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DI 600 Direct Injection System

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DI 600

Direct Injection System

10-2016 Rev.00 EN
ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Rev. Date Description of change Created by Approved by

0 October 2016 First issue M2 R&D


3 Introductory note
3 Software
3 Minimum hardware requirements for installation
3 Software distribution
3 Software installation
3 Software distribution by CD
3 Software distribution by Internet
4 Software operation
5 Software program error codes
6 Program home page
10 Configuration
11 Vehicle page - F1
15 Switch over page - F2
17 Sensors page - F3
18 Mapping page - F4
21 OBD page - F5
22 Temperature page - F8
23 Data display
25 Diagnosis
25 "Diagnosis" chart
27 "Controls" chart
28 Reset ECU
29 Save file
30 Load file
31 Reprogramming

The materials and documents of any whatsoever contained and published in this Manual, are made public for and promotional only
and unless otherwise stated, are the exclusive property of Energia Italy who hold the copyrights all over the world and for all the
duration of protection provided by law. Any use not expressly provided shall be deemed prohibited. The Manual and contents
thereof cannot be reproduced, published, transmitted, distributed, displayed, removed, deleted, added to, otherwise, modified to
cerate derivative works from, sold or acquired. All other use of the material contained in this Manual, including reproduction for use
not specified herein, modification, distribution or republication is stricty forbidden without the express written permission Eneriga

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Introductory note

The Software program described in this manual applies to different types of ECUs.
The program automatically recognises the ECU connected to it through the firmware loaded during the initial program-
ming carried out by the manufacturer.

On selecting the different value boxes, the minimum and maximum ranges which can be set will appear.

ATTENTION: if you enter a value that is outside the range, that maximum and minimum applicable value will
be saved. not the previously set value and no warning box will appear.

To activate any change made using the parameter boxes, press Enter.
If you change to another box without pressing Enter, the previous value will remain in force.
The functions available in the drop-down menu appear when you click the relevant box.


Minimum hardware requirements for installation

• Operating system - Windows 98 2nd edition or later versions;
• Memory (RAM) - At least 16 Mbyte;
• Hard disk - At least 20 Mbyte free at time of installation;
• Display resolution - 800 x 600 or more;
• Internet Explorer version 5.5 or better must also have been installed

Software distribution
Energia Italy distributes the software program and future updates by CD or technical assistance:
“www.landi.it/reserved area/download software programs” orsoftware
“http://www.lovatogas.com/php/ita/area_riservata/download by CD. programs”.

Software installation

Go to the distributed
reserved areaby CD
in the LOVATO GAS website then: Download Software LOVATO GAS / Software After Market
/ Software
the CD ID x.x.x.x.
in the computer CD reader and wait until the installation wizard appears.
the installation
you press it, does
the not
start, select
will appear.
from the Application Bar. Select “run” and enter: “D:\setup.exe” (where
is the“Save”.
CD reader).
The PC will ask confirmation about the where the download is to be saved to (usually the desktop),
confirm.installation, you will be asked in which directory you want to install the program: we suggest not changing the
When the directory.
file has downloaded fully (download time depends on the speed of your Internet connection) the program
icon willtheappear
on thehas
been completed,
screen. the program icon will remain on the desktop screen.
Click on distribution
the icon and by Internet
select: setup.exe.
Go to the
When the reserved
RENZO thewebsite
will remainSoftware
on the desktop
Landi Renzo
/ Software After Market
/ Software LR Omegas I.D.
When you press: LR Omegas Software Program, the download window will appear.
Press “Save”. The PC will ask confirmation about the where the download is to be saved to (usually the desktop),
When the file has downloaded fully (download time depends on the speed of your Internet connection) the program
icon will appear on the desktop screen.
Click on the icon and select: setup.exe.

When the installation has been completed, the program icon will remain on the desktop screen.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Software operation
The calibration Software can also be started without being connected to the ECU.
The ECU and PC have to be connected with a suitable module adaptor. Depending on the characteristics of your PC,
use the related module: version for Serial USB; version for Serial RS232; WIRELESS SERIAL KIT; USB/RS232 adaptor.
In addition, the ECU must be powered by a +12 Volt battery (Red/Black wire) and earth (Black wire) and with 12V when
the ignition is ON (instrument panel lit - engine off).
Start the program by clicking on the specific icon on the monitor screen.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Software program error codes


