XDM Converged MSPP and All-Range™ ROADM: General Description
XDM Converged MSPP and All-Range™ ROADM: General Description
XDM Converged MSPP and All-Range™ ROADM: General Description
Version 7.2.2
XDM (ETSI) General Description
Catalog No: X37365
March 2009
1 Edition
Figure 6-6: Seamless GbE/FC transport from access to core ..................................... 6-12
Figure 6-7: OMTR27_2 transponder block diagram .................................................... 6-14
Figure 6-8: OMCM25_4 multi-rate combiner block diagram ........................................ 6-15
Figure 6-9: CMTR25 in mixed module mode ............................................................... 6-16
Figure 6-10: CMTR25 typical usage ............................................................................ 6-16
Figure 6-11: AoC: typical configuration ........................................................................ 6-17
Figure 6-12: AoC: ring-based services for GbE, FC1, FC2, OTU1, and STM-16 ........ 6-19
Figure 6-13: AoC: routing traffic from access to ring.................................................... 6-20
Figure 6-14: AoC: GCC in-band remote management capabilities.............................. 6-21
Figure 6-15: AoC: dual homing protection ................................................................... 6-22
Figure 6-16: AoC: STM-1/STM-4 cross connect capabilities ....................................... 6-23
Figure 6-17: AoC: next generation transport WDM ...................................................... 6-24
Figure 6-18: AoC: full equipment protection................................................................. 6-25
Figure 6-19: AoC: network protection .......................................................................... 6-26
Figure 6-20: AoC: optical DRI protection ..................................................................... 6-27
Figure 6-21: AoC protection mixture ............................................................................ 6-28
Figure 6-22: SFF, SFP, and XFP examples................................................................. 6-29
Figure 6-23: Typical MO_OFA_PHBC application in a fully redundant
ROADM node ............................................................................................................... 6-34
Figure 6-24: OFA_R in a bidirectional distributed amplification application................. 6-35
Figure 6-25: OPM cards location and connections to the network manager ............... 6-36
Figure 6-26: Typical OPM configuration in an ROADM site ......................................... 6-37
Figure 6-27: Adding nodes using the OMSP................................................................ 6-38
Figure 6-28: PELES ..................................................................................................... 6-40
Figure 7-1: Aurora-G in P2P Ethernet over DWDM configuration ................................. 7-7
Figure 7-2: XDM ATM approach .................................................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-3: ATS ports ..................................................................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-4: TPM protection - four groups of 1:1 ........................................................... 7-11
Figure 8-1: ASON example implementation scenario (Source ITU-T) ........................... 8-2
Figure 8-2: Control plane architecture ............................................................................ 8-3
Figure 8-3: Control plane interfaces ............................................................................... 8-5
Figure 8-4: Three-layered ASON architecture in the XDM ............................................ 8-6
Figure 8-5: ASON-XDM family portfolio ....................................................................... 8-12
Figure 8-6: XDM network architecture with ASON ....................................................... 8-14
Figure 9-1: Integrating a variety of DCN schemes ......................................................... 9-5
Figure 9-2: DCC to VC-12 Clear Channel conversion ................................................... 9-7
Figure 9-3: Point-to-point DCC transparency ................................................................. 9-8
Figure 9-4: Integrating communication channels ......................................................... 9-10
Figure 10-1: 1++ protection .......................................................................................... 10-4
In this chapter:
The Future's Bright for Carrier Class Optical Networking .............................. 1-1
XDM: Today's Challenges and Tomorrow's Goals ......................................... 1-5
Optimized Network Convergence ................................................................... 1-6
Converging Functional Layers......................................................................... 1-8
XDM Product Lines: Tailored to Your Needs ................................................. 1-9
Next-Generation 40/80 Channel ROADM .................................................... 1-10
Carrier Class MPLS/Ethernet Service ........................................................... 1-18
Next-Generation SDH.................................................................................... 1-23
Introducing ASON in the XDM..................................................................... 1-24
End to End Layered Management ................................................................. 1-26
XDM's Unique Value Proposition ................................................................. 1-27
Comprehensive Solution for All Your Applications ..................................... 1-30
The XDM platform is the optimal choice for providing the range of services
expected by today's market. Traditional TDM services are declining steadily.
The market today demands packet-based VPNs, VoIP, IPTV, VoD, and HSI.
Consumers are looking for fast web browsing, interactive gaming, music,
video, and more personalized services.
Today's Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) must meet a dual demand
for NG-SDH as well as full triple play service. Mobile operators must meet a
demand for the 3G networks that are the wave of the future. Businesses must
respond to an ever-increasing range of required services, moving from more
basic point-to-point (P2P) networks into expanded multipoint-to-multipoint
(MP2MP) networks, with all their associated benefits and complexities.
The XDM platform is the natural choice for satisfying these market demands.
Its unique architecture creates a seamless convergence of transmission
technologies. All-Range 10-degree ROADM and C/DWDM interworking
capabilities are combined with carrier Ethernet over MPLS and NG-SDH
MSPP to address any transport need.
The XDM's flexible build-as-you-grow architecture allows you to design a
configuration tailored to your individual requirements and preferences. The
XDM's modular cards and components are interchangeable between platforms,
enabling you to design the optimal solution for your customers' specific needs.
These modular cards and components are described in greater detail in MPLS
and Ethernet Data Solution (on page 5-1), MSPP Components and Service
Cards (on page 7-1), and WDM Optical Components and Service Cards (on
page 6-1). In addition, the shelf layout has been designed to facilitate simple
installation and easy maintenance. The convenient shelf layouts are described
in XDM Platform Layout (on page 4-1). The complete system architecture has
been designed to integrate all services and interfaces within a single converged
framework. This allows you to choose the range of services and interfaces best
suited to your requirements. The system architecture is described in System
Architecture (on page 3-1).
When SPs consider ROADM deployment, they expect the following features:
| Flexible wavelength assignment and reassignment, simplifying the
planning process and eliminating the need to predict future traffic flow
| Ability to create complex optical topologies, such as:
Subtending CWDM and SDH ring closure
Multi-ring DWDM hub
Mixed mesh and ring topologies
| CAPEX savings:
Eliminating regeneration in both ring and hub nodes
Coarse and Dense WDM interworking eliminating back-to-back
Reducing spare inventory with widely tunable laser transceivers
Reducing gain tilt in regional/long-haul networks, thereby extending the
distance between regeneration points
| OPEX savings through fewer manual operations, such as:
'SDH-like' provisioning, making wavelength provisioning as simple and
quick as an STM-1
Remote provisioning and reconfiguration using software-adjustable
Enhanced automatic power balancing and channel equalization
The XDM 10-degree ROADM supports all these benefits and more.
The following figure illustrates the 'any wavelengths to any port' flexibility of
the multi-degree ROADM. WSS technology enables multi-degree applications
with the ability to create subtending networks directly from the WSS.
The XDM is the optimal choice for providing data-centric services, including:
| Ethernet Line (E-Line) for P2P connectivity, used to create Ethernet
private line services, Ethernet-based Internet access services, and P2P
Ethernet VPNs. These include:
Ethernet Private Line (EPL) - P2P Ethernet connection that uses
dedicated bandwidth, providing fully managed highly transparent
transport service for Ethernet. EPL provides an extremely reliable and
secure service, as would be expected from a private line.
Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) - P2P connectivity over shared
bandwidth. Service can be multiplexed at the User to Network Interface
(UNI) level. EVPL is used for hub and spoke architectures in which
multiple remote offices require access to a single headquarters or
multiple customers require access to an ISP's POP.
Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS) - P2P connectivity over MPLS
pseudo-wire (PW) shares the same tunnel on the same locations, thus
benefiting from MPLS E2E hard QoS and carrier class capabilities.
The XDM Ethernet services implementation is ideal for customers that want to
add bandwidth on demand based on the actual increase in their data
requirements. This enables a true pay-as-you-grow infrastructure, allowing
them to acquire capacity only when they need it. The platform's carrier class
Ethernet networking services guarantee:
| Point-to-point, multipoint-to-multipoint, and multicast connectivity
| Assured hard QoS through MPLS traffic engineering (TE) and
SDH/SONET network features
| Transparency of protocols and bitrates to end user data packets
| MPLS and SDH/SONET reliability and security levels
| Sub-50 msec link and node protection through MPLS Fast Re-Route (FRR)
| Extended Ethernet scalability of VLANs through MPLS beyond typical
Ethernet VLAN limits
| Simple point-and-click Ethernet service creation and management
| Comprehensive SLA metrics
| Extreme cost-effectiveness
XDM provides these data-centric services over fiber with broadband flexibility
and capacity. Services are easy to provision and adjust, offering customers
bandwidth scalability optimized for their unique requirements.
Bandwidth is allocated to Ethernet services in VC-12/3/4 increments. The
service rate adapts to end-user needs, allowing carriers to tailor pricing to a
finer granularity of data rates.
The XDM product line features three independent cards for Ethernet in mixed
SDH and Ethernet networks: the Data I/O cards (DIOB and DIOM), the
Ethernet Interface and Switching Module (EISMB), and the MPLS Carrier
Class Switch (MCSM/MCS5/MCS10). These cards are described in detail in
MPLS and Ethernet Data Solution (on page 5-1).
Next-Generation SDH
SDH has evolved from a simple voice-centric technology to a next-generation
solution capable of efficiently delivering Ethernet services together with the
revenue-generating TDM service demanded by today's metro applications. The
XDM offers a migration path to the future, both by expanding current SDH
networks to DWDM terabit capacities, and by offering data-oriented services
such as Ethernet, IP, and storage, over existing legacy networks. Moreover,
XDM networks provide a better utilization of network resources through the
migration to fully protected mesh configurations with variable service grades
and sublambda grooming of DWDM channels. This results in an extremely
cost-effective solution.
The NG-SDH architecture of the XDM enables the following advantages:
| Support of any network topology, including mesh, ring, multi-ring, star,
and linear topologies
| Network control through a single network management system, the
LightSoft Network Manager
| Unique, full low-order/high-order nonblocking cross-connect
technology, enabling complete interconnectivity and switching capabilities
between SDH interfaces and wavelengths
| Smooth migration path from 30G through 60G to 120G capacity within
the existing shelf
| Concatenated payloads for various service rates, encompassing both
contiguous and virtual concatenation
| Delivering Ethernet services over SDH through standard means:
Classic metro networks consist of multiple rings with a few stacked rings
sharing the same physical paths. In these traditional networks, each ring uses its
own set of ADMs. Connectivity between rings is limited and expensive,
requiring the use of large digital cross connects (DXCs).
When functioning as an MSPP, the XDM achieves multiple ring closure with
full inter-ring connectivity, eliminating the network bottlenecks typical of
metro networks. The XDM also saves equipment costs by substantially
reducing the number of network elements (NEs) required. It simplifies the
network, eases operation, increases reliability, and reduces operating expenses.
The XDM replaces an array of terminal multiplexers, terminating the SDH line
and delivering lower-rate services to end users. The platform’s integrated ADM
and cross-connect functionality allows the network to be built in topologies
other than rings, such as cost-effective mesh, while providing connectivity and
services from the same NE.
In this chapter:
Today's Market Opportunities ......................................................................... 2-1
ILECs ............................................................................................................... 2-3
Cellular Operators ............................................................................................ 2-4
Utelcos ............................................................................................................. 2-5
Multiple System Operators .............................................................................. 2-7
Carrier of Carriers ............................................................................................ 2-9
Government and Defense Solutions .............................................................. 2-10
Efficient Triple Play Service Delivery ........................................................... 2-12
Cellular Service for a Mobile Society............................................................ 2-14
Metro WDM/ROADM Networks .................................................................. 2-20
Regional/Long Haul DWDM/ROADM ......................................................... 2-21
Repeaterless Undersea DWDM Connectivity ............................................... 2-21
Business Services........................................................................................... 2-22
For customers with their own infrastructure, like MSOs and ILECs, the XDM
acts as a resilient, provisionable, converged-technology transport layer. With its
integrated MSPP, DXC, carrier Ethernet, and xWDM interworking functions,
this transport platform can be used from the metro/access edge to the
metro-core. A variety of carrier class services are supported, including legacy
circuit-based TDM services and emerging carrier Ethernet services.
For service providers that do not have their own infrastructure, like Competitive
Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), the XDM can be used as a Point of Presence
(PoP) service platform, enabling multiple services that are efficiently
transmitted over leased bandwidth. In addition, the XDM can easily migrate to
a transport platform whenever the service provider is ready to build its own
transport network.
The XDM is a comprehensive package that ensures a custom-fit solution
addressing the needs of today's variety of network service providers.
The XDM solution features:
| A single multiservice architecture that can be "right sized" to meet the
needs of every network scenario
| A complete portfolio of managed business services
| Seamless transition from legacy to next-generation services
| The lowest total cost on the market today
Today, Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) are being forced to
re-evaluate their business plan. Cellular and cable operators are now expanding
their own service offering by moving into the traditional voice telephony
service arena. As a result of the intense competition, ILEC profitability is
decreasing and they are now searching for new ways to increase their revenues
while reducing expenses. An example of this is their moving into providing
IPTV media services to both private and business customers.
The trend in consumer markets is the triple play, where subscribers can get not
only traditional voice but also broadband Internet access and video services
from their phone company. Many ILECs are looking into expanding their
service offering into the newer realm of quadruple play, adding mobility to the
triple play mix. This would position ILECs as the sole SPs of telephone,
television, high-speed Internet, and wireless services. To accomplish this goal,
they will be looking for suppliers of network equipment that respond to their
demands for secure, reliable, flexible, and cost-effective service.
Cellular Operators
One of the key challenges in building a GSM and GPRS network is to facilitate
not only the services currently being offered in such a network, but also the
gradual introduction of 3G, with the associated multiprotocol support. As the
profitability of 3G data services is sensitive to backhaul costs, the same
network must also be able to scale costs of 3G traffic backhauling in line with
associated revenues. At the network core, the introduction of 3G R4 split
architecture and IP/MPLS places even larger capacity demands on transmission
networks that must cater simultaneously to nonblocking E1, subwavelength,
and full wavelength connectivity.
Driven by the desire to increase revenues, many cellular operators offer – or are
interested in offering – additional non-mobile services through their
infrastructure; either services to the business community, services for other
carriers, or even services to residential users.
Cellular operators therefore need a product line that is flexible and scalable in
size and services to accommodate both the capacity growth and the increased
diversity, in protocols as well as in services.
In recent years, Utelcos have been installing more metering and monitoring
devices to improve their network visibility. This enables them to support
features like real-time control, computer networking, safe drinking water
monitoring, security access, and video for facilities monitoring. To facilitate
these added services, utilities are using fibers along their right-of-ways to meet
additional bandwidth demand, as well as upgrading their surveillance network
to support new Ethernet and IP-based communications.
Utelcos have recognized that their networks can be leveraged to provide
commercial telephony services. Many are therefore offering CoC and enterprise
services, as well as providing high-speed Internet and telephony services to the
residential market.
These new trends present a major challenge to utility network planners. The
optical transmission layer, a key part of the network, must be carefully designed
to support current services and be future-ready for new ones. Network planners
must select transmission equipment that will support evolving utility needs over
the next several years in a very dynamic environment. Failure to plan properly
puts utilities in the dangerous position of having to constantly redesign their
network and replace transmission equipment to respond effectively to their
customer service requirements.
To support the dynamic nature of the commercial telecom environment, the
optimal network design must:
| Be flexible enough to support current legacy services as well as new
advanced services.
| Be able to scale its capabilities and costs to match current needs as
efficiently as possible.
| Provide smooth migration as bandwidth demands increase or when
shifting from one business model to another.
| Meet the carrier class and reliability requirements expected by the
Ethernet over MPLS (MCS), with statistical multiplexing and efficient, reliable
multicast distribution
Used as a converged MSPP and WDM system, the XDM supports business
customer services, including TDM, Ethernet leased lines, and advanced
services such as Ethernet VPNs, VPLS, lambda/sub-lambda, and storage
services to the enterprise market.
Carrier of Carriers
In the current telecommunications marketplace where infrastructure is costly,
many customers lease bandwidth from CoCs rather than build their own
networks. They demand much more than simple, fixed, P2P connections. They
require multiple services, bitrates, and protocols in their PoPs, as well as
convergence of all services over a single leased transmission facility. In
addition, major customers seeking higher quality services are shifting from
monitored leased lines, which cannot be managed directly, to fully managed IP
networks and VPNs.
CoCs lease services over their transmission infrastructure to a variety of service
providers, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Interexchange Carriers
(IXCs), and wireless. Since each type of operator needs different services, the
CoC must support a variety of leasing options. Typical alternatives include
leasing dark fiber, a wide range of interfaces (such as E1, STM-1, STM-4, FE,
and GbE) or wavelengths. Cellular operators typically lease PDH/SDH links for
backhauling traffic from cellular antennas to the MSC. This may include TDM
aggregation plus SDH and Ethernet links for connectivity between MSC sites.
ISPs mainly lease Ethernet and SDH links to connect between ISP routers.
IXCs lease dark fiber, SDH, Ethernet, and wavelengths to connect between
their central offices.
ECI Telecom has the knowledge and experience to team up and supply a
multilayer, NCW-proven communications system that suits long term strategic
Star VPLS is also connected to the backup root PE/router (second MSER). This
forms a double star VPLS that connects from the multiple leaf PE to the double
root PE devices. In this way, all P2P triple play services are protected with
sub-50 msec protection as well as IGMP control packets.
Service providers deploying ECI Telecom's IPTV multicast solution can fully
exploit metro network bandwidth and benefit from the savings and cost
effectiveness of the IPTV solution. Service providers also benefit from the
MPLS assured E2E QoS IPTV delivery and E2E carrier class capability.
