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Valeo Interview Q

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Interview Questions for my students who are accepted in Valeo as Embedded Software

Engineer this Year(2018)

1. Valeo - Siemens Team
a. Three methods to different functions from one function.
b. C compilation Process in details.
c. Pointer to function.
d. What do you know about ADC.
2. Valeo - PTS Interview (Jumbo Interview)
a. Interfacing between Keypad and LCD (4 & 8 Bits).
b. What do you know about stack.
c. Describe in the details what is the functionality and operational of:
- Interrupts.
- Timers.
- WatchDog Timer.
- Motors.
- ADC.
- ICU.
- SPI.
- I2C.
a lot of questions in these above topics.
d. Difference between static, extern, volatile and register keywords.
e. Pointers tricks.
f. Startup Code.
g. what do you know about #pragma.
h. difference reentrant & non-reentrant API's
i. difference between Sync and Async API's.
3. Valeo - Geeds Team
a. How to measure the duty cycle of a signal without using the ICU.
b. C Code to draw a certain shape.
c. C Code to count number of ones in the binary of an integer number.
d. C function to get the 5th root of a number.
4. Valeo - CDV Team
a. Ask about Microcontroller Peripherals (Timers, ADC, UART and SPI)
b. Scheduler policies.
c. Priority inheritance and inversion.
d. static and extern keywords.
e. How to divide the module to .c and .h file and the contents of each file.
f. Keypad.
g. Sedou code for ADC and SPI.
h. difference between Sync and Async API's.
5. Valeo - Geeds Team
a. How to mesaure the duty cycle of signal using/without ICU.
b. Stack data structures algorithm.
c. DC, Stepper and Servo Motors
d. Ask about the hardware of the LCD, and how to display a string on it.
e. When and how the deadlock occurs.
f. RTOS task status diagram.
g. difference between primitive and the non-primitive kernel.
6. Valeo - ADAS Team
a. Spi protcol + receive and send functions
b. when to use spi interrupts
c. What happens when interrupt occurs in details.
d. Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive kernel
e. #pragma
f. C compilation process.
g. bootloader and startup code
h. c keywords that effects the variable scope and life time.
g. Sorting C code
h. function to divde two number and do not forget to handle the case x/y and y =0
i. C error types.
j- AUTOSAR Layers in details.
7. Valeo - VLS team
a. What do you know about ADC and ADC seoudo code.
b. What happens when interrupt occurs in details.
c. Timer operation and modes.
f. PWM modules and parameters.
g. C code t sort an array.
h. C code to search for a certain element in array.
i. How to measure the duty cycle of signal without using the ICU.
j. What do you know about UART, SPI and I2C protocols in details.
8. Valeo - HMI Team
a. difference between functions and Macros and when you should use both of them.
b. write a function to write 1 or 0 to a certain bit in an integer number.
c. function takes un-sorted array contains numbers from 0 to 9. The function shall return true if
all numbers exist and false if not.
d. function to swap two numbers and explain what happens exactly in the memory.
e. What do you know about UART, SPI and I2C protocols in details.
f. Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive kernel.
g. AUTOSAR Layers in details.
9. Valeo - CDV Team.
a. Difference between MP and MC
b. Memory Types and its usage.
c. difference between if-else and switch case.
d. difference between variable life timer and variable scope.
e. difference between pass by value and pass by address.
f. I2C Frame.
g. What happens when interrupt occurs in details.
h. bootloader and startup code.
i. C compilation process.
j. AUTOSAR Layers in details.
k. function to add two unsigned char numbers.
l. AUTOSAR Device Driver configurations types.
10. Valeo - Geeds Team
a. Describe in the details what is the functionality and operational of:
- Interrupts.
- Timers.
- WatchDog Timer.
- Motors.
- ADC.
- ICU.
- SPI.
- I2C.
b. Linker file.
c. Linked List.
d. what is the bootloader.
e. What do you know about ADC and its parameters.
f. memory types.
g. startup code in details.
h. PWM functionality and parameters.
i. AUTOSAR Layers Architecture in details.
11. Valeo - CDV Team
a. C variables data types and its size.
b. What do you know about UART, SPI and I2C protocols in details.
c. keywords like static, extern, volatile and auto and its effect in the variable scope and life time.
d. difference between MP and MC.
e. Timer operations and modes.
f. What do you know about PWM.
g. Differenece between bootloader and startup code.
h. Difference between reentrant and non-reentrant API's.
i. Memory types.
j. C Code to add two numbers.
k. C code to pass arguments by reference.
l. C function takes not sorted array contains number from 0 to 100. there is only one number
not repeated in the array. function shall return this number.
