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Dresser Measurement

Dresser Series B3 Rotary Meter

B3: 8C175 - 56M175
B3-HP: IM300 - 3M300

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual

Warranty and Limitation of Liability.................................................2 Accessory Unit Removal & Conversion
Receiving, Handling and Storage......................................................3 Procedures.....................................................................................15-20
Introduction................................................................................................3 •  Removing the Accessory Unit
• Use and Limitations •  Removing the Gear Reduction
• Operating Principle •  Replacing the Gear Reduction
General Design Characteristics...........................................................4 •  Installing the Accessory Unit
Meter Body..................................................................................................4 •  ID Side Inlet to Top Inlet Conversion
Accessory Unit.......................................................................................4-8 •  Changing the ID Rotational Direction
•  Counter (CTR) •  Installing a Solid State Pulser
•  Counter with Instrument Drive (CD) •  Installing an ICEX
•  Temperature Compensated (TC) •  Installing an AMR Adapter
•  Temperature Compensated with Testing.............................................................................................21-24
Instrument Drive (TD) • General
•  Pulser Version (ICPWX, ITPWX) •  Differential Test
•  Counter with Electronic Transmitter (ICEX) •  Establishing Baseline Curves
• Counter/TC AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) version •  Differential Test Procedure
Reading the Odometers........................................................................9 •  Proving Operations
Test Wheel................................................................................................ 10 •  TC Unit Operational Check
TC Odometer........................................................................................... 10 •  Procedure for the TC Unit Operational Check
Meter Installation............................................................................10-14 •  Calculating Theoretical Counts
•  Piping Configurations Sizing Charts..................................................................................26-27
•  Placing Meter In Line Trouble Shooting Checklist............................................................28
•  Oil Capacities
•  Meter Start-Up
Inspection and Maintenance......................................................14-15
•  Accessory Unit
• Lubrication
•  Meter Level
•  Cleaning and Flushing

Limited Warranty
Seller warrants that Products shall be delivered free from defects in material, workmanship and title and that Services shall be performed in a
competent, diligent manner in accordance with any mutually agreed specifications. The warranty for Products shall expire one (1) year from
first use or eighteen (18) months from delivery, whichever occurs first, except that software is warranted for ninety (90) days from delivery.
The warranty for Services shall expire one (1) year after performance of the Service, except that software-related Services are warranted for
ninety (90) days. If Products or Services do not meet the above warranties, Buyer shall promptly notify Seller in writing prior to expiration of
the warranty period. Seller shall (i) at its option, repair or replace defective Products and (ii) re-perform defective Services. If despite Seller’s
reasonable efforts, a non-conforming Product cannot be repaired or replaced, or non-conforming Services cannot be re-performed, Seller
shall refund or credit monies paid by Buyer for such non-conforming Products and Services. Warranty repair, replacement or re-performance
by Seller shall not extend or renew the applicable warranty period. Buyer shall obtain Seller’s agreement on the specifications of any tests it
plans to conduct to determine whether a non-conformance exists. Buyer shall bear the costs of access for Seller’s remedial warranty efforts
(including removal and replacement of systems, structures or other parts of Buyer’s facility), de-installation, decontamination, re-installation
and transportation of defective Products to Seller and back to Buyer. The warranties and remedies are conditioned upon (a) proper storage,
installation, use, operation, and maintenance of Products, (b) Buyer keeping accurate and complete records of operation and maintenance
during the warranty period and providing Seller access to those records, and (c) modification or repair of Products or Services only as
authorized by Seller in writing. Failure to meet any such conditions renders the warranty null and void. Seller is not responsible for normal
wear and tear. The above sets forth the exclusive remedies for all claims based on failure of or defect in Products or Services, regardless of
when the failure or defect arises, and whether a claim, however described, is based on contract, warranty, indemnity, tort/extra-contractual
liability (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. The warranties provided above are exclusive and are in lieu of all other warranties,
conditions and guarantees whether written, oral, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY, OR WARRANTY OR CONDITION

At Time of Delivery “Checking for free rotation” (Refer Figure 12) does not necessarily
mean the meter will pass a test after sitting on the shelf for a year
1. Check the packing list to account for all items received. or two. A small amount of oil is applied to the bearings of new
2. Inspect each item for damage. or remanufactured meters, but this is only sufficient for factory
3. Record any visible damage or shortages on the delivery testing. The oil in the bearings can coagulate over time. This
record. condition may impact meter test performance until the bearings
loosen up. Dresser recommends a drop or two of oil be applied
• File a claim with the carrier. to each bearing and that the meter be run at a flow rate between
• Notify your Dresser meter supplier immediately. 80% & 100% of meter capacity for two minutes or until the meter
Do not accept any shipment that has evidence of is running smoothly.
mishandling in transit without making an immediate
inspection of package for damage. All new meters should Introduction
be checked for free rotation soon after arrival as damage Use and Limitations
to internal working parts can exist without obvious Dresser meters are suitable for handling most types of clean,
external evidence. dry, common gases at either constant or varying flow rates. The
meter is not suitable for handling liquids. Measurement accuracy
Should any serious problems be encountered during installation
and life expectancy may be affected by dirt or other types of
or initial operation of the meter, notify your Dresser meter
foreign material in the gas stream. For a list of acceptable dry
supplier immediately.
gases, consult factory.
Do not attempt repairs or adjustments, as doing so may
Meters of standard construction are not suitable for handling
be a basis for voiding all claims for warranty.
acetylene, biogas or sewage gas. Specially constructed meters
When reporting a suspected problem, please provide the compatible with these and other gases are available. Please
following information: contact your Dresser meter supplier for details and to request
• Your Purchase Order Number and/or Dresser Sales Order publication TS:SSM.
Operating Principle
• The Meter Model, Serial Number and Bill of As shown in Figure 1, two contra-rotating impellers of two-lobe
Material Number or “figure 8” contour are encased within a rigid measuring
(This information can be located on the blue name plate that is chamber, with inlet and outlet connections on opposite sides.
between the differential plugs on the meter body) Precision machined timing gears keep the impellers in correct
• The Accessory Unit Serial Number relative position. Optimal operating clearances between the
impellers, cylinder, and headplates provide a continuous,
• A Description of the problem
non-contacting seal.
• Application information, such as gas type,
pressure, temperature, and flow characteristics
Our Product Services Department offers professional services for
all Dresser products. Authorization for return is required for all
products shipped to the Factory for repair, calibration, warranty,
exchange or credit. To obtain authorization an RMA number for
return of Dresser products must be issued. Please contact your
Dresser meter supplier. All returns should be packaged in an
original-type shipping container if available or shipping material
that will protect the product. Note: Do not use peanut packing Figure 1 - Impellers rotating inside meter cylinder
foam because fragments may enter the measuring chamber.
Because of this design, the gas at the meter’s inlet is effectively
Storage/Initial Testing isolated from the gas at the outlet. During impeller rotation, the
If the meter is not tested or installed soon after receipt, store in precision machined measuring chamber traps a known volume
a dry location in the original shipping container for protection. of gas between the impeller and the adjacent cylinder wall. The
Make sure the box remains horizontal with the arrow pointing meter will measure and pass four equal gas volumes with each
up. Leave the protective caps installed in the meter. The caps will complete revolution of the impellers.
provide reasonable protection against dust. The sum total of the four volumes is the “volume per revolution”.
The volume is indicated in Engineering units represented in
cubic feet (or cubic meters).

Volumetric accuracy of the Dresser meter is permanent and Accessory Unit
non-adjustable. Measurement characteristics are established by
Totalization of the volume is performed by a magnetically
the shape and the precise machining of non-wearing fixed and
coupled gear reduction unit referred to as the Series 3 Accessory
rotating parts.
Unit. These units are permanently lubricated for long life and
A meter’s rated capacity is the maximum flow rate at which maintenance-free operation. They register displaced volume in
the meter may be operated and is determined by the dynamic actual cubic feet (ACF) or actual cubic meters (m3). The Series
loads acting on the moving parts of the meter. These loads are 3 Accessory Unit is isolated from the pressure vessel and is not
primarily related to meter RPM, and secondarily to the metering pressurized. This modular design allows interchangeability of
pressure. The standard volume capacity of a rotary meter Accessory Units on Series B meter bodies of the same size.
increases directly with changes in absolute line pressure and
Counter (CTR) Version
inversely with changes in absolute line temperature.
The Series 3 CTR units register volume in actual cubic feet (ACF)
General Design Characteristics or actual cubic meters (m3) on an 8 digit odometer. The Series 3
CTR cover is molded of optical quality polycarbonate with a quad
Dresser meters are manufactured in accordance with the
ring seal. The cover’s smooth cylindrical design easily sheds rain
American National Standard specification ANSI/ASC-B109.3
and resists accumulations of snow, ice and dirt.
for Rotary Type Gas Displacement Meters. The flanged inlet
NOTE: Reference the “Reading the Odometer” section for
and outlet connections conform dimensionally to ANSI/ASME
instructions on reading the Series 3 Accessory Unit.
standard B16.5. The operating temperature range is from -40°F to
+140° F (-40° C to +60° C).
Every meter is static pressure tested at the factory at 200% of
its MAOP (Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure) and leak
tested at 125% of MAOP in accordance with ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Codes. The internal aluminum parts of the
measurement chamber (i.e., impellers and headplates) are
hard-coat anodized for added corrosion and abrasion resistance.
The two end covers are clear coat anodized. The meter rating
is expressed in hundreds (C) or thousands (M) of Actual Cubic
Feet per Hour (ACFH), or in Cubic Meters per Hour (m3H). Actual
displaced volume measurement is completely independent of
the gas specific gravity, temperature, and pressure and can be Figure 2 - Series 3 Accessories do not require oil.
easily converted to volume at Standard conditions for elevated (CTR Version shown)
pressure and varying temperature by application of the Gas Laws
The 8C through 11M odometers with Imperial units of measure
(reference Dresser publication RM-135).
(actual cubic feet) have five exposed digits. As an industry
Refer to a meter sizing chart for capacity ratings at elevated line standard, the first digit on the left of the odometer is typically
pressures or varying line pressures since this will assist in properly concealed with an opaque mask. Translucent masks are normally
sizing the meter. specified to cover the two right-most digits. For the 16M through
56M odometers with Imperial units, six digits are exposed. Again,
Meter Body the first digit on the left of the odometer is typically concealed
with an opaque mask while only the right-most digit is covered
Operating Connection Types with a translucent mask. The odometers for 8C and 16M meters
Meter Size Pressures ANSI Class are shown in Figure 3.
175 PSIG
8C - 56M1 150# FF
(1200 kPa)
232 PSIG
23M232 150# FF
(1600 kPa)
1M300/3M300 300 PSIG 300# FF
 Upon special request:

Meter sizes 8C through 2M are available with 1-1/2” NPT nippled connections.
Sizes 8C through 5M are available with a MAOP rating of 200 PSIG (1380 kPa).