With the XDM, SPs can now optimize their infrastructure and expand their
service offering with greatest efficiency and ease. The following figure
illustrates an XDM deployment and complete coverage of a mixed network
providing concurrent 2G, 2.5G, and 3G services.
Core Functionality
Legacy TDM-based services are routed natively over the existing SDH/WDM
layer. Once migration towards a completely IP-based core begins as part of the
evolution towards 3G Release 4, and/or with the introduction of VoIP (class 4
replacement followed by class 5 in the future), a combined architecture based
on the XDM and ECI Telecom MultiService Edge Router (MSER) can be
supported. New core-generated data streams (from MGW, soft switch, RNC,
SGSN, or GGSN) are carried over an MPLS layer over SDH.
The key advantage of the XDM approach is its efficiency and
cost-effectiveness: initially, the newer services require less capacity, leaving
greater system capacity for legacy TDM services. The XDM is designed to
accommodate a gradual increase in IP/MPLS traffic, and supports a granularity
of N x VC-n over the existing infrastructure. In the future, once data service
increases, a simple insertion of optical DWDM modules will enable MPLS
layer traffic transport directly over dedicated lambdas provided by the existing
RAN Functionality
XDM platforms located at hub sites fully support service aggregation. For 2G
and 2.5G networks, the XDM performs aggregation on the TDM layer. With
the introduction of 3G ATM-based networks, the ATS card is installed
wherever it is needed to perform statistical multiplexing, as well as termination
and rebuilding of IMA groups where IMA is used by Node Bs. This efficiency
ensures further capacity savings at the RAN. Once the migration towards
completely IP UTRAN-based systems gains momentum, additional dedicated
IP cards can be inserted in the existing XDM platform, allowing operators to
smoothly introduce IP-based Node Bs in parallel with existing ATM Node Bs.
The XDM's smooth upgrade capability allows operators to leverage their
current infrastructure investment over the coming years and eliminates the need
to purchase additional standalone products, such as ATM switches and IP
routers. The XDM thus provides tremendous CAPEX and OPEX savings,
enabling maximum functionality through more efficient products, minimal
management overhead, and streamlined OAM&P.
Figure 2-12: XDM product line in a typical triple play transport network
Regional/Long Haul
The XDM All-Range architecture provides the ability to cover various link
distances of up to 2,000 km (1200 miles), with a wide range of channel bitrates
and capacities offering a choice of topologies, such as ring and mesh. The
following figure illustrates an example of a recent regional DWDM network
that ECI Telecom built for a national carrier.
Business Services
Enterprise Ethernet Services
Enterprises are looking for ways to boost their productivity, growth, and
profitability. Business customers view internal and external communication as
one of the key enablers of success. Companies with multiple sites require
greater bandwidth and more flexibility. This must be accomplished even as they
attempt to lower communication expenses and ensure network robustness and
reliability. They seek a wider range of services, from dedicated P2P to MP2MP
connectivity, over dedicated or shared infrastructures.
The service providers' challenge is to respond to this trend, efficiently creating
an appealing service position while minimizing risks. Enterprises have been
particularly attracted to WAN Ethernet services, offering simplicity, familiarity,
flexibility, and more capacity at reduced costs.
The Ethernet services in greatest demand include:
| E-Line - for P2P connectivity, used to create Ethernet-based Internet access
services and P2P Ethernet VPNs. P2P connectivity can be provisioned over
dedicated infrastructure as EPLs and over shared infrastructure as EVPLs.
| E-LAN - for MP2MP (any-to-any) connectivity designed for multipoint
Ethernet VPNs and native Ethernet TLS. Any-to-any connectivity can be
provisioned over dedicated infrastructure as EPLANs and over shared
infrastructure as EVPLANs.
| E-Tree - for P2MP Multicast Tree connectivity, designed for BTV/IPTV
services. This includes EP-Tree, EVP-Tree, and drop&continue multicast
tree services
The XDM is the ideal solution for carriers that want to offer enterprises a richer
set of service options and scalable bandwidth. Using existing infrastructure
maximizes revenue and profit potential.
Ethernet service with the XDM is an E2E solution that enables enterprises to
transform their individual WAN connections into a natural extension of their
internal LAN. The XDM facilitates EPL services with granularities of
VC-12/3/4 for Ethernet and GbE interfaces. Bandwidth allocation is
software-configurable through underlying technologies of LCAS, GFP, and
Private line services can also be provisioned over an OTN/WDM infrastructure.
Full interoperability exists between services provisioned directly over the
optical infrastructure and services provisioned over SDH. EVPL bandwidth can
be configured in 64-Kbit increments. With tiered QoS in terms of resiliency as
well as differentiated service priority, the carrier can customize the services and
SLA offered.
IP VPN Services
Aside from promoting Ethernet services, many carriers are also marketing IP
VPNs as a service to their clients. The business community is embracing this
approach, with many enterprises looking into IP VPN services as the preferred
means of connectivity between distant branches.
Traditionally, connectivity between customers and the edge of the IP VPN
network cloud is provided through PDH or SDH private lines. This type of
connectivity is relatively expensive and inflexible to changes for both the
customer and the carrier.
Ethernet can serve as the ideal vehicle for connectivity to the IP VPN cloud via
a private line service, provided over dedicated or shared infrastructure. In such
cases, connection capacity can be provisioned to match the bandwidth required
by the client’s IP VPN data services. Bandwidth allocation is
software-configurable and is provided at the click of a mouse. This eliminates
site visits by field technicians because meeting the varying bandwidth
requirements does not involve equipment replacement or changing physical
The following figure illustrates how various branch offices can be connected to
the IP VPN network using several methods on the same platform. This network
scenario is similar to the one described in Enterprise Ethernet Services (on page
2-22), with a different application.
Leased-Line Services
The XDM features a comprehensive set of interfaces and connectivity options
to support all leasing scenarios. It enables CoCs to offer a variety of direct
services as well as an innovative repackaging of conventional services. The
XDM's fully nonblocking 4c/4/3/1 matrixes, as well as its unique handling of
data services, enable CoCs to enhance the packages offered to their customers
by providing a variety of interfaces from a single location. The XDM treats data
with encapsulation into N x VC-3, plus virtual concatenation conversion, as
well as integrated WDM capabilities. CoCs can logically separate the interfaces
offered at each location from the pipes connecting each site. This capability
eliminates the need to purchase multiple NEs, thus reducing initial investment,
The XDM enables CoCs to sell E1, SDH, wavelength, and data services right
out of the box. This is accomplished by simply plugging the required line cards
into the platforms.
In this chapter:
Overview.......................................................................................................... 3-1
Control and Communications Subsystem ........................................................ 3-2
Traffic and Cross-Connect Functionality......................................................... 3-8
I/O Traffic Interface Configuration Options .................................................. 3-10
Power Feed Subsystem .................................................................................. 3-15
Engineering Orderwire .................................................................................. 3-16
This section describes the XDM system architecture, focusing on the following
| Control and communications subsystems, including:
Timing and synchronization
| Traffic and cross-connect subsystem
| I/O traffic subsystem
| Power feed subsystem
| Engineering orderwire
The main controller subsystem supports central control, alarms, maintenance,
and communication functions. It also communicates with the control processors
of the various cards using a master-slave control hierarchy.
Each controller unit contains an NVM that stores a complete backup of both the
system software and its NE configuration. Through the NVM, the XDM
benefits from superior management and control availability, ensuring that a
faulty controller unit does not affect traffic, even when only a single component
is installed.
Double redundancy in every shelf can be obtained using a redundant NVM unit
in the second, redundant controller subsystem, which is updated automatically
on an hourly basis. In addition, to maintain synchronization, the operator can
initiate a manual NVM update whenever a change occurs in the configuration.
The choice of redundant or nonredundant configuration depends on your
requirements and preferences.
In the XDM-100 product line, the controller is part of the MXC, a single card
that integrates matrix, control, and timing functionalities. In the XDM-100
product line redundant configuration, two controller units operate in parallel.
Each matrix supports full nonblocking connectivity at all VC levels. The
matrixes are connected to all I/O modules, providing 2.5 Gbps capacity to each
of them. Full one-to-one redundancy enables continuous sanity checking,
instantaneous switching as needed to maintain complete uninterrupted service,
and full redundancy protection of the TMU and power supply. The XDM-100
platform provides several types of XCs in compliance with applicable ITU-T
and Telcordia standards. These include broadband, wideband, and integrated
broadband/wideband XCs.
You can also operate the XDM-100 in a nonredundant configuration, in which
the platform is fitted with a single nonredundant controller unit together with a
bridge card. In this configuration, the protection trails are routed via the bridge
card to additional parts of the single matrix. The bridge card bridges traffic
from I/O modules to the dedicated traffic buses located in the controller unit
with a total capacity of 10 Gbps.
The main control processor subsystem is responsible for communication with
external NEs and management stations.
The xMCP and MXC cards enable comprehensive DCC functionality with
dynamic OSPF routing. The xMCP/MXC cards are responsible for
communication with external NEs and management stations. Communication
with other SDH NEs is via the DCC channel embedded in each SDH link;
communication with C/DWDM elements is via the Optical Supervisory
Channel (OSC) or inband GCC.
The XDM performs IP forwarding between all network interfaces, including
DCC and Ethernet gateway management interfaces. The DCC enables operators
to integrate several platforms with their own workstations, and to pass this
management traffic through the XDM.
The XDM implements dynamic OSPF routing over the network interfaces to
automatically determine the routing table. OSPF support includes PPP
encapsulation of IP packets with HDLC framing over RS-DCC, MS-DCC, and
"Clear Channel" communication channels as defined in ITU G.7712. Support is
also provided for legacy LAN Emulation encapsulation, with full software
configurability between all communication modes.
An Ethernet interface is used to communicate with the EMS-XDM. The
controller subsystem can also communicate with a desktop or laptop PC-based
craft terminal (LCT-XDM (on page 11-22)) via a serial interface or Ethernet.
Note that this section provides only brief highlights to introduce the XDM's
sophisticated communication subsystem. For more detailed information and
component descriptions, see Network Communication Control (on page 9-1).
The TMU and internal and external timing paths are fully redundant. The
distributed BIT mechanism ensures top performance and availability.
To provide a reliable timing source, the XDM supports multiple
synchronization reference options. Up to four of the following timing
references can be monitored simultaneously by each XDM shelf:
| 2 x 2 MHz (T3) external timing input sources
| 2 x 2 Mbps (T3) external timing input sources
| STM-n line timing from any SDH interface card
| E1 2M PDH line timing from any PDH interface card (XDM-1000 product
| Local interval clock
| Holdover mode
Each input timing source has its own 8 kHz frame timing delivered to the
timing generator. The TMU selects one of the timing sources as a system
The timing signal is received from each of the I/O cards, and is routed to the
TMU through the timing reference bus. Any SIO/PIO interface card can be
selected as a reference source, transferring an 8 kHz timing signal to the TMU.
The external clock signal is routed directly to the clock unit, where the 8 kHz
signal is extracted.
The TMU provides direct control over the source selection (which it receives
from the system software), and the frequency control loop. The definition of the
synchronization source depends on the source quality and on the
synchronization mode, according to the network timing topology.
The operator can remotely manage network synchronization using the
EMS-XDM, and can select and determine the priority for each XDM timing
source reference. As described, these sources can include any external reference
clock, PDH line signal, SDH line signal or internal clock. In addition, the
EMS-XDM can be used to define overall network synchronization, network
synchronization maps, and alternative synchronization maps for different
contingency events.
Synchronization references are classified at any given time according to a
predefined priority and prevailing signal quality. The XDM synchronization
subsystem synchronizes to the best available timing source using the
Synchronization Status Marker (SSM) protocol. The TMU, a Temperature
Compensated Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (TVCXO), is
frequency-locked to this source, providing internal system and SDH
line-transmission timing. The system is synchronized to this central timing
In addition, the system provides synchronization outputs to synchronize
external equipment within the site. There are two external T4 interfaces that can
provide 2.048 MHz/2.048 Mbps external timing as required. These outputs can
be used to synchronize any peripheral equipment or switch.
XDM supplies a 4.6 ppm stable holdover mode when all alternative
synchronization sources are temporarily unavailable.
The XDM default clock accuracy complies with applicable ITU-T and
Telcordia standards at the network level. Optional G.812 or G.811
synchronization quality can be provided using additional external units.
All interface modules (PDH, SDH, or Ethernet service cards) connect to the
central matrixes in a star configuration. The main functions of the matrix
| High-order and low-order SDH 4c/4/3/1 matrix XCs at the VC-12, VC-3,
VC-4, and VC-nc order, up to 1536 VC-4 equivalents and connecting
STM-1, STM-4, STM-16, and STM-64 optical interfaces.
Note that different platform and matrix combinations have different
capacity upper bounds, ranging from 20 Gbps all the way up to 240 Gbps in
a single platform. The wide range of configuration options enables both
pay-as-you-grow and build-as-you-grow flexibility.
| Overhead XC of SDH overhead bytes (such as E1, E2, F1, F2, and unused).
This capability is available in all STM-n ports.
The XDM is equipped with two redundant matrix cards where applicable,
depending on system capacity requirements and network configuration. Each
I/O module is directly connected to the matrix cores (both main and protection,
where applicable) and linked to every cross-connect direction and level. The
link is fully redundant at both the intrashelf and intershelf levels (if expansion
shelves are used). The I/O interface cards switch to the second core within
50 msec.
The following figure illustrates the simplified XDM internal traffic flow. It
provides an overview of both the physical and functional partitioning of the
system. Each of the blocks represents an I/O slot that can accommodate any
type of card with any bitrate and service.
STM-16 12 24 --- 24 48 48 96
Protocol-independent 16 16 2 6 12 12 ---
50 Mbps-2.7 Gbps
over C/DWDM
HLXC Cards
The heart of the XDM-1000 product line is its powerful high capacity 4c/4/3/1
nonblocking HLXC matrix card. It is available in several versions:
| HLXC192 – capacity of 192 VC-4 equivalents (4c/4/3/1) (30 Gbps).
| HLXC384 – capacity of 384 VC-4 equivalents (4c/4/3/1) (60 Gbps). Note
that the HLXC384 supports 32 STM-1 streams per I/O slot (12 x 32 = 384).
| HLXC768 – capacity of 768 VC-4 equivalents (4c/4/3/1) (120 Gbps). Note
that the HLXC768 supports 64 STM-1 streams per I/O slot (12 x 64 = 768),
working with the upgraded TMU-L and xMCP-B.
| HLXC1536 – capacity of 1536 VC-4 equivalents (4c/4/3/1) (240 Gbps).
Note that the HLXC1536 supports 64 STM-1 streams per I/O slot (24 x 64
= 1536), working with the xMCP-B2G.
The HLXC supports multiple functionalities, including:
| High-order and low-order SDH XC at the VC-12/3/4 and VC-4 order
| Space-time switching in a square architecture of 192/384/768/1536 STM-1
equivalents with fully nonblocking XCs (4c/4/3/1), implementing time slot
interchanges for the entire matrix capacity. This optimal method provides
the following benefits:
Modular design, enabling the implementation of higher capacity XCs
using the same building blocks and components
Strictly nonblocking solutions without rearrangements in single stage
and multistage configurations
Unlimited broadcast and multicast capabilities
| Multiplexer timing unit integrated into the HLXC cards.
In addition to its multi-ring support, the XDM matrix can serve both as a 4/4
and 3/3 XC, as well as a 4c/4/3/1 XC, thus providing a full network backbone
layer digital cross-connect solution. These capabilities are all contained in a
single-shelf unit. By eliminating the need for separate cross-connect nodes, the
XDM provides huge operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning
(OAM&P) savings.
For hardware redundancy, the XDM contains two identical HLXC matrix cards.
Both cards perform the cross-connect and node synchronization functions
simultaneously in a 1+1 protection configuration. The I/O interface cards
switch to the backup HLXC within 50 msec. Similarly, the backup TMU takes
over timing control with no traffic disruption.
The XDM product line design provides a clear migration path from HLXC192
to HLXC384 and from HLXC384 to HLXC768 within the same platform. You
can also migrate from XDM-1000/2000 platforms to the XDM-3000 with the
HLXC1536 matrix card. This flexible scalability capability enables you to
increase your network capacity only as needed, in tune with your network
expansion and growth. Note that the HLXC768 fully supports all standard
service cards while simultaneously enabling use of the newer high-density
service cards. Migration to the HLXC1536 is accomplished while preserving all
services, using utilities in the management workstation.
XIO Cards
The XIO is a combo card, combining HLXC matrix functionality and I/O card
functionality within a single board, thereby providing simpler and more
cost-effective ADM solutions. Use the XIO card to expand the XDM platform's
I/O capacity, freeing up two additional slots for I/O use.
Like the HLXC, XIO cards perform cross-connect and node-synchronization
functions simultaneously in a 1+1 protection configuration. I/O interface cards
can switch to the backup XIO card within 50 msec. If required, the backup
TMU can take over timing control from the operational XIO with no traffic
As an I/O card, the XIO192 simultaneously supports up to 1 x STM-16
interface and 4 x STM-1 interfaces, or 1 x STM-16 interface and 1 x STM-4
interface. The XIO384F supports up to 4 x STM-16/OTU1 interfaces or
1 x STM-64/OTU2 interface. The XIO card and the SDH I/O cards share the
same extractable optical modules, supporting both colored and noncolored
interfaces. The XIO card supports hot insertion of I/O modules. The following
figure illustrates the simplicity with which you can slide an I/O module into the
XIO card.