12. Valeo - Geeds Team
1) Measure duty cycle for a signal without using the ICU.
2) C Code to draw a certain shape using * character.
3) C Code to count number of ones inside the binary of int
4) C function to get 5th root of number
5) What is the Kernel ?
6) What is the Scheduler ?
7) Difference between UART, SPI and I2C
Watchdog timer concepts and seodu code.
13. Valeo - Siemes Team
1. C code to count number of one's in the binary of decimal number.
2. C code to swap two arrays
3. Different memory segments and Dynamic memory allocation.
4. Ask about interrupts in details.
5. How Timer work and Timer Modes.
6. What is ADC and how it is work
14. Valeo - CDV Team
1. C Code to sort array.
2. C Code to draw a certain shape.
3. Difference between UART, SPI and I2C
4. What do you know about interrupts.
5. ADC and how it is work.
6. Spi Driver Code.
7. LCD and how it is work.
8. C Code to check if a certain number is repeated in the array or not.
15. Valeo - CDV Team
a. Describe in the details what is the functionality and operational of:
- Interrupts.
- Timers.
- WatchDog Timer.
- Motors.
- ADC.
- ICU.
- SPI.
- I2C.
b. I2C frame and operations.
c. Difference between boot-loader and startup code.
d. Memories types.
e. Microcontroller Memory segments.
f. what is the contents of .c and .h files.
g. Variables Scope and Life Time & the usage of static and extern keywords.
h. Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive kernel.
i. Scheduling Algorithms.
j. RTOS Task priority and states.
k. C code to swap to variables.
l. ADC and interfacing with Temp sensor.
16. Valeo - CDV Team
1) ADC functionality.
2) Difference between Startup code and bootloader.
3) Microcontroller Memory Segments.
4) button and led code.
5) contents of.c and .h files
6) Static and Dynamic Architecture.
7) Testing Types.
Water Fall & V Cycle Models.
9) C Code to SWAP to arrays in reverse order.
17. Valeo - CDV Team
a. C Function to swap two array
b. C function to check if string mirror or not
c. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
d. Difference between Semaphore and Mutex.
e. Communication protocols in details (UART, SPI and I2C)
f. ADC in details and how to interface with Temp sensor.
18. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
a. Talk about you Graduation Project and Your Embedded Projects.
b. USART Protocol/ Frame.
c. Difference between Synchronous/Asynchronous Communications.
d. Difference between Spi and I2C.
e. How is ADC work ?
f. PWM and how to gnerate the PWM.
g. what is interrupt vector table and interrupt priorities.
h. the difference between function and MACRO.
i. C compilation process in details.
j. variable scope and life time for local variables and static variables.
k .what is the global variable and how to use extern keyword.
l. Microcontroller Memory segments in details.
m. what is stack overflow ?
n. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
o. what is the semaphore and how to use it ?
p. write a c code to swap two variables using addition and subtraction only.
q. Write a c function that sorts an array in descending order in a new array.
r. Write a c code to toggle a led using push button.
s. RAM and ROM Types.
t. C code to swap two arrays.
u. What is the SDLC and what do you know about the V-Model
19. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
a. c function to draw a certain shape.
b. what do you know about RTOS?
c. What do you know about sempahore ?
d. what is the difference between Semaphore and Mutex ?
e. Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive kernel.
f. UART, SPI and I2C Protocol in details.
20. Valeo - ADAS Team
a. Difference between polling and interrupts.
b. Difference between NULL, Dangling and Void Pointers.
c. C compilation process in details.
d. Difference between MP and MC.
e. Difference between SPI and I2C.
f. UART Frame in details.
g. Difference between Macros and Functions.
h. C function to count number of zeros and ones in the binary of a number.
i. C function returns the maximum number in array.
j. Difference between startup code and boot-loader.
k. C function returns the sum of two numbers.
l. What happens in details when the processor receiver interrupt request.
21. Valeo - PTS Team
a. Talk about the Diploma final project.
b. Difference between startup code and boot-loader.
c. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
d. Difference between UART, SPI and I2C
e. C function to count number of zeros and ones in the binary of a number.
f. What is ADC and how it is work.
g. How Timer work and Timer Modes.
