective measure of the relative affordability of property in the area. This is shown the average current value of property divided by the average annual
household income for the area. The demographic data combined with the price to earnings ratio provides a picture of the market for the intended

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Sale price trends for new build and resale

Figure 5 displays the average property sale price for

each type of property in Stratford for each month for
the year to October 2011.

Fig 5. Selling prices trends in Stratford-upon-Avon

Source: Home.co.uk

Dwelling type Oct-10 Oct-11 Change

Detached house £406,367 £448,611 10.4%

Semi-detached House £311,923 £303,464 -2.7%
Terraced House £221,125 £202,409 -8.5%
Table 5. Average property selling prices in
Stratford-upon-Avon (£000's) Flat / Maisonette £180,308 £140,063 -22.3%
Source: Home.co.uk
All £291,092 £274,939 -5.5%

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Figure 6 displays the median trend property sale price

graph for Stratford for the previous 12 months.

Fig 6. Median trend property prices in Stratford-

upon-Avon (£000's)
Source: Home.co.uk

Dwelling type Oct-10 Oct-11 Change

Detached house £324,000 £370,000 14.2%

Semi-detached House £310,000 £249,600 -19.5%
Table 6. Change in average property selling prices in
Stratford-upon-Avon (£000's) Terraced House £216,500 £178,000 -17.8%
Source: Home.co.uk Flat / Maisonette £165,000 £132,500 -19.7%

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Fig. 7 displays the average* property sale price for

each type of property in Warwickshire for each month
from October 2010 to October 2011

Fig 7. Change in average property selling prices in

Warwickshire (£000's)
Source: Home.co.uk

Dwelling type Oct-10 Oct-11 Change

Detached house £327,384 £309,227 -5.5%

Semi-detached House £195,422 £184,853 -5.4%
Terraced House £164,767 £154,577 -6.2%
Table 7. Change in average property selling prices
in Warwickshire (£000's) Flat / Maisonette £139,070 £122,031 -12.3%
Source: Home.co.uk All £216,751 £201,951 -6.8%

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Sale prices for new build and resale

Local Pricing Sept 2011 Floor area ft2 Price/ft2

4B+ houses 1100 £383

1150 £359
1200 £338
1250 £319
1300 £286
1350 £274
1400 £262
Average £317
3B houses 850 £292
900 £276
950 £262
1000 £248
1050 £236
1100 £225
1150 £216
Average £251
2B houses 600 £302
650 £279
700 £259
750 £241
800 £227
850 £213
Table 8. Average selling price in £psf prices for
900 £201 houses in a range of unit sizes
Average £246 Source: NHBC/Hometrack

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Local Pricing Sept 2011 Floor area ft2 Price/ft2

2B flats 500 £389

550 £354
600 £324
650 £299
700 £278
750 £259
800 £244
Average £303
1B flats 400 £274
450 £243
500 £219
550 £199
600 £182
650 £168 Table 9. Average selling price in £psf prices for
flats in a range of unit sizes
Average £214 Source: NHBC/Hometrack

Figures for local pricing have been obtained from NHBC and Hometrack data. The NHBC holds a database of all new properties that are registered with them
for the purposes on insurance, which accounts for about 85% of all new homes/dwellings built each year. Hometrack provide data on house prices and
housing market trends, which is updated monthly.

Potential purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Average Sale Values

Analysis of actual sales prices for all completions in the catchment area over the last 12 months. The price data relates to achieved prices as recorded by a
solicitor rather than asking prices.

Price range by type & bed count High Low Average

4B+ houses £395,000,000 £265,000,000 £342,285,714

3B houses £290,000,000 £200,000,000 £248,333,333
2B houses £250,000,000 £152,000,000 £181,166,667
2B flats £225,000,000 £152,000,000 £194,600,000
1B flats £135,000,000 £88,000,000 £109,500,000
Studio £0 £0 £0

Table 10. Price range and average selling prices

Source: NHBC/Hometrack

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

6. Development Potential

After carefully considering the existing property mix in the area as well as the relevant local planning policies, and the client’s preferred dwelling house types,
a site feasibility plan taking into urban design and townscape, vehicle and pedestrian movement has been produced for a scheme consisting of a mix of 3 and
4 bed detached dwellings in a price range of £475,000 to £700,000 for the Shepherds Road site.

