Cathay Pacific Cadet Panel Interview Feedback
Cathay Pacific Cadet Panel Interview Feedback
Cathay Pacific Cadet Panel Interview Feedback
Ben [Benjamin Page] – (Deputy Chief Pilot (Boeing) in Cathay Pacific Airways)
When did you start uni program?
When did you come back?
What did you do after you come back?
Why UniSA
How is the program in UniSA?
What is the most interesting part in your uni program?
Where conduct flight training?
FTA course is bonded with uni or individually apply into FTA?
So you know some Cathay cadets?
They share some interview tips with you?
First time apply cadet?
What stage did you get last time?
How did you prepare this time?
What are some setback in your flight training?
What is your spark in aviation?
How to motivate yourself in this aviation journey?
What is the most challenging part in your flight training?
You know cadet course is very tight? How do you think you can handle in cadet program?
Applied cadet program before?
Strength and weakness
Any leadership experiences?
As you mentioned you have some leadership experience before, how would you do to
better lead a team?
Notice period
Favorite airplane
Why 777? -> Long wing, big engine, diameter of a 777 engine is the same of a 737 cabin
diameter, very powerful during takeoff roll
How’s the thrust in a 777? GE90 115,000 lb
There is other type of 777, what is that? -> 777-300, RR Trent 1000, takeoff thrust less than
100,000 lb
Characteristic of 777 wing -> Raked wingtip
What does the raked wingtip do for the 777? -> Reduce induced drag
Any other devices in a 777 can reduce induced drag?
What flaps does 777 use?
What is fowler flap? How does it work?
So what is the difference between fowler flap and slotted flap?
How is the wing area change of a fowler flap and slotted flap?
Difference between 777 and A350
I saw your logbook had two CPL flight test, why was it?
What did you do in your 2nd attempt?
How did you do in your retest?
Did you do any flights before the 2nd attempt?
What did you learn in the remedial flights?
Any abnormalities during your flight training?
How was your IFR training?
How is DA42?
Suppose you are flying a PF1 dep rwy 21R in a DA42, there is an engine failure, what you
should do?
Phase 1 check, if VMC, ATC, downgrade to VFR, join cct and land back rwy 21R
What you have pay particular attention during phase 1 check?
When power up, more rudder is required, try to anticipate it and think ahead of the
aircraft, expect this will be happened
How do you know which is the failed engine? -> Dead leg dead engine
What airspeed you have to pay attention during OEI departure? -> Vyse
What is the speed of Vyse in the DA42?
How I can know the speed is Vyse on the ASI? -> Blue line shown on the ASI
What another speed is important in OEI? (Vmca, red line on ASI)
When doing phase 1 check, do you pitch the nose up or down? Why?
Is there any different between normal cct and asym cct?
Most challenging part in IFR training? -> Asym approach, rudder! Haha
Suppose you are flying PF1 Dep, vectoring down and then ATC direct you into a hold in
MOPRI before the ILS Approach, what entry is it? -> Offset entry
So how many sector entry in a holding pattern? -> 3
What is the other two? -> Parallel and direct entry
How is the holding pattern in MOPRI? How many mins? -> One minute outbound
Any other things to concern in this hold? -> There is terrain nearby, so pay attention on the
What is the holding altitude in MOPRI? -> 2700 ft
Any reason why it is 2700? -> That holding point 2700 ft is below glideslope, we need to
intercept GS below the path to prevent the fault signal
SO duty
If you were flying with me today operating a flight, 777 to LA, after calculated in EFB we
need 300 tons of fuel, but I said 200T is enough, what would you do? -> 4 stages of
If I still resist and ignore my suggestion, what would you do?
Will you seek other people to help with this situation? -> Yes, other co-pilots, we have 4
crews on board to LA
Will it faster to travel from HK to LA or vice versa? -> Back to HK is slower
Why will slower? -> Because of Jetstream
Tell me more about the characteristic of Jetstream -> under tropopause, have CAT under
the core, two major jetstreams which is sub-tropical jet and polar jet, west to east
Where is the CAT located at? Close to the equator or pole? -> Close to the pole
If today is not a clear sky as today, a typhoon is coming, thunderstorm, when comes to land,
will you land if there if windshear? -> No. When there is windshear detected, always go
Tell me about the windshear warning system in the aircraft -> …
Then I mentions sth linked to microburst, then he asked will I land if there is microburst? ->
If we are flying over the ocean for a prolonged period, what we need to consider?
I also don’t know what 7 he is asking, so I just said ETOPS
So what is the ETOPS rated? -> I answered 370?
Then I briefly explained what is ETOPS
Besides OEI, depressurization, what is critical emergency in a flight? (I don’t know what he is
asking, I just randomly said some situations, then we go for fire, engine fire, cargo fire, then
he asked me a bit of cargo fire, I just briefly said once fire is detected, open fire extinguisher,
idk what 7 he want me to ans)
[Ben kinds of don’t need me to explain too much, he just let me to talk a bit, straight to the
answer, then he has an intention to stop and go to his next question, so actually I don’t have
much room and need to explain that in-depth.]