22. Valeo - HMI Team
A. tell me about your graduation project
B. what is SPI in details
C. what do you know about ADC in details.
D. difference between static, extern, volatile and local variables
E. what do you know about RTOS
F.what do you know about critical section and task priorities
G. difference between non-preemptive and preemptive kernels
H. What do you know about deadlock
I. What happens when the interrupt occurs in details.
J. write a function that receives an array and removes Repeated elements.
23. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. tell me about your graduation project.
B. Waht do you know about watchdog timer.
C. what do you know about ADC and what is the ADC resolution.
D. What is the Interrupt Latency. and talk about interrupt priorities.
E. What happens when the interrupt occurs in details.
F. What is the difference between Maskable and Non-Maskable interrupts.
G. write a function that receives an array and removes Repeated elements.
H. What do you know about Reentrant function.
I. C function to reverse an array.
J. What is the difference between variable scope and life time for these variables static, extern,
volatile, register and local.
K. What do you know about SDLC
24. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. Tell me about your embedded diploma project.
B. How to measure the duty cycle of a signal without using the ICU.
C. C function to count number 1's in a binary 8-bits number.
D. C function to get the repeated number in array contains 101 elements and the elements
values from 1 to 100.
E. What is the difference between UART, SPI and I2C.
F. Draw X shape using *
G. what do you know about ADC.
H. difference between boot-loader and startup code.
25. Valeo - VLS Team
A. Tell me about your embedded diploma project.
B. what do you know about these keywords static, extern, register and volatile variables.
C. Difference between Dynamic and static memory allocation.
D. Difference between I2C and SPI
E. What do you know about critical section.
F. Difference between sync and Async API's
26. Valeo - CDV Team
A. ES Definition?
B. All peripherals in details
- I/O Ports
- Timers
- Interrupts
- I2C
C. C Function to return the number of 1's and 0's in a binary 8-bits number.
D. C function to sort array and there is input variable to decide the way of sorting ascending or
E. C Function to reverse array elements.
F. Difference between Interrupts and Polling.
G. Difference between Sync and Async API's.
H. Difference between priority Inversion and priority Inheritance.
I. What is the difference between variable scope and life time for these variables static, extern,
volatile, register and local.
I. what do you know about linker script.
K. Difference between boot-loader and startup code.
27. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. C function to count number 1's in a binary 8-bits number.
B. Difference between boot-loader and startup code.
C. How to mesaure the duty cycle of signal using/without ICU.
D. UART, SPI and I2C in details.
E. Draw X shape using *
F. Function to return the 5th root of integer number.
G. What do you know about AUTOSAR Architecture ?
H. What is the AUTOSAR layers and modules types in each layer.
I. Tell me examples about difference SW stacks exist on the AUTOSAR standard.
28. Valeo - ADAS Team
A. C Function to return the number of 1's and 0's in a binary 8-bits number.
B. write a function that receives an array and removes Repeated elements.
C. Draw Pyramid shape using *
D. IQ Question.
29. Valeo - VLS Team
A. 5 waves from one timer with different frequencies.
B. What do you know about ADC and how to use it to interface with temperature sensor.
C. What do you know about Spi.
D. C function to sort an array of integers.
E. C function takes an array and if it finds a number x makes the previous elements in a
separate array. and the function returns the new array.
F. C function to count the maximum number of consecutive one's in 8-bit binary number.
30. Valeo - CDV Team
A. Different types of memories EEPROM, Flash, RAM.
B. C Keywords like const, static, extern, volatile and register.
C. What do you know about pointers and its usage.
D. Difference between Reentrant function and Non-Reentrant function.
E. C function to get the duplicated number in an array.
F. What do you know about call back function and its usage.
G. What do you know about AUTOSAR Software Architecture and its Layers ?
H. What is "Software Stack" mean ?
I. What do you know about SW components and RTE Layer.
J. What do you know about module design static and generated codes.
K. what do you know about module configurations:
- pre-compile configurations.
- link-time configurations.
- post-build configurations.
L. What do know about the below topics in AUTOSAR:
- Compiler abstraction.
- Platform abstraction.
- Memory abstraction.
M. What do you know about Module definition file and module generator and what is the
workflow to generate module configuration code.