MXC Cards
The MXC is the main cross connect card for the XDM-100 product line,
combining matrix, power feeding, and timing functionality. MXC capacity is
tailored to each member of the XDM-100 product line:
| MXC100B: Designed for the XDM-100 platform suite, with a capacity of
192 VC-4 equivalents (4c/4/3/1) (30 Gbps)
| MXC300: Designed for the XDM-300, with a capacity of 384 VC-4
equivalents (4c/4/3/1) (60 Gbps)
MXC cards support the following capabilities:
| Multiplexer control and traffic processing.
| SDH traffic cross connection. The switch handles aggregate and tributary
interface traffic where the maximum capacity depends on the specific
platform and component configuration.
| Multiplexer timing unit.
| Communications and control.
| Alarm and maintenance.
| Routing and handling of DCC channels.
Like the HLXC, the XDM supports several types of cross connects in
compliance with applicable ITU-T and Telcordia standards. These include
broadband, wideband, and integrated broadband/wideband cross connects. In
addition, the MXC accommodates the NVM compact flash memory card.
The additional MXC card provides 1+1 protection to the cross-connect matrix
and full 1:1 protection to all other functions, since the standby MXC maintains
a database identical to the active MXC. The I/O interface modules switch to the
protection MXC within 50 msec. The backup TMU takes over the timing
control with no disruption in traffic.
In the XDM-100 product line, the power feed subsystem is integrated in the
MXC, serving as an interconnection device between the modem card and
-48 VDC to -57.6 VDC power sources.
Note that if the power feeding source is AC, ECI Telecom offers AC to DC
convertors for up to 60A consumption with redundancy and backup batteries
sufficient for several hours.
Engineering Orderwire
The Engineering Orderwire (EOW) provides 64 kbps voice communication
channels between NEs. The XDM product line currently supports two options,
pure OW and an OverHead Unit (OHU).
The XDM EOW facility is an internal communications interface that provides
voice communication service between NE sites over SDH through 64 kbps
channels, facilitating voice contact using OW (E1 and E2) and F1 bytes. It is
based on a telephone "party line" concept, where all connected parties, typically
technicians, can participate in concurrent voice-based service calls. As such, it
enables one or more technicians to make calls simultaneously using dedicated
OW channels rather than regular SDH lines.
OW lines are normally used between a remote site and a central office during
initial installation of the system, or when no telephone line is available. All
calls are bidirectional.
The OW module supports analog-to-digital encoding, decoding, and routing
functions, thus facilitating voice contact via the E1, E2, or F1 bytes (OW or
user-channel) in the SDH Section Overhead (SOH). (Note that user-channel
functionality via F1 V11 is not supported.)
The OW paths are configured by LightSoft or the EMS-XDM and the site
phone ID number is programmed by the local LCT-XDM.
The OW capability is a fully integrated feature of the XDM product line. It
supports P2P, all-broadcast, and conference calls, allowing a person at any NE
site to communicate individually or simultaneously with the sites in the
The OW consists of a module plugged into a dedicated Main Equipment
Control Panel OrderWire (MECP_OW) card (in the XDM-1000 product line)
or into a dedicated I/O slot (in the XDM-100 product line) with an integrated
Dual Tone MultiFrequency (DTMF) handset, cable connections, and
configuration interfaces. No other ancillary equipment is required.
In this chapter:
Overview.......................................................................................................... 4-1
XDM-100 Platform Suite................................................................................. 4-2
XDM-300 ......................................................................................................... 4-6
Expansion Shelves for the XDM-100 Product Line ........................................ 4-8
XDM-40 ......................................................................................................... 4-10
XDM-500 ....................................................................................................... 4-12
XDM-1000 ..................................................................................................... 4-14
XDM-2000 ..................................................................................................... 4-17
XDM-3000 ..................................................................................................... 4-19
This chapter describes the shelf layout of each platform in the XDM family.
XDM platforms are organized into two groups; the XDM-100 product line, the
intelligent CWDM/MSPP for metro and edge networks, and the XDM-1000
product line, converged All-Range ROADM and MSPP platforms.
XDM shelves have been designed to facilitate simple installation and easy
maintenance. Hot insertion of cards and modules is allowed to support quick
maintenance and repair activities without affecting traffic. The cage design and
mechanical practice of all platforms conform to international mechanical
standards and specifications.
The XDM-300 is designed for metro aggregation applications and cellular
Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure. The platform is optimized for
cost- and physical size-effective implementation of MADM-64 and MADM-16
NEs. The XDM-300 platform has been designed to meet the needs of the most
demanding customers, providing a complete solution for metro demands and
services. It provides an optimized migration path from TDM to Ethernet-based
services and from 2.5G to 10G networks. The XDM-300 is also versatile, with
modular cards that can be used interchangeably in all members of the
XDM-100 product line.
The XDM-300 is a small footprint subrack that fits both ETSI and 19” racks. Its
dimensions are 325 mm high, 450 mm wide, and 300 mm deep. The XDM-300
standard shelf is arranged as follows:
| Eighteen slots (I1 to I18) flexibly allocated to up to eighteen I/O interface
modules, including 2 SDH quad I/O modules (wide slots) and 16 tributary
interface modules (PIM, SIM, and Ethernet cards DIOM, EISMB, and
MCSM). These modules enable a combination of PDH, SDH, and Ethernet
| Two slots (MXC-A and MXC-B) allocated to the MXC300 cards.
| One slot allocated to the ECU300 module.
| One FCU300 that consists of eight separate fans to support cooling system
redundancy, activated by redundant controllers located on the MXC cards.
The XDM-300 can be expanded through three expansion shelves, using TPU
shelves to add tributary protection capability, and/or OCU shelves to add
CWDM modules (Mux/DeMux, OADM, optical filters).
The XDM-40 is a modular WDM and OTN platform, designed for broadband
metro-access and CPE applications. The XDM-40 enables SPs to build E2E,
flexible, standards-based OTN solutions that address the growing demand for
business data transport. It gives SPs the flexibility to take full advantage of their
existing networks while providing a smooth and fully supported migration to IP
over optics. The XDM-40 is ideal for transporting traffic to network hubs,
featuring a small footprint and flexible packaging, with high availability from
CWDM to DWDM including pluggable optics, and offering WDM capabilities,
optimal support for STM-1, STM-4, STM-16, STM-64, FC1, FC2, GbE,
OTU1, and OTU2, storage extension, and support for SDH-all on a single
platform. The XDM-40 also functions as an optimal amplification element in
regional/long-haul networks.
The compact XDM-40 shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 447 mm wide, and
256 mm high equipment cage. Platform components are arranged as follows:
| Two slots (I1 and I2) flexibly allocated to I/O optical transponders,
combiners, and/or amplifiers
| Two slots (M1 and M2) allocated to DWDM/OADM, optical amplifiers,
and accessories modules
| One slot (C1) allocated to the xMCP_B card
| One slot (C3) allocated to the MECP card, for user and management
| Two xINFs designed for power supply redundancy
| One ECM to facilitate routing of external management interfaces,
connecting the management, OHA, and OW interfaces to the active xMCP
| One xFCU that consists of three separate fans to support cooling system
redundancy, as well as the power supply for the fan unit (PSFU)
The FCU at the right side of the shelf provides cooling air to the system. It
contains nine separate fans, which add to system redundancy. Air is drawn in
by the fans from the right side of the chassis, and is exhausted through the
horizontally mounted cards and modules and through the left side of the
chassis. The fan assembly is hot-swappable.
The XDM-40 standard card layout is illustrated in the following figure.
The XDM-500 is a compact optical platform optimized for the metro-edge,
designed for medium interface capacities and street-cabinet installations. The
XDM-500 can be configured as a pure MSPP (up to n x STM-64), as a
converged platform with both MSPP and optical capabilities, or as a pure
C/DWDM and ROADM. It provides traditional broadband services and highly
advanced data services like adaptive rate GbE, sophisticated Layer 2 Ethernet,
POS, and lambda. It can be used either as a simple ADM, or as an edge
multi-ADM/TM shared between several rings, providing distributed cross
connectivity and concentration of low-rate services.
The XDM-500 compact shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 450 mm wide, and
725 mm high equipment cage. Platform components are arranged as follows:
| Six slots (IC1 to IC6) flexibly allocated to I/O cards and/or transponders
(depending on the configuration)
| Four slots (#2 to #5) allocated to electric interface connection modules or
DWDM/OADM modules
| Two slots (X1 and X2) allocated to the HLXC or XIO matrix cards
| Two slots (C1 and C2) allocated to the xMCP cards
| One slot (C3) allocated to the MECP card, for connecting the OHA and
OW interfaces to the active xMCP card
| Two xINFs designed for power supply redundancy
| Three xFCUs to support cooling system redundancy
The XDM-500 standard card layout is illustrated in the following figure.
The XDM-1000 is designed for high-capacity central exchange applications,
optimized for the regional core, and features unprecedented port densities. The
XDM-1000 can be configured as a converged platform with both MSPP and
optical capabilities, as pure MSPP (up to n x STM-64), or as a pure C/DWDM
and multi-degree ROADM. As a DXC, it forms a fully protected mesh core; as
a multi-ADM, it simultaneously closes STM-64 core MS-SPRing and multiple
edge SNCP rings; as a DWDM, it enables migration from SDH to DWDM
networks, providing high capacity and sublambda grooming and reliability. The
XDM-1000 provides connectivity between central office legacy switches from
E1 to STM-1 trunks, and between POPs over native FE, GbE, SAN, or POS,
while efficiently grooming traffic from edge rings.
Optimized for pure DWDM and converged optical applications, the XDM-2000
transport platform is designed for the metro and metro-regional core. It is a
high-density DWDM platform that provides intelligent sublambda grooming
and optimum wavelength utilization. As the most flexible optical switch on the
market today, the XDM-2000 can be configured as a pure C/DWDM and
ROADM, as a converged platform with both MSPP and optical capabilities, or
as a pure MSPP (up to n x STM-64). The XDM-2000 transports up to
400/800 Gbps (upgradable to 1.6 Tbps and above), and integrates the most
advanced optical units with a variety of interfaces and a sophisticated
high-capacity matrix in one small low-cost package.
The XDM-2000 shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 450 mm wide, and 775 mm
high equipment cage. Platform components are arranged as follows:
| Twelve slots (I1 to I12) flexibly allocated to optical modules (transponders
and/or other optical amplifiers)
| Two slots (X1 and X2) allocated for Mux/DeMux cards or for matrix cards,
depending on the system configuration
| Two slots (C1 and C2) allocated to the xMCP cards
| One slot (C0) allocated to the MECP card, for user and management
The XDM-2000 standard card layout is illustrated in the following figure.
The XDM-3000 is a high capacity MSPP for the metro-core layer. The
240 Gbps capacity is ideal for regional metro-core networks. The XDM-3000 is
designed for ever-expanding optical transport traffic demands, with network
migration to n x 10G interfaces increasing the bulk bandwidth requirements for
core platforms. The high capacity of the XDM-3000 relieves metro-core
network bottlenecks while enabling network expansion and improved BW
efficiency through the use of 10 Gbps cards to maximize utilization of available
As a multi-ADM, the XDM-3000 provides multi-ring closure, simultaneously
closing STM-16/STM-64 core MS-SPRing and multiple edge SNCP rings, and
providing improved protection and restoration capabilities. The XDM-3000 can
also be used as a cost-effective DXC for heavy traffic sites, forming a fully
protected mesh core. The large amount of low-order traffic handled by this
platform enables full connectivity for TDM networks.
The XDM-3000 can handle the complete range of SDH data rates (STM-1 to
STM-64) through high capacity SDH interfaces. In the metro core, services are
usually high-order STM-16/STM-64. Adding low-order nonblocking
connectivity greatly increases network efficiency, for two simple reasons.
| With the XDM-3000, a single high capacity platform also provides full
service connectivity. There is no need to waste resources on an additional
| Next-generation data services are ideally transmitted using low-order
granularity. This saves operator bandwidth as well as saving customer
money. Therefore, the platform used must support as large a capacity of
low-order traffic as possible. In this case, it’s a matter of the more, the
However, low-order capacity at the portal is often limited by the capacity of
the platforms used to handle the low-order interfaces. When using an
XDM-3000, the low-order connectivity capacity offered by the XDM-3000
matches the full 240 Gbps capacity supported by the XDM-3000, rather
than being limited to the lower capacity of any additional platform.
The XDM-3000 is located in a 350 mm deep, 492 mm wide, and 1550 mm high
shelf. The XDM-3000 consists of an I/O card cage arranged in four sections,
together with additional power, communication, and control units, as follows:
| 24 slots (I1 to I24) flexibly allocated to I/O cards and/or amplifiers,
depending on the configuration. I/O card options include combinations of
up to 24 SIO1&4B, SIO164, DIOB, and/or MCS5/10 cards. Single channel
OFA2 or OFA_M amplifiers can be used for long distance applications.
| Two slots (X1 and X2) allocated to HLXC1536 matrix cards.
| Two slots (A1 and A2) allocated to ACP3000 ASON cards.
| Two slots (C1 and C2) allocated to the xMCP-B2G cards.
| One slot (C0) allocated to the MECP card, for user and management
| One ECB3000 that provides external connections for the MECP card.
| Two INF3000s designed for power supply redundancy.
| Two FCU3000 fan units with ten fans each.
The XDM-3000 card layout is illustrated in the following figure.
In this chapter:
MPLS Technology ........................................................................................... 5-1
User Benefits with the MCS ............................................................................ 5-3
MCS’s Unique Value Proposition ................................................................... 5-4
Applications and Services ................................................................................ 5-5
MPLS/Ethernet Card Summary ..................................................................... 5-14
Ethernet Interfaces ......................................................................................... 5-24
MPLS Technology
Based on the tremendous continued growth of data traffic, the demand for
complete service offerings, and network convergence strategies, many network
operators have started to deploy Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
networks. In an MPLS network, Ethernet interfaces and Ethernet/MPLS
services are the main toolbox supporting the network operator's strategic goals.
MPLS addresses the needs of SPs in the metro area by providing a
cost-effective solution that supports all services with carrier class capabilities
and significant OPEX and CAPEX reduction.
The Transit P provider devices simply swap the MPLS labels from the source
port to the destination port. The Destination PE terminates the tunnel and
identifies the packet VPN based on the VC label. The Destination PE then
looks up the MAC DA of the packet to find the destination Ethernet port,
removes (pops) the two MPLS labels, and forwards the packet to the Customer
Equipment (CE) port(s).
The XDM's DIO card set provides the following functional features and
| Adaptive rate control for each connection - from 2 Mbps to the full GbE
in appropriate increments (VC-12/3/4).
| Virtual Concatenation (VCAT) - for variable bandwidth piping down to 2
Mbps, with the capability of capacity distribution across multiple fibers and
optical carriers, guaranteeing data transfer over any SDH infrastructure and
meeting the ITU-T G.707 standard.
| Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) mechanism - for in-service
variation of pipe bandwidth and optional reuse of protection bandwidth.
The capacity of the Ethernet link automatically decreases if one or more
VCs fail, and automatically increases when the network fault is repaired,
meeting the ITU-T G.7042 standard.
| Generic Framing Protocol (GFP) - for industry-standard mappings
meeting the ITU-T G.7041 standard.
| Multitasking card sets - the same cards can be used for multiple levels of
GbE and FE are supported within the same card.
VC-12/3/4 rates are supported within the same card.
| Network protection - SDH and/or WDM protection mechanisms,
including SNCP and MS-SPRing, are applied to each connection.
| Easy connectivity - point-and-click, E2E, real time, P2P, as in any SDH
| Full interoperability between all Ethernet cards - including the latest
MCS5 card and the BroadGate platforms, as well as seamless interfacing
with external third-party hardware.
| Seamless integration and complete backward compatibility with the entire
product line.
Sites that belong to the same MPLS VPN expect their traffic to be forwarded to
the proper location. This is accomplished through the following means:
| Establishing a full mesh of MPLS label switched paths (LSPs) or tunnels
between the PE sites.
| MAC address learning on a per-site basis at the PE devices.
| MPLS tunneling of customer Ethernet traffic over pseudo-wires (VPN)
while it is forwarded across the provider network.
| Packet replication across MPLS tunnels at the PE devices, for
multicast/broadcast-type traffic and for flooding unknown unicast traffic.
Ethernet-based MP2MP
XDM platforms provide Ethernet LAN (E-LAN) services over SDH at
minimum cost and maximum efficiency. By integrating SDH and Ethernet
layers, the XDM achieves enhanced reliability and protection. This solution
provides an ideal multiservice platform, enabling ISP connectivity with a
mixture of full-mesh connectivity and dedicated services by using the same
cards and ports.
The XDM EISMB and MCS cards provide the following features and benefits:
| High performance, wire speed Layer 2 switching for metro-core and
access networks in ring, multi-ring, star, and mesh topologies.
| Provider Bridge capabilities (802.1ad), with double tagging, QinQ-based
switching for P2P, P2MP, and MP2MP connections - fully transparent and
secure Ethernet service over the provider's EoS network.
| Up to eight QoS levels assigned per port, VLAN, or client CoS,
maximizing SLA diversity and optimizing packet handling throughout the
| High granularity policing and priority marking (802.1p) per SLA,
enabling the provider to control the amount of bandwidth for each
individual user and service. Two-rate three-color policing enhances the
service offering, combining high priority service with best effort traffic for
the same user.
| Congestion avoidance mechanism based on user-configurable WRED.
