Parte 1
2) How you think the aviation instructions will be in few years from now?
In the future I see the most advanced instruction, with more modern aircraft and
cockpits being more advanced. I think there will be new and improved systems
to help students and, consequently, make flight safer. I also believe there will be
new technologies for navigation and weather radars.
Parte 2
2- Request another level due to severe turbulence in the present flight level.
Parte 3
1- Control asked you if you resquested medical assistance and requested you
to descent to FL 240.
You answer you need nav assistance nav sys malfunction and descent FL250
Control confirm your level 240
3- Hydraulic system failure resquested the longest rwy for landing with the flaps
up. ATC have you instructions for landing.
Parte 4
Statement: Runway and taxiway layers confusion is the main causa to runway
Parte 1
Parte 2
1) Problem in nose wheel steering, request assistance to vacate the runway
after landing.
2) Vetoração radar Rio, mas a vetoração radar iria colidir com as mountains,
então era para solicitar outra proa.
3) Problem with ice and ANTI-ICE, and the controller asked me if I have a
problem with anti-ice work.
4) Wind-shield cracked.
5) One VFR flight to Jacarepaguá, cleared down-wind leg to RWY, then Show
me the photo. *My right cargo compartment is open
Tower authorized base and reported that it was number 1 for landing.
Parte 3
Problem with bird ingestion on right or left engine during a takeoff on the
How dangerous is ingestion of bird after takeoff?
Altimeters with different indication, one with FL220 and another 200Ft
How you can avoid the communication failure between pilot and ATC.
Parte 4
Statement: “You agree that the pilot and the airline were responsible in case of
an accident during this type of operation”.
Prova 3
Parte 1
Parte 2
2) - During the taxi the Airbus A320 in the front is with hydraulic leak.
3) - During approach to land at airport you spot many hot air balloons.
4) - GPS inoperative, continuar voo com raw data navigation e o controle pedia
se tinha problema no GPWS. Raw data navigation. *FOTO
5) – Depois da autotização para taxi, foto com FOD na taxiway, request ground
assistance to remove the object.
Parte 3
Tell me about the training cabin crew have to deal with emergency
I believe that cabin crew have a lot of training to be prepared to deal with
emergency situations, they have training in mock ups periodically and various
courses to know how to prevent and deal with emergencies.
Parte 4
This image shows an Airbus covered in volcanic ash. It is a twin-engine aircraft,
it is white and the tail is green. It was in the patio area when this picture was
taken. On the left side I can see a person I think is a macanic, possibly repairing
something in the engine. Behind the plane I see that there was a lot of volcanic
ash in the air. In front of the aircraft, I see a vehicle, hazard cones and some
removable stairs. Talking about what was happening here I believe that this
aircraft was already on the ground when a volcano erupted in the surrounding
area leading to what we can see here. The aircraft was certainly grounded, as
this situation can cause serious damage to the engines, causing them to stop,
consequently causing a disaster.
Statement: Do you agree or disagree that volcanic ash can affect the visibility
when flying at night?
I certainly agree if we face volcanic ash at night the visibility is reduced. When
flying at night the visibility is not as clear compared to flying during that day so
without a doubt at night its much more dangerous to face volcanic ash.
Prova 4
Parte 1
Part 2
1) - Pagava uma autorização de line up and takeoff. Após isso o avaliador disse
que eu realizei uma Rejected Takeoff devido unreliable airspeed indication. Aí
tinha que reportar e dizer intenções. Controlador após dizia que queríamos voltar
para decolagem, aí neguei, dizendo que queria voltar para o gate. (Avaliador dai
perguntou o que poderia causar unreliable airspeed indication)
3) - Não lembro
4) - Controlador - paga autorização de taxi, após o cotejamento ela mostrou a
foto de um cachorro sentado na taxiway. Reporte a situação e diga intenções.
Part 3
3 - Are pilots and flight attendant well trained to deal with emergency situations?
