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Examples for the

seismic design of steel

and concrete buildings
to Eurocode 8

Examples to Eurocode:

Examples for the seismic
design of steel and
concrete buildings to
Eurocode 8

A companion to:

Manual for the seismic design

of steel and concrete buildings to
Eurocode 8
| The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8

C Georgopoulos CEng FHEA FCS FICE FIStructE (Kingston University)
K H Kong BEng PhD CEng IntPE(UK) MIStructE (National University of Singapore)

N Ely BSc(Hons) CEng MIStructE MCIOB (The Environment Agency)
M Fox PhD CPEng IntPE(NZ) CMEngNZ (University of Pavia)
G W M Ho BEng(Hons) PhD CEng MIStructE (Arup)
J N Horsfield BEng MSc MIStructE (Beca)
(University of Melbourne)

L Baldwin BA(Hons) DipPub (The Institution of Structural Engineers)

Front cover image: based on Seismosoft’s SeismoMatch 2021 – A computer program for spectrum
matching of earthquake records https://seismosoft.com/

Published by The Institution of Structural Engineers

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Published (version 1.0) February 2022

ISBN 978-1-906335-54-0 (print)

ISBN 978-1-906335-55-7 (pdf)

© 2022 The Institution of Structural Engineers

The Institution of Structural Engineers and the members who served on the Task Group which produced this Guide
have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, the guidance and recommendations given should
always be reviewed by those using the Guide in light of the facts of their particular case and any specialist advice.
Users should also note that the Institution periodically updates its guidance through the publication of new versions
(for minor alterations) and new editions (for more substantial revisions) — and should ensure they are referring to the
latest iteration. No liability for negligence or otherwise in relation to this Guide and its contents is accepted by the
Institution, its servants or agents. Any person using this Guide should pay particular attention to the provisions
of this Condition.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior permission of
The Institution of Structural Engineers, who may be contacted at 47–58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PS,
United Kingdom.
The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 | iii

Acknowledgements v
Tables vi
Figures vii
Foreword ix
Aims and scope x
Example 1: Dynamic analysis of 2-storey building for seismic design 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Key dynamic properties of building structures 1
1.3 Response of SDOF system 2
1.4 Response of MDOF system 6
1.5 Eigenvalue analysis of 2DOF system 7
1.6 Dynamic analysis of 2-storey building 9
1.7 Forces for equivalent static analysis 15

Example 2: Reinforced concrete beam forming moment-resisting frame that provides

lateral resistance under earthquake loading 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Sagging bending moment 18
2.3 Hogging bending moment 22
2.4 Shear demand from flexural capacity 22
2.5 Local ductility demand 27

Example 3: Reinforced concrete column forming moment-resisting frame that provides

lateral resistance under earthquake loading 29
3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Flexural reinforcement 30
3.3 Shear reinforcement 35
3.4 Confinement reinforcement 37
3.5 Beam-column joints 38

Example 4: Ductile rectangular free edge reinforced concrete shear wall that provides
lateral resistance under earthquake loading 41
4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 Optimal size 41
| The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8

4.3 Flexural reinforcement 43

4.4 Shear reinforcement 47

Example 5: Steel beam forming moment-resisting frame that provides lateral resistance
under earthquake loading 51
5.1 Introduction 51
5.2 Material and section classification 52
5.3 Flexural and shear design 56

Example 6: Steel column forming moment-resisting frame that provides lateral resistance
under earthquake loading 61
6.1 Introduction 61
6.2 Material and section classification 62
6.3 Flexural and shear design 65

Example 7: Steel joint connection for moment-resisting frame that provides lateral
resistance under earthquake loading 73
7.1 General steel joint connection rules 73
7.2. Bolted connections 77
7.3 Web panels 78

Example 8: Bracings for concentrically-braced frame that provides lateral resistance

under earthquake loading 85
8.1 Introduction 85
8.2 General rules for CBFs 86
8.3 X-bracing 91
8.4 Inverted V-bracing 96

References 104
The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 |v

Permission to reproduce extracts from British Standards is granted by BSI. British Standards can be
obtained in PDF or hard copy formats from the BSI online shop: www.bsigroup.com/Shop

Permission to reproduce the following has been obtained, courtesy of these individuals/organisations:

Figures 1.1–1.4 and 1.6: Essential Knowledge Text No. 17: Dynamics © Martin Williams
Figure 1.9: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering: European Steel Design
Education Programme. ESDEP WG17 – Seismic Design. Lecture 17.4: Structural Analysis for
Seismic Actions. http://fgg-web.fgg.uni-lj.si/~/pmoze/esdep/master/wg17/l0400.htm
Figures 2.1 and 3.1: From: Seismic Design of Buildings to Eurocode 8, Ahmed Y Elghazouli (Ed.),
Copyright © 2017 CRC Press. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Group
Figures 2.2, 2.3, 3.2–3.5 and 4.3: MPA The Concrete Centre
Figures 2.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 7.1, 7.5 and 8.1: BSI
Figures 5.1 (plan), 5.2, 6.1 (plan), 7.6, 7.7, 8.4 and 8.6–8.8: Published in Design of Steel Structures
for Buildings in Seismic Areas: Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance.
Part 1 – General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings by Raffaele Landolfo, Federico
Mazzolani, Dan Dubina, Luís Simões da Silva and Mario D’Aniello Copyright © 2017 ECCS –
European Convention for Constructional Steelwork. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Figures 7.3 and 7.4: Copyright © American Institute of Steel Construction. Reprinted with permission.
All rights reserved.

Tables 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1: YourSpreadsheetsTM

Tables 2.2, 3.2 and 4.2: MPA The Concrete Centre
Table 2.3 5.1, 5.2, 6.1 and 7.1: BSI
| The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8

Table 2.1: Reinforcement 21
Table 2.2: Min./max. concrete strut capacity in terms of stress 23
Table 2.3: Strength classes for concrete 26
Table 3.1: Compression reinforcement 34
Table 3.2: Min./max. concrete strut capacity in terms of stress 36
Table 4.1: Compression reinforcement 46
Table 4.2: Min./max. concrete strut capacity in terms of stress 48
Table 5.1: Additional requirements for dissipative structures 52
Table 5.2: Requirements on cross-sectional class of dissipative elements depending on
ductility class and reference behaviour factor 53
Table 5.3: Slenderness ratios of adopted cross-section 55
Table 5.4: Bending strength verifications 58
Table 5.5: Shear strength verifications 58
Table 6.1: Additional requirements for dissipative structures 62
Table 6.2: Requirements on cross-sectional class of dissipative elements depending on
ductility class and reference behaviour factor 63
Table 6.3: Flexural action for beam-column B-I 69
Table 6.4: Shear action for beam-column B-I 69
Table 6.5: Stability coefficient calculation and interstorey drift sensitivity coefficient 69
Table 6.6: Shear action for beam-column B-I (Y direction) 69
Table 6.7: Local hierarchy criterion for inner columns B-I (X direction) 71
Table 7.1: Additional requirements for dissipative structures 74
Table 7.2: Data for calculation of web panel shear strength and demand at edge
beam-column joint 82
Table 8.1: Slenderness limits for bracing members 88
Table 8.2: Cross-section properties of X-bracing at storey 1 91
Table 8.3: Design checks on X-bracing at storey 1 92
Table 8.4: Axial strength checks of steel beam in X-braced bays 93
Table 8.5: Combined bending-axial strength checks 94
Table 8.6: Shear strength checks of steel beam in X-braced bays 95
Table 8.7: Axial strength checks for steel column A in +X direction 95
Table 8.8: Inverted V-bracing cross-section properties (direction Y) 96
Table 8.9: Design checks for inverted V-bracing (tension) 97
Table 8.10: Design checks for inverted V-bracing (compression) 97
Table 8.11: Seismic-induced axial forces into brace-intercepted beams 99
The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 | vii

Table 8.12: Axial strength checks of brace-intercepted beams 100

Table 8.13: Combined bending-axial strength checks of brace-intercepted beams 100
Table 8.14: Beam shear strength checks 101
Table 8.15: Axial strength checks for external column C 102

Figure 1.1: Lateral sway vibration of simple water tower structure as SDOF system
(water sloshing modes are not included in model) 2
Figure 1.2: Typical lumped mass model of 2D frame 2
Figure 1.3: Earthquake record from El Centro (1940) 4
Figure 1.4: Response spectrum from El Centro 4
Figure 1.5: Smoothed response spectrum 4
Figure 1.6: BS EN 1998-1 Type 1 spectra with 5% damping 5
Figure 1.7: 2DOF model for 2-storey building 6
Figure 1.8: Natural periods and mode shapes for 2DOF system 7
Figure 1.9: Response spectrum analysis 8
Figure 1.10: RC structure forming part of hospital 9
Figure 1.11: Design response spectrum 11
Figure 1.12: Effective floor loading area (conservative — conceptual design stage) 12
Figure 1.13: Mode shapes 14
Figure 1.14: Equivalent forces 16
Figure 2.1: Bending moment diagram 17
Figure 2.2: Procedure for determining flexural reinforcement 19
Figure 2.3: Procedure for determining vertical shear reinforcement 20
Figure 2.4: Beam showing hogging and sagging bending moments 22
Figure 2.5: Links in critical regions of beams 24
Figure 2.6: Cross-section showing beam reinforcement 24
Figure 3.1: Bending moment diagram 29
Figure 3.2: Braced column design 31
Figure 3.3: Examples of different buckling modes and corresponding effective lengths for
isolated members 32
Figure 3.4: Calculating factor C 32
Figure 3.5: Column design chart for rectangular columns d 2/h = 0.10 33
Figure 3.6: Capacity design shear force in columns 35
Figure 3.7: Shear reinforcement 37
Figure 4.1: Min. thickness of confined boundary elements 42
| The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8