Major components of these meters are machined from cast or

extruded aluminum for a combination of strength and weight

Figure 3 - Non-Compensated Series 3 Imperial unit odometer for 8C

(Top) and 16M (Bottom)

Counter with Instrument Drive (CD) Version NOTE: Reference the “Reading the Odometer” section for
The Counter with Instrument Drive (CD) unit uses the CTR instructions on reading the Series 3 Accessory Unit.
assembly above, with a specially designed polycarbonate cover Temperature Compensated with Instrument Drive
and an Instrument Drive support assembly. The Instrument Drive (TD) Version
(ID) support is mechanically linked to the gear reduction of the The Temperature Compensated with Instrument Drive (TD)
CTR unit and rotates the instrument ‘drive dog’ at the ID output. Accessory Unit uses a standard TC unit with an Instrument Drive
One revolution of the instrument drive dog represents a specific (ID) support installed. However, one revolution of the ‘drive
displaced volume measured by the meter, depending upon dog’ now represents a gas volume corrected to a contract Base
meter size. Refer to Table 1 for Instrument Drive Rates for that temperature of 60°F (or 15°C). The drive rates are provided in
particular meter size. Table 2.
NOTE: Rotation of the “Drive Dog” is tied directly to the
Table 1 - Instrument Drive Rates for Series 3 Counter with Instrument update of the compensated odometer and is therefore,
Drive (CD) Accessories. intermittent in nature.

Volume/ Table 2 - Instrument Drive rates for Series 3 Temperature

Meter Size Revolution Compensated Accessory Unit with Instrument Drive (TD)
8C thru 11M 10 cu. ft./rev.
Imperial Volume/
16M thru 56M 100 cu. ft./rev. Meter Size Revolution
8C thru 3M 0,1 m3/rev.
Metric 5M thru 38M 1,0 m3/rev. 8C thru 11M 100 cu. ft./rev.
56M 10,0 m3/rev. 16M 1000 cu. ft. /rev.
8C thru 3M 1 m3/rev.
The instrument mounting section of the Instrument Drive (ID) Metric 5M thru 16M 10 m3/rev.
housing can be easily rotated 90° when changing the meter from
Top to Side inlet or vice versa. (Refer to “Accessory Unit removal Pulser Version (ICPWX/ITPWX)
& Conversion Procedures, Side Inlet to Top Inlet Conversion”.) Dresser Utility Solutions Pulsers generate low frequency pulses
A cover plate on the Instrument Drive support housing allows for remote volume data collection. Pulsers are available with
access to the bevel gears for a change of rotation of the drive Single or Dual circular, a liquid tight conduit fitting, or a cable
dog - from clockwise to counterclockwise rotation or vice versa. gland connection as shown in Figure 4.
(Refer to “Accessory Unit Removal & Conversion Procedures, The CTR unit’s output represents Non-Compensated volume
Changing the Rotational Direction of the Instrument Drive”.) A only. The TC unit provides two outputs; one representing
decal located on the ID housing indicates output drive volume. non-compensated volume, the second representing temperature
There is also a universal instrument mounting plate installed on compensated volume.
the ID support.
The pulse rate for any factory installed accessory unit can be
NOTE: Lubrication is NOT required for the ID support housing. identified by the decal located on the Pulser’s Polycarbonate
cover or by referencing Table 3. The temperature, electrical and
Temperature Compensated (TC) Version
current rating is located on another label which is also on the
Temperature compensation is accomplished by a mechanical
Polycarbonate cover. Table 4 provides the wiring guide for series
computational device with a bi-metallic probe located in a sealed
3 Pulsers.
temperature well at the meter inlet. This system allows Series
3 Temperature Compensated (TC) units to provide corrected For additional information, request Pulser specification sheet
volume readings on gas temperatures ranging from -20°F to TS:SSP and drawing number 057159-000.
+120°F (-29°C and +49°C).
NOTE: Temperature compensated meters update the
temperature compensated odometer intermittently.
All standard design 8C175 through 16M175 and 8C200 through
5M200 Series B meter bodies are shipped with a temperature
probe well installed. This allows for an easy and low cost
conversion from a non-compensated meter to temperature Conduit Cable Gland Circular Connector
compensated meter.
Figure 4 - Pulser Connector Versions

Table 3 - Pulse Outputs for Series 3 Pulsers

Meter Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse

Type # Connectors Rate Rate Type # Connectors Meter Rate Rate
Size (English) (Metric) Size (English) (Metric)
Counter Single 8C-3M 10 cf 0,1 m3 TC Single 8C-3M 10 cf 0,1 m3
Counter Single 5M-11M 10 cf 1,0 m 3
TC Single 5M-11M 10 cf 1,0 m3
Counter Single 16M-38M 100 cf 1,0 m 3
TC Single 16M 100 cf 1,0 m3
Counter Single 56M 100 cf 10,0 m3 TC Dual 8C-3M 10 cf 0,1 m3
Counter Dual 8C-3M 10 cf 0,1 m3 TC Dual 5M-11M 10 cf 1,0 m3
Counter Dual 5M-11M 10 cf 1,0 m3 TC Dual 16M 100 cf 1,0 m3
Counter Dual 16M-38M 100 cf 1,0 m 3

Counter Dual 56M 100 cf 10,0 m3

Table 4 - Wiring Guide for Series 3 Pulsers

Non-Compensated Signal Temperature Compensated Signal
Pulser Normally Normally
Pulser Connection Type Normally Normally
Type Open Common Open Common
Closed Closed
(Signal) (Signal)
MS Style Circular Connection A B C — — —
ICPWD Two MS Style Circular
A B C — — —
MSC Connections
ICPWS Cable Gland with Leads
Brown Green Red — — —
CBG (Pig Tail)
ICPWD Two Cable Glands with Leads
Brown Green Red — — —
CBG (Pig Tail)
ICPWX Conduit Compression
Brown Green Red — — —
CND Coupling with Lead (Pig Tail)
MS Style Circular Connection A B C D E F
ITPWD Two MS Style Circular
MSC Connections
ITPWS Cable Gland with Leads
Brown Green Red White Black Blue
CBG (Pig Tail)
ITPWD Two Cable Glands with Leads
Brown Green Red White Black Blue
CBG (Pig Tail)
ITPWX Conduit Compression
Brown Green Red White Black Blue
CND Coupling with Lead (Pig Tail)

Note: Please contact factory for Solid State Pulser Wiring Diagram (057159-000).

Counter with Electronic Transmitter (ICEX) Version
Like the Dresser Utility Solutions Solid State Pulsers, ICEX Meters
(Integral Counters with Electronic Transmitters) have a magneti-
cally driven Pulser inside the cover. It generates a single channel
high frequency pulse. This allows for remote collection of volume
while also providing a pulse rate suitable for determination of
flow rate. Pulse rates for various meter sizes are shown in Table 6.
The ICEX is available with a single circular connector, a liquid
tight conduit fitting, or a cable gland connection (As shown Figure 5 - Series 3 ICEX
previously in Figure 4). Table 5 provides wiring information for
the ICEX. Table 5 – Wiring Guide for Series 3 ICEX
NOTE: As the magnet rotates on the high speed shaft, a sensor Normally
within the ICEX housing detects a change in the magnetic field. ICEX Connection
Open Common
Circular Connection A B
Note: Please contact factory for ICEX Series 3 Wiring Diagram Conduit with Leads White Black
Cable Gland with Leads White Black

Table 6 – Pulse outputs for ICEX Accessory Units in relation to meter sizes.