Site Feasibility Plan

Fig 8. Site feasibility plan for Shepherds Road

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Plot and dwelling areas for the above site plan are summarised as follows:

Plot Plot Area Floor area

Plot 1 307.7 sqm/3309 sqft 84 sqm/903 sqft

Plot 2 202.2 sqm/2174 sqft 100 sqm/1075 sqft
Plot 3 264.6 sqm/2845 sqft 100 sqm/1075 sqft
Plot 4 294.7 sqm/3169 sqft 140 sqm/1505 sqft
Plot 5 324.9 sqm/3494 sqft 119.9 sqm/1289 sqft
Plot 6 453.5 sqm/4876 sqft 128.1 sqm/1377 sqft
Plot 7 377.7 sqm/4061 sqft 144 sqm/1548 sqft
Plot 8 383.2 sqm/4120 sqft 142.8 sqm/1535 sqft
Plot 9 458.5 sqm/4930 sqft 133.2 sqm/1432 sqft
Plot 10 386.5 sqm/4156 sqft 156.1 sqm/1678 sqft
Plot 11 378.7 sqm/4072 sqft 127.3 sqm/1369 sqft

Table 11. Site and dwelling data for Shepherds Road

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Accommodation Schedule & Potential Development Value

Figures shown in yellow for the price psft are taken from the local pricing data from tables 8 and 9 above, otherwise client provided data.

Accommodation Dwelling type Floor area ft2 Price/ft2* Sale value

Plot 1 2B house 903 £423 £382,065

Plot 2 3B house 1,075 £454 £488,172
Plot 3 3B house 1,075 £454 £488,172
Plot 4 4B house 1,505 £418 £492,258
Plot 5 4B house 1,289 £418 £538,905
Plot 6 4B house 1,377 £418 £575,761
Plot 7 4B house 1,548 £418 £555,871
Plot 8 4B house 1,535 £418 £641,832
Plot 9 4B house 1,432 £418 £537,097
Plot 10 4B house 1,678 £418 £716,717
Plot 11 4B house 1,369 £418 £572,166
Total 14,789 £5,989,016

Table 12. Accommodation schedule and values for Shepherds Road

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Site Development Calculation

Property purchase price £2,525,000

Stamp duty land tax £126,250 5% of the purchase price wef Apr 2011
Conveyance & legal fees £44,188 1.75% legal and agent fees
Enetr demolitions cost £15,000
Enter electricity connection cost £25,000
Enter water & sewage connection cost £5,000
Enter telecomms connection cost £10,000
Enter Insurance premiums £15,000 PL, Latent defects
Enter finance costs £83,250 2.25% of finance requirement
Consultants' fees (architect, town planner, engineer) £83,647 5.00% of building construction cost
LA planning & Building Regs fees £1,500
Enter roads & sewers costs £75,000
Dwelling construction cost £1,512,940 1375 sq. metres @ £1,100 £/sqm build cost rate
Garages & other construction cost £160,000 400 sq. metres @ £400 £/sqm build cost rate
External works & landscaping £155,771 2225 sq. metres @ £70 £/sqm build cost rate
Other Work
Total construction cost £1,903,711
Contingency £47,593 2.50% of total construction cost
Number of years to complete development 3
Final construction cost £2,163,445 3.50% pa estimated increase in construction costs
Total outlay on completion £4,926,842
Enter initial finance requirement £3,700,000 75.1% LTV £3,695,132 is 75.00% if financed by mortgage
Enter initial nominal finance interest rate 4.65 % pa. 12 rest periods pa
Enter term - enter 0 if interest only 0 years - interest only finance
Calculated gross annual finance repayment £172,050 per annum or £14,338 per rest - assumed constant
Total initial investment (outlay less financing) £1,226,842

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Return on Investment Calculation

Figures shown in yellow as supplied by client.

Number of years to complete development for RoC 3 years

Assumed curent value of completed development £5,989,016 2.00% pa estimated growth on current value
Estimated future value of property on completion £6,355,592 8.86% pa growth rate
Less finance outstanding of £3,700,000 58.22% current LTV %
Selling costs & redemption charges £158,890 2.50% (legal, agency, lender but excluding CGT)
Future value of investment £2,496,702 Initial investment was £1,226,842 ie 73.03% pa growth
Growth of initial investment £1,269,860 103.5% increase over original £1,226,842
Annual finance costs £172,050
Return on Capital (RoC) 15.6%

RoC with NO finance 7.9% pa compound

Note: RoC calculation assumes costs & finance payments in arrears.

Summary: £1,226,842 initial capital less £172,050 pa finance repayment over 3 yrs ends with £2,496,702 capital @ 15.6% pa assuming a
geared property asset grows by 8.86% pa. With no finance the RoC is 7.9 % pa.

Figures shown in yellow as supplied by client. All costs exclude VAT.

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Commentary on Financial Analysis

• The land value at £2,525,000 equates to £452 psm which is higher than land values in the wider area at £360 psm.