O. What is the Det and Dem modules and how error reporting happens in AUTOSAR standard.
P. What is the difference between the AUTOSAR modules:
- Driver.
- Interface.
- Handler.
- Manager.
Q. What is the Virtual function Bus (VFB) in AUTOSAR.
31. Valeo - CDV Team
A. Function to get the number of ZERO's and One's in the binary of a character variable.
B. C function returns the repeated number in the array.
C. Difference between RAM and ROM.
D. RAM and ROM Types.
E. What do you know about Pointer to function and Call Back function.
F. Difference between Sync and Async API's.
G. what do you know about RTOS.
H. What do you know about deadlock
I. What is the critical section.
32. Valeo - CDV Team
A. Talk about your Graduation Project.
B. What do you know about Interrupts.
C. Difference between RAM and ROM and types of them.
D. Difference between these keywords extern, static, volatile and register.
E. What do you know about recursive function and its problems.
F. Function to get the number of ZERO's and One's in the binary of a character variable.
G. What do you know about RTOS.
H. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
I. What do you know about Call by Reference.
J. General questions about pointers like NULL pointer, dangling pointer, pointers arithmetic ...
33. Valeo - HMI Team
A. Talk about your Graduation Project.
B. What do you know about UART. Write UART_SendByte function using polling and interrupts.
C. Difference between Polling and Interrupts.
D. Talk about recursive function and stack overflow.
E. What do you know about V-Model.
F. C function to remove the duplicate number from the array.
G. What do you know about #Pragma
H. What do you know about static, extern, volatile and register keywords.
I. What do you know about const keyword and its usage with pointer.
34. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. Talk about your Graduation Project.
B. What do you know about UART and SPI.
C. Implement a function UART_SendByte and UART_SendArray.
D. Difference between Polling and Interrupts.
E. Difference between Macros and Functions.
F. Write a C function to draw a pyramid shape and another C function to print the X shape.
35. Valeo - Siemens Team
A. C code to add two integer numbers.
B. C Code to get the maximum repeated element in array.
C. What do you know about timers.
D. What do you know about ADC.
E. Difference between UART, SPI and I2C in details.
F. What do you about critical section.
G. What do you know about Dead-Lock.
36. Valeo - VLS Team
A. What do you know about PWM and how to generate different PWM signals with different
frequencies using 1 interrupt.
B. C Code to print 2D Array.
C. What do you know about ADC and how to interface with Temperature sensor.
D. Difference between UART, SPI and I2C in details.
E. C Compilation Process in details.
37. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. Draw a block diagram for the Microcontroller and Describe in the details what is the
functionality and operational of:
- Interrupts.
- Timers.
- WatchDog Timer.
- ADC.
- ICU.
- SPI.
- I2C.
B. Talk about the course Final project.
C. C Code to Swap 4-bits with the other 4-bits in byte.
D. C Code to reverse the 8-bits in byte.
E.C Function to get the repeated element in array.
F. Difference between semaphore and Mutex.
G. Difference between reentrant and recursive function.
H. How to change data from Little to Big endians.
I. Difference between #define and typedef.
J. What do you know about static variables.
K. What is the difference between structures and unions.
38. Valeo - Siemens Team
A. What do you know about Interrupts in details.
B. How to measure the duty cycle and frequency for PWM signal.
C. What is the difference between UART,SPI and I2C.
D. What is the difference between white and black box testing.
E. Many questions related to pointers.
F. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
G. C Keywords like const, static, extern, volatile and register.
39. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. What is the difference between UART & SPI