ECU off, incorrectly wired, cable disconnected, serial
Can't find an ECU to connect with. Can't
C10 interface faulty, USB drivers not installed, ZigBee too
far away or not linked.
Can't connect with the ECU. ECU in boot The ECU is in the boot loader. Before connecting, make
loader. sure you load with compatible firmware.
Can't connect with the ECU. ECU model You are connecting with an Energia Italy product but
incompatible. it is not ENR3000A, ENR3000B DI108, DI60.
Can't connect with the ECU. Can't ask the
C13 Contact R+D.
ECU for the client code
ECU OK, connection OK, SW OK, but there is a cus-
Can't connect with the ECU. Client code not
C14 tomised setting on the ECU that is different from that
available on the SW.
Can't connect with the ECU. The current
C15 Obsolete SW. Update the SW.
software is not compatible.
Can't connect. The ECU memory is not
C16 Contact R+D.


P10 Can't reprogram the ECU. Wrong connection.
P12 Can't reprogram the ECU. The current ECU is not compatible.
P13 Can't reprogram the ECU. Can't correctly identify an ECU.
P14 Can't reprogram the ECU. The current client ECU is not compatible.
P15 Can't reprogram the ECU. Can't decrypt the file selected.
Attention! The firmware selected is not suit-
P16 Firmware not recognised.
ed to this ECU.

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Program home page

A The main menu and drop down sub-menu on the

home page lets you access different software calibration

Exit: lets you exit software calibration.

Connect/Disconnect: lets you connect/disconnect the
gas ECU from the software calibration.

• Off-line ECU Simulation (3000B; DI108; DI60): on

selecting the ECU model, you can display and load
the programming files for just the model of ECU se-
lected. Alternatively, simultaneously press "Ctrl+A".

NOTE: With no ECU connected, the program is set

for the 3000B ECU Use Ctrl+A to change the ECU
settings. Base settings: 3000B no reference; with the
DI108 and DI60 ECUs, the following wording appears.


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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Language: click on the flag to select the software lan-

guage. Confirm your choice with "Select".

View: Lets you set the view of the software to meet your
needs. The view options are as follows:

• Main menu (Ctrl+M): takes you back to the main

menu at any time regardless of what menu you are
using at that time.
• Toolbar to the side (Ctrl+T): lets you always have
the main menu in view at the left 1 side of the con-
figuration menu. The arrow at the top left or the
menu item Unlocked Toolbar let you view the main
menu in a separate window 2 which you can place
1 2 wherever you want on the screen.
• Zoom: lets you set the Software view in Window
mode (Ctrl+F), default setting or in Full Screen
mode (Ctrl+I).

Acquisition: use this menu to detect problems in the gas

• Start acquisition (Ctrl+R): when the “RED” dot is lit,
this indicates that the program has started the acqui-
sition procedure (function available with the engine
switched off or running). You can repeat the proce-
dure to detect the problem several times. When you
feel you have acquired sufficient data, press Stop ac-
quisition (Ctrl+S). The program needs to save the
acquired data which will be archived in the “Acquisi-
tion” file.
• Graphs: lets you open the saved acquisition or other
previously created files.

There is a more detailed description of the Acquisition

menu in the "DISPLAY DATA" section.

Start acquiring Ctrl+R

Stop acquiring Ctrl+S

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About - provides information about the version of soft-

ware installed.

B Program page selection keys.

C PC/ECU communication status bar.

In sequence:
ECU not connected / (FW:Type ...; HW:...) - shows
whether the ECU is connected to or disconnected from
the Software.

If the ECU is connected through a wireless interface, the

strength of the signal is shown by a bar with vertical red

It is important to remember that any settings made with

an unconnected ECU will be lost when the ECU is con-
B nected unless they have been previously saved in a con-
figuration file (see "Load File" menu).
On connecting the ECU (Ctrl+C or “Connect” on the
drop-down menu), the SW will automatically try to con-
nect with the ECU.
When the connection is made, the left side of the bar will
change colour and description.

NOTE: If the PC fails to connect, a window will appear

showing an Error Code (e.g. "ERR.CODE: C10"). See
NECTION ERRORS on page 5 of this manual to find a
solution for the problem.

LPG - CNG - shows the type of fuel selected when the

program is being saved (the type of fuel can be selected
C from the sub-menu "Type of fuel " on the "Vehicle - F1")

Configuration - this is the name used for the calibration

map on the ECU (displays max 28 characters for model
3000B and 43 characters for models DI108 and DI60).

NOTE: To load a pre-existing configuration, the ECU

must be connected to the configuration software (see
the "LOAD FILE")section

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Firmware - shows the version of firmware loaded in the

ECU to which it is connected. To update the firmware,
click "REPROGRAM" on the Software home page and
when the Import window opens, select new firmware
from those displayed.