• The Return on Investment is highly sensitive to any increase in construction costs and in particular to changes in the growth in value of the completed
development. For example if the construction costs increase by 5% per annum over the period of the development, the RoI reduces to 13%. If
property values fall 2% over that time, the RoI reduces to 1.2% (excluding any construction cost increases)

• If the purchase price for the land could be reduced to between £2,000,000 and £2,200,000 (£360 - £390 psm), any fall in property values of 2% would
produce a RoI of between 10 – 18%.

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Conclusions & Recommendations

A scheme consisting of a mix of 3 and 4 bed detached dwellings in the range of 1,000 to 1,600 square feet within a price range of £475,000 to £700,000
makes optimum viable use of the site within this built-up area, in accordance with 3RDC Adopted Local Plan policy G5 of the Local Development Framework.
Changes to PPS3 have resulted in the removal of the density target of 30dph, and dwelling capacities of sites are based on design case studies which
recognise the characteristics of the surrounding areas.

The layout of this proposal provides good sized plots, with parking arrangements for 2 spaces or double garage and 2 additional visitor spaces in compliance
with policy T2. Vehicular and pedestrian access into the site is a level and would not affect the safety and convenience of users on Chorleywood Road. The
proposal makes provision of a hard surface to the front door of the dwelling, in compliance with policy Policy D7 which requires access to and into buildings
from the street to be adequate for those with impaired mobility, hearing or sight.

The viability assessment demonstrates that this preferred option would provide a viable Return on Capital, taking into account current economic conditions.


Any development proposal should be carefully designed to balance contribution to the street scene and neighbourliness, make use traditional materials and
design idioms, and seek to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Scheme design should be appropriate for context,
and make a positive contribution to the appearance, character, quality and local distinctiveness of the historic environment.

The final design should take into account:

Significance of nearby assets and contribution of setting

General character and distinctiveness of local buildings, spaces, public realm and the landscape
Landmarks and other features that are key to a sense of place
The diversity of uniformity in style, construction, materials, detailing, decoration and period of existing buildings and spaces
The topography
Views into and from the site and surroundings
Green landscaping
The current and historic uses in the area and the urban grain
Influence of these factors on the scale, height, massing, alignment and materials

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

Risk Assessment

UK house sales continue to fall, with the property market in a three-year slump, and sales well below levels recorded prior to the banking crisis in 2008. Sales
have been depressed by a combination of mortgage rationing by lenders, and rising unemployment.

A careful appraisal of the development cost must be made in order to avoid costs exceeding the funding identified for the project. The funding for the project
has been calculated having analysed the market and with reference to current building cost rates provided by the client and adding inflation allowances within
the project costs. This risk has been mitigated by adopting a cautious approach to the assumptions made in the ROI calculation. However, changes in the
market place may lead to a fall in sales prices and/or fluctuations in construction costs.

A contingency sum has been allowed for unseen costs. This almost always relates to unexpected ground conditions, and it is recommended that a soil
analysis be obtained prior to completion of the land purchase. This may identify possible contamination as well as areas of weak load bearing soils. If
contamination is found, a more detailed survey with recommendations and costs for the removal of the contamination should be obtained and entered into the
development cost calculation. Any areas of weak soil will require engineered foundation works, the costs of which should be reflected in the build cost rates.

Other areas of uncertainty/risk have not been evaluated in this study, such as an affordable housing requirement and any planning gain agreements that may
be required by the local council. You are advised to make appropriate enquires regarding these and any other matters that may affect the viability of the


JLDA sustainable building design

17 The Green
North Aston
Oxon OX25 6HX
Tel/Fax: +44 1869 349825
Mob: +44 7970 028533
Web: www.jlda.co.uk

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd


1. Henley Conservation Area Character Appraisal, 2004, p20

2. Communities and Local Government, Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk, 2006.

3. Environment Agency, Flooding in England: A National Assessment of Flood Risk, 2009

4. South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 Sections 4 & 5: High-quality development & the social needs of communities (includes the housing
allocations and housing policies)

5. South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 Sections 11 to 13: Henley, Thame and Wallingford

6. Planning applications: http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/services-and-advice/planning-and-building/

7. Census 2001: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/census/census-2001/index.html

ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report

Another Road, Henley-on-Thames
AB Property Development Ltd

7. Terms and Conditions of Use

JLDA provides the information contained in this report in good faith, but does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
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The information provided in this report constitutes an opinion and is for information purposes. In using this information, you assume full responsibility and risk
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All data and information within this report provided on an as is basis. JLDA does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or
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ABC Developments Ltd – Development Feasibility Report


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