Statement: “If the pilots and the crew are well train to the situation like
1) - Wheel Whel real fire indication (atc tinha falado cargo fire compartment)
Cuidados que os pilotos devem ter durante pousos com tempo ruim
Terminou falando uma frase, que dizia mais ou menos se os pilotos não teriam
responsabilidade caso ocorre algum acidente causado por um Dangerous
Goods, pediu pra eu falar se concordava ou não e o porque.
Part 1
Type of airplane that you like to fly and your goals in aviation.
The plane I like to fly is the Seneca 3, these is a complex twin engine aircraft
also I have abaut 50 hours flying in these aircraft, the sound of the engines is
amazing. And my goals in the airplane is to fly for an airline and to be a captain
one day if possible by flying Boeing or Airbus.
Part 2
Part 3
1) - Piloto reporta que durante a subida para o FL360 e HDG 350, reporta a
perda do GPS e do iPad que tem a bordo, e informa que esta unable para
informar o estimado para o VOR ATF. Controlador fica ciente e manda ela
continuar por navegação convencional e informa para subir para o FL360 e
voar na radial 355 até 80nm do VOR, after fly direct VOR ATF.
Do you think that GPS navigation it's reliabre?
2) - Piloto reporta que está com pouca deflexão do aileron e que a pressão
hidráulica está caindo e que vai executar um emergency landing, ATC autoriza
3000 ft e informa que a pista tem 2500 metros.
Part 4
In this Picture I can see the Airbus A380 also known as the super jumbo jet.
This is a wide body aircraft that can carry up to 853 passengers. The fuselage
of the aircraft is white and I can also see the UAE (United Arabe Emirates) flag
printed on the tail. This aircraft is operated by one of the world’s biggest
international airlines, Emirates. There are two airstairs to board or exit the
aircraft. I am able to see some people around the aircraft and people who
seem to be airport workers besides that I can see a man using a florescent vest.
By the weather condition and the sand in the background I would say this
aircraft is in an Arabian airport. In addition, this aircraft is fly-by- wire, a system
in which the pilots in reality control the computer which then controls the plane.
This aircraft is packed with cutting edge technology. This aircraft is bigger and
heavier than all others therefore it has more inertia but in terms of
maneuverability it is very agile. As a matter of fact, this is the most advanced
aircraft in terms of technology.
How do you think the Airbus A380 can interfere with airport operations?
Being one of the biggest aircraft in the world it can affect the airport operations
firstly due to its size it can create wake turbulence consequently causing delays
for other aircraft to take off, besides that taxiways have to be adequate to avoid
ground collisions that can interfere with the airport operations.
What changes does an airport need to receive aircraft like the a380?
To receive this type of aircraft the airport has to have a very good infrastructure,
in Brazil for example only two airports can receive the a380, so it is necessary a
lot of investment to be able to receive these planes.
Statement. " Although Airlines do not have control over sudden changes in
weather conditions that may cause long flight delays and cancellations, the
airline companies should still provide food and shelter for passengers"
I totally agree with this statement as I think the airline companies should look
after the passengers from the moment of check in from the departure airport all
the way to the end of the flight at the arrival airport. Therefore, providing food
and shelter in case of delays and cancellations is a must, in my opinion.
Statement: Do you think that narrow body aircraft will take over the market of
wide body aircraft in the future?
There's no doubt in my mind that narrow body aircraft will take over the market
of wide body aircraft in the future. I believe this will happen because as
technology advances manufacturers are developing narrow body aircraft that are
more fuel efficient consequently being able to fly longer without stopping to refuel.
This is something I imagine will interest airline companies as it could possible be
more cost efficient.
Statement: In the next few years, companies are looking to buy more wide
body aircraft than narrow body aircraft.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
In this Picture I can see an aircraft that had suffered a landing gear colapse
leading to veer-off runway. This aircraft seems to be an Airbus A300 used for
cargo flight. It’s a twin engine aircraft alto this aircraft is half White and walf blue
with a Picture of an Bird in the tail. In the background i can observe same
houses may by it’s a city also a wooded área. On the left i can see a fira truck
also some people I think thay are start the inestigation. On the right I can
observe three sedex’s truck and some people. In the foreground i can observe
the runway, taxiway also runway sign, finelly soft ground. Fromm y point of view
this situation probably was caused due to a landing gear malfuction.