(No Engine) / LRxID_14T_12_ .... - shows the specific

configuration parameters for the vehicle selected from
the program library which is accessed from the "Vehicle
- F1" page; when you click on "Vehicle Parameters" 1 a
tree menu will appear to let you select your configuration
NOTE: It is important to remember that all settings
made with an unconnected ECU will be deleted when
the ECU is connected unless they have been previous-
ly saved in a configuration file.

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The "Configuration" section contains pages that you can access by clicking the relative tab
(e.g. "Vehicle", "Changeover" etc.), or by pressing the appropriate function key on the com-
puter keyboard (F1, F2, etc.).

► To set the key calibration control parameters: vehicle data, RPM,

type of fuel, injector and regulator pressure.

► To set the parameters and modes which affect the fuel switch
over from petrol to gas.

► To select the type of gas level sensor connected and the gas and
MAP pressure sensors.

► To display the coefficients of multiplication, known as K, used by

Gas map
the ECU for calculating GAS injection times.

► To carry out "On-Board Diagnostics" (OBD). From here, you can

also display system reports.

► For setting gas temperature and engine temperature sensors.


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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Vehicle Vehicle page - F1



2 3 4 5

1 Panel showing instantaneous data about:

• type of fuel used: petrol or gas G ;

• The presence (in red) or absence (in grey) of power from the ignition circuit;
• The LED bar which shows the amount fuel in the GAS tank.
• ! The presence of this signal denotes an error in the "DIAGNOSIS" page (see main
The panel with the arrow at the top left lets you unpin the bar with the instantaneous data
and position it or minimise it as you please.

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2 2 Panel showing instantaneous data about:

• RPM: i.e. the engine speed signalled in real time from the gas ECU.
• Lambda 1: sensor reading. To see the values read by the sensor, in
addition to connecting the PURPLE wire, you also have to set the
CUT-OFF sensor connection in "Lambda".
• Lambda 2: sensor reading. To see the values read by the sensor , in
addition to connecting the PURPLE/BLACK wire, you also have to
set the sensor connection in "Lambda".
• CUT-OFF: this appears when the system that feeds fuel to the injectors
is interrupted.

3 3
• GAS (Tinj.gas) and BENZINA (Tinj.benz) INJECTION TIMES differ for
every injector in order of the sequence of cable connection (A-B-C-D)
and the cut-off of petrol injectors by means of paired wires: Blue;
Red; Green; Yellow.

• TEMPERATURE GAS (Temp.gas): is the temperature of gas meas-
ured by the gas sensor (depending on the ECU used, the sensor
is positioned on the injector rails or on the pipe which connects the
regulator for pressure/injectors).
• TEMPERATURE REGULATOR (Temp. rid): detects the temperature
from the water temperature sensor (positioned on the pressure
regulator heater hose or on the regulator itself).

• GAS PRESSURE (Press.gas): is the gas pressure reading at the gas
injector inlet.
• MAP: is the inlet pressure reading in the inlet manifold.
• Press Diff: is the difference between the gas pressure and the pres-
sure in the inlet manifold (MAP). This difference shows the real time
pressure of the gas being fed.
6 • P1: real petrol pressure, read by the petrol high pressure sensor.

6 This panel shows the connection/disconnection status of the OBD

communication protocol and the type of protocol used for the connection
(data shown below the connector symbol).

Connection active.

Connection inactive.

In addition, if OBD errors are detected, the following symbols may appear:

OBD errors detected.

OBD errors deleted.
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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Panel which shows the parameters read by the OBD:

• The value of the slow trimmer (FUEL TRIM LONG) expressed as a percentage.
• The value of the fast trimmer (FUEL TRIM SHORT) expressed as a percentage.
• The voltage reading for the REAR LAMBDA SENSOR.
• The voltage reading for the FRONT LAMBDA SENSOR.
• BANK1: CLOSED LOOP appears when the PETROL ECU manages the injection
time based on values taken from the lambda sensor.
• BANK1: OPEN LOOP appears when the PETROL ECU manages the injection time
independently of the values taken from the lambda sensor.
• BANK1: TRANSIENT OPEN LOOP) appears when the PETROL ECU manages the
injection time independently of the values taken from the lambda sensor for just a brief
moment before passing to being managed by CLOSED LOOP.
• Engine temperature in °C.


B 1 VEHICLE PARAMETERS: on pressing "Load",

2 you can select the configuration files from a tree
menu (see page 9).

