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Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan


Prepared by:

Kimberly Wen F. Abdula

Mark Jude Miguela

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to :

1. Describe the origin of the avian/Poultry species.

2. Identify the different breeds of poultry/ Avian Species
3. Demonstrate a Poultry Production System

Subject Matter: Poultry Production and Management
Grade Level: Grade 9
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Projector, Laptop
Values Inegration: Self Reliance and Mutual Respect
References: Apdn 1(animal production) Module

III. Procedure
Teaching Hints Teachers Activity Students Activity
I. Preliminaries
a. Greetings : Good Morning Class :Good Morning
b. Prayer :Let us all stand. May I request (name of student)
to lead the prayer.

Prayer: our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed The students will
be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be stand and pray.
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us. And
lead us not in to temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and thy
glory, forever and aver. Amen.
: okay sit down everyone.

c. Checking of : Yes ma’am/SIr

attendance : To our class monitor, please check the
: Yes ma’am/Sir

d. Checking the Student pass their

assignments : Did I gave you an assignment last time? assignments.
: please pass it forward, :Yes ma’am/Sir
Collected the aasignments

e. Motivation Will raised hand and

:Before we start our leson. I would like to ask a answer.
question. Do you have any idea about Poultry?

:Anyone who wants to share their ideas?

: Yes that’s right. Thank you. So what are the

species you think that are included in Poultry?

That’s right. All of your answers are correct.

We will be discussing about those things this


PROPER Will read the
:Let us first define what is Poultry. description.
(name of student) can please read.

Will further explain about Poultry.

: We come now to the Origins of the Poultry. WILL LISTEN

Content of the lesson:

• Early domestication of chicken started were also
raised by
Chinese and Egyptians about 1400 BC.
• The most predominant specie that still found
today is the
red jungle fowl.
• Current chicken are called Gallus gallus

• The wild mallard duck (Anas boschas) is
believed to
be ancestor of all the domestic breeds of ducks.
Turkey and Geese
•The domestic turkey( Meleagrid gallapavo
domesticus) is a large fowl
•Turkey was introduced in Europe by the Spanish
the 16th century.

GOOSE (plural : GEESE)

• Believed to be domestically right after chickens.
• It is considered a sacred bird in Egypt 4000
:We come now to the Poultry Production System
in the Philippines.

III. ENRICHMENT Content of the Lesson:
ACTIVITIES  Small/Backyard : okay ma’am
 Medium Scale/Semi Intensive
 Large Scale/Intensive

:Now to determine if you learn something from the Will answer

lesson. We will have a an activity. We’ll do it

: Just raise your hand if you want to answer , If no

one is raising their hand I’m the one who will pick.
Is that okay with you?
Content of the activity

1. The _________ duck (Anas boscha) is

believed to be ancestor of all the domestic breeds
of ducks.
2. The most predominant specie that still found
today is the ________

3. _________ was introduced in Europe by the

Spanish in the 16th century.

4. ________ is considered a sacred bird in Egypt

4000 years ago.

5. Early domestication of chicken started were

also raised by Chinese and Egyptians about
_______ BC.

Answer key.
1. Wild mallard duck
2. Chicken
3. Turkey
4. Goose/Geese
5. 1400

IV. Generalization

To sum up we have discussed the different avian species in Poultry Production. We

tackled about some of the species and its scientific names, also their origins.
Additionally, we go through discussion of the 3 Poultry Production system in the
Philippines namely; small scale/backyard, Medium scale/Semi Intensive, and Large

V. Evaluation
Content of the quiz

1. It is is defined as the domesticated avian species that can be raised for eggs,
meat, and feathers.
2. What is the scientific name of chicken?
3. What is the scientific name of turkey?
4. This Poultry specie is believed to be domestically right after chickens. It is
considered a sacred bird in Egypt 4000 years
5-7. Give the 3 heterotypic synonyms for anas bochas(mallard duk)
8-10. Name the 3 Production System in the Philippines.

Answer key:
1. Poultry  Anas domesticus
2. Gallus gallus domesticus  Anas platyrhynchos Domestica
3. Meleagrid gallapavo domesticus 8-10.
4. Goosse and Turkey  Small/backyard
5-7  Medium/Semi intensive
 Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus  Large/IntensiveSma

VI. Assignment
Task Description
The class will be grouped into thre. They are tasked to plan for a specific Poultry
Production System and will make a miniature. The miniature should contain features
of the Poultry Houses, cages, and spacing of the Production System. Each group
must implement the desigh and will be given 1 week to complete the task. It will be
presented in the class afterwards. They are encourage to use recyclable and
indigenous materials. Each group will be graded based on the given Rubrics.

Category 3 2 1
(Excelent) (Good) (Fair)
Understanding The project was The project was The miniature is planned
planned carefully;planned carefully; adequately; understanding of
student understood understanding of most some concepts and instructions
all concepts and concepts and are shown.
instructions. instructions are shown.
Skill/Craftmanship The project shows Theproject shows Theproject shows fai skill and
outstanding skill, with outstanding skill, with attention to detail. Student made
clear attention to good attention to some attempt to use of materials.
detail and proper use detail and proper use Craftmanship in design design
of macterials. of macterials. and construction is adequate
Craftmanship was Craftmanship was very
excelent, with great good, with great care
care taken in design taken in design and
and construction. construction.
Timeliness The student passed The student passed the The student passed the output 2
the output on or output a day after the days after the due.
before the due. due.
Work Attitude Student was totally Student was Student rushed through the
engaged in the project enthusiastic about the project in order to get done.
and very enthusiastic project and enjoyed
abou working on it. the process of working
on it.
Presentaion Skill The student is relaxed The student generally The student is very anxious and
and comfortable. relaxed and uncomfortable.
Completely prepared comfortable. Does not seem at all prepared to
and has obviously Somewhat prepared, present.
reherased. but it is clear that
rehearsal was lacking.

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