Part 2
1) - 2 audios of taxi clearances: rwy assigned, taxiways and just one rwy to
cross. Super easy. Example: ORD (Chicago O’Hare) ground, taxy 28C via ...
hold short of 28R, monitor tower on .... At taxiway G you see a metal debri.
Inform you are holding position and request this debri to be removed.
2) - Frankfurt TWR informs that you’re airborne at..., restricted FL070, contact
departure on ... if negative contact, on frequency ...
4) - SFO GND. Taxing to rwy, pilot observes a small traffic flying next to the
airplane. Report to the ground about this situation. It’s a drone flying near your
aircraft. Ground will ask you to confirm about the possible drone and informs
that the airport security is on its way.
There was one audio about the ATC reporting a traffic at “x” o’clock, 20nm,
same direction. I just don’t remember exactly which situation was that.
Part 3
1) - Tower cleared the pilot to land on rwy 33, wind 340/15, WS reported on
final. Pilot declared urgency (PAN PAN PAN) due to almost hitting a traffic (a
Cessna) at his 2 o’clock position.
2) - Emirate 247 had a left engine flame out, declared an emergency, asking to
descend immediately. Controller approved FL190 at pilot’s discretion and also
requested the pilot to inform the fuel remaining and passengers onboard.
Asked me why an engine flame out is bad for the flight.
3) - Galeão ground was telling the IBERIA pilot that there was a dog running,
and it was at taxiway G. Ground asked the pilot to reach its owner, who was
onboard, so he could call back his pet. Pilot says: It’s been 30 minutes and will
make an announcement to the passaenger.
(Honestly, I didn’t get this transmission very well)
Part 4
A picture with it’s nose in the grass due to a rwy excursion (possibily).
Asked me how the pilots can avoid a rwy excursion under a bad weather
Statement: If the pilot and airport are prepared the problem is minor.
What was the most complicated situation you have ever had flying?
As a flight instructor at Eldorado’s flying club the most complicated situation that
I had flying was on one flight last year, a student of mine and I were flying from
Eldorado's Flying Club to Santa Maria Airport. Then, all of a sudden, we lost
power. Fortunately, we could manage to restart the engine and return to
Eldorado’s flying club safely.
Parte 2
1) - Manaus: Problem with air conditioner - controller understood
pressurasation problem and request return after take off instructions.
3) - Toronto: Problem with high oil temp – controller understood low oil pressure
4) - Santiago: Hot air ballon – requested deviation 030 degrees to the left,
ballon 1 o’clock. ATC: Understood 3 o’clock.
5) - Malpensa: Taxi clearance - clear taxo to hold point, give way to 747 Delta
coming from the left, turn to left taxiway GW then to the right D.
Part 3
Lost radar contact, visual app, resume your navigation to the airport
Pan Pan Pan – Eng malfuction request return, unable to dump fuel and over
weiting landing.
Pan Pan Pan – Lost total electrical, they had only 30’of battery power.
Part 4
Statement: If the pilot and iport are prepared the propared the problem is
In this Picture I can see inside a flight simulator. This simulator like all others, is
outfitted with an instructor operating station. From this station, instructors can
instantly create a variety of events such as engine failures, engine fires,
hydraulic failures, severe weather conditions and so on. There are two pilots in
this cockpit replication setup. The captain is seated on the left and the first
officer is seated on the right hand side. I can see green lights and functional
switches on the overhead panel. I can also see the instructor pointing his
fingers towards the computer screen. He is probably inserting a malfunction for
the pilots to practice. Looking through the widescreen visual technology system
I can see the aircraft is on the ground which leads me to conclude that the pilots
are about to practice a takeoff procedure. Flight simulators are crucial when it
comes to initial and recurrent training for pilots.