This parameter tells the ECU how many cylinders the engine has and
therefore how many injectors it must manage.
Set 3 - 4 cylinders as appropriate.
In the version for DI108 5, 6 or 8 cylinders can be set.

3 3 RPM Signal type*: Standard / Weak. Leave

the setting at “Standard” with signals that vary
between 5V and 12V. Select “Weak” with signals
that vary between 2V and 5V.

NOTE: Select WEAK signal if the RPM input is being sent to the ignition coil
amplifier; Select STANDARD in the event of connecting two wires to the neg-
ative pole of the ignition coil. If connecting instead to the rpm counter, you can
use either setting although WEAK SIGNAL is preferable. With signals lower
than 2V, you need to fit an additional signal amplifier.


Mono-coil, Dual-coil, rpm counter, rpm Counter 2. This information is

used by the ECU to correctly calculate the RPM setting that it uses in fuel
mapping and as a safety system. If the engine is accidentally switched off,
when the ECU senses no RPM signals but ignition on, it cuts off the power
supply to the solenoids on the regulator and fuel tank.
Select Mono-coil if the engine has one coil per cylinder and the signal is
taken from the coil negative pole or transistor. Select Dual-coil if the engine
has one coil for two cylinders and the signal is taken from the coil negative
pole or transistor.

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NOTE: some engines with one coil per cylinder may need this selection.
In other cases, select the rpm counter option. Select rpm counter 2 if
the rpm levels seen in the “rpm counter” setting are two times the real



1 TYPE OF FUEL*: LPG / CNG: select the type of fuel used.

2 TYPE OF INJECTOR*: this window lets you select the type of GAS
2 injector supplied in the installation kit. In the event of loading a previously
ENERGIA ITALY saved configuration, this window shows the type of gas injector provided
ENERGIA ITALY for in the configuration file.


3 PRESSURE REGULATOR* (range 0.8 - 5 bar): in this window, you can

adjust the regulator fuel feed pressure set during the initial vehicle calibra-
tion phase.

To adjust the pressure on the pressure regulator:

• run the engine at tick-over on gas and adjust the regulator using the screw;
• check the pressure reached by the regulator in "Press.gas".
In this way, the software can correctly calculate the pressure compensation.

ATTENTION: some vehicles at tick-over nay run on PETROL, in this

case, you will need to keep the engine running fast so as to exit
from PETROL mode.

ATTENTION: changing parameters in an existing calibration file

marked with an asterisk will affect the proper running of the gas
system as these parameters are preset during the initial vehicle
calibration phase.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Changeover Changeover page - F2


1 1 RPM THRESHOLD FOR CHANGEOVER (range 0-3000 RPM): identifies the RPM at
which the switch over from PETROL TO GASoccurs.

[20 - 90] 2 2 REGULATOR TEMPERATURE FOR CHANGEOVER (range 20-90° C): indicates the
temperature which the sensor must detect so that switch over to gas is allowed. If while
running on gas, the temperature drops below the value set, the ECU will continue running
in gas mode.
This parameter can be personalised for engine type and at the user's discretion; however, if
you sett a temperature which is too low, the switch over from PETROL TO -GAS might take
place before the regulator is sufficiently hot and this would hinder the correct feed of gas.
If you set a temperature which is too high, too much time would pass before the switch
over between to GAS.

[20 - 250] 3 3 DELAY IN PETROL-GAS CHANGEOVER (range 20-250): indicates the minimum time
and the RPM setting from when "ignition on " is detected and the RPM reading so that the
switch over from PETROL to GAS occurs. This time remains fixed whether the engine is
hot or cold. With the engine hot, once the time set in "CHANGEOVER DELAY" has passed
the RPM switch over threshold, the ECU allows the change to gas. With the engine cold, in
addition to the above-mentioned parameters for changing to gas, the temperature for switch
over must also exceed the value set.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

4 START & STOP: if you enable this function, the

4 system will continue running despite the loss of RPM
signals and will recognise the situation as operating on
"ignition on signal" only condition (15). This system also
allows the reading of RPM signals when connected to
the ignition coil. In “Stop”, RPM signals are absent. This
function allows the engine to start on gas after an “S &
S” and avoids the initial delay in the P/G switch over . If
the function is enabled, the program displays the supply
connection warning.