Drops low priority packets first, preventing the network from reaching the
point where congestion increases the higher priority packet loss rate.
| Remote Network Monitoring RMON-based PM.
| Security capability per customer VPN.
| Low cost per port, achieved with statistical service multiplexing, offering
up to 24 interfaces of 10/100/1000BaseT electrical per slot and Small Form
Factor Pluggable-based (SFP) optical FE/GbE ports.
| Software upgrade to full MPLS support with the MCS cards for network
scalability and TE in VPLS core networks.
The EISMB and MCS also use multiple EoS ports to connect the cards over
SDH interfaces. EoS capabilities include:
| Standard-based GFP and VCAT, meeting the ITU-T G.707 standard, for
interoperability with the DIO card set, XDM-100 product line data cards,
ECI Telecom's BroadGate components, and third-party equipment. This
results in an E2E solution that integrates Layer 1 services at the access layer
with Layer 2 services at the metro-core.
| Adaptive rate control for each connection (from 2 Mbps and up to 2.5 Gbps
in VC-12/3/4 increments).
| Star VPLS topology to carry the VoIP, VoD, and HSI P2P services. The
star VPLS is built over the aggregation network from the root PE
(aggregator) device that connects to the edge router/BRAS to the leaf PE to
the IPDSLAM. This star VPLS also carries the bidirectional IPTV control
traffic that is either sent by the router downstream (IGMP query), or sent by
the subscriber set-top-box (STB) upstream (IGMP join/leave requests).
| E2E interoperability with the DSLAM and MSER, through either the
Ethernet or the MPLS layer. The P2MP multicast tree continues from the
PIM-SM multicast tree over the core network.
A P2MP tunnel originates at the source PE and terminates at multiple
destinations PEs. This tunnel has a tree-and-branch structure, where packet
replication occurs at branching points along the tree. This scheme achieves high
multicast efficiency since only one copy of each packet ever traverses an MPLS
P2MP tunnel. An MCS can act as both a transit P and as a destination PE
within the same P2MP tunnel, in which case it may be called a Transit PE (not
Transit P).
The following figure illustrates a P2MP multicast tree with PE1 as the source
PE (root), P1 as a transit P, PE2 as a transit PE (leaf PE), and PE3, PE4, and
PE5 as the destination or leaf PEs. The link from PE1 to P1 is shared by all
transit and destination leaf PEs; therefore the data plane sends only one packet
copy on that link.
Figure 5-6: P2MP multicast tunnel example - physical and logical networks
The P2MP tunnels carry multicast content such as IPTV content in a triple play
network, but P2MP tunnels are not enough. Two other functionalities complete
the triple play solution:
| Star VPLS
| IGMP Snooping
The full triple play solution, incorporating P2MP multicast tunnels, star VPLS,
and IGMP snooping, is illustrated in the following figure. The P2MP multicast
tunnels carry IPTV content in an efficient drop&continue manner from the TV
channel source, headend router, and MultiService Edge Router (MSER),
through the root PE (PE1) to all endpoint leaf PEs. The VPLS star carries all
other P2P triple play services such as VoIP, VoD, and HSI. The VPLS star also
carries the IGMP messages both upstream (request/leave messages from the
customer) and downstream (query messages from the router). IGMP snooping
is performed at the endpoint leaf PEs to deliver only the IPTV channels
requested by the user. This allows scalability in the number of channels, as well
as freeing up bandwidth for other triple play services such VoD, VoIP, and
Figure 5-7: Triple play network solution for IPTV, VoD, VoIP, and HSI services
The MCS cards are the MPLS Carrier Class Switch cards for the XDM. These
cards enable SPs to build a cost-effective carrier class Ethernet network over
new and existing SDH networks, supporting any Ethernet-based application and
service, including business connectivity (VPLS), triple play (IPTV
drop&continue multicast), 3G mobile services, and CoC Ethernet leased line
and bandwidth services, all with carrier grade capability.
The MCS product series also allows SP to build a converged optical
transmission network that enables them to exploit the benefits and robustness of
SDH and optical DWDM together with the benefits of carrier class Ethernet,
through the use of transport MPLS.
The MCS product series enables SPs to build a cost-effective, E2E carrier class
Ethernet network with assured QoS service delivery for access, edge, and core
network applications. This single MPLS network solution is achieved using
MPLS from access aggregation to IP/MPLS core router, integrating MCS cards
with an existing IP/MPLS core router network, and enabling SPs to support any
Layer 2 and Layer 3 services.
Access aggregation is provided through the MCSM service card used in the
XDM-100 product line to provide 10 Gbps raw bandwidth and Layer 2
switching for advanced Ethernet-based service aggregation. The XDM-100
product line can aggregate up to 40 Gbps raw bandwidth. Edge and core
networks work with the MCS service card in the XDM-1000 product line to
provide 20 Gbps raw bandwidth and Layer 2 switching, supporting a Layer 2
MPLS access to core service aggregation network. The XDM-1000 product line
can aggregate up to 80 Gbps raw bandwidth. The MCS cards support on-board
physical interfaces for Fast Ethernet (FE/FX) and Gigabit Ethernet (GbE)
The MCS is a carrier class Ethernet service device that incorporates all
carrier-class capabilities, such as scalability, reliability, sub-50 msec protection,
E2E Hard QoS, security, and service management for E2E assured service
delivery. MCS supports MPLS TE, including classifying, policing, marking,
queuing, performing congestion avoidance mechanism (WRED), scheduling,
and traffic shaping.
MCS-based networks work with the LightSoft NMS, providing point-and-click
service provisioning based on a sophisticated Connection Admission Control
(CAC) algorithm that guarantees network services. LightSoft supports the
following Ethernet network topologies:
| Ethernet-based network
| MPLS-based (VPLS) network
| Hybrid Ethernet/MPLS-based networks (Ethernet Access Hierarchy VPLS
RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448, RFC 4379,
RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702, RFC 4090, RFC 3916, RFC 3985,
RFC 4125, RFC 4126
Martini encapsulation, draft-martini-l2circuit-encap-mpls
VPLS draft, draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-ldp
Customers can provision multiple services on any single port, for example:
| EVPL services
| E-LAN with various QoS options
| ISP connectivity services
| Business connectivity services
The Layer 2 cards in each XDM in the network are connected to each other via
Network to Network Interface (NNI) EoS ports. These NNI ports can serve
either for dedicated traffic for specific customers or as a shared core for
multiple customers.
The cards support two interface categories:
| Ethernet (LAN) ports - physical Ethernet interfaces residing on the card or
in the modules cage. These ports may be configured as UNI ports or as NNI
ports to client equipment.
| EoS (WAN) ports - Ethernet over SDH ports which provide connections to
the SDH matrix. EoS ports may be configured as NNI ports to provide
connectivity between EISMB and MCS cards, or as UNI ports to provide a
connection to remote LAN ports.
The granularity of the EoS trails is VC-12/3/4, and the link capacity for each
EoS connection may range from 2 Mbps up to 2.5 Gbps. SDH trails can be
modified as required via LightSoft.
Ethernet Interfaces
All XDM data cards support various combinations of the following Ethernet
| SFP-based optical GbE, dual fiber:
1000BaseLX/ZX, single mode
1000BaseSX, multimode
Multi bitrate CWDM
| SFP-based optical GbE, single fiber:
1000BaseLX/EX, single mode (1310/1550 or 1550/1310)
| SFP-based 100BaseFX, optical interface for 100 Mbps FE, both single
mode and multimode
| Electrical SFP:
10/100/1000BaseT (copper)
| Electrical interfaces:
10/100BaseT, electrical interface for 10 or 100 Mbps Ethernet with auto
10/100/1000BaseT, electrical interface for 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps
Ethernet with auto negotiation
In this chapter:
Overview.......................................................................................................... 6-1
Multi-Degree ROADM .................................................................................... 6-3
Mux/DeMux Cards .......................................................................................... 6-5
OADMs............................................................................................................ 6-6
Transponders.................................................................................................... 6-7
Combiners ...................................................................................................... 6-11
CMTR25 Multi-Rate Combiner/Transponder ............................................... 6-14
ADM on a Card ............................................................................................. 6-17
Pluggable Transceiver Modules (SFP/XFP/SFF) .......................................... 6-29
Optical Amplifiers ......................................................................................... 6-31
OPM Card ...................................................................................................... 6-36
OMSP Card .................................................................................................... 6-38
DCM and DCF ............................................................................................... 6-38
PELES............................................................................................................ 6-39
Optical Modules Designed for the XDM-100 Family ................................... 6-40
XDM shelves house a variety of C/DWDM multi-rate transponders and
combiners, multi-degree ROADMs, OADMs, AoC, Muxes/DeMuxes, Optical
Fiber Amplifiers (OFAs), Optical Performance Monitors (OPMs), and other
optical cards and modules used to process, amplify, and monitor multichannel
signals. The next-generation transponder and combiner components are all
based on a single universal CHTR_B base card. This modular approach
increases flexibility, simplifies operation, and reduces the costs of spare parts.
Multi-Degree ROADM
Operators' increasing need for capacity and flexibility in DWDM networks is
the driving force behind the development and deployment of ROADM
solutions. These systems provide full management of wavelength services
while reducing OPEX. The fast implementation of new revenue-generating
services thus becomes greatly simplified and cost effective.
The XDM offers an advanced third-generation 10-degree Wavelength
Selective Switch (WSS) ROADM providing:
| Colorless operation - remote management configuration enabling routing
any channel to any port.
| Full n-degree (1 < n < 10) operation for multiple ring, subtended ring, star,
and full mesh topologies.
| Low insertion loss for through channels.
| Expandable to 80 channels.
The WSS ROADM card is installed in the modules cage slots of the XDM-500
and XDM-1000. The card is configured for East/West operation and provides
eight add/drop ports. Each port can be configured to add/drop any of the
80 channels in the C band in any combination. The 2-degree Planar
Lightwave Circuit (PLC) ROADM extends the 10-degree ROADM
capabilities for simple P2P and ring applications, allowing network operators to
build flexible mesh-based optical networks from edge to core. Simplified
service provisioning and fewer regenerations enable reduced CAPEX and
Mux/DeMux Cards
The XDM offers a wide range of Mux and DeMux cards, enabling network
operators to select cards optimized for their specific network requirements.
Mux/DeMux cards support up to 40/80 DWDM channels (with a spectral
spacing of 50/100 GHz between channels), and up to 8/16 channels CWDM
(with 20 nm channel spacing). This variety of cards enables the operator to
choose the card or module that provides an optimal fit for the network capacity,
reach, and day-one costs.
Several upgrade and expansion paths are offered, such as from 16 to
32 channels DWDM, from 40 to 80 channels DWDM, and from 4 to 8 channels
CWDM. This variety of expansion options enables operators to optimize
day-one costs with maximum system capacity.
The following table lists some of the XDM C/DWDM Mux and DeMux units
more commonly used in the XDM-1000 product line. For the full list please
refer to the XDM System Specifications.
The VMUX functionality is critical in supporting alien wavelengths that are fed
to the XDM DWDM network from third-party equipment that supports the
ITU-T DWDM grid. The VMUX attenuates the alien wavelength to match the
desired level applied to neighboring wavelengths, thereby eliminating power tilt
and increasing overall reach. The CWDM Mux/DeMux modules handle up to
eight different CWDM wavelengths and feature a built-in OSC filter.
In both metropolitan and long-haul networks, some of the traffic is transported
over short site-to-site distances. However, it is not always necessary to access
all the channels at every node along the path. In these cases, XDM OADM
cards provide a very cost-effective solution.
OADMs add and drop single or multiple channels at specific nodes without
interfering with the remaining pass-through channels. They therefore allow
network resources to be shared among several traffic hubs, nodes, or
The XDM OADM solutions are provided in East/West and A/B configurations,
in which each OADM interfaces with the two fibers that arrive from the
adjacent site, as follows:
| East/West: ideal for protected traffic or asymmetrical channel networks
| East/West Pluggable: ideal for OADM-ready sites that do not require
traffic drops from the start
| A/B: low insertion loss, optimized for nonamplified metro applications
The following table lists some of the XDM OADM modules more commonly
used in the XDM-1000 product line. For the full list please refer to the XDM
System Specifications.
Table 6-3: OADM cards and modules - selected subset of XDM-1000 family
Module Slots XDM- XDM- XDM- XDM- Description
40 500 1000 2000
MO_CW2 + 1 √ √ 1-channel CWDM OADM,
OM_OADMC1AB CCP AB configuration
MO_CW2 + 1 √ √ √ 4-channel grouped DWDM
MO_OADM4GEW CCP OADM for non-amplified
xx links, EW configuration
OADM4EW + 1 I/O √ √ √ 4-channel OADM for
OM_AD4EWxx amplified links, EW
The XDM offers various transponder cards for 10 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, and
continuous bitrates up to 2.7 Gbps. These transponders support all commonly
required services, such as SDH (STM-1 to STM-64), Ethernet (FE, GbE, and
10 GbE LAN), ATM, IP, SAN, video, and proprietary bitrates. The CMTR25
multi-rate combiner/transponder (see "CMTR25 Multi-Rate Combiner /
Transponder" on page 6-14) can be used as a transponder and/or a combiner
and support any combination of a range of client interfaces, including STM-16
or OTU1 regeneration.
XDM transponders comply with the ITU-T standards for 50 GHz and 100 GHz
multichannel spacing (DWDM) or 20 nm spacing (CWDM). Most transponders
for the XDM-1000 product line are based on the universal CHTR_B base card
for increased simplicity and reduction of spare parts costs.
The 10 Gbps and 2.5 Gbps transponders use ITU-T G.709 mapping and
framing, including FEC, PM, in-band management (GCC), and G.709-based
protection. Performance monitoring of all client side signals is done in their
native layer (SDH and Ethernet).
The following table lists some of the more commonly used XDM transponder
cards and modules. For the full list please refer to the XDM System
Specifications. Transponder features are described in greater detail in the
following sections.
TRP10 Cardset
The TRP10 cards all have two transponders (Tx and Rx) on one card, providing
full functionality in a space-saving form factor and operating in an East/West
configuration. TRP10 cards support the following features:
| Based on universal CHTR_B base card
| Variety of client side signals:
STM-64/10 GbE WAN
10 GbE LAN
| Variety of client side XFPs
| Variety of line side transmitters:
80-channel tunable LiNbO3 line transmitters for improved performance
and flexibility
Single wavelength SFF transmitters
Single wavelength XFP colored transmitters for reduced cost
The XDM TRP25_2C consists of a single base card with two separate 2.5 Gbps
transponders. The TRP25_2C features include:
| Client side and line side continuous bitrate, from 50 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps
| Two-wavelength fixed and tunable line side transmitters
| Optical channel protection in less than 10 msec, based on LOS or LOD
The 2.5 Gbps OMTR27_2 transponder card supports the following key
| Based on the universal CHTR_B base card
| Variety of client side SFPs, STM-16/OTU1, noncolored and CWDM
| Configurable for G.709 OTN OTU1 line rates
| Line side transmitters:
Fixed DWDM SFP transmitters
CWDM SFP transmitters
| G.709 OTN ODU1/OTU1 mapping and framing, including:
7% FEC operation
G.709 GCC in-band communication channel
| Comprehensive PM, such as:
Line side: G.709 OTN PM
PM for SDH clients
| Built-in OCH protection in less than 50 msec, based on PM parameters
| Optional line protection
The XDM offers a variety of combiner card options for 2.5 Gbps and 10 Gbps.
These cards multiplex several client signals onto a single C/DWDM
wavelength using a built-in TDM matrix. The CMTR25 multi-rate
combiner/transponder (see "CMTR25 Multi-Rate Combiner/Transponder" on
page 6-14) can be used as either transponders or combiners and support any
combination of a range of client interfaces, including STM-1, STM-4, GbE,
FC1, and FC2, for configurations tailored to your precise requirements.
The combiner cards support line side tunable lasers and hot-swappable client
side SFPs, and support a variety of GbE and SAN applications.
XDM combiners are ideal for reducing network cost, saving wavelengths, and
improving network reliability. For example, all combiners for the XDM-1000
product line are based on the universal CHTR_B base card for increased
simplicity and reduction of spare parts costs.
The following figure shows a block diagram illustrating the operation of the
XDM combiner.
One of the XDM’s unique features is the ability to combine different services
over the same wavelength, including mixing CWDM clients onto DWDM lines.
This enables the operator to design very cost-effective C/DWDM networks,
from access to core, with no back-to-back connections of multiple transponders
and combiners.
10 Gbps Combiners
The CMBR10_T supports the following key features:
| Based on the universal CHTR_B base card
| Variety of client side SFPs, noncolored and CWDM
| Variety of line side transmitters:
80-channel tunable LiNbO3 line transmitters for improved performance
and flexibility
Single wavelength SFF transmitters
Single wavelength XFP colored transmitters for reduced cost
| G.709 OTN ODU2/OTU2 mapping and framing, including:
Configurable for FEC/EFEC operation
G.709 GCC in-band communication channel
| Comprehensive PM, such as:
Line side: G.709 OTN PM
Client side: Native SDH PM for STM-16
| Built-in OCH protection in less than 50 msec, based on PM parameters
| 800 ps/nm and 1600 ps/nm (40 km/25 mile and 80 km/50 mile) operation
CMTR25 Multi-Rate
The CMTR25 multi-rate transponder/combiner card works with either one or
two slide-in modules (OMCM25_4 and/or OMTR27_2).
The OMCM25_4 module is a multi-rate combiner that provides 4xANY
service, supporting either two or four client ports with either one or two OTU1
aggregate lines. The OMTR27_2 module is a double-density SFP-based OTU1
transponder and regenerator. Both modules offer a choice of line protection,
regeneration, or add&drop service, as well as supporting GCC in-band
management capabilities. Each module accepts up to four plug-in SFP modules.
