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Aula 20

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Teacher Claudia Travensolo


Aviation Conversation: Warm-up Questions

1. What were your expectations when you first started working as a pilot?
 To accumulate… flight hours to be able to apply for an airline company;
 To get experience flying light aircraft at an Aviation School;
 To be in contact with other professionals in Aviation;
 To get knowledge about flight rules, performance of light aircraft, weather conditions,
etc. This way I can develop my flying skills;

2. What are your expectations now in your career?

 To accumulate … flight hours to be able to apply my résumé for an airline company as a
co-pilot / first-officer position;
 To reach Icao Level 4 or 5;
 To get knowledge about performance of medium and heavy aircraft, Airline Company
SOPs (Standard Operational Procedures, Jeppesen Charts (used I airline company
operations). This way I can develop my flying skills;
 To be promoted to a captain position in five years;
 To be hired by a national airline company to fly domestic routes in one or two years;
 I would like to fly abroad on international routes;

3. If you were given the freedom to make your own work schedule, what would it be like?
 I wish I could work from Mondays to Fridays (weekdays) – business days and hours;
 I would like to have my days off on weekends;
 I would prefer to fly in the mornings and afternoons, because at night…;

4. As a pilot, what was the most difficult decision you have made so far?
 Any abnormal conditions the pilot faced during take-off, en route, on approach or
Teacher Claudia Travensolo
 Abort the take-off due to animals , vehicles or people on the runway;
 Decide whether to proceed the take-off or not after receiving an indication of ... failure,
altimeter malfunction;
 Decide whether to proceed the approach at the destination airport, or alternate due to
poor visibility;
 Initiate a missed approach due to black vultures on the final, even though I was below
the decision altitude;
 Decide pursuing a pilot´s career, even though there is a lack of opportunity to apply for a
vacancy at airline companies nowadays due to the economic and political crisis we have
been facing in Brazil;

5. What do you think when you hear about an accident involving a passenger airplane?

Definitely, I get sad when I hear about an accident involving a passenger airplane, because
usually hundreds of passengers and some fellow crew members die, as most aircraft accidents
end up in disasters. On the other hand, as a pilot I try to read the investigation reports to know
about the factors (human factors, environmental factors, mechanical factors) that led to such
accident. Therefore, I study about the aircraft performance and limitations, SOPs, aircraft
systems, as well as weather conditions to avoid making the same mistakes on a flight. Thus, I
am able to increase my situational awareness in order to maintain the safety of the operations.

6. What was your impression when you first flew an aircraft?

My impression was the best ever, as if I were completely free seeing the world from another
point of view. I had no doubts at that moment that it was the career I would pursue / follow. I
got a bit nervous; because it was the first time, I had the controls. The weather was sky clear, no
clouds, calm wind, and pleasant temperature. I was flying a light aircraft…

I enjoyed the flight a lot. It was a local flight over my hometown. The flight instructor was
teaching me how to make turns, the procedures for take-off and landing.

Well, I can say that in general it was a dream really coming true.
Teacher Claudia Travensolo
7. Why does flying satisfy you?

Flying is amazing. First of all, we pilots are always free and we may see wonderful landscapes
from our office window, such as mountains, rivers, beaches, cities, oceans, etc. Secondly, we
are able to control a high technological machine at high speeds and altitudes. Finally, we pilots
transport dreams, happiness, safety, food, medications, technology, I mean; we transport
passengers and cargo all over the world fast and safely.

8. Which is more enjoyable to you, daytime flying or nighttime flying? Why?

Daytime flying:

 Better to maintain visual contact with the ground (fixes);

 Easier to find a place to perform a forced and/or emergency landing due to engine failure
on a single engine aircraft;
 Wonderful natural landscapes to admire;
 Changes of meteorological conditions;
 Avoid red-eye effect;
 Possibility to maintain a healthier and regular rest and sleeping hours;

Nighttime flying:

 The temperature and atmosphere is better;

 Reduced number of aircraft flying;
 Less traffic and less frequency congestion;
 Beautiful view of city lights;
 Increase the red-eye effect;
 Disruption of regular hours of sleep and rest;

9. What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?

 To be unable to land the aircraft safely because during this phase of the flight, pilots
need to control the aircraft altitude, attitude, speed, align with the correct runway,
considering the wind speed and direction;
 To perform a rough landing due to lack of studying and practice;
 To suffer an engine failure, because I would need to perform a forced landing;
Teacher Claudia Travensolo
10. Talk about Aviation.
 Definition: part of the economy responsible to transport passengers and cargo from
places to places. It is also responsible to develop international relations between
countries, as governments need to allow air companies to fly in their countries. It
promotes Tourism…
 National Market: conditions, the airline companies that operate here, the main function
and use, expectations
 International Market: conditions, best airlines to work for, expectations…
 Airline manufacturers will try to develop lighter aircraft by the use of composite
fuselage in order to reduce the weight and fuel consumption;
 Airline manufacturers will develop engine which are more fuel-efficient (use of biofuel
– green fuel) as well as less noisy;
 Aviation authorities will try to manage the airspace in order to come up with more direct
routes to reduce congestion and fuel consumption;
 Increase the use of turboprop aircraft for shorter distances due to better fuel use, partly
as planes optimized to spend more time flying at slower speed;
 Passengers (clients) will become more demanding according to safety issues, as well as
by the ratio cost/benefit from the price of tickets;

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