NOTE: the system normally enables the safety func-

tion when there are no RPM signals. In this case, to
ensure that the solenoid (tank and pressure regulator)
remain open in the event of an impact, the ignition wire
(15) has to be connected to the petrol pump power sup-
ply control or to an ignition that is independent of the
inertial switch.
When a STOP condition is recognised, after 3 seconds,
the GAS SOLENOIDS will be closed and will then auto-
matically re-open at the nest START.


CHANGEOVER, when this function is enables, the fol-
lowing wording appears: ENGINE TEMPERATURE FOR
CHANGEOVER (range 50-215)
Shows the temperature which the engine must reach to
before switch over to GAS is allowed.
This parameter, detected by the OBD system, needs specific
cables to be connected to the vehicle diagnosis connector.
6 TYPE OF CHANGEOVER - In acceleration; in de-
To implement the switch over to gas when you set:
• In acceleration: the number of engine revs must
exceed the threshold set in “RPM threshold for
switch over ”.
• In deceleration: the system must recognise higher
then lower revs than the value set in “RPM threshold
for switch over" and the condition of petrol cut-off.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Sensors Sensors page - F3





A Type of gas level sensor: lets you select the type of gas level sensor installed. The following
level indicators are available 1 : ENERGIA ITALY - LANDI - 0 - 90 OHM - Non standard - Inverted
non standard The preset sensors: ENERGIA ITALY, LANDI and 0-90 OHM, have pre-loaded fuel level
thresholds in the Software preset, so the fuel level boxes are not active.
With the “Non standard” and “Inverted non standard” options, you can personalise the settings for
the type of gas level sensors used and set suitable ascending or descending thresholds in the “1/4”,
”2/4” and “3/4” “Reserve” boxes.
The following procedure lets you set the thresholds at which the lights on the LED display on the
switch come on:

Important: the following procedure needs the manual input of some information in certain
boxes. To save the value entered in the box and before going to the next box, press Enter
on the computer keyboard.

• With the fuel tank completely empty, put in the amount of fuel you want to consider as the “Re-
serve” level;
• connect the ECU with the computer then turn the switch to petrol mode;
• enter the number which appears in 4 "Level" in the 2 "Reserve" box.
• fill the fuel tank up to the top;
• enter the values 3 in proportional scale between the maximum value that appeared in 4 "Level"
and the value previously entered in "Reserve".

Recognition strategy for full gas. If you select “Enable Recognition strategy for full gas ” 5 and the
system passes back to petrol due to a low level of gas (low gas pressure with the indicator showing
RESERVE), the level measured by the indicator is saved. In this case, every time you turn the engine
on, if the level of gas measured by the sensor is greater than the level set in “Increase in level due to
recognition of full gas”, gas functioning mode is automatically set.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Gas map Mapping page - F4


This chart shows the coefficients of multiplication, known as K, used by

the ECU for calculating GAS injection times.
The three variables of the main fuel mapping system are as follows:
- RPM on the X axis;
- Petrol injection time (Tinj) on the Y axis;
- K Coefficient in the cells.

The calculation chain for gas injection times is obtained from:

1 • petrol injection time
• petrol injector dead time
• gas injector dead time
• map K coefficient
• gas pressure compensation
• water temperature compensation

The dot on the map identifies the RPM and petrol injection times of the
engine at that moment.
the colour of the dot and the symbol 1 indicate the fuel supply status of
the engine:
RED: engine running on petrol;
BLUE: engine running on gas.

Connecting to the vehicle OBD socket displays the parameters for fuel feed
while the engine is running on (Slow and Fast Trimmers) 2 expressed as
positive or negative percentages.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

3 3 Changing map references: you can change

the map break points respectively for:
• RPM (range: 0 - 8000)
• Petrol injection times (Tinj range: 0 - 12 ms)
To optimise the fuel feed map, we recommend limiting the
values based on the characteristics of the engine and identify-
ing the maximum rev limit and maximum petrol injection time.
To adjust these values, set the new values then press OK.

NOTE: Changing the parameters on an existing calibration

map may lead to incorrect fuel supply.


• Check that the vehicle is driving properly;
• ensure that the OBD trimmers (fast and slow) do not affect
the fuel supply in such a way as to lead the ECU astray.
• check that in determined fixed points on the map, the
OBD trimmers remain at roughly the same values wheth-
er the engine is running on petrol or gas.

Pressing the 4 Petrol/Gas panel lets you switch directly be-

tween the two fuels and avoid the delays set by the system
(manual pressure on the switch).

ATTENTION: when making trimmer adjustments, it is

important that they remain as stable as possible in-
side a map cell.

NOTE: during these checks, variations in RRPM or engine

load will not provide accurate data.