Each line interface is configurable by the user at either STM-16 or OTU1 line
rate. Supported client rate services include STM-1, STM-4, GbE, FC1, and
FC2, using up to four extractable CWDM or non-colored (850/1310/1550 nm)
The CMTR25 can be used in the following configurations:
| Each OMTR27_2 module functions as an STM-16/OTU1 transponder that
can carry two separate wavelengths per card. The OMTR27_2 supports a
choice of service options. including either two STM-16 over two OTU1
unprotected service, or 1+1 SNCP line protection on a single module,
depending on the configuration.
| With two OMTR27_2 modules, the CMTR25 functions as a
double-density multi-rate transponder, doubling the capacity of a single
OMTR27_2 module to carry four wavelengths per card.
The following figure illustrates a typical application for which the CMTR25
provides the optimal combination of service flexibility. This figure portrays a
P2P application that transports up to four different services over two protected
OTU1 line interfaces.
ADM on a Card
ECI Telecom supports 10 Gbps Add/Drop Multiplexer (ADM) service on a
double card for GbE, FC1, FC2, OTU1, and STM-16 services. This convenient
ADM on a Card (AoC) module replaces larger, more cumbersome and complex
ADM units.
AoC benefits include the ability to route client signals to different locations
along the optical ring, as well as per-service selectable protection and
drop&continue features, useful for E-line service and multi-service
applications. The AoC can also be used as a multi-rate combiner up to OTU2.
With all these capabilities built in, the AoC combines the cost efficiency of an
optical platform with the granularity and flexibility previously available only in
SDH networks.
The AoC supports flexible aggregation of different services, enabling
multiplexing of up to 16 Ethernet, FC, or TDM client interfaces onto a 10 Gbps
optical ring (10.7G OTN), or eight per chain, without any need for traditional
SDH or ODU matrixes. Redundancy and service availability are provided by
pairing two AoC cards together. The physical interfaces are
GbE/FC1/FC2/STM-16, yet the AoC supports granularity down to the VC-4
level. The AoC can take OTU1 traffic from the OMCM25_4 (see "CMTR25
Multi-Rate Combiner/Transponder" on page 6-14) and break down the separate
traffic streams, transmitting the internal services (STM-1, STM-4, and GbE)
along the ring at the appropriate bandwidth.
The AoC offers the flexibility of tunability for long haul DWDM chains as well
as cost effective fixed DWDM transmitters for metro ring configurations.
Figure 6-12: AoC: ring-based services for GbE, FC1, FC2, OTU1, and STM-16
| Traffic can be routed from a 2.5 Gbps access point to the 10 Gbps ring by
routing it, for example, from the OMCM25_4 module (see "CMTR25
Multi-Rate Combiner/Transponder" on page 6-14) to the AoC.
| Connect the OMCM25_4 to the AoC for remote AoC management via
GCC. The AoC supports GCC in-band management, enabling remote
management from the OTU1 aggregate line interface (OMCM25_4)
through the OTU1 client interface (AoC).
| The AoC offers protected services. For example, the AoC supports dual
homing from access and ring.
| To conserve bandwidth in the AoC ring, the AoC supports cross connection
at the VC-4 level. XDM networks can transport STM-1 and STM-4 traffic
through the AoC even though the AoC does not include direct
STM-1/STM-4 interface support.
Put it all together, and you can see that the AoC enables the most
comprehensive set of E2E wavelength services for your network requirements.
| Optical Dual Ring Interface (DRI) protection: The AoC when used in
ring applications supports optical DRI protection. (Note that inter-ring
traffic is through client ports.)
The AoC supports network topologies requiring drop&continue or multicast
services. Drop&continue service offers a key benefit by enabling network
operators to build robust, resilient network architectures that are able to
survive multiple fiber and note failures through the use of optical DRI, as
illustrated in the following figure.
With the AoC, you may choose any combination of protected network traffic,
unprotected traffic, fully protected traffic including client port protection, and
so on. Dual homing from access to ring is also supported.
The SFP, XFP, and SFF transceivers support a variety of transmission rates for
several wavelengths and distances.
Optical Amplifiers
As optical signals are attenuated by the fiber through which they travel, they
can reach power levels below the sensitivity of the optical receiver at the other
end. Before this occurs the signal must be regenerated. In the past, regeneration
was performed exclusively using OEO transceivers. However, with the
development of the OFA, amplification can be performed more cost-effectively
in the optical domain, without requiring an expensive conversion to the
electrical domain and back.
The XDM platform offers a large variety of EDFA and Raman amplifiers to
suit any need and application, such as:
| Amplified metro-core DWDM networks
| Regional and long-haul DWDM networks
| Repeaterless undersea DWDM links
| Single-channel SDH applications that require extra power budget and for
which no optional regeneration sites are available
The XDM houses these amplifiers in the modules cage as well as in the cards
cage, providing maximum flexibility regardless of the XDM shelf used.
The following table lists some of the more commonly used XDM OFA cards
for the XDM-1000 product line. Card features are described in greater detail in
the following sections.
Table 6-7: OFA cards - selected subset for the XDM-1000 family
Module Slots XDM- XDM- XDM- XDM- XDM- Description
500 1000 2000 3000
MO_OFA_HBC 1 √ √ √ High-power dynamic
CCP booster for long-haul
MO_OFA_PC 1 √ √ √ High-power dynamic
CCP preamplifier for long-haul
MO_OFA_PHBC 1 √ √ √ High-power dynamic
CCP booster and preamplifier
in E/W configuration for
applications. Optimized
for ROADM nodes.
MO_OFA_M 1 √ √ √ High-power dynamic
CCP variable gain multistage
amplifier for
applications. Mainly used
as an in-line amplifier.
MO_OFA_MH 1 √ √ √ Very high-power
CCP dynamic variable gain
multistage amplifier for
80 channel
applications. Mainly used
as an in-line amplifier.
OFA2 1 I/O √ √ √ √ √ Family of boosters,
preamplifiers, and in-line
amplifiers for
OFA_R 2 I/O √ √ High-power RAMAN
amplifier for long-haul
and undersea
This family of EDFA-based amplifier cards provides a complete bidirectional
amplification solution for a fiber pair with a very compact form factor on a
single slot card. Its compact size and low cost make it ideal for amplified metro
Available modules are:
| Preamplifier
| Booster
| 23 dB gain amplifier for inline and/or booster applications
| 29 dB gain amplifier for inline and/or preamp applications
The OFA2 also uses a built-in Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) that
automatically controls the input power and the amplifier gain so that the
amplifier can be controlled using ECI Telecom's patent-pending power-control
The OFA2 cards are typically used in metro core/regional networks of channels
that typically range up to 500 km (over 300 miles) and sometimes up to 1000
km (620 miles).
The intelligent MO_OFA_M amplifier can even correct the spectral tilt
introduced by the hundreds of kilometers or miles of optical fiber and other
optical components on the line that have wavelength-dependent loss
The MO_OFA_MH is a high power version optimized for 80 channel
applications. The MO_OFA_PHBC is a dual stage EDFA that is unique in its
East/West configurations. As illustrated in the following diagram, this
architecture is specifically designed for ROADM nodes, providing high gain,
low noise, and high midstage access to accommodate 2 x WSS ROADM.
Moreover, the unique East/West architecture ensures that no single failure will
cause a node failure.
The RM_OFA_VHB is a very high power (25–27 dBm) EDFA booster in a
compact rack-mounted unit. This amplifier is typically used in undersea links
and in very long terrestrial links where very high power is required to bridge
very high fiber loss. In many applications this amplifier is coupled with Raman
amplifiers, described in the following section.
The OFA_R is a double-slot card that generates 500 mW (27 dBm) optical
power. The RM_OFA_HBR/HFR are compact rack-mounted units that
generate very high power of up to 1.8 W (32.5 dBm). The RM_OFA_HFR
operates in a forward mode, and the RM_OFA_HBR operates in a backward or
reverse mode. The Raman amplifiers are designed to operate with various fiber
types, including G.652, G.655, and G.654.
OPM Card
To properly manage DWDM networks, especially regional/long-haul amplified
networks, active monitoring of the optical layer is critical. The Optical
Performance Monitoring (OPM) card for the XDM-1000 product line enables
simultaneous monitoring of all 80 wavelengths, at any four different line points
within a site, delivering direct feedback of the optical signal status. Specifically,
it reports three critical parameters from each active optical channel to LightSoft
and provides alarms about any changes in the following parameters:
| Wavelength (and channel count)
| Power level per channel
| OSNR per channel
The OPM performs automatic scheduled measurements at 15-minute intervals.
These are compared to a historical database of measurements. Long-term
monitoring provides a performance baseline that enables forecasting and rapid
network restoration in case of failures.
The following figure illustrates different possible locations of the OPM and the
connection to LightSoft to enable monitoring of each individual wavelength.
Figure 6-25: OPM cards location and connections to the network manager
A single OPM card monitors optical parameters at four different points in the
same site. The following figure illustrates how a single OPM card in a single
XDM slot monitors these parameters in an OADM site. More than one OPM
card can be used in hub sites in mesh topologies.
The OMSP is an optical MS protection card that provides multiplex section
protection at the optical line level. This single-slot card enables the optical
network to operate in a four-fiber infrastructure while minimizing equipment
needs. Operation in four-fiber rings ensures enhanced protection in cases of a
fiber cut, as a parallel fiber pair protects each fiber pair.
The OMSP card can also be used to add nodes by switching to the appropriate
fiber pair, thus connecting the node to the network.
The XDM uses a patent-pending highly intelligent network control plane to
provide constant optimized power-per-channel (PPC) throughout the link and
the system life span. This mechanism is called PELES (Power Equalization for
Lightwave Enabled Servers), and is essential for providing DWDM networks
with the reliability and ready-to-use simplicity they require.
PELES works at both network and NE level. At the network level, PELES
enables an operator to observe an optical link from beginning to end and to
analyze the actual cause of optical power variations along the link. At the NE
level, PELES remotely and automatically measures the composite and/or
per-channel power levels and monitors the difference between actual power
values (read by the photodiodes in the various optical elements) and expected
(calculated) power values. In case of a power control alarm the XDM analyzes
the situation. If user-defined thresholds are crossed, the XDM readjusts the link
(amplifiers, ROADMs, OADMs, etc.), clears the alarm, and notifies the
management system accordingly.
Using the network power control plane, channels can be freely added and
removed from the DWDM system without requiring reconfiguration or tuning.
The process is completely transparent to all existing channels and does not
interrupt traffic, thereby providing perfectly smooth scalability from the first
channel up to the maximum channel count.
PELES offers the following key capabilities:
| Span loss change detection and measurement of link attenuation: The
real change in span loss along a single link is detected by comparing
changes of composite power at the input of a controlled element against
changes at the output of the previous element. This enables the operator to
detect fiber degradation and to distinguish between power changes caused
by changes in the number of active channels and those caused by changes
in fiber or connector attenuation.
| Active wavelength change measurement: PELES calculates the actual
number of channels that are present at the input of each Mux/OADM and
updates each controlled element when changes in the number of active
channels occur. This eliminates the need for a manual update or
readjustment of the various amplifiers, OADMs, ROADMs, etc. along the
link, thereby simplifying the steps required to add new wavelengths to the
| Calculates and defines the correct gain values needed at each amplifier:
PELES takes into account the power goals and optical noise accumulated
along the chain. This optimizes OSNR performance along the link and
ensures highest QoS even during addition/removal of wavelengths and
during changes in fiber attenuation.
The following table lists some of the XDM CWDM Mux and DeMux units
more commonly used in the XDM-100 product line. For the full list please refer
to the XDM System Specifications.
Table 6-8: Mux/DeMux cards - selected subset for the XDM-100 family
Module Slots XDM-100H XDM-300 Description
MO_CMD8 1 OCU √ √ 8-channel CWDM Mux/DeMux
MO_CMD4C_ 1 OCU √ √ 4-channel CWDM Mux/DeMux,
E expandable
MO_CMD4SL 1 OCU √ √ 4-channel CWDM Mux/DeMux,
expansion module
Table 6-9: OADM modules - selected subset for the XDM-100 family
Module Slots XDM-100H XDM-300 Description
1 1 √ √ 1-channel CWDM OADM, AB
2 2 √ √ 2-channel grouped CWDM
OADM, AB configuration
3 2 √ √ 2-channel random CWDM
OADM, AB configuration
xx designates the channel dropped by the OADM.
Gxx designates the group of two channels dropped by the OADM.
xxyy designates the two random channels dropped by the OADM.
In this chapter:
Overview.......................................................................................................... 7-1
PDH Service Cards .......................................................................................... 7-4
SDH Service Cards .......................................................................................... 7-5
Aurora-G GbE Encryptor Card ........................................................................ 7-7
ATS Service Matrix for 3G Cellular Networks ............................................... 7-8
I/O Protection Modules .................................................................................. 7-10
Simplified SDH Trail Movement .................................................................. 7-11
The XDM utilizes a wide range of flexible interchangeable I/O components.
With this range of modular options, the XDM is capable of building a network
tailored to your requirements, providing maximum efficiency and optimal
The various I/O components are designed for modularity and ease of use. For
example, I/O cards are interchangeable within a product line, and optical
components are built on a single universal base card. These features simplify
the design, maintenance, and upgradability of your network.
This chapter introduces the following XDM MSPP components and service
| PIM/PIO: PDH I/O service cards, aggregate modules, and tributary
modules that link PDH interface signals to the XDM cross-connect matrix,
supporting E1, E3, and DS-3 interfaces.
| SIM/SAM/SIO: SDH I/O service cards, aggregate modules, and tributary
modules that link SDH interface signals to the XDM cross-connect matrix,
supporting all interfaces ranging from STM-1 to STM-64.
| Aurora-G: Encryption solution, encrypting Ethernet traffic at GbE rates.
The Aurora-G enables government and defense agencies as well as
commercial Utelco operators to secure their communications.
| ATS: An ATM switch designed specifically to address the requirements of
3G cellular networks.
The following table identifies the MSPP components and the platforms within
which specific modules are used. The different modules are listed by interface
categories, where the modules within a category generally share the same
functionality. Specific details may vary from module to module. More
information describing the capacity, ports, and interfaces for each module is
provided in the rest of this chapter. For exact detailed specifications of each
module, see the Technical Specifications documentation.
SAM1_4oB √
SIM1_4oB √ √
SAM1_4e √
SIM1_4e √ √
SIM1_8 √ √
SIO1&4 √ √ √
SIO1&4B √ √ √ √
SAM4_2 √
SIM4_2 √ √
SIM4_4 √ √
SIO1&4 √ √ √
SIO1&4B √ √ √ √
SIO16M √ √ √
SAM16_1B √
SIM16_1 √ √
SIM16_4 √
SIO164 √ √ √ √
STM-64 (TDM 10 Gbps)
SIO164 √ √ √ √
SIO64 √ √ √
Encryption service
Aurora-G √ √ √ √
ATM service
ATS √ √ √
The Aurora-G card supports P2P Ethernet over DWDM, interfacing smoothly,
for example, with the CMBR25_2, the CMBR10_D, and transponder cards.
The card employs hardware encryption for the entire Ethernet frame as well as
Layer 3 protocol protection, including IPv4, IPv6, IPX, and others. The
Aurora-G uses the strongest encryption method available, AES-256, rendering
cryptanalysis virtually impossible. Keys are managed remotely through the IKE
protocol. The Aurora-G card is FIPS 140-2 Level 2 compliant.
The ATS card does not have any physical ports. All ports are logical, and
derive from the matrix core. The ATS supports up to two ATM STM-1s/VC-4s
and up to 125 ATM E1s. Any XDM I/O interface can serve as a physical port
for the ATS.
The connection between the physical ports and the ATS logical ports is
established dynamically by configuring XC (HLXC and XIO), as shown in the
following figure:
In this chapter:
Overview.......................................................................................................... 8-1
Standardizing the Control Plane:
ASTN/ASON, GMPLS, and UNI/E-NNI Standards ....................................... 8-3
ASON Architecture.......................................................................................... 8-6
Control Plane Functionalities........................................................................... 8-8
ASON/GMPLS in the XDM Family ............................................................. 8-12
ECI Telecom’s innovative networking framework enables carriers to reduce
CAPEX and OPEX by efficiently planning and operating intelligent optical
networks using ASON architecture and GMPLS protocols.
An Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) provides dynamic
signaling-based policy-driven control over OTN and SDH networks via a
distributed (or partially distributed) control plane, which provides
auto-discovery and dynamic connection set-up.
An ASON network provides:
| Improved support for current end-to-end provisioning, re-routing, and
| New transport services such as bandwidth on demand, rapid service
restoration for disaster recovery, and switched connections within a private
| Support for a wide range of narrowband and broadband clients signals such
Frame Relay
ESCON, FICON, Fiber Channel
A typical ASON implementation scenario is illustrated in the following figure.
The IETF has defined the well-known GMPLS architecture and protocols,
extending MPLS for circuit-switching as well as other non-IP-based systems.
GMPLS protocols include signaling protocols (RSVP-TE), routing protocols
(OSPF-TE), and others. The GMPLS protocols enable advanced switching
platforms such as the XDM to add “intelligence” by integrating a control plane.
The OIF focuses on integration and interoperability issues by defining the
user-to-network interface (UNI) and the external network-to-network interface
(E-NNI). These standards cover the gaps between ASON and GMPLS
architectures, enabling a smoother integration of carrier networks.