B. Write driver for SPI using booling and interrupt
C. Microcontroller Memory segments.
D. C compilation process in details.
E. What happens when interrupt occurs.
F. C Code to sort array and put the result in a new array.
G. What do you know about critical section.
H. C function to swap two variables using arithmetic operation.
I. What is the interrupt response and how reduce it.
J. C code to take input from button and toggle LED.
40. Valeo - CDV Team
A. Talk about Course final project.
B. C Function takes an array of integers and return number of prime numbers inside the array.
C. C Function to swap two integers.
D. C function to swap two pointers of integer.and Draw the stack when i call the function.
E. How to calculate interrupt latency.
F. C Function takes integer and return the number of ones in the binary of this integer.
G. what is the difference between Bootloader and Startup.
H. what is the difference between reentrant and non-reentrant functions.
I. What do you know about context switch.
41. Valeo - PTS Team
A. How to generate PWM Signal from the MCU.
B. What do you know about UART.
C. What do you about Scheduler.
D. what do you know about ADC and How to control motor speed using potentiometer.
42. Valeo - VLS Team
A. Talk about Course final project.
B. what is the difference between synchronous and Asynchronous functions.
C. What do you know about SPI and its connection.
E. Code interfacing between Temperature sensor, MCU and LCD.
F. C function to sort an array.
G. How to generate PWM signal and What are the PWM parameters.
43. Valeo - CDV Team
A. What do you know about variable scope and life-time.
B. C Function to swap to arrays with the same length.
C. How to detect stack overflow.
D. What do you know about SDLC and draw the V-Model.
E. Use timer to generate interrupt every 50 Miliseconds as it is required to toggle pin every 50
Miliseconds and another pin every 100 Miliseconds.
44. Valeo - CDV Team
A. Talk about Memories in the Microcontroller.
B. How to generate PWM signal and What are the PWM parameters.
C. What do you about ADC and its parameters.
D. What do you know about I2C and its connection.
E. what is the difference between Bootloader and Startup.
F. C compilation process in details.
G. Draw the UART frame.
H. What is the difference between function and Macro.
45. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. Talk about Course final project.
B. How to use ICU to measure the duty cycle of the input PWM signal.
C. Draw the UART frame.
D. C Function to swap to arrays with the same length.
E. What do you know about SPI and its connection.
F. What happens when interrupt occurs.
G. C code to draw X shape.
46. Valeo - HMI Team
A. Talk about graduation project and your role in it.
B. What do you know about SPI
C. You have a timer that take an action every 50 ms. Write the code then Modify the code of the
timer to take an action at 50 ms and 100 ms.
D. C function takes two arrays and swap them.
E. Different types of RAM.
F. What do you know about software development cycle.
G. What do you know about ADC? How to improve resolution of ADC?
H. What do you know about WDT?
I. What do you know about UART?
J. What do you know about SPI?
K. What do you know about task priority? Priority inversion and its solution?
L. What do you know about deadlock (explain with time diagram)
M. What do you know about static, volatile, extern and global variables.
N. Write a Macro to set and clear bit.
O. C function to reverse an array.
47. Valeo - PTS Team
A. Talk about graduation project and your role in it.
B. Talk about Course final project.
C. Complete Embedded C Driver for any types of Keypad.
D. How to interface with LCD.
E. How to generate PWM signal and What are the PWM parameters.
F. What is the difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Kernels.
G. What do you know about deadlock.
H. What is the difference between UART, SPI and I2C.
48. Valeo - Siemens Team
A. Talk about graduation project and your role in it.
B. Talk about Course final project.
C. What is the difference between UART, SPI and I2C.
D. C code to draw pyramid shape.
E. C Code to Swap 4-bits with the other 4-bits in byte.
F. Difference between RAM and ROM and types of them.
G. Difference between boot-loader and startup code.
H. C Code to find a certain number in array.
49. Valeo - ADAS Team
A. C Function to return the number of 1's and 0's in a binary 8-bits number.
B. write a function that receives an array and removes Repeated elements.
C. What is the difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Kernels.
D. Different scheduling algorithms.
E. What do you about ADC and its parameters.
F. What do you know about AUTOSAR Layers.
G. C Code to get the maximum repeated element in array.
50. Valeo - CDV Team
a. C Function to swap two array with the same length.
b. C function to check if string mirror or not.
c. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
d. Difference between Semaphore and Mutex.
e. Communication protocols in details (UART, SPI and I2C)
f. ADC in details and how to interface with Temp sensor.
G. What do you know about Deadlock.
H. Difference between semaphore and Mutex.
I. C compilation process in details.
51. Valeo - CDV Team
a. Write a C Function to swap elements of 2 arrays according to the smallest array in size.
b. What do you know about SDLC ?
c. What do you know about Agile ?
d. Write a c code to copy the contents of 2 arrays into a third one in a zigzag order given that
array sizes are not known ?
e. Communication protocols in details (UART, SPI and I2C)
52. Valeo - CDV Team
a. Write a C Function to swap elements of 2 arrays according to the smallest array in size.
b. Write a C function to sort an array with descending order.
c. Write a C function to return the sum of an array.
e. What do you about ADC and its parameters.
f. Difference between boot-loader and startup code.
53. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. What do you know about PWM ?
B. What do you know about ADC? How to improve resolution of ADC? If I have a sensor that has
an output voltage of 1.25 volt how to get best resolution.
C. What do you know about WDT?
D. What do you know about Interrupt? Interrupt latency, recovery?
E. What do you know about UART?
F. What do you know about SPI?
G. What do you know about multitasking?
H. What do you know about task priority? Priority inversion and its solution?
I. What do you know about deadlock (explain with time diagram)
J. What do you know about static, volatile, extern keywords.
K. Macro to Set bit & clear bit.
54. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. C function to draw X shape.
B. C function to count number of 1's in an integer binary.
C. What do you know about ADC?
D. What do you know about SPI?
E. C function to measure the fifth root.
F. What do you know about AUTOSAR and example the AUTOSAR Layers ?
G. Scheduling algorithms.
H. What are the kernel types?
I. What do you know about task priority? Priority inversion and its solution?
J. What do you know about the V-Model ?
55. Valeo - CDV Team
A. Write a to Function to swap elements of 2 arrays according to the smallest in size.
B. SDLC what do you know about it?
C. What is Agile?
D. Write a c code to copy the contents of 2 arrays into a third one in a zigzag order given that
array sizes is not known.
56. Valeo - PTS Team
A. The usage of the typedef keyword.
B. C Function to rotate the 8 bits binary of the integer.
C. Pseudo Code for the UART Driver.
D. Pseudo Code for the ADC Driver.
E. Pseudo Code for the PWM Driver.
57. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. Course Final Project.
B. What is the difference between UART, SPI and I2C ?
C. C function to send a byte using UART driver then use it to send an array.
D. Microcontroller Memory segments and discuss where to allocate the different types of c
E. Write a C function takes an array and remove the repeated number from it.
F. What is the problem with the recursive function.
G. What is the SDLC and V-Model ?
H. What is the AUTOSAR and discuss each Layer in details.
I. What do you know about interrupts and interrupt controller.
J. Write a C function to get the Max and Min numbers in the array.
K. Write a C function to swap two integers with use temp variable.
L. How function can return 2 arguments with 4 different methods.
M. What is the Dangling Pointer.
58. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. C function to sort an array in descending order.
B. Pseudo code for UART and Spi Drivers.
C. What do you know about the Watchdog timer ?
D. What is the difference between synchronous and Asynchronous functions.
E. Difference between reentrant and recursive function.
F. What is the difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Kernels.
G. C function to toggle a led after press the push button.
H. What do you know about interrupts ?
I. C code to convert a variable from big to little endian .
J. What is the difference between the waterfall Model and V-Model ?
K. What do you know about global, local, static, extern, register and volatile variables ?
L. C function to return the multiplication and sum of two variables.
59. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. C function to return the multiplication and sum of two variables.
B. C function that takes the temperature of a certain moment and return the highest
temperature so far.
C. C compilation process.
D. what is the difference between MP and MC ?
E. What will happen if function return the address of one of its local variables?
F. Scheduling algorithms like Round-robin and High Priority.
G. What do you know about global, local, static, extern, register and volatile variables ?
60. Valeo - CCC/CIC Team
A. C function to count number of 1's in the binary of integer number.
B. Difference between global and static variable.
C. How to return array by value.
D. how to return two values from c function.
E. Difference between Mutex and Semaphore.
F. What is the interrupt latency and how to minimize it.
G. C function take one number and called by the application many times , return the minimum
number from the first call.
H. Write the Keypad Driver.
I. Ask about the GP.
60. Valeo - HMI Team
A. C Function return the addition and multiplication of two char.
B. C Function to SWAP two integer numbers without using the Temp variable.
C. C Function to return the prime number start from ZERO to certain number.
D. Difference between global and static variables according to variable scope and life time.
E. What do you know about interrupts and What is the interrupt latency ?
F. What do you know about Stack Overflow.
61. Valeo - CDV Team
A. What is the difference between the MP and MC.
B. What do you know about ADC.
C. What do you know about Timers and discuss every Timer mode in details.
D. What do you know about UART, SPI and I2C in details.
E. What do you know about #Pragma.
F. What do you know about startup code.
G. What is the difference between these keywords static, extern, volatile and register.
H. Difference between re-entrant and non re-entrant functions.
I. Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous functions.