Meter Freq. Volume per Pulse Pulses per Volume* Flow Rate
Type (Hz) (CF) (m )
(CF) (m ) 3
8C175 120 0.001852 0,000052439 540 19070 800
11C175 146.67 0.002083 0,000058993 480 16951 1,100
15C175 166.67 0.002500 0,000070792 400 14126 1,500
2M175 111.11 0.005000 0,000141584 200 7063 2,000
3M175 133.33 0.006250 0,000176980 160 5650 3,000
5M175 150.00 0.009259 0,000262193 108 3814 5,000
7M175 124.45 0.015625 0,000442451 64 2260 7,000
11M175 122.22 0.025000 0,000707921 40 1413 11,000
16M175 120.00 0.037037 0,001048772 27 953 16,000
23M232 127.78 0.050000 0,001415843 20 706 23,000
23M175 69 0.092593 0,002621931 10.8 381 23,000
38M175 76 0.138889 0,003932896 7.2 254 38,000
56M175 89.6 0.173611 0,004916120 5.8 203 56,000
1M300 55.55 0.005000 0,000141584 200 7063 1,000
3M300 133.33 0.006250 0,000176980 160 5650 3,000
1M740 75.00 0.003704 0,000104877 270 9535 1,000
3M740 166.67 0.005000 0,000141584 200 7063 3,000
1M1480 75.00 0.003704 0,000104877 270 9535 1,000
3M1480 166.67 0.005000 0,000141584 200 7063 3,000
5M1480 100.00 0.013889 0,000393290 72 2543 5,000
7M1480 124.45 0.015625 0,000442451 64 2260 7,000
11M1480 97.78 0.031250 0,000884902 32 1130 11,000

Counter/TC Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Adapter Version

This design utilizes a Series 3 Polycarbonate cover with an Table 7 - S3 Meter Drive Rates for Direct Drive AMR Programming
opening to engage the residential AMR module in a direct drive CTR Meter Drive
link to the gear reduction unit. The direct drive AMR Adapter TC Meter Drive Rate cu.
Meter Size Rate
offers a solution for Series B3 CTR or TC meters in applications ft./rev (m3/rev)
cu. ft./rev (m3/rev)
that require the adaptation of a residential style AMR. The AMR
Adapter is available as a conversion kit for field installation or can 8C175 10 (0.1m3) 100 (1m3)
be factory installed on the Series B3 Meter. 11C175 10 (0.1m3) 100 (1m3)
15C175 10 (0.1m3) 100 (1m3)
2M175 10 (0.1m ) 3
100 (1m3)
3M175 10 (0.1m3) 100 (1m3)
5M175 10 (1m3) 100 (10m3)
7M175 10 (1m3) 100 (10m3)
11M175 10 (1m3) 100 (10m3)
16M175 100 (1m )3
1000 (10m3)
23M175 100 (1m3) N/A
38M175 100 (1m )3
56M175 100 (10m ) 3

The AMR Adapter consists of a Polycarbonate cover, an adapter

“puck” (with coupling), an adapter plate and a drive dog.
It is universal up to the adapter plate and drive dog, which
Figure 6 - American & Invensys Footprint AMR Adapters

are specific for the residential meter type AMR device to be Metric Odometers
mounted (American or Invesys/Sensus/Rockwell) and the type Examples of metric odometers are shown in Figure 9. -
of AMR module being used (Itron, Badger, Trace, Cellnet, etc.) Non-Compensated Series 3 Metric Unit odometers for
Programming Rates for various meter sizes are shown in Table 7. 8C (Top), 16M (Middle), and 56M (Bottom).
When reading an 8C through 3M odometer (Figure 9a), the six
digits between the arrows on the nameplate “202597” are equal
to cubic meters.
NOTE: If the last two digits “39” to the right of the comma were
included in the reading, the odometer in Figure 9a would
indicate a volume of 202597,39 cubic meters.
For the 5M through the 38M sizes (Figure 9b), the seven digits
between the arrows on the nameplate “1592432” are equal to
cubic meters.
NOTE: If the last digit “7” to the right of the comma were included
in the reading, the odometer in Figure 9b would indicate a
Figure 7 - American Footprint AMR Adapter installed on a volume of 1592432,7 cubic meters.
2M Dresser Utility Solutions meter (shown with Residential ERT On the 56M metric meter (Figure 9c), all of the odometer digits
are between the arrows and are read as cubic meters. The
Reading the Odometer decimal point (comma) is shown just before the graduated
Imperial Odometers increments on the test wheel. A reading of 18074618 is literally
As an industry standard, the first digit on the left of the odometer 18074618 cubic meters.
is typically concealed with an opaque (black) mask. Translucent
(see through) blue masks typically cover any digits to the right
that represent less than 100 cubic feet.
When reading an 8C through 11M odometer (Figure 8a), the five
exposed digits “02576” between the arrows on the nameplate
are typically multiplied by 100, to read volume in hundreds of
cubic feet or 257600 cubic feet.
NOTE: If the last two digits “83” to the right of the arrows were
included in the reading, the odometer in Figure 8a would
indicate a volume of 257683 cubic feet.
For the 16M through the 56M sizes (Figure 8b), the six exposed
digits (38498) between the arrows on the nameplate are typically
multiplied by 100 to read the volume in hundreds of cubic feet or
3849800 cubic feet.
NOTE: If the last digit “7” to the right of the arrows were included
in the reading, the odometer in Figure 7a would indicate a
volume of 3849870 cubic feet.
Figure 9 - Non-Compensated Series 3 Metric Unit odometers for
8C (9a Top), 16M (9b Middle), and 56M (9c Bottom).

Figure 8 - Non-Compensated Series 3 Imperial unit

odometer for 8C (8a Top) and 16M (8b Bottom).

Test Wheel Meter Installation
The index wheel numbers on the odometer have 10 divisions Piping Configurations
marked that range from 0 through 9 located on the right side Series B3 and B3-HP meters can be installed in either a Top Inlet
of the odometer. The graduated increments on the test wheel (vertical gas flow) or a Side Inlet (horizontal gas flow) configura-
represent 0.2 cubic feet for the 8C through 11M meters and tion as shown in Figures 11 and 12 respectively. The preferred
2 cubic feet for the 16M through 56M meters. This allows for installation is top inlet in a vertical pipeline with gas flowing
accurately estimating readings of 0.1 cubic feet and 1 cubic foot, downward. Although the design of the impellers tends to make
respectively. For metric versions, the graduated increments on the meter self-cleaning, top inlet mounting enhances the ability
the test wheel represent 0,002 cubic meters for the 8C through to pass dirt, pipe scale, or other debris through the meter.
3M meters, 0,02 cubic meters for the 5M through 38M meters, Piping should be rigid and properly aligned. The meter does not
and 0,2 cubic meters for the 56M. This allows for accurately require any direct means of support. However, the piping might
estimated readings of 0,001 cubic meters, 0,01 cubic meters, and need support to eliminate any piping strains which may cause
0,1 cubic meters respectively. the meter to bind.
Whether imperial or metric, the white reflective marks that are Another recommendation is to install the meter with a bypass
located to the left of the graduated increments are used for adjacent to the main line. Additionally, the installation of tees
prover testing with an optical photo-sensor (scanner). upstream and downstream of the meter will help facilitate
transfer proving or other types of testing with the meter still
TC Odometers mounted in the pipeline.
As shown in Figure 10, the TC unit has two odometers.
Do not install the meter lower than the discharge pipe run to
The top odometer represents the Temperature Compensated
avoid accumulation of condensate or foreign materials in the
volume corrected to a contract Base temperature of 60° F (or
metering chamber. Use a Gasket style, Y-type, or some other kind
15° C). This top odometer can be read in a similar fashion to the
of strainer upstream of the meter to help remove foreign matter
uncorrected odometers as shown in Figures 8 and 9.
(pipe sealant, tape, weld slag, etc.) from the gas stream. A 100
The bottom odometer is Non-Compensated and is typically Mesh screen is recommended for any strainer used.
covered with a translucent mask to reduce readability and/or
The installation of a lubricated gas valve directly before a meter
prevent misreading. An optional black mask can be specified to
is not recommended, as excess valve lubricant may stop impeller
completely prevent viewing of the non-compensated odometer.
Other masking configurations are available upon request.
If over-speed conditions could occur, a restricting flow orifice
plate should be installed 2 to 4 pipe diameters downstream
of the meter outlet. Contact the factory or your Dresser Utility
Solutions representative for sizing, pricing and availability.
NOTE: Warranty does not cover meter failure due to over-speed

Figure 10 - Temperature compensated Accessory Units have two

odometers for a temperature compensated reading
on top and a non-compensated reading on the bottom.

Isolating Valves

1/4" Blow-off Flow Orifice
Valve Plate

1/4" Needle

Inlet Outlet
Figure 11 - Top Inlet Configuration for Series B3 Meter.

Restricting Flow
Orifice Plate


1/4" Blow-off

1/4" Needle
Inlet Outlet

Figure 12 - Side Inlet Configuration for Series B3 Meter.

Placing Meter In Line CAUTION: The meter must NOT be under pressure
IMPORTANT: Do not fill meter end cover oil reservoirs until for this procedure.
after the meter has been permanently installed and is ready for
service. (Refer to Figure 14 for oil reservoir locations).
1. Before installing a meter:
• Make sure the upstream piping is clean. During this
procedure, use extreme caution and follow recommended
company procedures.
• Remove the plastic protective caps from both meter
flanges prior to meter installation.
• Ensure the impellers turn freely and no objects or contami-
Access Plug
nants are in the measuring chamber.
2. Meter Orientation:
• Connect meter inlet to the gas supply side of the line.
Figure 13 - Remove the access plug to check impeller rotation.
• In a correct meter installation, the counter and gear end oil
level gauges are parallel to the ground.
IMPORTANT: The arrow on the name plate MUST represent the 5. After the meter has been installed, remove the hex head plug
direction of flow of gas through the meter located in the timing gear end cover (as shown in Figure 13)
by using a Hex wrench. Insert a Hex wrench into the gear
3. Install the meter without piping strain to prevent binding of
clamp and slowly turn the impellers clockwise, checking for
the impellers and use the proper pipe supports if required.
free rotation. If binding is present, do not attempt to disen-
Level all meters to within 1/16” per running foot (5 mm/m),
gage the impellers. Remove the meter from the set and clear
side-to-side and front-to-back for proper alignment.
all obstructions or piping strain prior to reinstalling the meter.
4. Tighten flange bolts evenly in a cross-pattern. The maximum Reinstall the plug and torque to 6-7 ft-lbs after verifying free
recommended torques are provided in Table 8. impeller rotation.

