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Ampicillin+sulbactam, Irbesartan, Atorvastatin, Spironolactone, Losartan, Paracetamol

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MCN Form 014

Lyceum of the Philippines University

College of Nursing


Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Nursing Monitoring

and Effects/Adverse Responsibilities Parameters
Mechanism of Reaction
Brand Name: Penicillin Ampicillin This is contraindicated to  Diarrhea  Assess the  Hematologi
Unasyn and patients with:  Rash allergy history of c function
sulbactam  swollen, the patient  Renal
Ampicillin are  Hypersensitivity to black, or before starting function
Generic Name: prevents penicillin ampicillin, "hairy" treatment.  Hepatic
Ampicillin+Sulbacta bacterial cell antibiotics sulbactam, or β- tongue  Evaluate for function
m wall synthesis that fight lactam antibiotics  vaginal signs of
by binding to 1 bacteria. It  History of itching or anaphylaxis
or more of the is used to cholestatic jaundice discharge during the 1st
Dosage: penicillin- treat many or hepatic  pain dose and signs
1 g-0.5 g; 10 g-5 g; 2 binding proteins different dysfunction where the and symptoms
g-1 g resulting in the types of associated with medicine of opportunistic
inhibition of the infections ampicillin/sulbacta was infections.
final caused by m combination use. injected  Perform culture
Route: transpeptidatio  History of atopic
bacteria. and
IM/IV n step of allergy susceptibility
peptidoglycan tests prior to
synthesis in the treatment
bacterial cell initiation
MCN Form 014

walls.  Consult local

Sulbactam recommendatio
extends the n before
spectrum of treatment
ampicillin initiation due to
activity due to antibiotic
its irreversible resistance risks.
inhibition of β-
lactamases that
are found in
organisms. It
has limited
activity to

Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Monitoring

and Mechanism Reaction Responsibilities Parameters
of Actions
Brand Angiotensin II This is indicated to This is  lightheadednes  Advise patient  Blood
Name: Antagonists patients with: contraindicated to: s that this drug pressure
Aprovel  little or no may cause  Potassium
Irbesartan is an  Type II  Pregnancy urination dizziness or levels
Generic angiotensin II Diabetes  Concomitant  high potassium weariness,  Serum
Name: receptor Mellitus use with level--nausea, avoid driving or creatinine
Irbesartan antagonist. It  Hypertension aliskiren in weakness, operating  BUN
blocks the patients with tingly feeling, machinery.  Urinalysis
vasoconstricting diabetes chest pain,  Assess for
Dosage: and aldosterone- mellitus or irregular signs of
150 mg secreting effects renal
MCN Form 014

Route: of angiotensin II impairment. heartbeats, loss angioedema.

Oral by selectively of movement.  Watch for signs
binding to  Dizziness of impaired
Frequency: angiotensin II renal function,
OD receptor type 1 including
(AT1) receptors. decreased
urine output,
cloudy urine, or
sudden weight
gain due to
fluid retention.
Report these
signs to the
 Assess
edema using
of pitting
edema. Report
swelling in feet
and ankles or a
increase in
body weight
due to
vasodilation or
MCN Form 014

fluid retention.

Drug Classificatio Indication Contraindication Side Nursing Monitoring

Name n and Effects/Advers Responsibilities Parameters
Mechanism e Reaction
of Actions
Brand Dyslipidaemi This is indicated to This is contraindicated to  joint pain  advise  Lipid profile
Name: c Agents patients with: patients with:  stuffy patient to  LFT
Adivast nose take a low  Creatine
Atorvastatin  Hypercholesterolem  Active liver disease  sore fat/ phosphokina
Generic selectively ia or unexplained throat cholesterol se
Name: and persistent serum  diarrhea diet for 3-6
competitively transaminase  pain in months
n inhibits 3- elevation your with foods
hydroxy-3-  Concomitant use arms or high in
Dosage: methylglutary with legs HDL such
80 mg 1 l coenzyme A glecaprevir/pibrentas as fish,
tab (HMG-CoA) vir combination, avocados,
reductase, systemic fusidic acid nuts, and
Route: the rate- or within 7 days of oils.
Oral limiting stopping fusidic acid  Advise
enzyme in treatment, telaprevir, patient to
Frequency cholesterol ciclosporin, and avoid
: ODHS synthesis. tipranavir/ritonavir taking
This action combination grapefruit
results in a juice,
compensator alcohol or
y increase in herbal
the drugs
expression of while
LDL taking
receptors on atorvastati
MCN Form 014

hepatocyte n.
membranes  Advise
and, patient to
subsequently report any
, increased signs and
hepatic symptoms
uptake and of adverse
clearance of effects.
LDL-C from
the blood.

Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Monitoring

and Reaction Responsibilities Parameters
Mechanism of
Brand Name: Potassium- This is indicated to This is  Lightheadednes  Assess history  Weight
Aldactone sparing patients with: contraindicated with: s of allergy to  Serum
diuretics  Little or no spironolactone electrolyte
Generic  Hypertensio  Allergy to urination , s
Name: Acts primarily n spironolacton  Hyperkalemia – hyperkalemia,  BUN
through e nausea, renal disease,
e competitive  Hyperkalemia weakness, pregnancy,
binding of  Renal disease tingling lactation.
Dosage: receptors at the  Anuria sensation, chest  Give daily
25, 50, 100 aldosterone-  Amiloride or pain, arrythmias, doses early so
mg dependent triamterene loss of that increased
sodium- use movement urination does
Route: potassium  signs of other not interfere
Oral exchange site electrolyte with sleep.
in the distal imbalances –  Avoid giving
Frequency: convoluted increased thirst food rich in
renal tubule.
MCN Form 014

Spironolactone or urination, potassium.

causes confusion,
increased vomiting, muscle
amounts of pain, slurred
sodium and speech, severe
water to be weakness,
excreted, while numbness, loss
potassium is of coordination,
retained. feeling
Spironolactone unsteady.
acts both as a  Breast swelling
diuretic and as or tenderness
e drug by this

Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Nursing Monitoring

and Mechanism Effects/Adverse Responsibilities Parameters
of Actions Reaction
Brand Name: Angiotensin II This is indicated to This is  cold or flu  Advise  Blood
Lifezar Antagonists patients with: contraindicated to symptoms patient to pressure
patients with: such as avoid driving
Generic Name: Losartan is a  Hypertension  Severe stuffy nose, or operating
Losartan competitive  Type II hepatic sneezing, machinery.
angiotensin II diabetes impairment sore throat,  Advise
Dosage: receptor mellitus  Pregnancy fever patient to
10 mg antagonist. It  Concomitant  dry cough take drug
selectively blocks use with  muscle without
Route: AT1 receptors aliskiren- cramps regard to
Oral found in many containing  pain in your meals.
tissues (e.g. products in legs or
MCN Form 014

OD vascular smooth patients with back

muscle, adrenal diabetes  stomach
gland), thereby mellitus or pain,
blocking the renal diarrhea
vasoconstricting impairment  headache,
and aldosterone- dizziness
secreting effects  tired feeling
of angiotensin II.  insomnia

Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Nursing Monitoring

and Mechanism Effects/Adverse Responsibilities Parameters
of Actions Reaction
Brand Name: Analgesics (Non- This is indicated This is  Allergic  Advise patient  CBC
Biogesic Opioid) & to patients with: contraindicated to reactions to avoid using  Liver
Antipyretics patients with: such as: other OTC functions
Generic Name:  Headache  skin rashes, drugs with  Renal
Paracetamol Paracetamol is a  Tension  Severe itching, or acetaminophen. functions
para- headache hepatic hives  Advise patient
Dosage: aminophenol  Migraine impairment  swelling of to take with
500 mg derivative that  Backache or active the throat, food or milk to
exhibits analgesic  Toothache liver tongue, or minimize GI
Route: and antipyretic  Colds and disease face upset.
Oral actions and weak flu (IV)  Report to the
 shortness
anti-inflammatory symptoms of breath or physician of
Frequency: activity. The  Sore throat there are signs
Q6 mechanism of its  Fever of toxicity.
analgesic effect (pyrexia)  skin rash or  Advise patient
has not been fully  Other types peeling or that this drug is
determined but of pain mouth not for regular
may be ulcers use with any
associated with  breathing form of liver
the inhibition of problems disease.
MCN Form 014

prostaglandin  unexplained  Advise patient

synthesis in the bruising or to avoid
CNS and to a bleeding drinking
lesser extent,  fatigability alcohol.
through  liver
peripheral problems
blockage of pain-
generation. It
antipyresis by
inhibiting the

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