J. C Compilation Process.
K. Difference between EEPROM and Flash-EEPROM.
L. What is the difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Kernels.
M. Scheduler Algorithms and Task priority states.
62. Valeo - Siemens Team
A. Talk about your GP.
B. Write the KEypad Driver.
C. C Code to make led ON every button press.
D. C Code to make led ON every button release.
E. What do you about motors.
F. What do you know about UART, SPI and I2C in details.
G. C Compilation Process.
63. Valeo - PTS Team
A. Talk about your GP.
B. what is u8 type and how to define it ?
C. Write a c function that takes u8 number and swap its 4 -bits.
D. What is the difference between Structure and Union ?
E. The usage of static and volatile keyword.
F. What is the difference between static, dynamic and automatic memory allocation ?
G. Compare between the UART and SPI.
H. Code to Generate a PWM signal using timer.
I. How to capture the input signal without using the ICU module.
64. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. What do you know about Timer and describe in detail the timer mode functionality.
B. How to generate a PWM signal and what is the duty cycle.
C. How the DC Motor Work.
D. How to interface with the LCD driver.
E. Difference between interrupts and polling.
F. Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous functions.
G. C function to count number of ZEROS in 32-bits number.
H. Difference between EEPROM and Flash-EEPROM.
65. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. C code to SWAP two arrays.
B. What is the difference between white and black box testing.
C. What is the difference between Unit and Integration test.
D. IQ questions.
66. Valeo PTS Team
A. Talk about your Embedded Diploma Project.
B. What is the difference between RAM and ROM.
C. What do you know about Inline Function.
D. How to use a global variable from another file.
E. Write a function that return the index of the odd element in the array given that the array
contains even numbers except one odd number.
F. How to count the size of the array if it is unknown.
G. Bit-wise operations and how to use it to access certain bits.
H. What do you know about PWM.
I. What do you know about I2C.
67. Valeo PTS Team
A. Talk about your graduation project and related embedded software projects.
B. What do you know about Timers.
C. What do you know about ADC.
D. What do you know about I2C.
E. How to generate the PWM signal.
F. C Function to multiply two integers with using *
G. What is the difference between stepper and servo motor.
H. What do you know about the Input Capture Unit.
68. Valeo Siemens Team
A. Write a C function to draw a triangle using *.
B. What do you know about interrupts.
C. Wat do you know about these keywords static, volatile, externa dn register.
D. What is the difference between interrupt and polling.
69. Valeo Siemens Team
A. What do you about UART Protocol.
B. What do you about SPI Protocol.
C. What do you about I2C Protocol.
D. What is the usage of the #pragma
E. Write a C function to SWAP to arrays.
F. Write C function to print the maximum numbers of zeros between two one's in binary of
integer number.
70. Valeo Siemens Team
A. Difference between MP and MC.
B. C Compilation Process in details.
C. Difference between MACROS and Functions.
D. What do you know about SPI.
E. Difference between header and source files.
F. Difference between EEPROM and Flash EEPROM.
G. What is the contsnat pointer.
H. C function to count number of 1's in a binary of integer.
I. What are the timer modes.
71. Valeo HMI Team
A. Write a Pseudo code for the Spi Driver.
B. What do you know about ADC.
C. C function to Sort an Array.
D. C code to print the binary of integer number.
E. What do you know about timer modes.
F. What do you know about PWM.
72. Valeo VLS Team
A. What is the difference between interrupts and polling.
B. What do you know about ADC.
C. What do you know about PWM.
D. Difference between UART, SPI and I2C.
E. C function to print a prime numbers in a certain range.
F. C Function to sort an array.
G. Talk about your Graduation Project.
73. Valeo PTS Team
A. What do you know about timer modes.
B. What do you know about interrupts.
C. What do you know about context switching.
D. Write a C function that return the sum of the digits of certain number.
E. How to generate a PWM signal using interrupts only.
F. How to use rhe ADC to read the temperature value from the temperature sensor.
G. Write a C function to swap between the two 4-bits in 8 bits number.
74. Valeo CDV Team
A. C function to SWAP two arrays with the same length.
B. C function to SWAP two arrays with different length.
Arr1: 1,2,3
Arr2: 4,5,6,7,8
The output :