ASON Architecture
The XDM architecture is fully ASON-compliant (ITU-T G.8080) and
completely interoperative with other vendor equipment, including systems that
do not have Optical Control Plane technology. The following figure illustrates a
high-level view of the XDM's ASON architecture, composed of three layers or
| Transport plane
| Management plane
| Control plane
Transport Plane
The transport plane represents the switching equipment. This is the physical
equipment that carries the client payload between endpoints of a connection
(trail) over any number of NEs. It includes the intelligent components and
subsystems that make up the network's switching elements and line systems. It
also includes gateways for service adaptation, where necessary.
Within the ECI Telecom ASON network, the transport plane is made up
primarily of components from the ASON-XDM family of products.
Management Plane
The management plane is the management interface for the following control
plane-related functionalities:
| Performance management
| Fault management
| Configuration management
| Security management
Within the ASON network, the components of the control plane are modeled as
managed entities within the management plane.
Control Plane
The control plane consists of individual processors, or control plane instances,
that run the control plane software and use a communication channel to create
an overlay plane that controls the switching elements.
The control plane performs both connection control and connection control
functions on an ASON network.
The principal functions of a control plane are:
| Signaling: to support the capability to create, delete, and maintain
end-to-end connections. Through signaling, the control plane sets up and
releases connections, and can restore a connection in case of a failure.
| Routing: to select the most appropriate path.
The purpose of the ASON network control plane is to:
| Facilitate fast and efficient configuration of connections within a transport
layer network to support both switched and soft permanent connections.
| Reconfigure or modify connections that support calls that have previously
been set up.
| Perform a restoration function, in the event of a failure.
| Link bundling: The XDM control plane bundles ports and other facilities
with the same link attributes into a single link bundle. Link bundling
provides an efficient way to distribute link information for multiple links
simultaneously. Link bundling is one of the features that enable the ACP
cards' scalable architecture capabilities.
As implemented, the topology database is updated when the following
events occur:
Connection setup (or connection setup failure) and connection tear
down. If the connection setup fails because a remote NE does not have
the bandwidth available, the source NE learns this information and
updates its network topology database accordingly.
Bundle capacity modification. The topology database is updated when
new resources are added or removed from a bundle, or when a new
bundle is created.
Regular link bundle LSA broadcasting is performed periodically.
Significant changes in the availability of resources-for example, when a
link bundle gains or loses the ability to support a connection type-are
advertised promptly (seconds).
XDM routing is responsible for network topology and resource discovery, and
for automatic route computation. XDM routing complies with ITU-T G.7715
and ITU-T G.7715.1.
The XDM uses a distributed link state routing protocol, OSPF-TE, for
automatic discovery of network topology and resources and to maintain a local
topology database on each control plane instance. Each ACP is responsible for
discovering its neighboring NEs and the links that connect them. The ACP then
advertises the identities of its adjacent neighbors and the cost/weight of each
link. This link information is advertised among control plane instances through
periodic exchange of link state packets. Thus, each ACP is armed with a
dynamic map of the network topology and resources. With this information, the
ACP is able to compute routes to any destination.
Both implicit and explicit path determination are supported at call creation.
Implicit calls are calls for which only the source and destination points are
specified for the connection(s), along with other service attributes (i.e., rate,
granularity, CoS, and so on).
Explicit calls are calls for which the route is specified by the LightSoft NMS.
This explicit route specification is passed on to the control plane. With explicit
routing, the control plane does not do any route calculation. Note that an
explicit call may benefit from the dynamic connection management capabilities
of the control plane by using precalculated mesh restoration.
Optical signaling provides the underlying mechanism for dynamic call and
connection management. The signaling mechanisms handle connection
requests, such as connection creation or restoration. The signaling design
complies with ITU-T G.7713.2 and GMPLS RSVP-TE.
Once a route is determined by the ACP of the source node, signaling is used to
set the connection. Label request messages are sent from source node to the
destination node. Notification message receipts sent from the destination node
to the source node are used by each ACP along the way to set the local cross
connect that services the entire connection E2E.
Two connection types may be supported:
| Soft permanent connection (SPC): Optical connection requested by
LightSoft, on behalf of client devices.
| Switched connection (SC): Optical connection requested directly by the
client at the network edge.
ASON Advantages
ASON offers significant advantages over the accepted network standards in the
telecommunication industry.
SDH optical communication, for example, has long been an industry standard.
However, as networks became more complicated, the limitations of SDH began
to show. Specifically, SDH failed to address the following requirements of
today's carriers: the need to streamline the process of configuring trails, the
need for more efficient use of bandwidth, and the need for more advanced
protection schemes.
| Trail Configuration: SDH networks typically consist of chains and rings.
The trails and time slots of their trails are manually configured—which is
slow and expensive. When the networking involves interconnection
between more than one vendor's equipment, the configuration process can
take several weeks and, often, much longer.
ASON solves this problem by adopting an E2E automatic trail
configuration model. To configure a trail, simply specify the source node,
sink node, bandwidth, and protection type—and the intelligent,
self-discovery capability of the network automatically does the rest.
| Bandwidth Utilization: SDH optical transmission networks must maintain
a large portion of available network resources in reserve. These networks
also lack advanced trail protection, restore, and routing functions.
ASON provides comparable protection with fewer resources held in
reserve-which means greater efficiency and improved utilization of network
resources. ASON also supports traffic engineering and dynamic adjustment
of the network topology logic in real time, thereby optimizing the
configuration and allocation of network resources.
| Protection and Restoration: MSP and SNCP are the main protection
schemes for SDH trails.
In ASON, MESH is the main topology, which means that besides MSP and
SNCP protection, ASON allows for a dynamic restoring function. In
addition, when there are multiple failures in the network, the trails can be
restored progressively. Based on the differences in trail restoration time,
multiple service types are defined in ASON networks to meet requirements
of different customers. Working with varied services enables multiple
levels of protection.
The enhanced XDM network adds new capabilities that can bring significant
economies to carriers (CAPEX and OPEX). For example:
| Distributed dynamic routing capability facilitates the rapid and
cost-effective deployment of new nodes and additional bandwidth, without
the extensive offline operations otherwise required. (CAPEX)
| Management includes automatic topology discovery, resource
dissemination, point-and-click connection provisioning, automatic user
initiated setup, E2E PM across an SDH circuit. The addition of ASON
provides network-wide E2E path protection and restoration, further
enhancing existing service provisioning. (OPEX)
| Facilitates revenue-generating services, such as Gigabit Ethernet, Optical
Virtual Private Networks (O-VPN), Bandwidth on Demand (BoD), and
differentiated Class of Service (CoS).
| New types of protection schemes, which are able to increase network
survivability, including the 1++ (SNCP-based) protection for very high CoS
services, and 1+R (unprotected based) protection for low CoS services.
In this chapter:
Routing and Forwarding Functionality ............................................................ 9-1
Digital Communication Channel (DCC) ......................................................... 9-2
Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC)................................................................ 9-9
General Communications Channel (GCC) .................................................... 9-10
Communications Module ............................................................................... 9-11
The XDM smoothly integrates multiple DCN modes, with a single XDM able
to function in different DCN modes with different network components. For
example, the XDM icon highlighted and outlined in red in the following figure
maintains a direct link to and communicates with three different network
components working in three different modes: DCC with LAN Emulation,
DCC with OSPF, and DCN OSPF.
Clear Channel
When an XDM network is interconnected with equipment from other vendors,
the XDM management may not be able to use the embedded communication
channels provided by the other vendor. For example, the other equipment may
not support IP packet forwarding. Nevertheless, the XDM supports a complete
range of alternate communication methods, enabling full interoperability with
external vendor equipment, despite the limitations that may be imposed.
In one approach, management traffic may be carried on a regular VC-12
crossing the external network, using external equipment. The XDM-100, for
example, can do this internally, through a Clear Channel termination that
operates in an identical fashion to the RS-DCC/MS-DCC termination. The
Clear Channel feature is implemented when DCC management information
must pass through an external subnetwork that does not support the transport of
transparent DCC channels. To manage remote ECI Telecom equipment through
other vendor subnetworks, DCC channels are transported over 2 Mbps (VC-12)
External DCCs
In some cases, the XDM network must interconnect with NEs that cannot
support interworking at the DCC network level. In this situation the XDM
equipment may have to carry the foreign management communication in a
virtual 'Transparent DCC' over embedded communications without mixing it
with its own management communications. This may occur, for example, when
one provider must transparently transport the management communications of
another provider over its network, or with NEs that are managed using OSI
protocols over the DCCs rather than IP-based protocols. This transparency is
valuable, for example, in CoC multivendor networks where the XDM platforms
enable connectivity between the different vendor islands.
The external DCC channel and external DCC XC features of the XDM support
this requirement. RS and MS objects in SDH data cards contain external DCC
bytes used to implement the transparent DCC feature. This feature enables you
to use the XDM network to transparently route the management channel of an
external vendor, independent of the payload routing. Using the EMS-XDM XC
subsystem, you can create XCs on external DCC objects that specify how the
management channel is routed via the NE.
General Communications
Channel (GCC)
The XDM supports in-band management utilizing the GCC incorporated in
CHTR_B-based OTN transponders and combiners. The GCC enables remote
management of equipment at any site where optical channels are dropped. This
can increase margins and extend distances of optical links, as OSC filters are
eliminated. The GCC provides the same basic features as the DCC detailed in
the preceding sections.
The XDM fully integrates the GCC with the DCC and OSC channels, thus
providing the operator with the flexibility to choose the most appropriate
management channel. Operators can even mix the different channels in a
network or even in the same shelf. This is illustrated in the following figure.
Communications Module
All XDM shelf configurations work with a communications module, featuring:
| Electrical interface connectors that are integrated into the I/O modules,
saving the need for separate electrical interface modules
| Easy routing of external management interfaces
| A monitoring system for acceptance test purposes
| Hot insertion of cards and modules to support quick maintenance and repair
activities, without affecting traffic
In the XDM-1000 product line, the platforms work with the MECP. In the
XDM-100 product line, the platforms work with the ECU.
The MECP connects the management, OHA, and OW interfaces to the active
xMCP card. The physical management connections are provided by the
External Connection Board (ECB) located above the MECP.
The MECP supports standard OW as well as a special voice channel over the
DCC when using VoIP and a special router. This feature enables external calls
from outside the network to a particular site. In addition, the MECP generates
system alarms and activates indicators, for example software downloads,
restarts, configurations, and so on.
In pure optical networks and inline amplifier sites, various MECP versions are
available to support OSC operation at 1510 nm or 1310 nm, with maximum
reach ranging from 85 km to over 200 km.
In the XDM-100 product line, the ECU provides the physical interface between
the XDM and external management and clock devices. The ECU connects
management, alarms, and overhead access interfaces to the active MXC. It also
provides the physical connections for these interfaces.
Two types of ECU cards are available for the XDM: ECU (regular) and ECU-F
The ECU-F supports the following management and alarm interfaces and
| Ethernet interface to LightSoft and EMS-XDM
| Ethernet hub for multiple NE connections
| Serial (RS-232) interface for LCT-XDM (on page 11-22)
| Synchronization inputs and outputs (T3/T4)
| Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning)
| External alarm outputs and inputs (SCSI D-connector)
| Alarm Cut Off (ACO)
| Operation and alarm LEDs
| Selection and display of traffic interfaces for monitoring purposes
| Monitor interface for STM-1 ports
| Laser activation during ALS, for maintenance purposes
| Multiplexer reset
| Hold-up capacitors
| Lamp test activation
| OW functionality
The ECU card supports all functions provided by the ECU-F except for
Ethernet expansion to hub, monitoring points, holdup capacitors, and alarms
In this chapter:
Overview........................................................................................................ 10-1
ASON Protection and Restoration Capabilities ............................................. 10-2
MPLS Protection Schemes ............................................................................ 10-6
Ethernet Provider Bridge Traffic Protection ................................................ 10-15
Fast IOP: 1:1 Card Protection ...................................................................... 10-17
SDH Path Protection Schemes ..................................................................... 10-17
SDH Line Protection.................................................................................... 10-21
Optical Layer Protection .............................................................................. 10-25
Equipment Protection .................................................................................. 10-30
Integrated Protection for I/O Cards with Electrical Interfaces .................... 10-31
The XDM provides a comprehensive set of protection and restoration
mechanisms that supply complete overall protection for every aspect of your
network configuration. The XDM supports protection for all types of networks,
based on the complete range of technologies. Protection mechanisms are
provided through the XDM's ASON capabilities, as well as a complete set of
MPLS and Ethernet traffic protection schemes, and fast IOP (1:1 card
protection). The XDM supports full SDH path and line protection, optical layer
protection, equipment protection, and integrated protection for I/O cards with
electrical interfaces. These various protection capabilities are introduced in this
Path Computation
The protection and restoration capabilities of links and the shared risk link
groups (SRLG) associated with links can also be advertised by the routing
protocols. Based on the LightSoft physical layer, SRLG constrains the
information and capabilities provided by the GMPLS routing and signaling
protocols. The routing constraints defined for hops, fiber distance, link cost,
and SRLG may lead to different service path calculations, depending on the
constraints. The path computation algorithm Constrained Shortest Path First
(CSPF) can select disjoint paths based on link, node, or SRLG diversity.
In Facility Backup FRR node protection for a P2MP tunnel, the MCS
upstream from the failure redirects the traffic through a Bypass tunnel that
merges with the original P2MP tree at the NNH MCS. If the NH is a P2MP
branching point to N links, N Bypass tunnels are required for complete
protection. As for link protection, when traffic of the same P2MP tunnel share a
Bypass tunnel, the data plane forwards only one packet copy to that Bypass
tunnel. FRR label insertion and removal is handled as in FRR link protection.
The following figure illustrates a P2MP tunnel that flows from P1 to P2, where
the tunnel branches towards destinations PE3 and PE4. If the P2 branching
point fails, P1 switches all traffic meant for PE3 to go through Bypass tunnel 1
to PE3. P1 also switches all traffic meant for PE4 to go through Bypass tunnel 2
to PE4.
Link Aggregation
Ethernet Link Aggregation (LAG) protection is based on standard Ethernet link
aggregation schemes (IEEE 802.3ad). In LAG protection schemes, a single
logical link is composed of up to eight physical links (Ethernet or EoS ports).
When one (or more) physical link fails, the failed link is simply removed until
that link recovers. The network continues to function correctly without the
failed link.
LAG is available for both Ethernet and EoS WAN ports. The following figure
illustrates the LAG approach. Two variations are displayed, one for Ethernet
ports and one for EoS WAN ports.
Link members are added and removed through the network management
The XDM features path protection over mesh and SubNetwork Connection
Protection (SNCP). SNCP provides independent trail protection for individual
subnetworks connected to the XDM, thus enhancing reliability against multiple
failures. When implemented in dual-node interconnections, SNCP, combined
with the drop&continue capability of the XDM, is even more powerful against
multifailure conditions in mesh topologies. By integrating SNCP into the XDM,
operators achieve superior traffic availability figures. SNCP is therefore
extremely important for leased lines or other traffic requiring superior SLA
SNCP switching functions automatically in the XDM without operator
intervention or path redefinition. The result is an exceptionally fast protection
switching time of less than 30 msec, with typical switching time taking only a
few milliseconds. Protection switching is performed in a distributed way in the
service cards.
A major SNCP advantage is its flexibility. SNCP is topology-independent and
can be implemented in ring, chain, star, mesh, and hybrid topologies. It can be
implemented with platforms from other vendors, enabling the creation of a ring
where traffic originating from other ADMs is fully protected.
Leased lines are provided through single-link connections. In the event of
failure, leased-line traffic is protected by SNCP switching at the service
termination point.
In typical multi-ring or mesh networks, the SNCP drop&continue functionality
provides better traffic reliability and link redundancy in the event of a site
failure. In these networks, four ADMs are typically required to enable this
functionality (see the following figure showing only one direction).
The XDM supports SNCP at all STM-n levels (STM-1 to STM-64) and for all
VC objects, as follows:
| Any VC-4 in any STM-n
| Any VC-4nc in any STM-n
| Any VC-3 in any VC-4 in any STM-n
| Any VC-12 in any VC-4 in any STM-n
Revertive SNCP
XDM platforms support revertive SNCP starting from V6.2 of the system.
When the system is protected by regular SNCP, it uses the protection path in
the event a failure is detected in the main path, and does not revert to the main
path even after it recovers. The protected path may incorporate links that are
more expensive and less reliable (for instance, leased lines).
Revertive SNCP is useful when the user has a preferred path for traffic and can
switch back to the main path after recovery. The user can now define the
operating mode as Revertive or nonrevertive SNCP, giving him a higher degree
of flexibility.
The system provides several parameters to ensure that the failed (main) path is
stable and reliable before reverting to it after a fault condition. Most of these
are user-configured, including:
| Wait to Restore (WTR): The period of time after which a failed unit is
faultfree and can be considered as available again by the protection
| Wait to Switch (WTS): Factory-defined timer issued to prevent excessive
switching events in a nonstable condition. This timer disables switching to
protection path for X minutes if Y or more switches occurred in a period of
time of Z seconds.
| Hold-off time: Useful for interworking of protection schemes and
provisioned on an individual equipment basis. The failure condition is
monitored at the end of the hold-off time before switching to the protection
| Switch time: Traffic switch operating as quickly as possible. The target
time is 50 msec.
MSP is designed to protect single optical links. This protection is most suitable
for appendage TM/star links or for four-fiber links in chain topologies.
The XDM supports MSP in all optical line cards (STM-1, STM-4, STM-16,
and STM-64). MSP 1+1 unidirectional and bidirectional modes are supported.