5 With the dot inside a single cell, check that the trimmers
5 (fast and slow) remain at roughly the same values whether
the engine is running on petrol or gas.
If these values do not match, make manual adjustments on
the map.

• With the RPM and engine load stabilised at various points

of the map, press the switch.

In the first few seconds after the switch to gas, you can ob-
serve the change in trimmer settings.

Double clicking on a single cell will let you modify mapping

values. If you select “Absolute” mode, the written number
is the number that will appear in the cell. If you select “Rel-
ative” mode, the written number is the number that will be
added to or subtracted from the number currently shown in
the cell. If you select “Percentage” mode, the written number
is the percentage increase that will be added to the number
currently shown in the cell.

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WARNING In “Absolute” mode, the program suggests an

estimated value of the correction (trim) to be implemented.
We advise you to think very carefully about whether to ac-
cept that value or whether to vary very slightly the value to
be entered. If you want to modify fuel feed during moments
of “fuel transition”, you need to select a number of cells at
the same time; in this case, “Percentage” mode is more
appropriate for better mapping results.

6 Enable map colouring: lets you colour cells on the map
7 in a shade of red that is proportional to the K correction factor.
7 Petrol tick-over mode: if the engine revs drop below
the “Minimum tick-over" level”, the system will switch to run
on petrol and will remain as such until the revs go back to
above the threshold.
8 Leaving petrol tick-over: if the engine revs drop below
the “Minimum tick-over" level”, the system will switch to run
on petrol but will only remain as such for a certain number of
injections and will then go back to running on gas.

9 MAP RESET: press the key on the initial configuration


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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

OBD page - F5

1 2

The functions of this page are set when the calibration file is created and it is best not to modify them unless
advised to do so by the Technical Assistance dept. These functions however are as follows. Changing the
status of the "ticks" for items or some parameters can interrupt communication between the OBD system and
the engine electronics.

1 Enable vehicle diagnostic connection: lets you enable the OBD (On Board Diagnostics) connection in
one of the possible connection modes.

2 VW OPTION: used exclusively with calibration files dedicated to engines made by the Volkswagen Group.

3 Selection of OBD protocols

• Automatic selection: when you enable this connection mode, the software will automatically try to connect
with the vehicle by testing all the possible OBD connections until it finds the right one.
• Manual selection: enabling this connection mode, you can select the type of vehicle OBD connection by
choosing from the list shown.

4 Scanning mode: alphanumeric OBD connection coupling codes.

5 Errors in the OBD: this panel shows if there are any errors in the OBD system that have been detected
by the petrol injection ECU and displayed by the MIL warning lights on the dashboard.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Temperature Temperature page - F8



The functions on this page are programmed when the calibration file was created and we do not recommend
changing them.

1 Type of gas temperature sensor: select the type of gas temperature sensor fitted to the units from "in
acceleration" and "in deceleration".

2 Use vehicle engine temperature sensor: usually an NTC 4K7 sensor is used to measure the regulator tem-
perature. To use the original engine temperature sensor, you will need to type the engine sensor using the table 3 .

Table 3 lists the main gas injection times with based on temperature. The first row is the temperature value (in
°C). This cannot be changed directly so in “T. Min" you will have to set it the first temperature value in the table,
the maximum value in “T. max” and the difference between one value and the next in “Delta T”. The second row
is the voltage value (in Volts) associated with the same temperature.
To change to the suggested injection time values, double click on the preset value: the dialogue window 4 will
open for the introduction of values in Absolute, Relative or Percentage mode.

NOTE: The signal from the temperature sensor fitted to the pressure regulator heating hose is used for
calculating the gas injection times.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10




Data display
This page was designed to be fast and easy to consult the more important parameters to be checked during gas oper-

A A ACQUISITION: this menu is used to detect problems in the gas system.

The drop down menu lets you set:
Start acquiring Ctrl+R • Start acquisition
Stop acquiring Ctrl+S • Stop acquisition
• Graph
• Send e-mail
Send e-mail

Start acquisition (Ctrl+R): when the “RED” dot is lit, this indicates that the
program has started the acquisition procedure (function available with the
engine switched off or running). You can repeat the procedure to detect the
problem several times.
When you feel you have acquired sufficient data, press Stop acquisition
(Ctrl+S). The program needs to save the acquired data which will be archived
in the “Acquisition” file.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Graph: lets you open the saved acquisi-

tion or other previously created files. The
graph shown the traces of all the signals
• RPM: engine revs x 1000.
• LAMBDA1: value of the lambda sen-
sor (detected on the PURPLE wire if
• LAMBDA2: value of the lambda sen-
sor (detected on the PURPLE/BLACK
wire if connected).
• TINJGAS (1-2-3-4): opening time of
the gas injectors.
• TINJBENZ (1-2-3-4): opening time of
the petrol injectors.
• TEMPGAS (x 10): gas temperature
value detected by the specific sensor
multiplied by 10.
• TEMPRID (x 10): water temperature
value detected by the specific sensor
multiplied by 10.
• MAP: Value of the vacuum in the inlet
manifold expressed in bars.