Meter Side Top

Size Inlet Inlet
8/11/15C 0.8 OZ. (23,7 ml) 3.0 OZ (88,7 ml)
Torque (ft-lbs) 2/3/5M 1.25 OZ. (37 ml) 7.6 OZ (224,8 ml)
Bolt Lubricated Non-Lubricated (not
Meter Size 7/11/16M 3.0 OZ. (88,7 ml) 21.85 OZ (646,2 ml)
Diameter recommended for refer-
ence only) 23/38/56M 40.2 OZ. (1,2 l) 154 OZ (4,55 l)
8C175-16M175 5/8” 55 60 23M232 - 4" 3.4 OZ. (100,6 ml) 21.8 OZ. (644,7 ml)
23M232 5/8” 55 60 1M/3M300 1.25 OZ. (37 ml) 7.6 OZ. (224,8 ml)
23M175 – 56M175 3/4" 104 115
Table 9 - Oil Capacities
1M300 3/4" 104 115
3M300 5/8” 55 60

Table 8 - Recommended Flange Bolt Torques

After a meter is installed in line and oil has been added to the IMPORTANT: DO NOT add oil to
meter reservoirs, gas flow will rotate the meter impellers. The oil the permanently lubricated Series 3
slingers will splash lubricant into the bearings. This will quickly Accessory Unit.
reduce any operational friction created by dry bearings.

Figure 14 - Fill oil reservoirs to mid level of sight glass.

Series B3 8C-16M, 23M232

Top Inlet Side Inlet
Oil Fill Plugs Oil Fill Plugs

Oil Sight Gauges Oil Sight Gauges

Series B3 23M-56M
Gear End Counter End

Oil Fill Gauges Oil Fill Gauges

Oil Sight Gauges Oil Sight Gauges

Oil sight gauges will be parallel and on the bottom for top inlet and side inlet.

Figure 15 - Oil fill/drain plugs and oil level sight gauge locations.

Meter Start-Up c) Let the meter operate at low speed for several minutes. Listen
IMPORTANT: The maximum working pressure of any rotary closely for unusual scraping or knocking sounds.
meter is limited by casing design. Meters should not be installed d) If operation is satisfactory, go directly to Step f).
where line pressure can exceed the Maximum Allowable
e) If unusual sounds are present or the accessory unit’s RPM
Operating Pressure (MAOP). Refer to the basic meter body
wheel is not turning, place the meter in bypass. Slowly
nameplate for the MAOP.
depressurize and vent all pressure from the meter set before
1. Slowly pressurize the meter in accordance with the checking for piping misalignment, piping strain, torsion, or
following recommendations: other related problems. (Release pressure at a rate less than
IMPORTANT: Do not exceed 5 psig/second (35 kPa/second) 5 psig/second.) Once the problem is resolved, repeat the
maximum when pressurizing. Rapid pressurization can cause an start-up procedure beginning with Step a).
over-speed condition which may damage the meter. Resulting
damage is not covered by warranty.
a) Open the bypass and outlet (downstream of meter) DANGER: Slowly depressurize
gas valves. and vent all pressure from the
b) Partially open the meter inlet gas valve until the meter starts meter set before working on
operating at low speed. Throttling the bypass valve may be meter.
necessary to initiate gas flow through the meter. Verify gas is
flowing through the meter by watching for movement of the
black and white RPM wheel on the Accessory Unit. The wheel
shown in Figure 16 is visible from either the front or the side of
the polycarbonate cover. If movement is present, go to Step
c). If the RPM dial is not turning, verify gas is being delivered
to the meter. If gas is flowing to the meter inlet and the RPM
wheel is not moving, go to Step e).

f) Gradually open the inlet valve until a full flow is passing

through the meter and the inlet valve is fully open.
g) Slowly close the bypass valve.
h) Follow your company’s authorized procedures or common
industry practices to leak test the meter and all pipe connec-
tions. Soapy water, Snoop®or gas analyzers are commonly
used for this procedure.

Inspection and Maintenance

Maintenance for the Series 3 Accessory
IMPORTANT: NO oil is required for the Series 3
accessory unit.
The CTR, CD, ICEX, TC, TD and Solid State Pulser do not require
scheduled maintenance.
Figure 16 - Black and white RPM wheel To clean the polycarbonate cover, use hot water and soap,
mineral spirits, Isopropyl alcohol, or cleaning products approved
for use on polycarbonate.
IMPORTANT: Aromatics, Ketones, and Chlorinated hydrocarbons
will damage the polycarbonate cover.
Do not use acetone, carbon tetrachloride, etc.

Meter Lubrication Accessory Unit Removal and
Use only Dresser Meter Oil or other instrument grade oils
approved for service by the manufacturer. Converson Procedures
The following section covers general procedures for changing
Meters installed and maintained in accordance with factory
complete accessory units as well as configuring the Series 3
recommendations can be expected to operate dependably for
Instrument Drive. For detailed instructions of these procedures,
many years. Proper oil level and cleanliness have the greatest
refer to the documentation cited at the end of each section.
effect on meter’s life expectancy. Visually inspect the two oil
These general procedures require the following tools and
reservoirs in the meter end covers for proper mid-gauge oil levels
once a month until a practical interval is determined. Add oil as
necessary. • 5/32” Allen wrench
Oil change frequency will depend upon the cleanliness of the gas • 9/64” Allen wrench
being measured. Change oil when the color darkens or when the • Flat blade screw driver
level changes. Under favorable conditions, these periods may be
• A light grade of machine oil, grease or petroleum jelly for
from 3 to 5 years, or longer.
lubricating o-rings.
• Adjustable torque wrench with a range of 5-40 in-lbs.
Removing the Accessory Unit from the Meter
IS PRESSURIZED. Bleed off the line
(Refer to Figure 17)
pressure before removing the oil fill
or drain plugs from the meter. Use the 5/32” Allen wrench to remove the four #10-24 screws
holding the slip flange on the meter end cover. Loosen the
screws in a cross or star-like pattern.
DO NOT add oil to the Series 3 Accessory Unit.
Remove the accessory unit by carefully pulling the complete
assembly directly away from the meter body, taking care not to
Meter Level damage the male driving magnet on the accessory gear train.
Since the meter is supported entirely by the gas pipe line, IMPORTANT: If the accessory unit is temperature compensating,
movement of the piping due to accidents, settling of the ground slide the assembly directly away from the meter end cover until
or other causes may impede meter operation and accuracy. Refer the temperature probe has cleared the end of the meter. Make
to “Installation” procedures. Make sure the meter remains level sure the thermocouple (bi-metallic probe) does not bind in the
within 1/16” per foot (5 mm/m) in any direction, side-to-side and probe well during the removal process. Shock and/or damage
front-to-back. may result in a loss of compensating accuracy.
Cleaning and Flushing Remove the O-ring from the meter end cover, if applicable. Verify
NOTE: Before removing meter from the pipeline, drain all oil from which type of o-ring seal is being used on the accessory unit
the meter end covers. Add oil after the meter has been replaced before replacing.
in the meter set. NOTE: The newer cover will have the quad-seal O-ring installed in
After removing the meter from the line, if there is any evidence the cover. If the quad o-ring comes loose from the groove in the
of dirt or dust in the meter, a suggested method for cleaning is to cover, clean the cover and O-ring with alcohol before attempting
windmill the impellers (at a speed less than maximum capacity) to replace the O-ring.
by injecting low pressure, dry compressed air from a nozzle into For detailed information on removing/installing the acces-
the meter inlet. Flush approximately 5 ounces (150 ml) of an sory unit, request document 055679-000, 053938-000 and
approved non-toxic, non-flammable solvent through the meter. 0539539-000.
Drain any residual cleaning fluid from the meter body and end
covers. Use compressed air to completely dry the meter. Removing the Gear Reduction Assembly from the
Polycarbonate Cover (Refer to Figure 18)
Use a 9/64” Allen wrench to remove the mounting screw holding
the accessory unit in the cover. The screw can be accessed
through the Tool Access Port as shown in Figure 18.
Slide the gear reduction unit out of the cover.