MSP 1+1 is implemented between two SDH interfaces (working and
protection) of the same bitrate that communicate with two interfaces on another
platform. As with SNCP and path protection, in MSP mode the XDM provides
protection for both fiber and hardware faults.
The following figure shows a four-fiber star XDM with all links protected. This
ensures uninterrupted service even in the case of a double fault. The XDM
automatically performs MSP switching within 50 msec.
In addition to SNCP protection that may also be implemented in mesh
topologies, the XDM supports MS-SPRing that provides bandwidth advantages
for selected ring-based traffic patterns.
Two-fiber MS-SPRing supports any 2.5 Gbps and/or 10 Gbps rings closed by
the XDM via SIO16/SIO64 cards, in compliance with applicable ITU-T
standards. This is fully automatic and performed in less than 50 msec.
| In the XDM-100 product line, MS-SPRing is supported on all
STM-16 and STM-64 ports through the SAM16, SIM16, and SIM64
card sets.
| In the XDM-1000 product line, MS-SPRing is supported by the
following card sets:
| As explained in this section, MS-SPRing is a network protocol that
runs on the ring aggregate cards. The PDH, STM-1, STM-4, and
data cards (electrical and optical) that serve as drop cards connected
to the client are not part of the MS-SPRing ring protocol. However,
all client services can be delivered via MS-SPRing on XDM
networks through the drop cards and the SDH aggregate cards that
create the MS-SPRing protection ring.
| When working with the HLXC768 matrix card, links within the
same NE and session must run between the same card types and the
same port numbers on those cards.
Thus, for example, an MS-SPRing connection could run from Port1
on an SIO16_2 card in the East side to Port1 on an SIO16_2 card on
the West side.
You cannot connect Port1 on an SIO16_2 card in the East to Port2
on an SIO16_2 card in the West, since the port numbers do not
match. You also cannot connect an STM-16 port in an SIO164 card
to an STM-16 port in an SIO16_2 card, since the card types do not
match. Similarly, you cannot connect an STM-64 port in an SIO164
card to an STM-64 port in an SIO64 card, since here too the card
types do not match.
There are no comparable limitations in MS-SPRing link
construction when using an XIO384F matrix card.
MS-SPRing can support low-order traffic arriving at the nodes in the same way
it does high-order traffic. LO traffic support on MS-SPRing is unique to XDM
as it is a genuine MSPP.
In MS-SPRing modes, the STM-n signal is divided into working and protection
capacity per MS. In case of a failure in one MS of the ring, the protection
capacity loops back the affected traffic at both ends of the faulty MS. The
XDM supports the full squelching protocol to prevent traffic misconnections in
cases of failure at isolated nodes. Trails to be dropped at such nodes are muted
to prevent their being delivered to the wrong destination.
MS-SPRing is particularly beneficial in ring applications with uniform or
adjacent traffic patterns, as it offers significant capacity advantages compared
to other protection schemes.
The following figure shows an XDM in a two-fiber MS-SPRing. In this
configuration, two fibers are connected between each site. Each fiber delivers
50% of the active and 50% of the shared protection traffic. For example, in an
STM-16 ring, 8 VC-4s are active and 8 VC-4s are reserved for shared
In the event of a fiber cut between sites A and D, traffic is transported through
sites B and C on the black portion of the counterclockwise fiber. The switch in
traffic is triggered by the APS protocol that transmits control signals over the
K1 and K2 bytes in the fiber from site D to site A.
Extra traffic capability is also supported, enabling users to use the protecting
VC-4s to carry extra traffic that is dropped in case of a failure in the protected
VC-4s. Thus, the total capacity of the ring is used, provided there are no
network failures. The extra traffic itself is, of course, not protected.
Nonpre-emptive Unprotected Traffic (NUT) is also supported. NUT refers to
unprotected traffic carried on channels with MS-SPRing MSP protection
switching mechanism that is disabled for certain working channels and their
corresponding protection. It allows the users to implement the MS-SPRing in a
smaller group of AU-4s enabling better BW efficiency. Traffic carried on these
channels is unprotected MS-SPRing and nonpre-emptive, but can be protected
using other protection schemes.
| Optical Dual Ring Interface (DRI) protection: The AoC when used in
ring applications supports optical DRI protection. (Note that inter-ring
traffic is through client ports.)
The AoC supports network topologies requiring drop&continue or multicast
services. Drop&continue service offers a key benefit by enabling network
operators to build robust, resilient network architectures that are able to
survive multiple fiber and note failures through the use of optical DRI, as
illustrated in the following figure.
With the AoC, you may choose any combination of protected network traffic,
unprotected traffic, fully protected traffic including client port protection, and
so on. Dual homing from access to ring is also supported.
The XDM provides OCH protection very similar to its path protection
mechanism. By using double transponder/combiner cards with built-in OCH
units, a dual-traffic path goes around the ring and is received by both the main
transponder/combiner and the protection transponder/combiner. Both perform
continuous PM to ensure channel integrity.
If PM on the main transponder/combiner does not indicate a problem, a
message is sent through the backplane to the protection transponder/combiner
for it to shut down its laser to the client, thereby ensuring transmission to the
client from only one transponder/combiner (the main). Protection switching to
the protection transponder/combiner occurs automatically when a failure is
detected by the main transponder/combiner.
The figures in this section illustrate different protection schemes. Note that
XDM protection schemes can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.
For example, the protected channels in the following figure are user-selected.
OCH protection is currently the most popular optical protection method for the
optical layer. The mechanism transports each optical channel in two directions,
clockwise and counterclockwise. The shortest path is defined as the main or
working channel; the longer path as the protection channel.
The main benefit of OCH protection is its ability to separately choose the
shortest path as the working path for each channel. There are no dedicated
working and protection fibers. Each fiber carries traffic with both working and
protection signals in a single direction.
The OCH 1+1 protection scheme provides separate protection for each channel.
For SDH and GbE, protection switching is based on OM parameters. For
nonstandard bitrate protection, switching is based on LOS and LOD
parameters. The switch-to-protection mode is automatic when a malfunction is
detected in a single channel. This is very convenient, as users can choose the
channels for protection and the main or protection paths. Switch-to-protection
time in the OCH 1+1 protection scheme is less than 5 msec.
The XDM features Optical Multiplex Section Protection (OMSP) and provides
line protection for P2P optical links. In the event of a fiber cut, an optical
switch within the OMSP card automatically switches traffic to the protection
This low-cost approach protects all DWDM channels simultaneously without
hardware redundancy. OMSP protection operates independently of data rates,
protocols, or number of channels. OMSP also provides protection for future
upgrades when additional DWDM channels are added to the network.
Equipment Protection
The XDM's high-level reliability is achieved through comprehensive equipment
redundancy on all units. Automatic protection switching is initiated by a robust
internal BIT diagnostic system.
Common Unit
The XDM provides 1+1 and 1:1 protection of the power supply and xFCU.
Data cards also offer 1:1 hardware protection. By installing a backup data card,
all services and card functionalities are backed up on the standby card. Optical
interfaces are duplicated using splitter/coupler devices (Y-fibers or dedicated
splitter modules) and electrical interfaces are protected using an external
| Protection for STM-1 and STM-4 I/O cards. The protection module for
this type of interface is designated M1_16P and is installed in slot M6. The
SIO1&4 card installed in slot I6 protects all the other SIO1&4 cards which
can be installed in slots I1 to I5 and I7 to I11.
For an XDM fully equipped with SIO1&4 cards, the resulting protection
ratio is 1:10. Higher protection ratios are achieved when the number of
SIO1&4 cards installed in the shelf is less than 11.
An additional M1_16P module can optionally be installed in slot M7. With
this option, the SIO16 card in slot I7 protects the SIO1&4 cards installed in
slots I8 to I11. This results in a 1:4 protection ratio.
In this chapter:
Overview........................................................................................................ 11-1
Layered Architecture ..................................................................................... 11-2
Client/Server Architecture ............................................................................. 11-3
Integration with Other Products ..................................................................... 11-3
LightSoft NMS .............................................................................................. 11-3
EMS-XDM .................................................................................................. 11-14
LCT-XDM ................................................................................................... 11-22
ECI Telecom's powerful network management suite, LightSoft, adopts a
management concept and design that uses layered architecture, in accordance
with applicable standards. LightSoft controls multiple transmission
technologies; each technology is represented as a layer, such as optics, SDH,
and Ethernet/MPLS, in addition to the physical layer, representing the physical
components such as fibers and equipment.
Layered Architecture
ECI Telecom's management concept is designed using a layered architecture in
accordance with applicable standards. Separate management layers make up the
management structure. The lowest level, the Network Element Layer (NEL),
constitutes the embedded agent software of the NEs. The second layer, the
Element Management Layer (EML), controls many individual NEs, while the
third layer, the Network Management Layer (NML), controls the main network
management functions.
Client/Server Architecture
LightSoft network management suite (NMS) implements an advanced
client/server software architecture that supports a large number of processes.
The NMS server can be run on either single or multiple workstations. This
distributed architecture enables you to scale easily. The multiconfigurator
feature of LightSoft gives each operator the means to initiate sessions and
manage the network simultaneously, either in whole or in part.
LightSoft NMS
LightSoft's NMS is a multidimensional network management system managing
the complete family of element management systems (EMSs) offered by ECI
Telecom. LightSoft enables you to assume full control of all equipment in your
network, including:
| XDM transport platform
| BroadGate family of multiservice products for access applications
| ECI Telecom's Carrier Ethernet 9000 family of switch/routers
| SYNCOM multiplexer family at the STM-1, STM-4, and STM-16 layers
| Multivendor networks
LightSoft is a unified NMS that provisions, monitors, and controls all network
layers, enabling you to manage multiple technology layers (SDH, data, and
optical) independently of the physical layer. This offers on-demand service
provisioning, pinpoint bandwidth allocation, and dramatic reductions in the
equipment and operating costs that multiple management systems often require.
It does this by providing all facets of network management, netwide,
end-to-end, from a single platform. Management features include configuration,
fault management, performance management, administrative procedures,
maintenance operations, and security control. Within one integrated
management system, LightSoft's NMS enables you to fully control all of your
NEs regardless of their manufacturer, and view the complete network at a
glance. With LightSoft's NMS, multiple operators can simultaneously configure
the network while preventing any configuration conflicts.
Topology Management
LightSoft allows network administrators to commission and configure
equipment in local and remote subnetworks across the deployment. NEs can be
deployed in a wide range of topologies, including single or multiple rings with
appendages, or chains and composite topologies like mesh, incorporating
terminal multiplexers. Users move intuitively from an overall survey of the
network landscape to detailed status and control views of any NE, transmission
level, system card, or trail.
This application enables you to manage NEs at multiple levels. It distinguishes
between the NEs or MEs (Managed Elements) that make up the network, and
the logical elements (LEs) that these MEs represent. An ME designates a piece
of equipment, like a shelf, whereas the LE is a technology-oriented
representation of the various physical elements in the network. You can
customize these elements by splitting them. For example, different icons on the
map may represent different ports belonging to a single NE.
This unique distinction enables true multidimensional network management by
allowing operators to:
| Focus on MEs when creating and deleting NEs (physical layer)
| Focus separately on the ports available at each technology level (for
example, SDH, optical, or data) when managing trails (technology layer)
Whenever an ME is added to the network at the physical layer of LightSoft, an
LE is automatically projected into the relevant technology layer, as shown in
the topology view in the interface. If an ME contains ports that belong to
multiple technologies, as is the case with XDM shelves, LEs are created at each
technology layer containing only the ports relevant to that layer. Nested groups
are supported and can be defined differently in the various layers.
Trail Configuration
LightSoft provides powerful trail configuration tools. A detailed definition of
through and local XCs gives administrators precise control of the system
structure, guaranteeing uninterrupted services and maximized use of bandwidth.
In addition to manual trail routing, the patent-pending path-finding algorithm
searches for and selects optimal end to end primary and protection paths across
complex topologies. Optimization criteria are user-defined and may include
such parameters as number of nodes, link cost, distance, shared risk (such as
common ducts), and so on. A powerful trail synchronization function polls the
entire network, keeping the LightSoft trail database up to date. LightSoft also
provides numerous protection and traffic reconfiguration schemes in case of
service disruption. The system provides full traffic restoration via contingency
traffic plans.
The LightSoft advanced trail management functions allow you to create, delete,
and modify SDH and optical trails, as well as Ethernet and MPLS services.
Fault Management
LightSoft simplifies real-time status monitoring of the network and its
elements. The main window uses color-coded icons to show equipment status at
a glance. Customizable alarm listings, alarm counters, and alarm audio and
visual indicators, all updated in real time, are displayed in the main window.
Administrators can acknowledge alarms from the Current Alarms list, post
"sticky note"-type messages (User Notes) to other network personnel, and
customize their own alarm filters. They can click any element in the network to
open status windows listing the alarms for each object, including NEs, cards,
and physical ports.
GUI Cut-Through
LightSoft's NMS uses a process called GUI Cut-Through (GCT) to invoke
EMS functions without launching the EMS-XDM. With the user-friendly GCT
interface, you can:
| Set, change, and propagate NE attributes
| Configure shelves and cards
| Change alarm severities
| Set NE timing sources
| Activate performance management functions on NEs
| Perform maintenance functions on NEs or their objects
Security Functions
LightSoft provides two main types of security functions:
| User security
| System security
User security controls the persons having access to the system (user groups),
which operations these users can perform (capability profiles), and the
elements of the network on which these operations can be performed
All LightSoft users are assigned to user groups, each of which is then paired
with a capability profile and a defined number of domains. Users in a particular
user group can perform only those functions provided for by their capability
profile assigned to the group, and only on those domains assigned to the group.
LightSoft supports Resource Domain Partitioning (RDP), enabling you to
divide a network into many different resource domains, or logical regions, each
one having its own capability and resources profile. RDP enables service
providers to partition their networks according to their geographical,
organizational, or logistical needs.
Users are assigned access privileges based on their capability profile and
domain (specific region or the entire network), through a flexible security
scheme. This method provides each client with the appropriate level of
operational control, without infringing on the security needs of any other client.
System security is provided through a comprehensive mesh of protective
mechanisms. Operating system security includes a complete set of secure
system settings, combined with hardening policies for user authentication and
login procedures. For example, intelligent password restrictions, user action
logs, and an optional keyboard lock feature are used to help ensure system
security and integrity. Network security mechanisms incorporate integrated
protection on multiple levels, including ICMP protocol, IP layer, and TCP
layer. System services are carefully monitored and restricted to minimize
vulnerability. A complete set of additional, optional security hardening
measures are available depending on customer requirements. For example,
additional user authentication restrictions, FTP service hardening, file and mail
restrictions, and optional filters and locks are available. Integration with special
customer security policies and infrastructure can be provided upon request.
The EMS-XDM provides full-feature XDM support. It functions at the EML in
the TMN scheme and can operate directly under LightSoft. It has been designed
as an open system in compliance with the CORBA MTNM standard. The
EMS-XDM may be co-located in the same platform, operate as a standalone
application, or integrated in a non-ECI Telecom NMS or TMN umbrella
system. It can control hundreds of different XDM NEs at a time, and supports a
wide range of management functions, including alarms, configuration,
inventory, provisioning, and security management.
Alarm Management
As in LightSoft, current alarms are displayed in the Current Alarms window.
An alarms log keeps track of past alarms. A network-wide alarm counter is
included in the system. Alarms are color-coded, enabling quick and easy
viewing of the status of any alarm. Alarm management functions include
filtering, sorting, severity assignment, printing, and exporting via FTP.
Using the EMS-XDM, network administrators can assign severity levels to
individual alarm parameters in specific NEs. This means that remote NEs can
screen out low-level alarms, while the network administrator analyzes
LightSoft prefiltered and sorted daily alarm logs.
Performance Management
Administrators can use EMS-XDM to access current performance data for each
XDM NE (including optical objects) and trail/circuit, recorded over 15-minute
or 24-hour intervals, detailed per termination point, and sorted by logging time.
Performance data is available in both tabular and chart form. This information
is useful in troubleshooting NEs, and in optimizing QoS.
EMS-XDM provides default performance parameters and threshold levels in
compliance with accepted ITU-T standards. These parameters and thresholds
can be configured to suit individual applications.
The XDM supports all standard SDH PM counters (for example, BBE, SES,
and UAS) for the different signal levels (for example, MS, VC-12/3/4); GFP
counters (for example, a comprehensive set of block counters); data counters
(for example Ethernet Rx/Tx octets, Rx/Tx frames, broadcast and unicast
packets, multicast and IGMP packets); policer counters, MPLS counters, and
more. Each counter has a user-configurable default threshold.
PM data is collected and stored by EMS-XDM in a performance log. The
expanded PM collection capabilities of EMS-XDM allow you to:
| Define PM collection groups and their characteristics.
| Define PM counter thresholds and assign performance profiles to objects.
| View historical performance data for XDM transmission objects.
| Manually collect PM data for all cross-connect endpoints on a card.
| Display and use PM logs and other types of logs.
| Obtain and display PM history reports for optical objects.
A graphic display of the XCs makes editing easy. Simply point and click at
cards and endpoints and then activate them. For additional ease of use, the
cross-connection window is intuitive. Mass provisioning is possible via batch
files or an activate series.
Optic-Centric Management
The EMS-XDM emphasizes excellent intuitive graphic management of the
optical layer through the following features.
The Functional Node (FuN) feature enables users to view, manage, and monitor
optical sites (and connections between cards/sites in the same network) from a
functional perspective. It presents a logical view of the complete optical site, as
opposed to the Shelf View's equipment-centric view.