Arr1: 4,5,6
Arr2: 1,2,3,7,8
C. C function to merge two arrays in the third array
input 1: 1,2,3
Input 2: 4,5,6,7
Output: 1,4,2,5,3,6,7
D. Two IQ Questions
75. Valeo ADAS Team
A. Talk about your graduation project in a block diagram.
B. Difference between MC and MP.
C. C-compilation process.
D. Types of memories in MC and segments of SRAM and FLASH.
E. ADC interface with LM35 temperature sensor.
F. What happened when interrupt occurs. What we meant by Context switch.
G. Talk about PWM and Watchdog Timer.
H. Talk about the UART, SPI and I2C.
I. C function to return the maximum number in array and its index.
J. C function to count two 8bits numbers and return the result.
K. C function two swap two pointers.
76. Valeo ADAS Team
A. Explain all communication protocol and compare between them (in depth)
B. What happened when interrupt occurs. and types of interrupts.
C. Difference between Mutuex and Semaphore.
D. What is the AUTOSAR Layered Architecture and describe each layer.
E. keywords volatile, register, extern and static.
F. Write C function to swap 3 digits cyclic. For example, 235 will be 352
G. how to use temperature sensor with ADC.
H. What is the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive.
I. Write Pseudo code to initialize UART.
J. What do you know about Lin and Can Protocols.
77. Valeo ADAS Team
A. The Diploma Project.
B. C function to count two 8bits numbers and return the result.
C. How to write Assembly code with C code in the same file.
D. C code to turn on the led if the switch is pressed.
E. How to define the Memory mapped registers without using library.
F. Write C Macros to set, cleat and toggle bits.
J. Difference between Mutuex and Semaphore.
H. What do you know about critical section.
78. Valeo VLS Team
A. how to use temperature sensor with ADC.
B. What do you know about interrupts.
C. How to generate PWM signal from the MC.
D. Describe every AUTOSAR Layer in details.
E. C function to Sort and an array.
79. Valeo - Geeds Team
A. What do you know about Timer and describe in detail the timer mode functionality.
B. How to generate a PWM signal and what is the duty cycle.
C. How the DC Motor Work.
D. How to interface with the LCD driver.
E. Difference between interrupts and polling.
F. Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous functions.
G. C function to count number of ZEROS in 32-bits number.
H. Difference between EEPROM and Flash-EEPROM.
80. Valeo - CDV Team
a. Write a C Function to swap elements of 2 arrays according to the smallest array in size.
b. What do you know about SDLC ?
c. What do you know about Agile ?
d. Write a c code to copy the contents of 2 arrays into a third one in a zigzag order given that
array sizes are not known ?
e. Communication protocols in details (UART, SPI and I2C)
81. Valeo ADAS Team
A. Talk about your graduation project in a block diagram.
B. Difference between MC and MP.
C. C-compilation process.
D. Types of memories in MC and segments of SRAM and FLASH.
E. ADC interface with LM35 temperature sensor.
F. What happened when interrupt occurs. What we meant by Context switch.
G. Talk about PWM and Watchdog Timer.
H. Talk about the UART, SPI and I2C.
I. C function to return the maximum number in array and its index.
J. C function to count two 8bits numbers and return the result.
K. C function two swap two pointers.
82. Valeo ADAS Team
A. The difference between MP and MC.
B. What is the Watchdog Timer.
C. Write a c function to reverse a string.
D. Write c function to count number of 1's in 8bits binary number.
E. What is the startup code?
F. Write a c function to SWAP two integer numbers and another function to SWAP two pointers
to integer.
G. What is the difference between little and big endians. Write a c code to know if the
architecture is little or big endian.
83. Valeo PTS Team
A. Implement UART Send and Receive API's using interrupts & Polling.
B. How to generate a PWM signal.
C. C function to handle error checking of the send data using checksum algorithm.
84. Valeo CDV Team
A. Talk about your graduation project
B. C Build process in details
C. Difference between UART, SPI, I2C in details
D. Write function to reverse string using iteration and recursion
E. Write function to find repeated number in unsorted array of size 101 elements in optimized
F. What is the use of volatile and static keywords
G. if we have led and switch: Write function to light the led while pressing the switch and How
to fix de-bouncing in the switch.
85. Valeo CDV Team
A. C function to calculate this series 1,2,3,5,8..
B. C function to count the number of calls of this functions.
C. Talk about your Graduation project.
D. UART send byte API using interrupts.
E. What do you know about priority inversion.
F. C code to flash led every press from the button.

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