Figure 4.2: Tension shift 44

Figure 4.3: Column design chart for rectangular columns d 2/h = 0.10 45
Figure 4.4: Links 2H8 at 200mm centres 47
Figure 4.5: Design envelope of shear forces in walls of dual system 47
Figure 5.1: Typical floor plan (top) and section (bottom) 54
Figure 5.2: Restraint using fly braces and secondary beam 55
Figure 5.3: Behaviour of moment-resisting frame 57
Figure 6.1: Typical floor plan (top) and section (bottom) 64
Figure 7.1: Beam deflection δ for the calculation of plastic rotation capacity θp 74
Figure 7.2: Standard full strength moment connection (not recommended) 75
Figure 7.3: Reduced beam section (RBS) connection 76
Figure 7.4: Bolted stiffened end plate connection 77
Figure 7.5: Internal web panel framed by flanges and stiffeners 79
Figure 7.6: Shear forces acting on column web panel in 3-storey steel moment-resisting frame 80
Figure 7.7: Beam-to-column joint: (a) stocky and (b) supplementary web plate 81
Figure 8.1: Concentrically-braced frames 85
Figure 8.2: Comparison of X-bracing and decoupled diagonal bracing 89
Figure 8.3: Analysis models for gravity loads and seismic loads 90
Figure 8.4: Structural plan of typical floor 90
Figure 8.5: Vertical layout of CBFs across steel building elevation 91
Figure 8.6: Seismic-induced axial forces into beam of X-braced CBFs 93
Figure 8.7: Seismic-induced forces into brace-intercepted beams 98
Figure 8.8: Capacity design criterion for brace-intercepted beams in chevron CBFs 99
The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 | ix

This guidance is applicable to the design of buildings in earthquake-prone countries around the
world, provided that any local requirements contained in the relevant National Annex or National
Code of Practice are respected. Although the UK is classified as an area of very low seismicity for
which design to BS EN 1998 (Eurocode 8)1 is not a requirement, explicit consideration of seismic
actions for the design of buildings in the UK may be required in certain circumstances.

The examples provided, complement The Institution of Structural Engineers’ Manual for the seismic
design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 2, that assists the engineer engaged in the
seismic design of structures to BS EN 1998. Readers are strongly advised to refer to the IStructE
Manual when using this guidance. The terminology and notation used in the Manual is also used

The authors wish to thank Nelson Lam, Goman Ho, Neil Horsfield, Matt Fox and Nick Ely who
contributed to the technical review process for this guidance.

Professor Costas Georgopoulos Dr Kong Kian Hau

School of Engineering and the Environment Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Science Engineering & Computing Faculty of Engineering
Kingston University London National University of Singapore

(Author of Examples 1–4) (Author of Examples 5–8)

| The Institution of Structural Engineers
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8

Aims and scope

These examples provide simple calculations for the design of basic structural elements in reinforced
concrete and steel for most buildings within the scope of BS EN 19981. They are primarily intended
for application in areas of moderate to high seismicity for the majority of low to medium-rise
(not exceeding 40m), medium ductility class buildings. Readers may not have prior knowledge of
BS EN 1998-13 but should have some prior experience of structural design to Eurocodes.

The first example introduces basic dynamics — as many engineers in non seismic-prone areas have
not carried out the dynamic analysis of a building in the course of their studies/practice.

Examples 2–4 present the design of a beam, column and shear wall, in reinforced concrete
respectively, while Examples 5–8 present the design of a beam, column, connection, and bracings,
in steel respectively.

The examples have been designed to be used independently. As a result, a degree of repetition
between each is unavoidable. Wherever possible, relevant imagery and tabulated information from
third party sources have been included within the examples to aid readability.

Examples for the design of foundations and supporting soils are not provided; and suitably qualified,
geotechnical engineers should be consulted in these instances. Examples of structural analysis,
stability and robustness are covered extensively elsewhere and also not included here.

Note: analysis stress resultants used in the calculations in this guidance are arbitrary or taken
from the analysis of arbitrary structures e.g. stress resultants in Examples 2, 3 and 4 are not
related to each other, nor to the frame in Example 1.

It has also been observed that the capacity design principles in BS EN 1998-1 are not always applied
appropriately in modern computer software or via hand calculations. These examples offer design
calculations that follow the capacity design principles in BS EN 1998-1 and support the user’s
understanding of the code. They may also be used to assist with the validation and verification of
software, and for checking software output.

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