Gas Flow

Quad Seal
Temperature Probe
(TC Only) Meter End Cover
Polycarbonate Cover
Slip Flange

Magnet Cup

Facing Outward
Male Driving Magnet
#10-24 Screws (4x)
Figure 17 - Assembling Series 3 Accessory to meter end cover

Gear Reduction Unit

Gear Reduction Unit Polycarbonate Cover

Temperature Probe
(TC Only)

Mounting Screw
Tool Access Port
Figure 18 - Exploded view of Gear Reduction Assembly and Polycarbonate Cover

Replacing the Gear Reduction Unit in Polycarbonate Instrument Drive Conversion
Cover (Refer to Figure 18) (Side Inlet to Top Inlet Conversion)
1. Slide the gear reduction unit into the cover. Align the The following procedures are required to change the position of
odometer(s) with the large, clear portion of the cover. When the instrument drive assembly and drive dog rotation direction.
the gear reduction unit is properly installed, the pin that is Refer to Figures 19, 20 and 21 for component locations.
molded into the bottom of the cover will engage a hole in the NOTE: Regardless of Side Inlet or Top Inlet meter installation, the
top plate of the accessory. Instrument Drive Mounted device must always be installed in a
2. Using a 9/64” Hex wrench, insert the screw into the threaded vertical position during operation. Refer to the “Meter Installation
boss in the cover and torque to 20-25 in.-lb. Do not over - Piping Configurations” section of this manual for proper meter
tighten to avoid damage to the threaded boss. mounting practices.
For detailed information on Installing/Replacing the Gear 1. Use a flat blade screwdriver to remove the two 1/4-20 screws
Reduction Unit in Cover, request document #055679-000. holding the Universal Instrument Adapter Plate to the ID
support assembly.
Installing a Complete Accessory Unit on the Meter (Refer
2. Using the 5/32” Allen wrench, remove the four #10-24
to Figure 17)
screws holding the ID Support Assembly to the aluminum ID
1. Ensure the Quad Seal O-ring is fully seated into the cover. Housing.
2. Align the male driving magnet with the magnet cup in the 3. Using a 5/32” Allen wrench, remove the two #10-24 scews
meter body. If the Accessory Unit is temperature compen- holding the side cover plate onto the aluminum ID housing.
sated, align the temperature probe with the probe well. Remove the cover plate.
Carefully slide the probe into the meter end cover probe well 4. Install the ID support assembly in the vertical mounting
until the cover meets the meter body. position (where the cover plate was removed). Torque the
NOTE: The foam attached to the temperature probe should screws to 37-40 in.-lb.
not be removed. The foam is installed to prevent the ambient 5. Re-install the Side Cover Plate to the position from where
temperature inside the cover from entering the probe well and the ID Support was removed. Torque the screws to 4-6 in.-lb.
affecting the temperature probe readings.
6. Using a 5/32” Allen wrench, remove the two #10-24 screws
3. While holding the Accessory Unit in place, slide the slip flange holding the Front Cover Plate onto the aluminum ID housing.
over the cover. Rotate the slip flange until all four holes in the Remove the cover plate.
slip flange are aligned with the four screw holes in the meter
7. Using a 5/32” Allen wrench, remove the two #10-24 screws
end cover. This should place the dimple in the slip flanges
holding the Bevel Gear Train Assembly in place. Make sure
in alignment with the odometer(s) (non-instrument drive
the O-ring behind the Bevel Gear Train Assembly remains
version only).
attached to the back of the assembly. Do not allow anything
4. While holding the slip flange to the meter’s end cover, insert to contaminate the O-ring.
the four #10-24 screws into position and tighten in a cross or 8. Making sure the O-ring remains in place, re-install the Bevel
star-like pattern to 20-25 in.-lb. When properly installed, the Gear Train Assembly in the vertical position. Torque these
slip flange will be in continuous contact with the meter end screws to 4-6 in.-lb.
9. Ensure the rotation is set as desired and the Bevel Gear Train
5. If applicable, follow your company procedures for installing Assembly engages properly with the ID drive shaft. Windmill
security devices. the meter to verify proper rotation of the Drive Dog.
For detailed information on installing a Complete Accessory Unit 10. Install the Front Cover and torque these screws to
on the Meter, request documents #055679-000, 053938-000 and 4-6 in.-lb.
11. If applicable, follow your company procedures for installing
tamper-evident security devices.
12. Install the Instrument Drive Adapter Plate onto the ID
Support Housing.
For detailed information on Instrument Drive Side Inlet to Top
Inlet Conversion, request document B054082-091.

#10-24 Screws (2x)

ID Support Assembly

ID Support Mounting Location

(Vertical Flow) ID Housing

Side Cover Plate
Modular Bevel Gear
Train Assembly
#10-24 Screws (2x)
Front Cover Plate

ID Support Mounting Location

(Horizontal Flow)

#10-24 Screws (2x)

#10-24 Screws (2x)

Figure 19 - Exploded View of Instrument Drive (ID) Assembly
1/4-20 Screws (2x) Gas Flow

Universal Instrument
Adaptor Plate Quad Seal Meter End Cover

Drive Dog

Polycarbonate Cover and

Gear Reduction unit
Quad Seal

Drive Dog Shear Pin

Figure 20 - Assembly Instrument Drive to meter end cover

Bevel Gear
on Top

Bevel Gear
on Bottom

Bevel Gear Position:

CD Meters CD Meters
Counter-clockwise (A) Rotation Clockwise (B) Rotation

TD Meters TD Meters
Clockwise (B) Rotation Counter-clockwise (A) Rotation

Figure 21 - Placement of bevel gears determines rotational direction

Changing the Rotational Direction of the Installing a Counter with Electronic Transmitter (ICEX) to a
Instrument Drive CTR Accessory
All meters with an instrument drive are shipped from the Factory 1. Remove the CTR Accessory from the meter. To do this,
with the “drive dog” rotating in a Clockwise (B) direction unless remove the four screws securing the slip flange and remove
otherwise specified at time of order. To change to Counter- the slip flange. Gently pull the accessory housing assembly
clockwise (A) rotation, use the following procedure: off the meter. Remove the screws and slip flange. Remove the
1. Using a 5/32” Allen wrench, remove the two #10-24 screws CTR accessory from its housing by loosening the screw inside
that hold the Front Cover Plate onto the ID housing. the housing. See Figure 18.
Remove the cover plate. Refer to Figure 19 for component 2. Install Magnet and associated parts that are supplied with
identification. this conversion assembly.
2. Remove the two #10-24 screws holding the Bevel Gear Train 3. Installation of the gear train into the housing is the reverse of
Assembly in place. Make sure the O-ring behind the assembly removal done at Step 1 above. To re-install completed pulser
remains attached to the back of the assembly. Do not allow assembly on meter SEE: Installing a “Complete Accessory Unit
sand, dirt, or other debris to contaminate the O-ring. on the Meter” above.
3. Rotate the Bevel Gear Train assembly 180° to obtain the NOTE: For detailed information on the Installation of
proper Drive Dog rotation (refer to Figure 21). Making sure the the ICEX, request document #056098-100.
O-ring behind assembly remains in place; re-install the gear Installing an AMR Adapter
assembly in the vertical position. Torque the screws to 4-6 1. The CTR or TC must be removed from the meter. Remove the
in.-lb. four screws that attach the Accessory Unit to the meter. Slide
4. Ensure the rotation is set as desired and the Bevel Gear Train the Slip Flange off the Accessory Unit.
assembly engages properly with the ID drive shaft. Windmill 2. Gently pull the Accessory Unit straight back away from the
the meter to ensure proper rotation of the Drive Dog. meter. Special care should be taken when removing a TC unit
5. Re-install the Front Cover and torque the screws to of any kind so as not to bend or damage the temperature
4-6 in.-lb. probe.
6. If applicable, follow your company procedures for installing 3. Remove the CTR or TC from the housing by loosening
tamper-evident security devices. the screw inside the Polycarbonate Accessory Housing.
For detailed information on Changing the Rotational Direction of Slide the CTR/TC Assembly out of the Housing. Set aside
the Drive Dog, request documents B054082-091. this Accessory Housing, as a new AMR Adapter Housing will
replace it.
Installing a Solid State Pulser on a CTR or TC Meter 4. Place the Slip Flange over the New AMR Adapter Accessory
1. Remove CTR or TC Accessory from the meter. To do this, Housing.
remove the four screws securing the slip flange, and remove
the slip flange. Gently pull the accessory housing assembly 5. Verify that the AMR adapter plate is oriented in the correct
off the meter. Remove the screws and slip ring. Remove the position to ensure the AMR device is upright. AMR vent holes
CTR or TC accessory from its housing by loosening the screw should always be facing the ground. Using the hex wrench,
inside the housing, as shown in Figure 18. install the four #10-24 socket head cap screws to assemble
the AMR Adapter plate to the AMR Adapter Accessory
2. Install Magnet and associated parts that are supplied with this Housing. Tighten the four screws to 8-10 in-lb.
conversion assembly.
6. Carefully slide the CTR/TC Assembly into the Housing.
3. Installation of the gear train into the new pulser housing is CAUTION: Make sure the output Drive Shaft of the
the reverse of removal done at Step 1 above. To re-install Counter/TC unit aligns and inserts into the Coupling in
completed pulser assembly on meter see: Installing a the AMR Adapter Accessory Housing by ensuring the
Complete Accessory Unit on the Meter above. paddle on coupling aligns with slot on 72 tooth gear.
NOTE: For detailed information on the Installation of Solid State 7. Install the Slip Flange onto the meter cover. Tighten the
Pulsers, request documents 057162-000 and 054190-090. screws in a star-like pattern and torque to 47-53 in-lb.
8. Press fit the appropriate Drive Dog onto the customer
supplied AMR and install assembled AMR onto AMR adapter
NOTE: For detailed information on the Field Installation of
AMR adapters, request documents 057862-000, 058779-000 or

Testing 45 psig

Meter Differential Pressure

Rotary meters are tested for accuracy by several industry 30 psig

accepted methods. These test methods include, but are not

limited to transfer, bell, piston, sonic nozzle, and critical flow
15 psig
proving. The Differential Test is unique to rotary meters and is
a convenient method of comparing a meter’s performance to
previous or original performance records. Differential testing
is accepted by many State Utility Commissions as a means of
periodically verifying that the original accuracy of a meter has 0 25 50 75 100
Meter Capacity %
remained unchanged.
Figure 22 - Differential Curves change as pressure increases.
Differential Test
A change in the internal resistance of a meter can affect its
accuracy. Any increase in the resistance to flow will increase the
Establishing Baseline Curves
Developing an original differential baseline curve is recom-
pressure drop between the inlet and outlet of the meter, thus
mended when the meter is first installed. Since any change in
increasing the differential pressure drop. This is why the meter
flow rate, line pressure or specific gravity will cause a change in
differential pressure drop appears as a prime indicator of meter
the differential, at least three (3) test points are required at gas
flow rates from 25%to 100% of meter capacity. (As shown in
Although accuracy cannot be directly determined by a differen- Figure 22, the resulting points will be non-linear, so a minimum
tial test, it has been shown that an increase of up to 50 percent of three points is necessary to establish a curve.) Plot the points
in the differential pressure, at flow rates 25% and above, can on a graph and then connect the points to form a curve. This
be tolerated without affecting meter accuracy by more than 1 provides an accurate baseline for comparison to later tests. To
percent. Supportive technical data is available upon request. help with record keeping, a data chart like the one shown in
Usually flushing a meter will eliminate a high differential caused Figure 23 will allow the technician to compare new test data to
by minor contamination. Refer to “Inspection and Maintenance, older data. A test under actual operating conditions will provide
Cleaning and Flushing” sections for cleaning instructions. the most reliable data for future checks of a meter’s operating
condition. This is particularly important when the line pressure is
higher than 15 PSIG (200 kPa Absolute). Since meter differential
pressure increases with line pressure, multiple curves may be
necessary for meters under varying line pressure conditions.