Clicking on the parameter indication panels lets you select only the parameters that interest
you in trying to identify problems.
Selecting only indispensable parameters, the graph becomes clearer; in addition, you can
use the mouse to zoom in on specific details in the graph. You can also print.

Identifying the items in the panels is not complex with tools that show the values that are
expressed numerically and displayed with a scale showing maximum and minimum values.

B Gas temperature
C Water temperature
F Gas pressure
G Gas injection times
H Petrol injection times
I Any errors saved in Diagnosis
J Petrol/gas/petrol switch key
K Ignition absent (grey), present (red)
L OBD absent (barred), present (green)

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10



"Diagnosis" chart
A Enabling diagnosis checks: when the GAS ECU detects a system malfunction of a component A , it
applies the action that was selected in the B "Action in the event of an error" box that corresponds with
the error C detected. Use D "Select all/ deselect all" to tick/untick all the boxes.

The possible actions B are as follows:

• Notification only
• Switch over to petrol

The C "Diagnosis" column indicates the corresponding defect with an “ERROR” message.
If an error is displayed, after the problem that caused it to occur has been resolved, you can reset with D "Reset

Every error detected matching the "Switch over to petrol" action leads to automatic switching to petrol and is
signalled through the switch by the YELLOW LED staying lit, the GREEN LED blinking slowly and the buzzer

To deactivate the buzzer: press the button on the switch which will change the vehicle from running on Gas to

To go back to running on GAS, you will need to switch the vehicle off then start it again.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10



GAS INJECTORS The Diagnosis column signals the injector corre- Possible damage to the wiring for the
sponding to the wiring it is connected to (A,B,C or relative injector or in the ECU.
D). THE error is signalled about the corresponding
matching gas injector when the ECU fails to recog-
nise the preset parameters for the injector to work
SWITCH This error is signalled in only two types of condition. Possible damage to the wiring, to the
PRESENT • During installation if the switch fitted is not com- switch or to the ECU.
patible with the ECU;
• During normal operation if 1 hour has passed
since the last time power was supplied or the ig-
nition was on, an error message will be signalled
if the electronics in the switch fails to "dialogue"
with the ECU.
The error (normally "Notification only") will reset
every time the switch "dialogues" correctly with the
GAS TEMPERA- Diagnosis starts if the ECU measures a gas tempera- Possible damage to the wiring, to the
TURE SENSOR ture for 10 seconds that is lower than or greater than sensoror to the ECU.
the values set alongside the gas temperature string.
WATER TEMPERA- Diagnosis starts if the signal from the vehicle temper- Possible damage to the wiring, to the
TURE SENSOR ature sensor or optional sensor is missing for 10 full switch or to the ECU.
seconds or if the ECU measures a water tempera-
ture that is lower than or greater than the values set
alongside the water temperature string.
MAP SENSOR An error is signalled if, while running on gas, the Possible damage to wiring, to the sen-
pressure detected does not stay within the preset sor or to the ECU.
parameters for the correct functioning of the sensor,
for 3 seconds.
GAS PRESSURE An error is signalled if, while running on gas, the Possible damage to wiring, to the sen-
SENSOR pressure detected does not stay within the preset sor or to the ECU.
parameters for the correct functioning of the sensor,
for 3 seconds.
REGULATOR IT is possible to diagnose a short circuit or open Possible damage to coil or ECU.
SOLENOID/TANK circuit on each coil of the gas shut-off solenoids if the
SOLENOID power consumption for each of them, measured for
2 seconds, falls outside the operating range.
OBD CONNECTION With this software version, diagnosis is only enabled Possible damage to wiring or ECU.
if "VWOPTION" is ticked in the "Configuration" "OBD
F5" page. The error occurs, if during "Warm-up", the
ECU fails to communicate with the OBD system.
PETROL PRES- The error occurs when the engine is running on petrol Possible damage to wiring or ECU. The
SURE SENSOR and the ECU reads values that are higher or lower cause of the problem may also be found
than the preset parameters. in the petrol management system but in
this case, the MIL warning light would
light up with an error message.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10


