Drug Study - Fe Del Mundo
Drug Study - Fe Del Mundo
Drug Study - Fe Del Mundo
Drug name Dosage Classification/ Action Indications Contraindicatio Side Effects Nursing
ns and Cautions Responsibilities
1.2 gms Class: • Used in the • Patients with • Diarrhea, nausea, 1. Before
Generic IV q 8 Penicillins systemic a history of vomiting, initiating therapy
name: Co- treatment of hypersensitivi dizziness and with Augmentin,
amoxiclav Action: infections. ty to β- headache careful inquiry
Resistance to many lactams, eg, Mucocutaneous should be made
antibiotics is caused by penicillins and candidiasis. concerning
bacterial enzymes which cephalosporin previous
destroy the antibiotic s. hypersensitivity
before it can act on the • Patients with ADVERSE REACTIONS reactions,
pathogen. The a previous TO WATCH FOR: cephalosporins or
clavulanate in co- history of co- Angioneurotic other allergens.
amoxiclav anticipates amoxiclav- edema, anaphylaxis,
this defense mechanism associated serum sickness-like 2. Serious and
by blocking the β- jaundice/hepa syndrome, occasionally fatal
lactamase enzymes, thus tic hypersensitivity hypersensitivity
rendering the organisms dysfunction. vasculitis and (anaphylactoid)
sensitive to amoxicillin’s thrombophlebitis at reactions have
rapid bactericidal effect the site of injection. been reported in
at concentrations readily patients on
attainable in the body. penicillin therapy.
These reactions
are more likely to
occur in
individuals with a
of penicillin
3. Changes in
liver function
tests have been
observed in some
patients receiving
Augmentin. The
significance of
these changes is
uncertain but co-
amoxiclav should
be used with
caution in
patients with
evidence of
4. In patients with
renal impairment,
dosage should be
adjusted as
5. Prolongations
of bleeding time
and prothrombin
time have been
reported in some
patients receiving
co-amoxiclav. It
should be used
with care in
patients on
6. If the
administration of
high doses is
necessary, the
sodium content
must be taken
into account in
patients on a
sodium restricted
Drug name Dosage Classification/ Indications Contraindicatio Side Effects Nursing
Action ns and Cautions Responsibilities
Klaz-OD 500 Class: >Treatment of upper Hypersen-sitivity GI: diarrhea, nausea, Before:
mg/tab Anti-biotic, respiratory infections to vomiting, abdominal -Note sensitivity
Generic OD Macro- caused clarithro-mycin, pain to erythromycin
name: lide by S. pyogenes, S. other or any macrolide
Clarithromycin pneumoniae macrolide CNS: headache, antibiotics.
Action: antibiotics, dizziness, -List drugs
Macrolide >Treatment of lower or erythro-mycin. hallucination, currently
antibiotic that respiratory infections Clients taking insomnia, prescribed to
acts by binding caused pimozide. Use prevent any
to the 50S by Mycoplasma with Allergic: urticaria, interactions.
ribosomal pneumoniae, S. ranitidine bismuth mild skin eruption, -Document onset,
subunit of pneumoniae, H. citrate in those anaphylactic severity and
susceptible influenzae, M. with characteristics of
organisms, thus catarrhalis history of acute Miscella-neous: S&S.
interfering with porphyria. hearing loss, rash, During:
or inhibiting >Treatment of skin and alteration in sense of -May administer
microbial protein skin-structure infections smell, hepatic failure with or without
synthesis. caused food.
by S. aureus, S. pyogenes -Explain effects of
the drug and its
>Treatment of side effects.
disseminated -Administer as
mycobacterial infections prescribed.
due to After:
M. avium and M. -Report adverse
intracellular effects or lack of
>Treatment of active after
duodenal ulcerwith H. 48-72 hr.
pylori in combination with -Report any
proton pump persistent
inhibitor diarrhea.
>Treatment of acute otitis administration of
media, acute maxillary medication.
sinusitis due to H.
influenzae, M. cararrhalis,
S. pneumoniae
>ER tablets: Treatment of
to moderate community-
acquired pneumonia in
Drug name Dosage Classification/ Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Action and Cautions
80 mg IV Class: Parenteral use Special Senses: Ototoxicity History of Assessment & Drug Effects
Generic q8 antiinfective; restricted to (vestibular disturbances, hypersensitivity to or
name: aminoglycoside treatment of serious impaired hearing), optic toxic reaction with
antibiotic infections of GI, neuritis. any aminoglycoside
• Lab tests: Perform C&S and
renal function prior to first
Gentamycin respiratory, and antibiotic. Safe use
dose and periodically during
Action: urinary tracts, CNS, CNS: neuromuscular during pregnancy
therapy; therapy may begin
bone, skin, and soft (category C) or
pending test results. Determine
Broad-spectrum tissue (including lactation is not
blockade: skeletal muscle creatinine clearance and serum
aminoglycoside burns) when other established
weakness, apnea, respiratory drug concentrations at
antibiotic derived less toxic
paralysis (high doses); frequent intervals, particularly
from antimicrobial agents
arachnoiditis (intrathecal for patients with impaired
Micromonospora are ineffective or are
use). renal function, infants (renal
purpurea. Action is contraindicated. Has
immaturity), older adults,
usually been used in
patients receiving high doses
bacteriocidal. combination with CV: hypotension or
or therapy beyond 10 d,
other antibiotics. hypertension.
patients with fever or
Also used topically
extensive burns, edema,
for primary and GI: Nausea, vomiting, obesity.
secondary skin transient increase in AST,
infections and for • Repeat C&S if improvement
ALT, and serum LDH and does not occur in 3–5 d;
superficial bilirubin; hepatomegaly,
infections of reevaluate therapy.
external eye and its • Note: Dosages are generally
adnexa. adjusted to maintain peak
Hematologic: Increased or serum gentamicin
decreased reticulocyte concentrations of 4– 10 g/mL,
counts; granulocytopenia, and trough concentrations of
thrombocytopenia (fever, 1–2 g/mL. Peak concentrations
bleeding tendency), above 12 g/mL and trough
thrombocytopenic purpura, concentrations above 2 g/mL
are associated with toxicity.
anemia. • Draw blood specimens for
peak serum gentamicin
concentration 30 min–1h after
Body as a Whole:
IM administration, and 30 min
Hypersensitivity (rash,
after completion of a 30–60
pruritus, urticaria, exfoliative
min IV infusion. Draw blood
dermatitis, eosinophilia,
specimens for trough levels
burning sensation of skin,
just before the next IM or IV
drug fever, joint pains,
dose. Use nonheparinized
laryngeal edema,
tubes to collect blood.
anaphylaxis). Urogenital:
Nephrotoxicity: proteinuria,
tubular necrosis, cells or
casts in urine, hematuria,
rising BUN, nonprotein
nitrogen, serum creatinine;
decreased creatinine
Drug name Dosage Classification/ Action Indications Contraindicatio Side Effects Nursing
ns and Cautions Responsibilities