The FuN Topology Map (FTM) enables users to build optical networks using
intuitive graphic icons and an easy drag-and-drop process. The FTM works
with an intuitive logical map similar to the 'As Built' documentation.
Events and alarms are visible for all network components using the familiar
ECI Telecom color coding. This enables a constant awareness and
understanding of the network status without distracting the operator or dividing
the operator's attention between two different status and information windows.
The FTM also streamlines operations by providing direct access to the card
configuration screens from the main FTM window.
Automatic links discovery is another useful FTM feature. After FTM map
generation, a single click automatically generates all OCH links and uploads the
links to LightSoft's NMS.
The enhanced APC, also known as PELES, provides complete optical chain
power control and equalization. The EMS-XDM monitors optical links from
end to end and analyzes the true cause of variations in optical power at all
power control elements in the link. PELES features include:
| Monitoring the current power levels and channel status, with
Detection of changes in span loss.
Measurement of actual link attenuation.
Per-span information regarding active channels passing through a
power control element.
| Displaying the monitoring data in a convenient, easy to read table.
| Automatic calculation of all necessary optical link parameters in case of an
event, including:
Calculation of the actual Number of Channels (NOCs) that are present
at the input of a power control element.
Calculation of the actual Number of Amplifiers (NOAs) and the precise
Average Gain of previous amplifiers (AVGpas).
Calculation of the required gain at each amplifier.
| Updating the physical NEs with all necessary changes in card
configuration, through power control activation (by setting tracking to ON).
The EMS-XDM supports DCC functionality with dynamic OSPF routing. The
XDM implements dynamic OSPF routing over the network interfaces to
automatically determine the routing table. OSPF support includes PPP
encapsulation of IP packets with HDLC framing over RS-DCC, MS-DCC, and
"Clear Channel" communication channels as defined in ITU G.7712. Support is
also provided for legacy LAN Emulation encapsulation, with full software
configurability between all communication modes.
The EMS-XDM can work with a combination of XDM and legacy equipment
working with several different DCN methods, including:
| DCC with LAN Emulation
| DCC with OSPF
| Ethernet mode OSPF
| DCN OSPF (towards the XDM gateways)
The XDM smoothly integrates multiple DCN modes, with a single XDM able
to function in different DCN modes with different network components. For
more information, refer to Network Communication Control (on page 9-1).
Security Management
The EMS-XDM provides a fully customizable security hierarchy. Users can
partition NEs by group, and limit user access to specific groups. The individual
NEs may be configured with embedded passwords to protect them from
unauthorized LCT-XDM access. Only the administrator can view and change
the passwords. For surveillance purposes, a detailed user action log is included.
The EMS-XDM supports the following autodiscovery capabilities:
| Automatic card assignment
| Automatic NE recognition
| Automatic topology discovery
The automatic card assignment feature operates both in manual and automatic
mode. When activated in automatic mode, cards and modules inserted into
managed NEs in the field are automatically recognized by the EMS-XDM and
assigned as a background task according to user-defined tables. Alternatively,
this feature can be applied manually to selected NEs. The end result is the
same: operators no longer need to assign each card or module, as physical
insertion triggers this action automatically.
With the automatic NE recognition feature, each NE automatically appears on
the screen, eliminating the need to create it manually. New NEs are
automatically transferred to LightSoft or any other NMS via the CORBA
The automatic topology discovery feature is based on a new implementation of
the J0 byte. When activated, SIO-to-SIO or Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC)
bidirectional links (in SDH networks) are automatically identified by the
EMS-XDM and uploaded to the NMS layer via the MTNM interface. LightSoft
automatically displays such links when managing EMS-XDM, eliminating the
need to manually define topology links at the NMS level. In addition, an
EMS-level list of links is provided for viewing and deleting automatically
created links.
The LCT-XDM is a PC-based installation, maintenance, commissioning, and
configuration tool for field technicians. It provides rapid direct connection to
deployed NEs using a standard simple serial interface. The LCT-XDM is
version-independent because the necessary software is embedded in the NE
itself. For smaller networks that include fewer XDM platforms, the LCT-XDM
can be used as a more economical standalone EMS that includes a current
alarm window, NE database backup and restore capabilities, and current PM
and TCA configuration.
LCT-XDM supports all the functionality required by a technician arriving at a
site: full installation, NE commissioning (including slot assignment, IP routing,
and DCC ports configuration), and full definition of cross connections, flows,
and troubleshooting. The system provides the user with a clear view and control
of NE internals, cards and objects, status, and configuration. Access from the
LCT-XDM is password-protected to ensure that only authorized personnel can
access the field-installed equipment.
In this chapter:
Overview........................................................................................................ 12-1
Short MTTR................................................................................................... 12-2
Built-In Test (BIT) ......................................................................................... 12-2
Alarms System ............................................................................................... 12-3
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................. 12-4
The XDM product line is a fully redundant all-in-one system that eliminates
and replaces interconnections and cables with a few ultra-reliable optical
connections in a self-contained integrated package. As a result, the XDM
inherently provides high reliability.
Operating features and benefits of the XDM include:
| Redundancy of all subsystems and optional switchover to protection,
offering the operator uninterrupted service.
| Comprehensive alarms system, detecting and reporting transmission and
equipment malfunctions.
| Loopback capabilities on the transmission interfaces and a sophisticated
BIT feature facilitating quick and accurate fault location, thereby
minimizing mean time to repair (MTTR).
| Maintenance configuration functions controlled by the management system;
any management function performed at the EMS level can be performed at
the NMS level via LightSoft.
Short MTTR
The XDM features ensure a minimum MTTR, minimizing the probability of
service interruptions:
| Internal diagnostic capability and automatic switchover to protection
| Automatic PM and BIT mechanism for fast and accurate fault isolation
| Efficient fault location at the element, card, and component levels
| Replacement of cards and modules under power
| Remote diagnostics activation and control by the EMS-XDM
| Remote installation of new software versions through management
interfaces with minimum effect on traffic
Alarms System
Alarms generated by the XDM are classified as:
| Transmission: alarms associated with a malfunction of any transmission
path. The XDM supports a full set of alarms in compliance with applicable
| Timing: alarms associated with a malfunction of any XDM timing source.
| Equipment: alarms associated with any hardware malfunction.
The network administrator assigns severity levels to each alarm type:
| Critical: always requires immediate attention.
| Major: gives notice that attention is required, but does not require attention
outside normal working hours.
| Minor: does not require attention after normal hours.
| Warning: malfunction warning or unreleased maintenance action.
In addition to the management interfaces listed above, additional optional
means can be provided for alarms control and display:
| Local displays, including LEDs that indicate malfunctions of specific
plug-in units or transmission paths
| Alarm contacts, delivering critical, major, minor, and warning alarm
indications to the station alarm bus
| Rack alarm buzzer with station acknowledgment mechanism
| Alarm server, delivering network aggregated alarms from LightSoft to the
operator's Central Monitoring Station (CMS)
| Alarm inputs from in-station devices (such as security sensors, fire
detectors, external monitoring equipment) and other in-station
telecommunication equipment (like flexible multiplexers and DWDM
In the event of an alarm, troubleshooting procedures are used to determine the
severity and location of the problem and the appropriate alarm-clearing
Alarms are handled first by severity and then by type. In order of priority, alarm
types are:
| Equipment alarms
| Transmission alarms
| Timing alarms
Each card is a standalone unit. By adopting ECI Telecom's modular system
concept, the customer's planning and maintenance personnel achieve flexible
and efficient operation. By following a simple procedure, maintenance
personnel can quickly replace faulty cards or other assemblies. Faulty units are
then sent/shipped for repair to the assigned ECI Telecom Customer Support
Center. The easy maintenance concept of the XDM allows the user to perform
these repairs and test actions:
| Connecting or disconnecting cable fibers to or from the XDM
| Removing or inserting any cards in the XDM cards cage when power is on
| Connecting or disconnecting power cable(s) to or from the system
| Performing system test procedures
| Removing or inserting I/O modules
| Removing or inserting optical modules
DMUX Demultiplexer
DoS Denial of Service
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan
DS-3 Digital Signal Level 3 (44.736 Mbps)
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DTMF Dual Tone MultiFrequency
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
DXC Digital Cross Connect
E1 European PDH digital signal level 1 (2.048 Mbps)
E2E End to End
E3 European PDH digital signal level 1 (34.368 Mbps)
EAH-VPLS Ethernet Access Hierarchy VPLS
EAPC Enhanced Automatic Power Control
ECB External Connection Board
ECC Embedded Communication Channels
ECM Everyplace Connection Manager
ECU External Connection Unit
EDFA Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
EFEC Enhanced Forward Error Correction
EIR Extended Information Rate
EIS Ethernet Interface and Switching Module
E-LAN Ethernet LAN
E-Line Ethernet Line
EML Element Management Layer
EMS Element Management System
EoS Ethernet over SDH
EOW Engineering OrderWire
EPL Ethernet Private Line
EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN
EPS Equipment Protection Switching
ESCON Enterprise Systems Connection
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private LAN
E/W East/West
FC Fiber Channel
FCU Fan Control Unit
FE Fast Ethernet
100BaseT Ethernet at 100 Mbps
Rx Receive interface
RZ Return to Zero
SAM SDH Aggregate Module
SAN Storage Area Network
SC Switched Connection
SD Signal Degradation
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SES Severed Error Second
SF Signal Failure
SFD Start of Frame Delimiter
SFP Small Form factor Pluggable module
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
SIM SDH I/O Module
SIO SDH Input/Output
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMF Single Mode Fiber
SNCP SubNetwork Connection Protection
SOH SDH Section Overhead
SP Service Provider
SPC Soft Permanent Connection
SPOF Single Point of Failure
SQL Structured Query Language
SRLG Shared Risk Link Group
SSM Synchronization Status Marker
STB Set-Top Box
STM Synchronous Transfer Mode
STM-1 Synchronous Transport Module 1, 155.52 Mbps
STM-4 Synchronous Transport Module 4, 622.08 Mbps
STM-4c Concatenated Transport Module 4, 622.08 Mbps.
STM-16 Synchronous Transport Module 16, 2488.32 Mbps
STM-64 Synchronous Transport Module 64, 9953.28 Mbps
STS Synchronous Transport Signal
STS-1 Synchronous Transport Signal 1, 51.84 Mbps
STS-3 Synchronous Transport Signal 3, 155.52 Mbps
STS-12 Synchronous Transport Signal 12, 594.432 Mbps
STS-48 Synchronous Transport Signal 48, 2377.728 Mbps
TC Tributary Control
TCF Tributary Control and Fans
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TE Traffic Engineering
TLS Transparent LAN Services
TM Terminal Multiplexer
TMF TeleManagement Forum
TMN Telecommunications Management Network
TMU TiMing Unit
TPM Tributary Protection Module
TPU Tributary Protection Unit
TSF Trail Signal Fail
TTM Time to Market
TVCXO Temperature Compensated Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
Tx Transmit interface
UAS Unavailable Seconds
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UNI User to Network Interface
UPSR Unidirectional Path Switched Ring
Utelco Utility Companies
UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
VC Virtual Container
VC-12 Virtual Container 12, 2.048 Mbps (used on low order path)
VC-3 Virtual Container 3 (used on low order path)
VC-4 Virtual Container 4 (used on high order path)
VCAT Virtual Concatenated services
VDC Voltage Direct Current
VGA Variable Gain Amplifier
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VMUX Variable Optical Multiplexer
VOA Variable Optical Attenuator
VoD Video on Demand
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
V2oIP Voice and Video over Internet Protocol
VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
VPN Virtual Private Network
VPWS Virtual Private Wire Service
VSI Virtual Switching Instance
WAN Wide Area Network
WC Wholesale Carrier
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Data applications • 7-4 East/West configuration • 1-11, 6-3, 6-6,
Ethernet capabilities • 1-18, 2-14 6-8
QoS • 1-29, 2-22, 5-6 ECB • 9-11
SLAs • 2-1, 2-22, 5-9 ECU card • 4-3, 4-4, 9-11, 9-12
Data services • 1-8, 2-14, 2-24, 7-4 EDFA • 1-11, 1-15, 6-31, 6-33, 6-35
Database Signature feature • 11-12 EFEC • 1-15, 3-13, 6-7, 6-8, 6-11, 7-5
DCC • 2-10, 3-2, 3-14, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-6, EIS • 5-9, 5-19, 6-30, 7-1
9-8, 11-19 EIS • 5-9, 5-19, 7-1
DCF • 1-11 EIS2_14 • 5-19, 7-1
DCM • 6-38 EIS2_8 • 5-19, 7-1
Dense Wavelength Division EIS8_8 • 5-19, 7-1
Multiplexing, see DWDM • 1-8, 1-15, EISMB • 5-9, 5-19, 7-1
1-23, 1-29 EISMB_804 • 5-19
Description • 4-1 EISMB_840 • 5-19, 7-1
control, matrix, and I/O cards • 3-12, Ethernet flows • 11-17
3-13, 3-14
Ethernet interfaces • 5-24, 10-15,
converged MSPP/CWDM 11-8, 11-17
configuration • 4-4
Ethernet traffic protection • 10-15
MSPP configuration • 4-3
Ethernet trails management • 11-8
redundant MSPP Configuration • 4-3
functionality • 2-22, 5-19
shelf types • 4-1
Element Management Layer • 11-2, 11-14
XDM-100 shelf layout • 4-2
Element Management System, see EMS •
XDM-1000 shelf layout • 4-14 11-3, 11-14
XDM-2000 shelf layout • 4-17 EML • 6-8, 11-2, 11-14
XDM-40 shelf layout • 4-10 EMS • 3-3, 3-5, 3-6, 3-16, 9-1, 9-8, 9-12,
XDM-500 shelf layout • 4-12 10-18, 11-3, 11-11, 11-12, 11-14,
DIO • 5-6, 5-21, 6-30, 10-15, 11-8 11-18, 11-21, 12-1, 12-2
bandwidth scaling protection • 10-16 EMS-XDM • 3-3, 3-5, 3-6, 10-18, 11-3
DIOB • 5-21 alarm management • 11-15
DIOM • 5-6, 5-21 auto-discovery • 11-21
DIOM-04 • 5-21, 7-1 configuration and inventory
DIOM-08 • 5-21, 7-1 management • 11-16
DIOM-40 • 5-21, 7-1 interfaces and management
for GbE over SDH • 5-6, 5-21 transparency • 11-20
protection • 10-15 performance management • 11-16
DSLAM • 2-1, 2-3 provisioning • 11-17
Dual Route Path Protection and security management • 11-20
Unidirectional Path Switched Ring Encryption • 7-7
(UPSR) • 10-17 Engineering Orderwire • 3-16
DWDM • 1-8, 1-10, 1-13, 1-15, 1-23, Enterprise Ethernet services • 2-22
1-29, 2-14, 2-25, 6-1, 6-5, 6-31, 6-36 EPL • 2-22, 5-6, 5-21, 10-15
L FuN • 11-18
Layered architecture • 1-5, 1-15, 1-26, GUI cut-through • 11-11
11-2 interfaces • 11-5, 11-20
LCAS • 1-23, 2-22, 5-6, 5-21, 10-15, layered architecture • 11-2
10-16 LCT-XDM • 11-22
Leased-Line services • 2-25 LightSoft network manager • 11-3
LightSoft • 11-3 PELES • 11-18
autodiscovery • 11-21 performance • 11-16
client/server architecture • 11-3 power control, automatic • 11-18
cut-through • 11-11 provisioning • 11-17
fault management • 11-9 redundancy • 11-12
GbE trails management • 11-8 security • 11-20
management interfaces • 11-4 topology • 11-6
redundancy • 11-12 transparency • 11-20
security • 11-12, 11-13 MCS card • 5-9, 5-19, 5-24, 6-30, 7-1,
topology management • 11-6 10-15, 11-8, 11-17
trail configuration • 11-6 ME • 11-6
user interface • 11-5 MECP • 3-16, 4-10, 4-14, 9-9, 9-11
Linear Multiplex Section Protection Metro-Access applications • 1-9, 1-27,
(MSP-L) and Automatic Protection 4-10
Switch (APS) • 10-21 multi-rings • 1-23, 2-14, 3-12, 5-9,
Loss of Signal (LOS) • 6-7, 10-29 5-19, 7-1
point-to-point topologies • 2-22, 3-16,
M 5-6, 5-21, 9-3, 11-8, 11-17
Maintenance • 12-1 STM aggregation • 1-13, 2-14, 2-18,
alarm systems • 12-3 2-20, 7-4, 7-5
BIT • 12-2 Modular architecture • 1-27, 1-29, 2-18,
short MTTR • 12-2 3-1
troubleshooting • 12-4 Modules
Managed elements • 11-6 aggregate • 7-4, 7-5
Management • 11-1, 11-2 data • 5-19, 5-21, 7-4, 7-5
alarms • 11-15 I/O • 3-10
auto-discovery • 11-21 matrix cores • 3-12, 3-13, 3-14
client/server architecture • 11-3 mux/demux • 4-4, 4-9, 6-5
configuration • 11-6, 11-16 OADM/ROADM • 4-4, 4-9, 6-3, 6-6
DCC cross connections • 11-19 OCU • 4-9
DWDM trails • 11-7 optical • 4-9, 6-1, 10-25, 10-29, 10-30
EML • 11-14 splitter/coupler • 4-4, 4-9, 10-15
EMS-XDM • 11-14 MPLS • 1-13, 2-14, 5-19
Ethernet flows • 11-17 MSOs • 2-7
Ethernet trails • 11-8 MSP • 10-21
fault • 11-9 MSPP • 1-10, 1-13, 1-23, 1-29, 2-1, 4-3,
7-1, 10-22