"Controls" chart

A Connection checks: if you select one of the headings and press

1 (red active - black inactive) you can check the following:
• Switch: all the LEDs come on in sequence and the buzzer
1 sounds.
• Solenoid 1: the ECU powers the pressure regulator solenoid.
• Solenoid 2: The ECU powers the tank multivalve solenoid or
the shut-off valves (if present) on the gas bottles and any other
component connected to the White/Blue - White/Black wires.
B B Operating times (hh:mm): separately counts the time the
engine has been running on gas and on petrol. The times are
displayed in multiples of 20 minutes.

NOTE: the times saved will be reset if the ECU is reprogrammed

with new firmware or with a new programming file.

C Petrol-gas injector association test: this lets you test that the gas injectors are working properly and
that they are correctly associated with the petrol injectors. Click on the gas injector you want to test (while
running on gas), the symbol will change colour and the corresponding cylinder will be fuelled with petrol.
This function allows you to carry out various checks:
• to check the right sequence of petrol injector cut-off/gas injector connection.
• to identify any defects on injectors without having to manually check injector/inlet manifold piping.
to identify which injector might be creating the problem, press the injector symbol in sequence. In this
fashion, the cylinder corresponding with the deactivated injector will be fuelled with petrol thus letting you
identify the defective gas injector.

NOTE: When you exit the Diagnosis menu, all the injectors will be fuelled by gas.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Reset ECU
Before you reset the ECU, you will be asked to confirm the action.
This is a quick way to cancel all the parameters and make the ECU "neutral".
It is not always possible to cancel all the parameters if you load a calibration file created with a SW
version that differs from the previous version as, if in the new file, one or more parameters have not
been set (because they weren't needed), the ECU may save the values from the previous calibration file.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Save file
Accessing SAVE FILE lets you save configuration files to the computer. The program automatically
opens the dialogue window.
Selecting the type of fuel CNG or LPG in “CONFIGURATION -VEHICLE F1” affects saving files in the
relative folder.
IT is at the operator's discretion whether to save the file in a specific car manufacturer's folder or in a
common fuel type folder. The name the file shows in the panel is the same as that which appears in the
lower panel string "Configuration". The program automatically saves the file with the ".dln" extension for
3000B UCUs and with ".dl8" for the DI108 and DI60.

Any other car manufacturer folders not on the can be created on your computer.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10


Load file
Accessing Load file lets you load archived maps.
Select "Type of fuel" A as the first parameter. The system will automatically detect the type of ECO
connected and display only the configuration files which can be loaded.
With no ECU connected, the program is set for the 3000B ECU
To change the ECU setting, you have to go back to the program home page and change the setting
with Ctrl+A. Default setting: 3000B no reference; with the DI108 and DI60
ECUs, the respective models appear.
Going back to "Load file" the "List of configuration files" B will only show
appropriate maps with the ".dln" 1 extension for 3000B ECUs and with
".dl8" 2 for the DI108 and DI60.
You can also tick the heading C "Load files from the standard folder" or
Ctrl press "Change folder" and look in other folders.
By entering a key word or initials in the search D panel, you can reduce
the search to a smaller number of files.
Once you have selected the map you want, the name of the file and other
relevant notes will appear in the E "File name" and (*) Notes" panels.
Pressing F "Load" starts the ECU programming procedure.

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ISW ID EN - Rev.00 2016-10

Every SW program always contains "FIRMWARE" (the man-
agement program present in the ECU) that has been updated
for every model of ECU.
The first part of the description indicated the model of ECU, the
number after the "#" indicates the number (always increasing)
of the update .
Firmware updates between when a SW program was released
and the next version are distributed by the usual LR communi-
cation channels (website, e-mail etc.).
To find the path you need to save programming files (Firmware)
simply open the drop-down menu.
To load the FIRMWARE to the ECU, press "REPROGRAM",
select the update file and press "Open".

NOTE: Before updating any FIRMWARE, make sure that the

ECU is connected to the computer.
Information about ECU connection status appears at the bot-
tom left of the main menu screen.

This document is the property of Energia Italy. It cannot be distributed or copied without prior written approval. 31 - 32
Leopoldstrasse 244, 80807 München/Germany
Tel. +49 (0)89 208039 226
E-Mail. info@energiaalliance.com
Web: www.energiaitaly.com

Sistema Qualità Certificato ISO 9001:2008

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