Intet's Drug Study
Intet's Drug Study
Intet's Drug Study
-Monitor renal
function, especially
in patients with
renal impairment.
Generic Brand Classification Actual Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Name Name Dosage Action Effect Responsibilities
Mefenami Nonsteroidal 500 mg/ . Mefenamic acid Mild to -Hypersensitivity to Gastrointesti -Assess the
c Acid anti- cap inhibits the moderate pain mefenamic acid or nal patient's medical
inflammatory enzyme Primary other NSAIDs discomfort, history, particularly
drug (NSAID) cyclooxygenase dysmenorrhea nausea, for gastrointestinal,
(COX-1 and -History of vomiting hepatic, and renal
COX-2), which gastrointestinal conditions.
decreases the bleeding or peptic Diarrhea
formation of ulcer disease -Administer
prostaglandins Dizziness, mefenamic acid
involved in -Severe renal headache with food or milk to
inflammation, impairment reduce
pain, and feve Rash gastrointestinal
-Perioperative pain discomfort.
in the setting of
coronary artery -Monitor for signs
bypass graft Renal of gastrointestinal
(CABG) surgery impairment bleeding and renal
Ferrous Iron supplement 1 tab Ferrous sulfate -Iron Hemochromatosis Gastrointesti -Assess the
Sulfate provides deficiency Hemosiderosis nal patient's iron levels
elemental iron, anemia Hemolytic anemia discomfort, and diagnose iron
an essential Hypersensitivity to nausea, deficiency before
component in the -Prevention of iron supplements constipation, administration.
formation of iron deficiency or diarrhea,
hemoglobin, Dark stools, -Administer ferrous
myoglobin, and Metallic sulfate with food to
various enzymes. minimize
It helps in the gastrointestinal
transport and discomfort, but
utilization of reactions note that it is best
oxygen and in the (rare) absorbed on an
proliferation of empty stomach.
red blood cells.
-Educate the patient
about the
importance of
adherence to
therapy and
potential side
-Encourage the
patient to increase
dietary fiber and
fluid intake to