Differential - Rate Test Data - SAMPLE SHEET

Meter Model: Mfg. Serial No.: Utility Serial No.:
Location: Date Installed: Register Reading:
Line Gas Specific Volume Run Rate Differential Pressure
Date Tester
Pressure Temp Gravity Measured Time (ft3) In. W.C.   %Change
Initial Tests - New Meter

Periodic Check Tests

Figure 23 - Having a single data chart for each meter provides a detailed history of differential rate tests for future use.

Differential Test Procedure
Testing requires differential pressure test equipment with an
indicating scale range of at least 50 inches of water column.
The testing device should have bypass valving and must be ΔP
pressure rated for the maximum metering line pressure for the
test. Pressure lines should be connected to the 1/4” meter inlet
and outlet pressure taps located on the meter body as shown
in Figure 24. For meters with Maximum pressure ratings of 300
psig (2068 kPa) or less, differential test plugs can be permanently 8C - 16M B3
installed in the pressure taps to facilitate testing. 1M/3M B3HP
A pressure gauge is used to verify pressure readings.
A stop watch is used to “clock” the meter RPM for calculating gas
flow rate.
Differential Test Acceptance Calculator
The Dresser Utility Solutions Differential Test Acceptance
Calculator takes all the manual calculations out of meter
acceptance determinations. Just “clock” your meter, take your
differential pressure reading, plug in your value and the software
does the rest. 23M - 56M B3
CAUTION: When the meter is pressurized, follow
Figure 24 - Differential pressure taps are located either side
applicable safety rules and use appropriate personal of the meter nameplate.
protective equipment.
1. Install the pressure differential test equipment into the meter NOTE: At the time of meter start-up in a new intallation,
inlet and outlet differential taps. Follow the manufacturer’s repeat Steps 2 - 4 at a minimum of three different flow rates
instructions for proper installation and operating procedures. each between 25% and 100% of meter capacity. An original
On the upstream side of the meter, install a pressure gauge baseline curve should be drawn using data at a constant
or other pressure standard if not already a part of the test pressure for all three tests.
equipment. 5. Remove the differential test equipment and pressure
2. Adjust the meter bypass and the meter inlet valves until the standard.
meter is operating at a predetermined or selected flow rate 6. If this is for the baseline curve, plot and save the curve for
in the lower capacity range or no less than 25 percent of the future reference. If this is a subsequent test and the
meter’s rated capacity. Let the flow rate stabilize. pressure differential compares against the baseline curve
3. Time or “clock” the passage of a predetermined volume of gas within acceptable limits, return the meter to full service. If
registered on the instrument to determine the Flow Rate in the pressure differential is not within acceptable limits or
Actual Cubic Feet per Hour (or m3/h): has increased by 50% above the values on the baseline
Index Rate = (Test Volume in CF) x (3600) curve, remove the meter for inspection and if needed, for
(Test Time in Seconds)
After developing a baseline curve, meter condition and
Convert the calculated flow rate to a percentage of meter rated performance can be checked periodically by running a
% Meter Capacity = ( ) Index Rate x 100
similar differential rate test at a single selected point. If the
differential pressure increases by more than 50 percent
above the original value, then inspect the meter for causes
Meter Base Rating
for resistance. The usual causes are binding impellers,
NOTE: The base rating for a meter can be found on the name-
worn bearings, contaminates such as dirt or valve grease
plate located on the body of the meter. The rating is designated
in the metering chamber, and wrong viscosity oil or excess
in both “CFH Max” and “m3/h Max”.
oil. Refer to “Inspection and Maintenance, Cleaning and
4. Record the pressure differential, line pressure, and gas Flushing” for cleaning instructions.
specific gravity. Repeat the test to obtain an accurate average
For Factory repairs and/or inspection, please call your
Customer Service Representative or your Dresser Utility
Solutions meter supplier to request a Return Material
Authorization (RMA).

Proving Operations is not in service. The prover is used for flow rate control and
The accuracy of a Dresser meter is easily verified using standard temperature indication during the test procedure. The prover
transfer proving techniques. A Dresser Model 5 Prover allows may also be used to test the meter body accuracy using the non-
for almost hands free testing and offers three different methods compensated odometer or the RPM test wheel (See: “Proving
for starting and stopping the test. The first two methods, which Operations,” in the previous section.) Then the information
utilize original equipment included with the Model 5 Provers, are derived from the TC Unit Operational Check can be combined
performed using the Manual Start/Stop Switch or the field meter with the meter’s non-compensated accuracy to determine the
Instrument Drive Pulser. meter’s overall accuracy using this formula:

With the manual Start/Stop switch, the operator will input the
desired volume into the Model 5 program. After the flow and
temperature have stabilized, the operator will use the switch to
start the test. After the field meter odometer has reached the (meter accuracy * TC accuracy)  =  overall or combined
desired volume, the operator will again push the switch to stop 100 accuracy
the test.
For noncompensated meters with an Instrument Drive, the field
meter Instrument Drive Pulser mounts directly to the instrument NOTE: TC Calibration is not covered in this manual other than to
drive and provides a more accurate automated test. The desired state that during the calibration procedure the TC probe should
volume is selected and the prover will automatically start the be immersed into a tightly controlled temperature bath set at
test after conditions have stabilized. The test will then stop at the the accessory unit’s base temperature. Calibration of the TC Unit
desired test volume. should not be performed while the accessory is installed on the
Optional equipment for the Model 5 prover can include the meter or with the temperature probe exposed to the atmosphere
RS-Scanner. Like the Instrument Drive Pulser, the Scanner can (air).
also automate control of the test.
Procedure for the TC Unit Operational Check
The Scanner can be used to test both Temperature Compensated 1. Measure and record stabilized gas (or air) temperature
(TC) and Non-Compensated meters. This system uses a light directly at the meter inlet using a certified temperature
beam to focus and trigger on the white squares of the odometer standard.
or the high speed dial at the end of the Dresser Meter Accessory
NOTE: Inaccurate results may occur if the gas
Unit. The dial will rotate from white to black (and vice versa)
temperature has not stabilized before starting the test.
triggering a pulse relating to a specific volume.
2. Record the temperature displayed by the Accessory Unit’s
NOTE: On Dresser Series 3 version Meters, the high speed wheel
temperature probe. The indicated temperature is visible
attached to the end of the RPM drive shaft is visible either from
through the accessory housing window located above the
the front or the end of the accessory and can be used for meter
odometers. Compare to the readings taken in Step 1. Both
testing. The wheel is shown in Figure 16 in the “Meter Start-Up”
values should agree within ± 4 °F.
section under Meter Installation.
NOTE: The temperature indicated by the unit’s temperature
TC Unit Operational Check probe will not be used for calculation since this is an estimated
This procedure may be used to verify the accuracy of the TC Unit reading. Use the temperature recorded in Step 1 as the reference
independent of the meter body accuracy. The design accuracy temperature for the TC unit operational check.
for the TC Unit is ± 0.5% for gas temperatures between -20°F to 3. Observe the Temperature Compensated volume odometer.
+120°F (-29°C and +49°C). When the odometer stops turning after an intermittent
NOTE: All Dresser Series B3 TC meters are compensated to a 60° F compensating cycle, record the last 3-digit reading and the
(or 15° C) Base Temperature. value indicated by the graduated marks on the test wheel
as the “Counts, Initial” (Ci) indicated on the odometer. This
The TC Unit Operational Check is based upon Measurement
is read as a whole number. (Refer to the Sample Counter
Counts (actual measurement) versus Theoretical Counts, using
Reading in Figure 25.)
a 25 cycle count of the compensation cycle. This is the best
method for determining the accuracy of the TC unit with the
meter in service. By using the 25 cycle method, all of the gears
in the TC unit make a complete revolution, and thus provides a
greater amount of confidence in the resulting accuracy calcula-
tion. The method for determining the theoretical counts for a
25 cycle test is outlined in the “Calculating Theoretical Counts”
section. A Dresser Utility Solutions Transfer Prover can be used
for a TC Unit Operational Check in the shop or when the meter

NOTE: Some of these digits may be partially or completely Example: Assume the gas temperature is 53.0°F, and from Figure
obscured by masking. The masking must be removed if the 25, the initial odometer reading (Ci) = 9756. We then allow the
readings are not visible. odometer to cycle 25 times and record the final reading. We will
further assume the final odometer reading (Cf) = 2295.
NOTE: When Cf is less than Ci, place a “1” in front of the
reading for Cf. In this example, the adjusted reading for Cf
would read as “12295”.
From Table 10, the Theoretical Number of Counts
(TNC) = 2534.1.
Using these numbers in the “Percent Accuracy” formula, the
accuracy is calculated as:
(12295 – 9756) x 100 = 100.19%
Figure 25 - A reading of 9756 would be the number
recorded for TC unit operational check. Calculating Theoretical Counts
The number of theoretical counts (TNC) can be
calculated for Fahrenheit as shown:
4. After the Compensated Volume odometer has cycled 25
times and stopped, record the last 3-digit reading and the (TNC) = (460 + TB) x (Number of Cycles x 100)
value indicated by the graduated marks on the test wheel as (460 + TA)
the “Counts, Final” (Cf), exactly as described in Step 3 above.
Where TB = Base Temperature (Typically 60°F or 15C)
5. Use Table 10 or the formula described in “Calculating TA = Actual Gas Temperature
Theoretical Counts” below to determine the “Theoretical
The number of theoretical counts (TNC) can be calculated for
Number of Counts” (TNC) for the indicated temperature
Celsius as shown:
recorded in Step 1.
(TNC) = (273.15 + TB) x (Number of Cycles x 100)
6. Calculate the percent accuracy of the TC Unit by using the
following equation: (273.15 + TA)
Percent Accuracy = (Cf – Ci) x 100 Example: For a 25 cycle test, the Theoretical Number of Counts
(TNC) for gas temperature of 70.0°F and a 60° F base temperature
is calculated as follows:

= (460 + 60) x (25 x 100)

(460 + 70.0)

= 1,3000,000 = 2452.8

Table 10 - Temperature Cycle Testing -Theoretical Number of Counts (TNC) for specified temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit (°F). Based on 25 Temperature Compensation Cycles.
50.0 2549.0 55.0 2524.3 60.0 2500.0 65.0 2476.2 70.0 2452.8 75.0 2429.9
50.1 2548.5 55.1 2523.8 60.1 2499.5 65.1 2475.7 70.1 2452.4 75.1 2429.5
50.2 2548.0 55.2 2523.3 60.2 2499.0 65.2 2475.2 70.2 2451.9 75.2 2429.0
50.3 2547.5 55.3 2522.8 60.3 2498.6 65.3 2474.8 70.3 2451.4 75.3 2428.5
50.4 2547.0 55.4 2522.3 60.4 2498.1 65.4 2474.3 70.4 2451.0 75.4 2428.1
50.5 2546.5 55.5 2521.8 60.5 2497.6 65.5 2473.8 70.5 2450.5 75.5 2427.6
50.6 2546.0 55.6 2521.3 60.6 2497.1 65.6 2473.4 70.6 2450.1 75.6 2427.2
50.7 2545.5 55.7 2520.8 60.7 2496.6 65.7 2472.9 70.7 2449.6 75.7 2426.7
50.8 2545.0 55.8 2520.4 60.8 2496.2 65.8 2472.4 70.8 2449.1 75.8 2426.3
50.9 2544.5 55.9 2519.9 60.9 2495.7 65.9 2472.0 70.9 2448.7 75.9 2425.8
51.0 2544.0 56.0 2519.4 61.0 2495.2 66.0 2471.5 71.0 2448.2 76.0 2425.4
51.1 2543.5 56.1 2518.9 61.1 2494.7 66.1 2471.0 71.1 2447.7 76.1 2424.9
51.2 2543.0 56.2 2518.4 61.2 2494.2 66.2 2470.5 71.2 2447.3 76.2 2424.5
51.3 2542.5 56.3 2517.9 61.3 2493.8 66.3 2470.1 71.3 2446.8 76.3 2424.0
51.4 2542.0 56.4 2517.4 61.4 2493.3 66.4 2469.6 71.4 2446.4 76.4 2423.6
51.5 2541.5 56.5 2516.9 61.5 2492.8 66.5 2469.1 71.5 2445.9 76.5 2423.1
51.6 2541.0 56.6 2516.5 61.6 2492.3 66.6 2468.7 71.6 2445.4 76.6 2422.7
51.7 2540.6 56.7 2516.0 61.7 2491.9 66.7 2468.2 71.7 2445.0 76.7 2422.2
51.8 2540.1 56.8 2515.5 61.8 2491.4 66.8 2467.7 71.8 2444.5 76.8 2421.8
51.9 2539.6 56.9 2515.0 61.9 2490.9 66.9 2467.3 71.9 2444.1 76.9 2421.3
52.0 2539.1 57.0 2514.5 62.0 2490.4 67.0 2466.8 72.0 2443.6 77.0 2420.9
52.1 2538.6 57.1 2514.0 62.1 2489.9 67.1 2466.3 72.1 2443.1 77.1 2420.4
52.2 2538.1 57.2 2513.5 62.2 2489.5 67.2 2465.9 72.2 2442.7 77.2 2420.0
52.3 2537.6 57.3 2513.0 62.3 2489.0 67.3 2465.4 72.3 2442.2 77.3 2419.5
52.4 2537.1 57.4 2512.6 62.4 2488.5 67.4 2464.9 72.4 2441.8 77.4 2419.1
52.5 2536.6 57.5 2512.1 62.5 2488.0 67.5 2464.5 72.5 2441.3 77.5 2418.6
52.6 2536.1 57.6 2511.6 62.6 2487.6 67.6 2464.0 72.6 2440.9 77.6 2418.2
52.7 2535.6 57.7 2511.1 62.7 2487.1 67.7 2463.5 72.7 2440.4 77.7 2417.7
52.8 2535.1 57.8 2510.6 62.8 2486.6 67.8 2463.1 72.8 2439.9 77.8 2417.3
52.9 2534.6 57.9 2510.1 62.9 2486.1 67.9 2462.6 72.9 2439.5 77.9 2416.8
53.0 2534.1 58.0 2509.7 63.0 2485.7 68.0 2462.1 73.0 2439.0 78.0 2416.4
53.1 2533.6 58.1 2509.2 63.1 2485.2 68.1 2461.7 73.1 2438.6 78.1 2415.9
53.2 2533.1 58.2 2508.7 63.2 2484.7 68.2 2461.2 73.2 2438.1 78.2 2415.5
53.3 2532.6 58.3 2508.2 63.3 2484.2 68.3 2460.7 73.3 2437.7 78.3 2415.0
53.4 2532.1 58.4 2507.7 63.4 2483.8 68.4 2460.3 73.4 2437.2 78.4 2414.6
53.5 2531.6 58.5 2507.2 63.5 2483.3 68.5 2459.8 73.5 2436.7 78.5 2414.1
53.6 2531.2 58.6 2506.7 63.6 2482.8 68.6 2459.3 73.6 2436.3 78.6 2413.7
53.7 2530.7 58.7 2506.3 63.7 2482.3 68.7 2458.9 73.7 2435.8 78.7 2413.2
53.8 2530.2 58.8 2505.8 63.8 2481.9 68.8 2458.4 73.8 2435.4 78.8 2412.8
53.9 2529.7 58.9 2505.3 63.9 2481.4 68.9 2457.9 73.9 2434.9 78.9 2412.3
54.0 2529.2 59.0 2504.8 64.0 2480.9 69.0 2457.5 74.0 2434.5 79.0 2411.9
54.1 2528.7 59.1 2504.3 64.1 2480.4 69.1 2457.0 74.1 2434.0 79.1 2411.4
54.2 2528.2 59.2 2503.9 64.2 2480.0 69.2 2456.5 74.2 2433.5 79.2 2411.0
54.3 2527.7 59.3 2503.4 64.3 2479.5 69.3 2456.1 74.3 2433.1 79.3 2410.5
54.4 2527.2 59.4 2502.9 64.4 2479.0 69.4 2455.6 74.4 2432.6 79.4 2410.1
54.5 2526.7 59.5 2502.4 64.5 2478.6 69.5 2455.1 74.5 2432.2 79.5 2409.6
54.6 2526.2 59.6 2501.9 64.6 2478.1 69.6 2454.7 74.6 2431.7 79.6 2409.2
54.7 2525.7 59.7 2501.4 64.7 2477.6 69.7 2454.2 74.7 2431.3 79.7 2408.7
54.8 2525.3 59.8 2501.0 64.8 2477.1 69.8 2453.8 74.8 2430.8 79.8 2408.3
54.9 2524.8 59.9 2500.5 64.9 2476.7 69.9 2453.3 74.9 2430.4 79.9 2407.9

Imperial Sizing Charts
Line Mounted
Model 8C175* 11C175* 15C175* 2M175* 3M175* 5M175* 7M175 11M175 16M175 23M175 23M232 38M175 56M175 102M125
*Also available in 200 PSIG Rating

Rating 800 1100 1500 2000 3000 5000 7000 11000 16000 23000 23000 38000 56000 102000
PSIG Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure – in MSCFH
1 0.84 1.15 1.57 2.09 3.1 5.2 7.3 11.5 16.7 24 24 39.7 58.5 106.6
3 0.95 1.3 1.77 2.36 3.5 5.9 8.3 13 18.9 27.2 27.2 44.9 66.2 120.5
5 1.05 1.45 1.98 2.63 4 6.6 9.2 14.5 21.1 30.3 30.3 50 73.8 134.3
10 1.33 1.82 2.48 3.31 5 8.3 11.6 18.2 26.5 38.1 38.1 62.9 92.8 168.9
15 1.6 2.2 2.99 3.99 6 10 14 22 31.9 45.9 45.9 75.8 111.8 203.6
20 1.87 2.57 3.5 4.67 7 11.7 16.3 25.7 37.4 53.7 53.7 88.7 130.8 238.2
25 2.14 2.94 4.01 5.35 8 13.4 18.7 29.4 42.8 61.5 61.5 101.6 149.8 272.9
30 2.41 3.32 4.52 6.03 9 15.1 21.1 33.2 48.2 69.3 69.3 114.5 168.8 307.4
40 2.95 4.06 5.54 7.39 11.1 18.5 25.9 40.6 59.1 84.9 84.9 140.3 206.8 376.7
50 3.5 4.81 6.56 8.74 13.1 21.9 30.6 48.1 70 100.6 100.6 166.1 244.8 445.9
60 4.04 5.56 7.58 10.1 15.2 25.3 35.4 55.6 80.8 116.2 116.2 191.9 282.9 515.2
70 4.58 6.3 8.59 11.46 17.2 28.6 40.1 63 91.7 131.8 131.8 217.7 320.9 584.5
80 5.13 7.05 9.61 12.82 19.2 32 44.9 70.5 102.5 147.4 147.4 243.5 358.9 653.7
90 5.67 7.8 10.63 14.18 21.3 35.4 49.6 78 113.4 163 163 269.3 396.9 723
100 6.21 8.54 11.65 15.53 23.3 38.8 54.4 85.4 124.3 178.6 178.6 295.1 434.9 792.1
110 6.76 9.29 12.67 16.89 25.3 42.2 59.1 92.9 135.1 194.2 194.2 320.9 472.9 861.4
120 7.3 10.04 13.69 18.25 27.4 45.6 63.9 100.4 146 209.9 209.9 346.7 511 930.6
125 7.57 10.41 14.2 18.93 28.4 47.3 66.2 104.1 151.4 217.7 217.7 359.6 530 965.3
135 8.11 11.16 15.21 20.29 30.4 50.7 71 111.6 162.3 233.3 233.3 385.4 568
150 8.93 12.28 16.74 22.32 33.5 55.8 78.1 122.8 178.6 256.7 256.7 424.1 625
175 10.29 14.14 19.29 25.72 38.6 64.3 90 141.4 205.7 295.7 295.7 488.6 720.1
200 11.64 16.01 21.83 29.11 43.7 72.8 334.8
232 384.7

Sizing Instructions
High Pressure Meters
To select the proper meter size, use the Minimum Operating Pressure and the Maximum Instantaneous
Model 1M300 3M300 Hourly Flow Rate. Do not exceed meter’s maximum allowable operating pressure.
Rating 1000 3000 To prevent oversizing of a meter, sizing should be based upon the total connected load giving consideration
to the load diversity. When using this method to size a meter, a selected diversity factor times the total
PSIG Corrected Capacity at connected load will be used as the Maximum Instantaneous Flow Rate for sizing purposes.
Metering Pressure – in MSCFH A diversity factor of 0,85 is commonly used for a single application where two or more major appliances are
in use (i,e, boilers, furnaces, space heaters, etc,).
125 9.5 28.4 As the number of appliances considered when determining a connected load increases, the diversity factor
150 11.2 33.5 will typically decrease. For applications such as multiple ranges and water heaters, some examples of
commonly used diversity factors are:
175 12.9 38.6 Qty Factor Qty Factor1
Energy Value
200 14.6 43.7 0-5 1 6 0.9
7 0.85 8 0.83
Gas BTU/Cu. Ft.
250 18.0 53.9
The diversity factors listed above are estimates. For proper Acetylene 1498
300 21.3 64.0
sizing, consult your company or industry standards for
determining accepted values. Butane 3200

NOTE: All capacities listed are Standard Cubic Feet per Hour Ethane 1758
(SCFH) and based upon Average Atmospheric Pressure (14.4 Ethylene 1606
PSIA), Base Pressure (14.73 PSIA), and Base Temperature (60°F).
Tables do not take into account Supercompressibility. Please Methane 997
refer to RM-135 for further information on the Application
of Temperature and/or Pressure Correction Factors in Gas Natural 965/1055
Propane 2550

Metric Sizing Charts
Line Mounted - Metric
Model 8C175* 11C175* 15C175* 2M175* 3M175* 5M175* 7M175 11M175 16M175 23M232 23M175 38M175 56M175 102M125
*Also available in 200 PSIG Rating

Rating 22,7 31,2 42,5 56,6 85 141,6 198,2 311,5 453,1 651,3 651,3 1076 1585,7 2888,3
PSIG kPa BAR Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure – in Nm /H 3

1 6,9 0,1 23,7 32,6 44,4 59,2 88,8 148,0 207,2 325,7 473,7 680,9 680,9 1125,0 1657,9 3019,7
3 20,7 0,2 26,8 36,8 50,2 66,9 100,3 167,2 234,1 368,0 535,2 769,3 769,3 1271,1 1873,2 3411,9
5 34,5 0,3 29,8 41,0 55,9 74,6 111,9 186,5 261,1 410,2 596,7 857,8 857,8 1417,2 2088,5 3804,0
10 68,9 0,7 37,5 51,6 70,4 93,8 140,7 234,5 328,3 516,0 750,5 1078,9 1078,9 1782,4 2626,8 4784,5
15 103,4 1,0 45,2 62,2 84,8 113,0 169,6 282,6 395,6 621,7 904,3 1299,9 1299,9 2147,7 3165,0 5764,9
20 137,9 1,4 52,9 72,7 99,2 132,3 198,4 330,6 462,9 727,4 1058,1 1521,0 1521,0 2513,0 3703,3 6745,3
30 206,8 2,1 68,3 93,9 128,0 170,7 256,1 426,8 597,5 938,9 1365,7 1963,2 1963,2 3243,5 4779,8 8706,1
40 275,8 2,8 83,6 115,0 156,8 209,1 313,7 522,9 732,1 1150,4 1673,3 2405,3 2405,3 3974,0 5856,4 10667,0
50 344,7 3,4 99,0 136,2 185,7 247,6 371,4 619,0 866,6 1361,8 1980,8 2847,5 2847,5 4704,5 6932,9 12627,8
60 413,7 4,1 114,4 157,3 214,5 286,0 429,1 715,1 1001,2 1573,3 2288,4 3289,6 3289,6 5435,0 8009,4 14588,7
70 482,6 4,8 129,8 178,5 243,3 324,5 486,7 811,2 1135,8 1784,8 2596,0 3731,8 3731,8 6165,5 9086,0 16549,5
80 551,6 5,5 145,2 199,6 272,2 362,9 544,4 907,3 1270,3 1996,2 2903,6 4173,9 4173,9 6896,0 10162,5 18510,3
90 620,5 6,2 160,5 220,8 301,0 401,4 602,1 1003,5 1404,9 2207,7 3211,2 4616,1 4616,1 7626,5 11239,1 20471,2
100 689,5 6,9 175,9 241,9 329,8 439,8 659,8 1099,6 1539,5 2419,2 3518,8 5058,2 5058,2 8357,0 12315,6 22432,0
125 861,8 8,6 214,4 294,8 401,9 535,9 803,9 1339,9 1875,9 2947,8 4287,7 6163,6 6163,6 10183,3 15006,9 27334,1
150 1034,2 10,3 252,8 347,7 474,0 632,0 948,1 1580,2 2212,3 3476,5 5056,7 7269,0 7269,0 12009,6 17698,3
175 1206,6 12,1 291,2 400,5 546,1 728,2 1092,3 1820,5 2548,7 4005,2 5825,6 8374,4 8374,4 13835,8 20389,6
200 1379,0 13,8 329,7 453,4 618,2 824,3 1236,5 2060,7 9479,7
232 1599,6 16,0 10894,6

High Pressure Meters - Metric

Model 1M300 3M300
Rating 28.3 85.0
Corrected Capacity at
PSIG kPa Bar
Metering Pressure - in Nm3/H
125 861,8 8,6 268,0 803,9
150 1034,2 10,3 316,1 948,1
175 1206,6 12,1 364,1 1092,3
200 1379,0 13,8 412,2 1236,5
250 1723,7 17,2 508,3 1524,8
300 2068,4 20,7 604,5 1813,2

Trouble Shooting Checklist
Trouble Item Possible Cause Remedy
No Flow 1 Obstruction in piping or meter. Check piping and valves to assure an open flow path. Check for impel-
Registered ler rotation. Refer to Step #5 in the “Placing Meter in Line” section of this
manual (page 12).Check for free rotation.

2 Index or RPM wheel does not No gas flow. Open valve or remove obstruction per Item #1.
Low Volume 3 Meter oversized for load. Use proper meter size.
4 Leak at meter bypass. Check bypass and valves.

5 Meter internal friction. See High Differential, Item #6.

High Differen- 6 Buildup of deposits in Flush meter with approved solvent.
tial measuring chamber.

7 Worn bearings or gears. Replace or Return to Dresser Utility Solution’s Product Services
8 High oil level or heavy oil.
Check oil level and cleanliness. Perform differential test.
9 Impellers rubbing cylinder or
headplates, or meter out of Rotate impellers manually to check for binding or rubbing.
time. Refer to the section Placing meter in line.
Remove obstructions and/or time the meter.
Verify that the meter is level.

Dresser Measurement
16240 Port Northwest Drive
Houston, TX 77041
T: 1-800-521-1114
F: 1-800-335-5224

© 2021 Natural Gas Solutions North America, LLC – All rights reserved. Dresser
Utility Solutions reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features
shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice
or obligation. Contact your Dresser Utility Solutions representative for the most
current information. The Dresser Logo and all Trademarks containing the term
“Dresser” are the property of Dresser, LLC, a subsidiary of Baker Hughes.
Series B3 IOM Manual NGS.MI.0019a

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